BRAHMAM BODHI SYLLABUS SEGMENT - 2 (2023-24) GRADE - 6 Subject : English Reading Paper: [80 Marks] Examining explicit and implicit informa on in a text * exploring ways of using speech to engage an audience * understanding the func on of sentence openings * Understanding and iden fying author’s purpose * exploring how writers structure their texts * iden fying literary devices and their effects Grammar: * Ac ve and Passive Voice * Types of Sentences * Reported Speech * Phrasal Verbs * Rela ve Pronouns and Rela ve Clauses Component 2­ [40 Marks] Narra ve Coursework Wri ng Skills: * Summary Wri ng * Le er Wri ng Subject : Hindi 11. 16. 12. 15. * ! 18. * 14. 17. 22. 15. 16. - 80 + 21. + - 10 23. Subject : Mathematics Ch ­1 Integers Ch­11 Graphs Ch­2 Expressions,Formulae,Equa ons Ch­12 Ra o and Propor on Ch­5 Angles and Construc ons Ch­13 Probability Ch­7 Frac ons Ch­15 Shapes, Area, and Volume Ch­10 Percentages Ch­16 Interpre ng Results Subject : Science Unit 1 Cells Unit 2 Materials and their structure Unit 3 Forces and Energy Unit 4 Grouping and iden fying organisms Unit 5 Proper es of materials Unit 6 Earth Physics Unit 7 Microorganisms in the environment Unit 8 Changes to materials Unit 9 Electricity - 10 =100 Subject : Social Studies HISTORY GEOGRAPHY * American Civiliza ons * Australia and Oceania * The Vedic Age * It’s Your Planet * Jainism and Buddhism * Glaciers * The Mongol Empire * Rivers * Harappan Civiliza on (Objec ves only) * Africa and the Horn of Africa * Egyp an Civiliza on (Objec ves only) * India: Loca on, Size, and Relief (Objec ves only) * Bodies of Water and Landforms (Objec ves only) Subject : ICT CH 6 : More About MS Excel 2010 CH 8 : Introduc on to QB64 CH 9 : QB64 ­ Statements CH 10 : QB64 ­ Programming Statements CH 12 : Introduc on to Email Subject : French Paper 1: Reading [MM ­ 60] reading and wri ng CH 0 : les le res et accent CH 1 : Les ar cles;les verbes CH 2 : Feminin et le pluriel des noms CH 3 : Verbes pronominaux; cardinaux et ordinaux. CH 4 : Interroger sur CH 5 : LES verbes et néga on CH 6 : preposi on Paper 2: Listening [MM ­ 20] Listening to the audio clip a en vely Understanding tone and be able to answer the ques ons based on the audio presented Paper 3: Speaking [MM ­ 20] ar cula ng and pronouncing words using appropriate ar cles and adjec ves as well as using the correct tenses Bodhi International School | Segment 2 Syllabus - 2023-24 Page No. 2