Uploaded by Alex De Gamer

Earth Structure & Plate Tectonics Worksheet

Name_________________________________________________ Date___________ Class: _________
1. Label the diagram of the structure of the earth below. Briefly describe each layer.
2. There are two types of crusts; ______________________ and _____________________.
Continental crusts are:
Oceanic crusts are:
3. The earth’s crust
is broken into several pieces known as _________________________
_____________________ ___________________.
Plate Tectonics Theory
True or False?
The continents were all one landmass, a supercontinent called Pangea.___________
The continents eventually drifted apart and this supercontinent was split up. ____________
This theory was proposed by Alfred Wegner in 1912, known as Continental drift. ___________
According to this theory parts of the continents sank into the ocean. __________
4. Write three pieces of evidence supporting Continental Drift Theory.
✔ ________________________________________________________________________
✔ ________________________________________________________________________
✔ ________________________________________________________________________
5. In your notebook, describe how mid-oceanic ridges, ocean trenches, island arcs and
volcanoes provide evidence of plate tectonic theory.
6. With the aid of a diagram, describe the process by which plates move.
7. In your notebook, stick a map of the world showing the tectonic plates.
8. Complete the table below.
Type of Plate Boundary or
Pattern of Movement
Resultant activity and
landforms with examples.
Transform or conservative
Slide past each other
Earthquakes, no landforms
or volcanic activity
E.g. San Andreas Fault, USA
9. In your notebook, stick a map of the Caribbean showing the Caribbean Plate and its
surrounding plates. Ensure that the map shows the direction of movement of each plate
and the type of plate boundary or margin.
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