CE 411 - Hydrology PRECIPITATION O U T L I N E Formation of Precipitation Different Types of Precipitation Rainfall Characteristics Point Rainfall Measurement Different Types of Raingauges Sources of errors in measurement Estimation of missing rainfall data Conversion of point rainfall to areal rainfall Double mass analysis surface Conclusion CE 411 - Hydrology CE 411 - Hydrology https://gpm.nasa.gov/education/water-cycle CE 411 - Hydrology EVAPORATION Water vapors absorb enough heat to be energized and break away from the surface as water vapor. Oceans are the chief source of moisture for precipitation. Continental exaporation only contribute to about 10% to precipitation. Other factors influencing Orographic barriers EVAPORATION Shifting of monsoon winds CE 411 - Hydrology Evaporation enables water to enter the atmosphere Then it condenses to form clouds and lead to precipitation CE 411 - Hydrology CE 411 - Hydrology CONDENSATION NUCLEI Particles in the atmosphere that provide a surface for water vapor to cling to. usually 0.1 to 10 picometer in size examples: sea salt spray, dust, smoke, pollen, volcanic materials wave action contributes to sea salt spray, giant condensation nuclei that are very moisture-attracting CE 411 - Hydrology FREEZING NUCLEI Freezing nuclei only serve to nucleate the liquid phase and initiate the growth of ice crystals It usually consists of clay materials like kaolin. Water can stay liquid even until temperatures of negative 40-degrees Celcius but the presence of these supercooled droplets initiate ice crystal formation examples: carbon dioxide, silver iodide (AgI), etc. GROWTH OF WATER DROPLETS & CRYSTALS 1. Diffusion 2. Collision and coalescence DIFFUSION of water vapor Movement and scattering of water vapor, then clinging to the condensing nuclei results to the formation of droplets Diffusion alone leads to formation of generally smaller than 10 picometer in diameter, though some reach 50 picometer. Most effective when ice crystals and liquid droplets are in the cloud Growth of water droplets and crystals Condensation enlargens water droplets and ice crystals at the same rate Differences in size result mainly from the differences in size of the nuclei on which they are fomed However, they are still very light that an slight upward lift brough by the wind (even less than 0.5 cm/s) keep them from falling. Ice crystals of the same weight require even lower velocities due to their shape. For precipitation to occur, cloud elements must increase in size until their falling speeds exceed the ascencional rate of air. They must also be large enough to penetrate unsaturated air and resist evaporation Because of their differences in size, heavier droplets fall and rise slower than lighter droplets. This movement causes COLLISION Growth of water droplets and crystals COLLISION AND COALESCENCE The collision of cloud elements result to a significant increase in the size of droplets. Collision happens due to the difference in the falling speeds of droplets brought by their sizes. This process is repeated several times Raindrops can grow up to 6mm in diameter. Ice crytals coalesce to form snowflakes. CE 411 - Hydrology TERMINAL VELOCITY As a particle is accelerated due to gravity, its motion is increasingly resisted by by friction due to wind. The final speed of the particle is called the terminal velocity. Maximum falling speeds tend to level off as drops approaches to its maximum size due to air resistance brought by flattening. Further than this, the droplet may break off. CE 411 - Hydrology MAXIMUM LIQUID-WATER CONTENT OF CLOUDS Maximum liquid-water conent for nonprecipitating clouds: - thin stratus clouds: 0.5 g/cu.m - thick cumulus: 4 g/cu.m (max) ~2 g/cu.m (average) some records even reach up to 30 g/cu.m Clouds having concentration greater than 4 g/cu.m usually produce precipitation that reach the ground CE 411 - Hydrology MAXIMUM LIQUID-WATER CONTENT OF CLOUDS In vigorous convective systems, speeds of ascending air can exceed the terminal velocities of raindrops, preventing precipitation to fall thus water continue to accumulate in the atmosphere. Radar observations indicate that the accumulation depend on the updraft speed. height of updraft CE 411 - Hydrology MAXIMUM LIQUID-WATER CONTENT OF CLOUDS The accumulated water will eventually be precipitated by: (1) Weakening of the updraft (2) Horizontal displacement of the cloud from the supporting updraft to a weaker one or, as often happens, a downdraft TYPES AND FORMS OF PRECIPITATION CE 411 - Hydrology TYPES OF PRECIPTATION 01. CYCLONIC PRECIPITATION CONVECTIVE 02. PRECIPTATION OROGRAPHIC 03. PRECIPITATION CE 411 - Hydrology CYCLONIC PRECIPTATION Is a type of precipitation typical brought by cyclones or low pressure zones. They can either be frontal or non-frontal. CE 411 - Hydrology FRONTAL PRECIPITATION Is a type of precipitation that occurs when two air masses of different temperature meet and interact eventually resulting to precipitation. There are two types of frontal temperature the warm-front and the cold-front. NON - FRONTAL PRECIPITATION Is a type of precipitation in which the formation of clouds that leads to precipitation is due to the convergence of air masses within the cyclone. CE 411 - Hydrology WARM - FRONT PRECIPITATION Is frontal precipitation in which a warm air mass rises to a colder air mass in which the warm air gradually cools and condense forming clouds that will lead to precipitation. They tend to result in precipitation that are prolonged, steady, and low in intensity. COLD - FRONT PRECIPITATION Is frontal precipitation is formed when a cold air mass advanced towards a warm air mass forcefully making it rise up. They tend to result to precipitation which are intense but short lived. CE 411 - Hydrology CONVECTIVE PRECIPITATION Is a type of precipitation that results when the ground surface is heated up forcing water molecules to transform into water vapor and rise up into the air where they cool down, condense, and later on precipitate. CE 411 - Hydrology OROGRAPHIC PRECIPITATION Is a type of precipitation that occur when air masses encounter elevated objects ,such as mountains, and is forced to rise up the mountain. As they rise up they cool down and condense due to the low temperature. FORMS OF PRECIPTATION 01. RAIN 02. SNOW 03. HAIL 04. SLEET 05. FREEZING RAIN CE 411 - Hydrology FORMS OF PRECIPTATION 06. SHOWER 07. DRIZZLE 08. VIRGA CE 411 - Hydrology RAIN It is a type of precipitation that is in the form of water droplets. It is formed when water vapor from the surface rises and cools in the atmosphere. SNOW It is a type of precipitation that is in the form of ice crystals. It is formed when water vapor from the surface rises and freezes into ice crystals that clump together typically forming a complex structure. HAIL It is a type of precipitation that is in the form of big clumps of ice. They are formed when falling ice crystals continue to clump together as they fall to the ground. CE 411 - Hydrology SLEET IIt is type of precipitation that falls from the atmosphere unto the ground as a ice crystal that melts but refreezes into small ice pellets. FREEZING RAIN It is a type of precipitation that falls from the atmosphere unto the ground as rain but freezes upon contact with the ground surface. SHOWER IIt is a brief period of rain having high intensity but low in duration. CE 411 - Hydrology DRIZZLE IIt is also known as a very light rain with droplets similar to rain droplets but smaller in size. VIRGA It is a type of precipitation that evaporates before it hits the ground. RAIN CHARACTERICS AND THE HYETOGRAPH RAIN CHARACTERISTICS 01. DEPTH 02. INTENSITY 03. DURATION RAIN CHARACTERISTICS 04. FREQUENCY 02. SEASONALITY 03. AMOUNT DEPTH It pertains to the liquid depth of the precipitation covering a horizontal surface for a period given that no evaporation, drainage, or percolation will exist in the surface. INTENSITY It is the average rainfall rate over a certain duration and frequency. It have the unit of mm/h or mm/min. DURATION It is the length of time in which the rainfalls in a specific location as a continuous downpour or an intermittent downpour. FREQUENCY It pertains to how often rainfall occurs in a specific time frame. SEASONALITY It pertains to time periods where rainfall occurs more frequently or less frequently. AMOUNT It is the total amount of rainwater produce in a given area from a certain rain event. It is measured in mm or inches. CE 411 - Hydrology HYETOGRAPH It is a graph representing the relation between the intensity of rainfall with that of time. It is often represented as a bar graph with time as the abscissa and intensity or amount as the vertical axis. POINT RAINFALL MEASUREMENT & DIFFERENT TYPES OF RAINGAUGES CE 411 - Hydrology MEASUREMENT OF PRECIPITATION A variety of instruments and techniques have been developed for gathering information on precipitation. Instruments for measuring amount and intensity of precipitation are the most important. Other instruments include devices for measuring raindrop-size distribution and for determining the time of beginning and ending of precipitation. All forms of precipitation are measured on the basis of the vertical depth of water that would accumulate on a level surface if the precipitation remained where it fell. In the metric system precipitation is measured in millimeters and tenths. CE 411 - Hydrology TWO TYPES OF RAINGAUGES NON-RECORDING TYPE These are called non-recording rain gauges because they do not record the rain, but only collect the rain. RECORDING TYPE Gauges which can give permanent and automatic rainfall record without any bottle reading. CE 411 - Hydrology NON-RECORDING RAIN GAUGE: SYMON'S RAIN GAUGE The non-recording rain gauge commonly used in the world is the Symon's rain gauge. It consists of a funnel with a circular rim of 12.7 cm diameter and a glass bottle as a receiver. The cylindrical metal casing is fixed vertically to the masonry foundation with the level rim 30.5 cm above the ground surface. The rain falling into the funnel is collected in the receiver and is measured in a special measuring glass graduated in mm of rainfall; when full it can measure 1.25 cm of rain. CE 411 - Hydrology NON-RECORDING RAIN GAUGE: SYMON'S RAIN GAUGE During heavy rains, it must be measured three or four times in the day. Thus the non-recording or the Symon's rain gauge gives only the total depth of rainfall for the previous 24 hours (i.e., daily rainfall) and does not give the intensity and duration of rainfall during different time intervals of the day. It is often desirable to protect the gauge from being damaged by cattle and for this purpose a barbed wire fence may be erected around it. RECORDING RAIN GAUGE This is also called self-recording, automatic or integrating rain gauge. This type of rain gauge has an automatic mechanical arrangement consisting of a clockwork, a drum with a graph paper fixed around it and a pencil point, which draws the mass curve of rainfall. The gauge is installed on a concrete or masonry platform 45 cm square in the observatory enclosure by the side of the ordinary rain gauge at a distance of 2-3 m from it. The gauge is so installed that the rim of the funnel is horizontal and at a height of exactly 75 cm above ground surface. CE 411 - Hydrology RECORDING RAIN GAUGE: TIPPING BUCKET RAIN GAUGE This consists of a cylindrical receiver 30 cm diameter with a funnel inside. Just below the funnel a pair of tipping buckets is pivoted such that when one of the bucket receives a rainfall of 0.25 mm it tips and empties into a tank below, while the other bucket takes its position and the process is repeated. The tipping of the bucket actuates on electric circuit which causes a pen to move on a chart wrapped round a drum which revolves by a clock mechanism. This type cannot record snow. CE 411 - Hydrology RECORDING RAIN GAUGE: WEIGHING TYPE RAIN GAUGE In this type of rain-gauge, when a certain weight of rainfall is collected in a tank, which rests on a spring-lever balance, it makes a pen to move on a chart wrapped round a clock-driven drum. The rotation of the drum sets the time scale while the vertical motion of the pen records the cumulative precipitation. CE 411 - Hydrology RECORDING RAIN GAUGE: FLOAT TYPE RAIN GAUGE In this type, as the rain is collected in a float chamber, the float moves up which makes a pen to move on a chart wrapped round a clock driven drum. When the float chamber fills up, the water siphons out automatically through a siphon tube kept in an interconnected siphon chamber. The clockwork revolves the drum once in 24 hours. The clock mechanism needs rewinding once in a week when the chart wrapped round the drum is also replaced. MASS CURVE OF PRECIPITATION The weighing and float type rain gauges can store a moderate snow fall which the operator can weigh or melt and record the equivalent depth of rain. The snow can be melted in the gauge itself (as it gets collected there) by a heating system fitted to it or by placing in the gauge certain chemicals such as Calcium Chloride, ethylene glycol, etc. THE PRECIPITATION-GAGE NETWORK The spatial variability of precipitation and the intended uses of the data should determine network density. A relatively sparse network of stations would suffice for studies of large general storms or for determining annual averages over large areas of level terrain. THE PRECIPITATION-GAGE NETWORK A network should be planned to yield a representative picture of the areal distribution of precipitation. The cost of installing and maintaining a network and accessibility of the gage site to an observer are always important considerations. THE PRECIPITATION-GAGE NETWORK The following minimum densities of precipitation networks have been recommended for general hydrometeorological purposes: 1. For flat regions of temperate, Mediterranean, and tropical zones, 600 to 900 km² per station. 2. For mountainous regions of temperate, Mediterranean, and tropical zones, 100 to 250 km² per station. 3. For small mountainous islands with irregular precipitation, 25 km² per station. 4. For arid and polar zones, 1500 to 10,000 km² per station. SOURCES OF ERROR IN MEASUREMNENT MEASUREMENT OF PRECIPITATION ERRORS •Dents in the collector. • Moistening of inside-surface of the funnel and the tube. • Rain drops splashing from the collector. • For very intense rain some water is still pouring into the already filled bucket. • Inclination of the gauge may result in catching less or more rain than the actual amount. • Error in measurement due to wind. MEASUREMENT OF PRECIPITATION ERRORS emedial measures for Error in Precipitation measurement R Removal of error due to dents obviously needs repair of the instrument. For rain recorded with dents a correction should be applied. Errors such as moistening of the inside surfaces of the gauge, splashing of rainwater from the collector and pouring of water into the already filled bucket during an intense rain can only be corrected by some correction factor. Inclined instrument needs to be reinstalled. The correction factor however can be calculated from the angle of inclination. For wind protection certain wind shields are designed and used which are called Splash Guards. Proper setting of gauge above ground level is necessary. EXAMPLE 1 A rain gauge recorded 125 mm of precipitation. It was found later that the gauge was inclined at an angle of 20 degree with the vertical. Find the actual precipitation Solution: P(measured) = 125 mm Angle of inclination (0) = 20° with the vertical P(actual) = (measured /cos(0) = 125/cos20° = 133 mm ESTIMATING MISSING PRECIPITATION DATA ARITMETIC AVERAGE NORMAL RATIO METHOD ESTIMATING MISSING PRECIPITATION DATA •Why is it Important to obtain these data? Accurate measurement of precipitation is crucial for understanding the water cycle and its effects on the environment. Predicting the quantity of rainfall in a particular area is essential for a wide range of purposes, including agricultural planning and flood prevention. ESTIMATING MISSING PRECIPITATION DATA •Causes of missing precipitation data Instrument Failure - technical issues with measurement instruments such as rain gauges or weather stations Records of absences human error during data recording or transmission extreme weather conditions such as high winds or heavy snowfall, which can interfere with accurate measurement. ESTIMATING MISSING PRECIPITATION DATA Data Service, precipitation amounts are estimated from observations at three stations as close to and as evenly spaced around the station with the missing record as possible. If NA (Normal Annual Precipitation) differs with only less than 10% of that for the station with the missing record, then we can calculate the unknown by getting the average of the data. If NA (Normal Annual Precipitation) differs by more than 10% then we can calculate the missing data using Normal Ratio Method Example: The average annual rainfall at stations A. B, C and X in a basin are 80.97, 67.59, 76.28, and 92.0l cm, respectively. In the year 1975, the station X was inoperative and the stations A, B, and C recorded annual rainfall of 91.11, 72.23, and 79.89 cm, respectively. Estimate the rainfall at station D in that year. POINT RAINFALL TO AREAL RAINFALL POINT RAINFALL TO AREAL RAINFALL In a hydrological analysis, the empirical data needed is the rainfall over an area, such as a catchment. Although our main way of measuring rainfall is through rain gauges, which only measure a single point sample. To make use of the data provided by the rain gauges certain adjustments are needed to modify the point sample into an areal sample. To convert the point rainfall values over various stations into an average value of areal rainfall, the following methods can be used: 01. Arithmetic Mean Method Thiessen Polygon 02. Method 03. Isohyetal Method ARITHMETIC MEAN METHOD This is the simplest method of computing rainfall over an area. As the name suggests, the result is obtained by the division of the sum of rain depths at different rain gauge stations by the number of stations Where: Pi = rainfall at the nth rain gauge station N = total no. of rain gauge station EXAMPLE 1 Compute the average rainfall over the given area using arithmetic mean method. SOLUTION: EXAMPLE 2 Using the Arithmetic Mean Method, find the average rainfall over a catchment. The rain gauge data is: 12.6mm, 18.8mm, 14.8mm, 10.4mm, and 16.2mm. SOLUTION: Thiessen Polygon Method This is the weighted mean version. The rainfall is never uniform over the entire catchment area but varies in intensity and duration from place to place. Thus the rainfall recorded by each rain gauge station should be weighted according to the area, it represents. For the construction of the polygon, the procedure is to be followed: 1. Draw the catchment area to a scale and mark the rain gauge stations on it. 2. Join each station by straight line to create a triangulated network 3. Draw perpendicular bisectors on each side of each triangle. Extend the bisectors to meet the other bisectors and the catchment boundary 4. Delineate the formed polygons and measure their area using a planimeter or by converting them into smaller regular shapes. 5. Compute the average rainfall using the following formula: Where: A = total area of basin Ai = area of the particular polygon Pi = rainfall data of particular rain gauge EXAMPLE 3 Compute the average rainfall over the given area using thiessen polygon method. SOLUTION: EXAMPLE 4 Using the Thiessen Polygon Method, find average rainfall over a catchment using the given data: Rain Gauge Station: Polygon Area (km^2): Precipitation (mm): A 40 30.8 B 45 33.4 C 38 34.6 D 30 32.6 E 43 24.6 SOLUTION: Station A B C D E P(mm) 30.8 33.4 34.6 32.6 24.6 A(km^2) 40 45 38 30 43 Total Catchment Area (km^2) = 196 Pave = 31.06mm Ai/At 0.20 0.23 0.19 0.15 0.22 Pi(Ai/At) 6.29 7.67 6.71 4.99 5.40 An Isohyetal is a line joining places where the rainfall amounts are equal on a rainfall map of a basin An Isohyetal map showing contours of equal rainfall is more accurate picture of the rainfall over the basin. Isohyets are drawn on the map by the method of interpolation, after the rainfall at each station is marked. The area between the adjacent Isohyets are measured using planimeter. Let, A1, A2, A3...... An are the area between each pair of Isohyets. P1, P2, P3......Pn are the Average precipitation for each pair of adjacent isohvets. Then, mean rainfall on whole basin is given by, The isohyetal method is superior to the other two methods especially when the stations are large in number. EXAMPLE 5 CASE 1: The isohyets due to storm in a catchment together with the area of the catchment bounded by the isohyets are given below. Estimate the mean precipitation due to the storm using Isohyetal Method. SOLUTION: EXAMPLE 6 CASE 2: The isohyets due to a storm in a catchment together with the area of the catchment bounded by the isohyets are given below. Estimate the mean precipitation due to the storm using Isohyetal Method. SOLUTION: EXAMPLE 7 CASE 3: Given a 300 km² watershed with 10 rain gauge stations below, compute the mean precipitation using Isohyetal Method. SOLUTION: DOUBLE MASS ANALYSIS SURFACE DOUBLE MASS ANALYSIS SURFACE Double mass analysis used for checking consistency of a hydrological or meteorological record and is considered to be an essential tool before taking it for analysis purpose It is used to determine whether there is a need for corrections to the data to account for changes in data collection procedures or other local conditions. COMMON CAUSES OF INCONSISTENCY OF RECORD 1. Shifting of rain gauge station at a new location. 2. The neighborhood of a station is undergoing a marked change. 3. Change in the ecosystem due to calamities such as Forest fires, Land slides etc. 4. Occurrence of observational error from a certain date. HOW DOES IT WORK? The theory of the double-mass curve is based on the fact that a plot of the two cumulative quantities during the same period exhibits a straight line so long as the proportionality between the two remains unchanged. The slope of the line represents the proportionality. This method can smooth a time series and suppress random elements in the series, and thus show the main trends of the time series. DOUBLE MASS CURVE For the construction of the curve the following procedure is to be followed: 1. Let X be the station where inconsistency in rainfall records is observed. 2. Select a group of about 10 or more base stations in the neighborhood of station X. 3. Data of annual or monthly mean rainfall of station X as well as the average rainfall of the group of base stations over a long time period is arranged in reverse chronological order i.e. the latest record is the first entry and the oldest record is the last entry in the list. DOUBLE MASS CURVE 4. Accumulated precipitation at station X (EP) and the accumulated values of the average precipitation of the group of base stations (Pav) are computed from the latest records. 5. A plot of (EP) v/s (Pav) for various consecutive time periods is prepared. 6. A break in the slope of this plot indicates a change in the precipitation of station X. 7. Precipitation values at X beyond the period of change of regime is corrected as shown in the next slide. DOUBLE MASS CURVE Where: Pcx - corrected precipitation at any time period t₁ at station X Px - Original recorded precipitation at time period t₁ at station X Mc - corrected slope of the double mass curve Ma - original slope of the mass curve EXAMPLE 8 Check consistency of the data and correct it if inconsistent SOLUTION: Corrected Precipitation Applicable to the data before the year 1950 THANK YOU for listening! References Linsley, R.K., Kohler, M., Paulhus, J. (1988). Hydrology for Engineers - SI Metric Edition. McGraw - Hill Book Company. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EK_UOLsN72Q https://www.slideshare.net/AbdulHakimMobin/1-introduction-to-hydrology-108132250? fbclid=IwAR3TuN5GVym99Shn1Oiy15f_ksYSfkoC4vj14TJb-dI6hjhQ-PMfhtPi6ho