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Motivation & Self-Awareness Training for IBM Students

Developing Motivation and Self-Awareness for IBM Students
Blake Reinhardt
Learning and Development
Leandro Loyola Ph.D
In today's constantly evolving professional landscape, an industry characterized
by rapid technological advancements and shifting market demands, possessing robust
motivation and self-awareness skills is paramount (Macklem, 2015). These skills serve
as a key factor for personal and professional growth, empowering individuals to confront
challenges head-on, set meaningful goals, and navigate complex situations with
confidence and efficiency. As an IBM student, honing these skills is particularly crucial
given the ever-growing nature of the business environment. In the fast-paced realm of
business, the ability to adapt and thrive amidst change is invaluable. By investing in the
development of motivation and self-awareness, IBM students can cultivate adaptability
and innovation, which are vital attributes for success in their future business endeavors.
With a deeper understanding of their own motivations, strengths, and weaknesses, IBM
students can strategically position themselves to take opportunities and overcome
obstacles in the ever-evolving business landscape. Additionally, by fostering a culture of
self-awareness and continuous improvement, IBM students can contribute to the overall
success and innovation of their organizations, driving positive change and growth in the
business world. Developing the skills to monitor and enhance one's self in an academic
environment can greatly benefit one's future professional career.
Needs Analysis Data Collection Plan:
To understand what students need in terms of motivation and self-awareness, we
will need to establish benchmarks. We'll do this by asking them questions. Since it's not
always easy to observe students in class, we'll also use other methods to collect data.
Surveys will be a key tool in this process. They'll provide valuable insights into students'
attitudes towards learning, their preferences for learning environments, and their
perceived strengths and weaknesses. Overall, by using surveys along with other
methods, we'll get a comprehensive understanding of how students are doing with
motivation and self-awareness, helping us identify areas where they need support and
how we can help them succeed. This system aims to establish the perceived level of
self-awareness of the student, find the actual level, and develop the student to the
desired level. To tailor the training program to the specific needs of IBM students, a
comprehensive data collection plan has been developed. Surveys will help to provide
such insights.
Needs Analysis Tool to Use:
A Motivation and Self-Awareness Survey will serve as our primary tool for data
collection. This survey will assess students' perceptions of their motivation levels, selfreflection abilities, and challenges they encounter in maintaining motivation and selfawareness. This will allow the establishment of motivation and awareness levels as a
baseline to work from giving as some base metrics to work from.
Motivation and Self-Awareness Survey
Demographic Information:
In what year of the IBM program are you in?
Motivation Assessment:
3. On a scale of 1 to 5, 1 being strongly disagree, 5 being strongly agree, please rate
your agreement with the following statements regarding motivation:
a. I feel motivated to excel in my tasks at work.
b. I actively seek opportunities for growth and development.
c. I am enthusiastic about tackling new challenges.
Self-Awareness Assessment:
4. Rate your level of self-awareness on the following aspects, on a scale of 1 to 4, 1
being very low, 5 being very high:
a. Understanding of personal strengths and weaknesses.
b. Recognition of emotions and their impact on decision-making.
c. Ability to set and achieve meaningful goals.
Challenges and Training Preferences:
5. Rank the following challenges you face in maintaining motivation and self-awareness,
with 1 being the most challenging and 5 being the least challenging:
a. Overcoming procrastination and lack of motivation.
b. Identifying and leveraging personal strengths.
c. Managing stress and maintaining a positive mindset.
d. Setting and achieving goals effectively.
e. Recognizing and regulating emotions in professional settings.
Which specific topics or skills related to motivation and self-awareness would
enhance your performance at
How do you prefer to receive training for developing motivation and self-awareness
skills? (Select all that apply)
⌧ Workshops
⌧ Online courses or modules
⌧ Coaching sessions
⌧ Written guides or self-help resources
⌧ Other (please specify): _____________
General Feedback:
8. On a scale of 1 to 5, how satisfied are you with the current support and resources
provided by IBM for enhancing motivation and self-awareness?
Do you have any additional comments, concerns, or suggestions regarding motivation
and self-awareness training at IBM? _______________________________________
Training Program Plan:
In today's fast-paced and ever-changing business environment, possessing
strong motivation and self-awareness skills is crucial for success. IBM students, as
future professionals in this dynamic field, require robust motivation and self-awareness
to navigate challenges, set and achieve goals, and contribute effectively to their
organizations. The training program aims to address this need by providing students
with the necessary competencies to enhance their motivation, self-awareness, and
overall readiness for academic and professional success.
Competency to be Covered:
Motivation: Students will learn to identify, understand, and leverage intrinsic and
extrinsic motivation to excel in their tasks, seek growth opportunities, and tackle
Self-Awareness: Students will engage in exercises in reflection to assess their
personal strengths, weaknesses, and values. They will learn to recognize and regulate
emotions, set meaningful goals, and find resilience in the face of adversity.
Diagram of Modules:
Module 1: Introduction to Motivation and Self-Awareness
This module provides a foundational understanding of motivation and self-awareness,
exploring theories and practical applications.
Module 2: Understanding Motivation Factors
Delving deeper into motivation, this module examines intrinsic and extrinsic motivation,
helping students identify their sources of passion and inspiration.
Module 3: Self-Reflection and Goal Setting
Focusing on self-awareness, this module guides students through reflective exercises to
assess their strengths, weaknesses, and values. Students will also learn to set SMART
goals for personal and professional growth.
Module 4: Strategies for Motivation Enhancement
This module equips students with practical strategies for enhancing motivation,
including time management techniques, goal-setting strategies, and cultivating a growth
Module 5: Emotional Intelligence and Self-Regulation
Exploring the convergence of emotion and behavior, this module identifies the
importance of emotional intelligence in self-awareness. Students will learn strategies for
managing stress, regulating emotions, and fostering resilience.
Macklem, G. L. (2015). Boredom in the Classroom Addressing Student
Motivation, Self-Regulation, and Engagement in Learning (1st ed. 2015.). Springer
International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-13120-7
Saks A. M. & Haccoun R. R. (2013). Managing performance through training and
development (6th ed.). Nelson Education.