6/24/2019 Norwegian Grammar Cheat Sheet TOPIC: NORWEGIAN (BOKMÅL) FOLLOW DISCUSSION Norwegian Grammar Cheat Sheet Luke_5.1991 9 41 25 8 8 5 25 8 4 24 8 4 18 7 4 7 17 6 15 6 13 6 12 6 12 5 5 11 5 3 This grammar "cheat sheet" is a work in progress. Its main goal is to centralize the basics of Norwegian grammar for students on Duolingo. SUBJECT PRONOUNS "De" is pronounced like "dee". All formality in second-person pronouns has fallen into near total disuse. You may hear some spoken dialects use different words than the ones above, but the differences are generally small and are not reflected in written Bokmål. OBJECT PRONOUNS https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/18650266/Norwegian-Grammar-Cheat-Sheet 1/10 6/24/2019 Norwegian Grammar Cheat Sheet The word "han" is an alternative form of "ham" that is considered equally correct. NOUNS Remember that the use the feminine gender is dependent on dialect and personal style. All feminine nouns can be written or spoken as if they were masculine nouns, meaning both "ei dør" and "en dør" are considered correct. Certain neuter nouns mostly take an "-a" ending in the definite plural, such as "barna" and "beina". This ending can apply to all definite plural neuter nouns, but tends to be reserved to a few words such as these. ADJECTIVES https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/18650266/Norwegian-Grammar-Cheat-Sheet 2/10 6/24/2019 Norwegian Grammar Cheat Sheet In the examples above, "den" and "det" can translate to "that" in addition to "the". Similarly, "de" can also mean "those" in addition to "the". THE ADJECTIVE "LITEN" VERB TENSES https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/18650266/Norwegian-Grammar-Cheat-Sheet 3/10 6/24/2019 Norwegian Grammar Cheat Sheet REGULAR VERBS IRREGULAR VERBS https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/18650266/Norwegian-Grammar-Cheat-Sheet 4/10 6/24/2019 Norwegian Grammar Cheat Sheet ADVERBS CONJUNCTIONS AND SUBJUNCTIONS https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/18650266/Norwegian-Grammar-Cheat-Sheet 5/10 6/24/2019 Norwegian Grammar Cheat Sheet 43 GIVE LINGOT 2 years ago 138 Leave a new comment POST CANCEL 47 Comments SORTED BY TOP POST soricantica 22 2 2 tusen takk! en veldig god ide! 7 REPLY GIVE LINGOT • 2 years ago https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/18650266/Norwegian-Grammar-Cheat-Sheet 6/10