Uploaded by caridad.quiban

Mathopoly Game Rules: Solve Equations & Win!

Mathopoly Rules
Try to get the most points by the end of the game.
1. Place all game pieces on Go!
2. Roll the die to determine how many squares to move.
3. If you land on a square with an equation, solve the equation under 30 seconds.
Check your answer on the matching card in the Places pile.
4. If your answer is correct, put marker coins card on the correct answer then add the
amount of points received from the corresponding OPERATION of the equation. If
your answer is incorrect, place the card back in the deck.
Note: Addition equation is equals to 5 points
Subtraction equation is equivalent to 10 points
Multiplication equation is equivalent to 15 points
Division equation is equivalent to 20 points
5. If you land on a square already taken, remove the amount of points shown on the
Places card from your score and add the amount to the owner’s score.
6. Every time you pass go, add 5 points to your score.
7. Continue until all Places cards are gone.
8. The winner is the person with the most points at the end.
If you land on the Go to Jail! Square YOU MOVE BACK 4 Places back . To get out of jail
either wait three rounds*, or buy your way out for 10 points.
*a round is when all the players (that aren’t in jail) roll the die.
If you land on a TREAT Card square, ADVANCE 5 moves.
No Math Homework!
When you land on this square nothing happens.