Evaluation Requirements:

Evaluation Requirements:
The weighting of evaluated tasks throughout the course will reflect a balance of the following achievement
categories: knowledge and understanding (20%), thinking (40%), application (20%), and communication
To earn a credit, a student must complete all summative assignments. The following tasks represent the
summative evaluations that will form the student’s final grade:
Term Summatives: (70%)
Approximate Due Dates:
Unit 1 (Persuasion – writer’s workshop and media):
persuasive essay
week of February 29/16
Unit 2 (ISU): journals, analysis, outline, and essay
March 8/16, March 22/16, March
29/16, April 19/16
Unit 3 (Hamlet): quotation analysis
week of April 4/16
Unit 4 (power of art and role of the artist): quotation analysis
week of April 25/16
Unit 5 (otherness): reader response
week of May 16/16
Unit 6 (literature circle): argument
week of June 6/16
One of Units 3-6: seminar (with a partner) + creative
throughout the semester
Culminating Summative Unit: (30%)
Final Exam – Sight Passage (10%) and Argument (20%)
See CCVI Assessment and Evaluation Policy for further information.