Department of Economics Economics 214 (12084 - 214) General Module Outline 2024 Updated: 12 February 2024 Economics 214 | 2024 Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 Introduction .................................................................................................. 3 1.1. The purpose of the module framework ...................................................... 3 1.2. Module prerequisites ................................................................................ 3 1.3. Module outcomes .................................................................................... 3 1.4. Language of instruction ............................................................................ 3 1.5. Writing- and information enriched module ................................................. 3 AdminIstration .............................................................................................. 4 2.1. Module convenor ..................................................................................... 4 2.2. LecturerS & other information .................................................................. 4 2.3. Lecture times AND TUTORIAL TIMES ........................................................ 4 Resources ..................................................................................................... 5 3.1. Prescribed textbooks ................................................................................ 5 3.2. Suggested additional resources and literature ............................................ 5 Learning methodology ................................................................................... 5 4.1. Method of instruction ............................................................................... 5 4.2. Participation In module activities .............................................................. 5 4.3. Tutorial classes ........................................................................................ 5 4.5 SUNLearn ................................................................................................ 6 4.6 Consultation times and the use of the SUNLearn discussion forum .............. 7 4.7 Copyright ................................................................................................ 7 Flexible Assessment for semester modules ...................................................... 7 5.1 Assessment opportunities ......................................................................... 8 5.2 Pass requirements ................................................................................... 9 5.3 Access to Assessment 3 (A3) .................................................................... 9 5.4 Work covered per assessment opportunity .............................................. 10 5.5 Turnover time/feedback ......................................................................... 10 5.6 Handout of tests and appeal procedure ................................................... 10 5.7 Alternative method to calculate your final mark…………………………...…10 2 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. THE PURPOSE OF THE MODULE FRAMEWORK This module framework contains important information regarding the contents, assessments and administration of the module. The module framework is a document that is regarded as an agreement between a lecturer and student. 1.2. MODULE PREREQUISITES Prerequisite pass module: Economics 114 Prerequisite pass module: Economics 144 1.3. MODULE OUTCOMES Please consult the module framework of each submodule for the outcomes. 1.4. LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Economics 214 is presented according to the language option as indicated in the faculty language plan: Both Afrikaans and English are used in the same class group and the combination of facilitated learning opportunities is as follows: 1.5. During each lecture, all information is conveyed at least in English and summaries or emphasis on content are also given in Afrikaans. Questions in Afrikaans and English are, at the least, answered in the language of the question. Students are supported in Afrikaans and English during a combination of appropriate, facilitated learning opportunities (e.g. consultations during office hours, or scheduled tutorials and practicals). For first-year modules, SU makes simultaneous interpreting available during each lecture. During the second and subsequent years of study, simultaneous interpreting is made available by SU upon request by a faculty, if the needs of the students warrant the service and SU has the resources to provide it. If two weeks have passed with no students making use of the interpreting service, it may be discontinued. WRITING- AND INFORMATION ENRICHED MODULE This module is classified as a writing- and information enriched module. This means that your writing skills will be developed through the writing of an essay. Economics 214 | 2024 2. ADMINISTRATION 2.1. MODULE CONVENOR Name Office E-mail address Telephone number Consultation hours Prof AP de Villiers Schumann 502 021 808 2206 By appointment 2.2. LECTURERS & OTHER INFORMATION Submodule and lecturer Micro Prof AP de Villiers Macro Me L Nieuwoudt Office E-mail address Telephone number Consultation hours Schumann 502 021 808 2206 By appointment Schumann 512 021 808 2416 By appointment Internal moderator: Dr M Nchake Physical address of the department: 5th & 6th floors, CGW Schumann Building, Bosman Street Departmental telephone number: 021 808 2247 2.3. LECTURE TIMES AND TUTORIAL TIMES Lectures will be presented on the following days and times during 2024: Group 1 2 Day Monday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Wednesday Friday Time 15:10 12:10 14:10 09:10 11:10 12:10 Venue Maths/Ind Psyc Maths/Ind Psyc Maths/Ind Psyc Maths/Ind Psyc Maths/Ind Psyc Maths/Ind Psyc 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 1005 The attendance of all synchronous activities is compulsory. Tutorial times and venues Language Afrikaans English English Day Tuesday Thursday Friday Time 13:10 13:10 14:10 Venue CGW Schumann 104 CGW Schumann 104 Van der Sterr 1046 4 Economics 214 | 2024 3. RESOURCES 3.1. PRESCRIBED TEXTBOOKS De Villiers, P. & Frank, R. 2014. Microeconomics and Behaviour (Second Southern African Edition). McGraw-Hill. Williamson, Stephen. 2017. Macroeconomics (6th Edition). Pearson. 3.2. SUGGESTED ADDITIONAL RESOURCES AND LITERATURE Class notes and additional resources will be provided on SUNLearn. From time to time additional material may be used in the classes. If you were not in the class you can fetch it within 2 days at Me Wanza in Room 508. 4. LEARNING METHODOLOGY 4.1. METHOD OF INSTRUCTION Principles of adult learning, with an emphasis on blended learning, will be applied in this module. Methods of instruction include theoretical inputs, class discussions, formative assessments, practical exercises, tutorial classes and case studies. You are invited to participate interactively in this module and ask questions in class whenever anything is unclear. The Department places a high premium on class attendance and class participation and lectures will normally not be recorded. Only recordings of the most difficult work will be uploaded on SunLearn on a selective basis. 4.2. PARTICIPATION IN MODULE ACTIVITIES Stellenbosch University is a contact university that is currently providing teaching via face-to-face contact and an online platform (SUNLearn). This means that a large part of your learning takes place via active learning in class time. Therefore, attending of lectures is very important. Research confirm that poor class attendance has a negative impact on your ability to pass this module. To ensure that you master the learning outcomes of this module, you are expected to keep up to date with all learning activities and actively participate in all activities. Because the Department places a high premium on class attendance and class participation classes will normally not be recorded. Only recordings of the most difficult work will be uploaded on SunLearn on a selective basis. 4.3. TUTORIAL CLASSES Tutorials offer students the opportunity to put the theory of the classroom into practice. In the Microeconomics part the tutorials will also be used to revise certain sections of Economics 114. These sections will NOT be repeated in the formal lectures although you may be tested on it in the assessment opportunities. Tutorials help to practice the work covered in lectures as well as the handling of more numerical questions that require some mathematical calculations. Tutorials start already in the second week of the semester and tutorial answers will only be discussed in the tutorial periods. 5 Economics 214 | 2024 4.4 ESSAYS AND PLAGIARISM Each student will be required to write one essay. This gives you the opportunity to develop your ability to collect, arrange and present economic information. The writing skills of Economics students are a great asset in their careers. You are expected to comply with normal conventions and requirements for academic reports. More information will be provided at a later stage. You also have to load an electronic copy of the final version of your essay on The Department views plagiarism as a very serious offence. Therefore, ensure that there is no plagiarism in your essay. Plagiarism offences will be referred to the disciplinary committee of the university. You also have to complete and sign the “plagiarism declaration form” which is available on SUNLearn. You can only hone your writing skills if you learn from mistakes from honest and transparent writing attempts. While the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools to improve your writing is allowed, it cannot be used for substantive or creative parts of the work you submit, as this is both dishonest and does not help you learn the core skills required in a professional career in the modern economy. You are required to familiarise yourself with the guidelines provided on the appropriate and allowable use of these tools, and you will be required to make declarations on whether and how you have used these tools before you will be allowed to submit an essay(s) in this module. COMPLETING THE ESSAY IS COMPULSAY AND YOU CANNOT PASS THIS MODULE IF YOU DID NOT HAND IN AN ESSAY. The essay is due before midnight (i.e., at the latest 23:59) on 28 March 2024. Penalization is 10 percentage points for first day late hand-in (even a few seconds late) and 5 percentage points for every subsequent day or part thereof No late essays will be accepted after 10 May 2024. More information regarding the essay topics and online submissions will be made available closer to the due date. Essays contribute a meaningful portion of the final mark (FM) and must be viewed as very important. 4.5 SUNLEARN SUNLearn is an integral part of this module. It should be consulted regularly for resources, communication (including marks) and learning activities. 6 Economics 214 | 2024 4.6 CONSULTATION TIMES DISCUSSION FORUM AND THE USE OF THE SUNLEARN Send an e-mail to your lecturer to make an appointment or you can also do it right after class. The Discussion Forum function on SUNLearn should be used for all queries relating to the course content of the module. The Discussion Forum enables peer-to-peer learning and students are encouraged to answer each other’s questions. Peer learning and individual student engagement are incredibly important in an online learning environment. For this reason, posts should not be addressed to the lecturers. It is not necessary to start and sign-off the posts with formal greetings as you would an email. If your query consists of multiple questions, please number your questions. Questions posted on the Discussion Forum will be answered in the language in which it was raised. All queries not relating to the course content can be emailed to the lecturer. If a query about course content is of such a nature that it is difficult to ask and / or answer by means of the Discussion Forum, you are welcome to make an appointment with the lecturer. Please note that the SUNLearn Discussion Forum is a public platform. 4.7 COPYRIGHT Stellenbosch University holds the copyright to all material in this module. Material which is made available through SUNLearn may be subject to certain licencing conditions. You may only use the material for your own private study and research at the University and not for any other purpose. Printed material is also only made available for class discussion, private study and research purposes. Further reproduction or distribution of such material is prohibited. Contravention of these rules will result in disciplinary action and may result in legal action. 5 FLEXIBLE ASSESSMENT FOR SEMESTER MODULES Economics 214 makes use of summative and formative assessment. Summative assessment compiles out of main assessment A1; main assessment A2 as well as a main assessment A3. There is also a further assessment opportunity FA (essay) that will be taken into consideration when compiling the final mark. This approach to assessment puts the responsibility of learning in the student’s hands. Make use of all available assessment opportunities and ensure that you understand how assessment in the module works. 7 Economics 214 | 2024 5.1 ASSESSMENT OPPORTUNITIES Assessment 1 (A1) Test 22 March 2024 Contribution to FM: 30 % Further Assessment (FA) Summative (FAS) Essay Submission date: 28 March 2024 Contribution to FM: 10% Assessment 2 (A2) Test 31 May 2024 Contribution to FM: 60 % Assessment 3 (A3) Test 24 June 2024 Contribution to FM: 60 % Please note: It is your responsibility to request special arrangements for main assessment opportunities that have been scheduled on religious holidays. The following apply: For A2 and A3 the examination office will make the necessary arrangements where possible. Visit the Examinations Office in Admin A in the course of the last two class weeks of the semester. For A1 the department will make the necessary arrangements if it can be feasibly done in accordance with the arrangements usually made by the examination office for A2 and A3. If you want to request special arrangements contact your lecturer at least two weeks before each assessment opportunity. 8 Economics 214 | 2024 The calculation of your final mark (FM) is based on a weighted formula. The formulas used to calculate the FM after A2 and A3 are as follows: FM after A2 = ( weight of A1 total weight x A1 mark) + ( weight of A2 total weight x A2 mark) + ( weight of FAS total weight x FAS mark) FM after A3 = ( weight of A1 total weight x A1 mark) + ( weight of A2 total weight x A2 mark) + ( weight of FAS total weight x FAS mark) + ( weight of A3 total weight x A3 mark) When calculating a FM using the formulas please note the following: The total weight is the sum of the weights of all the assessment opportunities that you have completed (minimum 100). Even if you missed assessment opportunities, the total weight will be at least 100. For all missed assessment opportunities, a zero mark is awarded. 5.2 PASS REQUIREMENTS Firstly, a FM of at least 50 is required to pass the module. The formulas for the calculation of the FM is set out above. Secondly, at least two main assessment opportunities MUST be completed to achieve a valid FM in a semester module. In other words, you must complete at least two of the following: (A1, A2 and A3). If you do not obtain a valid FM you fail the module. 5.3 ACCESS TO ASSESSMENT 3 (A3) Note that it is not necessary to submit medical certificates or any other documents for missed assessment opportunities. You have access to A3 if either of the following applies: If you completed all of the main assessment opportunities other than A3 (A1, A2) but have not obtained a FM of 50 or more, you have access to A3 in order to improve your FM to 50. You missed a main assessment opportunity (A1 or A2) for whatever reason. In this case, a FM of 50 or more can still be obtained if you make use of A3. If you missed two main assessment opportunities (A1, A2), you cannot obtain a valid FM and therefore you fail the module. However, you still have access to A3 in order to allow you the opportunity to obtain a FM that could adhere to prerequisites or other requirements. No further assessment opportunities will take place after A3. 9 Economics 214 | 2024 5.4 WORK COVERED PER ASSESSMENT OPPORTUNITY The prescribed work covered per assessment opportunity is as follows: Assessment 1: Will be communicated through SUNLearn Assessment 2: Will be communicated through SUNLearn Assessment 3: Will be communicated through SUNLearn 5.5 TURNOVER TIME/FEEDBACK Test marks will be available within 2 – 3 weeks. 5.6 HANDOUT OF TESTS AND APPEAL PROCEDURE Information on this will be posted on the module’s SUNLearn page. 5.7 ALTERNATIVE METHOD TO CALCULATE YOUR FINAL MARK: Economics 214 makes use of summative assessment. Summative assessment compiles out of main assessment A1; main assessment A2 as well as a main assessment A3. There is also a further assessment opportunity FA (essay) that will be taken into consideration when compiling the final mark. Students have to write at least two of the three main assessment opportunities. Further summative assessment (FAS) is done with the aid of an essay. The weights of the main assessment tests in the calculation of the final mark if summative main assessments A1 and A2 are written is as follows: Summative Main Assessment A1 Summative Main Assessment A2 Essay FAS FINAL MARK MARK 30 60 10 100 If a student did not achieve a final mark of at least 50% after summative main assessment A2, the student may write summative main assessment A3. The weights of the final mark are then as follows: MARK Summative Main Assessment A1 30 Essay FAS 10 Summative Main Assessment A2 60 Summative Main Assessment A3 60 FINAL MARK 160 In this case where a student uses A3 as a supplementary assessment to pass a maximum final mark of 50% can be obtained. 10 Economics 214 | 2024 If a student missed summative main assessment A1, such a student may write summative main assessment A2. The student must then also write summative main assessment A3. The weights of the main assessments in the calculation of the final mark if summative main assessment A1 is not written, but summative main assessments A2 and A3 are written are as follows: Essay FAS Summative Main Assessment A2 Summative Main Assessment A3 FINAL MARK MARK 10 60 60 130 In this case a student will not be entitled to any further assessment opportunities. If a student wrote summative main assessment A1, but missed summative main assessment A2 the student may write summative main assessment A3. The weights of the main assessments in the calculation of the final mark if summative main assessment A1 and the summative main assessments A3 are written are as follows: Summative Main Assessment A1 Essay FAS Summative Main Assessment A3 FINAL MARK MARK 30 10 60 100 In this case a student will not be entitled to any further assessment opportunities. NB: If a student missed two summative main assessment opportunities (irrespective of the reason) you cannot pass the course, because no student can pass on the grounds of only one main assessment opportunity. 11