DETERMINANTS OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ECONOMIC FACTOR TECHNOLOGY Technology generally refers to better techniques or methods of production. It can also be applied in other fields like public administration, educational or social work. Research has contributed much to the development of technology. HE P OINT E D OU T TH AT THE P RACTI CA L APPLIC AT ION OF AN IN VEN T ION TO PRO DU CTI ON FOR THE MARKET IS INNOVATION . Reseach and development require big funds. Through these better ways of doing things or producing goods are discovered. The rich countries can afford to undertake necessary and expensive research and delopment projects. The less developed countries merely copy or imitate Western technology. TECHNOLOGY FOR LESS DEVELOPED COUNTRIES • Importation of technology saves both money and time. • The imported technology should be suitable to local conditions. • Professor Gunnar Myrdal, author of Asian Drama, noted that Western technology has been adopted in Southeast Asia without proper consideration of the local climate and soil conditions. In the case of the industrial countries, they use machines or capital-intensives technology, because labor is scarce and therefore expensive. For the poor countries, they have an oversupply of unemployed and underemployed individuals. They should therefore use labor-intensive technology. Schumacher, author of 'small is beautiful', suggested an intermediate technology for less developed countries. This type of technology is between a primitive technology and modern technology. ROAR