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French Present Tense Verb Conjugation Worksheet

Conjuguez les verbes entre parenthèses au présent (Conjugate the verbs within
parantheses in the present tense)
Irregular verbs: These verbs have no rule for conjugation and have to be studied by-heart
Être – To be
Je suis – I am
Tu es – You are
Il est – He/it is
Elle est – She/it is
On est – I am/You are/We are/One is
Nous sommes – We are
Vous ȇtes – You are
Ils sont – They have
Elles sont – They have
Avoir – To have
J’ai – I have
Tu as – You have
Il a – He/it has
Elle a – She/it has
On a – I have/You have/We have/One has
Nous avons – We have
Vous avez – You have
Ils ont – They have
Elles ont – They have
S’appeler – To tell one’s name
Je m’appelle – My name is
Tu t’appelles – Your name
Il s’appelle – His/its name is
Elle s’appelle – Her/its name is
On s’appelle – Your name is/Our name is/Their name is
Nous nous appelons – Our name is/Our names are
Vous vous appelez – Your name is/Your names are
Ils s’appellent – Their name is/Their names are
Elles s’appellent – Their name is/Their names are
The first major group of REGULAR VERBS in French: regular verbs with infinitives
ending in -er
First Group Verbs ending in ‘er’
Rule to conjugate these verbs – cut the -er from the infinitive and add the endings ‘-e, es, -e, -ons, -ez, -ent for the subject pronouns je, tu, il/elle/on, nous, vous, ils/elles
respectively to form the present tense.
Ex. Parler – 'to speak' (this full form of the verb, also known as the ‘to form’ in English, is
called the INFINITIVE)
What is below is called the CONJUGATION of the verb (in the present tense)
(First person singular)
(Second person singular)
(Third person singular)
(First person plural)
(Second person plural)
(Third person plural)
Je parle
Tu parles
Il/elle/on parle
Nous parlons
Vous parlez
Ils/elles parlent
- I speak, I am speaking
- You speak, you are speaking
- He/she/it/one speaks, he/she/it/one is speaking
- We speak, we are speaking
- You speak, you are speaking
- They speak, they are speaking
Note - The third person singular pronoun ‘on’, called an indefinite pronoun, can mean ‘one’,
‘I’, ‘you’, ‘we’ or ‘they’
Here is a list of common -er verbs:
Aimer - to like, to love
Habiter - to live
Jouer - to play
Étudier - to study
Écouter - to listen to
Donner – to give
Regarder – to look at
Écouter – to listen to
Téléphoner – to call/telephone
Rencontrer – to meet
Travailler – to work
Penser – to think
For verbs beginning with a vowel like ‘Aimer’, ‘Adorer’, ‘Étudier’ and ‘Écouter’, or a
silent ‘h’ like ‘Habiter’, the first person singular pronoun ‘Je’ must be changed to J’. Exs.
J’aime, J’étudie, J’habite. All these verbs follow the same rule as the above verb ‘Parler’ and
have to be conjugated in the same way.
1. Oui, Je suis professeur de français et toi? (être)
2. Elle se présente (se présenter). Elle s’appelle Juliette (s’appeler)
3. Vous étudiez le français ? (étudier)
4. Pourquoi habites- tu ici ? (habiter)
5. Philippe rencontre Nadine tous les jours (rencontrer)
6. Tu as un joli collier de perles (avoir)
7. La petite fille aime beaucoup regarder la télévision (aimer)
8. Carmen, vous êtes mexicain ? (être)
9. Les étudiants ont leurs cahiers (avoir)
10. Eric et moi, nous sommes enthousiastes (être)
Conjuguez les verbes entre parenthèses au présent:
1. Elles __________ indiennes (être).
2. Elle __________ deux crayons (avoir).
3. Il __________ François (s’appeler).
4. J‘__________ à Nice (habiter).
5. Vous __________ comment? (s’appeler).
6. Tu __________ dans quelle salle (être).
7. Ils __________ des cadeaux de Noël (avoir).
8. Les crayons __________ dans la trousse (être).
9. Claire __________ dentiste (être).
10. Nous __________ à Lyon en France (habiter).