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Insect Growth and Development: A Presentation

Module 3
Module 3
Insect Growth and
Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes
Explain the molting process
Illustrate the life cycle of an insect
Discuss the different types of metamorphosis
Discuss the various stages of holometabolous
• Discuss the insect seasonal cycle and its types and
explain the basis of survival under extreme
Insect Exoskeleton
Insect Exoskeleton
The insect exoskeleton performs to protect the body
of insects from external pressure, such as extreme
environmental conditions and natural enemies.
The exoskeleton is composed of non-cellular cuticles,
epidermal cells, and the basement membrane
The presence of this structure on insects and other
arthropods is the main reason why they are small.
Insect Exoskeleton
The insect exoskeleton performs to protect the body
of insects from external pressure, such as extreme
environmental conditions and natural enemies.
The exoskeleton is composed of non-cellular cuticles,
epidermal cells, and the basement membrane
The presence of this structure on insects and other
arthropods is the main reason why they are small.
Insect Exoskeleton
The Cuticle
The Cuticle
The cuticle is a non-living
structure formed from the
secretion of epidermal cells
containing chitin and proteins.
The cuticle is composed of 3
primary layers - the epicuticle,
exocuticle, and endocuticle, as
shown in Figure 1.
The Cuticle
The cuticle is a non-living
structure formed from the
secretion of epidermal cells
containing chitin and proteins.
The cuticle is composed of 3
primary layers - the epicuticle,
exocuticle, and endocuticle, as
shown in Figure 1.
The Cuticle
The cuticle is a non-living
structure formed from the
secretion of epidermal cells
containing chitin and proteins.
The cuticle is composed of 3
primary layers - the epicuticle,
exocuticle, and endocuticle, as
shown in Figure 1.
The Cuticle
The cuticle is a non-living
structure formed from the
secretion of epidermal cells
containing chitin and proteins.
The cuticle is composed of 3
primary layers - the epicuticle,
exocuticle, and endocuticle, as
shown in Figure 1.
The Cuticle
The cuticle is a non-living
structure formed from the
secretion of epidermal cells
containing chitin and proteins.
The cuticle is composed of 3
primary layers - the epicuticle,
exocuticle, and endocuticle, as
shown in Figure 1.
The Cuticle
The cuticle can also be traced
from the internal organs such
as the air tube lining
(tracheae), salivary glands,
reproductive and digestive
Layers of
The Epicuticle
Layers of
The Epicuticle
The epicuticle is the outermost
thinnest layer of the cuticle composed
of wax, cuticulin, and cement. The
epicuticle provides body protection
from water loss and disease-causing
Layers of
The Exocuticle
The exocuticle is the second layer
below the epicuticle or the middle
part, which gives the cuticle its
resiliency. This is possible due to
the formation of chitin in this
Layers of
The epidermal cells
It is noteworthy that the primary function of the
exoskeleton is for protection. However,
exoskeleton still needs to be flexible and mobile.
Hence, certain body parts of insects need to be
flexible such as in joints so that they can still be
mobile (walking, swimming, flying, digging,
grasping, clasping, etc.). Here, the cuticle is thin
and soft to make them more mobile and flexible.
Layers of
The basement
composed of a collagen fibers and an
(basal lamina), which effectively
separates the epidermal cells from
the cuticle.
The Molting Process
The Molting Process
Figure 2. The various organs that produce
hormones responsible for molting in insects.
The molting process of
insects starts with the
cessation of feeding and,
consequently, clearing of
the guts contents.
The Molting Process
Brain hormone
Figure 2. The various organs that produce
hormones responsible for molting in insects.
(also known as activation
hormone or PTTH)
The Molting Process
Figure 2. The various organs that produce
hormones responsible for molting in insects.
or molting hormone or
prothoracic gland hormone
The Molting Process
Juvenile hormone
Figure 2. The various organs that produce
hormones responsible for molting in insects.
(maintains larval or juvenile
form after molting)
The Molting Process
The Molting Process
Brain hormone produced by the
neurosecretory cells located in the brain's
protocerebrum region will be dispensed in
the hemolymph (insect blood) through the
brain accessory structure.
Once in the blood, the brain hormone
circulates in the prothorax where the
prothoracic gland is located, activated,
and then produces ecdysone or molting
hormone, which is responsible for molting
Figure 3. The molting process.
The Molting Process
The epidermal cells will divide and
become tightly packed in preparation for
the separation of epidermal cells to the
cuticle; the process is known as apolysis.
During apolysis, space created known as
ecdysial space will be filled with a molting
fluid (molting fluid contains enzymes such
as proteinase and chitinase that digest
and metabolize up to 90% of the old
cuticle to form new cuticle).
Figure 3. The molting process.
The Molting Process
As the new cuticle is produced, formed
various layers. The outer layer of the
newly formed cuticle is resistant to the
chitinase and proteinase enzymes, thus
surviving the enzymes' digestive process.
Once the new cuticle was formed, the
next process known as ecdysis is to
remove the old cuticle from the insect
body. Here, the insect muscles will pump
blood in the thorax to expand it.
Figure 3. The molting process.
The Molting Process
The expansion of the thorax causes the rupture
of the old cuticle. The insect will then exit
through this rupture, head, and thorax first;
then, abdomen and appendages follow.
After ecdysis, the newly formed cuticle is still
very soft, pliant, and unpigmented.
To harden the cuticle and pigmented, the
process known as sclerotization happens. This
is done by swallowing air or water to increase
blood pressure in order to expand the body,
one part at a time.
Figure 3. The molting process.
The Molting Process
Once expanded, the new cuticle
hardens and is permeated with
Recently, hormone bursicon
plays a role in the sclerotization
process (Pedigo, 1999).
The over-all process of molting is
depicted in Figure 3
Figure 3. The molting process.
Figure 3. The molting process.
Insect Development
Insect Development
Stages of insect development are divided into:
a. early embryonic development
b. post-embryonic development
Insect Development
Please take note that insects are the most diverse organisms in the animal
world! An estimated 1 million species have been explored and identified by
scientists. Based on the statistics, an estimated 700 new species of insects
were added to the number per year. Scientists still believe more have been
waiting for exploration by them. So it is not surprising that we encountered
new species in the days to come. Who knows one of you could have one
species, and it will be named after you if you study entomology with
specialization in taxonomy!
is the process by which an insect undergoes
changes in form and structure throughout its
entire life. According to Pedigo (1999),
metamorphosis is an orderly, genetically
programmed changes in insect form during the
completion of the insect life cycle.
Ametabolous type
Ametabolous type
no metamorphosis; no changes in the
form of the young
known as juvenile with the adult
except the size and genitalia
Figure 4. The life cycle of a silverfish is an example of an ametabolous type of
development wherein there are no relative changes in the structure of the immature
from the adult except their size.
Common examples of this type are
the primitively wingless insects in the
order Thysanura collembolan, Diplura.
Ametabolous type
Figure 4. The life cycle of a silverfish is an example of an ametabolous type of
development wherein there are no relative changes in the structure of the immature
from the adult except their size.
The stages are egg, juvenile, and
adult. All stages can be found in the
same habitat and share the same
food source. Unlike most insects,
molting continues in the adult stage
and is inseminated several times
because the spermathecal lining is
losing every molt, thus unable to store
sperm cells.
Paurometabolous type
has gradual metamorphosis with three
major stages: egg, nymph, and adult.
Figure 5. The life cycle of grasshopper.
Typical examples are from the order
Orthoptera, Hemiptera, Blattodea,
Phasmatodea. The nymph resembles
the adult except for the wings, size,
and genitalia. They share the same
food and habitat.
Hemimetabolous type
has incomplete metamorphosis, which the
immature known as naiad is entirely
different from an adult.
Figure 6. The life cycle of odonatans. Eggs and naiads
are in water while adult are terrestrial.
Typical examples are from the order
Odonata, Ephemeroptera, and Plecoptera.
The stages are egg, naiad, and adult. The
naiads are aquatic while the adult is
terrestrial, which means that they live in
different habitat and have various food
Holometabolous type
has a complete metamorphosis life cycle.
Have four distinct stages: egg, larva, pupa,
and adult. The larval stage is the feeding
stage of most insects from this type, while
the pupal stage is the quiescent stage. The
adult may or may not feed anymore.
Figure 7. The life cycle of odonatans. Eggs and
naiads are in water while adult are terrestrial.
Common examples under this type are
Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, Hymenoptera,
Stages in the Life Cycle of
Holometabolous Insect
Egg stage
Stages in the Life Cycle of
Holometabolous Insect
Egg stage
Egg hatching
• The hatching process often begins when the
embryo in the egg swallows
fluid or air.
• This action gives the embryo more bulk and
• Then, the embryo must rupture the egg covering
to escape
• Ruptures may be caused when the insect
produces rhythmic muscular activity and presses
or strikes against the covering with its head.
• In grasshopper, the eggshell rupture irregularly
along the egg surface
Stages in the Life Cycle of
Holometabolous Insect
Egg stage
Egg hatching
• In green stink bug, rupture along preformed lines
of weaknesses; its eggs
• have easily ruptured "caps" that the insects open
like a lid (Figure__).
• In dragonflies, a T- or Y-shaped central "tooth"
(egg burster) forces the rupture
• In many butterflies and moths, simply chew their
way out of the eggshell.
• The act of the larva leaving the egg is called
Figure 8. A newly-hatched hemipteran.
Stages in the Life Cycle of
Holometabolous Insect
Larval Stage
Types of larva
1. Vermiform Type – maggot-like; legless
and with or without a well developed
head. An example of this type is from the
Order Dipte
Figure 9. A housefly maggot.
Stages in the Life Cycle of
Holometabolous Insect
Larval Stage
Types of larva
2. Eruciform type – caterpillar-like; the
body is cylindrical with a welldeveloped
head with a short antenna, thoracic legs,
and abdominal prolegs.
Examples are from the order Lepidoptera
(moths and butterfly larvae).
Figure 10. An eruciform larva
Stages in the Life Cycle of
Holometabolous Insect
Larval Stage
Types of larva
4. Scarabaeiform type – grub-like; curved
body shaped or C shaped; sluggish
larva; with thoracic legs and no abdominal
prolegs. Examples are from the order
Coleoptera of the Family Scarabaeidae.
Figure 12. A stag beetle grub with characteristics
C-shaped, sluggish, and feeding on
dead/decomposing wood materials.
Stages in the Life Cycle of
Holometabolous Insect
Larval Stage
Types of larva
5. Elateriform type – wireworm like;
elongated and hard-shelled body; short
legs. Examples of this type are from the
Order Coleoptera of the Family
Figure 13. A wireworm larva typical example of a elateriform larvae.
Stages in the Life Cycle of
Holometabolous Insect
Pupal Stage
Types of Pupa
1. Obtect type – the appendages are more
or less glued to the body, and are
sometimes covered with cocoon. Examples
of this type are from the Order
Figure 14. An obtect type pupa of the sphingid moth.
Stages in the Life Cycle of
Holometabolous Insect
Pupal Stage
Types of Pupa
2. Exarate type – this type of pupae looks
like a mummified adult where the
appendages are not glued to the body. They
are not covered with a cocoon.
Common examples of this type are
Coleoptera, Hymenoptera
Figure 15. An exarate pupa from a particular beetle
where appendages are free is not
glued to the body, unlike the obtect type.
Adult Stage
Adult Stage
It is also known as imago and considered the
dispersal and reproductive stage in the life
cycle of insects. It is the dispersal stage in
the sense that wings are now fully developed
(if winged) and are now capable of flight to
look for a mate or to evade harsh conditions
or escape predation or parasitism. This
stage is also the reproductive stage because
the reproductive structures are now fully
developed and capable of producing
Insect seasonal cycle
Is the progression of one or more life cycles
occurring during one year. This phenomenon
is crucial for insects’ survival under harsh
conditions such as the winter season in
temperate regions. These seasonal events
are in the form of dormancy, migration,
development, and reproduction. Knowledge
of insect seasonal cycle and timing of
seasonal events
among insects is crucial in attempting to
manage the pest.
Types of Seasonal Cycle
1. Univoltine cycle – refers to a single
generation per year. One generation
would mean the completion of one life
cycle. Common examples of this type
are most grasshoppers, rootworms.
This type, when observed in the field,
most of the population would be in the
same growth stage.
Types of Seasonal Cycle
2. Multivoltine cycle – refer to more
than one generation per year.
Examples of this type are houseflies
and most insects such as moths and
butterflies and other soft-bodied
Types of Seasonal Cycle
3. Delayed Voltine cycles – refer to
more than one year for the life cycle to
complete. An example of delayed
voltine cycles is the June beetles with
the larvae requiring 2 to 3 years to
mature. Cicada, on the other hand,
requires 17 years to develop
Seasonal Adaptations
Seasonal Adaptations
1. Dormancy is a seasonally recurring period in the life
cycle of insects where growth, development, and
reproduction are halted. Dormancy may occur when
conditions are not favorable for survival. Particularly in
countries with temperate climates, dormancy can occur
during summer, fall, winter, or spring. When dormancy
falls during summer, it is called aestivation; when it
happens during fall, it is called autumnal dormancy;
when it occurs during winter, it is called hibernation.
When dormancy happened during spring is called
vernal dormancy.
Seasonal Adaptations
Here, the insect survived a freezing environment
through physiological processes such as supercooling
and freezing tolerance.
Supercooling – is resistance to freezing by insects
through the lowering of the body temperature at which
freezing of the body fluids begins.
Freezing tolerance – is the ability to survive even the
body fluids freeze.
Seasonal Adaptations
2. Diapause – is a form of survival
through low metabolism, little or no
development, increased resistance to
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