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Current Affairs Analysis: UPSC & APSC Prep

1st February 2024
24th January
June 2022
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Topics of the day
GS Paper III
● S&T-Brain Computer Interface
● Indian Economy-16th Finance Commission
● Environment-5 more Ramsar sites
GS Paper V
● Assam Topics-Asam Sahitya Sabha special
● Assam Topics-Me-Dam-Me-Phi festival
1. Brain Computer Interface
Syllabus● GS Paper III-S&T
● Prelims
Source-The Indian Express
1. Brain Computer Interface
Brain-Computer Interface
It is a technology that allows direct
communication between the human
brain and external devices.
It involves the surgical implantation of a
chip into the brain, which can detect and
transmit neural signals.
These signals are then decoded by a
device connected to the chip, enabling
individuals to control devices or interact
with technology using their thoughts
The goal of implantable BCIs is to
enhance human capabilities especially
people with limitations like paralysis,
treat neurological disorders.
1. Brain Computer Interface
How does Brain Computer Interface Works?
1. Brain Computer Interface
Current news?
Recently, Elon Musk’s firm Neuralink, a company working
to develop brain-computer interfaces, placed its first
device in a patient.
● This first product from Neuralink is called Telepathy.
● This is also known as neural decoding.
● This essentially lets a person turn their thoughts into
actions without physical movement.
Ethical Concerns of such developments
1. Privacy of personal data is under threat
2. Threat to human identity
● Our ability to think makes us different from machines.
● Such technologies will blur lines between humans and
3. Inequality in society
● Creation of superhumans with enhanced cranial capacity
● Importance of human efforts will be diminished.
4. Risk to Patient’s life
Sci fi idea that
Robots will
enslave human.
When AI and
Robots become
sentient. They
shown in movie
1. Brain Computer Interface
Prelims Practice Question
Q1.Biohacking, recently seen in news is related to
which of the following?
a. Hacking into biological systems to steal or modify
b. Biological experimentation done to improve the
qualities or capabilities of living organisms
c. The use of biotechnology to produce new forms of
life or to modify existing ones
d. Exploiting biological vulnerabilities to cause harm
or disruption
2. 16th Finance Commission
Syllabus● GS Paper III-Indian
● Prelims
Source-The Indian Express
2. 16th Finance Commission
Finance Commission
The Finance Commission is constituted by the
Constitution, for a period of 5 years.
Purpose - To give formula for
● Vertical distribution- recommendations on
distribution of tax revenues between the
Union and the States
Horizontal Distribution-Distribution of taxes
amongst the States themselves.
Divisible tax pool of the Central
government( all tax collected except
cess and surcharges)
Horizontal Formula- Division
amongst the states
2. 16th Finance Commission
Other Functions of Finance Commission
Other Functions of Finance Commission
1. Statutory Grant in aid under Article 275 of the
constitution ● General Grant- To needy states having shortfall in
revenue or disaster relief or local bodies.
● Specific Grant- For welfare of tribals in Schedule areas
and state of Assam.
2. Suggest the measures needed to augment the
Consolidated Fund of a State.
3. Any other matter referred to the Commission by the
President in the interests of sound finance.
15th Finance Commission
● 2 reports -2020-21 and 2021 to 2026
● Headed by economist NK Singh
● Suggested 41% tax devolution to States.
2. 16th Finance Commission
Current news?
The government has started the process of
appointing the members of 16th Finance
Economist Arvind Panagariya will be the
Chairman of the 16th Finance Commission.
The 16th Finance Commission is expected to
submit its recommendations by October 31,
2025, covering an award period of five years
beginning April 1, 2026.
Former Finance and Expenditure Secretary
Ajay Narayan Jha, who was also the member of
15th Finance Commission, has been appointed
as full-time member along with Annie George
Mathew, former Special Secretary in Department
of Expenditure and Niranjan Rajadhyaksha,
Executive Director of Artha Global.
2. 16th Finance Commission
Prelims Practice Question
Q2. On which of the following matters, does the
Finance Commission make recommendations to the
President of India?
1. The distribution between Union and States of
net proceeds of taxes and allocation between
the States of their respective shares of such
2. The principles which should govern the
grants-in-aid of the revenues of the States out
of the Consolidated Fund of India.
a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None
3. 5 more Ramsar sites
● GS Paper III-Environment
● Prelims
3. 5 more Ramsar sites
Ramsar Sites
Ramsar Convention is formally known as Convention on
Wetlands of International Importance.
It was signed on 2 February 1971 thus this day is celebrated
as World’s Wetland day.
This treaty is not a legal binding treaty and is not a part of
UN & UNESCO conventions.
To become a member of this international agreement a
country has to get its at least one site registered as Wetland
in the Ramsar Wetland list.
Benefit of joining the agreement- Best practices and
know how of conservation of wetland is provided to the
member country.
UK has maximum number of Ramsar sites-175.
Bolivia has the largest area with 148,000 square km under
Ramsar sites.
3. 5 more Ramsar sites
What is the news?
On the occasion of World Wetland Day
Union Government has designated five
new wetlands of international importance,
taking the total number of Ramsar sites in
the country to 80.
3 of the newly added Ramsar sites are
from Karnataka and 2 are from Tamil
4. Asam Sahitya Sabha special
● GS Paper V-Assam Topics
● Prelims
Source-The Assam Tribune
4. Asam Sahitya Sabha special session
Current news?
The 11th special annual session of
the Asam Sahitya Sabha, the largest
literary body of the State, got under way
Samannay Kshetra in Morigaon.
This year will be a significant year for
the Asam Sahitya Sabha as it is the
100-year completion of Lakshminath
Bezbaroa presidentship of the Sabha
held in Guwahati in the year 1924.
On this historic occasion, the Sabha is
holding its special session at
Morigaon district where Bezbaroa
was born.
5. Me-Dam-Me-Phi festival
● GS Paper V-Assam Topics
● Prelims
Source-The Assam Tribune
5. Me-Dam-Me-Phi festival
Me-Dam-Me-Phi festival
It is the most important socio-religious festival
which is observed by the whole Ahom community.
It is an ancestor worship festival performed
annually on the 31st of January every year in
memory of the departed at some common venue.
It is a festival to show respect to the departed
ancestors and remember their contribution to
According to the belief of Ahom, the ancestors soon
turn into gods, when an individual's immortal soul
joins with the soul of the Supreme being.
The word ‘Me’ means offerings. ‘Dam’ means
ancestors and ‘Phi’ means gods.
So the word ‘Me Dam Me Phi’ means oblations
offered to the Ancestors spirits.
Practice question
Q.1. Which of the following statements are true?
1. All Rhinos in the world except Indian
Rhinos have two horns.
2. All other Rhinos in the world are critically
endangered but Indian rhino is vulnerable
in IUCN red Data Book
a. 1 Only
b. 2 Only
c. Both
d. None
Prelims Practice Question
Q2. Which of the following statements
are true as per the recently released
Corruption Perceptions Index 2023?
1. India is ranked better than China.
2. Nepal is the best ranked South
Asian country.
a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None
Prelims Practice Question
Q3. Recently concluded 8th international conference of
world elders was conducted in which city of Assam?
a. Guwahati
b. Jorhat
c. Tezpur
d. Dibrugarh