##ruKffiru€% o1 Questions and short Peopte around you Reading: The myths that answers Everyday activities make you feetguitty YOURWORLD Present simple and Page 06 Present continuous o2 Past simple and Childhood and upbringing Reading: The secrets of Remembering and forgetting your memory Listening: Chitdhood and upbringing Features and sights Adjectives for describing Reading: What's the right type of hotiday for you? Past continuous MEMORY used to and would Page 15 o8 Comparatives and ACROSSTHE GLOBE superlatives Different ways of Page 26 comparing o4 Present perfect and Life events Past simple PersonaI qualities REAL LIVES Page 36 Present perfect simple and o5 Future forms GO FOR IT! when, unless, etc. places Reading: Pushed too far? Present perfect continuous Future clauses with rf, Word families Work Reading: Cetting ahead in the 21st century Listening: Career Page 46 crossroads o6 tell Past perfect say and Reported speech Adverbs for telling stories Reading: lt realty happened to me! TRUE STORIES page 56 Study, Practice & Remember page 132,Audio scripts page 168, lrregular verb tist page 175 67;. eBed 'sdr1{pn15 67; a8ed'spJo^ asaql Jaqrxarrla1 gy; e8ed'Z alrperd t,{pnrS 'L e3rperd B nU aBed 3u11r.16:dn rvro11o1 3utua1stl qsel aldurrs lsed ueel laq eluaJa#rp aql Sulreag fuo1s e 11a1ex olnllnf Pllo/Y\ 3urua1sr1 :uol1ereder4 qraads pol)auuol payad $ed pue ,{.re1nqe:on pue aql Pe)ror 1eq1 ,tols y :q)Jeasej Pue oaPln PlJo^ pue 8ugleed5 ur ^pnl5 Sutualsr'1 pue 3u11eed5 :>;set y:3u;1;.r1111 :qJreeseJ Pue oaPln (pnrS :au8reduer pue ralilAA:sue)lrc saueqJ gy; a8ed 'sdr1,(pn15 97; a8ed'spro^ eseql requrauleu e3entuel 97; a8ed 'sdr1(pn15 97; a8ed 'spJo^ asaql laqueueu stL a8ed'Z arperd t,{pnrS yyy a?ed 'L arperd t ,{pnrS ZVt aBed 'Z alrperd t 13 11er eBed'sdr1,{pn15 auoqdelatr leuro; :Bu;1eed5 e 3u11e6; en11 arnlln) PFo/v\ L?l a8ed'L arperd t,(pnrS ftl 97; 3o1q 1aner1 y a8ed 'spJom asaql Joqruaurau 3urleed5:>;se1 aprnB s,:aprsur ue aprloro a3enBuel :uogleredar6 lane.rl :Bug1ead5 angl suotlsanb 3urue1srl pue 3u rpeax :uo;1e.rede.r4 ur uorleuolur alrlod iaru ro aJrq 01 oq^^ esoor.]) sarlrulP, PJol ur ssaJtrs PJo A 3u;1114:dn rno11o1 Burlead5:1se1 Burualsr'1 :uo;1eredar6 PJPI P Ue roJ auoaluos aleuruloN sase-rqd aur!1 u! Burlurl p sruro; )pel a^eq pue 3uo,r15 suorlsenD :3u11;.t7y1 su,ralqord 66; a8ed 'Z arperd t (pnrS ggl a8ed'L elrpPrd t,{pnrs 3u r ua1s11 elrloc ur ssarls alualuas sese.rqd anrlereduor ur sPunos /e/ Pue ssaJls 3ur1r.rq:dn /nollo1 3ur>1ead5 2g; a8ed 'sdrl,(pnts 2E; a8ed'spJo^ asoql Jequreueu 9El aBed'Z erperd € ^pnrs € r{pnrs SEI a8ed'! alrperd sailouaur qlnqqselJ :q)Jeosoj Pue osPln ' arnilnf, PFo/n lleue 79; 7g; aBed 'sdr1 (pn15 aBed 'spJo^ osaql raqurauau z€l a8ed'Z art)erd € ^pnts 7g; a8ed'L alrperd t,{pnrS lerurolur uy:3u;1;.r6 SuroB uorlesranuor Surdae; :3ug1eedg e en11 etenBuel qsel {.relnqeron pue :uogleredel6 3u1ua1sr1 ,{.roueru leuored e equlseq 3u11eed5 s3urpua pa- eldurs pe6 qsel Sulpeat pue 3urue1sr1 :uo11erede.r6 (Bnn lsaralul aql ssnlsrC A oqs ol uorlBuolur Sursn rno{ puads eLurl no( suorlsenD ur sseJls arualuas ,=,a::=?;.,:,4T o7 T:?,H'"+ ia; -ed/-ing adjectives The passive MUST SEE! Entertainment and teIevision Reading: News stories Listening: Film quiz Extreme adjectives page 66 o8 Polite requests SociaI behaviour will SOCIAL LIFE resPonses Tatking about norms and customs Defining relative clauses How gadgets work Quantifiers Descri bi ng everyday and shall for instant Reading: My big night outl Listening: Modern manners quiz page 76 09 STUFF! objects work page 86 10 Making predictions HypotheticaI possibiIities SOCIETYAND CHANGE wirh r Numbers and statistics Society and change Society and social issues Obligation and permission 11 in the present RULES page 106 Reading: The future will surprise us Listening: Society and change page 96 Linking words Crime and punishment Listening: Annoying rules Reading: Exclusive clubs Obligation and permission in the past L2 could have, should have, would have YOUR CHOICE HypotheticaI situations page 116 in the past with Study, Practice Reading: Consumer crazy Listening: How gadgets if Probtems and sotutions Listening: The toughest decision of their lives Reading: How to make decisions & Remember page 132,Audio scripts page 168, lrregularverb list page 125 191 aBed 'sdrl {pnls 29; a8ed 'sp;om asaLll requeua1 99; a3ed'Z orperd n,{pnrs 59l eBed'L arlpPrd t r{pnrS fulunor A au e ur a,!l :qfjeassJ Pue oaPln aJnllnf, PFo/Y\ Burlr.r111:dn mo11o1 3u11ead5 qsel ur sujroJ lPPol.u lsed seuurollP ssnfsrc qraeds papauuol SurpeaX :uog1e.redel6 ,{essa t9t 79; e8ed 'sdlr (pnrs uorurdo uy:3u;11.t114 suoluloo a8ed 'spro,rn asaql requreuau 3u11ead5:1se1 s^^Pl Meu ssnf,src alll a3en8uel Butuelsrl pue Surpeax :uol1e.reder4 Surssardx3 :3u11eedg o1 Sutpuodsal pue qtaads {pnrs ur sqre^ IPPoN 99; a8ed'E olrtrerd t,{pnrS egl a8ed'Z arlrPrd B (pnrs z9l aBeU'L erperd t (pnrs lgl ;9; aBed 'sdrl ilqro ul ooPl^ a8ed'sprom asaql Jaquiarueu 99; a8ed'Z elrperd t,{pnrs I a8ed 'L arperd € ,{pnrs os gg; 95; a8ed 'sdr1 ,{pn15 a8ed 'sprom esaqt jaqurauau 25; gsl t ,{pnrs a8ed'L elrtlerd € ,{pnrs a8ed 'Z elrpeJd :qf,reesoJ PuP ernllnl PlJo/Y\ 3urlead5:1se1 ar.1t aBed elueleg 3ur1ead5 :>;se1 e8essau non engl eFen3uel saue8 ot paptppv aBed 'sprom asoql Jeqruauau I 'Z alrperd € arperd ? ernllnf, Ptlo/n a8ed 'L qlaeds Palfauuol Papauuol 3urua1sr1 :uo11ereder6 laBpnq 3urpeex,uo11".rede.,6 V :3u11;.t16 -lueql uoqs s8urql 3u1,{nE :Bu;1eed5 trnoqlrM e^rl l,uPlnol no,{ sBulql lnoqe )leI 3u1lp1tr:dn ut P, )o ll, serl!r.IJeJ prom ur ssarls 3urryrq5 sunou punoduo: ur ssalls /nollol 3ur1eed5:1se1 95; a8ed 'sdr1(pn15 g5; :q)JPaseJ Pue oeP!A ,{pnrS tS gg; 3urua1sr1 :uoqleredal6 slsanba.l a^Pqaq ol Moq uo sdrl anlg ur uolleuolut elllod ^pnts 3u11ead5 :>;se1 75; ZS L eBed 65; OS I aBed 'sdr1 (pn15 'spJo^ esaql Jequauro1 a8ed 'Z orlrerd € ,(pnrS arperd € ^pnrs Me!^ai y:Fu;1;.t11 luau:aBuetre 1er:os 3ur1e4 :3u;1ead5 ,t 3urua1sr1 pue e1 n qe:o1 :uo11eredal4 aleq lo 0^ol e a3ed 'L arr11 nof moqs e3en3uel e tnoqe )lel sseJls afualuas ssarls PJoAA Language focus 'l Questirums amd sF:*rt 3 * *nsw*r$ Match situations 1-3 with photos A-C. 1 someone answering questions to complete a form 2 someone who has just arrived in a foreign country and 3 is greeting an old friend she hasn,t seen for a tong time someone getting to know a ctassmate on a new course Work in pairs. Think of two questions that the peopte in each situation might ask. r$ i$; '1.€ Za Listen to nine short conversations. Match them with situations 'l-3 in exercise 1a. 11 2_3_4_5_6_7_B_g b F work in pairs. How many questions from the conversations can you remember? Make a [ist.Then listen again and check. * r *ti e"" g qzs * xti. t= tz z Many questions begin with wh- words and phrases: What? Wkere? Which part? (atso How?) 1 Think of four more wh- question words/phrases. 2 Cross out the question with incorrect word order. 1 Where do tive your parents? 2 Where do your parents 572 + r 3 t i4 z.i,i'1r,J E F: [ive? ti Rewrite the answers to these questions using did do and doesn,t. , A: Did you have a good journey? B: Yes, I had a good iourney. yes, I did. 1 A: Do at[ your famity tive near here? B: My parents live near here, but my sisterdoesn,t live near here. Does your father work in London? B: No, he works from nome. 2 A: ')lotlr Pue ualsll e'L !_"] 'soloqd eql qllm sre^Asue pue suollsonb aq1 qr1e4 '9 a8ed uo eL osllrexe u! suollenlrs eql lP )leq )ool l c 'suorlsanb eql la Asue Pue lse ol suJnl o)ef 'u^ o rno^ ]o suolFenb aJolrl o Al lo )ulLfi 'eL as!f,Jaxo uorj suollsonb.rno; osooq3'slted ut uoql 1to16 ?raqr Pup ualsll s'!" {9 n' q 'l'oN 8 L 9 :g Zsralsts puP slaqlolq fue to8 no :V 8 .l ,quelll sa :g 2feptloq o]ru e o^eq no :V 1 eglrlQ Jo elep .rno,{ oLu llal no,\ 9 2qsr13u3 'Preoq aql uo prom e o]um ol raqleo] lnof luem no1 'sr )JomauJotl s,{epo1 leqM Mou) o} }uem no1 'Pres raqleol tnor( leqrr,r leoq ],uPlP no 'uotleueldxa ue Puelslopun l,uPtP no1 2qsr13u3 uuor; leads ,{1rr,ue; rno,( 11y 5 'l'oN :g yede seBen8uel taqlo ,{ue leeds no1:y 7 28uroE qof rno,{ 2anr1 no,{ ,{1}:exe s MoH € alaq^ z 2aseald'epo:1sod rno,{ 1eq6 1 'Jr rt 'se^ :g '{llenr:e zuoPUol o1 llsl^ lslu rnor{ srql }, :y ']e )ool ol e8ed qlrqM Mou) ],uoP no v 'aureu s,roqleal rno{ 11eds o1 Moq ou) l,uoP no1 g 'proM e olunouold o] Moq ^Mou) l,uoP no^ z pro^ qsr13u3 aLll Mou) t,uoP no L 'qffil roJ aueaw ,an6ea11ot, saop wqM 'sueoLu (s,) st tr,ua^eq o^eq PlP ,en8ea1lo:, leqm Mou) l,uoP no1 .Molaq suollenlls o eql u! loqleal lno( )se ol suollsenb leqrvr ssn)slq €g l,uoP oP Plno) are AUO'A)uo 'POSn l,US! qJOA ueql ororu sqrel ouos esn ol paau {eu no1'xoq eq} Pue suolFonb eqt alelduuo) € L u! sqra^ aql qll/v\ sla ^sue 'seoP! u^^o t)rl)vud rno{ pue eL oslnexa ulor} suol5anb Bulsn soloqd aql uol} suollesranuof, oiv\l lno py's.rred u!llo A x, 'suollsenb aql tulr(es esgpeld 'eL os!ilaxo u! oql aullropun pue urete uersn g'L &j € .n spro/v\ passoJls s 1r 'slaMsue Uoqs ul qJaA eql ssalls a 2enn A {11enpe'se1 /v\ol'] no{ op a)lloN Z e.roql ^llrexa 2uopu6l ot lrsll lsrlj rno^ slql sl 'suollsenb u! spro/v\ lupuodr.ur eql ssells a/v\ /v\otl atrlloN L Vocabu[rry Pemple anound you E* Which word doesn't belong in each group? Cross it out and write it in the correct group. i older sister i relative i grandchitd i grandparents i Worky'sehool i classmate i colleague i niece '''''''"i.'"' i best friend i acquaintance ''"j' i neighbour : cousin Farnily stepmother stranger ha[f-brother boss employee old schoot friend mother-in-law flatmate ex-girlfriend Add more words to the table. Ex ;* *j 1.4 Listen to eight instructions.Write your answers in any of the spaces below. l-anguage foculs 2 Fresent simple and Fresent eontinuous 3* b Look at the photos from Jess's birthday party tast weekend.What do you think her relationship is to each person in the photos? r4 €; 't.S Jess is showing the photos to a cotleague. Listen and check your answers to exercise 1a. Lydia * Work in pairs and swap books. Ask questions to find the meaning of the names/numbers that your partner has written. - best friend Listen again and find five mistakes in the sentences below' Jess is showing her photos Ann to Lyd6. 1 Lydia is working in a restaurant at the moment. 6 Jess's grandparents go out a [ot. 2 She wants to become a social worker. 3 She's apptying for lots of jobs. 4 lsabel is getting old. 5 She always pu[[s faces in photos. 7 Luxmmi is training to be a dentist. 8 joe is wearing sunglasses. 9 Joe's living in a student house at the moment. 10 He doesn't like the city very much. 'suorlsenb )se uef, r(aq1p11 rno{ uo.ro soloqd rnor( u1 aldoed aqt iloqe sluopnls reqlo 1a1'sdnorE ur )ro/v\ 3 an Aileat pue Dut4JoM lou Paj - Pueyj +sag f 'p1o 6ut4a6 s,edpuetg Sur8ueqr {11enpet8 aie leql suorlenlrs t 'asnoq ]uapn$ e ut 6untt s,aof &erodr-ual se aos aM suorlenlrs 'sqo$o s7o1 E tol 6ut[1dde s,aqg (truaulolu 1e 1ou 1nq) porled lueserd 'uuy s!r.11 aql ul Suluaddell suorl)e nq 5umoqs s1 ssaf Z o7 sotroqd lueuoLu slql le Suruaddeq suorlfp L sn*alr.:i+ue3 +LrasBJd rle 'aao7 '4u!r#'luel '(lo6) aaeq 'ag:sqre^ e1e1s reqlo) '[1n aq1 seurol a411 l,usaop aH ,selels, z 'luouour aql le salrl Jlaql pue op {aql leqirr 'eldoed eql qlliv\ drqsuorlela.r .rno{ lnoqe solou e)eh E 'ssa[ ]eau saAil eqnes 'so1ot1d ulsa>el qnd sferye pqesl suorlenlrs lueueured pue suorlfe peleeder'slrqeq L aldtll!s *uasard '.reded;o ereld e uo a1ll rnor( ut aldoad luepodurg xls lo seupu eql al!r^ .ro mou>1 nor{ aldoed ;o auoqd elrqou rno{ uo soloqd pull ey '/v\OlOq ',t8unq SuluaE Lu,l s rauaq SuruaB s1 qsr13u1 {61 esn qf,ea JoJ Z osrf,Jaxa ug eldurexe roqloue pull q v '{a:8 SuroE s,rreq {6 € 'rellel SurnaE u,r,l z 'roplol s,roqleam eqI L Burlla8 'lq1rcn 6wwe6 ut,1 oAA OP I zsnonulluof, luasaJd eql urJoJ OH 'Z aSllrOXO U! SqrAA SnOnUrlUo) luASAJd eql ollJ) Pue sqJo^ oldulrs luasaJd aql aurFaPun sg 'lq8lann 3urso1 ul,1 'srred ur sJoA sue rnor( eredrro3 'nor( ro; onrl uaql a)eur 01 ,tressereu aJotl^^ saf,uoluos oql elu/v\eu "' palpr s,tt '4ooq poo6 e Ouypeet s € a4nse1 'ssep oql ol )lpq podax 'uopsenb qlee ol saf slarvrsue oq^ ouoauos pull'suollsenb aql quepn5 roqlo lsv q Ztuauror..u aqt te ler:ads Surqilue (ue1d) L 9 Zpuo)ooM eql te olpl (dn 1aB {11ensn) Zsoqlop lPnsel Jo yeurs (ra;a:d) aluaurot! aql 1e surexe {ue.ro1 ({pn1s) 2radedsnnau {1;ep e (pear) Zluar.uom eql le )ooq pooB e (pear) 2eldoad mau Surlaeuu (a)ll) s - v € - z L - luasaJd 'snonulluof, luaseJd aql Jo aldurs - a1e1duro3 aql tor{lle pue nor(ql;m suolFanb aq1 - - *g 'rou.rL!ns slq] letoLl e ut 6u11tons1 1 sryon Kwy 211 So 6u14u1q1 nof, erc / \u!t11 no/( op 1eqtn &en eegor stqr 6u!4npu ue / e4Il,uop 'sellare8r: 6ugeq s1 L,lrnuJ I I sapq aq- 6ugousl,us! / eloutsl,usaop uag E 'urlor^ eql pue ;e1rnB aq] 'oueld aql 6ut/ful,ds1 s/fu1d aqs uerfrsnu lllselueJ e sr ell Z 1 'ueurs fi1eat 6upq s1 I s,ll- {epo1 lrns e duyeans! / sJeaw lnoe1 L l)alrof, eql esoor.{) L 'sJo^ sue t)tl.fvud TC i plrorhrno.,l Reading and speaking 1 a Look at the photos and discuss the questions. . . b Which opinions (a-d) do you think are true? a b c d 2a ls there a lot of advice about lifestyle in newspapers and magazines in your country? Which photos remind you of yourself? young people spend too much time on the internet people who get up early are more productive multitasking is an essential modern skil[ there's no such thing as too much exercise Read the article. Choose a phrase from exercise 1b to complete the gaps. According to the article, is each phase a fact or a myth? 3a Read the article again and answer the questions. 1 How does the writer feel about his own lifestyle? 2 When are night owls more productive? 3 What kind of people had damage to their heart 4 5 6 muscles? Which group spends the most time online in the USA? What are older people better at doing online than younger people? ls it impossible to multitask welt? Why /Why not? Work in pairs. Te[[ your partner which paragraph you think is the most surprising and interesting. Give reasons for your answer. 4a What common beliefs do people have about lifestyle in your countrlr? Make a [ist. People often say that you should sleep at least eight hours a day. You often hear that eating late at night makes you fat. Work in pairs and compare your lists. Do you think each belief is a fact or a myth? Why? Every time I open a newspapet I read a new piece of advice about what I'm doing wrong. I don't drink enough watel I sleep too much, I don't sleep enough ... it can get depressing. So I decided to do some research myself to find out if i should really feel so guilty. I've always felt bad because I find it difflcult to get up in the morning - mainly because I can never sleep before 2 a.m. So while my colleagues arrive for work looking bright and fresh at B o'cloc( I arrive at ten, feeling grumpy. And everyone knows that t_ , right? Wrong actually, according to a report from the University of Liege. Two hours after waking, researchers found that ear$ birds and night owls are equally productive. But ten hours after waking, night owls like me are less tired and better able to concentrate! So next time I'm late for work, I won't apologise; I'll just tell myboss that I'm a night owl - and that's good! Like many people, I constantly worry about the amount of exercise I take ... or rather don't take. I know i should spend hours in the gyn every day and run marathons just for fun. After all, '_, is there? Actually, according to a recent study, there is. Researchers studied top athletes who are now in their fifties and found that some of them had damage to their heart muscles. Men of the same age who didn't exercise so intensively had no damage. So perhaps I'm doing the best thing by sitting at home on the sofa? Unfortunately nol It seems the best advice is still the old saying: moderation in all things. Everyone says that 3 , and as someone who grew up with technology - a 'digital native' - I often worry that I might be an internet addict. But apparentli4 a recent study of Americans shows that it's not young people who go online the most, it's the middle-aged. The study found that 18- to 24-year-olds spend around 32 hours a week online, but for 45- to S4-year-olds it's 40 hoursl Howeve4 it's not all good news for digital natives. According to research, we are not as good as older people at actually using the internet. It seems we are too impatient and believe what we read too easily! I'm not the kind of person who can talk on the phone, shop online and cook dinner all at the same time, but I keep reading that a_ . Does this mean there is something wrong with me? I googled the subject and felt a little better It seems, after all, that the human brain can't do several things at the same time: it can only switch quickly from one task to another If you try to do several things at once, experts say that you simply do each thing less well. According to workplace psychoiogist Steven Nguyen, we should stop worrying about multitasking. 'Concentrate on what you are doing and do fewer things betteq'he says. Now that's advice that I'm happy to followl 'ueql lnoqe louued rno^ )se eL osr)Jaxo urorJ sorlr^rlle e^ll asooLll) 'siled u! Snoq€ *l$uj ?n* puNj 03 aL!llr.ic ** ItrlSy{ -; I r. PUP )loM "6uru;or.r-r aql ur 4.tor\AJedrd 6ulap pL,s;s l.,uer 'sru o; :luellcdLut J lt*,t l,ust 6utddoq5 'PL OSTf,TAXA Ur Sarlrnrlfe oql lnoqe nor{ lol sef,ualuas € asllJoxa ut saselqd eql osn en.r1 lqEra alu^ ol aur ol lueuocurl &an 1,usr "' e "' Puels l,uel "'ul I P Palsaralul "' olul [11ear Lu,1 g .,. -- ^^^a a]lnD "' le Pood ^^.-t., [!,1 t "'aulll ftan 1ou r,u,; .,.,1p pooB fuan "'aurli I Jo 1ol e Puaos oil ol lueljodurt lou u;,l q:nLu puads l,uop fuan "'e^ol e I q"' [11eer I I € Z 1, V 2sese.rqd asaLll lo lle u! pesn sl ruJoj qro^ qrtL{A 'g ur salrsoddo rlaql ql!/!\ V u1 sase"rqd aql LllleN :raq1o :3rPl leuoslad :lrlsauroc :leDos :ssaultJ/1loas 'f.roBe1e: q:ea ol PPe 01 sallr^rpe oJor.Il Jo lu1qt ueql ,{ro8ale: auo ueql aroul u| o3 uer sotlt^tlf,P aujos'^^oleq ,to8ele: lf,allof, aql ul PL aslllaxo ulol] selll^llre aLll al!.I/y\ ! '(wAb a'1t al ob) ta^3u 1 '/uo")ti )aAe ,41pteq 'sJel sup rnof areduo: pue s:;ed ut UoAA uarplr.l) rage 3u11oo1 uror dn-a1euu uo Surllnd sauueB oaptn 3ut,(e1d dn 3ur{p1r yonn-raded Surop spuouJ ol 3ur11eqr Sutxelat Surddoqs SuroB Burqlou Bulop 3uruetr Suruo.rr eql 3u1op 3u t1n uu .rreq rno,( Surop salrs 3ur1lom1au ler)os uo SuroB spueuJ LltrlM 1no Sur8ueq uu,{8 eqf otr Suro8 'op ra^a (1p.req op lanau no{ .ro teql xoq aql ul sall;^rpe oql aulpapun ,sxcamqmss,& JnoI plJollr. l .1 i' Research shows that people today have more free time tha n.u"i.n ; But do we spend our time on the things that really matteL or are we wasting time and feeling frustrated? Join our biggest ever survey to help us find out. 7*l ui2 1l 'l r 1-:a ;-\.'t5 ,. .:: r 7 ti 5., 10 {* 1\ I :i Tick the statements that are true for you. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 I0 I1 | spend too much time sleeping. tr I don't get enough sleep. I X work/study for too many hours. I don't work/study enough. I I I spend a lot of time looking after children / other relatives. I spend a lot of time socialising and going out. I spend 10 I f, too much of my time on boring activities and tasks. I never really stop | I - l'm busy all day. I find time for my interests. r12 I l'd like to have more time for my interests. | sometimes feel bored because I can't thinl< of anything to do. I I | don't have enough time for certain important things in my life. l3 | often put offtasks that I need to do. | feel stressed because I don't have enough time to do everything. | waste a I X 12 14 15 t. ;) n I lot of time on things that aren't very useful. D tr12 rQ l t-e I \a br: t '(lo,rruaded Surop) euurl Lllnur oot (re1) spueds eg '(Lu{E aqr 1e) euurl arouu puads ot e)rl p,eH '(,{snq &en s,eq) os uarplrqr earql 1oB s,eH peq Eup.rodeg r : a3en3uel lnrasn 'o)eu ol o)rl PlnoM oqs/aq saSueql 'tnoqe {ddeq sr alls/aq sEulql 'AqM a]rl laq/srq ur luelrocr.tl! lsoul ore sarlr^llle eq] aql < . . Pue Llllr]M . :lnoqp lurqf 'rauued .rnor( lnoqp sself, eqt ilof g q pue e e8enBuel lnJasn < 'reuiled rno^ lnoqe solou Jauq eleN 'suorlsen b roq/sr r..l ro/v\suv'ar!eu uoltsanb oql ol sra^ sue rnof lnoqe rouued rnol( llel ol suJnl a)ef q q a3en8uel lnJesn < 'uolleurolu! orou lno Pull ol suollsonb e !J lo )urrll Pue Po)lrl seq rouued rno^ queuralels aql le )ool 'sarleuuollsenb derrns PUP sted ut )lo A ez e a8enBuel 'paou no^ sese.rqdTsp.rorn,(ue.ro; raqf,eal rnor{ lntesn < )sv 'uleql ulpldxe 01 /v\oq lnoqP lu tql'al leuuollsanb oql ol sre/v\sue rnoA poqe llel ol Sugo8 e.re no1 L tul4eadg )sel 'xoq a8en8uel oqt lo (e) ued lnJasn )lll pue ureEe ualstl q lsllJ eql u! Jeaq nor{ sese.rqd aql 2feqf s,'(q6 2se1dr-uexe euros eu..l aru8 nor{ ue3 Zuolplq) -rno{ ere plo Moq oS (lrrexa 1eq16 7 qol rno,{ s1 Zstsorolur rno( ere 2(3urdea1s) pueds no,{ op oturt qlnLu MoH uolteu.rofu! erout .to;8ug1sy q 1ar-ur1 q8noua 1,usr 1snI areql '(3uo1) ,{ep eloLlM eqt oE eqt uo u-r,l '(setrs Surloanlau 1e1ros) uo oLull jo lol e otseM I 6wtoq [11eat - ,{,ep peq e uo srna,4 ailqt )o Isrnoq ]pq e pue aua sa4e1 [.autnof Ouqnrutuot auJq q)nLu ool spuads * 1 rc4eadg 'fes {eql }eq^ lnoqP solou ale4 sluoualpls q)!ql 's.tamsue 28urssnrsrp r(eql e.re rleql lnoqe Eurllel sluepuodse; o^u ol ueFq 9'L ff, '(t1eq e pue rnoq ue) lnoqe sa)el ,{au.rnol eloqan eq1 '(r.1srued5 3u;{pnp) aurll aroLu pueds o1 e1n p,1 t '1ear,r7,{ep e (srnotl ua1) lnoqe ro1 (ltorrr) I '(3u;11aner1) aur!t r.llnLu oo1 ({em) pueds '(rerq8nep {r-u ra1je 3u;1oo1) alurl Jo lol e eltnb puads nof moq 3u;qprse6 e I eurl1 .rno( pueds sz 2nof .ro1 arul are sluouralpp {ueur rvrog 'orleuuol5enb eq1e1a1dr-uof, pue sluaualep eql pesu alno puU ol Eu!/tr erreuuorlsanb eq1 s! teq^ 'oreuuollsenb aql ol uolpnporlur eql peau e I tulpeer pue tuluapll uolleJeda;4 3 Writing An informal email 1 . . 2 it with a As you know, b Lots of [ove, c I want to hear a[[your news! d I reatty hope you're we[[. e PS You can see some photos of me now on my Work in groups and discuss. . Read Katarina's message again and complete the phrases below. Do you use online sociaI networks a [ot? Why /Why not? Have people from your past got in touch with you through the internet? lf so, did you meet up with them? What happened? f profile page. So how are things i I with you? g There's another reason I wanted to get in touch. h Please let me know. stil[remember Read the online message that Katarina sent to her old friend Grace. How do they know each other? What does Katarina want to do? ffi 4 Match topics a-d with the paragraphs in Katarina's message. a Questions for her old friend para. 2 b Reasons for getting in touch now from Katarina c Why she hasn't been in touch before d News about her own life Hi Grace, Long time no see! lt's been a few years but I hope you ffi 5a You are going to write remember me! After we left university I lost your details, so I was really happy to find you again on this website. You look great in your photo. ? What are you doing now? Are you still living in Manchester? Sorry for all the questions but ! And how is your family? ls your brother still training to be a lawyer? And what are your parents that holiday I spent at your house with '_ doing? your family, Happy days! after university I moved back to Slovakia. I'm stillthere now. I live in Bratislava with my husband, Hendrik. He's a W producer. I work for a media company now Life changes so quickly! | really love my life here but I still miss our time togetherat university, It was so much fun! , . My company is sending me to Manchester for three days next week. Hendrik is coming with me. While we?e there we would really love to meet up with you. ls that possible? ' Take care. Katarina a simitar message.Think of an old friend you haven't seen for a long time and invent a reason to contact him/her. Use the topics in exercise 4 to make notes for your message.Add any other information thatyou want to inctude. 6 Write a first draft of your message. Fol[ow the same structure as Katarina's message and use the checklist betow to help you. . . . Are there clear paragraphs? (e.g. the topics in exercise 4) Are you using appropriate phrases? (see exercise 3) Are you using present tenses and questions correetly? ; Hayg vou cne$ed.snglting a1d plnctuation? 7a Work in pairs. Read each other's messages and suggest improvements. Use the checktist above to help you. Read your partner's comments and ask him/her for more information if necessary.Then write the final draft of your message. ' 'enoldu.tt p;nor feql s{ern pue lla/v\ plp {eq1sEu1q1 elou Pue uols!'l :€ e lled'es as!f,Jaxe uoJJ uollesJonuof, lno pV:Vrled'suJnl olel pue sdno.rE ut)Jo A 'ao;Jol 3ur1eu s! raqlour rno{ elrqnn raq q}lM EuroE uorlesra^uo) e daal o1 o^eq pue s,roqloul rno{;o pueuJ e ol polnportur uaaq $n[ a^eq no1 . 'dols-rno( q:ear no{ 1r1un EuroB uorlpsrenuof eql dee) ol"eneq no1'urprl aql uo no( alrsoddo s11s no{ oqnn PuauJ looqls v . sreer( enr; loj uaas l,ua^eq zleql seM r.q^ z:Ijr./v\ ,{uedr-uor aurps otlt JoJ Surltoan eJaM ay'n ?serelu! /(otls ol uolleuolu! esn s.releeds eq1rvroq ef,lloN'saselqd pue suollsenb oql leedeu'seserqd l(e1 eql ol uarll 2,{11eaX q ;ano6 t 2reqr s,{q16 I zleql se^ uaql e iaas I P lSutzeue s,leq1 f 'un; q spunos teql e 8V 2(llsranrun le u1 pue e saneu lueuodu! auos lo8 ftellxne A L I I l,ltoc s oc s zno^ Zno{ ala6 ; roqleaM aql € . e &tslantun . eupele) laur {eq1 nnoq . [!orJ are ,{aql a:aqm . 'tnoqe )lel )uPuaH pue oeP!^ oql q)le/v\ erelg @ sr Zroq/Lurq lau lsnlaneq nor{ uaq^ auoauJos 1se nor{ uel suollsonb rPq/v\ . an,l 9 N sourl o^r} q4e/v\O iaq PIC Zaq sP 2noi{ Zll se/v\ t 2no{ l,uanep g 2no[ pr6 7 laou no{ pr6 'g ur seserqd aql qll/vr V suollsenb /fuer1rxne aql q)leur pue ule8e qlle/y\ 'sa^rJrp Jaqreal oql lrlun 3u1oE uorlesranuor e daal ol {.rl no1'luapn5 raqtro auo {1uo sr aroql a^rJe nor( uaqnr pue ssell ,(qde.rSoroqd e paurol aneq no1 . . lsed aql ur ,{eprloq su/v\ol auoq lleql . 2uo!1en1!s {nrg1p tsotu eql slluF{l nor( op q3!q^\ 2Eu1oE uollesJaluo) qree deal nor( uer Euol rvrog suollenls eql lno py's.r!ed u! )ro A es '/v\olaq pup af,etg teql srldol aql )l!t 'gler e u! IupuaH pue eulrete) Eultaaur 'no,{:o; )aaM slql lree{ uo spM aurtu lo Puauj Plo uv s (ep11oq uo oB slualedpue.rS,(y.1 v alull e ol Sutnou el,e16 E ou) l,uoP 2A no,{ eldoed ol )le} ol ,(sea 1l pur; no( o6 2aldoad nrau Eurleeu ,{ofua no,{ 'e8el1rn 'asnoq 8lq e rq8noq 1snl seq raqtorq z 'a^ol lnoqe looq pooE ,(11eet e Surpeal ^N ru,; t o6 . loo'l 'suolpenb aql ra/v\sue pue e.rnpld aql le 'nor( dlaq ol E aslJJaxe ut sese.rqd pue suolpenb f.re;11xne aql esn'lsatolu!/noqs Pue /noPq sluaualets oql lno peal ol sulnl alef 'sl;ed u; ryo6 L e tu;dee; tu;ot uolles.reluo) tuqead5 V The $Gorels of ysur memory lMemory expert Professor Jemima Gryaznov answers your most cornmon questions about mernory. I Why can I remember events in my childhood but not what happened last week? we remember the things t.har have srrong connections in our mind. especially emotional connections. Childhood memories are often very emotionai: we experience things for the first time so we have strong felhngs of fear or excitement. Retelling events also helps to fix them in our memories and interesting or funny stories from our childhood are often told again and againl 2 Do sorne people really have a photographic memory ? It is well knor,m that some peopie have an exlraordinary mem&y. Daniel Tammer. for example, can remember the firsr 22.500 digits of pi and Stephen wiltshire can draw a detailed picture of a city from memory uit., flying over it in a lrErruuyLsr. helienntpr lFJnrrrarrat noirha. Daniel n.-i^l nor c.^^"^^ have photographic q luvvcvcr, rreither ^^- stephen a memory They are good at remembering particular things for a limited time. A person with a photographic memory could remember every detail of a picrure. a book or an event many years later. No one has yet proved rhat they have a phorographic mpm^rrr in e cnianri4n ta51. 3 Is computer memory better than human memory? That depends what you mean by better'l Information in a compurer is stored in separate pieces. Human memory is stored in a different way Each piece of information is connecled to many other pieces. Thar s why a panicular smell can bring back memories of a holiday or u p.rron. The problem *ith hu-un memory is that it is messy and not very accurare. The problem wilh computer memory is that iL can t make connections between pieces of inlormaLion it isn't creatlve. - 4 1'm 24.Is rny memory getting worse? Not yet. bur ir will do soon. our memory reaches irs full power at the age of 25. At that polnt we can remember up to 200 pieces of information a second. After this age. however. the brain srarts to get smalJer By the age of 40 we are losing 10,000 brain cells every day By middle age our memory is significantly worse than when we were young. 5 Is it possibie to remember early childhood? Scientisfs used to believe that ir was imposs,ble to remember very early childhood, but recent research shows that babies are -u.ir .t.u.r.r i#n previously Lhoughr. Some people really can remember being a baby Others, howevel remember nothing before the age of five or even tenl 6o FIND OUT MORE a bo ut 1.": ;; * 1 ;: I T* r:: i ri"l r-l ontrine an d i-i to find out l:* ;.: ir * r:'',\ i tl i ryrore h i i* " *. mau Suuaquuaurar 2qsr1Eu3 ur sproM jo s{enn:aqlo {ue eneq no{ o6 . 2qsr13u1 Surureal ur lnJasn aq plnoM'{ue ;r 'q:tq16 . 2lnJasn ]seol/lsoLu otll ulaas sall LlllqA 'ssnlsrp pue slted ut )lo raLl]e.l A : uorleut.to;ur MarAaU :Butnnelna; daa;1 'palsaralur ^l;elnBalaJe oM Jr ra]]aq ureal aM '3utu;ee1 a,te no{ ieqnn }noqp suor}sanb;;as.rno{ )sV :pa}sela}ut eg sauo JetltulPl ueqt Sur8ua;1eq: aroLu are splll^!]le nnap {poq .rnoA a>1r; 1snI ure.rq :aslfJaxa lP}uaul oC st lnor{ asr:raxa o} }l }ueUoduu! rallaq lloan fuouau; :no,{ saleu }pti} pu€ utelq rnoA o} saoE ue8{xo aroLu 'osoraxa no{ uaq6:ost)laxa ;e:rsr(qd o6 z' 'sauouau lno jo {ueru ,oso1, am [;.rado;d deals ],uop ann;1 :11ann 'qde.rBe.red etye ouo s! oJeql'P-e slueutuol Llll/v\ 5-; sqde.rBe.red q)leu ueql',(11:rnb 9;. a8ed uo lxel oql PeoU 'Suruort seM aqs altLlM sotlols EZ'eUrsou sn llal o] pasn oqs asnelaq s,]l )ultll | 'laq loqrj.laulal 'Suruorr llaurs I ra^auaqM roq q]tM uotlellosse a8uells {11ear srql o^eq | }nq 'Mou peep s,eLlpue.r8 l{y1 p I dae15 'lle le llaM {ran leuuns ?9'aurusPr 'Sutltrxa {11eat senn ]sel plp | ]eqM roqrl.raual ],uel | ]ng ]r pu? 'p?orqe luoM I ault] ]slU aql seM lt 1^Ueall ^llea.l ua] seM I uaqM peq ann l{eptloq aq} laqu.laulal uel | ') suorlsanb;1es-rno,{ 3ur>1se utelq .rno,{ o} BuroB ue8,fto uorsrnai reln8ar '1.roqs sarnlrtd a8up.tls SulutBeLut sBulgr rteu Sulop deels ;o 1re1 salzznd plorvrssol: Burop 'eep! qleo ol ueu I ro u etlrl 2BurpaBro; lo SullaqLuauar ql!/v\ Paletf,osse xoq eql ul seaPl aql a.ry'rtouratu lno{ 3ulno.rdurl .ro; sd11 I' ,XAIV '.ro13u11oo1 ut,l ]eqM raqurorJar l,upl I uaq] 1nq 'SutqleLuos lo+ )ool ol LUool e olur oB sotutlaulos | 'asloM Surlte8 st ILoueiu {tu q 1urq1 {la1rugap I pue aq oi pasn 1 se Suno{ se }ou ul,l 6I 'e!l!url .XIS SPM I UALIM l0oqls pauels I arolaq Sulqy{ue loquoulol },uel eq1 peax 2r(q16 2Eursrrd.rns purl nor( lBql lxat aqt ul sl 'ssnlslp pue s:ted ut )tol uolleurolu! fue ereqt 'o^U Jo aBe aqt aroraq {1a1an::e Surqilue loquJauJel o1 elqtssoduu! s! }l 'a8e elppru.r ur esroM ]eE ;s.releeds Ie eql;o r{ue o1 saruatledxa lellulls lo oc 'Molaq sluatuulof, aql PPoU aures eql eneq no( 2flouraur poo8 ^/ e aneq nor( lurql nof o6 '-: ol slrels {:oueu lnO 9 '{laleredes uorleuro;ur ;o a:ard qleo salols utelq lnO ',!ouraLu trqderEoloqd e ,{1}ua:a.r pauaddeq 1eq1 sEulql . o8e Euol peueddeq teqt sBulLll S sluaueBuele Pue se8esseLl . uolleulloJul Pue s]leJ . 'lla'splomssed 's:aqunu utd . sole] Pue ssLueu . t aneq eldoed ouros leql pano:d a^eq slsltualls '3urqy{ue s1a3:o; ra^au eltqs}I116 uaqdal5 g 'qlelaP lueilocl.!l la8tol ann'saut1 {ueLu [.to]s e lla] aM uoq/v\ Z 'or.r11 oq] le Lueql lnoqe {18uorls }lo; aM asnPloq PoollPlrql rno ul slua^a ulella) laquJeulal aAA L 2Sugtequraurel le Peq/PooB no{ ere s8ulql aseql Jo r.llltl1A'ssnlstp pue slred ul 'slueualels oslpl eqt poro)'(3) eslel ro (f) arur are sluaualels eql jr apnep pue ute8e uol eql PPaU )lo A = t tu;4eads pue 3u;peay Language focus X 1 Fast simple and Past continuouls Work in pairs.Test your memory by answering the quiz questions as quickly as you can. Give brief details for each answer. 3a Listen to five peopte discussing the quiz. 'eG =.= Which question is each speaker discussing? Can you remember what the speakers said? Complete the listening extracts below. 1 Last Engtish lesson I was wearing jeans and a shirt. I was I remember my grandfather, and he died when I was two and a half. I x== *r:ri:.ir.:; ir., := =!=r:{; wii+:r j aair-?i about Suddenty, my favourite appeared at the door and I walked towards her. 3 At that time I was watching on TV. *t:r *a{t{,er. 4 She had very Howwell do you remember the past? t , 9u: ". g otro.* : t a b and dark , and she the Listen again and check. 4a Undertine eight Past simple verbs in the sentences in exercise 3a.Which verbs are regular and which are irregular? b Circle seven examples of the Past continuous in exercise 3a. How do we form the Past continuous? rast saturday afternoon? 3 How did you meet your oldest friend, - dark always wore a lot of make-up on her 5 White I was shopping in town, I saw the news on the TVs in . I went into the shop and asked what was happening. Everyone in the shop was talking about it. you remember anything that happened to you r flili"#i['J::HT], , months old and I was walking with my parents - they were holding my hands. f#"iir,l" wH ffi ?iT":ffour nx.;'"n: or your first teacher and what ffi,5?1H ?,il,?liiij,*, have ror breakrast the dav berore H!.XH:ivou 8 \ What were you doing when , Look at the timeline and examples. Then choose the correct answers to complete the rules. you heard about news? (e g the death il iTfi'fl..lfi"":,:ff ''' I saw the news onTV while lwas shopping. J3:F9Rx: -X {' past - | >tuture saw the news on TV. I At 3 o'clock last Saturday I was watching faotball. I was walking with my parents when my favourite aunt appeared. 1 The Pastsimple / Pastcontinuous shows complete actions, usuaily the main events in a story. 2 The Pastsimple / Pastcontinuous shows actions 3 in progress at a point in the past. They start before and often continue after the main events. We can link Past simpte and Past continuous actions with the words'when' and Notice that we do not usually use the Past continuous to describe states or repeated actions. I She had dark hair and *ffi% g ffi* ffi rh\ ii:+il ,,li'"' li alwayswore a lot of make-up. su:aas 1afie il er-u11 Sucl e a>1r; )sqLU€LUa.; 'rlllsur iisql*CIi [11ea: ],uer I ]nq sA Iulql a 1€ iaLU I l,leau noii ptp aroLlM iJalPI sJea.i Lr; parrrpru ripddeq ilIls arp faqt dlSutzPuP puP e aceld (a4e1) 'ralel $laaa ^ral aJaI\ daql 'apsecrrra_5 Surppam aq1 lpe8e8ua daql au4 ar{} l{g 'paIrrPIrI (qcear) -, q [IIe_I] puP a^ol ta8 ot (aprcap) ., d.aq1 'daurnot aqt Burrnp .rv\oqauos -,, e (aq 1ou) asnPcaq 'rualqord -,, 3uo1e alrnb ro1 (do1s) dlsnorlqo tr ]nq 'aruq urpJ] aq] 'lurod euo lV 'allspJAaN 01 dem aql p fpeq dgear (mous) -.. U dpuaredde ialqural sellr reqtea^ eqJ 'splulsrJqJ JoJ sallrueJ Jraq] eas o] -,, qioq pup-o' 'uopuo.I auoq (oB) urar{t Jo " , ureq] Jo ur slsrTeuJnof aq o1 (urcr1) qtoq lnq 'apspJ^raN uorl (aq) , ureql , daqt Jo qlog uouruoc ur ]ol P (aleq) uoos daql '3uqp1 1eq1 fralocspJ (Uets) daql agqrvr P JaIJP os 'daurnof sdep asoql q pue 'uterl 3uo1e (aq) -s ruo4 (1aler1) dq allsecmeN o] uopuoT sluaredPuer8 du -, '[laaru) daql fem -,1r eq1 sr 1!\oDI 1dro1s JlluptuoJ -' 'suollsanb aql raMsue Pue )se ol sulnl a)el'sJlPd u! )ro/v\ Pue ell ]sou aqJ -, rnor( u! uosJod luPuodul! ue esootl) q zuleBP ]aau no^ / MoH i leu lsru no^ loue laaj no^ / MoH zelaql aqa ouo^ue / a8 ilea/^/aqs/aq/leq/v\ 2uaql e)ll )ool rouuPd/PuauJ rno^ / leq/v\ )lel no^ / teq/Y\ Zlnoqe OL 6 8 I 9 s 2loq/urrq lnoqe palrlou no^3urqt ]s4 aq] eq / leq/Y\ t zeutl lPql le aJtl s,lauled/s,puau} lno^ ut uaddeq / rPq/v\ € zaurl leql te ajrl rno^ ur uaddeLl / leq/v\ z na{ pp araqM zlaau no^/ araql L Ltraaur 'suoluonb uroJ ol sldurord oql ssn'('r1a lauyed p'puaul pooE e) olll req/srq u1 lueyodu.rl euootuos leur eqs/or{ uor{/v\ eurll p lnoqp raq/urltl Eu11se ,(q Jaqilnl l('rouetu s;euped .rno{ 1sa1 ol EuloE elp no1 e€ )leql Pue ualsn ueql'slo)leJq ul qJe^ eql lo rurol lf,errof, er.ll qllm uel eql e1a1duo3'1eu slue.redpue.r8 s,rllrn /v\ot{ 1o ,to1s aql peau e'z fl LJ :re/v\sue qrea elelduol ol sulro} qlen pallo) aql esooq)'uteBe e;, os!)rexa u! slo/vrsue aql Peeu q ',{1peq 11e1rdsoq olaw 6ugeyser /\ool unuu ,{61 elrnb peaq KwEuldueqsenl pabueq pueleql {u go fluglelsen 1;1a311 'uoseat ou .ro; {luappns ueql 'eulzeEeur e uro;J sa:nptd lno 6up1nt sen I Tnon) | 'rauutP 6ul4ootsen / Pa\oo, wnw ,{uu alrqnr Podoq PoroJJo Pelrsr^ 'sdno.r8 u1 Pelr^ur Pe)sP Pa)roM palPnls Pa^ule uollerrunuord aues aql ql!/\ alqet uaqrlr) eqlv 6u1ll!sseil / les I | 'JlPq e Pue oMl lnoqP seM I uaqM Jequlaulal uPl € 'Kqm 6upueyslepun (lan e:enn LuaJaM I pue6Japun Luplp a n'snoues s:eluaserd aq] lle pue "' ;o sarnprd dulnoqs sen / Pelle^erl Pa)rlou PaqlleM Pelledxo Porequreuer spro eql allr AI)eq) pue uolsll 2pef,unouo.rd (aql ^ ele /v\oH'sruJoJ 1sed pa- otoru ollos eJe oJaH t'z t0 0t Z pemoqs lauueql ftane pealsul 'sauLuetSord oluno^e; rno 1p dulnoqsT.uaJaM / Motls lensn l,uplp lnq 'nlaqr uo 6u1q41ns araw / uo ^aqlpue s;re1sumop dultuot etew / aue) paqnlns ann,{epun5 aug'Sururou.r {epun5 e uo reqlaSol 11l6u1q4ensfen7e ann I Perptel s/fun1e {ur 'p1rqr Sunof p se^ | uoq/v\ z iqlleur oql jo Jleq I pue Jolsrs \*/ ;fq112epe1fs ale.redes e se pe)unouold pa- q sPro/v\ t{t!q/vt ul q Peqleer PePDeP Paddols Para^orsrP z Pa-ilPls 'a^o1eq sur.ro; 1sed aqt u; sepep(s lo requnu eql lunof, pue uelsll €'z 0ieL Ll lsrry aql 6u1ss1u alqural ann / {11ear se,rn passlul ann {11e:q8er1 pue rUJerl aLll lnq 'olptu {u qllm qrteur llpqtoo, Brq e o1 duyltpsen 1 aaory l iwe[ rltlerl p ut. 6u1lrys senl tes I aurll 1eq1 ,lnexe ly L 2Eupemsue uosred q)eo s! uolpenb ql!q/v\ 'suoglsenb zrnb eql 01 sre/v\sue orou auos aJe eJaH € L t)|l)vud gg llfrornel4l Llstening and vocabula,y 4 Chitdhood and upbringing Check the meaning of the words in bold in a dictionary.Who said these things?Write R (Rafaet) or M (Mi-Sun/Emity) next to the ideas below. My parents were very Read about Mi-Sun/Emity and Rafael.You wi[[ hear 1 them describe their upbringing. What topics do you think they wil[ mention? strict. M My parents punished us sometimes trouble if we were rude. - we got into lf we behaved badly, our parents stopped our pocket money. lf I argued with my mum, my dad totd me off and I felt reatly ashamed. My parents got angry if we got into troubte at schoot. In our culture, you should always respect your parents. Our parents only praised us if we did something rea[[y excettent. 7 Our parents encouraged us a [ot. 8 They didn't often criticise us. 9 They gave me a lot of confidence. Work in pairs and discuss. Use the words in exercise 4 to explain your answers. . . Was your upbringing more similar to Mi-Sun/ Emity's or Rafael's? ln what ways? How wittido you bring up your children? ls this different from your upbringing? Mv parents were strict - they punished us a lct. Rafael Martin (27), who is half Spanish and half British, grew up and i'ii went to school in the same part of London as Mi-Sun (Emily) Kim (28), whose family is Korean. However, their upbringings were very different. =r+:== a:.4 i,a;t:t*'ii +at{:.>.,}it}{.};.} *'?ai :rzr,+ i*! :lti.jrt;z = i::?,, +t; i;:s:-i*'i+ ii i3.=t:!':+ :r:*r:. Language focus 2 ./sedfo and wos{d E i* &1a.= Listen to Mi-Sun/Emity and Rafae[. Which things below were: a b c € things their parents permitted? things they didn't permit? things they insisted on? Read the extracts about Mi-Sun/Emity and Rafael's after-school activities. Underline four verbs with used to and two with would ('d). My mum decided thot my brother ond I should both Leorn the piano, so thot's whot we did. We used to proctise t'or two hours every doy ofter RafaeI 1 going to bed on time 2 being mean to his sister 3 ptaying in the street with his friends 4 hanging out in town with his friends 5 staying out late at the weekend schooL ond more ot the weekend. )ccosionally, I orgued with my mum obout piano proctice ond then my dod would tell me ot'f, and I used to t'eel very ashomed. Mi-Sun/Emily 1 ptaying at friends' houses 2 going for sleepovers 3 going out in the evenings 4 ! 5 ptaying the piano gettingA's in schoolwork Can you remember anything Rafael and Mi-Sun/ Emity said about the topics in exercise 2? a:i After school we used to play in the street with our friends - t'ootball or skoteboording - or we'd go inside and ploy glmes on the computer. When I wos obout 11, I used to love honging out in town with my friends. I thought I wos reolly cool! 'reuued Jno{ )sP I a^eH A ol s oqP suollsenb aql ro lnol osooq)'slled ul )Jo zloq/Lulq asluSolar no^ PIP MoH elaal$ aq] u! snoule, auo^ue uaas la^a no^ zAePot suoqd loquauor tsnuJ no^ auo^uP elaql sl L -sEuos dod ;o ' 2,(11:tnb estuBo:el ,{11ensn no{ o6 9 zsnouler ouoeuos no( putulel ssel: lnor( ul euo{ue saoq S z)ooM stql - Eurq1(ue op ueuoEtoJ no,{ eneg 7 lueuodurr zjequrauJarxo,( ue: ]eq^ elooLlls {:eslnu }e alaM raquauler no,( ue3 6 lnoqe Surqilup no{ sputulal ,{11ensn oq/v\ z nof 'plnow pue ol Pasn Eu;sn sr(ePlooqrs T8ul8upqdn .rno{ 1o uotldprsap uoqs P elu - 2lea^ slq] leEro; lueyodur auo{ue pr6 'lrsnui ;o a:atd P 11e ur s,y1aE 'preLl)roM-l 'alqnoll olur le8 Z, \ . au ent8 )JoA | A t € I Z L 1y slua.red ,{uu 7 'ouerd aq] ,(eld 1a3.ro3 -l -/ g lllls no{ op L asrlioxa 'suexa {uu 1 'AEs-saieuEl€q/v\- - P ol euoau;os A looqls ,{:epuo:as ]e / Pllq) e olaM no( uaqnr op ol posn no{ sEulqt arour aAU }o )u!qi . 2arouu{ue op no,( 1,uop sEugql qllq1A . ur s8ulqt qrlq1A Zop 'ssn)s!p pue slted ut 2s8ulqr op - rno{ ^ppqlrlq pJoM auo ql!/v\ iv\olaq suollsanb aql elelduro3 'urolrunleaM-l - "'lootlls ,tepuo:as 'rla'3urtruled slueted ,{uu 9 te8 'SurpreoqalelsoE-l S aul qlrm fuBue asluForax Sulqlauuos oP o1 -r. ' "/ "- ' ele; s,auoauos / auoaulos |t tE 'spueuj ,(uu qllnt lleqtooj 'aultpeq relnBa: e a^eq ^eld 'r{auouu 1a1:od Surqlauos lnoqe \ -\" - | L "' zl )o -L L seM I uaqft\ Surqtauos Jo 'lla'luorulurodde e ',(epqulq e ue'e8essaul Sulqlauos op ot/7 Sulqlauuos prp no,( leql / : no{ to; onll tlaql a)PU ol olesnt,uplp )o olPesn qllm sef,ualuas aql e1e1duro3 t 1f rr)vud uotad :aqloue Jo auoetuos 1 a8essaLu e lnoqe auoauos -t-\ 8u1qlauos op o1 Pulueu nor( euoqd .. "' 'atoulfue oueld aql asptetd tr,uop 'guend fw tpln anfue fi paweqse pal yps 1 '1ueseld aql ol lsed eq1 a.reduor ol '*l(.*W..'. suoeu.los auoqd ol --._\:='l1o'luaulutodde ue'pJoM e'uos:ad e laquleu-leu -:: peuaddeq Sulqlauuos uat4n /7' / ^ :lspd eql ur selels sequ)saP 1 1 oq ef,lloN :trsed eql ut selels Pue sllqeq sequlsaP oqe (snonurluor ]sed aqt 1ou 1nq) elduts 1se6 aq1 Y arull lslu aql roJ euoauros Sullaauu 'nor( dlaq ol fueuogptp e asn 'qJaA qleo Mollol louuP) qrrqivr sese.rqd eql lno ssoj3'rtouetu ol alPleJ Moleq sqle^ aqt L 3u;got rol pup tupsqulaulsu fi.re1nqef,on 5 oi Pasn Z :lsed aql ur slrqeq aqulsaP ilnoM Pue o1 Pasn I 'L as!)Jaxa uro.rl saldurexa qlll /r^oleq solnr eql a1e1duro3 1 gg lfrourel4l Wffiffik Describe a personal memory Preparation Listening and vocabutary la to hear three peopte describe a personal memory retated to the pictures below. Find these things in the pictures. You are going an anchor a branch tree a sailing boat a cherry a budgie a swing Check the meaning of the verbs and phases in the box.Which things in exercise 1a do you think they retate to? to be tame to fall off to get [angled to perch to rescue to fty off to black out to float to get choppy 2. {l flz.a Listen to the three stories and match them with the pictures. Choose the best titte for each story. . . . . . . . . . A memorable celebration A story about a childhood pet Meeting someone important in my life Meeting a famous person A time I got into trouble A time I was reatly frightened A childhood accident trip l'[[ never forget A day when everything went wrong A Listen again and answer as many of these questions as you can for each story. 1 When/Where did the story happen? 2 What other background information do you learn? 3 What happened? 4 How did the speaker fee[? Listen again and tick the phrases you hear in the Useful language box. "' aPeuaddPq ieq^ os 'a^oqe qL es!)loxo u! uolleulolu! eql aPnllul 'f;oureu: luelrodt!! rno^ tnoqP qdeiEe.red e alll1 L Z^lleaU iPes/SulzPule/^uun, MoH lsalelu! rlll/r^ Suluels!] ..' " tfuo1s Pua a noi( rvroq 8u1qll]sag "' tu;11.r46 dn nno11o1 aql ul {11en1uen3 eql 3u1pu3 p '(paurorrn) {ran ate,tr aM attltl aql ]V 'ipes) 19 e seM rl (SursseleqLue) os sem tl 11a1 r autl eules aql ]v a|qM e lalv a eBen3uel lnlasn < 'suo!lsonb )se Pue lseralu! Motls'seuols s,Joqlo qleo .rno{ 11e1 ol uolsll * 'nor( dloq ol salou lno{ esn 'sepols ol surn} alel'sdno.r8 lo s;1ed ul )lo A eA "' p-e eBen8uel lnlesn "'uaql "',{1uappn5 "' ,(ep aug sluene eq13ulqF)seo q 'Suturqs seM uns aq1 "'(looqrs ulolJ euroq eLuo:) {u) 'palsrs o1 pesn 1 q1M seM rnoqe sem 1) ueqrtrt paueddeq teql SulLltauros 1o ,!o1s aqt sl ZPUa 1! PlP leql sBulql ureur oql araM clua^a aq] o1 Punorflleq eq1 seM 2pauaddeq MoH teq^ leq^ < t g z zll laquleulal 11r1s }eq/v\ nor( op {q,in PUP 1l seM lua^a }o Pul) I ur 3ur{pn1s73uryom78urnrl seM I arrtrl leql lV 'o8e stee{ (onni) lnoqe sean 11 (L L ar-u o1 'Paeu nor( saseqdTsPlom fue L lo; roqtreal rnor( )sv'sslou a)eul Pue Moleq suolSanb aql asn 'rtols.rno{ llal ol /v\oq lnoqe lurqf q s!q-L "' uoqM requaLual frols aqlSugrnporlul e 'nor( dlaq ot ZZ e8ed uo Z as!)laxa ul sollll lnor(;o &oulaul luepodurl ue Jo )ulqf I aql asn 'urvro € L IseI Fu;1eadg Find out first View € 1a Match the photos with the events below . . . the Beijing Otympic Cames the Bertin Wa[[ coming down the death of Diana, Princess of . Wales the assassination Kennedy . 2a You are going to watch a video about memories of important events. Before you watch, match the words and phrases in A with their meanings in B. A 1 psychologist 2 striking 3 vivid 4 amygdala 5 lay down a memory 6 idiosyncratic 7 recatI of lohn F. the first Derson on the moon Can you put the events in the order in which they happened? B a remember c b a part of the brain c unique to one person and not true of everyone d someone who studies the human mind e very attractive or memorab[e f makes strong, clear images in the mind g make a new memory Co ontine to check your answers or ask your teacher.Which events do you think peopte remember the most? O Watctl the video.Which events from exercise mentioned? Are any other events mentioned? 3a 1 Watch the video again and answer the questions. 1 What are the characteristics of a ftashbulb memory? 5 What sort of news or event is associated with a flashbutb 6 Why are deaths often the subject of ftashbutb 2 How long do ftashbutb memories [ast? 3 What is the purpose of the amygdata? 4 How many flashbulb memories do most people have? memory? memories? b Work in pairs and compare your answers. zsalJourau Jeql u! sallllelluls fue oloql alv es^ au Jo eleld lo luen3 oues aLF Jo salroLretu qlnqqspl} erPqs sself, Jno^ u! aldoed l(ue oq q 'sMau aq] p.reaq lequlaurar no{ uaqM o1 r{j1 Jo qrelap aqt lle 2{aqr aJe lPqM'os Jl Zseuouau qlnqLlsel' {ue aneq no{ oq euoql asnel 01{1e111 are ,tnluar req6 1sLZ eql ruor; $ua^a 1eqo1E zsauou.ioul qlnqqseg asner ot (1a1r1 a.re /torslq lua:e: s,rtlunor :nor( ul slua^a leq/v\ . 'ssn)slp pue sdno.rE lleus u! lto 'sra Asue A es lnor( aledulor pue rpq/v\ q srred ur >;.ro16 2{es uosred Lllee ptp r;1qnd eq1 aql lua^o suollellossE leuos.rad ........:...................,...... . . .,. 'releeds qlea JoJ olqel eLfl ul salou e1lt16'rtourau qlnqqsel; P poqe 3ur4e1a1doed eolql qlle/v\@ "t /v\ern Puo/v\ Language focus 'l #*mpmr"mtfi vms 3 mx'nd supes"[mtives Work in groups. Do the quiz above to test your world knowledge. u-= + '3r E''4.1 Listen and check your answers. Remember one more piece of information about each question. e Underline a[[the comparatives and superlatives in the quiz. V2+',.t2,:i + 1 ;= +t;'= :.= =i t:- ? rs:.=22.,= What are the comparative and superlative forms of these adjectives? tong tatl happy poputar far 2 3 "* z 4 l.rard-working Write the rules for one-, two- and three-syilabte adjectives. Think of two more irregular adjectives like far. :s|i f;i€ 7.'* rzt'= €. + r t: €7,.-.:: =r* = Match the sentences with the correct picture. 1 X is much higher than y. 2 X is a (tittte) bir higher than X 3 X is a lot higher than y. 4 X is stightty higher than y. ! zs 5 72 :; y l. 4li =.; r::,:s';= r :z E ".: =; Complete the missing words in the superlative phrases. 1 lt's the tallest city the wortd. lt's the second/third biggest the USA. lt's the biggest countries in South America. lt's far the tongest coasttine in the worro. 5 happy peopte in the world are the citizens of Toeo. 2 3 4 one got The-- city '[ueuulag ueql sa66g lrq e sr ured5 'Dueta) uPUt en eetrlps eql sja,v\suB .rnor(;o {ue ara6lnoqe alom no{ sereld aql lnoqe suol1senb rol sue pue o)el'sJo/v\sue dems pue s.rled ur )Jo A )se 01 sunl isuaoxe aJoru tor e s/ a)ue)J lno{ '.raded;o e:a1d e uo Jepro ruopueJ ur srol sue pue suolpnJ5ul lq8ls ol ualsrl V'E;* Er a1r;nrr = *ff 'qsllpg aqt ueqtr (ue4o) LllnLu slrlrlod ssnlsrp sueruJoD 'sdno.r8 ul seep! rno,{ ereduo3 r: ({uunl) Surleeds-qsr1Eu1 ue ro filunor all} ueq} euraun aL{} 01 oB 1ol e ore erPul Jo alooao 8 o} aql 'o3o1lo aldoed rttunor ,tlunor {qreau e elu A aql 'satltlPuotleu laLllo poraprsuol eJe sueluaurv 'ers{e1e61 1o aldoad (^la)!l) ,trauers uorlelndod 3urn4;o lsor aleturp serlrl oq] ueql ({ddeq) 'xoq eql ur sldruo.rd aql osn 'mou1 no{ o1 "rnort 3ur:eduof, sof,ualuos xrs P are sauPc aql ur aldoad 'ppo^ eql (3ur1.rom-p.req) =e, Zerul ere qrrqrvr,(es r(aqt uef 'rred ;aqloue ol sa)uolues rno{ peax'sauluno) aorql aql lnoqe quauelPls eslPJ ro snrl erou xls ol!J^ uolleuroluleql esn'slred ur)rolv\ olg1l aql are suefrxeN sr (a3:e1)- = ueql (;uol) .(1) '.-:'. )ro ueqr quou (re;) ,tlunor 'uorllrur 0L seq MaN odelrqJ 'eluaulv qlnos u! eultuaErv aqt qrqM')ro sr Z MaN upr.ll (:elndod) tol e sr 'stsunol uorllil.! s L ,lrt^ 'sued L 'erssnu ro ersauopul Jo eurllseol aLll s! aulllseor s,epeup] e8ed uo 'sluor,lalels eslel oql rrerro3 eslel ro (1) enrl eie ,taql1 epoap pue sluaualpls xrs ol uolsll uaql'82! a3ed uo )n aql pue puelerl 'aluell lnoqe uollPl.ulolul aql lP )ool i!-"=;' ,; ;, ieoidlnifru 'sla)leJq ur anrpelpe aq1lo urJol parro) aql asn'zrnb aql uoJJ uolleurJolu! aqt elaldurof, ol a)ualuas q)eo ol spJom oml ppv t ttfvud 1f 'sajoLl] plsqas:]*r,1 puu srn*i"1 Fr"rrl"iont eitrr.r: ;:*cia; fl3:i63 alll roJ qrreas'syom dlleuorleu q)ea preq Moq tnoqe oroLu lno pury otr auiluo oD :IUON tng O1r.111 Suoy Euog re\ \!/ r su€f lxalA suPrpul sueura9 sauPC suef uauv toot 'uiaq) ]noqe "r"J:flixiril 'plloM aq] u! aldoad uor;;lq xis JaAo aJE alaqf ser]rteuolleu aqr ]e : Vocabulary Reading Features and sights 1a "l Look at the words in the box.Where do you usually find these features and sights? Put them in the correct place in the diagram below .."n"i ;;;y ;;"".r, .u,iag" ctiff docks a factory farmland. . a festival a (rain)forest a harbour a hitt an island ;";i;";,"i"; a cathedral a a a lake a view a village a waterfalt 6affs) a palace market a a shopping monument a mosque ma[[ a skyscraper Work in pairs and discuss.Which of these things do you look for in a holiday destination? What else do you look for? . sunshine and beautifuI beaches : :::ffiJili.:Tfi,4;:,jjiLlii'J'"s,etc') . . a museum a temple Z nighttife and shopping ariand cutture (festivits, palaces, etc.) the website quickly.Woutd you prefer Landon's hotiday or Valentina's hotiday? Why? Rea.d. Work in pairs.Which pair can find the following information in the text first? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Landon's university course: Where in Thaitand the Crand Palace is located: When AngkorWat was rediscovered: Where Halong Bay is in Vietnam: The place where'fu[[ moon' parties happen: Valenti na's favou rite activity: The name of a festivaI in Dubai: 8 How long it takes to fly from Santiago to Dubai: 9 The number of shops in Dubai Ma[[: 10 The name for a traditional market in Dubai: 4c Look at the readers' comments. Are the comments for Landon orValentina? ls each comment suggesting visit or avoid? What places would you recommend or not recommend? Write your own comment for Landon orValentina to add to the website. Underline these phrases in the text.Then choose the correct meaning, a or b. 1 b 2a Add two more features and sights to each group. 2 Work in groups. How many of these world-famous places can you match with words from exercise 'la? 3 the Amazon rainforest 1 the Cannes Fitm h nl 5 _ 8 lguazu 9 the Suez b b r.+ tisten and check. lt's different from other places. Dubai is right up her street. a lt's very close to her. b lt's the kind of place she'[[ like a lot. b Ontario 5 the Hermitage 6 the Canary 7 the Blue There's... nowhere quite like it. a lt's similar to other places. 4 ... they're worth visiting... a lt's a good idea to visit them. 2 Buckingham 3 Sydney 4 ... it's a must-see! a You should definitety go and see it. b lt's necessary to go and see it. 6 They can be very expensive. you can't beat these two cities. a You won't like these two cities. b They're the best. ... Work in groups.Take turns to tatk about your ideal holiday. Other members of the group listen and recommend places to visit/avoid.Try to use the phrases from exercise 5. 'w'd rz'z ')tn 't^l_]el 'r!'d '(iIlp Suuoq ]sour s,urelr.rg r0,) pr?Me ue uoM trsnI s,]l 'uolnl o] aurol plnoqs no{ 'aurl 1a1nb e to1 3u11oo1 er,no{;1 gt't 'erssnu 'ggunA 'paluroddesrp aq l,uoM no,{ os s11eu }o sparpunq aje alaqf'sal}ll onir1 osaql leaq l,ue no{ purLu ftu o} pue pUoM aql punore uoaq a^,1 'Molsot/\l pue 3:nqsLa1a6 lS ur qoeM lo eldno: e puads plnoqs no1 'r.u'd 6O't'y511'auel{rn1 ldorp no{ 1111 doqs o1 sereld 1o {1ua1d puU ll,noA'se1a3uy so1 {r1 'ru'd OI'9 '[ueureg 'IU-nlnl 'ro;3ur1oo1 'Surzeue ate snseqd3 aL,no{ 1eq,rn {11lexa s,lr 1urq1 I aql {a1rn1 ur qoam oM} ruor+ )leq auor lsnlan,l ]e surnr luanue ifuenrqal ro fuenuef ut uns aq] Surees ;o aluelll 'Surddoqs ro+ ]eaJ8 arP utuoS pue slred qlnu ]ou s,araq] ]nq 'uopuol 'r.lSrnqurpl a)rlsar]rl'adornl lo ]soul G@' isuteSleq auos dn )lrd pue al83eq ol ureal ol aleld poo8 e s,]t pue 08 lelol aLll araqM s,11 ',ienn/{ue Surlrsrn quoM ar,^aq} }nq 'ollolol/! {eq1 Ul sJeezeq oll] se ln}rlneaq se oltnb 1,uate ']a)reu leqnc aql ^aUnIleuorlrpeil +o pu!) e are qlrqM pue fu1 plnor eurluale1 leogrye oo] ]lq iasrou aleLl or.lM no^ a)rl aldoad roJ lou 1nq 'eldoad auros rol 1ear3 are esaql satped ,uooLu llnj, rlor.l] qllM 'rnLUeS qo) a)ll ,spuelsr {ued, aqt klt'IG; ']t a)n altnb alaLlMou {lutepa: s,araql 'plroM aLl] Jo rapuoM r1lLlSll aql1r llel oldoad aLuo5 '{eq eq1 ]o srolem anlq aq] ur ]eog o] uaas spuelst {ur1 1o spuesnoql 'ureular1 ]o Llirou eq] ur {eg 8uo1eg o} '}eq} raUV 'o8e sreal{ gET ^U palanolstpar {1uo pue pauopueqe {1snoue1s{uu seM }eM ro)Buv'o8e srea^ 009 lnoqv 'plroM aq1 ur Surplrnq snot8rlat lsa8rel or.ll sureluol q:rqnn xaldr-uor aldLual o8nLl e st ]eM to)3uv 'erpoqLUeJ ur 1e11n rol3uy o] puella^o la^eJ] uaql iaos-]snur e s,]r 'arn]laltqrte fueutptoellxa pue qleq 'sa1due1 sll qllM 'puelrellt to ueaq lllolslLl aLll - aleled puerg aq] 'asrnol Jo 'pue ,fiD pto aql 'slaueu Surleog ln+rlneaq aql Surlrsr^ s^ep Mal e puads pue )ol3ue8 olul ]l iaos o] Lllnu os s,araq] 1nq 'Sunlenetl lo lol e a)tt spunos^ll w0ulatA puo DIpoqwD) 'puqnql@ 'aslou pue spMol] saleq aH 'xelal ol saqleaq dpues ma; p pue "' arnllnl pup fuolsnl lelol lo slol qlrm {epnoq e stuerr uopuel 'f1ts:en1un }e dEoloaeqrle Surr{pn1s s,aq pup ?z s,aH 'eneilsnv uoll s! uopuel e suaas slq] lle tl "sIn0s, 'sadols r)s Joopur uona pue saualleB Ue 'solleaLll a^eq slleur slr ]o auos 'sor]D lleus alrl ]snI puv 'sal]u lleuis ouros ueLll aJour - sdoqs 002'I ra^o seLl 'oldLUPXo auo ale slleu ro+ 'llen reqnc ']eoll or..l] odelsa ol r..l3noq]) real{ aLl] Surddoqs 0s (fuenuef u! auU aq plnoqs ]l^eM J0 r..llnu J0] oprslno )leM 0l loq 00] ]r sa)eu raqleaM aLlI 'iaarls raq dn lqErr sr reqnc uelnodousol ]eq] puu ll,aqs 'aleds ol qaaM jo aldnol e seq aLls Jtr ]nq 'oSerlues Luoll slnoll ,T ra^o 'eurtualeA rojt lLlSru Suol e s,ll ile^rlso, Surddoqs lenuue ue seLl ftr: raqlo ]eLlM 'Surddoqs ro+ ]saq aq] +o auo oqe s,]r pue 'plroM aq] ur sarln SurnnorS-lsalse] aql +o auo s,]l /rqro llED '{ren.rqa1 ro rfuenuel ug 1e1:ads oraqmauos oE o1 sluenn aqs 'uns pue Sulddoqs sa^ol aqs pue plo s.reaf Iz s,aqs "allll) ruor] s! pu!]ualpn 'sjapear pue suodxa la^erl Jno +o all^pe aLl] ]49 Zno^ ro] {eprloq }o od^} }t,l3u aLl} s,}eLlM e@rcnw uo &tstft ,t t I think I'm i: ,* very lucky compared to my mum's 3a generatiGn. 3.F Listen to pan (a9) and her daughter Jasmine as they tatk about how Shanghaihas changed. Check your answers to exercise 1. Did they ,.y th" same things as you? h Cl (!+l b Language focus Z your answer. Different way$ of comparing 3 took at the two photos showing the same part of Shanghai 20 years ago and now, then read ;lt,s a fact!'Work in pairs and answer the questions. . . . Why do you think the population of the city has changed so much in Z0 years? What are the main differences between how the city [ooked then and now? the-streets wereverysimilarto different from the streets now. the sentences in exercise 2 again. Comptete the for comparing in box A with the prepositions in box A B. oifieieni iimiLir. fewer less as 2 the sime *orse (x2) from not ai uusv to Choose the correct answers and give reasons. 1 There were fewer /less cars rnen. There was fewer /less traffic then. 2 In Shanghai 25 years ago: 2 Read phases Where is Shanghai and what do you know about it? Try to guess the correct answers. 1 Listen again. Overall, are pan and Jasmine positive about the changes or negative? Give reasons for / completely 3 Put the phrases in the best ptace on the tine. iompteiely Oitfeient irom rUort in. i.r. j, exactly the same as a bit different from very similar ro the historic buildings are the sameas / different from how they were. 3 o,lder peopte play exactlythesame different games on the street. 4 younger peopte were notasbusyas / completely / thesameas they are now. 5 clothes were r??ore / less cotourfut than they are now. 6 shops were better /worse than they are now. 7 there were /ewer / more cars than there are now. ; I 'psqulsap Euraq e.re qrrqrrr sereld aql ssenE pue suogldprsep rnor( pear ol surnl e1e1'sdno.rB ut 't lto A 'ajolaq ss aules aql {lpexa srE snulpllnq )lrotrsltl stil '^^ou sr 1! se peq se l,useM uollnllod ss3n6 | a6pug awg uaploD aqt aJaqM s,4! pue si;rq daels Ll]!M )epJelreds altnb 'VSn aW la lseof, lserl aq1 uo (lrs '{ue 'l4aa11 e s,11 'sromsue rno{ areduor pue s.r1ed ut )lo A q sS1 tulell '/v\ou Pue 'L as!)Jexa slueJnelser yodsue.rl rrlqnd luolslr.l 8urnrl 1o lsol aql ipuo aql le enll e aPnpu! pue'senlpafpe eelql lseal lP aPnpul 'l! ouleu l,uoP lnq'lnoqe /v\ou)l lo 'rvroul nofi r(11r.ro u/v\ol e ;o uolldprseP uoqs e olu A urorl reoq nofi leql sprom oql )r!t pue ulete er' sdoqs aldoed sBugplrnq slaarls aql uo;1n11od saqtoll ualll Xoq aq1 ur sturql aql Bupedr.r.rof, so)ueluos xls e1l.t1tr'5ed ur lurod euros lp pue Mou urrol rnor( lnoqP ua1s1'1 '67; eEed uo sre/v\sue .rnof 1raq3 apequJsap Euteq ale 1u1ql no{ op s?lrlr q)lq/v\'97; eEed uo )-V soloqd qrlivt pue suogldprsap oarql ol ualsll 6'€ t0 lr q llo/v\ eso)uaJoljlp.reqlo r(ue to lulqr no{ ue3'slted ul €Z lulql eql ueql qrleiu {ro1^ oluan oltauef aP otX slJed oN Mof,so4 3uo;13uop ole3 1o13ueg ,(lsunol .relnrepads ueus f,lluetuoJ areduol zg xoq ur 'spJo/r^ 'V xoq u! y slomsue sollll aql ql!/\ alelrosse qllq^ g .rood pa1n1lod lnlaread pouorqsej-plo urePou {1an11 leulsnpur )lrotsrq {1pual.r1 angsuadxe {pe sno.ra8uep papmoJl uelglodot"usor lnllnolol ^il!P 's.r1ed ut ;nor( op ,(ue ,! sPlo^ aql le nor( )ool t sa3eld tugqppsap lol se ll]efPv l(.relnqef,on 'sPunos /e/ oql ol uolluape Bulr(ed'urvrop elorrvr nof serueluas eql eslperd € "' 01 Jelrurs lel 9 "'se oues oql lel /e/ I "' se poo8 se 1ou lel v "' LuorJ luaJalrlP /e/ /e/ "' lol ueql rersnq /e/ "' /e/ € e lel z ueql rolleq lel lel lel t 'seserqd eq1 tu;fes esrpu4'sese.rqd ealp;eduor eql u! spunos /e/ pue sserF aql el$oN g'€ p lJ Z reeq nof se:ualues xls etll u/r^op olFM pue uersn /'g # ll L 'sluoulelels oqeJ sql polro)'(1) eslel ro (1) anrr ele leaq nor{ ualsll'vsn lro^iV\aN sluaualels sourllto soloqd aqt te )ool 9.€ il ilj PL eqr Jl aPl)aP Pue ur erenb5 gg I eqolF oq+ ssorcv Kkffik Provide an insider's guide Listen to the second part of the conversation. Match the ptaces Tom recommends with the ideas in the box. la Preparation Listening Name three famous tourist attractions in London. Have you ever visited London? lf so, which places did you see? 1 is Carta is asking advice because she wants to know: , 4 the the South Bank 1: iI i Shertock Hotmes Museum 1 ethnic food the 19th century oicnics views of famous buitdings individuatty designed clothes a lively atmosphere 4 Listen again and tick the phrases you hear in the UsefuI language box. 5 Which of the places thatTom mentions would/ woutdn't you tike to visit? lf you could visit only one, which would you choose? WhY? I , t = theatres and concert halls free exhibitions street entertainers ceer vintage stuff ctlbs and nighttife a the most popular tourist attractions. b the places that locals go to. c t[e cheapest ptaces to eat out and shop. @ *.: 2 Brick Lane market 3 Richmond Park visiting London for the first time and asks her friend Tom for advice. Listen to the first part of the conversation and choose the best summary. ilF c.=* Carla Gl l PrJ JLL L.l.ro)Jr ^o \ oP slr ea's]- e.l nelsaj -tl : /sC oqs q )...1M -i.!:!g'lt:i t:tjf; :1t+:'ia-t : 'a)eld Ll)ea lnoqe 'oB o1 1oB a,r no1 s r. i \ r, 3, -4+ { f, ,'.+- lnlasn d 'a)^pe a^rB pue roj )sp ol surnl a)el's,eue) Pue urol ol leliu,rs suorlPsJs^uol lno pv'srled ur 1to4 q pu{? p aggr"raue1 }n:g*sfl -; a^ol lt,ncl ,{es 11rnr no^ lpqm Suruueld selnulur n,ra} e pueds o3,(1a1 ur1ap plnoqs no, 'aroq1 3uro3 tl puaururora.r I,uPlnon\ / '(ereqr SuroB) pueLULrola.r ,{1a1 ur1ap p a.re rrJL_L pueul) {11eer e s,araq_g 't -f, i ,a a # 3 $gpnffiua33 Ca).'ll s,lPqM iPuaLUuola] no^ oP araqM '3u trs ,r qtrom (tou) s,l 't r"reqdsowtre lra"i$ :sSulpjifi q ,:ic 6url$sJatrut:alsilbs lnl$ssq -- u,4.1$J p;6 *Lfl q Fulpuai,ui*a:e1 (tno Sueq i lea) ot sa)eld ,o slol 'araqdsoLUte (,(1arr17,(1 '(aldoed qrleM) ot o)pld tearB e pue sqnp) ro1 pooB '(3ur11e,u 7 e111rq31u 'paau no^ seserqd/spro^ /(up ro, raLl)eal rno^ )sV 'saleld asaql pueuruoler no^ {qm lnoqe salou e)el^l s,11 .(plloM aql rr^o llp Lror+ pool tee) ol o)pld lear8 e s,:r '(Poolj slr roJ snoureJ s,tl la^r! / ]seol oql uo (seuueql) s l (,{1o aqf ;o) eLluerTlsa,arr/tsea oqt ul s,ll ra:e1ei 3u6q1;rx*6 e 'sle)ol rll!/v\ lplndod 3q plnoqs soleld oql'/tluno) 7{1r: rno{ ur puaururo)ar ol seleld e^U }o lsrl e o)eN 'lnoqe )lel ol Suro8 are no^ a)pld q)rq^i\ apDec '(lla/v\ ou) no^ e:e1d raqloup ro) &luno).ro uor8ar'r(1tr ^ ur ol oB ol sefeld pueuruof,ar ol Buro8 are no1 rno^ I Speaking 3 Look at the questions in exercise 2a again. Travel problems 1 What phrases make questions 1-3 polite? 2 What phrases make questions 4-9 potite? What is different about the word order? 1a Work in sma[[ groups and look at the picture. Which travel probtems does it show? What travel problems have you experienced? What happened? t @Watctr and tisten to the key OWatctr the video of three conversations. What problem is each passenger having? How does sentence stress. he/she resolve the problem? Could you phases. Repeat the questions and phrases. Notice how the speakers use tell me how much it will cost? 2a Which conversation are these phrases from? WriteT (taxi), B (bus)orTr (train).Then watch again and check your answers. 1 Excuse me ... what was that announcement? Tr 2 One more question: is this ticket stitt valid? 3 Can I askyou a question? ... How do I get to the 4 5 6 7 8 9 Manhattan shopping centre? Do you know where I get off? Could you tell me how much it wi[[ cost? Do you know which platform the 4:38 goes from? Do you know how long it wi[[ take? Coutd you te[[ me where I have to change? Do you know when the next one is? Which questions are usefu[ on more than one form of transport? 4 Rewrite the questions in a more polite form using the prompts in brackets. ls this seat free? (a question) Could I 1 ask you a question? ls this seat free? Where do I get on the bus? (know) 2 Which platform is the 6:30 to Paris? (tettme) 3 Can I use this ticket on the train? (excuse) 4 What time wi[[the train arrive? (know) 5 How do I get to the airport? (tast question) 6 Where do I have to change? (tett me) 7 Does this bus go to High Park? (a question) 5a Work in pairs. Choose a new travel problem and write a short dialogue. Try to use polite questions. Ouestion 2 is useful on a bus or a train. Act out your conversation to the rest of class. Which conversation was the most entertaining? '3o1q .rno{;o ge.rp leurJ ot{l e11.rm uaql'f-ressef,eu }! uolleulroJur arour JoJ raq/urrr{ )se pup sluauuof, s,raulred .rno{ 2Bo1q s,.rauped peey q .rno{ 1o arour peer ol o)ll no{ p1no16'nor( dlaq ol aloqe lsrl)roql eql esn'3o1q.req7srq uo luour.uof, pue .rauryed e qllm denns'paqsgu4 e^eq nor( uaq/v\ eg 23ur11ads jsaueu .rno{ pa>;:eq: no{ ane;-.; ilaloq rno uPq] rallu sem 1r leql lq8noql ra;ruuef lnq 'a;aql uost.td ur aq ol aleq plno^ ; fuope; a8nq e e)rl srJles]r uosr.rd aq1 'uosr.rd aql u! ua^a rp €as aql llaLus pue s;;n8eas aLl] reoq uef, no1 {1ro: pue lleus sr pue;sr aql'dtti eq] qUoM seM ]r lnq 'pa^ure ann arut] eql {q 1:tseas 1rq e 3ur1aa1 sem rayruuaf 'uorperlle lsunol re;ndod e s,1; s,tep asaq] pue €96 L ul pesoll1; {eg o:srrue.r3 ues ur puelsl ue uo uosud snourp, aql 'zeJle)lv ol leoq p )ool ann Suru;oru {epsauparyl ug 'tq8tu ssa;1sa.r I;an e peq I 'lnr ere speq eql pue uoor {urp ,{url e 1oB an,a11 Ap ';ge 1e lerrads l,usr laloq rno lo^a^ oH ';erreds alrnb sr leeJ JoJ uraql Suraes lnq 'snoLuer-ppon arp a8pug aleg ueplog eql e)rl s)rptupupl {ye pue pauorqse} -plo arou llq p ere sped reqlo apqnn anrsuadxe pue ueus fuan erp olsnuerl ue5 4o syed auos 'srql lo asneleg relllml a1r; sarueduof, lauralur Jo lol e ot aluot{ s,}l slepennou lng '}uaua^ouu {ddrq aql ol auoq se^ ]! s096 L orl] ul 'aJaq sr lr uelrlodotusof pue ln,rlnpaq Moq se^ pa)rlou ISurqtlsrj aql 'uooureue {epsenl uo ofsrtruerl ues ur penure aM ptg nqwaldas 'ilDM aruatoH r.uorJ ade)sl izPrlellv a a:e1d .ro1 srellel 1e1;der pesn nor( arreg I ;3o1q laner1 t ;r{1pa;ror sen;1e;eduor pue sasual lsed pasn no{ aneg t I I poo3 e 3u11r.rrvr.ro; sdrl aqt lle pa^ olloJ no,{ aneg 1 1. t: t 'no{ dlaq ot Moloq tsrlpeqr oLll osn 'Eo1q rnor( lo Uerp tsrll eqt ol!r/v\ q 'z e)eN os!f,Joxo ur sBurpeaq eql rapun selou .oultl lillj eql rol eore rnol( Eurlrsrn euoouros 1o 3o1q aql ollJrvr UO '(anou a.raql ere no{ aurBeurr) red eql u! apetu no{ {eunof e .ro1 3o1q e at!r^ U]Hl_ll 'Bolq ell.ra ol Sulo8 are no1 1ene.r1 e et 'P3q Ot "' v 'ur PeMolle are surerl ro sasnq 'sref ou osneleq ' lua^ eM ueql puP ]uernelsel € ur leeu e ppq eM Suruana aql u1 ,tsnq lnq el!u s,]l 'sq8r5lo a8prrg aql Mps pue leue3 pue.r9 aql3uo;e pe)lPM eM ueqf 'rrPerl alr u€ ele ery1 ,!1erd sem 11 'oljpl uesezzeu seM o1 ]uoM a^ alelo lsru aqI 'saldno: plrom ,ttl: eql s,ll 'llpm o] loJ eqr ul tseq fir: p1o arru sanrpefpe Surparalur asp I :] qll ,(eptt3 uo {eppttu }noqe af,iuen ut pe^ulP aM pu7 nqwalda5'tra1wto9 .lDuuD H af ruan ,ezzetd aql, 1! llel sue!]auan € o1 : sl o)ruan punore la8 o1 {Bnn,(1uo aq1 e "' z "' L 'o8e srea{ O0S'L punore papuno1 sem leql 'ourluo) oruoluv{q pauBrsap sem qrqm 'ereld pelo: aqr ul Bolq s,qeuueH ol spel Surirnollo; aqt ppv spunos pue qq8rs Polrsr^ ssleld l aqulsac a uorluol leloq oql aqulsac s t s8urlaa; tnoqe )le1 E &o1srq auros uorluoN Z '3u11sara1ug e.rour Bolq roq u! sa^lpefpe {.reurpro xls e)eN Z^ olloJ r{puueH t,uplp/plp sdrl qrtqpl q '(a8nq'pauorqsel-p1o'3'a) areld eqt oqulsap suorsserduur ]sJU a^rD ! '(qloq)1p1.ro (erue.ro11) 1'(qeuueg) g a1;r4 a)ueroll pue qeuueH op sEulql osoqllo q)!q/v\ Z Zop v 'Palrsr^ no,{ areld eql tnoqe spPJ lrseq ouos o^rD E 'Pa$el Pue llal ']lal!s'Pleaq no{ leq^ }noqe alum:sosuas rno{ 11e asp z no{ op ouo qlrql 2{q6 2rapeq st )ulqr la erl o ^l aql peag '/v\o1eq sBolq 'anes 'saurl peq aql pup poo8 aqt tnoqe )lef'lsauoq a€ L L to1q1a e4V Eolq s,eruaroll ul dll q)eo saldurexe purl '3o1q poo8 e Eurlr.r,nr.ro; sdrl eql peau 'o Lamguage foeuls 1 Work in groups and discuss. Have you achieved anything the other students don't know about? For exampte, have you ever won an award, been in a newspaper or played in a band? What happened? .:-.::, How many of the famous people in the photos do you recognise? Checkyour answers on page 131. Work in pairs. Can you match the peopte with the surprising achievements in the text? The surprising achievements of famous people has published a best-seliing book for children wrote over 70 books and won the Nobel prize for Literature. has learnt to speak six languages and has founded many schools for poor children has studied architecture and has designed several buildings. has rowed from England to France. . : Listen and check. One of the achievements was planned but didn't happen.Which one was it and why? :1' :.: Choose the correct verb form. Listen again and check. 1 Barack Obama published / has published several books. ln 2008, he wrote / haswritten a book for his two daughters. 2 Over the course of his tife,Winston Churchittpainted I has painted more than 500 pictures and wrote I haswritten over 70 books. In 1953, hewon / haswon the NobeI prize for Literature. 3 Since '1995, Shakira founded I hasfoundedschools for poor children a[[ over Columbia. she also raised / has alsoraised manv millions of dollars for charitv. 4 Brad Pitt was / hasbeen inierested in architecture since he was young, and he designed / hasdesigned a restaurant and an apartment buitding. 5 Before she was I hasbeen engaged to princeWittiam, Kate M iddlet on trained / has trained to row across the Engtish Channel in an a[[-woman team. :srql elrl suollsanb Jo^ sue Pue )sV'seePl u^i\o Jno^ lo 92L e8ed uo seoP! eql asn 'l,useq Jauued rno,( leql euop a^eq no{ leql sBu;q1xrs purl 's.r1ed ut yo16 € 'str.lloJ )ea/v\ ol pue ssaJls aql ot uolluape {e6:reuped P qil/vl ll tugpea.r eslperd '921 e8ed uo g'71dyrs olPne le )ool e aAeL{ € 'oAeq l'sa e OAPLI .'salJlunoJ Surdolaa'ap ur aldoad ro1 a;1 ;o sreal. pr1xa 000'7 (^nq) u rcad stql feme ']Jnis aJolu ]uP11\ s I leql fauoru aqJ [a^€) l.uop I 'plto,&\ aql le {ool 1 noq a8ueqc o1 [apteap) I uaq1yplrolv\ 1 'leqt (aslPar) eql Jo luarrad rno; lsaqcrr ar{} q servr 1 [pug] rood e se,4a I ueqnA, ZII I luapnls -' op aq saop zlqrvr og -r 'ool '000'SI7;o s8urires stq de,tre [a.tt8) o -, aq read lspl pup s8ururea slq Jo pJlq]-euo ueql alolu aq auoP read lsed eql ul lng .{eme (alr8) 'fue1es up suJpa aq puP Xn aql uI JaqJJeasaJ a8erale s,aH qJIJ 1.ust .r{qo1 'aJII slq Jo asJnoJ dltsrazrtun p -, aq] JaAo f1ueqc ol uollrx 17 ,{ervre azr€ o1 (asnuord) ag 'dJeuproerlxa Sulqlaruos op ol (aptcep) aq ]nq 'uosrad fueurp'ro ue sr prg dqol -, -, g I 'slol)elq u! qra^ eql Jo ruloJ lf,oJlol aql ql!/![ {.rols eull a1e1dtuo3 'p.rg ,(qo1'uos.red ,teu1p.to ue Jo luaura^olq)e Bulslrd.rns eql lnoqe Peo-U all uees nor{ ene;1 e uoos no{ eneg e Uoos Z 'elqoru {u lsol al,l e }sol oA,l e }sol 'nof dleq ol turp.rore.r aql asn 'sProm L Euo.rrsLqr ql!^ Eulupls'sese.rqd Euyvrollo, eql os$le& z t lf llfvud (r-uro1 palrerluor all =) 717 petunouold sr aaeq € aql =) 7leq7 petunouold st aaeq z (r-uLo; 1ee,rn (uuro; 8uo.r1s aq1 =) /^eq/ parunouold st areq :e;eqrvr 'pz es!)texe uolJ uollesroAuof, ls4 L elduexe ue Pull oql ol uolsl'l g'tsi* 8! eql ut Suno( se,r,r I ueq,r,r {ePlalse{ euaLlm s00z eruls o8e sernutr-u uat oL0z u! srear{ uel lsel L re; os ;e1dr.ugs 'sremsue.rnof paqr 'fuo5 aA aqs - ;lrayad luasard orll r.llliv\ oB qr1q41 lsed oql q1r,u oB (1uo sase.rqd aull tl)!t{l € 'palted yasat4 pue ugeBe uelst'1 3 no{ I zalujo roq I L 9 E {11ear s,}r E paltad yasat4 1 a1du1s ise4 aql osn a/v\ Mou luenolol uolpe ue teql Moqs ol luPM 0M Jl Z 1111s st lsed alll u! 'paltad yasat4 1 a1dw1s 7se4 alll asn oM 'lueseld eql olut sanutluof trnq lsed 0q1 ul Palels uolllP ue Jl L '€ os!)taxe u! alnl q)es 1o aldurexa ue Pu$ Pue Moloq salnJ aql u! ulJo, qlo^ lleJrof, oql asooq)'{ervr auos ug luese.rd oql ol Papouuof, s! uolpe lsed e ueqrvr 1re;.red lueseJd aql osn a/v\ z s v aqs sdeqtad nol, no1 z lreq rno{ 2no( l,ueneq 'tq8rann no^ oql asn eM'pauaddeq 1t ueq,r,r {es em ro'poued eLurl paqslulJ e ur paueddeq uolpe ue Jl 1 a1dw1s7se4 ,rr 2qeurue) zsalnulul o^u taqtoue aAPq I ue3 ']o^ -'altet6 2nnou oB oM UPJ'tsal aql .oEe salnuru ual rnoqe -_:!! TL::: alnurur :T:"* e roJ lno - araq sPM eqs ]sn['a:ru 2ataqnn{ue Aul - 2.re1nte.r.r17.re1n3er 2a1dr,u1s ere E oslllexo u! sqJo^ q)lql lrepad luesold eql ullol ar* oP /v\oH ! 1t I L laaLu I:il:::r I:r-'altqoul :3 Ti'rl :3Y:11 !111 ::iYi1':' 'xoq aql u! qro^ p ]o ruro1 papad lussotd eql qllm suoll,esra^uol oql uor; speruo aseqt elalduro3l elq;o ue ut sanEeello: {lled e }e Euttaauu aldoad ssautsnq eLuos e auos P auroq le saleullPlJ oMl f laarls ell] ur puau; req SullaaLl ueuro^ P q quapnls aulos oJ 3ur11e1 laqleel e e 'Molaq suogldprsap aqt qllm ueql qlteu ol ualsll a'F G: **a Pue suollesJenuor ,(epf.ra^e a^!l I Reading and speaking T Work in groups and discuss. . . A Did your parents have any ambitions or plans for you when you were growing up? What did they do to hetp you achieve them? Look at the photos ofAndreAgassi and read the text below.What do you learn about: . . . . . the reasons for his fame? his his his his Darents and childhood? career? personal probtems? marriage and children? ".',..."...........: Andre Agassi is genera[[y considered one of the greatest tennis players of all time anU the greatest returner of the bal.t in the history of tennis. Agassi was introduced to tennis by his father, Mike, who had been a tennis groundsman during his youth. Mike Agassi trained atlfour of his children intensively to become tennis professiona[s, but only Andre, the youngest, showed great tatent. Andre went on to win numerous championships and became one of the biggest stars in the history of the game. However, he also suffered from drug and other personaI problems. Andre Agassi is now married to one of the greatest women players ever, Steffi Gral whose father also trained her hard as a child. Since he retired from tennis. Agassi has dedicated himsetf to hetping poor and abused young peopte, giving them the chance to have a good education. Agassi and Graf have not taught their children how to play tennis. FIND OUT MORE Co online to find out rnore about Andre Agassi and pushy parents, Work in pairs and discuss. . . How old do you thinkAgassiwas when he started ptaying tennis? What kind of childhood and upbringing do you think he had? Read the text again and mark the statements below true (T), fatse (F) or not sure (ttlS). Underline the part of the text that gives you the answer. 1 4 answer the questions. 2 3 Andre feets that no one cares about his ooinion. He hates his father. His father wants him to be frightened of 1 4 the dragon. He feels worried because he can't do what his 5 father wants. He is more frightened of the dragon than of his father. Read the extract fromAgassi's autobiography and 2 3 4 What Andre doing in this extract? How does the youngAndre feel about tennis? How does he feel about his father? What is'the dragon'? is - '/' seLl 'ajrl uMo raq] Peol auo/ta^l 'uerplrql roql q8norql V uarplrr.ll ,{lrrued teaq 01 olqeleoqun 11a,( o1 1q ol afunoq ol auiosJea, qrurp ol .reo.r Surr(;ura1 e ."':qr:1. !no)e G[@9 t'in1irf.r. 'no{ dleq o1 lxoluof, eql esn 'Jpal Jo sEurlae; s,arpuv ol eleloJ poJ ur pue sruusl ol alelal (aqr }t enlq ul ,{eulr }t ur xoq aql ur sPro^ oLll Pull ueql allJ)'lxol aql 'ree l{u u1 3ur11e{ * lq8ru pue ,{ep Lrrq reaq [1uo 'rxr..l oos i{1aLer 1 'eLr purqaq s{e1s raqlel l{p1 '1r oas uel I oraqM 'ouJ jo luor] ur spuels uo8erp eq1 ]seol ]V 'asrom sr req1e1 {rLr }de:xl 'raqle} {Lu a>p1 101 e sr uo8e:p aq1 "' isdols Ja^au leq] SurqlaLuos leaq nol{ uel M0H 'uoSerp oq] leaq l,uer no{ :11es{u.r 11e1 I 'l{>1:rued aur sa)eLU ltlSnoqt eqt 'uo8erp arl] leeq ol au slueM a6 'uo8erp oq] ueq] rolse+ pup ropreq lr lrq o1 au slueM roqlej t{u 'eu 1e serg uo8e.rp eq1 Surqylena 1rq o1 q8noua ]ou s,]l 'reo {u ur {lirerrp 3ur11a{ s,ap 'alqeleaqun eq 11rnn rea{ Llreo lleq uorllr..u ouo s1q 's{es eq 'sroqurnN 'rl}eur ul sanarlaq oH 0qM plrql V'arp,uop 'slleq ,{1reeu uorlllrx auo Ir.l ll,t ree/i ouo }o pua ar-l} }e pue )oaM q]eo slleq 00s'Z ilr.t 1 tr s{es raq1el {y1.. q)ea 008'tI 1[.{ ll,t ^ep 'Unol or..l] ranor {pearle 1eq1 spuesn0q] eq1suro[]ou oq] ssole puos llleq fuanl ')leq soLu0l lleq oq] [1Lea nnoq rat]eu ou 'lleq e ttq I prell Moq Japeur oN ing rspreLl 'slnoqs aq 'iopJPH 'u0] saur]3rxos .Osn aql s,lPqM 'sorirl aarq] saulriaulos 'arrnni Surqy{:ana q1e[ raqle1 {y1 1Ll 'lled aq 'raruea UH roL{}eJ liu rol q8noua 'ratlLea }0u s,}eq} ua^o lng 'sluoPnF raqlo ql!/!\ seep! rno^ oJPdruo) q ol lqSlr oq] sueorP u^ o raql o^atqle ol &1 l,uplnoqs sluored ln;ssallns auJolaq oldood {qm ue4o s,1eqt . sluered {qsnd peq aneq aldoad ln;ssollns Jo }ol 'poollns o1 uroql dlaq o1 alqrssod Surqltana op ol pue serlr^rlfe s,uarplrr.ll roql ur pa^lo^ur {1aso1: aq o1 slueled lo} lernleu s,ll . 'uuaq] a8euuep {11ear ue:1r - raql qsnd ol slue:ed ro; [q11eequn s,11 'suolugdo,tnor( poddns o1 (tvtoul nor( aldoed .ro 'ee.rEe ,(lued eldoed snorue;;o) seldurexe ]o )u!ql no{ reqloq/v\ op!)ep .ro ae.rEeslp 'aerBe pue /v\oleq quouolels oql peeu'sdnoj8 ur )Jo A ** " '{em leurou all} ur urnlar o1 alqrssodu.lt t-uaq1 so)eur olunoq slleq ar.ll {en eq1 'aueldo;ae ue uror} paddorp 1r se 1ea1 {u }e puel 0l qlnou s,uo8erp arl} uror} }ooqs }eq} lleq 'e8e Iu ro;11eus ur,l 'plo srea{ uanas }V oq] slueM reqlel t{y1 oLuu)rtso+ "^"^rp e,.l] apeLr ,(1e1ereqllap seq raq1e1{y1 'rnoq 'eut] fuene qruru | ue u) 0lT le orJ.J ]e lleq e sarS uoq] reor 3url{1ura1 e sanr8 uo8erp 'olro^ 3url{lrLroq e 'r1lnou slr o1 {1nno1s sasu lleq oLl} sV aq] pue upaq )relq e 'llrM e 'urerq e seq uoBeLp orll 'qooq rrulor l{iu ;o 1no lq8rerls alnleal Surqlearq '3urnr1 e [11en1re s,]r au 0] ]nq 'elrot:v ur qnll sruua] fuene ur aurqleur aq] e111 'e:ue13 1sr4 lleq 'roqle] {Lu {q pa4rpou ourqleu ]e 'qool uo8erp aq1 lleq p 'uo3e.ip oq] u0 posnloj sr sruuo] roj paileq {r.u }ueLrouu eq} lV "' uuoc "' "' "' "' 'alr0ql 0u a^eq I osnelaq uoouroue 11e pue SururouL 11e Surprq dae; '3urIe1d daal 1 11r1s ]nq 'lreaq {u 11e qlirn lr aleq 'sruuo} o}?q 'aur lal l,uoM oru oprsur deap SurqlaLuos ]nq 'tra)ler l{uL qlrm osnoq aq] punor otx oseql raLllej {u plnonn {1uo 1o1f i,uel I in€ lure8e sruuei {e1d renau o1 ilrnb lsnf o1 ']ea 0] pooS SurqlaLuos aerpuv 'uo^eall o)rl laoj ]pql ],uplnoM 'nnou 1a3 pue asnoq aq] 0]ur 0g 1q8r.r unol sr-l] jlo )leM puE 1e1rel Lno{ uMop }nd 'dn enr8 lsnf 'aLpuy 'trnb tsnf :Ladsrqm qlearq {Lu repun 'au o} suo}srl oqm uos;ad {1uo aq1 ur,l osnelac pue parels u,l asnelaq Jlas{u o1 3ur)let u,l 'p1o sree{ ua^JS r! I 2[q16 2uarplrq] umo rreq] dn Sur8uuq {aqt a.re nnog . 2relrul|s pue rsseEy arpuy erp oH . so^rl s,rerD UJetS ^ a1! p!p aq )urr.l1 no{ op ,{qfvf Zptp aq {em oql u! uerplrql . srq qsnd ot lqBU sem laqteJ s,elpuv )u!r.ll no{ oq 'ssn)srp pue srred ur Uo A & "' F* I soall IBou Mettemns tifetine 1990 ... @ ISSO I started school. 1998 | started learnino @ ZO I moved @ zooz to lstanbul with my family. My dad gave me my first 2008 lfinished high schooland began studying at university Vocabutary Life events 'l a ...O-lmetSelim.rrv Comptete the word map with the phrases in the box. change job €Fds€+e get a promotion go to university leave school make a lot of money rent or buy a house get divorced get a job have children lose yourjob Pass your exams start school "....9 2012 | left university fa[[ in love get engaged get married leave home move house retire quit your job " and got my first job in mY business. -'s Language focus 2 Love and relationships Home and family bring up your children Career Eraduate Present perfect simple and Present perfect continuous 1 ffi 4.4 Read Meltem's tifetine above.Then listen and comptete the gaps. Use Meltem's lifeline and audio script 4.4 on b Work in pairs and discuss. . In what order do the things in each category usualty happen? (There are different possibitities.) . Which of these things have you done? . Which haven't you done yet? . Which of these things are you going/hoping to do in the future? Look at the words/phrases in exercise 1a again. Then do the quiz on page 126to check what you remember. page 170 to complete the sentences. 1 She lived in Ankara for _ years. 2 She's been studying Engtish since she was _ years. 3 She's been living in lstanbul for _ 4 She studied business for vears at universitv. 5 She's been going out with Selim since 20 6 She's been working for her uncle for about . _ years. _ years. 7 She's been in the band for about gigs. 8 They've ptayed about 9 She's been looking for a recently and she thinks that she has finatlv found one. _ _ 4)r€:r € 'dno.rB rno,( u1 aldoed eql lnoqp roq/ur..l 11e1'dnor8 reqloue urorJ luopnls e PUU sc *r-::>::cr,r ua+q n*d ar'*:-: Gu*q '1r rredar ol (,t1) aj lsel 0q] roj Pue treoq Plo aLl sqluoLu ^ aq :ea,{ tsPl 'porr}or aq ue ({nq) $u!s I rcl Ksnq fuan ueaq s,aq ta^a^ oH'Portlel eq oEe srea,{ onn} 1nq 'srea,{ 0t lo^o a:l.lp 1 tol raqtel s,ualle6 )ueq e ,to; (1:onn) 'slnoq oqs ueqt a>up 1 tol 3uo1 ,ten (1.ronn) pup peeq (1ndap o] uorloLuo.td e (laB) aqs rea{ 1se1 'stea( OZ ra^o aluls I.to1[:aq:eal (aq) (ssed) qsr13u1 ue 're; os suexa srq 11e s€AA roLltor.! s,Lualla6 aH 'rotloP e oq ol slueM ep 'sree{ rnoJ atuls 7.to1f eutrtperu '1ern14'raqtoiq s,uretla6 ({pnis) r"r*1-g 'suossal raq ino' I usLlM 6uir1s peprls ; ol sl.Illol qJeA q -nls Jaqlo ol eulleJll ;nor( uteldxa ot EuloS ele (anr8) roqte; raq ,{1lua:ar os 'palreJ eqs i(1e1eun1lo;un trnq !ea{ raqopo 'suotlsenb {ue lemsue Pue saulleJtl .rno{ uleldxe ol sunl e1el'sdno.rE lleurs ur UoAA = 'esn qrlqrvr 8uluue1d selnurur rura; e pued5'quaP no^ *g 'e;r1 .rnor( ul slue^a pue solep lueyodurg lJpN'eurle}rl urvro rno{ /v\elc ur lsal p (alel) elrnb aru1s7 rclanup 1se1 aq5'euu;t 3uo1 o1(uea1) e uallaN | soaTl ol uog1ue11e lueuosuol e ^oleq 'auill ul lurod e qllrr etup 1 tol asn a1'6 'otlrl Jo spoued ql;m aruls spua )leu pJol e Pue (f11ape) i*€ aluls L Z 97 pafeld aa,faq1 E 'p$ e rct 6ur>1oal uaaq s,aqs 'uorpe oqt lo llnsor aql € s 'Z L se/A aqt aup pquelsl ut 6u1afi uaaq s,aqs '(a:urs pue;o/ qllm pasn ro uorlernp seq uorpe oqt leql uauo st 1r) peleader sr . :sosrseqdua snonulluo) pajlad luaseld aql'lo^a/\^oH (tuasard oql olu! Surnutluor / Mou ]uerraler =) E lo eldnor e ; uolsll g'?,,Lrq 7 esn ep1 L 'z esl)Jaxe 7 .ro3l u! se)uoluas aql uorJ eldr.uexe ue antt pue salnJ sql elelduror ol sre/v\sue polof, aql esootl) Z$uls )o toJ L tulr(es eslpeld ueql uelsll g'g 8ur{ed 'sese.rqd aql Euy(es eslperd Z B altqM e lo1 o8e selnurur sPunos sl.ll ql!/\ L 'slo^ sue lf,olJof, oql asooql pue'snonulluor pe;rad luosaJd .ro eldurls pe;red luoserd 'e1du.tts 1sed eql Eulsn'slaperq u; qra^ aql uJoJ palJol eql ql!/v\ sdeB aql e1alduro] lo ,t1;ue; Jaq Pue |,uoilaN lnoqe oroul Peou ' r)tr)vud ';euiled e )se ol suollsenb eql Jo eerql esooq) )loql pue uge8e ue1s;1 eroquauar no{ uer suollsenb aq1 ;o {ueut /v\oH q t sL/luouJ 's616 'sof,uelues llnJ lou 'selou allr A 'suorlsenb xts eql Ja^ sue pup ualsll d=? r* Gr €Z 'peueddeq seq SurqlaLuos sautl ,{ueuu anoq {es e,r,r 'steat{ aatql tol pueq aqi at uaaq s,aqs 'elels e Surqu:sep ale aM . snonutluo) pojrad luesejd eql esn louuel alA (qnsat) 'p1t e punol s,aq5 :Jt 'r,ueq1 :reeq no{ seruoluas xls srll u/v\op elum pue . 11es1r {1r,u1re aLll u! palsarolur ere oM leql 'aut4 6uo1 e nl n11n6 aql 6up{e1d uaaq s,aq5 ueql roqler :req1e8o1 1u1 1eq1 sprom aql )roll,o o8e euurl 3uo1 e 7 7 ludyarurs )u!l leql L lsed lnoqe q1uolu 6lnoq6)o1 'p1l uaaq s,waqaw e rc] 6u14oal 'truasard ole leql suollfe eLll o1 Pol)auuol pe;led luasar6 aql ot ,{em palrad luasard aql osn 0l Z 11e1 o1 :a1dr-urs relrLuts e ur LUJoJ snonurluof ',)un, sPunos L 'solnr aql Peau o^ 1 eql'Punos leMo^ e ql;rur sul8aq Pro/v\ lxau eql Pue punos s* ;snonurluor 1ra;.red luasord oql u! aJe qrlqg 2e1du;s pel.red lueserd aql u! are z es!f,Jaxa u! se)ualuos q)!qA 1r'qraads lP[lJou ul IBou Wffiffik Vocabulary Personal qualities 1 Read the descriptions below Mark each one to show if it is a positive quatity (+), a negative quality (-) or if you are not sure (NS). . . . . . . . E* i. l l\omtnate someone for He/She's (extremely): an award - charming. - courageous. - creative. - dedicated. - determined. - egotistica[. - inspiring. - obsessive. - origina[. - ruth[ess. - self-confident. - talented. He/She's got strong principles. f e/She's a strong leader. He/She cares a lot about other people. He/She doesn't care about other people. He/She [ikes publicity. He/She inspires respect. Add names to three of the categories. 1 A famous world leader: 2 A we[t-known business leader: 3 A writer, artist or musician who is famous at the moment: 4 A successfuI sports personatity from your counrry: A successful person you know _ persona[[y: Choose at least three words or phrases to describe each person you have written down. Compare and explain your answers in groups. Prepa Complete the sentences to make them true for you. 1 ration l-istening Read about the'lnspiration Award'. What kind of person is it awarded to? I reatty admire peop[e who ... are ".._;!- caurageaus and have strang principles" 2 | never trust people who ... 3 | don't like people who ... 4 lwish lwas (more) ... Look at the photos.Which peopte have you heard of? Why do you think they might be nominated for the Inspiration Award? tJe # *.u-+.ts Work as a ctass. Choose three people from the photos and listen to their nominations.What reasons do the speakers give for each nomination? Listen to the same three nominations again.Tick the phrases you hear in the Useful language box. 'z as!)rexe ur slrelaP eql aPnllul Pue leq/utq Paleuluou no^ ureldxl'poleururou no{ uosrad aql lnoqe qderBe.red e allJ1 ,(qrvr L Supprgl dn mo11o1 'arela € Prlqt 3ql z .0n_lauunl 'pleMv uorlejrcsul or..l1 Jo reuulM eql L :Puu ol olo^ sself, e sAeH q 'sellllenb pue sluaualalqf,e s,uosJod qrea lnoqe selou o)Ptu pue uals!'1 'seqreeds.rno{ an13 ol suJnl e)el'ssell e sp lto A **' P-e e8enBuel lnJasn < 'Surprore.r oql u! souo aql e)ll qreeds uolleululou uoqs e :aldoad ralllo uo aluan1;ul :sarlrlenD ueld € :slueura^arL.l)v leuosrad :qrelaP leelPl JallE L 'eqa auo{ue lo )ulql 1,uer no{ 1 soloqd oql u! euoeulos esooqf, ue) no1'prpmv uoglerldsul oql to; oleuluou ol uosled e esooq) Z 'peau nof sase.rqdTsp.rorur r(ue ro; loqf,eel .rno( 1sy'u;,ttr o1 saruesap aqs/aq {qrrn lnoqe sEugpeaq osoql repun solou aleN Fulleadg IseI '(aldoad Suno{) rol lopou alor luallo)xo ue s,eqs/aH esneleq ulM 01 saruaseP aLls/oq )u!q] | "' "' esneloq loq/ult.l erluupe ,{11eel 1 Sugsg.leututn5 p "' sr req/urq lnoqe Sutzeuue sl leq/y\ 'eldoad Laqlo lnoqe (ro1 e) sarer aLlS/eH 'paururalap/pe1ue1e1 {11euot1dalxe s,aqS/aH sa;1g1enb Sugqp?sac 3 "' seq aqs/aLl (punorSlreq rood e Luorl) s,aqs/all q8noqt uenl '(uerplrq: >1rrs) ro;1ol e euop seq 0qS/aH '(aldoad Suno{) 1o 1o1 e padlaqTperrdsur seq oqs/eH "' aql seM oqs/aH o1 (uosred uellell / ueLuo^ ) lsrj '('rle 's8uos Sutzeue otlos uottrlrM / slepaLu plo8 uom) seq eqs/oH sluouronelqte Eulqy:seg q ("'1o alor eqt 3ut,{e1d) snorueJ aLUe)aq aqs/oH ue8aq leerel raH/srH '(sool) 't '(sLu1r1 {ueu ur paLeedde) seq oqm ioJ)e ue sr aqs/aH "' s! pre^ V uorlertdsu; aq1 -ro1 uorleuruou {6 uolltnPollul P Fin{ out first View Have you heard of Charles Dickens? Have you read any of his book or seen film adaptations of them? lf so, 3a You are going to watch a video about Charles Dickens and how his childhood influenced his work. Before you watch, check you understand the meaning of the words and phrases in the glossary. what were they about? Glossary the disadvantaged the oppressed Za Work in pairs.Try to answer the questions below. 1 2 When did Dickens [ive? Which of these famous novels a did he write? . Anna Karenina . OliverTwist . Huckleberry Finn . Emma . David Copperfield 3 What other novels is he Apart from his novels, what a factory in the past that made compassion boot polish caring about other people and to be in debt their problems to owe money that you cannot pay back OWat.tl the video and read the statements below. Who do they describe: Dickens the chitd (C), Dickens the writer/man (W) or Dickens's father (F)? famous for? 4 blacking factory poor people who have few opportunities people who are treated unfairly and have few rights is Dickens known for? 1 His work has always been popular. W 2 He had a very successfuI career. 3 He grew up in a comfortable home. 4 He got into debt. Co online to check your answers or ask your teacher. 5 He was sent to prison. 6 He had to work long hours in a factory. 7 He spent a lot of time walking the streets of London. 8 He cared passionately about the poor. Search: Charles Dickens + biography/ facts 4 Simon Callow is a famous British actor and a biographer of Dickens.Watch the video again and tick four reasons that he gives for admiring Dickens. . . . . . . seems very human and reat. rea[[y wanted to make the world a better place. was an extremely poputar and successfulwriter. was very passionate about what he believed in. was funny, clever and knowledgeable. What he wrote about is sti[[ relevant todav. He He He He He lvtollD) uowls u"eql 'sue>lJrc salJeq] loeul JaqlEJ plno^A I leqt d"rolsrq ueutnt{ ur auo ou sI eJoql 2fqm pue laau 01 e111 no{ Plno/v\ sloPeel Jo slslue'slellJ/v\ ql!Ll/V\ 'sJe^^sue lno{ aleduor pue sdno.rB ul IJo A zulol.{l lnoqe elluPe r(aql op leqm pue uosred slql laau ol e)ll .releeds qlee plnom {qp1'u;eEe qlle/v\ s9 nlnl Puotusoc o e,or e'rPD ol:jr;j : . [uo] o llaruo a8.roa9 aluoJoll ale8urrqSlN queH 'seuleu ellxa o/v\l ele aleql {eql Japio aql u! t-L 'peuolluau a.re eldoad eql roqunN ?eaul ol a)ll Plno/v\ {eq11eqt taPeal ro lslue lalpirt 1ea.rB lnoqe Bur11e1e1doed tno; qr1e4@ S e /vlaln PFo f\ t r -rr' bettJnq #,n#ffi* in the* C zXST CENTU Have you ever wondered whether you have the skill that you need to succeed in the 2lst century? We have the answers. T Keep $earning Ten years ago, nobody was designing apps for mobile phones or using social media to reach new customers. Now these are popular jobs for graduates. As the world of work changes, we need to change, too. In the past, you just had to ask your uncle to get you a job in his company. These days we need to ldentify our strengths and constantly improve our skills. Business guru Heinz Landau suggests spending ten percent of your time on personal improvement; for exampie, learning a language or a new computer programme. As somebody once said, 'lf you work hard on your job, you can make a living. But if you work hard on yourseli, you can make a fortune.' 2 S*n't b* afrnid of failure If you don't believe me, look at Thomas Edison, the inventor of the flrst light bulb, or Jimmy Wales, founder of Wikipedla. Edison tried at least 6,000 dilferent materials for his light bulb before flnding one that worked. That's 6,000 failures to flnd just one success. And before Wikipedia, Jimmy Wales had tried and failed to start several internet businesses, but none of them was prof,table. Failure, however, didn't upset Wales. It gave him useful experience and knowledge. When you work for a company, though, it's worth remembering the words of famous British businessman, Alan Sugar: 'l don't mind mistakes. I just don't like people making them twice.' FIND OUT MORE 6o online to find out more about jirnmy -S/ales and Nupedia or any of the other peopte in this article. Reading Work in groups. Think of three important ways to 'get ahead' in your career. think the rnost important wav to get aheaC at work is tc Lle nice tc your b*ss! 1 ''i :: ;: r=i:: z:l = J r:.4 i3 ;.' i ; 1 ;; I 2.; i Read the article. Did you come up as the author? a - * t a:..). .t Zi-; : : =. with any of the same ideas l,uoP ef,qm Zqrtrt aerBe no{ qlrq^ zanrl erp 1urq1 nor( op salonb qllq/v\ a)rnpe Zlntosn lspalnsour pur; nof op ollrue aql u! 'seopr rno{ areduor pue s.rled ur )ro A q)rql {ru.re1 pue spuau; ')romlou lno{ ut lno{ ueql erour e^eq plnoqs no1 8 'nnou> no{ tpqm ueql luefodurr ssal sr Mou) no{ oq16 2 ']rnD ol Palue^ aqs lpr.{l ssoq Joq llo} o1 e1r;ord aurluo raq pasn {espurl 2lonn 3ur1e1s oroJaq qrpura lno q]!M leap plnoqs oM leql se^orloq ura1sua3.ro61 arlnf 'erpadrl16 aro;aq sossau rsnq louralu I snoue^ palr ets sa1e16 {r.u .sqlnq r-u I ]q8il r a)eur ol leLroleur lq8lr all] puU l,uprp uosrpl € € uo)eg sDuul4s'JaMod sr fqso2 1119'{poq{rena aseald o1 Eu1,{.r1 sr v lzunx' o1 [a1 aqt loJ dut)tl e q]lM uloq ele elcoea lnq'- - 'e8en8uel e Surureal aLurl rno,( ;o 1ue::ad ual seM o1 {a1 aql Mou) },uop nepuel zuroH Z ua1 Surpueds s1sa33ns 'o8e srea{ 1! se sues aql lou sr )roM Jo Puo^ eql L 'sluauatels eslel aqt pero3'(1) eqel.ro (1) eru1 ale sluor,rlolels eql Jr epnep pue uge8e el)lue eql peau ulalsutl tJeqlv ^ 'atspel^ ou) ueql lueuodLur aroLu sr '971 eBed uo sra^ sue rnort peq3 oFq selonb snorueJ eql e1e1durof, L esllJoxa sunou qrrqnn ssenB nor( ue3'srred ur )ro A € - Z/\ rlorl *A 'e1qe1fs passerp aql ol uolluaDe 3u1{ed'sp.rorvr eql 8u;r(es espJerd € enrleurBeur uorleur8euur eur8eur aaa 2dno.r3 qree ul sprol eeJlfi lle ul passarls alqell{s eures eql s; 'sealpafpe pue sunou 'sqra oql lo uollepunuo.rd oql ol uelsll /v\oN C'g :* 6, Z ,-J au;3euu1 no{,1ronl,useop,"ri:|fi ;"i"],'ffi i1", jJff :["ff ;:,; {aq1 {ep euo aq,{eur pue ue) nof uaqm. r-uaq1 dlaq 'alqrssoc se eldoed fueu se qlr^A qrnol ur daal og 1ue1;odurr osle erE slreluof,;rno.{ lnq 'lue}rodrur eJE IJoA\ pJerl pue uorleur8eu. 'lualel lsed eql ur sel 1r se,{epo1 enJl sE 11r1s sr 3ur{es srql 'lvr,ou4 noz{ ol{llt s,lr 'rvr,ou1 no{ leqm 1ou s,1 :1a3.ro;1,uog ryJorlnlau lelros € dn pg;ng s 'aurluo fes no{ ieq,tr tnJere) eq'lsrt spuer4 ;no{ uo 1,usr ssoq;no{Jr uene :Jeelf, sl aq1;o IEJour eqJ qof e euoauos Suua;yo .{"ro1s '))oq) Pue ualsll'I oql u! qra qree uo e1qe1{s passerp (e'ered) , es!f,roxa u! alqel 'g eqllre4 E € €j aroJeq )ooqereJ l?eq, ueql Jo JIeq Je^o tpqt punoJ s"rafoldua 997;o fa.r;ns tueror V ,'snorJes u,1 'sa[ pue MorJourol ur Euruoc leqloq l,uoc, :.lelel srnoL[ mal e papuodsa.r ai1 ! 'pueuJ eurluo up sp ssoq leq peppe {lluarar peq eqs 1eql uatlo8ro; peq zftspurl tng ssoq Jeq lnoqe sryeruer purlun pue yeuos;ad ,{;al auros eperu uaql aqs ,iqof z(ur eteq L spro^ aql qlun algo"rd eurTuo rer{ palepdn aqs uaq,,rn flluaJeJ snouleJ flleuorleu;a1ut eurpreq ,,{espur1, se fluo ulr ou) ueuro A V : ilaaJ)slpag v 'Ierluesse a"re o)uolJaoxa r: ttel I (z'ered) (Z'ele0) qlan -, saltpefpe.ro sunou qll/v\ alqel aql faql;r s8urleau ol Suro8 fluo pue (euo e,teq no{;r) arg;o.rno.{ o1 roop eL{l 3ur11nqs epnl)ul sdq "reqq9 'qlunl roJ eurrt s,tr 'eslleer pue slreua rno qlr^ {ep aq1 1.re1s eqs'ueuo ool slra(o.id luel.rodrur e^ elo;eq a,m,'s{es lsour ;nod ap1ce1 o1 ,,{ep 3ut1;orra. eql Jo slnoq eql Sursn spuaurr,uotat'Surutoyg aq1 ur lsJU IIzw J yJLl) tJ JA/Jo loqJne 'ulJlsueS.royl .al)tue eql r,rrorJ alaldLuo) t sallltrle* pro/vl trrelnqmoA ar1n1 'suouf,eJlsrp Surprone'eldruexe JoJ'sueeur leqJ 'erulcnpo"id pue a^rtreJJa eq ol sar3ele.rls spaau auo,{;eno 'spueuop asaql leeur oJ lUeilt no{ ueql ewrl ssel pue IJo/v\ erour eneq nof 's,{ep asaql op nof ;arra1eq6 arugl,lnod a8€usru ol ,noq uJuaT E ,{1qeqo;d Language focus Future forms T z 1 e Are you ambitious or not? Do the quiz to find out. b Turn to page 127 and add up your score. Look at the quiz results to find out what it means. Whether you're already in a career or you're just about to enter the world of work, find out if you're ambitious enough to succeed. 1 You find out that your local college is running a course next term that will be useful for your career. How do you react? a You enrol immediately and pay for it yourself b You decide that you're going to do it and ask your company to pay. e You're doing a lot in the next few months so you decide to wait until next Year. 2 *r:e *f ycur' **licagr:es y** g€Es a Fr*ffi*ti*r:' H*Yr ti+ f**E? a You're upsetl You intend to find out why you didnt get the Job. b You feel a bit jea ous, but you're not going to show tt c Youte really pleased for your colleague - you think he'll do a greatyob. !:=:::1::::.+=::==--':::::::i:::.':':=:-====:= Work in pairs and comPare your results. Do you think this is an accurate description of your partner? .5* Read the quiz again and underline three future forms with going fo + verb, three future forms with w'll + verb and two with the Present continuous. Can you find any other verbs or phrases in the quiz that express the future? 3 You are about to leave work and go away for the weekend with your fanrily. At the last minute, something irnportant comes up that needs dealing with over the weekend. What do you do? a You call your family and say that you're not going b You call your colleagues and try to find someone else to dealwith the Problem. c You leave a message for your boss and explain that your family will be upset if you don't spend the weekend witn them 4 Sne *f yo*r colleagues !*ave and yGu'v* happ*::s? aEway= is due ts go *n rrdt€rrltty wactt*d h*r" j*b. tr€ha? a You ask your boss if you can do your colleagues-1ob while she's away. Secretly, you hope to keep thelob Dermanenllv b You're planning to speak to your boss about it soon, but you haven't found the right moment. c You're thinking of asking your boss about it, but you don't want to uPSet Your colleague. 5 What's your attitude towards hard work? a lt's the onlv wav l'll achieve what I want b l'm only going to work hard if l'm paid well. e Hard work interferes with my social life stat€Et:*s:t **s€ slctEr*arEs** 7*tsr attit*4* y*ur fa*ture car**r? interd ro be successful whatever it takes. aI b l'm going to do my best and see what happens. c One day I hope l'll frnd alob that really suits me. 6 lVhie 5: ?**va:"ds 'L osrf,Joxe u! aPPul lauued lno^ lsll aql qll/v\ suollseBBns rnof eleduof 'no^ Plol sPLl aqs/eq lPqM uo paseq reuued rno^ ol,sqo[leaPl, oulos lso8Sns € 'sullol alnln' aler.rdordde Sugsn suolprulsul aql ol sla/v\sue alll A :sluepnls q1o8'suolpruSur Surpuodsellof, oql tno pper pue 27y a8ed ol ulnl:g luaPnls'ZL-L Luoll sJoqunu oalLll asooqf :VluaPnls'slted ullJo A =t 'LZ ut'l ljlun ?sal 1wmup dtu a44 a1 5wuue1d lou tu,l 'tl+uow lxsu 1ooq3s Uels o] 6wa6 qwsnas Ayrl iu.,ue eL# owt o6 a1 anp s;atpotq Kyg 'uoos "' looqrsT{lruenrun (anee1/!e}s) I "' looq:s7qof (e8ueq:) Z "'peorqP (1anet1) 9 "'{uure aq1 (o1ur oE) g "'e oq or (u1et1) Y, "'pauleur (la8) e 'sroMsue rnor( eledutor pue s.rled ul "' IJo A € s,lt €L 'lnlssells s,}l "' lsal Sutntrp / stlexa ur asrnor / "' "' (a1et) Z I e se qol-e ("ro; {1dde) 'Moloq sldurord aql pue sulJol alntnl Bursn (mou1 nor{ auoeutos.ro) ;las.rno{ lnoqe saf,ualuas o^!l olll A 'lanerl ot selllunuoddo 1o slol are alaql s L 'flpqlsuodsol Jo lol P s,areqf tL 'Bu;3ue11eqt 'en11l1edutor {-ran s,11 rea,( lxau 71. 7 aerBap s,lolseul e ro; {ldde / 3uo1 ro; araq )rom LL / )ulql / Puolur rou qluoul lxou alllor 'pred flpeq s,tl oL 'pred 11ar'r s,11 5 1 oB '11t 'rA ,{yeus\qd r(11elsr(qd eq or a^eq e e Surop 7 I K1''1 I {6 r.fluor.! yeu {uure aq} ulof I anp lPuouJ lsaq 7 'qa[ s!t4 9 {11y 5 lPeP uoos / osrr (Pd e la87 adoq 7 aneal {lturaleLu uo oB 7 tnoqe 7 ssoq 'alnf,os {.ren s,11 g 'slnoq Euol 1.rorn ol o^eq no / 'suolle)lrllenb pue Burure.rl lelreds Poau no1 9 'a^llPalf, ,tan aq o1 a^eq no s 'paslueEro 11arvr {:en eq o} aneq no t 'slllls uolte)lunuruof, poo8 peeu no1 g no z no 7 g 7 L ^NIy1 6w6ueqt So 6ut4utt1l x rcqvotq qol stq 7 a8ueqr / )utq] / raqtorq 'saf,uolues uJol ol slduo.rd oql 'srequnuT{auour r{llilr pooE aq ol aneq 'reqt o)ll qol 'reqt o)ll qoI i ^h esn L 1)trfvud L | Putt! l,uPlno^ | luem t,uPlno^ 01 enp aq o1 o1 o1 edoq i 01 tnoqe oq ot o1 ;o 3ut1u1q1 aq ol ol Pualul ol o1 Suruueld aq 'otnln] oql Sulsse.rdxe .ro1 sase.rqd '; 'leql o)ll qol e a)!l Plno/v\ aq o1 a^eq no{ : :.............................................i.......................: asaql Jo zrnb aq1 u1 saldruexa Pull Z | 'seruare;ard rnor( o1 Sulp.rorte anolaq sdnolE aqt ul ueql alu/v|s L-! saf,uolues ul Ploq u1 sase.rqd pue spro^ eql lo Eurueeu oLll )leq) o1{.reuoln1p e asn €E '1ef 1sr1 rnort euo{ue oLls lruoq 'oP ol ^ eleq p,no{ sqof ee.rql pue Burop Pultu l,uPlnoarr nor( sqof ee.rql'op ol o^ol p,nor( sqol aaJql u/v\oP oltJ A L 4"!s/v\ lole :/Aou4'\ulqT'adoq a)!l sqlo^ Posn uauo sl 1l 'lleJ ernlnJ e se oos -ro 1:rperd no{ Surqlaruos aqulsoP ot snonunuo) uasatd eqt 1 o7 6u1ob 1 ,t!^4 asn aM :0lnlnl aql loJ suolluolul aqlllseP ot snonunuo) ruesard eqf 1 o16u1o6 1 ,rI^4 osn ol € Z :pe8uere {peaLle ate lpLll arnln} eLll ut suollle aqlllseP ot snonunuo) wasatd eqt 1 o16u1o6 1 lllr4 osn ol L 'zrnb aq1 ur salduexa putl 'uopleueldxe q)ea ro, ullo, qrol lsaq aql asool'{f L rftelnqmon ll ilT roJ oc Language focus 2 .Future clauses with if,when, unless,etc. 1 Read about Sofia and the life choices she faces. Work in pairs and discuss what you think she should/shoutdn't do and whY. Look at the picture.Which choice is Sofia tatking about in each sentence? Some sentences may refer to more than one choice. 1 4 l'm going to see a bit of the wortd before I settte down and start a famity. l'tt be quatified next year, untess I fait my exams of course. lf I stittfeelconfused in a month's time,l'[ljust pack my bags and go. I probabty won't see David until I get back from 5 travelling next year. As soon as I make uP mY mind, he'[l be the first 2 3 person 6 to know. When we have children and theY go to schoo[, l'tt have the same holidavs as them' These conjunctions join two clauses (parts) of a sentence' ;;il;;iilt"i.!r'.1.ii,'t1i;n;' 1 Look at the conjunctions in bold in exercise 2. Underline the verb that follows the conjunction' 2 The sentences in exercise 2 are about the future, but what tense is used after the conjunctions? What verb forms are used in the other ctause? 3 ls there a big difference in meaning between the pairs of sentences? lf so, what is it? I teave my job, my father wilt be angry. When | leave my job, my father wi[[ be angry' lf he doesn't come with me, I won't go. 1 lf 2 Unless he comes with me, I won't go. 2pouoddpq lpqM'os Jl Zpauoltuaur {aql reqt s8urql aql ouop spuotrJ tno{ 1o {ue ;o nof eneg zlou lo se:toql pooS opeur a^eq reu.rlac pue ,(11o1,1 'ul^eD )ultll no{ 'ssnrslp pue sdno.r8 ut 2s8u;ql asoqt lnoqe en;8 {aq1 oP slreloP o6 z)roM . )loAA lptl/v\ Zst!porp raLl/srtl Jo auo 3ur11t;1n; st * + 91. PUU req/Lurq dlaq o1 salts Sutltomlou letlos Sutsn st 5 2{1ueq: e lo; Sutllonr st 8 Zoutluo sllt)s laq/stq Butstlanpe st L 2uoos laJJo qof lueueuurad e ta8 llrM arls/oq }eq} lllslLu!}do s! 9 2oBe sqluolu MaJ e )loqs {}seu e Peq 5 2{ed lnoqtlm Sutltonr {11uelln: sl ? ZLuelqord e st afuauaclxa Jo )rel leql Punoj seq g . ZL(1te1nEa.r slla^Pe qol s1:eq: 7 6 2rea{ lero^as ro, raalel e peq {pealle seq ; :oq{\'(a) reuloc ro (6) (11oy1'(9) ugnec aqllsep suollsanb eql l! aPtlaP pue ule8e uolsll ?€ zluaurour eql }e ]l ut Surltom {aqt a.rv Z elaalel uesoql s,uoslad qleo sl leq^ L 'seruenbasuor elqgssod Jo )ulLll Pue ualsll sluoPnls Jsqlo eqf '/v\ou1 no{ auoeuos Jo suolllque pue sueld eqt lnoqe )lel ol su.rn1 a1e1'sdno.r8 11er-us ul )Jo A 'sJa^ sup "' 'suoglsenb eql lol suv',sPeolssoJf taolef,, e 1P aldoed tnoqe euue.rSord ogpel e ot ualsll €'t t4 3i lnof areduto: pue s.r1ed u! )lo A .r "'ssalun/Jr anordurt l,uom/llrM qsr13u3 {61 2 "' ssalun/Jr pua)aa^ lxou "' ot SuloB uu,l 9 "' ssalun/rr lq8ruol 1no oB ol SuroB (tou) uu,1 5 ssolun/Jr lq8guol )loll,o "' {q aLroq le oq ll,l t "' l!tun Z "' "' uaqM xelar o] alqe aq ll,l € qsr13u1 Sutuleal onurluol ll,l Z se uoos se "' e {nq ol Bulo8 Lu,l L 'no(.ro1 onrl uoql e)eut ot saf,ualuos eql elelduo3t =: 'suotstrap 3tq {ue (a1euu) {11ea.r 11 eqs aqs atolaq / ssatun quem eUoS tel{^ oPoaP ol (Paau) '3ur11enet1 (oE) 'iaq ssrur el;os 11,ap pr^eq )uttlt },uoP I 'rarddeq (taal) 1 ssapn {ddeq eqs'uolsnap e - (aq) (a1euu) aqs arclag I uaqlq - 'slueM alls lPtl^ sMou) eqs lrlun /sseqn pue raplo 1tq e (1aB) suotslleP osatll rall roJ .rarsee (la8 rou) 'qlnur sP (urea tou) oqs oqs'roqleo] -e (auo:aq) se uoossy 1 11 'ta{nne1 e auloleq Plnoqs aqs t - ul ()leM) 'r!oorssell aql aqslllun I seuoosse req (ano1) ualpltql aq] alns ul,l'laqleo] P aulolaq Plnoqs aqs g 'ueaq raq o1 (ua1st1) ior)- Zluauour aql 1p aqs z aqs atolaq I ssepn {ddeq (aq '1:eq slaB aqs uaqm qof e 1aB o1 (peau 11t1s) aqs uaq6 111 Y aqs'8ur11anerl 2sqof purl aldoad op MoH . ut qof e 1eE ol ,{sea }r sl (oB)- &luno: rno{ 'ssnf,slP Pue sself, e se )lo A L spss"lsssffi iaaJHS 'sle)lelq u! qla^ eql Jo ulloJ lloJlo) oql ql!/v\ sdeE aq1a1eldr.uor pue uolPunfuof, ]soq eLll asooq)'rsq lnoqe fes spuap; s,ellos leq/!\ PPeu rrmvud Supgeads pue Eelguap;1 =j i i+! roJ oe ffiffik chc*sewhcto hire nrfire! SIR DARREN SWEET is the multi-millionaire owner of several international companies. However, he left school when he was 15 and has no qualifications..He started work on his uncle's market stall and from there he built up his first comPany. PR01|1E I Nikita Samra Age: 28 Caree' . L"ained as denList but works for charity What she savs about herself: I I tm amb,ttotts and erL,emely locused. but I care about ather PeoPle. Background: She was highly successful at school and gained A grades ln all her exams ' She studled denttstry for seven years at university, but then went to work for a children's charitY. . She has won a'Woman of the Future' award after raising over half . a million dollars for the charitY. 3 Freddie Osborne-Davis Age:24 Career. investment banker PI|IHU What he says about himself: I I i thrnk of myself as charming but ruthless. I am absolutely determined to succeed. lf Str Darren doesn't give me a top job, someane else wtll. Background: ' . . He comes from a wealthy backgrou nd and attended a plvate scnool. Le has a naste s degree 'r business studies and works for a large international bank. He is single and has no children. a!r!]'1.n:]::'1a'.?a.ia]:1.al*rif,a:...':*]...}:ire:].lJl]:.,l1|1t., PR||Illt S Mark Eastman Age: 41 Career: unemPloYed supermarket executive What he says about himself: a Jlm disctpl,ned and e,tremely hatd-working. lve gol msre euper,ence than the other contestants, and I'm going to make a success of thts. Background: . ' . He was an officer n the armY for ten years and still regularlY runs marathons. He worked as a senior manager in a supermarket chain for l2Years untiL he lost his job. He is married with four chlldren aged six to 16. 3 Melody Pelosi Pn0nU Age:27 Career. runs her own sandwrch company What she says about herself: t ) t n rcugh bu nanest and t't e made my awn way in hfe. lf he gives me thts oppartunity, Sir Darren won't regret tt. Background: ' She comes from a very Poor- . background and left school without any qualifications. She is the divorced mother of two . young children. She started work on a suPermarket checkout but now runs a successful small company. 'eel8e uraPro s,dno.r8 lno^ se sups oql l! se/v\ eut seleptpuet lnol aql lnd oq PIP loPJo lPl'{AA'^q/v\ Pue uesoqr seq oq oql{ Sututeldxo uerle6 lls ol uelsll *'% E Z P I q'e aFen8uel lnJssn uq < < ? 'dnol8 oql rol sasseuleen Pue sql8uells lno{ eslleuutns'sessou)eam oql opl!) Pue A {* .; P 'salePlPuel lnol aql lnoqe loqueulol uef, qooq.rnof esol3'sdno.r8 u!lJo A * lrnoq oos Pue 'uef, nof se uolleulloJul qlnu esrJotrloN 'slslleuu-ll,Ilos lnol aql lo soll}oJd aql Peeu r pue f;ulEeadg r ,{lrlrqrsuodsal a)e} ol,no saop sEulql I uel . t {sel zualleo l!s ol 'ule8e ualst'1 qllql q Bu11u1qtr-real: . suo!lel!Jllenb . eSUOS sEurql senalqre . ; 3u1aa.r3es16 e3en3uel lnJssn 2dn-leuunr oql pue louu!/v\ lenluena aql oq llllvr )ulqr no^ op oq1 Pue PePlloP nol( leLl/v\ ssell oql llel =5 ^q/v\ 3 pue 'uolslf,eP leull e a)eul Pue sdno'r8 Jno^ u! seepl .rno,{ ssnf,slc'Porll aq Plnoqs oq^^ Pue leul] eql o1 qSnorqt oB plnoqs salePlPuPl aalql qrlqM aPlleP'urvro tno{ s,olePlPues sqlBuells eql auluaPun Pue salou 'rnor( q8no.rql o9 'Lllea oleptpuP) ouo asooq)'lnoJ lo sdno'rB u!40 'sluoPnls Joqlo LlllM sro^^sue Jno^ eledu.lo]'solou e)eu Pue sallllpnb ,soleplpuef, eql Bulssn3slP Pleoq aql ol uelsll 5'g € €j no{ qrnur sP Fugr^ra1s11 tueuodutt lsour ere saltglenb o^ l l,uel aM '(parg eq plnoqs {po1a61) leqr lugqt aM eloq^ oql uo '(q8norqr oB plnoqs arpper3) 1eq1 aar8e 11e e1A Fulsl:eurun5 ureal e ul llaM qloM . oArllasse . slll)s uollefluhLULUOf . '(suorsrrap Surleuu 1e poo8 ,{:an 1,ust eq) rnq 'se1 osnelaq eet8e 1,uoP " '1Ll3U 'no,( qlr,rn aalSe 'anll s,]eql'so SSOUISflQ ' lellualoa afuellOdXA SSaUlSnq . |uolluau aq qlrq1 'slslleury aql ur lo;3ur1oo1 st aq ueilec llS ol uelsll k'5 ,,?ei e7 sarlr'1enb oql lnoqe Bur11e1 SugaorSY q '(preq ,{11eaL 1lo,r,r) 11,aqs'suran (er11tP) zleuu aql ul oq lllM slueFoluof {ueuu nnog 5 2uarrec rlS sl uoslod jo Pu!) leq/V\ csluelsaluol alll saSPnI oq/v\ g 11 t '(qoI stq 5o1 ye71) leqr Lualqold e s,trr 'aLu oI '(erpperl) ueqt iopeal rollaq e sl (ell)lN) '(suotsrrep SurleLrL) 1e poo8 ,ta,l 1,usr7sr (atppall) "'esnereq porj oq plnoqs (4e71) 1ulqr "'esne)aq urM Plnoqs (,{po1a61) lurqr (l,uop) Z)aaM qleo oP ol a^eq Aaql oP leq/V\ Z Zut^ ol Surdoq sluelsoluol aql are leLl/Y\ L 'suollsenb oql lo^ sue t t suoseal 3u;n;9 e Pue a^Fnaxf aql /\^oqs 11{11leal aql lnoqe Peou Fulualsg pus Sulpsau uolleJedeJd Writing ACV 1 Work in pairs and read the job adverts.Which jobs would/wouldn't you like to do? Why? Flat23, Portman House Belfast Road Manchester M36 9tZ Y: O'l6l 599 376 M: 0788 548 3829 seanrichardson@totalmail.net TRAINEE MARKETING ASSISTANT: Botswana Adventures ry&*s6!"c Wild African Adventures is a travel company that specialises in orce- n al letime holidays to Botsnana rn Africa. We are looktng for a trainee marketing assistant to join our team and help find new customers. Some travel to Africa may be required. A love of foreign Final year student in Information Technology at Leeds l'\,4etro one-to-one lrarnrng. Strong interpersonal skills and the ability to work in adventure, an enthusiastic attitude and an ability to work in a team are essential. a team. Send younCV to Karen Bexley karenb@wildafricanadventures.net v. # &z##* * z.€ 7 #*& 274*7 ffiE-9 *E & *= lim Price enquiries@sitverfitgym.com {&ff fr&Tt*ru &ru* qu&a*;3r{{*3!{f t'{$ BA degree **re*-=GVAffi T#€-V?ZE= High school graduate, Thomas Manly Secondary School, Leeds pffiffis&p*&*- ffiffiT,&81$ Full clean drvrng licence. Non-smoker. Languages English and Hrndi (mother tongue), Urdu (fluent), Spanish (conversat onal). lnterests include sport, reading and pnorograpny. to Marion Nelson marion@newskillstraining.co.net SECRETARY Cotd StarApptiances se[[s top-quatity domestic app[iances We are looking for a friendly, professional secretary with an excellent telephone manner. Must be abte to type. No previous experience required, but enthusiasm is essential. Send your CV to info@gotdstarapptiances.net WendyYang on 0283 383 128 Za W.XW{'XXW*Y/* D^(^"^^-^.,,-;l^Al^ 1'clu LrrLc) d\d ^^ I leqLeSt. ", l4Jlq U or ca[[ it simitar or different to CVs that people usually write in your country? Read Sean's CV. How is 5a Sean adapts his CV for each job he applies for. Which of the four jobs in exercise 1 do you think he is apptying for? Look at the words and phrases in bold in Sean's CV. Underline the phrases in his CV which show he is right for the job.Which phrases come directty from the advert? Match them with the definitions below. 1 can get on we[[with people 2 working without being paid in order to get exDerience 3 someone who has comDleted their course at school or university in Information Technology, Leeds Metropolitan Ur ve's ty (ode to g'adrare ,r Jrly) New Skills Training is a charity that helps the elderly and disadvantaged to get online. We are looking for an enthusiastic and outgoing person with excellent computer and interpersonal skills to join our team and help get people online. Previous experience not essential. Send your CV gpK$qtrffiffiffiffi Two month work placement with an lT training company: - learning how good lT trainers work; helping to train nennle in h.s r rnmnr.ter skills. Volunteer for a local charity: - working with disadvantaged teenagers and he ping them r6 lo2.p lp\^/ .n-n, r-er SLi lS. Sitver Fit Gym is a friendly, modern gym. We have a team of fitness instructors who hetp our customers to achieve their goats. We are currentty looking for new trainee fitness instructors to join our team. No previous experience is required but a love of sport and fitness, a positive attitude and an abitity to inspire peopLe are essentia[. Send your CV to po itan U n rversity. computer si i ls combined with experience of Excel ent 4 Read the note below and find more examples in Sean's CV. 4 first language Note: ln a CV we often miss out words which 5 can work with other peopte 6 someone who doesn't smoke 7 and fas-e final-year studenf in lnfarmatian Technology are unnecessary or obvious. at the Leeds Metropalitan Universrty. 'uotlesro^uol aql lno pe uoql suolpnJlsu! tno{ peex'gg; aEed ol unf :€ luePnls 'g7; aBed ot uJnf :Vluepn15's.rred ul)lo A € nor( op ;3u111ads Znj zMo!ruelu! uP loB Plno/v\ )ulql dems PUP sdnolS ul UolA sn) qlrql 'sn) pue Lrollenttund .lnof pa)3aqr nor{ aneg s,ueas uo;1 sase.rqd lnlasn Pasn nor{ aneg 9 a a ;il4^P? qof aqr ul s]uaueirnba.r aql lle ss3rPpp l! saoc zuollf,as ,eluoldr aql ul ,tla^lpaga Slaslnort plos no,{ anep; ;aBed auo oluo 1J 1! saog dslleleP lfeluof,.rnof apnlrul 13 'rno.{ sao6 a 'no{ dleq ol Molaq tsrl)lor,.ll aql osn 'n3 rno,( 1o uelP lsrlJ aql ol!J/v\ ('relerd nof ;r suolterr;glenb inof dlaq ppg'6uytatu poog 1 uer Mol4'sacuetlddy )e$ 'e11pd a.rout n) pue eruayedxe luolul uer no1) 'salou e)eu ol s,uees u| sBurpeaq eql asn 'qo[reqr Jot nf unrro lno{ ueld pue 75 e8ed uo suelPe qo[aqr]o euo osooql eS uollesronuof, srLl a)pur ol ued s,(telatles sql oilliv\au ol uapll pue qlle A'slred u;4rog Z 'ureBe 7 uofesranuor 2aseeld 'uos1a5 uoueN 01 leads I p1no3 'uolleuolu! aql fdor ot ftl pue suollsenb aql leadeg 'e111od suolSenb aq1 a)eu ol uolleuolu! asn uollesrenuol lstlJ otll ug s.releads aql /v\oq erg1o11 'sese.rqd fe1 eq1 ot uelsll pue qrreg @ 1 3ue1{pue6'ollaH ZL '.rededsnneu aLll u! ua^Pe qol eq+ 'aseald 'Eue1,(puag o1- 3ur11el ul,l LL ol a)ll P,l OL z uollPsra^uo) '^ ou) raq tt,t 0 s,lr rotl 11a1 nor( Plnof 8 2- | plno) ^{ elequnu :no,( llel ol reLl )se no{ P1no3 9 2- aru Z- sr Z- - e o)el I uef llel oql leq^ )se I Plno) Z- s,otlM )se I uef S t € s,aqs Jr aas 1sn[ 11,1 7 | Plno) L 2aseald 'uoqaN uoueh o1 ')laql pue uleEe ql!/v\ suollesrenuof, oql uol; - qllel L ##d* uollesJe^uo) uaqf 'ProM auo sase.rqd eq1 e1eldluo3 q 2e111od orotu s! 1sluol1dare.r q:rq716 2Bur1lpl uosPletlllu uees s! 'suollesraluor euoqdalel oml Jo oap!^ aql q)re ^Ll/v\ AO e I i"nE+) *ug&ffi lle) auoqdalal leuloJ e tuge6; Suryeadg Te6%'.p ffiffi&L LXWffiS When Tamara Rabi met Adriana Scott at a local McDonald's @ restaurant, their lives changed forever 'l didn't know what to say except "hi". I was just so shocked - it was like seeing myselfl' says Adriana. They were both students at neighbouring universities in Long Island, New York, and'_ . They shared a birthday, they were exactly the same height and both loved hlp hop. But the most important thing they shared was the same I\lexican mother Both girls grew up knowing thal. '_ . but they had no idea that they had an identical tu'rn. Then, Justin Lattore, a friend of Adriana's, went to Tamara's twentieth birthday parqr When he walked in and saw Tamara, he couldn't believe his eyes. 'l was just shocked - she looked so much like Adriana,' says Justin. Then it got clearer - they had to be sisters. In fact, '_ , clearly mistaktng her for someone else. Following the birthday, Justin put the two girls in touch and they arranged the McDonald's meeting by email. As she came towards me, she was walking like me, talkrng like me,'says Tamara. 'We have the same mannerisms, the same interests and got the same grades at school,' adds Adriana. The girls even discovered that as children o_: of a really loud noise followed by a very quiet one. They had another sad lactor in common. '_ a few years before they met. Now the twins are flnishing their studies, and they meet often. 'l feel she's my sisteq but our relationship right now is more like friends,' says Tamara. She's optimistic and excited that their futures wiil be together: 'We will always have each other We don't have any other brothers and sisters - we'll grow oJd togetherl tamguage foeus ffmm€ 1 p*r€ec€ 'i.,- Work in groups. Think of examptes of the types of story below from books, fitms or real [ife. crime stories / mysteries science fiction / fantasy 'humaninterest'stories romantic ghost stories stories anecdotes adventure stories biographies Which types of story are usually fictional? Write F if they are usually fictional, T if they are true and B if they can be both. Compare your answers with other students. Which types of story in exercise 1a doldon't you usuatly [ike? Cive examples. I rlan't usually like fantasy stcries like Alice in Wonderland. l-;= ::: Look at the article above. What kind of story is it? Read the article and answer the questions. 1 2 3 4 5 Where did Tamara and Adriana first meet? Why was their first meeting shocking? Who first realised that they were sisters and when? Say three things that the girls had in common when they met. What kind of relationship do they have now? 'ore [ro1s;o sad,Q ler{rt ssanE pue laqto qf,ea ol ^oql lno{ peel ol sulnl e1e1's.rred ul )lo A .i suolpnporlut 'ajil rst{ ut uo}aq urtq uaas }a^au peq aLls ta6ue&s 4rep ilel e ,v.es pue dn pa4oo1 eLel3 'qlen pa;led Ned auo pue elduts lsed auo lseel le opnllul 'f.rols e ol uolpnPollul oql lua^u! e L es!f,Jaxa uro.r; ed,(1 ,to1s e osootl3 .teql aloJaq paueddeq teql 3u!qloLuos uleldxo o1 lueM Pue slua^a lsed Surqu:sep ere oM uoqm lrelLed 1se4 aqlesn aM Z 'otsP oLUll leql suorlre soqulsoP l)o;lad lsed 0Ll1 L 'Molaq uollPueldxe lrallorul aql lno ssoJ) Z 3uo1 e paueddeq .1ar-u ar olaq sr ea,{ Mer e po p, r :;}i:,.j.t..T {eqt ::ll:f ':;; 2lreyad lsed aql urol eM oP MoH 21ra;red lsed eql e1dr.u1s lsPd otll ur sl /v\oloq qJa^ qllq^ u! sl qllq/v\ pue pue 95 eEed uo 'asual oql ol uolluepe 3u1r{ed'seruelues eql Bu;,(es asgl)E,J.d'LlL a8ed uo 7'9 ldprs olPne lp )ool Z nof '(aa) rre+rad pe6 ro (sa) e1du1s 1se6 ueeq ol uolsll Z'='1: E: r.uro; aq1 el!J/v\ pue sarualues lq8ga I raUB Alar.u ro aroleq uaddeq E as!)laxa ul suolpe aql^eql Plc'laul sut^^l eql l.eql lueuou oql qll/v\ suPls /tols aqf :, Zs^eM lPqM ul e Zauo z {11eer are surml }o srred -u.{aq} ro Pes e sl ^ddeq ilou Jo Sulslldlns aql ueo^ laq sallpellulls oql )ulql nor( o6'ssn)s!P pue sdno'r8 ul )ro ]slMlV, pellel sr rraql lulql no^ oC ^lols z,aleJ ,o allrue aql )ulql no^ oP ^qAA 'ssn)s!P Pue srled ul A* issaulir aues aq1 yo 'dep aues arl] uo (paQJ uarrr qtoq 'z007uI '11e 1o dla8uerls lsoui puy 'dol poLueu 3op P puP uPIV sJurPf pJllPJ uos P {a^Pq) uau Lllog {11ag paureu uPLuom P (pJulPLUJ:) -r, rl]og pup ppurT patupu uPuloly\ P [aJJoAIp) fl uaru -", / 's1sed rraql uI saIlIrPIIuIs Sutzpure aJolx lol P [Ja^oJsIp qloq ulaql uoos) or daql 1nq 'arueu lsJ-IJ alrrPs aql sluated anrldope Jlaql ]eql aJuapIJuIoJ [a.l,r8) P sPla lI 'p1o sreaf 6€ aJa^\ z(aql uaqru sI^\a'I tulf 'Sutzeue -t, srq (taaur) ur^A] IpJTluapI lsolrl aql ara^\ ,suIA ] elosauulw, JO JIed lsJ.IJ Ala^ aq] lng 'sread arues aqi ur {u,roq -rr.ra8urrdg,urrl uaJpllrll rlaql }eq} aql pup - aalqt - uJ:pltqJ Jo JaqIUnu JuPs aql 1a,req) -" 'uaqlaH e.IPqlPg ,(aqt ]eql (la^ocsIp) puv drqspooS euqdeg uaq^\-ot uily\l raq llaau) lro A - a oreurltlSlu aules aLll Peq uauo- peq ^aql uroq aloM Aaql uaqM uotldope ro; dn uuaql ue^13 PeLl laLlloul rleq] P upde sartauroll) 0E {1uo dn umor8 Peq {aqt r pslp peq eoqlPj e^rldoPe rraLil Jo q1o8 q ollaq Ples Pue PallLUs uauo sndulel Allslo^lun laL,l uo staSuells teql Palllou {pea.r1e pPLl eleuel e )loql Pue uolsll uaql'Moloq uollPtulolu! aql ql!/v\ fi.rols eqt e1a1duro3 ,'* '3- G: = qtno,{ slu -, ftr] ua.,r,a) -- , aLaiS 's;a1y1tq8ta-r'r ur scrdrudlg aqt :oy qloq 'lPql aroJeq se z(lsnouas (aladuoc) uatrt qloq'latu pue 'rud8 Burplnq-dpoq e (uivro) ,{aql aurrt rqr tp:raarpr auPs aql-,(rsooqJ / qtoq) -, ]Pq] [aq; uoruruoc ui ]ol P (aleq) ^aql -' a^o]S ]nq 'o8e sread lno] IunzPJ fpug uoos) ^aqlQaout) ur/rl IeJIluapI sq -€ uosJauPd IxoI -, 'sa^II puP -,lsJiJ slsaralul 'saplpuosred rlaql uI saplrelluls Sulspdrns paro^ocslp aleq .{aq1 'upte aurp puP arull 'qUIq le peleredas sulrtu pallunal seq Plosauutl4l ;o z(lrsrelrun aql le dpnls dgureg uulrl aql sreal 0€ raao roC .5r.rlfv\l elosauulld, aql 'sla)lerq u! qla^ eql lo turol pa#od lsed ro alduls lspd otll. ql!/v\ /!\olaq sde8 aq1 alolduof 'r]u!q le Paleledas elaM oq/v\ su!^ 1 lnoqe elou Peau = t l)rr)vud Language focus 2 Reported speech EA Tcnses in repcrted speech 1 Undertine the verbs in the direct speech sentences in exercise 2a. Then underline the verbs in the reported speech sentences that you wrote. How do the tenses change in reported speech? 2 Complete the tabte with examples from exercise 2 and Work in pairs. Read the beginnings to the coincidence stories above. How do you think each story ends? Compare your ideas. 5$ tsrS"3 a tense, Listen and check. Did you guess correctly? i Reported speech Work in pairs and discuss. . Which coincidence do you find strangest? . Which one is least strange? i i She said (that) she didn't i wantto &a Which of the people in the text do you think said the sentences below? Write their names. i Present continuous: 1 We'llget married one day. Jung Xiu 2 I don't want to see you anymore. 3 I came in with the comet and I expect to go out with it. 4 I'm hiring another worker to help you. 5 l've just had a dream about you. i Present perfect: Remember the difference between say and tell. say somethin g: He said he loved her. te[[ someone something: He told me he loved her. Look at audio script 6.3 on page 171 and find the corresponding sentences in reported speech. Write them next to the quotes above. I''le always said that we would get married one day. see rne anymare. . . R*p*rted q**sticns 3 Find three reported questions in audio script 6.3 on page 171. Which verb introduces them? Write the actuaI question for each reported question. 4 What is the difference in the word order of reported and direct questions? 5 f n what types of questions do we use if and whether? 'suollsanb oql la Asue PUP elel )lo A € )se 01 sunl 'eL as!f,raxe uloJl suol5anb lqEre esooq3's.r1ed ul "' rcq+ aLu pqt aqs 'rope to rc6uts ra+lag e sen aqs lqdnaql aqs raq+aqM euuopery pa)se t 'eneB uosred snourel aql leql Ja/v\sue eql Pue Po)se nor( uollsanb eql leuyed .rnor( 1e1's.r;ed ut >1.to4 q (auoul sao6 2{ddeq no( aleu :(ppon aqt ul eldoad rsaqtu eqt 1o auo) turls soue] 2eapr tno{ peq nor( ueqnr nor( alam alaq1A ep6l pllo1 eql ;o toluanut) aal-saurag urf :(qe111 21eo8 reg senn 1eq6:(lelleqtoo;) euopele6 o8arq Zter dod e lo ssalut.td e aq ol Jauaq ]! sl rno,( :(ruer11116 e:uu6 1o e;rnn) e8puqLre3 ;o ssaq.{C Zrope ro raEuts la11eq e ate no,( 1u1qt no{ o6 :(rope PuP lPls dod) euuope6l Zlanlmf uo loE no( aneq slaMolloJ (ueru mo;1 :(ranlmllo lepunol) {astoq )le[ flrl \/\J l'""*\ peqr pue PPV V, 'pallsruU sr Sutuulr; uaqnn no{ ol )leq lr anr8 11,1 :l I zqeau aloJaq {11ensn nor( op',(11ure1rno,{ u1 9 w1eq1su11dog 2AePrloq uel no{ lueql pue a,{qpoo8'ollaq o6 PlollaJral L euueln ul g - ua1;o nort ez :g ialqlPallul s,]Pql iaulul sf ll 'sa^ 'uoPuol uapll ?'9 $ 0J q zou )o sat(-,{11ensn op'{auou to; no,{ slse uosled ssalauloq e il ZL 2elqeldarre ]! sr uaq1A - -2qst1Eul uPluauv s v leql Ples lajlal E urq pa)se surldop z no{ e no{ ue3 5 :no{ lnoqe Sulqtauos aur no{ plnonn'uotutdo lno,{ 2r.{lnll aql pe)se aqs pue e1(1s:1eq s,Puau;.rnor( paleq no{11 7 2sa8enBuel tualalJrP lnoJ ur no{ - 2se1of- L 'uA oP uleql allJ\A Pue $oMsue eql ueql)sp ol luel nor( lBql lnoj esooq) '/r^oloq eldoed snouel.ro; suogpanb aql le )ool eu;Eeru1 'ue.rEe1p aql ot 1at pup fes qllrvr seserqd eqr 'sremsue.rno( no,( ur qluaq e uo l! puno, | 2s"rno{)ooq stql sl :H 'uopuol ur qluaq e uo lr lral oqs :l ill asol oqs PlP oraq^ :H (Lu lual | :l 't! aqs lsol Pue PueuJ e ol auo 5e1 2sardor rnort ol pauaddeq leq/v\ :H 'arourr{ue )ooq aql lo {do: e e^eq },uoP | :l ol Suotnr s(ean1e s,ll )ulql no( oq 1; Zsoll no,{ plnont Zlaqlpal aqt ol Eulqtau.los 'lsoJ e ur Sutleaqr spM saleutssel: tno( lo auo Jl OL L 9 no{ ue3 pue Llsrlug uaomlaq aluala;JtP aql no,{ plnonr'l1ne; zia^up laqlo aql ol ftros - e peq no{ 11 :nor( senn ll PuP luaPll)e lef, Joultll alol e looqts &eu.rud ut sraqfPal rnor( prq 2 ;;o .ra{erd 1se.1 urlU aql Jo las eLll uo sutldog aas ol luam')ooq aql Jo Joqlne aql 'lartal a8toaS .ra1e1 s:eer( onl'sa8ed aq] uo selou uailu/nPueq Peq ]l 'uollels aqnl uoPuol e ut qluaq e uo )ooq eqt;o ,{dor e Punoj surldog [ep auo ofueq] {g'ra;ra1 a8toag {q >1ooq e uo Paseq ll'e) 04a4 wotly15 aql Pallel r.u1r; e ur led e surldog {uoqtuyrot:e aql's0L6L r{1rea eql u1 aqs zPllq) e se oP ol leqnrr nor( ro oq prc Zralsrs ro toqlorq laPle uP aneq no( o6 7 2qsr18u3 ur salol no{ ue3 {ue sem 1oB 1 'nal )o rGs qt;rvr sef,uoluos eq1 e1alduo3 - e 1 lret pue fes l(relnqef,on gO I seTro+s qlrrvr fioF 'qreads Pelrodal eql aleldu:ol Pue /v\oleq uollPsle^uo) eql pear ueql'rools a)uaPllulof, erule Jo uels otll Peau t 1)lrfvud onrJ %* You are going to read about real-life experiences of a shipwreck and a shark attack.Which experience do you think the phrases in the box betow relate to? Write SW (shipwreck) or SA (shark attack). the crew of a boat a rubber dinghy a ftare numb to hold on to let go a life bett to paddle a searchlight a surfboard to bite to feel Work in pairs. StudentA:Turn to Page 129 to read 'shipwrecked'. Then answer the questions about it. Student B:Turn to Page 131 to read Attacked by a shark'. Then answer the questions about it. Reatling and speaking Look at the poster above. Can you think of any other disaster movies based on real events? {* Work in pairs.You are going to read about Josh Peltz's real-life experience of a plane crash. Before you read the text, look at the photo and answer the questions. 1 What do you think Josh thought about as the 2 What do you think he did when he was safe? plane was going down? Read the text and compare it with your ideas from exercise 2a. Read the text again and put the events in the correct order, #fi;;;ff:',i. if*;;; ill - *r,t"'i,"*l#i l-10. r*;'*r tr' fl: a Josh read the emergency information. b Josh opened the door and got out of the ptane- c The caotain made an announcement. d Everyone was silent for a whi[e. e Josh cried. f An explosion happened not [ong after they had taken off. 1 g The olane crashed into the water. h A feny arrived to rescue the passengers. i Some of the passengers screamed. j The passengers went out onto the wing of the otane. Work in pairs and discuss. . . . What technique did Josh use to survive the crash? What would do in a situation tike this? Read 'lt's a fact!'Are you surprised by the fact about ptane safety? liir 'ffil$mff'fu, #i$' fr ni'H:i :^ru".Tllil il1*;:si "'{1uaPPn5 "' [11en1uan3 'ssou)leP alalduuo: ul seM ulool eqf S "',{1a1eun1o3 "'{11en1uan1 's,{a1 Sutsstt-u eq} ro} Eurlool rnoq ue }uads It "' {11en1uan1 "' ,(11enpet9 ',{poq,{ue Mou) },uPlP | 'eloq anll ol auJel I uaq/v\ € "6fS L lll8lll sdeiu.rly 51-1 ;o dlo1s alll PUP zli€d iisot lnoqe aroul lno Pulj o1 aulluo 09 IUON InO ONll re\ \> "'{1Eursud.rn5 "'{1a1etPaLuu.ll 'o8e see{ anr; {1red e le I aJlM {u-r }eul lsll1 z x,3 "* "'{lBursudrn5 p,nolJ;l :ifiH:ii,xff ,iff:; :.'; :1 il ]i: il "'{1e1eunYo;u1-1 'qtuoru e {1teeu lo} lelP }luls e uo uoeq s,pep [61 ; :r 'wsdn attnb ser aqs f;snotnqg aqs Slasraq unq Luplp 't|1n9ueq1 '{ep raqto aq1 slle}s aql uMoP 1141 tune '{6 'sqre^Pe qloq Eulsn {er'rr 1err3o1 e ul sef,ueluas eqt alelduto3 ')o lle a.re,rn ,{eql 'r(11n11ueql 'ro; Eurlool alenr I ,{eq} e:uaprna ;o a:ald alltr PUnoJ ,{eql'r(llenluell q 'paluroddesrp ifien senr eqs'{1sno;nqg E '1a1:od {t-u ut pre:1rper: {uu peq 1 'Alaleunuol J 'Palels Pue Peuln] euo,tane pue Suer euoqd alrqouu e'f'1uappn5 a 'rqBule sem aqs Jl aas ol rano uer ,(1a1e1pauu1 1 p 'srea{ eq1ro^o qlnol1so1 r(l1enpe.rF {eql're^a^ oH 'aluprl paltst^ ra^ou s,aq 'qBnoql'f13u1spdln5 q f "r,";T:i#,ii;,1'ilfi : :,'J i ;",", i,i ll TJ"?'i"ff il ;: T";;1 ": f:l*= if"f ' = j'[-ld:Ti: '",":{il}:'lilfi$ffi;F ';ff :',1,':,:31:: ;#n"ilT ;:li f i],!i : ti :; ; 4fr #lffi;'fliJ l :;,=""f# il,;;* # ";"' ;:;,: ;;,;,' ;", #,ffinTffi = ruil fiff**ffi{fi*l**,':*"* 'erlellsnv ul uloq seM oqM 'p1rq:puerB {1uo req MPs ra^au aqs'(leleunuoJun e € '&rsrantun lp spuoll; lealB alari,r elnel Pue auuelleN 6 Parldde aqs qof 'ro1 leql taE l,uPrP aqs 1eq1 {epot tno Punoj qeuueH 8 ',(eDlalse( luepof,p rel routtu P ut aloM {ltue; s,lelsts {6 L 'aJnllnl Pue PooJ qluarl sa^ol Alleal faqou 9 're: Sutssed e i(q a1:{:tq laq }ro Pa)lou> seM aqs !aulof aql Punol aLuel ueulo^ ot{1 sV s 'auloq lP astnd ,{uu }Jal P,l Pesllear I v 's,{ep laanes loJ eale aql Paqlleas allloo aLlf € 'PalP ol{s uaqM 0B la^o seM uMolS 1ua1rs {la1a1dLuof oleM elualPne slh z aql L 2pauaddeq reu/v\ nnoul no{ oq ZSrql o)!l sa:ueuadxa jo sallols {ue 2a:ueuadxa qleo Jo ued lslonn aql seM leq1 tno{ ut aluauadxa }slom aql sel IPqAA ' ssnlslc ; 2uorutdo 'suollsenb aql V '€ Pue vu! seluelues aql q3lPN ' salrols su111a1rot sqia pv fte1nqe3oA ! 2u.ree1 no{ plp asle 'sauols s,laqlo qlea PeaU : leql 'r0ols s,.reuued .rnor( 1o qlelap aql lno Pull ol suollsanD lsv 'r{.rols.rno{ lnoqP lauued .rnof llel ol sulnl elPt ; ; salJols anJJ Tlr 9:r:r Windpw hy Saki Preparation Listening and vocabulary FLH. Munroe (Saki) 1870-1916: British writer who is considered a master of the short storv. His stories about Edwardian society were You are going to listen to a'classic ghost story'. Look at the picture and information and answer witty, mischievous and sometimes macabre. the questions. 1 2 3 What kind of writing was Saki famous for? ln what century is the story set? Find the three main characters in the oicture: . Frampton Nuttel, a young man who is suffering from a nervous ittness. . Mrs Sappleton, a distant acquaintance of . 4 E &* i* *.€ Listen to the first part of the ghost story. Which questions can you answer? Compare your g' answers in groups. 1 Frampton's sister. Vera, her 'l 5-year-old niece. 2 3 Why was Frampton staying in the countryside? Why was he visiting Mrs Sappleton? Who entertained him while he was waiting for 4 What terrib[e tragedy did Vera tett him about? 5 6 What did Mrs Sappleton be[ieve about the tragedy? What did she sav when she came into the room? Mrs Sappleton? Who can you see in the garden? How did she describe it? Check the meaning of the key phrases below. to find a body a letter of introduction a great tragedy French windows to go shooting to sink in a bog to chase someone to go insane with grief a cure for bad nerves snarling dogs '." ::" :.il':: to have a nervous breakdown to knock someone off their bicvcle b Listen again and check.You can atso read the audio script on page 172 as you [isten. 3 pue q'e a3en3uel lnlasn < 'Pue aql ul PouaddeLl leqM 'llal aldoad Motl 'sluo^o uleul aql aqulsap ol Moq 'uolleuiloJU! punor8)lpq e^r8 pue Sutuas eql sqll)soP ol Moq ' '{:o1s eql uets o} uaL{^ . :lnoqe )ultlf 'filaslno{ Patua^u! eneq no{ auo Jo nnoul nor( euo.raqtga) uano lnof ;o f'ro1s lsoq8 e ll]trvt xg 'eJon Jo uo1a1dde5.ry.,1 'uo1a1dde5 s't14 :slapeleqf, laqlo aql lo ouo Jo /v\al^;o lurod aql wci; lAopullquadg aq1;o rtols oql ollrm UIH-Lll Fup;"r611 L dn iuro11o1 21ou [q6 7 ,{q6 2,to1s aq} a)ll no{ stql sl 21ou [q16 7 {q412fuo1s tsoq8 e {11ear oq 'suor5anb eql ssnlslp pue {lo1s aql ol ugeBe 3 pLle f.ro1s ualsll S q'e a8en8uel lnlasn ol zlsaq eql sl uolsren esoq41'dno'rE 'rnof 'sdnolE ul )lo Puof,as oql llalau A aql;o ped 2fltre.r.ror &or aql;o Surpue < V aql plPe.rd no{ pt6 'setdruexa OmJ a^lD 2{lrlerrads s,elan seM IPqAA 9 Zrnot^eqaq s,uolduell uteldxa elan PlP.MoH S ZlaunN uolctuPrl tnoqe pueqsnq raq llal uolalddes eN PIP leq/v\ 2{enne unr 2uapreB aqt ul aas uolduual PIP ^oql t € PlP ^q/V\ z [1nexa leq/v\ 21ou {q67 {q6 2uoldulerg o1 {11n;are: ue1sr1 uolalddes eN PrC L 'suotpanb eql lamsuP pue f.ro1s eq1;o yed puo3es eql ol uelsll g'g $, P€ 'g zlseq a)ll nor( op spaP! osol'l^ 'seapllnof aledtuor pue sdno.rB ul )lo A q 2yau suaddeq leqm ssanE nofi ue3'rto1s eq] 1o yed Puoras eql lueilodr.ul ale saselqd fa1 aulo5'z as!f,laxa {a1 aqt pue a.rnpgd eql le )leq )ool eZ u1 u1 sase.rqd q pue e aFen3ue'1 lnresn qf,nt! se u! 'uer nor( sp llelaP rel os f.ro1s eql1la1eX's.rred u! llo A Eu1ua1s11 pue Fu!4EadS < t IsPI Find out 1a first View Read the newspaper extract below. Do you remember this story? Can you guess/remember what happened? Use the What do you know about Chite? Try to complete the fact file by choosing the correct answers. FACT FILE numbers in the box to help you. 700,000-tonne block of rock below ground {HIIH Population: Around 17 / 27 million Neighbours: Aroentin: ' ''b*"'" and Peru Capital: /37 Rnlirri: / Brazil / Paraguay LaPaz / Santiago / Tierra del Fuego Life expectancy: 33 69 miners days 700 metres 17 days Miners trapped below ground In October 2010, one of the biggest giobal news stories of the year began in the San Jos6 Mine in Copiapo, Chile. The world looked on anxiously as rescue teams worked day and night to free the miners. ... 58 / 68 / 78 years Biggest export: lruit /copper / oil Extraordinary fact: Tl^^ A+--^*l-\aaart I I tc nldLdt I ta vc)g{ L 3a OWatch the first part of the video and checkyour answers to exercise 2. Briefty say what happened in your own words. is the driest / windiest / hottest b nlero nn Ferth Work in pairs and discuss. . . Go online to check your answers or ask your teacher. Search: Chile fact fi[e expectancy / How do you think the miners survived for the first 17 days? What effect do you think the experience had on the miners? c Chite tife 4 Watch the second part of the video and check your answers. Watch the video again and tick the two correct sentences. Correct the other four sentences. 1 San Jos6 was a copper mine. 2 Angelique was feeding her daughter at home when she 3 4 5 heard the news. The news made her fee[ physicatty itt. The first proof that the miners were safe was a note. Edison stopped communicating with the other miners. 6 Angelique wants Edison to show her more [ove. 'sluePnls reqlo ol slue^a aLll oqulsaP ol suJnl e)el q 21ua^a aLll lnoqe leel no^ plp /v\oH zpauaddeq leq^ z/tlunof rno^ uo Posnf,ol se^ uolluolle Puo^^ uaqM au!l e jo )ulrll no^ ue)'sdno.rB ur llo A pg aluellootll! /alqeroulol.Il 1r aPeLu leLl/!\ PUP paueddeq leq/t 211 se/v\ Uotll zlua^a aql ualsr!x uaql s!n] :: i::^ l 'elqel eql elelduor uo arel pue Ja)leeds Lllee a)eN ,(1t: nor( se selou ser(e s,ppoan ol uelsll .to {.r1unor llaq1 uaq/v\ atull e 3ql Lllte/v\O lnoqe Bur11e1a1doed eerqt S ,v\a!A PIJo A Vocabulaqy and speaking Ententainment and television €* Work in groups and discuss.Which things do/don't you do? . . watch sateltite/cable TV listen to the radio . . listen to podcasts watch TV online What are your favourite TV and radio programmes? Which types of show are they? Find them in the box betow. cookery programmes documentaries sports programmes travel news reality shows sitcoms natureprogrammes weatherforecast soap operas phone-ins drama series chat shows ':ld:l-I:":l:: ::'':lo*'. l'9n':n:*: .c:':.:h:*' Can you think of any other types ofTV or radio show? Add them to the box. Work in pairs and read the statements betow.Which types of TV and radio programmes do they describe in your country? Compare your answers. . . . € There are too many programmes [ike this. phone-ins There aren't enough programmes [ike this. We don't have programmes like this. Work in groups and discuss. How would you like to change TV and/or radio in your country? - 'nl uo spuau; rno{;o ouo aas {luappns no 'PUo^ eql Jo aPls 'PelDXA '3urlr:xa P ) q e S "' "'sl tulrj aqf v "'are uelPlrql aql € "'ftan ole uatlom eqf z fuan sr qltreLu sruual aLlI I roqlo oq] uo re^ e lnoqe ujo]l sMau e qlleM noA 'paq ol oB o1 aneq no( nnou pue ar^oul fte:s e paqlle^ lsnfeneq noA'ouole auroq ]e ere no1 'deos alunone; rno{ jo alpprur eql ur no{ sauoqd spuau; rnof lo aug L V 'g ur senlpafpe oL$ q]!/v\ y ur suolldprseP oql e1a1duo3 ,i 'Sutuana slql oqs leql p uo 3ur:eadde st ^ tno{ leql lno PutJ no1 lollp a]uno^ej leN )loJ / 'peolsur uo;1oB s,araql teql ra^ols!p pup eulerP alunone; rno,{ qlleM ol nl aqr uo ql}l^ s no^ 'so^lpa[Pe 6u1-pa- asn 'suollen1;s Burmollo; oql u! laol PlnoM nor{ nnoq ssnf,slc'slted ut 1to4 llP aM x 'duypsul1pa4dsul {11ear req Puno; looqls ]e raqleol flsnul lllselue] P Peq - I '6u17upddeqp lpawpddeslp lrq e aram eM poo8 {1.re1nrped },uspm tl tnq 'Lull} arlof eurlaBuy aql qlleM o1 {eprn1e5 uo olel dn pe{e1s e6 ]! aas no,{ prp - lrlSru }sel nl uo slueqdala . lnoqe aururptSoA fiuyeue lpazeue ue sem alaqf 'suotlsanb leuosad {ueLl oo} 2Surqrlenr eldoad aql )se sra^ olrua1ur eq1 '6u.rssuJeque I PasseJJeque r'.^^, ale ^ sat]tJqalal L]llM sMoqs ]eql lsol ^lleal'6uybuue 1pa/(ouue os sPM I'pauoqd ssoq ,{uu esneloq tqElu tsel LulU aq} Passlr.! | e;e seurure'rSold 1o spurl lpq1 'selnltld eq11e 1oo1 L saAls3afpv 6ug-1paL sn30t a3en8ue1 'Luaql MolloJ or 3ul,tr fiuPetPrul pasnluot 1 pa1etlsrul +Lq e Eurpa8 w,1' dupnluot 1 {11eer are re,{e1d 61q srql ro} suotpnl}sut oql € 'sserSord frurouofo s,[t]uno: aq] ql!/v\ dupeafi 1 pasea1d Kn sr eLl ]eql ples relstutN otutrd aqf z '6u1ltotqs 1 pe4)oqs,{11ear senn }l etq8lu rsel uorldnro: lnoqe &elueurnlop lelll aas no,{ pr6 ; 'sof,uolues aql alalduror o1 en;pa[pe lf,ellof, eql asooq)'ploq ul spro/\^ oqt lo Sulueaur aql )raqf t 1f tr)vud ;;= pue pa- ue a^eq 1eq1 serrlpafpe oJoln lno] ollll z :{em 1eql 1aa1 uosrad aqt sa)eu teql Surql aql aqulsep o1 enrpalpe 6u1- 1 pa- ue asn el6 z :sloaj auoeL!os Moq oqlrlsap o1 enrl:efpe 6u1- 1 pa- ue asn al 'z aslflexa eldr.uexa Pu!, uoql'sra/v\sue L uol, se)ualuas lf,ollo) aql asooq) L .i i: t*** SpeakXrag and &*stem&mg Lamguagc fmeus X h* ffiessE-q'* "'$ Work in pairs and discuss. . What's the most amazing fi[m you've seen . What's the most disappointing fi[m you've . recent[y? 1-9 about the quiz'Which verbs in (A) and which are passive (P)? bold are active Read sentences 1 seen recentty? What is your'fi[m of the decade'? How much do you know about films? Do the film quiz above to find out. : Listen and check your answers. How many of the quiz questions did you answer correctly? What else did you learn? Danie[was chosen to play Harry Potter when he was 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1. The author, JK Rowting, chose Daniel herself. This famous actor changed his name to Fong Si-Lung in the late nineties. However, he is better known as Jackie Chan' Jackie Chan has appeared in more than 100 films. More than 400 fiLms of Shakespeare's plays have been made. Avatarwas directed by James Cameron. A sequel is being fitmed at the moment. A third fitm witt be made next vear. Look at the first two sentences in exercise 1a again. In sentence 1, do we know who chose Daniet? And in sentence 2? aa,,, . 'llj'. 'uolleuilolu! PunolS)lPq Pue loMsue l)oJlof eql lno PPaJ 'PaJo^ sue aAeL{ sueol loq}o_aql Jauv 'supel ut suollsenb ztnb lnor{ 1sy'sdno.rE ul )loAA = "6ttquwd lsolea;6 5it{ P€Japrsuo3 'rst\A qsrued5 aq? ut 6uiuaddetl arcnt st &l ilnr3 oqs o1 1r pa;ured ag "4 ui osse)id 6q parywd 5P^4 FsruJ€ng leql s6urql alqlr.,a] alil 'lt6L {]ss€)ld 3 crtw q llefl s ;6,q Palut*d tntuJan7 sem otlf*\ 'le^ sue lf,erJof Lllea ol uolleuJolu! punorSl:eq ppy ol slemsue elqrssod oaJLll olU/Y\ 'uorlsanb zgnb qrea aqt repun sortaurolr) uar luourour aql ]e (LulU) iuealo eql (rooqs) Jo alP!ns . 1! - Jele^Vo+ lanDas V 'surlrJ olur (e1eur {Peatle) $looq eq] io lle asnelaq 'arnln] al]] u! -- - s t sol^oLu lauod ,treH aloul oN ftreH 'allrppeu larue6 {q ({e1d) pue (a1euu) Jo slor eql sLullJ iqSre 11e ur lqBra 'L L0Z Pue Z00Z uao^ 1ag E (asea,1er) stlrlU rallod --'(aso1)-- ,ttep at^oul aql ueql aluls '{1a1eunyo;u1-1 ' '226L raqLualda5 qrzZ uo sala8uy so1 ut 21as "'ole/sl alaq^A 2{q ualltlnn ar^oLu CE lsr4 s,PUoM aql Z (nnoqs) (asealar) t slirlu ,PooMAlloB' ':ea{ fuane puesnoq] e le^o:PlPul ur (e1euu) "'alom/seM oq/v\ € 7 pasodLlo: / Poluled / PsllollP zPoseelar / ualllrM "' / ePeul uoaq a^eq {ueru MoH z 7 paqsrlqnd / ua]tu^ 7 paqsrlqnd / aPeLu "' 2Pasealar strllU aq] ul (ornPord) lsll srope'slalllM'slslue P oloi! 'ro^amoH '.rea{ ftana -- ]slu elaM/seM uoq/v\ '^oleq sldr-uo.rd L anrssed lf,orrof, alUA 'olnlln) y561 sor^oLu 006 Punorv L 'slo)lelq u! qre^ eql lo Lurol aql qllm sa)ualuas aql atalduo3 aql pue uuol entssed aql 3ulsn )lom sruoslad q:ea lnoqe uor5anb e alu1A'lsll lno{ uo.t1 eldoad aalt4l asootl) 3)lrfvud :.: 'nrrool nor( leql uasoduo: PuP elpoLu lnoqe zlnb umo ,rno( 'o e)etu ol 8uloB a're 'uoJurtlsS salae{ {q palsatlSs Pue - no1 serfi ,:elenv 'aLUeu arolaq ,,(g lloql Sutsn 'uotl:e oql plP oqm {es uer aM la^oMoH (snornqo sl slql -,(l1elaua8 eldoad [q) 'ueq3 atpe[ se &r#rourysJ aH 'lue!odt-utun sl slql asne)aq safualuas uorlle aql plP oqm {es 1ou op eM'uaIO ' lo snol^qo'uMou)un t 'uollllttl 00I$ ueL{} Olotll lsol sot'tl I lsol ot^oul aql 'llela^O 'qaaM Mo] e lsnltage selraul) Sn antssed ut f LuaLll oPeLu oqM ul lou'stl-llu eq1 ul Palsalalur ale e16) 'cpet& #as{ a;l et1 sw1$ a*adsa4etls pa}p$nq '}na:l *ot; prno*r, sptl I peAowalo! ]l ,'aslom sle8 lsnl pue ,{1peq spels \,'uailUM sutil | alc.:;a6llllll ulls auo - peq 'stseqdua elou OJOM SMOl^al lnq 'aleul 0] uollllLll 0ZI5 lSOt Sp.tvi | 7SO) I 'uoodstaq1t1,1 osaa5 pue uoslM uaM6 Suttteys'aou) Suruur8eq aql no|o0 /1 0H ripauol lllueuol 0I0z aql iuOM la^au ]nq soujll 0z pay)ulwou uaeq s0q l pawulwou sDq tau 986I oluls urM e lnOqllM suolleuluJOu }SOLU 3l,ll lo] plOlaj aq] pptl sl l sploL!,otl pue raxrn Sutplolar-a5 punos sl 41111 qol srH 'spleMV ,{r-uape:y aq1 1o fuo1stq aql ul uoslad lsar)lnlun ',ArolslL] a\+ panm uaeq sDq I pailw sotls ll3uu0l,0 ul^a) arAOt! ueluotllv ul LulU a8en8uel-u8talol a1qel4old lsoLtL aqt,se peqlDsap uaaq spq t paqlDs7p sDIl v 1l u0llllt'tr uaql 00zs ueq] a)ow apDw uaaq sDLl l apDw spt/€ ]! alurs pue'tea{ eues aq] ul ullU a8enSuel u8telol lsag lol s'tel I uoM z ll 'slPllop uollllLll tTs ptemy iiurapelv aLl] 1t ant8 ol o)uoluas eql jo le l:afqo aql lnd e,rn'salueluas entssed u1 ' 'a.. :'1 :"-i - - :':::-:.':. :-." i :::" olnlnl :antssed S PaYad luasaL6 7 snonulluol truasald E -:anrssed -:o^tssed :a^lssed alduls lsed z --:antssed aldulrs luasa;d L 'el as!f,Joxo u! stilloj asaql alduexa ue Pull Jo uotl pasDalal 1sn[io la8pnq e q]lM 0002 u pasDapJ sott^ l Suqtnotl al^olll uol]lP asaulql aql L uo3o.t6 uapp4l'ta3t1 Tuos"rad or-11 :,raoP, oql lou'o1 Peuaddeq 11 Sulu+ oql lo uort)e aql uo s! snloJ uleL.u aq1'llalqns 10u sl qlaA eq1 JO,laoP, aql'sa)ualuas a^lsse0 ul z ,t-.:-,:]-.,::.f.:-::,,..n.,,:...,1..:]l::,::,,:::..l,,tt.1:.,,1.:1,]:1. Suitsol gNv;" surrdNlfn ilAol,ll 'uol aql :qra^ aqr 'el ,rooP, aql lo as!f,rax€ oL]]'salualuos a^rl)e ul L s1 lla[qns Pul, PUP solnl aql Peau uol; salduexo ul sloMsue llaJlof, aql asooq) ioes +sntrAl arl0#m0,,*,, A Beiiine woman is so furious with a local cinema that she ii suing them for wasting her time. Chen Xiaomei is suing the cinema's owners because she was not *urn.i about the 20 minutes of adverts and trailers s before the main feature. She is demanding a full refund (35 yuan), compensation for emotional damage and a written apology. ln addition, Xiaomei now says that length of advertisements should be published on its website. In total, they should be less than five to minutes, she believes. lnct \Il *Ft a^I. Viewers of the Weather Channel thought they were watchtng a soap opera ... but the drama thev saw was I00 percent real. Kim perez was pr"r"niine the weather forecast when her boyfriend, Mariv Cunningham, walked onto the set. ,How are you?, 35 Cunningham asked. Kim was astonished when Cunningham went down on one tn""-.- unJro *"r" when"he said: ,r tove you and I t,ublic want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?'Music began ptaying, and 40 .?l:1,:" u y:.lllur map behind Kim was changed into a giant 'Will You Marry Me?'graphic. 'l will,'said a delighted perez. The people in the studio began to applaud and Kim started to cry when Martv 11'"n put the engagement ring on her 4s Lfl':yl:q the It's ' dme wrug^;1r$ tnq maY be i$vrr ir ,'j: 3r -il ral fi !dJ Gost of €ortErtr$ ,..,r': . ;i,$\? wffix GOING into the stadiur Kead!mg Fq$*'..,tug: , gff*fFeS Use the prompts betow to prepare questions to ask students in your class.Then ask and answer the questions to find students who do these things. . . . . . . finger. reacs a newsPaPer every day never reaos newsPapers watches Z4-hour news channels often listens to the news on the radio usually checks the news on[ine isn't verv interested in the news Read the news headlines below. Can you guess what the articles are about? German DJ htealrs rccord W weather presenter gets on air proposal Women sues movie theatre Who's watching the audience? 1-4 quickty and match them with headlines A-D. Were your answers to exercise 2 correct? Read articles Look at your results. Did you find someone for every question? Which ways of finding out the news are most popular? Which way do you think is the best? uorlpulurou lelso ]e pesl.rd.rns fian re5 Lulll L ar^oul rolloq ,r,reu (q paue1qt1.rl flan sa:uatpny 9 {par-uo: nnau r(uun; /fuen ut stels aue11rd5 {ao[ S speor aql uo sualqo:d sesnel loqleam plor f.ran 7 uoseos 3uo1 e ra4e pe.r1l/fuen sra{e16 g luaprsard slrulPe ,'a)etstul peq f.ren e aPeLu l, z tustltlllf te lCr8ue flen lalstutlnl atrtlld L atueutoStad frlselue/ qlJ,vr sJlelsta rcOeuey11 arueuroped poo8 r('ran ql!/v\ fddeq rtan taBeue6 'sanrpefpe oualuo qllm ploq ul spro^^ aql oleldar Pue soullPeeq eql PPou Eurltoq 9 Surzea;; I alqural ? lllselueJ € luallalxa z snollellq L peq {-ran 'osoql no^ suollsonb aql ssnrslp pue slled ul llo lo llJuer!ol 2,{q16 2Sursserrequla se^^ PIP ,{pe61 leqnr lurql no( oc lo] suollluUaP elu A (LO eull) snorrn; S a p (0€ aurl) pelsneqxa y (w aull) patqEtlaP € ) q -\ (se autt) PaqsruolsP z P \'-(LL au!l) Paryrlral gV L e L A q / 2{.r1uno: rno,{ ul nl o^ll uo Paueddeq .rana (lesodotd s,,{uBh e111) lensnun Surqy{ue seH 9 2op uostad aql PIP teq1 eqdLuane prolal Ppo^ lensnun a:ou fue ]o Mou) no{ o6 5 {q6 7 ,{q16 2suu1r1 1o sardo: 1e8e11t peddols are eldoad leqt lueuodrul ll sl 21ou t 3u11eLu uuor; 21ou (q417 {q6 easr1ra^pe 2sarnouu Surq:1e,rn aranr no,{ altqnn erann no{ Jl Pultu nof plnog [q pauul; g zsalnulul a^u aq Plnoqs suo^pp 1o ql8ua1 Lunurtxeul aql ]Pql aatEe no{ oq 7 zureql Surq:1en'r e1r1 no{ oP lo seuourf ul slollell Pue sllo^Pe laMa] 0q oloql Plnoqs L 'ssnf,slP ol e)!l Plnoiv\ no{ leql prpeu oql lnoqe suollsenb eelql osootl3 *9 (7 a1:tye) :Surqleuuos pa,{ofua nof nnoqs o] sPueq rno{ dep o1 2 (y a1:t1e) :u8tsep pestlelnduuo: e 9 (y a1:t1e) :aPeu sl Moqs nI e olaqM olPnts P ul olelc aql s (g aptue) :auuuu8otd nllo olPel P Jo uolsslLusuell aql (7 aprYe) aqt € t ;r.rrlrj ro euruelEotd 11e Surq:1em eldoed (7 aprle) :,(enn Sutsnue ue ut {:ols a^ol e sllol L.lrlq^ ulllJ e Z (; alltPe) :r.ul4 ro euuuerEotd nl Meu e lol ]uaulasllla^pP ue L :s8urueeul oseql qllivl saplue eql u! sPJo/v\ Pull 1n;nne 'rtessarau ;r fueuolprp e osn'se^lpefpe rteutplo 3u1sn senlpe[pe aule4xa oseql 'salduexe.ro; 92 a8ed uo slxol eql lP ))eq )oo-l 2senrpefpe ouerlxo esn srollt^ )ulql nor( oP {q/v\ patrl {-ran pasudrns fuen ,{ddeq ften pauelqBu; ,{rerr ,t8ue,ten 'anrpafpe &eutp.to uP qllm solllue s^ eu oql ruoJl so^llf,o[pe autelye eql q]leN se lpafPe atuarlx3 rtrelnqe)on 'asodotd o7 puaylfoq nq padxa 1,up1p aqs 1 pededua la6 olTuenLuP1P aqs I A! uo autlt 7s$ nr1 sent, asneleq palupddeqp 1 pasltdtns I P4rrcM &an sem zelad pa47 flauatya sen aq I utlq r!l) t ' $Eou olaldoad pa7uewaq I PJoaJ eqlryeerg ol PalueMaq asnelaq lselPeorq slq Jo Puo aqlsPle/l,Iol 1arclaq 1 nlte {1aEuer1s Pa^eqaq f6 ueuu:a3 alll € 'uo!7ua]le s,atualpne eqtanldet 1 axalpne atlllosanpld Morls I tu11l aql noqe suogsanb nualPne eql \se t6 7 llrm r.lltq^ {Eolouq:al nnau Surdolanap st boo:e1 'uyl aql aes olaull 6uo7 e4enolPeq eqs 1 aalsuadxa oolaJeMqa\)!l eqt / ll'es eqs uyl aql /b[ua LUPIPa{s osne]eq alleeq] or^our eql Sutns st 8urfleg ul uPulo^ oqf L 'se!leuulns aplup aqt alaldruof, ol sremsue lseq oql asooq3 4g I laes 1sntrq ffiffik Talk about a shcw you love cr hate NHE GRM[NG \ :1 "t J:I ,l "' I 1$1 r1. , rlA hrouss oF ELtCITT TT{ E Tonight at 9 o'clock Freparation V*aabularyr -i= What types of entertainment can you see in the photos? Choose from the words in the box. musicals pop videos rock b concerts films Prays TV dramas opera ballet c[assical concerts comedy shows acting scenery speciaI effects characters dancing the an orchestra jokes singing costumes the music ptot set the cast lyrics mustc camera worK tighting performances Write each type of entertainment on the line below. e&}wmf ': What are the three most important things for each form of entertainment in exercise 1a? Choose from the box below then discuss your answers in groups. amd [Es*er*img ?= W@**&YK Work in groups. Talk about your favourite forms of entertainment. How often do you see the things you [ike? Compare your answers. 13+ :* ei 7.:e Listen to four people talking about something they've seen.Which questions does each speaker answer and what do they say? 1 What was the show, fi[m, etc.? 2 Where and when did you see it? 3 Did you [ike or dislike it? 4 Which aspects of it did you [ike/distike? Listen again and tick the phases you hear in the Useful language box. " ' (Bu '(atnoL-u) lalloq .Pue aql te suollsanb u^^o lno^)sv'eL aslflaxa u! suollsenb aqt lnoqe selou a)etll 'ualsrl no^ sv'qlel ,quePnls rarllo ol ualsll Pue sself, aql ol )lpl rno^ a^!3 oN ^ Pue ql4lno^ 'suollsenb raqlo qlee )se aslpeld ol suJnl alef 'slpd ul llo n q pue p a8en8ulei lntasn ' paau nof sese.rqdTsp.torut ol lue A nor( leqnr ue16 ,(ue .ro1 roqleol .rno{ 1sy'(es Zol ]r puoultlo:er no{ plnonn (auo{ue 1t) oqry1 5 '71 aBed uo Z asoroxa ur s8urql eql inoqe )ulq1 z]! lnoqe a)rlsrP/a)rl ,{1.re1n:rled no{ prp }eq^ t 21t ;o uorutdo llero^o tno{ senn leqA € Z'ltra '11 alolM'11 ul seM oq^ z Zmoqs a^tl e lo ultlJ e 'aululetSo:d 11 e 1! sl L '/v\olaq suotlsanb oql lnoqe salou a)PN 'poleq Jo .raqlla nor( leql eurule.rSold 11 Pe^ol llel uoqs e engB ol SuroE ele no1 ro urlu e lnoqp ff*xg*gwmdg XseI e uaas lonou aA,l 'llP }e 1! PuaLllLUol0l l,uPlnoM I 1{poq(ue 01 tt PuaLUuolal P,l '' leLll lrej oql Po^ol I '(Surtuep eql) sem lr tnoqe Surqt lsLo,u aq1 '(a1qura171ear8) e.ram setueutotrrad eq1 ru odd es p,t,'",',:|;;;L:.*l ;fJ:Jt; "'uo Peseq s,]l "' ul las s,ll "' lnoqe s,ll "' ur pareedde / polralrp / ololM osle oLlS/aH "' {q pesoduuol/pal)altp/pa)nPold/ual1uM s,1l "' sr luaLuoLu v oql lP e)ll {11eal I reql (,troqs 41) 1l srels '(re11eq e or ruo^ | au,,1lsju.ur r"[rJ"j]:;;il1ilJ Writing A review Read about the musical Wicked and answer the questions. 1 ls the musicat successful? How do you know? 2 Woutd you [ike to see it? Why /Why not? .ia:: ::.:.:::l ,':,1:ati IG ::rtl::l :ir:,1:i irr:lll. ,lli.:il :':r::il 2 Read some online reviews of Wicked. Put them in order, from most positive to [east positive. ; Mffi aql /u\ollol pue 8z L etBd ol 'suo!prulsu! urnl'lted ur )ro A ;alepdo.rdde araq^ sanlpafpe 6ug-1pa- pue suro] anlssed pasn no{ oABfi r uollpnpund rnod pallaLll nor{ aneg . 23u;11ads pue i? aslfJaxa u1 fuelnqeron eql Jo awos pasn no{ oAP}l r ;sqde:3ued Jealf, rno, u! eg asl)roxa u1 suollsanb rno; '/v\oloq eneq nort leqiv\ ptll para,rnsue noA aneg . lsrHleql oql Eulsn uou!J/v\ ))aql ueql' Ao!^aJ .rnor( a1r.r^^ q 'e€ os!f,rexo ug suollsenb oql Eulsn selou oleN ,tltuam.r ueos o^eq nor( leql ualuol ro le)lsnur 'r.ullJ e Jo r',ra!^eJ e al!r^ ol SuloB oJe no1 eS V f.tewBeLut "' ol e)!l p,no{ 3u1{es 1r >lse ot tuluoqd u,l 'sseJls etues oql ql!/v\ so)ualues eql eqpel6'seselqd {e1 eql ol uelsll pue qrre/v\ O arlle8ap 7t 4se atr dwuoqd ut,1 :8ut1tnut s^!llsod I ' uunlo) lf,olrof, oql u! ulaql sl!4v\ ^oloq 's^ ar^ar oql u! onlq u| sase.rqd Pup sPro^ oql le )oo'] L za]o prezlM aql uill/ aqt ua paseq s,4 :suorpaSSns 3u11eu-r g :suorlelr^ur Sursn;ar pue 3ur1da:re' 7 "" ot a4I p,nofi Llrea u! ;, * v L qdet6erc4 2qde.rEered oP req1 papyq le)lsntu ar{l lnoqe uree'; no{ q '^oloq uollenlls qlee roJ eE es!)rexs 'eraql u1 sase.rqd lnlasn o/vu noA pull q (13u1pue aql llat l,uoc) Ztnoqe {.ro1s aqt sl teq1 p zqllm oqm Pue oB nor{ f, Zaas no^ PlP leq| plP uaq/v\ el! aas noA PrP 'leorD 6 Z)rop,o B le leau 'queql' zPealsur )oaM lxou -___!:1 2rou 8 I aroq| {q67 {q16 2nnoqs oql puauruo:ar no{ o6 q no{ l,uprp leqm pup a)ll no{ prp teq41 e 2a1r1 2suollsenb asaql Je^Asue aqs seop qde.r8e.red qrrqivr u;'uteBe A olnor s.eu4os Peou e€ 9 1n€ s 's,uJnul 'Zeurol ALr o1 Buro8 Lu,l no{ 'lqBluol solau8e6 eqf ees ol sla)lll o,r,q 1oE an,1 ac - no^ llrM'edessaur slql led no^ uaq^ z 'ttlEluot p,no{;r a111 e ol oE o1 aur Lltrm 3rB 'qsof 'o11ap 1 u,l 'euuP) ))aql pue uleBe qr1e4 2a1eldtuor nor( uer suollesreluo) eql uorJ sdeE r(ueur A oH e€ Zpua aqt ur raq q1M oB o1 saarEe oq/v\ € (q62oE 1,ue: aqa oqA Z 21ou 2puau1,(oq raq qllM 3u1oE eur,re; l,usl {q^^ 1 'suol1senb oql ramsup pue oapr^ aql qlle A euue; @ Z tq8luol ,, E;3 e.ro11aP11 e.reds e seq qtllt 2nor( ud8 lE nofr 335 oE o11se nor( plnonn oqrvr rvroqs e Jol lo)trll areds e peq nor{ 11 L lueuatuPJJe le!)os e tup;e61 tuqead5 rNYBrcffiffiffiffiWffiffiW€ d ffi mr DJ sits in a Bentley in the middle of the dance floor t; :r ,- The nightlife rn Be jing ts unbellevable. I usually meet up with my friends around mrdnight That's quite early in BPT (Beging Party Trme) First we hit the bars ln t1e Chaoyd ng)arr dist" cL. There's a club there called Bling where the DJ sits in a Bentley car in the middle of the dance floor. lt's outrageous! Around four rn the 1O morning we often head over to Ghost Street, where the restaurants are open all night. By the time I get home the sun ls coming up ln the past we rarely went clubbing. We would usually have a long dinner in a restaurant and then go to an all-night karaoke bar. But nowadays there's so much choice and the clubs are always full. In BPT' every night l5 is party nightl Kemd&mg emd wscebu&mry Look at the activities in the box. Tick the things that you sometimes do on a night out with your friends. Cross out the things that you never do. cinema party watch live music go clubbing stay out late go to the go to a private go out for a coffee have dinner in a restaurant go to a bar go driving around town go dancing go to a karaoke bar go for a walk grab a snack go home eartY Work in groups and compare your answers. Discuss the questions using phrases from exercise 1a. . . . . What do you do on a typical Friday/Saturday night out? What would you do on your ideal night out? Which activities are most popu[ar with young people in your country? Which activities do older people prefer? Look at the photos and read the photo captions and quotes, but dc not read the futt article. Answer the questions. 1 2 Where do the three people [ive? Can you guess what they do or don't do on Saturday nights? j l j M no{ 1,uprp spe; 2Sursudrns aJe Llllql (l-ot q)rqA Z/\^ou) 'a^oqe xoq pe} aql peof, ,:.; 11a1 au1) ... ur sreq aqt lJop Jlooao aql 8 2 9 s t E Z llq aM L Zploq u! sase.rqd pue sprom eq1;o Sugueeu aq1 ssan8 nor( ue3'ilol eql uoJl suotssaldxe aseql le )ool Zolelo teqt u! }unoflp qtea seoP leq1 . )Jol[ (St au1) pueluleur (i7 autt) {ean rno s,11 (zl au1) aoJ e sautl) "'ol uMoP Ppeq lle aM (Oe au1) ol dn s,aq ]eqm (Og eutt) sesnf,xa e)eu o] au1) snoeBe;lno aq o1 (OO (SO 2s{em leqnn ul 4a^rl no{ a.reqnn Sur8ueq: a;11lqBru s1 . 2{q41 2un; }seal/lsollr oql spunos 1no lq8ru asoq1 . a;rl lnoqe no{ pue suol5anb 'seap1 .rnor( ssnls!P eq1 1o auo esooqJ'sdnolE ut 2aldoad plo pue 8uno,( roJ tuaral;rp 33rg uo tq8ru ,{eprnles st MoH :=::;: 2ft8ue puau;pr8 s,puauJ s,uesseH sem 23ur[rag ur paBueq: a;11tq31u seq ^a,,-^ots uJAa rqBrupru ro l)oll,o L L lrtun lro * cu5 .1 u]P I pU? U -.1" qa pauuPq seM llsnul a^ll {q6 oH € 7 L ^ 'suollsenb eql ra^ sue ueql'uleEe elllue aql peau 1 ,-,,,,^-, '?f'.Jt-lv AJPLU asnelaq sqnlr ur splorar ot peluep a1doa6 reM pUoM puolas aqt Su rnp slr€d u a:e1d 1oo1 solstp tsrU aqI /ed ol ,(auouu raded pasn,puE nuaLU p LUorJ peraplo aldoa6 ,(ln1uat ql; ; aql ur eurql urSualre;1 1o,{1n aql ur patsrxa stue.rnElsau €} plo srea,( OOZ'L ra^o sr qnd lsaplo aq1 srea,{ puesnoqt E ra^o roJ a]rl lEllos qsrllrE lo arluol aql ]e ueaq 3^Eq sqnd pueq )loJ e'aldoad aql'OL plo pue 8uno,('11eq st ffi 0t l-reuus e leded;o sarard's.requnu elqoru 'Sutnup L!ess€tr-l n16 oe;f ,{uu qllm llasAuu punor-rns s{e,u1e I os 'auole aq ot at?u ol dn senn aq tEqM Msu) aqs lnq 'sasnlxa a)eLU ol pa,pua14 Ly1 isnounJ sEM aqS puar4lrrE s,puarr; {u ser,r rpaqt ur slrtE aqt Jo euo t€qt pesll€ar ar'n l'1uappn5 sreqLUr -. rno LUaqt ant8 ot 3ur,(.l1 's1.lrB auos aptsaq dn anorp a',' puE r€l s,puauJ /uu ut punore Sut,rttp aleM aM 'lq8tu aLi ^ irEl lJ€LUS e 3u rnu p ar,no,( aas {aq1 1r atou aqt pear ,{11 , ,{11ensn ,{aqt lng 'sle: ,slrtB otur LraL.lt Morqt puP taded - rno eluM aM alaql Surnup i. I pue spuar4l-.- sa:ard uo s.raqLUnu . alrqoLr.r lq8ru,(eprn1e5 u1no Sueq sueru:- l :: alqeuorqsel 3un:' slaq^ : erlual;-.- 9ti araql L!ar&3 ^lrunururol rer i.",iiil"qc x.iir.e ';s;ne 'rae '1no lq8ru s,uosrad qlea u! lueyodr.ul oJe Moloq s8ulql eqt {qm ure1d4 'slred ur IroM uaql'el)!ue aql peau DAIIOS lffi#Ytr ssanB 1 'plroM aqt ra^o lle aldoed Sunoz( se oLUes aqt lsr a.r,oM unJ a^Eq pu€ sa>1of a>1euu pue teql 3M spuar-,- Sururouu lxau aql alaql llrts are sJUo raBuno{ aqt Jo aulos lnq 'tqSruptut punore auuoq oB aldoad raplo aql un1 Surneq pue Azess all 3ur:uep 'll€q aqt punor 3ur,{g yels aldoed '3uroB ta8 Laqt uaqry1 puElureLu aqt LUor1 pu€q )lol e /11ensn s,eroql 'i{em rno s,tl }nq sluared rno{ qltnn qnl: e o1 SuroB a)ll llq e s,tt - aSuerts trq p 1 pull lq8rru aldoad aLlo5 ., - ," -a^roq+oou+ o)rltrrJU) 11r dM 'OOJ pUe pUAl.lJ 'p1O pUe 3UnO,( laldoad JO llnJ si llEq aqt uat,(€ lleLl ,fttunu:Llo: aql ol uMop peaq lle aM )rolr,o 6 punorv slq8ru ,{eprnles tsoLrl Surqt alues aqt op € | 3M alroql Jo lol l,usr araql oS 'oArl araqrrn 33r1 ;o als; aql uo sluEllqequl 91 ,(1uo are aql t, llP u€rL.13IJo ullaa.rls utwez..,, stuuDd i tnol sMoputM uTrM l" \utqqnp a4tl JDz tno WUJ sapu aplll MuLll : butob r^l ', lrq D s,11|| , ,: 'sa:e1d luaJa#!p fuan aa.lq] ur aldoad uoJ$ Je*q 446;{em arilEs aq} ut sanlas;no itolua llE aM op lng ';aulied :o senBeollor 'spusrJt lno qltn unJ aAEq pue purruun ol lu€ivt llE aM '1no lq8ru 8rq e ano; a;aqmAtana a;dcad Aaupd5 ol pusllc]S uIoJ, '?uolalrag o1 Fulflog ruot3 { Language focus 1 Polite requests 1 '! ffi e.f Look at the pictures. Listen and find the person in the pictures who is making each request. 2u ffi 8.8 Listen to the six conversations. Does the other person sayyes orno to the request in each case? What reason does he/she give when he/she refuses? b lU f|6.3 Listen to the first five requests again. Notice the polite intonation pattern. 1 Can I have the bitt, please? 2 Excuse me, can I get past, please? 3 Coutd you pass me the water, please? 4 5 ls it alright if I sit here? Do you mind if | leave a bit early today? 2 Practise saying the requests. Listen again and complete the questions and answers. PRACTICE 1A: B: have the bitt, _ ? Certainly, sir. 2A: , Work in pairs. Rewrite the conversations to make them sound more polite.Then act them out. can I get past, please? B: 3A: B: pass me the water, please? Here you are. 4A: 5A: _ sit here? ahead. a bit early today? B: l'm afraid I need you here at the moment. 6A: my bag while I go to the toilet? nol 1 p/ease to Nadia^? A: I want to use your pen, B: Yes. teave B: I fr#a+lt_t€ speak alright B: Sure, Can . A: Pass me my coat. B: Here you are. A: Lend me €10 ti[[tomorrow. B: I haven't got any money. A: Bring me another coffee. B: Yes. A: Lend me your phone. B: The battery is f[at. A: lf you're going into town, give me a [ift. Look at the sentences in exercise 2b. Make a list of the phrases used to: 1 2 ask if you can do something. Can I ."" ask someone else to do something. Would you ntind ".. 3 sayyes. 4 sav no. B: Yes. A: Te[[ me the way to the bus station. B: I don't know this area. A: Pick up my suit from the dry cleaner's. B: I won't be able to. l'[ have too much to carry. 'ssel) eql lo, suolleslo^uo) lno^ tno pv'z os!f,lexa ur auo ot{l ol lelluls suolleslo^uo) alll A'12 L aSPd tuoll suollenlls eJoul o/vu asoot{) Pue sJled ul llol {u b 'leql raue o3 --' )u!q] ---s'uaql'uMo I uaql'Sulddoqs auJos oP :8 ' llaM')O uo uooureue s!q} Punol oE -.-e urpxo aql ioqe ultq aes Pue oE 'EutuloLu A ollotllol uexa {u JoJ slq] uo!s!^al ouros oP 'uel I J! sdeqle6 uoouloue | '[tlo5 :y 2uooulalJe slql ultq aas pue punol oB --' -,'},uel i fuuqof lood :g ',{ltueredde'Paloq {11ear auoq te s,aH 2Ea1 uelorq s,{uuqo[ lnoqe Pleeq nof ane;1 :y 'o76u1ob wJ )o n,t 'alqlleqs'lilelts qtlM rl a1e1duro3 zuo Paseq /v\olaq uollesJanuof, e\tsl LzL aSed uo uollenlls t{llt{/v\ q)lq^ aPl)aP.Pue Plno/v\ nor( esuodser 2r(q6'anrB -77y aleduo-suollenlls aql le )ool'ured ur1)o4 L 1f eesef, q)eo u! Pesn eJe lr)vud sulol qle^ q)!q/v\q qllqM 21eeds,{aql se Sutprrep aqs/eq sl sasel ul Z 20P 01 ieql poPttoP {peetle teleads otll sPL1 sasel qllqM ul I 'so)uolues lnol Joqlo oql le )oo'l ez eqlPe Jo, Pasn ale sulJol qJoA q)!q/v\q l ileqs 'sloiJo Jo saldLuexo oMl sle8 uosled qllq/v\ aosPf, qf,ea ur luem r(eql ter{rvr ))eql pue ualsll 2s! ll)u!qr no{ op 1eq6'8ulq1eutos op ol slue uos;ad eu6'salnpld aql le )ool f'8 ^ z sn)ol atentuel L asl)Jexo ul se)ueluos aql te )oo1 eL ;layeuutadns aql ol no( e1e1 o16u1o6 tu,1 / t neqs 8 eql uo Surddoqs ouros oP o7 6up6 tu,1 I N 91 t sasuodser luElsu! rolneqs Pue llr^{ 'suor1se88ns ;o selduexe ortnl 7 "' :pull'z ;Paldarre alam slsenbel lno'( r(es no( 11 ;o ,(uer.u rvroH 'uoseal e en13 1snut nof 'ou {larnod stsenber eql ol puodse.r / a)eur pue e1Bu1y1 '3[uou {enn L q 'Suturouu MoJoLlol u,t8 aqf K4 o16u1o6 tu1 I M 9 I etneqs S o1 oB pue Zaa#or 1:rnb e o^eq ll,a 4 € uollesJe^uo] 'oE e 1g entE E 2no[ dleq InlM I t neqs V ol 6u1ob tu,1 I nJlqEr4V 'ralseol lallor aql lou Surqlauuos }P )ool e a^eq Sutqlauuos arrouu trnq 3u1q1auos (atu) Pual Sugqteuos asopTuedo Brq oql uo oE o76up6 u1 I H z 'no( qlrnn laeqnr I a/,.neqs L v uollesJe^uo] zralseol rallor oql uo o3 i oJTI (puoras e rol) Sulqrauos Moroq SulqlaLuos (auu) ssed dpq Surqlauuos op or (euu) ulnl umopTdnTgoTuo Surqleuuos 1;eqsa7y1 'Molaq sldulo-rd aql esn'ssep lno{ u! sluepnls ol aletu ol sFenbal leor o^!J lo )ulql 'sral sue lf,ellof, aql asooqf, pue uteEe ua1st1 ffi t4oos Vocabulary and listening Social be*raviour T e I Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and talk about what'good manners'and'bad manners' mean for you. Add three ideas to each column of the table. fl ) it i Good manners say thank you when someone helps you Bad manners talk on your mobi[e phone in the cinema I I rl l Work as a ctass and compare your opinions' ls there any behaviour that you disagree about? da Match the verbs in A with the expressions in to make phrases retated to social behaviour. A B 1 a on both cheeks to offer *--, z to share 3 to shake 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 l-^ d^ nrrf vrl LV 5V VUL nh b each other =:- c to kiss someone to take someone to hug to insist on to refuse to invite someone to pick B to Pay paying e a date d f the bitt g home h an invitation i to your house j someone uP k hands Find the phrases from exercise 2a in the quiz and underline them.Were your answers correct? MODERN Wkiie y*u ;t{"* &ilr, }r** ,?"!e*t afri*m* ln tk* str*et. L&hat ei* c Work in pairs. Do the quiz, then explain your answers to each other. Compare your answers with the class. E {{gt 4*E *.2 Listen to five excerpts from a conversation about the issues in the quiz. Answer the questions. 1 2 How old do you think Florence and Ruth are? What is their relationshio? Which questions from the quiz are they discussing in each excerpt? ABC y*t: &*7 a Shake hands. b Say hello. d other on one or both cheeks. Hugeach other. Kiss each Ys:* ar* ?:as!v:g a r:l*e! wit*T lr!*s:*r in a e"*sta*;"*-r-:: b#|rxl a-i* yr** e** rr':it?'i y*::r ffi**ii* g:****? a Put it on the table and answer any calls or text messages that you rece,ve. Switch it to vibrate, then check discreetly if you hav= any important messages which you need to answe.. Switch it off until you leave the restaurant. & fri*nei is:vites 1t*{., t*r hsr he:*s* fs:r t9't* ew**i;:g, tsg*th*r wlth six *tirer 6xests" i,tlh**t *h*eltrci y*l: arri:r*? -aa Listen again.Which answers does each speaker choose? lf they give more than one answer, in which situation is each answer true? Work in pairs and discuss. . . . Which of Ftorence and Ruth's answers do you particu [a rty agree/d isagree with ? Are there differences in manners between generations in your country? lf so, give examples. Has the way that men and women treat each other in social situations changed in the last 30 years? a At exactly the time you were invited, orlust before b Ten or I5 minutes after the time you were invited. c No more than an hour after you were invlted. d At least an hour after you were invited. & sl"rr*k*r :* rri*i?!*g fri**#s';';h* *q:s-'l'i;r:r:k*" }{i:ae sh**iei h* ei*? a Ask politely for an ashtray. b c Ask if it's OK to smoke in the house. Ask if it's OK to smoke in the garden or on the Darcony. d Wait until ffiffiff he leaves before he has a cigarette. ; u^^o reql uo sdnor8 ut lno 03 01 uauloM 1 uo uaLUoM ssl) 01 ueul 9 PUPtI oql. asnoq s,auoaulos ur leau e Jo PUa aql le aleld lno^ uo Pooi a^Pal s rauurP roj asnoq s,auoaulos allloq e ro slaMolj e)et t o] oB no^ uaqM eurM lo lrlqnd ur asou lno^ Molq € sosnoLl s,eldoad ul uo saoqs rno^ daa) Z reaM L alllJo eql ul saqloll lensel 'a3t$$ at41 uj saqlol: jsilss) l8€,4n c; plq8?ds3;sun s,?l 'ftlunor rno^ ur surolsnf lnoqp saluoluas Z esr)raxa ug sase.rqd eql pue molaq sldruotd a)eul ol aql asn noA lreql Aes o1 "ro lallal ualt.rmpueq e puos no,( >1ueqt ,{es ot -, ::, :" .,..' a: '.ri.,1.,.1. i11., :.:-:.t i't:.'..,:. l'il.:',t..;,1 :,t.., ,,:.':i,:.,..:'ia.:..:tat '"'03 lsnsn l,usl . ., : ,, : ..t. ,.::. , '. :.-,.:a.:'., ... sE qlnu sE P -) :a .:.r':''..:a:: tear_L Y i:-: ,{ed plnoqs Aauouu aioLU seq la^aoqM v ') lllq aLl] a;eqs plnoqs ,(aq1 3ur,{ed uo sls sul ueLU aqt Jl tdalP :alqelcalle sasertld . sr 1eq,u 8ul{es loJ trj 'Molaq rto8ale: paJJof uor} Ploq ur saselqd eql allJ/v\ t;i:1.:iil,i i ll.':".:' i.it'' tradsar qtrM laq ',tlunor lnor{ .:', :, peq st leqm 3ur{es ro1 saserqd L estflaxa Ll ...,:,;:.:" les otr;ua1;cdu;t a;rn*: s,-11 aL{l Luor} ploq ut saselqd aq} asn ple: alrs 3ur)ro,mlau Ipnos s,puaul rno,{ uo a8essauu e lsod ) no,( >1ueql ,(es o1 lteua ue ro txal e pLlas Y a,neal no,{ se no,( >1ueql ,(e5 e ':: 1.:..: : .:, :, :: .,:,, uer no,{ lpour aqt u spoo1 asoqt pro^E o1 ful pue Surqlou ,(e5 'an'lre no,{ uaqM slsoq rno,( 11a1 'lEa louu€l puE u€l no,{ leqm uteldxa pup elup^p€ ut stsoq -tno,( auoq; rno,( Jo asnElaq uollellAUl aql asnJOE 1a p ;;;;1 ';';.::-.11;t ,..it't1,...l:., 'nc,4 4u*t4l pue *seaid 'ual Suruana aqt Jo pua aqt te auoq raq a)?-L ]eol roq qtrM raq dlaq pue raq roJ sroop uad3 v asnoq loq uuorl dn -raq )lld ur uollenlls oql aqulseP ol uoql atllMeu 'L oslllaxa qll/!\ Pe)leu no{ suuo}snl eql le )ool ur ssor) e :alqelcalleun / srauuelr / srauueur pooB ;suorlesrleroue8 3u rleut loJ soselqd eql u! ipapuaiJo aq ].uoc '.alPu], Jo ,rPap, ro ,a^ol, no,{ 11er o1 sdoqs ur aldoad roJ IpIuJou z(ypa;rad s.11 urnl rnod a{Pl o} lueyodurl s.}I '$lulJp Lnq o1 suJnl a{p} o} pual .{aql 'ino oB aldoad uaq16 'aldoad laaru no,r( arutl dre.ta spueq a{PtTS ol lpnsn l.usl lI 'arull lsJiJ aq] JoJ patnporlul are [aq] uaq,\\ spupq aleqs Lluo aldoad 'Suqeads ,{leraua3 s urea ,(aql qf,nlx A\oq aldoad 4se o1 alqeldaccBun s.ll v '1 re;ard aldoad raplo dueru q8noqtp 'qonui fua.t .sJI l, pup .rW, asn ol pual l.uop aldoad pa8e-apprut pue 8unor1 'sarueu ]srlJ asn ol XO s.ll 'aloq^\ aql uO € 'sananb drunf ol apnJ paJaplsuof, s.ll 7 'derrL s.auoaruos ur oJP noL ;r ,drros, pue auoaluos lsed la8 ol lue.^a no,,( yr .eru asnJxa, des osle plnoqs no1 'no.,{ IueLIl pup aseald des o} sJauueur pooB s.11 ]nq lllq aqtloleq raq,(ed otra1Jo plnoqs u€u,romaql lllq aql APd plnoqs ueLU aqI /.i.:,;a:,,..r':.::t., 'a],t,::.t':;:i.':l::.-t ,a: 'i..", .::':.1:l:.t t: .,.,t:.: :,i'1a., Y Y i.:)1i't*,.;, :iil:,.. ..::; t.,1t:ir.:.,:il| l;1!.:i i,if:, %ffiffitr%ru.WHu=,1 1 "' ua^as do1 aql aJald. asaql 'ureuJg ol sJolrsl^ rol Jnor^Pqaq puP surolsna uo sdq lsaS8ns ol plrorvr aql punore uo4 aldoad pa>1se a711 rcWlf,,:,,$$ffi$ffi 'ssell aql lsal aql qll^^ slsMsue lnor{ areduof 'luero}}rp are'oleql asoql ssorl e qllM )Jetu pue &1uno: rnor{ ur oures aql ere leql sBulrit aql )lrl'urelug u! strtolsnl lnoqP sdlt eql PeeU s;il=4#a5lffi# FFutrtr sil-wi#tuE s$T#qB 1#a"rgffimg &xwgmxryme& oJII I I"rcos I Preparation = l-istenfing h ci8.6 Listen to seven peopte giving advice and information about sociaI behaviour.Which topic (B) is each person discussing? There may be more than one possible answer. A 1 Aleksander, 39, from Potand 2 MeL24, from China 3 Lee Kuan,20, from Singapore 4 Simone,28, from the USA 5 Rosa,33, from Peru 5 Ramon,29, from Spain 7 Khatid, 24, from Bahrain B a Tips for foreigners about customs and behaviour in your country I b Advice about going out in your city/country c How to behave when you first start dating d How young people behave in your country e Etiquette for various types of communication (texting, sociaI networking, etc.) n tr e Work in pairs. Can you remember what each person said about the topics? Listen again and check. Listen again and tick the phrases you hear in the Useful language box. "' 'll lnoqp sdll elu^^ pue L as!f,raxa uor} lldol Jaqloue asooql uo 'dnor8 rno( qlrm esoqr no{ r1do1 eq} lnoqe sdrl lseq aql lno elum .ffi u"x UIHII gg.gx-4 d m,n*otrtr o3 2ql1m aa.r8eslP eldoed 1eq1 sdrl {ue a.raql erv Ztsrl "rno{ o1 seapt ppe (aq1 up3'ssel) eqt ol sd;l s,dno.r8.rno,( peay q pue e a8en3uel intasfi < 'sdrl paq aql Jo lstl e alrdruo3 'dno.r8 aql lo lsar aql qll/!\ seepg .rno{ a.reduo3 'paeu no{ seserqdTsptonrr fue ro, Joqleel rnof 1sy'umo :no{ uo sd11 }o lstl e e)e4 :' 'L oslltexa ug s:1do1 oql Jo auo esooq)'surolsnf, pue sullou lnoqe sdrl p Jo lsrl luese;d o1 BuroE ele no1'sdno.rB ur yo4 $r*cwwwdffi ryseJ '" o1 alqeloarre lou s,ll no,{;r aBuerls uueas lq8rr-u ll "' (tnoqe) serel {Poqop {poqou 's{ep eseql ra^ou Plnoqs no op o* ?otr leqA& q "' ol no{ l:edxa aldoa6 ( " or) loorun 7;6 {lpapad T tuef odiu! s,ll "' ol roqLuaLuet "' '" s{em1y aldoad 3uno,{7qsrued5 lsol^1 ( " aldoad) '3ur1eeds {11ereue1 {1airurgep7s,{PMle plnoqs no ep 04 &eql& e Find out first View € 1a What do you know about video 2a Work in pairs and discuss. games and gaming? Try to guess the missing information in the fact . file below . Do you play video games? lf so, which games and how often? Do you know anyone who is addicted to gaming? OWatch the video about gaming addiction. Choose the The industry TotaI revenue: best way to complete each sentence. 1 S The gamer Average aqe: Femate gamers: vears old _o/o Average number of hours Most poputar game ever: playing: per week The games Current most poputar game: Most popular game ever: 2 3 4 Co online to check your answers or ask your teacher Chris reacted violently when ... a his mother tried to stop him using the internet. b his mother tried to make him go to schoot. c his mother took his copy of World ofWarcraft. In South Korea,... of boys are seriously addicted. b a sma[[ minority of boys are seriously addicted. c serious addiction to games is not a probtem. The Dresenter betieves that... a parents should stop their children ptaying games. b parents should encourage their children to play games. a a majority c Search: video games statistics / average gamer / best-selling vider: garnes The presenter is interested in ... a how to stop children ptaying video games. b why games are so popular. c the dangers of video games. parents shouldn't ignore their children when they are ptaying games. 3a What do the numbers in the box refer to? Watch the video again and check your answers. five ten years hours three billion two percent 20 hours a day 85 percent Work in pairs and discuss. . What are the main problems experienced by Chris's . What would do in their situation? parents and SangWook's parents? 'o^oqe suolFanb oql ssnlslP Pue sdnolB lleus u! )Jo A f, 'sfes taleads qlee leq^ lnoqe salou a1e4'uleEe qlle/v\ q ;uerPl!L.ll rol uuelqord e seuueB oaptn lualor^ alv € zluelolA oo1 seue8 oePr^ erv z '''''"- " ""i" -"- - "i' ;seuueE oapln 3ur,(e1d Puoos 01 aull Jo lUnoulp alqelcaf)e leql ue sr ! L lore) 'Eullemsue uosJod qlea s1 leql suolFanb eql )l!I'soL.ueB ospr^ lnoqe 3ur11e1e1doad aarql q)le A@ "t Afre!^ Plro/y\ s' 1r Reading and speaking !a Complete the sentences to make them true for you. Use the ideas in the box. clothes shoes handbags and jewettery CDs DVDs books electronic gadgets food furniture and things for the house presents 1 I reatly hate shopping for ... 2 | [ove shopping for... 3 I never go shopping for ... Work in pairs and discuss. lf you could go out and buy anything today, what would it be? Do you ever buy things you don't need? Read the introduction to the article and look at the photos and headings.What do you think the article is about? 3a Work in pairs. StudentA: Read text 1. Student B: Read text Z. Make notes about these questions. 1 What do you learn about Louise/Andrew as peop[e? (e.g. age, job, income, where they [ive, personaI tife, etc.) 2 Do they have a lot of possessions? Explain what and why. 3 What reasons do Louise/Andrew give for their tifestyte choices? 4 Are there other people [ike Louise/Andrew, according to the article? What does it say about them? What reasons are given in the article for these trends? b 4 Tetl your partner about what you read. Read the other text, then discuss the meaning of the words and phrases below with your partner. 1 a reward (tine 09) 2 a purchase (tine 14) 3 to deserve (tine 20) 4 time-poor (tine 27) 5 a quick-fix solution (tine 29) 6 hometess (tine 36) 7 to seek (tine 46) 8 lack of choice (tine 47) Work in groups. Choose at teast one question each to ask the group. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Woutd you like to have Louise orAndrew's lifestyle? Why /Why not? Who, if either, are you natura[[y more similar to? In what way? What do you think it woutd be [ike tiving with or being married to one of these people? Do you think Louise has a problem, or is her shopping just harmtess fun? Exptain your opinion. Do you think Andrew and Chris witt be ab[e to live the way they do permanentty? Why /Why not? Which physicat possessions do you think witt be reptaced with digital goods in the future? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this? FIND OUT MORE 60 ontrine to find out more about shameless shopahotics and extreme minimatists like Andrew Hyde and Chris Yurista" 09 'elslJnArhl s{es ,'a8eluenpe fLu o1 {3o1ouqre1 lelr8lp o1 {e,r,re 1no patnBrl a^,1 asnelaq'{1dua 1ee;l,usaoP aJll e Lll!M 'suotssassod leruas ^N, asnel Lulq osol o1 srq lllM lle lelrBrp 'olllP PJeq P leql sl {"uonn {1uo slH uualqord e s9 asn ro qsprf a^rJp PrPq leulaua ue oluo Palelolal uaoq sPq sulnqle 000'z ]o uolllallol pJoral stq pue {11ertuor1:ala a^lJJe sJallal Pue qllq slq llv 'soqtnol ,spuatlJ uo sdaals oq,r,r'p1o-tee{-/Z aql s{es ,'sseJPPe ue lo, Paau {uu pareldal seq lauJolu! aql,'suolssassod 1e:rs'{qd stq rol sluotualeldar paprnord ar,eq spoo8 letlSlP :lle 1r o1 {a1 aql s1 {3o1ouqra1',slsneulluttll fu nlua:-1s L Z, laqlo a)!l'l'!l q Jol'ap(lrq e pup do1de1 e'saqloll LauBrsap ;o os srq 11n; pedlreq e ol suotssassod palnpal pue luauullede slq dn uanr8 osle seq'36'uo13urqse16 'ouole lou sl MarPuV urol; lua8p lanerl pue f6 e 'e1sun1 stlqf ,'sltnq lou 'sd1aq a:roqr Jo )lel,'3o1q slq uo 1r slnd rr,rarpuy se lo ,'ssal {o[ua o1 8uru.rea1 ul ]nq 'aloul Surlaas ut PUnoJ lou st ssautddeH,'Ples aluo salellos'suolssassoo sv MalPuV lol ;o {lrlrqlsuodsor aql u.lol} uloPaorJ lnoqe lle sl 1l ZpeuMo aq tpql asla 8urqlfuana llas ulq oPeu leqm 'su.lall leqlo oMl Jo auo Pue PJAtIlef P'auoLldl ue'do1de1 e'auoqd e'sasselSuns ;o lred e'leamlaPun alllos oS 's)los ]o tred e 1:ed1:eq e'saqtroll aslllexa auJos'JeaMralno ul ;o sarard oml seq aq ')req stll uo seqloll oql ol uolllPPe 's8urql 5; lsnl o1 suotssessod stq Pa]nPal sPq aq puv o, 'ssalauJoq aq 01 uasoql seq aq Pealsul 'sluPlnelsol ool ur ourp Pue luar-u1ede uetrtreLlue6 anlsuadxa ue ul enll Plnoqs aL1 s€ ',{a11e1 uorr}5 pue {1r3 'stq8u )ro MaN uaaMloq sla^ell oqm ^g lnlssallns pue 1n8ouu ,{3o1ouq:e1 e sr ap,{g MaJPUV rnaue;derlue ,'luelodult ale 'uorlnlos pue lalleu {aqi reqi se^losluor-|l 3ur11a1 ;o ,(em e s,ll ' xr;-lrrnb e sp Surddoq5:r.n1.r*"q1 lnoqe poo8 laa1 01 luem {aqr tnq 'fuolre}srles {lan lou ua4o a.lP sa^ll llaql ;o sued loqlo'slaalel {snq a,req ,(aql;1 'lood-aLu11 are {epo1 uauo16, 'aLuelq 01 sr uaLuoM uraPoLu ;o a1{lsairl aql reLll sa^olloq aH ',Surddoqs ol palltppe, ale oqM'aslnol a)ll uaLuom oJoul PUP o"tunoru" ,tptrtrrl lned lc 1s13o1oq:,(sd laLunsuo) leql {auor-u ,{r-u s,1r lnq'1lqeq Sulddoqs {Lu uo "ro* ,'Sugpuads ur,l '^qqoq sao8 {auor-u {tu jo tsoN 'a)ouls tr,uoP I Pue )uUp l,uoP | se Surddoqs aas 1,'qol pred ,{1q31q iaq }o sassoJls uteu {u.l rol urnlar ul salJnxnl asalll soruosap aqs oql lPql sa^allaq aslnol t Poau Ja^au 1ln'r aqs s3u1qf uo qlnur os puads 01 iaq sa^llP lPqM oS ,'uaql ol!LuPe Pue ruooJpaq {ul ut uo uuaqtr rnd lsnl | 'rno oB ol r-uer-{l teann {11enpe 1,uop I sauttrer-uo5,'s{es aqs ,'Pallogel {11n;aler lle 'sooqs Jo saxoq ur pala^of sl Lllltlm ulooJpaq du 1o 11enn alllua ue sl ar0q1' 'seseq:rnd taq leam uana l,usaop aqs leql slluJPe aslno'l lle 'aBeFBnl ll3nD )lelq Jo las e Pue slul)rq rau8rsap rq8noq osle seq aslnol 'tlluoul lsel aql ul rq8ta puy,'ssalPllqr ,'qBIq e qlns aul sanr8 saoqs 3ur{nq pue a13urs sr oqM'astnol p1o-lear(-;g sr(es ,'1aa,tr lle Preq 3u11'ro'rr rol ;1es{Lu ol plemal {uu s; 8urddoq5,'dn-a1eLl Jo qllom 00Zl raqloue pue Lueal) a:e1 ;o 1od 00Zl P'sJalPaMs arauqsel oM1 dn palrrd oqe peLl eq5'Seqpueq 3u1qr1eLl e Pue saoqs leu8rsap s.rred aalql )leq pa^lrre aqs uaq1 Puog anaN 3uo1e sanbtlnoc Peq aLls leg raq ul ;o 1eaJ1S .rauBrsap eq1 o1 ,(11eu1i pue sarols aqs luauuledep laqtro ol uo Pa^oLL uaql'lealls PloJXo s,uoPuol ur'sa3pu;1a5 ur luauulredep 'aultrnol se,r,r dols lsJll Pua)aaM lensn Jaq utSeq o: ,(pear ',{pea dn sem uosraPuv asrnol 3utu.touu {epln1e5 $e- eoqs aql laddoqs ouallxa eql lslleulultu auollxa oql z L I Language foeus PRACTICE X Deflning relative clauses 3a t Work in pairs. Ctose your books and think of five things that are common today but which didn't exist, or were uncommon, 20 years ago. a boiler cooker a stationer's a Compare your ideas with the words in the box.Then match the words with the correct definitions. There are four drink internet addict password YouTube clip blogger home recycling bin app store Facebook wall wi{i hotspot photocopier a vacuum cleaner is a machine coDies of documents. A is a person _ personaltrainer decorator bodyguard a cleaner a plumber a freezer a dry cleaner's 1A extra words. energy a a a launderette a touch screen phones, iPads... X Comptete the definitions belowwith a word from the box and the correct relative pronoun. MAKCS protects important people from being attacked. A podcast tattoo A sat-nav guyliner is a olace with washinp machines vou can wash vour clothes. is a oerson iob is to mend centraI heating, taps, etc. A is a clean ftoors and caroets. _ machine you use to Match the other words in the box with the prompts below.Then write definitions for them usingwhich, that, who, whose or TWENTYYEARS AGO THEYWEREN'T PART OF OUR LIVES! It's a virtual shop which sells applications for phones, etc. where. an app store machlne / keep / food very co[d A freezer is a rnachine which keens faod It's a machine that gives you directions when you are driving, It's a secret word which you use to access computers, bank very cold" accounts, etc. It's make-up men put on their eyes. 1 machine 3 or office shop / they ctean your clothes for you 5 6 person / job is to paint houses shop / you buy office suppties machine / heat water for baths, etc. / cook / food 2 person / you pay / clean your house It's a person who writes a kind of online diary for others to read. It's a public area where people can connect their phones and computers to the internet. 4 It's a professronal you hire to help you to improve your fitness. It's a person whose life is dominated by the internet. It's a section of your social networking profile where people can leave messages for you. Look back at the definitions in exercises 1a and 1b.In which definition can you leave out the relative pronoun? It's a drink which is designed to give you more energy. Z Underline the relative pronouns in the definitions in exercise 2, Two don't have relative pronouns. t t 12 It's a drink which is designed ta Eive yau mare energy. Comptete the rules. 1 ... and 3 ... is used ... is used that are used to refer to peopte. 2 ... and that are used to refer to things. 4 to refer to locations and to reptace possessives. Work in pairs. Student A: Close your book. Student B: Read five definitions from exercise 1. Can Student A remember the correct words? Swap roles and repeat. What do you call a machine which keeps food very cold? places. to complete the rules. 1 The retative pronoun in definitions 4 andT can be left out because it's the subT'ect / object of the relative ctause. 2 In definition 10, the relative pronoun and the verb be can be left out because the sentence is active / passive. Choose the correct answers Which other definition in exercise 2 can you write without the retative pronoun? Work in groups. Make a vocabulary revision quiz for other students. Croup A: Look at the instructions on page 129. Group B: Look at the instructions on page 130. yo6 * le8peB qrrupt ssenE Peou 'slred ut )Jolv\ + 1r llolls 8nldun z saqseJf 1l o1 a^eq I L 11e1 sasaqd Jeeq nor( laPlo PUe sPloM ue1sg1 qrlq/V\ Z qr!Ll/v\ L 'suorlsenb eql re^ sue Pue suollese^uof, JnoJ ol uelsll *"& E &; rardoroloqd e e Ja)oo) )ullele ue loueolf L euoqd uear)s qlnol e lelnduuor lolqel ra{e1d E46 raqseMqsrp ue no{ op xoq eql ug e alosuor seuue8 e : ::-:l:1,i,f l'^q1-o1o' {eq1 o6 2Buo.ra,r oE rena 2uano v esned )Jol l,usooP 1! uo Peqf,ll/u\s s,ll uounq srql ssald v ta8ur; .rno( q]!M nuaur aql u/v\op suo)! aql qf,nol l{lalleq aq] etreqea.t € 1r uollnq slql u/noP Ploq uMoP qeerq ourqlPur ot.l] lleM aqt le JJo oulqlPLU oql qlll/v\s sozaeJJ uaorls aql i lr uPlssr arP/vqJos eq1 Bu;11e1su;e.r {r1 'uoql aql u! ploq ut seserqd eql raqurnu pue ugeEe 2srq1 no,{ zlnoqe 3ur11e1uosrad qleo sr L asnraxa ur la8pe8 'syolvr l!iltoq rauued rno^ ol,(UaUq ureldxl 'umo no{ leql le8pe8 e asooq)'s.rged ur 2sr 1r reuued rno{ ue3'laBpeB oql lo eueu eql Surr(es lnoqllm sqJe^ lo 5r1 .rnof lno 1'*r: '4 6npun ue) no1'lr uo suo]lnq ssa;d ueJ ue) na1'1r asned ueJ no1 'Jla/ua ]J qJlrl\ s ue3 na{ - )aqsemqstp aeuo qf,eo lnoqe )lel ol asn no{ uef, € os!f,raxa u! suolssardxe q:rq4 'L os!f,roxo ur xoq ot{l uro.rl sleBpe8 Jno} esooq) *e? a* sleEpeE eq1 1o q)lq/v\ ! xto/?E s+sFpeF fnoH tuluapn pue &relnqerol | iJJn+s Language foeus 2 Quantifiers t * & Listen again and complete the sentences with the quantifiers in the box. Some quantifiers can be used more than once. too Work in groups. Read about Fadil, Abigail and Joe[. Then discuss the questions. . Have you ever been on a trip into the desert, trip or to a music festival? When and where? Think of four usefu[ things to take on each trip. Explain why. Fadit 1 We tetl people to a climbing . I t ,0 bring some a couple of packs of warm clothes. insect repellent sleeping bag map and compass wet wipes torch with spare batteries swrmmrng gear warm clothes i a freezing cold at night, so you need to bring useful for? . . . . . . . . . . of few plenty water with us. 2 We brins plastic bags. 3 lt's good to bring people forget that the desert is 4_ Can you guess which trip(s) the objects below are Ntil a lot of a bit of wet wioes. il N many too much enough several Abigait oacked 5 Thev haven't 6 to deaIwith a change in the weather. | always advise people to take 7 warm clothes insect food. repeltent and these days rety on a handhetd CPS navigator. ... but they can break. we[[ies sunscreen - - Joel-people spare batteries. 8 You need a torch with food with them 9 Often oeoole brins and they atways regret it, because they spend high-energy food (e.g. raisins, peanuts) time carrying it around and, actually, there 10 1 are So reatly ... ptaces allyou need is to buy food. Which words are countable? Which are uncountabte? water peopte food bag money P* i* gl*.3 Listen to Fadil,Abigail 2 and Joe[.Write down you six things they say should take on each trip. ln the b Were your guesses in exercise 1b correct? battery Put the quantifiers from exercise 3 in the correct grouP. 1 Quantifiers used with countable nouns: a caupleaf used with uncountabte nouns'.toa rnuch used with both: a lat of 2 Quantifiers 3 Quantifiers desert: wet wipes Ctimbing: At a music festiva[: money! 3 Are these pairs of sentences the same or different? 1 | took a [ot of food with me. I took too much food with me. 2 We had enough money with us. We had plenty of money with us. aPeur rvroleq suorldrr)sop oql k . 2ssanE r(aql ue3'sr lr d;.r1 qrrqrvr r(es lou op lnq 'a)pl ol BugoB e.re nor( leqm ssep aql llol'Passnlslp an,nor( leqt dlrl auo esooql q ^ a+ e alel o1 paau aA lurql {aurnol q]eol lnoLl-tz e 3ur11enn e surelunour aql ul 01 0u1 ssoulsnq e )ro^ MaN ^eplloq puelsr 1e:rdot1 e uo [eprloq e laloq ilPtus e 1e {eprloq qleaq e e e sued ur 1ea.rq {1rr ur dul EutdLre: . . . uunlne I o . . . . . . 'luouu!euelua Pue PooJ s8ugqt 'uns sprol lnlasn eulpopun {11ensn l,uere / aJe areql Lus! I s!aieql 'pues '{enne spasurBurdaal ro; pasn s,ll 9 'ut1s rno{Eulpatord ro} pasn s,}l S J! OL lalloq s,lt 6 Lus! / s! aroqt 8 ... qleeq oql lv - s,i; y 'Burueal: roJ pasn ar,{eq1 g 'luqeJ ro apeur s,lr pue reln8uellal '{em rno{ Eurpu4 JoJ pasn s,lr pue punor spe[qo oql qlliv\ 'slooq .slpafqo oql leqM tno pu!J ol suollsanb oN/sa/. )se sluePnls Jaqlo oqf 'are faql lpq/v\ ,(es lou oP lnq 'spalqo fep{.rene osooq) ol surnl e1e1'sdno.rB u!)ro A "'JoJ Pasn s,ll ...1o8 s,lt s,ll "'Jo s,l 'lueurdlnba'saqlol) lnoqe )urqf 'o)el ol leqm oprleP pue Molaq sdpl eql Jo eerql osoot{)'gted ut )lo A ?Z zppe ol sese.rqd erou ,(ue lo )ulql no{ ue3'/v\olaq sagroEale: aLll ol eZ os!)Jaxa uro.r; sese.rqd ppy 'op o1 'eZ oslrroxa ut spafqo Surqr.osep.rol sese.rqd pue 'lplau Jo apeur s,lr pue aprsur sauolleq 1oB 'sartalleB pe pue surnasnu {11ensn Luale / eJe e'laql L 'llslA ol salela {11ensn l,ueJe / a.re aloql 9 Surlseralul 'oldood Luerc I ale araql S pulJLuwl uet no( I sertrf 3rq ot sdut uO s,ll z s,ll L salllam 'rtp tae;:no,{ - ']ea ol sa:e1d deaq: durcaa) loJ Posn ar,Aaql Pue raqqnr Jo aPeul al,Aaql 'q L as!)Joxa ur q]leN *A "' ']uaurdrnbe peauLuop I peeu no{ g a:eds Lus! / s! aroq] Z 's]lasur ']ual rnoA ur Luale / eJe araql alaqruotreJ nof uer q L es!)Joxo uro.r; spafqo 'qooq rno{ esop pue s.r1ed ur llo A L fueur "' nrro;1 qlsho sdrrl Surduuer 'qro^ Pue alepdo.rdde ue ql!/v\ saf,uelues aql r{eprt rona tu1q3"rasa6 ftelnqmon L ug let;tluenb etaldurol L 1)lr)vud €& | iJJn+s Wffiffik Talk about things you couldn't live without Preparation Reading 3 A newspaper recently asked some successful people what things they couldn't [ive without. Read the texts and answer the questions. 1 What reason does each speaker give for his/her 2 Which choice do you find the strangest / the most choice? sensibte? da Read the texts again and underline the phrases that express how strongly the writer feets. 6 Look at the Useful language box.Tick the phrases you have underlined in the text. Task Speaking 1a Make a tist of five things that yqu couldn't live without. They can be objects, ideas, activities, foods or pets, but not peoPle. Broadcaster ond nov elist b You are going to tetl other students about the things on your tist. Decide what to say about each item. Think about the points betow and ask your teacher for any words/phrases you need. . . . . . . why it's so important in Your life which people or activities you associate it with the shape, what it's made of, etc. what it feets/sounds/tastes what you use it for [ike any stories or memories connected to it > Useful language a, b and c e Work in groups and take turns to talk about the things on your lists. Answer any questions that the other students have about them. 3a Which were the most common things chosen in your group? Compare your answers with the ctass. Which was the most unusuat thing chosen in your group? Te[t the ctass about it. They say it can helP with colds and flu, but I think it can help with all sorts of problems. I use it for dealing with everything from insomnia to writer's block The poet Andrew Motion drinks it too - so I'm in good company. '(aulr Suol e) tol uueql Peq o^,1 '(raqloupuer8 {Lu) 4o er,u spururar tl '1r uo {1ar ({1e1alduuo:) I ( "' asneraq) ar-u o1 lertads s,11 ''' (poo8) lee; aur sa)eLx ll ,1r t,uPlnor l tnoql!/v\ '. :pr*3":odru1 " s,4g {qnn i&"r1X*g se,rir 1 ueqan 1r o1 3uo1eq ot JOTil0LIOJls-: aJoolr\l XclJled ,::::.r.:.' ,,.,:. ls!lo^oN lr{Eurnilec unsnt i',}},:4*Ytti: * {|t t t* i? lr.},* t, 'uordueuc ctdLli _ aLuecoq ueql pue reo^ ls€l LU;6uueenn pepels | 'olqeyolu:: Alqrpercur ere se>1rds eseq] p--: ezrs 6rq 1o0 en,1 se> :, teelZl )joqeeu {Lu lnoqltm op },uE: ts!ilepaLu p1o6 ctdtufil1 w65. llaqdlt'Ie3 uarrec .tt i::,r: : 1 tl osn I er,{e q1 ur r lo8 pesn '" lol lt 'ln1osn/l nlrln eoq/alqelroJrLuo),(1q parr "'JO aPelrj s,ll Fa;;6 Sugqg;:sag q "'01 ''' tnoqllM Pol)rPPe Lue '" lnoqllM oP l,uel l,uplnol a,rrl (or teeq) s8u1q3 Bu1:npel?{"t! I I I r? 3a Match the sentences in A with the responses in B. A 1 Can I helo at a[[? 2 Do you have these in a size 10? 3 How did you get on with those? Did they q, fit? 4 Can I bring them back if they aren't right? 5 How would you like to pay? 6 l'm trying to place an order on your website, but l'm having some problems. 7 Have you got a product code? 8 Do I have to pay for delivery? 9 Could you confirm the first [ine of your I address? B a By debit card, please. b l'[[ have a look for you. c Yes. lt's 76b Alton Road. d Yes, that's fine. Just keep your receipt. e That's fine. I can take your order over the ohone. t No, l'm just looking, thanks. g Yes, it's'l L five nine three nine'. h No, you don't. Orders over f 25 are delivered free. Yes, they were OK. @Watch and listen to the key phases to check. Practise saying the questions and answers in pairs. 4a Work in pairs. Prepare a conversation about buying one of the things in the box. Use the phrases in exercise 3. Speaking Buying things phone machine a puppy a mobile a 1a Work in pairs. Make a list of typical questions that sales assistants ask in shops. conversations.Were any of your questions from exercisel used? b O Watch the video of two 2 Watch again and complete the tabte. i Conversationl ! Conversation2 t"""i"; Cost Delivery cost i Other useful information i : coffee a pair of shoes a bottle of perfume a gold necklace Act out your conversation for the class. 'e1vy v a\uotw s,Ti uoos nofi )aww\\s aulof, Tsnu no6 'Gqlu-roti/ Guputrs uo "yl u)lJDW PUD no^ loJ ptp auoeuros ]eLl] rno^ej PoPuelle no^ ]ua^a lellos ,(1lue:a.r panrelor no^ luasald e e e . . . '('rla 1;euua'Prel'uel) oBpsseur eql roJ uuol elepdo.rdde ue osooq) 'leLuolu!roqlo eql Pue leuJoJ aq Plnoqs eEessau eug'uosJed eql lueql ol aBessaLu e ollJAA' ^oleq usox suollenlls eql lo o/!\l asooqf v 'seqsrM lso8 'sagslo 1sa6 uOOS nOr{ wot! way ol rdoy u) sh yllm )?^t) el7 [D]s LUOrJ "urll reeq 01 aooH FuD fr9)1um u anurl o1 ac:u filve-^ sen 1l pup fi1ano1 sl 1u( mau r]1o^ pDu afvpu?)??fr ?\.11 }D tult o1 sn 6u'rpi1 ;oJ ,*vl,rl p,,u iaurl lear8 e Peq I 1va-tG o qf,nru os no{1ueq1 ")llrl ru"C "'roJ queql lslnaN sP^oJ solref\ edrlal ^laraluls slno^ 'uoos noA LuoJJ SurJpoLl ol preNoJ )ool I eutl lno{.to; ure8e aluo no^ )ueqf 'eu qIM qf nol ur la8 ol aleltsor,.l lou op asPeld 'suollsanb raLlunJ are a^€q no^ Jr pup aLU€s aql laoj no^ leq] adoLl I 'speau lnol roJ leapl ^u€ a)uauadxa pue sllt)s lPqi truepuuol Lre I 'uollesle^uo) rno raUV ^u 'laueo A arrualul aql Jo slaqluaul laLllo eq] puP no^ ol 3ul)lPl palolua I pue ef ualradxa eqt pe^ofue qrnr.u fua^ ; {ueduuor rno^ le le8euel^ s}uno)rv Jo uotltsod eql Sutpr€8ar au LlltM leau ol aurl eql 3ut)Pl 'a)ellPM rl rPac sraaqJ leu.uolul 'sual eql uorJ seseJqd olaldulo) q lpr.urol Pue leurJolur qlr/v\ olqel eql zsrql no^ llal soserqd PUP sProM leLl^ ZleuJol tsoul sr qlrq^ zleLUrol Feol aLll s! lxol r.ll!t{/v\ e€ eql ZEur)ueql are ^aqt z uoslod oql qllM drqsuorlele: Jteq] sl ]eq^ zsr ro]uM qres )u!ql no^ oP Plo MoH L 'suollsanb oql ro/v\suP Pue ure8e so8Pssau eql Peou f, roj quPql sJaoq3 qlnLu os no^ )ueqf .ro; ureSe no{1ueql 01 Paluem I .xoq eql u! seserqd aLll ql!/v\ saSesseul oql 'LU'd tsod ll,l i6urcuep eql ,|"o tt'g1e g; elalduo) q zesef, qf,eo ut loJ no^ )ueqt Eu!/(es uosled aql sl lPtl/v|so8essoul oql PPau ez AlnP x 'rolel ourluo uaql soloqd leel6 aulos o^eq I uaq619 uen Inouv 2no{ lueqt fes ot ta8toj alv . la^o no^ eldoad raqlo J! PaPUeJJo 2noA )ueql 'tu'd 90'Z le 8L Alnf xx uoos )eads ireqolco roj lle^^ l,uec pue 0uruane qe] e peq | 's)!rln 'oLuoclo^^ el,no^ ecuads aDoFeqS {es ,{11ensn no^ op Moq 'asnoq s,auoauros le l(els ro luasald e o^talal no^ 'ssnf,srP Pue srled ul o)rl 'u'e 9I'1l, 1e g|. Alnp tuoLuuros xx '6ulPPo^^ aq] lo+ laqolco ieuoq snq lsel sqtr passrul o^/\ ',6ues eM'pocuep oM'lno ouruene leorc 'sll|6 ur lle no^ aos lleqcilW e>lyln ruo4 e6esseu Y jl . llo A L etgsseur nort-lueql Uotls V Eu11p6 M' The m-mffiffiffi'ffi,'ffiffi wi ll surPnse us The futr-rre ls coming and some people believe it willbe more surpnsing and more incredible than we can imagine. Read the ideas of three scientists in their or,vn words and decide for yourself j:.--,., : :,..: :::"z:: !;;? :::"= Gerontologist, Chief Science Officer, SENS Foundation ':.-': ;' # ffi We will be able to live to 1,000 years old Doctor Aubrey de Grey is a gerontologist at the SENS Foundation in California. He belier. that people will soon be able to live to 1,000. In fact, he thjnks that most people who are a today, and that includes you, will be able to reach that age. 'The human body is a machine that can be flxed. As medicine becomes better and bet-we will almost certainly be abie to beat ageing, just as we can beat many diseases today I think we are al'eady close to that poirt. As we ge' oldet. our cells oecome damaged th: natural processes. Along with scientists around the world, 1 am worktng on a detailed p1a' repair all types of damage to human cells. The project might be ready for humans in jusi 20 years. And then we will no longer die of old age. We will probably live to be 1,000 or:: in excellent health. In fact, I think the first person to live to 1,000 might be 60 already. Ar: think we're unlikely to get bored rf we live that long. People with a good education and t;: to use it never get bored.' Readirng Work in pairs and discuss the questions. Think about films and TV programmes you have seen and books and artictes you have read. Kl,:::: . r:r::r]:]:.:::::r::::::rr::;;i4 :::::::::::,lall;;aa::all ,l 7.:aaaaaaa:,::,a:,,: tt::tt::ut:t::ia:i . Have you found any predictions about the future in these areas? - robots and computers - sDace travel - life expectancy What do you think witt happen? Read the article and find the answers to the questions below. 1 What does each scientist predict? 2 When does each scientist think it wi[[ happen? iueql - sloqulnu oql laqlo qf,ee A oqs ^ps laqlo aql. lnoqe uolteulolu! lou oc 'rtlunor eqt elalduof, ol suolpenb lanrrsue Pue lsv 'gg; aBed uo selerlul qelv Pallun eql lnoqe uolleulolul aql le lool :8 luaPnls '97; aBed uo eulq3 lnoqe uolleuJolu! aql le lool :V luoPnls'slted ut 1to16 *% ar(lPalor sraqunu eqt r(es oqs/aq ue3',|auyed lnor( ol uaql ,rnoqs'$llsllels 1q8;a u^ oP allJAA lreqr Pue uelsll v'*l cluo^e SulYods E E: 4 e loJ ra^a pnnor: lsa8lel aql se/v\ leq1 OL ll rM supur nq uaamleq uollef, 'elqlssoa aq !unuuor lrqledelar OL 'sulelq raql u! pelueldrur sloqol o^eq lllM sueulnH 6 's8utaq ueulnLl se 1ue8r11e1urse 1snIeq l]l/\\ sloqol'aulll,srea{ 57 }noqe ul 8 'aBen8ubl ourps oqt leads 11rm suoltels areds 1e euoftan3 2 'f1;ne'r8 ou st eraql asnploq 'a:eds ur {e1d o} slods au }ua^ul lllM 3/v\ 9 ^ 's{eprloq to; e:eds olut oB aldoed 'srea'{ 97 u1 5 aldoa6 7 11lnn '000'L aq o1 anrl ,{aq} Jr Paroq 1aB 11tnn '000'L ot antllltM nnou pa8e-alpPlr.ll alP oqm aldoad aulos € 'slle) ueulnq pa8eutep Puaul 01 slqe aq uoos lll^ 0l Z 'seseaslP {ueuu elnr ol alqP aq uoos lllM a/v\ [ 'c lo utorl lualal,tP lo S e1g4 2{es spadxe aql leq/v\ oql ely'u1e3e eplue ol.Iles eql Moleq seaPl aLll Peol uaql'Ploq u! sPJo^ eql;o ButueoLu aql llaLlf E : , a) t: t 2S9 re^o ere eldoed qstlug ro a8elua:ted 1eq7q Z11euu Surddoqs " lsa8tel s,pUo^ aqt Jo eele aLl] s! leq/v\ 8 2uedef 1o uorlelndod oql s! leq/v\ L 21r.131 .lo^eloJ e ll ol alq€ aq llua o.ry\'1Fs0l € stdqtpeq sn daal p.ra, deql seipoq lno q8nuql lo^el] osl€ III^ sloqouE'crqedalel euroceq llu eM sul€lq laqlo qlul '{lssalaru"Jo suollpg ol€clunululoJ ol sulelq lno lAoile osle p''u' deql pue 's;elndutoc cdpterrp {lel ol sul€iq lno A olie llLAA sloqou€u aser{I sllDls Suqul-rno pu€ droruaur;no etro'ldrut ol suleJq lno ur palueldiut aq 11'-"'(sloqoueu) sloqor durl'utelq Jno ul suoureuuoo ,r,to1s .{re't uolllpl OC ' o./\pq o A eS;eru ol uels ll{M saulqJetu pue sueumq'aulu ]€ql aloJaE 'suerilm{ ueql lue8rTlelui orour oq llr,l sloqol 's0t0z rtD ;o pua aqt 'iE 'esqee; aldoad tsour ueql Sutsltd;ns eJoru reJ eq llt'^ olnlnJ oql. 'adJoul ,{Ea Jo paeds eql sl teLl/y\ 9 i.6zoz ur eq uorlelndod pltonn aqr lllm leq1 2ste61 1aueld oql PUP aLll-s! leq^ t Lluel uoaMlaq aluelslP lsasol) dn3 p1ro611eqlooJ aql auo IIrAA suetunq pue sloqoJ 1€r{l se^olToq IlOl zln) MoN lauJolul 0--: qlmo;8 olqrpolDur aql pelcrpa'rd oq s066I [1"rea eql ut'aldurexa rc: 'arul euloJ eleq erntry aql lnoqe suotlctpe;d s,llar zln) deg 3o due,'; zPlo eea^ 001 aq r-prq^^ ul € 11rnri .rea{ go zpaPlolal rena arnleradulal ]s0^ ol aq] s! leq/v\ Z zraleM ul Pala^ol sr alef ns s,ppom arlt Jo eBelua::ed 1eq16 'Moleq suoglsanb aql ol sle^Asue aql ssenB L as!f,raxo 1 seurq3elu ol ul $equrnu aql esn'slted ut 1to11 r{i$ a8J3ul IluA suleJq rt'to sa ;nauerdarlua )o68000'000'/z L o/oLL 0>6 001 )as/Lu) 000'00€ oL 5 8 L t uollllq z'8 t P'; iolue^ul'lsQualls iE#A4e"EnH dEU JOqlnP Lu) 000'089'sE s zu 000'268 g 0t0z z 9 %r/r 'r-uaqt 3u1,(es estpe;d Pue ualsll nod leq'l salelsueJl p!: . e8en8uei u.rto;no,{ olut:eaq ;ee ;nod ur slu l€ql ratndruoc duu € aQ o1 {1a4t sI alrql osnereq lalle: p-t 1,uo,u dlqeqo.rd l1 '1a171 ieceds ur leods eldoad 11",4' a8en8uel l€q ^ slcelo:d r€1urls uo 3uq;ou. a;e satueduoc :eqlg (suods '{]urer3-o;;: Iteu.ro;) seua;e s1:ods pue slueJn€lsel 'solulc€J qcleesar 'sleloq ql''r"uonels aceds puorteuratur ue pllnq o1 Suruueld sr dno'rg pue1s1 ecei5 'eceds ul {ro.^ 1p'r,r aldoad 000'0t punooltr1 pollec duedu;oc y 2se.rn311 t'*il Burmollo; aqt r(es nor( op moH €; F L s3!}s!lPls pL"lp srsqrunN ,fuetrnqe30A pue uoururor eq dptet,rac lsoulle lll ursi-nol eceds '0t02 fB. ^ 'ernlnJ eql ur alqrssod eq,{eru dSolouqcel uollcg ecuelcs r oq lnoqe $ 'tlqotid*1 ,ql lo sctstt14 aq1'>looq slH dits.ranu1 pl€^l€H 3o alenpo-= e pu€ >po l eg go e8ailo3 &1f, aql 1e 'lossa;o"td e si rup) oll-lJlli\l ;C 2ueddeq 11rnn (aqr lugqt no{ oP uaq1 2orn}nJ aqt roJ suoll1lpotd aarql dot tno( ore ]eq1 . zarul aulol 01 a1r1 qllLll no{ },uPlno^ /PlnoM . zanrl 0l.llol lllM 1u1q1 no,( eceds ul qrlq^A . l,uoP/oP lxel oql ur seaPr >Uo1v\ It IIU eldoad 000'07 'ssnf,s!P A ? u!)ro pue ule8e alf,ruP aql PeeU'sdno-rB tossa;old pue lsrcrs-i;1 a?qeH *€aa*:tr1i lC Language focus 1 Making predictions When you make predictions there are different ways of showing how sure you are. 1 of Ray Kurzweil's predictions for things that wi[1 happen by 2029.Which do you think witt happen? Read five more Adverbs with p uters defi nitety won' t. becorne sm arte than humans. Moda[s Machines rnay welt Laak Like humans soan. Change might nat came as fast as we think. comDuter assistance. Tiny cameras implanted in our eyes wi[[ record everything we see. Most communication witt be between humans and machines, not between humans. d Poverty and disease wi[[ be atmost non-existent. e Robots wi[[ say they are alive and demand the same rights b It is(n't) very likely thatwe'l! have driver{ess cars" We're (unllikely to have a cup of caffee with a probabty witt wi[[ almost Listen to five people giving their reaction to the =*.F predictions. Complete the table below. ;;;;;i-*,u ifi::::d :1 tn9 : iz | : C il"irr:t:{r::{::i*Y*l certainly is/are likety / may could i;;;;;;; i rabot. Put the words/phrases in the best ptace on the line to show how sure we are that the prediction will happen. €! being to we[[ probabty won't almost certainly won't is/are unlikely to may/might not witt definitely i : 1 2 : t5r: 3 t)i r', :+ 5 :5 6 7 Which phrases did the speakers use to talk about the predictions? Choose the correct answers, then listen again and check. Machines maywell / mightnot sound like humans in the future. We're likelyto / unlikelyto have a cup of coffee and chat with them. By 2029, cameras willalmostcertainlybe I definitely won't be smatl enough to fit inside a human eye. Poverty will probably disappear / probably won't disappear by 2099. It'svery likely I lt'svery unlikely that we'[[ have driverless cars one cay. r is (un)likely to as numans. Frediction order) Co m a'There witl be inte[[igent roads and driverless cars. Human beings wi[[ not be altowed to drive without iA will/won't (notice the word It'tl probabty happen befare then. B o% definitely won't I 'q Jo e {es 11lm sleleeds eql laqleq/v\ prpa.rd pue s;red ur )ro/vyBurBueqr a.re s8ulql eseql e reeq ol 8ulo8 a.re no1 /v\oq lnoqe auru.rerBo;d olpeJ 'aures oql pa{ep aneq q 'PASeorlUr OAeq e sseurddeq Jo slo^al rnO 9 'Polerou0]oP a^eq q 'PAAOrO|.IIr OAeL] a^eq aM 0t!!l earj Jo ]unourP eql 'unnop euo8 seq q 'dn euo8 seq e uorleJnPa Pue orel qllPaH 'osroM 1oB aneq q 1oB aneq e sprepuels 3urnr1 e rallaq 'uelleJ seq q 'uesu seq e 'PaseeJ)aP aurolur eEerany 7 seq q 'paseorlur sPq e i(:uepedxe a1r1 :s.rea( 95 lsel ;, oql ul 'PuelsJaPun l.uoP nor( leql sese.rqd ro l)oq) spro^ fue ;o Eulueeu aql ? L atueqr pue rdlalros Eu;ue1sll pue &elnqmon uorsrAolel . ,,^-,^^r Jle)rilv/\ . {1;ue; ro spuouJ:no( . luaurfolduueun . uotlef nPa . leuotleu . larP sprepuels sr aql roJ urvro rnor( 4o suorprperd e !J olu A Uo A z q 'loqor puouJ e sr raql {es lsoq teqt 1lrnn aldoe6 2 'sasPosrP lsor.! roJ 0rnl e aq llrM eraql 9 'sloqor ,(q euop eq lll/!\ )Jo^ 3snoq llv s "'sr {1r1enbau; g "' sr aldoed ror.]lo ul Fnrl rnO Z eldoad fddeq {:en Jo raqurnu aq1 L aslllexe uorJ eql ela1dr.r.ro3 ll 'PUOM lear oql ur upql aurluo aurl erour puads ll,a/v\ 'sueuJnq t ueql lua8rllalur arour or.lolaq 11rnn srelnduuo3 g aql o] a^rl llr^ a1doa6 7 b 'Os L Jo aEe 'aurluo Sulqltene {nq a16 11ran ; 'A1AZ Iq s\oaq ateldat [lweyaz +sourje yw uolnduos 1;;qet 4ulLll I g 's1ooq e:eldar lulql {3o1ouq:e1 . $ua^a Sulpods . eldoad snoure; . 'Molaq sEu;qt 3urnr1 arel qlleaq . {:uepadxa a;r1 'suogugdo rnor( ereduror pue sdno.rB ur 'suolu1do .rnor(.ro; suoseor enrg'filuno: lno{ u! sanss! asoql roJ spuoJl lueJln) eql ssnlslc'ssep e se )lo A "' 'r(tessereu se osual aql e8ueq3'eL ase.rqd eleudo.rdde ue 8ulsn sof,uoluos Zeues oql slo^ sue lnor( elam 'eurue;8old eq1lo yed puof,os aql ol ualsll g'01 tS zs! roMsue oqr nor( op 1eq16 2Bu;1sp uoaq e pq sr leq111'ureEe ualsn q 11rnn sralnduor lelqef 'uaddeq lll/v\ f! )u!qf nort;l leef e + fq ppe pue xoq JputuprD oql utorl sase;qd esn'euo q)ee uo spadxa lpql,uol5anb Brq, aql uolugdo rno{ aruE pue /\^oloq suorprpatd eql Zlrorrof, suolnlpe.rd rno{ ere4 'eururelBo:d eq1lo yed tsrry oqt ot uolsrl f'ot p q sA 61 I eFueqc pue le )ool e I l)rr)vud r(1e1oog What would you do if you were Xrxwfrs$hte fmn ffi #my? According to news this week, scientists have made an important breakthrough in inventing a materialthat would make us invisible, An invisibility cloak like Harry Potter's won't be ready any time soon, but we asked people on the street ... Language focus 2 Hypothetical possibilities with rf PRACTICF ,E t work in pairs and discuss.What would you do if you were invisibte for a day? c Comptete the conversations with the correct form the verb in brackets. 1 (have) the opPortunitY, A: lf you Read what six peopte said they would do if they were invisible.Which answer is most simitar to yours? Which do you think is the most interesting? - 2 = Read the comrnents again.Are the speakers describing reaI or imaginary situations? 1a | one 3 -(you someone - you, - Which sentence below describes: . . someone l- a reaI situation? an imaginary situation? '1 l'd get a first class ticket to Cuba. 2 l'lt definitety go to Cuba one day. 4 b Which verb forms are used in each? Underline other examples of would + verb in the quotes in exercise 2. We often talk about hypothetical situations using f. Find two examples in the quotes.Which tense is used after if? Does this describe things that happened in the past? Cross out the sentence that is incorrect. 1 lf I were invisible, I would rob a bank. 2 I might rob a bank if I were invisible. 3 lf I would be invisible, I would rob a bank. / tisten) to what other PeoPle said about you behind your back? (be) too worried B: I don't think so. I about what I might hear, A: / ever steal) money, if no (can) find out? one (never / steal) money. Even if B: No, (feet) guitqu (know), I (do) something really A: lf (you / take) revenge? unkind to (try) to forget B: I don't think so. | it and focus on other things. (be) reatty A: Mmm. lf (do) someth to one of my family, horrible back to them. (be) suspicious of your A: lf you (you / ever / fottow) him? (be) a reatty stupic B: No, I think (you that thing to do. lf | - wrong, something about it. 5 (you A: / (think) he was doing (ask) him | ever / travel) first without a ticket? B: l'm a rea[ coward, so no, someone -(feet) so embarrassed. lf l& €i class (not | (catch) me, | - - 1*.F Listen and check.Which sentences do you agree with? Which sentences don't you agree wi What would you do instead in those situations? 'sluePnF reqlo ql!/v\ sesP! lno^ oJedLuoJ 'auo qlea lnoqe saf,ueluas lnol lo ooll'll ollJ/v\ PUP fieutBeut o^ l osooql V e€ es!f,Joxo u! suollenlls 'sJeA sue rnor( eleduor pue sdno.rE ul Uo A q 'ulo, eql ol uollueue Eulfed'saruelues eql Bup(es aslperd 'y2y aBed uo 8'oL 1d1.ns olpne 1e {oo'l Z .reeq nof 11 L '(p1non =l p,.reeq no{ 1 7 pue (1t,tin =l 11, A'saf,uatuas 1q3;a or ue5n €'*t rg Gj ollr L esecuelstuncrlc leq ^ Jspun l8uded lnoqtlm luernelsar e Jo lno >llem El zlearts aqi ur punoJ nod leq] dauoru oulos / anrtr osooq) ppom ar.{l u! areqM{ue antl uel / q Jl 6 2O1 anOUl nOr{ / araq^ 7 s.rea,{ Mo} }xeu aq} u! asnoq e^oLu / Jl 8 2a;r1 rnof Llll/!\ oP / teL{M / arreuor]llq e aq I }l L ryau {auouu aloLu aneq / Jl 9 zop o1 alqe 21r pueds dU I Motl daal g aJe8ueJls ;[?Til,"il1ti,"#[ l"fi ff : or su', nr a) el p u e )se ol e€ aslrJoxo ruorJ suollsenb ea^rl y aroqm g eauoaulos llq g ataldtuor e ol rer rnod ui 41e ary8 .lFull peads oi{l a oqP a^lrp El apual4 € ol deuolu Jo Luns eSrei e pual 9l Ze8ellor ro {ro^^ JJo dep aql le8 ot ill aq ol pualerd B anod ot asolJ auoeulos o] aIT E Ie erl I l:ea{ aq ll / lPqM / loqol leuosrad u,ino rno{ }ua^ul / rl s ZKnq I ad,{1 leqnn 7 talnduuo: nnau e {nq 7;1 7 2]uor.larter rno{ ut oP / lPqM / Plo eq 01 e^!l / Jl € ZluaraJjrp aq e;r1 .rno[ I Mot] lO00'L 3q ol a^ll / Jl z 2tr op no{ 7 a:eds ur lanell ol alueql eql a^eq / ll L ua a6 nol y / alaq^ 7.ree{ yeu 7 (eprloq uo oE 711 ala>Icp e ]noqllM ulerl e uo "' reAeu ;a6 not lltw araL4w 'teaf Txau {eptprl rele nod ppol4 fes UEnEN ZoB 'nof unouord eql Sulsn suolSanb eleuu uaql'(Sl) suollenlrs ,(.teurBeurl to (au) arnln] oLll ur sarlrlrqgssod 1ee.r ol la;el slduo.rd eql j! aPllo6l cg 'op Plnoan no{ leqM aPlloP Pup Molaq seuluallP luoul ot{l Peau €z Wffiffik Vocabulary Society and social issues G Work in groups and discuss. . . E* Woutd you like to be the president or prime minister of your country.Why /Why not? Think of one thing that you would change if you were prime minister. Write the words in the box in the correct category below. the wealthy corruption health care racism unemptoyment homelessness defence rax payers the opposition 1 Croups in parties crime education the poor the government ordinary people polIution transport poverty balancing the budget society: the wealthy 2 SociatDroblems: crime 3 Covernmentresponsibilities: b 3* Balance the budget Can you add more words educatian to each category? Check the meaning of the words and phrases in bold.Then complete the sentences for your country. Use words from the box in exercise 2a. 1 The government should increase taxes for 2 The government should reduce taxes for 3 The government's 4 The government shouldn't waste money on 5 The government should increase spending 6 The government should reduce spending on priority shoutd be _. on * Preparation Lisrening Work in pairs and compare your answers. Read about the Republic of Peakoilia and answer the questions. Which of the things in exercise 2a do you 1 What are its six main oroblems? 2 Which problems do you think are the most think are a problem in your country at the moment?Why? Ea 1* serious? Listen to four people from peakoilia and answer the questions about each person. 1 2 €: =#.3 What do they think are the country's biggest problems? What solutions do they suggest? Why? Listen again and tick the phrases you hear in the UsefuI language box. zsleFPnq aql uea^ loq aloql eloiv\ saluere#lP leLlAA Zlelndod lseal/lsoLu aql oJe^ saf,lot{f qllq/yvsuolslloP lno^ SululPldxa 'ssell oql ol qesodoJd s,dno.rB lno{ luasal4 'leBpnq oql Bullueleq ollqm o)eul ol sa8ueqr lno; 1seq oLlt uo ee;Ee o1 [t1'suosea; Eutnt8 'qesodo;d 1nd o1 su-rn1 a1e1'sdno.rE u1 11o16 lno{ p;em;o; = 3 pup 'peau nor( sese.rqdTsp.rom )sV'sllnser eq1 {;r1snf ol q'e a8en8uel lnlasn Jo < /(ue lo; ;aqreal ; no,( lnoqe solou e)e6 lr,roq leleur no{ a:1oqr qreo }o {nsar eql eq lllm req/Y\ = 'e^oqe lsn aql ruoJl a)eu ol al!l Plno/v\ no,( leql Eugpueds ug seEueqr rnol esooq)'la8pnq aql lleJeno eql alueleq oqe lsnu nor( 1nq'uollenlls enoldutl ol lue no1'lueululenoE ue111o1ea6 eqt loqueul e e;e^nor( aulEeurl 'ua,ro lnof uo )Jo A =1 JO Bul4eadg i.' i pu.1t1 aql ij qilou eql ol sPlal,'llo nreu a:o1dxe ' {sel [r1snpul , .., . ,^,{,'^ nnau nrrnn - iI quou aql ut l;odlte ^^-', en pltnq ' ' ': | : i i eauelaq .i 000's or {u.re eq} asee.nul l*odsue'[ 'i qlnos Pue quou uaoMlaq ,{ea,r.ro1otu e Pllnq "; ,,.i i uorleullsap ,{eplloq e se Ptlro)eed alou.ro.rd ' i tltrou eqt u1 dllsierlun mau e plrnq tueLudrnbe rvrau ,(nq pue slooqrs 'rredel i I I llttt tnnl ulsllnol i lelrdsoq^ au e plrnq. i uolle)nPl s"teeqqeaH Find out 1a first View O What do you know about satellites? Try to complete the text below by choosing the correct answers. 1 What is Maggie Aderin-Pocock's job? 2 What food and drink is mentioned in the video? 3 Satellites The first man-made satellite to orbit Earth, Sputnik l, was launched in1957 3a Earth Match the verb(s) in A with the phrases in things that satellites do or help to do. 1 I 1977 bythe Soviet Union. There are now around 35 I 350i 3,500 working satellites orbiting the Earth. Those in'low Earth orbit'can be as close as}{0' I 2** I 1967 in'high orbit' are more than 400 / 4"*S0 / How many satettites has Maggie used before 9 a.m.? B to create A I 2,S&0 kilometres away, while those W.t.tr the video and answer the questions. keep 2 send and receive 3 orbit 4 deliver 5 take 6 harvest 7 Deam forecast fr I from Earth. Nearer satellites travel much faster than further ones. For example, the Space Shuttle, when it was in orbit, travelled at around 3,G*S i 3S,0$S / 3S0,00S kilometres per hour. 40,0$CI kilometres B a a signaI to the television b the weather c an eye on us from space d data e the Earth t mitk g the wheat h photographs for military use Go online to check your answers or ask your teacher Search: how many functioning satellites in orbit I low Farth orbit I high Earth orbit / space shuttle speed Watch the video again.Which phrases from exercise 3a does the presenter mention? 4 Which facts from the video do you find most interesting or surprising? Why? 'ojrl rno^ PeBueql seq l!/noq lnoqe )lel pue sJouued a8ueq3 'e;g1 rnor( peBueqr seq 1r ql!Ll/v\ u| s{ean oql ls!] 's as!f,raxa ur {Eolouq:el Meu lueuodurr lsour eq1 sr )u!ql no{ leqm esooql'srted 'Z ur,rrnlol ut Uol elalduor pue uteEe qlle/v\ aa*!l rgaql e3ueqr 4 saop mopi eg q ! i i ;{3o1ouqm1 qllq4t\ (etput>)qooq-a . rsnuu 1e1131p . s)loMleu lPllos aulluo . erPoa r) rA . srelnduor 1e1qe1 . seuoudileuus pueqpeorq paads-qErq . 'olqet aqt Jo L uurnlol a1e1duro3 Ztnoqe 3ur>11e1 uosred qf,po sr {Bolouqrel qllq/v\ 'se^rl rlaqt peBueqr spq r{8o1ouqra1 tpqt eldoed rno; qlle A @ lnoqe Eur11e1 "S pl,!o/v\ ^/ra!A r#WF* d" .e4 d{6e+gc e&ee, rq +. Click here to show that you agree to the terms and conditions. .., t&t t,.), a, r,t, a,r' 4..t,, =.:t :i::ti;:A9f gsr,.l.'r1, &-istening ,&mnmyix'rg ruflss i Work in groups. Think of at least one rule that you woutd find in these places. motorways classrooms airports websites libraries swimming pools nightclubs parks and open spaces 7 i2' "i";.i Listen to five peopte complaining about a rule they f ind annoying. Answer the questions. 1 2 Which place in exercise '1 is each person tatking about? Find the photos that the rules refer to. Listen again.Why exactly do they find these rules annoying? Which rules (if any) do they agree with? Work in groups and discuss. . . . Which speakers do you agree with? Which other rules and laws do you find annoying? Do you ever break rules? lf so, which rules and in which circumstances? 'a3ue\pe ut sJnoq oivll a|eql p6 ol a^eq na| zoreld aql ssanE stuePnls laqlo eql ue)'salnJ Jno^lno peeu'sdnor8 ul )JoAA q :op o1 3urq1 llo.rJo) eql lou / eapr poo8 e 1ou st 11 9 :opo1 Surqlt)ero)or.llTeapr poo8es! tl S :Pollruroc lou / )9 lou sr 1l t :Pollil.urac/)o sr 1l € :(1euor1do s,1r) ,tessa:au lou sr 1l Z ol (lob) arr,eq:{-iessa:eu st 1; L 'f.roBeler lf,aJJo) or{1 u! L os!)rexe uo4 's! l! eJeq/v\ {es 1,uop 1nq'ereld eql Jol salnr }o lsll e elu1 '9OL eEed uo L os!f,Joxa u! sauo oql ro seepl rnof asn 'salnr Jo lol e spq leql ereld e ]o )urq] cg Ploq u! sqlo eql lnd unrro 'a)ours no^ zL '10)lrl tnoLllm lqEner ar,no{ Jr au4 p 'urerl aql uo la)lrl rno{ 'aluPnpe ur la)lrl rno{ ^ed {nq {nq - . e)e} e no no no LL OL 6 "'surerl uo 'Plo gee( 2; ar,no^ lr Nel dur^uP rno^ 'qd) 081 te e^up u's(em:olou.r eql asn ol {ed '{1: 'lleq lee^ e leas 0o1s ot,(ed 'sdurssorl ueulsapac le aqt olur le) lno( anup 'arlual eql q8norqi anup 'arluaf, AlD aql u! no 8 no / no 9 no s "'sPeol uo 'aEe rno{ anord o1 CI Mor.ls l,uplnoqs 'aEe rno,{ anord o1 Cl Moqs lsnur 'aEe rno,( anord o1 Cl Moqs ol aleq 's{enmolouu uo qd1 0ZL }e a^up ol e^eq l.uop 's{enn:oloLu lsoru uo qdl OZI le a^up ol aleq no1 noA noL t no1 no1 's^eMlolotlr lsor! uo qa) 0z L le aAuP ol PaMollE sr.no^ 'uossal slql ur auoqd rnof esn ol lqtno no 'uossal slr.l1 ul auoqd rno{ asn l,ue) no1 'uossel slql ur auoqd rno{ esn ol po^ olle lou er.noA 'a:aq saure8 11eq {e1d l,ulsnu no1 'a:aq saLue8 lleq ,{e1d ol pemolle lou er.no1 'araq seue8l1eq {e1d uef, no1 L sre).t no1 € saurol Z no^ L )reo "' sallua: ,{1tr u; - onrl uaql eleul 'fr1unor7{1gr .rno{.ro; ol qre^ olqelrns e ql!/v\ saluolues eqt elaldtuo3 A 'seruelues elelduror eql eslpe.rd ueql {1e1e.redes sq.ren aql Eugfes eslDer6 7 "' sqre^ 'suorlrPuol Pue suJal eql Pear Plnoqs no 'suor]rPuol PUP sr.!r01 0q1 Peer ol a^eq no^ 'dno.rB qleo u! arualues pe,t.tof,u! aql lno ssor3 'soloqd oql u! u^ oqs solnJ lnoqe sef,uoluos aql ppeu L luasaJd aql u! uolssluxred pue uollEFlKo L sn3oJ eten8uel oJoq ur otuof ol paMolle 1,uete trlqnd eql lrlqnd oql "' ol PeMolle 1,u0le otr PoMolle 1,u0re aql,o q)eo Jo uollelrunuo.rd oql ol ua55 Z't t FJ L 'g 'Euualue oro;eq ureql e^ourar (plnoqs) no 'orpooq ro leq e:eann (tsnu) no . 9 no1 s 3ur11em ln;aref, og o] (rqEno) - [!aq] .APPaJ eneq ,(111uapur ro (plnoqs) no1'prpl no t (aneq) 'areq podssed moqs o1 :no{ 'relatd no{ ')leM o1 (nno11e) Jl :qred slql uo e1:{: o1 (aneq) (Molle) (nno11e)'q1e0 slql asn o] 'araq ur auol ol 'sla))uq no{ noA € slsrp^) z :r1qnd eqt ; qra oql lo ur ruroj poro) oqr qr!/v\ saf,ualuas aql elalduo3 'ol Jolal saf,uoluos osoql lelll su8rs aq1 pugl t r)tr)vud Reading Work in groups and discuss. . . Are you a member of any ctubs or societies? Think of three different ctubs and societies. What rules do they have? Do you know of any exctusive clubs? Who do/ don't they accept as a member? . 2 You are going Read the Exclusive clubs to read about three unusuaI societies' first few lines of each text and then answer the questions. 1 2 3 What kind of peopte are members? What is the main activity of each society? Which society do you think these words and phrases relate to? case to cause damage to vandalise to solve a crime an aristocrat a battle a murder 4 These are some of the world's most exclusive clubs. But even if you could join them, You might not want to! to surrender a new recruit to smash Work in pairs and have a reading race.As quickty as you can, find out from the text which club has the rules below. They have to be speciatty quatified professionals. the Vidacq 5ociety 1 They have to have a lot of moneY. 2 They aren't allowed to leave before their contract has finished. 3 They have to change their names. 4 They have to pay for everything they break. 5 They can't contact friends or family for several 6 7 8 9 5a months. They have to have a strong stomach. They have to wear an expensive uniform. They aren't allowed to give uP. They are allowed to change their nationatity. at least two unusual things about each society. Compare your answers with the class. Read the article again and underline Work as a ctass and discuss. . . . Which, if any, of these societies woutd you [ike to join? Why? Are afly of them controversial? WhY? Do you know of any societies with strange rules? What are they? The Vidocq Society The Vidocq Society was set up in 1990 and its mottc is 'Cuisine and crime-solving'. To become a member of the society you have to be a crime specialist. Members meet every month ln a restaurant 1n Philadelphia to discuss a'co1d case': a murder that has never been solved. But flrst they have a large lunch. While they are eating, they hear details of the case and use their sh11s to try and solve it. The photographs that they see and the stories that they hear during the presentation of the murder case would stop most people from eating. However, the members of the society don't mind. They are professionals. The sociefy is named after Eugdne Frangols Vidocq, the 18th-century criminal who became the world s first private detective. Only 82 people are allowed to be members of the club (Vidocq was 82 when he died) and new members have to be inviteC by a committee. Two new cases come in every wee. and members use their experience to think of new ways to solve each case. Their fitst success was tn 1991. A man cailed Huey Cox had been murdered Cox s family believed that the wrong person had been arrested and when the society looked at the case, they agreed. They helped the family and as a result the suspect was quickly set free. The societl' estimates that so far it has helped to solve around 300 murders. aql roJ arnl ou llrls sr 'Plor uor.ul.llof ereq] 'laSuol durnrl sr uoslad etselane aql 'slea^ 001 lsel oql ul soseasrP snouas {ueuu.ro; sernl punoJ oneq slolf,o6 'PassaroaP no^ e)eu uel 1r q 'no{ ro1 pooE aq [11enpe ,{euu loqorle Jo lunoure lleuls peq sr lorlollp qlnuJ ool 6, are olooac t eer8e srolfo6 € Pue ,'ta;8a;.ri1daap a-r,L leql 3uno.,{ are a uor.{,tllt. s8uql op a6, ^ 'pres uorelue3 'qnlc oql yo drqsraqruau sq lnoqe peuoqsanb uaql1 uoruursJ pr^EC ralsurl\ Ourud qsrlrJg ua^O pue JOJSlu[u Ocueuu qsIlIJS E 'uopuo'l ;O -rOz{erU e papnlJur aAEq sJaqurolu snor^ard 'sJoquau reqlo eql dq pasrppuer' eq IIU uoor e8alloc .uaql patdecre a"re daql gr pue urof o1 petnul eq ot eAEq sraqurau oN ^ '"tog.,{ed o1 e8eruep oqt ilE sr areqt uaqt pue 009'tJ tnoqe stsoc auole ol a^Eq sreqtuaru {snor,r.qg 'qsec ur aBeu.rep aL{t tte roJ {ed {1a1r1od LuroJrun eq; i{q1pa.a,t ^,{1au-rarlxa aq /l qnIS uop8uulng eql lseal te ur sJe^ pue salueqlq8nog seq uor8al u8ra;og qcuoJC aql '066T ecurs suazurc qcuoJc auocaq uec ^,{aql s;ead ea;q] rage pue qtuoru E 000'IJ 1aB faql >Fo^ pJEq lar.{l roC 'qteap oqt ot tqBU ol ol€q deql - apleq ur un8 "rraql asol ro JOpuaJJns ol pe tou ere daql 'a"roru sr teq6 rnor{ uE ueqt ssel ur >1ced1ceq 3>l tI ^olp e qtu UDI 8 unJ ol aAEq sJrnJceJ ltau 'elduexa JoC pffq dlau-re-4xa sr Surure;1 q '{q11eequn lt ol a1\eq sreqLualu leql alnr lsrrls e st t1 'sSurql 3ur.,{o;1sap poqsrug arreq.,ieql JeUe teAeAAoH 'urlol^ snrJ€Arpe"rig e Surpnlcur 'sluarunJlsut raql IIE poqseus ueql pu€ suercrsnur pcrsselr go dno;8 E perrq 'uors€JJo qnlr qnd oql raqloue dJnluaJ-qlg ug I e Sursqepue.,r ;o; pelserJe ore A qnlc eqt Jo sreqrueu lle'7002 ul a8euep asnec pue lq8g ot tJets daql 'ury roJ 'ueqt pue 3urue,r,e Ip lurJp pue tea daql lue"rnelsar e ur dlpnsn rea,{ e eclnl leeur sroqluey[ asneJ sJaquelu slr lEql soeqJ puE uorlcnJlsap aql roJ snoureJ sr puE plo sread gg7 re^o sr qnlJ aq1 firuaruun pJoJxO te stuapnts eletu sselc-:addn roJ ,qnlc Sururp, e,r.rsnlcxo uE sr qn13 uopEuqng aq1 'serrlunoc luOJaJJp 7I e e 'qlleaq lno^ loJ letll 'sueuele8en-Suruo:eq olot! alou sr leaul dutlee Aaql e )utql 'pooJ loj qeultue ll!) ol Euotm tl leqt a^orlaq s{epennou aldoad {ueN z sl 'lHElenn rno^ lolluol ol alaq uel q )ooM e saurl aalql Sulsr:laxa puourruoler syadxa e 'aseasrp peeq luenerd uef, asoroxa relnBeX ; 'urof deql ueql^ eLu€u qcuerC meu p e>lel daql :aureu '8urure.r1 e.re daql a1q,nt IEar rreql dea4 o1 pe Aolle uole lou e.re daql ureel ol arreq.,iaql lnq'qcuerC >1eeds o1 e Eq l,uop sllnrcal r aN 'auodue auoqd;o ol olrJl ol po^ oile lou oJe deql sqluour o al lsrg eql roJ pue 'uoseal due;og leqt aroJaq e,\eal ot por olle lou aJe daql 's"read e U roJ dels lsnru daql 'peutof e.,req.{aqt acuo pue 'e8ualeqc E Jo aJrT au e lueirn daql ^aau ^ esneJaq urof daql ppom orll punore sarrlunoc luaJeJJrp Jo slol ulo{ eluoJ sorreuuofal 'qcuerg lou ar€ ueql Jo lsou q8noqlp .{ule qcuerC eqt go ped e;e sa;reuuor8a'l aqJ 'ItgI ul dn 1as sert qcrq,n 'rrnr9raql Jo sraquaLu 009'/ lnoqe Ole ereqJ "9.r'^ - y-rerc ' "r' uol8eT u8Tero{ r{3uer{ ':eer( eql ^'tena q uels olaoac duno^ Aueu|sJri] alrdssc 'o^lsuodxa Aro^ 0q un !'aidu-'J€qM e sr Eurlou.rs leq} smou) auo,tenS 'no{ ro; peq 'rtesserau J! uollenpund ppy'aurr1 qrea Z os!f,Joxe tuor; Jo)ull olqelrns e 3u1sn 'sr(ea,r IUEfEilFEmI u! sa)uotues eql alalduro3 € :os ol Surueeur lelrurs € :nq ot Surueau.l lelrurs Z :pue ot Eulueaur lelrurs L '/v\oleq {.ro8aler palJof, eql u! I aslllexe ut sro)utl oql ol!4v\ g aroJoJaLll llnsal sJotrl sr lPrlM JAAA^^oq e se roJ s1q1 el;dsep q8noqrle oqe uosear leql saPtsoq 2Eu;1u11 r{aql ale seapr q)rql 'ssoql;o saldurexe a^!l aulpopun pue allrile oql Peereu'seopr )utl pue saf,uoluos urofol pesn xoq oql u! spro/v\ aql le lool sPro/v\ Fu;4u;1 {.re1nqmon IT ISOInU Yhe Sxnrsh wsrld *f I Stlx-aexlt&ry jxxstie* & fammws g&th Cnminal justice in the lBth century was a harsh business was no community service and few criminals were even sent to prison! If you committed a crime and were arrested, for many crimes you could expect - there the death penalty. At the end of the l8th century, lhere were over 200 crimes that could be punished by hanging. As well as serious crimes like murder and kidnapping, and urutstsurE. included burglary, Iruruucu robbery, y, D[ul,lrrrurE, shoplifting 4rru uurEr4r y, ruugEr or Slqdrilrt down d a tree uee ut Even EVen ]I if you were caugnl caught culullg cutting Llowll a rabbit. ir couid resulr in death. It the iudse was nnore .ni"nt, Lf',. defendant might be sentenced ro transporLation instead. This meant iravelling by ship ro Ausrralia. Conditions on the ships were terrible ^-^ ,L^ ..-^-. *;y. t".i^.. rr.i, "r^and many prisoners di.d;; ',.,^. these mugging. stealing l f il; tn.y iiit.v hadtodoatleasisevenyears hardlabourbeforethey r^.- -^^l ^^.-rr L^ --^t----l good L^L^-,:^,,could be released lor behaviour. cr*rffi$xaal frmxm : the e€m*?.xv3v Jack Sheppard was born into a very poor family in 1.702. When he was six he started to work and at the age of l5 he became an apprentice carpenter Tn lhe spring : he stole two silver his first _ ol 1723, he '_ spoons from a shop. He v\asn t caught ard he soon burglary: he usually stole from the moved from '-to houses where he was workinq as a carpenter in February l724,buthe Sheppard'- first escaped within three hours and continued uuL each Lsurr ur 1724, I r 4T! but three Lr[sE more rrrurc times LrrrrsD in l rtr -_ .l.ruuJs). He' time he escaped. Tnen on 3lst October. Sheppard ua shop and stole a black srlk suir . He was arrested th.e next day for the final time. Two weel<s later. he Two hundred thousand people - one-Lhird of London's -i. +,'-a,ol had ha.^r become ^^^,,1-+;^population - attended his funeral eL^^^...] Sheppard L..l ^ii^-i^^ - - acelebrifyu-. . ; I . . . . . ....: .., ., ,,:,.:..,,,, ,,,.,],.;:L,. :..:,::..,.,,.:r,:"" trri::r,.., Voeabaxla*y #*"t rme mrxd - pa.c r*6sfu rs"ser"$t Work in groups and discuss. . . What was the criminaljustice system [ike in your country 200 years ago? Was it harsher or more lenient than it is todav? Read the text above about criminaljustice in Britain 200 years ago. Answer the questions. 1 2 :i;= What crimes resulted in capitaI punishment? What was considered a more lenient option? The words in botd in the text are connected to crime and punishment.Write them in the correct category below. Can you add any more words? Crimes n:urder Verbs fo be s*nf ta pris*n ta contnil e crinE :: *as *., iung.d .ottltt.d ... crime j Work in pairs. Take turns to remember facts about Jack Sheppard using vocabulary from exercise 4a. People the ... "rr.rt"a got.caught burgling shoptifting robbed cllminat Punishments th* death p*nalty judge Look at the crimes in the diagram. For each one write the verb and the person. a murder:, ta murder, a murderer '.: Read the story of a famous 18th-century British criminal. Complete the text with the words in the boi Sheppard stale fwc silver spcons {rom a shop. ,.:. Work in groups and discuss. . . . Do you know of any'cetebrity criminals'? What crimes did they commit? Why do you think some criminals become famou, - ::== 'alo,{ 0l p3l\,10/l€ },i14J84,1 uawaf'*\ auo^Je^a sleururrr uarPllt]) sFlS/uouJom aldoed rood 'sluoPnls JaLllo ql!/v\ sle^ sue lno{ eleduto)'Molaq xoq oql ur aldoed 1o sdno.rB aql lnoqe 1urql'1sed s,{.rlunor rnor{ utoll salnl lo sA el aAU uMoP elpl BgBI tllun peL{slloqe tou oram suosr.rd srorqeq dlue; srq l:oddns dlaq ol ,{.rolce; sua>IJIC Sunor{ aqt pue laleq E ol e ur qol e ]aB lqop p JoJ uosud ut s€M lat-{t€J slH uoseei slql roJ Z I Jo sualJtc saUEr-{J lstla^ou a8e eqr tp loor{Js a,tea1 -6 usn8uq au I eAITp .{ttuuet rteul deo) ol lsnIx:o,rn " u.r!1tqt)t"qJ ulaqt t{tr^ uosud otut sarlrureJ rreql -s tq8norq uouo uelyql€ap ol pa^lels ,{ueu pue uosud ut sree,{ pue s.tead lueds s;auosud autog uosud ut 3ut{e1s -to1 ,,{aq1 'tqep leut8t,to ;taqt pled peq z(aqr lrtun aneal pred ,{ar-.r uenE dauoLu ou peq )anan oq s;euosl:d lsotr1 ;r 'uosud eneal .(llenluala Pue -, :,....i:: .. ,: a,rr8 o1 rro^ Tr 0lo^ Oql uerno,\i\ pi-ro.,r,r. aql ui,4:tunor lsru oql I Suoleru 't6BI ulo{ uoluoM'puer{ Joqlo eql uo 'pu€l€oz IAON ul I/61 lllun aton ueruo^ 'puPUazlIA S ul (,t7) ur:o3 l€tttul€J erll asn e ^-,^r,^.^ peelsul slolsetu Jlaql ol posn slu€Ales l?ql . .i.. ,. QUQAIO^J -6 pro^\ JLll seM sl..ll JSnPJoo (:no,l) no.{ 1o u-r,ro.; etrlod nod 'uot1n1o.r,ou qJualC aql 8ur'rnq aql osn l€J e 13urq1 poo8 € s€n ,^ El srqt sdeqrad os J^up ol repro ur ]se1 Sur,ttrp € a>lel , no,{ le,te,r,to11 -, 3eg pa, e Sut,tert ro,{ 1o tuorl ur11e,r,L--s auoeu-os ,otcrqa^ rorour e ur polo^err nod ;r - slqep lraql ,{eda-r ot dauour u;ee plno: daqt lu€oul slql pue uosrLd 1ro^ uana pup paureuJ ta8 oW aprstno e,nr1 , stauosud JJo-rallaq eulos arom srauosud roqlo lei.n suteqJ leleLu AAEOLI Otf l€aM {eql deuou ,{aql pue lu€In€tser uosrjd aqt asn - -,.{eqt ouos peq.{aqt ;1 luosr-rd ul ola {eql alrr-1,r,r Sutqilrale ^ {aL1: rqap ur era^A,{aq1 asnecaq areLlt roJ ,{€d -, ele,n,,iaqt q8noqr ue,te ro^o^ oH stqop peq ,{aqt ;r uosud ot tuos ueuo a.ran eldoad &ruuac qlgt aql ul ul€lug ul - "' o8s sreezt OOe uCI$trd V ,u*lug_{r;:ffillr"l::r, uuorS daql 'pa8e8ua lo8 ,r{aql ;1 peu;eru le8 u8rser sloqoeat oleureJ'^lntuoJ rll6l aql ul VSn aql ul 'luauruJe.r'o3 oql ol xel lelcads e ''{ed -o daqt 'p;eaq:reQ1 deal ol pelue^ .{eql 31 1sp:eaq uaualqou '€rssnu Jo leort eql lolod lapun -,a^eq -, -' aql uro4 iFed snAel otueqs 01 PaMolle l,uaroM l,uplnor/p]noc oJour eq Jo (eu 'ral sue elqrssod auo uPtll a.reql'xoq reuulelD oql t.uoll qra^ P urol lsed eqt ql!/v\ suolldlrlsap aql e1a1druo3 tr)ufvud / 01 PaMolle 01 e^pq ol e^eq to8 eneq l,uele/l,us! 6 9 € i,ulsnLr.l ot a^eq l,uop ol PeMolle ilelst B s z lsnul l,uel uel 1 t alaM l,uplp / ol peq ,(lrlrqrssod auo ueql oJotrl aq feu a.req1'uorleBllqo oleq sqro^ aql qllM lxol oql eloldLuo) ssardxa ol ^ zsua)ltc salreqf lstla^ou qslllr€ aql Pue uosud uaaMlaq uol]lauuol eql s! ]PqA g Za^Pol ro^eu aldoad auros PrP o1 01 PoMolle r,^., -..^+ud) /\rr+uuJ Rswd 8E& *.*H {qrut ol Z 2uosllo .1+UL eql ul Oldoad e.rann {q16 ; ilet aql Peau 'suollsanb eql Ja^ sue Pue L zPeolsul Posn s! urlo} tllll'l^ zslurol lsed erreq lou op sqra^ ealql q)lq/yvalqrssod ,o smlo, lsed aq1 a11.t116 ^ olaq e*#$s$gtu#imd paxw a"E#H&ryffigqq* ejeqrur'sq.ran 3ut/v\ollol oql 5!'"33s* a axemsue] il I il %ffik Discuss new laws Pneparation Reading and listening Read the suggestions for laws that should exist and answer the questions as a class. 1 Which suggestions do the photos relate to? 2 Do any of these [aws already exist in your country? 3 Think of one argument for and one argument against each law X l* d : "g Listen = to peopte tatking about four of the laws suggested on the website.Which ones are they? What reasons and examples do they give? g$ffieffiffi YOL'R VNHW O: What laws do you think should exist? A: I think everyone should have to do a short test on current affairs before they are allowed to vote. political_harry, 2 hours -ago A: I would ban smoking in all public places, even outside. e:mc3, 4 hours ago List€n again and tick the phrases you hear in the Usefu[ [anguage box. Task Speaking T What laws would you suggest on the website? Think of your own ideas, then make a list with the rest of class. > Useful language a Es b Choose two suggested laws that you would tike to discuss, either from the website or from the list your class made. Make notes for each [aw. Use the headings betow and ask your teacher for any words/phrases you need. . . . Your opinion (for or against): Reason(s): Examptes or cases that support your opinion: > l,Jseful language b 3 Work in groups.Tett the other students which laws you would like to discuss and give your opinion and reasons. Find out what they think. A: I would make a law saying people who beat or hurt animals should receive the same treatment themselves. T;ffin, 4 hours ago A: The long-term unemployed should have to do voluntary work to get unemployment benefit from the government. [/arrin, 5 hours ago A: I think speed limits on motorways should be abolished. 2cool4school, 5 hours ago A: lwould make itthe lawthat if you go and live ir a foreign country it should be compulsory to learn the language of that country. Beverley, 6 hours ago A: I think adverts should only be allowed to give information which is true. 1 0den, B hours ago A: Drivers should have a trial driving licence for a couple of years before they are allowed to have a full licence. They should only get a full licence if tf^.ro have shown that they are safe on the road. Hyi: l0 h?yl'"g-9 A: People who do dangerous sports shouldn't har: the right to free medical care if they hurt themseli:,i Raymond, 1 day ago A: I think that hunting and harming animals for sp:: 4 Work as a class.Te[[ the class which laws your group discussed and what your opinions were. Find out what the rest of the class think. > Useful language c should be banned. Hui, 2 days ago A: I would change the law so that young people the right to vote at 16. birdsong, 3 days ago l- : ::,.: -.,.......,:a:, .. ... t';",',.:::,,,;,:::;::tt;:;t'.,:'., ':t:,,,:.:;,',,,,,,.;: Y', t' :,...,,"t ",:;, ,,. '; '" .'. puP r?rsAPlPN t.tl ,""..'LZsrl!ueu]o.." '9Lsr eulsnv :Ir lzP]€ pus lnq 'gi 5r a8P ur 3ur1on aq1 seuli:no: 1J0N.1, :Qvrv Ul '.-.i.:..' s.'>-\ | ? ,w: . slql tnoqe suorurdo lualoJJtp peq lle aM teq1 aer8e sn Jo tsoh / lle o,l7\ ''' " s$s;3 eq? *1 Passn)srP aA e*o;*lei*:ala,{ 3u1gr:*sa;6 'osuos ; ,oLu (Jo tol ej a)eLU l,usaop tpql/t! o-L '(uods ro1 Surtunq) s1 q1r,tr eat8e t,uop teqM I ''' Osnploq ltplun/lrel aq plnoM Mel srql )ulqt ''' Jsne)oq papr srql qlyn.r aat8e 1,uop aet8e 7 I 1 '(3ur1unq) (1ou) u_r,1 lsureBe ^^^a p st stql ^-^, pood dsnprdq eopt lutq] (l,uop) " .(r . lqnd u .,,",n '(e,rt1) o1 ":,L,:' ",i]'Jinj. | ;Tffi; lqBu aql a^eq plnoqs (sleLrruy) (e1on) o1 po^\olle aq (lou) plnoqs (eldoed 3uno1) 'pauueq eq plnoqs 11 1urq1 (l,uop) t '(e:uetr1 1eu1 e eneq) o1 ,&oslndr_uo: aq plnoqs ''' tpqt Mel (,uau) e aq plnoqs aroql )ulqt d&*tr ,4&*& aa1& tl I F*gq1::**g c a,,:.,tt' '.,:,,..,.,,.,:,,' . ' : a'aa:aaa.,. :::.::::..,a:. ffi 3 Speaking Write the phrases from exercise 2b in the correct category below. Exprgssing and responding to opinions 1 Read the newspaper article.What do you think is an appropriate punishment for the boy? ' :i Mark Forest from West Kirby has been sentenced to 25 hours' eommunity service for robbing a local newsagent. Mark, who is '16, walked into the shop on Broad Street and stole t75 from the till. He also threatened the shop owner, Mr Keith Perry. 2a ii Expressinganopinion ::ll-'::::q:: :1"::::": i: Respondingtoanopinion T::f-"-::::g :: -1:l-"-l::::-:l: i That may be so, but ... i Terrible, isn't it? i and listen to the key phases. Notice how the speaker uses intonation to remain polite, even when disagreeing. 4a W"t.h the video of two conversations about the crime.What's the relationship between the peopte in each conversation? What does each person think about the crime? 4 Mititary service should be compulsory. The main aim of orison should be to re-educate criminals, not punish them. That may be so, but.., c I e What do you mean? Reatty? Why do you say that? I don't know about that. b In my opinion ... don't know about you, but I don't think Conversation 2 a b 5 1 a f Work in pairs. StudentA: Use a phrase from the table in exercise 3 to express an opinion about the statements below. Student B: Respond to Student As opinion with a phrase from the tabte.Try to give a reason for the opinion you express. 1 lt's acceptabte to send chi[dren to prison. 2 Avoiding tax is not a crime. 3 Att forms of hunting should be banned. Read the extracts below.Then watch again and number the phrases in the order you hear them. d to be honest, I don't really agree. @W"t.tt O Conversation But You have to remember that ... Terrible, isn't it? c But to be honest, I don't realty agree. d I take your point. don't knr:w about you, but I think that it's OK to send children to prison sometimes. I ... Reeiiy? !'m b n*t s* surs" ln 3.; <:pini*n ... What are your own opinions about the statements in exercise 4a? Compare your ideas with the rest of the class. Use phrases from exercise 3. 'uelP leull oql olu A'^esse s,louuPd lno/( a^oldul! ol s^e^ peBEns pue s{esse dert5's.rred ut lro A g (5gg e8ed aas) 2d1par,lol sialull pasn no,{ oAPfi r ;aserqd alel.rdoidde up Lll!/vl qde:8e:ed qlea p33npo"r1u1 no{ orlPfl o ee€ as!3rexa ut orntrnrls qde-:8e-red aqt pasn no{;;fi; ol lstl)reql eql esn ',(essa lnor(;o uerP lslll e alll^A 5 'alqlssod JI uoslJo ol se^lleulallE asooqc aJoJaJar1l ue 1 'se8e1ue,tpe ppoqs sunoc leql pecuhuoc aqt q8rer,l.lno saJualuas uosr"rd 3uo1 3o sa8elue,tpesp aql sssec Jsou ur teql arrarlaq,{13uo"4s 1 'srql aldsaq 'uosud ut ureurer ol en€q.{aq leql sno;a8uep os aJe sleulultJc oLuos 'esrnoc Jo 'puv ueilo3;oJ ueuo ore aurJc JO suulJl . eql l€q] en8;e osp daql 'lua"r"ralap luelrodul ue oJe secuoluas uost;d ;a8uol leql an8re aldoad duei,1 saoualues uosud Sutsea;cut Jo Jno EJ ur sluaunS:e luel;odrur oluos eJ€ eJoql la emoH 'a"re daql a.reqr',t ec11od s^ oqs qctq^ setun IIE l? 3el cruo;lcala ue r€a^ ol a./\eq daql teql sueour srqJ ,pa33el, ,,^ ,-.i,,,-,,^ JOC a IICaJJA AJOLU eJe Spoqlaul aquEc slEurlurrJ.aloulExo Jorfo esaql Jo lol e pue 'slpullutrJ qsrund o1 sde.u;adeeqc Jaqlo aJ€ a;eq1 'uosr"rd ut uos;ad e daal o1 ;ea,{ e 999'673 JaAo slsoc 1l )n oql u1 'altsuadxa st uosud'eroul sI lPqM 'aJnlnJ aql ur seulIJJ aJoul llululoc o1 ,{1e4q eJoul qcnur sr aqs Jo aq 'aruIJJ loutlu E "ro3 uosud o1 lues sr uosrad 8uno.{ e Jr 'uoseal leql JoC 'saurtJc llururoc ol sde,u, lteu ureal daql llnseJ E se pue uoslid uI sleullulJc Jaqlo o1 4p1 dpo spuluIuJ 'uost"td ut sI oultJc lltuuroc ol Moq ureal ot aceld tsaq eql l€qt JOquraua; ot luet.rodu-tt st lt ,{1ts"rt3 l ou are daql ueql;a8uo1 secualues uosud aleu; lou pFoqs a.ryt'uotutdo .,{ur ut ;e,r,e,r,LoH Mol aJE secueluas uosud asnecaq qSlq sl auuc leql an3;e aldoad r',--, uI anssl plslo^oJluoc pue lFcuJIp e ^,,,^^ .-^,.-,-^^ ouros saqarros Aueu-I sr 2uorurdo uano ;nor( sl lPq/V\ 2lsure8e ro JoJ slueunS;e alou.r fue;o 1urq1 nor{ uef q srqJ aourrrc e roJ lueulqsrund aleudo;dde aql sl l€i16 'ssncslg'lroqs ool aJe soJuoluas uoslrd 'aJnlnJ eql ul AJaIcos ol uoonqlJluoJ rellaq e o{eur pu€ qof e 1aB o1 s;auosltd dlaq pm uoqecnpg v .^^,,-,,,J 'por{sruno lou are sieurulrJc Jr sulucl^ JIaI{l ol JIeJun sl lI s 'pJeq sI eJll uosud ur aJrl ssapn uossal Jraql ureal lou op_slEuILuuJ z 'sonlunuodoo naal pue pel{ e^eq uosud ut dn pua oq,wr. eldoad 1soy11 lprullp E 'ssnssro 'r{s!und uPr{l req}eJ el€cnpe-eJ ol eq ppoqs uoslrd Jo urle eql lsow zpouolluaul aJp eL esllJaxa uorj suoluldo qllq/v\ zsleulurlrl Jol sluetuqslund roqSnol lo lno^Pl u! laluv\ orll sl '/v\oloq {esse uoruldo aLll Peeu * et 'uePoOrol 1sn[ sr lurlcrn oL.l] pu€ {;luetue; oo} poleer} ere sl€utLuuc )urr-l] | 'sluor,uqs;und reqbnol L.lcnuJ lo lno^Pl ,f ,,1 reileq qcnu ere ecrrues fltunuu.toc e)tl s]ueLuqstund 'olrlcege ],uere lsnf secueluos uosUd 6uol e tqdet6ete4 lall.ra eql lpr{l sprom Eu11ur1 aql aulpapun leq+ a^atqq Albuo4ls I 'ornm+ eq] ur 3 z zrlt!^r eer8e nof op (s)tueurn8re qrlq/v\ i ulaql SureBe sl oLlA u sleu!ulu) Jol sluatuqslund raqBnol suoddns oq1 'ule8e suotugdo aql peeu q 'luoualPls q:ea yoddns o1 slueurn8re Jo lulql'(tsu;e8e) - .to (ro1) + sluourotep aql )Jeur pue /!\olaq rrdol eql peay '{essa uotutdo ue ollJ^ ol Suro8 ele no1 JaAaMoH 'seap1 urof o1 sesn "' I ! sauuc snolros 1Luruoc o1 {1e1r1 erour ore Aeql uosud o1 oO eldoed 'soLuuc Jour.u roJ uosud o1 eldoed Outpues 11 tsurebe Lu,t ! '1uere1ep poo0 L 'eE as!f,raxo u! spePl aql alnPoJlul ol sesn lallt^ aql leql seselqd oql euluoPun q ul {1;eer e s,il )ulr-1} | oouelues ep1 e 1eO {;;ectleuolne noA ueq] seurrc oerLl] ]rLuLuoc noA tr 'yg1 oq] ur e^rl 1 ereqnn ! epessnlsrp Bureq sg :rdo1 1eq41'p1oq ur sese.rqd Pue suolutdo aL{r PPeu e L 2uorurdo raq/srrl roJ suospar anrE 7 2uotutdo lerlrur ue enrE g 2MalA ]o lurod elrsoddo aql aAlE Z 2uotutdo lPuU e eAtE L :rolrrM aql saop (s)qdet8eted qlrqrlt aql lo sSurueau aql )leql rtessa uoluldo uV 3u11;.116 eg Itwrdayou respondwhen things go wrang? Some peopte blow their top, some people btame thernsetves. 1'1j;::*; #*;_!,+;: d,:= I l,:+ ?:.e+ tt::!:: :j!':r; i'i*':l ii:.t, t Yor'ue been working reatty hard and you start to feel i[[.You have a headache and you feel nauseous.You think: a l'[[take a coup[e of painki[[ers and it wi[[ pass. b I shouldn't have worked so hard recently. c Oh no! This is the start of something really serious. d Why do these things ALWAYS happen to me???? X You have a meeting with your boss. She te[[s you that you need to improve your performance. After the meeting you think: a How can I show her l'm better than she thinks? b I shou[dn't have taken this iob. c l'd better start looking for i d 3 new job. l'm going to lose this one. She was completely wrong. I shou[d have given my point of view! tt. driving your car and you make a mistake.You nearly hit a car coming the other way. You think: Yo, a That was unusual! l'm normally a really good driver. b I wasn't concentrating. l'[[ have to drive more carefu[[y. c I could have died! d That driver shouldn't be on the roadl 4 lft.r an argument, your partner storms out of the house. You think: a He/She wi[[calm down.We can work it our. b I woutdn't have walked out [ike that. It's a bit si[tv. c I've lost him/her for ever. d He/She's such an idiot! 5 Vour best friend is driving alone. She stops to help someone by the sid: of the road.That person takes her money and steals her car.The next c-, your friend is crying as she te[[s you the story.You say: a b c d lt's not your fault.You cou[dn't have known it was a trick. I hope you've learnt a lesson. wouldn't have stopped to help a stranger. Neverl People like that should be shot! I 'uolltsod llaql ul euoP e^eLl Plnoiv\ pue auoP a^eq Plnoqs/Plnof, slapeleql no^ leqiv\ aql leqM ssnf,slc 'rto1s lno{ leqlo qleo llel q 'reuued .rnof .ro; rtols aql espeululns ot Bulo8 ore noA'6ZL eEed uo uerPlrtp leq pue atpe[ ;o {.ro1s oql pes1 :g tusPnts '77y aBed uo a8roeg pue lllD ;o f.ro1s aqt PeaU :V luePnls 'slted ut lro A e€ a^eLl p1olrn 1'uolttsod rcq "' u1 "' a^eq ppot rcSdtnq aq1 a^eq l,uPpotls/p/noqs aqs 'uarwdo fitu u1 'rto1s s,e1n11g lnoqe saf,ualues ouos ol!l^\ 'qepour srll,o uorle!)unuo.rd eql ol uolluoue Eu1{ed'eslpe.rd'so)ueluos llnJ ut sqle oql or uorsll e'gl Z 'ry /^elupoM/ o^eq l,uPlnoM l^epa1'^/ a^eq Plno^ l,uPlnoqs lnepall o^eLl Plnoqs l,uPlnol /^epo{/ e^eq Plnol TzrelupoJT e^eq /^elupo{/ a^eq :uMo lleql uo sqJo aql ol ualsll'Plo/v\ ouo oM punos uego surror lepou ped'qreeds u1 1'39 6i 1 'g q 'JaqurotuaJ l,uel lnq uorlenlrs slql u! {lqlssod sem 'lSPd eLll Ul uollenlls r e Surur8euut sr ells/aq - uorlenlts slql ul 1,use/v\ q 1r - uotlenlls slql ul seM e aql ol sloJal e)ualues sltll raq/Lurq o1 peueddeq {1eer :raleads aq1'Tuasatd 1 Tsed '.retue.r1s e dlaq o1 peddols a^eq l.uPlno/!\ 'uorsoap tq8lr aqr seM tr )urql I Mou Pue qof aqlloot Mou pue qoleql alel l,uPtP I Mou 1nq'qo[aqr lool 'o)elsr.!l e seM il )ulrlt I 'a)elsrrl.l p se/v\tt ill qfla,r lPeP el^rlo PlP iv\oH 2urelqo.rd eql se^ leq^ 'Pupqsnq raq Pup er^rlo lnoqP Peou cg Ples saloq lnl uP | ']eq} no^'ua^llP 'lel aql ur {daals lt au ua)oM )ulql 1 Tsed eql 01 slaloJ I :sueaur 1l | q e I 'qot slqt ua)et e^eq t,uplnoqs 'wasetd /$ed 01 ol.u loJ olqlssoo seM 1,uPlP 'Pe!P z q I I e oql ol slaJar eluoluos slqf | 'PalP o^eq Plno) :€ € Ir I I :qu!Ll] elueluas slllf f 1l lnq 'a!P .orP aqs :g no {11eat senn I 'slo/rAsue L palJo) eql asooq) :Y 2 Per{e1s looqls aq] pe11er 'dn 1sn[ en,1 2Pag ul :8 'aaerq :V :v pue arcq Q,u)p1noqs'e^eq (t,u)p1not p,u)p1no ^ ;o seldurexe oql aulyapun pue uteEe zrnb aql le 9 no1 :g )loMesnoq no{ arv 11r1s - oN 'leqi oP iAeM pemolle I 1(l1eeX :g 11enn {11eer releeds aq1'guasatd '1,uPlP I ,1e{qpoo9 ileorD, auoP 'seLlloll slq lle ul aqs'olro^lP e PelueM 0q PlPs ell uaq^A:v 'lUAPllle - PPq 'auloq lP no1'no,{ 'alnurur ]sPl aql pollaluel spm ssell Sutuana (61 ;3ur,{ouue oH ^ 'nor{ padlar" - ; otll lle auoP ol puau;r(oq {ur lool E 'reuped .rno{ 11e12peel nor{ PIP /v\oH {11uer -ar peruepadxo aneq nor( lBql urelqold e lo )ulql Z s Zql!/v\ aaJBes!P 't{luotu }sel Tae.rBe puau;{oq ,{N :V spuauJ srq Lll!^ feprloq uo ]uaM 'queql :g 'no{ lnoqllm lr ouop | nof op suolsnlf,uof, qltq1 xouued qllm .rnor( )lo A elr;o.rd pue sJamsup lno,( eledulo3'slred ul I g PtP no1'suol}e1n1er8uol:y 3 'gg;. eBed 'teerE uaaq l! 'qea :€ ueluof aql auleqs e s,]l :v z 'euolofleS lo, 'Polloluel uo e1r;ord .rno{ paqr ueql'o^eq nor( leql s,P PUP s,f,'s,q's,e lo laqunu eqt dn luno)'zrnb eql oC q seM pa{e1d nollear8 arann no( 1ng :g 're8eueel e sem I uaqM lleqlool dn eneE 1 :y 2surelqo.rd 1 'arcq (t,u)p1now )o a^eq (t,u)Plnoqs 'aaeq(l,u)p1no, qllm suoltesraluor eq1 elelduto3r qlyvr ado: no{ ellll eql PeaU op rvroH 'zrnb eql ol uolpnPorlu! Pue t e L t efueq Plnoqs'afueq PIno) a^eq Plnar L snsoJ 3)tr)vud a8enFuel Listening e. Work in pairs. Read the introduction below about a journey Andrew and Debra Vea[ decided to make. How woutd you feel in that situation? What problems might you have? tg d *a.+What do you think they decided to do? Listen to the rest of the story and answer the questions. 1 Did they agree about what to do? 2 What physical dangers did Debra face? 3 Why was day 74 of her trip a particutarty good one? fb Something went wrong for the couple after a few days of the race. Look at the key words from the story. Can you guess what happened? an experienced rower a co[lision a violent storm to abandon the race a phobia an oil tanker to support someone loneliness a rescue boat to shake with fear sharks a motivational soeaker l$ *l :Z.g Listen to the first part of the story and answer the questions. 1 What experience did Debra and Andrew each have of rowing? 2 _How did they each react to life on the ocean? 3 "What happened a few days into the trip? How did Andrew react? 4 How long had she been at sea when she arrived in Barbados? 5 Who was waiting to meet her? 6 How many days behind the winner was she? 7 In what ways has her life changed since then? Work in groups and discuss. . . . What do you think Debra and Andrew's behaviour shows about their characters? Do you think they made the right decision? lf not, what do you think they shoutd have done instead? t' I itrj +ue^A n*{ i,uprp d'l*n iq*lsq} ssnA 1eqg6 iAlleeg 'luenn t,uprp I +eqr qot e ua>lel ],upel{ l+i e}lM,{u.r }au; a^eq },uplno^^ | 'uolleuroJul alou lno PulJ ol suollsonb )sv 'sef,ueluos rno{ aJPdruol Pue sl!ed ul "',r "'Jt llo A q | I roql ll 1$ g! t, S t TnJssattns e eq Luryno^tt u! suols!f,ap oues )roAA q A'ssnf,s1p pue s.rged ul (,r,ro11o1 aqs il":":l:::::'11":'* aaeq : i peq 4upeq eqaQ lt :'i::":::1' 'asJo/A: 'leoqaqluo s1t1 i paf,ets Peq l\^aryuy 11 i uolllPuo) lsed v plnon elqoqd llnsa.l lsed 'L as!)rexa u; u.re11ed q)ee Jo e;durexa ror{loue pull 'g pue V su.relled u! stLlrol qla^ eql allloN z /aser qreo ur Pasn ale suloJ qla^ leLl^ atuasard oql 01 loral qllql 21se0 oql o1 reler sauo qlrql 'g ur suorlentrs 1err1aq1od,(q aql te )ool € 2suollrPuol lseo lnoqe )lel oql Jo ttllo; 1eq16 21sed aq1 to luesald {eqt oc V ur ,suotltPuo), eql le )ool z ror)- al{s 'auroq raq zMou lualaJJrp so^rl r!01]1 are MoH g Z]r a)eur {aqt plp {qm Z 2uorsDeP aql seM leq^A L 'uoslad qree lnoqe suollsanb aql ramsuv'salll lrotll ur uolslloP 8gq e eqr.osep aldoed aerql 01 uelsrl gf"trL 1)trfvud ou rallaq laaj P,l 9 ^ ou {auoul olot! a^ell Plno^ ^"'Jl "'ol auo8 aneq l,uPlnom .,;;;,,,;;,,,i,i,i,u*^u,,",*,,1",,,n,",i," |*, 'i rli{:rti,li;xliffiili r 'no{.ro; anrl ueql e)eu ol Molaq se)ualues aLll alaldruo3 eg pb 2uorlrsod aql apbur eneq no{ plno 'Mou esrnu e (aq 11t1s) aqs Jl OL oLls'alaorD o1 (anou 'pue13u3 ur (anr1 11t1s) oqs'so)rN (,{reLu lor) 6 lou) aq ]r so)rN lnoqe (ta8;o, 01 pasn sr qro^ aLlS 8 oql 'so11p s,{eplloq eqs 'rea{ (raeu leqt for) raq roJ alaarD o1 (oE rou) roBre6 ,t 1 'suor]rqure slq 0UlnJ) el g otr Ja1or lo 21er!raqrod,{t.l enrJ o^oqe L esr)rexa ut so)ueluas eql olv 'suollsenb oql JaA L suv I - oq Jr Mou :arddeq (aq) 'qleol e (au.ro:aq lor) aq Jt S aq 'qnp Erq e .ro; {e1d o1 (a1qe aq) '3a1 oq srq (1earq lou) - uorar) t JrrallpqlooJ sselr-do1e (auo:eq) 'uorlenlrs aqt Llllm {ddeq (aq tou) aqs lnq 'qo[ plo raq ur ({ers) - aqs Jr Mou {1rue; eq1 g ,{auouu aiorlr lol e (aneq) 'uarplrql raq uror; {eme ault }o lol- e (puads) eqs'qoltaq (anea1 rou) aqs Jl 'saf,ualuos o^u aql Jo Jleq qleo u! qra^ oql uut Jl ouluaPun 7 'Mou parrptu oq lllrs tq8ru eldno: aq1 e 'orer oL{t p-oro]IiE-E EqTFpFom aq P 'osro^ lo8 eneq plnoa,r erqoqd srq r 'MOU lA)PAOS Z 'Buryo,rn (anurtuo:) eqs'{qeq e (aneq tor) leuorle^rlor.! lnlssellns e aq l,uPlnoM oqs q )uns a^Pq PlnoM 1l e L I 'elepdo.rdde anqmry61tu osn'slolrerq u! qro^ ot{l ee lf,eJof aql qlliv\ sef,ualues - aql eleldruo Jo ruroJ 'aluauadxa slql pell l,upeq elqoc Jl s 'req1aEol oler aq] panurluol peq ,{aql }l v 'ra)uPl lro ue llq Peq leoq s,elqac Jl € 'teoq aql uo pa{e1s peq MarPuV}l z 'erqoqd slq tnoqp umoq P-Eq MaTPUV Jl L V )laq3 Pue ualsll uoLlf lean /v\orPuv Pue erqoc lnoqp se leq a)uolues aql qlleN 5'et iil *; L * qrrn $pd aqt u! suollentls lerllaqlod{g z snf,o, a8entuel rnoll aT i ocToqc Reading Vocabulary Problems and solutions t Work in groups. Have you ever found any of these decisions difficutt? Discuss how you make decisions in these situations. nead about a probtem that Frank had in his tife. Check the meaning of the words in bold.Then put the sentences in the correct order. . . . . . Until one dav he realised he had a problem with his marriage. The friend was sympathetic and told him to trust his intuition. Frank was happy. He {. didn't have a care in the world. But it didn't go away and he began to lose sleep over it. e Together they sorted the problem out. f Read the text about making decisions and answer the questions. 1 2 3 Finatty, Frank made a decision. He talked to his wife about his concerns. g At first, Frank tried to ignore the problem. h So Frank talked it over with a friend and Match the words and phrases in bold in exercise 1 1 with the definitions below. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 to disappear go away to have nothing to worry about to solve (a probtem) to discuss a oroblem 2 . . Frank is very worried about a member of his famity who is behaving strangety. Frank has a secret in his oast and he is worried that his wife/friends wi[[ find out. Frank is having problems with his colleague/boss. Frank is very worried because ... (your ideas) 3 from exercise 1. Frank was t uppy" He didn't have a care in the warld. Until one day he realised he had a problem with his 1ob. The problem was he didn't trust his boss, because he suspected him of stealing" 4 Read your story best? Why? to the ctass.Whose story do you like hasn't been driven much? Which type of decision-maker (rationa[, intuitive Who (Coizueta, Cladwell or Rhinehart): a b 4 4 made a bad decision? made the right decision? What were the decisions in 3a and b above? Why were they good/bad? Work in groups and discuss. . . . Decide the details of the probtem.Write the story of the new problem together, using at least five phrases Which car in the introductory paragraph: a uses a lot of oetrot? b breaks down a [ot? or fatalistic): a doesn't learn to make better decisions? b doesn't make ouick decisions? c doesn't understand why he/she makes a oarticular decision? to pretend you can't see or notice something to decide to not [ike something to be kind and witting to [isten 5a Work in pairs. Choose a problem from the list to write about. Decide whether to make the story sad, funny or just awkward. . Match headings a-c with paragraphs 1-3. a Be intuitive b Be logical c Take a chance c things you worry about 1O to believe in your feelings 11 to be unable to sleep at night because of something . Which decision in paragragh 1 is the writer making? What decision does she make in the end? Read the text again and find the answers to the questions betow asled his advice. e what to wear what to eat in a restaurant whether or not to appty for a job, do a course, etc. which car to buy whether to start or end a retationshio What do you think of Luke Rhinehart's method of making decisions? Why do you think he chose to live his life in this way? Have you ever made a decision by: - making a list of pros and cons? - following your intuition? rolling a dice or tossing a coin? . -Which method in the text is best for making decisions, in your opinion? 8r I LllD tD ]D D ^nq I pnoLls trq LInq I ppoqs tw wlqM lou s,l/ SuolM st uotlsanb aql leql osrlpar | ,(1;eu11 uo sr:ap e o)ELU t,uel lllts I tnE J€l )l?lq aqt sz(es tt puE olrp oul Molul ' le) oJ. aql s/es Lloilrt-lrr ,(6 ln9 rpl anlq aqt osooqr plnoqs (Jleuor1e5 puLualrp;e:,(ur o1 oS ruoJJ uJEal uPf noA uolsll0p 3uor,m e re,to daals asol l,uoC € ,lq8u sloo1 lr asneroq, s,ll srlurlsur Lno,( 1snr1 qBre11 7 't/us0op sMoJql llrls oq pue Jo euo ot par.reu lltls st " sos]nu Osoql t]eqautqu 's01 aH peo.r eqt Suoye 3ut>1;em oq 2tq8rs 1rr; te a^oj ur e^o laq 3ur;ae; e roJ )ool ,{eql 'suoseer 'e:r3o ro; )ool ILrop a dooc ouro5 Z )urrp plo oqt ot poql€pe,411euo 1or,ue a3a11o: eLa,u aldoad .iollpJ luellodLr-Jt lsou oql l,useM alsEl acllar plo aql o1 paurnlar ,411trnb z(uedu..lol oqt pue,&3ue a.lem sosrnu Allold oMl Mes oq 'LZ sEM oq ual]M suolsoep poo8 ouJos a)EuJ ol Alurpllet ll pup suotstfap LUtq paa eq o)ELU ol at p e Sursn potrels aq tE sEM oq u0qM olll uMo EtreqoutqN uo poseq sl lo^ou oql olip e Surmo.lql z{q suorsr:ap stq sa)pLU ralrpleqf u L|DW a)tQ aqL a)nl ul atPJ ELU ',J^oL S.llp.l0Lt..lE lo alueqt ol uors lap t raAOMoH Le[aq] ur sueaq pol ualas qltM ssaflns Jo olueql aroLu a^eq ,(aq1 u;aql sllol uorlrnlurroqt osneloq .lef Brq aql asoqr a;doad lsot\ Zpar sl auo qltqMJo sueoq ualJoteil;euus E lo pei ole uo^os q)qMJo suEeq OOL qllM rcl3qe:asn no,( p;no,r,nrel qrqM 'sueaq ,(11af a1 qm.{;tsou.r;o )ef e wo,t] ueaq ,(11a1"pa; e 1no ;1nd o1 zl1 pue sa,(a .lno,4 osoll ol peq no,( 1 1r 'e1dr-uexa Jol uotsnap 3uo;,r,r aq] ol sn peal osle upl uotltnlut rno lnE 'uorlPLU]oJU 3u snluot 'etlxa sarouS n, ;::5;:! no,{ srq ut MoN sa,{ p es olrp oqt pue Url p uraql laj]o ot laqloqM opDop ot al p e Marqt sroLuolsnl poqrunEl seM,o)ol MaN, ta.]M l^€ olsP] MaJ OJl oJrOJJjd AJq' lPql paMoqs aldood 000'002 uo stsol )urrp snoure1 s,Aueduuot stq Jo alset aql a8ueqr ol pap top @ Elol-Etol Jo Oll aql oql 0^p0l sja)ELU-uotsD0p rltslptEj LeI lleuus oq] qlrM .laqBrq tua:rad gg sotupql rnoA Alllear u lsoLulE orp l )req ll ,{es o1 ;6 tnq 'suot pue soLd eql dn 1t ,(;1ensT1 Leme oB 11r,r,r ir adoq pue uualqo.td e e;ou8r o1 1ou {.t_1 poo; surleuu ro; or ^pp suolstf,ap poot a4eur ol /vroH lt asnelaq suo s lap lsaq 0ql so)eLU uolo uolllntut lno lEql sAes'6uquq1 noqrlM 6uquq1 Jo ta^ od aqf :4utlg ]o roqtne'llaMpelt LUlolleN SUotsDep 3urfuLo,u sn sdots lsn[] sauo rouoq a)Eul o1 sn dlaq t,usaop tt ]nq 'aldulrs pup 0ltu suotsDap sa)ELt-l alrp 3ur,uorq1 isuotsoop o)pru ol alp e .rno,{1o auos o)pLU ol uotllnjul .lnoA lsnr1 ,{lqeqord no,4 ueqt ,os 11 'Etanzrot otjaqo| gg6L ul suotsDop ]saq aqt s{e,ule t,uere suorspop lpuorter '1pqr auop an r-o/ ueqnn LJAa pJe Oq] IP ASAIEUE O] OLU ] UOI]ELUIOJU l 3uo; e a1e1 upl 'st alqnort aq_L lno uuelqord oqt l,ros uaqt dlaq ol suof pue sord 1o pt1 e o)ELlr puE uo teLuroJUt aql tE )ool Aaql Alln]ar?l uolsDap qlea lnoqe )urqt slo)ELU-uots lop iEf!_pl L Zaptrop o1 ,(e,u lsaq aqt uel tEql lnq s,leqM oS Sursn;uot oq 'ol oqf alou qrnLU 1a;aq1 'sLep asaql ,)lelq slr se 3uo1 se tueM,{aqt rnolo: ,Aue, aneq plnol slaulotsnt s q leqt prES prol fuue;1 'o8e srea/ pa;punq y ,4sea lou s,]l ZOlqerlaL /re,r 1,ust lnq retrEreqr Jo s10l seq tEq] rel par roplo aqt I plnoqs lO ZlEltLUouo:e,fua,r ^nq 1,usr lPqt rer ):elq luods aql ,{nq I plnoqS za8ealruu Mol qttm Ler enlq 3ur.toq lnq I plnoqs ,(nq o1 ;e: q:rqm eqr Mou.l I.Jop LUoolMoqs PrsnjJo)t q E 3J'lroj lEt pasn e ur Surpuels ut,1 llqsaN euetrpv Aq suolsPap e4put olnAoH oolor{o rnoil ffmmk Dilemmas leuisited Discuss dilemmas Preparation Reading What did they la Read the introduction to the probtem page. Do you ever read problem pages? How is this one different? msxt? Every month we feature readers' letters on our problem page and try to give out good advicel But what do readers actually do? This month, we have tracked down three readers whose problems were featured two years ago. Read their original prololems, then read Work in pairs. Read the titte of each problem and guess what each problem is about. Read dCI the problems and check your answers. Do not look at page 131 yet. what they decided to do on page "13'1 , 2a Work in groups of three. Each student reads one of the problems again to find the answers to the!uestions. 1 Which people are mentioned in each case? 2 What exactly has each person done? 3 What exactly was the situation at the time that the letter was written and whv was the writer worried? f-l'n23 I and recently lcelebrated three years together with my girlfriend Vaness: (she's 22). I asked her parents if I coulc 0r000se to her Close your books and summarise the probtem to the - I'm a bit old-fashionec I guess. Her parents other students. were really pleasec and suppofted me. But when I asked he" t0 marry me, sne was angry necause Task Speaking at the moment', This really upset me. 3 . . . . . . . . b immediately. When I told Vanessa and asked her to move to the new town v/r: What did they do right/wrong? What other options did they have? What would you have done in their position? wants t0 stay together, but she doesn: Larry want to move and she still says that s-= doesn't want to get married yet. She s Vanessa the love of my life, but l'm really confusm me, she was really angry. She said tha- should have asked her first She says sfir about what to do. Some of my friends Vanessa's Darents Oscar His oarents say I should split up with her and take the job, but what if I never meet anotr." person like her? Larry Astrid Astrid's husband The mother-in-law > Useful language a, b and c 2a L-l we didn't talk about it any more. A month ago I was offered a great n?llr job in a town 300 miles away. I said ye: Make notes about the people listed below thinking about questions 1-3. Ask your teacher for any words/phrases you need. 1 2 I had talked to her parents and said'not Work in groups and compare your answers to the questions in exercise 1.Try to reach an agreement as a group about what you woutd have done. Present your ideas to the class. Do other groups agree with you? 3 Read what each person actuatly did on page 131 and answer the questions. 1 What did they decide? Was it what you expected? 5 Which was the most difficult problem? 2 How do they feel about the situation now? 3 Do you think they made the right decision? 4 What do you think they should do now? ireLll o)ll s3ulql oP 1,uel lsnf no "'eqs/oq {qrrn PuelslePun uer "' o^eq {1er!uUep eqs/oH l,uplnoqs .'. o^eq plnoqs )ulqt (r,uop1 'uotlentrs lln)uJrP,(11eer e ut laq^aLll lnd 0qs/oq )u!q] "' ot Suor^^/tq8tr seM oqs/otl )ulql ; 1 | | '^llPuosred tullueuurol r 'ssep aql lol lno 1l lf,P Pue euafs eql oslpeld 'slapeJeqf, aql lo o^ l uoo/vqeq euefs e allJ^ 'solJols osaql ]o euo lnoqP euelP nI e ele nof out8eul! pue slted ul )JoM uO Buglg-rm 'ua1qo.rd leu rBuo r gaql re4e sJeo{ ol l'^ ou op Plnoqs {eq11eqnn uoLll llaf 'Plrl,svlo rPf,so'^Jel ol lanal e al!l^ ulHIll BuffiFrw pulsv " purl a^eq Plnom 1 '{11euosle6 req,r,r) spuedep ']! 4* dn n'no11og )le] 0] sasnlel 0H r0r.l e pull 0l O^eq 0M ples ]noqe rOJ 0ur0q or€c I 'our ro rorl rotila s,]l 1eq1 pueqsnq Iul ]sel 'preq i\Len'ifuen s,1 pq plo] | Llluorx 'leuuou sE uo Arec pue I ]decce o] pep] en,1 lasdn 1e0 1,up1noqs I s[es pueqsnq r{1,yi{lturBl r\u q1m eLlg eLou pueds plnolls I l?q] pue lloM I,uplnoqs I lEqi olu sllo] eqg'q0noue ueolo ],ust 0sn0q pue uolplltlc eql l0 ]uorl eq1 1eq1 s,4es ur our sosrc[u3 aL]s M0u ]nq '0LlJ polll r0A0u seLl otls MODI 1 'r{zetc euL 0utntlp sl 0rls pue M0u sLllu0l.x 00lr.l] lOJ sn qilM Ournt1 uaeq seq t're1-u1-leqloul r\y1 'Oclorlc 0u p€q OLl ples 0H ]sllI OtLl lse 'sn ],uplp ol..l asnmoq r!0ue r\11eat seM I 0uoc 01 .laq]ou slll polsP r.lllM 0All pue pueqsnll Iu oOe sqluoLl Moj V lrom L]toq 0M pue rnOJ puE xls J0 ualplltls oml o^Eq enn'IennB sollul 0B 0^ll eM '[sea l,usenn 1 se req dlaq 0] nq 'elqlssod sE qcnu pal{ aM passetdap pue I1euol eueceq r\yctnb aqs Pue 69 sEM ,,.i.,:L',1,:H^';ii recs6 fi lH posnluoc r!1eet JJ XX'J; 1ee1 I i^: t lnq ']eq] 0p o1 q0noue poo0 u,1 >lulLlt r{lleer 1 ,fu1unoc r\u'r rol pue qnlc otll.tot 0uti\eld ]o ]tl0tu te sueerp 0utneq uoeq o^,1 Pq 'fiuenlun [es sluered r\17yop ot ot o0 plnoqs ; ]ell^ oDl],uop ^ "' "'osneraq "'e^eq l,uPlnoM |'uolllsod J0tl/slq ul ouoP e^eq plnorvr noi{ leqm tu;fe5 q '(s1 puaplltgB srq uosrad 1o 1lrm i\eq1 I MON ll0^ 0p I ll M0u0l LlclqM']3e4u03 leuotsselold ree[-orul B ou] polo$o IeW eul] sltll 'uleOe fui 0] eul po)se pue oul po]celuoc qnlc eqi o0e sleei'rt Jo oldnoc V 'eslnoc ue}s r{uL ll 'oslnol JO o^eLl Plnol aqs/oq'Pueq leqlo 0tl1 uo "'a^eq Plnol aqs/oH suolldo 8u1ssn:spq e ol r{pear pue srq} tnoqe [ddeq r\11eet sem I 'r{11sren1un pooO e 1e egnoc Icue}unocce ue uo peldecce sem 1 tear{ 1se; pue pleq selpnls i\Lr uo oleluacuoc 0] pelr0M I poplcop 1 os qOnoue pooO 1,uset',t 1 ptes qnlc 0Lll'[1e1eunyo1u1-1 tx0t l] p0p0ddns sr{emle en,; }nq 'uolsl^lp pllLl} Ot.l} ul qnls lleus e 1snf et,,{eql qnlc lleq}001 lecol E qlri\ leul e peq I '9 L ser,,r ; ueqm 'o0e sreer{;o eldnoc y rolleq}Oo} ;euotsseloLd i:1il:1il;j:iiffi * :fi t "?,,iT::: first Find out View Look at the photos of London and New Zealand and answer the questions. 1 What do you think are the 2 advantages/disadvantages of Iivi ng in each olace? In what ways do you think life is similar/different? 2a knowledge? >lKi i :. i : Scenery/ i landscape ! i : : ; b Go online to complete the table or ask your teacher. Search: New Zealand facts a big puII to emigrate colloquiaI phrase used by British people to refer to Australia and New Zealand things you do outside (e.g. watking, ctimbing, camping) very attractive to move permanent[y to another country about these things? Make notes. 1 lmogen and Charlie's life in the UK 2 the lifestyle in New Zealand 3 their family situations 4 job prospects in New Zealand Watch again and complete your notes.Which things attract lmogen and Charlie to New Zealand? Which things do not attract them? i i Climate Glossary down under OWatctr the first part of the video.What do you find out uK '- 'o--o- \-, :: ranguage(sJ You are going to watch a video about lmogen and Charlie, a British couple who are thinking of moving to New Zeatand. Before you watch, check you understand the meaning of the words and phrases in the gtossary. outdoor pursuits Discuss in pairs.What do you know about New Zealand? How much of the information in the table can you complete from your general i:':Offciat 3a / UK geographical 4a At the end of the video, the couple vote where they want to [ive. How do you think they witt each vote? Watch the second part of the video and check you answer. Work in groups and discuss. . . . Were you surprised at the decision each of them made? Why do you think they made that decision? What wou[d vou have decided in their situation? 'lno punoJ o^pq no/t leql uoller8Fuul! lnoqe uollpturolur eql Jo auos opnllul 'ft1unor reqloue ur alrl ol Su;oB lnoqe qde.rEe.red e allJ1 I q)reasar lnofi dn a1p46 2uotler8turr,ut ;o *e8eluenpesrp auo pue aEeluenpe ouo sr leq^ (q,rn pue 2ua1qo.rd e 1r sr ,urerp urprq, e sl leq/y\ )n 2(o[ua no,( plnonn 1eq41 2&1uno: raqloup ur 3utnt1 lnoqe sBugqt llnllJJIP lsor.tl ot]l aq PlnoM lPr.l^ Zaraqm'os ;1 2[lluaueuurad futuno: laqloue faql 01 e^our:ene no{ plno/v\ . 2uo 1oB aneq anop 2&1uno] raqloue ol panoul spq oq^ auo(ue nnoul no{ 'ssnf,slp pue sdno.r8 2araqt o6 . A g 2^qM qrlq6 z L ASIUAC . s! leq/v\ {ueu . euuv nnop '.re1eeds qlea roJ suollsenb aq1 .rervrsuy'rtlunor u81alo; e u1 3urn1'| lnoqe 3ur11e1aldoad rnol qrre4Q S 2PUOM lplol ut slue:Etuuut {ueur MoH Surn;1 lnoqe s8ulqt tseq eql aroM/are leq1 pue o] o^our aqs prp fu1uno: 2{11eurEuo uror} eqs sr areLlAA ueqle8 . 2)n oqr ul a^ll ol ro; uosear uouJurol lsot! eql oB {leleuurxordde aldoed ur araql are ur)Jo 2eiaq13uqn11 ;o seEeluenppsrp aql oJa^ /erp tpq1 zseulunol raqlo ul antl o1 ,t1uno: rno{ aneal aldoad (ueuu nnoq ,{leleuurxorddy 2rear{ rtane ,{rlunor tnbr{ ur a^rl o] auro: eldoad {ueuu moq ,(1e1eu;rxorddy zsaulunof lerllo ul a^!l aqt aneal {laleu.rrxotdde aldoad {ueut nnog o] EuroE aldoed lolef 2rea{ {;ena ;61 aql u! a^ll ol oql L uorlrurlep urPrp uruq I'lla')n/sn/aPlMPlJo^ orle;8r r-u tr ITuo r1u31 ua :Ll)leas + slrlsllels u 7uo1le.rE1ue lnoqe suollsenb aql re^Asue lvra!^ Pllo/y\ 'uotler8ttt.ttut ol eulluo oD 2EulseelreP ro Bulseenur sr lr lulql no{ o6 2uorle.rElrulg TuorlerBrure eprmppo/v\ lnoqe ^ oul nor( op 1eq4 # *reexm&*a* 9*xa m** AErAC €* * Unit 4:Voeabulary Unit 3:Vocabulary ffixercfimm #, pagm ffixmr"e$sm ffi'f; I fr, pmge 4# Which three phrases need the word a? (3 points) get promotion buy house get.lob start school go to un.vers ty ieave home 'nove house 2 Which word isn't preceded ch ldren divo.ced engaged 3 by get? (2 poinrs) Match the verbs with the noun/adyective they were used with on page 40. (7 points) move bring up 3 fall 4lose 5 make 9 putt 7 rent 1 2 a an exam b in love c children f yourjob d ahouse e money g house 4 Complete I 2 3 4 Unit 4: Language focus ffi*"mm,t*sw- ffixmrm$s* ffi, pmgm . . 'l / in a play money win a prize / a competition / go to the battet / the opera / a classical concert visit a country I a city / a famous monument climb a high mountain/buitding go pa rachuti ng/skiing/sailing drive a bus / a lorry I asports car ride a horse / a camel / a motorbike break your arm / leg / something very valuable lose a lot of money / a credit card / an important document / your mobi[e phone steaI somethingl ii _ four years. She eot _ divorced Unit 5:Vocabulary ffimwnsfisw Hm- pmgm 1 lmagination 2 success, faiture 3 Knowledge 4 profit up her hushand after iust six months. SH meet a famous Derson see a famous singer/group perform live ptay in a group sing in a choir learn a musicaI instrument be on TV / in the newspaper the sentences with io, with or from. He got married his brothers ex-wifel Unfortunatelv, he's iust split h;s sirlfriend Shes been engaged her boyfriend for over 4H parp a8roeC dleleunpoSun 'qtuoru dq qluou] ,q^-^ req ,^,, AeO r-^ plno^ ^,^^^, aqs ples llrJ pleJ >lJEqlelqdn€p llparc raq i{tl^\ ded ot peerSe JetqSnEp plo-rEe.{-gz ,---.r^,,^,,, qJnu e^€q lou pp laq lilc sv lnJsssJcns aq^auou] lou lLISrx ll leql lnq 000'23lsoc pFo.^ trllq u^us oJ ,,^,.-,^J^ uorlulJuo Jqj leql plol seA\ aqs lij^ Jql ol rulr{ >lool eqs uaq^ leJ E dq JaAo unJ sP.^^ a8Joe9 r-^ duo ,^^r ,,-^ ^,,^ru^r^ oH, .^q,^^^ EtsJOaC l€J p[O-lPeA-UaAaS ^up Jeq ol pelo^ep sel^ 'serIg Jeq u opl^ E 'lllc ^ e8loeg pue IIIC 'uossel uau rno{ ur op ll,no^ s8urq} onn} prpard Zl 'Euruane sli.ll roJ sueld s,rauyed rno,( ssonD L I 'oP o1 lnoqe no{ leqnn:aul:ed rno^ llaf oL sr roqlpa].rno{ lurqt )ro^ qlrM Pallauuol lou are ]eql o^eq nof suorlrquue oMl uMoP.a]!l^ 5 'os lo rea^ ]xau 2 11a1 I aql roJ sueld s,^lrurel rno{ lnoqe rauiled rno^ llal 'sqluor.! MaJ lxau aLll ul or Suldoq are no^ ^nq tno{ leql s8ulLll oMl ]noqe rauiled .)3eM slt.l] roJ o^eLl no/( uorluolur PooS auo uMoP 31uA 9 'uossal d h H. -*ffi*# 'e-eg #6t:3**:ef'3Y-?-%ffim L 5m3&* axensux€l :aL ?,3um slq] Jal]e aq o1 anP ale no^ alall^ u^ oP allJM s 'Pua)aeM stql op ol Suruueld e:e no{ s)sel lrlsauroP oMl rauled .rno,( 11a1 7 'SururoLu {epun5 lxau pueds 11,no{ 1u;qr no{ nnoq uMoP a}u^ € '{eprloq lxau rno^ roj sueld ro sadoi.l .rno{ lnoqe reuiled rno^ llal Z 'oM1 ro )ooM lxau oql roJ 1oB e^eq no{ leqt sluauulutoddp ro quauraSuerp aorql uMop a]u^ L tqS u,(pea ue o^€q pup auJoq oB 's)l€us pue s)uup ialu€p pue uo 11,1 lurqt I aLUos ,{nq pue oB ll,t #"Er ;ftHffid )rsnLU 0LUos lnc 3M ileqs 1,{es no,( op '#ffi #sF#.#ffiHffi '##g$,ftffi,e* L 5m3s* aKemxusT :5 *guR l€qM qrnuu ,,!a,r o5 '3urue,ra se,tlesuuaql 3ur,{oiua aq o1 sLuoas euo oql iol puai4 e Su lrs n or€ spuou1 ouros pup no^ i peatsui tq8 u raqtoue taau oM €qS e1r no,( 1 'no,( Lo1 )romauoq .lno,{ op zno^ al0q PUe punor 0uror Pqs ,1 2,(es no,( op tpqM tq8 uot no,( qlrm tno au-rol t,upl pue )roMoLuoq qsrLEu3 s q qlLM )lnts sr eq ,(es ol ap qsr 3u1 3u u-lea1 payels lsnlseq puar4 rno no,4 s 1e: ti, ,i I pual I llEqS t,uop 'q:un no,{ lnq ll,i i Zsoql Mpues ,(ru ereqs oM ll€qs 2,4euou-r ar-uos no,{ ,furo,nn 2,(es no,( op teqM ,(epo1 qrun ,(nq ot,4auoLu tt9no : rn9 r -o :r 1rc +'o Yr'e, 9r r ,'ro rJrr , ci :ngD: \ ^ -: - -..r-- ^r / 'aLr.rl aLr.ros LUrq pLe: zuoou.rotlp stLlt 2,4es 11a,m-1a8 ulq €l € pue,(-ll ila^ no^ s3]P^rloLU t€ql qof e punol no,( sdeq.ra6 paurLuratap erolu t,ue^eq . -^ ,,,-^^ -oA ^^/ , ^,----^^1 J, '"o^aMoH aq ol peJU, 'ro^ nJSSJllns aq ol luEM )roM aJo;aq sdrqsuortelar leuosrad 1nd pue s8urlaa; s,aldoad rJqlo ol a^rlrsuas ,fuan are no p ^llso4 3uro3 are no,{,(es no,( leq,u op z(11enpe mffmd'g mwgm*mwru rr|iSrl] aleuu lsnf lrloqp)roM E aLUofeq ra^eu""n llrM no,{ inq cn '(nn5tn 1p /'tnp'tnqpt,r,r .,r-.-, --Jl ale no ladl?J lnoA 'nnl sPlPMol -.,-:+ra.-epltrlte lplrllerd pa)uelpq p a^Eq noA:q {1lsoW puE spuauJ rno,{ paau 11,nol, z(ep auo - )roM Jo asnpraq laJJns l,uop sdrqsuorle;a; leuos;ad rnoA erns 1,(;1Lire; 11,1 u Ll puas aleu tn€ apnlrup a^rtrsod e a^eq 1,uop noL ieql ,4es upl auo ou pup 'snol]lqLUe ,{1ure1a: are no1 :e {;FoW , oas pue o3 a,u, 1]eq5 no,{ op op ot Surqlou qt M oLuoq te paroq sl teqM l3\Arn(Dr rnr r: -J rnoA lEql no^ sllal auooruos Y-- suolsnlf,uo) z!nb o p9:r c ryug -#st'1*ffi.$d ffig" wffi *sd'q il. a srn36* agenxue? :8 &!utr1 L qFffi $3"t#=* snfol aEentuel :s llun =rewry@ffi8=EryW#T"ffi"ffiH#* ffi*reM*m@z*rum*&ffiCz*re Umit 3: !-anguage focus ffic"ms*Fc"m, ffiwmrc$mm #m, pmgw Unit 7: Language live, Speaking tr fffr ffimmrq$sw 4a lreland 550,000 km, i 69,000 km, i Hsw crowded is the country? per km' F{ow many toi.rnists are 241,000 km, 52 peopte 24'l peopte Per Km' per Km'z ,''.',.,',: /5 mrtuon : b.5 mrtilon JU mttilon Dublin 1.2 mittion London /.5 mrtuon the instructions on the cards below and invent a telephone or face-to-face conversation for the Read situations. Act out your conversations. Student A You are going to invite Student B to see a show with you. Decide the detaits before you start. Choose the type of show: a rock concert / a film / a ballet i a ptay / a musical. Decide how to invite him/her: by phone / in person. Choose three or four dates when you are available. there pen r::: Wlrat is the population of th: i *::: :ilvi 2.2 million : : i Paris Chartes i de Cau[[e i Airport: l"{ow busy is the rnain airpont? Dubtin ir"o"" Airport: 1B mi[lion Heathrow Airport: : b I mrtuon bv mrt[on 4, pmge f,# NB You are very persistent and make a lot of alternative suggestions if B says that he/she can't come. Student B Student A is going to invite you to see a show. Decide the detaits before you speak. 1 Circte the shows you want to see and cross out the ones you don't:a rock concert / a film / a ballet / 2 Think of some excuses in case you don't want to go (you are revising for an exam / your cousin needs you to babysit, etc.). Uralt 10:Voeabulary ffimmrmcse 4m, pmg* #f, aptay/amusical. Student A don't really have the same taste in shows aren't too keen on going, but you don't want to offend A. NB You as A and bittion l:p:1'I:Average nurnber 5..7 mittion Swap roles and repeat the activity. Act out your conversations for the class. of vlsitors {per v:::l -25.C / 33.C Minirmurn/ maxirnurn l:*r:::1Y::' ffi:cmrmfime ffi, Fthnic groups 93o/o Han Chinese 7o/o Kilormetres of Unit 5: Lamguage [ive, Speakimg road i pmg* ,ffi5 Student A other 3,860,800 km Ayr::t: You are catling Travel Direct to find out about some airline tickets you ordered.You want to speak to Sandi E[[iott. i Kilometresof i i csasttine i 14,500km (Student 1 B answers the phone.) Ask to soeak to Sandi E[[iott. Cive your name. Exolain what the ca[[ is about. Ask if she can ca[[ you back. 2 3 4 5 Cive your phone number: 07881 6 Say goodbye. 334811. Posealar oq 01 L uosud ol 03 01 9 Palualu0s aq ol s unol ol oB o1 01 eLuuf e lrurulol ol lq8ner la8 7 € Pelsa.ile aq o1 z tr#g, ffiffiffid L dqL #s!}r#xffi a3!peid raq|,Uetueu € e3lperd fipnrs :rlqndex qlaz) aLll'an8ei6 :3 elPul'lequnhl :€ y51-1 'saleEuy so1 :y *g Lfi affimd asne**xp &e1nqef,on:€ 1!un 'aunt.roJ pooS 1o 3ur;ea1 snopuauaJ] e a^€q I lnq 'al^oLLl Jo pur) P 0)ll aloLU s]l auu or uaddeq,{1;ear 1,uprp }l o)tl lea1 I '1:eq 3ur1oo-1 '0r0ql aroM aM Meu>l ,(11eug aldoad - luauoLr.t ltlsetueJ P sEM ll sn le llPq po)u q tq3 1q:reas v pa4roM qllqM'salPlr lsPl rno posn a^ pue passed drqs luEtsrp raqtoue (11en]uar'1 tnq >lloM l,uPlp sarelJ ^a.l] oql Jo oMt paul oM 'uozrroq aqt uo slq8rl MES oM uaqM pup sorell MOJ E punol aM tr olur 1oB 11e am pue ,(q8utp ;a3.te1 e ur ,uan s,drqs oql puno; oM slnoq oruu lolv Mod )rep seru 11 sra8uassed a,ng Surploq ,{q3urp raqqnr P ssoDP aurel aM ,llun olJo plaq JM qr qM'tloq a]ll P punoJ aM sn ;;nd lq8ru oas plo: fuer, 1,use,u {1;nplueqt !o}EM oql umop ]r sp teoq aut reaLr oB o.L lou alr,u I'uu plor 'auu 3u,1;e: Jr..l p.POq inq laLl I o1 pet,l I l,uplnor I pue )rpp lsou,rle sem tl a1rm,(uu puU I ^o ol ^' patsPu€tu ^^Q* ' rpr spAA rr-, rr r9nnr tc.rtr(r, ' ..* '--Jf Pf- ns aql o1 .lad ,- a-rt --.,J ,-yrn ,-. uaq14 ure8e uMop ]uom pup ppaq ,(uu ytnrls I 'dn auuo: ot poul I sv roleM aql olul Opls aql ro^o luaM llE aM uo ploq plnol aM teq] I'e,u ou lsnf sem o.laql sn ]e aLuer .rolpmJo lleM V ueelo oqt otul pollor uaql pue pasned ,., ,q,, -,,. lqdlr aql ol pallor lBoq aql uaql ol!l i€ap loJ uo ploq ol ppq I pue a1r,u LLr (ltualorn Sury:or ue8aq ]poq aql s€ tnq 'sn fu.lonn 1,uprp ll ]srll rv raqro aql uaqt {enn euo^Sutnoul leoq aql leql palllou 0M uaqM losuns oql dulqlleM raddn oq] uo oraM a,u Sutuana reoll 'LUTPM auo 'aJes,(PceJ-rad elaru .,{a ql tnq 3uu{"n ere a uerpltqJ aeJl{t lle relel se]nulur 0t peurnler aqs ueql dlaq le8 ol ue; aqs allq sutr l ^ Surdaals aql reue >looi ot secnT Ue[ pue reJ eq] pelJol eqs '1sed oB ot auoauros JoJ Jnol-{ ue JIEI{ 3urlre,,r,r JaUV 'eJoJeq elletuolDl e ueql ssal qnd e passed peq eqs teqt .4 arDl aqs lel{ qtrm;reqaqsnd oqt tq8norq tou peq al{s pue lno uru peq .sut eFqouj^lJeH 'r.Ir op e{olq JeJ s.eDIJef 'sleq Aou Jo epplu 3W ul uJeJ AJ]unoJ eloulal e uo pueuJ e trslA ot SupUp a;am (sutrvtl plo-L{luoul-BI pue secn'I plo-lee{-rq8La) uarpp1o eeJqr raq pue eqJef usrplFlt req pue eplcEf luePnls I r#}!}}e& d L L aFPd 'eg asln*axg L sn3oJ sEM stentuel :zL ilun >1rap '866 [ ul sPuelsl so8ede;e9 eql lo rnol lpoq e uo papa.mndrqs se/n eH 'VSn 'uolsog ur llw l€ rosse;o;d pa.rrlat p s! u€PUeqS s€l'uoql po4)arruldlqs ZMou 1r lnoqe l00J sPr.Iloqf saoP leq^ 9 Zponlsor 1eE ,{11eur1 ,{eql ptp nnog s 2srnoll oMl lsru or.ll o^!runs ,{eqt ptp ,i,tog v zale!ns aq] ol auJe) eq uaqnn lq8noqt tsrU s,seurotll sPM leq1A g o] ilels 1s.r; {aql PIP uotl/V\ z 2furonn zajrM srq PUP uePlraqs seuoql araM eraq^ L 'sulm pua aql le slulod lsou otll qllm ueol aqf 'suolponb s.g dno.rg ol ro^ sue paJof, e lo; slurod o^Al pup uoglsenb poo8 e.ro1 slutod oau nofi enlE 11gm roLl)eol JnoA'€ dnorg lsal ol sunt olel q aBpep,roul ofua!Pne ue enbrlnoq .reu31sep e surnr lual)ue all e ue e JOl)e Ue ulo)lls lsrleLurur.rt e ,(qqoq e luellqPqu! suolssessod i "' aqM uostad e yec nofi, op wtlM y dno.rg gg affed'g msg:;axg 's3g*re.,d gE affiwd $qS #sgn"!trx3 'sesnell o^lleleJ Eutsn uteql ro; suollsenb elprvr pue xoq oql uorl sase.rqd ro sPto/\^ lq8la esooq3 ag 'suollsenb oql remsue pue ual aql peau v tuaPnls tu;1eads pue Sugpea; :g ilun re GE L snf,o, etenauel :5 {un W€BG€g Es*g+?s*trrffi€Kr€Ex* # # *rercffie€*w"% €*e€ re*€ gw€g €* re Unit 5: Lamguage [ive, Speaking Unit X0:Vocabulary ffimwn*$mm ffi- pmgm ffip*mrcfise 4w- pmgm Student SS Student B #H B You work at Travel Direct answering the telephones. Sandi E[[iott, your boss, is in a meeting at the moment. United Arab Emirates (Student A catts you.) Answer the ohone. 'l 2 3 Ask who is ca[[ing. Ask what the ca[[ is about. 4 Explain that Sandi is in a meeting.Ask if you can take a message. 5 Ask for the ca[[er's number. 6 Say you witt tell Sandi. End the conversation potitety. Poputation 5 mi[[ion Average number of t5 mrtuon visitors {peryear} 150C I Ethnic groups 50% Asian 42% Arab 8% other : i Unit 12: Language focus ffipc**"m#mm 3 fu, pmgm .E T / 40'C i i 1 Kilornetres of road 4,080 km :"""""" i Airports ff ! i .41 Kilometnes of 1,318 km eoastline How do you respond when things go wrong? Mostly a: you are CONFIDENT rra rnnfidani,. -, rnrl- n -prmrsrc. vvnen rnrngs go wrong, you try to resolve the problem. You look to the future, not the past, but you sometimes find it difficult Vnr r fA i..An- ttn. mictttac LV 4LLCI-/L yVUrrr rrr)14\g) enrl rgAr | | frnm il Vrr I thpm Lr JCr 4t tU tn LU lp:rn at all emotional. Sometimes Vou want to feel more oassionate. Mostly c: you are FEARFUL You are a bir of a worrier You think about the future a lot and you worry about what might go wrong. You rend to panic when things go wrong. You so'nelirles wish that you were more adventurous. Mostly d: you are EMOTIONAL When things go wrong, you sometimes blow your ton Vnr . dnn'f helipvp lhar rrnr t arF F\lpr \^/rarno rtr make mistakes. You tend to blame other people for rs have with oroblems. You son ettmc_ ..*. _ _biso arsumenrs _. oyour fr,ends. lt 1 Frmctfiem, ffixee"c&mm B, pmge ffiffi Group B r. Mostly b:you are LOGICAI Vnt . ,arp lnoie:l :nd <encihlp Vnr r'rp :hnr:rr< r:lm in : rricic rnd rinr I np\/pr n:nir Vnr | 2aapni \/nr rr mistakes ard you try to learn fror,r them. You are not i Unit 9: Language fCIcus 1 3a Choose eight words or phrases and write questions for them using relative clauses. What da vou call a Ders>n wha ... a colteague a distraction a leader a palace ti"..ri a wett-paid job an athlete ? joke qualifications a an award a reward Take turns to test Croup A.Your teacher will give you two points for a good question and two points for a correct answer to Group A s questions. The team with the most points at the end wins. 'a^pM e qllel ol lsLrl aql ra8uol ou uu,1 puy 3ur1aa1 * -^a , nep ^4, ,-,.^ e aEue]JS ta; I ,1-^ ]eqt sE Jnolor auPS aql sr raleM aq] uoqM pup'lnJarel arour oslp Lu,l ln€ 13ur,{oiue ur,l os 'arueql puolas e uo^rd uaaq o4l uow alurs aJour tol € palns a^,1 ')oam P ro1 (tt -rem ppol6Suunp ropeal pUo^ e pue urelug Jo ielsrurN au:rr6) llrqllnq) uolsurAA . (satets pallun eql ]o tuaprsa.r6) eueqg )lere€ o (re1s dod uerquunlo3) erleqs o uaanQ qsrlug aql ;o uospue.r8 'urprllrAA aluud ]o ate;) e8puqLreS Jo ssaqlno eq1 . (rolre poonn{1loH) uta pere . elrm'(uo1a1pp171 :noqs soloqd aqlry6y olilal wou gg aBed'eg osplaxl L snf,oJ otentuel :? ilun lelrdsoq ur sEM I ro]lop aq] llpr ol ]uam,{nB auo uMop upJ pue stqt 1p Surq:lem arar,n s{n8 oMI pJeoqf ns aq} a)rl l,uprp tl sdeqre6 ure8e >J:epe t,uprp )J€qs aL.lt 'uospar aLuos JoJ tn€ 'sPM )Jeqs aq] araqM Mou) l,uprp I pue qrpaq aq] uorJ soitauJ Os spm I fed tsronn eqt s€M srql roteM aql rapun tuaM )rErls oql uaql plnol se,(;Lur; sE preoq aq] oluo plaq rnf I 'uted ou ]la1 I r? oql otur aLr Surmorql'preoqlns aqt trq pup au te ]q8teLts oLUEr tl ureSe auu;o luo4 ur pa;eedde 4eqs aqt l,1uappn5 'qunu 11a1 ,(poq ,{uu ted uonrq ,{lpeq uaaq Al Mau>l 1o 'uaqt Lg aroqs aLlt sp.remot pelpped pue preoqlns oqt uo vrpn rn9 r':r rn9 nprr .r--..1s \.or rc aql rr n alaqM f r:r rAA aas ::c l,uplnoJ rr rnrnnr r':aprnq l -- -r.., aq] ol paulntar pup preoqlns aql;o oB lal I tnoqp Surnouu >peqs 1ue€ srqt Mes pue lateM eLlt rapun sa/a /u.r pauado lalem aql .ropun ar,u pa1lnd ]r aurl srql atrq ]aqloue )oo] pup od ]al tl uaql ralEM aqlJo ]no ouJ Pautl pue qlnoLu s]r ur pr?oqJJns aqt puP OLU iqinel )JPqs aql I I 'a8ueqc ol peq Surqlauros tnq'3urql lqBU eqt pp I 'slueprseJ Jeqto eqt e{ll t,useop eqs puE JI 1troD1 l,uop I passa"rdap euroJeq s.eqs 'euoq eql sal€r-{.^ el-ul-Jeqlour fur 1nq -1eer8 s,teqt pue - purou ol >lJeq st aSrT dpure; .rng '^ou sqluoru BI lnoqe JoJ euoq eJpJ eql ul uesq s,eqs ]asdn dre.t zfuen se,,ll, eqs reqlou sil{ roJ er.uoq oJEJ p roJ >lool ot paar8e pue eLu ot pauelsl1 dlpug ag 'pueqsnq [u ellivr dol dur,ua1q I le11el eL{l eloJ.^a I JeUe qluour e lnoqv 'pueqsnq du aneal ol ar.u pesrlpp sJeqlo Suturcldruoc dols pue uoqenlrs aql tdacce lsnfppoqs 1 lq8noql uraql 'pexru Jo euros alnb sem sJepeeJ er{l ruo4 eJl^pv plrlsv I Surq:eordde l(al3 a8nq srq Mes I uaqm preoqfns leqs ; Surure,u lnoqllM aurel )lelle oql ,{uu uo 3urz(l sem qrPaq oq] sPrEMol )leq dulpEaq aroJoq JlPq e PUE rnoq u€ tnoqe ro] polns | 'pood sPM (pno;: senn t1 lods yns snoure; p - ]urod IEOS ]B iururour aq] ur ua^os punoJefns € roJ luaM ftrqrqrsrn gnq ).rol OroJaq I drlunoc z(ur.rog 3uufu1d Jo ruearp IIps I 'tueuroru eql le qnlc reqloup qlr^a Surz{.q ur,1 'euo reqlou€ au arrt8 p,l,t faqt lJerluoJ e la8 ol >luql l.uop I puP uoos pu3 ue ol seuioJ lspJluoJ Ay\I 'tueel lsJU aql ur aceld "repSar e la8 ol pa8eueru l,ueleq 1 lnq radeld e se padolarrep,{1pa.r al.1 pue s;ea.{ oirnl Surtrcxe [1pa: e ueeq s,]l 'qnlc IIEqlooJ Iecol 3t{t qtys^ ,-^r ^-^" ^. rt{l lJU.l.tuuJ ruu^-urvu lool I pue uelslT ol lou peplJsp I 'aur 'JeeJeJ e eq ol eJncesur ool s€r ileqlooJ ler{l prcs daql sluared.,tru ecurpe ar.ll qlr^a paa;8e auodrena lsou{V ,(tde; l.usaop {rEqs e rtq pe{)Ellv rEcso 'l.o0z ul 'pruJv quos 's!lu"u 15 adel ;o peol eql JJo IJpqs e1q/nlpa.r8 e {q pallege sem'5y'ue3og ue5unq ZPaEueq) eq seq MoH 9 Zletrdsoq ur oq se^ 3uo1mog s 2uPlsunc Paoloq oq^ t z)rel]e 3ql Jo uea lsroM aql seM leq^ € Z)reile )reqs eLll prp sou.,ul {ueur mo;1 z )leue aql uaq^ up5un6 sen araq1 L 2paueddeq 'suolpanb eql ta^ sup pue usl aql pesu azre8 , UO SaBeSSeru lJel UeAe pue SaUIll o{D +rry Lr6uorrvrr reQ r eJ e raq paleule a^,l '{uliD 1 l"tou dn3 JeqlouE qllr\[ s,3t{s '1ad esla auo,,{ue letu l.ueleq pue puerrJlJrS-xa du sstur I d1ea.r 1us I lnq .4 ou dauoru poo8 Sutuee u.r,1 qoidu ur Ile,r,t. euop e ,l pu? fip -r,rau eqt ot peloru el.l ueqt eculs 'eul JoJ dlrunl.roddo poo8 dlear e se.u qol eL{t l€ql t1a; lsnf I leq qtg dn Uds ot peprcap I 'puo aLIt ui 'puauyl.rr8 dtu qt1lrt dels pue peaq du MolloJ pinoqs tEL{l I prcs aldoed auos q8noqtp 'qof aqt asooqr plnoqs I teql prcs tueqt Jo tsolN 'peluud se,u. ualqo;d dur rage auze8eur eqt Jo srap€er uro4 slretue pu€ srellel go sparpunq lo8 1 f.r.re1 I luaPnls tuqeads tsel:ZL ilun ilun ZZL oFPd'g ss!3rax3 gg aFed'qS aspraxl tugeads pue tu;peey s oT +T/rI :g +c€ uoT +€cFffnruuro 3 SHORT QUE5TIONS AND QUESTION TAGS A: My Questions and short answers brether's gone fo live in Austratia. S: fCas&el Yau wer* ai home last night, were*'t yau? 1 Auxiliary verbs We use be, have and do to form tenses, questions and negative forms, and we use them in short answers, question tags, etc. tr?*ffiqrl In a[[ these cases they are called auxiliary verbs. . . . 1 Choose the correct auxiliary verb. We use be (+ verb + -ing) to form continuous tenses. Present continuous: l4e'sstudylngto become a doctar. Past continuous: I was fa{fci*g ta tharles tlte *ther day" We use have (+ past participle) to form perfect tenses. Present perfect: Vle've bee* here for three montlts. Past perfect: The film had started wltefi we gotthere. 1 Where are / do your parents come from? 2 Johnny is / has got'16 cousins! 3 | reatty enjoyed the concert, but the others we ren't I didn't. 4 A: Have you got any money with you? B: 5 We use do in simple tenses (in the question and negative forms). Present simp[e: Do aLl yaur family {ive raund hereT Past simple: i didtt't getyour . In conthuous and perfect tenses, questions are formed by . inverting the subject and auxitiary verb. ts he studying to became a d*ctor7 i-iav's long kave yawr brather and sister llved hereT In simple tenses, we adddo/does ordid(see above). Wfuere...? . Whit?2...V why "..? l#h*se.""i Vli:et s*rt *{.."? Haw...? ttlhattint* "".? How*fter.."? How aid ...? Where exact!" . .? Why exactly .."7 iRuxiliary i i"oi".i t*-., i *::11 i ::'b_ i What i i time .. "" -.':" What kind of music i i i il*J, ! "t.: : i your friends i arriving? are i where i ao ! 3 were your parents born, in China or in America? your new car going? do vou have lunch normallv? you studying at university? do you want: red or blue? _ books do you like? bag is this? _ do you go to the gym? Put the words in the correct order to make questions. 1 the rest of your famity / speak / do / Engtish ? 2 your aunt and uncle / children I have / many / how / do ? 3 your brother / which / go I gym I to / does ? 4 go / what / out / you and your friends / do / time ? 5 born / were I where / your brothers and sisters? 6 apptying / you / which / Lo / are / university ? Notice the word order after most Wh- ouestions. : : 7_ 8_ What ca!*ur ...? !-iowmush...? What exactly .."? How is /does your course going? 4 What _ 5_ _ 6_ _ Vllzat kind af ...V How many ...? 7 3 What...? Wito...? W:ish baak/ seha*tfw* man, etc. ...7 6 1_ 2 _'s We form many questions with wh- words and phrases. V'lhert ...V don't / haven't. 2 Complete the questions with suitable words. 3 Mr- questions . I isn't / doesn't. email. 2 Auxiliary verbs in questions No, Where were I did you born? My boyfriend tikes my new hairstyle, but my mother : i : Present simple and Present continuous .!.....i "' other i tive? students in i your class i .'..',.'''''.-'..'.'.'''''. "..'.''..''...'.i your boyfriend i listen to? the does 1 Present simple i : :i- "1" i i* :: l/You/We/They work. He/She/lt work. i : l{I_::1*-:1't"v don't (= do not) work. 4 Auxiliaries used on their own He/She/lt doesn't (= does not) work. SHORTANSWERS Do l/you/we/they work? . . These can make the speaker sound more polite/interested. &: #av* yo:.t b**t: lsere 8: Y*s, iFeave, **f*re7 We also use auxiliaries to avoid repeating long sentences. A: **es y*::r family *: liu'* i* Farls? l4y f*ther 6aes, isut mv ;x*tit*r doe:n't. ;;;;;./ilil;; We use the Present simple for: . repeated actions or habits. We ga aut *ver-v Saturday night. . something we see as permanent. t41,: sister warks in a bas:k. . describing a state that doesn't change. ! l**kiike my m*tn*r 'sreMsue 'ouoqd aql uo porlo) eql asooq) Pue (Puads) eull Jo lol e '8uo.u,r ar,nor( lxel aql Peeu | (lulqr) I ' (1aB) -'slollerq n'nlafu 'nou4' aaallaq :BurpuelsloPun ql!i!\ 'a\I 'aleq:suolloue 9 'srelsts rePlo xts Sutneq qtr!/v\ ' ' Palfouuol' Papeuuol ' :sqra^ are l* 4teq aql * 61q e La1 sy)oha t aH {reroduel e) e ut &ug4sot?xs,eH (Mou oleqt sl eqs =) 6u#*!s 4 *q^4 ]uapnl:" sql si slscd aryl lo 4teq (srql seoP s,{enr1e aqs =) le slis o6fi ;uapnlt aql t! e1o€d 'se)ualuos,o e.reduo3'elqrssod sr ullol laqlla seullleulos snonulluof, luaseld snslel eldut;s lueseld '1e$ e spu$ at1 E ' lgi,n aq] $ 4o*q p*afr 'tsan e 6u;peas *,5 ',mou puno;e, Eurueddeq ole leql suolpe lfen pJt4neaq * '3ur>1eads Jo s,;1 truaulout eql le ' pu* $up;ryr5i #ns aql ^ ou sse.rSo.rd ur s8ulql :JoJ Snonulluof, luoseJd eqtr asn u! 'reqloJq rno{ Sutmoul 't16rcn'pot '6uopq:saF;11enb Sur8ueqrun pue uolssessod qllm Pallouuo) 'alsel'punos 'ila.us 'Jeeq |sasuas aql Llll/v\ Pepauuol puelsrapu '\ue/A'aAol uour.uof lsou aql Jo euos'(eEueqr ueJ r.lllqM s8ulqt) ,suo;pe, ueqtr loqlel (eLues eql ,(e1s qrrqm s8u1q1) ,se1e1s, oqlrlseP qtrlr1m sqJol are esaql'sLulo, snonulluol ul PunoJ {1alel ale sqlen aulos sqle^ .uolpe, snsle^,elelsr (qoI lueueuured stq) f,ueduot le)ii.lrt;p (qo[ '1iet (por.rad luaseld eqt u1 =) 'p1c# apdoga';*1 aql ee aulfels a're s]*a;edd1r,r (urrnol eqt lrsrn r(eql ar-utl fuena =) 'pios1 apda4aw aqlw fels slu*te*i ftvs 'sstts aql 'sse1t aq7 s.rred Euranollotr aq1 'rt{epenou stn,sq safiual 6uyry'tan tJs aidsad '3u13ueqr ,(11enper8 sl qllqm uo!1en1!s e Surqr'nsep gne fw qtlt4 6u!{4s s,saqla:q '{7,,s E '{.rerodual se aas eA suollentrls . ('1 3u!Pear Jo elPPrr.u oql ul tu,l =) ul 9 ^ur pq'{lo5 5 'qot ']uauaLu '3uo1 &en )a^ oqs e (eneq) 'elpl ourotl (1.3) rleq ,(61 's,.ressa.rp.rreq aql ol oE lsnuu I t alrlv'tlloolLlleq oql asn l,uel noA E Z esaoqs Meu {ur (a>1n no{) aLl os lo^llP lxel e sl Pueqsnq loH L 28u;yor,n t!/aqs/aq qJo^ aql ro tuloJ - lf,eJlof, eql qrl/v\ saf,ualues aql etaldulo) z 28ug1.rorn ,(aqt7er,r7no,{ sl eJV ' ol i i a '..'" .'.'.....'.-. ....' ......., .....'.': ',(lpayad snonulluof, luasald oql SulPuels.iaPun u,l 8 'e,rlsuedxe rtan Eurr-uoraq sr {1rr s1q1 2 s,rtleg lou ul,l 5 ')ool t 23u1>;.tom I uy i .......................1. . 'turl.rorur (rou st =) 1,usr 117aq57ep ''. . 'tu11.rorvr (lou ;{pea.r1e UeP 3url1a8 s,1l e.re =) l,ue.re '8ug1.rorvr '1sa.r oqI iqqs uarplrr.l) ogl ore uarplnl) u alull e Surneq ere iqqs € e1ne6 Z 'a1er e Surleur s,eqs - )leq no{ 11er 11,aqs s{es elned seuuol L 'sselr ur urnur {11ensn 1,ust seuol qcnur 3ur>leads Surleads r(11ensn 'ruro; aldutls luosold lf,elJof, aql ellr/v\ esnonulluof, luoserd orll u! lf,sllo) lou ale sqla^ qllq^ a HSmSVHd .. i ! {eqye67no1 | (lou ue =) lou ui,l =) s,rtTeqS/eH '3u1>1.rorn (s1 '8ur1.rorvr (a.re t =) a.r,,(aq1/a1 'Burl.rorvr i i u,; i /no (ue =) ;i snonulluof, luesaJd z il 2 Complete the PEOPI-E AROUhID YOU -- oLvud,',rd, ^--,,^i^+---^ ,LE o' grandParents a best friend a half-brother a boss a mother-in-[aw a ctassmate a neighbour a co[[eague a niece a coustn an old school friend an emPloyee an older sister an ex-girlfriend a relative ' a sentences with a suitable verb in the correct form. flatmate 1 2 3 4 5 _ 6 7 a stepmother a grandchild out with your friends? Where do you _ to the gym? You look fit. Have you been _ | spend two hours a day _ to and from work. paperwork. | spent last night _ on her make-up and How long does it take her to a stranger B 9 10 11 EVERYDAY ACTIVITIFS chatting to friends and colleagues commuting doing nothing going to the gym doing paperwork ptaying video games doing the ironing putting on make-up hanging out with friends looking after chitdren doing your hair relaxing going on social networking sites texting tidying up going shopping her hair? after your children - when you go out? nothing at Sometimes I tike to stay at home and the weekend. Coutd you please up your room? - lt's a real mess. the ironing. Come round, l'm really bored * l'm video games. My children spend- too much time this l've had such a busy week, ljust want - to Who _ - weekend. 12 Our boss has told us to stop networking sites at work. _ - on social OTFIER to appty for a course to be home for the holidays a digital native to exercise intensively to multitask grumPy to spend time + -rng to train to be a doctor to waste time + -ing productive to put[ a face 1 Which statement best describes you? (Be honest!) a social worker I'm really into ... an internet addict I qcAenei a b c a Ask your teacher questions in Engtish rather than b Try in your own language. 10 '1 to understand the teacher's explanations in Engtish rather than asking for transtations. She's my girlfriend from the past.We're not together now. c She's my father's new wife. d that I know. e f She's my sister's daughter. He's my husband's father. Speak as much as you can during pair and group work. Answer as many questions as you can, even if you are not sure of the answer. Use a monolingual dictionary. Explain things to your partner or group in Engtish. She's my manager. He's mylrcnd Llherc dlalrryilh. He's someone who works in the company I own. She's my aunt's daughter. He's someone who lives in the house next 3 Why are the tips in exercise 2 useful? Choose two which you don't normatly do. Copy them onto a piece of paPer and stick it on the cover of your book so that you read it every lesson! to mine. 1 She's someone in my Engtish class. 12 He's someone in my family. 4 n remember. tr tatkingl n a word or phrase She's my big sister. He's not someone me. 2 Which of these things do/don't you normalty do? 1 Replace the underlined phrases with that has the same meaning. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I try to use English in class alt the time, even when it's very difficutt for I try to use English in class when I l'm a bit tazy and let other peopte do the On page 7,you learnt eight useful classroom questions. How many can you remember? Test yourself, then check your answers in audio script 1.3 on page 168. (an8re) 'srnoq oorql {peeu (rsel) uexa aql t 'Eu111e1 (do1s) euo&ana'uoor ar.ll u; s.rnoqq8reu {u (11em) | uaq/v\ € ?q8lu lsel ,{1Pno| ,tran esnereq deals 1,up1nor 7 I 2red eql ul lleqtooJ (,ie1d) - {eq1 'u.reql (ees) | eull 1sel eq1 se^ | uaq^ eruoq lV 8u1nr.rp se/v\ | 9 s 'au.roq oB o1 'ueqtrlr) aqtr u! lseJ)psrq 3u1neq se/v\ | 'r.rl'e O€'1. tV 'p€or aqt ''' palfioqs aw 01 auoauraE'Aluappns s*r,4 urlt aLlJ fiuay 6v 41*n s*t* t pue $upgqs ;::lll,j.l L 'slel)erq u! qJeA eql Jo [!JoJ snonulluo) lsed ro eldurls lsed eql ql!/vi - so)uelues eqt eleldurol g 'syods 1o spuq lle 3ur1r1 se,rn I '9L ;o a8e aqt 'orper eql uo smeu eqt Eupeeq Surluenn l,uoJam al eurll 1ea.rE e qrns Eurneq alea,r a6 7 'Eu1tur.r se llaqJoop eql uaq^ auoq le Bululs sea,r | € ^ 'uollels oql lP 3u!^!r.rp eiel e^ uoqiv\ pJeq Bululet se,rn 11 7 eq1.ro1 a1du1s lspd eql esn e16'rto1s r aql io uollenlls eql sequtrsaP uauo snonulluor lsed oql . 'awa4 6u1a1tp seto\ i a!!L!t& olpzr aqy uo t^ au aq] preaq I 'Yso?,a 8 +e |spiYeesq 6uyeq atai'l. a,t71, 'uorl)e lseo (palelduor) leqloue lo au!t rglrads e sepnl)ut stql seulllauos . 'uaqt uapuaj ut 6uur11 sen '1sed eql u1 snonulluo) lsed eql esn a A . 1 aurll e le sselSo.rd ul suollte JoJ L 'ur.ro1 eldurls lsed porro) orll ol!.r A zsnonulluof, lspd eql u! lf,alJof, lou ale sqJe^ * q)!ql lsed eq1 ur uorpe Euol lsed eq1 ur uolpe paleaoar lsed aql u! uotpe elSuts'uoqs autl rrlrrads e 1e peuaddeq q)rqm P e a e z : e alels P uorpe up q 'tuq.ror* tnoqlr^ s{ep ften 11a; 1 eerq1 .ro1 peurpr }l V ut so)uelues aldutgs 1se4 ! i snonulluof lsed z I 'rtro1 fw v eql qllehl utrtAa 6u$e1d pa^o1 1 '6unaf sai,i. S uaqg4 aA ur solels tnoqe )lel o1 eldurs tsed oql osn oslp . 'dep i{.taaa 4san o} ure.il aLfi yocx aH I qil^ rtelodural =) L luroj aseq + : t4trutt",4i;iii)ipic i r'.tq*iprp,;;r";;;r;ilril;;;;i;til 2eneel {aq17am '6unof sea,t 1 uaq* salqelaiar: 6ur7er7 se*r I 1911 '6unaf seta ; uaqn salqelaial papq I 'sqre^ atrPls rllrM sr..uJoJ snonulluo) esn lou op e A fiuldaap sen 1 aq1 ur 2>;.roarr {eq17em7117aqs7aq7no{71 p1q i i ; luroj aseq + i (rou prp =) r.uplp + pefqns :sqrea relnter.rg pue.relntex i 'eJos s,puauJ e uo :;;;;id;;;il =j i,,prpr.q#^ ;'i;;#il;;i;i i - 'UoM l,uplp su.Uo] snonulluo) esn a A - aq7 u! pa4$r6 I uaLy'^ auj Jnoqe 6ug2e7 servr 117eq57e971 p s 'lsilJ lP llrseuroq 'Surddols lsed eql 'Pl!q) e se ol ueuo € loor.lls Pe)le^ )lpq 1oB {eq1 z 'alqel eql uo ,{auou.t eql lnd eH Tq8gu lse1 {eprloq LuorJ 'rco$ aql $8 ayuq U pue sse$ aql paddary 1 'peleader ro e18urs'3uo1 .ro uorls aq uel uor1re oql . 'Kepsapaf snauseJ auaausas n*s 1 V 'g u! sesn oql 'peueddeq uotpe eql ueqrvr {es ue11o ep1'1sed eql u1 peueddeq qf rqm suotpe pue selels.ro1 eldurrs lsed aql asn a A . l}lI3VUd r l, (red (1uese.rd eqt ur &e.rodr-ua1 =) 'Suausau,t aqlw sn Lg!t\4 fiu!fierss,aqs 'fteroduuer ere suollenlls leql esrseqcura ol (rl elpplu.r aql ur se^ eq -rsdeds 4 au aql Sulpeal se/u pH Jo =) =) 'tadedsnau atp fiulpeat s,ay1 'sselSold ut sotltltl)e eqlJlsep sullo1 snonulluo3 '52; e8ed uo sqren reln8err (r; 1o alpprur aqt u! s,aq i - Pa- 'sr.uJoj snonulluof, Jaqlo se s]rlsrJapeJeql eures eql seq snonurluof, lsed aql . ille ^eqt/e/y\/1/aqs/aH/no /l Jo lsrl aas :sqlen.relnte.r.r; + [uJoJ aseq :sqJe^ lelnEeX rJol ^aqUo A/il/oqs/oH/no /l 1! PPar 'aue1d ai;l ua f1e1S yoqe e 6utrpeat sela 1 1,uprp {lqeqord 1 =) 4oaq 'aue1d aql ua d1e17 peer (11e E pea) | 11 trnaqe 1 =) 4aaq 'alolotrJolu! se aes eA suoll)e toJ snonulluotr lsed aql asn a A. 'paddo1s laql uaqs 'waoJ aldur;s 1sEd L snonulluof, lsed Pue aldurls lsed arcn faLl1 'peldnlelur st uotpe snonulluof lsed eql seullleLuos . 4 Match the sentence halves.Then write out the sentences, putting the verb in brackets in the correct past form. ffi_rynnencq"* A 1 Cross out the forms that are not possible or not correct. 1 My sister (break) her teg white ... 2 I (meet) my best friend when ... 3 The sun (shine) when ... 4 lt (rain) this morning so ... 5 The police (stop) him because... 1 I 2 3 B a b my husband (give) me a lift to work. he (drive) too fast. | (wake up) this morning. we (both work) in a sandwich bar. c d e believed / used to believe / would believe in ghosts when was young. Did you would / Did you use to I Did you get into trouble a tot when you were a chitd? | 4 Our parents usetoencourage / encouraged I would encourage us to try new sports and activities. difficutt chitd. She didn'twoulddo I didn'tuseto She was a do I didn'tdo what she was told. 5 Wouldyou / Didyou / Didyou useto like eating sweets when you were a chitd? she (ski). 2 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. any more stitt use Contrasting past and present _ We to have such used a lot of fun when we went out together. 1 usedto andwould ::"""' : i tlyou/Ue/She/ltlWe/They used to work. i i l/You/He/She/ltlWe/They would work. _ didn't to tike Thai food, but I do now. Mr Franks doesn't work here longer. 4 Once there was a huge factory here, but there isn't 2 I _ 3 i any_. : There are :l _ some beautiful otd buitdings in the town centre. i:: : UYou/He/She/ltlWe/They : wouldn't work. Did l/you/he/she/itlwe/they use to work? I Put the words in the correct order 1 time/spend / l/ to make sentences. used / playingvideogames/a lotof 2 anyexercise/to/never I asal do /Ati/used/chitd 3 to / use 4 any 5 didn't 6 on 7 used 8 l/frightenedofspiders /to We use usedfo and would for habits in the past. w*utd g* t* ths ayrfi e';*ry day" sister essed ta lzave r*aliy !t:*g hair. There is no equivalent form of used to or would in the present. i I did / in art / interested I Phil / be? lviy *tsu*{dyg* i* tny parefi*' hcuse cfi Sundavs. NOT J us* ta gs fs rny parents' hor,s* on Sundeys" I it / to I quiet here / but I itl be/ isn't/ longer/ used f Would is common when we are te[[ing a story or remembering an evenl. T!:iss* wcrs the b*st years ts! my life. I w*uld spe*d ali iay tn the For states in NOT J r.,:ovld ilv* in fiubai. We can always use the Past simple instead of used to or would. i wer?t rc the gym everv dav s's:e' ftad rea j4' jo rg trarr. 2 not ... any longer I not ... anymore These phrases mean that an action or state was true in the past, but is not true now. i* riav .s*tleyball ev*ry Frldav, !s*t ! dazz't x*y l*ngcr. Arzd:*v; d*eslz't dri*k **ff** anynt*r* * ii glves hi* a he*tlache. i use 4 3 still We use stll/ when we want to emohasise that an action or state has not stopped or changed, but continues up to the present. i use / use / to / enough time / | /where / you I to / go / holiday I didT any /tola beard/he/but/he/have/doesn't/more the past, we only use used to, not would. i::s*d€s {fve iff S#&ei. {r / /to / have / relax/ s*i|l:*ta**:**y fu3v; fright*::*o i w*s. / am/l /be/and / used/ tolstitt &1 o1 'stuepnls loqlo qluv\ sJeA sue Jno^ aJed[lof e1g1 plnorvr no{ 1eq1 stu1q1 aql rqBllq8lq luroN Z &8ue to8 laq uo no^ lsal ol puatrJ p Jo luapnls Jor.lloue )sv lle/!\ lnor{ uo 1r )ltls pue:e1sod-rurr.u e uo lrlaql a]!r^ 'raqrrroutel tr 'sPloM aql n 01 lue^ {11ee.r I aroLu )sel strll o)eu.l ll - (r 1ea; prl1s falqee8euelu ,{ep qree euo ,(pn1s pue (r elqno;1 olur 1oB (q 11e aJns p1o1 slua-red {auou,r 1a1rod (q - pessolls aql aulpapun 1eq1 1eq1 sd11 eq1 >;rg1 S .rno{ ueq16 7 aruaprluor (e q3nlu MoH E en8te (e .utoql as!l!trlJl plnoqs sreqleot )ulLjt I peneqaq (r (q a1qno.r1 Z olur 1oB (e ^ 9 1f tr)vud oll.Uy\ s raquemar'stll, sp.toM aq] Sutsn sof uelues a1qe11,{s 'saselqd pup sptoM aqt 8u!^es Jloslno{ p.rorag 'Luoql 8ut^ps esrpe.rd pue spJol aql otr uelsll , t Sutnts e Z 01 llel 01 I leuotloula alPll.uefuot o] SurBualleqr qrJeoser (rro a:ard e) 1raq3 ; eu ralJp) ua8{xo ,(:elnqeron q)uerq {.rouau 1 leol] JJo Surqleuos alols ol )utluaDs anfsaj o1 'reqleel no{ paqsrund (e le puls l,uaraM sluared tepl {lpeq (e ,{:8ue (q no{ prp'go no{ lou pue uarpllqr 'Surueau oql laqlua.Jal uer no^Jt oas lsel pue suollelsuerl rno{ dn .raao3 Sr ,{1peq - Luaql pepadser 'lllrr I lnq 'lllls ,ten alenn sluated ,(14 , 'rel\sue elq;ssod ouo ueql aro[u eq {eu areql.erualuas qrea e1eldruof, plno) 1eq1 sase.rqd pue spro aq+ osooqf I o1 11as.rno{ '13ejrOf lnq 'sesetqd oql ol lxou uotlelsuell e altJl 'rraql loquauet no{ dlaq Jo^eu ,(eq1 peueqse (r l- OL 2no{ anr8 slualed.rno{ prp e8e:no:ue (r astetd (q nod leLll sprom uel tr)alos o1 spro^ sL ro uel Jo suottrtes otrut lsl1 eqr epln;6) 's1dr-uotd se suo!trplsuell lno{ Bu;sn ,uaq1 Jaquoulal uer no{1r eas pue splo^ qstl8ul oq1 le^o) n tr elpr"u l ol seselLld pue I a)tl spJoM Meu aql ur [ ! n lno{ 1se lo {;euorltrp len8urllq poo3 e " ',{leuorprp qsr13u3 ienEurlouou e asn ue) no1.sueou aseiqd .ro p.ro^ r.ltee leqM.,oquaLuat no{ 'rvro1o1 ,(pee.qe .rno{ elo;duu1 o1 dlaq ll!/v\ l! 5looq s!q} }o llun qf,eo qstut} nof ueqarr,sp.ro/v\ eseql requreuteX, {pn1s {1ea|1re no{ tr; P utPlq aqt euel aleinrle pa13ue1 1aB o1 ol (dea1s) tro 1:e1 aq U]HIO sPJO/v\ A AU lAqUOUreU ,{11en1uaaa ^luaPpns Pua aql u! eltqM s lsue J.UOIS V =;' 'aurl ,)aeM ,s)ooM oanl ur no,{ aas ll,l os sl uossel eq+puluar ]a6tol / 'o8e sqluolu anel e ,{1red s,xeh le lat! 'aroJaq raq Sugaas 1 atu6orat yafuot 1 1 uou pallatuer nqueuarl,uo6 eM r{11ue.redde 1 | raquawer alu\ont 1 no,{ euoqd ol auoaulos - OL 'rla 'Surlured e 'ltsnu; 6 p6tol nqweu^fa., },upf, 1 | Jo atard e aBessau e lnoqp auoaulos esguBorel o1 Sulqtar-uos prp no,t peuaddeq Surqlau-ros uaqa,r - leql euoaulos auoqc ol Sulqlaruos op o1 - 'rla'luaulutodde 'a8essau luaullutoooe ue aql ro; auoauos Surlaau - - lequlotuol ol le8ro; o1 9NIII.]DUOI s ue /proMpTuosredeautl lsJU e Xepqprq e- Surqlaluos lnoqe 1 .sasselS puluar 1 9Nnlll PultlleJ 01 - a)e] s,auoeLuos / euoaulos _ uosjac Jor..lloue Jo euootrjos lnq nqueuertr,un ?q31uo1 oluJo oql e^eal I orojaq Surf 11et ol aw pwwar / regwawer / pfuo! aseap g i)oe^ lsel {epqu;q s,.reluuaf lnoqe peslufiont 1 lodtol 1 panquauu,(11e1o1 I * olqt.r.rol lae; | /_ 'lsltrJe olll jo oueu oql Mou) l,uop pulutat 1 9 1nq'3ur1ured aql ,{u.r ga1 | oraqm CINV DNIUSSNlNlU ipe8ueqr {1ee.r s,et1s )aq - puluar / aslu1otat 1 p6to! l,uptp t at4:t. pulwer / reqwauat / |afuot ol 1 saqu6otat Bur{_r1 Lu,; V l:edsat ol ol ol € ol {,r8ue la8 asr)rlr_l) astelo 7 ol {1peq aneqaq o1 {auor.u 1a1tod a)ueprruof auoautos 1eB o1 o1 a8e;nolua qstund }o aruetolg sr{err,r1e alqnorl olur JJo llor 01 l)rJls '1eaq {q Suos aq1 Jo sprom 'JoqleJ ror.{ au sJaqua.aal / spulual 2ralsls :no,( auoqd ol taquawar / pulrual | 4afuol no[, ptq PaulPqse an8re ol enrB o1 L 9Nt9NtUSdn CNV COOHO"ilHf '(s).rarrsue ltralro) eql osoorll Z #, *i I 4 Big and small differences lf there is a large difference between two objects, we can use much and a lot. Comparative and superlative adjectives 1 One-syllable adjectives and two-syllable adjectives enorng In -y i Russia is much For sma[[ differences, we can use a little (bit) or slightly. 5 Common phrases with superlatives . 2 Other two-syllable adjectives and tonger adjectives , . . byfarthemost Brazil is | -est in South Amerka. oneof the most ... | -est Eaghdad is ane af the aldest cities in the warld. the secondlthird most ... / -est Birmingham is the secand biggest rity in Englanri. the least The caach is the leasf expensive way ta get ta the airport. REMEMBER! 3 lrregular forms These superlative phrases are often followed by in i worse i the worst : gooa i far i b"tt", i further i the best i I the furthest + place. Buenas Aires is the bigEest eity in Argentina. i bad ! ... byfarthe larg*stcauntry i l"tg.4gncf { 1 Rewrite the sentences so that they have the opposite meaning. Use the adjectives in brackets. REMEMBER! . With short vowels we double the final consonant. thin + thinner + the thinnest . . It's the most potluted place I know. (clean) It's the cleanest place ! knaw. 1 The bus stop is nearer than the station. (far) 2 lt's the cleanest part of the city.'(dirty) 3 The traffic's better than I expected. (bad) 4 lt's the most interesting museum I know (boring) 5 Trains are more expensive than buses here. (cheap) 6 He parked in the nearest car park from here. (far) 7 lt's the most enormous beach l've ever seen. (tiny) 8 lt's the best restaurant I know. (bad) 9 lt's colder in the south of the country. (hot) lf the adjective ends in -e, we only add -r or -st. fine + finer --> the finest -y changes to -ier and -rest. busier the busiest busy - + '10 2 The north of the island is prettier than the south. (ugty) Rewrite the incorrect sentences to make them correct. China is stightty bigger than the UK. China is a lat bigger than the tLK. 1 New Zealand is stightty sma[[er than Austra[ia. 2 London is much further north than Paris. 3 Cairo is stightty hotter than Moscow 4 France is a bit larger than Spain. 5 Hong Kong is stightty more populated than Canada. 6 Chile is much narrower than Argentina. 7 Brazil is stightty [arger than the USA. 'elPnelf ueLll urorl rE sa^!l ro^llo zL ^lrsre^run 'Jatuurns u! se ralurM ur eraq JePlo) r.l)nu s,ll L L luaroljrP fte^ qool esnoq ou oql oL 'ursno) srq q+'i relluls &en ^s1oo1 ;1y 6 'auo Plo or.]1 u€g+ .slno sp eules aql +]exe s!.le) Jtaql g 'ssep ror{lo {r.u ur ueql sself srql ur sluepnls ssel ere areql / 'auo plo aql peBBlq aqt sl uott luenltlp /(pqQp u.rees sr,-re8ue.r1s, s1 r(11r ,Etq, g sr wnlpe]s /v\au aLlJ - - 'auo snatnasd aql wottwatalllp fllqfins * alqelawg i au oql 's8urql orvrl uee^ laq e)ueraJ}P lleus e sr oraql Jl 'aulw se eurec eql ilpexa t q4elA slH 's8u;ql oa,rl uao/vtlaq e)uaJoJJtP ou st eleql Jt 'anou1 I eldoad 'elleltsnv € y - raqlg st trt nnalpue ssal ja{4 se IteJ se s/ .resns Jo "' se lou sfp/\ luaJa#lg \eql '096[ ul allqf ul peuaddeq eutl taonrcltQ | $appeq eqt to elenbquea TvonaqlrctKg l 'sle/t^sue paJJo) tno t Z 1 t ',{1rr,e se619selou 1se61qse sr ,umot,V 'Eugplrnq,peuorqseJ-plo, ue uotl Tuenltlp ol requls / uottyan$trp flalaldutot 'sturql oivrl uee^ laq e)uereJ1rp 8rq e sg eleql 11 - 'otoJaq se aues eqrlnoqe aft saLulJ uleq aqJ 'auo )taql o7 n11ut1s Ktaa t! ret rAau Jlaql Ho 'aures aql {1.reau ere s8urql oml 11 :sEu1q1 Eupedtuof, roJ suo!ssardxa 1nlasn 'paltadxa an ueq] qtteuj aq| olyaue1doad nnaT 'wo 6uto6 uo lbuotu ssal puads Hnoqs na1 ueql anlsuedxa ssal s! loJpd 'edotng u 'sunou olqelu nor ql1rur ;ana/ asn'su nou slqelunorun Pue sentlre[pe qllM ssal asn 'e.roal lo ellsoddo eql a.re.rarraaJf pue ssaT 'taqpw :eures eql ere qlrqM s8urql omt Eu;.reduo1 'p7a6 se ansuadxa sP l,us! ra^lls se tupedruor 'plrom eql ur lueurluor pa7epdod tseeleql 1 palelndodssalaql 1 palepdodlsea;sr eltpreluv s 'PFo/v\ Orll ur &lunorpalepdodlsou puo)eseql 1 pe1e1ndod lsow puoJas I paTelndod arcu puoles eqtsl elpul t 'PlJo/v\ otll u! ulelunotu $eneus aqlntfq 1 n11eusrct/Q 1n1;eus sr looldeqr{161uno6 g 'plro^ otll u1 sBu;p1rnq Tsapelaqlloauo |$enel 1pa11e7loeuo sr req8ueq5 u! arluo) ler)ueurl ppo 11e .^ ou) | Ja^up esreift aql st stxelv g '{1o eql ur ueql anrsuedxo +seat sr ereq aJrl s .autr.u e)lll sues oql s! illqs-I L e1doe6 'relsrs Jor.{ }e luoJoJ1rp {rar st etpey suleqn .ado.rn1 p f.rlunor 'ol pasn {eql ueql ourll ro'rftat a^eq o} se 'Jalsrs sr.1 e>111 ruaEllletu; se lou sr ue4 'pJo/( perrof, eql qll/l^ lno pessoJf, s! leql pJo/r^ eql ereldeu Z {1rr ,(ep11oq - Z L eql esooqf, t euo s; ,(puy g eq} st oulnoqloN lselru eql 1se88lq 1 _ q)nu s! auueueN 9 req eruls paxeler - 'auo eAlsuodxa aql osoql lnq'e^lsuadxe arP areq Punore sluerneFar aql I 's,{epo1 ueql reloo) flq e eq llrM ilv reqlee^ s,MoJro[uol s t '.reqddeq - eruls e ueeq a^eLl oruelaN pue )JeN'asnoq pa^ou ',PuouJ, e wott luanltlp tuea I V € 'ssell ^eql lsru le^erl - no{;r fpqQp 1 tuotl wanlllp f,1a7afluot sr Surplrnq,urepor!, V € ',re8eueu, e se ewes eqttnoqe 1 uotlTuetelllp sr,ssoq, V Z '{1rr se autes eq1/(llrexa ,eEre1, e 'sreMsue lf,erJof, aql osooqf, anrsuedxa arou r(1uo s; 1e1r11 eq1 ,{18u1spdrng 7 'Arluno) - eql suelflsnul Euno,( lsaq aql Jo (Z*) I l ei$r1*!i st leeqltN ut Feol puoras ,o L alllll {11q311s lol arour euo e)uo Pro/v\ qf,pe esn'xoq oql u! spJo/vl eql qllivl so)uoluos aql e1eldurol g 3 FEATURESAND SIGHTS Match the sentence hatves. A ancient ruins an istand a bay a taKe a (sandy) beach a marKel a bridge a (historic) monumenl a canal a mosque a cathedrat a museum a ctiff a palace docks a shopping mall B a sKyscraper a crowded at weekends. L u -^^-+^-,,1-)PgLLOLULOI. a factory farmland a temple a festivaI a view a (rain)forest a viltage a harbour a 1 2 3 4 5 6 waterfall ADJECTTVES FOR. DESCRIBING PLACES tively co[ourfuI mocern cosmopotitan o[d-fashioned crowded peacefuI dangerous polluted dirty Poor expensive romantic friend[y smart historic -^^-+^-,.1-- Some of the views are The city has a very The market gets The locat people are There are some very modern c skyscrapers in the centre. d area just outside the citY. e livety atmosphere. f usuatty friendty. a hitt arry There's an industriaI 4 Cover the word list and choose the correct answers' 1 2 The otd town is worth see I seeing I The ruins arein I on to see. /atthe north ofthe country. 3 Paris is in I on / af the River Seine. 4 Dubai is famous about / of lfor its shops' industrial :ou'l"t OTHER it's famous for (its beaches/shops, etc.) it's in the north / it's on the coast The tasks in Cutting Edge are designed speaking, but it is imPortant to work actively in these lessons. Tick the tips that you already foltow. I PRACTICE 1 Choose the odd one out in each group. 1 bridge 2 cathedral 3 bay 4 apartment lake canal mosque Palace beach ctiff waterfall temPle docks block ancient ruins shopping mal[ skyscraper Cover the word list.Write the adjective form of these nouns to describe a place, romance 1 colour 2 peace 3 tourist 4aft 5 history 6 crowd 7 pollution B industry to improve your it's worth (seeing/ visiting, etc.) Before doing the task, spend a few minutes thinking about what you are going to say and how you're going to say it. You can make some short notes to hetp you, but don't write out every word! lf you can, use language you already know, but if you really need any new words, ask your teacher' Look at the Useful language box and see if there are any phrases that you coutd use. (You do not need to use all or most of these phrases, though - they are just there to use if you need them.) Before you start, Practise'saying t f f it in your head' or whispering it to yourself so that you feel more confident. Concentrate on expressing what you want to say and don't worry about making mistakes! Everyone makes mistakes when they are learning a language - n it's how you learn. to and be supportive of other students. Remember, they may feel nervous about speaking Listen in English, too! Hightight the tips that you think witt most help to improve your speaking. Compare your answers with other students. L rauued e Jo llosrno^ lsel pue suroJ aldl)lued lsed pue aldtuls lsed oql re^o) 'sl L eBed uo lsll qre^ reln8err! aql le )oo1 z UlM ZL )u!r.ll L t q)eal 0[ Peor 6 arnPoJo 8 arrdsur 2 reoq 9 uE;sap 5 asoor.ltr t Eupq g Pl!nq z e^erLl)e eldDrUed lsed L Joturol eldllliled lsed pue old|r|ls lou =) -) aM 'sseatr ug relntor ar-ur1 L l ou 'aJrl rarl Sur.rnp =) '53t?!j AalqS paljrP{ij s*/H *oJ#or.lJ uflisepy 'sef uelues eldr-urs 1se4 pue payad luasard esoql areduio)'pe1a1dLuor ro eurl lsed ur peueddeq PeqsruU Mou oJP q)qnr spouad .ro; eldlurs lsed aql asn e A . leql suorlfe elduls lsed snsJa^ sldurls l]er.lsd lueserd 'ar.ur1 rrlreds e enr8 'porlad eu.rr1 Z 5ri-t3 ;tF ilJ sac€ l"*ij ereld selel uorl)e aql . =) '{ar*l luaserd e u1 (nnou 1r eneq l,usaop eq =) .{arys;rytscls,sff 'luese.rd eql u! lue^eler are uolpe lsed eql Jo stlnsoJ oqf . (mou req ou) llrls I =) 's.rea,{{ircu: soJ nq ulu'awg a*,5 ^ 'luese.rd eql ol lsed eql uror; senulluo) uolpe ro olels aql . {ue14 paueddeq t,uo^eLl 's{em snolren ur luasard aq1 ol pepeuuo) sr uorlenlrs ro uollfp lsed aql'1uese.rd eq1 pue lsed eqt uaoMleq orqsuolleler eql lnoqe )lel 01 peJreo lueserd aql osn 0A eldtuls peJ.red luesard eql to sesn u! leql sanrle8eu pue suollsenb ur 1a{esn a16 iu38W3WlU :l i-,'",:: 1 L 1'rnr5u,-lififfifi:Iffi I."ii:iil:;id ':p.ir"^ ;;;; i;,r;/;/;"^;r ;;"; i ,f.i$ftrF;;$uffi: .pe)ro/v\ (tou seH =) l,useq lllaqs/eH =1r,u"i"q i;.il;A ;;;;i ti", "i"q 1"t||.1f +.*ru1"'4qlot'fqnt'i i i .1l'a::-:'{1:]l.::aila:l::"::,l::I'i|'1']!:':1:1|1:i,.ij.:!].:i1l^j:].::1i!::.r':l::::.::!i]: .r:.!..'.-i,t:..:1.:.;",:: 'pe)rom (seq =) s.117aq57eg u! aul] eql ql!/v\ punoJ uauo sose.lqo {u ut =) 'sai;"*;Jo s;*1 u;ed5 o3 ErFa€ an,l lou op eM',e;n eloqan {r.u ur, ueour a^ uor.ll . (e1n eloqm 1 (paqsrurl l,us! )ee/v\ slql duew rcJ uosud u uaaq s,eg uer saserqd lnq lsed eql s,aqsp Lts 'sau}!} aa}q4 (peap sr eqs Pue tsed eql ere leq/v\ 3}K?vS.{.t ;aqlelpue;6 6tu law ea*au sr eq (anou uosr.rd ul lf lls s,aLl in)fo {lqeqord oqs trnq =) "1af pauaqd Lus€q eire4 =) 'pauaqd 1,useq Euew (l,uortr aqs aq{euu pue )ulql 11e1 o1 ''i,i*s}s s,s{ l*q ?L'api:le u* per! uu*f 'euitl eql uollueu lou oP a^ Jt ue^e'alduls lsed eql esn a^ 'lsed oql u! pue paqslulj se 1r aes eM Jl jlel/d5oq aj u'il| :j&4*t aA,{aiii"iaaplve ue peq E,aqa{ 'lraJjad luesard aql esn eM'luesord aql o1 se eas eA 'uollf,e oql aas a/v\ /v\orl uo sPueoaP l! Palelar Jl uauo elduts ro pa]lod eql asn aM lou ro Jeqlaql . lsed luaserd (par.1srurl 1ou s; .ree{ srql =) uea't stql peatqe a*ri;Jo ;e; e 3uads a*,1 (pttqr e reBuol ou ue | =) 'guatedpueti dw t13jN\ a$r$ ta 3o1 * 2uads I ?irq': € Ey (peqs;u11 lou sr aJrl .rerl =) payrew uaaq s*q puau! dytr ;pg.{*a alau!s lsed esqle leln8arr! aseqt L (ivrou peap s,eq (mou 1r1un e1r1 {u.r ur =) 'eu1tq3 ol $atgJ€ripus,1.J =) 's;eaddueus saluasud u1tetu\aH (,uou uosr.rd ur (mou EurueneTuoourele s,lt =) '6a!wolu sJr;; lr*gcy o3 aryods; (8u;uroru eqt lllls s,tt =) '$ulu$rils!t"!xuaqoa q uaryodsa,r.i 'lxeluof, aql ol EulpJorre 'eldurs tsed oql Jo 1re;red luesa;6 eql roqllo r.lllm (rere1 1rm .arnlnJ eql ueddeq plnor suorpe lnoqe (r*ou aloleq =) nf'fpeatle pn*wel auofue 1aw sana nof adeSq (nnou eloleq eql ur eurrl {ue =) nta, lsed e)uls Pue toJ ' rcl os 'rcaf qql'4aan slql'alq fut ry:ssarEo.rd ur llls ere q]rq^ ourl ]o spouad :pa#od eql qllM punoj uauo saselqd aull . luasald e)tl seselqd eulll a^llerleu Pue eql u1 '7eq1n{e'ueql 666t '\aen$el 'il16!u $el'feryatsat(:lsed aql ur sourlt rrlrreds |w1q aas no,( p1p uaql^:ueql^ qtrlm suollsenb - 'PelJo/r^ (eneq =) an,,(aqya167no171 aul:o6e o6e aeet{ puesnoqy e'o6e sqluou aarr.ll'obe salnulw :olor.urs lsed eldu.rls lsed pup olduls lsed pue aldtuls pa#ad luesard . pa#ed lueseld aql qll^ spto/v\ au[ € 3 Complete the texts with the correct present perfect or Past simple form of the verb in brackets. 1 REMEMBER! . McCartney In 1965, Pau[ (write) the most popular song of all time,'Yesterday'. Since then, there (be) over 2,500 cover versions. _ 2 3 _ (die) in 1977, Elvis prestey (have) 31 hit singtes. During his lifetime, he Since he _ (produce) over 60 hits, including l8 number ones. (have) one of the longest careers in Jack Nichotson Hotlywood - he (work) in the fitm industry for more than 50 years. Over his career, he (receive) more award nominations than any other actor, and he (win) three Oscars. He (win) Best Actor Award in 1975 and 1997 and he (receive) the Best Supporting ActorAward in 1983. -- _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 . Which movie lt is _ difficult to since it _ (be) the most successfut of att time? say.Avatar the most money _(make) (appear) in 2009, but it onty three Oscars. Titanic, which (win) 11 Oscars, and it _ (win) (come) out in 1997, (make) nearty _ S2 bittfon since its release. lf we say how often the action happened, we always use the Present perfect simpte, because the focus is on the resutt. l'vewritten ten / lats af emails taday. NOT /'ye been writing ten emails. Like other continuous forms, we do not use the present oerfect continuous with'state' verbs. l've known Anne frsr years. NOT /'ve been k nawing Anne 2 . . . for years. and how long? for,since We use /or with periods of time. I've been learning to drive for three manths" We use since with points in time. I've lived in this hause since 2AAT I I was born. Sentences with How lang have for and since answer the question How long? yau been learning ta drive? t"qnlsiici"e 1 Write the phrases in the correct column, five Present perfect continuous last * j He/She/lt's been (= has been) working. i,,i'ii;i;;;ili1i"i{ minutes 2009 I was ages 6 o'clock months 30 years ten seconds three weeks ages and born summer for ti=*., five minutes l/You/We/They haven't been (= have not been) working. 2 Choose the best answers. Can you explain your decisions? l'vefinished / beenfinishing myessay and l'veemailed emailing it to my teacher. / been 2 My cousin has stayed ?i Has he/she/it been working? i :...-:1]::::':l,];]1::']1"i]']:].].::]::.']::".:.]i:',:i:1:1:|,.l::i]:.:]ij:|.']:l:ll:: i Hiy:iH* l 4 sybjea + been + -rhg Uses of the Present perfect continuous The Present perfect continuous is [ike the present perfect simpte in a[[ the ways mentioned in section 1 on page '141. However, we use the Present perfect continuous if: . . we want to emphasise that the action is [ong or repeated. She's been trying to pass her driving test for years. (Notice that we often use /or a nd since with the present perfect continuous.) the action is in progress / not comptete. l've been doing my homework. (= perhaps . it is not finished) l'vedone ny hamework. (= it is finished) we are more interested in the activity than the result. l'm really hot * I've been running. (the activity that made me hot) I've just run ten kilometres. (that's what I have achieved) 5 I been staying with us for a few weeks. l'm exhausted. I'veworked / beenworking realty hard since 6 o'clock this morning. l'm really pleased with myself - I've written I been writing ten pages of that report today. Why don't we stop and have a coffee? you've driven driving for ages. 6 A: I been I tike your dress! B: Oh, thanks, l've had I been having it for ages. 7 \Ne've gone I been going to the same hotet for the tast five years - we love it! 8 The children have made / been making loads of biscuits. Woutd you [ike to take some home with you? asn nor( ,(qm u;e1dxe pue rnof llal JarnlnJ oql u! ;euped qf,rql 'srpd ul lJo A lqtru I es!)rexa uror] sesp! Z 'lsal e u! sa)elslur n e1er.u n ol lsal no{ uaqan ure8e souetrlurns aql llaqf S 'solnr aLll Jo llasrno{ puru,rar e arolaq i(Jeuruns:euuuerS aql PParau € n ePa!rerf, o 'dn u 'PuelslaPun 1,uop no,( 1eqtr se1n.r 'aBen8uel truoroJ;rp ere 'uarPlrqr roJ lePor ul '{euou.r }o trol e I uleldxa ol roqleetr rnor{ >1sy 7 I ;1 lno{ ur leql salnr reuurelS aql lq8llrlslH 'aLu lnoqe 'ree{ lxeu pallonrp Z 'olnr q)ee .ro; aldluexa umo rno^,o )u!q_L I 'rvro11o; fpea.rle no,( leql ,vroleq sd11 oqr 'suPXa laL l)!I 'PuPlsraPun l,uoP nor{ leqM ))aqr ol lueilodur! sr }! 'looqesrnof, Jnor{ u! selJetuuns reuue;B pee.r nof uotl/v\ 1e uo110ruo'rd e pl cuu oql ppa1 tffiruftri:j; ; 'roq arlurpe no{{qan aLu I :y I I q ')eal lsel luer-ulrede ,(u rno{ I 'a^ol ul a alor pooB e s,aH SL 3ur1ue-r e.r,e16 71 lrnb no,{ plp €t ^q/V\ ljell zt pelenper3 aq5 LL en,o1 OL penou 1sn[ {4 eu.r lq8no.rq lune 6 Suorls lo8 s,aH Surna8 a,le sluered rag T I 1aB o1 1uea,r no{ o6 aPeur seq r{uedLuor eq1 Passeo s,aqs 9 s 'peBeBua to8 tsnf seq .reqlorq {pr1 € sare) oH z q 'r(r1srr-uaqr ur eer8ap e ql;m f, 'asnoL v P r(1eno1 e t V 'sa^leq e)ueluos oql q)lehl I 1f rr)vud llal :V s Jo no,( op ,(q716 I loj lol e oP ol ol 11e{ o1 preMP uP url ol a^rasaP ljnol laPou aloj e paoser la)lej E aseqf, aldoad raqlo lnoqe are) e {1r:r1qnd Pe^rasaP / atlwpe e ol ol leaq otr arurPe ol aAarLl)P ol stsvuHd oNV scuo/n utHlo saldr:uud 8uor1s eneq o1 rapeal 8uor1s e eq o1 ol aitcsur :V Z ;urq te 1e{ no,{ plp ^'lly\ :g 'snoe8e.rnor os s,alls asnef,ag 1 a4dsu1 11e1{eq1 I , '{pap1a pue;ood eql osnelag :g e seop 1 s1>adset oqs 'sPleMP pa^ary)e 1 paltadsat s,aqs'sr aqs'sa1 :g isnoueJ aqs sl :v / ]eaq 1 Pa^alq)e oq asne)e8 :8 'l slol uott ! 3 'saldrrur.rc L 2qof {1an11re salrerrruns reuurerS e luar-ulredp ,r'o^ , aql rol saruasap I 'lleq oql leaq / aseq) I e^elqte tr,usoop oq tnq ralleqtool 1euo1ssa1o.rd e s,aH :g no{ op {q41 :y y 2{ze1 s,eq 1u1q1 preile Ueq .sra/V\sue llq ol L lsaq aql asooq) € i 0"1'"I] t^..^-... : ; luaP$uo)-rles PaurullelaP luaPuuor-,las ssalqlnl lerltsrloBe Palualet PatelrPaP : Pate]|PoP snoaBe;nor eArssesqo rlear) leurBr.ro an 3u tuureq: Suurdsur Paulu.rol0P slH.nvno-lvNosurd snoa8e;nor Surureq: [.,n6N otr arler o1 looqts a^eel/uels rronno ri nr ,(1rs:arrrun o1 oB o1 asnoq e ,{nq ro Luer ol qof .rnor( 1nb o1 "*:::fot : suexa;no{ l)ecsol paq,tretu 1aF o1 peBeBua 1aB o1 ol qof e 1aE o1 ol e^ol ur llej qof a8ueq: o1 auioq a^eal 01 uerPlrq) e^eq o1 unsN ; ol ol palonrp la8 uorloruord e la8 1rel7ssed o1 asnoq a^oLu {auour 1o 1ol p aleLu o} qo[ rno,{ asol o1 enllrafpy ua.rplrq: rno,( dn Suuq o1 EJ€N llll stNrn3 'selqet aql elelduror o1 ,(reuorlrrp e asn z REMEMBER! We can use shal/ with / and we.We normal[y use this in the question Future forms for plans and intentions 1 going form to make offers or suggeStions. to Compare the fo[owing pairs of sentences. Wi{l I meetyau atthe statianT (= asking about a future fact) Shall I meet yau at the stationl (= an offer) i * , t'.lyou're/He's/She's/lt's/We're/They're help. i _ i not/You aren't/He isn't/She isn't/lt isn't/We aren't/ ''- aren't going to hetp. i - i fney i , j Ar l/Are you/ls he/ls she/ls itlAre we/Are they going going to Wiltrwe have dinner atthe hatel? (= 6t1;nt about a future fact) i i 4 Other ways to talk about the future : : We use goingtoto talk about present intentions about the future. This can be the near future or the more distant future. l'm gai*g to have a bath in a few minutes" (= the near future) Luey says she's gaing t* be a ba{let dancer one day. (= the distant future) e . VERBS . hope: We're haping ta buy a f lat Iater this year. . plan: t'm planning ta seil my scocter. . think:We'rethinking af having a party soan. PHRASES . . 2 Present continuous . Shallwe have dinner atthe hatell (= a suggest'on) i We use the Present continuous to talk about things we have already arranged for the future. l'm meeting Tany this weekend" (= l've arranged this) What are you daing tanight? (= asking about your plans) In some cases, it doesn't matter whether we use the Present continuous or going to. due fo: We use due to for something The l'm gaing (te ga)" shapping this afternoan. In other cases, there is a clear difference in meaning. We're going ta get married ane day. (= an intention) g*tting rnarried soan. (= the wedding is formally arranged. mi*utes. (be) about to: when something wi[[ happen very soon or immediately. Gemma'saboutta have a babv. l r$sfiq"q":r 1 l'm going to think about it. a a Dresent intention about the future b a future prediction c a future definite arrangement 2 She'tt be 25 next month. l'n going shapping this afterno*n" We're that 2A 1 Choose the correct meaning a-c. l'm playing football rhis evening. I'm going ta ptay faatbatl this evening. . plane'sduetatakeoff in about a a future prediction b a future fact c a present intention about the future is arranged) 3 will 3 4 We use w// for tatking about things that we think wilt happen any special plan or arrangement. We predict they witl happen or see them as a future fact. without give it to her * f 'll see her at wark. (= | don't need to arrange this) I know l'ttforget;f ldan'twrite it down. (= this is a future fact / I predict this witt happen) t can * Some people think it is bad Engtish to repeat go tike this. We're taking the train to Vancouver. a a present intention about the future b a future definite arrangement c a future prediction l'tt probabty work for my father. a a Dresent intention about the future b a future fact c a future prediction l'm seeing my doctor on Thursday. a a future definite arrangement b a future fact c a Dresent intention about the future We're going to try and find a new flat. a a future orediction b a present intention about the future c a future definite arrangement Your books will be delivered on Thursday. a a present intention about the future b a future definite arrangement c a future fact (eq) nor( uaqan errre3 (t1sln / no{) 'os adoq | :8 euoPuol ul :y y 'no,( p1o1 I 3u1q1tana (requueuer) 1snI no{ 1r (ssed) - '1se1 Sur,rup Z(enpre) no{ arns u,; '{.r.ro,rn t,uo6 :€ {u lnoqe snonrau ,t11ea.r u,; :y E 'olns :8 rxel oql uaqm eur 11er no{ ue) :V lreq (ra8) aqseuoosseno,{11ero1rurq(1se) 1'aue['rg '8elg ot leeds o1 peau | 'aur1.r eN rolleH Z :g :V I 'slalf,eJq ul qJaA eql u.uo, lroJJo) oql qllM suollesJa^uo) eql elelduro) 'euo raqloue leuoteqtouepuilnlnI / / asnoq e^ow I 'et'eal pull uet 1 euoleq7ouepu(11rgot fiw e^eal ll,l 9 'asnoq a^out ol ateq y,f,aql t 'uler nyvtl! sselun uler Lusaop tUfl anbeqleq p a^eq ll,a A 1 \rop,og arojoq eul ilel nort uef S n,faqt I asnoq atou /(e./t 'uroq s,{qeq aqr uaq/v\ suler U ssailun / nof I erce1711nnof 'a.uoq F E a^!l o7 elqe eq Luo^trl or o3 I Jl z / auoq w e\n l,uoP I I e,ao.l F a^n l,uorra; awoq ta6 pn 1 1 awoq n6 Ise uoos "(lrsranrun sp pr^ec euoqd 11,1 L 'ue t / 'o)uolues eql eleldr.uor louue) teql Sulpue eq1 1no sio.r1 '('r1a 'o; 6u1o6'ryn) pesn st uroj qla^ etnlnj e'e)ualuas aql jo ueo laqlo or.ll ur leql erlloN :tauutp tot punat no{ alaut y,an'6ut1eto>ap aql qslu$ an atu6 'a^!! at a.taqltawas pu$ 11gun anq {els o16uto6 w,1 'Jaulaqs e ateq ol6uto6 w,t 'awoq p6 att se uoossV nof a.rolaq s1q611 aqlua u.snl otr taqwautay 'no[ to! tt 6upq y1 '71 pult 1 uaqyl 'aaea1 'auoqd nof,ssa1un iutq\fue ap 4uaw l 'psdn fyeat aq y,aqs 'urc6e wexa nq syet aqs t1 't\a'awnlxau 'auo'lllun 'se uoos se 'n4!e 'atolaq 'uaqn'ssalun'!t nlp wo1 qlen lueseld e asn oA 'alnln1 aql lnoqe Eur11e1 e.re eA uotll uanl 'fla'ssatun 'uaqtt'l! rl+l sasnelf, ernlnl esPua uossel aqt ssalun 1 11 1n4le op o1 Suruueld no,( ere req/v\ OL ')ae^ uau e.ro;eq no{ aes / lou 7,lqeqord 7 I 2 'a.rrlai / lnoqe / ssoq {4 9 'qof eqr 1eE 1ou lltM / I /v\oul I I 7 {trslenrun o1 {1dde lou eq s{es xelv t 'qreeq aql o1 oE plnoqs e^ )ulql l,uop I Mororuol sr,reu {ue Jeeq I se surer I ssetlun / uoosse | ilwn / 11ran t / uaqil 6 'ePull lnoqe ye1 11,1 g sse1/4n no,( 7 SuroE / I 1 / tnun uo lq8re:1s o9 9 nlte reneq lae] ll,no lou E 1 'ree{ rel Mou {nq ar,a srql e Surdoq s A 'suexo st el^llo raq #€+s lnoqP t '.rea,{ slql o31o er,e s{ep11oq rno roj araarD o1 3u11u1qf AE ery 7 E no1 2uoos s,(eplloq rno{ e1e1 o1 ueld no{ 'raquelda5 ut SqUe+s onP s! asrno) L lseq eql esoorl) z suossel Sulnup Eurneq 7 'saf,uelues arnlnl a)eul.ol sldruo.rd oql osn 7 s euo) t I terye. Z laal no,( eleu {aq1 ssalun 7/J {le1erpau.ru.rl s}alqel aqr Eu11e1 dols plnoqs stuexa {r-u eql ultl llol ll,l 'oulor.l 7 )eem ueu lsat Eu!^Up {uu e1e1 / enp | | '{ure eql uiotT lurqr 7 re1srs,{6 'Suuaaut8ue{pnp7ue1d71 'palouuord sla8 aqywn / ssel/4n / ueqrL,teles ra88rq e uree 1Fr u|[ 2 'ga1 .rno{ uo )ueq eql ees 11,nor( uaql rrgerl eql ol le8 no{ ssa;un 's1q8r1 '1sor e e^pq no[,1pun 1 arcleq idn &rnq no[. ueqn I ssailun I a1e1' oq ll,el iuo 'surexo raq syels eqs a;opg / se uoos se I raXfe lear* e ro1 ,{ep11oq uo Suro8 sr qeres 2ll qslul; no[,1gun 1 uaqn 1 l14ooq rno,{ anor.roq I ue) )lls I uaqil 'sJo/r^sus 'r.lsrurJ ru,l Suro8 ar,a16 suge.r 11 iasino) Jo 's,r,rau pooS S y g s1e3 eq '1no oB I 1.ro,rneu.roq {lu qsrury ol luem I Z -'3u1p{r 'qot eql slaB aqs pelq8rlep eq 1,aqs lllun J! arolsq se uoos se qrnu.r 1oB l,ueleq e A ^auoLu'4 6utry at,nof y a>1p L t 1 ynof ans uJ,l ssalun etalduo3 eqf 'PJOM eJlxo Ue PPe Ol peeU ,(eur no^'sa)uelues osaql u! lno pessoJ) uooq seq leql pJo/r^ eql peJJo) € 'tfup euo payteu 6up1a6 et,/b4t | euo '{ep papeu 7a6 y,,Gqr 1u;qr I 'eldnor lealS e ere urol pue LleuueH s 'ree{ srql ,(eprloq e ateq o7 6u1ob lou al,a^ / e^eq Luoa ea pepoap ol,o^ os'luouroru oql tre L - 'xoq oql u! spJo/v\ eql qllm sef,ueluas eqt - lueJnelsar uerlell ,r,rau leql fu1 plnoqs no1 'rqBluor lq8;u ,(pee ue a^e.l M / a^eq o7 6u1o6 u1 'pe.rr1 {11ear uu,; 'ssoq rvrau {uu 1 l q"li,$sY$i dupaaw u,1 taeu l M - uoouroue s1q1 {snq u.r,1 1nq &ro5 1 'lxaluo) aql u! r!Jo] qJo^ lsoq oql asoorl) z 3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in brackets. WORD FAMILIES a distraction knowtedge an exPerience productive a faiture profitable imagination a success l'm sure she'lt be '. ...:..:::.:.-:::: She's very hard-working, so (success). 1 | 2 This technology means we can don't go on social networking sites at work. I find it (distraction) improvement - (production) more cars more quickly. WOR.K 3 uatifications badty paid q chatlenging responsibility competitive secure (stress). creative speciaI training good communication skills stressfuI good with money/numbers wetl-organised opportunities (to trave[) wett-paid physically fit 4 5 assertive to nave exPeflence to have potential business sense to make decisions a candidate clear thinking maternity [eave to run a course to deal with a problem a strength determined to enrol for a course to take responsibility tatent to voIunteer an executive a weaKness focused to work for a charity to work wetl in a team to get promotion 3 4 ^ d ^^:l -Poru 2 worK b to travel 3 opportunities c 4 5 6 7 B 2 5 6 7 B 9 B well money d training communication e long hours physicatly f skitts g fit good with h organised special it and make the necessary changes to make it into an adjective. 1 2 3 4 ::= success / inteltigent ambitious / creative / talent / stressful disciptined / chattenging / focus / secure confident / determination / experienced / productive fit / assertive / - His business lost a lot of money _ (fait). - it was a comptete (knowtedge) about My grandfather is very locaI historv. I write it down in a special notebook that I keep just for vocabulary. I write it down on any piece of paPer I have with me. I write it down with a translation. | write it down with a translation and an n n n exampte sentence. tr | don't write it down. lf it's important, I remember it. | mark the stressed sytlabte. | note the pronunciation in phonemic script. I note the'part of speech'(noun, verb, adjective, etc.). to make n n n n | use hightighting and different colours the notes more attractive. badty In each list, one word is not an adjective. Underline (imagination) pictures. The book is futt of 1 What do you do when you meet a new English word or phrase that you want to remember? to make Phrases connected 1 (responsible) for your decisions. (ambition) are you? How - Keep good vocabulary notes with work. Can you remember any other Phrases connected with work? A - - t"rEoF"Trq"i 1 - (determination) to get to the toP be - 10 hardworking Match the words in A and B to In business, you have to take 7 8 9 hours OTHER discipIined You need 6 lon8 (experience). The doctor is very in this job. to work ambitious - He teft his last job because he found it too 2 Discuss with other students which ideas in exercise 1 work best for you. Highlight any new ideas that you would tike to try. 3 Look back through Unit 5. Choose five new words and make notes about them using the ideas in exercise 1' n (re&o1) | 'urer aLll ur euoq 'ellelquln Atrl (11e^n) I :g auau oP no,{ prp teq/v\ :v 'lll sem I esne)oq ur (ar.uor rou) | tnq fep 1s.rr1 ,{tu (eq) - {epre1sa1.ue l,se1 :g 2A AU nOA OJV :V - 'rer.11eEo1 1no Aaqt Meu) | tnq'teql (r,rou1 - Suro8 11 7 ,(q (yer) rou) Zpoureur EurDeB ete r{eq1 | ,oN :g moul no,( p1q :y y 'e1e1 ll ')rol),o tnq'arojaq euoq (ot) elnb - (pear) - | 'oN :g fiSppp pue peyed 1spd senn- ereld aq},)toll,o L oql u!loltoq s! leql qle^ eqt 'pa^yJe ala uaqr^ 'au!l aules eql ssal Jo aql \llw uaqltesn a^ Jl a]lsal pue talwaqs e psll I trsed 'paq eql uaq^ peyad 1se6 )Pall s! ped eql ur sluo^o eqt asn {11ensn 1ou op a16 .peuaddeq leql 1 'payed 7 sqtuou 1o ontn! 1se4 3urmo11o1 eq1 atle3 u! uaaq peq a/\\ 'lrayed lueserd eql ql!/v\ asn e^ {ueru asn ean,lreyad 1sed eql qtyv\ pa#ed lsed eql ql!,v\ S 1UASoJ0 sPJoin pefad lSVd | € eull z lsed t > ----_-__,-t 'atolaq antny aftqy uaaq p,! :enejtsnv ,.1sed aq1 1o L ^g olllf q I paue$ awe1 aq1 erotu le peueddeq suolllp oml oql'sqtan aldurs lsed oml qlt1 'pa^ytre a^^ uaq$ peqslu$ peq awe6 *q1 'peueddeq uotpe puofas eql uaqm por.lsruU sem uolpe lsrJ aql leql sueoul 1r'lraped 1o eruanbes '$al pptl ssan5rno s€./oosss dn,5utqseu pp atlA aqt '*Ja1 fpeatle peq traqp aLlJ,dn pb luetpr4 uorpe lsltJ aql loJ l)olled lsed eLll esn a^ ,sploM eseql qlyv\ se uoos se / anlaq 1 n{e I uaqM "paqyug! peq w1g aql' panlt:e an awg aqq fg (eulr slqt aroJaq Uel ,(eqr =) '1Ja1 peq auafsada gg:g fg fiq - autpaqyfiq eql qll/v\ Pesn ueuo osle ole sase.rqd pue splo^ 'rar.{ p,l pr!,0 pua'€s aur!} aqj selv\ U }aLu tsr[ / / '6a16umup fut passed fl7uatat 1sn! fpeal1e p,1 S 7 '7sn6ny atup leql spJol^ aurll eures eql P!P ol paUETES]tlI eH t*:tJil# t arnln;< I | ll paror q ltst^1sul ped eql, sr fw 4"usetu4 pa;red 1sed aql Z lueserd 3 eq {11ear (roE) @ pefad ern1nl< | tsed ISVd t > 't------'-' {ul uaq^ snorueu (eq) {eq1 'uoruor eqt otu! (re8 lou) ean ste)lrl leuo;1do sr pe;rad 1sed sql elaq/v\ sose3 € (eq) euo,tan3 :g 2pue ,Qred eqt plp autt leq^ :V € 'pue aqtr (la8rot) 1r1un t 1 ,(11enpy'1; pe^ol | :g Z)ooq aql ,(o[ue no{ Plc :v z 'artu ,{.|aa aH'aroJeq u;q (reeru) (eq) Aurlq leur no{ eurl tsru aql 1! se A :v I 'esuol aures - ol,ll u! srs sqJe^ qloq seutloruos'slo))etq u! qre^ aql ,o utJo] peyed lsed ro e1du1s 1se6 eql ql!/v\ sre/v\sue eq1 e1elduo1 g 'slea{ enrl lo} eloqt p-Ju|O] Sm uefi'{uedu.ror aqf ; uaq/y\ g 'pa-nef- ulllJ oql'pe^uje- o^^ aulll eql / ^g 9 aueld eq1 uo 5.r6M oq,rn eldoad eql lo tsol 'elolaq 'r! ,{11enpe aq ero1aq seu.r11 ,{ueu.r qof srq aneel sror raarls eqr u! ,rrq mes ; ft.red eql re )reh 'uorsr^oJ Jo rol e PIP esneroq urexe eql ul lreu anol {u.r rlllivr paluloddesrp sem'auror.l r.uol, {ervre tr{Eru eq} luE-G la^a outl }slry eql seMI Z 'aLUor.l IuaM- auo,tena -,{1dtue {1a1eldruor '1! .1ean 'slee{ 9y loJ esnoq eules eql ur (enrl) 'alqel e (erueset) elrun 'arclaq at1n7 araq uaaq s,aqs :eilp$snv aj J1s1r, trsL1t s,aue{ 7,ustr e7 ',1ueserd eql 1o lsed eqt, s! paJlad lueserd aqf a .1e1.reuledns eql ol oE o1 (1a8ro1) t p Ir .urq (euoqd 1ou) 'eue1d aqtr uo 1o3,{eril peiled lueseJd aql qlliv\ sallFeltuIS (11as 7,(pee4e) e {aqt g e6 {ur auoq (re8) ueq6 {ul I (areel) L q I Z luernetsol aql ur enenb (o1 eneq 1ou) aql 1e {.r8ue sean.reqlel 1 o.lnlnJ 1u0s0r0 | < l_svd \< a;eq1 1oB \< a,rn rye1 > euo&ane '$a7 peq 'anqs auoftata at* uaql4 w6 .lseo oql u! 9 elolaq ({1 T raneu) slue.redpue.r8 {61 5 asnoq aql ut pooJ ou (aq) areql y eloru ot (ruem tou) alrun {6 E euror.l tre pllarqurn requn1 eurll ror{}oue o1 lsed eq1 ur aull euo slun }repad 1sed aLll zl! euop ^eql/am/l/orls 7 ii 1aq1no[,11pen i ilor nau+r1{,1eads)-€qffi V 'pltq) e se sued ut pa^'t peq aqs asnnaq lpm qtuatl a4o& aqg 'slo))erq ut qlo^ er{l Jo ruJo, paJJo) oql q1!/v1 sa)uoluos eql ollr A'esne)oq Jo ostursn se^leq af,uelues eql qlle4 ! paJred lsed t 3]ttSvud r n questions, ask and want to know are common reporting verbs. In YeslNo questions, the verb is joined to the reported words f Reported speech and reported questions with r/or whether. 1 Change of tenses She asked When we report someone's words afterwards, the verb forms often move into the past. This is because what they said is now in the past. to / wanted know i il . i whether i ; it was true (or not). ln Wh- questions, we do not need if or whether. 'What do you think?' He asked me whet ! thousht" 3 Word order in reported questions The word order in reported questions is the same as in normal statements. Past simple 'l'vefaand i pre,rious yeat, i" ; ; a new job i i Direct speech i Reported speech i Sheaskediffcor{dcomeearly. LAnyru : ii'Canyoucameearty?' ; - ;, ......-.....'............'!|'!..^^'^',.*^^aaitD'!ehalco/ : : Canada. i ininCanada. i PaSIPerreG inCanada.e in Canada.e : PresentPertect i'l'mleavingtamarraw.' i hewasleavingthenextday' i ii n^-+ ^^-r:-..^..^ -^-+;^,,^,,Pastcontinuous i Presentcontinuous : 1 i'l'mgaingtostarta new !ife.' i hewasgaingtastart, a new urc" i 'Eidyausee anything i Thepoticeofficerwantedtoknowif The potice officer wanted to know if ii'U;dyouseeanything i weraos€enanylnln8susPlclous. : susPlclousf r Hetotdthathewascomingtotheparty. 2 He said he was coming to the party' i 'Yau cax ccme andsee me"' i lcaatd come and see him. i couldlcouldn't i canlcan't 4 5 i Othermodal verbs . i i He said me he was coming to the party. He said to me that he.was coming to the party. 6 He totd to me he was coming to the Party. 7 He totd that he was coming to the Party. 8 He said that he was coming to the Party' 2 Put the words in the correct order to make reported questions. 1 late / asked the /was / me /teacher/whv/ / | (would,could,should,ought,might)donot 2 us/home/he/were /if lwelasked/going change in reported speech. Alsonoticethechangesinpronounsusedinreportedspeech' I + 3 her/was/asked lgoingl where/they/she 4 brother/where / my / know/was/wanted / helshe 2 Verbs and conjunctions used for reporting . In statements, say and fel/ are the most common rePorting verbs. Look at how they are used. He said NOT itwas true. iie tl{d itwastrue. He totd me it was true. NOT #e said me it was true. rre safd ro me f t was true. NOT He told ta me itwas true. These verbs can be followedby that, but it is not necessary. : a-----------$-:---:--- i'fltwrketeyauwhen ihey.Tuldwritetomewhenhe ! i gotthere. i lgetthere.' i wouldlwouldn't i willlwon't i REMEMBER! . Notice the changes in place and time references in the reported statements. here+there last year - the year before . i: 5 him/how/didn't /was/l /he/ask l/ to a)o/ "qg a ut 6ut4ows ou ?potls salAoaa - aat6o *o I uJ '+ouo A lp E i6u,/,.rto,t l.rah 'woxa ro! /,7nqs 7vo 4)oAawol l* a4ou, o+ alol I +y?po" I,Oto5 +n1tN1oilotuo++uo.to+st.t aI+ o+ awo" aq+ ?uo '/,pcayad t a t'o 11n rro 1 a,g to qt7 +1'Ko7,1qt,q ( 1 oo / 4u lw .ro7 a* 7 lnoP) Tuas no,( org,G s oq 6u rgu,"1 po(. u,1 y 'ouo qf,eo ul salelslr.tl o^r, oJe aroql'so)Plslul aql poJrof, Pue /v\olaq Eurlr.rrvr jo sorard aql lP )oo'l seuulo) € Pue sools llnJ srallel leiloe) 3u111eds (op 1o pealsur a4eLu'8'al proM Suor^ oql 8u!sn 'lseJ 3u11eaq seM lreoq srH ^la^ 'PueLl raq Ploq Pue sa^a raq olur daeP Pa)ool leruec 'aueld alll r.ro4 padurnI pup alnq)ered aLll PaqqerS eLl se'Pells^ eq ,'s!ed ur no^ oos ll,l, 'aurl auos joj PeaP uaeq Peq ueur or.ll'ouors aqtr le {11nle:er Pa)ool uosoLuef^ueop anrpale6 '.ralndulor aql pelldor ,'xaH loueld aqtr uo are no1, 'peue1q8r.r1 3u11ea1 ,{lueppns'L1llol pa)se ,el ure araq^ tn€, 'del 'dpl 'de1 a11ue8 V'rello) aLltr urorj Suruuor ure8e leql se,r,r ereql'3uroP seM oqs 1eL1a,r peddols eq5 Punos Paeu l,uoP no^ sProM ur 3ur11nd sProM lno : Surssru-r raPro PJoA (aqr pue e) sol3rlre uortrrsodard l)a.rJol aql Sulsn sqra^ olduis luosard (l 'aqs 'aq) uosrad i::1:r::i?:q:iilix"fr:i: eruo) /v\oloq sl)eJlxa aql sasuol qJoA 3f q)rql 'uerP Puo)os 1r pear no ,{pa8erl e otr arpls ol a^rAlns lrPus € )urs en)ser ^lle)rleurals^s 'ur lr Pueq uoql'sa)elslLll q8norql L llfvud I Z uMoP)Paiq sno^rau e a^eq 01 e o1u^ uaLll a^oldutl plnol no^ s3u1ql,{j1tuap1 no1 g 'no^ roJ qBno.rrll ))aq) ol asla auoauros o1 1r enr8 no1 y '('r1a '3ur11eds'reuuuue.rS'3'a) saletsru-r )laql no^ roJ llaror '^l)lrnb ro auo ffxill:: xoq oql ur ,(,rols 1o sad{1 aql t!Io4 asoor.l:) ;uloJ} lulrll no{ og ,Oo1s }o pull leq/y\ ' prllll aql uo ,s, orll 'sJred ur sraMsue JnoK aredtuo) zno^ Jo, ')rolv\ uelllr/v\ ur Pueq ualqo.rd e uolro lsou ore nof a.roliiq pa))aq) eq plnoqs leql s8ul$ aruos ore areH tr tr n lo sPur) luarajJrP n oMtr lapeu a^,no^ sa)elsrrrl orll lle lnoqe )ulr.{l ol lue/v\ l,uop no^ * ureBe 1l le 3ur)ool lnoqllM ur 1l pupq no^ n Sururem {rnoqr;m ueddeq o1) Surlooqs oB o1 auesut oB ol ol ol ol qLunu laal ol uorsoldxa ue eln) e auoauros asPq) ol oB 1a1 o1 Z al!q ol uo Ploq o1 USHIO L (ireuoq o€) Aq)eordde lno,{ saslteutuns lseq uo11dr.r:soP r.l)!q/v\')JoM uolllr/v\ u: Pueq nof ueq^ I ,(lsnorrrqo ,{1a1eunyo;un lro^ uolllr/n rnor( ))eqf ,(lalerpauLut {11enper8 ,{11en1ua,ra i(luappns ,{1a1eunyol ^llnJlupql ,(13u rsudtns sltuol.s 9Nt't'ltr uoJ s€ulncv ,!.ros qlnrl 211a7 9 aql E no^ )ueql oP ol leqM euoouros I o)o[ P S ]Jo auoauros all e sar{ 7 pue f,es q1!/v\ seserqd raqlo roquaurar no^ ueJ oP r.l)lq/vl Pue res nof op asaql ro qllq^vrsll pauaddeq psllodxoun Surqlau;os ] lq8rerls paueddeq 3u1q1ar,uos a al4l alull Pro/v\ / t qlnrl aql llal oP ol lPqM auoauros ,Jo euoouros L ro^of '{1e1eun1o1u1-1 g r paueddeq poo8 eruarej,lP aql llal oulsaf fes llal llel P a1o[ e no,{ lueql ,{es .ra,te.rd e ,(es 11a1 {"rlos {es llel E 77JJ ONV,,(Y5 alej jo lsrMl e uorllu aluaDs ltlueulol ',(1a1erpauLul 5 '{11enperg y pauoddeq Surqtau-ros p 7 ',(13u;sp&n5 q Surqlauos ^qaql ut peueddeq 8u1q1au,ros pua Surqlauos ell noll, 211a1 aql ',{11en1uan3 9 ,{enre L ,(1e1eun1o1 e peuaddeq peq I leuolllli ,(se1ue; sauols satJols s;loplaue satlalsr(u srapereqr ureLlr aql sauols,lsajalur ueunq, V qllp4 aurjl sauols arnlua Pe sauols lsorlS aluaPDuro) e sarqde.rBorq requauar Asalrols 3ur11e1 .ro1 posn sqralpe Joqlo ^ue aql no{ ue1'g ur sese.rqd oql ql!/\ V ul sqra^pe ssruots Z -edl-ing adjectives The passive 1 -ed adjectives 1 Simpte tenses Adjectives ending in -eddescribe our feelings about something or someone. if*Jl S*r*d at f ht part,S. (= I found the party boring) :-tot- : i Adjectives ending in -rng describe the thing or Person that has an effect on us. I*f*y s J*ssr:r.r w;s vs,"y r'n*eresrfng" (= the lesson interested me) confused/confusi ng depressed/depressing pleased/pleasing disappointed/disappointing su embarrassed/embarrassins rustrated/f rustrati ng terrified/terrifying worried/worrying participte i + past i past participte i ls ?"*i'iPl' !--j i Present : tt's 1= It isn't (= 151 ;g it made? not) made. made. wasn't i Was it made? *"s not) mad", It's (= 6s51 i lt hasn't i Has it been been made. ! (= has not) i made? It was Past nterested/interesti ng inspired/inspiring i rritated/i rritati ng moved/moving past i 3 Other -edl-ing adjectives f ; i ',i;..i * ".'u i verb to be + ';;j;;, verb to be + i to be + not : subject + j i 2 -ing adjectives amazed/amazing annoyed/annoying bored/boring i made. i , lt (= : i i Present perfect i been made. : :::---i Future ft'tt (= wilt) be lt won't : i i made. i i i rprised/su rprisi ng ; i i (= will not) i bemade. i be made? Wilt it , : I | i 2 Continuous tenses ffi ffiffi--%#T€trffi 3 1 Choose the correct adjectives. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Form That's a very irteresfed I interesting suggestion. The news isn't really surprised I surprising. There's no need to feel embarrassed I embarrassing. Why are you always late? Have you any idea how annoyed / annoying itisl l'm afraid it was rather a bored / boring evening. l'm reatty pleased I pleasing to see how we[[ she's doing. The news report was extremely worrying I worried. | don't understand. l'm really confused I confusing. subject + verb to be + being + past subject + to be + verb Pl1i'itl" It's (= is) It isn't (= is not) being being made. Past It was being made. i verb fo be + not i subject + being + past i being + past P11l'jPl" Prssent i made. It wasn't (= was not) being made. i ?"li'lPl: I ts it being i made? i Was it being made? Complete the sentences with an -edl-ing adjective. 1 2 3 4 5 6 very dwhen I failed my driving test again. . I don't The instructions for this phone are reatly cunderstand them at att. After his divorce, Frank became more and more d-, | was awhen I won the competition - | didn't exPect it | was at att! My brother taps his hands on the table a[[ the time - it's really habit. r Why doesn't this printer work? Oh, it's so a_ f- 3 The difference between the active and the passive In active sentences, the subject is (subject) (verb) In passive sentences, a the'doer'of the verb (the person who makes the action happen). 7he fi:'ef ighter re:ca*# l*E r'.ijjd. the'doer'of the verb is not the subject. If* r*iid (subject) (verb) REMEMBER! lf we mention the'doer'of the verb, we use by + the Person. fjrl;, ac,: ./7 --\; :.:f,-by 5j:ts*rd,squgcw{ei" ii; raq raTe (aureu) ,^aocsow ln uorlBpunod e{l€1 aqJ, 'qcirn€l aql raue , aqs os {ae,&{'e lnoqe eceds Lq (olp) 'qpeq o1 4ceq (3u1rq) lou p{noc e4re1 '"fieleunXroJun '/96T raqua^oN u1 (qcunel) 6 EVwndg'eceds ur I€urue lsrg Eop snou€J lsotu aql aql s€^\ oqs (auieeeq) " aq1 u - plJo.{\ yeu (elaldruor) '{leqqo.r eqt Supnp (leers) '.rea{ (pttnq) - - Uom aql {es lounot uorllrur LS elluar Surddoqs - ou 'Mou 1r1un dq 'sanulluol uer.u 'sluap!f,)e peo.r ur (e.rnfur) -g 't8 raqunu aql {pea5 'eJlual uMol aql ul 'tueuour aql lV eu e s 7 E senp eql loJ qlleos etlf Z elelduol e 3)lrSvHd Jo L I 'ralsnnlN 'ya'f,q uayltnsen 1fq Pelta4P seu 1 Kq -.-._=-, @a.ou4) paxpotd se,tt 7 fq patanotqp sen l fq palua^ut 'f,le'sulu'qooq'suo!lue^u! {u 11rm ss/A sqlen 5ffifeqi SilroTSJiiESoIEgJ . 'tla'uosrtd ol e^lssed eql ul Pesn usuo sqJa^ s anuas u/\Aal aq1 ut atuaqts \ugted /vtau (uollesenuo: e [uoJJ =) e 6upnpot7u1at,{aqtr rcaq 1 (ilodat s,rneu P ulolJ =) awaqts ,uqted /y'au y 'ailua7 ur'^al aql a! PatnPaltul 6upq s1 '/v\olaq Se)uolu0s eql areduuof '{11eulo;u1 8ul1eeds are eM uarlm ssel Pue'(slodet sanau '3'a) slxoluol lptuJoJ eloul ur antssed eql esn ualo el iu3Sl^|Sl g llu (,e1doad r(q, r{es o1 ftesserau lou sr }l =) 'talBuna, az ueql ataw ul ua4ods s1 qslued5 EC- 8 st 9 (stql plp ot1M MouI l,uoP arA =) 'ualo$ uaaq teq 6eqpueq rlyal uelo1s seq SUOatuOS 5 e pa8euep a^eq 01 Palelel ryas sem 1rft1tn6 punat sen 7 p*uawa, se^ / Pa]taile se/A aurur 01 Palelal sqlsn . 4a'pafottrsap sen 1 pa1ewep se;' / pailr\ se/A 7 patnfut selv. 'r1e'sapn[u;7s1uaP!]rP 01 Palelel sqran . 1a.o6) --- e^lpe perrof, aql qll/r^ slxol oql a1e1duro3 UOS] (lueqt pelse.ue arrlod eql leqt sno!^qo s! t! =) potsaJ/e a.ra,!t aldoad Jo suazog z qllM tleJes paluesetd ',leraueB u1 eldoed,s! l! ro'sno!^qo s! uotlre aqlJo raoP aql . (tueqr r11nq oq^ lou 'l1pnq etem {aql uoqm ut Pelsololul ole aM =) '966t u! illnq arat^ s.ta/1^alseualpd aqJ ^eqr- Jo ^ '(puu) Eu1ss1u.r eldoed 967'1 '.rea{,tan3 1 'slal)elq u! qJir eql ro Lurol ellssed l)arrof, eql qll/vi sef,uolues eql r e{1e1 'oEe s.rea,t 09 Xsou{V (ap) aF€ aql le 0002 ul , ortrS aqs "rea,{ Er4,vro11o1 aql ourud s€ (1ca1a) 'Jlosraq scrllod reJua ol (aprcep ua{l) o{reunr€pu€g '696I ul (rapmur) ".1 glun 'sgg61 eql uI e>U€rI IrS Jo ralsruV\l auru4 aq1 (aq) -ur pu€qsnq JaH plJolY\ aql ut ralsruruI arlntd ueruorvt lsJg eql s€,AA a{I€ueJ€pu'eg oAeruIJIS q -* 'u€EIrroC,.{e16 3uoq6, '{ro ,lnaN o} se n aq'uaq1 aculs uJnloJ sru uo eruocla.&\ sloroq B u u?EuJoC iluaptcae,{q aueld oios € rr cIlu€OV aql .,,1 ssorc ol lopd 1s"rg aq1 (aurocaq) 'pue1a.r1 rn Jal€l sJnoq leralas (puet) , oq uoqr\\ '{ro .^aaN r€au plaufi€ ue 1uo4 JJo a{€l ol sarluoqlne or{l dq uolsstured (e.tr8) ueEu.ro3 selEnoq rolel^€ u€cuaurv'886I ,qnf r{1/I uO € -, islsJu snoursd -, 'sle)f,erq u! qre^ oql lo u.ro1 enlssed ro 'VlgL ul urnesnu aql lllnq 'qr1ea,r p1o3 e 2no{ rarye 3ug1oo1 X-p--{fUE '.ralnduuor ' AoJJourol upul eLll a)ueluos '1ue1odr.upun Jo u^ oulun sr qrel oql saop oql uosled aql 11 (lepau ploE rrdu{1g otll lnoqe ,(1u;eu sr e)ualuas oql =) 'uosytef t{q uaa sen ppaw plob t1dwd16 aq1 7 '.rear{,tene searl Jo spuesnoLll ,(o.r1sep 0IdOSd g 'sBu1p11nq . (uoqref lnoqe {1u1eu.r sr a]ualues aql =) ppaw p1a6 4duA1A aqi uoM uos4wf ' Z '^Aoleq saluelues aq1 eledr.uo3r 'sroleilsuouleP o€ Jo^o Palsorle 'u.r.ro1 enlssed eq1 'lnoqe r{1u1euu sl a)ualues aqtr leq^ sn s11a1 {1leulou e)uoluas aql 1o Suluur8eq aql'alualuas aql Jo rtdol uteur eLll uo sn)o, ol . 55ip-d€ql t (s)p.rorvt paulpapun sql llutg tulsn se)ualuos elrPe osaql elltme1 t e^lssed aql Fulsn to, suoseeu 3 Match the sentence halves. ENTERTAINMENT AND TELEVISION A an advert a quiz show a chat show a reality show a cookery Programme a documentary a sitcom a (drama) series a sPorts Programme 1 Jason was furious 2 lt's cold out here. I'm 3 The film was superb and the acting 4 Take a coat and hat.The weather 5 We're absolutety 6 Hotty used to be terrified 7 The show was hilarious 8 lt's ridiculous that 9 Do you mind if I take off my jacket? lt's a soap oPera a game snow a a murder mystery travel news a nature Programme the weather forecast tatent show a Phone-ln '10 EXTREME ADJECTIVES astonished freezing boiling furious detighted hilarious excettent ridiculous exhausted terribte fantastic terrified B [ooks terrible. and he couldn't stop laughing. absoIutely freezing! u of spiders. e boiling in here. f after the tong ftight from Sydney. D OTHER the acting a musical a batlet an oPera the camera work an orchestra the cast a classica[/rock concert the photography to ptay a rote the plot a comedy show a pop video a character a costume g was fantastic! h i when someone damaged his car. detighted by the news. J the bank isn't open on Saturdays. =1=j.fi a gig the set the lighting the lyrics the speciaI effects 3: Using English outside the classroom 1 Here are some things you can do to improve your Engtish outside the classroom. Tick any of these things you've done. Did you find them useful? lmsiisE 1 Underline the odd one out in each group of words. 1 Find an English song that you [ike and write down phrases that you understand. Find the words online and check how we[ you understood it. 2 n Watch an Engtish-language TV channel for a few minutes every day. 3 n Listen 4 that interest you. Find an article that interests you on an English n Can you explain your answers? 1 2 3 a murder mystery a / a sitcom / a soap opera / travel news ballet/a character/ a classicaI concert/ a musical / a realityshow/ a drama series / a talent a phone-in Snow 4 5 6 2 the cast / the costumes / the tighting / the special effects an advert a musical / a documentary / sports coverage / travel / a comedy show / a pop video / an opera news Cover the word list. Write extreme adjectives which are similar in meaning to the definitions. Can you remember any others to add to the [ist? 1 very good 2 very bad 3 very happy 4 very angry 5 very silty 6 very funny 7 very cold B very hot They were exhausted to English-language radio programmes newspaper website. 5 tr Choose a graded reader (e.g. the Penguin Reader series) and start reading for pleasure in Engtish. 6 n Watch a subtitted version of an Engtish tanguage fitm. Try to listen rather than read the subtittes. n 2 Hightight two activities you would like to try - but remember to choose things that would interest you in your own language! 'lla^ 'lloM durleeJ lou r.rr,l e )urql no^ oc Bullee4 l,uare no^ osne)eq {1.ree euloq oB o1 luem no1 0t 2eseeld'1r puruu no{ plno1 'uazoJJ s,relnduror r{ru 'uuy 'l! le )ool e a^eq ol uuve)rl p,no{ pue uezol, st lelnduor lnol plno/v\ aespeld'selou SJ ual lo, sil.{l 'selou SJ uotr otu! 697 e8ueqr ol Uoll )ueq oqt tuem no ;eseeld 'sn ,o 1u1qt nor( oO 'au asnf,xl 'pueul rno{ pue no,{;o oloqd e e1e1 o1 ta8uetls e lue/v\ no1 2aseald 'serdo) uet lll^ 'lle ]e 'serdoroloqd uel no{ e)eul ol luelslsse doqs eqt luem no1 plno)'orH aau .roj slr.lt - Eurqlauuos 'no{.ro1 1qtsr.r Asnq fueA ul,l 'qra^ aql Jo LuroJ 6ut- at4l asn aM Ze)lN o.uor..uol e1r6 auoqd ol iut8W3W3U luel no1 t 'e1r1od aq ol lue A no{ 1 asn nor( sp.rorrn 2no[y141ue1ueql alllod arou alull e arc 2nof,p1no14/p]nq . sl 'a111od ,{1.re1nrrped ,z nof, e^ uaqw [" Hn@ nof4ugl nof o6' 2"' flqpsod p1no7'2"' flqlssod 1 p1no2'2"' no^ | 1 ! pulw nof, o6 osn a ziit:.piti;;6r* 'lou esrnolJO 'lle le lou'oN :::!: : 'arns'se1 :g 1r.l3p1e eql ueLll lueyoduur erour s! uorleuolu! 'relel oq 'suollsanb aseLll lle ul sou lueM no )O lt ol e)rl plnom no punos ol luem 01 puru no{ plnom'euall ara;1 lls lJl "8 i"' 'a,rou ,{snC l plno)'sou ino{ qcle; ol ;eseeld .ro1 Zoiaq A . i i i "'no{11116 i no,{ Plno/y\ z :8 "'Plnor i no{ 1urq1 nor{ o6 4 "' no{ 1r 1q8r.rle 1r s| 2 'eJns'se^ 7 :8 "' no{ plno3 2 "' no{ ue3 l,ti:$ui i"r.-t:.:=., :v I (slsenbe.r 8u;4eur) s3ulqt op ^ l"l' :"n:o "' 2 y {1ureya3 'euu s,leqf 'asrnor Jo'sa^ s| :y g 'sa o6 :y lou'oN wu 'aN iawaq fentnaf ua peuq awos 6ug1a6 pulut ne'{og :y iou sr iaMsue elnod eql os',2no{ ro1 uuelqord e 1l sl, ueot! 2"' puu nof og pue Z"' putw nof p1no1t11 . putw nof plnol4 reUV . alelsuprl 01 oJrH roJ elqrssod s,lr Jr A ou) ol luem no1 putul no^ oC 'mou e.t*no{ asnereq 2aseeld 'sesse18 auqof''eulze8euu s,uqof pea.r ')rol 3ut{r1 u.r,; 'frsnur Jeq uMoP uJnl ol Puall lue^ i : 'setueqr fiessareu {ue tur>;eur 'lsanbel eq1 elelduror uaql'uollenlls qf,ee peou € 2 'no{ ;otrnurur e euoqd rno{ moloq ,(lqrssod ; :y 'Sululs sl ouootuos 1nq'rt.ro5 :g 'osJnof astreN 01 srql e,rr3 no{ 1u1ql no{ 'lle aePrslno 3u1l1em PurLu Plno A 'au!l q)ea uro.r; ol aldoed reqlo 3u!)sv Z tulsslur s! pJo/v\ oug'suollesJeluo) eql e1e1duro1 7 ({1q1ssod 7 plnor)'{epr.r1 uo {1ree eneal 0t (plnoan) 'yed aql lnoqe {uuaf 11e1 6 (putu, / op) 'rq31uo1 rer eql e)el I (ttt^) 'llo tq31 aqr urnt nol ts (rqEule 7 s1) 'auoqd .rno{ as6 9 (p1nor) '1eas Mopu!^ P a^eH '{1ureye3 'euu s,leql 'asrno) Jo'sa^ 'aJns'sa ' (p1nor 71u1qr) llrun OL$ Morog v ^oror.lrol '3uluene srLll rouulp )oof, no1 € (p1nor 7 1u1qr) (,{lqrssod 7 plnor) 'u/v\ot otu! eur (pulu / plnom) '8eq e)el z {u sse6 L uolssguuad .ro; Bu11sy - 'sle))erq u! spJo/v\ aql esp'slsenbe.r e111od se saf,ualuas eseql ellrmeg ! slsenber alllod IirHrvua"I 3 will andslrall (for instant responses) Read the situations below and cross out the phrase which is not correct in that situation. 1 a Here, l'tt hetp you with those. b Shatt I help you with those? c Witt I hetp you with those? lf we make a decision at the moment of speaking, we use wil/. suddenly !*e:[ a hit ti:*ti ".. ! rhink !'€{. stay ist ttinight.. This use of will is often contrasted with going to (used if you've ! 2 already decided). Compare the foltowing pairs of sentences. A: il* y::u war:t t* p!a.1t srit.t+sft !*{r}affaw s*t"*e tim*? B: S;:rr-V, i €ari't * w*"{* g*irzg t* pxint the !i';i*g r+s*m (= they've already decided do this) tt i}* end i:av* * quisk ccfft*l B: 5*i:d i.Js* .". i'tt fi*is* tii: J,lfsr. (= speaker decides at that moment) For instant decisions and responses, we atways use the contracted form 'il and not the futl form . lf ii's st*ry, - . ffi 1 I c l'[[ catl you tomorrow. 4 You are talking to your best friend on the phone. She's ftying home to London tomorrow. a Sha[[ | meet you at the airport? b l'm meetingyou at the airport. c l'[ meet you at the airport. wr71. y*i: !'lE 1iv* a 4 lift. it*ii -y*;sr !:arsd. You can also use Shall I ...? for offers. l'68 Ettat{ I help v*;-: with . Shatt we c Very oftenthese decisions are offers or promises. i,3r.:n't ;,s*rr.y . b 3 D+ 3r*t; wa{:t REMEMBER! lt's your dream to visit Hawaii.You've just received a letter te[[ing you that you've won several thousand do[[ars. a l'm going to visit Hawaii. visit Hawaii? think l'[[ visit Hawaii. You are just leaving your friend's house. He's feeting itt. a Am I going to ca[[ you tomorrow? b Shatt I ca[[ you tomorrow? {his .;s*tk*:'t:i. A; You see an old woman carrying heavy bags. Sfeal| I *i!.y** t?:at7 *t, ?iienks. leie;'? N::, d*r;'i w*rry. I'il be fir;*. Shallwe? is used to make suggestions. Efza€l-we i;av* x 'l A: lt's absolutely freezing in herel B: I'llclose I I'mgoingtoclosethe window. 2 A: When is the next ftight? B: Just a minute, I'mgoingtocheck / I'llcheck on the website. vai*7 These are the most common uses of shal/ in modern Engtish pffi.&#Y'$trffi tr 3 A: Have you got any plans for tonight? B: Yes, I'll have I I'm going to haye dinner with a f riend. 4 A: I don't want to leave my laptop here. B: lt's OK. I'lllookafter / I'mgoingtolookafterit. 5 A: I can't understand these instructions. Bi l'mgoingtohelp /l'llhelp if you tike 6 A: Are you looking forward to your hotidays? B: I can't wait! /'Ilslf I I'mgoingtoslf on the beach Match the sentence halves. A do nothing. 7 A: lt's raining really hard. B: I'll lend you / I'm going to lend you an umbrella. 8 A: What is your NewYear's resolution? B: I'll lose / I'm going to lose weight. 1 l'[[ carry your books 2 l'tt try again later 3 l'm going to get fit this summer 4 l'tt do the washing-up 5 l'tt take the red oair of shoes 6 l'm going to cook this evening B a l've signed up for a course at the gym. b I don't like the black ones so much. c they lookvery heavy. d I bought a[[ the ingredients this morning. e his phone's off at the moment. f you cooked so it's only fair. 2 Write the sentences from exercise Choose the best answers. 1 in the correct group below. '1 Decisions made at the moment of speaking 2 Decisions made before the moment of speaking and 'rolnduroJ lpuosrad Jo do1del araq10 lno{ uo;1es:no{ ptorel lo ulltl 'euoqd lno{ oluo t € dde Sulp.roret e peoluMoC Z 'euoqd alrqou lno,{ uo 11es.rno{ u1r3 L '1seq nof 1;ns plno/v\ qtrtq^ opllaq lleslnor( ultt/pJolal uer noi( si(ervr aruos ale eJaH n n Z 'uMol PunoJe 'sl uolle!)unuord lnor{.reap anoq ssassp pue 01 uatrstl ue: no{ Jlastnod p.roral nor{;1 y 'oleJnf)e Sureq o1 uotluolle aJot! X I 'qaoqt eql ell.rrvr 'Suruane s;ql 3u;s ol trueM 'pat11 ,{11eet u,1 J q '{1rea au..roq oB s,1a1 P ')reus e qer8 s,1a1 'alel lno {els s,lel 'ieq e)oere) e o1 oB s,1a1 euuoq oB ol 9 s truem l,uop I '3u1uene slql lol e o)ueP 01 lue^ | E lef, Mau e lo8 an,l z ',(i8unq e u-r,1 L V E L '€ u! so)ualuss oql qll/v\ vur satrualuos eql q)ler{ | ir[?.yud L lsan8 e esnoq s,auoeuros o1 punor oB o1 e auoauos anr8 o1 ol Surleeds flle.lauaB Puel 01 asou ;no{ molq o1 / e^eqaq ol ol PePua#o aq ol sutHto loo)un/loo) aq ol ol 7 ol puat l,uop / pual aldoad ptd dn auoeuos ol s,1r ot leuJrou (,{lpapad) s,t! )o ol Surr{ed uo lsrsut uotlell^U! uP asnjol 01 uol;) raqlo q:ea 8nq o1 :ron o rrn ,.._ rnn n9 -- ol o1 unolnvHls tvt)os Peq s,}l q l,uop olooad l unopldnlyoluo Sulqlauos urnl ol lpall ol auoau_jos ry11 auoou.los lsed la8 ol I inol^eqeq lsoq e alaql/\auos peeq 01 un, a^eq t v perlo) ol srauueur peqTpoo8 s,1r ol ePnr PalaPrsuot s,ll SI^lOISnf ONV SWUON IflOSV 9NlXVl" loot g sJauueu poo8 5 lsan8 e y auloq auoauos a)Pl qaaqr qloq uo auoaujos ssr) ol :no( o1 euoauios altnut otr asnoq sPupq a)eqs 01 pue lsll plo^ eql lo^o) "' "' I '1aA a s,1e1 Surnr.rp oB s,1e1 'Surqqnp oB ,(ed ua14o nor( Sutplofai ole noi{ uaq/v\ E 11estno,{ 'uoql raqurarrer o1 no{ dleq osle uer ule8e ralo pue lano s8urql Surr{e5 7 'luaPuuo) Pue luonl] arotu auloraq o1 no{ dleq uec srql.ure8e lono pue lolo esrperd ua1;o pro:e.r eldoad ueq/V\ ^aql'sa^lasrrloql 's.r;ed ur sJo/v\sue rnor( eleduror pue lsour no{ dlaq plnom .8!raueq euros aJe oleH 1urq1 nor( leql sauo aql )t!f 'turleeds.rno{ dleq uer spJo/v\ /vlou tug{es lsnf lo pnole tu;pee.r's1se1 Eu;1eeds Sugop ;leslno{ Sugr.ul!l/tu!pro)op tugleeds Jlesrnof utl!J lo protreg l)adsar qlrM surnl e)el ol elerqrA ol auoqd tno{ qllms ol ananbeTananbol Moiloq ol eloqM eqt uo Surqleruos auoeuios sseo 's8ulloau ur olelqtl uo euoqd {u; qrlrirns s{em1e zioq aruoq e1e1 no{ pr6 9 'lueJnelsaj e ur lauutP e o^eq s,lol 5 'leour oql ro1 3ur{ed palsrsur aq5 's.louuet"u poo8 eneq alaq uarpltqr,aloqm uO qlog au Passr) oH z .3ur,(ed palaJJo ,alep tsl!J rno uO | 'o)uoluos q)eo u! o)plsrLu aql o1 (aldoad Lo1) lensn(un) s,1r ot alqerdar)e(un) s,tl ,{ed o1 .ra;1o o1 Pual 01 € o1 7 o1 ; {1.rea euuoq oB uorlelrlur ue ldetre lllq aql areqs ol 'Molaq sPJoiv\ eq1 1o selrsoddo (asnoq.rraql "' letrllou s,ll q 'lllq oqr eleqs eldoad 1so14 ev 'e8e s,uosted rerl+oue 1se dl1elutou ol ol req e)opJp) e ol oB eE lrsnt! e^tl rllleM ol a1e1 1no ,{e}s ol eAPq ol Pa.raPrsuoJ s,ll q 'rrlqnd ur esou .rno{ molq Jo^au plnoqs no1 ez oalJo) e JoJ lno oB ,{1tea autoq oB o1 luernelsal e ui lSuurP "'lensn s,ll q '1eau ,{aql uaqM spueq aleqs eldoad ,3u11eeds {l1eleuag PI umol punole Surnup oB o1 Surqqnlr oB o1 ol Surruep oB o1 1:eus e qet8 o1 rtyed alenr.rd e ol oB silIlA|l_fvlvtfos 'lsJtJ aql se eues eql suesur l! leql os of,ueluos puofes aql alelduo:l z ffi Defining relative clauses 1 Defining relative clauses give us information about things, people, possessions, ptaces and times using a relative pronoun. 1 Things (that,which or -l PRAETIfiH T Choose the correct answers. 1 A necklace is a piece of jewettery who / which / where you wear around your neck. 2 3 A cyclist is someone who / which / whose rides a bicycle. A hetmet is a hard hatwho / whose I that orotects your head. lt's a *iarh!n* 'xlti** c*nverts in.f*rrn*ti*r. * cejei;ialor,: * iittie nzachitr* t*a* d*es arir.hynetir. 4 A dry cleaner's is a shop that / where / when you can take clothes to be dry-cteaned. 5 An air traffic controller is someone whose / who / that job is to control the movement of planes in and out of 6 REMEMBER! an airDort. What is not possible here. 2 People (who,thator-) A manager is someone whose / which /who is in charge of a business or part of a business. A festival is a time which / that / when there are performances of many films, plays and pieces of music. A te:h*t:ph*be:s * S*rsr:* wll* d*sm'i use t-eihfi*logg. A :tcy,/-cr*;d*rJs r *ra-s*i? t-kaf reeds i*e n*'"vs. An Oscar is a prize who / that / whose is given each year in the USA for the best film, best actor, etc. The pronoun that is [ess common than who here. A court is a place where itr rei:ulatar ls * nar:hin* tlectlwfui<tz **,h+e d**s *riflrm*if* * / which I fhat tegatjudgements are made. 10 We can leave out which, who and that if they are the object of the retative clause. 11 / whose I fhat is not afraid when they are in a frightening situation. A nanny is a person who / which / whose job it is to take There ar* pe*:;l* {wh*!*fuat} 12 A disease is an illness where REMEMBER! . e A courageous person is someone which care of a famity's children. y*u :atr ph*r;* !! y*u hav* pr*5fe,r. lwho lwhich affects a Derson. animal or plant. *re ttz i n g s {w tt klr I t ls ati va u we a r i n raid ar**r*er Notice that in sections 1 and 2 above, which,who and fhaf are the subject of the relative clause, so they cannot be left out. With the Dassive we can sometimes miss out the relative clause. 4 s:::o*ri'ijs i: * dri;:!< w*ir,{z is m*#e f,-**: riiffer*nt tyr=es *i !r*it. fr Jou*s . .& srn**tllie is a dririk made ir*m iifi*r**t iypcs af !ru!t. 3 Possessions (whose) #e s a pers*n i,:&*sc lrf,e is d*n!n*!cd bv csiripirl€rs. (= his tife) A* *rpi:ar,s e cjriid lg&ose p*re*fs 6ar'e di*d. (= his/her parents) 4 Places (where,whichlthat + preposition) We can refer to places in the fotlowing ways. i*rs s i,tF ft*.is* ae*erg ! grew *p. i*is 15 the r,.r#se {wtziehltha*i i Er*r,a up in" Notice that if we have a preposition at the end of the senrence, the retative Dronoun can be omitted. 5 Times (when) Th* ev**ing's a iinie vlkex vo;* c*n ai! rela,v. Set;rday's th* d*y vnfe*n ! ti:l3t ttt* !i*t. 2 Complete the sentences with the correct relative pronoun where necessary. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12 That's the man _ | told you about. | tike fitms _ make me laugh. Let's go to the Chinese restaurant _ your brother arrives. The woman _ [ives next door has gone into hospital. That's the house _ | was born. book_ I lentyou? husband had a motorcycle accident. _ you put money into is a machine _ Didyou enjoythe That's the woman A parking meter when you park your car. | love buying clothes _ are in the sa[e. we retax. usua[ly _ The man _ lives next door makes a lot of noise. She works for the company _ | used to work for. Sunday's the day Join the two sentences together using a relative ctause. Omit any unnecessary words. '1 2 3 4 5 6 My brother married a woman. She's a lot older than him. the ring. Her boyfriend gave her it. That's the couple. | look after their children. l've lost the money.You lent it to me. I've got a cousin. She lives in South Africa. She showed me That's the book. Everyone is talking about it. 1o 'o1 )lel Jo 01 aldoed Jo 'oprslno urorj aslou 'sJels 'luaLudrnba alqenle^ 'queld 'llel aql uo selrlou - - - 'r!P Llser} tq3;1 letnleu 'siretl) alqeilojurof, 'UoAA 01 euo&ane .rol a:eds l,uerP/are elaql OL l,ust/sl oloql 6 l,uarP/eJe oleql 8 l,ust/sl araqf / l,uare/ore oraqf 9 l,uale/ale olaql 5 ql!/v\pasnsr z l,uare/ere aloqf l,ust/st oloqf E l,usl/sl oJoql t elalduo) € a{Bl os 'e1qe1;o;utoc 'sor.roll?q tleo>1 o1 puE t{cJol E ol -n -' :1r sr Surqlau.ros '*i;*l;a+s :+j i:*::j ll ',q8noua ueql :*J zS=*+ae jo erot! -, oo1 .{r.reo sr o1 ,(auou.r ')atew l I air,r ane;1 ' ; *e& +S#rcs*za* 3+ti s.;:*te ,; *t4 tste:-;: a!6sz*asa:*5 att. *a*i-1 arour, ueaw oTlo t,a.izr::*zz!1 =,j*ijj ii;-z; flua;d esn 416 I (11e 1t 1ee l,uP) | =) -l* +xas tLrr"' :rc,{oG lLj]./\r:::nct:,i iC*iis saqia;: r{ae# ej*ry; *;? *t -c fr I lls-^f Li an * { s n 1 *}sa 4 F,*f{t u; :3 es= :a t fuew pue q)nu '3utlt.rm pue qreeds lerllro;ul ul 's,**c$ p*l;cdr;,'; J* *p*1 S !* 4*7-* il*5 s3i rJ q * . pue *jy ti * I 1€ t:t.,taJ,:; *e.:;as +er5 * 'sJa1lo Pue slsanba.l 5 o)etu oM uaql uuoJ uorlsanb aql ul auos osn osle uef e A . (11e 1ou 1nq -) ':;sr,'i* ded *r.#as *Arl t 'sefuoluas o^rlrsoo ul Posn uatrJo sl ll lo ,{1r1uenb Polttutl P, sueoul aa.ros: . lnalepB -/ eiB*J: aA Kueulqtnu oo1 g eL{J l,lrop 'll? Jo tsrl.{ antltsod ur pesn {11ensn s1 to 1o:, y lo p7 e 7 fueulqtnw ;sri*tjs*nfs iu* #arjl ,(ue llq q)nur slol {1ue1d '*Spi4arl; t;t 41tu; Ea;* 1*5l,ueAe.l 44a, 'suotlsenb pue sanlle8au ul Pesn ua1o s1 fuy . (rego =) 1dr..os *:r:u: *:e**s *51; ;: o.{:;1;;r,,1.' *'{ u * 3 eql qll/v\ xal aql alelduol z qbnoua / tfuew oot 1oB ggE e6+€.rl (PaPanorc oo] s,]r =) J5;* *j*ry,ro**il*: *S s.-1*l .Paeu oM ueql oroLll uaqn fuew oo]pue q)nw ool esn ulo4 Jo]u,{\ qll{\ -,, Fuql luelrodutt lsour 'seruleSau pue suollsanb ur pesn {11e.raua8 arc pe drrel uec no;( ler{ } os alqrsdod 'AelA aues oql ur lo slol esn a16'3ut1t.tm leuloJul .lo qleeds ut ^lpPxas! ll 'so)ualuas uoruurol -, aalFunf aql u| IaaBrl a{Bl o} poou nolt op }€qAl auJos ,rna; s.rel;!1uenb lsacf:**e s*j q6noua g 'aw o{el '*;ei; i;i *;d**d{aae** **3 *,'* -,, -, {r.rrJp 'saorl oql ile Jo osn€coq lqSquns ou a{Bl ol s,oJar{l s€ ue aJJSuns l,uop no 1;red4ceq e ur rlllrT sE-,. r)iBJ oEr33n1 d. lera^as q8noue ou u1 'sunou olqelunofun Pue elqPluno) o1 q6noua osn016 '*.t*ii; ii:t F*;# ; iJfip *4i -' at,+ii*,44 jaj ;*tq:::,t p+t*t J* €4u*gd ;*fr at".*7',", 'g*;1*sj {iitr;i ;r-r i'esai*r *wE j* €ees*td }::i *:t.*ta * i:.;*:'t, i,:;*n 'sunou elqelunorun Pue alqelunol qll/v\ Pesn st 11'Sutueeuu anrlrsod e seq lo t1ua1d troulluot e esn no-ri 3t e Lrg oq ITL. \{ notr saqlollt ;o so8ueqr poau nor B 1',paaual seqrnluse,ueeu l,ust/sl olaql v - - 'xoq aql ur s.ral;11uenb sql qll/v\ )toM - ereld ro uroorsselr .rnor( lnoqe saf,ueluos aql 'asuos Jo -r, -,,, nort arns a>1eur '1no sao8 org oLIl JI lnq '(saqoleur rtrre3 .{ene ool oAEr-{ 1,uec nod) soqcleul Jo sexoq slBurrue pr-rB sJJOSur dae>1 o1 arg poo8 e paarr nolr lqFu 1y -. 'sJOAI-r osn UBJ no.{ qrrq,n rslaiql?i r-rorlecgrrnd pJru Je }€rr\ Jo o1 olq€ oq J,uo^\ notr [ue'; II,noI gs '-rotB,,\\ pollloq '-roJBr\ Io lrerrp sB no,,t uoq ,{uer-u 'xoq aql (lsan ba.r =) I su*1*n;xe i * ;Eulqltene {nq q)nu oo7 1 lo f1ua1d q el oslp Plnoqs a A t 'peatqnate / ewos peeu oqe o A E s,lal Z aM L 'sa1etlo4qe l 'd!rl Euldruer Jno.loj pooj leta^as /aruos,{nq ol poeu 'sa)uoluas osoql u! posn aq l,uel lPql ralJl1uenb eq1 lno ssoJ) ',3urqleu.ros Jo Jequrnu I fuepue auos # *$.r?*H"q"ffi aulos Jo * l.F:q e ;cS **. *7n4 'serlltruenD lleus i .. (to) eldnor e ou Jo slol / Jo lol e lera^as L i ; alilll e : oAlJOaUO: q8noue (rou) A I =) '*:qejr*ne s;"**r;gl'e *;drl*s e 1*S *n, a44 sPeol AaJe: 1o ,{1ue1d a:*dsJ* oqu)sap ol sunou alqplunof,un qlliv\ saselqd asoql esn a ilqavrlle'enue'4qe (earql ro o^ {ueu (oo1) {ue (rou) ;;;;;iq;iuno, Pue elqelunof,un t{loq qrrv\ (.raqunu lleus e =) 'atqt;jcnp s{#**j *ae} * ;** at',a,14 requrnu e =) '*;qe;;*ri* suJo*J;€J€AFs;oS *r:.4;4 ,t1uo ,uno., : Jollqe; qrntu (oo1) i i .i fluo sunou 'l alqelunotrun i i qlyn alqelunoe i i i i qlt i i (sr-uoor 1o 'serlrluenb sre!J!luEno 11eu.rs oqulsap ol sunou elqelunol qllm sase.rqd esaLll esn aldnot e' r^el e' aA lreJe&es 9 Use a monolingual dictionary *{OW 6AD6ETSWOR,K a cooker / an electric cooker an MP3 player f,i-i*-l Lorilrrd -^*^-^ o^ urSrLor a dishwasher a PhotocoPier a tabtet computer a DVD player a touch screen phone : oame< rnncnlo a vacuum cteaner 1 Tick the statement(s) that describe how you use monotinguaI dictionaries. 1 I a taPtoP 2 VER.85 FOR PESER.IBIh.I6 I.{OW CAD6FTSWORK it doesn't work to break down to reinstall software to to to to to to to crash to freeze to hold down a button to Pause +n nracc r hilff^n restart scroll down a menu switch something of{ switch something on touch an icon unplug DESeRtElN6 EVERVDAY OS.'ECTS a battery ptastic fabric rectangular it's got rouno it's made of (metat) it's used for + ng ruDDer Look at the entry from a monolingual dictionary. Which information from exercise 1 part 3 can you find? square pu 2 rrh*s*:r /'ps:tJas $ 'ps:r-l z, fT]formal Lo a bodyguard a CPS navigator a boiler a launderette a cleaner a PersonaI trainer TIIESAIIRUS buy. a comPasS - ^1,.*L^- a decorator a stationer's a dry cleaner's a a freezer wer wrPeS OT'f"'ER 3 The words in botd att appear in the reading text on page 87. How many questions can you answer using a monotingual dictionary? 1 Which syttabte is stressed in the word /abel? 2 What is the Dronunciation of the word extreme? 3 ls reward a countable noun or an uncountable noun? ry***trcq 4 ls the word deserye a verb, noun or adjective? 1 Match the verbs with the nouns. A B 1 recharge 2 scroll down 3 press a b c d e 4 reinstal[ 5 touch 5 What is the opposite of the word satisfactory? 7 Which preposition follows the verb blame? 6 ls the verb seek regutar or irregular? the button the software the icon the menu the battery 2 Circle the odd one out in each group of words. 1 acleaner alaunderette 2 abodyguard afreezer 3 aboiler acooKer 4 acompass atorch 5 a photocopier a vacuum cleaner 6 ataptop adishwasher 7 a battery rubber 8 to crash to break down 9 round fabric 10 a digital camera a freezer a dry cleaner's a personaI tralner a plumber a CPS navigator a decorator a tablet computer ptastic to switch on rectangutar a dishwasher n buy something: YotL, can yturcLr,ose i,nsurartce onLine.1 the grou.;ing demartd to purcLtose goods on credit Where did'Aou purcflclse tLLe c(ff? I [+llrom] Ti,c:kets m,o,g tte pztrctrnsed i,n aduance Jrorn the bor office. torch I 3 | use a monolingual dictionary to find: . the meaning(s) of words. n . examDles of how words are used. n . the Dronunciation of words. n . the word stress. ! . whether a word is a noun, verb, adjective or adverb. tr . the opposites of words. ! . irregular past forms. ! . the prepositions that come after words. ! . whether new words are countable/uncountable. n to recharge a battery K don't use mono[ingual dictionaries - | don't think would understand them very wet[. | try to use a monotingual dictionary to f ind the meaning of new words, atthough sometimes I find it difficutt to understand the explanations. | 1 'rqEluor euuoq {em {ur uo rrllell peq eq '{.r1unor r(ur ur aslonr FB Luol 'ree{ sgql sexel dn '.rea,{ s1ql s 1uelu{olduuauq I Luol I lpu aroLlf /W yd ],uon 1y1n lueu.ru.rano3 eq1 ny ll llran 7 qJo^ poJJo) no{ rojlotr/llqeN/^e1s/t,usl /^la)ll slqt / I ratel I uleJ / ll /3uo1 srr.ll uBrsal lervr {eu taou / oql / auoauros / uodrle 7 {1e1rur;ep 7 {1e1gugep 7 {eu 8 sr peor ^q / lueprsard 7 {le1rurlap / / rueqesP) / auro)eq 'suor1r1pe.rd 61 g € {lqeqord /loor.llsT aqsT oElsoqsrur, / ueJlN /llr/v\/ra1e 7{lrsranrun {1e1;ugap s! ereql S eqf t 7 {1e111 71,uor'r 7 lnJerer / lleJ /.ro 7 no,{ 7 eq 7 plnor o)eul ol raplo pello) aql u! spJom aql lnd L eleq aq r(1e11u11ep {eq1 g L 1 Z A lno ssor) L X3fi-L3WHd 'lsnluas 1x*u E 111an ax i *4 El*ryJr aqs u1 eiv\ ueqm ffi ndua; a;*c*; A o4liaTa esn 016 lou lq3ru oH lou {eru Hno | (toul ry6yu t (tou1 Kew ?upn srosnorl rno1 a#q3 aq 4,a** A 7 f7a71u:!ap *.t'3 rr* uleuel ^ oLl ^ or.ls ol l,uo$ pue IIy ql!/v\ sqraAPP asn uauo e ,,uot^)o ttlvl Eulsn eA ,{1e1t1 3G{d *-ds 5l€; :a6u*1 *.r:; *g fy*:519 *re )urql 3u1q1eu.ros i i ; 'uurol anrle8au eqtq'Hnc.c lou lnq 'il16!w pue few asn ue) o e€ }eql qlliv\ ln1alel eg 7 {1e1t1) 'aLuE ao "il€vs #i/l s:*d,{p*;eg.:a: }sctr;ts ILa# ry.r1ill I 'r#p:n;n5 r.:o *s*1 6'gqeqad pytt' #rest 'Surqlauuos lnoqe ele oM &an s,ll ,(1a111un - 9 S tnoqp/l,uom/a^!rel ue17{lqeqord /l1un / ))ol),o/eM 7 pelou.ro.rd 7 re8 711an ^lurptrror l,uo/v\ t {eu luaprsald aql 9 'srql lnoqe luaunS;e eq f1e1;1 s1 7 7 {eu qrlqrvr ese.rqd ro prom aql - s,11 11eo8 s,1; '.ra1ndu-ror {epsnq1,{q leql JaUe teql le | | leasTureEe/tg8lLu I ozudol I /ueu /s, lotlltnnllr /)eeM7eq7{1e111 V I uoos lsoule / rrur.uoq L orll osooqr Pue qre^Pe ue PPV 71ou {eur / ol sr.lt uedoer 1,uorn 7 reql elqrssod {1a1rurlap) ,{lqeqord 'Pua)aeM s;ql euoqd I {lurepar lsotule s,ll laqlouv iou 'r.lo laqlouv iou'r.lo a1tr 11eo8 no1'lelnduor leqt qt!/!\ ln1arp) '1r do.rp 7 (rnq 9 eql uo aq llrM erreN ')ro^ 11,a,r,r 7ften 7 8u1ue,re 7 1lem ^eLu 7 tou tor.f v uolpala ue aq Luor I lrri4 alaLlf € '{epo1 'uld oJoJaq yep 1eB LuolL^ | ilil \ z OO'1 p;6i ac .d;urri r*: lsoar;E iiJ,xt lJ r.'**.!J*#ioi 'Morrol.uol Plp) eq Luo^ / 'nof.ro1 enJl se)ualuos eql eleu ol ruro, o1 7 ')aa^ 3;q e aq {1qeqo.rd llyv\ )oa^ '))oll,o {1e1;ugep 1;m 'sta)rrl te8 ot elqe eq 1ou 1q3pu 1 Kew 1 plno) a 'Molroruo+ {uuns eq {lqeqo.rd Kew 1 1{1e1gugep lllm 'sJsrj:p+l a:*1das ry isa4?un 'o)uoluas q)ea elelduor louue) 'uedder.1 o7/(7e>19z'nl g UL ueue; 7 ,(1a1r1un) 'SZ s,oq 1r1un - ;'rnou i^ ou u!M ol sn lo1 elqrssodr-ur plnor) (aq 'uaddeq 1,uom,{lqeqord Sulqlaruos1u1qla^ uaq^ o7[1a4gun rcurol enrleBeu aql asn a (requauuer 7,(lqeqord)'es!^^reqto I zssarppe lreure rno{ umop al!.rM no{ p1no3 'aslMraqlo l! requrauraJ lou lqSlul I assalppe 1|eu.re.rno,( uMoP allr^A no{ p1no3 (peu.relu 1eB 'SZ por.ueu s,aLl {1qeqo.rd r.reue; troB t,uom lrlun {eu) 'ano.uouot lr )ulrll ' Aorlotuotr ure.r ol Suro8 (ure.r 711e,rn (ura,r 7 {1a1rurlep) (elns e.rou.r ere eiv\ =) "!{,otlauJsl tt*Lts iis/}l pp:s} I } q&!w i feEa * (elqrssod sr 1 =) ',o,lorror#o;r/1$rrspin$:r/ aq65eu S f,eat;i 'uadder.1 llr/v\ lr erns eroui eJP aM Jr ira 4 PPe e A'ernlnj eql ul alqlssod sr Surqleulos leql ueau lle sqle^ lPPoul eseqf (dorp 7 11,no{ '{eps.rnq1,{q {peer aq ll!^ sresnorl rno,( e.rns r.u,1 'l,uolvl eJoleq 7n9llltA relle eLuo) ('4a' flaywlap'[1we1tat Tsoutle'flqeqotd) sqJa^pe eseql 'uorpafur 'tlq r ue no,{ enr8 ot SuloE u,l 1; 'lrq 'uolpefur e nor{ ol ue en13 Suro8 uu,l ilnLl 1le,rn r{eu 1l (auor 7 {er,u) 'anraq.req oql ot aq pres llr€ 'an)eqieq aql s,lr ol ouro) oLl alqrssod l,uoM Pres llg elrer.l fotule) 'urert )rol),o 9 or.ll uo (aq 7,(1ure1rar 'ulerl ))ol),o (oB 7,{lqeqord) )rom ra1e ez4d e rc1oB s,11 A L L suolp!Pord Bu;1e4 'e1q1ssod aleqrvr - surJol osn'slolleJq u! spJoM or{1 8u!sn'lsllJ et{l ol +rotls l! os e)uelues puoros oql alalduo) tugueer.u Jellulls e seq fr PR.ACTfrCE E Hypothetical possibilities with f 1 Choose the correct answers. 1 What you would do / did you do / would you do if a friend 1 Hypotheticat (imaginary) possibitities 2 to borrow f500? l'd pretendtobe / 'd pretendedtobe / waspretendedtobe sick if I wanted to take a day off work. 3 Tom would be very disappointed if he would lose 4 wiIIlose the match. | didn't never give I wouldn't never give asked . lf we are talking about an imaginary/hypothetical situation, we use wouldlwouldn't + verb. Notice the contracted f orm l'd. I'd *evtr lie tc m.y fri*nds" wtsuldn't like to be farnc'us. lf we talk about a hypothetical situation or condition, we use r/ + Past simple or Past continuous. This type of sentence is often referred to as the'second conditional'. ! . fe * * d a wa L!*t i n t,4c sfreef, I' d take i t ta l'd ga for a w*lk lf I wasn'tfeeling s* tired" If t to 5 th e p * Ii ce. 6 REMEMBER! . lt is not correct to use would in the tf I had en*uEh ri'tsney, I'd . . . f clause. 8 g* abraari an n*tiday. NOT if I w*gfd *ave enaugit tlisney .". 9 In r/sentences, we can use were instead of was. This is especialty lf Nikot were better organised, her desk 'd be / weren't might notbe so untidy. lt wou[d be terrible if Marcospassed / didn'tpass / lnstead of would, we can also use might or could. tf yau did*'ttalk s* murh, peeple miEht listefi t* y** m*{e. 1 2 3 a 5 6 7 talk about a real possibility in the future, we use will. t'Il be w*rried if Lte daes*'t ph*ne m*. f the'first conditional'. and when,see Unit 5 Study 2. Sometimes the difference between a real and an imaginary possibitity is very clear. l'tf be very disapp*inted if we f*se. (= a reat possibitity) !'d b* absalutety terrified if ! saw a 'd beyou | 'myou,l'd tett Sofia as soon ghast" (= an imaginary situation) Sometimes. whether we use the first or the second conditional depends on how we see the situation. Compare the following sentences. lf I lzave enough tine, I'll helpyo*. (= it is possibte l'[[ have time) tf i had *naugtz tf me, i'd lze€p yov. (= | don't have time) sentences using the words in brackets. 2 ReaI and hypotheticaI possibilities with pass his exams. 2 Complete the hypothetical rau[d heip y*u if ! had mare tirne. For more on future sentences / as oossible. lw6.rtdn'ttr€;st him if f were y*u. This type of sentence is often referred to as lift lf | 'd had | 'd have I had more time, I'd go for long walks in the country. lf I asked Dennis for monev, I think he lent / will lend / would lend it to me. l'd be furious if I think / thought / 'dthink Kim was tying 1Q lf I wereyou | We can change the order of the sentence. To 'd never give a to me. common in the phrase lf I were you ... , used to give advice. lf lwere yau, iwsuldn'ttrust, him. t / Iost a comptete stranger. wouldn't 7 | / 3 | (avoid) paying tax if | (can) !wauld av*id payinE taxes if ".. | (never drop) titter in the street. lf a shop assistant (give) me too much change, | (tett) him. lf | (find) S10O in thestreet, | (nottake) ittothe police. | (never drink) and drive. lf everyone (have) good manners, tife (be) much easier. | (not like) to be a celebrity. Match the sentence halves. A 'l 2 3 4 5 6 B l'd hetp you | wouldn't hetp you lf I knew the answer, lf I find out the answer, l'tt hetp you | won't do anything a b c d e f if I can. l'd te[[ you. if I could. if you don't want me to. even if you asked me. l'tt tett you. Look at the sentences about real and hypothetical possibilities. Complete them with the words in the box. could had might were witl 1 lf | _ 2 He _ 3 lf I _ 4 lt _ 5 You _ 6 We _ would enough money, l'd go on hotiday. ca[[ you after lunch, I promise! you, I wouldn't trust him. if I could speak Chinese ftuentty. not enjoy that fitm; it's really scary in places. get a takeaway pizza if you are too tired to cook. be great n n n n ereduof, pue ^rl ralllMl 'srled ul seaPl Jnor( ot alll plnoM no^ seopt oql aullrapun z sasn oqM uosrad 8ut)eads-qstlSul ue /v\ollol / 'qsrlSul u! lrerrlo ue Puos 9 'ourluo u! polsorolut ore no^ leql )ldol e qf,ieasau {ep,tena salnulut a} e lol ppar pue lt )rpru)oog ^ alrsqam smau e8en8uel-qsr13u1 poo8 e n n n s t 'olper ro slserpod qsr13u3 o1 ualsrl € 'sdrp oaprn lo soapr^ a8en8uel-qsr18ul r.l)trel Z 'qsr13u3 ur 1:a[qns aues aql uo elrrup ue puU uaql'a8en8uel rno{ ur elrrpe smau e peeu 'pa/v\ollo, ,{pee.l1e tursn '8ur1eloue1ap arP sCJ srH s6f srH sc) srH 3ur11e1 are 'durseolf 0P eJe ^ 'pe,(e1d aq .ra8uol ou f, q e uet s(lf 002 slrl jo lueuad S L leql pafrlou seq rotso) ue6 rau8rsap qam 'snora8uep ssal Surr"uoreq st soultJ) lualotn ro loqunu 'as.rorr,r Bu111eB sr saturJf, lualol^ Jo Jaqt!nu Sn t atlf ) aqf q '3ur11e1 sr saLurJ) luolor^ Jo Jaqt!nu oql e 's002 000'zz Llrlan sereduro) srql'Polrodar sor.urr) lualor^ u! 966'5; {1uo r.ll!i$ lea^ lsel u^ op luaM sor.uu) luolorn 're11eq 3ur11e8 s; 3ur8e1:ed pooj ]o lunoue aqj l '3ursr.r sr Sur8elred pooJ Jo lunoure aql q sr SurEelred pooJ lo lunoure oqf e lnoqe Surqlar.uos op aM ssalun aurl ,srea{ oa,r1 E 'Surnoldur 'trr u1 L aneq no{ leq} sdll oql )l!I'loura}ut orll euos ale oloH qsr13u3 .rno,( asrlre.rd uef, nor( sr(ervr luarrad SZ aq ll!^^ srql leqt palrrpa;d sr 11 'Sur8eped pooJ r.uorj sotrto) rlsrqqnJ 1o luar.red o,rn1-r(1ua,r,r1 7 l 'dn SuroB are surlll 'regeq Surlle8 are srulrl q 'raBuol 3ur11aB aJP sr"ulll e I '.ree{ qsll8ut rno/( elordur! ol laulalu! aql esn 1se1 tuo.r1 luauad srnoq oml aBelene uo ua1 dn sr srqf 'salnurur rea,{ srql surlU ile!)!}Jo 1se1 ')-e Sl s,ll L uolsnlf,uos lJarJof, aql asoor.lf L l isuryl.{ elseM e llej e uorl)npar e lJllJ e asu e Allnq e e8euep euuos luauuenoldur ue olns e eseolfu! ue rlroJ oLues aql a^eq qrllll llel ueunq e auoauros q1!M ullJ ol ol i(lrnerB euoaLuos uo aBuarra: e1e1 o1 auoau.ros aJels 2sq.ra,r Sulpuodse.r.ror eq1 se ,|ano auoaulos 'xoq aLll u! sunou aql le )oo"l s unl ol eseesrP e a8euep euoeuros uo 1:u1 e ,{e1d o1 olTa8er-uep ernl ol/ernl ,tlsnpur lPulsnPUr 9 rood ]uelour o] e auoeuros,{11nq o1 5 utH10 pe1n11od 7 sseleurorl € lsller z luauuutano8 aql lood aql (saryed) uorlrsoddo aq1 s"tai(edxe1 eldoad ,fieurpro {q11eam aqt pa,{o1dr-ueun ; anrlrafpy unoN Nt SdnOUD 'sanrlrafpe oseql ,o sLuro, unou aql o1!r/r^ JO^O PUP a auooLuos uo P ouoaulos qllM l uo q uo e Surqleu.ros lsll ProM aql ro o:) 7 o1 1rr.r1 e {e1d g ol {euor-u elsen ^}il)OS t uorlPfnPa alP) qlleeq ]JOOSuPrl sseussaleuror.l luau:{olduaun ol ol Surqlauuos uo ,{auou alsem (uo) Surpueds a)npsr/aseer)ur eultJS ,{}t.toud e Z a)ualaP tllsDel ol ouoouos unJ 01 € V ol aseoJlur saxPl alnpai/asear)ur 01 uo!lonllol ,(Uanod L o1 trllJ a)el e8uana; ouooLuos I 'suorlrsodeJd oql qll/vl sqre^ aql q)leN ra8pnq aqr alueleq ol uor1n11od srnsst "rvrf os cNv € rooo oqtr g {q11eam eqt olnPal ol ol {els s 01 asear)aP aues aqtr sprepuels o1 aSlOrrn 1aB O1 ol ra11aq 1aB o1 3urnr1 {ruelradxa llPJ aseoJlur or la!P eleroualaP ol atrr1 aseSlf,ur ol e^oloujl ol ol dn oB otr o1 Atlt)os urttOp OB o1 asu t 01 oslr lleJ aJnf 01 E o^oJor.ur 01 z 01 I a8er-uep o1 ratleq treB asearJaP 01 :. (S) aseaJ)aP 01 euolut dn oB 2(C) fueregrp i(ren ro elgsoddo oJe qr!q/v\ pue lellurts i(ten e;e ro strles aql ueeu srled plo/v\ r,{llq/v\ Z a8erarre :I9NVH) CNVAI]If,OS . We use don'thaveto and haven'tgatto + verb to talk about something that is not ne.essary. Obligation and permission in the present dax'tfuavetav*te if they da:t'twantta. haven'tgatto be there ti!! ten. Peaple We 2 Talking about what is permitted You . . You ,.,i / not permitted We use can and be allowed to + verb to tatk about things we are Dermitted to do. Y*u can park k*re after 6.3$ p.m. My brather's al{"owed t* berraw my fat,ter,s ear. We use mustn't, not allowed to and can,t + verb to talk about things which we are not permitted to do (= prohibited). Members af the aL;drefic* rr$st nattak* photagraphs r!uring ttte perfarmanre" (= wriften notice) i You"re nat allawed t* / ean't fake p&ofos pe rfa rma nce " du rin* the (= 5poken) You 3 Talking about what islisn't a good iclea thing . 're not allowed don't have You Yau sh*utd try thls ice rrearn * it's defielcus" fhose books are in the wrong plar*; f,tey slrou ld be in the haven't got j Can : 5noulo : .'..........:....... i Am lallowed ^i i | -ff^--,-: " " .'"""" i "".........: We use should to say something is a good idea, or that it is correct/right. ro go. :"" " " " / the correct . : i Do I have i to go? ............ .....................: i Have I got fictiafi sectilfi. Should is weaker than have to or must.lt is often used to give advice or make suggestions. Oughtto has the same meaning as should.lt is not usuatty used in the guestion or negative forms, where should is more common. :"" You eughtt* be more carefu!. ; 1 Tatking about what is necessary / not necessary We use must, have to and have gotto + verb to talk about something that is necessary or important. 'vlle nrr:st &e *f th* airpart $,rynaefrcr 1 Match the sentence halves. A by seven. #e has fo fa*e meriieine every day iar hls asthma" i've g*tt* {ind a teleph*ne * it's urgent! The meaning of atl three is very similar, but: - must often shows that the obtigation comes from the person speaking. \Ne *zas* be mare - car*ful. (= l, the speakel say it,s important) have to and have gof to show that the obtigation comes from another person, not the speaker. lt is a fact that this is necessary. All yaung men in this cauntry have ta ds - All visitars m$s*, lspc.{t - military service. (= the government says) J*k*k g*i fo d* &js exams. (= his teacher says) there are differences of formality. Musf is often written down; for example, on public notices. have to to recspt!ai,, 2 must is rarely used in question forms is more common. Ff*s*J r tro i &eye *o s:+n ft*r*l - Do t have to? B 1 You can do 2 3 4 You've got You a b it to do it c don't have to do it You're not allowed to do it d if you don't want to. if you want to. because it's compulsory. because it's forbidden. Replace the phrase in bnld with an appropriate modal verb or phrase. y*u shaukl lf you go climhing in the mnrrntains i*j+Ses**e take a map. 1 Memhers nf rhe orrhlir are permifted tn visit the castfe at weekends. 2 3 4 5 lt's a gnod idea to rherk fhe train times before Vou travet. it necessary for me to fitt in both forms? lt is forbidden to smoke in here. ls it permitted for you to learn to drive when you 6 7 At my 5rftnol it is cnmDulsory to wear a uniform. lt is not compulsory to wear your seat belt att the time when you are flying, hrrt if is the hest thing. We are permitted fo go home early on Friday afternoon. ls ate 17? " and have gof fo are more common in sDeech. i 8 9 lt isn't necessary for us to buy a ticket in advance. i i i i o7e^eq 'srnog snoln)tPu llol .1ue.r,9 elaldu.ror e sp^ ssoq 5e1 {6 9 | eqLuplp / ot peq lr(u.re eq1 ut seM I ueqlA 5 Luplp I ol peq 'ulojlun e )ee/fl {eq1's1q31r ole {ueu 'ato^l,uPlno) / Plno2 aqr ur uauro A aneq 1,uprp r{-rnluer o1 peq I .r(sea ,{11ea.r el^ pa^ ollP no{ ,(6 ely ; g At t."a;;;;i;;;;;il;;ii; i to, er, / ol pe/v\oll" r,uop 1 Ii l,uplp .ar-uoq ol lot 's:uua] u$ uaa4 fsan oste 'sJr/ur: 5J os!* alll role pue t{ta* e st wepy ay1 'seJ:,*6 ua*t1 {nt a# 's*i1a6 qJoA oB o1 arreq / ol o^. uaa4 e s! wepv uteul oql oroJaq saulo) os/y iuSStNltNtu aql u! lno oE sem qof 1se1 'uorlrsod slql u! pesn aq uet etolantll 'rcaanaq'f,lew n*au ptrnoz faLlt laau4 aH 'qtnLu aneq 7 pnr.u I L arclanql pue elou t!ptltA's1ql aqdsap'oslv le - ralleuus) sasnel) orr,r1 surol 1r - uorpunfuor e t qinoqqy . JaPro Pro A z i 'paleurwtrc aaaq i : j seq aq arclataqt. pus 'saWA aqa la pattad ad$ sn{ pauatat ay 'na{ qxund a4 'aw aj pa5 ].ual,eq naf isea1 }y 8uro6 i aql u! uolssrurrod pue uope3llqo }e - .uotltsoo stql u! rpat 'A.Jlew #A3U t{aql'Jatar'l.aq '! au4 aH 'usnw ,{tan uJlq pal,al atls .aluelues puores aql Jo elpp!uJ oql u! _ 'uorlrsod sLll ul pesn oq up) 60[ a8ed uo xoq oql ut slelqia^pe eql llv plnat {aq} 'Aileuj taAau nau4 aq 'ra^aaoH 'qsnu r{:aa wU pa^q atls 'etrualues puo)as eql 1o BuruurBaq aLll :saf,ueluas lo etualues eql u! ueql JoJ suorlrsod elqrssod earql ale ereql'sletqla^pe ele saselqd pue splo/v\ Joqtro eLF llv ',{er,r aues eql u! pesn aguet qdnoqlua a pue q6noq1 'urlq a4!! j,aap q6naqa1e 'uatutda stq padsat I 1 'uorwda s1L1]sadsat y 'w1q ary1 l,uap qdnaqllg 1 'suorlrsod elqrssod oml ere aleql.(serualues i i ftar, wlq paAol aqs '(pauorqsel-p1o/lptutoJ leqle.l slql leptsuo) eldoed {uer"u q8noqrle) eruolues puo)os aLll Jo pua aq} eql esooq) z pasn aq uet pe/v\olle eraM "r,"A 'elo^ l.ue)/uer,{eq] i 'euloq ! oE s;ry,,: 'sqloA AlPtltxne Pue ag qro^ q$[ 'Suguana ol pemolle Lusel^ / sen eqs .ptrts &en elaa,r slua.red s,eJan € 'palueM al leq^ op t,upln@ | Hn@eA lereqll{11eal sennlooqos{4 7 'pteq ,te,r \row ol a^eq 1,up!p I 'sJo Asue lf,oJto) ;leqt op ol ;s{ep.rn1e5 uo )JoA ol e^eq no{ o6 2 'Uo^ auoq iol {essa ue olp^ o1 1oE en,e6 9 ')rom ol oB o1 aneq l,uop I s 'lueM oM oq^ elt^ut ol paMolle el,a {1.rea eneel lsnrrr a A € loor.l)s lp sueaf teem l,upl I Z '11o slelreflno a)el l,ulsnul eAA L 'seruelues eseql ,o su.ro1 lsed oql ellr A Fii"iYli:n 'r"Ji;it"^qi;#; : t ol 'aton l,uplnot/plnor,{aq1 Ii oB o1 peq 'eu.roq oB o1 eaeq ; '.roq i i:1;i il:iii6ieiiliJ?' 1sed pu ut,1 'uaseat sqlro! 'a*suadxa flqusal st 6utsnaq 'I1nsa; e sy "f1n aql at 6ut"taw ase a1daar| atow pue arcpt1 qllm spro/\ . :os o1 Eurueeur relluls p '(s1q1) to a11ds u1 pue qbnoqluaaa't16noql epnpur sese;qd Lllns Joqlg '6utt1jfiue {es ],up!p aq 'raAar*aH 'saq t1!n fsSue fua,t sen nq:el tag q 6y7 71 ;1s s 1 pew{a1d tuaun 'sgqlalldsag 'iuu'asdutt aq ol siuaas t{utouasa at11 'pam fuat ua p6 au 'aw ueq] sa6unat{ qtnw s,at1s qfinoq4y :]ng o1 Sulueeuu Jeltuts e qltM splo A . xelat a7 nof sdlaq f11eat y'arcws,leqii.aEnlaxa truapatxa st eEaS ptolle luet y 'sppfssg '{epnaq ua aE a2 awq 1o6 l,uaaeq 1 'qot eql sluean {11ea.r aqs 'alow s,leqilt I JeAe/l,/.oq'pue snotltque ,lo^ell st eltoqs 1 qqlto " '3u1{1dde sdeal aq arclanql u1'{peetle seu!tr lpre^as pasn;er uoaq s,eH a71ds 'tl proJ1e t,upr e^ slqla4dsag / seprseg 'esnoq slqt ul lood Surur-urans p poau t,uop a '{epoq el A oltl oot / osle I pue ,Eurrls uo ueel {.ran u,1 v "1t E 'an8le leneu ea,r'Eurqf.rana l#al/alxa lnoqe suorurdo luale1Jrp oleq aA ilnsal e sV / qfinoql uaal 'lee{ aloq,rn aql leadar 1pnsaresy.r.rrexo lpurJ srq pelre, eH ot peq aq tafeld sruua3 ue asle t,aH 'salleqsoal seuotssaJotd e s,u;snat dptl :pue o1 Sulueau lplil.uts e ljltM spro A Buluea4 q6nor117y 'sre/(sue lf,eJlof, oql esooqf I sPro/n . 1 tuqu;1 ?$uivli"l 2 LINKINGWORDS atso for that reason atthough however as a resutt therefore besides what's more t 2 3 4 5 6 7 despite this CRIME AND PUNISHMENT to be arrested to be/get caught fo hc nr rni<hcd ls the meaning of the pairs of words similar or opposite? Write S or O. community service the death penalty a defendant 3 harsh / lenient to cause damage / to destroy to get caught / to be arrested to fight / to surrender to be ittegat / to be banned to go to prison / to be released to commit a crime / to sotve a crime into nouns for peopte. to hetp you. Change the words below to be released to go to prison / a prisoner Use a dictionary to be sent to prison to be sentenced hanging judge amuroer,::....:..::.: a 1 2 3 4 5 6 cRrME AND PUNTSHMENT TWORD FAMTLTES) to burgle / a burglary / a burglar to commit a criine / a criminal to kidnap / a kidnapping / a kidnapper to mug / a mugging / a mugger a prison a crime a burgtary a robbery a kidnapping a mugging to murder/ a murder / a murderer to rob / a robbery / a robber to shoplift / shoplifting / a shoplifter to find collocations OTHER to be banned to be tough to break the rules/law narsn illegat a dictlonary to find which words go together (collocations).Which verb collocates with'advice' in the regar definition below? to have the right to IO CaUSe Camage [en computsory a life sentence to destroy a prison sentence a deterrent to solve a crime to surrender fair to fight (in a battte) to go to court 1 You can use ient adr..ice /ad'vaIs/ rz [[Il an opinion you give someone about what they should c\o'. Cuu\d you giae rne unfair some adaice ct,bout bttui,rto a Lto'rne. 2 Notice that you to vanda[ise to be arrested to go to prison to get caught the box into the most logical order. released to commit a crime to be this information by tooking give /gd o (past tense gave /gerv/, past participle given /'gwenf 4 TELL SB STH [Tl to tel] someone information or detalls about something, or to tell someorLe what they should clo Let 'rne giue lJou sorne ddoice. I PRACTICE 1a Put the actions in can also find up the verb'give'. to be sentenced to go to court 3 Look up the words in botd in your dictionary, then complete the sentences. 1 2 The fitm a big effect on me. Att the noise from our neighbours it impossible to sleep tast - night. b Turn to page 129 to check your answers. 3 Did you _ att the questions right? 4 When the management said no, the workers on strike. 5 6 Marcel didn't | _ for his strange behaviour. advantage of his offer. a reason think you should - ened (pue 7 eqs) r (snore8uep eq 7 re8uerls eq1) q (sserppelaq reBuerls oqr llot 7 eqs) e 'qf,ntu ool il :8 :v zLuoorPeq ertxe ue plrnq no^ l,uprp ^q/v\ 'srooP eql jo auo aleldal 'paou otr lsn[ 1l :g | rer rno{ se6 :y epo8eLuep {1peq 'luauq)elle oql nol g g :g 'paqsPrl relnduor {r-u pue pa)rl) | :V t aql uo luouqrelle lreuro 'uoql'l! {1ure1rar ; :g 'rlers ,!an seM ulu oqj :V € leqf :€ e;1 'snore8uep 'Joor oql oluo dn se^ paqurll aH :V 'salou no^ ille le arnlral teql raqujerrer l,uel | - pa{ofua a^eq },uplnom pauado a^eq t,uplnoqs asroM uaaq e^eq Plno) Z :g :v L lso) a^eq PlnoM ua)el a^eq Plnoqs uollej a^eq Plno) 'ssorppe {uu .ro; pelse reBue.rls eq1 ,'w1l4 o1 1r ene8 | alrqm e .rol1v'lqBru auo eurluo raEuetls e ol 8ulltreql se/v\ l, 'xoq oql u; sese;qd aql qllm suollesra^uor eq1 e1a1duo1 (ou,(es / aq) l / 1) q (quuoq e aq L H3$T3YHd (ou {es 7 g) e aof',saf e &le: pres | 'Ppeue3 ol rq31g {u o1 otu pa)se .reEue.rls uo e8eped 11er-us P uaq^ iloollP aql le sPM I, z eqs) : (paddols (snora8uep 7 7 ,{eL1l) q (reqr auoP T l) e aleN ,'t]i,l e uroql rajjo o1 paddols I 'Suqrqqrlrq ueur oMl Mes I pue 1r.13;u auo auole Surnup spm l, eq1 leql tl {qm a^eq plnow 'ap.t.: *t zlaeq *e€q E,u???1*45 I 7, 'uleJl lsPl aql Passrru lsor-u1e ,{aql qtnt! os pe11e1 ,{eq1 (r,up;p eqs tnq ')lp^ ot req ro1 alqrssod sem ]r =) i,/- .: rL"'.i "'.,1'jFeYlg.{als4Fin.l? Ii..sean als =) +t;; +:*-!*c qTxs* ggtz*= (r,up;p aq tnq'umorp ot {**3 eql 0Jeou_to) roJ alqrssod seM ]r =) r.t.rrq *i: 'Fe#s4*;F *&,F3fi*= os 1 rt*; a^eq Hnoqs Z 9 r:t;sr.,rei (stqr op ot alqe s E 1 (plnoqs) 'saoqs asoLlt,{nq o1 1ou a)els!r..u e se^ se^ lsoule | '{ddeq E (r,uptp I tnq')ool o1 eepr poo8 e se^ tl:1ar8a.r lsed =) '3n. :iict'1 ! *:*j*ii :*i.tttat 2ii3 ui P33F**:Ftl.F??z*rys : (eapt poo8 e l,uspm l! pue 'apnr era,r,r nor(:usrrrlrn =) 'sle.r8e.r lsed lnoqe )let ot ro aldoed reqto es!)!l!r) ot srqtr osn uouo oA 'tr op r,uplp no,{ 1nq eql ur Surqlauos op 01 eopr poo8 e sea,n lr sueat! srql '1sed aldrrryed lsed + a^eqLuplnoqs )ulLll I Zesnoq reqr r{nq ,{aq1 r,up1p + se.a:t 'MOlOq Saruolues Z | (p1nor) 'euo{re^a pessr) ffi (uorlenlrs eqt Surur8er-ur uue 1 - uorlrsod s!r..1 ur ],usert | =) dlat4;*j p*pgc:**;.€tl *?*cr.t1 i':i.J:}:ttc :st' :i 'ueddeq r,up1p 1eql lsed eql ur Surqleu,ros Surur8euur JoJ slLll esn o n eld!)llrpd lsed + a^eqLuplnow I L 'sla))erq u1 slduro.rd Bursn sesuodsar ollJ A U uollpnlrs tlf,ea u! suop eneq no{ 'epeu eldoed euos suols!f,ap aql lnoqe ppa1 plno^ (r,uPlnoqs) 'req1a3o1 ssaursnq e 1lels 01 trleql roJ eopr peq p sem ll / (l,up1nor)'uurq dlaq o1 elqrssod l,useM 'lr {nq ol (plnoan) eapr poo8 e sem tr "p1*,;*al (p1nor) I I tl )ulLll (f,uplnoan) 'euole lle roq a^eal o1 Suolrvr se^ 'Liltq ?*!j,;Ea,l e;$Li i.L;!);.1*lit I (r,uplnoqs) 'u-rrq furer,u ol a)els!r.lr e se^ 'ueddeq t,uprp q)rq^^ lnq lsed eql ur elqrssod oJo^ r.l)!q^ sluo^o ro1 posn sr srql eldrrrped Ned + e^eq pqe L (aaeq p1non I e^eq plnoqs I a^eq Hnool sqJa^ lePou lsed ll 'slelf,eJq u! splo/v\ eql tu;sn se)uelues oql ollJ/v\au z --: 2 Write sentences about the past with Hypothetical situations in the past with f lf you are imagining possibilities in the past, we often use f I made a mistake. She shouted if i hadn't r'nade a mistake, she w*uldn't haue shci.rfed al me. to describe the hypotheticaI situation. {*e dsfayedat h*me that day,::e wosidfi'f &*ve met hiswif*. (condition) f. at me. 1 | 2 My girtfriend went out without me. She met another guy. fett itt. I didn't go to work. (resutt) Notice that after r/we use the Past perfect. This form is often the'third conditionat'. He wanted to check his emails in the bath. His computer got wet and broke. REMEMBER! She didn't learn from her mistakes. She did the same thing again. called We can also use might have or could have if we are less sure about what would have happenec. lf he'd {= he hed} wcrk*d hard*r, he might have gcf ff?ic university 1,11e cc{.dJd've wsn *l:e rompefrfro n if aur best player haCn't g*t i$j;;red. Tatking hypotheticalty about the past and present together Notice the dff.r.n.. between these two forms. lmaginary situations generally / in the present: + Past simple + would + verb lf i was*'* an actor, l'd be a nsusirian. . f . lmaginary situations in the past: f + Past perfect + would have + past participle lf !'d g*xe to ihe party,l nro*dd&aueseen her. tanding. 6 We listened to her advice. We made the right decision. 7 | answered the phone 8 My famity moved house. I had to change school. 9 lt rained.We didn't 10 Sometimes we want to talk about the past and present together. In this case. we can'mix'the two forms. ff:h* 3:cdstayed in her j*b, she w*u{.d be ricl:er n*w. (past) (present) lf i didn't trust 1nu, I w*uldn't lrave lent yau th* money. (present) A storm damaged the plane.They made an emergenry (past) you had taken acting lessons as a chitd? (be a Hotlywood star now) tf I'd tak** aering lessens as a child, l'd be a Hallywaod star naw. 2 | | | to I that/ gonelitl'd would/it/to I melif have / university /could / exam lembarrassed/happened / have / ll lhad/ been your/ now/forgotten /'d I be/ if / you / had / there / passportln'tlwe / | / started / | / known / how/n'tlhave/would 'd /the USA,/ Rick/ in/helhave/met if Mia / long / it / if / woutd / had /staved /would take I /n'tl n't/ Engtish as a child? (not be here now) you had invested a[[ your money in Coogte? (be rich now) you hadn't learnt to read as a chitd? (tife / be very difficutt now) it / would passed se[[ his sports car. What would be different now if ... 1 lost/'d / been /careful / if / more / you I n't I have / you / / to 3 Answer the questions. Use the prompts (or your own ideas) to write complete sentences. 1 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. | have a barbecue. He tost his job. He had 1 you had learnt *"ryn**ncqi while I was driving. I crashed the car. 4 you had fett itl this morning? (stitt be in bed now) you hadn't stayed out so late last night? (not feel so tired now) you had thought about the decision more? (not regret it now) 'slted ut slo^ sue rnod sredruof 'f;1 o1 a1ll plnoirt nod spop! orll eullropun € n n o1 ft1 pue ua1sr1 auMo rno^ jo seopl lorllo 'sp-ro,r,r Surssru.r oqtr laqulaural uaql'(,telnqe)o^ Mau lo sn)oJ reuluelS aqr'3'a) spto^ uleyof, lno a^eol 1nq auoqd alrqor-u tno,{ o}uo )ooq aql uolj soluoluas pjolou n fuLo,rn (r i 'esl^al 01 1ue,rn nod 1eq1 ;euuuer8 lo ,telnqeron oql Sursn sefueluas dn a1e61 uorlnlos (r sujaruo) (q elp -.rno{ l"oqBmloJe IJllIe{Jpr{sB ,o uors!ftoJP (r. teql aPDoP (q - ut (q sqJaa (: SutssrLu (q 1! )lel nor{ llal le 'rolnduot (q € erou8r (e t,uo6 Z rol (e - utalqotd e a^eq ALll 1 ety y ualqord (e -eqs'euu s,oqs ,{eane oB (q (r g aM Jl Suuou8r (e ;Lualqord slql ra^o deels ere: (q e 1oB 1,useq ur yos (r qllM ":i:il]:^T::ff#:: 01 setjeuJujns 'salnJ proM eql I 'arualuos qrea elelduol ol pro/v\ l)al:of, eqt asooqf - L 3)rl.fvud I pparou z 1eq1 s.remsue ,{ue )ool 1r1ds o1 eneg 1no (e l! lJos uef oM re^o 3urso1 srualqoral rru, aqtr )laql reuuel8 oql ol ))eq o3'sr-ue1qo.rd eneq nor{;1 'asl^€r otr lue'r,r nor{ leql llun aql ulot} Jeqtrlauleu olrlle.rd ,(pn15 ur u!e8e sostflaxa errpeJd eq1 o6 'lau!ed e to lsal'estlol o} lelll llun eql uorj lstl sarer (e 'lr lnoqe au uorsnap (e rnor( apeu-r no,( /10^ Jo{rr8lFoup V 1eoq3.o sad,t3 l)urlsur () 'p'lro^ aql IVOS Afl ENI1TUAVUJ 1no - o6 'r-ualqotd aqt '1 lnoqp Surqlar-uos n ureor or luem nod D I n ;1as-rnor{ luem no{ .sast).laxa aql oP lllrs uel no{;g ees uaql'ul ualtuM ereq no{ 1n0 qnu'ast^ar otr luean no,{ leql llun eql Jo suotllas pue snro; a8enEuel eq1 q8notql ))eq ,telnqerol le)tulouola dn Butqlar-uos q8ra,r,r o1 )]|ll atueql t apepl ro^ou nof a^pq q)rql 2esn nor( op sanbluqrel uols!^ol osaLll to qllq/v\ 'esl^al l,uop I esneleq slsal ut 11etr ,Qen op l,uop ,slsol I PuiuleltP e auoauJos esr)r1rJf, e 1e:r3o1 aq o1 1:erluorTqof e peloj]o aq o] PasnJuol oq 01 e raluPl ol Io ol ue JA)eaos lPuorle^rlout e q}M alPqs ol Anlsal i(1auo1 aq ol / ssaullauol (reoq e 1o) Man aql uotstllo) e e elqoqo e a)er aql uoPuPqP 01 lHr )H-NV'I.tV q 1 p ol ;1es:no{Tauoautos auiplq a^rlrnlur eq 01 suo) pue so:d aql lstl e e)Pul ol tnof ol uorlpnlts e ldel)e ulHlo rPaJ ]POq 1ou peprrep ,{eq1 e5 1err3o1 a1er.u leuotlPl a)Pul ol leul'tou se uo {;:e: ol atuoq aleJ P raq1a3o1 rte1s o1 01 leuotlel eq alqerlar alp P Morql/llol ol lrlsrlelej aq ol ureldxaTanrS o1 aUOaU:OS arrtB O1 a:tnpe ,vrarn;o lurod e)Pl ol do1 rno,{ molq o1 1r1ds o1 dn Z E {lenrpage aJoul asllor ol lueM | }nq ul )O op I Z 'uols!^ol Jo slol op I osne)aq stsel u! lla^ op I L sluauolels esaql lo qtrlq/v\ t 2nor( saql.Dsep lsoq snoasneu lae] a1e, r(1en;1retr;e as!^eu rlrJols luelot^ auoar-uos l.roddns =,=::j=::tFE€,= JaMOre/MOtOl 'raqleSol ,{e1s o1 paprrep ,{aq] q 'dn 'suolsllep 'suorsrfaP SSOU)V 9Nt/v\OU ev I 'uollentts orltr poldette q 'leulou se uo paute: ^aql {eq1 eE 'suol pue so.rd aq1 dn paqBrean aq5 q Surqlaluos reno daals asol o1 uorlnlur/sllutlsur tno[ relluts saf,uelues esaql orv ualqo:d B a:ou8r o] suraluol a^eq o1 1snl1 o1 rano SurqlaLuos 11e1 o1 1no 'o)ueqt e e)el o1 PaPt)aP oqs ez '1no ualqord oql polros aH q 'ualqord aql paiou8r ap el 2(C) lue.regrp.ro (5) 8u;ueeu ut ualqold e Uos ol q1;m Llalqord P a^eq 01 :;laqtedr-u'(s aq o1 uotsDeP e a)euJ 01 r(eitne oB o1 PloM Aql ul ajes e e^eq lou ol sNotl.nl0s oNV shE'lsoud Z #gzueE r 2 3 4 5 6 7 € ffi€e#ffi#Eru* J: - =- -- n, wnat s yo"r rrrr ...1, pi.ir.i B: lt's Merhab ... M-E-R... A: Hey, great to see you! How are you doing? B: Yeah, l'm good, thanks.And it's really good to be here. A: And ... could you te[[ me your fu[[ address? B: lt's Flat 4 ... A: So which part of Argentina do you come from? B: From near Buenos Aires. Actuatty, I onty arrived here from S5o Pauto a few hours ago! A: Reatty? How was your flight? B: Oh, it was fine, thanks. A: So did you have a good journey? B: Yes, I did actua[ty, but it was [ong! A: What's your marital status? 9 € 1 2 3 4 A: A: A: J: *€€#R#€f** e A: J: A: J: #ru*? 3 *gcGn*truG * r rf"^a *iy too rulf ii." trauettin!. vy relufar aaity.o.."t. l"!i"t actually it is. What's your postcode, please? Where exactly do you [ive? How's your job going? A: Do you speak any other languages apart from Engtish? Yes, B: No, I don't. 5 5 7 8 Do all your family speak Engtish? Coutd you te[[ me your date of birth? 2 A: Did you have a nice holiday? B: Yes thanks, I did. A: Have you got any brothers and sisters? B: No, I haven't. UFjEE g€e#R#Er** f Wf'.t t = the ingtisn wori tor, thirZ = 2 How do you pronounce this word? 3 How do you spe[[ your name? 4 Which page are we on? 5 Could you explain that again, please? 6 Could you say that again, please? 7 What's today's homework? 8 Coutd you write it on the board, please? 3 #S€g? Rge*R*Er.€* 5 j=less l=nnn = A: 4 J: Hi,Jess. So, haveyou got any photos of your birthday party? Hi, Ann - yeah, just a second ... where are we ... oh yeah ... here's me with some friends. That's my best friend Lydia - | think you've met her, A: Yeah, I know Lydia, course.And who are the haven't you? J: think she's in her second or third year. And here's some more of my family. Aah, that's a nice photo... is that your brother Joe... the one who's wearing sungtasses? Yeah, that's my big brother! And what's he doing nowadays? He's away at university ... we[[, he's home for the holidays at the moment, obviously. So where's he studying? Manchester- he's living in a student house with fourotherguys. He really likes it there. Oh, that's good.And who are the others in the picture? That's my dad in the middle, my cousin Harriet and Andy, my uncle. Aah, it looks like a really nice party. Yeah, it was great. Shame you couldn't come ... Yeah, I i i""rnpr" A: ls this your fiist visit to London? B: isn't she? J: J: J: A: Have you got any family? B: Just my parents. A: And are your parents OK? B: Mum is but Dad isn't very we[[, l'm afraid. a**:€AV A: J: B: Singte. 8 A: J: Yeah, he and my granny are sti[[ really active ... they travel a[[ over the world and go out a[[ the time ... they're amazing realty. That's brilliant. And here's one of me with Luxmmi, an old school friend of mine. I think you've totd me about her before - she's training to be a doctor, two guys? Tom and Satiba.They're old friends of mine, too. Saliba lives in the same street as me - I've known him for years. He's going out with Lydia at the moment, actuatty. A: Oh, very nice.And what's Lydia doing these days? J: She's working in a DIY shop at the moment, which is reatty boring apparentty, but she's decided now that she wants to be a social worker so she's applying for lots of courses and things. A: Oh, good for her. J: And here's another one - my little sister and my grandpa. Wow - is that lsabet? She's getting so big... I remember her when she was really smatt. Ha, she's pulling a face! J: Oh, she always pu[[s faces in photos. I don't know why. So how old's your grandfather? He's 81 now, I think... he's getting quite old. J: A: He looks we[[ for his age, doesn't he? 5 at about seven in the morning. Um, I leave my house, then walk to the tube station. From there I take the tube for six stops, then I hop on the train, er, for about ten minutes, then I take anothertube for one stop, and then finally I take another train for about 20 minutes, and then it's a two-minute watk to work. The whole journey takes about an hour and a ha[f, I wou[d say, and that's on a good day; on a bad day, it could take up to three hours, and it's reatty, really boring. l'm one of those peoplewhojust don'tthinkthere areenough hours in the day. l'm on the go the whole day [ong, from the moment I get up in the morning, um, to when I ro[[ into bed at night. I have a rea[[y busy job where l'm on my feet alt day. I usuatly end up working through my lunch break because there's so much to, to go on, um, and I would finish up work at about 5, 6 o'clock in the evening. Er, I normalty woutd then, er, meet up with friends in the evening, um, have them over for dinner, um, and I spend a lot of time talking with my famity over Skype or some friends on the phone, um, though l'd probabty like to spend more of my time doing that. Um, as I said before, there just isn't enough time. | spend, er, quite a lot of time looking after my daughter. Um, obviousty when my wife's there we share looking after her and playing with her and things. But, um, my wife goes out to work, er, three or four nights a week, so when I get in from work, er, she goes out to work, and I finish off the dinner, look after my daughter, ptay with her, have dinner with her, give her a bath, brush her teeth, er, read her a couple of stories, put her to bed, sing some songs. I really enjoy it. Um, it's a great opportunity to kind of have one-to-one time with my daughter. Oh, I can be so unproductive when l'm supposed to be writing an essay or, um, doing work of some kind. Um, l'll go on, on the internet to, um, to do some research for whatever topic I need to write about, um, but then I get, start looking at other things that l'm more interested in. Um, I dunno, maybe news about celebrities, or I might be downloading music. Um, and after several hours, I still haven't started researching my essay. l'd tike to have more time to watk my dog. Um, at the weekends I have lots of time and I take her for a lovely long wa[k. Um, in the week, it's always a bit of a rush and I never get a chance to rea[[y enjoy it properly, so I wish I had more time for that. ''' ueeq s,leql Lup | ')O e $lupql'lla A iaraql SuroB lear8 tol '3ur1eurrse1 {11eer 1nq ur alrl seM osnoq lleus s,1 ',tnluac q16L aqr^lelrurlap uoPuol e leqM Moqs 01 saul uinasnu aql Pue laerls ra)e8 uo Pa^ll seluloH )rouaqs'qooq aLil ul'uoPuol leJtrual ur laails ia)P€ uo s,ll :I ;unasnui aql s,areq1 'sauols seuloH ))opaqs anol I 2{11eaX :J ))ouaqs e s,alaq1 2saLuloH alrqM oml ro auo otr oB 'urnasnu saujloH pollaqs zsauols a^ll)elap pear no,{ o6 Zpuauruoral nof op sauo q)rqA 'areql ur,l ol a)rl p,l 1nq'uos.rad urnasnur e,{11ear 1ou r-u,; /surnesnur tnoqe tpql " ;araq1 oB ol a^eq | - raap a^ol | 'r.l0006 'o3,{1e1ru11ap plnoqs no1raop }o stol - raep ere ereql pue " ol lupM no,t;r auo,tana uorl ,{er'le 1a3 ue: no,{ lnq 'Jrnrs pue s:ru>rd Surneq pue sarlruie, reqt ql!/v\ Bu!)leM pue 3urp,{r pue 3ur33of aldoad 1o s1o1 are araql pualaaM aql tp 'ueau I '(1rr 8tq e ut ar,no{ 1eBrol tsouile uel nor( pue uopuol ur yed lseBBrq oqt s,ll'Llea zqeo :I :l 'oJaql Pa^ll I uaqM )leo atuno^eJ i(r-u sea,r 1eql 1red puouq)ru ol oB plnoqs no{'ar1uar,{1r: aq1 r-uorl ,(eme fep 3urxe1a.r e a^eq ol 1ue,r,r nor(;r lng'snoureJ lsor.! aql s,ll pue uopuol lerluel ur yed 1sa33rq eqt s,)red epr{p'speol aJe eraql'qpa1 s1r roj snoureJ s,uopuol 2qred lnoqe leqm puy'1earB spuno5 'erat11 8ur,(pn1s pue 3urnr1 quepnls lol .POOD ur Preeq ],ua^Pq leq6 lear8 spunos .l_ |'qo :J ser,r 1eq1'auel )i)rJ8 Puaululolal sle)reui 1eer3;o speol eje ajaql tol e sPM uaql :I l!'loof :f ll}lell 3qf 'd1aq ,{ue rol )se l,uplnor aM os')roM tr,uprp orper aql'teoq aql u! P3)ool eM uaqM os 'Parels alrnb ararvr aM Pue 'Lun r{ddoq: ro3 eas aql PUe ,{putm r{lan eule)aq 1l :paBueqr raqleaM aql !e 'aql eutl aures aql le osle Pue 'un 'eas aql spiemol lno 3ur1eo11 pauels leoq aqf')rnls aram aM 'uin 'oS '3ur1.ronrr paddols aur8ua'tun'aqt pue'aut8ua aql u1 dn moqauos o5'paddorp sr roqlue aql uaqrvr aur8ua pa13ue1 1oB edo: aqt !a'aql asn l,uplnoqs nor( 1eq1 Moul l,uPrP I lnq'alrqM alllll P roJ lllls ,{e1s '.re 'pue roqrue aq1 dorp 01 papoap eM'ra 'aM uaql lng Sutqlequns araM aM Moul no{ !a 'pue Surulqs sem uns eql 'sem l! - {1artu altnb 1;o pa1.rels lr'urfl'lseol aql punor lres pue oB ol leoq e aJrq ol paprlap aM uoouraue auo puy',{1r>r5 ur {epgoq uo sPM I uaqnr'o3e srea,{ o,tq lnoqe sem lr 1a 'pue 'peualq8u; ,(11ear ser,r I uaqm eurl e sem 1r 'o5 '1q8t5 'AePol lr requ.raurar lllts oqM Pue Mou) I leql aldoad Jo slol Jo 1uo.r1 ur Sursserequra os'os seM lr lnq'auU sem ; ,{1;auq {.ran'r-un'}no pa)lelq I pue ppaq aql ur eur l!q SurMs aql pue 'eart oql JJo uealr llal 01 Peq)eue se,u Burnns aql leql qluerq eql Pue '{ep reqlo ,{ue op plnor* 1 se 'un '3ura,rs aq} oluo paduunf I i(ep stql uo ser,r I uaqm au apeLu peq pep,(Lr reqr uapreB aq1 ut aarl - spueul reql pue s-raqluau ,{1rr.ue; ppq I pue {r-u 1e uap.reS aql ur sPM 'esnoq aql puno.r Euraq .raq lsnf o1 pasn os 1oB uorqse, pup sluapnls lre Jo lol e s,araqt lng ,(1ear e s,11'ool'araql aJour s,leql 'leql jo ,(Lu lnq'uopuol asJo/\^ areM eraql asnelaq ,{1red e Surreq aram i(aql 1 'ul1'1 'Surssellequa 1rq e s,1; 'ure8e raq puno; reneu eM 'ra 'pue 11o ma11 lsnf aqs pue 'uado sem roop )leq aql'SulqseM auros qlrl\ ur aLriel raqlour {r.u i(ep auo 1eq1 - araql ' eare i(ue zalrl lr ,(;leuosrad isla)reLu o^ol I Zslelreur tnoqe )r}lerl aql ueql € 11e am',{ep auo asnelaq laq o1 pauaddeq leqm Mou) ,(11enpe 1,uop | 'Lun "'lnq':ruar8{q fuan l,useM qlrqM 'o)nes aql ur punore pl)s pue a1e1d aql oluo dunf,{11en1re p,aqs aurilauurp Suunp sautlauuos 1l'lr Maql pue Lreq i(r.u oluo dr-unf p,eqs ro'3ur1rrru sem I alrqm uad ,{ru oluo dunf p,aqs uaql pue ')JoMauroq ,{r-u prp 1 alrqnr Paq aLll Jo aPrs eql uo lls P,aqs pue sltelsdn raq a)el p,1 pue Surq:rad sem aqs Ja^ereqm,Jo 'ra 'dn raq 1:td p,1 pue lool]fs urorj auoq aurol ol Pesn I Puv'aLuel ,tan aueraq aqs,{1)]tnb alrnb 'un 'esneraq lensnun ,(11ear seM prq slql ln€ 'seM lr rea,{ qrtqm raqLriaurer l,uel l'LUn 's:rdur,{16 aql 1o rea{ aql'Ja'seM l! asneleq elll6 raq paueu J'arllg pa11e: er8pnq elllll e seM 1r pue {11enpe 1ad spM ueqM sen 11 e peq :o rU31e n1,(ur :ted 1:a1e1 'ralel qaam I -aulu 11oqe I ]________________a-qruaure] * *F€g*E*3reaN s.rea,{ 95 pau.reuu ,(lrddeq MeJ e a:e1d 1oo1 Surppa,r,r 11r1s I t Z&7"&* are i(eq1 ,(lSulzeule Pue aql ipaBe8ua a.ra,r,r r{aql 'allsplmaN paqrear ,{aql ar-ur1 aql r(g 'paureur 1a3 01 PaPDaP Pue a^ol ut 11a; {aql ',{aurnof aq1 Buunp Moqauros asnef,aq 'uralqord e l,user'l {snotnqo 1t 1nq 'arur1 3uo1 e alrnb .I Ued Luo-l..:I 'Mou aq1 11e rol paddols urerl &274tr= aq1 '1urod auo lV'allselMey ,{1peq r(11eaj Bur,uous sem 1r ,{11ua.redde :alqural seM o1 ,{ent laqleeM aqf 'seurlsuq3 roj sallrupJ rlaql aes ol euioq Suto8 a:am uaql,o qloq pue 'uopuol ur slsrleurnof aq o1 Sututer] aram [!eql ]o qloq tnq 'allsesMaN uror] eraM Luaqt Jo qlog 'uourruor u! lol e PPq {aql lPql paralo)srp uoos {aq1'Bur11el palrels ,{eql alrqm e re4e os ',{au:no[ 3uo1 e senr 1t sr{ep asoql u! Pue'ure-r1 r{q allse)MeN ol uoPuol r.uo.t;3u11lerrel1 ararvr fuL i(e^ eqr sl Mou) itu3ls rltueuol r:o-- i(aql rau lueledpue-L8 "qI | z *748*W*==E A ZAW{Z 9 'Mou srxet aql urorJ luerelJlP llq e aiaM ueql srxel aqf s 'raqlo q)ea ol relluls r(ren aram sJe) aql lle's0s6L aql ul t s8urplrnq ruo.r;1ue.reg;p r(1e1e1duor aJaM ueqt sButpltnq aq1 E 'sauo uraPour se oues aql ,{lpexa aJeM uaql sua^Pe aql z sauilf ol reiluls tuer s1ool sos6l all ul arenbs sauli I * *ruE*E*==H pue'alllll alrnb fraq: e'un'uo 3ur,ns slql - araql aldoad Jo slol )ulql I Pue'asnoq ,slueted aroLlr lr sa)ieu q)rqM'plo a1rnb,{11enpe sem I os'zL ro L L lnoqp')ulql I 'sem I uaqm aur o1 pauaddeq lpql SurLlloLuos lo,tots e sr s1q1 ra'lq31x 'Allear Pes zrqd!r 'q-red '1r a^ol ll,noA'oor'a;11rq3;u pue sqnl) roj pooB s,1r pue - eqa eraqr'rfue puu l,uoM no^ s8urql Mou) saqlolq pauBrsap ,{llenprnrpur pue }Jnls aBelurn 1oo: ,{nq uer no1 no,{ p aJe 'auel ))1r8 ur a,usuadxa ool lou s,il Pue'PuoM aql rs^o lle.Luor, pooJ lpa o1 areld lear8 e s,uopuol 'poo; )ruqla pue sarJJnl strr ro; snoueJ s,lr os'uopuol lsel Jo eare rqsapelSueg leuorlrpprl aql s,auel lllJg 'aluno^eJ p,1 'alaql SuloB PuaLuuio)al {1a1rullap p,1'aldoed qllem ol a:e1d learB e s,11'lno Sueq 1sn[ pue sllelqooq eqt te ${ooq ro, )ool pue ranu aql umop pue dn 11e,r,n uet nof Pue 'sdoLls pue sgJer osle aJp ajaql lnq ')upg qlnos aql uo slleq ue)uol pue sarleoqlJo slol are ereql'ePrs qlnos eql uo saurPqlre^ru eql ol lxau ealp aql'Moul no,{ "'1ueg qlno5 eql ta;atd qrnu I flleuosrad 1nq '3urql;o uos lpql ioJ areld snor.ue4 lsoLu aql s,uepreD tua,ro) ssan8 | 'a;aqdsourle aql,{ofua lsnf rr,roul no,('pue aaJJo) e aAeL{ Pue lnoqe )leM lsnf o1 sa:e1d 1ea-rB 1o s1o1 a.re a.raql r(11ea.r 'aJrl traerts "' 1snI pue sla)reur "'surnasnur "'qred ;o1 lear8 s,uopuol'uetrs ol araqM Mou)t ol preq s,ll O/\Al .:ll:.1=f LL *?ee*w*3#& € &474r* I / '^ ou ueql sua^pe laMsJ lol e aJaM ereql's056|. aql ul 'Mou uorlnllod aql se Peq se l,useM uaql uollnlloo eqf ',r,rou -:y lltnbs 'Pa1:oqs {1;ear araa,r {aq]'1r lnoqe 3ur11e1 sem doqs seM leqM luelsrsse aql polse aql ur auo,ten3'Suruaddeq 3ql olur luaM I MoPulM PUP ooqs doqs e ur snlaqluo sMau aqtMps l'umolur Sulddoqssem I alrqlA 'iaqllauiar 1 'sai(a:aq uo dn-a1eu-t Jo lol e aroM s,{er*1e aqs pue'sa,(a )ieP Pue rPq )reP,tan peq aqs Pue S - lurqr |'sz lnoqe - 3uno,{ allnb sem aqs pue ,(a,rrd5 ssrhl seM aureu JaH t ',{lqeqord uo lleqlooJ Sutq:1ela sem I au!l teql lV € 'nI 'uMo Al.ll uo "'laq sPle/\^ol Pa)lPM I Pue roop aql 1e pareadde tune etuno^e; fu-r',(1uappn5'spueq ,(ru Surploq 'pa.re:s ,Oan pue pauront &arr aJaM aM'la 'se A lr aurl eql le lnq 'sn pen)sar pue aurel ,(aql'aq,teLu Jnoq ue leq lnoqp JaUp os 'lpoq aql sn are8 oqm aldoad aq1;o raqunu auoqdalat aql puq ol pa8eueu puau;pr8 {u asneraq )O sem lr pua aql u! 'ln€ ,{11ear sem aql aram uotleredsap faql - sluared sem lr :op ol leqm Mou) l,uprp aM pue {purm sem lr 'plol eram aM 'leoq Suruo: Jalem spn a:aql'Luq ',{poq,{ue Surpeluol Jo {eln ou peq ))nls aq euuo8 aJaM aM lq8noqr alA fu qr;m 3u;1lem se/\A I pue plo sqtuoLu I eurl lsrl1 aql roj umo {r-u uo "l'iqr ur l -,_ llqs allqM aM asnef,aq 'Lun 'tqBlu llp alaql Bur11e,r,r E L lnoqe laquieuier {pee1r ue: 1 2 e pue.;ue3l3u11ean s"^ uot::l rser ! | :l]tll3ur L *r€=#E*3reW7 eEru# -... "r. air€ET 4 Rge*R*:&r* = to believe they have other skills, Some people are so famous that it's hard but this week in our'Fabulous facts'slot, we're focusing on famous people and their hidden talents! #f€€? 4 R*{*R*Efa€# 3 1 Barack Obama, for example, is not only one of the most famous politicians in the world, he has also pubtished severaI books, including a book for children called Of Thee I Sing: A Letterto My Daughters. He wrote the book in 200g for his two daughters - as leader who has ever done this! And what about modern celebrities? Do they have the same hidden talents? Wel[, some of them do. Pop singer Shakira, for example, doesn't just produce international hit records - she has learnt to speak six languages! Wow! And since she became successful in 1995, she has also founded schools for ooor children a[[ over Columbia, her native country, and has raised tens of millions of pounds for charity. What a woman! And Brad Pitt is not just Hollywood's leading actor, he's also an architect! He has apparently been interested in architecture since he was young and has studied the subject for many years. He has even designed a restaurant and an apartment b$ilding! Even royals these days have surprising ta[ents. Kate Middteton, the Duchess of Cambridge, is a keen sportswoman, and before she was engaged to prince Wi[iam, she trained to row across the Engtish Channel to France * a total of 34 kilometres - as part of an all-woman team. Unfortunately, she couldn,t take part in the end. lt was too dangerous because so many photographers were planning to follow her boat... what a shame! ugqtT € 1 2 A: Have you looked on the coffee table? lt's usually there. B: Yes, I have. lt's not there, l've looked. Hang on. Oh! lt was in my pocket a[[ the time! you might guess from the title! Obama isn't the only politician to appear in bookshops. Winston Churchi[[, the famous British prime minister, was also an author and an artist. Over the course of his life, he wrote over 70 books and oainted more than 500 pictures. In 1953, he won the Nobet prize for Literature - the onlv world Rge*R*'ru* A A: What's the matter? B: l've lost my mobile. Have you seen it anywhere? A: I can't believe you've lost it again!Why don't you keep it in your pocket? B: OK, so l've lost it again. Have you seen it? A: Have you looked on the coffee table? lt's usualty there. B: Yes, I have. lt's not there, l've looked. Hang on. Oh! lt was in my pocket a[[ the timel A:... I didn't recognise you for a minute.you look so different. You've changed your hair it's really nice. I tike it! B: Oh, thanks, and you look really we[[, too.you've lost weight, haven,t - Uru€? OK, so I was born in Ankara in 1 990 and I spent my chitdhood there. Er, I started school, um, primary schoot, in 1996. And it was at primary school, when I was ... eight, that I started learning English. I remember my teacher was really strict in class, but we a[[ loved her. l've been learning English ever since, because, wet[, because my primary school teacher taught me to love the [anguage, I guess! And then, when I was 12, we moved - my famity and | to lstanbul... so that was in ... 2002. I reatty didn't want to move, I remembel so my dad had to buy me a guitar when we moved, you know, as a present, and I started having guitar lessons. So, what's next? Um, I teft high school and started university in 2OOg... studying business ... e1 | was there for four years. And ... in 201 l, I met Selim and, um, we've been going out together since then. And, do you want to know if l'm in [ove? Ha! l'm not telling anyone; it's a secret! And after | left university, in 2012,1 started working for my uncle's import-export business. It's a really nice job and I get to use my business ski[[s, so that's great. What else can I te[[ you about my tife? Wett, a[[ those guitar tessons weren,t a waste of time because now l'm in a band ... it's called yedi Kizler. lt means 'seven girls'inTurkish.And we're calted that because... it's obvious really... there are seven of us in the band and we're a[[ girls! Um ... actually, l've been in three different bands, but this one is definitely the best.Anyway,yedi Kizter started in 2010 and we've played about 20 gigs and we've got a few fans | think we've got about 500 followers on Facebook. And what else? Wett, l'd reatty like to get a flat of my own - it's reatty crowded in my parents'flat. l've been looking for ages, um, for something I tike and that I can afford,just to rent... and today I think maybe l've found the right one! Finatly! l'm so excited! UrugF 4 ia iir.l" i- A: Wett, yes, a bit. l've joined a gym. A: Tony, is Jiang stitl here? minutes ago. A: Oh, no. l've missed her. Has she locked her office? C: I think she has. B: Yes. A: We've finished the test. Can we go now? B: Not before the others have finished.Adam, how are you getting on? Have you finished? 5 A: Let me see ... er... Pierre, have you met Karimah, Karimah Safar? B: Yes, I think we have. We met at the conference last year, didn,t we? C: That's right. I remember. Nice to see you again. B: You too. A: Karimah has joined our London office so you'[l see a lot of each other. ""'i".i" ir.,. * i"iil;;;;;iil;w.i;;;.;;n'. oeca." But the reason I really admire her is because she hasn't let fame and money change her.White she was playing Hermione, she continued to work hard at her studies and she refused to leave school and become a full-time actress.When she finished the Harry potter films, in 2009, she decided to go to university. She went to the famous Brown University in the US. lt's inspiring to find a celebrity who stit[ believes in the value of education. A: Miss? C: Sorry, I haven't finished yet. Can I have another five minutes? B: Yes, OK. R€<*R*Ir€G famous ptaying the role of Hermione in the Harry potter films. She started acting in those films when, when she was just 11 years old and continued for the next ten years. She's won many awards for her acting skilts and she's appeared on the cover of magazines all over the world. She's exceptionally talented and clever. B: She was here a minute ago. Perhaps she's just gone out for a minute. C: lf you're looking for Jiang, she's gone home - she left about ten 4 4 RgC*R*Cr€* 4 Meltem you? 3 A: What's the matter? B: I've lost my mobile. Have you seen it anywhere? A: I can't believe youVe lost it again! Why don't you keep it in your pocket? B: OK, so I've lost it again. Have you seen it? aJffiY 4 Rffie*R*=*{* vv .lri""li"; i;;il. i;il'.ti"" i- * n*.iJ ii-in" nij..ii'" i'"tbauer LioneI Messi. He's the most talented footbatler of his generation, but he's still charming and dedicated. When Messi was I 1, he was diagnosed with an i[[ness.The treatment cost S9OO a month. Messi's family weren,t rich, so Messi left home to join FC Barcelona and the club paid for his treatment. This was a good deal for Barcelona, because Messi went on to score hundreds of goals for the club. Messi has done a lot for chitdren in his home country. He founded a charity which helps children get the education and health care that they need. I think he's an excellent role model for boys and young men everywhere, because he shows that you don't have to be selfish and egotisticaI to be successfu[. Zou )o se/{ Kes no^ op,,{auor.ulo; no{ slse uos.rad ssaler-uoq e;1 71 ^lipnsn sluaql Zsan11a1 o1 Buotms{pmles,lt )utqlno^oC tt 2alqeldartell Zreqreal aql ol Sulqtauros ,(es noi( plnom'1sa1 e ur Surleaqr sem selpujssell Jno^ Jo euo Jl OL 2qsr13u3 uelrJatuv pue qsrtug uaamlaq aruoral;rp aql llat no^ uef 6 Zlanup leLilo aql ol ^iros lnor( seru t! pue luapole Jpl roulu e peq no,{ 41 g (es nof plnoan '11ne1 Zlol e Jlo nof llallooqrsrfueurud ur siaqrealtnoi( pr6 2 ,,(|r.uej tno,( u| g zslealu ajo]aq tar(B.rd e ,(es r(1lensn no,{ op 2{eprloq 1se1 tno,{ lnoqe Butqlaulos aut llal nof uef S 7{lnll a{l llel no{ plnonr'uoluldo palse aqs pue alflslreq s,puar:;.rno{ paleq nor(11 7 lnoi( lnol ur no,{ lueql pue a,{qpooB ,o11aq i(es no{ ue3 g 2seBenBuel luala1jtp o1 1eqa,r no{ 11e1 aqs ro aq prc zratsrs ro raq}orq replo zqsll8:r ul sal:t ^ue 1e1 1o{ ue: _esa)o[ ,r'31'J; Iel ual-: ts *rutGHG3HH ;#;: :3{ * oc a t g*g-dft 11r15 sem I Jt su lsel aql 3ql 'auo larnb {-ran e {q pemollo, asrou pnol {11eat e;o:ateulq8ru aues PPq ueuo peq r{aq1 ualpltqr sp teql pals^olstp ua^a sutS aql.eueupv sppe,looq)s 1e sapet8 eules aql 1oB pue slseralut aules aql,sLusltauueLu auies aql a^eq e Ar'preulef sr(es ,,aul a111 3ur11e1 ,ar-u a1rl 3ur11enr sem aqs 'aui sple Aol auel eqs sv, .ltpula ,{q SurlaaLu s,pleuocrN aql poSuelle ,(aq1 pue qrnol ur s1.rrB or'r1 eql tnd urlsnl,fepqilrq eql Bur,r,ro11o1 'aqa auoeuros ro; raq 8ur1e1sru {1tea1:'o11eq ptes pup paltLus uago sndue: ftrsla,uun ,raq uo sra8uerls leql palrlou {pearle peq ereurpl,lfeJ ul.s:alsrs aq o1 peq faql - rareal) 1oB 1r ueql'ur1sn[ s{es ,'eueupy a)!l qrnu os pa)ool aqs - pa)]oqs lsnf selr 1,'sar(a srq aletlaq l,uplnol aq ,eleulpf Mes pue ut pa1lem aq uaqy' 'i{ued,(epqulq qlOZ s, erpuel ol tua^'s,eueupv Jo pueu; e,erollel urlsn I rueql'urml ,uJoq aram lelrluapr up peq faql leqr eapr ou peq faql rnq ,(aq1 uaqln uorldope .ro4 dn ueql uanrB peq leqtou raql teql Burmoul dn mer8 sUtB qrog'Jaqloui ueltxo6 eulps aql sem pateqs r{aq1 Burql luelrodLur tsotu oql lng doq drq penol qloq pue tq8laq eujes eqt l{Il)Bxa araa,r,{aql'^epqfllq e parpqs,taqt.yede sallauroltl gE {1uo dn umotB peq ,{aql pue')ro1MaN 'pue1s; Buol ur sarlrsre^run Suunoqq8rau lp sluapnls qloq araM si{es,11asr(r.u Sulaes a)tl spM lt - pa1:oqs os lsnf sem ; ',,rq,,^aqf'eueupy lderxa ,{es o1 1eqa,r mou) l,uplp l,'lanaloJ po8ueqr santl ltaql @ ::Pleuocrh] ]e ol t l:11ors euP|PVletll lqet e:e-u-P-] * :aq/\\ _13rufl8 'peluelet {lqrpattur r{1durs sr aq asne)eq utM ol saruasap eq )u!qr | .ueulsuoas palualel e osle s,aq's11r1s SurLutoitad stq lle Luolj pedy.le poo8 sr aq Jo JaqLunu aqt sr xxol arutef lnoqe Surzeute s,1eq41 leql sBurql :1 'vsn aql ul urnqle euo Jaqulnu p peq pue lelsg ue uom alpq ol slstue JnoJ fluo 1o auo s,ag 'sauluno) lueraJ1tp ro stol ut sueqr aql ro dot aql ol ouo8 seq )tsnLu stq pue 'rfey LulU aql ro] letsg ue Surpnlrur ,Burpe srq Jo; splerr,re ,(ueu uom s,aH'Joluaseld Moqs otppt pue uetpeutol lalum8uos-taBurs,lope xx,ol alulpf sl plen'rv uol1aldsul aur erl0f '-t]l1t'v pa)se aH .nry 3unI r.uoty lteu]a ue se/v\ 'pareaddear PJPaq I :I u" :l :lue[ 101 €il *ruE*H*==H ':",11 l& l:s :es au:v sl Prely uolellds:! :!r lol ^ry ,ol1'rl1:: ^r,.r e s et *ru9*E*33H * 38ru* 'papoe))ns aq pue plJo^ aql a8ueq: o1 peluem aq asnetaq 'alaqa,rioana aldoad Sunoi( to] 3.loj ue s,aH lualla)x3 lapotx ,u-rrq 'aldoad raqto lnoqp saie) aq tpql sMoqs ro; fauout 1o 1o1 lllls ll fnq e 1ou ,(1qeqo.rd s,tt os'qlu f:a,r s,a;1 .VSn aql ur UemaN ut slooqls ol uorllrur O0LS eneB eq '6;97 ul 'uorlelnpa JoJ loi e auop osle s,Breqra))nz 'tlnpp Buno^ e llrls s,eq eltqM s1{l lle auop s,aq puv 'elPlrunuillrot aM Moq pue antl aa,r {em aql paBueq) s,eq esnelaq aleutulou ol lueM | )ooqaJeJ Jo luaptsejd pup lapunoj aql s,aH syl aql sleqjal::z {jeh uerllauv areulu-o: or arl pll EEF\ETE p1o a,rorB F Eeru* 'rooP luoJJ leq ,o ePrslno lleM ol alqeun ueeq spq aqs ueqM ua.,ra ,slee{ 97 ueql erour lo] aldoed pe-rrdsul pup pal seq eqs asne)aq urm ol saruasap aqs )ulqt J 'u-r1'1 '1:edsa] salrdsul aqs pue saldr:ur.rd Buotls 1oB s,aq5 'ql8ua.tls ieq pue a8etnor laq sr r,{1 nn5 ue5 Suny lnoqe Sutzetue s,leq1A 'lsoJp asnoq lapun uoql efuts ajll latl jo lsotu luads s,eqs lnq '166t u! azud aread laqoN aql uom eqs'eullng ut lapeal pue uer:rlrlod . seM V * -1uan:l-sar L *h€**H*=gH 'sn eloqe siea^ olnl sselt aql u! uaag p,aH 'pasr.rdtns os ataa,r a41'{euqv seuloql ptes aq pue ol auo8 p,aq looqls q)tqM Lutq palse aM uaql.uopuol qtrnos utojt seM eq sn plol eq Pue LuolJ seM aq eleqM utq pa)se eA .lerltue, pe)ool aH.a)trjo eql otur pallem OZ lnoqe ,o {nB e {ep uau oqf'sn dlaq o1 teltora taqloue Buurq sem eq pres raBeueu aql fep auo .pred 11am alrnb lnq )rom Sur.roq r(11ear semil 'au.rnoq1a61 ur aruJo aruprnsut llpurs e ur qote puno; pue ptlpllsnv ot lua/n e A'gL 3le^ aM uaqnrr teqlaBol .lea{ de8 e prp uopuol qlnos ur looqls rfiepuora5 {auqy secuoql uolJ I pue pueul ,(61 ille.ta4e lq8!r spm aq sdeq.rad ismou) oq1 .uaql af,uts soturl ;o aldno: e dn leu a^,a A'aulluo ssalppe lteula r(cu punoi peq pue au lnoqe ureorp e peq lsnl p,aq pres ag .3urop spm aq leqm oLu plot aq pue Burfag ur 3urn4 eraql'luau,razeue {u: ollensn sp ltpua {r.u pe1:aq: 1 ,tep yau aq1',{ep auo paurpllr ta8 plnom aM leql ptps s{em1e ag .nry Bun[ ser* aureu stH '{1;sre,lun uoJJ puau} plo up lnoqp Surlurql se,r,r 'oBe sqluoLu rlnal 1 VZH eqr'OL6L ur parp ureml,qBnoua alns'(sreai( 91 lauro) eqt JaUe r{lena lteq sauo)^ep taulo3 s,r(a11eg) l! qllm lno oB o1 palreoxa aq pue taurol aql qllm ur euol peq aq lpqt pres ulernl i(qduSorqolne srq u; 'pereadde 1euo3 s,faleg laile s)aem omr ,S€g ut uloq sem aH .loqlne L ue uauiv aql'ute Al )leh lnoqe sr rtols ef, uaptf, utol aluno,re; r(61 :141 'laq Luolj leql puy'arou{ue aui aos ol lupm l,uptp aqs leql pres aqs .puaul1.rr8 {ur r.uor; ireuia)ton e sem alaql ar-uoq lo8 ; uaq4.,Bur,rea1 sem aqs elrt p1o1 aqs 'Burltom t,uspm tt pres eq5, s:u{1 eqt aJaM pteeq Burqt tsJ!} aq} I pue orper aql uo paulnl 1 'autoq Bur,rup sem I sy.1.ro.an {q passesqo spl leql pres aq5 'puaplprB r{u-r qllm lueLunBJe ue peq I o8e sJea^ MaJ I g *h:EGH*3XX 'alqe] P Peruasaj a1:un ,{6 g 'stalrl aql lle plos p,i(aq1 2 'sued ut Pa^tl P,aqs g i{6 g {aq] y r..rirq :-o!e:f ,PleMV l?l t rL *rua*H#3gH3ssru* 'alqel e peruasar peq apun 'slaprt aql llp plos 'auroq le ellsrqLun ,{u ga1 I 5 'euioq le Pllalquin,{uL ga1 p,1 7 s]jed ul Pa^l aqs t x *ruEtrH*3*H * -LtgSflE ,ireqleSot ll,am - sralsrs pue sJaqlolq laqlo {ue oneq l,uop a A taqlo qree aneq s,{e,r,r1e llrM aA, :JoqlaSol aq lllM selnlnj Jtaql lpql palDxa pue rrlsrr.urldo s,eq5 'ereurel s{es,'spuauj alll alour st Mou lq8p drqsuorlelat tno 1nq ,.ra1srs {u-r s,aqs ,{eq1 pue,sarpnls tlaq1 Sulqsru;; ore sutMt aql \oN laaui l,'ueuo laaj '1au {aql a.roleq srear( nra; e parp qlog .uoLuLuor ut lolle, pes raqloue peq ,{aq1 eaqlej a^rldopp peq '1,uer (eql lpq^ lou 'op uet-,{eql lpqm uo snlo, o} aldoad salrdsul aq asnelaq utM ol sa^resep aq lutql | .salalqle leqlo 01 ^llusjarjtp i(ue peleall aq ol lupi\ l,useop aq pue pelualel pue paururratap {11euor1da:xe s,eq " urn'salelqlp parpoq-a1qe pue selalqle palqpsrp roJ saler ur qepaur plo8 uom seq eq teql sl rerso tnoqe Burzeue sr 1eq16 ',rauunu apel€, pollel sauJllauros s,aq os,s8al lporrrue urql ,tan oml sosn ag'Buruunr dn 1oo1 aq Jalel pue'stuual pue olod talem {q8n.r par(e1d eg '1! ,o lol e {e1d o1 papels.rers6 '1-rods Surprone 1o peolsut lng .sauoq slq qllm ualqord e ]o asnelaq aau) aql qleeuaq palelndue etam s8al srq qloq'{qeq .lerso :l e sem aq P:rP/vrV uaql 'alalqlp ue uolltlldtl IJJV "ql :ai\rasep *t Jtoqtr Jo qlnos lsour e sr lu]qr I lelsg.snrrotsrd oqM yo::-1ay € *ruE#E*3EH F Esh€rc &w#€* **&aT * xg€***z*&* ffi#w€p& 3 Part one 'My aunt wi[[ be here soon, Mr Nutte[,' said a self-confident young lady of 15. 'Until then, I'm afraid, you have me.' Frampton Nuttel tried to say something polite. Privatety, he was wondering whether this visit to total strangers would really help to cure his bad nerves, as his sister had hoped. 'l know what wi[[ happen,' his sister had said, as he was leaving for his rest cure in the country,'you wi[[ never meet or speak to anyone, and your nerves wit[ be worse than ever. So, l'm going to give you letters of introduction to a[[ the peopte I know there.' 'l expect it was the dog,'said the niece calmty.'He told me he had a terrible fear of dogs. A pack of wild dogs once chased him on the banks of the River Canges in India, and he hid alt night with the dogs snarling just above him. It's enough to make anyone suffer with their nerves.' Telting stories at short notice was her speciality. 443?&ZT i o". 7 "r.y *g**?"*\re* 3 ilvouiite moviesi tord oftie n s;,i,r, ji,.r,*ni.n i; ;;t;J on the book written byTolkien. Classic, um, trilogy and fantastic read. I read the book, um, and, wel[, it was recommended, um, by a friend and I absolutely loved the book - it was absolutely amazing, 'Do you know many people round here?' asked the niece after a silence. Um, and then when the films came out, um, I thought that they would probabty be a little bit disappointing because the book was just so good 'Hardly anyone,' said Frampton. - 'Then you know nothing about my aunt and her great tragedy ...' continued the se[f-confident young [ady. 'Her tragedy?' asked Frampton. 'Yes, you may wonder why we keep the windows open in Octobel'she said, pointing towards the large French windows that opened onto the garden. 'lt's quite warm for the time of year, but with the tragedy?'asked Frampron. has the window got anything 2 to do 'Out through that window, exactly three years ago today, my aunt's husband and her two younger brothers went off for a day's shooting. They never came back.All three sank in a terrible bog.We never found their bodies - that was Um, the other family is a typicat famity, but they're a[[ a bit crazy. You've got mum, dad, two girls and a boy, and obviously the siblings, er, go mad a[[ the time. the worst thing.'Here the girl's voice lost its confidence.'Poor aunt thinks that they will come back someday. She believes they witt watk in through that door with their little brown dog, just as they used to. That's why we have the door open every evening. Poor dear aunt, she has often totd me how they went out: her husband was carrying his white coat over his arm, and her brother Ronnie was singing. Do you know sometimes on a quiet evening like this, I have the strangest feeling that they will walk in through that window...' Frampton felt relieved when at last her aunt came into the room.'l hooe Vera has been amusing you?'she said. The series is really funny because they say and do things that you normally think about doing or saying but in real life obviously you can't do it. l, I remember one episode, for instance, where the dad cancetted Christmas because one of his children [ied, and l've always wanted to do that. I would recommend everyone to watch it, cos it's A realty good show. 1 'She's been very interesting,'said Frampton. 'l hope you don't mind the open window'said Mrs Sappleton.'My husband and brothers will be home soon from shooting, and they always come in this way.' *tu€E? & &*{*#*274* * Part two She continued to chat happily about shooting.To Frampton it was a[[ absolute[y horrib[e. Attempting to change the subject, he told them about his i[[ness.'The doctors have told me to have complete rest, with no excitement at a[[,'explained 4 FramDton. 'Really?'said Mrs Sappleton, but she was not paying attention. Her eyes were staring past him to the open window and garden beyond. eyes. In a cold shock of fear, Frampton turned round, and looked in the same direction. 'Here we are, my deal' said the man carrying the white coat, as he came in through the window.'Who was that who ran out as we came in?' 'A very strange man - a Mr Nuttel,'said Mrs Sappleton.'He coutd only talk about his illnesses, and then he ran off without saying goodbye wnen you arrived. lt was as if he had seen a phost!' of records. | want to te[[ you about, er, the first time I went to a ba[[et. Um, it was called AliceinWonderland, and it's based on the book by Lewis Carro[[. Um, I went with my friend who, er, it was her birthday, er, so we went to see it in the, the, um, in Covent Carden in the RoyaI Opera House in London. Um, absolutely adored it. lt was, er, I thought it was just rea[[y, terrific. Um, particularly liked, er, the, the Queen of Hearts - she was, um, an absolutety brittiant charactel er, really, really funny, um, which l, I thought, I think maybe that was the best part about it, was that, e1 | was at a ballet, which was at[ about the dance, but the whole audience was, um, was laughing - it was a real comedy show as we[[. Er, l'd recommend it to anybody. Frampton shivered, and looked at the niece with sympathy. The young girl was staring out through the window with a look of pure horror in her Frampton grabbed his hat witdty and ran out through the hall ooor, across the front garden and through the front gate. Outside in the road, he almost knocked a man off his bicycle in his terrible panic. Oh, I saw a television programme last week, um, Saturday night, reafly main peak-time television programme, and, er, it was called The X Factor and ljust hated it - | really don't [ike singing competitions on television. Um, the people on the programme were just not very good singers. The judges weren't judging them for singing: they were judging the way they looked and they were judging their image. Um, I think really the judges were thinking about who would setl the most records. So it was very much about image and not about singing. I think if we're going to have a singing competition, then the contestants should just be judged on singing and not the way they took or how their image wi[[ se[[ lots reatly amazing. The, the set and the, er, the design of the stage were just Suddenty, she jumped up.'Here they are at last,'she said.'Just in time for teal' In the twilight, three figures were walking across the garden towards the window. They were a[[ carrying guns under their arms, and one of them also had a white coat over his shoulders. A tired brown dog was walking close to them. As the figures came nearer to the house, a young voice began to sing. | mean, there's no way you can put that, um, you know, into a film but the fitms were actually, you know, they did the book justice, um, and the cinematography was amazing. The performances were great I mean, the casting was great because the characters really did justice to the characters in the book. Um, and I loved the fact that it was a[[ filmed in New Zeatand. l've never seen a better movie, I don't think. ATV show that I realy like at the moment is Modern Family. lt's about four different families, um, that are quite modern.Whereas in the past people used to think that you'd have a mum, a dad and two children, um,in Modern Family you've got one family, for instance, where the dad is about 50 or 60 maybe, and his wife is in her earty 30s, and she's got a son as we[[ from a previous marriage. Um, so that's quite modern. *7497 A &*X{**"*Z#* 4 A: come on. Sfraff we !o on the rttter coasteri B: Are you joking? l'm not going to risk my life on that. A: Don't worry. l'[[ look after you. Nothing can go wrong. B: Everything can go wrongl Look, I'tt go on the big wheel with you but not the roller coaster. A: But this is the best one! You'tl love it. Come on. Shall I help you? B: Oh, alright. l'll give it a go. But I can't believe l'm doing this. A: There. We're in. Don't worry! l'[[ hold your hand. B: Oh yeah. That's reatly going to hetp. i^auou q8noua st paau no^ lle ,1! lnoqe 1urq1 no,{ uaqm"{11eat os.le tlsal aqlle paau no{;;n1s aql}o lsour {nq uer nof s{ep asaql'lsauoq aq ol.poo} {nq o1 sareld ;o ,(1ua1d a-le araql',{11en1:e'pue punole tl 3ut/tJe) aujtl ro tol e puads,{aqt asnetaq 't! lai8ar s,{em1e ,(aqt pup Luaql qllm poo} qrnr.u oo1 Buuq aldoed ue146 'satlleM jo lteo e Paau f11ear no,{'raqteem qsrlug aqr qllm,llem ... aqa teq1 .leltuasse f11ea.r s,lt ')rpp aql ur lual .lnoi{ pul} ol Bu!/fu1 ar,no{ uaq16.sar"ra11eq ateds,r,ratr e qtrm qlrol e paau nof uaq1.8eq Surdaels urJpM e pue 1ue1 poo8 e uo ,(auor.u 1o 1lq e Surpuads ql:om s,lr os ,euloq rnof a.r,r{aql.Beq Burdaals e pue luel e sl 1st1 fut uo euo loqujnN .Bur"rq o1 paau I leqm,leaf;o aldnor lsed eql lalo 'ilureal aA,l puv.auels lpoos aql pue rsnur aql 4t ,{em aq1 ,(q pue Jo requnu a8tel "'11 1o 1no Suluol a)ouls eas lana nor( 'qg 'Burq1i{up q)nol l,uop no{ are: a1e1 op os,saldo: al,no{;r fllerradsa,aprsur loq ,{1ar_uatlxe 1aB e Surleeu uer lt 'MoN'elaq uoltnq slql uMop Surploq r{q ,a.raq lr uado no{ pue 'araq JJo l! qrllms 1sn['1r 3n1dun ot paau ou s,aleq].lleM aql ]e araq ,jo autqrpLu eqt qlllMs.lt xU ll,aqa euoauros adoq pue t; aneal 1snI 1,uop 'au-rr1 ,(ue le uMop qearq eurqleur eql Jo )lnls sla8 raded ar,uos 'salnspaut i(1a,res p trseq MeJ aleMp 41 ',{11sr;1 aq lle plnoqs nof pue Jo '{1a1rur;ap 'ueql doqs eql o} I)eq lt a)el plnoqs no1 :€ 'a)uaral]rp,{ue aler-u t,up!p 1! lnq,qea :V ... aq1 3ul11e1surat paul an,no{ asoddns - allll e uo flar s{ep asaql eldoad r(ueu ool 'ool 'alelo)oq) alunone; tno{ lsoq st poo,t e ppp ue) no1'slnuead pue surstel a)tl sButql 'Hiaql lrq e pue 1ua11edar os'plr.lr ^ l)esut ouros - a1e1 o1 aldoad asrnpe sfemle I - e spm I a)urs puy s.ra8uep aqt Jo aleme ^Uelnltiled ser)tou aql ur Burquglr Buro8 uaaq an,1 :y 'saqloll r.ulpm auuos Buuq rno{ paau no,{,{qm.rapuo,r,r aldoed 1o 1o.; e o1 paeu ,{lsnor,rqg .lea8 Buruu-rrlt's T:ilil:,; =r€E*E*3&e ",, il:i =,1 * 9Z*4* Bu1V13u neU en,l lnl 21r sr ,poo8 1ou 7 zarPMIJos s,teqf.urn :g s,11 lanou 1sa1e1 'spuauJ Jno qllm lno Bueq pup lleLu Surddoqs aql ot oB aM lO.spuau; fur qtrm a^up p roJ oB ,(11eLuou | lauurp taUV.]s.rr; pa8e8ua at,no{ sselun 'puaulltrB e qllm Sutua^e eql ut selpp uo oB ol alqelda:re lou s,ll :raqleSol lee lle aM pue lr )ool s.:a1srs ,(u pue teqloLu fN 'Suruana eq1 ur fltulpJ lraql qltm tea a8e Ku aldoad ,Burleads fllerauag aurl leql le lno aldoed jo slol lltls eie araql'3uru.tor-u aql ut uanas,xts,antj ltlun dn ,(els ue no{,pupey1 1 :) I ,aultl ur 'sJeq ol oB to Surruep oB o1 lueru no[ lpL{l le tpa ol 1r pue leulou ,(1pa;rad s,lt 'luelnelsal e ul lea ol lueM nof;1 .1ro1:,o L L lllun spuauJ {u laau: },uop uauo l,ueau l.auo{rana 1nq aldoed Sunor( lsnf lou - a1e1 ,{11eat ,ured5 ur a1e1 1no oB o1 pual a1doa6 ;,eu11 qsr13u3, sueatu q:rqa,r,esa;6u erct1 Aes o1 arreq no{ 1en1:uno aq o1 aldoed 1ue,r,r,{i1eat no,{;1 lpapadxa s,lt selef i(poqou ,a1e1 rnoq up altJ.le :pX g ol )O {lpaJJad srll .aujtl uo salule euo oN.eull uo elule lalau plnoqs no{ spuaul tno{ lrsrn oB nof;r ,nta6 u1 'spuarJj sp raqlo q:ea 1da::e no,{ a.rolaq Jaqlo q)ea qlqm drqsuorlelar e ut eq ot luem nof;r apr:ap pue lte plnoqs no ^,(1a1rur;ep 2no,( op'spuar.r; ltaql llp qllM pe^lo^ut 1aB o1 1uea,n {luessalau l,uop no,{'sa1ep Ma, e uo uaaq fluo an,nor{,u ,ueeu I i)ooqalpl uo puauJ :U S rtaql aq o1 lsanbal l,uop 'auoeuros Suraes papels lsnf r(1uo an,no,(;1 :S , 'lradxa aldoad leqm s,ll rtallamaf pue dn-a1er-u af,tu qlt^ ,uaLuoM rol,{];eDadsa'alqpuorqseJ aq o1 luelrodutr s,lr puv.plo lo palournll .ro {1.rrp aq l,upt saqlolt lnol.luepodur sr ssalp no{ i(em aq1 ,{lyeuts ssalp o1 nor( padxa aldoad ,ataq 1no oB no{ uaq6 :y1 g 'uo a^olll Pue ultq lnoqP laSlo] plnoqs no{ uaql's{ep or',r1 lage s1xa1:nor( leinsue l,usaop {nB e 4l 'ueatu J palsalalur lou aJ,^eql u8rs e s,1eq1,Buo1 oo1 lrervr aldoad Jr'pueq raqlo aql uO loolun s,tt ilpql a111 s8urql pue {lalerpautrur slxal Jraql lallsue l,uplnoqs nof ,ueau I loor r(1.rre1 1re s^emle lurql | 'auoeuros tlllm tno Suro8 yels 1str4 nor( uaq6 :g^1 7 plnoqs no{ 'urool eql ul auo&ane qllm spueq aleqs ol lpullou srll ,alu11 'LuooJ p lalue p no{ uaq7t4.,{ep riana Buol Jo, laqlo qlpa 1nq uoes l,ua^eq ,(aq1;t to ,1aar.u ,{aq1 aLult lsllt aql lou - raqlo ,rtrlunor,(ur u1 qrea 1aar3,{aql uaqm spupq aleqs {11ensn aldoad^luo Plleq)=) :y 1 uoueu=NU esou-U * *wc*4*==H # a€r=€* ;a{g uaql no{ ')eaM lxau , 'loo):v e a^eq I uPl'ululhl :v 'auoliuu zMeu 1 '3ur1et1sn.r1 os s,ll .euop an,1 s8urql Bursol - 1.ro,r,r ,(r_u 3urso1 deel l pue lr uelsal ol aneq I puy .,{q,tr eapr ou eA,l sazael} 1sn[ uael:s aq1'Sururerrr lnoqllm aLutl aql lle seqse]) lsnf 1r ,11a4 :y Z^ll)exe ualqord eql s,leqm oS :g 'fep r{.rana Moul,^'lt asn ol paau I sol ltsauoq aq ol,peul )ae^^ ]sel aqt to^o 1! qllm elqnotl &ar eHJ ser\ tl au p1o1,(aq1:y eul Surnr:p ln9 r *tuF*H*=€H 6 ieh*ft .mou1 pue araqdsoulle aql anol no{ la,rolleltlseJ lsnf I leat e r-u,1 :[ '1ar,r 1aB ol der-u tno,{ luear 1,uop no1.3eq )1se1d e 1a8to, 1,uop puy'sseduor e pue deu e - dn-1:eq e paau no{ os,fiallpq }o Jo leatq osle ue: {eq} lnq - a:e nor{ etaqnt r{11:exa no,{ 11a1 ,{aq1 auo e)pl ol papt poo8 e {1a1rur;ap s,tt tlpal8 are slole8rneu SdD lsoLu lno unr mol',lole8r,reu SdD pleqpueq ,o lrq ,{B.reua-q8rg qloq paau ,{11ear {aq1,1:n1s pue lq8ru Jo 1aB,{aq1 saBueq: laqlea^\ aql Jl .slnoq eJ e loJ BuroB r(1uo ar,r{aql }l ua^a 'pooJ Jo 'leqle3M eql ul sBueq) e qllM lpap ol saqloll turem q8noua pelred l,uaneq r(aq1.prqs-1 e pue suoqs .rred e lsnf ur Surqr.urlr 1no aldoad ,{uer_u oo1 le1 aas .i(11rrnb {11ea.r f eBueqr ue: laqlea/v\ aql l(pm aql ;o ,{1ear r-u,; no,{ os '1qBru plor Surzaa.r; st 1e aql aldoad 1o 1o1 e uasep leqt taBloJ asrnof Jo puv's I lol]e] lseel le - aslnol ]o ,uaajlsuns ]o ,{1uald pue 1eq e Suuq o1 paau puy.ataqm,tana nor( pues Burga8 pue dols faql s8urqt Bursrue8lo roJ lnJosn a.r,,{aq1.s8eq :r1se1d lerenas Bur.rq o1 pooB s,11 ... 2 asla tpq1 tr lar8at sfemle ree8 Buruur-urlns rreql Bulrq l,uop oqr* a1doa6 'aruauadxa alqelle8ro;un ue,{11eat s,1eq1,du1 p uo el,am uaqm srseo ue leq} st uoseal oqf .lrasep eq1 ur leaB Burulurms 1e dols o1 ,{.r1 srtealle aM rno{ sl 3ur.rq no{ leql pueuulo)el a,r,r Burql laqlouy.ueal: Bur{e1s tol 1n;asn {11eat ete sadr,lr 1a6.8utqseM lo; 1ou ,Burluup roJ s,leql lnq 'sn qlrm Jalsm ]o i(1ua1d Suuq am os slno;-,{q-tno} ut lalel} a16.sadrm 1am 1o s1:ed 1o aldno: p Suuq ol aldoad 11a1 am,aldutexa to1 .ueq1 qrl^ Eu:,q or sleLuorsntr ,no I€, ,0,15;li"u, g 'uroor raqlo aql ut aq ll,l 'uerD'sa^ :g 2no{ 1,uol,r 'r.uoot taqlo aql ur aq 11,nof 'au roJ )rom t,usaop t! ,r lnq,tsaq fu op 11,1 ,ur.xh :V 'araq uoltnq srqtr ssard lsnf uaql'uosear ro, asned ot nof gr puy.,tsea {11ea.r s,1r ,qea1 :g ll lue.nir ^up z]r l,ust 'Asee s,lPqr'qo'aas | 'se :v 'alaq uounq )O aql ssald lsnf nof,trr qtlem o1 {pea.r ar,no{ uaq6'ur s,LUlU aql pue uo paqllrMs s,ll .uprD ,r{lront 1,uoq :g 'alolaq slql altl auo ueas ra^au a^,1 ZMau slql s! lpap qO :V 'truaulotu eql 1e Mol 1rq e sr rtalleq aq-L.rqBll s,leql ,qea1 :g 2f-ra11eq aql a8req:al o1 paau no,{ leql ueor.l.r uolr teql seop os puv:V 's!ql a)ili :aBur;.rnof qllM nuau eql uMop 11o.ns lsnf nor( uaql :g o1 1ead5.;6 :g 11er e no,{ anr8 11,1 .)O:V 'autj st snq eql.peeu ou s,elaql lnq,pu!) {11eat s,1eq1 :g 2layeuladns aqt ol no,{ a1e1 | lleqs :V 'auou oql uo Surddoqs aulos op ot Bu!oB Lu,l .snq eql 1aB p,y lurql I :g 'araql ^eM ra^o lsnf palted r-u,1 .a1n no,{ gr Un p nof a^tB ll,l ,11ag 2qea{ q6 :y ... 3u tu_ror-u Mojlotuol i uotlnlosel s,Jeai MaN r(r.u aq1 o1 oB pue ,fu1 o1 3u1oB u,1 .oB plnoqs {11ear 1nq ,ol a^ol p,l :g 1 ':a8ur;.rno{ qllm suo)t aql qlnol 1sn[nol.esn o1fsea os s,lt,qea :g llool u{B e Bursooqr lsnl u,l 2tr t,usl ,e]rN .{ep.reqlo aql ll to8 rsnl ,qeel :g | .oB o1 peeu {11ea.r teql sl :v € 1 2ar-ur1 zaeJjor )ltnD e a^eq eM llPqs :v aq} reql sl .ou qO ... 2{11eay ;o5 :g I os... :V g 'lno pallem I pue,,l,uel no{,o5,,pres ':i:,::.ll:r: &Ee*€*:ffi*trapt UN:Y 1S REe*R*Er\€# e i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 s.u"nty-on. f"r..nt oftn" r.rtt,'i iuif"." is covered in *.i.r.- - - #ru€T 33 &#**R*EF€* g f The lowest temperature ever recorded was -89'C. In 2030, the footballWortd Cup witt be a hundred years old. The closest distance between Earth and Mars is 55,680,000 km. lt is estimated that the wortd populationin 2029 wi[[ be 8.2 billion. The speed of tight is 300,000 km/sec. The population ofJapan is 127,000,000. And a lot of people don't really know how to drive properly, especiatly when they've just gotten their licence. Before you get your full licence, you have to do an extra test. Um, I think the driving test is thorough enough, but people need a lot more practice before they're actually ready to go out on the roads.And that second test should be able to prove that a person is a competent driver.And I think that shoutd be The world's largest shopping ma[[ is 892,000 mr. Seventeen percent of British people are over 65. The largest crowd ever for a sporting event was 199,859. uru:T 1# Rge*R*tf{G # i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 lti f'ou.utyti.u.r. think l'd probabty have several different careers. l'd invent one that could tidy my ftat. | think l'tt probabty go camping. l'tt probabty move out of the city centre. l'd live somewhere hot and beautifu[. I'd definitety give up work. | l'tt buy a new car probabty. Uf\iiT 1S R€e*R*f ruG i 2 3 4 a taw. 2 roi. * p".toifi., and I am ,L.ffy *orri"J "r about the economy of our island. Businesses just aren't making enough money and the government is not doing enough to help us.They haven't put enough money into promoting tourism in particulal in my opinion. lf we have more tourists, then we'l[ have more businesses, and if there are more businesses, there wi[[ be more jobs and everyone will be able to pay more taxes.Then we't[ be able to improve schools and hospitals, but first we have to develop business. l'd suggest that we spend more on promoting tourism, and we really must have the new airport that they are talking about in the north of the country. This is really important for locaI businesses. l'm a teacher, and to me the biggest problem is the state of our schools. Classrooms are getting really old, we don't have enough books and we need computers if we want to train young peopte for the modern world. It's really important, in my opinion.Young peopte are the future of our country after at[. But at the same time, we cannot reduce spending on hospitals or the army, because these things are very important, too. I think the government should increase taxes on wealthy people to pay for improvements to our schoots. There are plenty of rich people in Peakoilia - and they don't pay very high taxes, so they can afford it. For me there are two big problems: unemployment and defence. I feel really worried for our young people. lt's getting more and more difficult to find a job and I just don't know what they can do. I feet rea[[y sorry for them.At the same time, I think we have a big problem with our neighbour, Expandia. I really betieve that they want to attack us and they're just waiting for an opportunity. So I think the government should increase spending on defence and increase the army to, say, 5,000 soldiers. This would help to solve two probtems. lt would make the country more secure against our neighbours and it would give young peopte jobs, and useful training. lt would give them something to do and a focus for their lives. Of course, the problem is: where does the money come from? Hm, I don't have an answer to that ... The best option is to reduce taxes on ordinary people. l'm a mother of a young family. My husband and I both work, but we just don't have enough money to [ive. Everything is so expensive these days.We want to be able to buy clothes for our chi[dren and ... have a better standard of living generally. But it's just not possible.And I don't think the government needs to spend at[ this money on hotels and golf courses and things. That's a[[ for rich tourists. The government should hetp ordinary peopte like me ... now that would be popular! r u hotet owner trom in" f tf,inl, u., ii tnorta U. .ornputrory to hru" . iri.f ti..n.., th. ;;t;; get for motorcyctes. Normally when you have a motorcycle licence, you get a tria[ licence, and after about two years, um,you can convert it to a real licence. I think that shoutd be, um, implemented for cars as we[[. Cars are more dangerous than motorcycles, I think. norttr oi 3 Er,l'm going to talk about, um, hunting and hunting [aws, um, and my opinion about hunting, basically.You knoq l'm not against hunting, um, I am against hunting for sport, though - | think there's a big, big difference. Um, you know, people traditionalty have needed to hunt to eat and to [ive, and to me, um, that's fine. Um, what I don't agree with is hunting for sport, um, because I don't see the pleasure in going and, um, kitting an innocent, beautifuI creature just for the sake of kitting it. Um, to me that doesn't make sense. I mean, you would hope that, that peopte would use the meat and, um, you know, they would do something with the animat, but unfortunately a lot of the time people don't; they just kill the animal and that's it. Um, so I don't think it should be banned, but it needs to be controlled. Um, and I also think that it woutd be better if people didn't hunt for sport, and they just hunted to sustain themselves and to use the food. l'd make it a law that if you go and tive in a foreign country, it should be compulsory to learn the language of that country. Um, I think that otherwise if you don't speak the same language as the people around you, you're never going to be abte to integrate into society. Um, | [ived in Brussels before, um, where the language is either French or Dutch, and, er, l, I had a good bit of French, which I found really helpful * people always found it, um, much nicer when you went into a shop or, er, into a restaurant and you were able to make an effort to speak in their [anguage. 4 Er, it was also, um, a m-, a much better way to get to know the country that you're, you're, you're living in. Er, it helps you be a bit, a big part of it more if you can actually communicate with the people and make friends with those people. Um, I think that's probably the most important part about it. | thinkthere should be a lawthat, um, if you'refitand able andyou've been unemployed for say six months or more, and you're receiving money from the government to help you, you shoutd have to do some kind of voluntary work. Er, there are lots of projects that l'm sure aren't being done because there isn't the money or there aren't the peopte to do the jobs. So if you're out of work, then why not do something constructive to help society and, and, er, your [oca[ community? The sort of things that could be done are, for example, er, fixing up local community centres or painting churches, e1 doing work on local schools to make them better places for learning. I think if people did that, um, did some kind of, er, work or helping the community, it would, it would get them used to the routine of working; it would make it easier for them to get back into work when they eventually find a job. #r*Es 1 2 3 4 ffitr**€*€hE* 5 =Ehad tno*n lfAndiew his phobia, n" *ortJn;t nuue entered "Uoui the race. lfAndrew had stayed on the boat, his phobia would have got worse. lf Debra's boat had hit an oil tanker, it would have sunk. lf they had continued the race together, the coupte might still be married now. 5 lf Debra hadn't had this exoerience, she wouldn't be motivationaI soeaker now. a successful uoM uoA alolM UAIUI/v\ ulo/1r'\ eltJi lureal / ulM O)eiv\ a)oi\A lpal eJon PeuJesl luJeel / PaurPal pal Pal ple'l .........................- uJeel Peel uMord leols elols ualols Sueq Sunq Bunq 7 pa3ueq )rlls )rnls Ilnls a^pq PBq PPq LLilMS [IleMs unMs Jeaq Preeq slel )ool ualel aP!q Prq uePPlq qleal lqBnel lqdnPl r!q ltq rtq Jeel arol uJol ploq Plaq Plaq llal Plol Plor unq unq unq )u!qr lqBnoqr lQBnoql daal lde) 10al MoJql MOlLll. uMoJql laau) llau{ lleu) PuelsraPun l\ouI Mau) uMou) {el Ptel ua)ioM POOlsraPun / PoolsJaPun Preaq erf;3 aneB UarftB lrods pellods oB lUOM uaaq 7 auoB Pue$ Pools Pools ruo.rB r,nalB lllods / pallods lllds pallrds rlrods 7 uiv\OlJ aP!ls uapo3.ro4 llaus Pallsurs uenrBto; )Pa0s alods uelods PUaCs luads IUaOS illds 7 pallrds lleuis / Palleus r rlrds llaus / ,(1; ,\ alJ 1aB:o1 loBroJ arrrBto; aneS.ro; azasrJ azoll uazorJ 100 103 lo3 ele ualea oqs Pe/noqs uMoqs llsl ualleJ. lnqs lnqs tnqs Surs tues Suns laaj {oJ rlaJ Iuls )ups luns 1q3u 1L1tno1 rqBnoj lls 1D< 1D< daals ldals losls Plls Plls l punot PunoJ pa, PAJ PU!J PAOJ urealP PaUJPaJP )utrp IUPJP lrP a^orP uaAuP lea llpl lno lno lno l{3noq rqBnoq Pear PsaJ Peor AP!J ePoJ usPPu qtle) lqBnel .Plnor alqe uaaq lqBnPr 3ur.r 3uB.r 3un.r asooql asoqf, uesoql astJ esoJ uastJ atuo) ouiel euol unJ ueJ unl lSOf lsof, lsol Ples Ples lnl lnf, ln) oos Mes uoas Brp 3nP dnp llas plos Plos oP P!P suoP Pues lUes luas /,AalP uMerP las les las aleqs loolis ualeqs )unrP 3u!rls auoqs auoqs ]oor.ls lot.ls 10qs luree.rP / PsuresrP ^es ltuearP / o i\ eJP Mslq uMolq a)eu,r speu oPeur leerq a)orq ua)olq ueoul lueeul lueau 3ur.rq lqBnorq lqtnorq laaul lau lauJ Pl!nq rl!nq rltnq lSnU_r Peq OI PPq uJnq Paulnq lurnq / paurnq ,{ed Pled P!ed lsJnq lslnq lsrnq {nq ol lurnq / aq seM leeq leaq euiof,aq aulPlaq auof,eq urBaq ue8eq unBaq a!l Puaq luaq luoq 1q3I 1n ellq rtq uanlq asol lsol lsol Molq uaaq aAeol rJal rrol usleaq Pual luel lual lal lal lel {el ulel 1|l ereM / I f Pearson Education Limited Edinburgh Gate Harlow Essex CM20 2JE England and Associated Companies throughout the world. www.pearsonelt.com O Pearson Education Limited 2013 The dght of Sarah Cunningham and Peter Moor to be identified as authors of this Work has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or ftansmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission of the Publishers. First published 2013 ISBN: 978- I -447 9 -3687 -9 Set in Bliss Light 10.5pt/12pt Printed in Slovakia by Neografia Acknowledgements The publishers and authors would like to thank the following people and institutions for their;t'eedback and comments during the development of the material: Emily Bell, International House, Santander, Spain; Stephanie DimondBayir, Bell Educational Trust, Cambridge, UK; Timothy Foster, Madrid, Spain; Elizabeth pregson, Universiti degli Studi di Trento, Trento, Italy; Denise Met2ger, Navitas English Services, Sydney, Australia; Marie O'Connor, Auckland, New Zealand Michael Parrish, Kwansei Gakuin University, Nishinomiya City, Japan; Zane Ritchie, Kwansei Gakuin University, Nishinomiya City, Japan; Andrew Sowter, Kwansei Gakuin University, Nishinomiya City, Japan; Kylie Ty1er, Navitas English Services, Sydney, Australia; Will Vamey, Cambridge English Studies, La Corufia, Spain; Damian Williams, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Lech Wojciech Krzeminski, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Lublin, Poland Text acknowledgements We are grateful to the following for pernission to reproduce copyright material: Extract 4. from Open, HarperCollins (Andre Agassi 2010) pp.28-29, reprinted by permission of HaryerCollins Publishers Ltd @ 2010 Andre Agassi; Extract 6. from Pearson Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English,Pearson Education (2009) @ Pearson Education Ltd; Extract 6. adapted from 'The people who fell to earth', The Guardian,2110212009 (Interview with Josh Peltz by Charlotte Northedge and Ros Anderson) O Guardian News & Media Ltd 2009; Extract 6. adapted from 'What it feels like to ... get shipwrecked' and 'Get attacked by a shark', The Independent on Sunday,2210812004 (Jacques, A.) @ The Independenl, www.independent.co.uk; Exfact 8. adapted from 'I love to exchange phone numbers with strangers', Colors Magazine, Autumn 2009, Issue 76 (Pani Akhavan), Reproduced with permission; Extract 9. from 'I couldn't live without ...', Z/ze Independent, 27 10212005, pp.14-16 (Peyton, O., Moore, P., Billington, R., Pereira, S., and Cartwright, J.) 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