Design of a High-Rate, High-Volume Oil/Water Separator Joe Stires, * SPE, Conoco Inc. Summary Discussion At ultra-high water cuts (95% or more), the most difficult production problem may not be getting the oil out of the ground, but getting oil out of the water. While it is not uncommon to use large wash tanks to separate the oil from this type of flowstream, few designs can be tailored to a specific application. This paper presents one such design, including the equations used to analyze its performance. This type of analysis can be applied to any separator to predict what its performance should be. To take advantage of rising oil prices, many oil companies have increased production from older leases over the past several years. In 1975, Continental Oil Co. (now Conoco Inc.) began a program to maximize production from the Big Lake field, Reagan County, TX. The field was the discovery field of the Permian Basin region and has been on production since 1923. Production has been primarily from the Grayburg limestone, at 3,000 ft (914 m). This reservoir has a strong water drive, and water cuts currently average 90% or more. Liquid productivities are usually more than 3000 BID (477 m 3 I d) per well. Most wells on our lease in this field were equipped with high-volume artificial lift in 1975-76 to take advantage of the high productivities of these wells. The leasewide oil production increase from 290 to 525 BID (46 to 83 m 3 I d) was accompanied by an 18,000- BID (2862-m 3 Id) increase in water. Total water production, 40,000 BID (6359 m 3 /d), exceeded the capacity of the treating facilities on this lease. As a result, oil carryover into the produced-water disposal srstem increased, going as high as 700 mg/L (0.7 g/dm ) in some tests. This meant losses of about 30 bbl (4.8 m 3 ) oil into the disposal system daily and significant lost revenues. This un separated oil also caused increased operating costs as water disposal wells began to plug. After reviewing these problems, we decided to build a satellite battery to handle half the produced liquid on the lease. The central battery was to be modified to increase its treating and disposal capacity to 32,000 BID (5088 m 3 I d) by installing some type of water-polishing device between the existing free-water knockouts and the produced-water disposal system. Although the capacity of this water-polishing device at ultra-high water cuts was the primary design criterion, several other factors had to be considered. As a result, three secondary design criteria were developed: that the vessel be built and installed quickly, that it be reasonably priced, and that it be durable in the Introduction The increasing value of oil is making it economically attractive to install high-volume artificial lift equipment in an oil well, and produce it to a WOR of 125 or more. However, there are few methods for the design of an oil/water separator that will handle effectively liquid inputs of 20,000 BID or more at these ultra-high water cuts. By developing and presenting the design equations for one such design, this paper describes a foundation for further work. Large-volume wash tanks often are used as oil/water separators or water polishers in high-rate, high-water-cut applications. Despite widespread use of wash tanks, there are no design equations available to aid in their design 1. This paper presents several equations developed while adapting the API separator to oilfield use. It also evaluates design performance with field data. A comparison of actual performance with performance predicted by reaction kinetics equations shows that, for the most part, overall performance approached or exceeded predicted performance. Although some flow characteristics failed to meet the modeled performance, we conclude that the design equations developed are valid for design of a high-water-cut, high-rate oil/water separator. • Now with Monsanto Oil Co. 0149·2136/82/0010-8307$00.25 Copyright 1982 Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME NOVEMBER 1982 2637 CENTRAL AISER Fig. 1-Cutaway drawing of constant-level skim tank. 0--·1:: D LOWER 1--INLET SPREADE~ BLIND highly corrosive environment. In this case, the presence of H 2 S in the water aggravated the corrosion problem. After researching several alternatives, we decided that converting a surplus tank into a wash tank would be the fastest and simplest solution. However, when we reviewed the wash tanks used in this and other operating areas, we could find no design equations for this type of vessel. The first step in designing the vessel, then, was to develop analytical expressions that would allow the design to meet the primary design criterion. Our approach was to adapt the separator described in the API Manual on Disposal of Refinery Wastes 2 to a vertical cylindrical vessel, rather than the horizontal vessel normally used. API Separator The API separator is basically one or more long channels with a maximum flow area and minimum depth. This minimizes turbulence and allows oil globules greater than 0.006 in. (0.15 mm) in diameter to rise to the surface, where they are skimmed off. This type of vessel was attractive because it was simple and effective, and could be sized to treat specific inflow rates. Analysis shows six major components in an API separator. The preseparator flume and the forebay slow down flow, reducing turbulence and allowing most of the gas and sludge to separate out of the flowstream. A vertically slotted baffle is used to create an even flow profile into each channel. Several channels are used, and they are designed to be sufficiently long and shallow for effective separation at design rates. An oil skimmer and a sludge-collecting hopper are used to collect these byproducts as they are separated from the water by gravity and to hold them for removal. The handling of H 2 S-laden brine in an API separator presented safety and pollution hazards that were unacceptable. The basic design was rejected on this basis. We decided, however, that since the strong points of a wash tank and of the API separator complemented each other, a better design might result from adapting the API separator to a wash tank. 2638 --@1 ~~~~~;D TSEL~T:ITH - BLIND .L:L Fig. 2-Detail of skim tank internals. Constant-Level Skim Tank The design shown in Figs. 1 and 2 is an adaptation of the API separator. The gas boot serves as a preseparator flume, slowing flow to 0.5 ft/sec (0.15 m/s), downward. This allows entrained free gas [bubbles of 400 microns (400 J,tm) or more] to rise out of the flowstream. The line from the boot to the central riser and the central riser itself are designed for fluid velocities of 2 to 4 ft/sec (0.6 to 1.2 m/s). These components act together as a forebay, evenly distributing flow to the upper slots. The inlet slots in this design are used as a slotted baffle, distributing the water flow evenly across the spreaders. This set of slots should have enough area to cause a velocity of 3 ftlsec (0.91 m/s) at design throughput. While the length and the number of slots can be varied, each slot should be at least 0.5 in. (13 mm) across to minimize plugging. The upper end of the slots should be even with or below the lower lip of the upper spreader for optimal performance. The space between the two spreaders is the actual flow channel in this design. The area of each spreader should be about half the area of the tank. A space of at least 2 ft (0.61 m) should remain between the edge of the spreader and the wall of the tank to provide working room during construction. The outlet piping downstream of the exit slots should be connected to a water leg located outside the tank. Since the height of the water leg is adjustable, it can be used to regulate the liquid level. This will maintain a relatively constant level in the vessel and help to keep the oil/water interface above the upper spreader. This interface must be kept above the upper spreader for efficient separation. An oil skimmer should be tied in to the tank JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM TECHNOLOGY above the spreader. A continuous skimmer not only will recover the oil separated by the flowstream but also will provide a secondary means of controlling the liquid level in the tank. A 0.12-psi (0.860-kPa) auxiliary gas source should be used to maintain a gas blanket in the vapor space of the vessel. This not only will reduce corrosion in the vessel but also will reduce the risk of explosion. By using a cone-bottom tank, the bottom of the tank can be used as a sludge-collecting hopper. * While gaslliquid separation should occur primarily in the gas boot, smaller gas bubbles will be liberated as the flowstream velocity slows farther downstream. The gas released by this secondary separation should be routed into the vapor space of the tank. This is accomplished by providing vent holes at the top of the central riser and by placing a vent in each spreader. The vent for the upper spreader should end just below the top of the tank. The vent for the lower spreader should end above the top of the upper slots, just below the upper spreader. The crosssectional area of each vent should be large enough to keep vapor velocities low. This will prevent the vapor from lifting water as it moves up the vent. Oil/water separation should occur primarily in the flow channel between the two spreaders. As a result, oil will build up in the space below the upper spreader and above the top of the upper slots. Although this oil blanket will help small oil globules to coalesce and move out of the flowstream, it could become contaminated with anaerobic bacteria, which would be a source of corrosion. This can be minimized by treating the inlet stream with a bactericide at regular intervals. Secondary oil/water separation will occur in the region outside the spreaders and in the area below the lower spreader. Secondary separation also will occur in the quiet space between the upper spreader and the oil/water interface. Design Equations In the API separator, each flow channel is designed to keep the horizontal velocity at 3 ftlmin (0.015 m/s) or less at design rates. This will minimize turbulence in each channel. The channels are designed to be long enough for an oil droplet 150 microns (150 J-tm) in diameter to rise from the lowest streamline to the oillwater interface before it reaches the end of the channel. In this adaptation of the API separator, all the oil droplets must rise to an elevation equal to the lip of the top spreader before they are carried out from beneath the spreader. The length and the width of the flow channel are approximately constant for any particular size tank, because the spreader size is a function of tank size. As a result, calculations must be carried out to determine the distance between the two spreaders, and the length of the inlet slots. These distances, h2 and h I (Fig. 2), must be long enough so that most oil droplets will be captured beneath the upper spreader at design rates. These distances can be characterized by a single variable, ii, which is the average of h I and h 2 • The design process is similar to that outlined in Chap. 5 of Ref. 2. In this case, it is possible to begin with a design rate and work up rough values for the length of the slots and the distance between the spreaders. The TABLE 1-RETENTION TIME DISTRIBUTION, CONSTANT-LEVEL SKIM TANK Reduced Time Distribution Function (ppm) to E(t o ) 0 85 442 421 276 335 314 297 266 245 197 235 235 100 0.17 0.26 0.35 0.44 0.54 0.65 0.76 0.87 0.98 1.09 1.2 1.31 1.43 2.1 0 0.19 0.99 0.94 0.62 0.75 0.70 0.66 0.59 0.55 0.44 0.52 0.52 0.22 Time Tracer t C (minutes) 9 14 19 24 29 35 41 47 53 59 65 71 77 100 quickest way to design this vessel is to select a value of ii and calculate the capacity of the vessel. Then ii should be iterated until a value is found that will allow the desired throughput. The design engineer then can select values of h I and h2 that are compatible with this value of ii. The upper slots should be designed to cause a velocity of 3 ftlsec (0.91 m/s) at design rates, and will require some minimum length to handle the desired throughput. This gives a minimum value of both h I and h 2 • The two spreaders can be moved only a limited distance apart because of the amount of piping and quiet space required in the tank. This gives a maximum value of h I and h 2 . Thus, the design of this vessel becomes simply a matter of determining an optimal value of ii for a desired throughput. Using the Stokes equation, droplets of oil as low as 0.006 in. (0.15 cm) in diameter will rise in water at a velocity of Ut . =0.0241 ( 'Yw-'Yo) ft/mm J-tw or Ut =0.0122 (1' w~~'Y 0 ) cm/s. . ............ (1) The probable flow channel in this design is indicated in Fig. 2 by dashed lines. This flow channel will have a length (in feet or meters) of L= llz(d 2 -d I)' The average depth of the channel (in feet or meters) can be estimated: ii=llz(h l +h 2 ) . ........................... (2) The volume of the channel should be "Gipson, F.W.: personal communication, Conoeo Inc. (1976). NOVEMBER 1982 2639 400 0 300 ~ p= 0 0 0 - ! "'0 300 o 300 200 400 OiL CAMfO"l£R. INLET 600 700 600 \"lIIl) Fig. 3-Performance of skim tank at 25,000 BID (3975 m 3/d). To rise from the lowennost streamline to the uppermost streamline of flow requires a separation time of fi t'=- min ............................... (3) Ut This separation time will have to be less than the time required for flow to move beyond the spreader (i.e. leave the flow channel) at design rates, or Thus, at design rates, U [7r 2 7r 2 7r q=-=- d 2 h 2 - - d Ih 1---(h 2 -h 1) t h 4 4 12 . (d 22 +d 2d I +d2dJ ' which reduces to 7r q=--xutx 4 1 (d 2 -d I) ( 2 h 1 - d 2h2+-d 2hl 3 3 2) + - d 1h2 +-d1hl cu fi/min, 3 3 or This equation will not have a unique solution, so several pairs of h I and h2 can be calculated. If h2 is maximized (to reduce turbulence), the design throughput becomes a function of hI. Using the properties of the system and the design rate, then, h I can be calculated as the final step in the design process. An example calculation is shown in the Appendix. 2640 100 O~~-~--~--'-----'----~'---'-I o 20 40 60 80 100 120 RETENTION TIME (r.lUTES) Fig. 4- Tracer response curve for skim tank at 25,000 BID (3975 m 3 /d). Field Testing A prototype vessel was built and installed in the Big Lake field in mid-1977. With the above equations, this vessel has a design water capacity of 48,000 BID (7631 m 3 /d). This rate is 150% of the desired throughput of 32,000 BID (5088 m 3 /d). Initial water throughput was approximately 25,000 BID (3975 m 3 /d). Figs. 3 and 4 display the results of several tests run at that time to detennine effectiveness of this design. Fig. 3 presents effluent water quality as a function of input water quality. Although slugs ofO.7 to 8 giL (0.7 to 0.8 g/cm 3 ) oil were measured going into the separator, effluent quality was generally less than 0.175 . giL (0.0175 g/cm 3 ) oil. Because of the vessel's performance above 0.200-g/L (0.200-g/cm 3 ) input, this curve shows the effectiveness of the vessel when used as a free-water knockout or where large slugs of oil are expected. To detennine the retention time of water in this vessel, a tracer was mixed in water and injected into the flowstream before it entered the gas boot. Samples were taken at the water outlet and then were analyzed for tracer material. As indicated in Fig. 4, the peak retention time was 19 minutes. The degree of mixing is indicated by the width of the retention curve at one half the peak height. In this test, the width of the retention curve was 60 minutes using a tracer concentration of 200 ppm. This indicates that turbulence and mixing are occurring, but that they are not affecting perfonnance adversely to any great extent. Reaction Kinetics Equations How efficient is this vessel? Is it doing as well as could be expected? What should the retention time curve look like? Using the method given by Zemel and Bowman, I we can compare actual perfonnance with ideal perfonnance. Basic reaction kinetics provides several ways to obtain an approximation of that ideal perfonnance. This will allow the production engineer to analyze the performance of this or any other reaction vessel. JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM TECHNOLOGY Using equations from several reaction kinetics texts,3-5 the area under the rete~tion time curve in Fig. 4 is: Ct = r Cdt o As with any function, the distribution is characterized by its first and second moments. For this distribution to be compared effectively with ideal and actual performance of other vessels, it should be plotted as a dimensionless curve. To obtain a dimensionless plot, the ideal mean residence time is used to reduce both t i and C i to functions of dimensionless time, t D. Thus, for any sample, or ti tD=7 00 .L:c X~ti ppm-min ....................... (5) o i .............................. (10) and 7 E(tD)=-C i . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (11) The retention time curve becomes the retention time distribution when C E(t) = -minutes -I Ct ....................... (6) is plotted vs. t. The mean residence time, 7, of a vessel is a key operating characteristic. If there is no dead space in the vessel, V 7=-min, ............................... (7) q but the actual 7 for a vessel can be calculated from a tracer test with the formula r Cxtdt 7="-0---- r Cdt o Ct Reaction engineering texts provide two simple singleparameter models that represent two extremes of flow. These can be used to obtain clues to which flow regimes are occurring in the vessel. These two equations also can be used to predict the retention-time distribution of this vessel, within the limiting assumptions. The dispersion model assumes that flow is similar to pipe flow, with mixing caused by turbulence and molecular diffusion processes. As can be expected where one variable combines these two effects, the dispersion coefficient, K, primarily reflects the amount of turbulence encountered during flow. The vessel dispersion number is K/(vL) , a dimensionless number used to characterize the amount of mixing during flow. For small values of K/(vL), [K/(vL)::;; 0.002], turbulence is negligible and plug flow is described, resulting in a Gaussian curve centered at t D = 1. As turbulence increases, so does K/(vL), until fully mixed flow occurs as k/(vL) approaches infinity. Increased mixing causes the distribution to reach a peak retention time before t D = 1 and results in a lower peak concentration. For this model, 00 .L:CXt~t .....;O~--min . . ........................ (8) Ct ........................ (12) 7 is the first moment of the retention time distribution; the second moment is its variance, (12 (t) is r The tanks-in-series model simply assumes flow through a series of mixing tanks, each equal in size. The single parameter describing this system is n, the number of tanks in this series. For this model, n(nt D)n-I e -ntD C(t-T)dt (12t="-0 _ _- r Cdt o r E(tD)= Ct 2dt ="-0-----_t 2 r Cdt (n-l)! ................... (13) The second moment, the variance, of these functions is 2K K2 (12(tD)=- +8-- for the dispersion model . (14) vL vL and o (12 (t D) = lin for the tanks-in-series model. I .... (15) 00 = ~C·I Xt2·~t-72 L..J I 0 NOVEMBER 1982 . . ................... (9) Note that as the number of tanks increases to infinity, or as K gets very small, (12 (tD) approaches zero and overall flow through the system will approach plug flow. Because the dispersion model allows for flow back 2641 TABLE 2-COMPARISON OF PROJECTED vs. ACTUAL PERFORMANCE AT 25,000 BWPD Ideal Distribution Actual Distribution 0.85 tD (46 min.) 0.78 tD (42 min.) 0.86 tD (46 min.) tD (54 min.) 0.9 peak retention time mean retention time time at one-half peak concentration peak concentration 0.35 1.01 0.88 0.85 tD (19 min.) t D (54 min.) tD (47 min.) tD (46 min.) 0.99 RTD 1.0 0.8 -0 w 0.6 ~ 0.4 0.2 0 0 05 1.5 2 Fig. 5-ldealized residence-time distributions at 25,000 BID (3975 m 3 /d). 1.4 1.2 TANK IN SERIES 1.0 '0 0.8 ~ UJ ACTUAL DISTRIBUTION 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 .5 1.5 2 to Fig. 6-Equivalent residence-time distributions at 25,000 BID (3975 m 3/d). upstream, the distributions predicted by these two models differ more and more with increasing deviation from the plug flow regime. 5 Analysis of Results Using these equations, the data from the retention time testing were used to arrive at a retention time distribution for the vessel (Table 1). This distribution was plotted in Fig. 5 to predict what the retention time distribution for flow through the gas boot, suction piping, and spreader areas of the constant-level skim tank should look like. 2642 Here it was assumed that n=3. From Eqs. 14 and 15, we calculate that (J2(t D)=0.333, and KlvL=0.115. Between the two predictions is a composite curve. This is an interpolation predicting what the retention time distribution should be for the constant-level skim tank based on the two models. According to this curve, the peak concentration is predicted to occur at t=0.85tD' and the time span at one half the peak concentration is 7. The peak concentration should be about 0.9E(td)' The variance, (J2, of this vessel, should be 0.333; the mean residence time is 0.78tD' The actual retention time distribution for this vessel is plotted in Fig. 6. It can be seen that the peak concentration actually occurs at t=0.35tD' From Eq. 8, 7=54.9 minutes (1.01tD) for this distribution, and we can calculate that (J2(tD)=0.303. Thus, in this vessel the actual constants are n=3.29 and KlvL=0.106, using Eqs. 14 and 15. The rapid increase of concentration in the actual retention-time distribution seems to indicate the possibility of short circuiting in this vessel. However, the mean residence time and the peak tracer concentration were nearly the same as predicted, and no slugging was observed or recorded. The retention-time distributions based on these constants are plotted in Fig. 6. Comparing Figs. 5 and 6 shows how similar the actual performance was to the ideal performance. The variance of the actual retentiontime distribution was only slightly less than the variance predicted by the models. This is an indication that slightly less mixing and turbulence was occurring than was expected. This conclusion is supported by two other comparisons. If the hump in the retention-time curve, which begins at t= 1.2t D, is ignored as an anomaly, the time during which measured tracer concentration exceeded one half of the peak concentration was O. 85t D, which is slightly less than the value expected. This indicates that the actual flow regime was closer to plug flow than was predicted. The lack of turbulence also is indicated by the value of E(t D) achieved at peak concentration; this was about 10% higher than was predicted by either flow model (Table 2). In a final comparison, the measured mean residence time of 54.9 minutes occurred at 7= 1. 0 1t D, which is slightly longer than the 7=0.78tD predicted by the model. In this distribution, samples taken after t=2t D could be regarded as coming from an inactive part of the vessel. If these data points are not considered, 7=47.6 minutes, or 0.88tD for this vessel, which agrees fairly well with the predicted value. According to Levenspiel,5 the difference between 7 for this smaller set of data, and the ideal 7 (= Vlq) represents the amount of inactive volume in the vessel: 7 measured X Vactive V = -----tideal and Vinactive =V - Vactive = V ( 1- t measured ) . tideal This vessel was designed to have a quiet space above the uppermost spreader. In this vessel, 2 ft (0.61 m) of space (or 14% of the working volume) was isolated, so JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM TECHNOLOGY Tm=0.86Ti could be expected based on this analysis. The Tm = 0.88 TD that was measured indicated that not all this volume is inactive. There is a minor anomaly in the retention-time distribution curve in Fig. 6, starting at t= 1.2t D. This is caused by a small amount of liquid following a second flow path longer than the mainstream flow. This minor flowstream probably exited the upper spreader through the vent and then used the dead space for separation purposes, reducing the inactive volume of this vessel. The major difference between the models and the actual performance, however, occurs in the early part of the distribution, when the tracer shows a quick and significant breakthrough. It should be realized that this is expected at the rates seen in this vessel. High rates prevent mixing with upstream water, so a Gaussian distribution cannot be obtained despite an intermediate vessel dispersion number of K/(vL) =0. 106. The close agreement between the actual and the predicted peak concentration indicates that there is no short circuiting or slugging occurring. .Conclusions Because of continuing problems with wash tanks as water separation equipment, a commitment was made to design a high-rate separator based on the API model separator. The primary design criterion was its effectiveness at rates of more than 25,000 BID (3975 m 3 /d). Secondary criteria were ease of construction, durability, and low capital costs. Once the design equations were developed and approved, the constant-level skim tank was put together quickly as a result of its simplicity and the availability of component parts. No moving parts are involved, and corrosion resistance was built in, giving it the reliability that was sought. Initial outlay was less than the price of a free-water knockout with comparable capacity. In addition, operating expenses are nil. Thus, this separator met the three secondary design criteria. As for the primary criterion-that it be effective-field performance indicates that the actual performance of this vessel nearly matches its ideal performance in most areas of comparison. Nomenclature n = number of tanks in series-of-tanks flow model q = volumetric flow rate, BID (m 3 Id) t D = dimensionless time t' = minimum required separation time, minutes T = mean residence time, minutes U = fluid velocity, ft/min (m/s) U t = terminal velocity of oil rising in water, ft/min (mm/s) V = wetted volume of vessel, bbl (m 3 ) Vc = volume of the actual flow channel, bbl (m 3 ) 'Y 0 = specific gravity of oil 'Y w = specific gravity of water /l-w = viscosity of water, cp (Pa' s) a 2 (t) = variance of the distribution with respect to time Acknowledgments I am grateful to Conoco Inc. for giving me the opportunity to publish this paper. Special recognition is extended to F.W. Gipson, 1.1. Stockton, D.D. Caudle, and 1.R . Cowden for their contributions to this project. References l. Zemel, B. and Bowman, R.W.: "Residence Time Distributions in Gravity Oil-Water Separations," paper SPE 6527 presented at the 1977 SPE California Regional Meeting. April 13-15. 2. Manual on Disposal of Refinery Wastes, "Oil-Water Separator Process Design," API, Dallas (1969) Chap. 5. 3. Himmelblau. D.M. and Bischoff, K.B.: Process Analysis and Simulation-Deterministic Systems, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York City (1967). 4. Levenspiel, 0.: Chemical Reaction Engineering, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York City (1972) 280-90. 5. Hill, e.G. Jr.: Introduction to Chemical Engineering Kinetics and Reactor Designs, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York City (1977) 395-40 I, 283, 287. SI Metric Conversion Factor bbl x 1.589 873 E-Ol m3 APPENDIX Example Calculations Design parameters: 'Yw = 1.029 at 120°F (49°C), 'Yo = 0.810 at 120°F (49°C), = 0.006 cp (6xlO- 3 Pa's), q = 32,000 BID (5088 =m 3 Id) design rate; expect surging, and U t = 0.884 ft/min (4.5 mm/s). . ..... (A-I) /l-w C = concentration of tracer chemical in flow stream , ppm C t = total amount of tracer injected into flowstream, ppm/min d = diameter (see Fig. 2 for appropriate subscripts), ft (m) E(t) = retention-time distribution of C with respect to t, minutes - 1 E(t D) = retention-time distribution of C with respect to tD h = height (see Fig. 2 for appropriate subscripts), ft (m) fi = average height K = effective (or longitudinal) dispersion coefficient, sq ft-min (m2-min) . L = equivalent length of flow channel, ft (m) NOVEMBER 1982 Gas boot: Design for surging to 48,000 BID (7631 m 3 /d) at u=0.5 ft/s (0.15 m/s), d=34 in. (86 cm), h=tank height+(2xd)+2 ft=24 ft (7.3 m). Forebay riser: For velocity < 6 ftl s (1. 830 ml s), d 1 :e:: 9.8 in. (25 cm). Exit slots: For q=32,000 BID (5088 m 3 /d), use area of 100 sq in. (645 cm 2) or less to ensure velocity of at least 3 ft/s (0.9 m/s). Assume eight slots [2 ftxO.5 in. (0.6 mX 1.3 cm)] starting 1 ft (0.3 m) below top of spreader for both inlet and outlet slots. Using a 21-ft and 16-inx 16-ft (6.6-mx4.9-m) tank with 1,000-bbl (l59-m 3 ) nominal capacity, a spreader 2643 with approximately half the cross-sectional area would have d 2 =0.707 x21.6= 15.25 ft (4.6 m). Estimated h2 =8 ft (2.4 m), .............. . (A-2) 11=5.0 ft (1.5 m), L= V2 (d 1 +d 2 )=7.l25 ft (2.2 m), and t'=minimum required retention time, 5.66 min ............... . (A-3) 2644 then q=maximum allowable throughput, 48,705 BID (7738 m 3 /d) . . . . . (A-4) JPT Original manuscript received in Society of Petroleum Engineers office July 17, 1979. Paper accepted for publication June 5, 1980. Revised manuscript received Sept. 2, 1982. Paper (SPE 8307) first presented at the 1979 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition held in Las Vegas Sept. 23-26. JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM TECHNOLOGY