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LeaP-Science-G5-Week 1-Q3

Learning Area
A. Introduction
B. Development
45 minutes
45 minutes
Grade Level
Measuring Motion in Terms of Distance and Time
Describe the motion of an object by tracing and measuring its change in position
(distance travelled) over a period of time S5FE-IIIa-1
Motion in terms of distance and time
Ref. Science Beyond Border 5 Textbook pages 108-115
Learning Activities
Protecting and conserving intertidal zones and estuaries are vital to our
environment. Can you give some of the things you should do as Grade five
students to contribute in protecting and conserving water resources and
other living organisms in the inter tidal zones and estuaries?
Write down on a piece of paper your answer. Your answer will be checked
upon submitting your notebook in the day of retrieval the of
In this lesson, you need to:
1. Elucidate the meaning of motion of an object by tracing and tracing
its change in position over a period of time;
2. Compute the measure the movement of an object in terms of distance
and time; and
3. Carry out the value of having a reference point when understanding
Look at the picture below:
1. What does the children do in the picture?
2. Do you know what do you call to that traditional Filipino game?
3. Do you experience to play patintero with you friends?
4. What are you going to do in order to win in the game?
5. Do players need to move while playing the patintero? Why is it important
to move around and let the tin be fell on the ground after it was hit by the
opponent player?
Body movements in any games are necessary to play the game properly
and of course to win. Motion and energy are relatively important in our daily
life. Motion and energy work together to make things easier for us. Through
the help of force , motion can be achieved. Without motion, we cannot do
work and enjoy life. Life is so boring without any movement or any motion in
By definition, motion is a change of position with respect to its reference
point. A reference point is a fixed place or an object used to determine the
position of the object.
The activities that you are going to perform will clearly describe what causes
the object to move. Also, you will measure the distance covered by a moving
object which is affected by its speed, or the measure of how fast it moves.
A. Prepare the materials listed below. If not available, you may use other
materials at home to perform the activity. You may ask the help of your
parents/guardians or any adult members of the family if needed.
Title: Movement and Motion
Small ball
large hardbound book masking tape
Toy car
ruler (cm)
marker pen
1. Mark a spot on the floor with a masking tape. Label it as Point A.
2. Place the small ball on point A, then blow on it.
Learning Activities
3. Using a ruler, record the distance in centimeters if the ball moved away
from point A or if it did not move at all.
4. Place a toy car on point A, then blow on it. As much as possible, apply
the same amount of force applied on the ball.
5. Using a ruler, record the distance in cm if the toy car moved away from
point A or did not move at all.
6. Place a notebook on point A, then blow on it with the same amount of
force applied on the ball and the toy car.
7. Using a ruler, record the distance in cm if the notebook moved away
from point A or did not move at all.
8. Repeat steps 1 to 7, but thballis time, push the ball, the toy car, and the
notebook with your fingers. Record your observations.
9. Repeat steps 1 to 7, but this time, use one side of the hardbound book
as a ramp (45 degrees inclination). Label its highest point as A. Put the
ball, toy car, and notebook one at a time without applying any force.
Observe what will happen to the ball, toy car, and notebook. Record
your observations.
10. Make a table like the one below to record your observations. Put a
check ( ) mark if there was movement after force was applied.
Objects to be
Toy car
Placing on a
1. Which action causes all the objects move?
2. Why do you think this action causes movement?
3. Which among the objects is the hardest to move? Why?
4. Which among the objects is the easiest to move? Why?
5. What is the importance of point A in determining the movement of the
B. Prepare the materials listed below. If not available, you may use other
materials at home to perform the activity. You may ask the help of your
parents/guardians or any adult members of the family if needed.
Title: Measure It!
3 books of equal thickness
2 rulers of the same size
metric tape measure
1. Position the rulers together on a book with a distance from each other
that would fit a marble. The rulers would serve as a ramp for the marbles.
2. Release the marble between the rulers. Measure in centimeters the
distance covered by the marble. Take note of the time in seconds as
the marble travels.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for trial 2.
4. Put another book on top of the first book. Repeat steps 1 to 3.
5. Put another book on top of the two books. Repeat steps 1 to 3.
6. Record your measurement in the table in the next page.
Number of Books
One book (setup A)
Two books (setup B)
Three books (setup C)
Trial 1
Length traveled by
the marble in cm
Trial 2
Length traveled by
the marble in cm
1. What setup resulted to the shortest distance traveled by the marble?
Why do you think the marble traveled the shortest distance with this
2. What setup resulted to the longest distance traveled by the marble?
Why do you think the marble traveled the longest distance with this
3. How can measuring distance help us in comparing things in motion?
4. What is the effect of height on the distance a marble travels from a
C. Engagement
45 minutes
Learning Activities
5. What is the speed of the marbles in Trial 1 and 2?
Remember this:
Pull or push as part of exerting force may also relative on the distance on
the object when it is move from one point to another. However, distance is
the measure of how far or near two points are from another. It can be
measured using different ways such as time, landmark or body parts.
For example, when you are going to school the distance of the school from
your house is two kilometers away and you spend one hour of walking just to
get there in your school. This may not validate that you spent less time going
to school that going to church which is far apart from the school. There are
factors to be consider like traffic or winding road that can be affected your
travel time.
Therefore, there are appropriate tools and ways to measure distance so
that you can tell whether the object is near or far. Distance is measured by
using tools such as meter stick, tape measure, measuring wheel and ultrasonic
distance measurer.
On the other hand, the distance covered by a moving object is affected
by speed, or the measure of how fast it moves. Speed of an object can be
calculated by dividing the distance covered by an object in motion by the
time spent to cover the distance.
Speed= distance covered
s= d
For example: Geros traveled 5 meters away with her bike from her house
going to plaza in 120 seconds.
In getting the speed of Geros’ bike, following the formula stated above:
Speed= 5 meters
120 seconds
Speed = 0.42 meter per seconds
The speed of Geros’ bike is 0.42 m/s from her house to the plaza.
A. Name at least 5 of your daily activities and describe how motion takes
Activities Involving Motion
D. Assimilation
45 minutes
How does motion take place?
B. Analyze and solve the problems. Then, fill in the table with the needed
1. A cyclist travels 200 kilometers in 8 hours.
What is the speed of the cyclist?
2. A mouse runs a distance of 2 meters in 15
seconds. What is its speed?
3. A car travels 300 kilometers in 5 hours.
What is its speed?
4. A man runs 108 kilometers in 3 hours. What
is his speed?
5. A tricycle drove to a passenger’s house
that is 20 meters away from the station in 10
minutes. What is the speed of the tricycle?
Remember that in describing the motion of an object by tracing and
measuring its change in position (distance travelled) over a period of time,
you need to take value on the importance of having a standard unit of
measurement in determining the distance between two points. Knowledge in
conversion is also necessary to get the speed of a moving object.
Can you try to solve this word problem?
Learning Activities
My Santos family always get together during weekend. They plan go to
Tagaytay with their new Toyota Rush. Tagaytay is 70 meters away from their
home and they tend to get there in just 35 minutes. What will be the speed
the car needed to land in Tagaytay?
Write your answer on the clean sheet of paper. It will be passed on the day of
submission for checking
25 minutes
(Learning Activity Sheets for
Assessment to be given on Weeks
3 and 6)
20 minutes
Areane M. Arellano
Teacher III
Allan A. Talain
SDO- Quezon Province
Read the question and encircle the letter the best answer.
1. A change in an object's position is called
a. Force
b. motion
c. pulling
d. pushing
2. How do you know if an object has changed position?
a. It is not visible anymore.
b. It looks bigger.
c. It is farther or closer from a reference point.
d. It is on top of a reference point.
3. Forces have both _______________.
a. magnitude and speed.
b. direction and speed.
c. magnitude and direction.
4. The distance traveled by an object per unit time is called ________.
a. velocity
b. speed
c. momentum
d. acceleration
5. The property of an object that resists change in its motion is
a. mass
b. inertia
c. velocity
d. momentum
6. A force that resists motion created by objects rubbing together
a. gravity
b. friction
c. speed
d. force
7. A force that pulls objects toward each other is
a. force
c. gravity
b. frame of reference
d. kinetic energy
8. An example of balanced forces is
a. a person skating back and forth on an ice rink.
b. a tire with treads gaining speed on an icy road.
c. two soccer players running in opposite directions.
d. a book resting on a desk.
9. A force that sets an object into motion is ____________.
a. Balanced
b. friction
c. unbalanced
d. inertia
10. Velocity is a measure of speed that takes into account the _________.
a. weight of an object
c. force of the movement
b. direction of movement
d. acceleration of an object
Reflect on what you learned on this lesson about conductors of heat and
electricity by completing the statements below.
The part of the lesson I believe I learned most about is ______________________
The task which I found most challenging ___________________________________
I realized that I can use what I have learned from this lesson when__________
Checked by:
Noel S. Ortega
Riza D. Soberano
EPS-Science, SDO Cavite
Carmela Ezcel A. Orogo
Jee-Ann O. Borines
EPS-Science, SDO Quezon EPS-LRMDS, SDO Quezon
Abner L. Pureza
EPS-English, SDO Quezon
Personal Assessment on Learner’s Level of Performance
Using the symbols below, choose one which best describes your experience in working on each given task. Draw it in the
column for Level of Performance (LP). Be guided by the descriptions below.
- I was able to do/perform the task without any difficulty. The task helped me in understanding the target content/lesson.
- I was able to do/perform the task. It was quite challenging but it still helped me in understanding the target content/lesson.
- I was not able to do/perform the task. It was extremely difficult. I need additional enrichment activities to be able to
do/perform this task.
Learning Task
Number 1
Number 2
Learning Task
Number 3
Number 4
Learning Task
Number 5
Number 6
Learning Task
Number 7