What are firm-specific characteristics impact firms’ performance under COVID-19: case of Cyprus? Regression Coefficients The firm specific characteristic that impact firms’ performance under covid-19 positively: Sector, Quality certificate, Website, Auditor, Profitability, Environment. The rest of the characteristics have a negative impact. Coefficientsa Unstandardized Coefficients B Std. Error Model 1 (Constant) .046 .331 .741 .014 -.051 -.511 .611 -2.672 2.092 -.127 -1.277 .204 -.030 .930 -.003 -.032 .974 -1.992 1.636 -.132 -1.218 .226 -.006 .045 -.013 -.126 .900 GenderManager -1.303 2.805 -.046 -.465 .643 Qualitycertificate 2.122 1.662 .137 1.276 .205 .643 1.704 .037 .377 .707 1.105 1.630 .067 .678 .499 Profitability .030 .030 .133 .991 .324 Environment .827 2.234 .039 .370 .712 EnergyConsumptions .540 1.607 .036 .336 .737 -.325 1.505 -.021 -.216 .829 Multiindustry Legalstatus BoardofDirectors YearofEstablishment OwnWebsite Auditor ReceivedSupport .702 2.122 -.007 Sig. .889 Employees 89.028 t .139 Sector 12.410 Standardized Coefficients Beta a. Dependent Variable: Sales P-Value The significance (P-value) is greater than 5% (0.05). Therefore, we can conclude that they are not statistically significant and thus fail to reject the null hypothesis. We can decline the alt hypothesis because there is no strong evidence that the variables have a relationship with sales. R-Square and Adj R-Square R-Square is only 6.3% which means that the independent variables does not explain the dependent variable (Sales). Adjusted R-Square is 6% so even with an adjustment for the number of independent variables the number is low. Conclusion We can conclude with the combination of p-value, R-Squared and Adj R-Squared that the null hypothesis can be rejected. Although, the result could be change if there is an increase in the sample size or a change in the number of independent variables.