1 Unit Noun Gender of noun 3.1 1. Russian nouns can be masculine, feminine or neuter. masculine feminine neuter consonant / -й / -ь -а / -я / -ия / -ь -о / -е / -ие ол о ай а о о иль ла е а з е Ро очь о о оре е е 2. Soft sign ending is shared between masculine and feminine gender (often they are naturally feminine or masculine). If you doubt - please look at the dictionary and memorize the gender of a noun. царь (tsar) - masculine дочь (daughter) - feminine 3. Masculine (natural meaning is masculine) дед ш а, дяд , ле а др → чи а, а а аша (diminutive of some Russian names) офе (exception) 4. Neuter Neuter nouns with feminine endings: рем - time, лем - tribe 2 UNIT 3.1 Упражнен 1. Define the gender of the nouns below: gender аши а car ол о и masc. table ью ер computer ер е internet х я kitchen о елефо phone ро а ь bed р ч а pen о window о и о оо ще ие message до gender че movie и textbook house е радь copybook cat о а а dog 2. Define the gender (grammatical) of the countries below: gender Бразилия Brazil Ки ай Chine Бель ия Belgium Е и е Egypt Т рция Turkey Ка ада Canada Гр зия Georgia Ур Uruguay И дия India Фра ция France Израиль Israel Гер а ия Germany Таила д Thailand Па и Pakistan ай а fem. gender И а ия Spain ралия Australia 3. Define the gender of the highlighted nouns. 1) Ты рочи ал 2) Э о 3) У оё п сьмо (neut.)? ой кот (_____)? е яе ь ра Did you read my letter? Is this your cat? ая маш на (_____). I have a red car. 4) Я лю лю суп (_____). I like soup. 5) Я ил о ый телефон(_____). I bought a new phone. 6) Э о ой дедушка (_____). This is my grandfather. 7) М е ра и я э а песн (_____)! 8) Э а планета (_____) о и ае ая! I like this song! This planet is inhabited! 4. Define the gender of the nouns: 3 дере о ре а ро а ь ород яйцо до 5. Define the gender of the fallowing nouns: gender а а glass masc. ли а plum fem. алец finger ил а fork фир а о о table е а wall tail о а ор ды оро а orange Monday ол company bone а ель и о едель и х о cat ь gender Saturday cake fog cow 6. Define the gender of the nouns. 1) Я оче ь лю лю в ноград (____). I like grapes a lot. 2) Я о и аю э о текст (____). I understand this text. 3) У I have a yacht. е яе ь хта (____). 4) Ка ая ра и ая песн (____)! Such a beautiful song! 4 5) Мале ь ий автобус (____). A small bus. 6) О а She is my friend. 7) О оя подруга (____). ольше е ой друг (____). 8) Я ашёл ключ (____)! He is not my friend anymore ` 7. Put the nouns in the right column. а ь mother ица bird а олё plane а а а pineapple цер о ь church и о wine а august е ро metro ч о feeling орло throat л и а strawberry о knife лицо face оло а head masculine х до и artist/painter лошадь horse оро е ое ice-cream и а back од year ар и artist и о bear feminine neuter 8. Define the gender of the nouns: 1) Э о е о дро д (____), о оро о ы ищи е. 2) Моя планета (____) - Та и . 3) Моя собака (____) - а шедшая. 4) Да и кот (____) о е чо 5) Во о , свет (____) очей 6) Пища (____) для а. ый... оих It is not the droid you are looking for. My planet is Tatuin. My dog is crazy. And the cat is nuts, too... Here is he, the apple of my eye. Food for thought. 7) Большая груша (____). A big pear. 8) Fresh cheese. е ий сыр (____). 5 UNIT 3.1 Ответы 1. Define the gender of the nouns below: gender аши а ол о и car masc. елефо phone table masc. ро а ь bed fem. ью ер computer ер е х я о masc. masc. р ч а pen fem. internet masc. о window neut. kitchen fem. и о movie neut. neut. че textbook masc. house masc. е радь copybook fem. cat masc. о а а dog fem. оо ще ие message до gender о и 2. Define the gender (grammatical) of the countries below: gender Бразилия Brazil fem. Ки ай Chine masc. Е и е Egypt Ка ада Ур ай gender И а ия Spain fem. Бель ия Belgium fem. masc. Т рция Turkey fem. Canada fem. Гр зия Georgia fem. Uruguay masc. И дия India fem. Фра ция France fem. Израиль Israel masc. Гер а ия Germany fem. Таила д Thailand masc. Па и Pakistan masc. а ралия Australia fem. 3. Define the gender of the highlighted nouns. 1) Ты рочи ал 2) Э о 3) У оё п сьмо (neut.)? ой кот (masc.)? е яе ь ра Did you read my letter? Is this your cat? ая маш на (fem.). I have a red car. 4) Я лю лю суп (masc.). I like soup. 5) Я ил о ый телефон (masc.). I bought a new phone. 6) Э о ой дедушка (masc.). This is my grandfather. 7) М е ра и я э а песн (fem.)! 8) Э а планета (fem.) о и ае ая! I like this song! This planet is inhabited! 4. Define the gender of the nouns: 6 дере о neut. ре а fem. ро а ь fem. ород masc. яйцо neut. до masc. 5. Define the gender of the fallowing nouns: gender а а glass masc. ли а plum fem. алец finger masc. ил а fork fem. company fem. фир а о о cat ь masc. bone а ель и orange fem. masc. gender о едель и Monday masc. ол table masc. е а wall fem. tail masc. х о о а ор ды оро а Saturday fem. cake masc. fog masc. cow fem. 6. Define the gender of the nouns. 1) Я оче ь лю лю в ноград (masc.). I like grapes a lot. 2) Я о и аю э о текст (masc.). I understand this text. 3) У I have a yacht. е яе ь хта (fem.). 4) Ка ая ра и ая песн (fem.)! Such a beautiful song! 7 5) Мале ь ий автобус (masc.). A small bus. 6) О а She is my friend. 7) О оя подруга (fem.). ольше е ой друг (masc.). 8) Я ашёл ключ (masc.)! He is not my friend anymore ` 7. Put the nouns in the right column. а ь mother ица bird а олё plane а а а pineapple цер о ь church и о wine а august е ро metro ч о feeling орло throat л и а strawberry о knife лицо face оло а head masculine feminine а олё а ь а а а цер о ь о л и neuter и о е ро ица а х до х до и artist/painter лошадь horse оро е ое ice-cream и а back од year ар и artist и о bear и а оло а од лошадь ар и и а ч о орло лицо оро е ое и о 8. Define the gender of the nouns: 1) Э о е о дро д (masc.), о оро о ы ищи е. 2) Моя планета (fem.) - Та и . 3) Моя собака (fem.) - а шедшая. 4) Да и кот (masc.) о е чо 5) Во о , свет (masc.) очей 6) П ща (fem.) для а. ый... оих It is not the droid you are looking for. My planet is Tatuin. My dog is crazy. And the cat is nuts, too... Here is he, the apple of my eye. Food for thought. 7) Большая груша (fem.). A big pear. 8) Fresh cheese. е ий сыр (masc.). 8 Unit Nominative singular 3.2 1. All the nouns you see in a vocabulary are given in nominative case. мама - mother дружба - friendship надежда - hope любовь - love 2. How to define the gender of a noun in nominative case? Right, by its ending: masculine feminine neuter consonant / -й / -ь -а / -я / -ия / -ь -о / -е / -ие ол о ай а о о иль ла е а з е Ро очь о о оре е е 3. The nominative case names the person or the thing doing the action of a verb. Subject (nom.case) Я Мальчи о а а verb ч чи ае е ае meaning I learn The boy reads The dog runs 4. No articles in Russian: голубь - a dove, the dove кот - a cat, the cat 5. No verb "to be" in present tense: Subject Я К и а Маши а No verb to be де ч ая ра и ая Meaning I (am a) student (the) book (is) boring (the) car (is) beautiful 6. The word order is very flexible. The dog is running in the yard обака е ае or е ае собака. 9 UNIT 3.2 Упражнен 1. Underline the subject of each Russian sentence: 1) Э о о ое аль о It is a new coat 2) Fresh air е ий озд х 3) Лошадь ы 4) де ро е ае чи ае A horse runs fast и A student is reading a book 5) Её ердце а ол е о лю о ью Her heart is full of love 6) Яйцо раз ило ь The egg has broken 7) У My shoulder hurts е я оли 8) Дочь и рае лечо ад Daughter is playing in the garden 2. Insert the correct word in nominative case in the following sentences: ош а cat оль ица hospital юри lawyer чи ель teacher аши а car зи а winter з tooth ра brother е щи а woman 1) Э о о ая ___________ It is a new hospital 2) ___________ A cat (female) is sleeping и 3) ___________ о о и A woman is cooking 4) ___________ е оли A tooth doesn't hurt 5) ___________ о ори 6) Её ___________ о елефо ил о 7) ___________ лы ае ю A lawyer is talking on the phone аши Her brother bought a car я A teacher is smiling 8) Э а ___________ ри адле и е This car belongs to me 9) Пришла ___________ Winter has come 3. Insert the correct word in nominative case in the following sentences: а spider а оч а butterfly ли а snail ра ей ant ро одил crocodile ли а fox 1) Большой __________ е и о е е A big spider is running on the wall 2) Кра и ая __________ ле и 3) __________ д и ае 4) __________ ла ае я оче ь р д а duck а ла shark ля ш а frog A beautiful butterfly is flying едле о A snail is moving very slow A duck in swimming in the pond 10 5) Большая __________ лы ае рочь A big shark is swimming away 6) Зеле ая __________ ры ае A green frog is jumping 7) __________ An ant is building an anthill Crocodile is waiting for them in the river A fox is sleeping on the grass 8) В ре е их рои ра ей и дё __________ 9) __________ и а ра е 4. Insert the correct word in nominative case in the following sentences: х ал ер accountant а ёр actor о ар cooker ор е sportsman р али journalist е ец singer оч альо postman а и taxi driver ило pilot адо и gardener 1) ___________ чи ае и A teacher is reading a book 2) ___________ ьё чай 3) ___________ ише 4) ___________ оё A doctor is drinking tea а ью е A journalist is writing an article ю 5) ___________ и рае олицей ий policeman и а ель writer ере одчи translator до ор doctor чи ель teacher A singer is singing a song ф 6) ___________ ре ир е 7) ___________ о ори ол A sportsman is playing football я A policeman is training ди е черо A pilot is talking to a dispatcher 8) ___________ о о и о ед A cook is cooking dinner 9) ___________ едё а A taxi driver is driving a taxi 10) ___________ даё и ь о и 11) ___________ ра о ае 12) ___________ чи ае A postman in giving the letter ад и а и ай 13) ___________ ра о ае за о 14) ___________ чи ью еро ой е 15) ___________ и а ель ише и о A gardener is working in the garden A translator is reading a book in Chinese An accountant is working on the computer An actor is learning his lines (text) A writer is writing a book 5. Define the gender of the fallowing nouns (that are used in the nominative singular case): gender о а чела орёл з ея оло ей wasp bee eagle snake nightingale fem. gender ол е ица ле едь оро ей ле wolf caterpillar swan sparrow lion 11 UNIT 3.2 Ответы 1. Underline the subject of each Russian sentence: 1) Э о о ое пальто It is a new coat 2) Fresh air е ий воздух 3) Лошадь ы 4) ро е ае тудент чи ае A horse runs fast и A student is reading a book 5) Её сердце а ол е о лю о ью Her heart is full of love 6) Яйцо раз ило ь The egg has broken 7) У My shoulder hurts е я оли плечо 8) Дочь и рае ад Daughter is playing in the garden 2. Insert the correct word in nominative case in the following sentences: ош а cat оль ица hospital юри lawyer чи ель teacher аши а car зи а winter з tooth ра brother е щи а woman 1) Э о о ая больн ца It is a new hospital 2) Кошка A cat (female) is sleeping и 3) Женщ на о о и A woman is cooking 4) Зуб е оли A tooth doesn't hurt 5) Юр ст о ори 6) Её брат о елефо ил о 7) Уч тель лы ае ю A lawyer is talking on the phone аши Her brother bought a car я A teacher is smiling 8) Э а маш на ри адле и е This car belongs to me 9) Пришла з ма Winter has come 3. Insert the correct word in nominative case in the following sentences: а spider а оч а butterfly ли а snail ра ей ant ро одил crocodile ли а fox 1) Большой паук е и о е е A big spider is running on the wall 2) Кра и ая бабочка ле и 3) Ул тка д и ае я оче ь 4) Утка ла ае р д а duck а ла shark ля ш а frog A beautiful butterfly is flying едле о A snail is moving very slow A duck in swimming in the pond 12 5) Большая акула лы ае рочь A big shark is swimming away 6) Зеле ая л гушка ры ае A green frog is jumping 7) Муравей рои 8) В ре е их дё крокод л 9) Л са а ра е An ant is building an anthill Crocodile is waiting for them in the river A fox is sleeping on the grass и ра ей и 4. Insert the correct word in nominative case in the following sentences: х ал ер accountant а ёр actor о ар cooker ор е sportsman р али journalist 1) уч тель чи ае е ец singer оч альо postman а и taxi driver ило pilot адо и gardener и A teacher is reading a book 2) доктор ьё чай A doctor is drinking tea 3) журнал ст ише 4) певец оё е а ью A journalist is writing an article ю A singer is singing a song 5) спортсмен и рае ф 6) пол цейск й ре ир е 7) п лот о ори олицей ий policeman и а ель writer ере одчи translator до ор doctor чи ель teacher ди ол A sportsman is playing football я A policeman is training е черо A pilot is talking to a dispatcher 8) повар о о и о ед A cook is cooking dinner 9) такс ст едё и A taxi driver is driving a taxi и ь о A postman in giving the letter а 10) почтальон даё 11) садовн к ра о ае ад 12) переводч к чи ае и 13) бухгалтер ра о ае за о 14) актёр чи а и ай ью еро ой е 15) п сатель и а ель ише и о A gardener is working in the garden A translator is reading a book in Chinese An accountant is working on the computer An actor is learning his lines (text) A writer is writing a book 5. Define the gender of the fallowing nouns (that are used in the nominative singular case): gender о а чела орёл з ея оло ей wasp bee eagle snake nightingale fem. fem. masc. fem. masc. gender ол е ица ле едь оро ей ле wolf caterpillar swan sparrow lion masc. fem. fem. masc. masc. 13 Unit Nominative plural 3.3 1. Ending of masculine nouns in nominative plural. Regular masculine nouns end in either a consonant, -й or -ь. letter consonant й ь rule to a consonant add ы remove -й and add -и remove -ь and add -и example ол → олы зей→ зе оле ь→оле translation table → tables museum → museums deer → deers 2. Ending of feminine nouns in nominative plural. Regular feminine nouns end in either -а, - , - , or -ь.: Letter а я ия ь rule remove а, add ы remove я, add и remove ь,add и example аши а→ аши ы едел → едел а ар →а ар очь→ оч Translation car→cars week→weeks accident→accidents night→nights REMEMBER! For plurals of feminine nouns which end in -а, never write -ы after г, к, х, ж, ч, ш, щ. For example: лига→лиг , задача→задач , за ха→за х , р ша→ р ш 3. Ending of neuter nouns in nominative plural. Regular neuter nouns end in either о, -е or - е. Letter о е ие rule remove -о add -а remove -е add -я remove -е add -я example яйцо→яйца зелье→зель о ы е→ о ы Translation egg→eggs potion→potions event→events 4. яйцо → яйца). And this can happen in all genders: Masc.: ол → олы Fem.: и ла → и лы Neut.: о о→о а There is no specific rule for changing the stress. You can find a stress in a dictionary. 5. Some regular nouns "lose" a vowel from their last syllable in all forms except nominative singular. The most common ones are: о ец→о цы (father → fathers) цер о ь→цер и (church → churches) о ёр→ о ры (carpet→carpets) 14 UNIT 3.3 Упражнен 1. Make plural form of following masculine nouns: а олё plane ____________________ а а banana ____________________ ело и ед bicycle ____________________ иле ticket ____________________ из е ____________________ е businessman шарф scarf ____________________ язы language/tongue ____________________ ли о lemon ____________________ ол wolf ____________________ дол debt/duty ____________________ ле едь swan ____________________ рач doctor ____________________ ча hour ____________________ ала salad ____________________ и а ель writer ____________________ а ель и orange ____________________ 2. Make plural form of following feminine nouns: а оч а butterfly ____________________ чела bee ____________________ о а wasp е ица caterpillar ли ____________________ ____________________ а snail ____________________ а ция station ____________________ ю а skirt ____________________ оль pain ____________________ ы ____________________ а pumpkin лица street ____________________ о фе а candy ____________________ р ша pear ____________________ ил а fork ____________________ р аш а shirt ____________________ и а ель writer ____________________ 15 а ель и orange ____________________ 3. Make plural form of following neuter nouns: а рое ие mood ____________________ и о wine о ____________________ о window ____________________ едро hip ____________________ д о vessel/boat ____________________ оре sea ой ____________________ о property/attribute ____________________ озеро lake ____________________ оле field ____________________ ра е ие plant ____________________ зда ие building ____________________ зада ие task ____________________ оо ще ие message ____________________ и ь о letter ____________________ я ло о apple ____________________ яйцо egg ____________________ 4. Using the example, define what nouns are used in nominative singular and what are used in the nominative plural case in the following sentences: а ла oil(s) plur. а sing. bank(s) ицца pizza(s) __________ ча ы hour(s) __________ я ло и apple(s) __________ ла ье dress(es) __________ але ы toilet(s) __________ цер о ь church(es) __________ о и ицы hotel(s) де ы student(s) __________ __________ а ции station(s) __________ е щи а woman(e) __________ и о win(s) __________ лицо face(s) __________ лечи shoulder(s) __________ 16 ечер evening(s) __________ ар park(s) __________ де оч и girl(s) __________ 5. Form plural nominative case for following words: а _______________ spiders ро одил _______________ crocodiles ла _______________ sharks а _______________ ducks з ея _______________ snakes ра а _______________ wounds а а _______________ mothers о о _______________ coconuts л _______________ bows до дь _______________ rains ороз _______________ frosts о _______________ noses арел а _______________ plates о _______________ knives _______________ books а и а 17 UNIT 3.3 Ответы 1. Make plural form of following masculine nouns: а олё plane а олё ы а а banana а а ы ело и ед bicycle ело и еды иле ticket иле ы из е из е е businessman шарф scarf шарфы язы language/tongue язы и ли о lemon ли о ы ол wolf ол и дол debt/duty дол и ле едь swan ле еди рач doctor рачи ча hour е ы ча ы ала salad ала ы и а ель writer и а ели а ель и orange а ель и ы 2. Make plural form of following feminine nouns: а оч а butterfly а оч и чела bee чёлы о а wasp о ы е ица caterpillar ли а snail е ицы ли а ция station ю а skirt и а ции ю и оль pain оли ы ы а pumpkin ы лица street лицы о фе а candy о фе ы р ша pear р ши ил а fork ил и р аш а shirt р аш и 18 3. Make plural form of following neuter nouns: а рое ие mood а и о wine о и а о window о едро hip а ёдра д о vessel/boat д а оре sea ой рое ия оря о property/attribute ой озеро lake озёра оле field оля ра е ие plant ра а е ия зда ие building зда ия зада ие task зада ия оо ще ие message оо ще ия и ь о letter и ь а я ло о apple я ло и яйцо egg яйца 4. Using the example, define what nouns are used in nominative singular and what are used in the nominative plural case in the following sentences: а ла oil(s) plur. а sing. bank(s) ицца pizza(s) sing. ча ы hour(s) plur. я ло и apple(s) plur. ла ье dress(es) sing. але ы toilet(s) plur. цер о ь church(es) sing. о и ицы hotel(s) де ы student(s) plur. plur. а ции station(s) plur. е щи а woman(e) sing. и о win(s) sing. лицо face(s) sing. лечи shoulder(s) plur. ечер evening(s) sing. ар park(s) sing. 19 plur. де оч и girl(s) 5. Form plural nominative case for following words: а а ро одил ро одилы а ла а и spiders crocodiles лы sharks а и ducks з ея з еи snakes ра а ра ы wounds а а а ы mothers о о о о ы coconuts л л и до дь до ди bows rains ороз орозы frosts о о ы noses арел а арел и plates о о и knives и и books и а 20 Unit Nominative plural irregular 3.4 Answers the questions: Who? What? (кто? что?) 1. First group - instead of ending in -ы or -и end in a stressed а. адре ере ечер лаз ород до до ор ле → → → → → → → → адре а ере а ечера лаза орода до а до ора ле а addresses banks/shores evenings eyes towns houses doctors forests о ер о ро а ор оезд рофе ор ра ор чи ель ц е → → → → → → → → о ера о ро а а ор а оезда рофе ора ра ора чи ел ц е а numbers islands passports trains professors tractors teachers colours IMPORTANT: There is also, so to speak, one very irregular noun - чи ель, which instead of -а takes -я ending. 2. How to define the gender of a noun in nominative case? Right, by its ending: рат др г ли т л ын ра ь др зь ли ь ль ы овь → → → → → brother → brothers friend → friends leaf → leaves chair→ chairs son → sons 3. If it ends in singular in -а и or -я и , just remove -и and add -е. ра да и → ра да е а лича и → а лича е 4. Feminine and neuter irregulars: дочь (f) а ь (f) ре я (n) дере о (n) и я (n) оле о (n) лечо (n) хо (n) я ло о (n) → → → → → → → → → дочер матер времена деревь мена колен плеч уш блок daughters mothers times trees names knees shoulders ears apples 5. Neuter nouns without change in the plural form: 21 юро и и афе е ро иа и о радио office, bureau whisky cafe metro piano radio 6. Two very important irregulars: ре ё о → де и чело е → люди children people 22 UNIT 3.4 Упражнен 1. Insert an irregular nominative plural noun to make a sentence correct: 1) У е яе ь _________ ех др зей I have the addresses of all friends 2) У е я оче ь ра и ые _________. You have very beautiful eyes 3) Ей ра я She likes bright colors я яр ие _________. 4) Я лю лю ольшие _________. I love big cities 5) Э и _________ ча де ей. These teachers 6) Е He likes calm evenings ра я я ихие _________. 7) Но ые _________. New houses 8) В Professors work in the university и ер и е е ра о аю _________. 2. Make nominative plural nouns from the words below: 1) ра _______________ tractor 2) оезд _______________ train 3) ере _______________ shore/bank 4) до _______________ doctor 5) ле _______________ forest 6) о ер _______________ number 7) а _______________ passport _______________ island 8) о ор ор ор ро 3.Translate the following words into Russian: 1) _______________ brothers 2) _______________ towns 3) _______________ eyes 4) _______________ chairs 5) _______________ leaves 6) _______________ evening 7) _______________ sons 8) _______________ friends 23 4. Make nominative plural nouns from the words below: 1) е еря и _______________ Northerner 2) оро а и _______________ Citizen 3) а _______________ Englishman 4) да ча и _______________ Dane 5) ро _______________ Russian _______________ Moldavian 7) ри ля и _______________ Roman 8) ра да и _______________ citizen 6) лича и ия и олда а и 5. Make nominative plural for the highlighted words: 1) Ты лю ишь _________ блоко)? Do you like apples 2) У е я д е _________ дочь). I have two daughters 3) У е я оля _________ колено). My knees are aching 4) М е ра я я ред ие _________ м ). I like rare names 5) В е _________ мать) лю я де ей. All mothers love children 6) У ло а ольшие _________ ухо). An elephant has big ears 7) _________ (дерево) ра Trees grow in the forest 8) _________ (врем ) ле е яю . я. Times change 9) Кра и ые _________ плечо). Beautiful shoulders 6. Make nominative plural for the highlighted words: 1) _________ (человек), о а о и е э о! 2) _________ (ребёнок) и рае 3) Мы ад или д а _________ рад о). 4) В ороде о о _________ кафе). People, stop it! Children are playing in the garden We bought two radios There are many cafes in the city 24 UNIT 3.4 Ответы 1. Insert an irregular nominative plural noun to make a sentence correct: 1) У е яе ь адре а ех др зей I have the addresses of all friends 2) У е я оче ь ра и ые лаза. You have very beautiful eyes 3) Ей ра я She likes bright colors я яр ие ц е а. 4) Я лю лю ольшие орода. I love big cities 5) Э и чи еля ча де ей. These teachers 6) Е He likes calm evenings ра я я ихие ечера. 7) Но ые до а. 8) В New houses и ер и е е ра о аю рофе ора. Professors work in the university 2. Make nominative plural nouns from the words below: 1) ра ор ра ора tractor 2) оезд оезда train 3) ере ере а shore/bank 4) до ор до ора ле а 5) ле doctor forest 6) о ер о ера number 7) а а passport 8) о ор ро о ор а ро а island 3.Translate the following words into Russian: 1) ра ь я brothers 2) орода towns 3) лаза eyes 4) лья chairs ья leaves 5) ли 6) ечера evening 7) ы о ья sons 8) др зья friends 25 4. Make nominative plural nouns from the words below: 1) е еря и е еря е northerner 2) оро а и оро а е citizen 3) а а лича и лича е Englishman 4) да ча и да ча е Dane 5) ро ро Russian 6) ия и ия е олда а е олда а и Moldavian ри ля е 7) ри ля и roman ра да е 8) ра да и citizen 5. Make nominative plural for the highlighted words: 1) Ты лю ишь я ло и ( блоко)? Do you like apples 2) У е я д е дочери (дочь). I have two daughters 3) У е я оля My knees are aching 4) М е ра я 5) В е оле и (колено). я ред ие и е а ( м ). а ери (мать) лю я де ей. All mothers love children 6) У ло а ольшие ши (ухо). 7) Дере ья (дерево) ра 8) Вре е а (врем ) е яю ле I like rare names An elephant has big ears . я. 9) Кра и ые лечи (плечо). Trees grow in the forest Times change Beautiful shoulders 6. Make nominative plural for the highlighted words: 1) Люди (человек), о а о и е э о! 2) Де и (ребёнок) и рае 3) Мы ад или д а радио (рад о). 4) В ороде о о афе (кафе). People, stop it! Children are playing in the garden We bought two radios There are many cafes in the city 26 Unit Accusative singular 3.5 We use the accusative case for the direct object of sentence. Answers questions: Whom? What? (кого? что?) 1. Most sentences have this structure: Subject (person or thing that performs an action) + verb (an action) + object (person or thing that has an action done to it). Subject Я О а О и verb чи аю о ри ою object и еле изор аши translation I read a book She watches tv They wash a car 2. All inanimate (not alive things) masculine nouns don't change in accusative singular: Я ер телефон Я о рю телев зор Я е суп I take the telephone I watch TV I eat soup 3. If a masculine noun is animate (a person or an animal) then in accusative singular change the ending as follows: To a consonant add "a" Remove "й" then add "я" Remove "ь" then add "я" чело ек о ой чи ель → → → чело ека о о чи ел 4. Almost all neuter nouns don't change in the accusative singular: Я о рю к но О а ое окно О ьё в но I watch a movie She washes a window He drinks wine Exception - лицо (here "a person") - accusative - лиц 5. Feminine nouns that end in soft sign don't change: очь → очь night д ерь → д ерь door 6. If a feminine noun doesn't end in a soft sign, then in the accusative plural change the ending following the scheme (no matter if the noun is animate or not): 27 Remove "а"add " " Remove "я" add "ю" Soft sign stays the same ода едел оль → → → оду еделю оль 7. Examples of usage: noun M translation Я о аю о M др г Я и др M ерой Мы ище M оди ель Мы N и о Я F аши а О а F а Я лю лю а F о ью ер sentence л лошадь О lё ью ер а I see a friend еро оди ел о рю и о ое I buy a computer аши у лю лади лошадь We are seeking a hero We wait the driver I watch a movie She washes a car I love granny He strokes a horse 28 UNIT 3.5 Упражнен 1. Underline the object noun in the following sentences: 1) Я и о езья 2) Я е я ло о 3) О ише 4) О а I eat an apple а ью ое о 5) Я чи аю 6) О и He is writing an article о She is washing a window и о ря 7) Я и I see a monkey Read a book еле изор и ь о They are watching TV I see a letter 8) О а о о и о ед She is cooking dinner 2. Make accusative singular nouns from the words below (masculine). Pay attention if a noun is animate or inanimate. 1) а олё _______________ plane 2) ело и ед _______________ bicycle 3) ала _______________ salad 4) и а ель _______________ writer 5) ы _______________ son 6) ли о _______________ lemon 7) рач _______________ doctor 8) а _______________ spider 3. Make accusative singular nouns from the highlighted words below (masculine). Pay attention if a noun is animate or inanimate. 1) Я ил _________ б лет). 2) О 3) О а лю и _________ брат). She loves (her) brother 4) Я и I see a house 5) О а ри е 6) О и идя _________ крокод л). They see a crocodile 7) Я ла I pet a wolf 8) Я 9) О ае е лю и _________ лук). _________ дом). е _________ друг). _________ волк). ою _________ нож). _________ р с). I bought a ticket He doesn't like onion She is greeting a friend I wash a knife She is eating rice 10) Мы иди _________ сын). We see a son 4. Make accusative singular nouns from the words below (neuter): 29 аль о _______________ coat о _______________ window 3) и о _______________ movie 4) орло _______________ throat 5) лечо _______________ shoulder 6) и о _______________ animal 7) зда ие _______________ building 8) ле о _______________ summer 1) 2) о ое 5. Make accusative singular nouns from the highlighted words below (neuter). 1) Ты идишь _________ небо)? Do you see the sky? 2) О а ьё _________ в но). She drinks wine 3) Я и I see a heart 4) Я лю лю _________ (молоко). I love milk 5) Ты идишь _________ метро). Do you see the metro 6) О He is drinking beer 7) Я и ю е о _________ (настроен е). I blame his mood 8) Я лю лю э о _________ утро). I love this morning 9) О е He is eating an egg _________ сердце). ьё _________ п во). _________ ( йцо). 6. Make accusative singular nouns from the words below (feminine): 1) лошадь _______________ horse ы а _______________ pumpkin ш а _______________ girl 2) 3) де 4) а а _______________ mother 5) олез ь _______________ illness 6) а ция _______________ station 7) зи а _______________ winter 8) _______________ sister е ра 7. Make accusative singular nouns from the highlighted words below (feminine). 1) Я ою _________ маш на). 2) Я и _________ собака). I see a dog 3) О а ила _________ ручка). She bought a pen 4) О и идя _________ больн ца). They see a hospital 5) Я I bought paper ил _________ бумага). I wash a car 30 6) О родаё _________ в лка). 7) Я ью _________ (вода). I drink water 8) Я чеш _________ (голова). I scratch (my) head 9) О ае He eats a pear _________ груша). He sells a fork 8. Make accusative singular nouns from the words below (all genders): 1) доро а _______________ road 2) з _______________ tooth 3) шра _______________ scar 4) л а _______________ moon 5) ре ло _______________ armchair 6) ази о _______________ casino 7) очь _______________ night 8) чело е _______________ man 9) людо _______________ dish 10) ицца _______________ pizza 11) и р _______________ tiger 12) ч до _______________ miracle 9. Make accusative singular nouns from the highlighted words below (all genders): 1) Я и _________ пт ца). 2) Я 3) О а 4) О 5) Мы за ряз яе 6) О а иди _________ муж). She sees a husband 7) Я и I see a writer 8) Я ил _________ ремень). ила _________ рыба). иди _________ зеркало). _________ река). _________ п сатель). ил _________ мыло). I see a bird I bought a belt She bought a fish He sees a mirror We pollute the river I bought soap 31 UNIT 3.5 Упражнен 1. Underline the object noun in the following sentences: 1) Я и о езья 2) Я е я ло о 3) О ише 4) О а I eat an apple а ью ое о 5) Я чи аю 6) О и He is writing an article о She is washing a window и о ря 7) Я и I see a monkey Read a book еле изор They are watching TV и ь о I see a letter 8) О а о о и о ед She is cooking dinner 2. Make accusative singular nouns from the words below (masculine). Pay attention if a noun is animate or inanimate. 1) а олё а олё plane 2) ело и ед ело и ед bicycle 3) ала ала salad 4) и а ель и а еля writer 5) ы ы а son 6) ли о ли о lemon 7) рач рача doctor 8) а а spider а 3. Make accusative singular nouns from the highlighted words below (masculine). Pay attention if a noun is animate or inanimate. 1) Я ил иле (б лет). 2) О 3) О а лю и ра а (брат). She loves (her) brother 4) Я и (дом). I see a house 5) О а ри е 6) О и идя 7) Я ла 8) Я 9) О ае е лю и л до (лук). е др ро одила (крокод л). ол а (волк). ою о а (друг). (нож). ри (р с). I bought a ticket He doesn't like onion She is greeting a friend They see a crocodile I pet a wolf I wash a knife She is eating rice ы а (сын). 10) Мы иди We see a son 4. Make accusative singular nouns from the words below (neuter): 32 аль о 1) 2) о аль о о о coat о window 3) и о и о movie 4) орло орло throat 5) лечо лечо shoulder 6) и о ое и о ое animal 7) зда ие зда ие building 8) ле о ле о summer 5. Make accusative singular nouns from the highlighted words below (neuter). 1) Ты идишь е о (небо)? Do you see the sky? 2) О а ьё She drinks wine 3) Я и 4) Я лю лю 5) Ты идишь 6) О 7) Я и юе о а 8) Я лю лю э о 9) О е и о (в но). ердце (сердце). ьё оло о (молоко). е ро (метро)? и о (п во). рое ие (настроен е). ро (утро). яйцо ( йцо). I see a heart I love milk Do you see the metro? He is drinking beer I blame his mood I love this morning He is eating an egg 6. Make accusative singular nouns from the words below (feminine): 1) лошадь 2) ы лошадь а 3) де ы ш а де horse pumpkin ш girl 4) а а а mother 5) олез ь олез ь illness 6) а ция а цию 7) зи а 8) е зи ра е station winter р sister 7. Make accusative singular nouns from the highlighted words below (feminine). 1) Я ою 2) Я и 3) О а 4) 5) аши о а (маш на). I wash a car (собака). I see a dog ила р ч (ручка). She bought a pen О и идя оль иц (больн ца). They see a hospital Я а I bought paper ил (бумага). 33 6) О родаё ил (в лка). 7) Я ью од (вода). I drink water 8) Я чеш оло I scratch (my) head 9) О ае р ш (груша). (голова). He sells a fork He eats a pear 8. Make accusative singular nouns from the words below (all genders): 1) доро а доро road 2) з з tooth 3) шра шра scar 4) л л moon а 5) ре ло ре ло armchair 6) ази о ази о casino 7) очь очь night 8) чело е 9) людо людо dish 10) ицца ицц pizza 11) и р и ра tiger чело е а 12) ч до ч до man miracle 9. Make accusative singular nouns from the highlighted words below (all genders): 1) Я и иц (пт ца). 2) Я 3) О а 4) О 5) Мы за ряз яе 6) О а иди 7) Я и 8) Я ил ре е ь (ремень). ила ры (рыба). иди зер ало (зеркало). ре (река). а (муж). и а еля (п сатель). ил ыло (мыло). I see a bird I bought a belt She bought a fish He sees a mirror We pollute the river She sees a husband I see a writer I bought soap 34 Unit Accusative plural 3.6 We use the accusative case for the direct object of sentence. Answers questions: Whom? What? (кого? что?) 1. If you need to use an inanimate plural noun as an object - here is a rule, you just use endings of Nominative plurals. For all genders: Subject Я аша Мы verb о рю чи ае о ры ае object ф льмы кн г окна translation I watch movies Sasha reads books We are opening windows If a noun is animate, we have to change its ending. 2. Masculine accusative plural: To a consonant add "о " ог → о ов gods Remove "й" and add "е " ерой → ероев heroes Remove "ь" and add "ей" оди ель → оди елей drivers P ! If Example: ж→ Ж, Ч, Ш, Щ "ей", not "ов". ей (husbands) 3. Feminine accusative plural: Remove "а" and add nothing Remove "я" and add "ь" For noun ending in "ия" remove "я" and add "й" Remove "ь" and add "ей" P w of consonants at the end of ё". де шка арка е тра → → → а ри а → а ри actress р → рь thunderstorm а ц → а ц й station лошадь → лошадей "а". If f w , де шек арок е тёр horse "а" "о, е b girl brand, stamp sister 35 Examples: Ты идел э их де ше ? Не , о я идел их е ёр Did you see these girls? No, but I saw their sisters 4. Neuter accusative plural: There are a few neuter inanimate nouns. The most common one, as we already now "лицо" (a person or a face), to form the accusative plural we just remove the last letter. лицо → лиц 36 UNIT 3.6 Упражнен 1. Tell in Russian who/what you see, using accusative plural of masculine nouns: 1) Я и _________ б лет) I see the tickets 2) Я и _________ самолёт) I see the planes 3) Я и _________ банан) I see the bananas 4) Я и _________ врач) I see the doctors 5) Я и _________ салат) I see the salads 6) Я и _________ паук) I see the spiders 7) Я и _________ волк) I see the wolves 8) Я и _________ стол) I see the tables 9) Я и _________ карандаш) I see the pencils _________ компьютер) I see the computers 10) Я и 2. Tell in Russian what/who you know, using accusative plural of feminine nouns: 1) Я з аю ех _________ девушка) I know those girls 2) Я з аю э их _________ обезь на) I know these monkeys 3) Я з аю их _________ мама) I know their moms/mothers 4) Я з аю э их _________ актр са) I know these actresses 5) Я з аю е о _________ (сестра) I know his sisters 6) Я з аю их _________ бабушка) I know their grandmothers 7) Я з аю её _________ плем нн ца) I know her nieces 8) Я з аю э их _________ собака) I these dogs 9) Я з аю е о _________ (кошка) I know his cats 3. Make accusative plural nouns from the highlighted words below. 1) Я лю лю _________ (кот) I love cats 2) Я фо о рафир ю _________ лебедь) I take photos of swans 3) Я ою ь _________ оса) I afraid of wasps 4) Я е лю лю _________ (ул тка) I don't like snails 5) М е ра я I like apples 6) О е 7) О а з ае э и _________ место) She knows these places 8) Ты лю ишь _________ салат)? Do you like salad? 9) О а иди _________ акула) She sees the sharks я _________ блоко) _________ конфета) He eats candies 37 10) Ты ешь _________ л мон) Do you eat lemons? 4. Make accusative plural nouns from the words below: 1) 2) 3) 4) р аш а ид а ф ол а ю аль ер _______________ shirts _______________ jackets _______________ t-shirts _______________ bras 5) о и _______________ tuxedos 6) ай а _______________ undershirts _______________ hats _______________ geese 7) ша 8) а ь 9) ра _______________ crabs 10) аль ар _______________ squids 11) ре е а _______________ shrimps 12) о идор _______________ tomatoes 5. Make accusative plural nouns from the highlighted words below. 1) Ты идишь _________ тарелка)? Do you see the plates? 2) О аи She uses cups 3) Я лю лю _________ (котлета) I love cutlets 4) О He doesn't like restaurants 5) О а лю и _________ бармен) She loves bartenders 6) Ты лю ишь _________ фрукт) You love fruits 7) О и идя _________ оф ц ант) They see waiters 8) Моя My mother loves peaches 9) Мой ра лю и _________ груша) ольз е _________ чашка) е лю и _________ ресторан) а а лю и _________ перс к) My brother loves pears 10) Ты и ольз ешь _________ в лка)? Do you use forks? 11) Т оя а а лю и _________ сл ва) Your mother loves plums 12) О а иди _________ нож)? Does she see the knives? 13) Я лю лю _________ (оф ц антка) I love waitresses 14) О лю и _________ апельс н) He loves oranges 6. Make accusative plural nouns from the words below: 1) до а _______________ widows 2) иро а _______________ orphans 3) ир _______________ viruses 38 4) и фе ция _______________ infections 5) да и _______________ dentists 6) хир р _______________ surgeons _______________ tablets _______________ umbrellas 7) а ле 8) зо а 39 UNIT 3.6 Ответы 1. Tell in Russian who/what you see, using accusative plural of masculine nouns: 1) Я и иле ы (б лет) I see the tickets 2) Я и а олё ы (самолёт) I see the planes 3) Я и а а ы (банан) I see the bananas 4) Я и рачей (врач) I see the doctors 5) Я и ала ы (салат) I see the salads 6) Я и а о (паук) I see the spiders 7) Я и ол о (волк) I see the wolves 8) Я и олы (стол) I see the tables 9) Я и 10) Я и ара даши (карандаш) I see the pencils о I see the computers ю еры (компьютер) 2. Tell in Russian what/who you know, using accusative plural of feminine nouns: 1) Я з аю ех де 2) Я з аю э их о езья (обезь на) I know these monkeys 3) Я з аю их I know their moms/mothers 4) Я з аю э их а ри (актр са) I know these actresses 5) Я з аю е о е ёр (сестра) I know his sisters 6) Я з аю их а ше (бабушка) I know their grandmothers 7) Я з аю её ле я 8) Я з аю э их о а (собака) I these dogs 9) Я з аю е о оше (кошка) I know his cats а ше (девушка) (мама) иц (плем нн ца) I know those girls I know her nieces 3. Make accusative plural nouns from the highlighted words below. 1) Я лю лю о о (кот) I love cats 2) Я фо о рафир ю ле едей (лебедь) I take photos of swans 3) Я ою ь о (оса) I afraid of wasps 4) Я е лю лю ли о (ул тка) I don't like snails 5) М е ра я I like apples 6) О е 7) О а з ае э и 8) Ты лю ишь ала ы (салат)? Do you like salad? 9) О а иди а She sees the sharks я я ло и ( блоко) о фе ы (конфета) е а (место) л (акула) He eats candies She knows these places 40 10) Ты ешь ли о ы (л мон)? Do you eat lemons? 4. Make accusative plural nouns from the words below: 1) 2) 3) 4) р аш а р ид а ф ид а и ол а ю аш и ф аль ер ол и ю аль еры 5) о и о и 6) ай а ай и 7) ша 8) а ша ь и shirts jackets t-shirts bras tuxedos undershirts и hats ей geese 9) ра ра о crabs 10) аль ар аль аро squids 11) ре е ре е о shrimps 12) о идор о идоры tomatoes а 5. Make accusative plural nouns from the highlighted words below. 1) Ты идишь арел и (тарелка)? Do you see the plates? 2) О аи She uses cups 3) Я лю лю о ле ы (котлета) I love cutlets 4) О He doesn't like restaurants 5) О а лю и 6) Ты лю ишь фр 7) О и идя официа 8) Моя 9) Мой ра лю и ольз е чаш и (чашка) е лю и ре ора ы (ресторан) ар е о (бармен) а а лю и ы (фрукт) о (оф ц ант) ер и и (перс к) р ши (груша) She loves bartenders You love fruits They see waiters My mother loves peaches My brother loves pears 10) Ты и ольз ешь ил и (в лка)? Do you use forks? 11) Т оя а а лю и Your mother loves plums 12) О а иди ли ы (сл ва) о и (нож)? 13) Я лю лю официа о (оф ц антка) 14) О лю и а ель и ы (апельс н) Does she see the knives? I love waitresses He loves oranges 6. Make accusative plural nouns from the words below: 1) до а до widows 2) иро а иро orphans 3) ир ир ы viruses 41 4) и фе ция и фе ции infections 5) да да dentists и 6) хир р 7) а ле 8) зо и о хир р о а а ле зо ы и surgeons tablets umbrellas 42 Unit 3.7 Accusative plural irregular We use the accusative case for the direct object of sentence. Answers questions: Whom? What? (кого? что?) 1. Inanimate plural nouns with irregular endings remain the same in accusative if they are inanimate: О а ише е адреса She writes all the addresses Ты ло ал стуль ? Did you break the chairs? 2. Animate nouns with -а as ending takes -ов in the accusative plural: О и идя оих рофе оров Я лю лю оих до оров They see their professors I love my doctors 3. The irregular nominative plural уч тел чи ел becomes уч телей. - чи елей 4. Plural nouns in accusative with irregular endings -ь , we change the ending to -ев (if nominative plural stressed on the stem) or -ей (if nominative plural stressed on the end). Nominative singular ра brother др friend ы son Nominative plural ра ья stressed on stem др зь stressed on end ы о ь stressed on end Accusative plural ра ьев др зей ы о ей 5. Nouns with irregular -н н ending - just delete the - н part from nominative singular Nominative singular ро иян н а личан н ра дан н да чан н Nominative plural ро ияне а личане ра дане да чане Accusative plural ро иян а личан ра дан да чан 43 6. EXCEPTION 1 - мать (mother) and дочь (daughter). Nominative singular дочь а ь Nominative plural дочери а ери 7. EXCEPTION 2 - дет (children) and люд Nominative singular ре ё о чело е Nominative plural де и люди Accusative plural дочерей а ерей (people). Accusative plural де ей людей 44 UNIT 3.7 Упражнен 1. Put the highlighted nouns in the accusative plural form: 1) Вы лю и е _________ номер)? 2) Вы лю и е _________ (поезд)? Do you love the rooms (in an hotel)? Do you love trains? 3) Вы лю и е _________ цвет)? Do you love the colors? 4) Вы лю и е _________ город)? Do you love cities? 5) Вы лю и е _________ дом)? Do you love houses? 6) Вы лю и е _________ вечер)? Do you love evenings? 2. Put the highlighted nouns in the accusative plural form: 1) Я и э и_________ остров) 2) О и 3) О 4) О а ище _________ (адрес) She is seeking for the addresses 5) Я лю лю I love your eyes 6) О 7) О а лю и _________ берег) ич о аю _________ лес) иди _________ паспорт) ои _________ (глаз) иди _________ трактор) I see these islands They are destroying forests He sees passports He sees tractors She loves shores 3. Make accusative plural nouns from the highlighted words below. 1) О а лю и 2) Я лю лю оих _________ друг) I love my friends 3) О оих _________ брат) He sees his friends иди оих _________ сын) She loves her sons 4. Make accusative plural nouns from the words below: 1) ро 2) да ча и 3) 4) 5) ия и ра да и а лича и е еря и _______________ Russian _______________ Dane _______________ Citizen _______________ Englishman _______________ Northerner 45 5. Make accusative plural nouns from the words below: 1) Я лю лю оих _________ дочь). 2) Мы ри лашае 3) Мы иди 4) Ты з аешь э их _________ человек)? _________ мать). э их _________ ребёнок). I love my daughters We are inviting mothers We see these children Do you know these people? 46 UNIT 3.7 Ответы 1. Put the highlighted nouns in the accusative plural form: 1) Вы лю и е о ера (номер)? 2) Вы лю и е оезда (поезд)? Do you love the rooms (in an hotel)? Do you love trains? 3) Вы лю и е ц е а (цвет)? Do you love the colors? 4) Вы лю и е орода (город)? Do you love cities? 5) Вы лю и е до а (дом)? Do you love houses? 6) Вы лю и е ечера (вечер)? Do you love evenings? 2. Put the highlighted nouns in the accusative plural form: 1) Я и э ио ро а (остров) 2) О и 3) О 4) О а ище адре а (адрес) She is seeking for the addresses 5) Я лю лю I love your eyes 6) О 7) О а лю и ич о аю ле а (лес) иди иди а ор а (паспорт) ои лаза (глаз) ра ора (трактор) ере а (берег) I see these islands They are destroying forests He sees passports He sees tractors She loves shores 3. Make accusative plural nouns from the highlighted words below. 1) О а лю и 2) Я лю лю оих др зей (друг) I love my friends 3) О оих ра ье (брат) He sees his friends иди оих ы о ей (сын) She loves her sons 4. Make accusative plural nouns from the words below: 1) ро 2) да ча и 3) 4) 5) ия и ра да и а лича и е еря и ро ия да ча ра да а лича е еря Russian Dane Citizen Englishman Northerner 5. Make accusative plural nouns from the words below: 1) Я лю лю оих дочерей (дочь). I love my daughters 47 2) Мы ри лашае а ерей (мать). 3) Мы иди 4) Ты з аешь э их людей (человек)? э их де ей (ребёнок). We are inviting mothers We see these children Do you know these people? 48 Unit Genitive singular 3.8 The main meaning of Genitive is "of", but also we use it to talk about quantities and absence of something/someone. Answers questions: Whom? What? (кого? чего?) Э о и а Зде ь е де ола а It is a book of the student (student's book) There is no (not any) table 1. Masculine endings: To a consonant add а: Remove й, and add : Remove ь, and add : ыд чай ь → → → ыда ча Ни олай И орь → → Ни ола И ор shame tea goose Same rule for names: Remove й, and add : Remove ь, and add : Nikolay Igor Examples: У е я е ыда Э о аши а И оря You have no (not any) shame It is the car of Igor (Igor's car) 2. Feminine endings: Remove а, and add ы: Remove , and add : Remove ь, and add : аши а Ро и оль → аши ы → Ро и → ол car Russia pain Same rule for the names: Remove , and add : Remove а, and add ы: Же Люда → → Же Люды Zhenya Lyuda Examples: Без оли У е о е ь ри Дай е ед е аши ы и и, о ал й а With no (not any) pain He has tree cars (quantity) Give me two books please Remember: never write ы after г, к, х, ж, ч, ш, щ, instead of it write и а и books 49 доро а ош а доро ош roads cats (female cats) IMPORTANT: irregular nouns мать and дочь have irregular genitive singular forms: матер and дочер У е о е ь д е дочери У их е а ери He has two daughters They don't have a mother quantity quantity (not any) дочка (daughter) fallows the main rule - дочк У е ое ь д е доч и He has two daughters quantity 3. Neuter Endings: Remove о, and add а: Remove е, and add : о о зда ие оре → → → о а зда и ор window building sea Exception: Вре ре ен time Examples: У е я е ре е и! О раз ил ри о а I don't have (not any) time! He broke three windows absence quantity 50 UNIT 3.8 Упражнен 1. Put the highlighted masculine nouns in the genitive singular form: 1) Чаш а _________ чай) A cup of tea 2) Крыша _________ дом) The roof of the house 3) Тарел а _________ суп) A plate of soup 4) У I don't have a table 5) Три _________ компьютр) Three computers 6) В ороде е _________ герой) There is no hero in the city 7) Шля а _________ ковбой) A hat of a cowboy 8) И я _________ корабль) The name of the ship 9) Д а _________ б лет) Two tickets е я е _________ стол) 10) У их е _________ ключ) They don't have a key 11) К и а _________ студент) A book of a student 12) У I don't have a garden е я е _________ сад) 2. Put the highlighted feminine nouns in the genitive singular form: 1) Не _________ комната) 2) ю е _________ стор There is no room ) The plot of the story 3) Три _________ карта) Three maps 4) Про ле а _________ семь ) The problem of the family 5) У её е _________ кровать) She doesn't have a bed 6) Коле о _________ (маш на) A wheel of a car 7) Д е _________ тетрадь) Two copybooks 8) Крыло _________ (кур ца) A wing of a hen 9) е _________ здвезда) The light of the star 10) ы л _________ The meaning of the game гра) 3. Make genitive singular nouns from the highlighted words below: 1) У е я е _________ в лка) 2) Д е _________ открытка) Two postcards 3) У их е _________ бутылка) They don't have a bottle 4) Не др There are no other road 5) Три _________ ручка) Three pens 6) Ц е _________ крыша) The color of the roof ой _________ дорога)! I don't have a fork 51 7) У её е _________ кастрюл ) She doesn't have a pan 8) Д о _________ бочка) The bottom of the barrel 9) Но ер _________ строка) The number of the line 4. Make genitive singular nouns from the words below: 1) Те 2) Зде ь е _________ место) 3) оро а _________ (здан е) The side of the building 4) У её е _________ (кольцо) She doesn't have a ring лад ий 5) 6) _________ п сьмо) У е я е ло 7) _________ в но) о а э о_________ врем ) ь _________ задан е) The text of the letter There is no place Sweat taste of the wine I don't have time for that The difficulty of the task 8) Ц е _________ ведро) The color of the bucket 9) У е о е He doesn't have his own opinion 10) У ое о _________ (мнен е) е я е _________ сомнен е) I have no (single) doubt 5. Make genitive singular nouns from the words below: 1) и и а ________________ pork 2) ече ь ________________ liver 3) ало ________________ lard 4) яйцо ________________ egg 5) ло о ь ________________ salmon 6) хле ________________ bread 7) оль ________________ salt 8) ахар ________________ sugar ри ________________ rice 10) ла ша ________________ noodle 9) 11) оло о ________________ milk 12) а ло ( ли оч ое) ________________ butter ________________ fish 13) ры а 52 UNIT 3.8 Ответы 1. Put the highlighted masculine nouns in the genitive singular form: 1) Чаш а чая (чай) A cup of tea 2) Крыша до а (дом) The roof of the house 3) Тарел а A plate of soup 4) У 5) Три о 6) В ороде е 7) Шля а о 8) И я ора ля (корабль) The name of the ship 9) Д а иле а (б лет) Two tickets а (суп) е я е I don't have a table ью ера (компьютр) 10) У их е 11) К и а 12) У ола (стол) ероя (герой) оя (ковбой) е я е There is no hero in the city A hat of a cowboy люча (ключ) де Three computers They don't have a key а (студент) ада (сад) A book of a student I don't have a garden 2. Put the highlighted feminine nouns in the genitive singular form: 1) Не 2) о а ы (комната) ю е и ории ( стор There is no room ) The plot of the story 3) Три ар ы (карта) Three maps 4) Про ле а е ьи (семь ) The problem of the family 5) У её е She doesn't have a bed 6) Коле о 7) Д е е ради (тетрадь) Two copybooks 8) Крыло A wing of a hen ро а и (кровать) аши ы (маш на) рицы (кур ца) A wheel of a car 9) е з езды (здвезда) The light of the star 10) ы л и ры ( гра) The meaning of the game 3. Make genitive singular nouns from the highlighted words below: 1) У е я е 2) Д ео 3) У их е 4) Не др 5) Три р ч и (ручка) Three pens 6) Ц е The color of the roof ры ил и (в лка) I don't have a fork и (открытка) Two postcards ыл и (бутылка) ой доро и (дорога)! рыши (крыша) They don't have a bottle There are no other road 53 7) У её е а рюли (кастрюл ) 8) Д о оч и (бочка) The bottom of the barrel 9) Но ер The number of the line ро и (строка) She doesn't have a pan 4. Make genitive singular nouns from the words below: 1) Те 2) Зде ь е 3) и ь а (п сьмо) е а (место) There is no place оро а зда ия (здан е) 4) У её е ольца (кольцо) 5) лад ий и а (в но) 6) The text of the letter У е я е 7) ло 8) Ц е 9) У е о е 10) У о The side of the building She doesn't have a ring Sweat taste of the wine а э о ре е и (врем ) ь зада ия (задан е) едра (ведро) е я е ое о о I don't have time for that The difficulty of the task The color of the bucket е ия (мнен е) е ия (сомнен е) He doesn't have his own opinion I have no (single) doubt 5. Make genitive singular nouns from the words below: 1) и и а и и ы pork 2) ече ь ече и liver 3) ало ала lard 4) яйцо яйца egg 5) ло о ь ло о я salmon 6) хле хле а bread 7) оль оли salt 8) ахар ахара sugar 9) ри 10) ла ша ри а rice ла ши noodle 11) оло о оло а 12) а ло ( ли оч ое) а ла 13) ры а ры ы milk ли оч о о) butter fish 54 Unit 3.9 Genitive plural The main meaning of Genitive is "of", but also we use it to talk about quantities and absence of something/someone. Answers questions: Whom? What? (кого? чего?) Э о и а Зде ь е де ола а It is a book of the student (student's book) There is no (not any) table 1. Masculine endings: For a consonant add -ов For -й, delete the -й and add -ев For soft sign, delete the soft sign and add -ей Nominative singular де т student зей museum о а ель diппer Genitive plural де ов зеев о а елей Examples: Большая р а де о В Ро ии о о зее На о о о о а елей Big group of students There are many museums in Russia We need many diggers 2. Feminine endings: For -а just remove the -а. For ending For ending - delete the - and add -ь. remove the - and add -й. For soft sign in the end remove the soft sign and add -ей Nominative singular аши а car л bullet ац nation д ерь door Genitive plural ашин ль аций д ерей Sometimes when the feminine noun ends in -а and you remove it you have a group of consonant letters at the end (more than one). And it is important to insert either: о, ё, or е (we add "е" if the consonants are жк, чк, шк). 55 Nominative singular арка stamp чашка cup ложка spoon очка barrel Genitive plural арок чашек ложек очек 3. Neuter Endings: For neuters nouns we have two endings in the genitive plural. -й or -_ (zero ending, remove the final "о") Nominative singular е о place оле field зда е building Genitive plural е т олей зда й Sometimes when the neuter noun ends in -о and you remove it you also have a group of consonant letters at the end. So, sometimes it is important to insert either: о, or е. окно - о о исьмо - и е w "е" replaces "ь") Examples: Э о о ер ы для и е У э о о зда ия е о о This envelopes are for the letters This building doesn't have windows 56 UNIT 3.9 Упражнен 1. Put the highlighted masculine nouns in the genitive plural form: 1) Не _________ студент) There are no students 2) Ше Six heroes 3) Цель _________ уч тель) The goal of the teachers 4) Маши а _________ (вод тель) The car of the drivers 5) И р ш и _________ (мальч к) The toys of the boys 6) Пя ь _________ (час) Five hours 7) Вы Dancer's performance 8) Проч о 9) Не _________ стол) ь _________ (герой) ле ие _________ (танцор) ь _________ (дом) The durability of the houses There are no tables 10) Де я ь _________ (компьютер) Nice computers 11) Пя ь _________ (конь) Five horses (male) 2. Put the highlighted feminine nouns in the genitive plural form: 1) У 2) Пя ь _________ река) Five rivers 3) В до е е _________ (дверь) There are no doors in the house 4) е я е _________ (маш на) о I don't have (any) cars и _________ (смерть) Hundreds of deaths 5) В ороде е _________ (станц 6) У её е 7) В ороде е ь _________ (площадь) There are seven squares 8) У их е _________ They don't have any instructions 9) Пя ь _________ ночь) 10) У их ) ь я ь _________ лошадь) нструкц о о_________ (теор ) There are no stations in the city She has five horses Five nights ) 11) Подо ди я ь _________ (м нута) They have lots of theories Wait five minutes (+please) 3. Make genitive plural nouns from the feminine nouns below. Pay attention to чк, шк, жк, тр, мк etc. combinations. 1) У е я е _________ (марка) She loves her sons 2) Ц е _________ ручка) The color of the pens 3) Пя ь _________ девочка) Five girls 4) Раз ер _________ (бочка) The size of the barrels 5) Количе The amount of spoons о _________ (ложка) 57 6) Ц е _________ кошка) The color of the cats 7) У I don't have (any) sisters 8) Пя ь _________ (рубашка) Five shirts 9) Ц е _________ сумка) The color of the bags е я е _________ (сестра) 4. Make genitive plural nouns from the neuter nouns below: 1) зда ие _______________ buildings 2) оре _______________ seas 3) зада ие _______________ tasks 4) лицо _______________ faces 5) ело _______________ bodies 6) я ло о _______________ apples 7) людо _______________ dishes 5. Make genitive plural nouns from the neuter nouns below. Pay attention to кн, др, сьм etc. combinations.: 1) М о о _________ (окно) A lot of windows 2) М о о _________ ведро) A lot of buckets 3) М о о _________ бедро) A lot of hips 4) М о о _________ п тно) A lot of spots 5) М о о _________ п сьмо) A lot of letters 6) М о о _________ волокно) A lot of fibers 6. Make genitive plural nouns from the nouns below: 1) Не оль о _________ (телефон) 2) Пя ь _________ (автомоб ль) Five cars 3) В ороде е _________ (вор) 4) В 5- 5) Де я ь _________ (рука) There are no thieves in the city There are no fences in the 5th district Nine hands 6) Не There are no free beds 7) Не 8) В райо е е _________ (забор) о од ых _________ (кровать) оль о _________ ( стор ) а ази е е _________ (зеркало) A few phones A few stories There are no mirrors in the store 58 UNIT 3.9 Ответы 1. Put the highlighted masculine nouns in the genitive plural form: 1) Не де о (студент) 2) Ше 3) Цель чи елей (уч тель) The goal of the teachers 4) Маши а оди елей (вод тель) The car of the drivers 5) И р ш и The toys of the boys 6) Пя ь ча о (час) Five hours 7) Вы Dancer's performance 8) Проч о 9) Не There are no students ь ерое (герой) Six heroes альчи о (мальч к) ле ие а цоро (танцор) ь до о (дом) The durability of the houses оло (стол) 10) Де я ь о There are no tables ью еро (компьютер) Nice computers 11) Пя ь о ей (конь) Five horses (male) 2. Put the highlighted feminine nouns in the genitive plural form: 1) У 2) Пя ь ре (река) Five rivers 3) В до е е д ерей (дверь) There are no doors in the house 4) е я е о и аши (маш на) I don't have (any) cars ер ей (смерть) Hundreds of deaths 5) В ороде е 6) У её е 7) В ороде е ь лощадей (площадь) There are seven squares 8) У их е и They don't have any instructions 9) Пя ь очей (ночь) 10) У их а ций (станц ) There are no stations in the city ь я ь лошадей (лошадь) р ций ( нструкц и ) Five nights о о еорий (теор 11) Подо ди я ь She has five horses ) (м нута) They have lots of theories Wait five minutes (+please) 3. Make genitive plural nouns from the feminine nouns below. Pay attention to чк, шк, жк, тр, мк etc. combinations. 1) У е я е аро (марка) 2) Ц е р че (ручка) The color of the pens 3) Пя ь де оче (девочка) Five girls 4) Раз ер оче (бочка) The size of the barrels 5) Количе The amount of spoons о ло е (ложка) She loves her sons 59 6) Ц е оше (кошка) 7) У 8) Пя ь р аше (рубашка) Five shirts 9) Ц е о (сумка) The color of the bags е я е е The color of the cats ёр (сестра) I don't have (any) sisters 4. Make genitive plural nouns from the neuter nouns below: 1) зда ие зда ий 2) оре орей seas buildings 3) зада ие зада ий tasks 4) лицо лиц faces 5) ело ел bodies я ло apples люд dishes 6) я ло о 7) людо 5. Make genitive plural nouns from the neuter nouns below. Pay attention to кн, др, сьм etc. combinations.: 1) М о о о о (окно) A lot of windows 2) М о о ёдер (ведро) A lot of buckets 3) М о о ёдер (бедро) A lot of hips 4) М о о я е (п тно) A lot of spots 5) М о о и е A lot of letters 6) М о о оло о (волокно) (п сьмо) A lot of fibers 6. Make genitive plural nouns from the nouns below: 1) Не оль о елефо о (телефон) 2) Пя ь а 3) В ороде е 4) В 5- 5) Де я ь р 6) Не 7) Не 8) В о о илей (автомоб ль) оро (вор) райо е е за оро (забор) (рука) о од ых ро а ей (кровать) оль о и орий ( стор ) а ази е е зер ал (зеркало) A few phones Five cars There are no thieves in the city There are no fences in the 5th district Nine hands There are no free beds A few stories There are no mirrors in the store 60 Unit Genitive plural irregular 3.10 The main meaning of Genitive is "of", but also we use it to talk about quantities and absence of something/someone. Answers questions: Whom? What? (кого? чего?) Э о и а Зде ь е де ола а It is a book of the student (student's book) There is no (not any) table 1. Masculine endings: For an -a add -ов For -ь , and stressed stem -ьев For stressed-ь , the ending is -ей For -не, delete the last letter Nominative singular ород л др г а личан н Meaning town chair friend Englishman Nominative plural орода ль др зь а личане Genitive plural ородов льев др зей личан 2. Feminine endings: Ма ь→ а ерей mother Дочь→дочерей daughter Some feminine nouns have a bunch of consonants before their ending, and we need to add ё з езда→з ёзд е ра→ е ёр ерь а→ ерё star sister earring 3. Neuter Endings: Most important neuter nouns are: ре я→ ре ё time 61 и я→и ё name хо→ шей ear 4. Other important nouns: Nominative singular Nominative plural ре ё о де и чело е люди Genitive plural де ей людей meaning children people 5. IMPORTANT: After a numeral the genitive plural of человек is человек: 5 человек я ь чело е ) - five people 62 UNIT 3.10 Упражнен 1. Put the highlighted nouns in the genitive plural form: 1) У а е _________ стул) 2) У е я е _________ друг)? Don't you have friends? 3) У её е She has six brothers 4) У 5) Не 6) У е о е _________ сын) He doesn't have sons 7) Пя ь _________ граждан н) Five citizens 8) М о о _________ (человек) A lot of people 9) Во е ь _________ л ст) Eight leaves ь ше ь _________ брат) е я е _________ ребёнок) оль о ольших _________ город) We don't have chairs I don't have children A few big cities 2. Put the highlighted nouns in the genitive plural form: 1) В реча ез _________ мать) 2) Вечери 3) О а ходи 4) О 5) Не о ез _________ звезда) The sky is without the stars 6) В Meeting without families а ез _________ дочь) ез _________ серьг ) ришёл ез _________ сестра) реча ез _________ (семь ) Meeting without mothers Party without daughters She is not wearing earrings (lit: Going without earrings) He came without sisters 3. Make genitive plural nouns from the highlighted words below. 1) Пя ь _________ врем ) Five tenses 2) Ше Six trees 3) Без _________ ухо) Without ears 4) У е о ы ячи _________ ( м ) He has thousands of names 5) У I don't have money ь _________ дерево) е я е _________ деньг ) 4. Boris doesn't have a lot of people around him, tell who/what he doesn't have by putting the following words in the genitive plural case: 1) У Бори а е _________ друг) Boris doesn't have friends 2) У Бори а е _________ брат) Boris doesn't have brothers 3) У Бори а е _________ ребёнок) Boris doesn't have children 4) У Бори а е _________ сестра) Boris doesn't have sisters 63 5) У Бори а е _________ деньг ) Boris doesn't have money 5. Make genitive plural nouns from the words below: 1) У 2) Пя ь _________ чашка) Five cups 3) Во е ь _________ кружка) Eight mugs 4) е я е _________ стакан) озда ие ез _________ глаз) I don't have a glass A creature without eyes 5) Без _________ овощ) Without vegetables 6) У а We don't have pears 7) е _________ груша) е ь _________ торт) Seven cakes 64 UNIT 3.10 Ответы 1. Put the highlighted nouns in the genitive plural form: 1) У а е лье (стул) 2) У е я е др зей (друг)? Don't you have friends? 3) У её е She has six brothers 4) У 5) Не 6) У е о е 7) Пя ь ра да (граждан н) Five citizens 8) М о о людей (человек) A lot of people 9) Во е ь ли Eight leaves ь ше ь ра ье (брат) е я е де ей (ребёнок) оль о ольших ородо (город) ы о ей (сын) ье (л ст) We don't have chairs I don't have children A few big cities He doesn't have sons 2. Put the highlighted nouns in the genitive plural form: 1) В реча ез а ерей (мать) 2) Вечери 3) О а ходи 4) О 5) Не о ез з езд (звезда) The sky is without the stars 6) В Meeting without families а ез дочерей (дочь) ез ерё (серьг ) ришёл ез е ёр (сестра) реча ез е ей (семь ) Meeting without mothers Party without daughters She is not wearing earrings (lit: Going without earrings) He came without sisters 3. Make genitive plural nouns from the highlighted words below. 1) Пя ь ре ё (врем ) Five tenses 2) Ше Six trees 3) Без шей (ухо) Without ears 4) У е о ы ячи и ё ( м ) He has thousands of names 5) У I don't have money ь дере ье (дерево) е я е де е (деньг ) 4. Boris doesn't have a lot of people around him, tell who/what he doesn't have by putting the following words in the genitive plural case: 1) У Бори а е др зей (друг) Boris doesn't have friends 2) У Бори а е Boris doesn't have brothers 3) У Бори а е де ей (ребёнок) Boris doesn't have children 4) У Бори а е Boris doesn't have sisters ра ье (брат) е ёр (сестра) 65 5) У Бори а е де е (деньг ) Boris doesn't have money 5. Make genitive plural nouns from the words below: 1) У 2) Пя ь чаше (чашка) Five cups 3) Во е ь р Eight mugs 4) е я е а а о (стакан) е (кружка) озда ие ез лаз (глаз) I don't have a glass A creature without eyes 5) Без о ощей (овощ) Without vegetables 6) У а We don't have pears 7) е р ш (груша) е ь ор о (торт) Seven cakes 66 Unit 3.11 Dative singular We use it for "for" or "to" with indirect objects. Answers questions: To/for whom? To/for what? (кому? чему?) It's always used after some specific nouns like: помогать to help, звон ть to call. 1. The direct object is needed for the indirect object of a sentence: Subject + I Я Verb + gave дал Object + books и и Indirect object to a friend другу 2. Masculine endings in dative singular (-у and -ю): Add -у to a consonant at the end Replace -й with -ю Replace -ь with -ю Nominative singular рат brother оди ель driver ер ей Sergey Dative singular ра у оди елю ер ею 3. Feminine endings dative singular (-е and - ): Replace -а with -е Replace - with -е Replace - with - Nominative singular а а mother Над Nadya э иде epidemic Dative singular а е Наде э иде IMPORTANT: the two most common dative irregular nouns are: mother - а ь→ а ери daughter - дочь → дочери 67 4. Neuter endings in dative singular (-у and -ю): Replace -о with -у Replace -е with -ю Nominative singular о о window оре sea зда е building Dative singular о у орю зда ю IMPORTANT: the two most common dative irregular neuter nouns are: time ре я → ре е и name и я → и е и 68 UNIT 3.11 Упражнен 1. Put the highlighted nouns in the dative singular case: 1) Ты е оз о ил ое _________ (уч тель)? Have you already called your teacher? 2) По о а о а е да о о ае ое _________ (брат) On Saturdays she always helps her brother 3) Ма а даё е ее оло о аше Mother gives fresh milk to our cat _________ кот) 4) По ал й а, а и _________ (вод тель), ч о Please, tell the driver that we will wait 5) К _________ (закат) ы е де др ой We will be in another country by the sunset ы де да ь ра е 6) Поз о и е е за ра о _________ телефон) Call me tomorrow by the phone (formal) 7) У а э о ре ра ый ла одаря _________ (лосось) The soup has that nice taste thanks to the salmon 8) е од я я ид о и ое хороше Today I go to visit my good friend _________ друг) 9) Вы е о о ли _________ (п сатель) ай и ю и фор ацию? Have you already helped writer to find the needed information? 10) Я да оды _________ (конь) I will give (some) water to the horse (male horse) 2. Make the correct form of highlighted nouns (by putting them in dative singular form) to tell who calls who: 1) Ма а з о и _________ (папа) Mother is calling father / Mother calls father 2) Па а з о и _________ (мама) Father is calling mother / Father calls mother 3) Я з о ю _________ (бабушка) I am calling grandmother / I call grandmother 4) М з о и _________ (жена) Husband is calling wife / Husband calls wife 5) Ба ш а з о и _________ (дедушка) Grandmother is calling grandfather / Grandmother calls grandfather 6) Тё я з о и _________ (д д ) Aunt is calling uncle / Aunt calls uncle 69 7) Дядя з о и _________ (тёт ) Uncle is calling aunt / Uncle calls aunt 3. Put the highlighted nouns in the dative singular form: 1) Иди е _________ (станц Go to the station ) 2) Учё ые делали до лад о _________ (эп дем Scientist made a report on epidemy ) 3) О а до и ла е о э о о ла одаря _________ (мать) She achieved all this thanks to her mother 4) Вы о о ы _________ (рег страц Are you ready for the registration? )? 5) Вы о о ли ашей _________ (нац You helped our nation ) 6) З о и е _________ (пол ц Call the police, we need help ), а а о ощь 7) Иди е _________ (лакац ) ы о и и дере ья и Go to the location with high trees 8) Роди ели о о аю оей _________ (дочь) Parents help their daughter 4. Put the highlighted nouns in the dative singular form: 1) Подойди _________ (окно) Come up to the window 2) О а о дала ед э о ре ра о _________ (создан е) She gave food to this beautiful creature 3) Подойди _________ (здан е) Come up to the building 4) Ез ай е _________ (море), ы Drive to the sea, we'll meet there ре и я а 5) К _________ (мыло) е ре е зий There are no complains on the soup (There are no claims on the soup) 6) Возь и ала _________ ( йцо) Take some salad for the egg 7) Пря ый о _________ (м со) Spicy souse for the meat 8) Ч о а о _________ (врем )? (slang) How much time do we have? / Do we have time enough? 70 9) Бла одаря аше до ро _________ ( м ) Thanks to your good name 5. Use dative singular case to tell who misses who: 1) М чае о _________ (жена) Husband misses wife 2) Же а чае о _________ (муж) Wife misses husband 3) Ба ш а чае о _________ (дедушка) Grandmother misses grandfather 4) Дед ш а чае о _________ (бабушка) Grandfather misses grandmother 5) е ра чае о _________ (брат) Sister misses (her) brother 6) Бра чае о _________ (сестра) Brother misses (his) sister 7) ер ей чае о _________ (Ан ) Sergei misses Anya 8) я чае о _________ ( ергей) Anya misses Sergei 9) аша чае о _________ (Пет ) Sasha misses Petya 10) Валя чае о _________ (Кол ) Valya misses Kolya 11) Я чаю о _________ Вал ) I miss Valya 12) Я чаю о _________ (мама) I miss my mom 71 UNIT 3.11 Ответы 1. Put the highlighted nouns in the dative singular case: 1) Ты е оз о ил ое чи елю (уч тель)? Have you already called your teacher? 2) По о а о а е да о о ае ое ра On Saturdays she always helps her brother 3) Ма а даё е ее оло о аше Mother gives fresh milk to our cat о (брат) (кот) 4) По ал й а, а и оди елю (вод тель), ч о Please, tell the driver that we will wait ы де да ь 5) К за а (закат) ы е де др ой ра е We will be in another country by the sunset 6) Поз о и е е за ра о елефо (телефон) Call me tomorrow by the phone (formal) 7) У а э о ре ра ый ла одаря ло о ю (лосось) The soup has that nice taste thanks to the salmon 8) е од я я ид о и ое хороше Today I go to visit my good friend др (друг) 9) Вы е о о ли и а елю (п сатель) ай и ю и фор ацию? Have you already helped writer to find the needed information? 10) Я да оды о ю (конь) I will give (some) water to the horse (male horse) 2. Make the correct form of highlighted nouns (by putting them in dative singular form) to tell who calls who: 1) Ма а з о и а е (папа) Mother is calling father / Mother calls father 2) Па а з о и а е (мама) Father is calling mother / Father calls mother 3) Я з о ю а ш е (бабушка) I am calling grandmother / I call grandmother 4) М з о и е е (жена) Husband is calling wife / Husband calls wife 5) Ба ш а з о и дед ш а (дедушка) Grandmother is calling grandfather / Grandmother calls grandfather 6) Тё я з о и дяде (д д ) Aunt is calling uncle / Aunt calls uncle 72 7) Дядя з о и ё е (тёт ) Uncle is calling aunt / Uncle calls aunt 3. Put the highlighted nouns in the dative singular form: 1) Иди е а ции (станц Go to the station ) 2) Учё ые делали до лад о э иде ии (эп дем Scientist made a report on epidemy ) 3) О а до и ла е о э о о ла одаря а ери (мать) She achieved all this thanks to her mother 4) Вы о о ы ре и рации (рег страц Are you ready for the registration? 5) Вы о о ли ашей ации (нац You helped our nation )? ) 6) З о и е олиции (пол ц ), а Call the police, we need help а о ощь 7) Иди е ло ации (лакац ) ы о и и дере ья и Go to the location with high trees 8) Роди ели о о аю оей дочери (дочь) Parents help their daughter 4. Put the highlighted nouns in the dative singular form: 1) Подойди о (окно) Come up to the window 2) О а о дала ед э о ре ра о озда ию (создан е) She gave food to this beautiful creature 3) Подойди зда ию (здан е) Come up to the building 4) Ез ай е орю (море), ы ре и Drive to the sea, we'll meet there я а 5) К ыл (мыло) е ре е зий There are no complains on the soup (There are no claims on the soup) 6) Возь и ала яйц ( йцо) Take some salad for the egg 7) Пря ый о я (м со) Spicy souse for the meat 8) Ч о а о ре е и (врем )? (slang) How much time do we have? / Do we have time enough? 73 9) Бла одаря аше до ро и е и( м ) Thanks to your good name 5. Use dative singular case to tell who misses who: 1) М чае о е е (жена) Husband misses wife 2) Же а чае о Wife misses husband (муж) 3) Ба ш а чае о дед ш е (дедушка) Grandmother misses grandfather 4) Дед ш а чае о а ш е (бабушка) Grandfather misses grandmother 5) е ра чае о ра (брат) Sister misses (her) brother 6) Бра чае о е ре (сестра) Brother misses (his) sister 7) ер ей чае о Sergei misses Anya е (Ан ) 8) я чае о ер ею ( ергей) Anya misses Sergei 9) аша чае о Пе е (Пет ) Sasha misses Petya 10) Валя чае о Коле (Кол ) Valya misses Kolya 11) Я чаю о Вале (Вал ) I miss Valya 12) Я чаю о а е (мама) I miss my mom 74 Unit Dative plural 3.12 We use it for "for" or "to" with indirect objects. Answers questions: To/for whom? To/for what? (кому? чему?) It's always used after some specific nouns like: помогать to help, звон ть to call. For example: Я ра азал ои друзь м I told my friends Dative plural has the same ending for all genders 1. All nouns, which ends in nominative singular in a consonant, -а, or -о have -ам in dative plural: If it's a consonant - just add that -ам ending. If it's -а or -о, remove the last letter of it in Nominative singular and add the ending -ам to make it dative plural. For example: → рач → де ш а Я з о ю рачам Я з о ю де ш ам I call the doctors I call the girls 2. The nouns which have anything else at the end in Nominative plural (-й, -ь, - , , -е, - е) in dative plural get - м ending: Remove the last letter of nominative singular and add - м. For exmples: ло ь юле ь → → Я о о аю ди и ло Я з о ю юле м м I help wild elks I call seals 3. For irregular nominative nouns, you need to form dative plural from nominative plural nouns: 75 Nominative singular Nominative plural др др зь ре ё о де чело е люд Dative plural др зь м де м люд м 4. Completely irregular nouns: дочь → дочер м ре и → ре енам → и енам 76 UNIT 3.12 Упражнен 1. Form the dative plural case from the words below: 1) З о и _________ (врач)! Call the doctors! 2) О ча о дари ц е ы _________ (девушка) He often presents flowers to girls 3) Мы ла одар ы аши _________ (мама) We are thankful to our mothers 4) Мы лы ё ра и ы _________ остров) We sale to the beautiful islands 5) Бо е ой, я е ерю ои _________ глаз)! Oh my God! I don't believe my eyes! 6) Ты о о _________ (экзамен)? Are you ready (prepared) for the exams? 7) Горо а е и до а и, ла одаря _________ (кварт ра) Citizens live with conveniences thank to the flats 8) Па а о ае и р ш и _________ (девочка) Father is buying toys for the girls 9) Я о ерял е ла одаря_________ (фрукт) I lost weight thanks to the fruits 2. Put the highlighted nouns in the dative plural form: 1) О е ери ар и о о ае _________ (конь)! He is a vet and (he) helps horses 2) О о азы ае о ые до а ольши _________ (семь ) He shows new houses to the big families 3) Пойдё е ы о и _________ (здан е) Let's go to those tall buildings 4) Наша ра а из е а ла одаря _________ (герой) Our country is famous thanks to the heroes 5) Волше ый еди оро о о ае _________ (фе ) Magical unicorn helps fairies 6) Тише, о ал й а, я з о ю _________ (уч тель) Be quiet please, I'm calling the teachers 7) Пойдё _________ (кухн ) Let's go to the kitchens 3. Form the dative plural case from the words below: 77 1) У а е ь и лород ла одаря _________ (дерево) We have the oxygen thanks to the trees 2) Я лю лю о о а ь _________ (друг) I love to help my friends 3) О а а дый де ь з о и ои _________ (дет ) She calls her children everyday 4) У е о до рое ердце, о е да о о ае _________ (человек) He has a kind heart, he always helps people 5) Перейдё _________ ( м ) Let's move to the names 6) О и зы аю ё ы _________ (врем ) They are invoking to the dark times 7) О а чи ае аз и ои _________ (дочь) She reads fairytales to her daughters 8) О о о ае ои _________ (брат) о че He helps his brothers on Thursdays 9) О а з о и ои _________ (сын) а дый She calls her sons every Tuesday ер а ор и 10) Я е ерю ои _________ (ухо)! I don't believe my ears! 4. Make dative plural nouns from the words below: 1) Я до еряю _________ (компьютер) I trust computers 2) О о азы ае о ар _________ (кл ент) He shows product to the clients 3) О а до еряе _________ (лошадь) She trusts horses 4) Пойдё _________ (телефон) Let's go the phones 5) Я до еряю ои _________ (подруга) I trust my friends (here: female friends) 6) Ты до еряешь _________ (доктор)? Do you trust doctors? 7) Я и ла одаря _________ (спасатель) I'm alive thank to the rescuers 8) Бла одаря ои _________ (страдан ) ы о , Thanks to your sufferings you are who you are о ые ь 78 5. Make dative plural nouns from the words below: 1) род тель ______________ parent 2) подарок ______________ gift /present 3) в лка ______________ fork 4) нож ______________ knife 5) маш на ______________ car 6) карандаш ______________ pencil 7) чашка ______________ cup 79 UNIT 3.12 Ответы 1. Form the dative plural case from the words below: 1) З о и рача (врач)! Call the doctors! 2) О ча о дари ц е ы де ш а (девушка) He often presents flowers to girls 3) Мы ла одар ы аши а а (мама) We are thankful to our mothers 4) Мы лы ё ра и ы о ро а We sale to the beautiful islands (остров) 5) Бо е ой, я е ерю ои лаза (глаз)! Oh my God! I don't believe my eyes! 6) Ты о о э за е а (экзамен)? Are you ready (prepared) for the exams? 7) Горо а е и до а и, ла одаря ар ира Citizens live with conveniences thank to the flats 8) Па а о ае и р ш и де оч а Father is buying toys for the girls (девочка) 9) Я о ерял е ла одаря фр а I lost weight thanks to the fruits (фрукт) (кварт ра) 2. Put the highlighted nouns in the dative plural form: 1) О е ери ар и о о ае о я (конь)! He is a vet and (he) helps horses 2) О о азы ае о ые до а ольши е ья He shows new houses to the big families 3) Пойдё е ы о и зда ия Let's go to those tall buildings (семь ) (здан е) 4) Наша ра а из е а ла одаря ероя (герой) Our country is famous thanks to the heroes 5) Волше ый еди оро о о ае фея Magical unicorn helps fairies (фе ) 6) Тише, о ал й а, я з о ю чи еля (уч тель) Be quiet please, I'm calling the teachers 7) Пойдё х я (кухн ) Let's go to the kitchens 3. Form the dative plural case from the words below: 80 1) У а е ь и лород ла одаря дере ья We have the oxygen thanks to the trees 2) Я лю лю о о а ь др зья I love to help my friends (дерево) (друг) 3) О а а дый де ь з о и ои де я She calls her children everyday (дет ) 4) У е о до рое ердце, о е да о о ае людя He has a kind heart, he always helps people (человек) 5) Перейдё и е а ( м ) Let's move to the names 6) О и зы аю ё ы ре е а (врем ) They are invoking to the dark times 7) О а чи ае аз и ои дочеря (дочь) She reads fairytales to her daughters 8) О о о ае ои ра ья (брат) о че He helps his brothers on Thursdays ер а 9) О а з о и ои ы о ья (сын) а дый She calls her sons every Tuesday ор и 10) Я е ерю ои ша (ухо)! I don't believe my ears! 4. Make dative plural nouns from the words below: 1) Я до еряю о ью ера I trust computers (компьютер) 2) О о азы ае о ар лие а (кл ент) He shows product to the clients 3) О а до еряе лошадя She trusts horses (лошадь) 4) Пойдё елефо а (телефон) Let's go the phones 5) Я до еряю ои одр а (подруга) I trust my friends (here: female friends) 6) Ты до еряешь до ора Do you trust doctors? (доктор)? 7) Я и ла одаря а а еля (спасатель) I'm alive thank to the rescuers 8) Бла одаря ои рада ия (страдан ) ы о , Thanks to your sufferings you are who you are о ые ь 81 5. Make dative plural nouns from the words below: 1) род тель роди еля 2) подарок одар а gift /present 3) в лка ил а fork 4) нож о а knife 5) маш на аши а car 6) карандаш ара даша pencil 7) чашка чаш а parent cup 82 Unit Instrumental singular 3.13 We use instrumental case to describe the means by which an action is performed: I hit with a hand, I love you with all my heart. We also use it as complement of a verb: I work as a teacher. Answers questions: By whom? By what? (кем? чем?) We use it with time phrases, common reflexive verbs and with certain preposition (which will be considered later in this course). Exampels: О а дарила е о рукой She hit him with a hand. О ио ра или ь Бразилию самолётом They went to Brazil by plane. Use preposition "c" before the noun, if "with" means "accompanied by". Compare two examples: He caress her with a hand. О лади её рукой. (no need of "c") She went with her brother. О а ехала с братом. (you need an "c" here) Use instrumental singular with time and seasons: зи ой → in winter о е ью → in autumn очью → at night ечеро → in the evening Reflexive verb are followed by instrumental case: О аи ере е я плаван ем She is interested in swimming 83 О за и ае я р сован ем He is engaged in drawing 1. Masculine nouns: For a consonant add -ом ол → олом table рат → ра ом brother In other cases delete the last letter and add -ем ерой → ероем hero (even though й is a consonant, you have to remove it to form instrumental) роди ель → роди елем parent оди ель → оди елем driver REMEMBER! We can't have unstressed "o" after ж, ч, ш, щ, ц. Use "е" instead. → е husband 2. Feminine nouns: If a word ends in -а remove last letter and add -ой е ра → е рой sister ош а → ош ой cat If a words ends in зе л а л and - , remove last letter and add -ей. → зе лей earth, land, soil → а лей drop If a feminine noun ends in soft sign, don't remove it, just add -ю at the end. очь → очью night 84 ле ь → ле ью laziness REMEMBER! We can't have unstressed "o" after ж, ч, ш, щ, ц. Use "е" instead. лица → лицей street 3. Neuter nouns: Just add -м, that's it и о → и ом wine о о→о ро → ом window ром morning Exception: ре я → ре е е time 85 UNIT 3.13 Упражнен 1. Put the highlighted nouns in the instrumental singular form: 1) Я ор ь ои _________ (брат) I'm proud of my brother 2) О а ри е роз _________ (карандаш) She is drawing a rose with a pencil 3) ра а орди я _________ (герой) A country is proud of (her) hero 4) О а ра о ае _________ (уч тель) She works as a teacher 5) О а орди я ои _________ (муж) She is proud of her husband 6) Я ре о ощи _________ (нож) I cut vegetables with a knife 7) Мы до рали ь юда _________ (самолёт) We got here by a plane 8) На я дарила е о _________ (телефон) Nastya hit him with a phone 9) О до рал я да _________ (поезд) He got there by train 10) Я до рал я да _________ (автобус) I got there by bus 2. Put the highlighted nouns in the instrumental singular form: 1) Я ор ь оей _________ (мама) I'm proud of my mother 2) О о оше иях э ой _________ (девушка) He is in a relationship with that girl 3) О а дарила е о _________ (рука) She hit him with a hand 4) Я и ере ю ь о оч ой _________ (культура) I'm interested in eastern culture 5) О и ере е я _________ ( стор He is interested in history ) 6) Я ро ы аю я о _________ (в лка) I pierce meat with a fork 86 7) О а и ере е я э ой о ой _________ (кн га) She is interested in this new book 8) О а дарила ора _________ (сковорода) She hit a thief with a frying pan 9) О а лю е я э ой _________ (карт на) She adores this painting 3. State who is interested in what, by putting the following words in instrumental singular case: 1) О а ле ае я _________ (чтен е) She is keen on reading 2) Маша ле ае я _________ (плаван е) Masha is interested in swimming 3) Д о ле ае я _________ (р сован е) Jhon is interested in drawing 4) а ле ае я и а и _________ ( зык) Stas in interested in Spanish language 5) Ка я ле ае я _________ (арх тектура) Katya (Kate) is interested in architecture 6) На аша ле ае я _________ (музыка) Natasha is interested in music 4. Write who went with who, by putting the nouns in the instrumental singular form. Please, don't forget about the preposition "c": 1) О а ехала _________ (брат) She went with (her) brother 2) Мари а ехала _________ (сестра) Marina went with (her) sister 3) Я ехал _________ (мама) I went with (my) mother 4) Ни и а ехал _________ (друг) Nikita went with (his) friend 5) На аша ехала _________ (парень) Natasha went with (her) boyfriend (па 6) Миша ехал _________ (девушка) Misha went with (her) girlfriend ( нь can also mean "guy") ушка can also mean "girl/lady") 7) Дед ш а ехал _________ (бабушка) Grandfather went with (my) grandmother 87 8) О а ехала _________ (муж) She went with (her) husband 9) Коля ехал _________ (жена) Kolya went with (his) wife 5. Put the verbs below in the prepositional singular, don't forget that some word need the preposition "c": 1) Я ч ор аль ий _________ (друг) I learn Portuguese with (my) friend 2) Э а ар и а ари о а а оей _________ сестра) This painting is drawn by my sister 3) _________ (Осень) я лю лю и ь орячий чай о ечера In autumn, I like to drink hot tea in the evenings 4) Э а и а а и а а её _________ (парень) This book is written by her boyfriend 5) _________ (З ма) оче ь холод о It's very cold in winter 6) Ре ё о и рае _________ (кот) A child is playing with a cat 7) О ляе _________ (собака) а дое ро He takes a walk with a dog every morning 88 UNIT 3.13 Ответы 1. Put the highlighted nouns in the instrumental singular form: 1) Я ор ь ои ра о (брат) I'm proud of my brother 2) О а ри е роз ара дашо (карандаш) She is drawing a rose with a pencil 3) ра а орди я ерое (герой) A country is proud of (her) hero 4) О а ра о ае чи еле (уч тель) She works as a teacher 5) О а орди я ои е (муж) She is proud of her husband 6) Я ре о ощи о о (нож) I cut vegetables with a knife 7) Мы до рали ь юда а олё о We got here by a plane 8) На я дарила е о елефо о Nastya hit him with a phone 9) О до рал я да оездо He got there by train 10) Я до рал я да а I got there by bus о о (самолёт) (телефон) (поезд) (автобус) 2. Put the highlighted nouns in the instrumental singular form: 1) Я ор ь оей а ой (мама) I'm proud of my mother 2) О о оше иях э ой де ш ой (девушка) He is in a relationship with that girl 3) О а дарила е о р ой (рука) She hit him with a hand 4) Я и ере ю ь о оч ой ль рой (культура) I'm interested in eastern culture 5) О и ере е я и орией ( стор He is interested in history ) 6) Я ро ы аю я о ил ой (в лка) I pierce meat with a fork 89 7) О а и ере е я э ой о ой и ой (кн га) She is interested in this new book 8) О а дарила ора о ородой (сковорода) She hit a thief with a frying pan 9) О а лю е я э ой ар и ой (карт на) She adores this painting 3. State who is interested in what, by putting the following words in instrumental singular case: 1) О а ле ае я ч е ие She is keen on reading (чтен е) 2) Маша ле ае я ла а ие (плаван е) Masha is interested in swimming 3) Д о ле ае я ри о а ие (р сован е) Jhon is interested in drawing 4) а ле ае я и а и язы о ( зык) Stas in interested in Spanish language 5) Ка я ле ае я архи е рой (арх тектура) Katya (Kate) is interested in architecture 6) На аша ле ае я зы ой (музыка) Natasha is interested in music 4. Write who went with who, by putting the nouns in the instrumental singular form. Please, don't forget about the preposition "c": 1) О а ехала ра о (брат) She went with (her) brother 2) Мари а ехала е рой (сестра) Marina went with (her) sister 3) Я ехал а ой (мама) I went with (my) mother 4) Ни и а ехал др о (друг) Nikita went with (his) friend 5) На аша ехала ар еи (парень) Natasha went with (her) boyfriend (па 6) Миша ехал де ш ой (девушка) Misha went with (her) girlfriend ( нь can also mean "guy") ушка can also mean "girl/lady") 7) Дед ш а ехал а ш ой (бабушка) Grandfather went with (my) grandmother 90 8) О а ехала е (муж) She went with (her) husband 9) Коля ехал е ой (жена) Kolya went with (his) wife 5. Put the verbs below in the prepositional singular, don't forget that some word need the preposition "c": 1) Я ч ор аль ий др о (друг) I learn Portuguese with (my) friend 2) Э а ар и а ари о а а оей е рой (сестра) This painting is drawn by my sister 3) О е ью (Осень) я лю лю и ь орячий чай о ечера In autumn, I like to drink hot tea in the evenings 4) Э а и а а и а а её ар е (парень) This book is written by her boyfriend 5) Зи ой (З ма) оче ь холод о It's very cold in winter 6) Ре ё о и рае о о (кот) A child is playing with a cat 7) О ляе о а ой (собака) а дое ро He takes a walk with a dog every morning 91 Unit Instrumental plural 3.14 We use instrumental case to describe the means by which an action is performed: I hit with a hand, I love you with all my heart. We also use it as complement of a verb: They work as teachers. Answers questions: By whom? By what? (кем? чем?) Good for us, endings for instrumental plural are the same for all genders (-ам м ). 1. If a noun ends in -а, - or - or a consonant, its ending is -ам : If it is a consonant - just add -ам Кара даш → ара дашам Но → о ам pencil knife Я лю лю и а ь ара дашам I like to write with pencils Яи ере ю ь о ам I am interested in knives If it's -а or -о, remove last letter and add -ам К и а→ и ам Р ам а→р book hand 2. If the noun we use ends in anything else (-й, -ь, - , - м : , - е, е), its ending is Remove the last letter of it and add - м : ерой → еро м 92 зда ие → зда и м Я ид и о еро м I go to the cinema with heroes Яи ере ю ь ары и зда и м I am interested in old buildings 3. Irregulars part one: For nouns which have irregular form in nominative, we use nominative plural (irregular) to make instrumental plural But it is as well always -ам Nominative sing ре ород др г л хо or - м Nominative plur ре е а орода др зь ль ш Instrumental plur ре е а и орода и др зья и лья и ша и 4. Irregulars part two: Nominative sing дочь ре ё о чело е Nominative plur дочери де и люди Instrumental plur дочерь и де ь и людь и 93 UNIT 3.14 Упражнен 1. Put the highlighted nouns in the instrumental plural form: 1) О а ри е ц е ы и _________ (карандаш) She is drawing with colored pencils 2) О и ере е я _________ (нож) He is interested in knifes 3) О а е и ере е я _________ (компьютер) She is not interested in computers 4) Я о хищаю ь и о ра ы и _________ ( зык) I adore foreign languages 5) Я ид и о _________ (друг) I go to a cinema with (my) friends 6) _________ (город) роиз оди я о о за ряз е ий Many pollutions are produced by cities 7) Вир оло и ере е я _________ (в рус) Virologist is interested in viruses 8) Э о Маша и Ка я, о и ра о аю _________ (уч тель) These are Masha and Katya, they work as teachers 9) _________ (п сатель) ише я о о и . Many books are being written by writers 10) Я идел е о ои и _________ (глаз)! I saw him with my own eyes! 2. Put the highlighted nouns in the instrumental plural form: 1) Я делал э о ои и _________ (рука) I made this with my own hands 2) О а и ере е я _________ (кн га) а и ай She is interested in books in Chinese о язы е 3) Э о ир ере о и я _________ (пт ца) This virus is transferred by birds 4) О и да я и о рад _________ (ногам ), а и о ю ле азад They press down grape with (their) legs, just as a hundred of years ago 5) Мой др и ере е я азиа и и _________ (страна) My friend is interested in Asian countries 6) Ме д _________ (тетрадь) ле и р ч а The pen is laying between the copybooks 94 7) Холод ы и _________ (ночь) я д During cold nights I think about you аю о е е 8) Я д аю ад _________ (проблемам ) I think about the problems of my life оей 9) У их ад _________ (голова) роле ела A flock of birds flew above their heads из и ая иц 3. Make instrumental plural nouns from the highlighted words below. 1) Миша о хищае я _________ (в но) Misha adores wines 2) Ка я и ере е я ары и _________ (здан е) Katya is interested in old buildings 3) О за але _________ (задан е) He's overloaded with tasks 4) Маша и ере е я ифиче и и _________ (создан е) Masha is interested in mythical creatures 4. Make instrumental plural nouns from the omitted nouns below. 1) о а а иди е д _________ (маш на) The dog is sitting between the cars 2) Ко иди за _________ (девушка) Cat is sitting behind the girls 3) В о райо е, за _________ (гора) аходи я оче ь ра и ое озеро In that area, behind the mountains a very beautiful lake is placed 4) Ме д _________ (дерево) ра ё ольшой A big bush is growing between the trees 5) Над _________ (стол) и я лю ры Chandeliers are hanging above the tables 6) Под _________ (стул) ле а о ри и Rugs are laying under the chairs 7) Ме д _________ (комната) и и ра и ая ар и а A beautiful picture is hanging between the rooms 8) Над _________ (окно) и я ар и ы The pictures are hanging above the windows 5. Make instrumental plural nouns from the omitted nouns below. 95 1) Мы шли _________ (поле) We went away by fields 2) Э а и ория ра аза а _________ (герой) This story was told by the heroes 3) Ле ар о ыло ы и а о _________ (врач) The medicine was prescribed by doctors 4) За _________ (шкаф) ря а ы и р ш и The toys are hidden behind the cupboards 5) У а за _________ (дом) е ь ад фр о ы и дере ья и We have a garden with fruit trees behind the houses 6) О и ар ю ои аши ы еред _________ (забор) They park their cars in front of the fences 7) Ме д _________ (тарелка) ле и алфе The napkin is laying between the plates а 96 UNIT 3.14 Ответы 1. Put the highlighted nouns in the instrumental plural form: 1) О а ри е ц е ы и ара даша и (карандаш) She is drawing with colored pencils 2) О и ере е я о а и (нож) He is interested in knifes 3) О а е и ере е я о ью ера и (компьютер) She is not interested in computers 4) Я о хищаю ь и о ра ы и язы а и ( зык) I adore foreign languages 5) Я ид и о др зья и (друг) I go to a cinema with (my) friends 6) Города и (город) роиз оди я о о за ряз е ий Many pollutions are produced by cities 7) Вир оло и ере е я ир а и (в рус) Virologist is interested in viruses 8) Э о Маша и Ка я, о и ра о аю чи еля и (уч тель) These are Masha and Katya, they work as teachers 9) Пи а еля и (п сатель) ише я о о Many books are being written by writers и . 10) Я идел е о ои и лаза и (глаз)! I saw him with my own eyes! 2. Put the highlighted nouns in the instrumental plural form: 1) Я делал э о ои и р а и (рука) I made this with my own hands 2) О а и ере е я и а и (кн га) а и ай She is interested in books in Chinese о язы е 3) Э о ир ере о и я ица и (пт ца) This virus is transferred by birds 4) О и да я и о рад о а и (ногам ), а и о ю ле азад They press down grape with (their) legs, just as a hundred of years ago 5) Мой др и ере е я азиа и и ра а и (страна) My friend is interested in Asian countries 6) Ме д е радя и (тетрадь) ле и р ч а The pen is laying between the copybooks 97 7) Холод ы и оча и (ночь) я д аю о е е During cold nights I think about you 8) Я д аю ад ро ле а и (проблема) I think about the problems of my life оей 9) У их ад оло а и (голова) роле ела A flock of birds flew above their heads из и ая иц 3. Make instrumental plural nouns from the highlighted words below. 1) Миша о хищае я и а и (в но) Misha adores wines 2) Ка я и ере е я ары и зда ия и (здан е) Katya is interested in old buildings 3) О за але зада ия и (задан е) He's overloaded with tasks 4) Маша и ере е я ифиче и и озда ия и (создан е) Masha is interested in mythical creatures 4. Make instrumental plural nouns from the omitted nouns below. 1) о а а иди е д аши а и (маш на) The dog is sitting between the cars 2) Ко иди за де ш а и (девушка) Cat is sitting behind the girls 3) В о райо е, за ора и (гора) аходи я оче ь ра и ое озеро In that area, behind the mountains a very beautiful lake is placed 4) Ме д дере ья и (дерево) ра ё ольшой A big bush is growing between the trees 5) Над ола и (стол) и я лю ры Chandeliers are hanging above the tables 6) Под лья и (стул) ле а о ри и Rugs are laying under the chairs 7) Ме д о а а и (комната) и и ра и ая ар и а A beautiful picture is hanging between the rooms 8) Над о а и (окно) и я ар и ы The pictures are hanging above the windows 5. Make instrumental plural nouns from the omitted nouns below. 98 1) Мы шли оля и (поле) We went away by fields 2) Э а и ория ра аза а ероя и (герой) This story was told by the heroes 3) Ле ар о ыло ы и а о рача и (врач) The medicine was prescribed by doctors 4) За ш афа и (шкаф) ря а ы и р ш и The toys are hidden behind the cupboards 5) У а за до а и (дом) е ь ад фр о ы и дере ья и We have a garden with fruit trees behind the houses 6) О и ар ю ои аши ы еред за ора и (забор) They park their cars in front of the fences 7) Ме д арел а и (тарелка) ле и алфе The napkin is laying between the plates а 99 Unit Prepositional singular 3.15 We use Prepositional case when we need to indicate position, especially with the prepositions в (in, at) and на (on, at). And with preposition о/об (about). Answers questions: About whom? About what? (о ком? о чём?) 1. Masculine nouns in prepositional singular: For masculine nouns there is one ending in prepositional singular, and it is -е Nom sing Prep singular а е за оде а за од о ью ер о ерой ью ере ерое Sentence Translation Я ра о аю а е О а ра о ае а за оде I work in a bank She works at a factory He works on the computer She is thinking about the hero О а ра о ае О ад а о ью ере ае о ерое And, of course another usage is about something/somebody... Яд аю о оё коте I think about my cat 2. Feminine nouns in prepositional singular: For feminine there are two regular endings -е and - : If a noun ends in -a or Nom sing аши а ра о а Prep singular аши е ра о е If it ends in Nom sing ышь Бразил е ь change last letter to -е. Sentence Я и аши е Я а ра о е Translation I sit in a car I am at work or -ь, then change the last letter on Prep singular ыш Бразили е Sentence аз а о ыш Я и Бразили Мы иди е Translation Fairytale about a mouse I live in Brazil We sit in a shadow Exceptions: Ма ь → а ери 100 Дочь → дочери 3. Neuter nouns: There are two regular endings for neuter nouns -е and - : Nom sing и о еле ида ие Prep sing и е еле ида ии Sentence Я д аю о хороше в не О раши ае о желе Мы на св дан Translation I think about good wine He asks about jelly We are on a date Two exceptions: ре и → ре ен → и ен 4. Most important exceptions: аэро ор → аэро ор ере → ере , аэро ор е , ере е од → од , оде лёд → льд , льде ад → ад , аде ол → л , ле ол → ол , оле е → е , е е ш аф → ш аф , ш афе 101 UNIT 3.15 Упражнен 1. Put the highlighted nouns in the prepositional singular form: 1) Коля ра о ае _________ (банк) Kolya works in a bank 2) Маша ра о ае _________ (магаз н) Masha work in a shop 3) Я ра о аю _________ (оф с) I work at the office 4) Е о е ра ра о ае а _________ (компьютер) His sister is working on the computer 5) Мой дед ш а ра о ае _________ (ун верс тет) My grandfather works at university 6) Её о ец ра о ае а _________ (завод) Her father work on the factory 7) О а ра азы ае а о оё She is telling us about her cat _________ (кот) 8) Мой о ец ра азы ае а о _________ (герой) My father is telling us about a hero 9) Я ча о д аю о _________ (дом) I often think about home 10) Ты ра азы аешь ей о о _________ (случай)? Are you telling her about that case? 11) Под ай о оё _________ (друг) Think about your friend 12) На _________ (стол) ле и азе а A paper is laying on the table 13) Я еч аю о оряче _________ (суп) I dream about hot soup 2. Put the highlighted nouns in the prepositional singular form: 1) О а ра о ае _________ (школа) She works at school 2) В _________ (аптека) родаю ле ар The medicine is sold in the pharmacy а 3) Ч о ы з аешь о э ой _________ (женщ на)? What do you know about that woman? 102 4) О а о е ча а и о ори ь о оей _________ (собака) She can talk about her dog for ours 5) Ра а и е о оей _________ (кошка) Tell me about your cat 6) Ты еешь и ра ь а _________ (г тара) Can you play the guitar? 7) На _________ (маш на) е ь леды о о и There are traces of chase on the car 8) Я о аза ь о о хороше о о э ой _________ (кн га) I can tell a lot of good things about this book 9) Ре ё о ои а _________ (голова) The child is standing on (his) head 10) Ра а и е, о ал й а, о Tell me please about your job оей _________ (работа) 3. Put the highlighted nouns in the prepositional singular form: 1) Ра а и а о э о _________ (создан е) Tell us about this creature 2) На _________ (окно) ои ц е о There flower is standing on the window 3) О _________ (тепло) о е рии а э ой е ьи ходя ле е ды There are legends about the warmth of the hospitality of this family 4) Ч о ы о ешь аза ь о э о _________ (в но) What can you say about this wine? 5) Гид ра азы ае о ари о _________ (здан е) The guide is telling about an ancient building 6) В _________ (ведро) ода The water is in the bucket 7) Ч о ы д аешь о э о _________ (дело)? What do you think about this affair? 8) На её _________ (тело) ле а ле е Rose petals are laying on her body и роз 4. Put the highlighted nouns in the prepositional singular form: 1) _________ (пт ца) bird 2) _________ (муравей) ant 103 3) _________ (оса) wasp 4) _________ (кузнеч к) grasshoper 5) _________ (рыба) Fish 6) _________ (слон) elefant 7) _________ (т гр) tiger 8) _________ (макака) macaque 9) _________ (сова) owl 10) _________ (г ена) hyena 11) _________ (кабан) wild boar 12) _________ (муха) fly 5. Put the highlighted nouns in the prepositional singular form: 1) Ра а и а о э ой _________ (река) Tell us about this river 2) На _________ (гора) е ь до There's a house on the mountain 3) О э о _________ (озеро) л чше е о ори ь It's better to not talk about this lake 4) На _________ (пол) раз ро а ы и р ш и The toys are scattered all over the floor 5) На _________ (угол) лицы П ш и а и Кра ой On the corner of the Pushking and Krasnaya (red) street 6) На _________ (снег) леды ол о There are footprints of wolves on the snow 104 UNIT 3.15 Ответы 1. Put the highlighted nouns in the prepositional singular form: 1) Коля ра о ае а е (банк) Kolya works in a bank 2) Маша ра о ае а ази е (магаз н) Masha work in a shop 3) Я ра о аю офи е (оф с) I work at the office 4) Е о е ра ра о ае а о ью ере (компьютер) His sister is working on the computer 5) Мой дед ш а ра о ае и ер и е е (ун верс тет) My grandfather works at university 6) Её о ец ра о ае а за оде (завод) Her father work on the factory 7) О а ра азы ае а о оё She is telling us about her cat о е (кот) 8) Мой о ец ра азы ае а о ерое (герой) My father is telling us about a hero 9) Я ча о д аю о до е (дом) I often think about home 10) Ты ра азы аешь ей о о л чае (случай)? Are you telling her about that case? 11) Под ай о оё др е (друг) Think about your friend 12) На оле (стол) ле и азе а A paper is laying on the table 13) Я еч аю о оряче е (суп) I dream about hot soup 2. Put the highlighted nouns in the prepositional singular form: 1) О а ра о ае ш оле (школа) She works at school 2) В а е е (аптека) родаю ле ар а The medicine is sold in the pharmacy 3) Ч о ы з аешь о э ой е щи е (женщ на)? What do you know about that woman? 105 4) О а о е ча а и о ори ь о оей о а е (собака) She can talk about her dog for ours 5) Ра а и е о оей ош е (кошка) Tell me about your cat 6) Ты еешь и ра ь а и аре (г тара) Can you play the guitar? 7) На аши е (маш на) е ь леды о о и There are traces of chase on the car 8) Я о аза ь о о хороше о о э ой и е (кн га) I can tell a lot of good things about this book 9) Ре ё о ои а оло е (голова) The child is standing on (his) head 10) Ра а и е, о ал й а, о Tell me please about your job оей ра о е (работа) 3. Put the highlighted nouns in the prepositional singular form: 1) Ра а и а о э о озда ии (создан е) Tell us about this creature 2) На о е (окно) ои ц е о There flower is standing on the window 3) О е ле (тепло) о е рии а э ой е ьи ходя ле е ды There are legends about the warmth of the hospitality of this family 4) Ч о ы о ешь аза ь о э о и е (в но) What can you say about this wine? 5) Гид ра азы ае о ари о зда ии (здан е) The guide is telling about an ancient building 6) В едре (ведро) ода The water is in the bucket 7) Ч о ы д аешь о э о деле (дело)? What do you think about this affair? 8) На её еле (тело) ле а ле е и роз Rose petals are laying on her body 4. Put the highlighted nouns in the prepositional singular form: 1) ице (пт ца) bird 2) ара ье (муравей) ant 106 3) о е (оса) wasp 4) з ечи е (кузнеч к) grasshoper 5) ры е (рыба) Fish 6) ло е (слон) elefant 7) и ре (т гр) tiger 8) а а е (макака) macaque 9) о е (сова) owl 10) ие е (г ена) hyena 11) а а е (кабан) wild boar 12) хе (муха) fly 5. Put the highlighted nouns in the prepositional singular form: 1) Ра а и а о э ой ре е (река) Tell us about this river 2) На оре (гора) е ь до There's a house on the mountain 3) О э о озере (озеро) л чше е о ори ь It's better to not talk about this lake 4) На ол (пол) раз ро а ы и р ш и The toys are scattered all over the floor 5) На л (угол) лицы П ш и а и Кра ой On the corner of the Pushking and Krasnaya (red) street 6) На е (снег) леды ол о There are footprints of wolves on the snow 107 Unit Prepositional plural 3.16 We use Prepositional case when we need to indicate position, especially with the prepositions в (in, at) and на (on, at). And with preposition о/об (about). Answers questions: About whom? About what? (о ком? о чём?) There are two endings for prepositional plural -ах and - х (for all genders) 1. If the noun ends in consonant, -а or -о, its ending is -ах: For masculine nouns there is one ending in prepositional singular, and it is -е For nouns with a consonant at the end just add -ах. До → до ах О и и до ах They live in houses ол → О д олах ае о олах He thinks about tables If it ends in -а or -о, remove the last letter and add -ах to it. Маши а → О и ездя аши ах а аши ах They drive cars О о →о Я и ах людей о ах I see people in the windows Ве а → е ах Лю о ь ечё оих е ах Love flows in my veins 108 2. Other endings such as -й, -ь, - , - , -е, - е: For other endings, such as -й, -ь, -я, -ия, -е, -ие, the ending in prepositional plural is - х Remove the last letter and add - х Герой → еро х О а лю и чи а ь о и ы о еро х She loves to read comic books about heroes Лошадь → лошад х О ра азы ае о лошад х He tells about horses Зда е → зда и х Люди и зда и х People live in buildings 3. Exceptions 1: Their prepositional plural based on its nominative plural: Nom sing ород др г ре ё ок л чело ек Nom plur орода др зь Де ль люд Prep plur Городах Др зь х де х ль х люд х 4. Exceptions 2: а ь → а ерях дочь → дочерях ре я → ре е ах и я → и е ах EXAMPLE: Пе яо а ерях Song about mothers 109 UNIT 3.16 Упражнен 1. Put the highlighted nouns in the prepositional plural form: 1) Люди и _________ (дом) People live in houses 2) Тарел и ле а а _________ (стол) The plates are (laying) on the table 3) Учи ель ра азы ае о _________ (герой) ой ы Teacher is telling about the heroes of the war 4) О а ра азы ае о _________ (мужч на) She tells about men 5) Маши ы ри ар о а ы _________ (гараж) Cars are parked in the garages 6) Го и идя а _________ (стул) The guests are sitting on the chairs 7) Кирилл ра азы ае о оих _________ (друг) Kirill is telling about his friends 2. Put the highlighted nouns in the prepositional plural form: 1) Люди ездя а _________ (маш на) People drive cars 2) Ра а и е о э их _________ (кн га) Tell me about these books 3) Ч о ы д аешь о ех _________ (девушка)? What do you think about these girls? 4) Я д о и ь е я а _________ (рука) I will care a lot about you (lit: I will carry you in my hands) 5) Учи еля ра о аю _________ (школа) Teachers work at schools 6) Врачи ра о аю _________ (больн ца) Doctors work at hospitals 7) Шах еры ра о аю _________ (шахта) Miners work in mines 3. Put the highlighted nouns in the prepositional plural form 1) О _________ (поле) about fields 2) О _________ (окно) About windows 110 3) О _________ (здан е) about buildings 4) О _________ (создан е) about creatures 5) О _________ (дело) about affairs 6) О _________ (место) about places 4. Put the highlighted nouns in the prepositional plural form: 1) Я ищ о ые ло а _________ (учебн к) I look for new words in the textbooks 2) Я ахо о ые ло а а _________ (сайт) I find new words on the websites 3) Люди я а _________ (кровать) People sleep on beds 4) О и и ольших _________ (город) They live in big cities 5) Люди и _________ (деревн ) People live in the villages 6) Мы о ори о _________ (человек) We talk about people 5. Put the highlighted nouns in the prepositional plural form: 1) Биоло ра азы ае _________ (кактус) Biologist is telling about cacti 2) О а д ае о _________ (лошадь) She thinks about horses 3) Мой др ра азы ае о _________ (собака) My friend is telling about dogs 4) Маша ра азы ае о _________ (утка) Masha is telling about ducks 5) Ве ери ар о ори о _________ (кот) Vet is talking about cats 6) Биоло ра азы ае о _________ (носорог) Biologist is telling about rhinos 7) Охо и ра азы ае о _________ (волк) Hunter is telling about wolves 111 UNIT 3.16 Ответы 1. Put the highlighted nouns in the prepositional plural form: 1) Люди и до ах (дом) People live in houses 2) Тарел и ле а а олах (стол) The plates are (laying) on the table 3) Учи ель ра азы ае о ероях (герой) ой ы Teacher is telling about the heroes of the war 4) О а ра азы ае о She tells about men чи ах (мужч на) 5) Маши ы ри ар о а ы ара ах (гараж) Cars are parked in the garages 6) Го и идя а льях (стул) The guests are sitting on the chairs 7) Кирилл ра азы ае о оих др зьях (друг) Kirill is telling about his friends 2. Put the highlighted nouns in the prepositional plural form: 1) Люди ездя а аши ах (маш на) People drive cars 2) Ра а и е о э их и ах (кн га) Tell me about these books 3) Ч о ы д аешь о ех де ш ах (девушка)? What do you think about these girls? 4) Я д о и ь е я а р ах (рука) I will care a lot about you (lit: I will carry you in my hands) 5) Учи еля ра о аю ш олах (школа) Teachers work at schools 6) Врачи ра о аю оль ицах (больн ца) Doctors work at hospitals 7) Шах еры ра о аю шах ах (шахта) Miners work in mines 3. Put the highlighted nouns in the prepositional plural form 1) О олях (поле) about fields 2) О о ах (окно) About windows 112 3) О зда иях (здан е) about buildings 4) О озда иях (создан е) about creatures 5) О делах (дело) about affairs 6) О е ах (место) about places 4. Put the highlighted nouns in the prepositional plural form: 1) Я ищ о ые ло а че и ах (учебн к) I look for new words in the textbooks 2) Я ахо о ые ло а а ай ах (сайт) I find new words on the websites 3) Люди я а ро а ях (кровать) People sleep on beds 4) О и и ольших ородах (город) They live in big cities 5) Люди и дере ях (деревн ) People live in the villages 6) Мы о ори о людях (человек) We talk about people 5. Put the highlighted nouns in the prepositional plural form: 1) Биоло ра азы ае а ах (кактус) Biologist is telling about cacti 2) О а д ае о лошадях (лошадь) She thinks about horses 3) Мой др ра азы ае о о а ах (собака) My friend is telling about dogs 4) Маша ра азы ае о ах (утка) Masha is telling about ducks 5) Ве ери ар о ори о о ах (кот) Vet is talking about cats 6) Биоло ра азы ае о о оро ах (носорог) Biologist is telling about rhinos 7) Охо и ра азы ае о ол ах (волк) Hunter is telling about wolves 113 Unit Russian cases summary 3.17 To use Russian cases you need to know two things only: - When you need this or that case - To know the endings of the cases 1. NOMINATIVE CASE: Shows who or what performs the action. All nouns in the dictionary are given in nominative. Кн га оче ь ра и ая The book is beautiful аташа е аш Natasha eats mush 2. ACCUSATIVE CASE: Shows a person or a thing that has an action done to it На аша чи ае кн гу Natasha reads a book Я и аташу I see Natasha 3. GENITIVE CASE: The way to say "of", shows possession and used when we talk about quantities. На аша даё др я ь кн г Natasha gives five books to a friend На аша ы ила ри ыл и п ва Natasha drank three bottles of beer 4. DATIVE CASE: Shows indirect object of a sentence. One of the main meaning is "to" and "for". Also used with some certain prepositions (we will consider them too, for now try to concentrate on what we've learned to get the pattern of language). 114 На аша даё я ь и другу Natasha gives five books to a friend На аша даё э ой еи ере ой кн ге орой ша Natasha gives a second change to this not interesting book 5. INSTRUMENTAL CASE: - Shows the means by which an action is performed - by plane, with a hand - Describes accompanying circumstances - coffee with sugar, bother with sister - Is used after some reflexive verbs - to be interested in На аша ьё е о рукой Natasha hits him with a hand На аша ьё чай сахаром Natasha drinks tea with sugar На аша и ере е я маг ей Natasha is interested in magic 6. PREPOSITIONAL CASE: Usually indicates position and used specifically with some prepositions а (on, at). And also with preposition о/о - about. На аша ри (in, at) and маш не Natasha smokes in the car На аша ейча а работе Natasha is at work now Мари а еч ае о ольшо торте Marina dreams about big cake 115 UNIT 3.17 Упражнен 1. Put the highlighted nouns in the nominative singular form: 1) (мальч к) _________ и рае A boy is playing in the garden ад 2) (телефон) _________ з о и A phone rings 3) (ручка) _________ ле и а A pen is laying on the table оле 4) (собака) _________ лае A dog barks 5) (М ша) _________ ра о ае Misha works at school ш оле 6) (река) _________ ечё озь оры A river is flowing through the mountains 7) (человек) _________ иди а а A man is sitting at the bus stop о 8) Э о ой (друг) _________ , е о зо This is my friend, his name is Kirill 9) (студент) _________ чи ае A student is reading a book 10) (герой) _________ е ище A hero doesn't look for fame ой о а о е Кирилл и ла ы 2. Put the highlighted nouns in the nominative plural form: 1) (мальч к) _________ и раю Boys are playing in the garden ад 2) (телефон) _________ з о я Phones rings 3) (ручка) _________ ле а а Pens are laying on the table оле 4) (собака) _________ лаю Dog bark 5) (М ша) _________ ра о аю ш оле Mishas work at school (quite meaningless sentence, though it's good for an example) 6) (река) _________ е озь оры Rivers are flowing through the mountains 116 7) (человек) _________ идя а а Men are sitting at the bus stop о ой о а о е 8) Э о ои (друг) _________ , их зо Кирилл и Надя These are my friends, their names are Kirill and Nadya 9) (студент) _________ чи аю Students are reading a book 10) (герой) _________ е ищ Heroes don't look for fame и и ла ы 3. Put the highlighted nouns in the accusative singular form: 1) Я и _________ (мальч к) I see a boy 2) Я ил о иль ый _________ (телефон) I bought a mobile phone 3) Дай е _________ (ручка), о ал й Give me a pen, please а 4) Ты идишь _________ (собака)? Do you see a dog? 5) Ты лю ишь _________ (М ша) Do you love Misha? 6) О а иди _________ (река) She sees a river 7) Я а аю э о о _________ (человек) I respect this person 8) О а лю и ое о _________ (друг) She loves her friend 9) Профе ор х али _________ (студент) Professor praises a student 10) Президе а ра дае _________ (герой) President rewards the hero 4. Put the highlighted nouns in the accusative plural form: 1) Я и _________ (мальч к) I see boys 2) Я ил о иль ые _________ (телефон) I bought mobile phones 3) Дай е э и _________ (ручка), о ал й Give me these pens, please а 117 4) Ты идишь _________ (собака)? Do you see dogs? 5) Ты лю ишь _________ (М ша) Do you love Mishas? (again, meaningless sentence, but I leave it here anyway) 6) О а иди _________ (река) She sees rivers 7) Я а аю э их _________ (человек) I respect these people 8) О а лю и оих _________ (друг) She loves her friends 9) Профе ор х али _________ (студент) Professor praises students 10) Президе а ра дае _________ (герой) President rewards the heroes 5. Put the highlighted nouns in the genitive singular form: 1) И р ш а _________ (мальч к) Boy's toy 2) Ди лей о иль о о _________ (телефон) The display of the mobile phone 3) Це а _________ (ручка) The price of the pen 4) Х о _________ (собака) Dog's tail 5) Маши а _________ (М ша) Misha's car 6) Гл и а _________ (река) The depth of the river 7) дь а _________ (человек) The fate of a man (of a person) 8) о а а ое о _________ (друг) My friend's dog 9) К и а _________ (студент) Student's book 10) И ория _________ (герой) The story of the hero 6. Put the highlighted nouns in the genitive plural form: 118 1) И р ш и _________ (мальч к) Boys' toys 2) Ди леи о иль ых _________ (телефон) The displays of the mobile phones 3) Це а _________ (ручка) The price of the pens 4) Х о ы _________ (собака) Dogs' tails 5) Маши ы _________ (М ша) Mishas' cars 6) Гл и а _________ (река) The depth of the rivers 7) дь ы _________ (человек) The fate of people (of a person) 8) о а и оих _________ (друг) My friends' dogs 9) К и и _________ (студент) Students' books 10) И ории _________ (герой) The stories of the heroes 7. Put the highlighted nouns in the dative singular form: 1) Я дал и р ш _________ (мальч к) I gave a toy to a boy 2) О а о ори о о иль о _________ (телефон) She is talking on the mobile phone 3) О рад оей о ой _________ (ручка) He is glad because of his new pen 4) О дал о ь _________ (собака) He gave a bone to a dog 5) О а з о и _________ (М ша) She calls Misha 6) У а е ь э ер ия, ла одаря _________ (река) We have energy thanks to the river 7) Я о ещал э о _________ (человек) I promised this person/man 8) Я з о ю _________ (друг) I call (my) friend 9) Профе ор дал и и _________ (студент) Professor gave books to a student 119 10) Мы и ы, ла одаря _________ (герой) We are alive thanks to the hero 8. Put the highlighted nouns in the dative plural form: 1) Я дал и р ш и _________ (мальч к) I gave the toys to the boys 2) О а о ори о о иль ы _________ (телефон) She is talking on the mobile phones 3) О рад ои о ы _________ (ручка) He is glad because of his new pens 4) О дал о и _________ (собака) He gave the bones to the dogs 5) О а з о и _________ (М ша) She calls Mishas (again, just as an example) 6) У а е ь э ер ия, ла одаря _________ (река) We have energy thanks to the rivers 7) Я о ещал э и _________ (человек) I promised these people/men 8) Я з о ю _________ (друг) I call (my) friends 9) Профе ор дал и и _________ (студент) Professor gave books to the students 10) Мы и ы, ла одаря _________ (герой) We are alive thanks to the heroes 9. Put the highlighted nouns in the instrumental singular form: 1) И р ш и оло а ы _________ (мальч к) The toys are broken by the boy 2) О и л од о ла и а о иль ы _________ (телефон) He throw in his classmate with a mobile phone 3) Я иш _________ (ручка) I write with a pen 4) О а ляе _________ (собака) She walks with a dog 5) О а ехала _________ (М ша) She went with Misha 6) Э а дере я ыла разр ше а _________ (река) This village was destroyed by a river 120 7) О а риехала а ы _________ (человек) She came with an important person 8) Ко я ришёл _________ (друг) Kostya came with a friend 9) Э о рое ыл а и а аши _________ (студент) This project was written by our student 10) Наш ород ыл а ё _________ (герой) Our city was saved by a hero 10. Put the highlighted nouns in the instrumental plural form: 1) И р ш и оло а ы _________ (мальч к) The toys are broken by the boys 2) О и л од о ла и а о иль ыи _________ (телефон) He throw in his classmate with mobile phones 3) Я иш _________ (ручка) I write with pens 4) О а ляе _________ (собака) She walks with dogs 5) О а ехала _________ (М ша) She went with Mishas (again - just an example) 6) Э а дере я ыла разр ше а _________ (река) This village was destroyed by rivers 7) О а риехала а ы _________ (человек) She came with an important person 8) Ко я ришёл _________ (друг) Kostya came with (his) friends 9) Э о рое ыл а и а аши и _________ (студент) This project was written by our students 10) Наш ород ыл а ё _________ (герой) Our city was saved by heroes 11. Put the highlighted nouns in the prepositional singular form: 1) Ма а ра азы ае о _________ (мальч к) Mother is telling about a boy 2) Ч о ы о ешь аза ь о э о о иль о _________ (телефон)? What can you say about this mobile phone? 3) О о ори о _________ (ручка) He is talking about a pen 4) О а д ае о оей _________ (собака) She is thinking about her dog 121 5) Да ай о о ори о _________ (М ша) Let's talk about Misha 6) Учи ель ра азы ае о _________ (реке) Teacher is telling about the river 7) Я хоч ра аза ь е е о од о _________ (человек) I want to tell you about one person/man 8) Под ай о оё _________ (друг)! Think about your friend 9) Профе ор о ори о _________ (студент) Professor is talking about a student 10) Ра а и а о _________ (герой) Tell us about the hero 12. Put the highlighted nouns in the prepositional plural form: 1) Ма а ра азы ае о _________ (мальч к) Mother is telling about boys 2) Ч о ы о ешь аза ь о э их о иль ых _________ (телефон)? What can you say about these mobile phones? 3) О о ори о _________ (ручка) He is talking about pens 4) О а д ае о оих _________ (собака) She is thinking about her dogs 5) Да ай о о ори о _________ (М ша) Let's talk about Mishas 6) Учи ель ра азы ае о _________ (реке) Teacher is telling about the rivers 7) Я хоч ра аза ь е е о _________ (человек) I want to tell you about people 8) Под ай о оих _________ (друг)! Think about your friends 9) Профе ор о ори о _________ (студент) Professor is talking about students 10) Ра а и а о _________ (герой) Tell us about the heroes 122 UNIT 3.17 Ответы 1. Put the highlighted nouns in the nominative singular form: 1) (мальч к) Мальчи и рае A boy is playing in the garden ад 2) (телефон) Телефо з о и A phone rings 3) (ручка) Р ч а ле и а оле A pen is laying on the table 4) (собака) о а а лае A dog barks 5) (М ша) Миша ра о ае Misha works at school ш оле 6) (река) Ре а ечё озь оры A river is flowing through the mountains 7) (человек) Чело е иди а а A man is sitting at the bus stop о ой о а о е 8) Э о ой (друг) др , е о зо Кирилл This is my friend, his name is Kirill 9) (студент) де чи ае и A student is reading a book 10) (герой) Герой е ище ла ы A hero doesn't look for fame 2. Put the highlighted nouns in the nominative plural form: 1) (мальч к) Мальчи и и раю Boys are playing in the garden ад 2) (телефон) Телефо ы з о я Phones rings 3) (ручка) Р ч и ле а а оле Pens are laying on the table 4) (собака) Dog bark о а и лаю 5) (М ша) Миши ра о аю ш оле Mishas work at school (quite meaningless sentence, though it's good for an example) 6) (река) Ре и е озь оры Rivers are flowing through the mountains 123 7) (человек) Люди идя а а о Men are sitting at the bus stop ой о а о е 8) Э о ои (друг) др зья , их зо Кирилл и Надя These are my friends, their names are Kirill and Nadya 9) (студент) де ы чи аю Students are reading a book и и 10) (герой) Герои е ищ ла ы Heroes don't look for fame 3. Put the highlighted nouns in the accusative singular form: 1) Я и альчи а (мальч к) I see a boy 2) Я ил о иль ый елефо (телефон) I bought a mobile phone 3) Дай ер ч (ручка), о ал й Give me a pen, please а 4) Ты идишь о а (собака)? Do you see a dog? 5) Ты лю ишь Миш (М ша) Do you love Misha? 6) О а иди ре (река) She sees a river 7) Я а аю э о о чело е а (человек) I respect this person 8) О а лю и ое о др She loves her friend а (друг) 9) Профе ор х али де а (студент) Professor praises a student 10) Президе а ра дае ероя (герой) President rewards the hero 4. Put the highlighted nouns in the accusative plural form: 1) Я и альчи о (мальч к) I see boys 2) Я ил о иль ые елефо ы (телефон) I bought mobile phones 3) Дай е э и р ч и (ручка), о ал й Give me these pens, please а 124 4) Ты идишь о а (собака)? Do you see dogs? 5) Ты лю ишь Миш (М ша) Do you love Mishas? (again, meaningless sentence, but I leave it here anyway) 6) О а иди ре и (река) She sees rivers 7) Я а аю э их людей (человек) I respect these people 8) О а лю и оих др зей (друг) She loves her friends 9) Профе ор х али де о (студент) Professor praises students 10) Президе а ра дае ерое (герой) President rewards the heroes 5. Put the highlighted nouns in the genitive singular form: 1) И р ш а альчи а (мальч к) Boy's toy 2) Ди лей о иль о о елефо а (телефон) The display of the mobile phone 3) Це а р ч и (ручка) The price of the pen 4) Х о о а и (собака) Dog's tail 5) Маши а Миши (М ша) Misha's car 6) Гл и а ре и (река) The depth of the river 7) дь а чело е а (человек) The fate of a man (of a person) 8) о а а ое о др My friend's dog а (друг) 9) К и а де а (студент) Student's book 10) И ория ероя (герой) The story of the hero 6. Put the highlighted nouns in the genitive plural form: 125 1) И р ш и альчи о (мальч к) Boys' toys 2) Ди леи о иль ых елефо о (телефон) The displays of the mobile phones 3) Це а р че (ручка) The price of the pens 4) Х о ы о а (собака) Dogs' tails 5) Маши ы Миш (М ша) Mishas' cars 6) Гл и а ре (река) The depth of the rivers 7) дь ы людей (человек) The fate of people (of a person) 8) о а и оих др зей (друг) My friends' dogs 9) К и и де о (студент) Students' books 10) И ории ерое (герой) The stories of the heroes 7. Put the highlighted nouns in the dative singular form: 1) Я дал и р ш альчи I gave a toy to a boy (мальч к) 2) О а о ори о о иль о елефо She is talking on the mobile phone (телефон) 3) О рад оей о ой р ч е (ручка) He is glad because of his new pen 4) О дал о ь о а е (собака) He gave a bone to a dog 5) О а з о и Мише (М ша) She calls Misha 6) У а е ь э ер ия, ла одаря ре е (река) We have energy thanks to the river 7) Я о ещал э о чело е (человек) I promised this person/man 8) Я з о ю др (друг) I call (my) friend 9) Профе ор дал и и де (студент) Professor gave books to a student 126 10) Мы и ы, ла одаря ерою (герой) We are alive thanks to the hero 8. Put the highlighted nouns in the dative plural form: 1) Я дал и р ш и альчи а (мальч к) I gave the toys to the boys 2) О а о ори о о иль ы елфо а She is talking on the mobile phones (телефон) 3) О рад ои о ы р ч а (ручка) He is glad because of his new pens 4) О дал о и о а а (собака) He gave the bones to the dogs 5) О а з о и Миша (М ша) She calls Mishas (again, just as an example) 6) У а е ь э ер ия, ла одаря ре а (река) We have energy thanks to the rivers 7) Я о ещал э и людя (человек) I promised these people/men 8) Я з о ю др зья (друг) I call (my) friends 9) Профе ор дал и и де а (студент) Professor gave books to the students 10) Мы и ы, ла одаря ероя (герой) We are alive thanks to the heroes 9. Put the highlighted nouns in the instrumental singular form: 1) И р ш и оло а ы альчи о (мальч к) The toys are broken by the boy 2) О и л од о ла и а о иль ы елефо о He throw in his classmate with a mobile phone (телефон) 3) Я иш р ч ой (ручка) I write with a pen 4) О а ляе о а ой (собака) She walks with a dog 5) О а ехала Мишей (М ша) She went with Misha 6) Э а дере я ыла разр ше а ре ой (река) This village was destroyed by a river 127 7) О а риехала а ы чело е о (человек) She came with an important person 8) Ко я ришёл др о (друг) Kostya came with a friend 9) Э о рое ыл а и а аши де This project was written by our student 10) Наш ород ыл а ё ерое Our city was saved by a hero о (студент) (герой) 10. Put the highlighted nouns in the instrumental plural form: 1) И р ш и оло а ы альчи а и (мальч к) The toys are broken by the boys 2) О и л од о ла и а о иль ыи елефо а и (телефон) He throw in his classmate with mobile phones 3) Я иш р ч а и (ручка) I write with pens 4) О а ляе о а а и (собака) She walks with dogs 5) О а ехала Миша и (М ша) She went with Mishas (again - just an example) 6) Э а дере я ыла разр ше а ре а и (река) This village was destroyed by rivers 7) О а риехала а ы людь и (человек) She came with an important person 8) Ко я ришёл др зья и (друг) Kostya came with (his) friends 9) Э о рое ыл а и а аши и де This project was written by our students а и (студент) 10) Наш ород ыл а ё ероя и (герой) Our city was saved by heroes 11. Put the highlighted nouns in the prepositional singular form: 1) Ма а ра азы ае о альчи е (мальч к) Mother is telling about a boy 2) Ч о ы о ешь аза ь о э о о иль о елефо е (телефон)? What can you say about this mobile phone? 3) О о ори о р ч е (ручка) He is talking about a pen 4) О а д ае о оей о а е (собака) She is thinking about her dog 128 5) Да ай о о ори о Мише (М ша) Let's talk about Misha 6) Учи ель ра азы ае о ре е (реке) Teacher is telling about the river 7) Я хоч ра аза ь е е о од о чело е е (человек) I want to tell you about one person/man 8) Под ай о оё др е (друг)! Think about your friend 9) Профе ор о ори о де е (студент) Professor is talking about a student 10) Ра а и а о ерое (герой) Tell us about the hero 12. Put the highlighted nouns in the prepositional plural form: 1) Ма а ра азы ае о альчи ах (мальч к) Mother is telling about boys 2) Ч о ы о ешь аза ь о э их о иль ых елефо ах (телефон)? What can you say about these mobile phones? 3) О о ори о р ч ах (ручка) He is talking about pens 4) О а д ае о оих о а ах (собака) She is thinking about her dogs 5) Да ай о о ори о Мишах (М ша) Let's talk about Mishas 6) Учи ель ра азы ае о ре ах (реке) Teacher is telling about the rivers 7) Я хоч ра аза ь е е о людях (человек) I want to tell you about people 8) Под ай о оих др зьях (друг)! Think about your friends 9) Профе ор о ори о де ах (студент) Professor is talking about students 10) Ра а и а о ероях (герой) Tell us about the heroes 129 Unit Most common kind of adjectives - unstressed 4.1 We use adjective to describe a noun. In English adjectives never change But in Russian adjectives have to agree with its noun Compare: feminine masculine neuter Beautiful woman Beautiful man Beautiful coat Кра и а Кра и ый е щи а чи а Кра и ое аль о The most common group of adjectives in Russian is Unstressed - it means the ending of it is not stressed. Adjectives consist of two parts: stem + ending Adjectives for singular nominative nouns have different endings for each gender But adjectives of plural nouns have the same ending. In Dictionaries adjectives are always given in masculine singular form 1. Masculine adjectives: Unstressed masculine adjectives usually have -ый ending, and rarely - й ending (due to the first spelling rule, after г, к, х, ж, ш, щ). Но ый о ью ер New computer Мале ьк й о Small cat Хорош й чело е Good person/good man 130 Remember, that for nouns with feminine ending, but masculine meaning, we have to use masculine adjectives Молодой чи а -Young man 2. Feminine adjectives: All unstressed adjectives of feminine gender have ending -а . Very handy, considering the fact that usually feminine nouns has -а or - Но а де at the end. а New (female) student Мале ь а ош а Small (female) cat Хороша де ш а Good girl 3. Neuter adjectives: The ending for unstressed neuter adjectives has -ое ending, again, very easy to remember, because usually neuter nouns have -о or -е as an ending. Но ое и о New movie Но ое зелье New potion Don't forget the second spelling rule - after ж, ш, щ, ч, ц - after those letter we can't use unstressed -o letter. So it should be Хорошее и о Good wine е ее оло о 131 Fresh milk 4. Nominative case plural: The ending for all nominative plural adjectives is -ые (or - е) For example: Кра и ые де ш и Beautiful girls Голод ые ар и Hunger guys О ро ые о а Huge windows Remember, after г, к, х, ж, ш, щ ending will be - е (first spelling rule) Хорош е де ш и Good girls Хорош е ар и Good guys Хорош е о а Good windows 132 UNIT 4.1 Упражнен 1. Put the highlighted adjectives in the correct singular form: О а оче ь ___________ де She is a very beautiful girl 1) ра и ый beautiful ш а Э о зда ие оче ь ___________ This building is very beautiful О ___________ He is beautiful 2) ый smart о а а э о ___________ озда ие A dog is a smart creature Мой ра ___________ My brother is smart Моя е а оче ь ___________ ещи а My wife is a very smart woman 3) до рый kind Ты оче ь ___________ чело е , Коля You are a very kind person, Kolya Моя а ш а ___________ My grandmother is kind У е я ___________ ердце, ой др You have a kind heart, my friend 4) о ый new О а ол чила ___________ зада ие She got a new task Э о ___________ аши а? Is it a new car Мы и ___________ до We'll buy a new house 2. Put the highlighted adjectives in the correct singular form: У её ___________ She has a caring husband 1) за о ли ый caring Моя е а оче ь ___________ My wife is very caring У е о ей ___________ о оше ие He has a very caring attitude to her 2) ы о ий tall/high Ты идишь э о ___________ дере о? Do you see this tall tree? 133 Мой ра ___________ My brother is tall ___________ A tall woman 3) из ий low е щи а У аше о до а ___________ о оло Our house has a low ceiling ___________ е ера ра Low temperature ___________ дере о A low tree ___________ де оч а але ь ий 4) small/little A little girl Ты идишь ___________ я о? Do you see a little spot? ___________ альчи A little boy 3. Put the highlighted adjectives in the correct singular form: 1) ч ый boring ___________ ье а A boring play Вчера е я ыл ___________ ечер Yesterday I had a boring evening К и а, о ор ю я чи аю оче ь ___________ The book (that) I read is very boring 2) хороший good Ты ___________ др , аша You are a good friend, Sasha У е я е ь ___________ аши а I have a good car Мы ьё ___________ и о и л шае We drink good wine and listen to music 3) лю и ый favorite / beloved зы Ка ой ой ___________ ц е ? What is your favorite color? Где оя ___________ е щи а? Where is your beloved woman? 134 о а а - оё ___________ и о Dog - is my favorite animal 4) ерый grey ое ___________ ышь Grey mouse Я ил ___________ аль о I bought a grey coat М е ра и я э о ___________ рю за I like this grey backpack 4. Put the highlighted adjectives in the correct plural form: 1) 2) ро ий зелё ый 3) я ий 4) елый _______________ strict _______________ green _______________ soft _______________ white 5. Put the highlighted adjectives in the correct plural form: 1) ы рый fast О лю и ___________ He loves fast cars аши ы 2) дешё ый cheap О а е о ае ___________ род She doesn't buy cheap food/goods 3) ла ый main Э о ___________ зда ия ороде These are the main buildings in the city 4) ы о ий tall До о р аю ___________ дере ья The house is surrounded by tall trees ы 135 UNIT 4.1 Ответы 1. Put the highlighted adjectives in the correct singular form: О а оче ь ра и ая де ш а She is a very beautiful girl 1) ра и ый beautiful Э о зда ие оче ь ра и ое This building is very beautiful О ра и ый He is beautiful 2) ый smart о а аэ о ое озда ие A dog is a smart creature Мой ра ый My brother is smart Моя е а оче ь ая ещи а My wife is a very smart woman 3) до рый kind Ты оче ь до рый чело е , Коля You are a very kind person, Kolya Моя а ш а до рая My grandmother is kind У е я до рое ердце, ой др You have a kind heart, my friend 4) о ый new О а ол чила о ое зада ие She got a new task Э о о ая аши а? Is it a new car Мы и о ый до We'll buy a new house 2. Put the highlighted adjectives in the correct singular form: У её зо о ли ый She has a caring husband 1) за о ли ый caring Моя е а оче ь за о ли ая My wife is very caring У е о ей зо о ли ое о оше ие He has a very caring attitude to her 2) ы о ий tall/high Ты идишь э о ы о ое дере о? Do you see this tall tree? 136 Мой ра ы о ий My brother is tall Вы о ая е щи а A tall woman 3) из ий low У аше о до а из ий о оло Our house has a low ceiling Низ ая е ера ра Low temperature Низ ое дере о A low tree Мале ь ая де оч а але ь ий 4) small/little A little girl Ты идишь але ь ое я о? Do you see a little spot? Мале ь ий альчи A little boy 3. Put the highlighted adjectives in the correct singular form: 1) ч ый boring ч ая ье а A boring play Вчера е я ыл ч ый ечер Yesterday I had a boring evening К и а, о ор ю я чи аю оче ь ч ая The book (that) I read is very boring 2) хороший good Ты хороший др , аша You are a good friend, Sasha У е я е ь хорошая аши а I have a good car Мы ьё хорошее и о и л шае зы We drink good wine and listen to music 3) лю и ый favorite / beloved Ка ой ой люи ый ц е ? What is your favorite color? Где оя лю и ая е щи а? Where is your beloved woman? 137 о а а - оё лю и ое и о Dog - is my favorite animal 4) ое ерая ышь Grey mouse Я ил ерое аль о I bought a grey coat ерый grey М е ра и я э о ерый рю за I like this grey backpack 4. Put the highlighted adjectives in the correct plural form: 1) 2) ро ий зелё ый 3) я ий 4) елый ро ие strict зелё ые я ие green soft елые white 5. Put the highlighted adjectives in the correct plural form: 1) ы рый fast О лю и ы рые He loves fast cars аши ы 2) дешё ый cheap О а е о ае дешё ые род ы She doesn't buy cheap food/goods 3) ла ый main Э о ла ые зда ия ороде These are the main buildings in the city 4) ы о ий tall До о р аю ы о ие дере ья The house is surrounded by tall trees 138 Unit Stressed adjectives and soft adjectives 4.2 1. Gender of stressed adjectives As you know, adjectives in dictionaries are given in masculine singular form. So to define a stressed one - look at its ending. Stressed adjectives have -ой at the end. Большой до A big house Feminine stressed adjective have the same ending as unstressed ones - а . Больша аши а A big car Stressed neuter adjectives have the same ending as unstressed ones. It is -ое Большое дере о A big tree Remember, since letter O is stressed in these words, it can be used after Ш letter. 2. Plural stressed adjectives: For plural adjectives we have the ending -ые no matter what gender we describe Молодой Молодые де ш и Young girls Молодые ар и Young guys Молодые дере ья Young trees 139 REMEMBER: Keep in Mind Spelling rule number one. If the adjective's stem you are going to use is ending in г, к, х, ж, ш, щ, ч, the ending must be - е Большой Больш е аши ы Big cars Больш е о а и Big dogs Больш е дере ья Big trees 3. Soft adjectives: How to define them? As always, by its ending Masculine have - й По лед й ерой Last hero Femenine have Перед д ерь Front door Neuter have -ее и ее е ло Blue glass 140 4. Plural soft adjectives: All plural soft adjectives have - е at the end. По лед е ерои Last heroes Перед е д ери Front doors и е ё ла Blue glasses (*pieces of glass) 141 UNIT 4.2 Упражнен 1. Put the highlighted adjectives in the correct singular form: Ка ая _______________ What a big bedroom! 1) ольшой big аль я! Мы и _______________ до We will buy a big house _______________ о о, идо а оре A big window, with the view of the sea 2) олодой young _______________ чело е , е орь е о ой! Young man, don't argue with me! _______________ о оле ие э о аше д щее Young generation is our future _______________ Young mother 3) доро ой expensive / dear а а Э о _______________ ар и а? Is it an expensive painting? Э о оче ь _______________ и о This is a very expensive wine _______________ др , а ои дела? Dear fried, how are you doing? 4) ро ой simple / plain _______________ задача A simple task _______________ о раз из и Plain living Э о _______________ зада ие It is a simple task 2. Put the highlighted adjectives in the correct plural form: 1) лохой bad _______________ рез ль а ы Bad results 2) ол ой blue _______________ ц е ы Blue flowers 3) ольшой big _______________ орода Big cities 142 4) хой dry _______________ дере ья Dry trees 3. Put the highlighted adjectives in the correct singular form: _______________ задача The last task 1) о лед ий the last _______________ и ь о The last letter _______________ де ь The last day 2) и ий bluue / navy blue _______________ шле Blue helmet _______________ ре а Blue river _______________ Blue sea еш ий 3) external/outward outer оре _______________ оли и а Foreign (lit.: external) policy _______________ риз а Outward sign _______________ ядро Outer core 4) ле ий summer _______________ ре я Summer time _______________ о ода Summer weather _______________ до дь Summer rain 4. Put the highlighted adjectives in the correct plural form: 1) ре ий morning fem. ______________________ masc. ______________________ neut. ______________________ 143 2) 3) 4) ой dense/thick за раш ий tomorrow's ой blunt/dull/dumb fem. ______________________ masc. ______________________ neut. ______________________ fem. ______________________ masc. ______________________ neut. ______________________ fem. ______________________ masc. ______________________ neut. ______________________ 5. Put the highlighted adjectives in the correct singular or plural form: 1) е е ий spring _______________ Spring morning ро _______________ Spring birds ицы _______________ ле Spring forest 2) о о од ий New year _______________ а рое ие New year spirit / New year mood _______________ одар и New year presents _______________ ра New year sales 3) зи ий winter _______________ ре я Winter time _______________ о ода Winter weather _______________ Winter resort 4) даль ий distant/remote/long рода и рор _______________ доро а Long way (lit.: Long road) _______________ ь Long way _______________ ра Long distance оя ие 144 UNIT 4.2 Ответы 1. Put the highlighted adjectives in the correct singular form: Ка ая ольшая аль я! What a big bedroom! 1) ольшой big Мы и ольшой до We will buy a big house Большое о о, идо а оре A big window, with the view of the sea 2) олодой young Молодой чело е , е орь е о ой! Young man, don't argue with me! Молодое о оле ие э о аше д щее Young generation is our future Молодая а а Young mother 3) доро ой expensive / dear Э о доро ая ар и а? Is it an expensive painting? Э о оче ь доро ое и о This is a very expensive wine Доро ой др , а ои дела? Dear fried, how are you doing? 4) ро ой simple / plain Про ая задача A simple task Про ой о раз из и Plain living Э о ро ое зада ие It is a simple task 2. Put the highlighted adjectives in the correct plural form: 1) лохой bad Плохие рез ль а ы Bad results 2) ол ой blue Гол ые ц е ы Blue flowers 3) ольшой big Большие орода Big cities 145 4) хой dry хие дере ья Dry trees 3. Put the highlighted adjectives in the correct singular form: По лед яя задача The last task 1) о лед ий the last По лед ее и ь о The last letter По лед ий де ь The last day 2) и ий bluue / navy blue Гол Blue Гол Blue ой шле helmet ая ре а river Гол ое оре Blue sea еш ий 3) external/outward outer В еш яя оли и а Foreign (lit.: external) policy В еш ий риз а Outward sign В еш ее ядро Outer core 4) ле ий summer Ле ее ре я Summer time Ле яя о ода Summer weather Ле ий до дь Summer rain 4. Put the highlighted adjectives in the correct plural form: 1) ре ий morning fem. ре яя masc. ре ий neut. ре ее 146 2) 3) 4) ой dense/thick за раш ий tomorrow's ой blunt/dull/dumb ая fem. masc. ой neut. ое за раш яя masc. за раш ий neut. за раш ее fem. ая fem. masc. ой neut. ое 5. Put the highlighted adjectives in the correct singular or plural form: Ве е ее ро Spring morning 1) е е ий spring Ве е ие ицы Spring birds Ве е ий ле Spring forest 2) о о од ий New year Но о од ее а рое ие New year spirit / New year mood Но о од ие одар и New year presents Но о од ие ра рода и New year sales 3) зи ий winter Зи ее Winter Зи яя Winter ре я time о ода weather Зи ий рор Winter resort 4) даль ий distant/remote/long Даль Long Даль Long яя доро а way (lit.: Long road) ий ь way Даль ее ра оя ие Long distance 147 Unit Possessive adjectives 4.3 What is the possessive adjective? Actually in Russian we call it possessive pronoun. Possessive adjectives (such as Your, her, my) show possession or relationship. Look at the examples: Мой о My cat Её о а а Her dog 1. Agreement of the possessive adjectives Possessive adjective must to agree in number, gender and case with the noun which is possessed, rather than with the possessor. Review the examples to get the concept better. Э о мо маш на This is my car Э о мой дом This is my house No matter what gender you are, you must use these possessive pronouns, because they are agreed with the possessed noun. 2. Forms of the possessive adjectives: Please take your time and learn those adjectives by heart, it will really help you to learn Russia faster and more productive. masc fem neuter plural 148 my (mine) your (for ты) our your (for вы) ой ой аш аш оя оя аша аша оё оё аше аше ои ои аши аши 3. Her/his/theirs: Possessive adjectives for her/his, their never change Его о а а His dog Её аши а Her car Их ода Their water Его до His house Её о Her cat Их е о Their raccoon Его о о His window Её дере о Her tree Их и о Their wine 4. His / hers / theirs: he → his she → her о → его о а → её belongs to н belongs to на it →its о о → его belongs to н they → their о и→ х belongs to н Его еда His food Её еда Her food Его еда His food Их еда Their food Его лей His glue Её лей Her glue Его лей His glue Их лей Their glue Его аль о His coat Её аль о Her coat Его аль о His coat Их аль о Their coat 5. Usage: Important to mention, that in Russian possessive adjectives are used less often than in English, usually we just drop them off. And also we don't use them that often with parts of the body. Look and compare similar phrases: 149 На ра о е о а идела (__) др зей At work she saw (her/её) friends У е я оли р а (my/моя) Hand hurts Я ре ил (__) одр I met (my) friend But if it is not a mistake if you use possessive adjective in these cases, just not very natural for Russian speakers. 150 UNIT 4.3 Упражнен 1. Put the highlighted possessive adjective in the correct form: my / mine 1) ___________ о ая My new car аши а 2) ___________ хо My hobby 3) ___________ о оче ь ра и ый My cat is very beautiful 4) ___________ о а а лю и My dog loves to swim 5) ___________ роди ели My parents 6) Ты ол чил ___________ Did you get my letter 7) Ка я и ер ей - ___________ др зья Katya and Sergey are my friends 8) Э а и а - ___________! This book is mine! 9) ___________ до My house is cozy и ю ла а ь и ь о? ый 2. Put the highlighted possessive adjective in the correct form: your (for " ы") 1) Э о ___________ ольцо? Is it your ring? 2) ___________ оо ще ия оче ь оро Your messages are very short 3) ___________ р ч а ише ра Your pen writes with red color ы ие ц е о 151 4) Э о ___________ ара даш? Is it your pencil? 5) ___________ ро ле ы е я е о Your problems don't bother me 6) ___________ аре ь е я оче ь лю и Your boyfriend loves you a lot 7) ___________ а а а о о о и ! You mother cooks so good (lit.: so tasty)! 8) Я ___________ о ый др I am your new friend 9) ___________ о еде ие разочаро ы ае Your behavior disappoints me ю е я 10) ___________ лаза ез о ра и ы Your eyes are incredibly (lit.: madly) beautiful 11) ___________ р и а ие за о ли ые Your hands are so caring 3. Put the highlighted possessive adjective in the correct form: our 1) ___________ ы е ил я Our son got married 2) ___________ дочь ышла за Our daughter got married 3) ___________ де и ча ли ы ра е Our children are happily married (lit.: in marriage) 4) ___________ д щее за и и о э о о реше ия Our future depends on this decision 5) ___________ е ья оче ь ча Our family is very happy 6) ___________ хо я е ь Our hamster eats carrot 7) Э о ___________ роли и These are our rabbits ли а ор о ь ( ор о ) 152 8) ___________ др зья ри ла или а Our friends invited us for dinner 9) ___________ дед ш а ехал ра о Our grandfather went to work 10) ___________ лю о ь иль ее ра Our love is stronger than distance а и оя ия ___________ о оле ие 11) Our generation 4. Put the highlighted possessive adjective in the correct form: your (for " ы") 1) ___________ еличе Your Majesty! о! 2) ___________ о оя ие е Your condition is not stable 3) ___________ о а а Your dog bit me! 4) ___________ ре ё о раз ил о о Your child broke a window at school 5) ___________ а ор , о ал й Your passport, please 6) ___________ до о ере ие. По а и е е о, о ал й Your certificate. Show me it, please 7) ___________ до е ы, о ал й Your documents, please 8) Э о ___________ иле ? Is it your ticket? 9) Э о ___________ рей ? Is it your flight? а иль о ила е я! ш оле! а а а 5. Put the highlighted possessive adjective in the correct form: his, her, their 153 1) ___________ аши а оче ь ы His car is very fast 2) ___________ о чёр ый Her cat is black 3) ___________ де ш а одарила е о His girlfriend presented him a postcard 4) ___________ де и и раю аль е Her children are playing in the bedroom 5) ___________ о а а оче ь до рая Their dog is very kind 6) ___________ лаза одя His eyes drive me crazy 7) ___________ лы а о ре ае Her smile warms my heart 8) ___________ оло за а ляе оё ердце и ь я чаще Her voice makes my heart skip a beat (lit.: beat more often) 9) ___________ лю о ь еч ая Their love is eternal е я рая ры а оё ерде 154 UNIT 4.3 Ответы 1. Put the highlighted possessive adjective in the correct form: my / mine 1) Моя о ая аши а My new car 2) Моё хо и My hobby 3) Мой о оче ь ра и ый My cat is very beautiful 4) Моя о а а лю и ла а ь My dog loves to swim 5) Мои роди ели My parents 6) Ты ол чил оё и ь о? Did you get my letter 7) Ка я и ер ей - ои др зья Katya and Sergey are my friends 8) Э а и а - оя! This book is mine! 9) Мой до ю ый My house is cozy 2. Put the highlighted possessive adjective in the correct form: your (for " ы") 1) Э о оё ольцо? Is it your ring? 2) Т ои оо ще ия оче ь оро ие Your messages are very short 3) Т оя р ч а ише ра ы ц е о Your pen writes with red color 155 4) Э о ои ара даш? Is it your pencil? 5) Т ои ро ле ы е я е о ю Your problems don't bother me 6) Т ой аре ь е я оче ь лю и Your boyfriend loves you a lot 7) Т оя а а а о о о и ! You mother cooks so good (lit.: so tasty)! 8) Я ой о ый др I am your new friend 9) Т оё о еде ие разочаро ы ае Your behavior disappoints me е я 10) Т ои лаза ез о ра и ы Your eyes are incredibly (lit.: madly) beautiful 11) Т ои р и а ие за о ли ые Your hands are so caring 3. Put the highlighted possessive adjective in the correct form: our 1) Наш ы е ил я Our son got married 2) Наша дочь ышла за Our daughter got married 3) Наши де и ча ли ы ра е Our children are happily married (lit.: in marriage) 4) Наше д щее за и и о э о о реше ия Our future depends on this decision 5) Наша е ья оче ь ча ли а Our family is very happy 6) Наш хо я е ь ор о ь ( ор о Our hamster eats carrot 7) Э о аши роли и These are our rabbits ) 156 8) Наши др зья ри ла или а а Our friends invited us for dinner 9) Наш дед ш а ехал ра о Our grandfather went to work 10) и Наша лю о ь иль ее ра оя ия Our love is stronger than distance Наше о оле ие 11) Our generation 4. Put the highlighted possessive adjective in the correct form: your (for " ы") 1) Ваше еличе Your Majesty! о! 2) Ваше о оя ие е а иль о Your condition is not stable 3) Ваша о а а ила Your dog bit me! 4) Ваш ре ё о раз ил о о ш оле! Your child broke a window at school 5) Ваш а ор , о ал й Your passport, please 6) Ваше до о ере ие. По а и е е о, о ал й Your certificate. Show me it, please 7) Ваши до е ы, о ал й Your documents, please 8) Э о аш иле ? Is it your ticket? 9) Э о аш рей ? Is it your flight? е я! а а а 5. Put the highlighted possessive adjective in the correct form: his, her, their 157 1) Е о аши а оче ь ы His car is very fast рая 2) Её о чёр ый Her cat is black 3) Е о де ш а одарила е о ры His girlfriend presented him a postcard 4) Её де и и раю аль е Her children are playing in the bedroom 5) Их о а а оче ь до рая Their dog is very kind 6) Е о лаза одя е я His eyes drive me crazy 7) Её лы а о ре ае оё ерде Her smile warms my heart 8) Её оло за а ляе оё ердце и ь я чаще Her voice makes my heart skip a beat (lit.: beat more often) 9) Их лю о ь еч ая Their love is eternal а 158 Unit 4.4 Reflexive adjectives Reflexive possessives indicate possession by the subject of the nearest verb and can mean - my own, your own, his own, her own, our own, their own. Three genders of the reflexive possessives are: вой - masculine во - feminine воё - neuter 1. ой: ой is an alternative to " ой, ой, аш, аш" when "я, ы, ы, ы" are concerned. So, if you want to say: I read my magazine - you can either say: Я чи аю мой р ал or Я чи аю свой р ал Another example is (I read my book): Я чи аю мою и or Я чи аю свою 2. и ой is not an alternative to е о, её, их: If you want to say his, her, their you must to find out whether you mean that the subject of the verb is the owner. Take a look at this example: 159 о чи ае его и Scott reads his (friend's, father's etc) book о чи ае свою и Scott reads his (his own) book 3. ой must indicate possession by the subject of the verb: And it can't just describe the subject of the verb. To describe the subject of the verb, you must use мой, твой, его, её, наш, ваш х. Please, look at the examples: Её де и о оря о-а лий и Her children speak English Here we describe the subject. And if we want to show possession by the subject of the verb, we need to use оих О а лю и сво х де ей She loves her (her own) children 4. Possessive + reflexive adjectives: In some cases you need both possessive and reflexive possessive. Like in this case: Её дочь лю и свой оль ый до и Her daughter loves her (her own) dollhouse 160 Here её in the first part of the sentence, describes the subject of the verb, and ой in the second part of it describes possession. Her daughter loves her (her own) dollhouse, and ordinary possessive cannot be used. REMEMBER: We use reflexive possessives to describe possession We use ordinary possessives to describe the subject of a verb IMPORTANT: We will consider case declension in the next lessons. For now, please, just try to understand the difference between reflexive and ordinary possessives and memorize them. 161 UNIT 4.4 1. Use the correct form of the reflexive adjective (с Упражнен й, с я, с ё): 1) О а чи ае _________ р ал She is reading her (own) magazine 2) О чеше _________ о He is scratching his (own) nose 3) У её е ь _________ ар ира She has her (own) flat 4) У её е ь _________ ла ье She has her (own) dress 5) У а до о _________ дь а Everyone has his (own) fate 6) У а де _________ до We will have our (own) house 7) О лю и _________ хо и He love his (own) hobby 2. Insert reflexive or ordinary possessive adjective in the blanks: 1) У её е ь _________ о She has her (own) cat 2) О а чи ае _________ и She reads his (her brother's) book 3) Маша ише _________ и ь о Masha is writing her (own) letter 4) Коля чи ае _________ р ал Kolya is reading his (his male friend's) magazine 5) У На аши е ь _________ р ч а Natasha has her (own) pen 6) У На аши е ь _________ и а Natasha has her (her female friend's) book 7) и лади _________ о а Steve is patting his (his male friend's) dog (lit.: stroking) 8) и лю и _________ о а Steve loves his (own) dog 3. Insert reflexive or ordinary possessive adjective in the blanks: 162 У её е ь _________ о She has her (own) cat 1) О а лю и _________ о а She loves her (her sister's) cat У е о е ь _________ He has his (own) book 2) и а О чи ае _________ и He reads his (brother's) book У е о е ь _________ аль о He has his (own) coat 3) 4) У е о е ь _________ аль о He has his (his father's) coat У е о е ь _________ е радь He has his (own) copybook У е о е ь _________ е радь He has her (his sister's) copybook 4. Use the correct form of the reflexive adjective (с й, с я, с ё): 1) Да ай и ь е е, е я е ь _________ до Let's live together, I have my (own) house 2) У е я е ь _________ аши а? Do you have your (own) car? 3) Я ищ _________ ред аз аче ие I seek for my (own) destiny 4) У Ле ы е ь _________ о Lena as her (own) room а а 5) У Ко и е ь _________ о ью ер Kosya has his (own) computer 6) Я да е е _________ е ло I'll give you my (own) warmth 5. Choose reflexive or ordinary possessive adjective that suits: 163 1) She reads her (own) book её ою 2) Masha reads his messages е о ои 3) We love our (own) families аши ои 4) I love my boyfriend ое о ое о 5) My mother loves her (own) flowers её ои 6) My brother is repairing his (own) car е о ою 7) Katya uses her (her female friend's) pen её ою 8) He wears his (his father's) coat е о оё 164 UNIT 4.4 1. Use the correct form of the reflexive adjective (с Ответы й, с я, с ё): 1) О а чи ае ой р ал She is reading her (own) magazine 2) О чеше ой о He is scratching his (own) nose 3) У её е ь оя ар ира She has her (own) flat 4) У её е ь оё ла ье She has her (own) dress 5) У а до о оя дь а Everyone has his (own) fate 6) У а де ой до We will have our (own) house 7) О лю и оё хо и He love his (own) hobby 2. Insert reflexive or ordinary possessive adjective in the blanks: 1) У её е ь ой о She has her (own) cat 2) О а чи ае е о и She reads his (her brother's) book 3) Маша ише оё и ь о Masha is writing her (own) letter 4) Коля чи ае е о р ал Kolya is reading his (his male friend's) magazine 5) У На аши е ь оя р ч а Natasha has her (own) pen 6) У На аши е ь её и а Natasha has her (her female friend's) book 7) и лади е о о а Steve is patting his (his male friend's) dog (lit.: stroking) 8) и лю и ою о а Steve loves his (own) dog 3. Insert reflexive or ordinary possessive adjective in the blanks: 165 У её е ь ой о She has her (own) cat 1) О а лю и её о а She loves her (her sister's) cat У е о е ь оя и а He has his (own) book 2) О чи ае е о и He reads his (brother's) book У е о е ь оё аль о He has his (own) coat 3) 4) У е о е ь е о аль о He has his (his father's) coat У е о е ь оя е радь He has his (own) copybook У е о е ь её е радь He has her (his sister's) copybook 4. Use the correct form of the reflexive adjective (с й, с я, с ё): 1) Да ай и ь е е, е я е ь ой до Let's live together, I have my (own) house 2) У е я е ь оя аши а? Do you have your (own) car? 3) Я ищ оё ред аз аче ие I seek for my (own) destiny 4) У Ле ы е ь оя о а а Lena as her (own) room 5) У Ко и е ь ой о ью ер Kosya has his (own) computer 6) Я да е е оё е ло I'll give you my (own) warmth 5. Choose reflexive or ordinary possessive adjective that suits: 1) She reads her (own) book её 2) Masha reads his messages его 3) We love our (own) families аши свою ои сво 166 4) I love my (own) boyfriend ое о своего 5) My mother loves her (own) flowers её сво 6) My brother is repairing his (own) car е о свою 7) Katya uses her (her female friend's) pen её ою 8) He wears his (his father's) coat его оё 167 Unit Accusative singular adjectives 4.5 An adjective must always agree with the noun it is describing. So if you use a noun in accusative, the adjective must be used in accusative as well. 1. Describing masculine and neuter inanimate nouns: If you describe a masculine or neuter inanimate noun it is not a big problem - we use the same ending as in the nominative singular: Мы чи ае нтересный р ал We read an interesting magazine Я о аю крас вый до I buy a beautiful house Я ою оё гр зное о о I am washing my (my own) dirty window 2. Animate masculine: If you describe an animate masculine noun ( чи ель for example), the ending of a subject must change. And there are two possible endings: For soft and possessive adjectives and for unstressed adjectives, whose stem is ends in ж, ч, ш, щ or ц: -его For any other cases: -ого Хороший о ый чи ель - Я з аю хороше о о о о чи еля I know a good new teacher Т ой иль ый ра - Я з аю ое о иль о о ра а I know your strong bother 168 3. Describing neuter animate nouns: Very rare case - is when you need to use neuter animate noun. For example: а ое лицо (VIP - very important person) Вы з ае е э о важное лицо? Do you know this very important person 4. Describing feminine nouns: Adjectives describing feminine nouns always change in the accusative case, whether the noun they describing is animate or inanimate. And the four possible endings in this case are: - ю, -юю, - , -ю Type of the adj unstressed stressed soft possessive Nom sing о а олода дре оя аша Anim acc sing о ую олодую дре юю ою аш example Я лю лю о ую аши Я лю лю олодую де ш Я лю лю дре юю и орию Я лю лю ою аши Я лю лю аш о а 169 UNIT 4.5 Упражнен 1. Put the highlighted adjectives in the accusative singular form: 1) Я з аю ____________ (твой) ра а I know your brother 2) Миша з ае ____________ (хорош й) до Misha knows a good doctor ора 3) О и рае ____________ (плохой) ероя He plays a bad character 4) Моя е ра чи ае ____________ ( нтересный) My sister is reading an interesting magazine р ал 5) Я о рю ____________ (скучный) филь I am watching a boring movie / film 6) Ты з аешь ____________ (наш) ра а? Do you know our brother? 7) Я е ____________ (тёплый) I eat warm soup 2. Put the highlighted adjectives in the accusative singular form: 1) Я ою ____________ (гр зный) о I wash a dirty window 2) Я е е ____________ (сухой) I don't eat dry milk о оло о 3) Та я иди ____________ (высок й) зда ие Tanya sees a tall building 4) Маша чи ае ____________ (старый) и ь о Masha reads an old letter 5) Я лю лю ____________ (тёмный) ре я I love the dark time of the day о 6) О ише ____________ (последн й) оо ще ие He writes the last message 3. Put the highlighted adjectives in the accusative singular form: 1) Мой а а чи ае ____________ ( нтересный) азе My father is reading an interesting newspaper 2) Я ираю ____________ (большой) о I clean a big room а 170 3) Коля иди ____________ (крас вый) де Kolya sees a beautiful girl 4) Я е чи аю ____________ (плохой) I don't read a bad book ш и 5) На аша ила ____________ (дорогой) аз Natasha bought an expensive vase 6) Мой ра и рае ____________ (скучный) и р My brother is playing a boring game 7) Моя а а решае ____________ (трудный) задач My mother is solving a difficult task 4. Put the highlighted adjectives in the accusative singular form: 1) Миша, ы идишь ____________ (с н й) арел Misha, do you see the blue plate? 2) Я лю лю ____________ (твой) е I love your sister ? р 3) Я оче ь лю лю ____________ (наш) дочь I love a lot our daughter 4) Ты за рыл ____________ (передн й) д ерь? Did you lose the front door? 5) ____________ (задн й) д ерь? And the back door? 6) Я а лю лю ____________ (з мн й) о од ! I love winter weather so much! 7) Маша лю и ____________ (летн й) о од Masha loves summer weather 5. Put the highlighted adjectives in the accusative singular form: 1) На аша е а иди ____________ (осенн й) о од Natasha hates autumn weather 2) Ты ч ешь ____________ (весенн й) е ло? Do you feel the spring warmth? 3) Я ью ____________ (гор ч й) шо олад I drink hot chocolate 4) Моя а а ила ____________ (с н й) едро My mother bought a blue bucket 5) О а лю и э о о ____________ (молодой) ар я She loves this young guy 6) Я лю лю ____________ (простой) ед I love simple food 7) Моя е а л шае ____________ (хорош й) зы My wife is listening to good music 171 UNIT 4.5 Ответы 1. Put the highlighted adjectives in the accusative singular form: 1) Я з аю ое о (твой) ра а I know your brother 2) Миша з ае хороше о (хорош й) до Misha knows a good doctor ора 3) О и рае лохо о (плохой) ероя He plays a bad character 4) Моя е ра чи ае и ере ый ( нтересный) My sister is reading an interesting magazine р ал 5) Я о рю ч ый (скучный) филь I am watching a boring movie / film 6) Ты з аешь аше о (наш) ра а? Do you know our brother? 7) Я е ё лый (тёплый) I eat warm soup 2. Put the highlighted adjectives in the accusative singular form: 1) Я ою ряз ое (гр зный) о I wash a dirty window 2) Я е е хое (сухой) I don't eat dry milk о оло о 3) Та я иди ы о ое (высок й) зда ие Tanya sees a tall building 4) Маша чи ае арое (старый) и ь о Masha reads an old letter 5) Я лю лю ё ое (тёмный) ре я I love the dark time of the day о 6) О ише о лед ее (последн й) оо ще ие He writes the last message 3. Put the highlighted adjectives in the accusative singular form: 1) Мой а а чи ае и ере ю ( нтересный) азе My father is reading an interesting newspaper 2) Я ираю ольш ю (большой) о I clean a big room а 172 3) Коля иди ра и ю (крас вый) де Kolya sees a beautiful girl 4) Я е чи аю лох ю (плохой) I don't read a bad book ш и 5) На аша ила доро ю (дорогой) аз Natasha bought an expensive vase 6) Мой ра и рае ч ю (скучный) и р My brother is playing a boring game 7) Моя а а решае р д ю (трудный) задач My mother is solving a difficult task 4. Put the highlighted adjectives in the accusative singular form: 1) Миша, ы идишь и юю (с н й) арел Misha, do you see the blue plate? 2) Я лю лю ою (твой) е I love your sister ? р 3) Я оче ь лю лю аш (наш) дочь I love a lot our daughter 4) Ты за рыл еред юю (передн й) д ерь? Did you lose the front door? 5) зад юю (задн й) д ерь? And the back door? 6) Я а лю лю зи юю (з мн й) о од ! I love winter weather so much! 7) Маша лю и ле юю (летн й) о од Masha loves summer weather 5. Put the highlighted adjectives in the accusative singular form: 1) На аша е а иди о е юю (осенн й) о од Natasha hates autumn weather 2) Ты ч ешь е е ее (весенн й) е ло? Do you feel the spring warmth? 3) Я ью орячий (гор ч й) шо олад I drink hot chocolate 4) Моя а а ила и ее (с н й) едро My mother bought a blue bucket 5) О а лю и э о о олодо о (молодой) ар я She loves this young guy 173 6) Я лю лю ро ю (простой) ед I love simple food 7) Моя е а л шае хорош ю (хорош й) My wife is listening to good music зы 174 Unit 4.6 Accusative plural adjectives An adjective must always agree with the noun it is describing. So, if noun is in accusative plural - adjective must be in accusative plural, too. If a noun is inanimate - it is easy, because for all genders the ending is the same as it would be in the nominative. For animate nouns (people and animals) you need to use special animate accusative ending for all genders. 1. Endings of adjectives describing inanimate nouns: If a plural object which the adjective is describing in inanimate, the adjective endings are the same as they would be for nominative plural -ые - е. And this applies to all genders. Type of the adj unstressed Nom sing ра ый inanimate acc sing ра ые example Я лю лю ра ые I love red cars аши ы stressed ольшой ольш е Я и ольш е до а I see big houses soft и и Я лю лю и е р ч и I love blue pens possessive ой аш й е ои аши Я и ои и и I see your books Мы чи ае аши азе ы We read our newspapers 175 2. Endings of adjectives describing animate nouns: If the plural noun which the adjectives is describing is animate, then the two endings are possible: -ых or - х Type of the adj unstressed Nom sing ра ый animate acc sing ра ых example Я лю лю ра ых I like red birds иц stressed ольшой ольш х Я и ольш х о а I see big dogs soft и ий и Я з аю и х иц I know blue birds possessive ой аш х о х Я з аю о х др зей I know your friends аш х Я и аш х де ей I see our children 176 UNIT 4.6 Упражнен 1. Put the highlighted adjectives in the accusative plural form: 1) На аша лю и ___________ (жарк й) д и Natasha loves hot days 2) Ты идишь э и ___________ острый) о и? Do you see these sharp knives? 3) Я ы ираю ___________ (новый) ара даши I'm chiising new pencils 4) Миша иди ___________ (печальный) лица Misha sees sad faces 5) Я чищ ___________ (гр зный) I'm cleaning dirty shoes фли 6) Ди а лю и ___________ (удобный) ф Dima loves comfortable t-shirts ол и 2. Put the highlighted adjectives in the accusative plural form: 1) Ка я лю и ___________ (с н й) Katya loves blue chairs лья 2) Я лю лю ___________ (т х й) райо ы I love quiet districts 3) Я лю лю ___________ (твой) лаза I love your eyes 4) Я и ___________ (наш) ро ле ы I see our problems 5) Во а е лю и ___________ (летн й) д и Vova doesn't love summer days 6) Маша лю и ___________ (з мн й) а и Masha loves winter holydays лы 3. Put the highlighted adjectives in the accusative plural form: 1) Во а иди ___________ (простой) людей Vova sees simple people 2) О а о о ае ___________ (большой) She adores big animals и о ых 3) Биоло из чае ___________ (молодой) ль о Biologist is studying young lions 177 4) Я е з аю ___________ (плохой) др зей I don't know bad friends 5) Ка я з ае ___________ (счастл вый) е ьи Katya knows happy families 6) Я и ___________ (спокойный) I see calm animals и о ых 7) Я е лю лю ___________ (грубый) людей I don't love rude people 4. Put the highlighted adjectives in the accusative plural form: 1) Ты лю ишь ___________ (т х й) Do you love quiet animals? и о ых? 2) Я з аю ___________ твой) роди елей I know your parents 3) Моя доро ая, я лю лю ___________ (наш) де ей My dear, I love our children 4) Маша иди ___________ (осенн й) Masha sees autumn birds 5) Коля из чае ___________ (древн й) Kolya is studying ancient animals иц и о ых 5. Put the highlighted adjectives in the accusative plural form: 1) Ты идишь ___________ (с н й) Do you see the blue birds? иц? 2) Я лю лю ___________ (пр тный) людей I love pleasant/nice people 3) Мой ы е лю и ___________ дорогой) и р ш и My son doesn't love expensive toys 4) Я е ___________ (м гк й) I eat soft buns лоч и 5) Ты идишь ___________ (наш) Do you see our seats? е а? 6) Я а аю ___________ (твой) роди елей I respect your parents 178 UNIT 4.6 Ответы 1. Put the highlighted adjectives in the accusative plural form: 1) На аша лю и ар ие (жарк й) д и Natasha loves hot days 2) Ты идишь э и о рые (острый) о и? Do you see these sharp knives? 3) Я ы ираю о ые (новый) ара даши I'm chiising new pencils 4) Миша иди ечаль ые (печальный) лица Misha sees sad faces 5) Я чищ ряз ые (гр зный) I'm cleaning dirty shoes фли 6) Ди а лю и до ые (удобный) ф Dima loves comfortable t-shirts ол и 2. Put the highlighted adjectives in the accusative plural form: 1) Ка я лю и и ие (с н й) Katya loves blue chairs лья 2) Я лю лю ихие (т х й) райо ы I love quiet districts 3) Я лю лю ои (твой) лаза I love your eyes 4) Я и аши (наш) ро ле ы I see our problems 5) Во а е лю и ле ие (летн й) д и Vova doesn't love summer days 6) Маша лю и зи ие (з мн й) а и Masha loves winter holydays лы 3. Put the highlighted adjectives in the accusative plural form: 1) Во а иди ро ых (простой) людей Vova sees simple people 2) О а о о ае ольших (большой) She adores big animals и о ых 3) Биоло из чае олодых (молодой) ль о Biologist is studying young lions 179 4) Я е з аю лохих (плохой) др зей I don't know bad friends 5) Ка я з ае ча ли ые (счастл вый) е ьи Katya knows happy families 6) Я и о ой ых (спокойный) I see calm animals и о ых 7) Я е лю лю р ых (грубый) людей I don't love rude people 4. Put the highlighted adjectives in the accusative plural form: 1) Ты лю ишь ихих (т х й) Do you love quiet animals? и о ых? 2) Я з аю оих (твой) роди елей I know your parents 3) Моя доро ая, я лю лю аших (наш) де ей My dear, I love our children 4) Маша иди о е их (осенн й) Masha sees autumn birds 5) Коля из чае дре их (древн й) Kolya is studying ancient animals иц и о ых 5. Put the highlighted adjectives in the accusative plural form: 1) Ты идишь и их (с н й) Do you see the blue birds? иц? 2) Я лю лю рия ых (пр тный) людей I love pleasant/nice people 3) Мой ы е лю и доро ие (дорогой) и р ш и My son doesn't love expensive toys 4) Я е я ие (м гк й) I eat soft buns лоч и 5) Ты идишь аши (наш) Do you see our seats? е а? 6) Я а аю оих (твой) роди елей I respect your parents 180 Unit 4.7 Genitive singular adjectives An adjective must always agree with the noun it is describing. So, it has special genitive singular adjective endings for each gender. 1. Masculine and neuter adjectives in genitive singular: Masculine and neuter adjectives have two possible endings: Either -ого or -его Type of the adj unstressed ending -о о adjective р ий→ р ого example All adjectives, except adjectives which stem ends in , ч, ш, щ, ц (second spelling rule) Маши а р о о чи ы A car of a Russian man -е о хороший→ хорошего Unstressed adjectives which stem ends in , ч, ш, щ, ц До хороше о чело е а House of a good person stressed -о о ольшой→ ольшого К оче ольшо о ор а A piece of a big cake soft -е о и ий→ и его У е я е и е о ара даша I don't have a blue pencil possessive -е о ой→ оего Э о о ое о ра а That is my brother's cat 181 2. Feminine adjectives in genitive singular: If an adjective is describing a noun which is in genitive singular, then the adjective must end either on -ой or -ей Type of the adj unstressed ending -ой adjective з ий→ з ой example All adjectives, except adjectives which stem ends in , ч, ш, щ, ц (second spelling rule) Фо о з ой лицы A photo of a narrow street -ей хороший→ хорошей Unstressed adjectives which stem ends in , ч, ш, щ, ц Пе я хорошей е ицы A song of a good singer (fem.singer) stressed -ой ольшой→ ольшой Фо о ольшой о а и Photo of a big dog soft -ей и ий→ и ей Крыло и ей ицы A wing of a blue bird possessive -ей оя→ Ко оей е ры Cat of my sister оя→ оей оей о а а оей одр и Dog of your friend (female friend) 182 UNIT 4.7 Упражнен 1. Put the highlighted adjectives in the genitive singular form: 1) Уче и ____________ (англ йск й) язы а A textbook of English language 2) По о ____________ (хорош й) чело е а A deed of a good man 3) е ло ____________ (большой) о A glass of a big window а 4) У е я е ____________ (плохой) I don't have a bad chair ла 5) Подаро о ____________ (старый) др A gift from an old friend а 6) Улы а ____________ (маленьк й) ре ё A smile of a little child а 7) Подаро о ____________ (браз льск й) др A gift from a Brazilian friend а 2. Put the highlighted adjectives in the genitive singular form: 1) Э о аши а ____________ (твой) др Is it the car of your friend? а? 2) Чере ____________ (древн й) чело е а Skull of an ancient man 3) Ги ара ____________ (мой) ра а My brother's guitar 4) Крыша ____________ (с н й) до а Roof of a blue house 3. Put the highlighted adjectives in the genitive singular form: 1) В ыш а ____________ ( рк й) з езды Flare of a bright star 2) а а ____________ (ч стый) оды A glass of clean water 3) Глаза ____________ (добрый) де Eyes of a kind girl ш и 4) У е я е ____________ (быстрый) I don't have a fast car 5) ердце ____________ (люб щ й) Heart of loving mother аши а а ери 183 6) Перо ____________ (крас вый) Feather of a beautiful bird ицы 4. Put the highlighted adjectives in the genitive singular form: 1) ра ица ____________ (древн A page of an ancient book ) и и 2) У е я е ____________ (твой) е ради I don't have your copybook 3) У Оли е ____________ (с н й) р ч и Olya doesn't have a blue pen 4) Э о аши а ____________ (наш) This is a car of our mother а ы (or мат ) 5) Те ло ____________ (летн й) о оды The warmth of summer weather 5. Put the highlighted adjectives in the genitive singular form: 1) о фера ____________ (новогодн й) разд и а Atmosphere of a new year holyday 2) У Миши е ____________ ( нтересный) Misha doesn't have an interesting book 3) З ____________ (громк й) The sound of the loud music 4) В ____________ (холодный) The taste of a cold ice-cream и и зы и оро е о о 5) Улы а ____________ (счастл вый) чело е а The smile of a happy man/person 6) Прое ____________ (молодой) A project of a young student де а 7) В ороде е ____________ (новый) зда ия There is no new building in the city 8) Лю о ь ____________ (бл зк й) чело е а The love of a close person 184 UNIT 4.7 Ответы 1. Put the highlighted adjectives in the genitive singular form: 1) Уче и а лий о о (англ йск й) язы а A textbook of English language 2) По о хороше о (хорош й) чело е а A deed of a good man 3) е ло ольшо о (большой) о A glass of a big window а 4) У е я е лохо о (плохой) I don't have a bad chair ла 5) Подаро о аро о (старый) др A gift from an old friend а 6) Улы а але ь о о (маленьк й) ре ё A smile of a little child а 7) Подаро о разиль о о (браз льск й) др A gift from a Brazilian friend а 2. Put the highlighted adjectives in the genitive singular form: 1) Э о аши а ое о (твой) др Is it the car of your friend? а? 2) Чере дре е о (древн й) чело е а Skull of an ancient man 3) Ги ара ое о (мой) ра а My brother's guitar 4) Крыша и е о (с н й) до а Roof of a blue house 3. Put the highlighted adjectives in the genitive singular form: 1) В ыш а яр ой ( рк й) з езды Flare of a bright star 2) а а чи ой (ч стый) оды A glass of clean water 3) Глаза до рой (добрый) де Eyes of a kind girl ш и 4) У е я е ы рой (быстрый) I don't have a fast car 5) ердце лю ящей (люб щ й) Heart of loving mother аши а а ери 185 6) Перо ра и ой (крас вый) Feather of a beautiful bird ицы 4. Put the highlighted adjectives in the genitive singular form: 1) ра ица дре ей (древн A page of an ancient book ) и и 2) У е я е оей (твой) е ради I don't have your copybook 3) У Оли е и ей (с н й) р ч и Olya doesn't have a blue pen 4) Э о аши а ашей (наш) This is a car of our mother а ы (or мат ) 5) Те ло ле ей (летн й) о оды The warmth of summer weather 5. Put the highlighted adjectives in the genitive singular form: 1) о фера о о од е о (новогодн й) разд и а Atmosphere of a new year holyday 2) У Миши е и ере ой ( нтересный) Misha doesn't have an interesting book и и 3) З ро ой (громк й) зы и The sound of the loud music 4) В холод о о (холодный) The taste of a cold ice-cream оро е о о 5) Улы а ча ли о о (счастл вый) чело е а The smile of a happy man/person 6) Прое олодо о (молодой) A project of a young student де а 7) В ороде е о о о (новый) зда ия There is no new building in the city 8) Лю о ь лиз о о (бл зк й) чело е а The love of a close person 186 Unit 4.8 Genitive plural adjectives An adjective must always agree with the noun it is describing, adjective has two possible endings for genitive plural. And this time it's irresponsible of gender. Two possible endings are -ых and - х. Which is actually the same ending, but used when an adjective in genitive plural can be defined by fallowing rules: 1. -ых ending: -ых, is used when stress and unstressed adjectives don't have a stem which ends in г, к, х, ж, ч, ш, щ (spelling rule 1) К и и олодых и а елей Books of young writers Я лю лю е и и о ра ых е цо I love song of foreign singers У е о е о ро ых ди оза ро He doesn't have huge dinosaurs У е я е о ых о ью ер ых и р I don't have new computer games 2. - х ending: We have to change and adjective's ending to - х, when: When the adjective ends in , , х, , ч, ш, щ (spelling rule 1) М е аль, е я е л о х ы лей I am sorry, I don't have deep thoughts When the adjective is soft О о ирае рылья и х а оче He collects wings of blue butterflies The adjective is possessive Де и аш х др зей Our friend's children Я и ольших о о I see big cats о а а о х роди елей My parents' dog 187 UNIT 4.8 Упражнен 1. Put the highlighted adjectives in the genitive plural form: 1) В э о райо е о о ___________ густой) ле о There are lots of dense forests in this area 2) Зде ь о и ае о о ___________ (лесной) Lots of forest animals are live/dwell here и о ых 3) У а е ___________ простой) о ро о ? Don't you have simple questions? 4) У Миши е ___________ (тупой) о ей Misha doesn't have blunt knives 5) В ы е е ___________ (речной) и There are no river systems in a desert е 6) У Ка и я ь ___________ (ручной) и о ых Katya has five tame/domesticated animals 2. Put the highlighted adjectives in the genitive plural form: 1) Пя ь ___________ главный) задач Five main tasks 2) У е я ольше е ___________ важный) о ро о I don't have important questions anymore 3) У е я е ___________ толстый) Don't you have thick books? и ? 4) У На аши е ___________ (скучный) филь о Natasha doesn't have boring movies 5) Во е ь ___________ (гр зный) арело Eight dirty plates 6) Пя ь ___________ (острый) Five acute angles ло 3. Put the highlighted adjectives in the genitive plural form: 1) В аше ад е ___________ сухой) дере ье There are no dry trees in our garden 2) Пя ь ___________ (голубой) ара дашей Five blue pencils 3) У Коли е ___________ (плохой) Kolya doesn't have bad books и 188 4) е ь ___________ (лёгк й) ло е Seven light spoons 5) Де я ь ___________ (бумажный) алфе о Ten paper napkins 6) Миша ил я ь ___________ (дорогой) Misha bought five expensive books и 7) В оё ороде е ___________ высок й) зда ий There are no tall buildings in my town 8) У е я е ___________ морской) ры о ? Don't you have sea fishes? 4. Put the highlighted adjectives in the genitive plural form: 1) Де я ь ___________ (с н й) р че Nine blue pens 2) Пя ь ___________ (осенн й) д ей Five autumn days 3) еле ы ___________ (древн й) Skeletons of the ancient animals и о ых 4) До ___________ (мой) роди елей The house of my parents 5) Лю о ь ___________ (твой) лаз о ре ае Love of your eyes warms my soul ою д ш 6) Пя ь ___________ ранн й) риз а о Five early signs 7) е од я е ___________ (вечерн й) рей о There are no evening flights today 5. Put the highlighted adjectives in the genitive plural form: 1) У Маши е ___________ (дешёвый) оч о Masha doesn't have cheap glasses 2) Пя ь ___________ (м гк й) од ше Five soft pillows 3) В оё ороде е ___________ частный) ш ол There are no private schools in my town 4) Но е я е ___________ бл зк й) др зей... But I don't have close friends... 5) До ___________ (наш) др зей Our friend's house 189 UNIT 4.8 Ответы 1. Put the highlighted adjectives in the genitive plural form: 1) В э о райо е о о ых (густой) ле о There are lots of dense forests in this area 2) Зде ь о и ае о о ле ых (лесной) и о Lots of forest animals are live/dwell here ых 3) У а е ро ых (простой) о ро о ? Don't you have simple questions? 4) У Миши е ых (тупой) о ей Misha doesn't have blunt knives 5) В ы е е реч ых (речной) и е There are no river systems in a desert 6) У Ка и я ь р ч ых (ручной) и о ых Katya has five tame/domesticated animals 2. Put the highlighted adjectives in the genitive plural form: 1) Пя ь ла ых (главный) задач Five main tasks 2) У е я ольше е а ых (важный) о ро о I don't have important questions anymore 3) У е я е ол ых (толстый) Don't you have thick books? и ? 4) У На аши е ч ых (скучный) филь о Natasha doesn't have boring movies 5) Во е ь ряз ых (гр зный) арело Eight dirty plates 6) Пя ь о рых (острый) Five acute angles ло 3. Put the highlighted adjectives in the genitive plural form: 1) В аше ад е хих (сухой) дере ье There are no dry trees in our garden 2) Пя ь ол ых (голубой) ара дашей Five blue pencils 3) У Коли е лохих (плохой) Kolya doesn't have bad books и 190 4) е ь лё их (лёгк й) ло е Seven light spoons 5) Де я ь а ых (бумажный) алфе о Ten paper napkins 6) Миша ил я ь доро их (дорогой) Misha bought five expensive books и 7) В оё ороде е ы о их (высок й) зда ий There are no tall buildings in my town 8) У е я е ор их (морской) ры о ? Don't you have sea fishes? 4. Put the highlighted adjectives in the genitive plural form: 1) Де я ь и их (с н й) р че Nine blue pens 2) Пя ь о е их (осенн й) д ей Five autumn days 3) еле ы дре их (древн й) и о Skeletons of the ancient animals ых 4) До оих (мой) роди елей The house of my parents 5) Лю о ь оих (твой) лаз о ре ае Love of your eyes warms my soul ою д ш 6) Пя ь ра их (ранн й) риз а о Five early signs 7) е од я е ечер их (вечерн й) рей о There are no evening flights today 5. Put the highlighted adjectives in the genitive plural form: 1) У Маши е дешё ых (дешёвый) оч о Masha doesn't have cheap glasses 2) Пя ь я их (м гк й) од ше Five soft pillows 3) В оё ороде е ча ых (частный) ш ол There are no private schools in my town 4) Но е я е лиз их (бл зк й) др зей... But I don't have close friends... 5) До аших (наш) др зей Our friend's house 191 Unit 4.9 Dative singular adjectives An adjective must always agree with the noun it is describing. 1. Masculine adjectives in dative singular: For masculine there are two possible endings: -ому and -ему All unstressed adjectives take the ending ому Я даю и р ому др I give a book to a Russian friend But if unstressed adjective's stem ends in in , ч, ш, щ, ц (second spelling rule) it will be -ему Я даю о е ы хороше чело е I give advice to a good person All stressed adjectives take ending -ому Я оз о ил олодому и а елю I called to a young writer All soft adjectives take ending -ему Я з о ю ре ему др I call t a former friend All possessive adjectives take the ending ему Я даю азе оему др I give a newspaper to your friend 2. Feminine adjectives in dative singular: For feminine adjectives in dative singular there are two possible endings: -ой and -ей 192 All unstressed adjectives take the ending -ой Учё ые дали и я о ой з езде Scientists gave a name to a new star If unstressed adjective's stem ends in ж, ч, ш, щ, ц (second spelling rule) it will be -ей аде ия дала а рад о ходящей з езде Academy gave the award to a rising star (starlet) All stressed adjectives take ending ой Я иш и ь о олодой де ш е I write a letter to a young lady All soft adjectives take ending -ей О оз о ил ре ей де ш е He called to a former girlfriend All possessive adjectives take the ending -ей Я дал и ашей е ре I gave a book to our sister 3. Neuter adjectives in dative singular: For neuter adjectives in dative singular there are two possible endings: -ому and -ему (just like masculine adjectives) All unstressed adjectives take the ending -ому Ты идешь о ому зда ию? Are you going towards a new building? But if unstressed adjective's stem ends in in , ч, ш, щ, ц (second spelling rule) it will be -ему Мы ойдё хорошему зда ию We will go towards a nice building All stressed adjectives take ending -ому Мы ошли ольшому олю We went towards a big field All soft adjectives take ending -ему Я ошёл и ему зда ию I went towards a blue building All possessive adjectives take the ending -ему Я ид оему о I go towards my window 193 UNIT 4.9 Упражнен 1. Put the highlighted adjectives in the dative singular form: 1) Бла одаря ____________ (быстрый) оезд Thank to the fast train 2) Я дал и ____________ (бл зк й) др I gave a book to a close friend 3) О а одошла ____________ (молодой) ар ю She approached to a young guy 4) Мы ришли ____________ (ч стый) озер We arrived to a clean lake 5) Бла одаря ____________ (добрый) чело е Thanks to a kind man 6) Я з о ю ____________ (старый) др I call to an old friend 2. Put the highlighted adjectives in the dative singular form: 1) Бла одаря ____________ (частный) лече ице Thanks to the nursing home (private hospital) 2) Я з о ю ____________ (крас ва ) де I call to a beautiful girl ш е 3) Мы еде о ____________ (скучный) доро е We are driving on a boring road 4) Ка я одарила л ____________ (маленьк й) де оч е Katya gave a doll to a little girl 5) Бла одаря ____________ (тёплый) е Thanks to the warm spring е 6) Бла одаря ____________ (летн й) о оде Thanks to the summer weather 3. Put the highlighted adjectives in the dative singular form: 1) Ка я одходи ____________ (новый) зда ию Katya is approaching to a new building 2) Я одхо ____________ (гр зный) о I am approaching to a dirty window 3) Миша ьё о ____________ (большой) я Misha hits the big spot 194 4) Я дал э за е ла одаря ____________ (последн й) зада ию I passed the exam thanks to the last task 4. Put the highlighted adjectives in the dative singular form: 1) 2) 3) 4) ре ий striong/firm доро ой expensive/dear лё ий light/easy аш our fem. ______________________ masc. ______________________ neut. ______________________ fem. ______________________ masc. ______________________ neut. ______________________ fem. ______________________ masc. ______________________ neut. ______________________ fem. ______________________ masc. ______________________ neut. ______________________ 5. Put the highlighted adjectives in the genitive plural form: 1) Я даю ор ____________ (большой) о а е I give feed to a big dog 2) Маша даё ор ____________ (маленьк й) о Masha gives feed to a small cat 3) Коля даё ор ____________ (с н й) Kolya gives feed to a blue bird ице 4) Де оч а даё ор ____________ (белый) A girl gives feed to a white bird ице 5) Я даю ор ____________ (аквар умный) ры I give feed to an aquarian fish е 6) Мальчи даё ор ____________ (м лый) хо я A boy gives feed to a lovely hamster 195 UNIT 4.9 Ответы 1. Put the highlighted adjectives in the dative singular form: 1) Бла одаря ы ро (быстрый) оезд Thank to the fast train 2) Я дал и лиз о (бл зк й) др I gave a book to a close friend 3) О а одошла олодо (молодой) ар ю She approached to a young guy 4) Мы ришли чи о (ч стый) озер We arrived to a clean lake 5) Бла одаря до ро (добрый) чело е Thanks to a kind man 6) Я з о ю аро (старый) др I call to an old friend 2. Put the highlighted adjectives in the dative singular form: 1) Бла одаря ча ой (частный) лече ице Thanks to the nursing home (private hospital) 2) Я з о ю ра и ой (крас ва ) де I call to a beautiful girl ш е 3) Мы еде о ч ой (скучный) доро е We are driving on a boring road 4) Ка я одарила л але ь ой (маленьк й) де оч е Katya gave a doll to a little girl 5) Бла одаря ё лой (тёплый) е Thanks to the warm spring е 6) Бла одаря ле ей (летн й) о оде Thanks to the summer weather 3. Put the highlighted adjectives in the dative singular form: 1) Ка я одходи о о (новый) зда ию Katya is approaching to a new building 2) Я одхо ряз о (гр зный) о I am approaching to a dirty window 3) Миша ьё о ольшо Misha hits the big spot я (большой) я 196 4) Я дал э за е ла одаря о лед е (последн й) зада ию I passed the exam thanks to the last task 4. Put the highlighted adjectives in the dative singular form: 1) 2) 3) 4) ре ий striong/firm доро ой expensive/dear лё ий light/easy аш our fem. ре ой masc. ре о neut. ре о fem. доро ой masc. доро о neut. доро о лё ой masc. лё о neut. лё о fem. fem. ашей masc. аше neut. аше 5. Put the highlighted adjectives in the genitive plural form: 1) Я даю ор ольшой (большой) о а е I give feed to a big dog 2) Маша даё ор але ь о (маленьк й) о Masha gives feed to a small cat 3) Коля даё ор и ей (с н й) Kolya gives feed to a blue bird ице 4) Де оч а даё ор елой (белый) A girl gives feed to a white bird ице 5) Я даю ор а ари ой (аквар умный) ры I give feed to an aquarian fish е 6) Мальчи даё ор ило (м лый) хо я A boy gives feed to a lovely hamster 197 Unit 4.10 Dative plural adjectives Dative plural has only two possible endings -ы for all three genders. and - и . And these endings are used 1. Stressed and unstressed adjectives (-ым ending): Stressed and unstressed adjectives always take the ending -ым (unless their stem ends in г, к, х, ж, щ, ш - first spelling rule). олодой Я родаю и и олодым людя I sell books to young people ра и а Мы даё о е ы ра и ым де ш а We give advice to beautiful ladies ра Я одхо ра ым зда ия I walk towards to red buildings ое 2. Dative plural adjectives have the ending - м in three cases: - When adjective in the stem ends in г, к, х, ж, щ, ш - first spelling rule). - When the adjective is soft - The adjective is possessive ольшой Я даю ор ольш м о а а I give the food to big dogs о ед Мы одходи о ед м до а We are approaching the neighboring houses ой й Я чи аю аз и о м де я I read fairytales to your children 198 UNIT 4.10 Упражнен 1. Put the highlighted adjectives in the dative plural form: 1) Профе ор даё и и ____________ (молодой) Professor gives books to the young students де а 2) Я о о аю ____________ (счастл вый) е ья I help happy families 3) О а даё о фе ы ____________ (спокойный) де я She gives candies to calm children 4) Мы одходи ____________ (большой) до а We are approaching to the big houses 5) Я лы аю ь ____________ (простой) людя I smile to simple people 2. Put the highlighted adjectives in the dative plural form: 1) Город з а е и , ла одаря ____________ (высок й) зда ия The city is famous, thanks to (its) tall buildings 2) е ляч и ле я ____________ ( рк й) о Fireflies fly towards the bright lights 3) Бла одаря ____________ (громк й) з Thanks to the loud noises я а 4) Пойдё ____________ (мо ) роди еля Let's go to my parents 5) Мы одошли ____________ (с н й) оро а We approached to the blue gates 6) О и ехали ____________ (твой) роди еля They went to your parents 3. Put the highlighted adjectives in the dative plural form: 1) Бла одаря ____________ (древн й) Thanks to the ancient animals и о ы 2) Мы одошли ____________ (главный) оро а We approached to the main gates 3) О а е даё ор ____________ (толстый) ел а She doesn't give feed to the fat squirrels 4) Люди ри ыли ____________ (сухой) зе ля People arrived to the dry lands 199 5) Я иш и ь а ____________ (дорогой) др зья I write letter to (my) dear friends 4. Put the highlighted adjectives in the dative plural form: 1) 2) и ере до ый ый _______________ interesting _______________ cozy/comfortable 3) холод ый _______________ cold 4) чи ый _______________ clear 5) зи ий _______________ winter 5. Put the highlighted adjectives in the dative plural form: 1) Маша о о ае ____________ (маленьк й) де я Masha helps small children 2) Я е да о о аю ____________ (бл зк й) др зья I always help close (my) friends 3) Миша е да рад ____________ (новый) людя Misha is always glad to meet new people (lit.: glad to new people) 4) Бла одаря ____________ (летн й) д я Thanks to the summer days 5) Мы о едили ла одаря ____________ (с льный) людя We won thanks to the strong people 200 UNIT 4.10 Ответы 1. Put the highlighted adjectives in the dative plural form: 1) Профе ор даё и и олоды (молодой) Professor gives books to the young students 2) Я о о аю ча ли ы I help happy families де а (счастл вый) е ья 3) О а даё о фе ы о ой ы (спокойный) де я She gives candies to calm children 4) Мы одходи ольши (большой) до а We are approaching to the big houses 5) Я лы аю ь ро ы (простой) людя I smile to simple people 2. Put the highlighted adjectives in the dative plural form: 1) Город з а е и , ла одаря ы о и (высок й) зда ия The city is famous, thanks to (its) tall buildings 2) е ляч и ле я яр и ( рк й) о Fireflies fly towards the bright lights 3) Бла одаря ро и (громк й) з Thanks to the loud noises я а 4) Пойдё ои (мо ) роди еля Let's go to my parents 5) Мы одошли и и (с н й) оро а We approached to the blue gates 6) О и ехали ои (твой) роди еля They went to your parents 3. Put the highlighted adjectives in the dative plural form: 1) Бла одаря дре и (древн й) Thanks to the ancient animals и о ы 2) Мы одошли ла ы (главный) оро а We approached to the main gates 3) О а е даё ор ол ы (толстый) ел а She doesn't give feed to the fat squirrels 4) Люди ри ыли хи (сухой) зе ля People arrived to the dry lands 201 5) Я иш и ь а доро и (дорогой) др зья I write letter to (my) dear friends 4. Put the highlighted adjectives in the dative plural form: 1) 2) и ере до ый ый и ере до ы ы interesting cozy/comfortable 3) холод ый холод ы cold 4) чи ый чи ы clear 5) зи ий зи и winter 5. Put the highlighted adjectives in the dative plural form: 1) Маша о о ае але ь и (маленьк й) де я Masha helps small children 2) Я е да о о аю лиз и (бл зк й) др зья I always help close (my) friends 3) Миша е да рад о ы (новый) людя Misha is always glad to meet new people (lit.: glad to new people) 4) Бла одаря ле и (летн й) д я Thanks to the summer days 5) Мы о едили ла одаря иль ы (с льный) людя We won thanks to the strong people 202 Unit 4.11 Instrumental singular adjectives An adjective must always agree with the noun it describes. 1. Masculine and neuter adjectives: If the noun adjective is describing is masculine or neuter and used in instrumental singular case, there are two possible ending: -ым - м: All unstressed adjectives take the ending -ым К и а а и а а из е ы и а еле The book is written by a famous writer But if unstressed adjective's stem ends in ж, ч, ш, щ, ц (second spelling rule) it will be - м У е я де реча хороши др о I will have a meeting with a good friend All stressed adjectives take ending ым Я ойд и о олоды др о I will go to a movie with a young friend All soft adjectives take ending - м Я ид и о дре и др о I am going to the cinema with an ancient friend All possessive adjectives take the ending - м Я е ойд и о ои ра о I will not go to a movie with your brother 2. Feminine adjectives: With feminine nouns, used in instrumental, adjectives must have following endings (just like instrumental singular is ending): -ой -ей 203 All unstressed adjectives take the ending -ой О ляе арой о а ой He is walking with an old dog But if unstressed adjective's stem ends in ж, ч, ш, щ, ц (second spelling rule) it will be -ей Я ляю ладшей дочерью I am walking with the younger daughter All stressed adjectives take ending ой Я речаю ь олодой де ш ой I am dating with a young girl All soft adjectives take ending -ей О флир е за ей е щи ой He is flirting with a married woman All possessive adjectives take the ending -ей Я ойд и о оей е рой I will go to cinema with your sister 204 UNIT 4.11 Упражнен 1. Put the highlighted adjectives in the instrumental singular form: 1) Я ришёл ___________ (важный) о ла ие I came with an important message 2) К и а а и а а ___________ (молодой) и а еле The book is written by a young writer 3) Ма а а оила а ___________ (тёплый) оло о Mother gave us warm milk to drink (lit.: watered us with warm milk) 4) Я ре о ощи ___________ (острый) о о I cut vegetables with a sharp knife 5) Её а о и зачаро а ы ___________ (добрый) олше Her boots are enchanted by a kind magician и о 6) Миша ряче я за ___________ (высок й) дере о Misha is hiding behind the tall tree 2. Put the highlighted adjectives in the instrumental singular form: 1) Я очаро а э ой ___________ (крас вый) де I am charmed by this beautiful girl ш ой 2) Ка я ы ирае арел ___________ (сухой) алфе Katya is wiping (drying) a plate with a dry napkin ой 3) Э о ред ачер а о ___________ старый) It is predetermined by the old magic book! а иче ой 4) О а дарила е о ___________ (т жёлый) She hit him with a heavy frying pan о ородой и ой! 5) Мы ол ли ь ___________ (большой) ро ле ой We ran into a big problem 6) Я о дыхаю еред ___________ (скучной) ле цией I am resting before a boring lecture 3. Put the highlighted adjectives in the instrumental singular form: 1) Коля дарил ол ___________ (вчерашн й) азе ой Kolya hit the table with a yesterday's paper 2) Я о рю и о ___________ твой) е I am watching a movie with your sister рой 3) Маша раз о ари ае ___________ (хорош й) одр Masha is talking with a good friend ой 205 4) Я ы ираю ь ___________ (м гк й) оло е це I dry myself with a soft towel 5) Миша раз о ари ае ___________ (хорош й) др Misha is talking with a good friend 6) Ка я ришла ___________ (мой) е Katya came with my sister о рой 4. Put the highlighted adjectives in the instrumental singular form: 1) лё ий easy/light 2) ой dense 3) ро ий loud 4) ол fat 5) иль ый strong ый masc./neut. _________________ fem. _________________ masc./neut. _________________ fem. _________________ masc./neut. _________________ fem. _________________ masc./neut. _________________ fem. _________________ masc./neut. _________________ fem. _________________ 5. Put the highlighted adjectives in the instrumental singular form: 1) о ___________ (спокойный) о е With a clear/peaceful conscience 2) За ___________ (дешёвый) Behind the cheap car ью аши ой 3) Ма а раз о ари ае ___________ (бл зк й) др Mother is talking with a close friend о 4) Я риле ел ___________ (первый) рей о I came (here) with the first flight 5) На аша иди ___________ (печальный) лицо Natasha is sitting with a sad face 6) Кар и а ра оло е а ад ___________ (удобный) ди а о The painting is placed above the cozy sofa 206 UNIT 4.11 Ответы 1. Put the highlighted adjectives in the instrumental singular form: 1) Я ришёл а ы (важный) о ла ие I came with an important message 2) К и а а и а а олоды (молодой) и а еле The book is written by a young writer 3) Ма а а оила а ё лы (тёплый) оло о Mother gave us warm milk to drink (lit.: watered us with warm milk) 4) Я ре о ощи о ры (острый) о о I cut vegetables with a sharp knife 5) Её а о и зачаро а ы до ры (добрый) олше Her boots are enchanted by a kind magician и о 6) Миша ряче я за ы о и (высок й) дере о Misha is hiding behind the tall tree 2. Put the highlighted adjectives in the instrumental singular form: 1) Я очаро а э ой ра и ой (крас вый) де I am charmed by this beautiful girl ш ой 2) Ка я ы ирае арел хой (сухой) алфе ой Katya is wiping (drying) a plate with a dry napkin 3) Э о ред ачер а о арой (старый) а иче It is predetermined by the old magic book! 4) О а дарила е о я ёлой (т жёлый) She hit him with a heavy frying pan ой и ой! о ородой 5) Мы ол ли ь ольшой (большой) ро ле ой We ran into a big problem 6) Я о дыхаю еред ч ой (скучной) ле цией I am resting before a boring lecture 3. Put the highlighted adjectives in the instrumental singular form: 1) Коля дарил ол чераш ей (вчерашн й) азе ой Kolya hit the table with a yesterday's paper 2) Я о рю и о оей (твой) е рой I am watching a movie with your sister 3) Маша раз о ари ае хорошей (хорош й) одр Masha is talking with a good friend ой 207 4) Я ы ираю ь я и (м гк й) оло е це I dry myself with a soft towel 5) Миша раз о ари ае хороши (хорош й) др Misha is talking with a good friend 6) Ка я ришла оей (мой) е Katya came with my sister о рой 4. Put the highlighted adjectives in the instrumental singular form: 1) лё ий easy/light 2) ой dense 3) ро ий loud 4) ол fat 5) иль ый strong ый masc./neut. лё и fem. лё ой masc./neut. ы fem. ой masc./neut. ро и fem. ро ой masc./neut. ол ы fem. ол ой masc./neut. иль ы fem. иль ой 5. Put the highlighted adjectives in the instrumental singular form: 1) о о ой ой (спокойный) о е With a clear/peaceful conscience 2) За дешё ой (дешёвый) Behind the cheap car ью аши ой 3) Ма а раз о ари ае лиз и (бл зк й) др Mother is talking with a close friend о 4) Я риле ел ер ы (первый) рей о I came (here) with the first flight 5) На аша иди ечаль ы (печальный) лицо Natasha is sitting with a sad face 6) Кар и а ра оло е а ад до ы (удобный) ди а о The painting is placed above the cozy sofa 208 Unit 4.12 Instrumental plural adjectives There are two possible ending for instrumental plural adjectives for all three genders: -ым - м 1. Stressed and unstressed adjectives: All stressed and unstressed adjectives always take the ending -ым stem ends in г, к, х, ж, ч, ш, щ - spelling rule number 1) (unless their All unstressed and stressed adjectives take the ending -ым К и и а и а ы олодым и а еля и The books are written by young writers But if adjective's stem ends г, к, х, ж, ч, ш, щ - (spelling rule number 1) it will be - м Я ра о аю хорош м людь и I work with good people All soft adjectives take ending - м О и рае дре м и о ы и He is playing with ancient animals Я ошёл а ым а а и I walked in with important papers 2. Soft and possessive adjectives: Instrumental plural adjective ending is - м if: Adjective's stem ends г, к, х, ж, ч, ш, щ - (spelling rule number 1) it will be - м Я о щаю ь р м др зья и I am talking to Russian friends The adjective is soft О и рае и и и и а и He is playing with blue whales The adjective is possessive Мы еде аш м др зья и We are driving with our friends 209 UNIT 4.12 Упражнен 1. Put the highlighted adjectives in the instrumental plural form: 1) О о о ри а е я ____________ (большой) лаза и It looks at me with big eyes 2) Мы а рыли е о ____________ (сухой) одеяла и We covered him with dry blankets 3) Мой о ед ои е д ____________ дорогой) аши а и My motor bike is standing between the expensive cars 4) Не язы ай я ____________ плохой) ар я и! Don't get involved with bad guys 5) Не о о ры о ____________ (густой) о ла а и The sky is covered with dense clouds 2. Put the highlighted adjectives in the instrumental plural form: 1) Не ри а ай е ь ____________ (гр зный) р Don't touch (it) with dirty hands 2) Над ____________ (старый) оро а и ра Above the old gates a sign is placed а и оло е з а 3) Де и и раю од ____________ (маленьк й) дере ья и Children are playing under the small trees 4) Цер о ь о рое а ____________ (добрый) людь и The church is built by kind people 5) Мо о ро а ь ____________ (ч стый) р You can touch (it) with clean hands а и 6) Я и ере ю ь ____________ ( нтересный) и I am interested in interesting stories ория и 3. Put the highlighted adjectives in the instrumental plural form: 1) И р ш а ле и е д ____________ (с н й) The toy is laying between the blue books и а и 2) Э а оля а ыла а еле а ____________ (древн й) This glade was inhabited by ancient animals 3) ____________ мой) о о With my abilities I'll succeed! о я и, я до ью ь и о ы и еха! 4) Мы еде а оре ____________ наш) др зья и We are going to a seaside with our friends 210 5) Её еч ы ле ели ____________ летн й) Her dreams flew away with summer birds... ица и... 4. Put the highlighted adjectives in the instrumental plural form: 1) холод ый _______________ cold 2) ол ый _______________ fat / thick 3) ар ий _______________ hot 4) а ый _______________ important 5) ё ый _______________ dark 6) ча ый _______________ frequent _______________ New year 7) о о од ий 5. Put the highlighted adjectives in the instrumental plural form: 1) Ка дый о е о очь ____________ (простой) ло а и Everyone can help with simple words 2) О а е о е оя ь еред ____________ (крас вый) ц е а и She can't resist beautiful flowers (lit.: she can't stand on her feet, in front of...) 3) Профе ор з а о и я ____________ (новый) де Professor is getting acquainted with the new students а и 4) Поля а ____________ ( рк й) ц е а и A meadow with bright flowers / bright colors 5) Маши а ____________ (удобный) иде ья и A car with cozy seats 6) К х я ____________ (тёплый) ола и A kitchen with warm floors 211 UNIT 4.12 Ответы 1. Put the highlighted adjectives in the instrumental plural form: 1) О о о ри а е я ольши и (большой) лаза и It looks at me with big eyes 2) Мы а рыли е о хи и (сухой) одеяла и We covered him with dry blankets 3) Мой о ед ои е д доро и и (дорогой) аши а и My motor bike is standing between the expensive cars 4) Не язы ай я лохи и (плохой) ар я и! Don't get involved with bad guys 5) Не о о ры о ы и (густой) о ла а и The sky is covered with dense clouds 2. Put the highlighted adjectives in the instrumental plural form: 1) Не ри а ай е ь ряз ы и (гр зный) р Don't touch (it) with dirty hands 2) Над ары и (старый) оро а и ра Above the old gates a sign is placed а и оло е з а 3) Де и и раю од але ь и и (маленьк й) дере ья и Children are playing under the small trees 4) Цер о ь о рое а до ры и (добрый) людь и The church is built by kind people 5) Мо о ро а ь чи ы и (ч стый) р You can touch (it) with clean hands а и 6) Я и ере ю ь и ере ы и ( нтересный) и I am interested in interesting stories ория и 3. Put the highlighted adjectives in the instrumental plural form: 1) И р ш а ле и е д и и и (с н й) The toy is laying between the blue books и а и 2) Э а оля а ыла а еле а дре и и (древн й) This glade was inhabited by ancient animals 3) ои и (мой) о о о я и, я до ью ь With my abilities I'll succeed! и о ы и еха! 4) Мы еде а оре аши и (наш) др зья и We are going to a seaside with our friends 212 5) Её еч ы ле ели ле и и (летн й) ица и... Her dreams flew away with summer birds... 4. Put the highlighted adjectives in the instrumental plural form: 1) холод ый ол 3) ар ий ар и и hot 4) а ый а ы и important 5) ё ый ё ы и dark 6) ча ый ча ы и frequent о о од ий ол ы и cold 2) 7) ый холод ы и о о од и и fat / thick New year 5. Put the highlighted adjectives in the instrumental plural form: 1) Ка дый о е о очь ро ы и (простой) ло а и Everyone can help with simple words 2) О а е о е оя ь еред ра и ы и (крас вый) ц е а и She can't resist beautiful flowers (lit.: she can't stand on her feet, in front of...) 3) Профе ор з а о и я о ы и (новый) де а и Professor is getting acquainted with the new students 4) Поля а яр и и ( рк й) ц е а и A meadow with bright flowers / bright colors 5) Маши а до ы и (удобный) иде ья и A car with cozy seats 6) К х я ё лы и (тёплый) ола и A kitchen with warm floors 213 Unit 4.13 Prepositional singular adjectives An adjective describing a noun must always agree with it. So there are special prepositional singular adjectives ending for each gender 1. Masculine endings: If an adjective is describing a masculine noun in prepositional case it should take one of two endings -ом and -ем: All unstressed adjectives take the ending -ом But if unstressed adjective's stem ends in ж, ч, ш, щ, ц (second spelling rule) it will be -ем Я о орю о о ом до е I am talking about the new house Я д аю о хорошем чело е е I think about a good man All stressed adjectives take ending -ом О о ори о о о ом о ре He is talking about the new thick carpet All soft adjectives take ending -ем О иди и ем оезде He is sitting in a blue train All possessive adjectives take the ending -ем/-ём У а ечери а ашем до е We are having a party in our house Хорошо и ь оём райо е It is nice to live in your district 2. Feminine endings: As for feminine nouns used in prepositional singular, adjectives describing them must have either -ой or -ей ending: All unstressed adjectives take the ending -ой Мы и ё о ой ар ире We are living in a new flat But if unstressed adjective's stem ends in ж, ч, ш, щ, ц (second spelling rule) it will be -ей О ра азы ае о ящей ра а ице He is telling about sleeping beauty All stressed adjectives take ending -ой Я и ольшой дере I live in a big village All soft adjectives take ending О а о ори о за ей е е щи е 214 -ей She is talking about a married woman All possessive adjectives take the ending -ей Мы ре или ь ашей We met in our flat ар ире 3. Neuter endings: And if an adjective is describing a neuter noun used in prepositional singular, two possible endings are -ом and -ем (just as like for masculine gender): All unstressed adjectives take the ending -ом Я и е я але ь ом о е I see you in the small window But if unstressed adjective's stem ends in ж, ч, ш, щ, ц (second spelling rule) it will be -ем Да ай о о ори о хорошем и е Let's talk about good wine All stressed adjectives take the ending ом Мы аходи я ольшом зда ии We are in a big building All soft adjectives take the ending -ем Ч о ы д аешь о э о и ем о What do you think about this blue window? All possessive adjectives take the ending -ем Мы аходи я нашем зда ии We are in our building е? 215 UNIT 4.13 Упражнен 1. Put the highlighted adjectives in the prepositional singular form: 1) О еч ае о ___________ (тёплый) He is dreaming about warm soup е 2) Ма а д ае о ___________ (гор ч й) чае (My) Mother is thinking about hot tea 3) Бра ра азы ае о ___________ (наш) о е (My) Brother is telling about our cat 4) Ч о ы з аешь о ___________ древн й) ире? What do you know about the ancient world? 5) О а д ае о ___________ (молодой) ар е She is thinking about a young guy 6) Мы еч ае о ___________ (летн й) д е We are dreaming about a summer day 7) Др ра азы ае о ___________ (скучный) филь е (My) Friend is telling about a boring movie 2. Put the highlighted adjectives in the prepositional singular form: 1) Миша д ае о ___________ (молодой) де Misha is thinking about a young girl ш е 2) О а ра азы ае о ___________ (первый) лю She is telling about the first love и 3) Ра а и е о ___________ (частный) ш оле Tell me about the private school 4) О и еч аю о ___________ (летн й) ез я е They are dreaming about summer serenity 5) Да ай е о о ори о ___________ тёмный) Let's talk about the dark side of the moon о и оро е л ы 6) Я д аю о ___________ (мой) дочери I think about my daughter 7) Мы ра азы ае о ___________ (наш) о а е We are telling about our dog 3. Put the highlighted adjectives in the prepositional singular form: 1) Ч о ы о ешь аза ь о ___________ древн й) озда ии? What can you tell about the ancient creature? 2) Наш офи аходи я ___________ новый) зда ии Our office is located in the new building 216 3) Ко д ае о ___________ (тёплый) A cat is thinking about warm milk оло о 4) Мы д ае о ___________ (наш) ред аз аче ии We are thinking about our destiny 5) Ваза ои а ___________ (с н й) Vase is standing on the blue table оле 4. Put the highlighted adjectives in the prepositional singular form: 1) ар ий hot 2) холод ый cold 3) ы о ий tall 4) а ый important 5) хороший good masc./neut. _________________ fem. _________________ masc./neut. _________________ fem. _________________ masc./neut. _________________ fem. _________________ masc./neut. _________________ fem. _________________ masc./neut. _________________ fem. _________________ 5. Put the highlighted adjectives in the prepositional singular form: 1) а а ои а ___________ (ч стый) A glass is standing on the clean table оле 2) О о ори о ___________ (медленный) и He is talking about slow internet 3) Та я д ае о ___________ (скучна ) Tanya is thinking about a boring book ер е е и е 4) Я еч аю о ___________ (весенн й) рохладе I dream the spring cool (about the cool of the spring) 5) У е я хорошее а рое ие ла одаря ___________ (хорош й) I have a good mood thanks to the good music 6) зы е е ре ___________ (с н й) ара даше The secret is in the blue pencil 217 UNIT 4.13 Ответы 1. Put the highlighted adjectives in the prepositional singular form: 1) О еч ае о ё ло (тёплый) He is dreaming about warm soup е 2) Ма а д ае о оряче (гор ч й) чае (My) Mother is thinking about hot tea 3) Бра ра азы ае о аше (наш) о е (My) Brother is telling about our cat 4) Ч о ы з аешь о дре е (древн й) ире? What do you know about the ancient world? 5) О а д ае о олодо (молодой) ар е She is thinking about a young guy 6) Мы еч ае о ле е (летн й) д е We are dreaming about a summer day 7) Др ра азы ае о ч о (скучный) филь е (My) Friend is telling about a boring movie 2. Put the highlighted adjectives in the prepositional singular form: 1) Миша д ае о олодой (молодой) де Misha is thinking about a young girl ш е 2) О а ра азы ае о ер ой (первый) лю She is telling about the first love и 3) Ра а и е о ча ой (частный) ш оле Tell me about the private school 4) О и еч аю о ле ей (летн й) ез я е о They are dreaming about summer serenity и 5) Да ай е о о ори о ё ой (тёмный) оро е л Let's talk about the dark side of the moon ы 6) Я д аю о оей (мой) дочери I think about my daughter 7) Мы ра азы ае о ашей (наш) о а е We are telling about our dog 3. Put the highlighted adjectives in the prepositional singular form: 1) Ч о ы о ешь аза ь о дре е (древн й) озда ии? What can you tell about the ancient creature? 2) Наш офи аходи я о о (новый) зда ии Our office is located in the new building 218 3) Ко д ае о ё ло (тёплый) оло о A cat is thinking about warm milk 4) Мы д ае о аше (наш) ред аз аче ии We are thinking about our destiny 5) Ваза ои а и е (с н й) оле Vase is standing on the blue table 4. Put the highlighted adjectives in the prepositional singular form: 1) ар ий hot 2) холод ый cold 3) ы о ий tall 4) а ый important 5) хороший good masc./neut. ар о fem. ар ой masc./neut. холод о fem. холод ой masc./neut. ы о о fem. ы о ой masc./neut. а о fem. а ой masc./neut. хороше fem. хорошей 5. Put the highlighted adjectives in the prepositional singular form: 1) а а ои а чи о (ч стый) оле A glass is standing on the clean table 2) О о ори о едле о (медленный) и He is talking about slow internet ер е е 3) Та я д ае о ч ой (скучна ) и е Tanya is thinking about a boring book 4) Я еч аю о е е ей (весенн й) рохладе I dream the spring cool (about the cool of the spring) 5) У е я хорошее а рое ие ла одаря хорошей (хорош й) I have a good mood thanks to the good music 6) зы е е ре и е (с н й) ара даше The secret is in the blue pencil 219 Unit 4.14 Prepositional plural adjectives The two possible endings for prepositional plural adjectives are -ых and - х And good for us, they are used for all three genders. 1. -ых ending: All stressed and unstressed adjectives take the ending -ых: All unstressed adjectives take the ending -ых Э а и ория о ё ых ре е ах This story is about dark times But if unstressed adjective's stem ends in г, к, х, ж, ч, ш, щ (first spelling rule) it will be - х Я рочёл э о ольших и ере ых I read that in big interesting books и ах Вр х до ах о о о ро There are many carpets in Russian houses All stressed adjectives take ending ых Э о и а о х дых людях This book is about thin people Я за оч ь о оль ых людях I take care of sick people 2. - х ending: Prepositional plural adjective takes the ending - х when: Unstressed adjective's stem ends in г, к, х, ж, ч, ш, щ (first spelling rule) it will be - х К и а о о ч х ероях The book is about powerful heroes The adjective is soft О а ра азы ае о ре х ро ле ах She is telling about former problems The adjective is possessive В о х и ах е ар и о There are no pictures in your books 220 UNIT 4.14 Упражнен 1. Put the highlighted adjectives in the prepositional plural form: 1) В е ещи а ___________ (прежн й) е All the things are on (their) former places ах 2) Э а и а о о а а а ___________ древн й) и This book is based on the ancient stories 3) Маша ра азы ае о ___________ (крас вый) Masha is telling about beautiful animals ориях и о ых 4) Биоло ра азы ае о ___________ (умный) ри а ах Biologist is telling about smart primates 5) М о ие ицы и а ___________ высок й) дере ьях Lots of birds are living in the tall trees 2. Put the highlighted adjectives in the prepositional plural form: 1) Я ра а е е о ___________ трудный) ре е ах I will tell you about difficult times 2) Ле ция о ___________ (первый) и ледо а иях The lecture is about the first researches 3) Роди ели о оря о ___________ (важный) ро ле ах Parents are talking about important problems 4) О и риехали а ___________ (дорогой) They came in expensive cars аши ах 5) О а о ори о ___________ (с льный) ела иях She is talking about strong desires/wishes 3. Put the highlighted adjectives in the prepositional plural form: 1) Мы де а ь а ___________ (ч стый) ро We will sleep on the clean sheets ы ях 2) Мальчи ра азы ае о ___________ (быстрый) оездах Boy is telling about fast trains 3) Ма а о ори о ___________ (хорош й) людях Mother is talking about good people 4) Биоло ра азы ае о ___________ (густой) ле ах Biologist is telling about dense forests 5) Я о орю о ___________ (бл зк й) ородах I am talking about near cities 4. Put the highlighted adjectives in the prepositional plural form: 221 1) олодой ий _______________ young _______________ winter 2) зи 3) даль ий _______________ distant 4) о ый _______________ new 5) ы о ий _______________ tall 5. Put the highlighted adjectives in the prepositional plural form: 1) Вазы оя а ___________ (красный) Vases are standing on the red tables олах 2) Тарел и ле а а ___________ (дерев нный) Plates are laying on the wooden tables олах 3) Ба ш а д ае о ___________ (летн й) д ях Grandmother is thinking about summer days 4) Дед ш а д ае о ___________ (з мн й) ечерах Grandfather is thinking about winter evenings 5) Фер ер д ае о ___________ (осенн й) до дях Farmer is thinking about autumn rains 222 UNIT 4.14 Ответы 1. Put the highlighted adjectives in the prepositional plural form: 1) В е ещи а ре их (прежн й) е ах All the things are on (their) former places 2) Э а и а о о а а а дре их (древн й) и This book is based on the ancient stories ориях 3) Маша ра азы ае о ра и ых (крас вый) Masha is telling about beautiful animals и о ых 4) Биоло ра азы ае о ых (умный) ри а ах Biologist is telling about smart primates 5) М о ие ицы и а ы о их (высок й) дере ьях Lots of birds are living in the tall trees 2. Put the highlighted adjectives in the prepositional plural form: 1) Я ра а е е о р д ых (трудный) ре е ах I will tell you about difficult times 2) Ле ция о ер ых (первый) и ледо а иях The lecture is about the first researches 3) Роди ели о оря о а ых (важный) ро ле ах Parents are talking about important problems 4) О и риехали а доро их (дорогой) They came in expensive cars аши ах 5) О а о ори о иль ых (с льный) ела иях She is talking about strong desires/wishes 3. Put the highlighted adjectives in the prepositional plural form: 1) Мы де а ь а чи ых (ч стый) ро We will sleep on the clean sheets ы ях 2) Мальчи ра азы ае о ы рых (быстрый) оездах Boy is telling about fast trains 3) Ма а о ори о хороших (хорош й) людях Mother is talking about good people 4) Биоло ра азы ае о ых (густой) ле ах Biologist is telling about dense forests 5) Я о орю о лиз их (бл зк й) ородах I am talking about near cities 4. Put the highlighted adjectives in the prepositional plural form: 223 1) олодой ий олодых зи их young 2) зи winter 3) даль ий даль их 4) о ый о ых new 5) ы о ий ы о их tall distant 5. Put the highlighted adjectives in the prepositional plural form: 1) Вазы оя а ра ых (красный) олах Vases are standing on the red tables 2) Тарел и ле а а дере я ых (дерев нный) Plates are laying on the wooden tables олах 3) Ба ш а д ае о ле их (летн й) д ях Grandmother is thinking about summer days 4) Дед ш а д ае о зи их (з мн й) ечерах Grandfather is thinking about winter evenings 5) Фер ер д ае о о е их (осенн й) до дях Farmer is thinking about autumn rains 224 Unit 4.15 Long and short adjectives Most Russian adjectives can be either long or short. The long form adjectives are used in front of a noun, whether short forms are used after noun. Long form Short form Э о оче ь крас вый ород Э о It is a very beautiful city This town is very beautiful ород оче ь крас в 1. Short adjectives endings: частл вый happy Long form ча Masc short ли ый ча Fem short ли ча ли а Neut short ча Plural short ли о ча ли ы Remember if you see a cluster of consonants at the end (more than one) of a masculine short form - a vowel е, sometimes ё must be inserted: и ересный → и о ойный → ере е interesting о ое calm (remember that й letter is a consonant) 2. Some adjectives don't have short form: Nationality - Р ий, Substance - золо ой, лий ий, Бразиль е алличе ий Russian, English, Brazilian ий golden, metal Ordinal numerals - ер ый, ре ий first, third Soft adjectives - и ий, ольшой blue, big Exception you need to know - рад happy exists only in short form. 225 3. Some short adjectives must be used after a noun: Some short adjectives must be used after a noun, because if you use the long form after a noun it will have a another meaning. The most common ones are: ольной Ill / sick - compare: О оле - He is ill/sick (now, he doesn't feel good) О оль ой - He is ill / sick (he is ill for a long period of time and barely will feel better soon) вободный free -comapre: О о оде - He is free (now, at the moment he is not busy) О о од ый - He is free (he is not a slave, he is a free citizen) Зан тый busy - compare: О за я - He is busy (at the moment) О за я ой - He is busy (almost always) 4. Summing up: To sum up, long adjectives are used in front of nouns, short adjectives comes after nouns. You can use long adjectives after a noun, but you can't use short adjectives in front of a noun, except of some stable expressions - usually proverbs and old style fancy phrases. 226 UNIT 4.15 Упражнен 1. Make short form of the highlighted adjectives: 1) Я ____________ (счастл вый) (here - masc.) I am happy 2) Мой др ____________ (больной) My friend is ill 3) Ты оче ь ____________ (молодой) (here - masc.) You are very young 4) Миша ____________ (печальный) Misha is sad 5) О ____________ (ч стый) He is clear/clean 6) Я ____________ (спокойный) (here - masc.) I am calm 2. Make short form of the highlighted adjectives: 1) Маша ____________ (счастл вый) Masha is happy 2) Э а аши а ____________ (удобный) This car is comfortable 3) К и а ____________ (стара ) The book is old 4) Ты е оче ь ____________ (дорога ) You are very important to me (lit.: very dear to me) 5) Моя а ш а оче ь ____________ (добрый) My grandmother is very kind 3. Make short form of the highlighted adjectives: 1) Мы ____________ (счастл вый) We are happy 2) Э и и и ____________ (хорош й) These books are good 3) Ц е ы ____________ (крас вый) The flowers are beautiful 4) Люди ____________ (добрый) People are kind 227 5) Зда ия ____________ (высок й) The buildings are tall 6) До а ____________ (удобный) The houses are comfortable 7) Ко а ы ____________ (ч стый) The rooms are clean 4. Circle the adjectives, that can form a short form: 1) р ий Russian 5) золо ой golden 9) холод ый cold 13) ы о ий tall 2) ечаль ый sad 6) дере я wooden 10) а лий English 14) олодой young 3) хороший good 7) ро ий loud 11) а ый important 15) и ий blue 4) иль ый strong 8) орой second 12) ере ря ый silver 16) дре ий ancient ый ий 5. Make short form of the highlighted adjectives: 1) Э и зада ия ____________ (лёгк й) These tasks are easy 2) Ре а ____________ (ч стый) The river is clean 3) Дед ш а ____________ (добрый) (My) Grandfather is kind 4) И ория ____________ (скучный) The story is boring 5) л ____________ (удобный) The chair is cozy 228 UNIT 4.15 Ответы 1. Make short form of the highlighted adjectives: 1) Я ча ли (счастл вый) (here - masc.) I am happy 2) Мой др оле (больной) My friend is ill 3) Ты оче ь олод (молодой) (here - masc.) You are very young 4) Миша ечале (печальный) Misha is sad 5) О чи (ч стый) He is clear/clean 6) Я о ое (спокойный) (here - masc.) I am calm 2. Make short form of the highlighted adjectives: 1) Маша ча ли а (счастл вый) Masha is happy 2) Э а аши а до а (удобный) This car is comfortable 3) К и а ара (стара ) The book is old 4) Ты е оче ь доро а (дорога ) You are very important to me (lit.: very dear to me) 5) Моя а ш а оче ь до ра (добрый) My grandmother is very kind 3. Make short form of the highlighted adjectives: 1) Мы ча ли ы (счастл вый) We are happy 2) Э и и и хороши (хорош й) These books are good 3) Ц е ы ра и ы (крас вый) The flowers are beautiful 4) Люди до ры (добрый) People are kind 229 5) Зда ия ы о и (высок й) The buildings are tall 6) До а до ы (удобный) The houses are comfortable 7) Ко а ы чи ы (ч стый) The rooms are clean 4. Circle the adjectives, that can form a short form: 1) р ий Russian 5) золо ой golden 9) холод ый cold 13) ы о ий tall 2) ечаль ый sad 6) дере я wooden 10) а лий English 14) олодой young 3) хороший good 7) ро ий loud 11) а ый important 15) и ий blue 4) иль ый strong 8) орой second 12) ере ря ый silver 16) дре ий ancient ый ий 5. Make short form of the highlighted adjectives: 1) Э и зада ия ле и (лёгк й) These tasks are easy 2) Ре а чи а (ч стый) The river is clean 3) Дед ш а до р (добрый) (My) Grandfather is kind 4) И ория ч а (скучный) The story is boring 5) л до е (удобный) The chair is cozy 230 Unit 4.16 Long form of comparative adjectives In English, when we need to use comparatives, we use the words more and less, or we add the ending -er, if an adjective is too short. And in Russian we use the words более more and менее less in front of the long form of the adjective. We call it compound comparative. 1. More and less never change: Good for us, the words более (more) and менее (less) never change. But the long adjective which fallows them must always agree with the noun it is describing. Э о более и ере ый филь It is a more interesting film Э о более и ере ое и о It is a more interesting movie Э о менее и ере ый филь It is a less interesting film Э о менее и ере ое и о It is a less interesting movie 2. Special forms of some adjectives: Some adjectives don't form compound comparatives. They have a special long form comparative of their own. Here are the first adjectives of that type we need to know: Long form Translation Long form comparative Translation ольшой але ь ий хороший лохой big small god bad ольший е ьший л чший х дший bigger smaller better worse 3. Old and young: т рый (old) and моло ой (young). Because, if you are talking about animate nouns or groups, you have to use their own long form comparative. арый old олодой young арший older, senior ладший younger Мой старш й брат My older brother Младш й класс The junior class 231 Inanimate nouns: Э о более старый до Э о более молодое дере о It is an older house It is a younger tree 4. High and low: And the last two very important adjectives we need to know so far are высок й high and н зк й low You can't form compound comparatives if you use them in the sense which means superior and inferior ы о ий high ы ший superior, higher Высшее образован е Higher education из ий low изший inferior, lower зш й бал Lower (bottom) mark But, you can say for example: Э о более н зкое дере о It is a lower tree 232 UNIT 4.16 Упражнен 1. Make comparatives, using the words "более" and "менее": И ере ая и а 1) _____________________________ More interesting book Тё ая о _____________________________ Less interesting book а а 2) _____________________________ Darker room (lit.: More dark room) Ва _____________________________ Less dark room ое дело 3) _____________________________ More important affair _____________________________ Less important affair о ой ый райо 4) _____________________________ Calmer district (lit.: More calm district) О рый о _____________________________ Less calm district 5) _____________________________ Sharper knife (lit.: More sharp knife) _____________________________ Less sharp knife 2. Make comparatives, using the Russian analogues of "bigger, smaller, better, worse": 1) Большой до Big house _____________________________ Bigger house 2) Мале ь ий до Small house _____________________________ Smaller house 3) Хороший елефо Good phone _____________________________ Better phone 4) Плохой елефо Bad phone _____________________________ Worse phone 5) Большая Big flat _____________________________ Bigger flat 6) Мале ь ая Small flat ар ира ар ира _____________________________ Smaller flat 233 7) Хорошая и а Good book _____________________________ Better book 8) Плохая и а Bad book _____________________________ Worse book 9) Большое о о Big window _____________________________ Bigger window 10) Мале ь ое о о Small window _____________________________ Smaller window 11) Плохое реше ие Bad decision _____________________________ Worse decision 12) Хорошее реше ие Good decision _____________________________ Better decision 3. Make comparatives, using the Russian analogues of "old, young": 1) ___________ (молодой) дочь Younger daughter 2) ___________ (старый) е ра Older sister 3) ___________ (молодой) ра Younger brother 4) ___________ (старый) ы Older brother 4. Make comparatives, using the Russian analogues of "high, low": 1) ___________ (высок й) Higher chair л 2) ___________ (н зк й) Lower table 3) ___________ (высок й) о разо а ие Higher education ("superior") 4) ___________ (н зк й) ро е ь Lower level ("inferior") ол 5. Make comparatives, using the words "более" and "менее": 1) Удо ый ди а 234 _____________________________ More comfortable sofa Холод ая о ла ь 2) _____________________________ Colder area (lit.: More cold area) Прия ие з _____________________________ Less pleasant affair и 4) _____________________________ Louder noises (lit.: More loud noises) Мя _____________________________ Less cold area ое за я ие 3) _____________________________ More pleasant affair Гро _____________________________ Less comfortable sofa _____________________________ Less loud noises ая од ш а 5) _____________________________ Softer pillow (lit.: More soft pillow) _____________________________ Less soft pillow 235 UNIT 4.16 Ответы 1. Make comparatives, using the words "более" and "менее": И ере ая и а 1) Более и ере ая и а More interesting book Тё ая о Ме ее и ере ая и а Less interesting book а а 2) Более ё ая о а а Darker room (lit.: More dark room) Ва Ме ее ё ая о Less dark room а а ое дело 3) Более а ое дело More important affair Ме ее а ое дело Less important affair о ой ый райо о ой ый райо 4) Более Calmer district (lit.: More calm district) О рый о Ме ее о ой ый райо Less calm district 5) Более о рый о Sharper knife (lit.: More sharp knife) Ме ее о рый о Less sharp knife 2. Make comparatives, using the Russian analogues of "bigger, smaller, better, worse": 1) Большой до Big house Больший до Bigger house 2) Мале ь ий до Small house Ме ьший до Smaller house 3) Хороший елефо Good phone Л чший елефо Better phone 4) Плохой елефо Bad phone Х дший елефо Worse phone 5) Большая Big flat Большая ар ира Bigger flat 6) Мале ь ая Small flat ар ира ар ира Ме ьшая ар ира Smaller flat 236 7) Хорошая и а Good book Л чшая и а Better book 8) Плохая и а Bad book Х дшая и а Worse book 9) Большое о о Big window Большее о о Bigger window 10) Мале ь ое о о Small window Ме ьшее о о Smaller window 11) Плохое реше ие Bad decision Х дшее реше ие Worse decision 12) Хорошее реше ие Good decision Л чшее реше ие Better decision 3. Make comparatives, using the Russian analogues of "old, young": 1) Младшая (молодой) дочь Younger daughter 2) аршая (старый) е ра Older sister 3) Младший (молодой) ра Younger brother 4) арший (старый) ы Older brother 4. Make comparatives, using the Russian analogues of "high, low": 1) Более ы о ий (высок й) Higher chair л 2) Более из ий (н зк й) Lower table 3) Вы шее (высок й) о разо а ие Higher education ("superior") 4) Низший (н зк й) ро е ь Lower level ("inferior") ол 5. Make comparatives, using the words "более" and "менее": 1) Удо ый ди а 237 Более до ый ди а More comfortable sofa Холод ая о ла ь 2) Более холод ая о ла ь Colder area (lit.: More cold area) Прия ие з ь Ме ее рия ое за я ие Less pleasant affair и 4) Более ро ие з и Louder noises (lit.: More loud noises) Мя Ме ее холод ая о ла Less cold area ое за я ие 3) Более рия ое за я ие More pleasant affair Гро Ме ее до ый ди а Less comfortable sofa Ме ее ро ие з Less loud noises и ая од ш а 5) Более я ая од ш а Softer pillow (lit.: More soft pillow) Ме ее я ая од ш а Less soft pillow 238 Unit Short form of comparative adjectives 4.17 If you use a comparative adjective after the noun it is describing, you can use the short form comparative. And this sort of comparative only used in the meaning of more ... (more interesting, more beautiful) You can use short form of comparative only when the noun it is describing is in the nominative case. 1. Forming of short form of comparative adjectives: The short comparatives is formed by adding the ending -ее to the stem of the adjectives. This rule works for all the three genders. Singular До Plural ра и ее о а и ра и ее The house is more pleasant Dogs are more beautiful Кош а ра и ее Кош и ра и ее The cat is more beautiful Cats are more beautiful Ки о и Филь ы и ере ее The movie is more interesting ере ее Movies are more interesting It is important to know that it is more common to use this form of comparative when we talk: SOMETHING = QUALITY (the car = beautiful/маш на крас вее), than it would be to say м ин более кр ив я. 2. Exceptions: And also some very common and important adjectives make their own short form irregularly. 239 near high loud hot far cheap expensive, dear short small young low bad simple old quiet fat good frequent лиз ий ы о ий ро ий ар ий далё ий дешё ый доро ой оро ий але ь ий олодой из ий лохой ро ой арый ихий ол ый хороший ча ый → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → ли е ыше ро че арче дальше деше ле доро е ороче е ьше оло е и е х е роще арше ише олще л чше чаще Hot can also be translated as гор ч й (гор чее - hotter). Please don't mess it with гор чее (hot - hot dish = гор чее блюдо) Adjectives of color and adjectives of substance don't have short of comparative. 240 UNIT 4.17 Упражнен 1. Make short form comparatives from the highlighted adjectives: 1) Э о филь ___________ (скучный) This movie is more boring 2) Э о о ___________ (острый) This sauce is spicier 3) Ты ___________ (добрый) You are kinder 4) Я ___________ (важный), че фэй I am more important than facebook 5) е од я о ___________ (спокойный) Today he is calmer 2. Make short form comparatives from the highlighted adjectives: 1) Э а задача ___________ (трудный) This task is more difficult 2) Э а аза ___________ (крас вый) This vase is more beautiful 3) О а ___________ (быстрый) She is faster 4) Э а и а ___________ ( нтересный) This book is more interesting 5) Ули а ___________ (медленный) The snail is slower 3. Make short form comparatives from the highlighted adjectives: 1) Э о зда ие ___________ (старый) This building is older 2) Э о рое ие ___________ (новый) This building is newer 3) Ви о ___________ (вкусный) Wine is tastier 4) Э о о еще ие ___________ (тёплый) This apartment is warmer 5) Молодое о оле ие ___________ (счастл вый) The young generation is happier 4. Make short form comparatives from the highlighted adjectives: 241 1) О а ___________ (молодой) She is younger 2) Я иш е е ___________ (частый) I write you more frequent 3) Я ал ___________ (толстый) I got fatter 4) Э а р ч а ___________ (дешёвый) This pen is cheaper 5) Го ори ___________ (громк й) Talk louder 5. Make short form comparatives from the highlighted adjectives: 1) Ты ___________ (хорош й) You are better 2) О а ___________ (высок й) She is taller 3) Ты ( е) ___________ (дорогой) You are more important (for me) 4) Го ори ___________ (т х й) Talk quieter 5) Мой ра ___________ (старый) My brother is older 242 UNIT 4.17 Ответы 1. Make short form comparatives from the highlighted adjectives: 1) Э о филь ч ее (скучный) This movie is more boring 2) Э о о о рее (острый) This sauce is spicier 3) Ты до рее (добрый) You are kinder 4) Я а ее (важный), че фэй I am more important than facebook 5) е од я о о ой ее (спокойный) Today he is calmer 2. Make short form comparatives from the highlighted adjectives: 1) Э а задача р д ее (трудный) This task is more difficult 2) Э а аза ра и ее (крас вый) This vase is more beautiful 3) О а ы рее (быстрый) She is faster 4) Э а и а и ере ее ( нтересный) This book is more interesting 5) Ули а едле ее (медленный) The snail is slower 3. Make short form comparatives from the highlighted adjectives: 1) Э о зда ие арше (старый) This building is older 2) Э о рое ие о ее (новый) This building is newer 3) Ви о ее (вкусный) Wine is tastier 4) Э о о еще ие е лее (тёплый) This apartment is warmer 5) Молодое о оле ие ча ли ее (счастл вый) The young generation is happier 4. Make short form comparatives from the highlighted adjectives: 243 1) О а оло е (молодой) She is younger 2) Я иш е е чаще (частый) I write you more frequent 3) Я ал олще (толстый) I got fatter 4) Э а р ч а деше ле (дешёвый) This pen is cheaper 5) Го ори ро че (громк й) Talk louder 5. Make short form comparatives from the highlighted adjectives: 1) Ты л чше (хорош й) You are better 2) О а ыше (высок й) She is taller 3) Ты ( е) доро е (дорогой) You are more important (for me) 4) Го ори ише (т х й) Talk quieter 5) Мой ра арше (старый) My brother is older 244 Unit Constructions with the comparative 4.18 We form the second part of the comparative with the word чем (than). Ко ише чем о а а A cat is quieter than a dog 1. Long form comparative: When we use long form comparative in Russian, we must form the second part of the sentence by using the word чем (than): У её олее и ере ая и а, чем а She has a more interesting book than you And we also must use the word чем (than) when we use the words его, её, the second part of the comparison. Моя и а олее и ере х in ая, чем её My book is more interesting, than her 2. Short form comparatives: To form it use чем: Моя аши а доро е, чем оя My car is more expensive than yours Or use the second part of your comparison in genitive case. Т ой до ольше ое о Your house is bigger than mine Compare the fallowing examples: о ольше, че аши а A bus is bigger than a car 245 о а а ольше о а A dog is bigger than a cat 4. More intensive comparatives: Use the words гораздо or намного in front of your comparative adjective. Э о филь намного нтереснее ое о This movie is much more interesting than yours Моя ош а гораздо крас вее оей My cat (female cat) is much more beautiful than yours You don't have to use the second noun with it. Моя аши а гораздо дороже My car is much more expensive 5. Comparing age and height: To say how older/younger or taller/shorter someone is, we have to use the preposition на: Я моложе е я на 2 ода I am 2 years younger than you Ты н же е я на 7 а и е ро You are 7 centimeters shorter than me 246 UNIT 4.18 Упражнен 1. Use long form comparatives to build the following sentences: 1) ой/ и а/и ере ый/че / ой My book is more interesting than yours _____________________________ 2) я/ ол ый/че / ы I am fatter than you _____________________________ 3) ой/ о а а/чи ый/че / ой My room is clearer than yours _____________________________ 4) э о /до / ё лый/че / о This house is warmer than that one _____________________________ 5) э о/зада ие/ р д ый/че / ой This task is harder than yours _____________________________ 2. Now use short form comparatives to build the same sentences (using "чем"): 1) ой/ и а/и ере ый/че / ой My book is more interesting than yours _____________________________ 2) я/ ол ый/че / ы I am fatter than you _____________________________ 3) ой/ о а а/чи ый/че / ой My room is clearer than yours _____________________________ 4) э о /до / ё лый/че / о This house is warmer than that one _____________________________ 5) э о/зада ие/ р д ый/че / ой This task is harder than yours _____________________________ 3. Use short form comparatives (with nouns in the genitive case), to build the following sentences: 1) о а а/ ольшой/ о A dog is bigger than a cat _____________________________ 2) р ч а/доро ой/ ара даш A pen is more expensive than a pencil _____________________________ 247 3) о езья а/ ый/ ло A monkey is smarter than an elephant _____________________________ 4) оло о/холод ый/ Milk is colder than soup _____________________________ 5) елефо /дешё ый/ аши а A phone is cheaper than a car _____________________________ 4. Use short form comparatives (with nouns in the genitive case), to build the following sentences: 1) и а/и ере ый/филь A book is much more interesting than a movie _____________________________ 2) аши а/доро ой/ е радь A car is much more expensive than a copybook _____________________________ 3) ло / ольшой/ ышь An elephant is much more than a mouse _____________________________ 4) а ш а/ арый/ ё я Grandmother is much older than aunt _____________________________ 5) ы/хороший/Ка я You are much better than Katya _____________________________ 5. Rewrite the following sentences in Russian correctly, to say who is younger, older, taller, shorter: 1) я/ олодой/4/ од I am 4 years younger _____________________________ 2) о / ы о ий/5/ а и е р He is 5 centimeters taller _____________________________ 3) о а/ арый/2/ од She is 2 years older _____________________________ 248 4) ы/ из ий/10/ а и е р You are 10 centimeters shorter _____________________________ 5) Миша/ олодой/2/ од Misha is 2 years younger _____________________________ 249 UNIT 4.18 Ответы 1. Use long form comparatives to build the following sentences: 1) ой/ и а/и ере ый/че / ой My book is more interesting than yours Моя оя и а олее и ере 2) я/ ол ый/че / ы I am fatter than you Я олее ол 3) ой/ о а а/чи ый/че / ой My room is clearer than yours Моя о оя 4) э о /до / ё лый/че / о This house is warmer than that one Э о до 5) э о/зада ие/ р д ый/че / ой This task is harder than yours Э о зада ие олее р д ое, че оё ый, че ая, че ы а а олее чи ая, че олее ё лый, че о 2. Now use short form comparatives to build the same sentences (using "чем"): 1) ой/ и а/и ере ый/че / ой My book is more interesting than yours Моя 2) я/ ол ый/че / ы I am fatter than you Я олще, че 3) ой/ о а а/чи ый/че / ой My room is clearer than yours Моя о 4) э о /до / ё лый/че / о This house is warmer than that one Э о до 5) э о/зада ие/ р д ый/че / ой This task is harder than yours Э о зада ие р д ее, че и аи ере ей, че оя ы а а чище, че е лее, че оя о оё 3. Use short form comparatives (with nouns in the genitive case), to build the following sentences: 1) о а а/ ольшой/ о A dog is bigger than a cat 2) р ч а/доро ой/ ара даш A pen is more expensive than a pencil о а а ольше о а Р ч а доро е ара даша 250 3) о езья а/ ый/ ло A monkey is smarter than an elephant О езья а 4) оло о/холод ый/ Milk is colder than soup Моло о холод ее 5) елефо /дешё ый/ аши а A phone is cheaper than a car Телефо деше ле ее ло а а аши ы 4. Use short form comparatives (with nouns in the genitive case), to build the following sentences: 1) и а/и ере ый/филь A book is much more interesting than a movie К и а ораздо/ а филь а 2) аши а/доро ой/ е радь A car is much more expensive than a copybook Маши а ораздо/ а е ради 3) ло / ольшой/ ышь An elephant is much more than a mouse 4) а ш а/ арый/ ё я Grandmother is much older than aunt Ба ш а ораздо/ а ё и 5) ы/хороший/Ка я You are much better than Katya Ты ораздо/ а ло ораздо/ а ыши о ои ере ее о о доро е о о ольше о о арше о о л чше Ка и 5. Rewrite the following sentences in Russian correctly, to say who is younger, older, taller, shorter: 1) я/ олодой/4/ од I am 4 years younger Я 2) о / ы о ий/5/ а и е р He is 5 centimeters taller О 3) о а/ арый/2/ од She is 2 years older О а оло е а 4 че ыре) ода ыше а 5 я ь) а и е ро арше а 2 д а) ода 251 4) ы/ из ий/10/ а и е р You are 10 centimeters shorter Ты и е а 10 де я ь) а и е ро 5) Миша/ олодой/2/ од Misha is 2 years younger Миша оло е а 2 д а) ода 252 Unit 4.19 Superlative Forming superlative in Russian is super easy. Just add the word самый in front of the adjective and noun you are describing. There is no short form of the superlative, so you can use it before or after a noun. Э о сама крас ва о а а It is the most beautiful dog Э а о а а сама крас ва This dog is the most beautiful 1. The adjective самый: The adjective самый should agree the gender, number and case with the adjective and noun it's describing. Э о сама доро ая аши а It is the most expensive car Э о самый доро ой до It is the most expensive car Э о самое доро ое о о It is the most expensive window Э о самые доро ие аши ы It is the most expensive cars 2. Best and worst: Use the words лучш й (the best) and худш й (the worst). You can use them with or without the word самый. So: 253 Э о а ый л чший до It is the best house and Э о л чший до It is the best house Means the same - It is the best house. 3. One of the ... If you want to compare something to a range of other things (like - one of the most important things), use the preposition з (+genitive): Оди з самых нт сных филь о One of the most important movies Од а з самых п зных и One of the most useful books 4. Irregular form of superlatives: Also adjectives can form their superlative in an irregular way - with endings: -айш й / -ейш й Э о чи ейшая ода It is the cleanest water Э о ли айший ород It is the nearest town У е я е и алейше о о е ия I don't have a slightest doubt 254 UNIT 4.19 Упражнен 1. Put the following adjective in superlative by using the word " 1) Ты ___________ (крас вый) You are the most beautiful man мый": чи а 2) Ты ___________ (крас вый) е щи а You are the most beautiful woman 3) Маша ___________ (добрый) де оч а Masha is the kindest girl 4) о а а ___________ (умный) Dog is the smartest animal и о ое 5) о ой я ро о ___________ (пр тный) ре я I spend the most pleasant time with you 2. Put the following adjective in superlative by using the words "луч ий/ху ий": 1) Ты ой ___________ (хорош й) др You are my best friend 2) Э о ___________ (хорош й) до для ашей е ьи It is the best house for our family 3) ___________ (плохой) рез ль а The worst result 4) Ты ___________ (хорош й) You are the best wife е а 5) Ты ___________ (хорош й) You are the best husband 6) Э о ыл ___________ (хорош й) де ь That was the best day in my life оей из и 3. Put the following adjective in superlative using the words "о ин из..": 1) ___________ (гр зный) ородо One of the dirtiest cities 2) ___________ (быстрый) и о One of the fastest animals ых 3) ___________ (медленный) а е о ых One of the slowest insects 4) ___________ (частый) за ро о One of the most frequent requests 255 5) ___________ (трудный) задач One of the most difficult tasks 4. Put the following adjective in superlative by using the word " мый": 1) ___________ (простой) редло е ие The simplest sentence 2) ___________ (тёмный) ц е The darkest color 3) ___________ (густой) ле The densest forest 4) ___________ (вкусный) люда The tastiest/most delicious dishes 5) ___________ (острый) о The spiciest sauce 5. Put the following adjective in superlative by using the word " мый": 1) ___________ (удобный) ди а The most comfortable sofa 2) ___________ (толстый) и дей а The fattest turkey 3) ___________ (дешёвый) и о The cheapest wine 4) ___________ (строг й) чи ель The strictest teacher 5) ___________ (важный) и редие The most important ingredient 6) ___________ (высок й) аш я The tallest tower 7) ___________ (глубок й) озеро The deepest lake 256 UNIT 4.19 Ответы 1. Put the following adjective in superlative by using the word " 1) Ты а ый ра и ый (крас вый) You are the most beautiful man мый": чи а 2) Ты а ая ра и ая (крас вый) е щи а You are the most beautiful woman 3) Маша а ая до рая (добрый) де оч а Masha is the kindest girl 4) о а а а ое ое (умный) Dog is the smartest animal и о ое 5) о ой я ро о а ое рия ое (пр тный) ре я I spend the most pleasant time with you 2. Put the following adjective in superlative by using the words "луч ий/ху ий": 1) Ты ой а ый) л чший (хорош й) др You are my best friend 2) Э о а ый) л чший (хорош й) до It is the best house for our family для ашей е ьи 3) ( а ый) Х дший (плохой) рез ль а The worst result 4) Ты ( а ая) л чшая (хорош й) You are the best wife е а 5) Ты ( а ый) л чший (хорош й) You are the best husband 6) Э о ыл а ый) л чший (хорош й) де ь That was the best day in my life оей из и 3. Put the following adjective in superlative using the words "о ин из..": 1) Оди из а ых ряз ых (гр зный) ородо One of the dirtiest cities 2) Од о из а ых ы рых (быстрый) One of the fastest animals и о ых 3) Од о из а ых едле ых (медленный) а е о ых One of the slowest insects 4) Оди из а ых ча ых (частый) за ро о One of the most frequent requests 257 5) Од а из а ых р д ых (трудный) задач One of the most difficult tasks 4. Put the following adjective in superlative by using the word " 1) а ое ро ое (простой) редло е ие The simplest sentence 2) а ый ё ый (тёмный) ц е The darkest color 3) а ый ой (густой) ле The densest forest 4) а ые ые (вкусный) люда The tastiest/most delicious dishes 5) а ый о рый (острый) о The spiciest sauce 5. Put the following adjective in superlative by using the word " 1) а ый до ый (удобный) ди а The most comfortable sofa 2) а ая ол ая (толстый) и дей а The fattest turkey 3) а ое дешё ое (дешёвый) и о The cheapest wine 4) а ый ро ий (строг й) чи ель The strictest teacher 5) а ый а ый (важный) и редие The most important ingredient 6) а ая ы о ая (высок й) аш я The tallest tower 7) а ое л о ое (глубок й) озеро The deepest lake мый": мый": 258 Unit 5.1 Adverbs An adverb describes how an action was done: He replies slowly Slowly and quickly are adverbs. She runs quickly Most adverbs in Russian are identical with the neuter short form adjective 1. Most common form of adverbs: The most common form of adverbs describes how an action is being performed. О а крас во оё О и быстро иш She sings beautifully They write quickly The adverb is usually placed before the verb. Sometimes it is not obvious that a verb is being described. Since the verb to be doesn't exist in present tense. But phrases, describing the weather, rely on adverbs. е од я холодно (It is) cold today Зде ь темно (It is) dark here. "Cold" describes how it is "Dark" describes how it is 2. Ending of adverbs: The adverbs медленно and быстро are the short forms of the adjectives медленный and быстрый. Therefore, most adverbs end in -о. Due to the second spelling rule, some adverbs will end in -e. ол ющ й → о ющ й → ол То юще Exciting →excitingly юще Wistful→wistfully 3. Stress transition: Pay attention to the stress transition, when we form adverbs from adjectives. 259 холод ый → холод о cold → coldly ы о ий → ы о о high →highly 4. Adjectives ending in -ск й Adjectives ending in -ск й have adverbs ending in -ск : ра ад иче ий → ий → ра ад иче и и practical → practically hellish → hellishly 5. Nationality: Adverbial phrases, which indicate nationality are formed from по and adjective ending in -ск й: Вы о ори е о-а Мы о ори о-р лий и - You speak English и - We speak Russian 6. Exceptions: Although the vast majority of Russian adverbs are formed from adjectives, adverbs which tell us about time and place are not. And here are the most common: Time о да о да е ещё дол о да о еда о when then, at that time already still, yet for a long time a long time ago recently Place де зде ь а да юда да о да о юда о да where here there where to* here (to here) there (to there) from where from here from there *indicates motion: К да ы еде е? (To) Where are you driving/going? 260 UNIT 5.1 Упражнен 1. Make adverbs from the following adjectives: 1) О ___________ (медленный) о He replies slowly ечае 2) Ка я ___________ (громк й) о ори Katya is talking loudly 3) ___________ ( нтересный) (That's) interesting 4) Те я ___________ (трудный) о я ь It's difficult to understand you 5) Де ш а ___________ (крас вый) а ц е The girls dances beautifully 2. Make adverbs from the following adjectives: 1) ___________ (пр тный) оз а о и ь я (it's) nice to meet you (lit.: it's pleasantly to met you) 2) Э о ___________ (простой) (it's) easy/simply 3) Учи ель о ори ___________ (строг й) A teacher is talking strictly 4) В о а е ___________ (тёмный) (it's) dark in the room 5) Же щи а ___________ (печальный) оё A woman is singing sadly 3. Make adverbs from the following adjectives: 1) Зде ь ___________ (адск й) It's hellishly hot in here! ар о! 2) Вы о ори е ___________ (русск й)? Do you speak Russian? 3) О о ори ___________ (португальск й) He speaks Portuguese 4) Я ею о ори ь ___________ (арабск й) I can speak Arabic 5) О о ори ___________ (турецк й) He speaks Turkish 4. Use the correct adverbs to make the following sentences: 261 1) ___________ ы риедешь? When will you come? 2) Э о ыло ___________ It was a long time ago 3) ___________ ы и ёшь? Where do you live? 4) ___________ оче ь е ло It's very warm, here 5) ___________ я ойд I'll go to sleep, then а ь 5. Use the correct adverbs to make the following sentences: 1) Я ___________ ч р ий I recently learn Russian 2) оль о ейча ___________ ре е и? What time is it there? (where you live) 3) Я оед ___________ лед юще I will go there next year де ы и ёшь) од 4) Я ___________ оел I already ate 5) Я ___________ е I'm still eating 262 UNIT 5.1 Ответы 1. Make adverbs from the following adjectives: 1) О едле о (медленный) о He replies slowly ечае 2) Ка я ро о (громк й) о ори Katya is talking loudly 3) Э о) И ере о ( нтересный) (That's) interesting 4) Те я р д о (трудный) о я ь It's difficult to understand you 5) Де ш а ра и о (крас вый) а ц е The girls dances beautifully 2. Make adverbs from the following adjectives: 1) Прия о (пр тный) оз а о и ь я (it's) nice to meet you (lit.: it's pleasantly to met you) 2) Э о ро о (простой) (it's) easy/simply 3) Учи ель о ори ро о (строг й) A teacher is talking strictly 4) В о а е е о (тёмный) (it's) dark in the room 5) Же щи а ечаль о (печальный) оё A woman is singing sadly 3. Make adverbs from the following adjectives: 1) Зде ь ад и (адск й) ар о! It's hellishly hot in here! 2) Вы о ори е о-р и (русск й)? Do you speak Russian? 3) О о ори о- ор аль He speaks Portuguese и (португальск й) 4) Я ею о ори ь о-ара I can speak Arabic и (арабск й) 5) О о ори о- рец и (турецк й) He speaks Turkish 4. Use the correct adverbs to make the following sentences: 263 1) Ко да ы риедешь? When will you come? 2) Э о ыло да о It was a long time ago 3) Где ы и ёшь? Where do you live? 4) Зде ь оче ь е ло It's very warm, here 5) По о я ойд а ь I'll go to sleep, then 5. Use the correct adverbs to make the following sentences: 1) Я еда о ч р ий I recently learn Russian 2) оль о ейча а ре е и? де ы What time is it there? (where you live) 3) Я оед да лед юще I will go there next year и ёшь) од 4) Я е оел I already ate 5) Я ещё е I'm still eating 264 Unit 5.2 Adverbs: comparative and superlative Just as adjectives, adverbs can form comparative and superlative forms. For example: О е ае быстрее She runs more quickly 1. Comparative adverbs: Good for us that comparative adverb is identical to short form comparative adjective: Ты е да о ечаешь быстрее, че я You always reply more quickly that I do And if an adverb ends in - , it forms its comparative with the word более Э о ы ляди более лог ческ Её лицо ы ляди более ангельск It looks more logically Her face looks more angelically 2. Negative adverbs: If you want to use an adverb in a, so to say, negative way, for example to say: Less quickly or less slavishly. Then use the word менее with the adverb. Я е аю менее быстро че ы. I run less quickly than you do. But in these cases we more probably would use slowly or any other adverb with a negative/controversial sense. 265 3. Дальше and ра ьше: The words дальше (further) and раньше (earlier) come from adjectives, but are used only as comparative adverbs. 4. Constructions with че : Like comparative adjectives, adverbs can form constructions with both че genitive case. Мой ы е ае быстрее чем твой Мой ы е ае быстрее твоего and with My son runs more quickly than yours You also can use the words гораздо or намного with comparative adverbs. Ты е аешь гораздо быстрее е я Ты е аешь намного быстрее е я You run much more quickly than I am 5. Ещё as even: Put the word ещё to use it as even Ты ишешь ещё крас вее че аша чи ель ица You write even more beautifully than our teacher 6. Distinguishing adjectives and adverbs: How to distinguish adjective and adverb? Adjectives describes a noun When an adverb describes a verb 266 7. Useful expressions: Short form of the comparative adjective is often used in some expressions, such as: Че ольше, е л чше В ё чаще и чаще The more, the better The more and more Ка В ё ре е и ре е о о орее As quickly/soon as possible Less and less rarely 8. Superlative of an adverb: How to make a superlative form of an adverb? Just add the words всего or всех If you want to say in the meaning of "best of all" Be careful. Decide what you mean: "Better than anything else" or "better than anyone else" О и рае ф ол лучше всего He plays football best of all О и рае ф ол лучше всех He plays football better than anybody else Better than he plays any other sport Better than anyone else plays 267 UNIT 5.2 Упражнен 1. Make the comparative adverbs from the following adjectives: 1) Толи о ори ___________ (быстрый) Tolik is talking more quickly 2) На аша оё ___________ (громк й) Natasha is singling more loudly 3) Ты ра азы аешь ___________ ( нтересный) You are telling more interestingly 4) Миша ише ___________ (ч стый) Misha writes more neatly (lit.: more cleanly) 5) ол це е и ___________ ( рк й) The sun is shining more brightly 2. Make the comparative adverbs with negative meaning, from the following adjectives (using the word "менее"): 1) о а а е ае ___________ (быстрый) The dog is running less slowly 2) ___________ (высок й) ре о е до а Less highly recommended movie ый филь 3) Мо ы о о ори ь ___________ (медленный)? Could he speak less slowly? 4) Мо ла ы о а ра азы а ь ___________ (скучный)? Could she tell less boringly *In these examples native speakers more probably would use antonyms 3. Make the comparative adverbs with the construction "... adverb, чем...", from the following adjectives: 1) Валя оё ___________ (крас вый), че На аша Valya sings more beautifully, than Natasha 2) Ты ишешь ___________ (ч стый), че You write more neatly, than Kirill Кирилл 3) Ты реа ир ешь ___________ (спокойный), че You react more calmly, than she о а 4) Ле едё е я ___________ (агресс вный), че и р The lion behaves himself more aggressively, than the tiger 5) Оля реа ир е ___________ (эмоц ональный), че Olya react more emotionally, than Katya Ка я 268 4. Make the comparative adverbs with the construction "... ещё adverb noun...", from the following adjectives: 1) аша оё ___________ (т х й) Маши Sasha is singing even more quietly than Masha 2) На аша о ори ___________ (вежл вый) Коли Natasha is talking even more politely than Kolya 3) Валя едё е я ___________ (застенч вый) Ка и Valya behave even more shyly than Katya 4) Ты а ц ешь ___________ (лёгк й) алери ы You dance even more easily than a ballet dancer 5) Ты ы лядишь ___________ (печальный) You look even more sadly than me е я (чем я) 5. Make superlative adverbs from the following adjectives: 1) Кирилл о ори о-р и ___________ (хорош й) Kirill speaks Russian best of all 2) На аша ричи ___________ (громк й) Natasha is screaming more loudly than anybody else 3) Я з аю а лий ий ___________ (хорош й) I know English best of all 4) Я о орю о- и ай и ___________ (плохой) I speak Chinese worst of all 5) Моя а ш а о о и я о е ___________ (добрый) My grandmother treats me more kindly than anybody else 269 UNIT 5.2 Ответы 1. Make the comparative adverbs from the following adjectives: 1) Толи о ори ы рее (быстрый) Tolik is talking more quickly 2) На аша оё ро че (громк й) Natasha is singling more loudly 3) Ты ра азы аешь и ере ее ( нтересный) You are telling more interestingly 4) Миша ише чище (ч стый) Misha writes more neatly (lit.: more cleanly) 5) ол це е и ярче ( рк й) The sun is shining more brightly 2. Make the comparative adverbs with negative meaning, from the following adjectives (using the word "менее"): 1) о а а е ае е ее ы ро (быстрый) The dog is running less slowly 2) Ме ее ы о о (высок й) ре о е до а Less highly recommended movie 3) Мо ы о о ори ь е ее едле Could he speak less slowly? 4) Мо ла ы о а ра азы а ь Could she tell less boringly е ее ый филь о (медленный)? ч о (скучный)? *In these examples native speakers more probably would use antonyms 3. Make the comparative adverbs with the construction "... adverb, чем...", from the following adjectives: 1) Валя оё ра и ее (крас вый), че На аша Valya sings more beautifully, than Natasha 2) Ты ишешь чище (ч стый), че Кирилл You write more neatly, than Kirill 3) Ты реа ир ешь о ой ее (спокойный), че You react more calmly, than she о а 4) Ле едё е я а ре и ее (агресс вный), че и р The lion behaves himself more aggressively, than the tiger 5) Оля реа ир е э оцио аль ее (эмоц ональный), че Olya react more emotionally, than Katya Ка я 270 4. Make the comparative adverbs with the construction "... ещё adverb noun...", from the following adjectives: 1) аша оё ещё ише (т х й) Маши Sasha is singing even more quietly than Masha 2) На аша о ори ещё е ли ее (вежл вый) Коли Natasha is talking even more politely than Kolya 3) Валя едё е я ещё за е чи ее (застенч вый) Ка и Valya behave even more shyly than Katya 4) Ты а ц ешь ещё ле че (лёгк й) алери ы You dance even more easily than a ballet dancer 5) Ты ы лядишь ещё ечаль ее (печальный) You look even more sadly than me е я (чем я) 5. Make superlative adverbs from the following adjectives: 1) Кирилл о ори о-р и л чше Kirill speaks Russian best of all е о (хорош й) 2) На аша ричи ро че ех (громк й) Natasha is screaming more loudly than anybody else 3) Я з аю а лий ий л чше I know English best of all 4) Я о орю о- и ай и х е I speak Chinese worst of all е о (хорош й) е о (плохой) 5) Моя а ш а о о и я о е до рее ех (добрый) My grandmother treats me more kindly than anybody else 271 Unit Cardinal numerals 6.1 Numbers that express a definite quantity (like, six, forty, fifty five) are called cardinal numbers. 1. Counting to 20: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 оди д а ри че ыре я ь ше ь е ь о е ь де я ь де я ь 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 оди адца ь д е адца ь ри адца ь че ыр адца ь я адца ь ше адца ь е адца ь о е адца ь де я адца ь д адца ь 2. Numbers above 20: But numbers above 20 are formed easily - place them one after another. 20 and 7 = 27 Д адца ь и е ь 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 200 ридца ь оро я ьде я ше ьде я е ьде я о е ьде я де я о о о д е и д адца ь е ь 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 40 and 3 = 43 оро и ри оро ри ри а че ыре а я ь о ше ь о е ь о о е ь о де я ь о ы яча 3. Numeral one (1): The number 1 has three form. It behaves like an adjective. Examples: 272 оди дом → one house (masc.) од а собака → one dog (fem.) од о место → one place (neuter) 3. Numeral two (2): And one more exception for number 2. It has two form in Russian. One is for masculine and neuter and another is for feminine nouns. два до а → two houses (masc.) два Два е две о а и → two dogs (fem.) а → two places (neuter) чи ы и две е щи ы. Two men and two women. 273 UNIT 6.1 Упражнен 1. Write these ordinal numerals as you would say them: + лю - и = ра о 1) 4+3=7 ________________ лю ________________ ра о ________________ 2) 1+2=3 ________________ лю ________________ ра о ________________ 3) 5+5=10 ________________ лю ________________ ра о ________________ 4) 4-2=2 ________________ и ________________ ра о ________________ 5) 7-6=1 ________________ и ________________ ра о ________________ 6) 4+5=9 ________________ лю ________________ ра о ________________ 7) 8+2=10 ________________ лю ________________ ра о ________________ 2. Write these ordinal numerals as you would say them: 1) 12 ______________________________________________________ 2) 42 ______________________________________________________ 3) 53 ______________________________________________________ 4) 89 ______________________________________________________ 5) 96 ______________________________________________________ 6) 35 ______________________________________________________ 7) 84 ______________________________________________________ 8) 68 ______________________________________________________ 9) 21 ______________________________________________________ 10) 75 ______________________________________________________ 274 3. Your friend won a lottery. Write these ordinal numerals, as you would say them to your Russian friend: 1) 1 _____________________________________________________ 2) 25 _____________________________________________________ 3) 26 _____________________________________________________ 4) 38 _____________________________________________________ 5) 42 _____________________________________________________ 6) 49 _____________________________________________________ 4. Write these ordinal numerals in figures: 1) ________ д адца ь я ь 2) ________ ридца ь о е ь 3) ________ я ьде я оди 4) ________ ше 5) ________ оро че ыре 6) ________ о е 7) ________ 8) ________ 9) ________ че ыре 10) ьде я е ь адца ь о де я о е ь о о е ьде я ри а д адца ь де я ь о е ь о ________ о я ь ри 5. Read the sums and write the answers in figures: 1) че ыре + ри = ______ 2) - д а = ______ = ______ = ______ я ь 3) де я ь - 4) де я ь + о е ь ше ь оро - е ь = ______ 6) д адца ь + оро оди = ______ 5) 275 UNIT 6.1 Ответы 1. Write these ordinal numerals as you would say them: + лю и - = ра о 1) 4+3=7 че ыре лю ри ра о е ь 2) 1+2=3 оди лю д а ра о ри 3) 5+5=10 я ь лю ра о де я ь 4) 4-2=2 че ыре и д а ра о д а 5) 7-6=1 е ь и ше ра о оди 6) 4+5=9 че ыре лю ра о де я ь 7) 8+2=10 о е ь лю ра о де я ь я ь ь я ь д а 2. Write these ordinal numerals as you would say them: 1) 12 д е адца ь 2) 42 оро д а 3) 53 я ьде я 4) 89 о е ьде я де я ь 5) 96 де я о 6) 35 ридца ь я ь 7) 84 о е ьде я че ыре 8) 68 ше 9) 21 д адца ь оди 10) 75 ри о ше ьде я е ьде я ь о е ь я ь 276 3. Your friend won a lottery. Write these ordinal numerals, as you would say them to your Russian friend: 1 оди 1) 2) 25 д адца ь я ь 3) 26 д адца ь ше 4) 38 ридца ь о е ь 5) 42 оро д а 6) 49 оро де я ь ь 4. Write these ordinal numerals in figures: 1) 25 д адца ь я ь 2) 38 ридца ь о е ь 3) 51 я ьде я оди 4) 67 ше 5) 44 оро че ыре 6) 18 о е 7) 195 8) 783 9) 429 че ыре 10) ьде я е ь адца ь о де я о е ь о о е ьде я ри а д адца ь де я ь о е ь о 803 о я ь ри 5. Read the sums and write the answers in figures: 1) че ыре + ри = е ь 2) - д а = ри = оди = ше я ь 3) де я ь - 4) де я ь + о е ь ше ь оро - е ь = 6) д адца ь + оро оди = 5) адца ь ридца ь ри ше ьде я оди 277 Unit Cardinal numerals, part 2 6.2 Like nouns numerals has to agree in case. So, they also have six cases. 1. Numeral one (1): Numeral one behaves like an adjective. case Nominative Accusative Genitive Dative Instrumental Prepositional Masculine оди оди /од о о* од о о од о од и од о feminine од а од од ой од ой од ой од ой Neuter од о од о/од о о* од о о од о од и од о * for animate accusative О а ра азы ае ро одного чи She is telling about one man (animate) В до е е и одного о а There are not even one window in the house Мы рошли через од н арьер Я ра We passed through one barrier (inanimate) а е е ро одно о дар о I will tell you about one state 2. Numbers two, three, four: Numbers two, three and four changes more than others, when it comes to cases. They fallow the general case pattern: case Nominative Accusative Genitive Dative Instrumental Prepositional 2 д а/д е д а/д е/д д х д д я д х х 3 ри ри/ рёх рёх рё ре я рёх 4 че че че че че че ыре ыре/че ырёх ырёх ырё ырь я ырёх 3. Numerals with soft sign: Numerals which end in soft sign ( е ь) are feminine nouns. If a numeral contain a soft sign in the middle, it changes in the middle and at the end. Forty and hundred are much easier to form and memorize (and 90 ninety works like 100 hundred). 278 case Nominative Accusative Genitive Dative Instrumental Prepositional п ть я ь я ь я и я и я ью я и п тьдес т я ьде я я ьде я я иде я и я иде я и я ьюде я ью я иде я и сорок оро оро оро а оро а оро а оро а сто о о а а а а 4. Numeral eight (8): Genitive, dative and prepositional of 8 is восьм : case Nominative Accusative Genitive Dative Instrumental Prepositional восемь о е ь о е ь о ь и о ь и о ь ью о ь и 5. Using hundreds: When we use "hundreds", their declension bases on the first digit. Look at the examples: case тр ста Nom. ри а Acc. ри а Gen. рёх о Dat. рё а Inst. ре я а и Prep. рёх ах Шестьсот ше ь о ше ь о ше и о ше и а ше ью а и ше и ах 279 UNIT 6.2 Упражнен 1. Put the numbers in the needed case: 1) Я дал и ___________ (1) др I gave a book to one friend (accusat.) 2) Я хоч ра аза ь е е о ___________ (1) филь е I want to tell you about one movie (prepos.) 3) О а ра азы ае ро ___________ (1) чело е а She is telling about one man (accusat.) 4) У е я е ь ___________ (1) олез ая ещица I have one useful knickknack (nominat.) 5) Э о и ь о ыло а и а о ___________ (1) This letter was written by one sage дрецо (instrument.) 2. Put the numbers in the needed case: 1) Ра а и е аз о ___________ (3) оро я ах Tell me a fairy tale about three piglets (prepos.) 2) О ыл ра е ___________ (2) ы He was wounded by two shots (instrument.) 3) Я дал оло а ___________ (3) о а I gave milk to three cats (dative) 4) О ра азы ае о ___________ (2) о а ах He is telling about two dogs (prepos.) 5) Но е я е ___________ (2) долларо ! But I don't have two dollars! (genit.) рела и 3. Put the numbers in the needed case: 1) У её е ___________ (5) ы о ей She doesn't have five sons (genit.) 2) У е я е ___________ (52) р I don't have fifty two rubles (genit.) 3) Ра а и е и орию о ___________ (100) о а ах Tell me a story about one hundred dogs (prepos.) 4) ___________ (70) ода и ра ее Seventy years earlier (instrument.) 5) Бла одаря ___________ (42) р ля , о орые Thanks to the forty two rubles I had лей е я ыли (dative) 4. Put the numbers in the needed case: 280 1) ___________ (8) ода и ра ее Eight years earlier (instrument.) 2) На ___________ (8) щ альцах е ь ри о There are suckers on the eight tentacles 3) У е я е ___________ (8) долларо ! I don't have eight dollars! (genit.) 4) Я о орю о ___________ (8) оро ах I am talking about eight cows (prepos.) 5) Я и ___________ (8) ол о I see eight wolves (accusat.) и (prepos.) 5. Put the numbers in the needed case: 1) Я и ___________ (300) ар а це I see three hundred Spartans (accus.) 2) У е я е ___________ (500) долларо I don't have five hundred dollars (genit.) 3) Ра а и е и орию о ___________ (400) ар а цах Tell me the story about four hundred Spartans (prepos.) 4) О и ыли о е де ы ___________ (600) ои а и They were defeated by six hundred warriors (instrument.) 5) ___________ (700) ода и ра ее Seven hundred years earlier (instrument.) 281 UNIT 6.2 Ответы 1. Put the numbers in the needed case: 1) Я дал и од о (1) др I gave a book to one friend (accusat.) 2) Я хоч ра аза ь е е о од о (1) филь е I want to tell you about one movie (prepos.) 3) О а ра азы ае ро од о о (1) чело е а She is telling about one man (accusat.) 4) У е я е ь од а (1) олез ая ещица I have one useful knickknack (nominat.) 5) Э о и ь о ыло а и а о од и (1) This letter was written by one sage (instrument.) дрецо 2. Put the numbers in the needed case: 1) Ра а и е аз о рёх (3) оро я ах Tell me a fairy tale about three piglets (prepos.) 2) О ыл ра е д я (2) ы рела и He was wounded by two shots (instrument.) 3) Я дал оло а рё (3) о а I gave milk to three cats (dative) 4) О ра азы ае о д х (2) о а ах He is telling about two dogs (prepos.) 5) Но е я е д х (2) долларо ! But I don't have two dollars! (genit.) 3. Put the numbers in the needed case: 1) У её е я и (5) ы о ей She doesn't have five sons (genit.) 2) У е я е я иде я и д х (52) р I don't have fifty two rubles 3) Ра а и е и орию о а (100) о а ах Tell me a story about one hundred dogs (prepos.) 4) е ьюде я ью (70) ода и ра ее Seventy years earlier (instrument.) 5) Бла одаря оро а д (42) р ля , о орые Thanks to the forty two rubles I had (genit.) лей е я ыли (dative) 4. Put the numbers in the needed case: 282 1) Во ь ью (8) ода и ра ее Eight years earlier (instrument.) 2) На о ь и (8) щ альцах е ь ри о и There are suckers on the eight tentacles (prepos.) 3) У е я е о ь и (8) долларо ! I don't have eight dollars! (genit.) 4) Я о орю о о ь и (8) оро ах I am talking about eight cows (prepos.) 5) Я и о е ь (8) ол о I see eight wolves (accusat.) 5. Put the numbers in the needed case: 1) Я и рёх о (300) ар а це I see three hundred Spartans (accus.) 2) У е я е я и о (500) долларо I don't have five hundred dollars (genit.) 3) Ра а и е и орию о че ырёх ах (400) ар а цах Tell me the story about four hundred Spartans (prepos.) 4) О и ыли о е де ы ше ью а и (600) ои а и They were defeated by six hundred warriors (instrument.) 5) е ью а и (700) ода и ра ее Seven hundred years earlier (instrument.) 283 Unit Cardinal numerals, part 3 6.3 Using numerals in their different cases. 1. Numeral one (1): The number one works like an adjective ( ольшой (big), for example): О а и ё одном рия о зда ии Мы ыли She lives in one pleasant building О и и одной але ь ой одном е рия о е е We were at one unpleasant place ар ире They live on one small flat But if we use a big compound number with the digit 1 at the end, then the noun remain in singular. о одна ош а и о (female noun) 101 female cats and a male cat о одно реше ие ро ле (neuter noun) 101 solution of problems о од н дал а и ец (male noun) 101 dalmatians 2. Numerals two, three, four (2, 3, 4): Numbers 2, 3, 4 are followed by the genitive singular of nouns. У е я е ь д а о а (male) I have two cats У У е я че ыре зда ия (neuter) I have four buildings е я ри о а и (female) I have three dogs Their compound behave the same way: У е яе ь д адца ь тр о а? (male) Do you have 23 cats? 284 Я лышал, е яе ь п тьдес т четыре о а и. (female) I've heard, you have 54 dogs... Я дол е дела ь семьдес т два зада ия. (neuter) I have to do 72 tasks... 3. Numerals above 5: Numbers above 5 (of course, except of the compound of 2, 3 and 4) are followed by the genitive plural of nouns. У е я семь оло и о е ь лье (male) I have 7 tables and 8 chairs Я да е е дев ть оше и двадцать шесть о а (female) I will give you 9 female cats and 26 dogs. О и ользо ал дев носто семь за ли а ий (neuter) He used 97 spells 4. Noun человек: Pay attention to the noun человек (a man/a person). It behaves like this: Д а чело е а / Три чело е а / Че ыре чело е а Two men (people) / Three men (people)/ Four men (people) BUT: Пя ь чело е / оро ше ь чело е /Де я о о о е ь чело е Five men (people) / Forty six men (people) / Ninety eight men (people) 5. Using 2, 3, 4 + an adjective + a noun: Rules for using 2, 3 and 4 + an adjective + a noun are different for all three genders. Masculine and neuter. If a numeral is a subject, use the genitive plural of the adjective, and the genitive singular of the noun which fallow it: Два хороших ола 285 Two good tables Тр але ь их о а Three small windows етыре оро их филь а Four short movies You see, that in these examples all nouns are used in the genitive singular, but the adjectives are in the genitive plural Feminine. Use either the nominative plural or genitive plural of the adjective and the genitive singular of the noun: Две ольшие ( ольших) о а ы Two big rooms Тр ре ра ые ( ре ра ых) очи Three beautiful nights етыре хорошие (хороших) р ч и Four good pens 6. Above five (5): If number five and above are the subject (not compounds of 1,2,3 and 4 - they follow their own rules), they are followed by the genitive plural of both noun and adjective. And this applies to all genders: Пя ь о ых ар ир Five new flats е ь хороших до о Seven good houses Д адца ь ше ь ольших о о Twenty six big windows 286 BUT: орок два доро их до а Forty two expensive houses П тьдес т четыре але ь их о а Fifty four small windows Двадцать тр ра и ые (or ра и ых) ош и Twenty three beautiful cats (female cats) 7. Numeral is in the position of subject or an inanimate object: If a numeral needs to be in a case (for example after a preposition), the whole numeral and its adjective and noun have to be in the same case, and the noun will be in plural (of course if it doesn't follow numeral "one"). Я и од н ольшой до и тр о ые о ых) аши ы I see one big house and three new cars (accusative) Пи ь а для сем а ери а их др зей и одного разиль о о др а Letters for seven American friends and one Brazilian friend (genitive) 8. Usage of animate accusative: The animate accusative with numerals is used only for 1, 2, 3, 4 on their own - not in compounds. Examples: Я и двух е щи I see two women (both in the animate accusative) Я и тр дцать два чело е а I see thirty two people (for compounds of 2, 3, 4 no change - we use genitive singular) Я и п ть чи елей I see five teachers (for numbers above 5 (except of compounds of 2, 3, 4) we just use the genitive plural) 287 UNIT 6.3 Упражнен 1. Put the highlighted words in the correct form: 1) Я и ___________ (1 дом) I see one house (accusat.) 2) У е я е ___________ (1 вещь) I don't have one thing (genit.) 3) До о рое ___________ (1 человек) The house is built by one person (instrument.) 4) ___________ (101 задача) One hundred and one tasks (nominat.) 5) ___________ (31 задан е) Thirty one tasks (nominat.) 2. Put the highlighted words in the correct form: 1) У е я е ь___________ (3 кот) I have three cats 2) У её е ь ___________ (2 ручка) She has two pens 3) Я ри о о ил ___________ (3 блюдо) I cooked three dishes 4) Я рочи ал ___________ (22 стран ца) I read twenty two pages 5) Та я ила ___________ (4 попугай) Tanya bought four parrots 3. Put the highlighted words in the correct form: 1) У е я е ь ___________ (5 м нута)? Do you have five minutes? 2) Ма а и е ла ___________ (12 булочка) Mother baked twelve buns 3) Па а рочи ал ___________ (7 журнал) Father read seven magazines 4) Я а и ал ___________ (10 п сьмо) I wrote ten letters 5) Миша делал ___________ (7 задан е) Misha did seven tasks 4. Put the highlighted words in the correct form: 288 1) ___________ (2 хорош й человек) Two good men 2) ___________ (3 крас вый кот) Three beautiful cats 3) ___________ (4 м лый девушка) Four lovely girls 4) ___________ (3 чудесный ночь) Three wonderful nights 5) ___________ (2 новый телефон) Two new phones 5. Put the highlighted words in the correct form: 1) У а ___________ (45 новый сообщен е) You have forty five new messages 2) ___________ (23 солнечный день) Twenty three sunny days 3) ___________ (7 с н й пт ца) Seven blue birds 4) ___________ (9 золотой рыбка) Nine golden fishes 5) ___________ (50 цветной карандаш) Fifty color pencils 6. Put the highlighted words in the correct form: 1) Прое а и а ___________ (5 молодой студент) The project is written by five young students 2) Я д аю о ___________ (8 крас вый пт ца) I think about eight beautiful birds 3) Я и ___________ (6 доктор) I see six doctors 4) Я з аю ___________ (3 мужч на) I know three men 5) Я и ___________ (7 большой собака) I see seven big dogs 289 UNIT 6.3 Ответы 1. Put the highlighted words in the correct form: 1) Я и оди до (1 дом) I see one house (accusat.) 2) У е я е од ой ещи (1 вещь) I don't have one thing (genit.) 3) До о рое од и чело е о (1 человек) The house is built by one person (instrument.) 4) о од а здача (101 задача) One hundred and one tasks (nominat.) 5) Тридца ь од о зада ие (31 задан е) Thirty one tasks (nominat.) 2. Put the highlighted words in the correct form: 1) У е я е ь ри о а (3 кот) I have three cats 2) У её е ь д е р ч и (2 ручка) She has two pens 3) Я ри о о ил ри люда (3 блюдо) I cooked three dishes 4) Я рочи ал д адца ь д е (22 стран ца) I read twenty two pages 5) Та я ила че ыре о ая (4 попугай) Tanya bought four parrots 3. Put the highlighted words in the correct form: 1) У е яе ь я ь и (5 м нута)? Do you have five minutes? 2) Ма а и е ла д е адца ь Mother baked twelve buns 3) Па а рочи ал е ь р ало (7 журнал) Father read seven magazines 4) Я а и ал де я ь и е I wrote ten letters 5) Миша делал е ь зада ий (7 задан е) Misha did seven tasks лоче (12 булочка) (10 п сьмо) 4. Put the highlighted words in the correct form: 290 1) Д а хороших чело е а (2 хорош й человек) Two good men 2) Три ра и ых о а (3 крас вый кот) Three beautiful cats 3) Че ыре илых де Four lovely girls 4) Три ч де ых очи (3 чудесный ночь) Three wonderful nights 5) Д а о ых елефо а (2 новый телефон) Two new phones ш и (4 м лый девушка) 5. Put the highlighted words in the correct form: 1) У а оро я ь о ых оо ще ий (45 новый сообщен е) You have forty five new messages 2) Д адца ь ри ол еч ых д я (23 солнечный день) Twenty three sunny days 3) е ь и их иц (7 с н й пт ца) Seven blue birds 4) Де я ь золо ых ры о (9 золотой рыбка) Nine golden fishes 5) Пя ьде я ц е ых ара дашей (50 цветной карандаш) Fifty color pencils 6. Put the highlighted words in the correct form: 1) Прое а и а я ью олоды и де а и (5 молодой студент) The project is written by five young students 2) Я д аю о о ь и ра и ых ицах (8 крас вый пт ца) I think about eight beautiful birds 3) Я и ше ь до оро (6 доктор) I see six doctors 4) Я з аю рёх чи (3 мужч на) I know three men 5) Я и е ь ольших о а (7 большой собака) I see seven big dogs 291 Unit 6.4 Ordinal numerals What are ordinal numerals? When we want to indicate position in an order or a series we use ordinal numerals. 1. Ordinal numerals from 1 to 1000: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th ер ый орой ре ий че ёр ый я ый ше ой едь ой о ь ой де я ый де я ый 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th оди адца ый д е адца ый ри адца ый че ыр адца ый я адца ый ше адца ый е адца ый о е адца ый де я адца ый д адца ый 30th 40th 50th 60th 70th 80th 90th 100th 1000th ридца ый оро о ой я иде я ый ше иде я ый е иде я ый о ь иде я ый де я о ый о ый ы яч ый 2. Ordinal numerals are stressed or unstressed adjectives: All the ordinal numerals are stressed or unstressed adjectives, so they behave like новый or ж вой. And only numeral three is an exception: Nom. Acc. Gen. Dat. Instr. Prep. Masc. ре ий ре ий/ ре ье о* ре ье о ре ье ре ьи ре ье Femen. ре ья ре ью ре ьей ре ьей ре ьей ре ьей Neuter ре ье ре ье ре ье о ре ье ре ьи ре ье Plural ре ьи ре ьи/ ре ьих* ре ьих ре ьи ре ьи и ре ьих 3. Compound ordinal numerals: When we make a compound ordinal numeral, only the last digit gets ordinal: 56th - я ьде я шестой 125th - о д адца ь п тый 38th - ридца ь восьмой 2354th - д е ы ячи ри а я ьде я четвёртый 292 4. Putting an ordinal numeral to a case: To put an ordinal numeral to a case, different from the nominative, change only the last digit: Ма ь д адца ь седьмого ре ё а - Mother of the 27th child 5. Abbreviations: In abbreviation we use the last letter of the ordinal numeral. But if the penultimate letter of the ordinal numeral is a consonant, we use two last letters: 43-й де ь 43th day 27-й од 27th year Ма ь 7- о ре ё Жиз ь 48- о д я а Mother of the 7th child Life of the 48th day 6. Centuries and monarchs: And also we use Roman numerals for centuries and monarchs: XX е фо 20th century fox XXI е 21t century Пё р I Peter the First (the Great) Е а ери а II Katherine the second (the Great) 293 UNIT 6.4 Упражнен 1. Write the ordinal numerals as you would say them: 1) Я ___________ (1-й)! I am the first! 2) ___________ (2-й) о The second cat 3) ___________ (5-й) The fifth table 4) ___________ (9-й) од The ninth year 5) ___________ (11-й) The eleventh month ол е яц 2. Write the ordinal numerals as you would say them: 1) О а д ае о ___________ (3) ре ё She is thinking about the third child 2) аша ил ___________ (3) о а Shasha bought the third cat 3) Валя ила ___________ (3) аз Valya bought the third vase 4) У Коли е ___________ (3) лаза Kolya doesn't have the third eye 5) ___________ (3) о а а The third dog е 3. Write the ordinal numerals as you would say them: 1) 58-й ________________________________________________________ 2) 22-й ________________________________________________________ 3) 35-й ________________________________________________________ 4) 77-й ________________________________________________________ 5) 29-й ________________________________________________________ 4. Write the ordinal numerals as you would say them: 294 1) Ма ь ___________ (11) ре ё Mother of the eleventh child 2) Владелец ____________________________________ (456) до а The owner of the four hundred fifty sixth house 3) По еди ель ___________ (43) олод ых и р The winner of the forty third hunger games 4) Миша делал фо о рафию ___________ (22) оезда Misha took a picture of the twenty second train 5) Ра а и е о ___________ (37) о щи е Tell me about the thirty seventh racer а 5. Write the ordinal numerals as you would say them. Example: Ти о рафия аходи я а ___________ (24) э а е Ти о рафия аходи я а двадцать четвёртом э а е Typography is on the twenty forth floor 1) Мой офи аходи я а ___________ (43) э а е My office is on the forty third floor 2) Кафе аходи я а ___________ (12) э а е Cafe is on the twelfth floor 3) ор зал аходи я а ___________ (22) э а е Gym is on the twenty second floor 4) Би лио е а аходи я а ___________ (38) э а е Library is on the thirty eighth floor 5) О ощ ой а ази аходи я а ___________ (9) э а е Greengrocery is on the ninth floor 295 UNIT 6.4 Ответы 1. Write the ordinal numerals as you would say them: 1) Я ер ый (1-й)! I am the first! 2) В орой (2-й) о The second cat 3) Пя ый (5-й) ол The fifth table 4) Де я ый (9-й) од The ninth year 5) Оди адца ый (11-й) The eleventh month е яц 2. Write the ordinal numerals as you would say them: 1) О а д ае о ре ье (3) ре ё е She is thinking about the third child 2) аша ил ре ье о (3) о а Shasha bought the third cat 3) Валя ила ре ью (3) аз Valya bought the third vase 4) У Коли е ре ье о (3) лаза Kolya doesn't have the third eye 5) Тре ья (3) о а а The third dog 3. Write the ordinal numerals as you would say them: я ьде я о ь ой 1) 58-й 2) 22-й д адца ь 3) 35-й ридца ь я ый 4) 77-й е ьде я 5) 29-й д адца ь де я ый орой едь ой 4. Write the ordinal numerals as you would say them: 296 1) Ма ь оди адца о о (11) ре ё Mother of the eleventh child 2) Владелец че ыре а я ьде я ше о о (456) до а The owner of the four hundred fifty sixth house 3) По еди ель оро ре ьих (43) олод ых и р The winner of the forty third hunger games 4) Миша делал фо о рафию д адца ь оро о (22) оезда Misha took a picture of the twenty second train 5) Ра а и е о ридца ь едь о (37) о щи е Tell me about the thirty seventh racer а 5. Write the ordinal numerals as you would say them. Example: Ти о рафия аходи я а ___________ (24) э а е Ти о рафия аходи я а двадцать четвёртом э а е Typography is on the twenty forth floor 1) Мой офи аходи я а оро ре ье My office is on the forty third floor 2) Кафе аходи я а д е адца о Cafe is on the twelfth floor 3) ор зал аходи я а д адца ь оро Gym is on the twenty second floor 4) Би лио е а аходи я а ридца ь о ь о Library is on the thirty eighth floor 5) О ощ ой а ази аходи я а де я о Greengrocery is on the ninth floor (43) э а е э а е (12) э а е (22) э а е (38) э а е (9) э а е 297 Unit 6.5 Telling the time For telling the time we will need both Cardinal and Ordinal numerals. 1. Asking the time: The question is: оль о ре е и? (lit.: how much time is it?) Ко орый ча ? (lit.: what hour is it?) 2. Telling the time: To answer the questions by stating an hour, give the cardinal number, followed by the word for hour (час); genitive singular after 2, 3, 4 and genitive plural for 5 and above. д а ча а е ь ча о 2 o'clock 7 o'clock Please, don't forget that military time is used in Russia. So, for compounds with 2, 3, 4 rules stays the same - use the word "hour" in genitive singular after compounds ending in 2, 3, 4. д адца ь д а ча а 22 o'clock д адца ь ри ча а 23 o'clock And for time with 1 at the end, use nominative singular for word "hour" after it: ча 1 o'clock д адца ь оди ча 21 o'clock 3. Telling the minutes: To give the time on the right hand side (between the hour and half of the hour), we need to use the ordinal numbers. You can say, for example, 4:15 you can say fifteen minutes of the fifth hour. 298 3:10 де я ь и че 3:20 д адца ь 2:25 д адца ь я ь и ёр о о че ёр о о и ре ье о And also, a very important remark: you can't use military time like that. And you don't have to add anything like p.m. or a.m. after it. 8:10 (20:10) Де я ь и де я о о 9:20 (19:20) Д адца ь 11:25 (23:25) Д адца ь я ь и де я о о и д е адца о о So, you can't say двадцать м нут двадцатого or дес ть м нут дев тнадцатого. And to give the time on the left hand side of the clock (after the half hour), we need the preposition без (without). And this preposition is followed by the genitive case. ез я и ри 2:55 without five (minutes) three ез я адца и ше ь 5:45 without fifteen (minutes) six ез д адца и я и д е адца ь 11:35 without twenty five (minutes) twelve The word и (minutes) is optional. So you can say: ез я и ри without five three ез д адца и я и д е адца ь without twenty five (minutes) twelve or ез я и минут ри without five minutes three ез д адца и я и минут д е адца ь without twenty five minutes twelve 299 4. Noon and midnight: полдень noon полночь midnight To say at midnight and at noon, we use the preposition " " Я е да ью чай в полдень I always drink tea at noon Мы речае я в полночь We meet at midnight Мы речае я в полночь а лад ище We meet at midnight at cemetery 5. At what time: What if someone asks you At what time it is convenient for you to do some activity? To answer that question, in Russian - В котором часу? Во сколько? Use the preposition "в" and accusative case for the right hand side of clock: В де я ь и едь о о At 6:10 В д адца ь я ь и ре ье о At 2:25 For the half hour "в" and prepositional (prepositional for the word " оло и а"): В оло и е оро о At 1:30 В оло и е де я о о At 9:30 For the left side of clock "в" is not needed, we use "без" (which means without) instead. So, it's going to be "без" and genitive: Без я адца и че ыре or Без че ер и че ыре At 3:45 Без д адца и я и я ь At 4:35 6. Easy way to tell the time: You can also tell the time and arrange the meeting using only cardinal numerals and military time: 300 колько времен ? What time is it? Че ыре оро кайпе? At what time we will talk on Skype? я ь В че ыре д адца ь 4:45 At 4:20 Де я адца ь я адца ь 19:15 е Во сколько мы поговор м в адца ь д адца ь е ь 17:27 В е адца ь оро ри At 17:43 В ше ь ридца ь At 6:30 Три д е адца ь 3:12 Last digit is in the dative case 301 UNIT 6.5 Упражнен 1. Write time as you would say it: 1) 2 o'clock ___________________________________________ 2) 7 o'clock ___________________________________________ 3) 10 o'clock ___________________________________________ 4) 5 o'clock ___________________________________________ 5) 21 o'clock ___________________________________________ 2. Write time as you would say it: 1) 4:10 (16:10) ___________________________________________ 2) 9:14 (21:14) ___________________________________________ 3) 2:25 (14:25) ___________________________________________ 4) 7:05 (19:05) ___________________________________________ 5) 11:15 (23:15) ___________________________________________ 3. Write time as you would say it: 1) 5:35 (17:35) ____________________________________________ 2) 2:45 (14:45) ____________________________________________ 3) 7:30 (19:30) ____________________________________________ 4) 3:55 (15:55) ____________________________________________ 5) 11:40 (23:40) ____________________________________________ 4. Write at what time you can talk on Skype, as you would say it: 1) At 4:20 ___________________________________________ 2) At 17:45 ___________________________________________ 3) At 23:00 ___________________________________________ 302 4) At 6:30 ___________________________________________ 5) At 00:00 (midnight) ___________________________________________ 5. Write at what time you can talk on Skype, as you would say it: But now use the simple way* 1) At 3:27 ___________________________________________ 2) At 21:50 ___________________________________________ 3) At 14:00 ___________________________________________ 4) At 7:20 ___________________________________________ 5) At 12:00 (noon) ___________________________________________ 303 UNIT 6.5 Ответы 1. Write time as you would say it: 1) 2 o'clock 2) 7 o'clock 3) 10 o'clock 4) 5 o'clock 5) 21 o'clock д а ча а е ь ча о де я ь ча о я ь ча о д адца ь оди ча 2. Write time as you would say it: 1) 4:10 (16:10) де я ь и 2) 9:14 (21:14) че ыр адца ь и де я о о 3) 2:25 (14:25) д адца ь я ь и ре ье о 4) 7:05 (19:05) я ь 5) 11:15 (23:15) я и я о о о ь о о адца ь и д е адца о о 3. Write time as you would say it: 1) 5:35 (17:35) ез д адца и я и ше ь 2) 2:45 (14:45) ез я 3) 7:30 (19:30) оло и а о ь о о 4) 3:55 (15:55) ез я и че ыре 5) 11:40 (23:40) ез д адца и д е адца ь адца и ри 4. Write at what time you can talk on Skype, as you would say it: 1) At 4:20 2) At 17:45 3) At 23:00 д адца ь оро я ь и я о о/ и ше д адца ь ри ча а / че ыре д адца ь о о/ е адца ь оро я ь д адца ь ри оль оль 304 4) At 6:30 оло и е едь о о / 5) At 00:00 (midnight) ол очь ше ь ридца ь 5. Write at what time you can talk on Skype, as you would say it: But now use the simple way* ри д адца ь е ь / д адца ь е ь 1) At 3:27 2) At 21:50 д адца ь оди 3) At 14:00 че ыр адца ь оль оль / 4) At 7:20 е ь д адца ь / 5) At 12:00 (noon) олде ь я ьде я / ез де я и д адца ь и и че ёр о о де я ь че ыр адца ь ча о и о ь о о 305 Unit 6.6 Telling the dates You may need it to tell your friend about your birthday or a planned event in the future. 1. Months: The months of the year are written with a small initial letter. And they all masculine: нварь January февраль February март March апрель April май May сент брь September юнь June окт брь October юль July но брь November August декабрь December август 2. Telling the current date: To tell the current date or to answer a question Какое сегодн ч сло? (What is the date today?) we need to use the neuter form of the ordinal numeral. We use the neuter, because as you know, it has to agree with the noun - ч сло (which is neuter). е од я дев тое фе раля Today is the 9th February And remember, that if a numeral is compound, only the last digit is ordinal. е од я двадцать дев тое фе раля Today is the 29th February 3. On which date: To answer the question Ка о о чи ла? (On which date?) or the question with Ко да?, which requires to tell the date, ordinal numeral must be put in the genitive case: Ка о о чи ла её де ь ро де ия? On which date is her birthday? Её де ь ро де ия двадцать первого июля Her birthday is on the July the 21st Ко да ы ре или ь? When did you meet? Мы ре или ь четвёртого а We met on August the 4th а 306 4. What year? To answer the question Какой год? (What year?) or just to tell the year - you may need it to tell the current year: Ка ой ыл од? What was the year? Ты яча де я ь о о е ьде я едь ой од = 1987 г. So, only the last digit is ordinal. For millennium we use: Д х ы яч ый од 2000 Д е ы ячи ше адца ый од 2016 . 2016 And yes, if we use figures to write the year, we put г. (год) after it. 5. Summing up: To answer the question В каком году? (In which year?) or to tell the year when something happened we must to put ordinal numeral in the prepositional case: В д е ы ячи ше адца о В ы яча де я ь о де я о од In 2016 о ер о од In 1991 And if you need to tell the whole date, like - I was born on 19th October of the 1990, you need to put the ordinal number in the genitive case: Я родил я де я адца о о о я ря ы яча де я ь о де я о I was born on the 19th October 1990 Ты родил я оро о ию я ы яча де я ь о де я о Were your born on the 2nd of June 1991? о о ода о ер о о ода? 307 UNIT 6.6 Упражнен 1. Write the "today's" date as you would say it: 1) March the 28th е од я _____________________________________ 2) September the 1st е од я _____________________________________ 3) October the 19th е од я _____________________________________ 4) June the 2nd е од я _____________________________________ 5) February the 29th е од я _____________________________________ 2. Write when "your" birthdays is: 1) October the 5th Мой де ь ро де ия _________________________ 2) May the 12th Мой де ь ро де ия _________________________ 3) April the 25th Мой де ь ро де ия _________________________ 4) December the 30th Мой де ь ро де ия _________________________ 5) August the 7th Мой де ь ро де ия _________________________ 3. Write what yea it was, as you'd say it: 1) 1987 Э о ыл _______________________________________________ 2) 1990 Э о ыл _______________________________________________ 3) 2003 Э о ыл _______________________________________________ 4) 2016 Э о ыл _______________________________________________ 5) 1475 Э о ыл _______________________________________________ 4. Write what day you'd like to have a dinner, as you'd say it: Pay attention! In Russian the day goes first. So 04/03 is April the 3rd 308 1) 03/06 Да ай о и ае ________________________________ 2) 19/10 Да ай о и ае ________________________________ 3) 30/03 Да ай о и ае ________________________________ 4) 10/12 Да ай о и ае ________________________________ 5) 08/09 Да ай о и ае ________________________________ 5. Write the full date of "your" birth as you'd say it: 1) 12.05.1961 _______________________________________________________________ 2) 28.02.1987 _______________________________________________________________ 3) 19.10.1990 _______________________________________________________________ 4) 02.06.1991 _______________________________________________________________ 5) 05.11.1957 _______________________________________________________________ 309 UNIT 6.6 Ответы 1. Write the "today's" date as you would say it: 1) March the 28th е од я д адца ь о ь ое ар а 2) September the 1st е од я ер ое е 3) October the 19th е од я де я 4) June the 2nd е од я 5) February the 29th е од я д адца ь де я ое фер аля я ря адца ое о я ря орое ию я 2. Write when "your" birthdays is: 1) October the 5th Мой де ь ро де ия я о о о я ря 2) May the 12th Мой де ь ро де ия д е адца о о 3) April the 25th Мой де ь ро де ия д адца ь я о о а реля 4) December the 30th Мой де ь ро де ия ридца о о де а ря 5) August the 7th Мой де ь ро де ия едь о о а ая а 3. Write what yea it was, as you'd say it: 1) 1987 Э о ыл ы яча де я ь о о е ьде я 2) 1990 Э о ыл ы яча де я ь о де я о 3) 2003 Э о ыл д е ы ячи ре ий од 4) 2016 Э о ыл д е ы ячи ше 5) 1475 Э о ыл ы яча че ыре едь ой од ый од адца ый од а е ьде я я ый од 4. Write what day you'd like to have a dinner, as you'd say it: Pay attention! In Russian the day goes first. So 04/03 is April the 3rd 310 1) 03/06 Да ай о и ае 2) 19/10 Да ай о и ае 3) 30/03 Да ай о и ае 4) 10/12 Да ай о и ае 5) 08/09 Да ай о и ае ре ье о ию я де я адца о о о ридца о о де я о о о я ря ар а я ря о ь о о е я ря 5. Write the full date of "your" birth as you'd say it: 1) 12.05.1961 Д е адца ое 2) 28.02.1987 Д адца ь о ь ое фе раля ы яча де я ь о 3) 19.10.1990 Де я адца ое о 4) 02.06.1991 В орое ию я ы яча де я ь о де я о 5) 05.11.1957 Пя ое оя ря ы яча де я ь о ая ы яча де я ь о ше ьде я ер о о ода о е ьде я я ря ы яча де я ь о де я о едь о о ода о о ода о ер о о ода я ьде я едь о о ода 311 Unit 6.7 Prices, ages, weights and measurements Short review: Adjectival agreement for the numeral 1 Genitive singular after 2, 3, 4 and compounds of 2, 3, 4 Genitive plural after quantities more than 5 1. Money and prices: The main unit of Russian currency is рубль rouble. It consists of 100 kopeks Let's see how to say our first prices in Russian: оди р ль д а р ля ри р ля че ыре р ля я ь р лей д адца ь оди р ль д адца ь д а р ля д адца ь я ь р лей од а о ей а д е о ей и ри о ей и че ыре о ей и я ь о ее д адца ь од а о ей а д адца ь д е о ей и д адца ь я ь о ее So if you see a price of: 2 458 р. 32 коп., it means the thing costs: Д е ы ячи че ыре а я ьде я о е ьр лей ридца ь д е о ей и We use "р." for roubles and "коп." for kopeks. But you also can met "руб." for roubles. 2. Telling the age: We need to use dative case with the word "год" (year) to express age 1 year and compounds of 1. Е од н год He is 1 year old Ей двадцать од н год She is 21 years old Э ой ш е шестьсот п тьдес т од н год This joke is 651 years old We use genitive singular of "год" ( ода) for ages 2, 3, 4 and compounds of 2, 3, 4. 312 Мое ы два года My son is 2 years old Моей е е тр дцать четыре года My wife is 34 years old Мое ра двадцать тр My brother is 23 years old года And we use genitive plural of "год" which is "лет" for numeral 5 and above. Моей дочери п ть лет My daughter is 5 years old Моей е ре двадцать семь лет My sister is 27 years old Моей а е п тьдес т п ть лет My mother is 55 years old To ask how old someone is, we need to use the question: оль о е е ле ? (sing. informal) оль о Ва ле ? (sing. formal or plural formal and informal) literally - how many to you of years? 3. Measurements: The words liter, gram and kilogram in Russian are: л тр, грамм and к лограмм Examples: Ве о а и - ридца ь я ь к лограммов The weight of the dog is - 35 kilograms К лограмм а ель и о Kilogram of oranges Д е и грамм изю а 200 gramms of risins 313 Че ыре а я ьде я грамм 450 gramms of butter а ла Л тр оло а 1 liter of mil Три л тра я лоч о о о а 3 liters of apple juice We quite often shorten the words к лограмм to к ло. And use the prefix пол- to indicate half of a liter or a kilogram. Пол л тра оло а 0,5 liter of milk Пол к лограмма я ло 0,5 kilograms of apples Д а к ло ры ы 2 kilograms of fish 4. Distances: In Russia we measure distance with meters and kilometers The abbreviation for к лометры is км and for метры is м We also use сант метры centimeters for height. (abbrev. is см) Мой ро оди е р е ьде я My height is 1 m 75 cm я ь сант метров О ое о до а до ра о ы д а к лометра From my house to my work is 2 km 125 m о д адца ь я ь метров О ое о орода до Мо ы од а ы яча ри From my town to Moscow is 1350 km а я ьде я к лометров 314 UNIT 6.7 Упражнен 1. Write the price as you'd say it: 1) Хле ои ________________________ (22 р.) Bread costs 22 r. 2) Оди ли р оло а ои ________________________ (45 р.) 1 liter of milk costs 45 r. 3) Д е и ра изю а ои ________________________ (186 р.) 200 g. of raisins cost 186 r. 4) Оди ило ра и и ы 1 kg of pork costs 281 r. 5) Уче и ои ________________________ (583 р.) The textbook costs 583 r. 6) Р ч а ________________________ (28 р. 50 к.) The pen costs 28 r. 50 k. ои ________________________ (281 р.) 2. Write the age as you'd say it: 1) Мише ______________________ (22 год) Misha is 22 years old 2) М е ______________________ (25 год) I am 25 years old 3) Та е ______________________ (37 год) Tanya is 37 years old 4) Ба ш е ______________________ (84 год) (My) Grandmother is 84 years old 5) Ма е ______________________ (56 год) (My) Mother is 56 years old 3. Write the amount of ingredients as you'd say it: Для э о о е а а о адо и For this cake we will need: я: 1) ________________________________ (400 гр.) 400 g of flour 2) ________________________________ (450 гр.) ахара 450 g of sugar 3) ________________________________ (10) яиц 10 eggs и 315 4) ________________________________ (2 гр.) а или а 2 g of vanillin 5) ________________________________ (5 гр.) орицы 5 g of cinnamon 6) ________________________________ (200 гр.) я ло 200 g of apples 7) ________________________________ (50 гр.) ли оч о о 50 g of butter а ла 4. Write the height / distance as you'd say it: 1) 1 . 45 . ___________________________________________________ 2) 25 . 50 . ___________________________________________________ 3) 2 . 540 . ___________________________________________________ 4) 2 . 10 . ___________________________________________________ 5) 450 . ___________________________________________________ 5. Write the age as you'd say it: 1) Э ой и е ______________________ (4 год) This book is 4 years old 2) Моей о а е ______________________ (5 год) My dog is 5 years old 3) Э о до ______________________ (121 год) This house is 121 years old 4) Моей аши е ______________________ (8 год) My cars is 8 years old 5) Мое о ______________________ (6 год) My laptop is 6 years old 316 UNIT 6.7 Ответы 1. Write the price as you'd say it: 1) Хле ои д адца ь д а р Bread costs 22 r. 2) Оди ли р оло а ои оро 1 liter of milk costs 45 r. 3) Д е и ра изю а ои о о е ьде я ше 200 g. of raisins cost 186 r. 4) Оди ило ра и и ы 1 kg of pork costs 281 r. 5) Уче и ои я ь о о е ьде я The textbook costs 583 r. 6) Р ч а ои д адца ь о е ь р The pen costs 28 r. 50 k. ля (22 р.) я ьр ои д е лей (45 р.) ьр лей (186 р.) и о е ьде я оди р ри р ль (281 р.) ля (583 р.) лей я ьде я о ее (28 р. 50 к.) 2. Write the age as you'd say it: 1) Мише д адца ь д а ода (22 год) Misha is 22 years old 2) М е д адца ь я ь ле (25 год) I am 25 years old 3) Та е ридца ь е ь ле (37 год) Tanya is 37 years old 4) Ба ш е о е ьде я че ыре ода (84 год) (My) Grandmother is 84 years old 5) Ма е я ьде я ше ь ле (56 год) (My) Mother is 56 years old 3. Write the amount of ingredients as you'd say it: Для э о о е а а о адо и For this cake we will need: 1) Че ыре а ра 400 g of flour 2) Че ыре а я ьде я 450 g of sugar 3) Де я ь (10) яиц 10 eggs (400 гр.) ра я: и (450 гр.) ахара 317 4) Д а ра а (2 гр.) а или а 2 g of vanillin 5) Пя ь ра (5 гр.) орицы 5 g of cinnamon 6) Д е и ра (200 гр.) я ло 200 g of apples 7) Пя ьде я ра 50 g of butter (50 гр.) ли оч о о а ла 4. Write the height / distance as you'd say it: 1) 1 . 45 2) 25 . 50 3) 2 . Оди е р оро . Д адца ь я ь я ь а е ро . 540 . Д а ило е ра я ь о 4) 2 . 10 5) 450 . Д а е ра де я ь а . Че ыре а я ьде я и е ро я ьде я оро а и е ро е ро и е ро ило е ро 5. Write the age as you'd say it: 1) Э ой и е че ыре ода (4 год) This book is 4 years old 2) Моей о а е я ь ле (5 год) My dog is 5 years old 3) Э о до о д адца ь оди This house is 121 years old 4) Моей аши е о е ь ле (8 год) My cars is 8 years old 5) Мое о ше ь ле (6 год) My laptop is 6 years old од (121 год) 318 Unit Personal pronouns, part 1 7.1 Personal pronouns can stand in the place of noun to indicate who or what is involved in an action. Personal pronouns are: I, you, he, she, it etc. 1. Table of personal pronouns: Singular Grammatical name i first person singular ты you second person singular он he third person singular она she third person singular оно it third person singular Plural Grammatical name мы we first person plural вы you second person plural он they third person plural 2. Personal pronoun n the nominative case: In the nominative case personal pronoun stands in from of the verb both in statements and questions: Ты ра о аешь офи е? Do you work in the office? Да, ра о аю офи е. Yes, I work in the office. 3. You and you: Ты (you) - is an informal way to address to people you know very well, to children and pets. Вы (also you) - is a formal way of addressing to people. It is used both for singular and plural. We use "Вы" (singular) to address to people we don't know very well, to people who are much older then we. And also " Вы" is the only way to address to a group of people - it doesn't matter you know them or not and how old they are. 319 To someone you know very good: Ты е од я ра о аешь? Ты оче ь хорошо ы лядишь. Do you work today? You look very good. To a group of close friends: Ох, вы идио ы, др зья ои. Oh, you are such idiots, my friends. To a person who you don't know very well, yet: До рый де ь, Вы - Ка я? Из и и е, Вы е о ли ы е о очь? Good day, are you Kate? I am sorry, could you help me? To a group of unfamiliar people: Вы - ои о ые де ы, рад оз а о и ь я. You are - my new students, nice to meet you. 4. He, she, it, they: He, she, it they are used when you are dealing with a masculine singular noun. He is used with a masculine noun (can be used instead of it): Кот иди а ол → Он иди а ол The cat is sitting on the floor → He is sitting on the floor Вод тель дё → О дё The driver is waiting → He is waiting She is used with feminine nouns: обака ро о лае → Она ро о лае The dog is barking loudly → She is barking loudly Моя подру а ра и о оё → Она ра и о оё My friend (female) sings beautifully → She sings beautifully It is used when we are dealing with neuter nouns: Окно ряз ое → Оно ряз ое The window is dirty → It is dirty 320 В но оче ь хорошее → Оно оче ь хорошее The wine is very good → It is very good Он is used with they, irrespective of gender: Кот и собака ра и ые → Он ра и ые The cat and the dog are beautiful → They are beautiful учка и карандаш а оле → О и а оле The pen and the pencil are on the table → They are on the table 5. Usage of the personal pronoun: Personal pronoun in conversational Russian is very often omitted. But it's never omitted in written Russian. очешь ? - Да, хочу. Do you want some soup? - Yes, I do (want some) 321 UNIT 7.1 Упражнен 1. Replace the highlighted nouns with a personal pronoun: 1) ___________ (Мар на) о о и о ед Marina (she) is cooking dinner 2) ___________ (М ша) чи ае Misha (he) is reading a book 3) ___________ (Мама) ише и ь о (my) Mother (she) is writing a letter 4) ___________ (Мой брат) о ори о елефо My brother (he) is talking on the phone 5) ___________ ( аташа) Natasha (she) is sleeping и и 2. Choose (circle) a personal pronoun that fits the best: 1) Ты / Вы ой л чший др You are my best friend! 2) Ка Теб / Вас зо What is your name? 3) Ты / Вы - Ма и ? Are you Maksim? 4) Ты / Вы е о еришь, ч о я идел! You will not believe what I saw! 5) Ты / Вы ишь, оя лю о ь? Are you sleeping my love? ? 3. Write what personal pronoun you could use instead of highlighted nouns: 1) учка ле и а оле Pen is laying on the table ____________ 2) Телефон о оя о з о и Phone is constantly ringing ____________ 3) Окно о ры о Window is opened ____________ 4) Карандаш раз ро а ы о ол Pencils are scattered on the floor ____________ 5) Кн га тетрадь а оле The book and the copybook are on the table ____________ 4. Write what personal pronoun you could use instead of highlighted nouns: 322 1) Вас Кат е а ы Vasya and Katya are married ____________ 2) Кол и рае ф ол Kolya is playing football ____________ 3) Д ма о ри и о Dima is watching a movie ____________ 4) аташа М ша я Natasha and Misha are sleeping ____________ 5) Мо сестра ра и о оё My sister sings beautifully ____________ 6) Дедушка бабушка ча ли ы Grandfather and grandmother are happy ____________ 7) Я мой друг чи язы и I and my friend are learning languages ____________ 5. Write what personal pronoun you could use instead of highlighted nouns: 1) Компьютер ра о ае хорошо Computer works good ____________ 2) Дом арый The house is old ____________ 3) Маш на о ая The car is new ____________ 4) Кат Макс м и е е Katya and Maksim are living together ____________ 5) Карт на оче ь ра и ая The painting is very beautiful ____________ 6) Дерево ы о ое The tree is tall ____________ 7) Я она лю и др др а I and she love each other ____________ 323 UNIT 7.1 Ответы 1. Replace the highlighted nouns with a personal pronoun: 1) О а (Мар на) о о и о ед Marina (she) is cooking dinner 2) О (М ша) чи ае и Misha (he) is reading a book 3) О а (Мама) ише и ь о (my) Mother (she) is writing a letter 4) О (Мой брат) о ори о елефо My brother (he) is talking on the phone 5) О а ( аташа) и Natasha (she) is sleeping 2. Choose (circle) a personal pronoun that fits the best: 1) Ты / Вы ой л чший др You are my best friend! 2) Ка Теб / Вас зо What is your name? 3) Ты / Вы - Ма и ? Are you Maksim? 4) Ты / Вы е о еришь, ч о я идел! You will not believe what I saw! 5) Ты / Вы ишь, оя лю о ь? Are you sleeping my love? ? 3. Write what personal pronoun you could use instead of highlighted nouns: 1) учка ле и а оле Pen is laying on the table о а 2) Телефон о оя о з о и Phone is constantly ringing о 3) Окно о ры о Window is opened о о 4) Карандаш раз ро а ы о ол Pencils are scattered on the floor о и 5) Кн га тетрадь а оле The book and the copybook are on the table о и 4. Write what personal pronoun you could use instead of highlighted nouns: 324 1) Вас Кат е а ы Vasya and Katya are married о и 2) Кол и рае ф ол Kolya is playing football о 3) Д ма о ри и о Dima is watching a movie о 4) аташа М ша я Natasha and Misha are sleeping о и 5) Мо сестра ра и о оё My sister sings beautifully о а 6) Дедушка бабушка ча ли ы Grandfather and grandmother are happy о и 7) Я мой друг чи язы и I and my friend are learning languages ы 5. Write what personal pronoun you could use instead of highlighted nouns: 1) Компьютер ра о ае хорошо Computer works good о 2) Дом арый The house is old о 3) Маш на о ая The car is new о а 4) Кат Макс м и е е Katya and Maksim are living together о и 5) Карт на оче ь ра и ая The painting is very beautiful о а 6) Дерево ы о ое The tree is tall о о 7) Я она лю и др др а I and she love each other ы 325 Unit Personal pronouns, part 2 7.2 All pronouns have different forms in different cases. 1. Cases of Russian personal pronouns: Nom. Acc. Gen. Dat. Intr. Prep. я е я е я е ой е ы е е е о е я я е ой е о /о о е о е о е и ё о а её её ей ей ей ы а а а а и а ы а а а а и а о и их их и и и их The cases of он are identical to the cases of оно. 2. He, she, it, they: If you are using accusative, genitive, dative or instrumental case with pronouns and он, оно, она, он , after a preposition, add an "н" to the front of the pronoun: Accusative О а ра азы ае и ории про него (про неё/про н х) She is telling stories about him (her/them) Genitive Мы о рели и о без него (без неё/без н х) We watched the movie without him (her/them) Dative Я ид к нему (к ней / к н м) I am going to him (her/them) Instrumental Я и перед н м (перед ней/перед н м ) Is sit in from of him (her/them) 3. You and I and other useful phrases: If you want to use a phrase like you and I you have to start with " ы" in Russian. Мы с тобой (lit: we and you) → you and I Мы ей → She and I Мы и → He and I 326 If you want to say about me use обо мне. You can often meet this expression on different websites, such as social networks or dating websites. Want to say with me? Say со мной. О а ь я со мной → Stay with me 4. Personal pronouns instead of possessive adjectives: Interesting fact, in Russian we prefer to use the personal pronoun instead of the possessive adjective when we are talking about body parts: У мен оли и о → My belly hurts У мен оля о и → My legs hurt 5. Talking about place: And if we talk about a place we can use personal pronoun as well (instead of the possessive adjective): У неё У него до е → In her house аль е → In his bedroom 327 UNIT 7.2 Упражнен 1. Insert the correct form of a personal pronoun: 1) Ты идишь ____________ ( )? Do you see me? 2) Ра а и е ч о- и дь о ____________ (она) Tell me something about her 3) Я да ____________ (ты) хорош ю I will give you a good book и 4) Да ай о о ори о ____________ (ты) Let's talk about you 5) Я д аю о ____________ (мы) I think about us 2. Insert the correct form of a personal pronoun: 1) О и ехали ез ____________ (он) They went without him 2) Мы идё ____________ (она) We are going to her 3) Маша ра азы ае ро ____________ (он ) Masha is telling about them 4) О а д ае о ____________ (оно) She thinks about it 5) Мы делали э о ез ____________ (он ) We did it without them 3. Insert the correct form of a personal pronoun: 1) ____________ (ты ) л чшие др зья You and I are the best friends 2) ____________ ( она) е лади She and I don't getting along 3) ____________ ( он) ра и He and I are enemies 4) По ал й а, о а ь я со ____________ ( ) Please, stay with me 5) О а хоче о а ь я ____________ (он) She wants to stay with him 4. Insert the correct form of a personal pronoun (use it with "у"): 328 1) ____________ ( ) оли My head hurts оло а 2) ____________ (он) оли His back hurts и а 3) ____________ (она) оли р Her arm hurts 4) ____________ ( ) оли My stomach hurts а и о 5) ____________ (она) оли Her finger hurts алец 5. Insert the correct form of a personal pronoun (use it with "у") to tell about place: 1) ____________ (она) In her head оло е 2) ____________ ( ) до а In my house 3) ____________ (он) In his car 4) ____________ (мы) In our flat 5) ____________ ( ) In my soul аши е ар ире д ше 329 UNIT 7.2 Ответы 1. Insert the correct form of a personal pronoun: 1) Ты идишь е я ( )? Do you see me? 2) Ра а и е ч о- и дь о ей (она) Tell me something about her 3) Я да е е (ты) хорош ю I will give you a good book и 4) Да ай о о ори о е е (ты) Let's talk about you 5) Я д аю о а (мы) I think about us 2. Insert the correct form of a personal pronoun: 1) О и ехали ез е о (он) They went without him 2) Мы идё ей (она) We are going to her 3) Маша ра азы ае ро их (он ) Masha is telling about them 4) О а д ае о ё (оно) She thinks about it 5) Мы делали э о ез их (он ) We did it without them 3. Insert the correct form of a personal pronoun: 1) Мы о ой (ты ) л чшие др зья You and I are the best friends 2) Мы ей ( она) е лади She and I don't getting along 3) Мы и ( он) ра и He and I are enemies 4) По ал й а, о а ь я со Please, stay with me ой ( ) 5) О а хоче о а ь я и (он) She wants to stay with him 4. Insert the correct form of a personal pronoun (use it with "у"): 330 1) У е я ( ) оли My head hurts оло а 2) У е о (он) оли His back hurts и а 3) У её (она) оли р Her arm hurts а 4) У е я ( ) оли и о My stomach hurts 5) У её (она) оли Her finger hurts алец 5. Insert the correct form of a personal pronoun (use it with "у") to tell about place: 1) У её (она) In her head оло е 2) У е я ( ) до а In my house 3) У е о (он) In his car 4) У а (мы) In our flat 5) У е я ( ) In my soul аши е ар ире д ше 331 Unit 7.3 Possessive pronouns Possessive pronouns - mine, yours, his etc. Just remember that is replaces the adjective and the noun. Is this your cat? Yes, it's mine. 1. Indicating possession by me, you, us: If you are indicating possession by me, you, us then the possessive pronoun must agree in number, gender and case with what is possessed, not with the possessor. mine yours (belongs to ты) yours(belongs to вы) ours masculine ой ой аш аш feminine neuter оя оё оя оё аша аше аша аше Э о тво аши а? Да, мо . Is this your car? Yes, it's mine. plural ои ои аши аши Э о твоё оо ще ие? Да, моё. Is this your message? Yes, it's mine. Э о твой до ? Да, мой. Is this your house? Yes, it's mine 2. His, hers, its, theirs: The possessive pronouns for his, hers, its, theirs never change! No matter what gender or case or even number the possession is. belongs to он: его belongs to она: её belongs to оно: его belongs to он : х Э о ош а Нади? Да, её. Is this Nadya's cat (female)? Yes, it's hers. Э о о дрея? Да, его. Is this Andrey's laptop? Yes, it's his. Э о лед ч до ища? Да, его. Is this the monster's trace? Yes, it's its. Э о аши а оих др зей? Да, х. Is this your friend's car? Yes, it's theirs. 332 UNIT 7.3 Упражнен 1. Insert a correct form of a possessive pronoun: 1) Э о ____________ (ты) елефо ? Да, ____________ (мой) Is it your phone? Yes, it's mine 2) Э о ____________ (ты) ош а? Да, ____________ (мой) Is it your cat? Yes, it's mine 3) Э о ____________ (ты) и ь о? Да, ____________ (мой) Is it your letter? Yes, it's mine 4) Э о ____________ (ты) оо ще ие? Не , е ____________ (мой) Is it your message? No, it's not mine 5) Э о ____________ (ты) до ? Да, ____________ (мой) Is it your house? Yes, it's mine 6) Э о ____________ (ты) о а а? Да, ____________ (мой) Is it your room? Yes, it's mine 2. Insert a correct form of a possessive pronoun: 1) Э о о ое о ра а? Да, ____________ (он) Is it your brother's laptop? Yes, it's his 2) Э о аши а На аши? Да, ____________ (она) Is it Natasha's car? Yes, it's hers 3) Э о лоды дере а? Да, ____________ (оно) Is it the tree's fruits? Yes, it's its 4) Э о до оих др зей? Да, ____________ (он ) Is it your friends' house? Yes, it's theirs 5) Э о ар и а оей а ы? Да, ____________ (она) Is it you mother's painting? Yes, it's hers 6) Э о ц е ы Ка и? Да, ____________ (она) Is it Katya's flowers? Yes, it's hers 3. Insert a correct form of a possessive pronoun: 1) Э о ____________ (мы) о и ица? Да, ____________ (мы) Is it our hotel? Yes, it's ours 2) Э о ____________ (Вы) а ор ? Да, ____________ ( ) Is it your passport? Yes, it's mine 3) Э о ____________ (вы) о ? Да, ____________ (мы) Is it your cat? Yes, it's ours 333 4) Э о ____________ (Вы) де и? Да, ____________ ( ) Are these your children? Yes, they're mine 5) Э о ____________ (вы) де и? Да, ____________ (мы) Are these your children? Yes, they're ours 6) Э о ____________ (Вы) а а ? Да, ____________ ( ) Is it your luggage? Yes, it's mine 4. Insert a correct form of a possessive pronoun: 1) Э о а Ка и? Не , е ____________ (она) Is it Katya's bag? No, it's not hers 2) Э о елефо Кирилла? Не , е ____________ (он) Is it Kirril's phone? No, it's not his 3) Э о и а Миши? Да, ____________ (он) Is it Misha's book? Нes, it's his 4) Э о ездо иц? Да, ____________ (он ) Is these the bird's nest? Yes, it's theirs 5) Э о лы оей дочери? Да, ____________ (она) Are these your daughter's dolls? Yes, they're hers 5. Insert a correct form of a possessive pronoun: 1) Э о ____________ (Вы) че ода ? Да, ____________ ( ) Is it your suitcase? Yes, it's mine 2) Э о ____________ (вы) а? Да, ____________ (мы) Is it your bag? Yes, it's ours 3) Э о ____________ (Вы) и и? Не , е ____________ ( ) Are these your books? No, they're not mine 4) Э о е радь Ка и? Да, ____________ (она) Is it Katya's copybook? Yes, it's hers 5) Э о ____________ (ты) и о? Да, ____________ ( ) Is it your wine? Yes, it's mine 6) Э о ____________ (ты) рое ? Да, ____________ ( ) Is it your project? Yes, it's mine 7) Э о ____________ (ты) о а а? Не , е ____________ ( ) Is it your dog? No, it's not mine 334 UNIT 7.3 Ответы 1. Insert a correct form of a possessive pronoun: 1) Э о ой (ты) елефо ? Да, ой (мой) Is it your phone? Yes, it's mine 2) Э о оя (ты) ош а? Да, оя (мой) Is it your cat? Yes, it's mine 3) Э о оё (ты) и ь о? Да, оё (мой) Is it your letter? Yes, it's mine 4) Э о оё (ты) оо ще ие? Не , е оё (мой) Is it your message? No, it's not mine 5) Э о ой (ты) до ? Да, ой (мой) Is it your house? Yes, it's mine 6) Э о оя (ты) о а а? Да, оя (мой) Is it your room? Yes, it's mine 2. Insert a correct form of a possessive pronoun: 1) Э о о ое о ра а? Да, е о (он) Is it your brother's laptop? Yes, it's his 2) Э о аши а На аши? Да, её (она) Is it Natasha's car? Yes, it's hers 3) Э о лоды дере а? Да, е о (оно) Is it the tree's fruits? Yes, it's its 4) Э о до оих др зей? Да, их (он ) Is it your friends' house? Yes, it's theirs 5) Э о ар и а оей а ы? Да, её (она) Is it you mother's painting? Yes, it's hers 6) Э о ц е ы Ка и? Да, её (она) Is it Katya's flowers? Yes, it's hers 3. Insert a correct form of a possessive pronoun: 1) Э о аша (мы) о и ица? Да, аша (мы) Is it our hotel? Yes, it's ours 2) Э о Ваш (Вы) а ор ? Да, ой ( ) Is it your passport? Yes, it's mine 3) Э о аш (вы) о ? Да, аш (мы) Is it your cat? Yes, it's ours 335 4) Э о Ваши (Вы) де и? Да, ои ( ) Are these your children? Yes, they're mine 5) Э о аши (вы) де и? Да, аши (мы) Are these your children? Yes, they're ours 6) Э о Ваш (Вы) а а ? Да, ой ( ) Is it your luggage? Yes, it's mine 4. Insert a correct form of a possessive pronoun: 1) Э о а Ка и? Не , е её (она) Is it Katya's bag? No, it's not hers 2) Э о елефо Кирилла? Не , е е о (он) Is it Kirril's phone? No, it's not his 3) Э о и а Миши? Да, е о (он) Is it Misha's book? Нes, it's his 4) Э о ездо иц? Да, их (он ) Is these the bird's nest? Yes, it's theirs 5) Э о лы оей дочери? Да, её (она) Are these your daughter's dolls? Yes, they're hers 5. Insert a correct form of a possessive pronoun: 1) Э о Ваш (Вы) че ода ? Да, ой ( ) Is it your suitcase? Yes, it's mine 2) Э о аша (вы) а? Да, аша (мы) Is it your bag? Yes, it's ours 3) Э о Ваши (Вы) и и? Не , е ои ( ) Are these your books? No, they're not mine 4) Э о е радь Ка и? Да, её (она) Is it Katya's copybook? Yes, it's hers 5) Э о оё (ты) и о? Да, оё ( ) Is it your wine? Yes, it's mine 6) Э о ой (ты) рое ? Да, ой ( ) Is it your project? Yes, it's mine 7) Э о оя (ты) о а а? Не , е оя ( ) Is it your dog? No, it's not mine 336 Unit Interrogative pronouns 7.4 If you want to ask the question What? Who? Which? What sort of? Whose? you need to use interrogative pronouns. 1. Using what: If you want to ask about the identity of something you need to use the word (what). то э о? К и а или то р ал? What is it? A book or a magazine? And to ask What is that? you need to use: то это такое? Э о олше ая ыль для то это такое? ое о еди оро а. What is that? This is the fairy dust for my unicorn. то can be used in different cases to make a question: Nom. Acc. Gen. ч о ч о че о Dat. Instr. Prep. че че чё о чё ) Nom. то это такое? What is that? Dat. ему ты радуешьс ? What are you happy about? Acc. то ты в д шь? What do you see? Instr. ем ты горд шьс ? What are you proud of? Gen. его у теб нет? What don't you have? Prep. О чём ты думаешь? What are you thinking about? 2. Using who: 337 Кто. We use кто when we want to find out the identity of a person: Кто это то новый студент? Who is that? Is it the new student? And just as что, кто can be used in different case forms to make a question: Nom. Acc. Gen. о о о о о Dat. Instr. Prep. о е о (о о ) Let's look how to use it in all six cases: Nom. Кто это, в спальне? Who is that, in the bedroom? Acc. Кого ты в н шь теперь? Who are you blaming now? Gen. Кого сегодн нет? Who is absent today? Dat. Кому ты п шешь? Who are you writing to? Instr. Кем ты хочешь быть? What do you want to be? Prep. О ком она говор т? Who is she talking about? In Russian language we always use the word кто if we talk about people. Unlike in English, when we sometimes can use what. Кем ы хочешь ы ь? What do you want to be? 3. Which/what, what sort of: For which/what and what sort of we use the word какой. And we use it when we want to get a specific information/detail about something. Какой is a stressed adjective and behaves like it (like бол Какой е я о ой). ? What sort of the laptop do you have? 338 Какую аши ы ил, ра ю или и юю? What car did you buy, blue or red? У е яе ь зелё ая и чер ая р ч а. Какую ы хочешь? I have a green and a black pen. Which (one) do you want? 4. Whose: ей means whose, and used when you are trying to find out what belongs to whom. And it has to agree with the noun after it. Masc. sing. Fem. sing. Neut. sing. Plural ей э ь э ьё э ь э о о ? о а? о и о? о о а и? Whose Whose Whose Whose cat is this? bag is this? beer is this? dogs are these? 339 UNIT 7.4 Упражнен 1. Circle the correct interrogative pronoun: 1) ( то это, / то это такое ) Р ч а или ара даш? What is it? A pen or a pencil? 2) ( то это, / то это такое ) Э о What is that? That is my project ой рое 3) Бо е, то это, / то это такое ) Э о , о орый я ри о о ил... Oh my god, what is that? That is the soup I cooked... 4) ( то это, / то это такое ) Те радь или азе а? What is it? A copybook or a newspaper? 5) ( то это, / то это такое ) Э о оя ар и а What is that? That is my painting 2. Insert the correct form of the interrogative pronoun "что": 1) ____________ (что) ы идишь? What do you see? accusative 2) ____________ (что) э о а ое? What is that? nominative 3) ____________ (что) ы еч аешь? What are you dreaming about? prepositional 4) ____________ (что) What don't you have? genitive е я е ? 5) ____________ (что) ы о о ишь я? What are you preparing for? dative 6) ____________ (что) ы ишешь? What are you writing with? / What do you write with? instrumental 7) ____________ (что) ы хочешь? What do you want? accusative 8) ____________ (что) ы ишешь? What are you writing about? / What do you write about? prepositional 9) ____________ (что) ы за и аешь я? What are you doing? instrumental 3. Insert the correct form of the interrogative pronoun "кто": 1) ____________ (кто) э о? Who is it? nominative 340 2) ____________ (кто) ы з о ишь? Who do you call? 3) ____________ (кто) ы хочешь Who do you want to become? dative а ь? instrumental 4) ____________ (кто) ы лю ишь? Who do you love? accusative 5) ____________ (кто) чера е ыло? Who was absent yesterday? genitive 6) ____________ (кто) ы о оришь? Who are you talking about? prepositional 4. Insert the correct form of the interrogative pronoun "какой": 1) ____________ (какой) What is your height? ой ро ? 2) ____________ (какой) оё лю и ое людо? What is your favorite dish? 3) ____________ (какой) What is your weight? ой е ? 4) ____________ (какой) оё лю и ое до аш ее What is your favorite pet? и о ое? 5) ____________ (какой) оя лю и ая о ода? What is your favorite weather? 6) У е я е ь л ич ое и я лоч ое оро е ое. ______ (какой) ы хочешь? I have strawberry and apple ice-cream. Which (one) do you want? 7) У е я е ь ольшая и але ь ая е радь. _________ (какой) ы хочешь? I have a big and a small copybook. Which (one) do you want? 5. Insert the correct form of the interrogative pronoun "чей": 1) ____________ (чей) э о ре ё о ? Whose child is this? 2) ____________ (чей) э о о а а? Whose dog is this? 3) ____________ (чей) э о о Whose laptop is this? ? 4) ____________ (чей) э о и ь о? Whose letter is this? 5) ____________ (чей) э о Whose book is this? и а? 6) ____________ (чей) э о ош и? Whose cats are these? 341 UNIT 7.4 Ответы 1. Circle the correct interrogative pronoun: 1) ( то это, / то это такое ) Р ч а или ара даш? What is it? A pen or a pencil? 2) ( то это, / то это такое ) Э о What is that? That is my project ой рое 3) Бо е, то это, / то это такое ) Э о , о орый я ри о о ил... Oh my god, what is that? That is the soup I cooked... 4) ( то это, / то это такое?) Те радь или азе а? What is it? A copybook or a newspaper? 5) ( то это, / то это такое ) Э о оя ар и а What is that? That is my painting 2. Insert the correct form of the interrogative pronoun "что": 1) Ч о (что) ы идишь? What do you see? accusative 2) Ч о (что) э о а ое? What is that? nominative 3) О чё (что) ы еч аешь? What are you dreaming about? prepositional 4) Че о (что) е я е ? What don't you have? genitive 5) К че (что) ы о о ишь я? What are you preparing for? dative 6) Че (что) ы ишешь? What are you writing with? / What do you write with? instrumental 7) Че о (что) ы хочешь? What do you want? accusative 8) О чё (что) ы ишешь? What are you writing about? / What do you write about? prepositional 9) Че (что) ы за и аешь я? What are you doing? instrumental 3. Insert the correct form of the interrogative pronoun "кто": 1) К о (кто) э о? Who is it? nominative 342 2) Ко (кто) ы з о ишь? Who do you call? dative 3) Ке (кто) ы хочешь а ь? Who do you want to become? instrumental 4) Ко о (кто) ы лю ишь? Who do you love? accusative 5) Ко о (кто) чера е ыло? Who was absent yesterday? genitive 6) О о (кто) ы о оришь? Who are you talking about? prepositional 4. Insert the correct form of the interrogative pronoun "какой": 1) Ка ой (какой) ой ро What is your height? ? 2) Ка ое (какой) оё лю и ое людо? What is your favorite dish? 3) Ка ой (какой) ой е ? What is your weight? 4) Ка ое (какой) оё лю и ое до аш ее What is your favorite pet? и о ое? 5) Ка ая (какой) оя лю и ая о ода? What is your favorite weather? 6) У е я е ь л ич ое и я лоч ое оро е ое. Ка ое (какой) ы хочешь? I have strawberry and apple ice-cream. Which (one) do you want? 7) У е я е ь ольшая и але ь ая е радь. Ка ю (какой) ы хочешь? I have a big and a small copybook. Which (one) do you want? 5. Insert the correct form of the interrogative pronoun "чей": 1) Чей (чей) э о ре ё о ? Whose child is this? 2) Чья (чей) э о о а а? Whose dog is this? 3) Чей (чей) э о о ? Whose laptop is this? 4) Чьё (чей) э о и ь о? Whose letter is this? 5) Чья (чей) э о и а? Whose book is this? 6) Чьи (чей) э о ош и? Whose cats are these? 343 Unit Demonstrative pronouns 7.5 Demonstrative pronouns are used to point at something specific within a sentence. So the words this, that, such are demonstrative pronouns. 1. This and that: And the first words we consider are этот, which means this (something close by) and тот, which means that (something is not so close). Те е ольше ра и я этот о или тот? Do you like more this cat or that one? The words этот and тот have case ending: Nom. Acc. Gen. Dat. Instr. Prep. masculine and neuter э о / о то э о э о о )/ о о о*) то э о о/ о о э о / о э и / е э о / о feminine э а/ а э / э ой/ ой э ой/ ой э ой/ ой э ой/ ой plural э и/ е э и э их )/ е э их/ ех э и / е э и и/ е и э их/ ех ех ) *animate accusative Examples: Nominative тот ц е о оче ь ра и ый. Да, е эт ц е ы оче ь ра и ые. This flower is very beautiful. Yes, all these flowers are very beautiful Accusative Ты идишь этот (тот) ол? Не , о я и эту (ту) роз . Do you see this (that) table? No, but I see this (that) rose. Genitive У е я е этой и и. I don't have this book. Dative Бла одаря этому чело е е яе ь ы л оей Thanks to this man, I have the meaning of my life. из и. 344 Instrumental Э а и а а и а а той е щи ой. (эта here is in nominative) This book is written by that woman. Prepositional Ра а и е о этом Tell me about this 2. Another meaning of это: Please, remember that это can also mean this is, that is, these are, those are in this meaning its ending never changes! Examples: то оя ош а то This is my cat ой до то This is my house ои и и These are my books 3. Using of тот: The word тот can also have different meanings. It has the meaning of the latter and the same (when it's used with е). Я ол чил и ь а о Д о а и Да иэля. Тот ри лал е о ры I got letters from Joan and Daniel. The latter sent me a postcard. . Important: This construction is not widely used in Russian nowadays. But the next example is very useful and knowing it will enrich your speech: Та же и ория л чила ь о ой The same story happened to me Я о ра ил е ту же о ры I sent him the same postcard О ол чил тот же одаро о е я He got the same present from me Nom. Acc. Gen. Dat. Instr. Prep. masculine о е о е/ о о о о е о е е е о о е е neuter о е о е о о е о е е е о о е feminine а е е ой е ой е ой е о ой е plural е е Те е/ ех ех е е е е и е о ех е е* And if you add the word самый to it, you will get the expression the very same: 345 У е я ейча та же сама аши а I have the very same car now Я ра азы аю е е ро тот же самый филь I am telling you about the very same movie 3. Using of такой: Такой is used in combinations with long adjectives and means such. In a sentence it behave like a stressed adjective (for example: ольшой). Такой ч де ый де ь! Such a wonderful day! Такое ы о ое зда ие! Such a tall building! Така ра и ая аши а Such a beautiful car Так е а ые и ории! Such a horrible stories! 346 UNIT 7.5 Упражнен 1. Insert the correct form of the demonstrative pronoun "этот/тот": 1) ____________ (этот) This car is new аши а о ая nominative 2) У е я е ____________ (этот) ро ле ы I don't have this problem genitive 3) Я ре о ощи ____________ (этот) о о I cut vegetables with this knife instrumental 4) О а дала и ____________ (тот) чело е She gave a book to that person dative 5) Ра а и е о ____________ (тот) ре е ах Tell me about those times prepositional 6) У Миши е ____________ (тот) Misha doesn't have that book genitive и и 7) Ты идишь ____________ (тот) оо ще ие Do you see that message? 8) ____________ (этот) ро ле ы These problems don't bother me е я е ол 9) Дай е ____________ (этот) р ч Give me this pen please , о ал й accusative ю а nominative accusative 2. Insert the correct form of the word "это": 1) ____________ (это) It is my house ой до 2) Я и ____________ (это) оо ще ие I see this message 3) ____________ (это) It is my mother оя 4) ____________ (это) её It is her dream а а еч а 5) Я и ____________ (это) I see this table ол 6) У е я е ____________ (это) и ь а I don't have this letter 3. Insert the correct form of the demonstrative pronoun "тот же / the same": 347 1) У е я ____________ (тот же) ро ле ы I have the same problems nominative 2) Я а иш ____________ (тот же) а ое оо ще ие I will write the very same message accusative 3) Я о орю о ____________ (тот же) а о I am talking about the very same table prepositional 4) Ка я идела ____________ (тот же) Katya saw the same woman оле е щи accusative 5) Миша дал ече ье ____________ (тот же) о а е Misha gave a cookie to the same dog dative 4. Insert the correct form of the demonstrative pronoun "такой": 1) ____________ (такой) ч де Such a wonderful day! ый де ь! 2) Ты ____________ (такой) ч де You are such a wonderful friend! ый др ! 3) Маша, ы ____________ (такой) ра и ая де Masha, you are such a beautiful girl! ш а! 4) О о, ____________ (такой) ы о ое зда ие! Wow, such a tall building! 5) У е я ____________ (такой) ра и ые лаза! You have such beautiful eyes! 6) У е я ____________ (такой) очаро а ель ая лы You have such a charming smile! а! 7) У е я ____________ (такой) ра и ый оло ! You have such a beautiful voice! 5. Insert the correct form of the demonstrative pronoun "этот/тот": 1) У е я е ____________ (этот) ро ле I don't have these problems 2) Дай е ____________ (тот) Give me that book, please и genitive , о ал й а 3) По а и е ____________ (тот) о Show me that laptop accusative 4) Я дал елефо ____________ (этот) идио I gave a phone to this idiot! 5) Я и е д ____________ (этот) д I live between these two cities accusative ! я орода и dative instrumental 348 UNIT 7.5 Ответы 1. Insert the correct form of the demonstrative pronoun "этот/тот": 1) Э а (этот) аши а о ая This car is new nominative 2) У е я е э ой (этот) ро ле ы I don't have this problem genitive 3) Я ре о ощи э и (этот) о о I cut vegetables with this knife instrumental 4) О а дала и о (тот) чело е She gave a book to that person dative 5) Ра а и е о ех (тот) ре е ах Tell me about those times prepositional 6) У Миши е ой (тот) и и Misha doesn't have that book genitive 7) Ты идишь о (тот) оо ще ие Do you see that message? accusative 8) Э и (этот) ро ле ы е я е ол These problems don't bother me 9) Дай е э (этот) р ч , о ал й Give me this pen please ю а nominative accusative 2. Insert the correct form of the word "это": 1) Э о (это) ой до It is my house 2) Я и э о (это) оо ще ие I see this message 3) Э о (это) оя а а It is my mother 4) Э о (это) её еч а It is her dream 5) Я и э о (это) I see this table ол 6) У е я е э о о (это) и ь а I don't have this letter 3. Insert the correct form of the demonstrative pronoun "тот же / the same": 1) У е я е е (тот же) ро ле ы I have the same problems nominative 349 2) Я а иш о е (тот же) а ое оо ще ие I will write the very same message accusative 3) Я о орю о о е (тот же) а о оле I am talking about the very same table prepositional 4) Ка я идела е (тот же) Katya saw the same woman accusative е щи 5) Миша дал ече ье ой е (тот же) о а е Misha gave a cookie to the same dog dative 4. Insert the correct form of the demonstrative pronoun "такой": 1) Та ой (такой) ч де ый де ь! Such a wonderful day! 2) Ты а ой (такой) ч де ый др ! You are such a wonderful friend! 3) Маша, ы а ая (такой) ра и ая де Masha, you are such a beautiful girl! ш а! 4) О о, а ое (такой) ы о ое зда ие! Wow, such a tall building! 5) У е я а ие (такой) ра и ые лаза! You have such beautiful eyes! 6) У е я а ая (такой) очаро а ель ая лы You have such a charming smile! а! 7) У е я а ой (такой) ра и ый оло ! You have such a beautiful voice! 5. Insert the correct form of the demonstrative pronoun "этот/тот": 1) У е я е э их (этот) ро ле I don't have these problems genitive 2) Дай е (тот) и , о ал й Give me that book, please а 3) По а и е о (тот) о Show me that laptop accusative 4) Я дал елефо э о (этот) идио I gave a phone to this idiot! 5) Я и е д э и и (этот) д I live between these two cities accusative ! я орода и dative instrumental 350 Unit 7.6 Determinative pronouns Determinative pronouns - the wards that make it clear who or what is involved. 1. Determinative pronouns: Russian determinative pronouns are: весь каждый любой сам самый all every any ...slef the very 2. Determinative pronoun весь: The first pronoun we consider is весь (all, the whole). Я чил а лий ий язы весь де ь I was learning English language all day Я рал всю о а I cleaned the whole room Э о а о для всех а That is important for all of us As you can see, we have to put the word е ь in the needed case. Look at the table of cases: Nom. Acc. Gen. Dat. Instr. Prep. masculine е ь е ь/ е о* е о е е ё feminine я ю ей ей ей ей neuter ё ё/ е о* е о е е ё plural е е/ ех* ех е е и ех *animate accusative 3. Determinative pronoun каждый: Каждый means every and declines like an unstressed adjective (like новый for example). 351 Я о орю о ой каждый де ь I talk to you every day Я чи аю и и каждую очь I read book every night Я ью зелё ый чай каждое ро I drink green tea every morning 4. Determinative pronoun любой: Another very useful word is любой (any). It meant any and declines like a stressed adjective ( ольшой for example): Я о о ре и ь я о ой любой де ь I am ready to meet you any day М е о ра и я люба I will like any book и а 5. Determinative pronoun сам: The next handy word is сам (which means himself). It must agree with the noun it defines and declines like the word этот. So само means itself. К а а и ришла сама к а The queen herself came to our dinner 6. Determinative pronoun сам: амый (the very) it declines like an unstressed adjective (for example голый naked). We use it when we want to make the location of something very specific. В самом це ре о а ы In the very center of the room На самом л ола On the very corner of the table 352 UNIT 7.6 Упражнен 1. Insert the correct form of the determinative pronoun "весь": 1) Я рочи ал ____________ (весь) I read all the book и accusative 2) М ор раз ро а о ____________ (весь) ород The litter is scattered all around the city dative 3) У е я е ____________ (весь) о е о о I don't have all the pokemons genitive 4) О а о ори о о ____________ (весь) о а ах She is talking about all dogs prepositional 5) Я о а ____________ (весь) ород ! I will show to all (to the whole) city! dative 2. Insert the correct form of the determinative pronoun "каждый": 1) ____________ (каждый) о едель и я и раю Every Monday I play tennis 2) ____________ (каждый) ред Маша ечё Every Wednesday Masha bakes a pie 3) ____________ (каждый) о ре е ье Every Sunday we go to a cinema е и иро ы ходи 4) Ты о ешь иде ь их а ____________ (каждый) You can see them on the every corner 5) У ____________ (каждый) зда ия ои олицей A policemen is standing next to the every building и о л ий 3. Insert the correct form of the determinative pronoun "любой": 1) Ра а и е ____________ (любой) и Tell me any story орию 2) Пиши е ____________ (любой) ре я Write me (at) any time 3) Я д о ой ____________ (любой) о од I will be with you in any weather 4) М е о ра и я ____________ (любой) иро I'll like any pie 5) Дай е ____________ (любой) арел Give me any plate 4. Insert the correct form of the determinative pronoun "самый": 353 1) В ____________ (самый) ачале At the very beginning 2) На ____________ (самый) ер ой On the very first page 3) В ____________ (самый) це In the very center of the city ра ице ре орода 4) В ____________ (самый) л In the very corner of the box оро и 5) В ____________ (самый) о це At the very end 5. Insert the correct form of the determinative pronoun "весь": 1) Я ъел ____________ (весь) ры I ate all the fish 2) Удачи о ____________ (весь) Good luck in all your endeavors accusative оих ачи а иях prepositional 3) Э о а о для ____________ (весь) а This is important for all of us genitive 4) Миша ъел ____________ (весь) иро Misha ate all the pie accusative 5) Филь из е е о ____________ (весь) The movie is famous all over the world ире prepositional 354 UNIT 7.6 Ответы 1. Insert the correct form of the determinative pronoun "весь": 1) Я рочи ал ю (весь) I read all the book и accusative 2) М ор раз ро а о е (весь) ород The litter is scattered all around the city dative 3) У е я е ех (весь) о е о о I don't have all the pokemons genitive 4) О а о ори о о ех (весь) о а ах She is talking about all dogs prepositional 5) Я о а е (весь) ород ! I will show to all (to the whole) city! dative 2. Insert the correct form of the determinative pronoun "каждый": 1) Ка дый (каждый) о едель и я и раю Every Monday I play tennis 2) Ка д ю (каждый) ред Маша ечё Every Wednesday Masha bakes a pie е и иро 3) Ка дое (каждый) о ре е ье ы ходи Every Sunday we go to a cinema 4) Ты о ешь иде ь их а а до (каждый) You can see them on the every corner и о л 5) У а до о (каждый) зда ия ои олицей ий A policemen is standing next to the every building 3. Insert the correct form of the determinative pronoun "любой": 1) Ра а и е лю Tell me any story ю (любой) и орию 2) Пиши е лю ое (любой) ре я Write me (at) any time 3) Я д о ой лю ю (любой) о од I will be with you in any weather 4) М е о ра и я лю ой (любой) иро I'll like any pie 5) Дай е лю ю (любой) арел Give me any plate 4. Insert the correct form of the determinative pronoun "самый": 355 1) В а о (самый) ачале At the very beginning 2) На а ой (самый) ер ой On the very first page ра ице 3) В а о (самый) це ре орода In the very center of the city 4) В а о (самый) л оро и In the very corner of the box 5) В а о (самый) о це At the very end 5. Insert the correct form of the determinative pronoun "весь": 1) Я ъел ю (весь) ры I ate all the fish accusative 2) Удачи о ех (весь) оих ачи а иях Good luck in all your endeavors prepositional 3) Э о а о для ех (весь) а This is important for all of us genitive 4) Миша ъел е ь (весь) иро Misha ate all the pie accusative 5) Филь из е е о ё (весь) ире The movie is famous all over the world prepositional 356 Unit Reflexive pronouns 7.7 The reflexive pronoun себ means self and it must refer back to the subject of the verb. And it have to be used not only when it's stated but also when even implied. 1. Introduction in reflexive pronouns: In English you can say: He took his dog with him (we don't say with himself but that is what implied) But in Russian we have to use reflexive pronoun себ О зял ою о а с собой He took his dog with him(self) Я зял in this case. ой елефо с собой I took my phone with me (with myself) 2. Declension of себ : Accusative Genitive Dative Instrumental Prepositional е е е о е я я е ой е Note that it's used for all genders and for all persons (myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves). And also, it doesn't exist in the Nominative case. 3. Usage of себ : еб is often required after a preposition in sentences where we would not use self in English: Я и п собой ар ю д ерь I see an old door in from of me (in from of myself) Я ил я себ о ые че и и I bought new textbooks for me (for myself) О и идели п собой ольшое зда ие They saw a big building in from of them (in front of themselves) 357 4. Useful phrase: One very useful phrase that will also make you sound like a native is - само собой разумеетс (it stands to reason). 5. еб as a verb: And we use reflexive pronoun себ е и е я to make certain common verbs as well: to behave Ты о ешь вест себ л чше. You can behave better. ч о а ь е я to feel You know that in English the expression "I feel myself" doesn't sound right... But In Russian, if you want to say "I feel good" you need to say "Я чувствую себ хорошо (I feel myself good)". And that is very natural and correct way to say that. ред а ля ь е е to imagine Я представл ю себе ча I imagine a happy life оз оля ь е е ли ю из ь to afford Я е о позвол ть себе а олё I can't afford to buy a plane 358 UNIT 7.7 Упражнен 1. Insert the correct form of the reflexive pronoun "себ ": 1) Я ил ____________ (себ ) о I bought me (myself) a new book ю и dative 2) Я озь е я ____________ (себ ) I will take you with me (with myself) instrumental 3) О и ра азы аю о ____________ (себ ) They are telling about themselves prepositional 4) Мы озь е е я ____________ (себ ) We will take you with us (with ourselves) instrumental 5) О ра азы ае ро ____________ (себ ) He is telling about himself accusative 2. Insert the correct form of the reflexive pronoun "себ ": 1) Ты д аешь оль о о ____________ (себ ) You think only about yourself 2) Я и ю ____________ (себ ) I blame myself 3) О и или ____________ (себ ) о ые елефо ы They bought themselves new phones 4) Не д ай о ____________ (себ ) Don't think about yourself 5) О а лю и ____________ (себ ) She loves herself 3. Insert the correct form of the word "себ " as a verb: 1) Мо ешь ______________________? Can you imagine? 2) Я е о ______________________ I can't afford to buy a yacht и ь ях 3) Ты ______________________ хорошо? Do you feel good? 4) О ______________________ He behaves bad лохо 5) Я ______________________ л чше I feel better 4. Insert the correct form of the reflexive pronoun "себ ": 359 1) И о да я ____________ е о и аю Sometimes I don't understand myself 2) О и и о да е о азы аю ____________ They never deny themselves a cake 3) Я и о да е о азы аю ____________ I never deny myself a rest ор е о дыхе 4) О и о да е о азы ае ____________ He never denies himself beer 5) О и и о да е о азы аю ____________ They never deny themselves a chicken и е рице 5. Insert the correct form of the reflexive pronoun "себ ": 1) Я ____________ I respect myself а аю 2) Ты хо ь ____________ а аешь? Do you even respect yourself? 3) О и а аю ____________ They respect themselves 4) Я е з аю, ч о о ори ь о ____________ I don't know what to say about myself 5) Возь и е я ____________ Take me with you (with yourself) 360 UNIT 7.7 Ответы 1. Insert the correct form of the reflexive pronoun "себ ": 1) Я ил е е (себ ) о ю и I bought me (myself) a new book dative 2) Я озь е я о ой (себ ) I will take you with me (with myself) instrumental 3) О и ра азы аю о е е (себ ) They are telling about themselves prepositional 4) Мы озь е е я о ой (себ ) We will take you with us (with ourselves) instrumental 5) О ра азы ае ро е я (себ ) He is telling about himself accusative 2. Insert the correct form of the reflexive pronoun "себ ": 1) Ты д аешь оль о о е е (себ ) You think only about yourself 2) Я и ю е я (себ ) I blame myself 3) О и или е е (себ ) о ые елефо ы They bought themselves new phones 4) Не д ай о е е (себ ) Don't think about yourself 5) О а лю и е я (себ ) She loves herself 3. Insert the correct form of the word "себ " as a verb: 1) Мо ешь ред а и ь е е? Can you imagine? 2) Я е о оз оли ь е е и ь ях I can't afford to buy a yacht 3) Ты ч ешь е я хорошо? Do you feel good? 4) О едё е я лохо He behaves bad 5) Я ч ю е я л чше I feel better 4. Insert the correct form of the reflexive pronoun "себ ": 361 1) И о да я е я е о и аю Sometimes I don't understand myself 2) О и и о да е о азы аю е е ор е They never deny themselves a cake 3) Я и о да е о азы аю е е I never deny myself a rest о дыхе 4) О и о да е о азы ае е е He never denies himself beer и е 5) О и и о да е о азы аю е е рице They never deny themselves a chicken 5. Insert the correct form of the reflexive pronoun "себ ": 1) Я е я а аю I respect myself 2) Ты хо ь е я а аешь? Do you even respect yourself? 3) О и а аю е я They respect themselves 4) Я е з аю, ч о о ори ь о е е I don't know what to say about myself 5) Возь и е я о ой Take me with you (with yourself) 362 Unit 7.8 Relative pronouns, part 1 Relative pronouns. Который - who, which, that. 1. Usage of the pronoun который: We use the word который to combine two parts of a sentence and it is a linking word which indicates who, which and that: Паре ь и рае ф ол. Паре ь - ой ра . The guy is playing football. The guy is my brother. And now we say it with one sentence: Паре ь, который и рае ф ол, ой ра . The guy who is playing football is my brother. We use the word который to refer to both - people and things. К и а, которую я чи аю, оче ь и ере ая. The book which I read is very interesting. 2. Который is an adjective: Который is an adjective. And it has masculine, feminine, neuter and plural nouns for all six cases. How to figure out in what gender (and number) to put который? Look at the noun which it fallows. Де ш а, которую я ре ил, оче ь до рая The girl, who I met is very kind Noun is feminine, and so do the word который Чело е , который и рае э о филь е, ой лиз ий др 363 The man, who plays in that movie is my close friend Masculine noun - masculine form of the word который Пи ь о, которое я ол чил, оче ь ро а ель ое The letter, which I received is very touching Neuter noun - neuter form of the word который. Пи ь а, которые я ол чил, оче ь ро а ель ые The letters, which I received is very touching Neuter plural noun - neuter plural form of the word который. Actually the plural form of the word которые is used for all plural nouns in all genders - and that is very good for us. 3. Defining the case of the word который: The next task is to define the case we need to put the word который in. To figure out that we need to find out what "job" the word который is doing in the sentence. Чело е , который и рае е и , ой ра The man, who is playing tennis is my enemy Here the word который is the subject. So it's in Nominative case. Чело е , которого ы лю и е, ой ра The man, whom you love is my enemy Here it is the object, so we put it in accusative. Also look at the prepositions (if one is used with this word) - it will help you to define the case you need to put который in. It declines like the unstressed adjective люб мый (favorite) 4. Addition 1: If the part of the sentence which contains the word который involves a preposition, preposition always goes first - in front the word который. До , в котором ы и ё , оче ь ю ый The house in which we live (prepositional case after " ") is very cozy. Др , с которым я раз о ари ал, и ё Бразилии 364 The friend who I talked with, lives in Brazil 5. Addition 2: Который is only used after nouns, not verbs. Instead of который after verbs use the word что: Я з аю, что э о оче ь хорошая и а I know, that this book is very interesting Яд аю, что о а оро риеде I think, that she will come soon 365 UNIT 7.8 Упражнен 1. Insert the correct form of the relative pronoun "который": 1) До , ____________ я и , о ый The house, which I live in is new prepositional 2) accusative о а а, ____________ ы идишь, оче ь до рая The dog, which you see, is very kind 3) Телефо , о ____________ ы о оришь, ой The phone which you are talking about is mine prepositional 4) М чи а, ____________ ы ре ил, The man who you met is my brother genitive ой ра 5) Де оч а, ____________ и рае ад , оя дочь The girl who is playing in the garden is my daughter nominative 2. Insert the correct form of the relative pronoun "который": 1) Люди, о ____________ ы о оришь, ои ра и The people, who you are talking about, are my enemies prepositional 2) Мальчи , ____________ ы идишь, The boy, who you see, is my son accusative ой ы 3) Ко ы, ____________ ы иди е, е ои The cats, which you see, are not mine accusative 4) Чело е , ____________ а и а а э а и а, ый The man, by whom this book is written, is smart instrumental 3. Insert the correct form of the relative pronoun "который": 1) Чело е , ____________ я о яза , ой др The man, who I am obligated to is my friend dative 2) Р ч а, ____________ я ил, дешё ая The pen which I bought is cheap accusative 3) Телефо , ____________ о ил, доро ой The phone which he bought is expensive accusative 4) Я ло и, ____________ о а ила, лад ие The apples which she bought are sweet accusative 366 4. Insert the correct form of the relative pronoun "который": 1) Пи ь о, ____________ я иш , ольшое The letter which I write is big accusative 2) М зы а, ____________ я л шаю, ра и ая The music which I listen to is beautiful accusative 3) Же щи а, ____________ а и а о э о и ь о, драя The woman, by whom this letter was written is wise instrumental 4) Вре я, ____________ ы и ё , ди и ель ое The time which we live in is amazing accusative 5. Insert the correct form of the relative pronoun "который": 1) Ко а а, ____________ я и The room which I live in is light , е лая prepositional 2) Пи а ель, ____________ а и а а э а и а, олодой The writer, by whom this book was written is young instrumental 3) Ко , ____________ и , ой The cat which is sleeping is mine nominative 4) К и и, ____________ я ил, и ере ые The books which I bought are interesting accusative 367 UNIT 7.8 Ответы 1. Insert the correct form of the relative pronoun "который": 1) До , о оро я и , о ый The house, which I live in is new prepositional 2) accusative о а а, о ор ю ы идишь, оче ь до рая The dog, which you see, is very kind 3) Телефо , о о оро ы о оришь, ой The phone which you are talking about is mine prepositional 4) М чи а, о оро о ы ре ил, ой ра The man who you met is my brother genitive 5) Де оч а, о орая и рае ад , оя дочь The girl who is playing in the garden is my daughter nominative 2. Insert the correct form of the relative pronoun "который": 1) Люди, о о орых ы о оришь, ои ра и The people, who you are talking about, are my enemies prepositional 2) Мальчи , о оро о ы идишь, ой ы The boy, who you see, is my son accusative 3) Ко ы, о орых ы иди е, е ои The cats, which you see, are not mine accusative 4) Чело е , о оры а и а аэ а и а, ый The man, by whom this book is written, is smart instrumental 3. Insert the correct form of the relative pronoun "который": 1) Чело е , о оро я о яза , ой др The man, who I am obligated to is my friend dative 2) Р ч а, о ор ю я ил, дешё ая The pen which I bought is cheap accusative 3) Телефо , о орый о ил, доро ой The phone which he bought is expensive accusative 4) Я ло и, о орые о а ила, лад ие The apples which she bought are sweet accusative 368 4. Insert the correct form of the relative pronoun "который": 1) Пи ь о, о орое я иш , ольшое The letter which I write is big accusative 2) М зы а, о ор ю я л шаю, ра и ая The music which I listen to is beautiful accusative 3) Же щи а, о орой а и а о э о и ь о, драя The woman, by whom this letter was written is wise instrumental 4) Вре я, о орое ы и ё , ди и ель ое The time which we live in is amazing accusative 5. Insert the correct form of the relative pronoun "который": 1) Ко а а, о орой я и , е лая The room which I live in is light prepositional 2) Пи а ель, о оры а и а аэ а и а, олодой The writer, by whom this book was written is young instrumental 3) Ко , о орый и , ой The cat which is sleeping is mine nominative 4) К и и, о орые я ил, и ере ые The books which I bought are interesting accusative 369 Unit 7.9 Relative pronouns, part 2 то (what) and кто (who) also can be used as relative pronouns. 1. The word что: It can be used as a relative pronoun to всё (all, everything): У а е ь всё, что а адо We have everything (that) we need It is also used with то, to link to parts of a sentence (and remember that both то and что must decline according to the context of a sentence): О а ра а е е е о том, что з ае She will tell you about (that which) she knows Я ач того, чем я за и ал я чера I will start with what (literally “from that which”), I was busy with yesterday ’ “ ” f О а ра азала е о из и Бразилии, что ыло и ере She told me about the life in Brazil, which was interesting : о. 2. The word кто: К о is used as a relative pronoun in two main cases: After тот (the one): То , кто о о еч ае – о е до ичь че о од о The one (or whoever), who dreams a lot – can achieve anything After все (everyone): Я ри лашаю ех, кто чи р ий язы а ечери I invite everyone who learns Russian language to the party As you can see, кто is always followed by a singular verb – just like in English. 370 UNIT 7.9 Упражнен 1. Insert the correct form of the relative pronouns "всё/то/что": 1) У е я е ь _______, _______ е I have what (lit.: that, what) I need о 2) Ра а и е о _______, _______ ы з аешь Tell me what (lit.: about that, what) you know 3) Нач и _______, _______ ы з аешь о Маше Start with what (lit.: with that, what) you know about Masha 4) _______, _______ ы олчишь, ещё иче о е з ачи The fact that (lit.: that, what) you are being silent, doesn't mean anything 2. Insert the correct relative pronoun: 1) Де и е и раю а лице, _________ лохо Children don't play outside, which is bad 2) Мы о и али а ере оря, _________ ыло ч де We had dinner on the seaside, which was wonderful о 3) Я е лад ое а дый де ь, _________ лохо I eat sweet things everyday, which is bad 4) Я за и аю ь ор о , _________ хорошо I do sports, which is good 3. Insert the correct form of the relative pronouns ""всё/то/кто/что"": 1) М е е _______, _______ о о е I need the one, who will help me е 2) Я з аю _______, _______ ее а це а ь I know everyone, who can dance 3) О оздра ил _______, _______ ыл ла е He congratulated everyone, who was in the class 4) Ей е _______, _______ защи и её She need the one, who will protect her 4. Insert the correct form of the relative pronouns "кто" or "что": 1) М е е о , _______ з ае р I need the one, who knows Russian ий 2) Я з аю о, _______ ы ришёл е оди I know that (lit.: that, what) you didn't come alone (lit.: you came not alone) 371 3) О а з ае о о, _______ о ра ил их She knows the one, who robbed them 4) О а ише о, _______ з ае He will write what (lit.: that, what) he knows 5. Insert the correct form of the relative pronouns "кто" or "что": 1) Я з аю о о, _______ ил э аши I know the one, who bought this car 2) На е о , _______ о ори о-р We need the one, who speaks Russian и 3) Я а иш о, _______ я д аю I will write what (lit.: that, what) I think 4) Ка дый иди о, _______ хоче Everyone sees what (lit.: that, what) (he) wants 372 UNIT 7.9 Ответы 1. Insert the correct form of the relative pronouns "всё/то/что": 1) У е я е ь о, ч о е о I have what (lit.: that, what) I need 2) Ра а и е о о , ч о ы з аешь Tell me what (lit.: about that, what) you know 3) Нач и о о, ч о ы з аешь о Маше Start with what (lit.: with that, what) you know about Masha 4) То, ч о ы олчишь, ещё иче о е з ачи The fact that (lit.: that, what) you are being silent, doesn't mean anything 2. Insert the correct relative pronoun: 1) Де и е и раю а лице, ч о лохо Children don't play outside, which is bad 2) Мы о и али а ере оря, ч о ыло ч де о We had dinner on the seaside, which was wonderful 3) Я е лад ое а дый де ь, ч о лохо I eat sweet things everyday, which is bad 4) Я за и аю ь ор о , ч о хорошо I do sports, which is good 3. Insert the correct form of the relative pronouns "всё/то/кто/что": 1) М е е о , о о о е е I need the one, who will help me 2) Я з аю ех, о ее а це а ь I know everyone, who can dance 3) О оздра ил ех, о ыл ла е He congratulated everyone, who was in the class 4) Ей е о , о защи и её She need the one, who will protect her 4. Insert the correct form of the relative pronouns "кто" or "что": 1) М е е о , о з ае р ий I need the one, who knows Russian 2) Я з аю о, ч о ы ришёл е оди I know that (lit.: that, what) you didn't come alone (lit.: you came not alone) 373 3) О а з ае о о, о о ра ил их She knows the one, who robbed them 4) О а ише о, ч о з ае He will write what (lit.: that, what) he knows 5. Insert the correct form of the relative pronouns "кто" or "что": 1) Я з аю о о, о ил э аши I know the one, who bought this car 2) На е о , о о ори о-р и We need the one, who speaks Russian 3) Я а иш о, ч о я д аю I will write what (lit.: that, what) I think 4) Ка дый иди о, ч о хоче Everyone sees what (lit.: that, what) (he) wants 374 Unit 7.10 Indefinite pronouns Indefinite pronouns are – someone, something, somebody etc. To form them in Russian we just need to add –то or –н будь to the pronouns кто, что, какой. 1. Someone, something, some (part 1): To make Russian someone we need to add –то to the pronoun кто: *Remember that we only decline кто in that word Кто-то азал, ч о ы е ридёшь Someone told, that you wouldn’t come Моя а а о ори кем-то (instrumental case) My mother is talking to someone Кто-то indicates a particular person, who was involved or made an action, but the person is not known. The part –то can be added to the pronouns что and какой. Examples: Я хоч е е что-то о аза ь I want to show you something Ты чем-то о е о ое ? Are you concerned with something? О а дала е какое-то и ь о She gave him some letter О дал ей какую-то и He gave her some book 2. Someone, something, some (part 2): There is also another version of Russian someone. We get it when we add –н будь to the word кто w ). B w ’’ f .S person is more vague. 375 Е ли кто-н будь ридё , а и е ч о е я е до а If someone (anyone) comes, tell him I am not at home Кто-н будь, о а о и е е о! Someone (anyone), stop him! And the same for что and какой При о о ь что-н будь, о ал й а Cook something (anything), please Я хоч и ь как е-н будь о ощи I want to buy some (any) vegetables (it can be any vegetables) 3. Other important words: There are other word with these particles. -то (specific) де- о somewhere да- о somewhere (direction) о да- о once, at one time а - о somehow оче - о for some reason -н будь (vague) де- и дь да- и дь о да- и дь а - и дь оче - и дь somewhere / anywhere somewhere (direction) / anywhere any time / ever somehow / anyhow for some reason / for any reason 376 UNIT 7.10 Упражнен 1. Insert the correct form of the indefinite pronouns "something, someone, some": 1) ___________ ошёл д ерь Someone came in the door 2) Я о ___________ о очь? Can I help (you) with something 3) Миша ол чил ___________ Misha got some letter и ь о 4) М е о ___________ оз о и ь I need to call someone 5) Ты ___________ о оришь? Are you talking to someone? 2. Insert the correct form of the indefinite pronouns "something, someone, some": 1) ___________ з о ил? Did someone (anyone) call? 2) Е ли ___________ о, а и е If there is something (anything) you need, tell me 3) Дай е ___________ р ч Give me some (any) pen 4) Ты ___________ о орил о-ара и Did you talk Arabic with someone (anyone)? 5) Ты ___________ з о ил? Did you call someone (anyone)? 3. Insert the correct indefinite pronoun: 1) Я ___________ ал I got tired for some reason 2) Я ___________ з о ил е , о о ео I called him once, but he didn't answer е ил 3) О ___________ раз ил о о Somehow he broke the window 4) Я е з аю де о , о ___________ ехал I don't know where he is, he went somewhere 5) ___________ Ро ии Somewhere in Russia 4. Insert the correct indefinite pronoun: 377 1) Да ай оеде ___________! Let's go somewhere (anywhere)! 2) ___________ я за о ч ой рое Somehow (anyhow) I'll finish my project 3) Я д ___________ ча Will I be ever happy? ли ? 4) Мы де и ь ___________ фри е We will live somewhere (anywhere) in Africa 5. Insert the correct indefinite pronoun: 1) Ей а ___________ р ч а She needs some (any) pen 2) ___________ ъел е ои о фе ы... Someone ate all my candies... 3) ___________ зде ь е а Something is wrong here 4) На чи е я ___________ Teach me something (anything) 5) О дай оё я ло о ___________ Give your apple to someone (anyone) 378 UNIT 7.10 Ответы 1. Insert the correct form of the indefinite pronouns "something, someone, some": 1) К о- о ошёл д ерь Someone came in the door 2) Я о че - о о очь? Can I help (you) with something 3) Миша ол чил а ое- о и ь о Misha got some letter 4) М е о о - о оз о и ь I need to call someone 5) Ты е - о о оришь? Are you talking to someone? 2. Insert the correct form of the indefinite pronouns "something, someone, some": 1) К о- и дь з о ил? Did someone (anyone) call? 2) Е ли ч о- и дь о, а и е If there is something (anything) you need, tell me 3) Дай е а ю- и дь р ч Give me some (any) pen 4) Ты е - и дь о орил о-ара и Did you talk Arabic with someone (anyone)? 5) Ты о - и дь з о ил? Did you call someone (anyone)? 3. Insert the correct indefinite pronoun: 1) Я оче - о ал I got tired for some reason 2) Я о да- о з о ил е , о о е о е ил I called him once, but he didn't answer 3) О а - о раз ил о о Somehow he broke the window 4) Я е з аю де о , о да- о ехал I don't know where he is, he went somewhere 5) Где- о Ро ии Somewhere in Russia 4. Insert the correct indefinite pronoun: 379 1) Да ай оеде да- и дь! Let's go somewhere (anywhere)! 2) Ка - и дь я за о ч ой рое Somehow (anyhow) I'll finish my project 3) Я д о да- и дь ча Will I be ever happy? ли ? 4) Мы де и ь де- и дь фри е We will live somewhere (anywhere) in Africa 5. Insert the correct indefinite pronoun: 1) Ей а а ая- и дь р ч а She needs some (any) pen 2) К о- о ъел е ои о фе ы... Someone ate all my candies... 3) Ч о- о зде ь е а Something is wrong here 4) На чи е я че - и дь Teach me something (anything) 5) О дай оё я ло о о - и дь Give your apple to someone (anyone) 380 Unit 8.1 Regular present tense R w b f b .W “second conjugation verbs”. Tw b according to their own patterns. “first conjugation verbs” f b w f tense This lesson is about the first conjugation. To make the present tense we must to define the conjugation of the verb first. To do that we need to look at the ending of the infinitive – remember that all verb in a dictionary are given in the infinitive. Please, pay attention that we can define for sure the conjugation of the verb only by its ending in the infinitive. So we need to conjugate it first to be completely sure. First conjugation verbs in different persons have endings: -ю, -ешь, -ет, -ем, -ете, -ют There is only one form of the present tense. Я ч таю means both = "I read" and "I am reading" 1. Infinitives ending in –ать: If an infinitive ends in –ать, remove the last two letters and add the ending, according to the table: We will consider the verb ч тать (to read) as an example я ы о , о а, о о ы ы о и чи чи чи чи чи чи аю аешь ает аем аете ают I read you read he, she, it reads we read you (plural or formal) read they read 2. Infinitives ending in – ть: Also first conjugation infinitives often end in – ть. Like in the verb та ть (to melt). To make the present tense we follow the same rules – remove the last letters and add the needed ending: 381 я ы о , о а, о о ы ы о и аю аешь ает аем аете ают I melt you melt he, she, it melts we melt you (plural or formal) melt they melt 3. Infinitives ending in –еть: And the last ending first conjugation infinitives often have is –еть. And they follow the same pattern when making present tense. Example: я ы о , о а, о о ы ы о и и и и и и и ею еешь еет еем еете еют I have you have he, she, it has we have you (plural or formal) have they have 4. Exceptions: There are a few verbs with –еть (7) and –ать (4) which belong to the second conjugation and follows a different pattern of making present tense. We will consider them in the following lessons. 382 UNIT 8.1 Упражнен 1. Conjugate the following verb: о 1) 2) 3) ать - to buy я ы о /о а/о о _________________ 4) ы _________________ _________________ 5) ы _________________ _________________ 6) о и _________________ _________________ 4) ы _________________ _________________ 5) ы _________________ _________________ 6) о и _________________ _________________ 4) ы _________________ _________________ 5) ы _________________ _________________ 6) о и _________________ 2. Conjugate the following verb: е 1) 2) 3) ть - to change я ы о /о а/о о 3. Conjugate the following verb: олеть - to be sick/to hurt 1) 2) 3) я ы о /о а/о о 383 4. Conjugate the following verbs: 1) Я е да ___________ (отвечать) а I always answer your messages ои оо ще ия 2) Миша ___________ (объ сн ть) а и а ь Misha is explaining how to write a book и 3) Ка я и Валя ___________ (объ сн ть) а о о и ь ри ой Katya and Valya are explaining how to cook mushroom soup 4) Ты и о да е ___________ (отвечать) а You never answer my messages ои оо ще ия 5) Ты ___________ (уметь) о о и ь? Do you know how to cook? / Can you cook? 6) О а ___________ (отвечать) а о ро ы She is answering the questions 7) Бо е, о о ___________ (уметь) о ори ь! Oh my god, it knows how to (it can) speak! 8) Я ___________ (объ сн ть) а ы ра ь хороший елефо I explain how to choose a good phone 9) Ка я и Надя ___________ (уметь) ы ира ь елефо Katya and Nadya know how to choose a phone 5. Conjugate the following verbs: 1) Ты ___________ (об жать) е я ои и ло а и You are offending me with your words 2) Ни олай ___________ (владеть) зе ля и Nikolay owns lands 3) Миша и о да е ___________ (об жать) Misha never offends women е щи 4) Я и Ка я ___________ (устран ть) е олад и о Katya and I eliminate malfunctions in the computer ью ере 5) Я ___________ (владеть) ре я а олё а и I own three planes 6) О и ___________ (владеть) They own the world иро 7) Миша и Кирилл ___________ (устран ть) ро и Misha and Kirill eliminate the enemies и о 8) Мы и о да и о о е ___________ (об жать) We never offend anyone 384 UNIT 8.1 Ответы 1. Conjugate the following verb: о 1) 2) 3) ать - to buy я ы о /о а/о о о аю 4) ы о ае о аешь 5) ы о ае е о ае 6) о и о аю е яю 4) ы е яе е яешь 5) ы е яе е е яе 6) о и е яю олею 4) ы олее олеешь 5) ы олее е олее 6) о и 2. Conjugate the following verb: е 1) 2) 3) ть - to change я ы о /о а/о о 3. Conjugate the following verb: олеть - to be sick/to hurt 1) 2) 3) я ы о /о а/о о олею 385 4. Conjugate the following verbs: 1) Я е да о ечаю (отвечать) а I always answer your messages ои оо ще ия 2) Миша о ъя яе (объ сн ть) а и а ь Misha is explaining how to write a book и 3) Ка я и Валя о ъя яю (объ сн ть) а о о и ь ри ой Katya and Valya are explaining how to cook mushroom soup 4) Ты и о да е о ечаешь (отвечать) а You never answer my messages ои оо ще ия 5) Ты еешь (уметь) о о и ь? Do you know how to cook? / Can you cook? 6) О а о ечае (отвечать) а о ро ы She is answering the questions 7) Бо е, о о ее (уметь) о ори ь! Oh my god, it knows how to (it can) speak! 8) Я о ъя яю (объ сн ть) а ы ра ь хороший елефо I explain how to choose a good phone 9) Ка я и Надя ею (уметь) ы ира ь елефо Katya and Nadya know how to choose a phone 5. Conjugate the following verbs: 1) Ты о и аешь (об жать) е я ои и ло а и You are offending me with your words 2) Ни олай ладее (владеть) зе ля и Nikolay owns lands 3) Миша и о да е о и ае (об жать) Misha never offends women е щи 4) Я и Ка я ра яе (устран ть) е олад и о ью ере Katya and I eliminate malfunctions in the computer 5) Я ладею (владеть) ре я а олё а и I own three planes 6) О и ладею (владеть) They own the world иро 7) Миша и Кирилл ра яю (устран ть) ро и Misha and Kirill eliminate the enemies 8) Мы и о да и о о е о и ае We never offend anyone и о (об жать) 386 Unit 8.2 Regular present tense, part 2 In Russian there is only one present tense. So: Я ч таю means both: "I read" and "I am reading" This lesson is about second conjugation. The second conjugation has endings: -у(-ю), - шь, - ть, - м, - те, -ат (- т) 1. Infinitives ending in – ть: Verbs with the ending - ть are verbs of the second conjugation. There are two exceptions - verbs бр ть (to shave) and стел ть (to lay), they are first conjugation verbs. To form the present tense we need to remove the three last letters - ть and add the needed ending. And now we will consider it using the verb говор ть я ы о , о а, о о ы ы о и о о о о о о орю ор шь ор т ор м ор те ор т I speak you speak he, she, it speaks we speak you (plural or formal) speak they speak 2. Infinitives ending in –еть: There are seven verbs with -еть in the end which belongs to the second conjugation: о ре ь ер е ь за и е ь иде ь е а иде ь ер е ь о иде ь to to to to to to to see bear depend see hate twiddle offend Almost all of these verbs have different patterns with consonant changes. We will consider it more precisely in the next lesson. We will use смотреть as an example: 387 я ы о , о а, о о ы ы о и о о о о о о рю р шь р т р м р те р т I see you see he, she, it sees we see you (plural or formal) see they see 3. Infinitives ending in –ать: Yes, occasionally second conjugation verbs end in -ать. We will consider it with the verb кр чать As you see the infinitive ends in -ать, but it belongs to the second conjugation. That is why we can't define the conjugation, relying only on the ending of the infinitive form only. So to conjugate the verb кр чать we follow the same pattern which we used for ть verbs я ы о , о а, о о ы ы о и ричу рич шь рич т рич м рич те ричат I scream you scream he, she, it screams we scream you (plural or formal) scream they scream 4. New spelling rules: Important to mention two other spelling rules in Russian: -ча -ща иш I write -ч -щ ой -а with the letter - -чу -щу иш ой -у I write -чу -щу with the letter -у 388 UNIT 8.2 Упражнен 1. Conjugate the following verb: дар ть - to give a present 1) 2) 3) я ы о /о а/о о _________________ 4) ы _________________ _________________ 5) ы _________________ _________________ 6) о и _________________ _________________ 4) ы _________________ _________________ 5) ы _________________ _________________ 6) о и _________________ _________________ 4) ы _________________ _________________ 5) ы _________________ _________________ 6) о и _________________ 2. Conjugate the following verb: о реть - to watch/ to look at 1) 2) 3) я ы о /о а/о о 3. Conjugate the following verb: о ор ть - to speak 1) 2) 3) Я ы о /о а/о о 4. Conjugate the following verbs: 1) О а ___________ (кр чать) а е о She is yelling at him 2) Де и ___________ (кр чать) ад Children are screaming in the garden 3) Я чи ель, я ___________ (уч ть) де ей I am a teacher, I teach children 389 4) Миша ___________ (кр чать) изо ей илы Misha is shouting at the top of his voice 5) Профе ор ___________ (уч ть) де Professor teaches students at university о и ер и е е 6) Ка я и я ___________ (уч ть) де ей ла а ь Katya and I teach children (how to) swim 7) Я и о да е ___________ (кр чать) а I never yell at my son 8) Ты ___________ (уч ть) а Do you teach English? лий о ое о ы а ? 5. Conjugate the following verbs: 1) О и ___________ (стро ть) е о They build a skyscraper рё 2) Не ол й я, я ___________ (вер ть) е е Don't worry, I believe you 3) Я и Миша ___________ (стро ть) до Misha and I are building a house 4) Ты е ___________ (вер ть)? Do you believe me? 5) Про и е, е о ли ы ы и а ь ы рее, я ___________ (спеш ть) Excuse me, could you write faster, I am in a hurry 6) рои ель ___________ (стро ть) зда ия A builder builds buildings 7) У а е ь о о о од о о ре е и, а ч о ы е __________ (спеш ть) We have lots of free time, so that we are in no hurry 8) Маша и Кирилл ___________ (вер ть) Masha and Kirill believe me е 9) Ты ___________ (спеш ть)? Are you in a hurry? 390 UNIT 8.2 Ответы 1. Conjugate the following verb: дар ть - to give a present 1) 2) 3) я ы о /о а/о о дарю 4) ы дари даришь 5) ы дари е дари 6) о и о рю 4) ы о ри о ришь 5) ы о ри е о ри 6) о и о орю 4) ы о ори о ришь 5) ы о ори е о ори 6) о и даря 2. Conjugate the following verb: о реть - to watch/ to look at 1) 2) 3) я ы о /о а/о о о ря 3. Conjugate the following verb: о ор ть - to speak 1) 2) 3) Я ы о /о а/о о о оря 4. Conjugate the following verbs: 1) О а ричи (кр чать) а е о She is yelling at him 2) Де и рича (кр чать) ад Children are screaming in the garden 3) Я чи ель, я ч (уч ть) де ей I am a teacher, I teach children 391 4) Миша ричи (кр чать) изо ей илы Misha is shouting at the top of his voice 5) Профе ор чи (уч ть) де о и ер и е е Professor teaches students at university 6) Ка я и я чи (уч ть) де ей ла а ь Katya and I teach children (how to) swim 7) Я и о да е рич (кр чать) а I never yell at my son 8) Ты чишь (уч ть) а лий Do you teach English? о ое о ы а ? 5. Conjugate the following verbs: 1) О и роя (стро ть) е о They build a skyscraper рё 2) Не ол й я, я ерю (вер ть) е е Don't worry, I believe you 3) Я и Миша рои (стро ть) до Misha and I are building a house 4) Ты е еришь (вер ть)? Do you believe me? 5) Про и е, е о ли ы ы и а ь ы рее, я еш (спеш ть) Excuse me, could you write faster, I am in a hurry 6) рои ель рои (стро ть) зда ия A builder builds buildings 7) У а е ь о о о од о о ре е и, а ч о ы е We have lots of free time, so that we are in no hurry 8) Маша и Кирилл еря (вер ть) Masha and Kirill believe me еши (спеш ть) е 9) Ты ешишь (спеш ть)? Are you in a hurry? 392 Unit 8.3 Present tense, consonant change Some second conjugation verbs change the final consonant of the stem in the first person singular. Only in the first personal singular. 1. Table of the consonants' change: д→ж з→ж с→ш ст → щ т→ч б, в, м, п, ф → бл, вл. мл, пл, фл we need to add an extra "л" letter иде ь ози ь оси ь исте ь лете ь орби ь о ови ь з а оми ь опи ь - иж ож ош ищ леч орблю о овлю з а омлю оплю 2. If the stem of the second conjugation verb end in -д: If the stem of the second conjugation verb end in -д, in the first person singular we have to change -д to -ж like in the verb иде ь. с деть я иж ы идишь о /о а/о о иди ы иди ы иди е о и идя to sit I sit you sit he/she/it sits we sit you sit they sit 3. If the stem of the second conjugation verb end in -з: If the stem of the second conjugation verb end in -з, in the first person singular we have to change -з to -ж like in the verb ози ь. 393 воз ть я ож ы озишь о /о а/о о ози ы ози ы ози е о и озя to drive I drive you drive he/she/it drives we drive you drive they drive 4. If the stem of the second conjugation verb end in -с: If the stem of the second conjugation verb end in -с, in the first person singular we have to change -с to -ш like in the verb оси ь. нос ть я ош ы о ишь о /о а/о о о и ы о и ы о и е о и о я to wear I wear you wear he/she/it wears we wear you wear they wear 5. If the stem of the second conjugation verb end in -ст: If the stem of the second conjugation verb end in -ст, in the first person singular we have to change -ст to -щ like in the verb лесте ь. блестеть я лещ ы ле ишь о /о а/о о ле ы ле и ы ле и е о и ле я и to shine/sparkle I shine/sparkle you shine/sparkle he/she/it shines/sparkles we shine/sparkle you shine/sparkle they shine/sparkle 6. If the stem of the second conjugation verb end in -т: If the stem of the second conjugation verb end in -т, in the first person singular we have to change -т to -ч like in the verb лете ь. лететь to fly 394 я леч ы ле ишь о /о а/о о ле и ы ле и ы ле и е о и ле я I fly you fly he/she/it flys we fly you fly they fly 7. If the stem of the second conjugation verb end in б, в, м, п, ф: If the stem of the second conjugation verb end in - б, в, м, п, ф, in the first person singular we have add an extra "л" letter (so it becomes бл, вл. мл, пл, фл), like in the following examples: б, в, м, п, ф → бл, вл. мл, пл, фл орби ь о ови ь з а оми ь опи ь - орблю о овлю з а омлю оплю - I I I I - mourn cook acquaint save up Remember: That is only for first person singular, only for "Я" form of the present tense. Other persons follow the main pattern. 395 UNIT 8.3 Упражнен 1. Conjugate the following verb: идеть - to sit 1) 2) 3) я ы о /о а/о о _________________ 4) ы _________________ _________________ 5) ы _________________ _________________ 6) о и _________________ _________________ 4) ы _________________ _________________ 5) ы _________________ _________________ 6) о и _________________ _________________ 4) ы _________________ _________________ 5) ы _________________ _________________ 6) о и _________________ 2. Conjugate the following verb: о о 1) 2) 3) ть - to cook я ы о /о а/о о 3. Conjugate the following verb: ш 1) 2) 3) ть - to cook я ы о /о а/о о 4. Conjugate the following verb: 1) ози ь to drive, to carry я I _______________ I drive ы we _______________ we drive 2) о и ь to wear/to carry я I _______________ I wear о и _______________ they they wear 3) ле е ь to shine я I _______________ I shine о he _______________ he shines 396 4) ле е ь to fly я I _______________ I fly ы you _______________ you fly 5) о и ь to save up я I _______________ I save up о а she _______________ she saves up 5. Conjugate the following verbs: 1) О ___________ (помн ть) о оих оши ах He remembers (keeps in mind) his mistakes 2) О и ___________ (помн ть) е ре е а They remember those times 3) Я ___________ (вход ть) I enter the big room ольш ю о 4) Мы ___________ (плат ть) о че а We pay bills every month а а дый е яц 5) Ты ___________ (плат ть)? То да я озь ре е и и елое и о (Do) You pay? I will take shrimps and white wine then 6) Я ___________ (помн ть) ою очаро а ель I remember your charming smile ю лы 7) Мы ___________ (вход ть) о ый до We are entering the new house 8) О а ___________ (вход ть) и о а ых ра и ых де ше ра ы She is a member (enters) of the list of the most beautiful girls of the country 9) Я ___________ (плат ть) д е ы ячи р I pay 2000 rubles every two weeks лей а дые д е едели 397 UNIT 8.3 Ответы 1. Conjugate the following verb: идеть - to sit 1) 2) 3) и 4) ы иди идишь 5) ы иди е иди 6) о и о о лю 4) ы о о и о о ишь 5) ы о о и е о о и 6) о и ш ч 4) ы ш и ш ишь 5) ы ш и е ш и 6) о и ш я я ы о /о а/о о идя 2. Conjugate the following verb: о о 1) 2) 3) ть - to cook я ы о /о а/о о о о я 3. Conjugate the following verb: ш 1) 2) 3) ть - to cook я ы о /о а/о о 4. Conjugate the following verb: 1) ози ь to drive, to carry я I о I drive ы we ози we drive 2) о и ь to wear/to carry я I ош I wear о и о я they they wear 3) ле е ь to shine я I лещ I shine о he ле и he shines 398 4) ле е ь to fly я I леч I fly ы you ле ишь you fly 5) о и ь to save up я I о лю I save up о а she о и she saves up 5. Conjugate the following verbs: 1) О о и (помн ть) о оих оши ах He remembers (keeps in mind) his mistakes 2) О и о я (помн ть) е ре е а They remember those times 3) Я хо (вход ть) I enter the big room ольш ю о 4) Мы ла и (плат ть) о че а We pay bills every month а а дый е яц 5) Ты ла ишь (плат ть)? То да я озь ре е и и елое и о (Do) You pay? I will take shrimps and white wine then 6) Я о ю (помн ть) ою очаро а ель I remember your charming smile ю лы 7) Мы ходи (вход ть) о ый до We are entering the new house 8) О а ходи (вход ть) и о а ых ра и ых де ше ра ы She is a member (enters) of the list of the most beautiful girls of the country 9) Я лач (плат ть) д е ы ячи р лей а дые д е едели I pay 2000 rubles every two weeks 399 Unit Irregular present tense 8.4 Not all the verbs follow the regular pattern in the present tense in Russian language. Some of the verbs behave in a different way, but actually most of them just follow their own pattern. Here we will consider the verbs with endings: -у ты он/она/оно мы вы -ёшь -ёт -ём -ёте As you could already notice, only form Я and Он have ё letter. он -ут have у in the ending, and others 1. First part of the irregular verbs: Infin. брать to take stem бер- я еру ы ерёшь ждать to wait жд- ду дёшь ж ть to live ж в- и у и ёшь дт to walk д- класть to put клад- иду ладу идёшь ладёшь О , о а, о о ерёт ы ерём ы ерёте о и ерут дёт дём дёте дут и ёт и ём и ёте и ут идёт ладёт идём ладём идёте ладёте идут ладут 400 2. Second part of the irregular verbs: Some irregular verbs fallow slightly different pattern - the forms Я and Он have -ю in the ending, instead of у, like it was in the first group of the irregular verbs. Infin. л ть to pour stem ль- я лью ы льёшь петь to sing по- ою оёшь п ть to drink пь- ью ьёшь О , о а, о о льёт ы льём ы льёте о и льют оёт оём оёте оют ьёт ьём ьёте ьют 401 UNIT 8.4 Упражнен 1. Conjugate the following verb: дать - to wait 1) 2) 3) я ы о /о а/о о _________________ 4) ы _________________ _________________ 5) ы _________________ _________________ 6) о и _________________ _________________ 4) ы _________________ _________________ 5) ы _________________ _________________ 6) о и _________________ _________________ 4) ы _________________ _________________ 5) ы _________________ _________________ 6) о и _________________ 2. Conjugate the following verb: рать - to take 1) 2) 3) я ы о /о а/о о 3. Conjugate the following verb: ид и - to go 1) 2) 3) я ы о /о а/о о 4. Conjugate the following verbs: 1) Я ___________ (п ть) ре ий чёр ый чай а дое I drink strong black tea every morning 2) Мы ___________ (ж ть) We live in a big flat ольшой ро ар ире 402 3) Я ___________ (ж ть) а I live on my own / alone / оди 4) О а ___________ (п ть) а ель и о ый о She drinks orange juice 5) Миша и На аша ___________ (ж ть) Misha and Natasha are living together е е 6) Я и о да е ___________ (петь), я лохой е ец I never sing, I am a bad singer 7) Ты ___________ (п ть) и о? Do you drink bear? 8) Люди ___________ (петь) и оей ра ы People are singing the anthem of their (own) country 9) Я и Маша ___________ (петь) е Masha and I are singing a song ю 5. Conjugate the following verb: ла 1) 2) 3) ь - to put я ы о /о а/о о _________________ 4) ы _________________ _________________ 5) ы _________________ _________________ 6) о и _________________ 403 UNIT 8.4 Ответы 1. Conjugate the following verb: дать - to wait 1) 2) 3) я ы о /о а/о о д 4) ы дё дёшь 5) ы дё е дё 6) о и ер 4) ы ерё ерёшь 5) ы ерё е ерё 6) о и ер ид 4) ы идё идёшь 5) ы идё е идё 6) о и д 2. Conjugate the following verb: рать - to take 1) 2) 3) я ы о /о а/о о 3. Conjugate the following verb: ид и - to go 1) 2) 3) я ы о /о а/о о ид 4. Conjugate the following verbs: 1) Я ью (п ть) ре ий чёр ый чай а дое I drink strong black tea every morning 2) Мы и ё (ж ть) We live in a big flat ольшой ро ар ире 404 3) Я и (ж ть) а / оди I live on my own / alone 4) О а ьё (п ть) а ель и о ый о She drinks orange juice 5) Миша и На аша и (ж ть) е е Misha and Natasha are living together 6) Я и о да е ою (петь), я лохой е ец I never sing, I am a bad singer 7) Ты ьёшь (п ть) и о? Do you drink bear? 8) Люди ою (петь) и оей ра ы People are singing the anthem of their (own) country 9) Я и Маша оё (петь) е ю Masha and I are singing a song 5. Conjugate the following verb: ла 1) 2) 3) ь - to put я ы о /о а/о о лад 4) ы ладё ладёшь 5) ы ладё е ладё 6) о и лад 405 Unit Irregular present tense, part 2 8.5 Not all the verbs follow the regular pattern in the present tense in Russian language. Some of the verbs behave in a different way, but actually most of them just follow their own pattern. In this video we will consider the verbs with endings: -у (ю) ты он/она/оно мы вы -ешь -ет -ем -ете он -ут (-ют) As you could already notice, only form Я and Он have у/ю and ут/ют in the ending, and others have е letter. Not a big difference from the irregular verbs you already know. 1. First part of the irregular verbs: Infin. ехать to go by to drive to travel stem ед- я еду ы едешь О , о а, о о едет ы едем ы едете о и едут щ- ищу ищешь ищет ищем ищете ищут мо- ою оешь оет оем оете оют п сать to write п ш- ишу ишешь ишет ишем ишете ишут плакать to cry плач - лачу лачешь лачет лачем лачете лачут скать to seek to look for мыть to wash 2. Two other very important irregular verbs: 406 And two other very important verbs are: to be able to and to want They are, if I can say so, very irregular, because they change their stem during the present tense. Please, learn them by heart. мочь - to be able to (can) хотеть - to want я о ы о ешь о , о а, о о ы о е ы о е е о и о я хоч ы хочешь о , о а, о о хоче ы хо и ы хо и е о и хо я Вы) о е от те о ори ь о-р и? Вы можете э о дела ь! Do you want to speak Russian? You can do it! 407 UNIT 8.5 Упражнен 1. Conjugate the following verb: еха ь - to go by/ to drive to travel 1) 2) 3) я ы о /о а/о о _________________ 4) ы _________________ _________________ 5) ы _________________ _________________ 6) о и _________________ _________________ 4) ы _________________ _________________ 5) ы _________________ _________________ 6) о и _________________ _________________ 4) ы _________________ _________________ 5) ы _________________ _________________ 6) о и _________________ 2. Conjugate the following verb: очь - to be able to (can) 1) 2) 3) я ы о /о а/о о 3. Conjugate the following verb: хо е ь - to want 1) 2) 3) я ы о /о а/о о 4. Conjugate the following verbs: 1) Та я ___________ (мыть) о Tanya is washing the dishes д 2) Маша ___________ ( скать) ою о а Masha is looking for her (own) dog 3) Я ___________ ( скать) др зей I am looking for friends 408 4) О ___________ (п сать) и ь о ое He is writing a letter to his old friend 5) Мы ___________ (мыть) ою аши We wash our (own) car every Saturday аро др а д ю о 6) О и ___________ (мыть) о а раз They wash windows once a month е яц 7) Ка я и Маша ___________ (п сать) Katya and Masha write books и и 8) Ты ч о- о ___________ ( скать)? Are you looking for something? 9) Я ___________ (п сать) е е а ы и ё лы и ч I write you with the warmest feelings а и 5. Conjugate the following verbs: 1) Поче ы ___________ (плакать)? Why are you crying? 2) Я е ___________ (мочь) чи а ь о- орей I can't read Korean и 3) Маша и Кирилл ___________ (мочь) о ори ь о- и ай Masha and Kirill can speak Chinese 4) Я ___________ (хотеть) о ори ь о- ор I want to speak Portuguese perfectly 5) Мой ы ___________ (плакать), о My son is crying, he hit (his own) leg аль дарил и и о ерше е ою) о 6) М чи ы и о да е ___________ (плакать) Men never cry 7) О ___________ (хотеть) о ла ь е е о He wants to send you a postcard 8) Ты ___________ (мочь) Can you help me? ры е о очь? 9) Мы ___________ (хотеть) о ла одари ь а We want to thank you 409 UNIT 8.5 Ответы 1. Conjugate the following verb: еха ь - to go by/ to drive to travel 1) 2) 3) я ы о /о а/о о ед 4) ы еде едешь 5) ы еде е еде 6) о и о 4) ы о е о ешь 5) ы о е е о е 6) о и о хоч 4) ы хо и хочешь 5) ы хо и е хоче 6) о и ед 2. Conjugate the following verb: очь - to be able to (can) 1) 2) 3) я ы о /о а/о о 3. Conjugate the following verb: хо е ь - to want 1) 2) 3) я ы о /о а/о о хо я 4. Conjugate the following verbs: 1) Та я ое (мыть) о д Tanya is washing the dishes 2) Маша ище ( скать) ою о а Masha is looking for her (own) dog 3) Я ищ ( скать) др зей I am looking for friends 410 4) О ише (п сать) и ь о ое аро He is writing a letter to his old friend др 5) Мы ое (мыть) ою аши а д ю We wash our (own) car every Saturday о 6) О и ою (мыть) о а раз е яц They wash windows once a month 7) Ка я и Маша иш (п сать) Katya and Masha write books и и 8) Ты ч о- о ищешь ( скать)? Are you looking for something? 9) Я иш (п сать) е е а ы и ё лы и ч I write you with the warmest feelings а и 5. Conjugate the following verbs: 1) Поче ы лачешь (плакать)? Why are you crying? 2) Я е о (мочь) чи а ь о- орей I can't read Korean и 3) Маша и Кирилл о (мочь) о ори ь о- и ай Masha and Kirill can speak Chinese 4) Я хоч (хотеть) о ори ь о- ор аль I want to speak Portuguese perfectly 5) Мой ы лаче (плакать), о дарил My son is crying, he hit (his own) leg 6) М чи ы и о да е лач Men never cry о ерше е ою) о (плакать) 7) О хоче (хотеть) о ла ь е е о He wants to send you a postcard 8) Ты о ешь (мочь) Can you help me? и и ры е о очь? 9) Мы хо и (хотеть) о ла одари ь а We want to thank you 411 Unit 8.6 Irregular present tense, part 3 Irregular verbs that end in -авать/-овать/-евать 1. Verbs ending in -авать: Да а ь - is the verb we consider as an example for -авать ending. Да а ь - to give я даю ы даёшь о /о а/о о даё ы даё ы даё е о и даю I give you give he/she/it gives we give you give they give 2. Verbs ending in -овать: Путешествовать - to travel я еше ю ы еше ешь о /о а/о о еше ы еше е ы еше е е о и еше ю е I travel you travel he/she/it travel we travel you travel they travel 3. Verbs ending in -евать: Танцевать - to dance я а ц ю ы а ц ешь о /о а/о о а ц е ы а ц е ы а ц е е о и а ц ю I dance you dance he/she/it dances we dance you dance they dance 4. The verb быть - to be: 412 It may seem strange that we haven't considered it yet. But that is only because Russian has an infinitive of the verb to be ( ы ь), but it doesn't make present tense. So, how to use in Russian sentences with the verb to be if it doesn't form the present tense? Use a dash if you define a noun: Иван - уч тель Ivan is a teacher Use nothing if you want to state something - usually an adverb. Поздно. Мне нужно дт . (It is) late. I need to go. Здесь холодно. (It is) cold here. You can use the word есть to tell about the presence of someone/something somewhere. В ороде е ь к нотеатр There is a movie theater in the city В зда ии есть люд There are people in the building Or you can use нет to say there is not, there are not: В ороде нет к нотеатра В зда ии нет людей There is no a movie theater in the city There are no people in the building To say about absence of something use the word нет with genitive after it - you can see it in the previous examples. В о а е нет собак There is no dog in the room В оё ердце нет печал The is no sorrow in my heart 5. The verb to have: To say have/has follow the easy scheme: 413 Preposition + genitive case of the owner + nominative case of the owned thing/person У собак хвост (lit. - by the dog) The dog (has) a tail And you can add есть to make an additional emphasize. У Кат есть маш на Kate has a car У мен есть мечта I have a dream And to say have not/has not use the word нет + genitive of the owned thing. У собак нет хвоста The dog has not got a tale or А Кат нет маш ны Kate has not got a car У мен нет мечты I have not got a dream 414 UNIT 8.6 Упражнен 1. Conjugate the following verb: да а ь - to give 1) 2) 3) я ы о /о а/о о _________________ 4) ы _________________ _________________ 5) ы _________________ _________________ 6) о и _________________ _________________ 4) ы _________________ _________________ 5) ы _________________ _________________ 6) о и _________________ _________________ 4) ы _________________ _________________ 5) ы _________________ _________________ 6) о и _________________ 2. Conjugate the following verb: еше 1) 2) 3) о а ь - to travel я ы о /о а/о о 3. Conjugate the following verb: а це а ь - to dance 1) 2) 3) я ы о /о а/о о 4. Translate the sentences into Russian: 1) ___________________________________________________________ I am a student 2) ___________________________________________________________ My brother is a teacher 3) ___________________________________________________________ It is hot here 415 4) ___________________________________________________________ There is a museum in the city 5) ___________________________________________________________ Masha and Kirill are writers 6) ___________________________________________________________ She is a waitress 7) ___________________________________________________________ She is the love of my life 8) ___________________________________________________________ He is my husband 9) ___________________________________________________________ It is late I need to go to sleep 10) ___________________________________________________________ There are no relatives in the house 5. Translate the sentences into Russian: 1) ___________________________________________________________ I have a brother 2) ___________________________________________________________ I don't have a cat 3) ___________________________________________________________ I have a problem 4) ___________________________________________________________ She has a dog 5) ___________________________________________________________ They have children 6) ___________________________________________________________ I have a dream 416 UNIT 8.6 Ответы 1. Conjugate the following verb: да а ь - to give 1) 2) 3) я ы о /о а/о о даю 4) ы даё даешь 5) ы даё е даё 6) о и даю 2. Conjugate the following verb: еше 1) 2) 3) о а ь - to travel я ы о /о а/о о еше ю 4) ы еше е еше ешь 5) ы еше е е еше е 6) о и еше ю а ц ю 4) ы а ц е а ц ешь 5) ы а ц е е а ц е 6) о и 3. Conjugate the following verb: а це а ь - to dance 1) 2) 3) я ы о /о а/о о а ц ю 4. Translate the sentences into Russian: 1) Я де I am a student 2) Мой ра чи ель My brother is a teacher 3) Зде ь ар о It is hot here 417 4) В ороде е ь зей There is a museum in the city 5) Маша и Кирилл и а ели Masha and Kirill are writers 6) О а официа а She is a waitress 7) О а лю о ь ( ей) оей She is the love of my life из и 8) О ой He is my husband 9) Позд о, е о ид и а ь It is late I need to go to sleep 10) В до е е род е и о There are no relatives in the house 5. Translate the sentences into Russian: 1) У е я е ь ра I have a brother 2) У е я е о а I don't have a cat 3) У е я е ь ро ле а I have a problem 4) У её е ь о а а She has a dog 5) У их е ь де и They have children 6) У е я е ь еч а I have a dream 418 Unit Reflexive verbs, present tense 8.7 A reflexive verb express an action that reflects back to the subject. Infinitive reflexive verbs end in -с -сь Such verbs doesn't exist in English, but as an analogy, in English those verbs are followed by ...self or verbs where ...self can be understood or meant. Like to wash (oneself) - умыватьс to prepare (oneself) - готов тьс 1. Ending of the reflexive verbs in the present tense: We can define a reflexive verb by its ending -с in the present tense are: Купатьс я ы о or -сь in the infinitive. Their ending - to bath, take a bath аюсь аешьс ае с ы ы о и ае с ае есь аю с And here are some other common reflexive verbs you will need in the beginning: ы а ьс риче ы а ьс разде а ьс ло и ьс а ь оде а ьс о о и ьс to to to to to to wash oneself, to get washed comb one's hair get undressed go to bed (lie down to sleep) dress up oneself prepare oneself, to get oneself ready 2. Some reflexive verbs don't imply the word self: Some reflexive Russian verbs wouldn't even imply the word ...self in English. And they don't have the object. Like the verb "to be situated - наход тьс ". As you can see it implies the idea of the verb to be Наша ар ира наход тс Our flat is situated in the city ороде 3. Another important verbs that don't have subject: 419 A couple of other verbs that don't have subject are нач натьс заканч ватьс Филь нач наетс 4 и заканч ваетс The movie starts at 4 and ends in 7 and 7 We call these verbs "intransitive", because they don't transit the action on the subject (noun or pronoun). 4. Reflexive verbs representing feelings: Another group of reflexive verbs you definitely would like to know are about the feelings: е о ои ь я орди ь я оя я адея ь я лы а ь я ея ь я to to to to to to worry / to be anxious be proud of something/someone be afraid of something/someone hope smile laugh 420 UNIT 8.7 Упражнен 1. Conjugate the following verb: лы а ь я - to smile 1) 2) 3) я ы о /о а/о о _________________ 4) ы _________________ _________________ 5) ы _________________ _________________ 6) о и _________________ _________________ 4) ы _________________ _________________ 5) ы _________________ _________________ 6) о и _________________ _________________ 4) ы _________________ _________________ 5) ы _________________ _________________ 6) о и _________________ 2. Conjugate the following verb: оя ь я - to be afraid 1) 2) 3) я ы о /о а/о о 3. Conjugate the following verb: е 1) 2) 3) о ои ь я - to worry я ы о /о а/о о 4. Conjugate the following verbs: 1) Я ___________(горд тьс ) о ой, I am proud of you, my friend ой др 2) Ты ___________(одеватьс )? Are you getting dressed? 3) Кирилл ___________(раздеватьс ), о о ирае Kirill is getting undressed, he's going to sleep я а ь 421 4) Миша и Ка я ___________(горд тьс ) оей ра ой Misha and Katya are proud of their (own) country 5) Моя а а ___________(горд тьс ) My mother is proud of me ой 6) О и ___________(раздеватьс ), и о о дох They are getting undressed, they need to rest ь 7) Я ___________(одеватьс ) а адь I am getting dressed for a wedding 8) Подо ди и ,я е ___________(раздеватьс ) Wait a minute, I am already getting undressed 9) О а хорошо ___________(одеватьс ) She dresses well / She dresses up well 5. Conjugate the following verbs: 1) О и ___________(купатьс ) ре е а дое ле о They bathe (themselves) in the river every summer 2) О ыч о я ___________(умыватьс ) 7:30 ра Usually I am washing (myself) at 7:30 in the morning 3) Я ___________(готов тьс ) э за е а I am preparing (myself) for exams 4) Мы ___________(умыватьс ), ы идё а ь We are washing (ourselves), we are going to sleep 5) Поче ы е ___________(купатьс )? Ты оишь я ро одило ? Why don't you bathing (yourself)? Are you afraid of crocodiles? 6) О е о е о е и ь, о ейча ___________(умыватьс ) He can't answer now, he is washing (himself) 7) Я ейча ___________(купатьс ), я ерез о ю е е I am bathing (myself) now, I'll call you back 8) Поче ы е ___________(готов тьс ) э за е а ? Why don't you prepare (yourself) for the exams? 9) Пило ы ___________(готов тьс ) о ад е Pilots are preparing (themselves) for landing 422 UNIT 8.7 Ответы 1. Conjugate the following verb: лы а ь я - to smile 1) 2) 3) я ы о /о а/о о лы аю ь 4) ы лы ае лы аешь я 5) ы лы ае е ь лы ае 6) о и ою ь 4) ы ои оишь я 5) ы ои е ь ои 6) о и я лы аю я я 2. Conjugate the following verb: оя ь я - to be afraid 1) 2) 3) я ы о /о а/о о я оя я я 3. Conjugate the following verb: е 1) 2) 3) о ои ь я - to worry я ы о /о а/о о е о ою ь 4) ы е о ои е о оишь я 5) ы е о ои е ь е о ои 6) о и е о оя я я я 4. Conjugate the following verbs: 1) Я ор ь (горд тьс ) о ой, I am proud of you, my friend ой др 2) Ты оде аешь я (одеватьс )? Are you getting dressed? 3) Кирилл разде ае я (раздеватьс ), о о ирае Kirill is getting undressed, he's going to sleep я а ь 423 4) Миша и Ка я ордя я (горд тьс ) оей ра ой Misha and Katya are proud of their (own) country 5) Моя а а орди я (горд тьс ) My mother is proud of me ой 6) О и разде аю я (раздеватьс ), и о о дох They are getting undressed, they need to rest ь 7) Я оде аю ь (одеватьс ) а адь I am getting dressed for a wedding 8) Подо ди и ,я е разде аю ь (раздеватьс ) Wait a minute, I am already getting undressed 9) О а хорошо оде ае я (одеватьс ) She dresses well / She dresses up well 5. Conjugate the following verbs: 1) О и аю я (купатьс ) ре е а дое ле о They bathe (themselves) in the river every summer 2) О ыч о я ы аю я (умыватьс ) 7:30 ра Usually I am washing (myself) at 7:30 in the morning 3) Я о о лю ь (готов тьс ) э за е а I am preparing (myself) for exams 4) Мы ы ае я (умыватьс ), ы идё а ь We are washing (ourselves), we are going to sleep 5) Поче ы е аешь я (купатьс )? Ты оишь я ро одило ? Why don't you bathing (yourself)? Are you afraid of crocodiles? 6) О е о е о е и ь, о ейча ы ае я (умыватьс ) He can't answer now, he is washing (himself) 7) Я ейча аю ь (купатьс ), я ерез о ю е е I am bathing (myself) now, I'll call you back 8) Поче ы е о о ишь я (готов тьс ) э за е а ? Why don't you prepare (yourself) for the exams? 9) Пило ы о о я я (готов тьс ) о ад е Pilots are preparing (themselves) for landing 424 Unit Reflexive verbs, present tense 8.8 Another feature, that English verbs don't have is aspect of the verb. Russian infinitives can be imperfective and perfective. English doesn't have the equivalent. Only a small group of verbs have only one infinitive form, while verbs of motion has three. 1. Two types of the infinitive: When you look up a Russian verb in a dictionary you will usually found two infinitives, for example: смотреть / посмотреть The first one is imperfective and the second verb is perfective. But what does is mean? Imperfect infinitives are used to form: The present tense The compound future The imperfective past The imperfective is always used with an incomplete, unspecified process, ongoing action or a frequently occurring action. Я иш и ь а ои др зья - I write letters to my friends I do it often, the process of writing is not specified Я д и а ь и - I will write a book I will start to write it and don's specify the time I finish it. Maybe I finish it today, maybe in a month, but I will write it Я и ал ди ло - I wrote my thesis I wrote it, but I didn't finished it yet 425 Perfective infinitives are used in following cases: To make simple future Я а иш и And to make perfective past tense - I will write a book I will start to write it and definitely will finish it. The process is specified. I will start and finish to write the book. Я а и ал и ь о - I wrote a letter I started to write it and finished. The letter is written. I finished to write it, the process is specified 2. Perfective imperfective pairs: Usually they related in one of the following ways: With a prefix Conjugation difference: и а ь/на и а ь - to write ли ь/нали а ь - to pour о о и ь/пр реша ь/реш о ъя о о и ь - to cook иде ь/у иде ь - to see ь - to solve я ь/о ъя ол ча ь/ ол ч о ча ь/о ч ь - to explain ь - to receive ь - to educate чи а ь/прочи а ь - to read о еда ь/поо еда ь - to have lunch And the third way has no any pattern - the verbs look very different, so we just need to memorize them. о ори ь/ аза ь - to say, to talk, to speak оз раща ь я/ ер ади ь я/ е ь я - to return ь -to sit down 3. Choosing the correct form: How to choose what verb you need to use: perfective or imperfective? One simple rule: Perfective for a result Imperfective for a process What verb will you use, perfective or imperfective? 426 I need to cook a dinner for my family Готов ть or пр готов ть? Define the process. To feed you hungry family your dinner has to be finished. So you need to use a perfective verb: М е о пр готов ть о ед для е ьи In the example you also could use the imperfect aspect - о о и ь, but that would mean that you have to start to cook the dinner. No specific time of the end of the action. 4. Some verbs are always are followed by imperfective verbs: кончать/конч ть - to finish заканч вать/законч ть - to finish нач нать/начать - to begin продолжать/продолж ть - to continue переставать/перестать - to stop, to cease For example: По ал й а, продолжай о ори ь Please, continue to speak Перестань рича ь! Stop to yell! Stop yelling! 427 UNIT 8.8 Упражнен 1. Choose what verb would you use in the following sentence: 1) I am cooking dinner perfect. imperfect. 2) She wrote a letter perfect. imperfect. 3) I will send a postcard perfect. imperfect. 4) Misha plays tennis every Sunday perfect. imperfect. 5) We saw a big tree perfect. imperfect. 2. Choose what verb would you use in the following sentences: 1) Я (?) и I am writing a book perfect. imperfect. 2) Мы (?) о ед We are cooking lunch perfect. imperfect. 3) О а (?) е я ло и She ate all apples perfect. imperfect. 4) Мы (?) лед юще од We will meet next year perfect. imperfect. 5) Я (?) для е я ё, ч о од о I will do anything for you perfect. imperfect. 3. Choose what verb would you use in the following sentences: 1) Я (?) е я за ра I will see you tomorrow 2) На аша (?) азе Natasha is reading a newspaper ть ч тать 3) Я (?) я ед Бразилию I decided, I'm going to Brazil 4) Миша (?) де ей ш оле Misha teaches children at school у п ть ч тать шать ш ть бучать буч ть 4. Choose what verb would you use in the following sentences: 428 1) Ма а (?) о хи и ель ый и (My) Mother cooked delicious dinner г т ть 2) О (?) е оче о о ал я до а He explained, why he stayed at home бъяснять 3) Ка я (?) и ь а а д ю еделю Katya receives letters every week п учать 4) Мой ра (?) о елефо My brother is talking on the phone г ть п г т ть бъясн ть п уч ть сказать 5. Choose what verb would you use in the following sentence: 1) She is watching TV perfect. imperfect. 2) We will cook pizza perfect. imperfect. 3) He decided to stay at home perfect. imperfect. 4) I read books everyday perfect. imperfect. 5) He talks very loud perfect. imperfect. 429 UNIT 8.8 Ответы 1. Choose what verb would you use in the following sentence: 1) I am cooking dinner perfect. imperfect. 2) She wrote a letter perfect. imperfect. 3) I will send a postcard perfect. imperfect. 4) Misha plays tennis every Sunday perfect. imperfect. 5) We saw a big tree perfect. imperfect. 2. Choose what verb would you use in the following sentences: 1) Я (?) и I am writing a book perfect. imperfect. 2) Мы (?) о ед We are cooking lunch perfect. imperfect. 3) О а (?) е я ло и She ate all apples perfect. imperfect. 4) Мы (?) лед юще од We will meet next year perfect. imperfect. 5) Я (?) для е я ё, ч о од о I will do anything for you perfect. imperfect. 3. Choose what verb would you use in the following sentences: 1) Я (?) е я за ра I will see you tomorrow 2) На аша (?) азе Natasha is reading a newspaper ть чит т 3) Я (?) я ед Бразилию I decided, I'm going to Brazil 4) Миша (?) де ей ш оле Misha teaches children at school шать обуч т уви ет п ч тать ре ит буч ть 4. Choose what verb would you use in the following sentences: 430 1) Ма а (?) о хи и ель ый и (My) Mother cooked delicious dinner г т ть 2) О (?) е оче о о ал я до а He explained, why he stayed at home бъяснять 3) Ка я (?) и ь а а д ю еделю Katya receives letters every week получ т 4) Мой ра (?) о елефо My brother is talking on the phone говорит приготовит объя нит п уч ть сказать 5. Choose what verb would you use in the following sentence: 1) She is watching TV perfect. imperfect. 2) We will cook pizza perfect. imperfect. 3) He decided to stay at home perfect. imperfect. 4) I read books everyday perfect. imperfect. 5) He talks very loud perfect. imperfect. 431 Unit Future tense, part 1 8.9 Я буду говор ть о ой а дый де ь. I will talk to you every day. 1. Compound future: It is formed by the verb to be in the future tense and an infinitive to be + infinitive 2. The verb быть in the future tense: я д ы дешь о , о а, о о де I will be You will be He, she, it will be ы ы о и де де е д We will be You will be They will be You can already use it as it is, or as a part of the compound future tense. Завтра буду дома Завтра она будет в Лондоне Tomorrow I will be at home Tomorrow she will be in London 3. Compound future forming: If you need to use it as a part of a compound future you will need to use imperfect verb with it. Because Compound future is used to describe an incomplete, unspecific action. Я буду бегать а дое I will jog every morning ро Result is not specified. I will do it every morning. Repeated action in the future. За ра я буду отдыхать и ч тать Tomorrow I will rest and read books. и и. As you see, the action in this example has no result, it describes a process in the future. There is no a specific time for it either. So, the compound future is needed. 432 4. Implying the future tense: If you imply future in Russian, you have to use it. In English you say When I am at home, I will read a book In Russian it should be: Когда буду до а, буду чи а ь и One more example: Ко да буду Ро ии, не буду и ь о о од и When I am in Russia, I will not drink a lot of vodka 433 UNIT 8.9 Упражнен 1. Conjugate the verb "быть" in the future tense: ы ь - to be 1) 2) 3) я ы о /о а/о о _________________ 4) ы _________________ _________________ 5) ы _________________ _________________ 6) о и _________________ 2. Conjugate the verb "быть" in the future tense: 1) За ра я ___________(быть) до а Tomorrow I will be at home 2) Миша и Маша ___________(быть) Мо е 10 ар а Misha and Masha will be in Moscow on March the 10th 3) е од я оя а а ___________(быть) Today my mother will be in Krasnodar 4) О и ___________(быть) зде ь через They will be here in a minute 5) Мы ___________(быть) ча We will be happy Кра одаре и ли ы 3. Conjugate the verb "быть" in the needed tense: 1) Ко да я _____(быть) Бразилии, я _____(быть) о ори ь о- ор When I am in Brazil, I will speak Portuguese 2) Ко да о _____(быть) и лио е е, о _____(быть) чи а ь When he is at the library, he will read books 3) Мы _____(быть) ча ли ы, о да ы _____(быть) We will be happy, when we are together е аль и и и е 4) Ко да ы _____(быть) до а, ы _____(быть) о дыха ь When you are at home, you will rest 4. Conjugate the verb "быть" in the future tense: 1) Ты ___________(быть) за ра о о и ь я э за е а ? Will you prepare (yourself) for the exams tomorrow? 434 2) Ты ___________(быть) о о и ь Will you cook chicken? 3) О а ___________(быть) чи а ь Will she read a book? риц ? и ? 4) Мы ___________(быть) а це а ь? Will we dance? 5) О ___________(быть) а Will he help us? о о а ь? 5. Conjugate the verb "быть" in the future tense: 1) Я ___________(быть) о и а ь е я I will hug you all the time 2) Мы ___________(быть) We will build a house ё ре я рои ь до 3) Кирилл ___________(быть) чи ь де ей Kirill will teach children 4) Я е ___________(быть) е е ра ь I will not lie to you 5) Ка я е ___________(быть) ла а ь Katya will not cry 435 UNIT 8.9 Ответы 1. Conjugate the verb "быть" in the future tense: ы ь - to be 1) 2) 3) я ы о /о а/о о д 4) ы де дешь 5) ы де е де 6) о и д 2. Conjugate the verb "быть" in the future tense: 1) За ра я д (быть) до а Tomorrow I will be at home 2) Миша и Маша д (быть) Мо е 10 ар а Misha and Masha will be in Moscow on March the 10th 3) е од я оя а а де (быть) Кра Today my mother will be in Krasnodar 4) О и д (быть) зде ь через They will be here in a minute 5) Мы де (быть) ча We will be happy одаре и ли ы 3. Conjugate the verb "быть" in the needed tense: 1) Ко да я д (быть) Бразилии, я д (быть) о ори ь о- ор When I am in Brazil, I will speak Portuguese 2) Ко да о де (быть) и лио е е, о де (быть) чи а ь When he is at the library, he will read books 3) Мы де (быть) ча ли ы, о да ы де We will be happy, when we are together (быть) е аль и и и е 4) Ко да ы дешь (быть) до а, ы дешь (быть) о дыха ь When you are at home, you will rest 4. Conjugate the verb "быть" in the future tense: 1) Ты дешь (быть) за ра о о и ь я э за е а ? Will you prepare (yourself) for the exams tomorrow? 436 2) Ты дешь (быть) о о и ь Will you cook chicken? 3) О а де (быть) чи а ь Will she read a book? риц ? и ? 4) Мы де (быть) а це а ь? Will we dance? 5) О де (быть) а Will he help us? о о а ь? 5. Conjugate the verb "быть" in the future tense: 1) Я д (быть) о и а ь е я I will hug you all the time ё ре я 2) Мы де (быть) рои ь до We will build a house 3) Кирилл де (быть) чи ь де ей Kirill will teach children 4) Я е д (быть) е е ра ь I will not lie to you 5) Ка я е де (быть) ла а ь Katya will not cry 437 Unit 8.10 Future tense, part 2 Simple future tense. 1. Compound future: To form the simple future we use the perfective infinitive. Simple future is formed the same way as present tense, but from the perfective verbs. So the difference between I write and I will write is: я иш ы ишешь о и иш я на иш ы на ишешь о и на иш And here are a few more examples of simple future tense: делать оо едать реш ть ол ч ть о ъя ть рочи ать о о реть я делаю ы оо едаешь о реш т о а ол ч т о о о ъя т ы рочи аем о и о о р т I will do you will have lunch he will decide/solve she will receive it will explain we will read they will look/watch 2. Irregular forms: Imperfective а а ь Perfective а ь Simple future я а ы а ешь о , о а, о о а е ы а е ы а е е о и а Meaning to get up 438 Imperfective да а ь Perfective да ь Simple future я да ы дашь о , о а, о о да ы дади ы дади е о и дад Meaning to give Imperfective ло и ь я Perfective лечь Simple future я ля ы ля ешь о , о а, о о ля е ы ля е ы ля е е о и ля Meaning to lie down Imperfective ади ь я Perfective е ь Simple future я яд ы ядешь о , о а ,о о яде ы яде ы яде е о и яд Meaning to sit down Imperfective о ори ь Perfective аза ь Simple future я а ы а ешь о , о а, о о а е ы а е ы а и е о и а Meaning to say Imperfective очь Perfective очь Simple future я о ы о ешь о , о а, о о о е ы о е ы о е е о и о Meaning to be able, can 439 Two very important verbs in Russian are "есть" and "съесть/съедать". есть - to eat (not necessarily eat all you have) съесть/съедать - to eat completely; to eat up (to eat everything you had for your meal). Imperfective ъеда ь Perfective ъе ь Simple future я ъе ы ъешь о , о а, о о ъе ы ъеди ы ъеди е о и ъедя Meaning to eat (up) Imperfective е ь Perfective ое ь Simple future я ое ы оешь о , о а, о о ое ы оеди ы оеди е о и оедя Meaning to eat 3. Future tense is used when is implied: And remember - if the future tense is implied, you have to use the future form. As you know in English we say the first part in present tense: If something happens, I will do something In Russian both parts are in future tense. If something will happen, I will do something. For example: Е ли ы сможешь рий и, ы скажем ей ра д If you can come, we will tell her the truth 440 UNIT 8.10 Упражнен 1. Conjugate the verb "ч тать/проч тать" in the simple future tense: рочи а ь - to read 1) 2) 3) я ы о /о а/о о _________________ 4) ы _________________ _________________ 5) ы _________________ _________________ 6) о и _________________ 2. Conjugate the verb "давать/дать" in the simple future tense: да ь - to give 1) 2) 3) я ы о /о а/о о _________________ 4) ы _________________ _________________ 5) ы _________________ _________________ 6) о и _________________ 3. Conjugate the verb "говор ть/сказать" in the simple future tense: аза ь - to say 1) 2) 3) я ы о /о а/о о _________________ 4) ы _________________ _________________ 5) ы _________________ _________________ 6) о и _________________ 4. Conjugate the verb "мочь/смочь" in the simple future tense: очь - can / to be able to 1) 2) я ы _________________ 4) ы _________________ _________________ 5) ы _________________ 3) о /о а/о о _________________ 6) о и _________________ 5. Conjugate the following verbs in the simple future tense: 441 1) Ты ___________(нап сать) Will you write me a letter? е и ь о? 2) Я ___________(посмотреть) филь I will watch a movie 3) Мы ___________(проч тать) We will read a book и 4) За ра я ___________(встать) ше Tomorrow I will get up at 6 a.m. ь ра 5) Мы ___________(сказать) ра д We will tell the truth 6) Ты ___________(смочь) о ори ь о ай за Will you be able to talk on skype tomorrow? ра? 7) Я ___________(смочь) о ори ь о и еля и язы а I will be able to talk with native speakers 8) Ты ___________(дать) е Will you give me your hand? ою р 9) Ты ___________(объ сн ть) Will you explain me the rules? ? е ра ила? 6. Conjugate the following verbs in the simple future tense: 1) Е ли ы ___________(дать) е и If you give me a book, I will read it , я её ___________(проч тать) 2) Е ли а а ___________(пр готов ть) риц , я её ___________(съесть) If (my) mother cooks chicken, I will eat it (up) 3) Е ли о ___________(объ сн ть), я ___________(пон ть) If he explains, I will understand 4) Е ли ы ___________(смочь) рий и, я ___________(пр готов ть) ицц If you can come, I will cook pizza 442 UNIT 8.10 Ответы 1. Conjugate the verb "ч тать/проч тать" in the simple future tense: рочи а ь - to read 1) 2) 3) я ы о /о а/о о рочи аю 4) ы рочи ае рочи аешь 5) ы рочи ае е рочи ае 6) о и рочи аю 2. Conjugate the verb "давать/дать" in the simple future tense: да ь - to give 1) 2) 3) я ы о /о а/о о да 4) ы дади дашь 5) ы дади е да 6) о и дад 3. Conjugate the verb "говор ть/сказать" in the simple future tense: аза ь - to say 1) 2) 3) я ы о /о а/о о а 4) ы а е а ешь 5) ы а е е а е 6) о и а 4. Conjugate the verb "мочь/смочь" in the simple future tense: очь - can / to be able to 1) 2) я ы о 4) ы о е о ешь 5) ы о е е о е о 3) о /о а/о о 6) о и 5. Conjugate the following verbs in the simple future tense: 443 1) Ты а ишешь (нап сать) Will you write me a letter? е и ь о? 2) Я о о рю (посмотреть) филь I will watch a movie 3) Мы рочи ае (проч тать) We will read a book и 4) За ра я а (встать) ше ь Tomorrow I will get up at 6 a.m. ра 5) Мы а е (сказать) ра д We will tell the truth 6) Ты о ешь (смочь) о ори ь о ай за Will you be able to talk on skype tomorrow? ра? 7) Я о (смочь) о ори ь о и еля и язы а I will be able to talk with native speakers 8) Ты дашь (дать) е ою р Will you give me your hand? ? 9) Ты о ъя ишь (объ сн ть) е ра ила? Will you explain me the rules? 6. Conjugate the following verbs in the simple future tense: 1) Е ли ы дашь (дать) е и , я её рочи аю (проч тать) If you give me a book, I will read it 2) Е ли а а ри о о и (пр готов ть) риц , я её ъе If (my) mother cooks chicken, I will eat it (up) 3) Е ли о о ъя и (объ сн ть), я ой If he explains, I will understand (съесть) (пон ть) 4) Е ли ы о ешь (смочь) рий и, я ри о о лю (пр готов ть) ицц If you can come, I will cook pizza 444 Unit Past tense, part 1 8.11 Imperfective past tense. 1. Imperfective past: We need to remove the last two letters -ть and add an ending, depending on the gender of the subject of the verb, following the next rules: For: masculine singular feminine singular neuter singular plural (any gender) add -л -ла -ло -ли And add ___ for reflexive endings -л я -ла ь -ло ь -ли ь As in some other case, it has to agree with the noun in gender and number. Note, that the ending -л is used both for plural meaning of the Вы word and for the polite form when you address to a specific person. Вы ч тал э и ? (singular) Did you read this book? Да, я ч тал. Yes, I read And example of the plural number: Вы смотрел э о филь ? (plural) Did you watch this movie? Да, ы смотрел е о е оль о раз. Yes, we watched it a few times. If you address to a person, you need to agree with the gender of a person: На я е да п ла чай о ечера Nastya always drank tea in the evenings О о ыч о е об жалс He usually didn't get offended 445 2. Irregular verbs: Russian irregular verbs form the imperfective past tense in the same way, except of the verbs whose infinitive doesn't end in -ть Here are the six very important irregular verbs: verbs ез и е и е ь ид и очь е и mas. ёз ёл ел шёл о ё fem. езла ела ела шла о ла е ла neut езло ело ело шло о ло е ло plur езли ели ели шли о ли е ли translation to take by transport to take on feet, lead to eat to go on foot to be able / can to carry О а ела о ле а дое ро. She ate omelet every morning. 3. The verb to be: To be verb - is very important one, and in Russian language it is used in the imperfective past tense. The verb to be is used when we want to describe weather, color, mood appearance etc. О был злой а е я He was angry with me По ода была за еча ель ая The weather was wonderful Forms of the verb быть in past tense: я ыл ы ыл ы ыли о ыл о а ыла о о ыло о и ыли ы ыли I was You were You were (formal sing./informal plural) He was She was It was They were We were 446 UNIT 8.11 Упражнен 1. Conjugate the verb "быть" in the imperfective past tense: ы ь - to be 1) 2) я ы _________________ 5) о о _________________ _________________ 6) ы _________________ 3) о _________________ 7) ы _________________ 4) о а _________________ 8) о и _________________ 2. Conjugate the following verbs in the imperfective past tense: 1) Вчера я ___________(ч тать) Yesterday I was reading a book и 2) У ро оя а а ___________(п ть) а ель и о ый о My mother was drinking orange juice in the morning 3) Вчера ы ___________(смотреть) и ере ый филь Yesterday we were watching an interesting movie 4) Я ___________( зучать) ео рафию I studied geography at university и ер и е е 5) Маша и Ка я ___________( грать) е Masha and Katya were playing tennis и 3. Conjugate the following verbs in the imperfective past tense: 1) Вчера я ___________(есть) , риц и а а Yesterday I ate soup, chicken and a banana 2) Жаль, ы ___________(мочь) ы ь др зья и Such a pity, we could be friends 3) Ма а ___________(везт ) её до ой (Her) Mother was driving her home 4) О ец ___________(везт ) е я ш ол (My) Father was driving me at school 5) О и ___________(нест ) и и и е ради They were carrying books and copybooks 447 4. Conjugate the following verbs in the imperfective past tense: 1) Вчера о а ___________(готов тьс ) э за е Yesterday she was preparing (herself) for the exam 2) О ___________(купатьс ) озере а дый де ь He bathed (himself) in the lake everyday 3) По о едель и а я ___________(просыпатьс ) I woke (myself) up at five a.m. on Mondays я ь ра 4) О и ш или, а я ___________(сме тьс ) They were joking and I was laughing 5) О а ___________(улыбатьс ) She was smiling 5. Conjugate the following verbs in the imperfective past tense: 1) Мы ___________(выб рать) о ый до We were choosing a new house 2) О и ___________(покупать) о ощи They were buying vegetables 3) У ро о ___________(ч тать) азе He was reading a newspaper in the morning 4) Вечеро о а ___________(готов ть) ры In the evening she was cooking fish 5) Из и и, я ___________(завтракать) I am sorry, I was having breakfast 448 UNIT 8.11 Ответы 1. Conjugate the verb "быть" in the imperfective past tense: ы ь - to be 1) 2) я ы ыл 5) о о ыло ыл 6) ы ыли 3) о ыл 7) ы ыли 4) о а ыла 8) о и ыли 2. Conjugate the following verbs in the imperfective past tense: 1) Вчера я чи ал/чи ала (ч тать) Yesterday I was reading a book и 2) У ро оя а а ила (п ть) а ель и о ый о My mother was drinking orange juice in the morning 3) Вчера ы о рели (смотреть) и ере ый филь Yesterday we were watching an interesting movie 4) Я из чал/из чала ( зучать) ео рафию I studied geography at university и ер и е е 5) Маша и Ка я и рали ( грать) е и Masha and Katya were playing tennis 3. Conjugate the following verbs in the imperfective past tense: 1) Вчера я ел/ела (есть) , риц и а а Yesterday I ate soup, chicken and a banana 2) Жаль, ы о ли (мочь) ы ь др зья и Such a pity, we could be friends 3) Ма а езла (везт ) её до ой (Her) Mother was driving her home 4) О ец ёз (везт ) е я ш ол (My) Father was driving me at school 5) О и е ли (нест ) и и и е ради They were carrying books and copybooks 449 4. Conjugate the following verbs in the imperfective past tense: 1) Вчера о а о о ила ь (готов тьс ) э за е Yesterday she was preparing (herself) for the exam 2) О ал я (купатьс ) озере а дый де ь He bathed (himself) in the lake everyday 3) По о едель и а я ро ы ал я/ ро ы ала ь (просыпатьс ) I woke (myself) up at five a.m. on Mondays я ь ра 4) О и ш или, а я еял я (сме тьс ) They were joking and I was laughing 5) О а лы ала ь (улыбатьс ) She was smiling 5. Conjugate the following verbs in the imperfective past tense: 1) Мы ы ирали (выб рать) о ый до We were choosing a new house 2) О и о али (покупать) о ощи They were buying vegetables 3) У ро о чи ал (ч тать) азе He was reading a newspaper in the morning 4) Вечеро о а о о ила (готов ть) ры In the evening she was cooking fish 5) Из и и, я за ра ал/за ра ала (завтракать) I am sorry, I was having breakfast 450 Unit 8.12 Past tense, part 2 Perfective past tense. Past perfective tense is used to describe completed actions, emphasizing the result: Вчера я а и ал и ь о Yesterday I wrote a letter I wrote it, now I have a written letter. 1. Perfective past: To form the perfective past. It is not hard to do - just remove the last two letters - ь from the perfective infinitive and add the ending, depending on the gender or number of the subject of the verb: As you see the ending are completely similar to the imperfective past tense. We just change perfective infinitives. For: masculine singular feminine singular neuter singular plural (any gender) add -л -ла -ло -ли And add ___ for reflexive ending -л я -ла ь -ло ь -ли ь For example: Ни олай, ы проч тал и ? Nikolay, did you read the book? Вы пообедал ? Да, ы пообедал . Did you have lunch. Yes, we did. О и е вернул сь из Ро ии They have already came back from Russia 451 2. Irregular verbs: verbs лечь ъе ь ой и очь о е и mas. лё ъел ошёл о о ё fem. ле ла ъела ошла о ла о е ла neut ле ло ъело ошло о ло о е ло plur ле ли ъели ошли о ли о е ли translation to lie down to eat to go on foot to be able to, can to carry Examples: Я съел е я ло и О а легла о дыха ь I ate all the apples She lied down to rest 3. Pluperfect doesn't exist in Russian: We don't have the pluperfect tense in Russian language. So for the sentence like: He had already written the letter, when I returned. We have to use past perfect tense. О е нап сал и ь о, о да я вернулс . He had already written the letter, when I returned. Both actions are finished. The letter is written, I already returned. Remember, that if the action is complete and we have result - we use the past perfective verbs. 452 UNIT 8.12 Упражнен 1. Conjugate the following perfective verbs in the past tense: 1) Я ___________(нап сать) и ь о I wrote a letter 2) Кирилл ___________(проч тать) Kirill read a book и 3) На аша ___________(пр готов ть) Natasha cooked soup 4) Мы ___________(съесть) е ь We ate all the soup 5) Кирилл и На аша ___________(вымыть) о Kirill and Natasha washed the dishes д 2. Conjugate the following perfective verbs in the past tense: 1) Я _________(говор ть) Машей, о да _________(пр ход ть) Кирилл I was talking to Masha, when Kirill came 2) Ма а _________(смотреть) еле изор, о да _________(пр ход ть) о ец Mother was watching TV, when father came 3) Мы ________(готов тьс ) э за е , о да ________(пр ход ть) Миша We were preparing (ourselves) to the exam, when Misha came 4) Миша _________(ч тать) и , о да я _________(позвон ть) Misha was reading a book when I called 5) Ты _________(есть), о да я _________(позвон ть) You were eating, when I called 3. Conjugate the following perfective verbs in the past tense: 1) О ____________(убратьс ) He cleaned the room о а е 2) Маша ____________(одетьс ) Masha got dressed 3) Мы ____________(поругатьс ) We quarreled / We argued 4) О и ____________(пр знатьс ) They confesed 5) Кирилл ____________(закрытьс ) Kirill closed (himself) in the room о а е 4. Conjugate the following perfective verbs in the past tense: 453 1) Не ере и ай, я ____________(прост ть) е я Don't worry, I forgave you 2) Мы ____________(потанцевать) и ошли We danced and went to sleep а ь 3) Маша ____________(куп ть) о ый елефо Masha bought a new phone 4) Ты е ____________(проч тать) Have you read the book? 5) Миша ____________(позвон ть) Misha called (his) mother и ? а е 5. Conjugate the following perfective verbs in the past tense: 1) На аша и Кирилл ____________(поцеловатьс ) Natasha and Kirill kissed each other (lit.: kissed themselves) 2) Я ____________(встрет ть) е о, о да ____________(покупать) род I met him, when I was buying food ы 3) О а ре о е я ____________(обн ть) She hugged me tight 4) Миша ____________(объ сн ть) ра ила Misha explained the rules 5) Ка я ____________(реш ть) чи ь я о Katya decided to learn Japanese ий 454 UNIT 8.12 Ответы 1. Conjugate the following perfective verbs in the past tense: 1) Я а и ал/ а и ала (нап сать) и ь о I wrote a letter 2) Кирилл рочи ал (проч тать) Kirill read a book и 3) На аша ри о о ила(пр готов ть) Natasha cooked soup 4) Мы ъели (съесть) е ь We ate all the soup 5) Кирилл и На аша ы ыли (вымыть) о Kirill and Natasha washed the dishes д 2. Conjugate the following perfective verbs in the past tense: 1) Я о орил/ о орила (говор ть) Машей, о да ришёл (пр ход ть) Кирилл I was talking to Masha, when Kirill came 2) Ма а о рела (смотреть) еле изор, о да ришёл (пр ход ть) о ец Mother was watching TV, when father came 3) Мы о о или ь (готов тьс ) э за е , о да ришёл (пр ход ть) Миша We were preparing (ourselves) to the exam, when Misha came 4) Миша чи ал (ч тать) и , о да я оз о ил/ оз о ила (позвон ть) Misha was reading a book when I called 5) Ты ел/ела (есть), о да я оз о ил/ оз о ила (позвон ть) You were eating, when I called 3. Conjugate the following perfective verbs in the past tense: 1) О рал я (убратьс ) He cleaned the room о а е 2) Маша одела ь (одетьс ) Masha got dressed 3) Мы ор али ь (поругатьс ) We quarreled / We argued 4) О и риз али ь (пр знатьс ) They confesed 5) Кирилл за рыл я (закрытьс ) о Kirill closed (himself) in the room а е 4. Conjugate the following perfective verbs in the past tense: 455 1) Не ере и ай, я ро ил (прост ть) е я Don't worry, I forgave you 2) Мы о а це али (потанцевать) и ошли We danced and went to sleep а ь 3) Маша ила (куп ть) о ый елефо Masha bought a new phone 4) Ты е рочи ал (проч тать) Have you read the book? 5) Миша оз о ил (позвон ть) Misha called (his) mother и ? а е 5. Conjugate the following perfective verbs in the past tense: 1) На аша и Кирилл оцело али ь (поцеловатьс ) Natasha and Kirill kissed each other (lit.: kissed themselves) 2) Я ре ил/ ерлила (встрет ть) е о, о да о род ы I met him, when I was buying food 3) О а ре о е я о яла (обн ть) She hugged me tight ал/ о ала (покупать) 4) Миша о ъя ил (объ сн ть) ра ила Misha explained the rules 5) Ка я решила (реш ть) чи ь я о Katya decided to learn Japanese ий 456 Unit 8.13 Verbs of motion Verbs of motion need a special consideration, because they have three forms - two imperfectives and one perfective infinitive. Because of that, there are two ways of forming the present tense and the imperfective past tense. 1. Three forms of the verbs of motion: Let's consider this with the help of the verb to run ( ежать) The three forms are: 1. Imperfective indefinite е а ь 2. Imperfective definite е а ь 3. Perfective о е а ь 1 Form - Imperfective indefinite is used for: Present tense - habits and generalization: Past tense - habits and generalization: О бегает а дое Ра ьше о а бегала а дое ро He jogs every morning ро She used to jog every morning 2 Form - Imperfective definite is used for: Present tense - actions in progress: Past tense - actions in progress: О Ко да о ейча беж т о р He is running around оз о ил, о а бежала о а ой When he ran, she was running with a dog 3 Form - perfective is used for: The simple future: The past tense - for a single, completed action: О побеж т за ей О побежал за ей He will run for her He run for her 457 2. Important verbs of motion: to to to to to to to run lead transport drive fly carry swim 1 е а ь оди ь ози ь езди ь ле а ь о и ь ла а ь 2 е а ь ( е , е ишь) е и( ед , едёшь) ез и( ез , езешь) еха ь (ед , едешь) ле е ь (леч , ле ишь) е и ( е и, е ёшь) лы ь ( лы , лы ёшь) 3 о е а ь о е и о ез и оеха ь оле е ь о е и о лы ь 458 UNIT 8.13 Упражнен 1. Choose the correct type of the verb, you'd use translating these sentences into Russian: 1) She swims very well 1 - imperfect indefinite 2 - imperfect definite 3 - perfective 2) He will lead us 1 - imperfect indefinite 2 - imperfect definite 3 - perfective 3) He went to Moscow 1 - imperfect indefinite 2 - imperfect definite 3 - perfective 4) He is driving home 1 - imperfect indefinite 2 - imperfect definite 3 - perfective 5) They run every morning 1 - imperfect indefinite 2 - imperfect definite 3 - perfective 6) The dog is running 1 - imperfect indefinite 2 - imperfect definite 3 - perfective 2. Insert the correct form of a imperfective indefinite verb: 1) Я и Маша ____________(бегать) а дое Masha and I run every morning ро 2) Ты ы лядишь хорошо, ы ____________(плавать)? You look good, do you swim? 3) Поч альо ____________(нос ть) и ь а а дый де ь Postman carries letter everyday 4) О ____________(езд ть) а ра о He drives to work everyday а дый де ь 5) Мы ____________(летать) Дель ой We fly Delta 459 3. Insert the correct form of a imperfective definite verb: 1) Ты ____________(ехать) до ой You are driving home 2) О а ____________(плыть) е е She is swimming towards you 3) о а а ы ро ____________(бежать) The dog is running fast 4) а олё ____________(лететь) The plane is flying upwards ерх 5) Ты ____________(нест ) ицц ? Are you carrying pizza? 4. Insert the correct form of a perfective verb: 1) о а а ____________(побежать) за и The dog ran for him 2) Я ____________(поплыть) за ей I will swim for her (or: I will swim following her) 3) О и ____________(полететь) They flew to London Ло до 4) Я ____________(поехать) до ой I drove home 5) О ____________(понест ) и о He will carry the bear 5. Insert the correct form of a imperfective indefinite, imperfective definite or perfective verb: 1) Я е ____________ а дое I don't run every morning ро б гать б жать п б жать 2) Ка я ы ро ____________ Katya was running fast б гать б жать п б жать 3) Миша ____________ до ой Misha went home з ть хать п хать 4) О а ____________ о о She swims on Sundays п а ать п ыть п п ыть 5) О ____________ до ой? Is he driving home? ре е ья з ть хать п хать 460 UNIT 8.13 Ответы 1. Choose the correct type of the verb, you'd use translating these sentences into Russian: 1) She swims very well 1 - imperfect indefinite 2 - imperfect definite 3 - perfective 2) He will lead us 1 - imperfect indefinite 2 - imperfect definite 3 - perfective 3) He went to Moscow 1 - imperfect indefinite 2 - imperfect definite 3 - perfective 4) He is driving home 1 - imperfect indefinite 2 - imperfect definite 3 - perfective 5) They run every morning 1 - imperfect indefinite 2 - imperfect definite 3 - perfective 6) The dog is running 1 - imperfect indefinite 2 - imperfect definite 3 - perfective 2. Insert the correct form of a imperfective indefinite verb: 1) Я и Маша е ае (бегать) а дое Masha and I run every morning ро 2) Ты ы лядишь хорошо, ы ла аешь (плавать)? You look good, do you swim? 3) Поч альо о и (нос ть) и ь а а дый де ь Postman carries letter everyday 4) О езди (езд ть) а ра о He drives to work everyday а дый де ь 5) Мы ле ае (летать) Дель ой We fly Delta 461 3. Insert the correct form of a imperfective definite verb: 1) Ты еде (ехать) до ой You are driving home 2) О а лы ё (плыть) е е She is swimming towards you 3) о а а ы ро е и (бежать) The dog is running fast 4) а олё ле и (лететь) ерх The plane is flying upwards 5) Ты е ешь (нест ) ицц ? Are you carrying pizza? 4. Insert the correct form of a perfective verb: 1) о а а о е ала (побежать) за и The dog ran for him 2) Я о лы (поплыть) за ей I will swim for her (or: I will swim following her) 3) О и оле ели (полететь) They flew to London Ло до 4) Я оехал (поехать) до ой I drove home 5) О о е ё (понест ) и о He will carry the bear 5. Insert the correct form of a imperfective indefinite, imperfective definite or perfective verb: 1) Я е е аю а дое ро I don't run every morning бег т б жать п б жать 2) Ка я ы ро е ала Katya was running fast б гать беж т п б жать 3) Миша оехал до ой Misha went home з ть хать поех т 4) О а ла ае о о ре е ья She swims on Sundays пл в т п ыть п п ыть 5) О еде до ой? Is he driving home? з ть ех т п хать 462 Unit 8.14 Condition 1 What is the open condition? It is a condition, when the action is still has a chance to occur. For example: If it is rainy tomorrow, I will stay at home. – There is a chance that I will stay at home. As you know, in English such condition would be put in the present tense, when the action is in the future tense. In Russian it is different. So, using the same example, in Russian you have to say: Е ли за ра будет до дли о, я останусь до а. If it is rainy tomorrow, I will stay at home. So, literally – If it will be rainy tomorrow, I will stay at home. And one more example: Е ли ы пр дёшь, я пр готовлю . If you come, I will cook soup Literally - If you will come, I will cook soup. 1. Present tense in condition 1: You also may need present tense in a condition. For example to say: If you are satisfied – I am happy. We say: Е ли ы до оле , я ча ли . So both parts of the sentence are in the present tense. And the main rule – don’t mix the tenses. To correctly use conditions, define if your condition is open, and then define the tense of your condition. 463 2. Useful words to know: And there are two very useful words – the words надо (it is necessary) and нельз (it is not possible, one may not). No difficulties of using them in present tense – use the infinitive of a verb in the present tense: е од я нельз за азы а ь иле ы Today it is not possible to order the tickets е од я нельз л ша ь ро ю зы Today it is not possible to listen to a loud music адо и ь о It is necessary to buy juice But if you need to use it in the future tense – (быть). ’ f b to be За ра нельз будет за азы а ь иле ы Tomorrow it will not be possible to order the tickets За ра нельз будет л ша ь ро ю зы Tomorrow it will not be possible to listen to a loud music За ра надо будет и ь о It is necessary to buy juice tomorrow 464 UNIT 8.14 Упражнен 1. Choose and conjugate the correct form of the following verbs: 1) Е ли я ____________ до а, я д ____________ о а а ь я/о а ь я; чи а ь/ рочи а ь If I stay home, I will read a book и 2) Е ли ы ____________ е я, я ____________ ча цело а ь/ оцело а ь; ы ь If you kiss me, I will be very happy ли 3) Е ли ы ____________, ы ____________ риходи ь/ рий и ; о о и ь/ ри о о и ь If you come, we will cook pizza ицц 4) Е ли за ра ____________ ол еч о, я ____________ ф ы ь; ира ь/ о ира ь If it is sunny tomorrow, I will launder my t-shirt ол 5) Я ____________ рад, е ли ой ра ____________ о ед ы ь; о о и ь/ ри о о и ь I will be glad, if my brother cook lunch 2. Choose and conjugate the correct form of the following verbs : О а де ча ли а, е ли о ... She will be happy, if he... 1) ... ____________ ей дари ь/ одари ь ...present her a book и 2) ... ре о её ____________ о и а ь/о я ь ...hugs her tight 3) ... ____________ её цело а ь/ оцело а ь ...kisses her 4) ... ____________ за ра о о и ь/ ри о о и ь ...cooks breakfast 5) ... ____________ о а о а ь/ и ь ...buys a cat 3. Choose and conjugate the correct form of the following verbs: 465 1) Е ли я ____________ и ,я д ____________ её о а ь/ и ь; чи а ь/ рочи а ь If I buy a book, I will read it 2) Е ли о ____________ филь , о де о ё о ре ь/ о о ре ь; о ори ь/ аза ь If he watches a movie, he will talk about it ____________ 3) Е ли ы ____________ до а, ы дешь ____________ филь о а а ь я/о а ь я; о ре ь/ о о ре ь If you stay home, you will watch a movie 4) Е ли ы ____________ до , ы ____________ ча о а ь/ и ь; ы ь If we buy a house, we will be happy ли ы 5) Е ли ы ____________ шо олад, ы де ____________ о а ь/ и ь; о о и ь/ ри о о и ь If you buy chocolate, we will cook pudding дди 4. Insert "нельз " or "надо" in the blanks: 1) Те е ____________ е ь лад ое It's not possible for you (you can't) eat sweet things 2) М е ____________ ольше д и а ь я It's necessary for me to move more 3) Ей ____________ и ь ал о оль It's not possible for her (she can't) drink alcohol 4) М е ____________ о дыха ь It's not possible for me (I can't) rest 5) Ей ____________ ольше о дыха ь It's necessary for her to rest more 2. Choose and conjugate the correct form of the following verbs : О де рад, е ли о а... He will be glad, if she... 1) ... ____________ ицц о о и ь/ ри о о и ь ...cooks pizza 2) ... ____________ и о о а ь/ и ь ...buys beer 466 3) ... ____________ о ира ь/ ра ь ...cleans the room а 4) ... ____________ о оре за ы а ь/за ы ь ...forgets about the quarrel 5) ... ____________ о а рода а ь/ рода ь ...sells the cat 467 UNIT 8.14 Ответы 1. Choose and conjugate the correct form of the following verbs: 1) Е ли я о а ь до а, я д чи а ь и о а а ь я/о а ь я; чи а ь/ рочи а ь If I stay home, I will read a book 2) Е ли ы оцел ешь е я, я д ча цело а ь/ оцело а ь; ы ь If you kiss me, I will be very happy ли 3) Е ли ы ридёшь, ы ри о о и ицц риходи ь/ рий и ; о о и ь/ ри о о и ь If you come, we will cook pizza 4) Е ли за ра де ол еч о, я о ираю ф ол ы ь; ира ь/ о ира ь If it is sunny tomorrow, I will launder my t-shirt 5) Я д рад, е ли ой ра ри о о и о ед ы ь; о о и ь/ ри о о и ь I will be glad, if my brother cook lunch 2. Choose and conjugate the correct form of the following verbs : О а де ча ли а, е ли о ... She will be happy, if he... 1) ... одари ей и дари ь/ одари ь ...present her a book 2) ... ре о её о и е о и а ь/о я ь ...hugs her tight 3) ... оцел е её цело а ь/ оцело а ь ...kisses her 4) ... ри о о и за ра о о и ь/ ри о о и ь ...cooks breakfast 5) ... и о а о а ь/ и ь ...buys a cat 3. Choose and conjugate the correct form of the following verbs: 468 1) Е ли я лю и ,я д чи а ь её о а ь/ и ь; чи а ь/ рочи а ь If I buy a book, I will read it 2) Е ли о о о ри филь , о де о ё о ори ь о ре ь/ о о ре ь; о ори ь/ аза ь If he watches a movie, he will talk about it 3) Е ли ы о а ешь я до а, ы дешь о ре ь филь о а а ь я/о а ь я; о ре ь/ о о ре ь If you stay home, you will watch a movie 4) Е ли ы и до , ы де ча ли ы о а ь/ и ь; ы ь If we buy a house, we will be happy 5) Е ли ы ишь шо олад, ы де о о и ь о а ь/ и ь; о о и ь/ ри о о и ь If you buy chocolate, we will cook pudding дди 4. Insert "нельз " or "надо" in the blanks: 1) Те е ельзя е ь лад ое It's not possible for you (you can't) eat sweet things 2) М е адо ольше д и а ь я It's necessary for me to move more 3) Ей ельзя и ь ал о оль It's not possible for her (she can't) drink alcohol 4) М е ельзя о дыха ь It's not possible for me (I can't) rest 5) Ей адо ольше о дыха ь It's necessary for her to rest more 5. Choose and conjugate the correct form of the following verbs : О де рад, е ли о а... He will be glad, if she... 1) ... ри о о и ицц о о и ь/ ри о о и ь ...cooks pizza 2) ... и и о о а ь/ и ь ...buys beer 469 3) ... ерё о а ира ь/ ра ь ...cleans the room 4) ... за де о оре за ы а ь/за ы ь ...forgets about the quarrel 5) ... рода о а рода а ь/ рода ь ...sells the cat 470 Unit 8.15 Condition 2 Closed condition describes a situation when the action can't happen anymore hypothetical condition. Example: If it would be warm, I would go to swim. It is hypothetical, because it is not warm, and I can't perform the action. I will not go to swim, because it is not warm. 1. Forming the condition 2: Use the past tense of the verb (perfective or imperfective, depending on what you need to say), and add the word бы twice: In the "if" part (есл ) - the conditional clause, and then after the verb in the in the second part of the sentence - "what would happen". Very important - if you use the word бы in the first part of the sentence, you need to use it in the second part of the sentence as well. So, use the word бы twice. Есл Е ли (not nec.) + + Past tense verb+бы ыло ы е ло, + What would happen+ бы + я ошёл ы ла а ь And also you can switch the parts of the sentence without losing its meaning. So, with the same success you could say: Я пошёл бы ла а ь, е ли было бы е ло I would go to swim, if it would be warm 2. No perfect tenses: In Russian there are no perfect tenses, and therefore we don't have perfect conditional clause. So, to say something quite complicated like: She would have been very happy, if she had known the news. We would use the same scheme: О а была бы оче ь ча ли а, е ли бы о а знала э о о ь. Remember that we can switch the parts of the sentence as we want. 471 3. Addition: First - the two parts of the sentence are separated by a coma. Е ли ыло ы холод о, я одел ы аль о. If it would be cold, I would put on a coat. And the second - you can drop the "есл " part and use only the result: ... Я ил ы аши ... I would by a car Just like in English. 472 UNIT 8.15 Упражнен 1. Conjugate the following verbs to make a closed condition. Don't forget about the "бы" part: 1) Я ____________ а ь, е ли ____________ ой и/хо е ь I would go to sleep, if I would want (to sleep) 2) Я ____________, е ли ___ е я ____________ ре я о е и ь/ ы ь I would answer, if I would have time 3) О а ____________, е ли ____________ ороде риходи ь/ ы ь She would come, if she would be in the city 4) Мы ____________ аши , е ли ___ а ____________ де ь и и ь/ ы ь We would buy a car, if we would have money 2. Conjugate the following verbs to make a closed condition. Don't forget about the "бы" part: 1) Кирилл ____________ о а , е ли ___ е о ____________ до и ь/ ы ь Kirill would buy a dog, if he would have a house 2) Я ____________ е е, е ли ___ е я ____________ ре я риез а ь/ ы ь I would come to you, if I would have time 3) Миша ____________ и , е ли ____________ о а и а ь/ и ь Misha would write a book, if he would buy a laptop 4) Ле а ____________ о д , е ли ___ е ____________ ы ы ь/ а ь Lena would wash the dishes, if she would not get tired 3. Conjugate the following verbs to make a closed condition. Don't forget about the "бы" part: Е ли ы е я ыли де ь и, ... If I would have money,... 1) ...я ____________ аши и ь ...I would buy a car 473 2) ...я ____________ Бразилию оеха ь ...I would go to Brazil 3) ...я ____________ до Бразилии и ь ...I would buy a house in Brazil 4) ...я ____________ ш ол о рои ь ...I would build a school 5) ...я ____________ ед ы е ья о о а ь ...I would help poor families 4. Conjugate the following verbs to make a closed condition. Don't forget about the "бы" part: 1) Ма а ____________ риц , е ли ___ ы ____________ её ри о о и ь/ и ь Mother would cook chicken, if we would buy it 2) На аша ____________ аши , е ли ___ её ____________ а олё рода ь/ ы ь Natasha would sell (her) car, if she would have a plane 3) Е ли ___ ы е ____________, я ____________ о оди оче оз о и ь/ ере ь If you wouldn't call (me), I would die from loneliness а 4) Е ли ___ о е ____________, я ____________ э за е риходи ь/ о о и ь я If he wouldn't come, I would prepare for the exams 5. Conjugate the following verbs to make a closed condition. Don't forget about the "бы" part: 1) Е ли ___ о е ____________, я ____________ оз о и ь/ рочи а ь If he wouldn't call, I would have read the book и 2) Е ли ___ Ка я е ____________ рий и, о а ___ е ____________ хо е ь/ риходи ь If Katya wouldn't want to com, she wouldn't come 3) Е ли ___ я ____________ оди о , я ____________ о а ы ь/ и ь If I would be lonely I would buy a cat 474 UNIT 8.15 Ответы 1. Conjugate the following verbs to make a closed condition. Don't forget about the "бы" part: 1) Я ошёл ы а ь, е ли ы хо ел ой и/хо е ь I would go to sleep, if I would want (to sleep) 2) Я о е ил ы, е ли ы е я ыло ре я о е и ь/ ы ь I would answer, if I would have time 3) О а ришла ы, е ли ы ыла ороде риходи ь/ ы ь She would come, if she would be in the city 4) Мы или ы аши , е ли ы а ыли де ь и и ь/ ы ь We would buy a car, if we would have money 2. Conjugate the following verbs to make a closed condition. Don't forget about the "бы" part: 1) Кирилл ил ы о а , е ли ы е о ыл до и ь/ ы ь Kirill would buy a dog, if he would have a house 2) Я риехал ы е е, е ли ы е я ыло ре я риез а ь/ ы ь I would come to you, if I would have time 3) Миша а и ал ы и , е ли ы ил о а и а ь/ и ь Misha would write a book, if he would buy a laptop 4) Ле а ы ыла ы о д , е ли ы е ала ы ы ь/ а ь Lena would wash the dishes, if she would not get tired 3. Conjugate the following verbs to make a closed condition. Don't forget about the "бы" part: Е ли ы е я ыли де ь и, ... If I would have money,... 1) ...я ил ы аши и ь ...I would buy a car 475 2) ...я оехал ы Бразилию оеха ь ...I would go to Brazil 3) ...я ил ы до Бразилии и ь ...I would buy a house in Brazil 4) ...я о роил ы ш ол о рои ь ...I would build a school 5) ...я о о ы/ о о ал ы ед ы о о а ь ...I would help poor families е ья 4. Conjugate the following verbs to make a closed condition. Don't forget about the "бы" part: 1) Ма а ри о о ила ы риц , е ли ы ы или её ри о о и ь/ и ь Mother would cook chicken, if we would buy it 2) На аша родала ы аши , е ли ы её ыл а олё рода ь/ ы ь Natasha would sell (her) car, if she would have a plane 3) Е ли ы ы е оз о ил, я ер ы о оди оче а оз о и ь/ ере ь If you wouldn't call (me), I would die from loneliness 4) Е ли ы о е ришёл, я о о ил я ы э за е риходи ь/ о о и ь я If he wouldn't come, I would prepare for the exams 5. Conjugate the following verbs to make a closed condition. Don't forget about the "бы" part: 1) Е ли ы о е оз о ил, я рочи ал ы и оз о и ь/ рочи а ь If he wouldn't call, I would have read the book 2) Е ли ы Ка я е хо ела рий и, о а ы е ришла хо е ь/ риходи ь If Katya wouldn't want to com, she wouldn't come 3) Е ли ы я ыл оди о , я ил ы о а ы ь/ и ь If I would be lonely I would buy a cat 476 Unit 8.16 Imperative If you ask (or command) someone to do something, you need to use Imperative. In the sentence: Please, pay attention, we are learning the imperative today. The pay attention part is imperative. 1. Present tense imperatives: We can use imperfective infinitives to form the present tense imperatives. And perfective infinitives to form the future tense imperative. Examples: ч тать (imperf.) проч тать (perf.) чи ай рочи ай Read it now Read it (now or later, tomorrow for ex.) But it doesn't mean that you need to use only imperfective infinitive for present tense. Actually, perfective infinitives are more welcome, because they tend to be more polite forms of the imperative. 2. Forming the imperative: If we use imperative we address to someone, so, first of all choose who you address to - ты (you - singular and informal) or вы (plural or formal) and then follow the scheme: Take the imperfective or perfective infinitive of the verb you need. Put it in ты form. Remove the last three letters. Now, if it has a vowel at the end - add the й or letter if you address to ты. And add -йте if you address to вы: type 1s conj. 2nd conj. Irreg. Reflex. infin. и ра ь о ре ь и а ь ади ь я ты form и раешь о ришь ишешь адишь я for ты и рай о ри иши ади ь for вы и рай е о ри е иши е ади е ь 477 3. Irregular verbs: Irregular and reflexive verbs don't follow this pattern: verb е ь и ь ы ь о о а ь а а ь to to to to to eat drink be help wake up ты form ешь ей дь о о и а ай → → → → → вы form ешь е ей е дь е о о и е а ай е 3. Useful expression: During this course I used the expression "let's" many times, but how to say that in Russian? It is an imperative. Да ай! - for ты form Да ай е! - for вы form So, you can say to your friend: Давай о о ори о ай ? Let's talk on Skype? 478 UNIT 8.16 Упражнен 1. Make imperatives (for "ты") from the following verbs: 1) ___________ (звон ть) Call the police олицию 2) ___________ (решать) ч о дела ь Decide what to do 3) М е э о ра и я, ___________ (шут ть) ольше I like it, joke more 4) По ал й а, ___________ (помн ть) Please, remember me 5) ___________ (чувствовать) Feel my love е я ою лю о ь 2. Make imperatives (for "ты") from the following verbs: 1) ___________ (нап сать) Write me a letter, please е и ь о, о ал й 2) ___________ (пр слать) Send me a postcard ео 3) ___________ (позвон ть) Call me 4) ___________ (сказать) Tell me strictly а ры е е ря о 5) ___________ (выуч ть) ра ила, э о е е о о е Learn the rules, it will help you 3. Make imperatives (for "ты") from the following verbs: 1) ___________ (помогать) е, о ал й Help me, please, with the translation 2) ___________ (вставай), ора ид и Wake up, it's time to go to school 3) ___________ (поцеловать) Kiss me 4) а, ере одо ш ол е я ачала ___________ (заплат ть) о че а First, pay the bills 5) ___________ (улыбатьс ), е я оче ь ра и ая лы Smile, you have a very beautiful smile а 4. Make imperatives (for "ты") from the following verbs: 479 1) ___________ (улыбнутьс ), я фо о рафир ю Smile, I am taking a picture 2) ___________ (повер ть) Believe in me, I can (do it) е я, я о 3) ___________ (повернуть) але о Turn to the left 4) ___________ (подар ть) ей о а Present her a cat 5) ___________ (показать) Show me your house е ой до 5. Make imperatives (for "вы") from the following verbs: 1) ___________ (попробовать) Try (taste) my soup 2) ___________ (прост ть) Forgive me 3) ___________ (помогать) Help me to find the library 4) ___________ (объ сн ть) Explain me, please ой е я е ай и и лио е е, о ал й а 5) ___________ (закрыть) д ерь Close the door 480 UNIT 8.16 Ответы 1. Make imperatives (for "ты") from the following verbs: 1) З о и (звон ть) Call the police олицию 2) Решай (решать) ч о дела ь Decide what to do 3) М е э о ра и я, ш I like it, joke more и (шут ть) ольше 4) По ал й а, о и (помн ть) Please, remember me 5) Ч й (чувствовать) Feel my love е я ою лю о ь 2. Make imperatives (for "ты") from the following verbs: 1) На иши (нап сать) е и ь о, о ал й Write me a letter, please 2) Пришли (пр слать) Send me a postcard ео 3) Поз о и (позвон ть) Call me 4) а и (сказать) Tell me strictly а ры е е ря о 5) Вы чи (выуч ть) ра ила, э о е е о о е Learn the rules, it will help you 3. Make imperatives (for "ты") from the following verbs: 1) По о и (помогать) е, о ал й а, Help me, please, with the translation ере одо 2) В а ай (вставать), ора ид и ш ол Wake up, it's time to go to school 3) Поцел й (поцеловать) Kiss me 4) е я ачала за ла и (заплат ть) о че а First, pay the bills 5) Улы ай я (улыбатьс ), е я оче ь ра и ая лы Smile, you have a very beautiful smile а 4. Make imperatives (for "ты") from the following verbs: 481 1) Улы и ь (улыбнутьс ), я фо о рафир ю Smile, I am taking a picture 2) По ерь (повер ть) е я, я Believe in me, I can (do it) о 3) По ер и (повернуть) але о Turn to the left 4) Подари (подар ть) ей о а Present her a cat 5) По а и (показать) Show me your house е ой до 5. Make imperatives (for "вы") from the following verbs: 1) По ро й е (попробовать) Try (taste) my soup 2) Про и е (прост ть) Forgive me ой е я 3) По о и е (помогать) е ай и и лио е Help me to find the library 4) О ъя и е (объ сн ть) Explain me, please е, о ал й а 5) За рой е (закрыть) д ерь Close the door 482 Unit 8.17 Negatives, part 1 In English we often form negatives with the word "no", like in words - nowhere, nothing, no one etc. In Russian the word "не" is used for that purpose. 1. Simple negative statement: To make a simple negative statement we just need to put the word не in front of the verb: О а не чи ае Я не ра о аю е од я She doesn't read I don't work today О и не и раю Я не о и аю, о чё They don't play I don't understand what are you talking about ы о оришь 2. The verb ы ь in the negatives: As you remember the verb to be (быть) doesn't have the present tense. So, to say there is no/there are no we use the word нет. With the genitive case of the noun that follows it (the lacking things). Зде ь нет аши There are no cars here У мен нет о а и I don't have a dog (lit.: by me there is no a dog) У него нет оз о He doesn't have brain 3. Negative pairs: Or also you can call it double negation. You can't use two negation in English, but that's what we do in Russian if we want to say something like: I don't understand anything Я н чего не о и аю Lit.: I don't understand nothing. 483 For such construction we use the following words: чего + не (nothing) Я н чего не и I don't see anything (lit.: I don't see nothing) когда + не (never) О н когда не о о и He never cooks (lit.: He never doesn't cook) где + не (nowhere - position) О а н где не лышала о э о She didn't hear about that anywhere (lit.: She didn't hear about that nowhere) куда + не (nowhere - direction) Я н куда не хо I don't go anywhere (lit.: I don't go nowhere) кто + не кто не лыши её Nobody hears her (lit.: Nobody doesn't hear her) 4. Declension of the words н чего and н кто: The negatives н чего and н кто declines like the words кто and что. And if you need to use a preposition - put it in after the и part (you need it in the prepositional case): Я Я Я Я н кого не и н о ком не з аю н чего не и н о чём не з аю I I I I don't don't don't don't see anyone know about anyone see anything know about anything 484 UNIT 8.17 Упражнен 1. Make negative sentences from the sentences below: 1) О и рае е и He plays tennis _______________________________ He doesn't play tennis 2) О а оё She sings _______________________________ She doesn't sing 3) О а ра о ае офи е She works in the office _______________________________ She doesn't work in the office 4) Миша до а Misha is at home _______________________________ Masha is not at home 5) Ка я а ра о е Katya is at work _______________________________ Katya is not at work 2. Make negative sentences from the sentences below (don't forget to change the case of the nouns that follow the negation): 1) У е я есть ре я I have time _______________________________ I don't have time 2) У её е ь оз и She has brain _______________________________ She doesn't have brain 3) У Миши е ь хорошие Misha has good books и и _______________________________ Misha doesn't have good books 4) У Ка и и Миши е ь де и Katya and Misha have children _______________________________ Katy and Misha don't have children 5) У е о е ь де ш а He has a girlfriend _______________________________ He doesn't have a girlfriend 3. Use the correct negative pair to make a negation: 1) О а ___________ е з ае She knows nothing 2) Я ___________ е хоч иде ь I don't want to see anybody 3) О ___________ е а ц е He never dances 4) Маша ___________ Mahsa never lies е рё 5) Я ___________ е д аю I don't think about naybody 4. Make negative sentences from the sentences below: 485 1) Я о и аю е я I understand you _______________________________ I don't understand you 2) Я и е я I see you _______________________________ I don't see you 3) Маша з ае Кирилла Masha knows Kirill _______________________________ Mahsa doesn't know Kirill 4) _______________________________ Thank you, I don't drink а и о, я ью Thank you, I drink 5) М чи ы лач Men cry _______________________________ Men don't cry 5. Make negative sentences from the sentences below. 1) По ечера ___________ __________ ____________ ___________ (ход ть) Nobody ever goes anywhere in the evenings 2) По ра ___________ ___________ ___________ (шуметь) Nobody makes noises anywhere in the mornings 3) У их до а ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ (спеш ть) Nobody ever hurry anywhere in their house 4) О а ___________ ___________ ___________ (думать) She never thinks about anybody 486 UNIT 8.17 Ответы 1. Make negative sentences from the sentences below: 1) О и рае е и He plays tennis О е и рае е и He doesn't play tennis 2) О а оё She sings О а е оё She doesn't sing 3) О а ра о ае офи е She works in the office О а е ра о ае офи е She doesn't work in the office 4) Миша до а Misha is at home Миша е до а Masha is not at home 5) Ка я а ра о е Katya is at work Ка я е а ра о е Katya is not at work 2. Make negative sentences from the sentences below (don't forget to change the case of the nouns that follow the negation): 1) У е я есть ре я I have time У е я е ре е и I don't have time 2) У её е ь оз и She has brain У её е оз о She doesn't have brain 3) У Миши е ь хорошие Misha has good books и и У Миши е хороших и Misha doesn't have good books 4) У Ка и и Миши е ь де и Katya and Misha have children У Ка и и Миши е де ей Katy and Misha don't have children 5) У е о е ь де ш а He has a girlfriend У е о е де ши He doesn't have a girlfriend 3. Use the correct negative pair to make a negation: 1) О а иче о е з ае She knows nothing 2) Я и о о е хоч иде ь I don't want to see anybody 3) О и о да е а ц е He never dances 4) Маша и о да е рё Mahsa never lies 5) Я и о о е д аю I don't think about anybody 4. Make negative sentences from the sentences below: 487 1) Я о и аю е я I understand you Я е о и аю е я I don't understand you 2) Я и е я I see you Я е и е я I don't see you 3) Маша з ае Кирилла Masha knows Kirill Маша е з ае Кирилла Mahsa doesn't know Kirill 4) а и о, я е ью Thank you, I don't drink а и о, я ью Thank you, I drink 5) М чи ы лач Men cry М чи ы е лач Men don't cry 5. Make negative sentences from the sentences below. 1) По ечера и о и о да и да е ходи (ход ть) Nobody ever goes anywhere in the evenings 2) По ра и о и де е ш и (шуметь) Nobody makes noises anywhere in the mornings 3) У их до а и о и о да и да е еши (спеш ть) Nobody ever hurry anywhere in their house 4) О а и о да и о о е д ае (думать) She never thinks about anybody 488 Unit 8.18 Negatives, part 2 In Russian there is a group of negative words which is used with infinitives. They start with the stressed не syllable. 1. Most common negative words: The most common negative words are: е де е да е о е о да еч о not where /nowhere no to where /nowhere not who /no one not when /no time not what /nothing Не де и ь Не да ид и Не о о и и ь Не о да о ъя я ь Нече о и ь There There There There There is is is is is nowhere to buy nowhere to go no one to blame no time to explain nothing to drink 2. The negatives некто and нечто: The negatives некто and нечто declines like the words кто and что. And if you need to use a preposition - put it in after the и part (you need it in the prepositional case): ечем орди ь я е о ком о ори ь е на что и ь екем орди ь я There There There There is is is is nothing to be proud of no one to talk about nothing to live on no one to be proud of 3. Indicating the person: We considered general statements. But what if you want to indicate the person (the person who has nothing to be proud of, has nothing to drink etc.)? For these purpose we need to use dative case of that person: Тебе нечего е ь асте нечем и а ь Ему нечего и ь Люд м нечем орди ь я You have nothing to eat Nastya has nothing to write with He has nothing to drink People have nothing to be proud of 489 You can also put these sentences in the past and in the future tense, by using the correct form of the to be verb (быть): Тебе нечего было е ь асте нечем будет и а ь Ему нечего было и ь Люд м нечем будет орди ь я You had nothing to eat Nastya will have nothing to write with He had nothing to drink People will have nothing to be proud of 4. Useful negative: Very useful negative word is не за что It means - don't mention it, you are welcome а и о ольшое! е за что. Thank you very much! Don't mention it. 490 UNIT 8.18 Упражнен 1. Match a word with its translation: е о да е not when no time о not who no one еч о е де not what nothing not where nowhere е да not to where nowhere 2. Match a sentence with its translation: 1) ечему радо а ь я a) There is no one to love 2) е на кого оло и ь я b) There is nothing to be glad about 3) екому оз о и ь c) There is no one to lean on 4) ечего е d) There is nothing to eat 5) екого лю и ь ь f) There is no one to call 3. Conjugate negation words in the blanks: 1) Ка е ____________ (нечто) и ь Katya has nothing to drink 2) Людя ____________ (нечто) еря ь People have nothing to lose 3) Ей ____________ (некто) оз о и ь, о а оди о а She has no one to call, she is lonely 4) М е ____________ (некто) ра аза ь, I have no one to tell, I have no friends е я е др зей 5) Зде ь ____________ (нечто) дела ь, ойдё о There is nothing to do here, let's go out of here юда 4. Insert and conjugate negation words in the blanks: 1) М е ____________ раз о ари а ь I have no time to talk 2) М е ____________ аза ь I have nothing to say 491 3) И ____________ ря а ь я They have nowhere to hide 4) На ____________ ид и We have nowhere to go 5) На ____________ оя ь я We have no one to be afraid of 5. Translate following sentences into Russian: 1) ________________________________________________ She has nowhere to go 2) ________________________________________________ We have nothing to read 3) ________________________________________________ We have no one to take care of 4) ________________________________________________ There is nothing to be proud of 5) ________________________________________________ There is no one to love 492 UNIT 8.18 Ответы 1. Match a word with its translation: е о да е о еч о е де е да е о да е о еч о е де е да not when no time not who no one not what nothing not where nowhere not to where nowhere 2. Match a sentence with its translation: 1) ечему радо а ь я a-5) There is no one to love 2) е на кого оло и ь я b-1) There is nothing to be glad about 3) екому оз о и ь c-2) There is no one to lean on 4) ечего е d-4) There is nothing to eat 5) екого лю и ь ь f-3) There is no one to call 3. Conjugate negation words in the blanks: 1) Ка е ече о (нечто) и ь Katya has nothing to drink 2) Людя ече о (нечто) еря ь People have nothing to lose 3) Ей е о (некто) оз о и ь, о а оди о а She has no one to call, she is lonely 4) М е е о (некто) ра аза ь, е я е др зей I have no one to tell, I have no friends 5) Зде ь ече о (нечто) дела ь, ойдё о юда There is nothing to do here, let's go out of here 4. Insert and conjugate negation words in the blanks: 1) М е е о да раз о ари а ь I have no time to talk 2) М е ече о аза ь I have nothing to say 493 3) И е де ря а ь я They have nowhere to hide 4) На е да ид и We have nowhere to go 5) На е о о оя ь я We have no one to be afraid of 5. Translate following sentences into Russian: 1) Ей е да ид и She has nowhere to go 2) На ече о чи а ь We have nothing to read 3) На е о о за о и ь я We have no one to take care of 4) Нече орди ь я There is nothing to be proud of 5) Не о о лю и ь There is no one to love 494 Unit Another usage of infinitives 8.19 Using infinitives to talk about possibility and impossibility. 1. Most common words to express this are: The most common words to express possibility, impossibility, necessity and prohibition are: о о ельзя адо ора it it it it is is is is possible, one may impossible, one may not necessary time to We use this words with dative case of a person who we are referring to. And these words are followed by infinitives: М е нельз ри ь I can't smoke (it is impossible for me) Те е адо ольше о дыха ь You need to rest more (it is necessary for you to rest more) На пора ид и It's time to go for us Ей можно а це а ь? Can she dance? (may she dance? is it possible to dance for her?) 2. The word о о: The way, the word можно is very useful word for both questions and answers. You can use it on its own to ask and answer the questions. Let's imagine you need a pen to write something down and see a pen of your colleague, you ask: Мо о? May I? (May I take your pen?) Мо о. Yes, you may. (You may take my pen) But if your colleague is not that generous, he can also say: Нельзя No, you may not. 3. The word о: 495 The word надо has an analogue нужно - it also refers to necessity: Ей нужно о дыха ь It is necessary to rest for her (she needs to rest) М е нужно ид и It is necessary to go for me (I need to go) 4. The word ора: The word ора means it is time to. And just as in English we say "it's time" you can say "пор " in Russian: Ей пора ид и It is time for he to go You also can use it with seasons of the year: Ве а - ре ра ая пора Spring is a beautiful time 5. Future and past tense: To use these words in past and future tense we need to use the verb to be (быть) in the past or future form after the word: М е нужно было ое I needed to eat UNIT 8.19 ь На надо будет о ра ь я е е We will need to meet (gather) together Упражнен 496 1. Translate into Russian: 1) it is tim to ____________________ 2) it is possible, one may ____________________ 3) it is necessary ____________________ 4) it is impossible, one may not ____________________ 2. Insert the correct word in the blanks: 1) М е ____________ ид и It's necessary for me to go 2) У е 10 ча о , е ____________ ид и It's 10 o'clock, it's time for me to go 3) М е ____________ е ь лад ое It is not possible for me to eat sweet things / I can't eat sweet things 4) Ка е ____________ оз о и ь др It's necessary for Katya to call a friend 5) Ма е ____________ ол о а ь я It's not possible for (my) mother to worry / (My) Mother can't worry 3. Insert the correct word in the blanks: 1) Ка е ____________ ид и до ой It's time for Katya to go home 2) Людя ____________ ы ь до рее It is necessary for people to be kinder 3) На ____________ ори ь я It is not possible for us to argue / We can't argue 4) Ва ____________ о дыха ь It is possible for you to rest / You can rest 5) М е ____________ до ор It's necessary for me to see a doctor 4. Insert the correct word in the blanks: 497 1) Мише ____________ и ь до It's necessary for Misha to buy a house 2) Те е ____________ ол о а ь я It's not possible for you to worry / You can't worry 3) Те е е ____________ ол о а ь я It's not necessary for you to worry 4) ____________? May I? 5) Те е ____________ ид и It's time for you to go 5. Insert the correct words in future and past tense in the blanks: 1) М е ____________ ____________ за ра ь и и It was necessary for me to take the books back 2) Ка е ____________ ____________ и ь It will be necessary for Katya to buy milk оло а 3) Те е ____________ ____________ оз о и ь It was necessary for you to call me е 4) М е ____________ ____________ и ь иле ы It will be necessary for me to buy tickets 5) Маше ____________ ____________ а и а ь и ь о It was necessary for Masha to write a letter 498 UNIT 8.19 Ответы 1. Translate into Russian: 1) it is tim to ора 2) it is possible, one may о 3) it is necessary адо 4) it is impossible, one may not ельзя о 2. Insert the correct word in the blanks: 1) М е адо ид и It's necessary for me to go 2) У е 10 ча о , е ора ид и It's 10 o'clock, it's time for me to go 3) М е ельзя е ь лад ое It is not possible for me to eat sweet things / I can't eat sweet things 4) Ка е адо оз о и ь др It's necessary for Katya to call a friend 5) Ма е ельзя ол о а ь я It's not possible for (my) mother to worry / (My) Mother can't worry 3. Insert the correct word in the blanks: 1) Ка е ора ид и до ой It's time for Katya to go home 2) Людя адо ы ь до рее It is necessary for people to be kinder 3) На ельзя ори ь я It is not possible for us to argue / We can't argue 4) Ва о о о дыха ь It is possible for you to rest / You can rest 5) М е адо до ор It's necessary for me to see a doctor 4. Insert the correct word in the blanks: 499 1) Мише адо и ь до It's necessary for Misha to buy a house 2) Те е ельзя ол о а ь я It's not possible for you to worry / You can't worry 3) Те е е адо ол о а ь я It's not necessary for you to worry 4) Мо о? May I? 5) Те е ора ид и It's time for you to go 5. Insert the correct words in future and past tense in the blanks: 1) М е адо ыло за ра ь и и It was necessary for me to take the books back 2) Ка е адо де и ь оло а It will be necessary for Katya to buy milk 3) Те е адо ыло оз о и ь е It was necessary for you to call me 4) М е адо де и ь иле ы It will be necessary for me to buy tickets 5) Маше адо ыло а и а ь и ь о It was necessary for Masha to write a letter 500 Unit Indirect speech 8.20 What are direct and indirect speech? "I am very tired", he said - direct speech He said that he was very tired - indirect speech 1. The tense in Russian remains the same: "I am playing computer games", she said She said, she was playing computer games "I will play computer games", she said She said she would play computer games "I have already played computer games", she said She said that she had already played computer games As we see, we always change the tense of the verb. In Russian it's easier - the tense remains the same. Now we will say the same in Russian: "Я О а граю ью ер ые и ры", азала, ч о о а "Я буду О а о грать о о ью ер ые и ры ью ер ые и ры", азала, ч о о а будет "Я уже по грала О а грает азала о а о грать азала о а о ью ер ые и ры ью ер ые и ры", азала, ч о о а уже по грала о азала о а ью ер ые и ры 501 2. Questions in the indirect speech: To form questions in indirect speech English language uses the words if and whether. Direct speech Indirect speech "Do you study?", he asked He asked, if I studied But in Russian the indirect question never starts with the word есл purpose we use the word л (whether) (if). For this Example: "Ты чишь я?", О The л ро ил, ч ро ил о . - Direct speech ьл я. - Indirect speech. part always goes after the verb. Remember, that the scheme is always like this: Part of asking+ О а ро ила О и ро или Я ро ил comma + , , , verb + рю ели ридё л + ли ли ли subject я ы о 502 UNIT 8.20 Упражнен 1. Rewrite the following sentences in the indirect speech: 1) "Я и раю е и ", азала Маша ____________________________________________ Masha said, that she played tennis 2) "Я е чи аю азе ы", азал Миша ____________________________________________ Misha said, that he didn't read newspapers 3) "Мы е а ц е ", азали о и ____________________________________________ They said, that they didn't dance 4) "Я е з аю", азал я ____________________________________________ I said, that I didn't know 5) "Я лю лю о а ", азала Ка я ____________________________________________ Katya said, that she loved dogs 2. Rewrite the following sentences in the indirect speech: 1) "Я е о рю о о и", азал Кирилл ____________________________________________ Kirill said, that he didn't watch news 2) "Я лю лю чай", азал о ец ____________________________________________ Father said that he liked tea 3) "Я е лю лю офе", азала а а ____________________________________________ Mother said, that she didn't love/like coffee 503 4) "Я д и ра ь ф ол", азал Коля ____________________________________________ Kolya said, that he would play football 5) "Я ыла Ло до е", азала На аша ____________________________________________ Natasha said that she had been in London 3. Rewrite the following sentences in the indirect speech: 1) "Я лю и ", азала Ка я ____________________________________________ Katya said, that she would buy a book 2) "Я е д е ь ала ", азал о ____________________________________________ He said, that he would not eat the salad 3) "Я е хоч ей ра ь", азал Миша ____________________________________________ Misha said, that he didn't want to lie to her 4) "Я ил аши ", азал Кирилл ____________________________________________ Kirill said, that he had bought a car 5) "Я рочи ала азе ", азала а а ____________________________________________ Mother said, that she had read a newspaper 4. Rewrite the following sentences in the indirect speech: 1) "У е я е о а", азал о ____________________________________________ He said, that he didn't have a cat 2) "У е я е ар я", азала Маша ____________________________________________ Masha said, that she didn't have a boyfriend 504 3) "У е я е ыло ы ора", азала Ка я ____________________________________________ Katya said, that she hadn't had a choice 4) "У е я е де о а", азала Маша ____________________________________________ Masha said, that she wouldn't have a cat 5) "У е яе ь о а а", азал Кирилл ____________________________________________ Kirill said, that he had a dog 5. Rewrite the following sentences in the indirect speech: 1) "Ты чи аешь и и?", ро ил о е я ____________________________________________ He asked me if I read books 2) "Ты о оришь о-а лий и?", ро ила е я Ка я ____________________________________________ Katya asked me if I spoke English 3) "Ты з аешь алфа и ?", ро ил е я Кирилл ____________________________________________ Kirill asked me if I knew alphabet 4) "Ты лю ишь На аш ?", ро ила е о Ка я ____________________________________________ Katya asked him whether he loved Natasha 5) "У е я е ь де и?" ро ил её Миша ____________________________________________ Misha asked her if she had children 505 UNIT 8.20 Ответы 1. Rewrite the following sentences in the indirect speech: 1) "Я и раю е и ", азала Маша Маша азала, ч о о а и рае е Masha said, that she played tennis 2) "Я е чи аю азе ы", и азал Миша Миша азал, ч о о е чи ае азе ы Misha said, that he didn't read newspapers 3) "Мы е а ц е ", азали о и О и азали, ч о о и е а ц ю They said, that they didn't dance 4) "Я е з аю", азал я Я азал, ч о я е з аю I said, that I didn't know 5) "Я лю лю о а ", азала Ка я Ка я азала, ч о о а лю и о а Katya said, that she loved dogs 2. Rewrite the following sentences in the indirect speech: 1) "Я е о рю о о и", азал Кирилл Кирилл азал, ч о о е о ри о о Kirill said, that he didn't watch news 2) "Я лю лю чай", и азал о ец О ец азал, ч о о лю и чай Father said that he liked tea 3) "Я е лю лю офе", азала а а Ма а азала, ч о о а е лю и офе Mother said, that she didn't love/like coffee 506 4) "Я д и ра ь ф ол", азал Коля Коля азал, ч о о де и ра ь ф Kolya said, that he would play football 5) "Я ыла Ло до е", ол азала На аша На аша азала, ч о о а ыла Ло до е Natasha said that she had been in London 3. Rewrite the following sentences in the indirect speech: 1) "Я лю и ", азала Ка я Ка я азала, ч о о а и и Katya said, that she would buy a book 2) "Я е д е ь ала ", азал о О азал, ч о о е де е ь ала He said, that he would not eat the salad 3) "Я е хоч ей ра ь", азал Миша Миша азал, ч о о е хоче ей ра ь Misha said, that he didn't want to lie to her 4) "Я ил аши ", азал Кирилл Кирилл азал, ч о о ил аши Kirill said, that he had bought a car 5) "Я рочи ала азе ", азала а а Ма а азала, ч о о а рочи ала азе Mother said, that she had read a newspaper 4. Rewrite the following sentences in the indirect speech: 1) "У е я е о а", азал о О азал, ч о е о е о а He said, that he didn't have a cat 2) "У е я е ар я", азала Маша Маша азала, ч о её е ар я Masha said, that she didn't have a boyfriend 507 3) "У е я е ыло ы ора", азала Ка я Ка я азала, ч о её е ыло ы ора Katya said, that she hadn't had a choice 4) "У е я е де о а", азала Маша Маша азала, ч о её е де о а Masha said, that she wouldn't have a cat 5) "У е яе ь о а а", азал Кирилл Кирилл азал, ч о е ое Kirill said, that he had a dog ь о а а 5. Rewrite the following sentences in the indirect speech: 1) "Ты чи аешь и и?", ро ил о О ро ил е я, чи аю ли я He asked me if I read books 2) "Ты о оришь о-а лий и?", е я и и ро ила Ка я ро ила е я, о орю ли я о-а Katya asked me if I spoke English 3) "Ты з аешь алфа и ?", ро ил е я Ка я лий и е я Кирилл Кирилл ро ил е я, з аю ли я алфа и Kirill asked me if I knew alphabet 4) "Ты лю ишь На аш ?", ро ила е о Ка я Ка я ро ила е о, лю и ли о На аш Katya asked him whether he loved Natasha 5) "У е я е ь де и?" ро ил её Миша Миша ро ил её, е ь ли её де и Misha asked her if she had children 508 Unit 8.21 Indirect speech, part 2 Indirect commands, advice and wishes. And it's different from the indirect speech we already know, because in such sentences two or more subjects are involved. It always follows this scheme: PERSON A wants PERSON B to do something. So the subject of the first part of the sentence is not the same as the subject of the subject of the second part of the sentence. 1. Direct commands and wishes: For direct command or wishes we use imperative, as you already know. Чи ай и ! Read the book! For direct statements of wish we use the infinitive: Я хоч чи а ь и и I want to read books 2. Indirect commands: Now let's look at the indirect command and wish: Indirect command: О ри азал, ч о ы я чи ал и He ordered me (that I should) to read the book Indirect wish: Я хоч , ч о ы ы чи ал и и I want you (that you should) to read books 3. Two important aspects: First - the word чтобы is always used with the past tense and never with the present or future tense. Second - we always use a comma in front of it (in front of чтобы) 4. Order and wish are used in the past tense only: 509 So, no matter in what tense someone want anything, the order or wish will be used in the past tense only. О хо ела, ч о ы я уб рал до She wanted me (that I should) to clean the house. О захоче , ч о ы ы посмотрела а е о He will want you to look at him 5. Words we use in the indirect orders and wishes: о ори ь/ аза ь ела ь/ о ела ь редла а ь/ редло и ь ри азы а ь/ ри аза ь ре о е до а ь о е о а ь/ о о е о а ь ре о а ь/ о ре о а ь to to to to to to to say, tell wish suggest order recommend advise demand, to require Example: Я говор л е , ч о ы о ошёл I told him to go to sleep earlier а ь ра ьше Я желаю е е, ч о ы ы ыла здоро а I wish you to be healthy Я предлагаю, ч о ы ы ели е ьше I suggest that we should eat less О а пр казала, ч о ы о ел She ordered him to sit down 510 UNIT 8.21 Упражнен 1. Use the words in the brackets to make a wish/order: 1) Я а е , _______________(он/ дт ) а ь I will tell him to go to sleep / I will tell him that he goes to sleep 2) Я хоч , _______________(ты/готов тьс ) I want you to prepare for the exams э за е а 3) О а хоче , _______________ её/сын) ольше _______________ ч тать) She wants her son to read more 4) Ма а хоче , _______________ /убратьс ) о а е Mother wants me (I) to clean the room/Mother wants that I clean the room 5) О хоче , _______________(она/прост ть) е о He wants her to forgive him/He wants that she forgives him 2. Use the words in the brackets to make a wish/order: 1) Ты хочешь, _______________( /уход ть)? Do you want me to leave? 2) Маша хоче , _______________(ты/пр ход ть)? Does Masha wants you to come? 3) Ты хочешь, _______________( /позвон ть)? Do you want me to call? 4) Ма а хоче , _______________( /куп ть) Does mother wants me to buy milk? оло о? 5) Па а хоче , _______________( /помыть) Does father wants me to wash the car? аши ? 3. Use the words in the brackets to make a wish/order: 1) Мой ы хоче , _______________( /куп ть) и р ш My son wants me to buy a toy 2) Я редла аю, _______________(ты/посмотреть) э о филь I suggest you to watch this movie 3) Кирилл о ори , _______________(ты/прекрат ть) ш Kirill tells you to stop make noises е ь 511 4) До ор о е е , _______________(мы/есть) Doctor recommend us to eat less meat е ьше я а 5) Полицей ий ри азы ае , _______________(мы/с деть) The policeman order us to sit 4. Use the words in the brackets to make a wish/order: 1) Я хоч , _______________(ты/уважать) I want you to respect me е я 2) О а хоче , _______________(ты/люб ть) её She wants you to love her 3) Ты хочешь, _______________( /замолчать)? Do you want me to stop talking? 4) О а хоче , _______________(ты/сделать) э о She wants you to do it 5) Я хоч , _______________(ты/п сать) I want you to write me more often е чаще 5. Use the words in the brackets to make a wish/order: 1) Ма а хоче , _______________(дет /быть) ча A mother wants (her) children to be happy ли ы 2) Роди ели хо я , _______________(дет /быть) Parents want (their) children to be successful 3) Я хоч , _______________(мы/пон мать) др I want us to understand each other еш ы др а 4) Ты хочешь, _______________( /поцеловать) е я? Do you want me to kiss you? 5) О а хоче , _______________( /обн ть) её She wants me to hug her 512 UNIT 8.21 Ответы 1. Use the words in the brackets to make a wish/order: 1) Я а е , ч о ы о шёл (он/ дт ) а ь I will tell him to go to sleep / I will tell him that he goes to sleep 2) Я хоч , ч о ы ы о о ил я (ты/готов тьс ) I want you to prepare for the exams э за е а 3) О а хоче , ч о ы её ы (её/сын) ольше чи ал (ч тать) She wants her son to read more 4) Ма а хоче , ч о ы я рал я ( /убратьс ) о а е Mother wants me (I) to clean the room/Mother wants that I clean the room 5) О хоче , ч о ы о а ро ила (она/прост ть) е о He wants her to forgive him/He wants that she forgives him 2. Use the words in the brackets to make a wish/order: 1) Ты хочешь, ч о ы я шёл ( /уход ть)? Do you want me to leave? 2) Маша хоче , ч о ы ы ришёл (ты/пр ход ть)? Does Masha wants you to come? 3) Ты хочешь, ч о ы я оз о ил ( /позвон ть)? Do you want me to call? 4) Ма а хоче , ч о ы я ил ( /куп ть) Does mother wants me to buy milk? оло о? 5) Па а хоче , ч о ы я о ыл ( /помыть) Does father wants me to wash the car? аши ? 3. Use the words in the brackets to make a wish/order: 1) Мой ы хоче , ч о ы я ил ( /куп ть) и р ш My son wants me to buy a toy 2) Я редла аю, ч о ы ы о о рел (ты/посмотреть) э о филь I suggest you to watch this movie 3) Кирилл о ори , ч о ы ы ре ра ил (ты/прекрат ть) ш Kirill tells you to stop make noises е ь 513 4) До ор о е е , ч о ы ы ели (мы/есть) Doctor recommend us to eat less meat 5) Полицей ий ри азы ае , ч о ы The policeman order us to sit е ьше я а ы идели (мы/с деть) 4. Use the words in the brackets to make a wish/order: 1) Я хоч , ч о ы ы а ал (ты/уважать) I want you to respect me е я 2) О а хоче , ч о ы ы лю ил (ты/люб ть) её She wants you to love her 3) Ты хочешь, ч о ы я за олчал ( /замолчать)? Do you want me to stop talking? 4) О а хоче , ч о ы ы делал (ты/сделать) э о She wants you to do it 5) Я хоч , ч о ы ы и ал (ты/п сать) I want you to write me more often е чаще 5. Use the words in the brackets to make a wish/order: 1) Ма а хоче , ч о ы де и ыли (дет /быть) ча A mother wants (her) children to be happy ли ы 2) Роди ели хо я , ч о ы де и ыли (дет /быть) Parents want (their) children to be successful еш ы 3) Я хоч , ч о ы ы о и али (мы/пон мать) др I want us to understand each other др а 4) Ты хочешь, ч о ы я оцело ал ( /поцеловать) е я? Do you want me to kiss you? 5) О а хоче , ч о ы я о ял ( /обн ть) её She wants me to hug her 514 Unit Purpose 8.22 Purpose clause is a part of the sentence which describes an action that was undertaken to achieve a certain result. Я ришёл юда, чтобы помочь тебе I came here to help you О а оз о ила е, чтобы сообщ ть новост She called me to tell the news 1. Making the purpose clause: To form the purpose clause we use the word чтобы and either infinitive or a verb in the past tense. If the subject is the same in both parts of the sentence, then we use infinitive to make a purpose clause. Я ришёл е е, чтобы уч ть русск й. I came to you to learn Russian So, I came to you, and I will learn Russian. The subject is the same for both parts of the sentence and we used infinitive to form it. О ришёл о е, чтобы пообедать. He came to me to have lunch. He came and he will have a dinner with me. We use infinitive to make it. Oh, by the way. You can skip the word ч о ы after verbs of motion, so the following sentences are completely correct: Я ришёл е е уч ть русск й. I came to you to learn Russian О ришёл о е пообедать. He came to me to have lunch. But only after verbs of motion. 515 2. Change of the subject: We need to use the past tense to form the purpose, if there is a change of the subject in the second part of the sentence. Я ра азал е е э о, чтобы ты пон л правду I told you that, so that you realized the truth О аз о и е , чтобы он не забыл о ней She is calling him, so that he shouldn’t forget about her О оз о ил е, чтобы заказал б леты He called me so that I should order the tickets 516 UNIT 8.22 Упражнен 1. Insert the correct word to make a purpose, don't forget about the "чтобы" word: г ть забыть п з а ть п б ать г уб ть 1) О а ила елефо , ____________________ She bought a phone to talk 2) Миша ришёл, ____________________ Misha came to have lunch 3) Я а и ал, ____________________ I wrote to not forget 4) Ты ришёл юда, ____________________? Did you come here to be rude? 5) Ма а оз о ила, ____________________ Mother called to congratulate me е я 2. Insert the correct word to make a purpose, don't forget about the "чтобы" word: п б ж ать уч ться танц ать т хнуть ассказать 1) Маша ришла юда, ____________________ Masha came here to dance 2) Я ришёл, ____________________ I came to win 3) Мы ришли юда, ____________________ We came here to rest 4) О а оз о ила, ____________________ о о She called to tell the news и 5) О ил о , ____________________ He bought a laptop to study 3. Insert the correct word to make a purpose, don't forget about the "чтобы" word. Also pay attention to the change of the subject: куп ть п м гать т т ть забыть забыть 1) Ты оз о ил е, ____________________ е е You called me, so that I should help you 517 2) Я а и ал е е, ____________________ I wrote you, so that you should answer me е 3) Я оз о ил ей, ____________________ I called her, so that she should buy milk оло о 4) Па а з о и е, ____________________ и ь о ёр Father called me, so that I shouldn't forget to buy a screwdriver 5) О а а и ала е, ____________________ её She called me, so that I should not forget her 4. Insert the correct word to make a purpose, omit the "чтобы" word: куп ть х а ть ассказать с ушать 1) Мы ришли юда ____________________ We came here to listen to music п ать зы 2) О а ришла ____________________ а а а She came to buy a pineapple 3) О и ришли ____________________ а а They came to sell a banana 4) Ма а ришла ____________________ Mother came to tell me a story еи орию 5) Учи ель ришёл ____________________ а Teacher came to praise us 5. Insert the correct word to make a purpose, don't forget about the "чтобы" word: чу ст ать т ыхать асс аб ться ст т ть куп ть 1) Я а ц ю, ____________________ I dance to relax 2) Миша ра о ае , ____________________ до Misha works to buy a house 3) Мы ра о ае , ____________________ др We work to meet each other др а 4) Я ед а ры ал , ____________________ I go fishing to rest 5) Мы о и ае я, ____________________ лю о ь We are hugging to feel the love 518 UNIT 8.22 Ответы 1. Insert the correct word to make a purpose, don't forget about the "чтобы" word: г ть забыть п з а ть п б ать г уб ть 1) О а ила елефо , ч о ы о ори ь She bought a phone to talk 2) Миша ришёл, ч о ы оо еда ь Misha came to have lunch 3) Я а и ал, ч о ы е за ы ь I wrote to not forget 4) Ты ришёл юда, ч о ы р и ь? Did you come here to be rude? 5) Ма а оз о ила, ч о ы оздра и ь Mother called to congratulate me е я 2. Insert the correct word to make a purpose, don't forget about the "чтобы" word: п б ж ать уч ться танц ать т хнуть ассказать 1) Маша ришла юда, ч о ы а це а ь Masha came here to dance 2) Я ришёл, ч о ы о е да ь I came to win 3) Мы ришли юда, ч о ы о дох We came here to rest 4) О а оз о ила, ч о ы ра She called to tell the news ь аза ь о о и 5) О ил о , ч о ы чи ь я He bought a laptop to study 3. Insert the correct word to make a purpose, don't forget about the "чтобы" word. Also pay attention to the change of the subject: куп ть п м гать т т ть забыть забыть 1) Ты оз о ил е, ч о ы я о о е е You called me, so that I should help you 519 2) Я а и ал е е, ч о ы ы о е ил е I wrote you, so that you should answer me 3) Я оз о ил ей, ч о ы о а ила оло о I called her, so that she should buy milk 4) Па а з о и е, ч о ы я е за ыл и ь о ёр Father called me, so that I shouldn't forget to buy a screwdriver 5) О а а и ала е, ч о ы я е за ыл её She called me, so that I should not forget her 4. Insert the correct word to make a purpose, omit the "чтобы" word: куп ть х а ть ассказать с ушать п ать 1) Мы ришли юда л ша ь зы We came here to listen to music 2) О а ришла и ьа а а She came to buy a pineapple 3) О и ришли рода ь а а They came to sell a banana 4) Ма а ришла ра аза ь еи Mother came to tell me a story орию 5) Учи ель ришёл х али ь а Teacher came to praise us 5. Insert the correct word to make a purpose, don't forget about the "чтобы" word: чу ст ать т ыхать 1) Я а ц ю, ч о ы ра I dance to relax асс аб ться ст т ть куп ть ла и ь я 2) Миша ра о ае , ч о ы и ь до Misha works to buy a house 3) Мы ра о ае , ч о ы ре и ь др We work to meet each other др а 4) Я ед а ры ал , ч о ы о дыха ь I go fishing to rest 5) Мы о и ае я, ч о ы ч о а ь лю о ь We are hugging to feel the love 520 Unit Impersonal constructions 8.23 An impersonal construction is when we use the verb in the third person singular without a definite subject. So the sentence: Мне нрав тс (I like) - is an impersonal construction 1. Different types of the impersonal constructions: There are different types of impersonal constructions. A big amount of them involve a third person singular of the verb and the dative case. Here some examples of them: Мне кажетс , ч о о а л ё Им надоело и ра ь It seems to me that she is lying They are fed up of playing Ей хочетс Мне нрав тс а це а ь She wants to dance чи а ь I like to read 2. Dative case in the impersonal constructions: You remember that the verb "to be" doesn't exist in Russian language in the present tense. So, many impersonal construction involve only dative case and an adverb. Like: Е холодно М е жарко He is cold I am hot М е хорошо Те е не стыдно? I am good Aren't you ashamed of yourself? 3. The verb нрав тс : Literally the verb нрав тьс subject. means to please and it can be used with a definite Pay attention that in Russian sentence the thing (subject) does the pleasing: М е нрав тс ф льм I like the movie So, the object of the English sentence is the subject of the Russian sentence. 521 Ты е нрав шьс I like you (lit. you are pleasing me) But we use the verb нрав тьс , when we talk about things we like. And, of course, we use it very often. Even though the subject grammatically does the pleasing, we are telling that we _ like it. На ра я я лоч и We like buns Ей ра и я ла ье She like sthe dress На ра и яр ий язы We like Russian language 4. The word аль: Another important word we need to consider here is the word жаль (literally "it's a pity"). We use the dative case with this word to say sorry: М е жаль э о лыша ь М е жаль ое о др а I am sorry to hear that I am sorry for your friend Жаль - is an impersonal predicative. And as you see, we don't have to agree it with the gender or number of the nouns. 522 UNIT 8.23 Упражнен 1. Use impersonal construction to make a sentence: 1) ________________, е ора ид и It seems, it's time for me to go 2) М е ________________ чи а ь I like to read 3) М е ________________ ори ь I am fed up of arguing with you о ой 4) Ей ________________, ч о о её е лю и It seems to her, that he doesn't love her 5) И ________________ They like to travel еше о а ь 2. Who likes what? Make sentences from the following words: 1) Коля / Ка я _____________________________________ Kolya likes Katya 2) Я / ы _____________________________________ I like you 3) Ма а / чай _____________________________________ (my) Mother likes tea 4) Я / р _____________________________________ I like Russian language ий язы 5) Ты / чи а ь _____________________________________ You like to read 3. Who likes what? Make sentences from the following words: 1) Я / 2) Ты / ой / до оя / о ая / ричё _____________________________________ I like my house / I like my home а? _____________________________________ Do you like my new haircut? 3) Ка я / ыши а ь _____________________________________ Katya likes to embroider 4) Миша / о о и ь _____________________________________ Misha likes to cook 523 5) Я / из ча ь / и о ра ый язы _____________________________________ I like to learn foreign language 4. Use impersonal construction to make a sentence: 1) _____________________________________ I am cold 2) _____________________________________ Masha is bad 3) _____________________________________ I am good 4) _____________________________________ Kirill is ashamed of himself 5) _____________________________________ Misha is hot 5. Who likes what? Make sentences from the following words: 1) Я / аль / ы 2) Маша / аль / _____________________________________ I am sorry for you ой др _____________________________________ Masha is sorry for your friend 3) Мы / аль / э о лыша ь _____________________________________ We are sorry to hear that 4) Ты / аль / я? _____________________________________ Are you sorry for me? 5) Я / аль / э о лыша ь _____________________________________ I am sorry to hear that 524 UNIT 8.23 Ответы 1. Use impersonal construction to make a sentence: 1) Ка е я е ора ид и It seems, it's time for me to go 2) М е ра и я чи а ь I like to read 3) М е адоело ори ь о ой I am fed up of arguing with you 4) Ей а е я, ч о о её е лю и It seems to her, that he doesn't love her 5) И ра и я еше They like to travel о а ь 2. Who likes what? Make sentences from the following words: 1) Коля / Ка я Коле ра и я Ка я Kolya likes Katya 2) Я / ы М е ра ишь я ы I like you 3) Ма а / чай Ма е ра и я чай (my) Mother likes tea 4) Я / р М е ра и я р ий язы I like Russian language ий язы 5) Ты / чи а ь Те е ра и я чи а ь You like to read 3. Who likes what? Make sentences from the following words: 1) Я / 2) Ты / ой / до оя / о ая / ричё М е ра и я ой до I like my house / I like my home а? Те е ра и я оя о ая ричё Do you like my new haircut? 3) Ка я / ыши а ь Ка е ра и я ыши а ь Katya likes to embroider 4) Миша / о о и ь Мише ра и я о о и ь Misha likes to cook а? 525 5) Я / из ча ь / и о ра ый язы М е ра и я из ча ь и о ра I like to learn foreign language ые язы и 4. Use impersonal construction to make a sentence: 1) М е холод о I am cold 2) Маше лохо Masha is bad 3) М е хорошо I am good 4) Кирилл ыд о Kirill is ashamed of himself 5) Мише ар о Misha is hot 5. Who likes what? Make sentences from the following words: 1) Я / аль / ы 2) Маша / аль / М е е я аль I am sorry for you ой др Маше аль ое о др а Masha is sorry for your friend 3) Мы / аль / э о лыша ь На аль э о лыша ь We are sorry to hear that 4) Ты / аль / я? Те е е я аль? Are you sorry for me? 5) Я / аль / э о лыша ь М е аль э о лыша ь I am sorry to hear that 526 Unit Conjunction 8.24 What are conjunction? A conjunction is a word that links two parts of a sentence. Words like: and, or, but are conjunctions. 1. Conjunction : The first conjunction is which means - and, and just as in English we use it to add some extra information. Я лю лю о а оше I like dogs and cats Я чи ал и , о е хо ел еша ь I read a book and he didn't want to bother me If you use и twice you will get the meaning of "both... and" Я лю лю оше о а I like both cats and dogs Яе о ощи я о I eat both vegetables and meat 2. Conjunction а: The conjunction а means both and and but. We use а, when we give some different/opposite, but not contradictive information in the second part of the sentence. Я ы о ий, а ы из ий. I am tall and you are short The information is opposite but it doesn't contradict anything. It is just two pieces of different information in one sentence. More like comparison. О а ая, а я е She is smart, but I am not And don't forget to always put a comma before а conjunction. 527 3. Conjunction но: For not compatible ideas we use the conjunction но - it has the meaning however. You need it, if you oppose one fact to another. If you really want to make the difference and emphasize it. Я а и ал е е, но ы е о е ил. О злой, но I wrote you, but you didn't reply ый He is evil but smart о as well always needs a comma in front of it. 4. Conjunction л : Very nice. Let's go further. If you want to say or you need to use л . And no comma, by the way. Я хоч и ь аши л ело и ед I want to buy a car or a bicycle Ты лю ишь чай ахаро л ез? Do you like tea with sugar or without? To say either or, just use л twice. Я д и ь или чай, л офе. I will drink either tea, or coffee If you use л twice you need to use a comma. 4. Conjunction н ... н : But what if you don't want anything. Then you say neither... nor In Russian you need to use н ... н combination. 528 а и о я е хоч н чай, н офе Thank you, I don't want neither tea, nor coffee У е я е н о а, н о а и I don't have neither cat, nor dog 5. Conjunction что: то (which means that) is another very common conjunction in Russian. It's used much more often than in English. Anytime you want to say something like: I think, I believe, I know, I say (with any pronoun) you need to use что. Never omit it, please. О азал, что ы оче ь хороший чело е He said (that) you are a very good person Я ерю, что ы о ешь э о дела ь I believe (that) you can do it Мы з ае , что ы за я We know (that) you busy But if you omit it sometimes - people will understand you anyway. 6. Conjunction потому что: Because. How to say because? In Russian it is потому что. And a comma always precedes this conjunction. Я лю лю е я, потому что ы оче ь до рая I love you, because you are very kind О а а ц е , потому что о а ча ли а She is dancing because she is happy 529 If you want to emphasize the fact, you can put the comma in the middle of потому что, but in this case you will need to change your intonation as well. Ты ра ал я ей потому, что ы д ра . You broke up with her, because you are a fool 7. Other important conjunctions: де - where да - to where о а - till/so far/while/as long as (and also bye) о да - when Я д о ой, пока ер ь е разл чи а I will be with you till the death separates us О е з ае , когда о а ер ё я He doesn't know, when she comes back 530 UNIT 8.24 Упражнен 1. Insert the correct conjunction: п т му чт ..., н 1) За ра я д _______ чи а ь, _______ и а ь Tomorrow I will either read, or write 2) Я лю лю чи а ь _______ а це а ь I like to read and to dance 3) Миша з о ил, _______ Ка я е о е ила Misha called, but Katya didn't answer 4) У е я е ь о а а _______ о ? Do you have a dog or a cat? 5) Я чи аю э и , _______ е ра и I read this book, because I like it я 2. Insert the correct conjunction: н ... н н а п т му чт 1) Ка я ы о ая, _______ ы из ий Katya is tall and you are short 2) Я е хоч _______ е ь, _______ и ь I don't want neither eat, nor drink 3) Ты ый, _______ о о чи аешь You are smart, because you read a lot 4) У е я е ь ыр _______ ли оч ое I have cheese and butter 5) О а ра и ая, _______ She is beautiful, but crazy а ло а шедшая 3. Insert the correct conjunction: ... н ..., н а п т му чт 1) Про и, я е о ечал, _______ ыл за я I am sorry, I didn't answer, because I was busy 531 2) Миша чи ель, _______ На я че ица Misha is a teacher and Nastya is a pupil 3) О а чи ае азе _______ и She reads a newspaper or a book 4) Кирилл лю и _______ о о _______ о а Kirill loves both cats and dogs 5) У е я _______ ыда, _______ о е и! You don't have neither shame, nor conscience 4. Insert the correct conjunction: ... п т му чт н н ..., н 1) Коля лю и _______ я о _______ о ощи Kolya loves both meat and vegetables 2) У На и е ь о ай _______ чере аха Nastya has a parrot and a turtle 3) Я е лю лю _______ чай, _______ офе I don't like neither tea, nor coffee 4) Миша з а е и ый, _______ оди о ий Misha is famous, but lonely 5) О а е о е ила, _______ о а ыла и о She didn't answer, because she was in the movie theater 5. Insert the correct conjunction: г п ка к г а 1) Я д лю и ь е я, _______ е о а I will love you, till the stars fade away ку а з ёзды 2) Ка я з ае _______ шёл Миша Katya knows where (to) Misha has gone 3) Кирилл е з ае _______ о де до а Kirill doesn't know when he'll be at home 4) Миша з ае _______ золо о Misha knows where the gold is 532 UNIT 8.24 Ответы 1. Insert the correct conjunction: п т му чт ..., н 1) За ра я д или чи а ь, или и а ь Tomorrow I will either read, or write 2) Я лю лю чи а ь и а це а ь I like to read and to dance 3) Миша з о ил, о Ка я е о е ила Misha called, but Katya didn't answer 4) У е я е ь о а а или о ? Do you have a dog or a cat? 5) Я чи аю э и , о о ч о е ра и I read this book, because I like it я 2. Insert the correct conjunction: н ... н н а п т му чт 1) Ка я ы о ая, а ы из ий Katya is tall and you are short 2) Я е хоч и е ь, и и ь I don't want neither eat, nor drink 3) Ты ый, о о ч о о о чи аешь You are smart, because you read a lot 4) У е я е ь ыр и ли оч ое I have cheese and butter а ло 5) О а ра и ая, о а шедшая She is beautiful, but crazy 3. Insert the correct conjunction: ... н ..., н а п т му чт 1) Про и, я е о ечал, о о ч о ыл за я I am sorry, I didn't answer, because I was busy 533 2) Миша чи ель, а На я че ица Misha is a teacher and Nastya is a pupil 3) О а чи ае азе или и She reads a newspaper or a book 4) Кирилл лю и и о о и о а Kirill loves both cats and dogs 5) У е я и ыда, и о е и! You don't have neither shame, nor conscience 4. Insert the correct conjunction: ... п т му чт н н ..., н 1) Коля лю и и я о и о ощи Kolya loves both meat and vegetables 2) У На и е ь о ай и чере аха Nastya has a parrot and a turtle 3) Я е лю лю и чай, и офе I don't like neither tea, nor coffee 4) Миша з а е и ый, о оди о ий Misha is famous, but lonely 5) О а е о е ила, о о ч о о а ыла и о She didn't answer, because she was in the movie theater 5. Insert the correct conjunction: г п ка к г а ку а 1) Я д лю и ь е я, о а е о а з ёзды I will love you, till the stars fade away 2) Ка я з ае да шёл Миша Katya knows where (to) Misha has gone 3) Кирилл е з ае о да о де до а Kirill doesn't know when he'll be at home 4) Миша з ае де золо о Misha knows where the gold is 534 Unit Prepositions, part 1 8.25 Prepositions tell out about the position of things. And in Russian it is very important to know which case we need to use after each prepositions. Table of cases and prepositions: case Nom Gen Dat Accus Instr Prep word question prepositions о? е ь ч о? о , до, из, ез, , , для, о о? е о оло, о р , озле, че о? о ле, ро е о ? рад , о, ла одаря че ? о о? , за, а, од, ро, через, и озь ч о? е ? , за, од, ад, е д , лю ю ь че ? еред о о ? д аю о, о , , а , ри о чё ? Examples ре а, о о, ол ре и, о а, ола ре е, о , ол о, ол ре ,о ре ой, о о , о ре е, о о оло е, о оле 1. Preposition в: The preposition в meant in or at when it's followed by the prepositional case. Я и в Ро ии и ра о аю в ш оле. I live in Russia and work at school As you see in both cases the prepositional case is used. Another example of usage of the preposition в is to or into - when it is followed by the accusative case. Я ра о аю в ш оле и ейча ид в ш ол . Я хо а ра о а дый де ь. I work at school and now I am going to school. I go to work every day. 535 2. Preposition на: The preposition на - on or at is used when it it's followed by a prepositional case. Ты ейча на ра о е? Are you at work now? а оле аза ре ра ы и елы и роза и There is a vase with beautiful white roses on the table Another meaning of the preposition на is on to or to, when it's followed by the accusative case. And it is used more to tell about the direction, not the position as it happens when the prepositional case is used after it. Ты ейча идешь на ра о ? Are you going to work now? List of words, which are used with the preposition на: о зал о о за од за ад оч а о цер ра о а лощадь station east factory west post office concert work square Я ходил на оч , ол чил е ер адио лица ро фа ри а э за е ю ры о north stadium street lesson factory exam south market ою о ыл I went at the post office, received your parcel М е о ид и на о зал I need to go to the station 3. Preposition с: 536 Very nice, and if you need to say you just got home from work or from any other place from that list you need to use the preposition с. О оль о ч о ер л я с ра о ы He just got from work Я ид до ой с э за е а I going home from the exam Sometimes (only sometimes) we need to add extra o letter after в and с if they are followed by a cluster of consonant letters. Я ид со ш олы I go from school but Я ид в_ ш ол (no additional o letter) I go to school 537 UNIT 8.25 Упражнен 1. Insert the correct preposition: 1) Я и _____ Е и I live in Egypt е 2) Ты _____ ра о е? Are you at work? 3) Моя а а ра о ае _____ ш оле My mother works at school 4) Ко да ы ер ешь я _____ а ази а? When will you come back from the shop? 5) Ка я идё _____ э за е Katys is going to an exam 2. Insert the correct preposition: 1) Я о ъя ю ё _____ и ь е I will explain everything in the letter 2) За ра я ойд _____ оч Tomorrow I will go to the post office 3) Я ер ь _____ ра о ы 5 ча о I will come back from work at 5 o'clock 4) К и а ле и _____ оле The book is laying on the table 5) Маша ра о ае _____ ш оле Masha works at school 3. Insert the correct preposition: 1) Поло и а аро ы _____ холодиль и Put the macaroni in the fridge 2) Ко и _____ ро а и A cat is sleeping on a bed 3) Я ейча _____ оей о I am in my room now а е 538 4) О зашёл _____ лицы He came in from the street (from the outside) 5) Поло и и р ш и _____ оро Put the toys in the box 4. Insert the correct preposition: 1) ло _____ зоо ар е An elephant is in a zoo 2) Мой до _____ ороде My house is in the town 3) Я ид _____ ле цию I am going to a lecture 4) Маша _____ офи е Masha is in the office 5) Кирилл и ё _____ Ка аде Kirill lives in Canada 5. Conjugate the nouns, that follow prepositions: 1) Ко и _____ (сад) A cat is sleeping in a garden 2) Я ид а ___ (работа) I am going to work 3) Я ейча е ___ оф с) I am not in the office now 4) Я и ____ (Турц I live in Turkey ) 5) Ка я идё а ___ (почта) Katya is going to the post office 539 UNIT 8.25 Ответы 1. Insert the correct preposition: 1) Я и Е и е I live in Egypt 2) Ты а ра о е? Are you at work? 3) Моя а а ра о ае ш оле My mother works at school 4) Ко да ы ер ешь я а ази а? When will you come back from the shop? 5) Ка я идё а э за е Katys is going to an exam 2. Insert the correct preposition: 1) Я о ъя ю ё и ь е I will explain everything in the letter 2) За ра я ойд а оч Tomorrow I will go to the post office 3) Я ер ь ра о ы 5 ча о I will come back from work at 5 o'clock 4) К и а ле и а оле The book is laying on the table 5) Маша ра о ае ш оле Masha works at school 3. Insert the correct preposition: 1) Поло и а аро ы холодиль и Put the macaroni in the fridge 2) Ко и а ро а и A cat is sleeping on a bed 3) Я ейча оей о а е I am in my room now 540 4) О зашёл лицы He came in from the street (from the outside) 5) Поло и и р ш и оро Put the toys in the box 4. Insert the correct preposition: 1) ло зоо ар е An elephant is in a zoo 2) Мой до ороде My house is in the town 3) Я ид а ле цию I am going to a lecture 4) Маша офи е Masha is in the office 5) Кирилл и ё Ка аде Kirill lives in Canada 5. Conjugate the nouns, that follow prepositions: 1) Ко и ад (сад) A cat is sleeping in a garden 2) Я ид а ра о (работа) I am going to work 3) Я ейча е офи е (оф с) I am not in the office now 4) Я и Т рции (Турц I live in Turkey ) 5) Ка я идё а оч (почта) Katya is going to the post office 541 Unit Prepositions, part 2 8.26 Prepositions tell out about the position of things. And in Russian it is very important to know which case we need to use after each prepositions. Table of cases and prepositions: case Nom Gen Dat Accus Instr Prep word question prepositions о? е ь ч о? о , до, из, ез, , , для, о о? е о оло, о р , озле, че о? о ле, ро е о ? рад , о, ла одаря че ? о о? , за, а, од, ро, через, и озь ч о? е ? , за, од, ад, е д , лю ю ь че ? еред о о ? д аю о, о , , а , ри о чё ? Examples ре а, о о, ол ре и, о а, ола ре е, о , ол о, ол ре ,о ре ой, о о , о ре е, о о оло е, о оле 1. Preposition за: To describe location behind or beyond - use the preposition за with the instrumental case. Эй! За о ой о- о ои ! Hey! Somebody is standing behind you! Т ой ы ряче я за дере о Your son is hiding behind the tree And use the same preposition with accusative to say about the direction. Т оя а за аши ой Your bag is behind the car 2. Preposition перед: 542 Very nice, and if something is in front of something, we use the preposition with the instrumental case (only with the instrumental case). Т оя дочь ои перед дере о Your daughter is standing in front of the tree Я еред ою ря о перед о ой I am standing right in front of you 3. Preposition между: Another preposition that is used with the instrumental case only is между (between). Между а и едо о и а ие There is a misunderstanding between us Ко иди между оло и ш афо The cat is sitting between the table and the cupboard 4. Preposition над: Another instrumental case special is the preposition над (above). You can see from the table that is used only with the instrumental case. ад а и ра и ое оч ое е о, за ол е ое з ёзда и There is a beautiful night sky above us, filled with the stars Ча ы и я над оло The clock are hanging above the table 5. Preposition под: Russian under (под), unlike above can be used with two cases. - If you talk about the position, use the instrumental case: У а под до о е ь о ре / од ал We have a cellar under the house 543 Я ле под одеяло I lay under the blanket - And if you talk about the direction use the accusative case with it: Я лад р под оло I put a hand under the nead Я лад и под од ш I put the book under the pillow 6. Preposition у: Very well. And Genitive has the exclusive as well. The preposition У (by) is used with it only. Ты оишь у е ы You are standing by a wall Я ою у о а и ью чай I stay by the window and drink tea 544 UNIT 8.26 Упражнен 1. Insert the correct preposition: 1) Ко иди _____ дере о A cat is sitting behind the tree 2) Во о я, ою _____ о ой Here I am, stand in front of you 3) _____ а и ра оя ие, о ы реодолее е о There is distance between us, but we will overcome it 4) ой _____ ой Stand behind me 5) Те радь ле и _____ и а и A copybook is laying between the books 2. Insert the correct preposition: 1) Кар и а и и _____ д ерью The painting is hanging above the door 2) Кош а ряче я _____ оло A cat is hiding under the table 3) Миша ои _____ ола Misha is standing by a table 4) _____ а и роле ела A bird flew above us ица 5) Е о до аходи я _____ оря His house is placed by the sea 3. Insert the correct preposition: 1) Ты рал _____ оей и ой! You lied behind my back! 2) По о ри _____ ро а ью Look under the bed 3) Ка я ря ала за и _____ ра ица и и и Katya hid the note between the pages of a book 545 4) _____ зда ие е ь ар о а There is a parking lot under the building 5) _____ а и ч о- о е ь, я з аю, ы ч ешь э о There is something between us, I know, you feel it 4. Insert the correct preposition: 1) О ла а лы _____ ородо Clouds are floating above the city 2) Ме ла ои _____ ары ш афо A broom is standing behind the cupboard 3) _____ елефо о ле ало и ь о Under the phone a letter was laying 4) На аша ои _____ оей аши ы Matasha is standing by my car 5) Та холод о! Я хоч _____ одеяло So cold! I want under the blanket 5. Insert the correct preposition: 1) _____ ре ой и ле о е ь оля а There is a meadow between the river and the wood 2) Ка я де _____ аши а люде ие Katya will be under you supervision 3) рячь я _____ д ерь! Hide behind the door! 4) _____ е ы оял ол By a wall the table was standing 5) Я оло ил р ч _____ и ой и азе ой I put the pen between a book and a newspaper 546 UNIT 8.26 Ответы 1. Insert the correct preposition: 1) Ко иди за дере о A cat is sitting behind the tree 2) Во о я, ою еред о ой Here I am, stand in front of you 3) Ме д а и ра оя ие, о ы реодолее е о There is distance between us, but we will overcome it 4) ой за ой Stand behind me 5) Те радь ле и е д и а и A copybook is laying between the books 2. Insert the correct preposition: 1) Кар и а и и ад д ерью The painting is hanging above the door 2) Кош а ряче я од оло A cat is hiding under the table 3) Миша ои ола Misha is standing by a table 4) Над а и роле ела A bird flew above us ица 5) Е о до аходи я оря His house is placed by the sea 3. Insert the correct preposition: 1) Ты рал за оей и ой! You lied behind my back! 2) По о ри од ро а ью Look under the bed 3) Ка я ря ала за и е д ра ица и и и Katya hid the note between the pages of a book 547 4) Под зда ие е ь ар о а There is a parking lot under the building 5) Ме д а и ч о- о е ь, я з аю, ы ч ешь э о There is something between us, I know, you feel it 4. Insert the correct preposition: 1) О ла а лы ад ородо Clouds are floating above the city 2) Ме ла ои за ары ш афо A broom is standing behind the cupboard 3) Под елефо о ле ало и ь о Under the phone a letter was laying 4) На аша ои оей аши ы Matasha is standing by my car 5) Та холод о! Я хоч од одеяло So cold! I want under the blanket 5. Insert the correct preposition: 1) Ме д ре ой и ле о е ь оля а There is a meadow between the river and the wood 2) Ка я де од аши а люде ие Katya will be under you supervision 3) рячь я за д ерь! Hide behind the door! 4) У е ы оял ол By a wall the table was standing 5) Я оло ил р ч е д и ой и азе ой I put the pen between a book and a newspaper 548 Unit Prepositions, part 3 8.27 Prepositions tell out about the position of things. And in Russian it is very important to know which case we need to use after each prepositions. Table of cases and prepositions: case Nom Gen Dat Accus Instr Prep word question prepositions о? е ь ч о? о , до, из, ез, , , для, о о? е о оло, о р , озле, че о? о ле, ро е о ? рад , о, ла одаря че ? о о? , за, а, од, ро, через, и озь ч о? е ? , за, од, ад, е д , лю ю ь че ? еред о о ? д аю о, о , , а , ри о чё ? Examples ре а, о о, ол ре и, о а, ола ре е, о , ол о, ол ре ,о ре ой, о о , о ре е, о о оло е, о оле 1. Preposition до: До is used with the genitive case only and means as far as. Иди е до ла и о ер и е але о. Go as far as the corner, and turn to the left Иди е до а ази а ра ой ад и ью и о ер и е а ра о Go as far as the shop with the red sign and turn to the right 2. Preposition з: Из (from/out of from) is also the genitive case special and followed by it: Я з Ро ии I am from Russia О а ышла з до а She came out of the house 3. Preposition к: 549 To say towards say к - it is also used in the meaning of "to the house of ..." О а идё к е е She is going towards you Ты е од я идёшь к а ш е? Do you go to your granny today? (to the house of your granny) 4. Preposition м мо: М мо means past and you can use it only with the genitive case: Мы о ой рошли м мо а а, а о ер ь я We walked past the bank, we need to return Проходи м мо, ез а о ец! Pass by, stranger! 5. Preposition от: От is also used with the genitive case and means: from (in the sense of away from) О о ошёл от о ью ера He moved away from the computer Я дал о е яо е а I was waiting a reply from you 6. Preposition по: По means along and used with the dative case. Мы идё по ра и ой лице We are walking along a beautiful street It also can mean on (also with dative): 550 К о- о дарил е о по оло е Someone hit him on the head По is also used with some expressions. Please, memories the following: Го ори ь о ай Го ори ь о елефо To talk via/on skype To speak on the telephone 7. Preposition через: To say across/through/over/in use the preposition через with the accusative case: Ты о ешь зай и ай через ча ? Will you be able to log in on Skype in an hour? о а а ры ае через за ор The dog jumps over the fence О лы ла ь через о о She smiled through the window Ма ази аходи я через доро The shop is placed across the street (road) 551 UNIT 8.27 Упражнен 1. Insert the correct preposition: 1) Я ид _____ ол е и а и I am going towards a shelf with books 2) Поз о и е _____ ча , хорошо? Call me in an hour, okay? 3) Иди е _____ а ази а и о ер и е а ра о Go as far as the shop and turn to the right 4) Миша за я , о о ори _____ елефо Misha is busy, he's talking on the phone 5) Я ид _____ др I am going to a friend 2. Insert the correct preposition: 1) Я ры л _____ л I jumped over the puddle 2) Маша идё _____ оей аши е Masha is going towards your car 3) О ойди _____ е о! Go away from him! 4) Вы _____ Ро ии? Are you from Russia? 5) Кирилл идё _____ афе Kirill is going towards a cafe 3. Insert the correct preposition: 1) Мой до аходи я _____ доро My house is situated across the street 2) Миша дё и ь о _____ Ка и Misha is waiting a letter from Katya 3) О а ошла _____ а е She went to (her) mother 552 4) Мы роехали _____ ре и We drove by a river 5) Я з ал о э о _____ азе I got to know about it from the newspapers 4. Insert the correct preposition: 1) О дарил _____ ол He hit the table / lit.: He hit on the table 2) Мы рошли _____ ре ора а We passed by a restaurant 3) Я д о оде _____ я ь I will be free in five minutes и 4) Ма е риехал _____ Бразилии Mateus came from Brazil 5) Мы ляли _____ лице We were walking along the street 5. Insert the correct preposition: 1) О ойди _____ аши ы! Walk away from the car! 2) Я ол чил и ь о _____ др а I received a letter from a friend 3) О едле о одошёл _____ ол He slowly approached to/towards the table 4) Я риед _____ е е _____ 8 е яце I will come to you in eight months 5) Вы _____ Т рции? Are you from Turkey? 553 UNIT 8.27 Ответы 1. Insert the correct preposition: 1) Я ид ол е и а и I am going towards a shelf with books 2) Поз о и е через ча , хорошо? Call me in an hour, okay? 3) Иди е до а ази а и о ер и е а ра о Go as far as the shop and turn to the right 4) Миша за я , о о ори о елефо Misha is busy, he's talking on the phone 5) Я ид др I am going to a friend 2. Insert the correct preposition: 1) Я ры л через л I jumped over the puddle 2) Маша идё оей аши е Masha is going towards your car 3) О ойди о е о! Go away from him! 4) Вы из Ро ии? Are you from Russia? 5) Кирилл идё афе Kirill is going towards a cafe 3. Insert the correct preposition: 1) Мой до аходи я через доро My house is situated across the street 2) Миша дё и ь о о Ка и Misha is waiting a letter from Katya 3) О а ошла а е She went to (her) mother 554 4) Мы роехали и о ре и We drove by a river 5) Я з ал о э о из азе I got to know about it from the newspapers 4. Insert the correct preposition: 1) О дарил о ол He hit the table / lit.: He hit on the table 2) Мы рошли и о ре ора а We passed by a restaurant 3) Я д о оде через я ь I will be free in five minutes и 4) Ма е риехал из Бразилии Mateus came from Brazil 5) Мы ляли о лице We were walking along the street 5. Insert the correct preposition: 1) О ойди о аши ы! Walk away from the car! 2) Я ол чил и ь о о др а I received a letter from a friend 3) О едле о одошёл ол He slowly approached to/towards the table 4) Я риед е е через 8 е яце I will come to you in eight months 5) Вы из Т рции? Are you from Turkey? 555 Unit 9.1 Time, part 1 Telling the dates and time. 1. Days of the week: Russian days of the week are (note, that Russian week starts with Monday): о едель и ор и реда че ер я ица о а о ре е ье Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday To say on Monday or on Saturday (singular) we use the preposition dative case: о едель и о ор и реда че ер я иц о о ре е ье В п тн цу я on on on on on on on д and the Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday о ре ь и ере ый филь I will watch an interesting movie on Friday В понедельн к я дол е ид и а ра о I have to go to work on Monday Note, that we write days of the week with a small letter, not capital. 556 And we also use accusative + в in the expression: В э о де ь On that day If you want to say that you do something on a regular basis at certain days of the week, then you need to use the dative case and the preposition по: о о о о о о о о едель и а ор и а реда че ер а я ица о а о ре е ья on on on on on on on По субботам о а и рае Mondays Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays Fridays Saturdays Sundays е и По п тн цам я She plays tennis on Saturdays о рю и о I watch movies on Fridays 2. Weeks: We use the prepositional case and the preposition на with weeks. а э ой еделе а рошлой еделе а д щей еделе а лед ющей еделе а следующей неделе this week last week next week the following week е я де ри ыход ых! I will have three days off next week! Я ил о ые и и на прошлой неделе. I bought some new books last week. 557 3. Months: Now let's look at the names of months in Russian: Я арь Фе раль Мар рель Май Ию ь January February March April May June Июль е я рь О я рь Ноя рь Де а рь July August September October November December Months. Months are used with the preposition в and the prepositional case. я аре фе рале ар е а реле ае ию е У in in in in in in January February March April May June июле а е е я ре о я ре оя ре де а ре in in in in in in July August September October November December е я де ь ро де ия в Окт бре. I have my birthday in October В юне ридца ь д ей There are thirty days in June We also use the preposition в and the prepositional case in expressions when we don't say the name of a month: э о е яце рошло е яце д ще е яце лед юще е яце В этом мес це о ода this month last month next month the following month де о лич ой This month the weather will be great 558 And the same rule for years and centuries: э о од рошло од д ще од лед юще од Мы this year last year next year the following year ре или ь в прошлом году We met last year де я адца о е е д адца ь ер о е е Мы и ё in the nineteenth century in the twenty first century в двадцать первом веке! We are living in the twenty first century! 559 UNIT 9.1 Упражнен 1. Fill the blanks to make sentences: 1) ________________ я оз ращаю ь I came back to work on Monday ра о е 2) Я е е лад ое ________________ I don't eat sweet things on Wednesdays 3) Маша идела е я ________________ Masha saw me last week 4) Мы е о щали ь ________________ We haven't talked this week 5) Поз о ишь е ________________? Will you call me on Saturady? 2. Fill the blanks to make sentences: 1) Мы ре и я ________________ We will meet (each other) in April 2) Я ре ил е я ________________ I met you last year 3) Мы и рае е и ________________ We play tennis on Tuesdays 4) У е я реча ________________ I have a meeting on Friday 5) ________________ я хо и о On Thursdays I go to cinema 3. Fill the blanks to make sentences: 1) ________________ е яце я I'll buy a car next month лю аши 2) Ты а и ал е и ь о ________________ You wrote me a letter in August 3) ________________ я ид рач I go to see a doctor on Wednesday 560 4) ________________ од зи а ыла холод ой Winter was cold last year 5) Я ил елефо ________________ I bought a phone last week 4. Fill the blanks to make sentences: 1) У Ка и де ь ро де ия ________________ Katya has her birthday in December 2) Т ой де ь ро де ия ________________? Is your birthday in July? 3) ________________ а д о We will have guests on Saturday и 4) ________________ а а ечё иро On Sundays mother bakes a pie 5) Я родил я ________________ I was born in October 5. Fill the blanks to make sentences: 1) ________________ од я ыл I was in Brazil last year Бразилии 2) Мы ре и я ________________ We will meet (each other) next year 3) Э о за о ыл о рое ________________ This castle was built in fifteen century 4) Я о ра ил е е и ь о ________________ I sent you a letter last month 5) ________________ я е о за I couldn't fall asleep on Friday ь 561 UNIT 9.1 Ответы 1. Fill the blanks to make sentences: 1) В о едель и я оз ращаю ь ра о е I came back to work on Monday 2) Я е е лад ое о реда I don't eat sweet things on Wednesdays 3) Маша идела е я а рошлой еделе Masha saw me last week 4) Мы е о щали ь а э ой еделе We haven't talked this week 5) Поз о ишь е о ? Will you call me on Saturady? 2. Fill the blanks to make sentences: 1) Мы ре и я а реле We will meet (each other) in April 2) Я ре ил е я рошло I met you last year од 3) Мы и рае е и о ор и а We play tennis on Tuesdays 4) У е я реча я иц I have a meeting on Friday 5) По че ер а я хо и о On Thursdays I go to cinema 3. Fill the blanks to make sentences: 1) В д ще / лед юще е яце я I'll buy a car next month лю аши 2) Ты а и ал е и ь о а е You wrote me a letter in August 3) В ред я ид рач I go to see a doctor on Wednesday 562 4) В рошло од зи а ыла холод ой Winter was cold last year 5) Я ил елефо а рошлой еделе I bought a phone last week 4. Fill the blanks to make sentences: 1) У Ка и де ь ро де ия де а ре Katya has her birthday in December 2) Т ой де ь ро де ия июле? Is your birthday in July? 3) В о а д о и We will have guests on Saturday 4) По о ре е ья а а ечё иро On Sundays mother bakes a pie 5) Я родил я о я ре I was born in October 5. Fill the blanks to make sentences: 1) В рошло од я ыл Бразилии I was in Brazil last year 2) Мы ре и я д ще од / лед юще We will meet (each other) next year 3) Э о за о ыл о рое я адца о This castle was built in fifteen century 4) Я о ра ил е е и ь о рошло I sent you a letter last month од е е е яце 5) В я иц я е о за ь I couldn't fall asleep on Friday 563 Unit Time, part 2 9.2 Telling the dates and time. 1. During: To say during in Russian you need to use the phrase во врем . Во врем ро а, о а и ала и ь о During the lesson she was writing the letter By the way there is another word - воврем (the stress goes on the first syllable) It's an adverb and always is written as one word. And it has a different meaning - on time О е да риходи воврем He always comes on time 2. Until: До followed by the genitive case means until/before: Ты дол е ер ь я до 7 е и) ча о You have to return before 7 o'clock е од я я ал до 10 де я и) ра Today I slept till 10 a.m. 3. Periods of time: To say "somebody did something in "a period of time"", you need to use the preposition з and the accusative case. Я ы чил р ий язы за четыре мес ца I learned Russian in four moth Я а и ал ди ло за два мес ца I wrote the thesis in two months 564 4. After: To say after we use the word по ле with the genitive case Я д о оде после двух часов О а ришла после полуноч I will be free after two o'clock She came after the midnight 5. Since: To say since we use the preposition c and the genitive case Я ра о аю с марта Я ч р I work here since march ий с утра I has been learning Russian since morning 6. In: To say something will happen IN some amount of time, use the word через and the accusative case. Я рид через я адца ь и I will come in fifteen minutes О де о лай через 10 и He will be online in ten minutes 7. Ago: And to say ago just use the word назад. And you don't need to use any case, because it is always goes at the end of the sentence Мы оз а о или ь о е ь е яце назад We got acquainted eight months ago Я ачал чи ь р ий од назад I started to learn Russian a year ago 565 UNIT 9.2 Упражнен 1. Fill the blanks to make sentences: 1) Я за л ________________ ро а I fell asleep during the lesson 2) О ер ё я ________________ 5 ча о He will be back before 5 o'clock 3) Вчера я ал ________________ 11 ча о Yesterday I slept till 11 o'clock 4) О ы чил и а ий ________________ 3 He learned Spanish in 3 month е яца 5) Ты дешь о оде ________________ 5 ча о ? Will you be free after 5 o'clock? 2. Fill the blanks to make sentences: 1) Я ра о аю э ой о а ии ________________ I've been working in this company since March ар а 2) Мы оз а о или ь од ________________ We got acquainted a year ago 3) О и ал и ь о ________________ 2 ча о He was writing a letter till 2 a.m. очи 4) Э а ш ола ыла о рое а ________________ This school was built during the WW2 5) Подо ди, я ер ь ________________ Wait, I'll be back in five minutes я ь орой иро ой ой ы и 3. Fill the blanks to make sentences: 1) Мы ро ыли а ________________ 7 ча о We were there till 7 o'clock 2) Не о ори ________________ о еда Don't talk during lunch 3) Я ы чил р ий ________________ 4 I learned Russian in 4 month е яца 566 4) Миша ер ё я ________________ 3 ча о Misha will be back after 3 o'clock 5) Поз о и е ________________ 5 Call me in 5 minutes и 4. Fill the blanks to make sentences: 1) Ты ер ёшь я ________________ о еда? Will you be back before lunch? 2) ________________ за хи и о ы ече о и ь During the draught there is nothing to drink for animals 3) Ты ё ещё о ишь е я ________________ оль их дол их ле ? Do you still remember me, after so many (long) years? 4) О о роил до ________________ я ь ле He built a house in 5 years 5) Ты дешь до а ________________ 5 ча о ? Will you be at home after 5 o'clock 5. Fill the blanks to make sentences: 1) Я о рел филь ________________ 3 ча о I was watching a movie till 3 a.m. очи 2) Мы о орили ________________ 5 ча о We were talking till 5 o'clock 3) Я ачал чи ь р ий е яц ________________ I started to learn Russian a month ago 4) ________________ ра о ы я хо After work I go to a park ар 5) Мы о е и я ________________ 5 ле We will get married in 5 years 567 UNIT 9.2 Ответы 1. Fill the blanks to make sentences: 1) Я за л о ре я ро а I fell asleep during the lesson 2) О ер ё я до 5 ча о He will be back before 5 o'clock 3) Вчера я ал до 11 ча о Yesterday I slept till 11 o'clock 4) О ы чил и а ий за 3 е яца He learned Spanish in 3 month 5) Ты дешь о оде о ле 5 ча о ? Will you be free after 5 o'clock? 2. Fill the blanks to make sentences: 1) Я ра о аю э ой о а ии ар а I've been working in this company since March 2) Мы оз а о или ь од азад We got acquainted a year ago 3) О и ал и ь о до 2 ча о очи He was writing a letter till 2 a.m. 4) Э а ш ола ыла о рое а о ре я This school was built during the WW2 5) Подо ди, я ер ь через я ь Wait, I'll be back in five minutes орой иро ой ой ы и 3. Fill the blanks to make sentences: 1) Мы ро ыли а до 7 ча о We were there till 7 o'clock 2) Не о ори о ре я о еда Don't talk during lunch 3) Я ы чил р ий за 4 е яца I learned Russian in 4 month 568 4) Миша ер ё я о ле 3 ча о Misha will be back after 3 o'clock 5) Поз о и е через 5 Call me in 5 minutes и 4. Fill the blanks to make sentences: 1) Ты ер ёшь я до о еда? Will you be back before lunch? 2) Во ре я за хи и о ы ече о и ь During the draught there is nothing to drink for animals 3) Ты ё ещё о ишь е я о ле оль их дол их ле ? Do you still remember me, after so many (long) years? 4) О о роил до за я ь ле He built a house in 5 years 5) Ты дешь до а о ле 5 ча о ? Will you be at home after 5 o'clock 5. Fill the blanks to make sentences: 1) Я о рел филь до 3 ча о очи I was watching a movie till 3 a.m. 2) Мы о орили до 5 ча о We were talking till 5 o'clock 3) Я ачал чи ь р ий е яц азад I started to learn Russian a month ago 4) По ле ра о ы я хо ар After work I go to a park 5) Мы о е и я через 5 ле We will get married in 5 years 569