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EBOOK - Appointment Setting Playbook - Final

How To Hire, Train and Manage
Appointment Setters
Table Of Contents
1. Why Appointment Setters​?
2. Hire
3. Train
4. Manage
5. Next Steps
Firstly, Who Am I?
Hey, I’m Dan. ​I run a 7-figure business helping coaches & consultants
create better marketing systems so they can scale faster.
We've worked with ​200+ coaches & consultants in 15+ countries​.
Helping everyone from those getting started to helping others hit their
first million-dollar months!
In the last 12 months, we've managed over $2MIL in ad-spend and
helped clients generate 10's of millions in revenue.
And our current clients, on average, make $3.95MIL cash each month
(that's just shy of $50MIL a year).
We were even recently featured by Sam Ovens, and consulting.com, as
a case study for how fast we've grown our own business
Why am I sharing this?​ Because these days it's hard to know who's
fake and who's legit.
While we’re far from perfect and don’t claim to have the magic formula,
we know some stuff that will likely help you land more & better clients,
Now back to appointment setters...
This guide is for coaches & consultants who want a more effective
marketing system that’s simple, scalable, and hyper-profitable.
And if that’s you, then let’s start here…
VSL’s & Webinars are slowly dying.
● Lead costs have gone up dramatically.
● Your market is likely more saturated than ever, even compared to
12 months ago.
● Audience trust is at an all-time low because the competition is at
an all-time high.
● Prospects are taking longer to nurture before they book calls and
● The calls that come through have often also booked calls with
your competitors to “shop around”.
● And most coaches & consultants are one ad account ban away
from losing their business.
After spending $2MIL+ on ads in the last 12 months, primarily on VSL’s &
And talking to some of the biggest names in our space…
It’s super clear that times are changing.
VSL’s & webinars can still work, for sure.
Just not like they used to.
Personally, I’ve spent $150k on coaching & courses in the last 18
Guess how many VSL’s I’ve watched? One.
And it was for a mastermind I was already a part of.
𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙠𝙚𝙩’𝙨 𝙚𝙫𝙤𝙡𝙫𝙚𝙙, 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙠𝙚𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙣𝙚𝙚𝙙𝙨 𝙩𝙤 𝙚𝙫𝙤𝙡𝙫𝙚 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙞𝙩.
This is why we’ve doubled down on what we call “𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗛𝘆𝗯𝗿𝗶𝗱 𝗠𝗲𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗱”.
It’s where we combine the best of organic marketing, with High ROI
(mostly retargeting) advertising, AND… You guessed it… Appointment
Not much of what we do and use is “breakthrough”. Maybe it’s stuff
you’ve tried before.
But when you plug these strategies into a predictable system and
process, it’s deadly.
𝗗𝗼𝗻’𝘁 𝗯𝗲𝗹𝗶𝗲𝘃𝗲 𝗺𝗲? 𝗟𝗲𝘁’𝘀 𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗸 𝗮𝘁 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝗻𝘂𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿𝘀.
Over the last 14 weeks, we’ve grown a free Facebook group from 0 to
550 people. Pretty small, right?
Yet 10% of people who join book calls with us. (So that’s 55 calls)
We roughly get new group members to join for roughly $20-30 each,
which means we’re paying $200-300 per call.
Typical VSL’s only have a 70-80% show rate, and a 20% close rate (with
cold traffic).
𝗢𝘂𝗿 𝗻𝘂𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿𝘀? Of the last 50 calls, we’ve only had 1 NO-SHOW (That’s a
98% show rate) and we’ve enrolled 50% of all calls into high ticket
So we’re spending roughly $500-600 to acquire a client worth a smidge
more than that.
**Quick Breath**... You still with me? Almost there.
Running the numbers, we can now see that each group member (in
our free group) so far is worth $329 in cash collected...
$𝟯𝟬 (𝗼𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗵𝗶𝗴𝗵 𝗲𝗻𝗱) 𝘁𝗼 𝗮𝗰𝗾𝘂𝗶𝗿𝗲 𝗮 𝗴𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗽 𝗺𝗲𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿.
$𝟯𝟮𝟵 𝗟𝗧𝗩 𝗼𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗴𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗽 𝗺𝗲𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿.
= 𝟭𝟬.𝟵 𝗫 𝗥𝗢𝗜 (𝗧𝘂𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 $𝟭 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗼 $𝟭𝟬.𝟵𝟬)
There have been periods in the last few months we’ve had to turn off ad
campaigns for ourselves and clients. There were just simply too many
leads that we didn’t have enough space in our calendar. (Which is why
we just hired more reps to scale this offer faster
I was showing someone our KPI’s earlier this week - Someone’s who’s
made $80+ million through VSL’s & webinars.
When they saw our results they said “𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘧𝘶𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘦!”
And the good news is we’re replicating these results again & again with
This isn’t just a funnel or a tactic…
This is a holistic strategy that will help you build a marketing machine
that’s simple, scalable, and wildly profitable.
If right now your marketing is crushing & you’re growing as fast as
you’d like.. amazing!
But if you’re not, I’m here to let you know there’s a better way.
There are a lot of key pieces of this system, that makes it work so
well, but the strategy that ties it all together is well-trained
appointment setters.
Where typical VSL’s & webinars rely on ads, pre-recorded videos and
automated emails...
The hybrid method is built upon connection, intimacy, and trust.
In pursuit of scale, too many of us have removed the human element
from our marketing & sales almost altogether. (Even customer support
has been reduced to FAQ’s and chat-bots.)
Using the right Appointment Setters, with this simple system, creates
trust with your prospects, builds real connection & authority with your
audience, & makes booking calls & signing clients simple & predictable.
So let’s talk about what it takes to hire, train & manage the right
appointment setters.
Everything starts with finding the right people. Even the right
system will fail if it’s executed by the wrong people.
From a high level, you’re looking for appointment setters with
reliable character, relevant skills, and good chemistry with you and
the rest of the team.
Get clear on what the role will look like.
Will this Appt setter be Inbound VS Outbound?
Where do they need to be based?
How much lead flow can they expect to have?
Is this part-time or full-time
Will they also be doing qualification calls?
Unless you’re hiring an outbound setter, inbound setters need a
high lead volume to work with.
If right now you cannot book 5-10 calls a week yourself, you likely
do not have the lead volume (or the proven process) needed to
support an appointment setter.
(If that’s you, don’t worry. Keep reading.)
2) Create a basic role description.
Once you’re clear on the role, Create a role
description that highlights key requirements,
responsibilities, and results (KPI’s) that the
successful appt setter will fulfill.
Don’t get too fancy here. It should be simple &
This will be used to help applicants
understand more about the role. (Once
someone is hired I suggest you create a more
detailed version that will be used to manage
Here’s an example of one we’ve used
3) Decide on compensation.
There are a few different ways to compensate for an appointment
setter, but the best structure we’ve found is Base + Commission.
The commission can either be based on:
- $ per qualified call booked.
- % of cash collected from sales made.
However you structure it, you want to make sure it’s simple to
understand and track, AND they’re incentivized to help you make
more money.
(Then you typically pay out commissions typically once or twice a
4) Create a job posting.
Create a simple job posting based on a summary of the job
description. (Requirements, responsibilities etc.)
The role of the job posting is not to give away every detail, but it’s
about generating interest.
If you’re looking for someone based in somewhere like the US,
CAN, UK, AU or NZ try Facebook Profile & Groups, Linkedin, IG &
If your Appt Setter can be based anywhere, try F
​ reeup.net​ (We’ve
hired 3 full-timers through Freeup, They’re great!)
I also DM this post to people In my network I think may be a good
fit, or may know people who should apply.
Here’s an example of a basic one I used recently, that generated
20+ high quality applications.
5) Filter For Quality
Create a simple qualification process to allow the best candidates
to show themselves.
For us, we’ve used a combination of asking them for video
applications, ​DISC assessment results​ & phone interviews.
Our process has looked like ​
1. The candidate responds to the job posting and sends a DM
expressing interest.
2. We ask some initial questions to gauge interest, skills, and fit.
3. We then send through a role description, ask them to read
through it, and if they’re interested to complete a disc
assessment and a short video explaining why they are
interested in the role.
4. From there we create a shortlist for 15-20 min phone
5. Then make the offer to the successful applicant/s.
The key character attributes we look for:
● ​Self-starter -- you are comfortable working 100% remotely,
managing your own time and multiple conversations at once
● Driven -- competitive and confident with chasing down leads
and moving prospects to the next stage to reach sales targets for
our company
● Adaptable -- Able to multitask and prioritize under
ever-changing needs and schedules
● Coachable -- you are willing to participate in ongoing training
and constantly push yourself to get better and better
● Proactive -- you strive to get ahead of a problem, instead of
waiting for it to become a full-blown fire
For a role like this, we typically do not ask for references as the process
itself weeds the worst quality candidates out.
1) Map out your flow
Lead Flow:​ Use a tool like L
​ ucid Chart​ to map out your lead flow.
What inboxes/channels does this appointment setter need to
manage & monitor, and when.
Sales Process:​ From there, Map out each step of your marketing &
sales process and make it clear how the appointment setting
process fits into.
You want to make clear how much context the prospects have of
your business before they interact with the appointment setter.
And how your setter should successfully hand the prospect off to
you or your sales rep/s.
2) Document Your Call Booking Process
In most cases, you need to have your own proven process of
booking calls before hiring a setter.
The 3 issues a setter will often face are lead volume, lead quality,
and the process not converting.
Once you’re confident in the lead flow, your process is what truly
determines the success of the setting system. Make sure this is
well documented, clear, and easy to follow.
Assets to use are:
● Step by step script. We break ours down into:
​ peners:​ Questions or comments to get the party started.
​ ualifiers​: Key criteria you need to find out to determine
whether someone is an A+ prospect who needs help.
- I​ nvitation​: The sentence or question to transition from DM’s
to call booked.
​ onnection: ​Phrases, comments or Q’s designed to build
connection & rapport throughout the conversations.
● Screenshots or screen-recordings to showcase conversations
that successfully booked calls (As well as ones that didn’t).
● If they’re in charge of qualification calls we also make sure to
include scripts and recordings of calls.
Make these living documents that are constantly being improved
and optimized.
We typically use google docs for this, and then store all the
supporting assets in a google drive folder.
3) Role-Play.
The greatest gift you can give your setters is confidence.
Confidence that the process works, and that they can execute. The
more confidence they have, the better they become... The more
confidence they have.
If most of the setter conversations will happen through DM, run
multiple role-plays where you’re the setter and they’re the
prospect, and vice versa.
We want to simulate real-life as much as possible - Objections and
all - to be able to create coaching points for them to implement
before they’re “let loose”.
This is especially important if they will also be in charge of the
discovery calls - often known as 10-15 min qualifying calls. You
want to do several of these, running them through as many
possible scenarios as you can (Ideal prospect, Unqualified
prospect, the “ask too many questions prospect” etc.)
Document these role-replays and add them to your assets folder
for future reference.
1) Set & Monitor KPI’s
“What gets measured, gets managed.”
Decide early on what KPI’s the setter is tracking, and what goals
they should be aspiring towards. This is both important so there
are clear expectations AND they have a clear target for income
(Based on the commission structure).
Create a basic google sheet where all KPI’s are updated and
monitored daily.
Based on our system, We track:
● Group members
● Messages sent
● Conversations (Messages responded to)
● Discovery calls (10-15 min qualification calls)
● % of discovery calls qualified for a sales call with a rep
2) Create A Communication Channel & Cadence
Set up an appointment setting channel (We use ​slack​) where your
setter can share:
● KPI’s
● Wins (Calls booked, X amount of reach outs complete etc)
● Challenges (Are there questions they can’t answer, Is lead
volume low, etc)
….And make the communication cadence clear. (How often should
they touch base? etc). We prefer the start of day, midday and end
of day.
3) Coach. Coach. Coach.
Even the best setters need support to improve.
Your job is to help them identify how to get better, by regularly
reviewing their conversations and then brainstorming ways to
improve the lead volume and lead quality.
The appointment setting role is collaborative, and it’s almost never
something you can fully delegate without consistent input.
Coaching can occur on a daily basis, as KPI’s are reached or
missed, and as challenges arise. But it’s also important to set aside
time at least once a week to review progress & performance and
insure you’re both happy, clear & moving forward…
Lastly, always be revisiting the process and the assets, that’s what
they’re there for. Use them as a coaching tool, and always be
updating them to make sure they represent the best version of
your process.
If you want further help creating a better marketing system so
you can scale faster, check out the resources below.
Stacks of value as our free gift to you! ​
Free training:
● How To Hire, On-Board & Train Appointment Setters ​(27-min
video crash course)
● How to turn your program or course into a high-converting
irresistible offer​ (Our secret to a 40-50% close rate)
● How to Create Content Marketing That Connects & Converts
(And The Simple Framework To Get More Booked Sales Calls Now)
● How $2MIL In Ad-Spend Showed Us The 4 Most Profitable Ad
Campaigns For Coaches & Consultants​(And Which You Should
Launch Today)
Client Interviews:
Spencer - $0 to $250k in 24 months​
​Rhys - $25k/m to $45k/m in 12 weeks
Luke - $0 to $80k sales in first 8 weeks​
​ Chris - $4k/m to $19k sales in 10 days