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News Report Checklist: Writing Guide

Use the following scale:
❹ Exemplary ❸ Accomplished
❷ Developing
❶ In Progress
_________ My headline is catchy and it grabs the a en on of the reader.
_________ I have included the 5‐W and how (who, what, when, where, why).
_________ I have included suppor ng details that are clearly wri en and important.
_________ My wri ng style is easy to follow and easily understood.
_________ My words and phrases are accurate, reflec ve and easily remembered.
(news reports should be memorable)
_________ My conven ons are accurate (spelling, grammar, capitaliza on, punctua on).
_________ My story is clearly organized with a very strong lead.
_________ My story is wri en ‘ ght’ short, sweet and to the point.
_________ I have included key quotes effec vely.
_________ My story is wri en in 3rd person and is objec ve.
_________ My summary is succinct.
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