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Earth's Internal Structure Lesson Plan

SUBJECT: Science (Earth Science)
UNIT TITLE: Earth and Space
LESSON TITLE: The Internal Structure of the Earth
1.LEARNING TO THINK: Describe the internal structure of the Earth.
2.LEARNING TO DO: Identify the areas in the community that are prone to landslides/soil erosion and
3.LEARNING TO FEEL: Upholds knowledge of the internal structure of the Earth.
4.LEARNING TO COMMUNICATE: Communicates disaster preparedness in landslides/soil erosion and
5.LEARNING TO INTUIT: Reflects how to minimize impact of landslides/soil erosion and earthquakes.
6.LEARNING LEAD: Actively participates in campaign to protect and preserve Mother Earth.
7.LEARNING TO BE: A young Geologist.
3. ETHICAL FORMATION: Reflects how disaster preparedness can save life.
4. SOCIAL RESPPONSIVENESS: Promotes safety and disaster-risk reduction.
How do the structure and composition of the earth cause geologic activities and physical changes?
Video: Crust, Mantle, Cores Song
ICT-based Teaching
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=plNigVkMyL8 Differentiated Instruction
Activity Sheets
Direct teaching
Song Presentation
Small grouped discussion
IV. Procedure:
Teacher’s Activity
A. Motivation:
Good morning class!
Student’s Activity
Good morning ma’am!
How are you today?
That’s good!
Were fine and doing great ma’am.
Have you ever wonder what is inside the earth?
Yes ma’am! We wonder, when we dig it it’s made of soil
and rocks, but when a volcano erupted; magma comes
out and became lava.
Yes it is!
So, what do you imagine about earth’s interior?
To check whether your answer is correct, go to your
group and form a circle.
It is made of solid and liquid ma’am.
(Students go to their group and form a circle)
B. Presentation
Let us watch and listen to the song I prepared.
Listen carefully because I will give you 5 minutes to
practice and then afterwards you’re going to perform
here in front.
Do you understand?
Yes ma’am!
(A video clip will be played)
It’s a nice song right?
Yes ma’am!
Now I will give you 5 minutes to practice the song and
then each group will perform here in front. You will be
scored with the following criteria; presentation,
musicality, content, organization and originality.
(after 5 minutes)
Group 1 will be the first to perform then 2, 3, and 4.
You will be scored based from the rubrics.
(See attached rubrics at the back).
(Group Performance)
(After all groups are done performing says);
Well done! Each group done their best and I’m very
glad that you performed well.
Thank you ma’am!
Based from the lyrics of the song, do activity 1 entitled
“I know”.
(see attached activity) (the teacher will give the
activity sheets to the students)
You will be given 5 minutes to finish the activity.
You are going to complete the sentence based from
the lyrics of the song.
Any question?
None ma’am.
You can start.
(After 5 minutes)
Time’s up! Let us discuss what you have written on the
activity sheet.
Who will read what she/he writes on its paper?
Yes Joanna.
(students raise their hands)
I know that I know something about the layers of the
Earth. First, is the outer part of the Earth which is the
crust and it ranges from 5 to 40 km. The crust is also
made of rock and soil. In addition, below the crust is the
mantle where convection is going on. Finally, the outer
in inner core where it is like a wave of metal mush of
nickel iron and liquid gel while the inner core is holding
on atoms and it is solid. Now you know something that I
know about the layers of the Earth.
Very Good!
Gwyneth can you read what you have written on your
Very Good!
Who wants to share also his /her answer on the
I know that I know something about the layer of the
earth. It is made up of rock and soil and ranges from 5 to
40 km. in addition, mantle is below the crust where
lithosphere and asthenosphere is located and
convection is going on. Finally, the core where it is
divided into two, the outer core and inner core. The
outer core is made of liquid gel while the inner core is
solid. Now you know something that I know about the
layers of the Earth.
(Many of the students raise their hand. And some of
them called and share their answers.)
Very good!
Based from the song there are different layers of the
Earth. Now you have an idea about the layers of the
Earth let us have another group activity. Bring out your
manila paper.
I have here a puzzle, so you’re going to form the pieces
of puzzle. Label and list words that are associated with
the formed cross-sectional illustrations of the layers of
the Earth. You are given 5 minutes to finish the
activity then one of the members of the group will
present their work in the front.
Do you follow?
Yes ma’am!
Yes Ma’am!
May I request one member of the group to get an
envelope on top of my table, inside the envelope are
the pieces of puzzle.
(representative of the group draw their envelope)
Yes ma’ am!
Then you can start.
(After 5 minutes say) Times up.
Group 1 will present first their work, followed by
group 4, then group 3 and finally the group 2.
Do you understand?
Yes ma’am!
Group 1: Based from the lyrics of the song there are 4
layers of the atmosphere, the crust which consist of the
continental crust and oceanic crust. The crust is made
up of soil and rocks and it ranges from 5 to 40 km in
length. Deep down the crust is the mantle where
convection is doing his job. Asthenosphere and
lithosphere is also located on this layer of the earth.
Below the mantle is the outer core composed of metals
like nickel, iron and liquid gel. And the innermost part of
is the inner core that is like a solid ball.
Excellent. Let us give them a round of applause.
Let us give the floor to our next group.
(Group 2 share their output)
Excellent. Let us also give them a round of applause.
(the procedure of presenting groups output were
Wow that was an excellent performance. With the use
of the lyrics of the song you labelled the cross
sectional layer of the Earth.
So what have you learned from our activities for
Very good!
For your assignment bring marker pen and manila
paper. Still practice with the song. We are going to use
again the lyrics for our next activities.
That all for today.
Prepared by:
Science Teacher
We have learned a lot from the different activities that
we performed today. From the song we found that
there are four layers of the earth and its layer has its
own characteristics.
Yes ma’ am!
Goodbye and thank you ma’am.