CHAPTER 1 THE MANAGER AND MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING See the front matter of this Solutions Manual for suggestions regarding your choices of assignment material for each chapter. Management accounting information is specifically provided for the internal usage of organizations, and the preparation and presentation of management accounting reports are not governed by standardized rules and regulation. Management accounting reports have no definite time frame for preparation. Management accounting reports combine historical data with present data for the purpose of influencing the future. Thus, it is considered futuristic in nature. The objective of management accounting is to provide financial information to managers to enable them to effectuate their planning, control and decision-making responsibilities. Financial accounting reports focus on providing standardized information to external users or those that do not have access to detailed private information of the entity. The users of financial accounting reports comprise existing and potential shareholders; employees–both within and outside the organization; financial and investment analysts; the government; the company’s auditor; the public at large to mention a few. The preparation of financial accounting statements is governed by rules and regulations commonly referred to as generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). These reports are usually presented to stakeholders on an annual basis. Due to the historical nature of financial accounting reports, the degree of estimation and approximation allowable in the course of writing the report is limited. The objective of financial accounting reports is firstly to fulfil the doctrine of stewardship in accounting and secondly to meet the statutory or regulatory requirement. It also provides information primarily to external decision-makers (even employees might need it for their private decision-making) about providing resources to the entity. 1-1 Note: Financial accounting is regulated in some jurisdictions by the International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) for private firms and the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) in the government sector. There are also national accounting standards for preparation of financial information. This therefore implies that management accounting reports are influenced by guidelines or legislations. For example, IAS 2 outlines how inventories can be valued, and what production costs should be included in inventory valuation. 1-2 Financial accounting is governed by generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). Management accounting does not suffer such restrictions to these principles. The net effect is that Management accounting allows managers to charge interest on owners’ capital to help appraise a division’s performance, whereas such a charge is not permissible under GAAP. Financial accounting reports must be prepared in accordance with statutory requirements (Companies Law, IFRS, IPSAS, GAAP, etc.), whereas no such legal requirements are there for management accounting. Financial accounting reports focus more on historical information, whereas management accounting places greater emphasis on reporting future costs and revenues. Management accounting reports are produced at intervals that are more frequent and are less accurate as they are based on estimates. 1-1 Management accounting can include assets or liabilities (such as “brand names” developed internally) not recognized under GAAP. Management accounting can use asset or liability measurement rules (such as present values or resale prices) not permitted under GAAP.” Note: Under the IFRS jurisdictions, the preparation of financial statements must comply with both the format prescribed by the Standards and further disclosures required. This is not the case with management accounting. Management accounting information helps manager to develop, communicate, and implement strategies by answering the following questions, which could contribute to an effective formulation of the strategies: Who are our most important customers, and what critical capability do we have to be competitive and deliver value to our customers? What are the bargaining power of our customers, and our suppliers? What substitute products exist in the marketplace, and how do they differ from our products in terms of features, price, cost, and quality? Will adequate cash be available to fund the strategy, or will additional funds need to be raised? 1-3 Value chain analysis helps organizations to assess their competitive advantage by determining the implications of all strategic activities to the organization. Cost accounting provides the financial analysis of each of the strategic activities. Cost accounting provides the financial estimates by undertaking the following analysis: 1. Internal cost analysis: this involves estimating the cost of each internal value chain process, determining the financial implications and viability. 2. Vertical linkage analysis: this cost analysis estimates the sources of differentiation within internal value-creating processes. Vertical linkages require obtaining information on operating costs, revenues and assets for each process throughout the industry’s value chain. 3. Internal differentiation analysis: this analysis requires the estimation of the effect of cost supplies and other processes within the value chain and the business performance. 1-4 1-5 Supply chain describes the flow of goods, services, and information from the initial sources of materials and services to the delivery of products to consumers, regardless of whether those activities occur in one organization or in multiple organizations. Cost management is most effective when it integrates and coordinates activities across all companies in the supply chain as well as across each business function in an individual company’s value chain. Attempts are made to restructure all cost areas to be more cost-effective. 1-6 Management accounting is concerned largely with looking at current issues and problems and the future in terms of decision-making and forecasting. As management accounting outputs are mainly for internal users, a confidential report is usually produced before the directors of the company. 1-2 Management accounting enables organizations in the following decision-making activities: forecasting revenues and costs, planning activities, managing cost, identification of sources and costs of funding, evaluation of investments, measurement and controlling performance. Management accounting is therefore involved in managing the scorecard of the firm. Management accounting provides forward-looking information to help managers plan and control operations as they lead the business. This includes managing the company’s plant, equipment, and human resources. 1-7 Management accountants can help improve quality and achieve timely product deliveries by recording and reporting an organization’s current quality and timeliness levels and by analyzing and evaluating the costs and benefits—both financial and nonfinancial—of new quality initiatives, such as TQM, relieving bottleneck constraints, or providing faster customer service. 1-8 The five-step decision-making process is (1) identify the problem and uncertainties; (2) obtain information; (3) make predictions about the future; (4) make decisions by choosing among alternatives; and (5) implement the decision, evaluate performance, and learn. 1-9 Planning decisions focus on selecting organization goals and strategies, predicting results under various alternative ways of achieving those goals, deciding how to attain the desired goals, and communicating the goals and how to attain them to the entire organization. Control decisions focus on taking actions that implement the planning decisions, deciding how to evaluate performance, and providing feedback and learning to help future decision making. 1-10 The three guidelines for management accountants are: 1. Employ a cost-benefit approach. 2. Recognize technical and behavioral considerations. 3. Apply the notion of “different costs for different purposes.” Agree. Technical and basic analytical competences are necessary for preparing and interpreting management accounting reports. However, these competencies are insufficient. Management accountants are required to know: a) how to work well in cross-functional teams and be an efficient business partner; b) how to possess high integrity, and communicate clearly, openly and candidly; c) how to lead and motivate people to change and be innovative; d) how to promote fact-based analysis and make tough-minded, critical judgments without being adversarial. 1-11 The new controller could reply in one or more of the following ways: a) Explain to the plant manager how he or she could benefit from activities and tasks performed by accountants and the controller such as ‘reporting and interpreting relevant data’ and highlight how the controller can influences the behavior of all employees and helps line managers make better decisions. 1-12 1-3 b) Demonstrate to the plant manager how accountants and the controller can help them with Global Financial Planning/Budgeting and making correct decision/s when there is a variation between budgeted costs and actual costs. c) Demonstrate to the plant manager how accountants and the controller can help them in identifying and analyzing problem situations and evaluating financial and nonfinancial aspects of different alternatives, such capital budgeting, make or buy decisions, special prices, outsourcing decisions, product-mixed decisions, etc. d) Demonstrate to the plant manager that what accountants and the controller can do is not a duplication of what accounting software and packages are capable of, and provide them with a list of activities which need more in depth insights from accountants and the controller such as customer satisfaction reporting, profitability reporting, performance reporting and etc. e) Explain that while the existing accounting software is able to provide information for the smooth operation of current operational activities, the controller would be able to provide information that would help the manager to become aware of and prepare for shifts in the external environment, which would require changes in production processes. 1-13 The controller is the chief management accounting executive. The corporate controller reports to the chief financial officer, a staff function. Companies also have business unit controllers who support business unit managers or regional controllers who support regional managers in major geographic regions. 1-14 1. Setting professional ethical standards is important due to the following facts: They offer confidence in the employee-employer affiliation, Standards embody a locus point of reference for management accountants confronted with ethical impasses; They allow for an assurance to the information users that the quality and integrity of the information made available by the management accountants is without doubt. 2. The five fundamental principles of ethics for professional management accountants as advanced by the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) are: There are five fundamental principles of ethics for professional management accountants: (a) Integrity — to be straightforward and honest in all professional and business relationships (b) Objectivity — not to compromise professional or business judgments because of bias, conflict of interest or undue influence of others. (c) Professional competence and due care to: (i) Attain and maintain professional knowledge and skill at the level required to ensure that a client or employing organization receives competent professional service, based on current technical and professional standards and relevant legislation; and (ii) Act diligently and in accordance with applicable technical and professional standards. 1-4 (d) Confidentiality - to respect the confidentiality of information acquired as a result of professional and business relationships. (e) Professional behavior — to comply with relevant laws and regulations and avoid any conduct that the professional accountant knows or should know might discredit the profession. When basic ethics is weak, suppliers might not improve the quality of their products or lower the costs while at the same time win supply contracts by bribing executives. This situation can lead to customers’ dissatisfaction when they receive low quality products at a high price. When the quality of products is low, customers are discouraged to buy them, causing the market to fail. The price of products increases as a result of higher prices (which incorporate the bribes) paid to suppliers while fewer products being produced and sold. 1-15 Choice ‘c’ is correct. Preparation of financial statements and cash flow statement are not the responsibilities of the management accountant. This is usually handled by the financial accountant. Choice ‘a’ Preparation of cost estimates, project planning, and analysis, Choice ‘b’ Budgetary controls and investigation, and Choice ‘d’ Performance evaluation and reporting are all duties of the management accountant. 1-16 1-17 (15 min.) Value chain and classification of costs, computer company. Cost Item a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. 1-18 (15 min.) Cost Item a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Value Chain Business Function Production Distribution Design of products and processes Research and development Customer service or marketing Design of products and processes (or research and development) Marketing Production Value chain and classification of costs, pharmaceutical company. Value Chain Business Function Marketing Design of products and processes Customer service Research and development Marketing Production Marketing Distribution 1-5 1-19 (15 min.) Value chain and classification of costs, fast-food restaurant. Cost Item a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. 1-20 Value Chain Business Function Production Distribution Production Production Marketing Marketing Design of products and processes (or research and development) Customer service (10 min.) Key success factors. Change in Operations/ Management Accounting a. b. c. d. e. 1-21 Key Success Factor Innovation Cost and efficiency and quality Time and cost and efficiency Innovation, sustainability, and cost and efficiency Cost and efficiency (10 min.) Key success factors. Change in Operations/ Management Accounting a. Key Success Factor Cost and efficiency, quality, and sustainability Cost and efficiency, time Cost and efficiency Efficiency, time and quality Innovation, cost and efficiency, and quality b. c. d. e. 1-22 (10–15 min.) Planning and control decisions. Action a. b. c. d. e. Decision Planning Control Control Planning Planning 1-6 1-23 (10–15 min.) Planning and control decisions. Action a. b. c. d. e. 1-24 Decision Planning Planning Control Planning Control (10 mins.) Five-step decision-making process. The five-step decision-making process includes: a. b. c. d. e. Identification of the problem and uncertainties. Obtaining relevant information. Make predictions about the future. Make decisions by choosing among alternatives. Implementation of decision, evaluation of performance and learning curve. Identification of the problem and uncertainties: they have to identify where to obtain the additional $15,000 from. What is the certainty that the bank will offer them the loan? Are there other alternative sources of finance if the bank refuses to offer them the loan? Obtaining relevant information: they have to obtain information on the number of customers which justifies the expansion. Would this expansion increase demand or require an increase in price? Make predictions about the future: how many units will be produced following the expansion? What will be the sales figure and demand? They will need to estimate the breakeven units required to cover the costs of the expansion. Make decisions by choosing among alternatives: based on the above analysis, they have to decide whether to go ahead with the expansion or maintain the current level of production. Implementation of decision, evaluation of performance and learning curve: if the loan is obtained and the expansion is carried out, they will compare and analyze the actual sales with the breakeven. Where the actual sales vary from the breakeven, investigation of the variances will be carried out to establish the cause and correct further shortfalls. 1-7 1-25 (15 min.) Five-step decision-making process, service firm. Action a. b. c. d. e. f. 1-26 Step in Decision-Making Process Make decisions by choosing among alternatives. Identify the problem and uncertainties through obtaining information. Obtain information and/or make predictions about the future. Obtain information and/or make predictions about the future. Make predictions about the future. Obtain information. (10–15 min.) Professional ethics and reporting division performance. 1. Wilson’s ethical responsibilities are well summarized in the IMA’s “Standards of Ethical Conduct for Management Accountants” (Exhibit 1-7 of text). Areas of ethical responsibility include the following: Competence Confidentiality Integrity Credibility The ethical standards related to Wilson’s current dilemma are integrity, competence, and credibility. Using the integrity standard, Wilson should carry out duties ethically and communicate unfavorable as well as favorable information and exercise his professional judgments and/or opinions. Competence requires Wilson to perform his professional duties in accordance with relevant laws, regulations, and technical standards and provide decision support information that is accurate. Credibility requires that Wilson report information fairly and objectively and disclose deficiencies in internal controls in conformance with organizational policy and/or applicable law. Wilson should refuse to include the $150,000 of defective inventory. Both financial accounting and management accounting principles maintain that once inventory is determined to be unfit for sale, it must be written off. It may be just a timing issue but reporting the $150,000 of inventory as an asset would be misleading to the users of the company’s financial statements. 2. Wilson should refuse to follow Leonard’s orders. If Leonard persists, the incident should be reported to the corporate controller of Garman Enterprises. Wilson should support his line management wholeheartedly without jeopardising his ethical conduct. 1-27 (10–15 min.) Professional ethics and reporting division performance. Gilpin’s ethical responsibilities are well summarized in the IMA’s “Standards of Ethical Conduct for Management Accountants” (Exhibit 1-7 of text). Areas of ethical responsibility include the following: Competence Confidentiality Integrity Credibility 1. 1-8 The ethical standards related to Gilpin’s current dilemma are integrity, competence and credibility. Using the integrity standard, Gilpin should carry out duties ethically, and communicate unfavorable and favorable information, professional judgments as well as opinions. Competence demands that Gilpin perform her professional duties in accordance with relevant laws, regulations, and technical standards, providing accurate decision support information. Credibility requires that Gilpin report information fairly, objectively, and disclose deficiencies in internal controls in conformance with organizational policy and/or applicable law. Gilpin should use her professional judgment to decide if reclassifying the costs of packing materials is appropriate according to accounting principles. She should not take a decision solely on the basis of avoiding overhead cost allocation. 2. Gilpin should discuss her concerns with Myers. Any overhead not allocated to Blakemore would be allocated to other divisions of Eastern Glass and Window. Gilpin may want to consider consulting the IMA for ethical guidance. Support for line management should be wholehearted, but it should not entail unethical conduct. 1-28 (15 min.) Planning and control decisions, Internet company. 1. Planning decisions a. Decision to raise monthly subscription fee from July c. Decision to offer e-mail service to subscribers and upgrade content of online services (later decision to inform subscribers and upgrade online services is an implementation part of control) e. Decision to decrease monthly subscription fee starting in November. Control decisions b. Decision to inform existing subscribers about the rate of increase—an implementation part of control decisions d. Dismissal of VP of Marketing—performance evaluation and feedback aspect of control decisions 2. Other planning decisions that may be made at decision to raise or lower advertising fees; decision to charge a fee from on-line retailers when customers click-through from to the retailers’ websites. Other control decisions that may be made at evaluating how customers like the new format for the weather information and evaluating whether the waiting time for customers to access the website has been reduced. 1-29 (20 min.) Strategic decisions and management accounting. 1. The strategies the companies are following in each case are: a. Product differentiation strategy b. Cost leadership strategy c. Cost leadership strategy d. Product differentiation strategy 2. Examples of information the management accountant can provide for each strategic decision follow: 1-9 a. b. c. d. 1-30 Market share of the close competitors in anti-ageing cream Price of close competitive products Costs of producing anti-ageing cream with natural ingredients Total investments in the microprocessor Cost advantages for the developed technology Sensitivity of target bulk customers to change in price of microprocessor Total investments for installing bio-metric system and sources of fund Estimated monetary value for increase in productivity and efficiency Effect of cost advantages on product pricing Number of remote customers who are willing to take telemedicine service Potential increased sales as a result of telemedicine service Price charged by other companies who provide similar service (20 min.) Strategic decisions and management accounting. 1. The strategies the companies are following in each case are: a. Product differentiation strategy b. Cost leadership or low-price strategy c. Cost leadership or low-price strategy d. Product differentiation strategy 2. Examples of information the management accountant can provide for each strategic decision are as follows: a. Cost to produce and sell special tetrazzini Prices of tetrazzini sold by other competitors The customers which the company may target to sell its special tetrazzini Extra price the customers would be willing to pay considering the specialty of the product Yearly cash surplus after producing and selling special tetrazzini b. Cost of producing the low-cost soap Price of the homogenous products produced by the competitors The present surplus production capacity of Vanford Soap Market size of the low-cost soap in terms of sales volume Estimated growth in the low-cost soap market in terms of sales volume and revenue Sensitivity of target customers to price and quality c. Cost of producing the drill machine as per the specification of the tender The present surplus production capacity of Diato Inc. Price of the homogenous products produced by the competitors who may compete for the tender Minimum order size to reach the break-even-point Cash surplus that is going to be achieved by producing and selling 1,000 drill machines d. Cost to produce and sell the newly featured tablet Present cash surplus of Smart Pixel to develop, produce, and sell the newly featured tablet Prices of tablets with standard features sold by other competitors Price sensitivity of the target customers 1-10 Present market size of tablets in terms of sales volume Premium price the target customers will be willing to pay for the new features 1-31 (10–15 min.) Management accounting guidelines. a. Cost-benefit approach: managers continually face resource-allocation decisions, such as decisions on the purchase of machinery, establishment of a new branch, or building of new factory. The cost-benefit approach helps managers to weigh both the costs and expected returns from such projects before making the decision. b. Behavioral and technical considerations: Behavioral consideration impels managers to discuss issues with their employees on any aspect of the organization. Such interaction creates opportunity to understand both the needs of staff and the strategic focus of the organization. Technical considerations enable managers to make wise economic decisions by providing desired information in an appropriate format and at the required intervals. c. Different costs for different purposes: Managers apply various ways in computing costs depending on whether the costs evaluation is for external or internal use. For example, costs that are inherent to a project may be written off or capitalized depending on the judgement of the management in assessing the performance of the project. 1-32 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1-33 (15 min.) Management accounting guidelines. Cost-benefit approach Cost-benefit approach and/or behavioral and technical considerations (for example: how the overall morale of employees will be impacted due to retrenchment, and whether the machines will operate normally after the new start-up) Different costs for different purposes Cost-benefit approach or behavioral and technical considerations (for example: how employees will react to more supervisory control) Cost-benefit approach or behavioural and technical consideration (for example: how to design the performance bonus to correctly improve productivity without sacrificing other aspects) Cost-benefit approach Cost-benefit approach and/or behavioral and technical considerations (for example: how employees will react to the production process) (20 min.) The roles of chief financial officer (CFO) and controller The roles of the CFO include: Controllership – the CFO provides financial information for reports to managers and shareholders and oversees the overall operations of the accounting system. Tax – the CFO plans all tax liabilities and receipts of the business including value added tax (VAT) 1-11 Treasury – the CFO oversees banking, short and long-term financing, investments and cash management of the business. Risk management – the CFO manages the financial risk resulting from interest rate and exchange rate changes, and the management of the derivatives. Investor relations – the CFO communicates with stakeholders of the organization including the shareholders, suppliers and investors. Strategic planning – the CFO defines the financial strategy of the organization and allocates resources to implement such strategies. The roles of the controller (also known as chief accounting officer) include: Globally financial planning Budget preparation Managing working capital Profitability reporting Subsidiary and liaison accounting Figure 1: Flowchart indicating the roles and relationship between CFO and financial controller. 1-12 1-34 (30 min.) Pharmaceutical company, budgeting, ethics. 1. The overarching principles of the IMA Statement of Ethical Professional Practice are Honesty, Fairness, Objectivity and Responsibility. The statement’s corresponding “Standards for Ethical Behavior…” require management accountants to Perform professional duties in accordance with relevant laws, regulations, and technical standards. Refrain from engaging in any conduct that would prejudice carrying out duties ethically. Communicate information fairly and objectively. Provide all relevant information that could reasonably be expected to influence an intended user’s understanding of the reports, analyses, or recommendations. The idea of capitalizing some of the company’s R&D expenditures (item c) is a direct violation of the IMA’s ethical standards above. This transaction would not be “in accordance with relevant laws, regulations, and technical standards.” GAAP requires research and development costs to be expensed as incurred. Even if Maddox believes his transaction is justifiable, it violates the profession’s technical standards and would be unethical. The other “year-end” actions occur in many organizations and fall into the “gray” to “acceptable” area. Much depends on the circumstances surrounding each one, however, such as the following: a. Cut planned bonuses to the Amiven R&D team that would be paid in the third quarter, knowing that doing so may result in lower productivity and increased turnover of highly skilled staff. This solution is not a violation of ethical standards, but this action may not be in the best interest of the company in the long run. Reducing bonuses may help achieve the budget but losing highly skilled employees would harm the company’s ability to develop new products in the future and hurt long-run profits. b. Sell off rights to the drug, Centrix. The company had not planned on doing this because, under current market conditions, it would get less than fair value. It would, however, result in a onetime gain that could offset the budget shortfall. Of course, all future profits from Centrix would be lost. Again, this solution may solve the company’s short-term budget crisis, but could result in the loss of future profits for Pharmex in the long run. If this action does not create value for Pharmex, it would result in taking an uneconomic action simply to manage accounting earnings in the third quarter. 2. While it is not uncommon for companies to sacrifice long-term profits for short-term gains, it may not be in the best interest of the company’s shareholders. In the case of Pharmex, the CFO is primarily concerned with “maximizing shareholder wealth” in the immediate future (third quarter only) but not in the long term. Because this executive’s incentive pay and even employment may be based on her ability to meet short-term targets, she may not be acting in the best interest of the shareholders in the long run. 1-13 Maddox definitely faces an ethical dilemma. It is not unethical on Maddox’s part to want to please his new boss, nor is it unethical that Maddox wants to make a good impression on his first days at his new job; however, Maddox must still act within the ethical standards required by his profession. Taking illegal or unethical action by capitalizing R&D to satisfy the demands of his new supervisor, Emily Alford, is unacceptable. Although not strictly unethical, I would recommend that Maddox not agree to cut planned bonuses for the Amiven R&D team or sell off the rights to Centrix. Each of these appears to sacrifice the overall economic interests of Pharmex for short-run gain. Maddox should argue against doing this but not resign if Alford insists that these actions be taken. If, however, Alford asks Maddox to capitalize R&D, he should raise this issue with the chair of the audit committee after informing Alford that he is doing so. If the CFO still insists on Maddox capitalizing R&D, he should resign rather than engage in unethical behavior. 1-35 (15-20 min.) Professional standards and management accountants. The core professional standards governing management accountants include: 1. Competence- Each member: Has a responsibility to maintain an appropriate level of professional expertise by continually developing knowledge and skills. Performs professional duties in accordance with relevant laws, regulations, and technical standards. Provide decision support information and recommendations that are accurate, clear, concise and timely. Recognizes and communicates professional limitations or other constraints that would preclude responsible judgement or successful performance of an entity. 2. Confidentiality - Each member: Has a responsibility to keep information confidential except when disclosure is authorized or legally required. Informs all relevant parties regarding appropriate use of confidential information. Monitor subordinates’ activities to ensure compliance. Refrains from using confidential information for unethical or illegal advantage. 3. Integrity: Each member: Has a responsibility to mitigate actual conflicts of interest, regularly communicate with business associates to avoid apparent conflicts of interest. Advises all parties of any potential conflicts. Refrains from engaging in any conduct that would prejudice carrying out duties ethically. Abstains from engaging in or supporting any activity that might discredit the profession. 4. Credibility - Each member: Has a responsibility to communicate information fairly and objectively. Discloses all relevant information that could reasonably be expected to influence an intended user’s understanding of the reports, analyses, or recommendations. 1-14 Discloses delays or deficiencies in information, timeliness, processing, or internal controls in conformance with organization policy and applicable laws. 1-36 (30–40 min.) Professional ethics and end-of-year actions. 1. The possible motivations for Controller Sophie Gellar to modify the division’s year-end earnings are as follows: (i) Job security and promotion: The company’s CFO is likely to reward her for meeting the company’s performance expectations. Alternately, Gellar may be penalized, perhaps to the extent of losing her job if the division’s performance expectations are not met. (ii) Management incentives: Gellar’s bonus may be based on the division’s ability to meet certain profit targets. If the House and Home division has already met its profit target for the year, the Controller may personally benefit if new printing equipment is sold off and replaced with the discarded equipment that no longer meets current safety standards, or if operating income is manipulated by questionable revenue and/or expense recognition. 2. The overarching principles of the IMA Statement of Ethical Professional Practice are Honesty, Fairness, Objectivity and Responsibility. The statement’s corresponding “Standards for Ethical Conduct…” require management accountants to abide by the following principles: ● Perform professional duties in accordance with relevant laws, regulations, and technical standards. ● Refrain from engaging in any conduct that would prejudice carrying out duties ethically. ● Communicate information fairly and objectively. ● Disclose all relevant information that could reasonably be expected to influence an intended user’s understanding of the reports, analyses, or recommendations. Several “year-end” actions are clearly are in conflict with the statement’s principles and required standards and should be viewed as unacceptable. (a) Subscription revenue received in December in advance for magazines that will be sent out in January or a later date is a liability. Depicting it as revenue falsely represents next year’s revenue as this year’s revenue. (b) Revising the estimate for pension liability and expense would violate Generally Accepted Accounting Principles unless the pension liability is currently overstated. Recording this transaction would result in an overstatement of income and could potentially mislead investors. (c) Booking advertising revenues that relate to February in December falsely represents next year’s revenue as this year’s revenue. The other “year-end” actions occur in many organizations and fall into the “gray” to “acceptable” area. Much depends on the circumstances surrounding each one as witnessed below: (d) Cancelling three of the division’s least profitable magazines, resulting in the layoff of thirty employees. While employee layoffs may be necessary for the business to survive, the layoff decision could result in economic hardship for 1-15 (e) (f) those employees who lose their jobs, as well as result in employee morale problems for the rest of the division. Most companies would prefer to avoid causing hardship for their existing employees due to layoffs unless necessary for the survival of the business as a whole. Selling the new printing equipment that was purchased in February and replacing it with discarded equipment from one of the company’s other divisions. The previously discarded equipment no longer meets current safety standards. Again, while this method may result in a short-term solution for the Controller and the Production Manager personally, this decision may harm the corporation financially as a whole, not to mention the potential resulting injuries to production workers from hazardous equipment. This method would be also be ethically questionable and would likely violate the IMA’s ethical standards of integrity and credibility. Delaying maintenance on production equipment that was scheduled for October until January. Performing regular scheduled maintenance is important for the safe and efficient operation of production equipment. While a three-month delay may not seem significant, delaying maintenance may put the production employees at risk of physical harm, and put company at financial risk should the equipment malfunction and cause injury. Furthermore, failure to keep a regular maintenance schedule may void the warranties on the equipment. The Standards of Ethical Behavior require management accountants to communicate information fairly and objectively and to carry out duties ethically. 3. Gellar should directly raise her concerns with the CFO, especially if the pressure from the CFO is so great that the only course of action on the part of the Controller is to resort to unethical behavior. If the CFO refuses to change his direction, the Controller should raise these issues with the CEO, and then the Audit Committee and the Board of Directors, after informing the CFO that she is doing the same. The Controller could also initiate a confidential discussion with an IMA Ethics Counselor, other impartial advisers, or her own attorney. Under extreme circumstances, the Controller may want to resign if the corporate culture of Phoenix Press is to reward executives who take year-end actions that the Controller views as unethical and possibly illegal. 1-37 (40 min.) Ethical challenges, global company. 1. The overarching principles of the IMA Statement of Ethical Professional Practice are Honesty, Fairness, Objectivity, and Responsibility. The statement’s corresponding “Standards for Ethical Conduct…” require management accountants to Perform professional duties in accordance with relevant laws, regulations, and technical standards. Refrain from engaging in any conduct that would prejudice carrying out duties ethically. Communicate information fairly and objectively. Disclose all relevant information that could reasonably be expected to influence an intended user’s understanding of the reports, analyses, or recommendations. 1-16 Several of the suggestions made by Armstrong’s staff are clearly in conflict with the statement’s principles and required standards and should be viewed as unacceptable. a. Pay local officials to “certify” the ramin used by CI as sustainable. It is not certain whether the ramin would indeed be sustainable or not. If the payment could be considered a bribe, the company would be in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Knowledge of such a violation of law would be considered a violation of professional ethics. b. Record executive year-end bonus compensation accrued for the current year when it is paid in the next year after the December fiscal year-end. GAAP requires expenses to be recorded (accrued) when incurred, not when paid (cash basis accounting). Therefore, failure to record the executives’ year-end bonus would violate the IMA’s standards of credibility and integrity. c. Pressure current customers to take early delivery of goods before the end of the year so that more revenue can be reported in this year’s financial statements. This tactic, commonly known as channel stuffing, merely results in shifting future period revenues into the current period. The overstatement of revenue in the current period may mislead investors to believe that the company’s financial well-being is better than the actual results achieved. This practice would violate the IMA’s standards of credibility and integrity. Channel stuffing is frequently considered a fraudulent practice. d. Recognize sales revenues on orders received but not shipped as of the end of the year. GAAP requires income to be recorded (accrued) when the four criteria of revenue recognition have been met: 1. The company has completed a significant portion of the production and sales effort. 2. The amount of revenue can by objectively measured. 3. The major portion of the costs has been incurred, and the remaining costs can be reasonably estimated. 4. The eventual collection of the cash is reasonably assured. Because criteria 1 and 3 have not been met at the time the order is placed, the revenue should not be recognized until after year-end. Therefore, recording next year’s revenue in the current year would be a violation of GAAP and would be falsifying revenue. This would be a violation of the IMA’s standards of credibility and integrity and considered fraudulent. Three of the suggestions appear to be acceptable: e. Reject the change in materials. Counter the bad publicity with an aggressive ad campaign showing the consumer products as “made in the USA,” since manufacturing takes place in North Carolina. This is an acceptable strategy. Consumers could then weigh the employment benefits in the United States against the negative environmental effects of the company’s actions. f. Redesign upholstered furniture to replace ramin contained inside with less expensive recycled plastic. Creative changes in product design using recycled materials will allow CI to address sustainability concerns as well as protect company profits. 1-17 g. Begin purchasing sustainable North American hardwoods and sell the Indonesian lumber subsidiary. Initiate a “plant a tree” marketing program, by which the company will plant a tree for every piece of furniture sold. While this solution would increase cost of materials and the price CI must charge for its product, sales and profits may not decline if consumers perceive the value of sustainability and corporate social responsibility. The other “year-end” actions occur in many organizations and fall into the “gray” to “acceptable” area. Much depends on the circumstances surrounding each one, however, such as the following: h. Make deep cuts in pricing through the end of the year to generate additional revenue. Again, this is only a short-term tactic to improve this year’s financial results. Investors may be content in the short run, but in the long run, the company may see reduced margins from these actions. i. Sell-off production equipment prior to year-end. The sale would result in one-time gains that could offset the company’s lagging profits. The owned equipment could be replaced with leased equipment at a lower cost in the current year. While this course of action does not necessarily violate the IMA’s code of ethical standards, it may be only a short-term tactic to improve this year’s financial results. Armstrong will need to weigh his options in the long term to make the most cost-effective decision for his company. 2. It is possible that any of the “year-end” actions that fall into the “gray” area may be good for investors, depending on the credible evidence that supports the management decision. For example, replacing owned equipment with leased equipment may result in both short-term gains for the company and long-term cost reduction. If so, this decision would be in the best interest of the investors. If the decision only results in short-term gains, but higher costs in the long run, then the decision may not be in the best long-term interest of the company’s investors and should not be implemented solely to prop up short-term earnings. Those decisions that clearly violate the IMA code of ethical standards (a, c, f, and i) would never be in the best interest of the investor. These options would result in misleading financial statements and could result in the demise of the company or even in criminal charges, as was the case with companies such as Enron and WorldCom. If Armstrong asks the management accountant to take any of the actions that are clearly unethical, he should raise this issue with the chair of the Audit Committee after informing Armstrong that he is doing so. If Armstrong still insists on the management accountant taking these actions, he should resign rather than engage in unethical behavior. 1-18 CHAPTER 2 AN INTRODUCTION TO COST TERMS AND PURPOSES 2-1 When you think of a cost, you invariably think of it in the context of putting a price on a particular ‘thing’. That ‘thing’ is called a cost object. Therefore, a cost object is anything for which a cost measurement is desired. For example, an accounting textbook which cost you some money to purchase, material purchased for use in the factory, an Apple phone which you purchased from the shop, etc. 2-2 Direct costs of a cost object are those costs that are related to the particular cost object and can be traced to it in an economically cost-effective manner. For example, in a computer production company, the cost of the computer screen is directly traceable to the cost of the computer. Therefore, the computer screen is a direct cost when computing the manufacturing cost of the computer. Direct costs make direct input in the production of the product. They must be incurred if the product is to be produced. Indirect costs of a cost object are related to the particular cost object but cannot be traced to it in an economically cost-effective manner. For example, the salaries of security guards at a computer production company. Though the security guards are securing the computer production plant, they make no direct input into the manufacturing of the computer. 2-3 Managers believe that direct costs that are traced to a particular cost object are more accurately assigned to that cost object than are indirect allocated costs. When costs are allocated, managers are less certain whether the cost allocation base accurately measures the resources demanded by a cost object. Managers prefer to use more accurate costs in their decisions. 2-4 Yes, it can. This is because everything for which you need to know the cost of is called a cost object and a business department is one such item. For example, an organization’s supplies and maintenance department is a cost object for the cost of the maintenance supplies and the maintenance employees. At a later stage in the organization’s work process, the supplies and maintenance department costs will be assigned to various products, which will also be regarded as cost objects. 2-5 Fixed costs are costs that tend to remain the same in amount, regardless of level of activity. They remain fixed during the relevant range of activity. Typical examples of costs that are fixed include annual rent of business accommodation, salaries of supervision staff and insurance. Variable costs are costs that increase or decrease in total as the volume of activity increases or decreases. Examples of variable costs include raw materials and power for machinery. It also includes labor where payment is made according to the level of output. 2-6 Variable and direct: Tires used to manufacture a particular kind of car Variable and indirect: Electricity used in the plant where multiple products are manufactured Fixed and direct: Depreciation for a machine that is only used for one product Fixed and indirect: Salary for the company’s CEO 2-1 2-7 A cost driver is a variable, such as the level of activity or volume that causally affects total costs over a given time span. A change in the cost driver results in a change in the level of total costs. For example, the number of vehicles assembled is a driver of the costs of steering wheels on a motor-vehicle assembly line. 2-8 Calculating a unit cost is essential in many cases, especially when managers want to take a decision regarding the pricing of different cost objects as well as when they want to accept a special order or prioritize a product mix. The unit cost calculation is vital during these cases because the manager needs to be certain that they are making the right choice by accepting or rejecting a special offer for a specific cost object. 2-9 A unit cost is computed by dividing some amount of total costs (the numerator) by the related number of units (the denominator). In many cases, the numerator will include a fixed cost that will not change despite changes in the denominator. It is erroneous in those cases to multiply the unit cost by activity or volume change to predict changes in total costs at different activity or volume levels. 2-10 Manufacturing-sector companies purchase materials and components and convert them into various finished goods, for example automotive and textile companies. Merchandising-sector companies purchase and then sell tangible products without changing their basic form, for example retailing or distribution. Service-sector companies provide services or intangible products to their customers, for example, legal advice or audits. 2-11 Although all manufacturing costs are considered as inventoriable costs, they are not just peculiar to the manufacturing firms. In the retail industry, for example, inventoriable costs include the costs of purchasing goods that are for resale, costs of freight, insurance, and any other handling costs. Inventoriable costs are first converted into work-in-process before the final finished product, which is an asset in the balance sheet. Therefore, the service sector firms do not have associated inventoriable costs. Period costs are all costs in the income statement other than cost of goods sold. In the manufacturing industry, all non-manufacturing costs including research and development expenses are treated as period costs. In the retail industry, period costs include all costs shown in the income statement except the cost of goods sold. Costs such as marketing and distribution expenses, administration expenses and other operating expenses are considered as period costs. In the service sector firms, all costs are treated as period costs. 2-12 Inventoriable costs are all costs of a product that are considered as assets in the balance sheet when they are incurred and that become cost of goods sold when the product is sold. These costs are included in work-in-process and finished goods inventory (they are “inventoried”) to accumulate the costs of creating these assets. Period costs are all costs in the income statement other than cost of goods sold. These costs are treated as expenses of the accounting period in which they are incurred because they are expected not to benefit future periods (because there is not sufficient evidence to conclude that such benefit exists). Expensing these costs immediately best matches expenses to revenues. 2-2 2-13 Overtime premium is the wage rate paid to workers (for both direct labor and indirect labor) in excess of their straight-time wage rates. Overtime premium is usually considered to be part of indirect costs or overheads. This is because it is attributable to the general use of the work done rather to any specific product. However, where overtime premium relates to a single product, such circumstance will lead to overtime being treated as labor cost rather than overhead. Idle time is a subclassification of indirect labor that represents wages paid for unproductive time caused by lack of orders, machine breakdowns, material shortages, poor scheduling, and the like. This is not related to any product and therefore considered an overhead, and not a direct labor cost. 2-14 A product cost is the sum of the costs assigned to a product for a specific purpose. Purposes for computing a product cost include: pricing and product mix decisions, contracting with government agencies, and preparing financial statements for external reporting under GAAP. 2-15 The following three main features of cost accounting and cost management, which can be used in wide range of applications include: 1. Calculating the cost of products, services and other cost objects – costing systems trace direct costs and allocate indirect costs to products. For example, job costing and activity-based costing are used to calculate total costs and unit costs of products and services. 2. Obtaining information for planning and control, and performance evaluation – budget is the most commonly used tool for planning and control. A budget forces managers to look ahead, to translate a company’s strategy into plans, to coordinate and communicate within the organization. It also provides a benchmark for evaluating the company’s performance. Managers make efforts to meet their budget targets, thus budgeting can affect the attitude of staff towards achieving the set target. 3. Analyzing the relevant information for making decisions – when designing strategies and implementing them, managers must understand which revenues and costs to consider and which ones to ignore. When making strategic decisions about which products and how much to produce, managers must know how revenues and costs vary with changes in output levels. 2-16 Choice “a” is incorrect. Variable costs are not fixed, they change in relation to the level of activity. Fixed costs are fixed irrespective of the level of activity within the relevant range. Choice “b” is also incorrect. Cost of materials and wages for factory workers are variable costs. This is because these costs increase with the level of production. However, the fixed costs remain the same at all levels of activity. Salaries paid to office staff do not vary with the level of production. Note that costs are regarded as variable or fixed within a period or over a certain range of activity. Choice “c” is correct. Variable costs and fixed costs are only variable or fixed for a specific activity and for a given time period. A cost may be variable in period one but fixed in period two. For example, the cost of electricity used in the factory may vary on the level of production 2-3 activity in the factory. However, the company may decide to obtain a fixed bill contract that allows it to pay a fixed amount irrespective of the level of production activity. Choice “d” is incorrect. Reducing the level of activity can reduce the total variable cost whilst for fixed cost, such reduction will not affect the total fixed costs. 2-17 Choice “2” is correct. Costs that maintain production capacity and do not vary regardless of utilization are classified as fixed costs. In this instance, the salary costs of direct service staff are required to maintain capacity based on the number of residents (doctors) and will be incurred whether the facility is full or empty. The costs are fixed. Choice “1” is incorrect. Direct labor costs mandated by statute do not vary with production, they vary with the compliance requirement. Consequently, direct labor costs, in this instance, are fixed, not variable. Choice “3” is incorrect. Direct costs related to service provider salaries are considered to be direct costs of the service, not overhead costs. Choice “4” is incorrect. Comprehensive Care Nursing Home is a service company and does not have any inventory and therefore no inventoriable costs. 2-18 Choice "3" is correct. The question asks what happens to variable and fixed costs when cost driver activity changes (i.e., when the cost driver level increases or decreases). Statement I says that, as the cost driver level increases, total fixed cost remains unchanged. Statement I is correct. Total fixed cost will remain unchanged regardless of changes in the cost driver because total fixed cost is unaffected by changes in the cost driver. Statement II says that, as the cost driver level increases, unit fixed cost increases. This statement is asking about unit fixed cost like the previous statement asked about total fixed cost. While total fixed cost will remain unchanged regardless of changes in the cost driver, unit fixed cost will not. If the cost driver level increases, total fixed cost will remain the same, but the total number of units will increase, and unit fixed cost will decrease, not increase. Statement II is incorrect. Statement III says that as the cost driver level decreases, unit variable cost decreases. This statement is asking about unit variable cost like the previous statement asked about unit fixed cost. Unit variable cost will remain unchanged regardless of what happens to the cost driver. Statement III is incorrect. 2-4 2-19 Choice “a” is incorrect because overtime premium and idle time are overhead costs. They are not normally considered as cost of labor since they are not identifiable with specific production process. Choice “b” is incorrect because overtime is traceable to a single product, the overtime premium can be treated as a labor cost. Choice “c” is incorrect because idle time occurs when labor is not productively used. This may be caused by breakdown of machine, unavailability of materials and other problems. Choice “d” is correct as all the above options are accurate descriptions of overtime and idle time. For example, overtime premium and idle time are both overhead costs. Overtime premium can be classified as direct labor cost where the overtime related to a single product. However, all idle time costs are treated as overheads. 2-20 Choice “4” is correct. The question seeks to analyze the flow of inventoriable and period costs in an organization. Statement I is correct because both cost categories flow through the income statement at a merchandising business. Statement II is also correct because inventoriable costs are transformed to current assets in the balance sheet, e.g. work-in-process and finished goods. Statement III is correct because period costs include all costs in the income statement except the cost of goods sold. 2-5 2-21 (15 min) Computing and interpreting manufacturing unit costs. 1. & 2. Direct material cost Direct manuf. labor costs Manufacturing overhead costs Total manuf. costs Fixed costs allocated at a rate of $15M ÷ $50M (direct mfg. labor) equal to $0.30 per dir. manuf. labor dollar (0.30 $16; 26; 8) Variable costs Units produced (millions) Manuf. cost per unit (Total manuf. costs ÷ units produced) Variable manuf. cost per unit (Variable manuf. costs Units produced) Supreme $ 89.00 16.00 48.00 153.00 (in millions) Deluxe $ 57.00 26.00 78.00 161.00 4.80 $148.20 125 Regular $60.00 8.00 24.00 92.00 Total $206.00 50.00 150.00 406.00 7.80 $153.20 150 2.40 $89.60 140 15.00 $391.00 $1.2240 $1.0733 $0.6571 $1.1856 $1.0213 $0.6400 (in millions) Deluxe Regular Total $183.60 $203.93 $144.56 $532.09 $177.84 $194.05 $140.80 $512.69 Supreme Based on total manuf. cost per unit ($1.2240 150; $1.0733 190; $0.6571 220) Correct total manuf. costs based on variable manuf. costs plus fixed costs equal Variable costs ($1.1856 150; $1.0213 190; $0.64 220) Fixed costs Total costs 15.00 $527.69 The total manufacturing cost per unit in requirement 1 includes $15 million of indirect manufacturing costs that are fixed irrespective of changes in the volume of output per month, while the remaining variable indirect manufacturing costs change with the production volume. Given the unit volume changes for August 2020, the use of total manufacturing cost per unit from the past month at a different unit volume level (both in aggregate and at the individual product level) will overestimate total costs of $532.09 million in August 2020 relative to the correct total manufacturing costs of $527.69 million calculated using variable manufacturing cost per unit times units produced plus the fixed costs of $15 million. 2-6 2-22 (15-20 min) 1. Classify each of the costs listed earlier as either direct or indirect costs. Cost Amount (£) Direct costs Indirect costs (£) (£) Materials used in the product 100,000 100,000 Depreciation on factory machine 80,000 80,000 Factory insurance 6,000 6,000 Labor cost for factory workers 120,000 120,000 Factory repairs 10,000 10,000 Advertising expense 35,000 35,000 Distribution expenses 15,000 15,000 Sales commission 20,000 20,000 Secretary’s salary 25,000 25,000 2. Compute the total manufacturing cost. Cost Amount (£) Direct materials: Materials used in the product 100,000 Direct labor: Labor cost for factory workers 120,000 Manufacturing overhead: Depreciation on factory machine 80,000 Factory insurance 6,000 Factory repairs 10,000 Total manufacturing costs 316,000 Note: Advertising, sales commission, distribution and secretary’s salaries are not considered part of the manufacturing costs. They are regarded as selling and administrative expenses. 2-7 2-23 (10-15 mins.) 1. For each cost item (A-I) from the records, identify the direct and indirect costs Direct costs Ink for the pens Wages of factory staff Plastics for pens £’000 600 5,000 10,000 Indirect costs Depreciation of factory machine Salary of supervisors Machine maintenance costs Depreciation of delivery vehicles £’000 8,500 2,500 350 4,000 2. Compute Timi Company’s total indirect manufacturing cost. Indirect costs £’000 Depreciation of factory machine 8,500 Salary of supervisors 2,500 Machine maintenance costs 350 Total manufacturing overhead 11,350 Items excluded in (2) and the reason for excluding them are as follows: ink for the pens (direct materials), wages for factory staff (direct labor cost), depreciation of delivery vehicles (marketing cost), interest expense (financing cost), salary of general manager (administrative cost), plastics for pens (direct material cost). 2-24 (15-20 min) Classification of costs, merchandising sector. Cost object: t-shirts sold in apparel section of store Cost variability: With respect to changes in the number of t-shirts sold There may be some debate over classifications of individual items, especially with regard to cost variability. Cost Item A B C D E F G H D or I D I D D I I I D 2-8 V or F F F V F F V F V 2-25 (15-20 min) Classification of costs, manufacturing sector. Cost object: Type of chair assembled (Recliners or Rockers) Cost variability: With respect to changes in the number of Recliners assembled There may be some debate over classifications of individual items, especially with regard to cost variability. Cost Item A B C D E F G H I 2-26 (20 min) D or I D I I D D I D I I V or F V F F V V V V F F Variable costs, fixed costs, total costs. 1. Minutes/month Plan A ($/month) Plan B ($/month) Plan C ($/month) 0 0 15 22 50 100 150 200 240 300 327.5 350 400 450 510 540 600 650 5 10 15 20 24 30 32.75 35 40 45 51 54 60 65 15 15 15 15 15 19.80 22 23.80 27.80 31.80 36.60 39 43.80 47.80 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 23.50 26.50 29 60 Total Cost 50 40 Plan A Plan B Plan C 30 20 10 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Number of long-distance minutes 2-9 600 2. In each region, Ashton chooses the plan that has the lowest cost. From the graph (or from calculations)*, we can see that if Ashton expects to use 0–150 minutes of long-distance each month, she should buy Plan A; for 150–327.5 minutes, Plan B; and for more than 327.5 minutes, Plan C. If Ashton plans to make 100 minutes of long-distance calls each month, she should choose Plan A; for 240 minutes, choose Plan B; for 540 minutes, choose Plan C. *Let x be the number of minutes when Plan A and Plan B have equal cost $0.10x = $15 x = $15 ÷ $0.10 per minute = 150 minutes. Let y be the number of minutes when Plan B and Plan C have equal cost $15 + $0.08 (y – 240) = $22 $0.08 (y – 240) = $22 – $15 = $7 $7 87.5 y – 240 = $0.08 y = 87.5 + 240 = 327.5 minutes 2-27 (20 min.) Variable costs, fixed costs, relevant range. 1. The production capacity is 4,400 jawbreakers per month. Therefore, the current annual relevant range of output is 0 to 4,400 jawbreakers × 12 months = 0 to 52,800 jawbreakers. 2. Current annual fixed manufacturing costs within the relevant range are $1,300 × 12 = $15,600 for rent and other overhead costs, plus $9,500 ÷ 10 = $950 for depreciation, totalling $16,550. The variable costs, the materials, are 10 cents per jawbreaker, or $3,720 ($0.10 per jawbreaker × 3,100 jawbreakers per month × 12 months) for the year. 3. If demand changes from 3,100 to 6,200 jawbreakers per month, or from 3,100 × 12 = 37,200 to 6,200 × 12 = 74,400 jawbreakers per year, Dotball will need a second machine. Assuming Dotball buys a second machine identical to the first machine, it will increase capacity from 4,400 jawbreakers per month to 8,800. The annual relevant range will be between 4,400 × 12 = 52,800 and 8,800 × 12 = 105,600 jaw breakers. Assume the second machine costs $9,500 and is depreciated using straight-line depreciation over 10 years and zero residual value, just like the first machine. This will add $950 of depreciation per year. Fixed costs for next year will increase to $17,500 from $16,550 for the current year + $950 (because rent and other fixed overhead costs will remain the same at $15,600). That is, total fixed costs for next year equal $950 (depreciation on first machine) + $950 (depreciation on second machine) + $15,600 (rent and other fixed overhead costs). The variable cost per jawbreaker next year will be 90% × $0.10 = $0.09. Total variable costs equal $0.09 per jawbreaker × 74,400 jawbreakers = $6,696. If Dotball decides not to increase capacity and meet only that amount of demand for which it has available capacity (4,400 jaw breakers per month or 4,400 × 12 = 52,800 jaw breakers per year), the variable cost per unit will be the same at $0.10 per jawbreaker. Annual total variable manufacturing costs will increase to $0.10 × 4,400 jawbreakers per 2-10 month × 12 months = $5,280. Annual total fixed manufacturing costs will remain the same, $16,550. 2-28 (10-15 min) Cost behavior. Variable Costs: Cost per unit is constant ($5) 10,000 units X $5 per unit = $50,000 20,000 units X $5 per unit = $100,000 50,000 units X $5 per unit = $250,000 Fixed Costs: Total cost is constant ($30,000) 10,000 units X $3 per unit = $30,000 $30,000/ 20,000 units = $1.50 per unit $30,000/ 50,000 units = $0.60 per unit 2-29 (20 min) Variable costs, fixed costs, relevant range. 1. The production capacity is 5,000 jaw breakers per month. Therefore, the current annual relevant range of output is 0 to 5,000 jaw breakers × 12 months = 0 to 60,000 jaw breakers. 2. Current annual fixed manufacturing costs within the relevant range are $1,200 × 12 = $14,400 for rent and other overhead costs, plus $6,500 ÷ 10 = $650 for depreciation, totaling $15,050. The variable costs, the materials, are 40 cents per jaw breaker, or $18,720 ($0.40 per jaw breaker × 3,900 jaw breakers per month × 12 months) for the year. 3. If demand changes from 3,900 to 7,800 jaw breakers per month, or from 3,900 × 12 = 46,800 to 7,800 × 12 = 93,600 jaw breakers per year, Gummy Land will need a second machine. Assuming Gummy Land buys a second machine identical to the first machine, it will increase capacity from 5,000 jaw breakers per month to 10,000. The annual relevant range will be between 5,000 × 12 = 60,000 and 10,000 × 12 = 120,000 jaw breakers. Assume the second machine costs $6,500 and is depreciated using straight-line depreciation over 10 years and zero residual value, just like the first machine. This will add $650 of depreciation per year. Fixed costs for next year will increase to $15,700 from $15,050 for the current year + $650 (because rent and other fixed overhead costs will remain the same at $14,400). That is, total fixed costs for next year equal $650 (depreciation on first machine) + $650 (depreciation on second machine) + $14,400 (rent and other fixed overhead costs). The variable cost per jaw breaker next year will be 90% × $0.40 = $0.36. Total variable costs equal $0.36 per jaw breaker × 93,600 jaw breakers = $33,696. If Gummy Land decides not to increase capacity and meet only that amount of demand for which it has available capacity (5,000 jaw breakers per month or 5,000 × 12 = 60,000 jaw breakers per year), the variable cost per unit will be the same at $0.40 per jaw breaker. Annual total variable manufacturing costs will increase to $0.40 × 5,000 jaw breakers per month × 12 months = $24,000. Annual total fixed manufacturing costs will remain the same, $15,050. 2-11 2-30 1. (20 min) Cost drivers and value chain. A. Perform market research on competing brands - design of products and processes B. Design a prototype of the phone app and the security camera - design of products and processes C. Test the compatibility of the phone app and the security camera - design of products and processes D. Make necessary design changes to the prototype based on testing performed in C above - design of products and processes E. Manufacture the security cameras – production F. Attend trade shows to make wholesalers aware of the camera - marketing G. Process orders from the trade show orders and wholesalers - distribution H. Deliver the security cameras to the wholesalers - distribution I. Provide online assistance to the security camera users - customer service J. Make additional design changes to the security camera based on customer feedback design of products and processes 2-12 2. Value Chain Category Design of products and processes Production Marketing Distribution Customer service Activity Perform market research on competing brands Cost Driver Hours spent researching competing market brands Design a prototype of the phone app and the security camera Engineering hours spent on initial product design Test the compatibility of the phone app and the security camera Number of product tests conducted Make necessary design changes to the prototype based on testing performed Number of design changes Make additional design changes to the security camera based on customer feedback Manufacture the security cameras Attend trade shows to make wholesalers aware of the camera Number of design changes Process orders from the trade show orders and wholesalers Number of security camera orders processed Deliver the security cameras to the wholesalers Provide online assistance to the security camera users Number of deliveries made to wholesalers 2-13 Machine hours required to run the production equipment FTEs spent on attending trade shows Customer-service hours 2-31 (20-25 mins.) Calculating unit cost 1. Prepare the cost of goods manufactured for the year 2019. £ 0 Beginning work in process inventory Add: Direct materials used: Beginning materials inventory Purchases of direct materials Available for use Less: Ending materials inventory Direct materials used Direct labor Manufacturing overhead: Rent on plant Utilities for plant Plant janitorial services £ 10,000 33,000 43,000 (9,500) 33,500 25,000 8,000 1,100 300 9,400 Total manufacturing costs Less: Ending work in process Cost of goods manufactured 67,900 (3,500) 64,400 2. If the company produced 20,000 bottles of water in 2019, calculate the company’s unit product cost for the year. Unit product cost = Cost of goods manufactured ÷ total units produced = £64,400 ÷ 20,000 = £3.22 per unit 2-32 1. (20 min.) Total costs and unit costs, service setting Number of guests Variable cost per guest (£80 caterer charge – £5 discount for ads) Fixed Costs 0 £75 50 100 150 200 250 300 £75 £75 £75 £75 £75 £75 £14,000 £14,000 £14,000 £14,000 £14,000 £14,000 £14,000 Variable costs (number of guests × variable cost per 0 3,750 7,500 11,250 15,000 18,750 22,500 guest) Total costs (fixed + £14,000 £17,750 £21,500 £25,250 £29,000 £32,750 £36,500 variable) 2-14 2. Number of guests 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Total costs (fixed + variable) £14,000 £17,750 £21,500 £25,250 £29,000 £32,750 £36,500 Costs per guest (total costs ÷ number of guests) £355 £215 £168.33 £145 £131 £121.67 As shown in the table above, for 150 attendees the total cost will be £25,250, and the cost per attendee will be £168.33. 3. As shown in the table in requirement 2, for 200 attendees, the total cost will be £29,000, and the cost per attendee will be £145. 4. TBE should charge customers based on the number of guests. As the number of guests increase, TBE could offer price discounts because its fixed costs would be spread over a larger number of guests. Alternatively, TBE could charge a flat fee of £10,000 plus a margin for the music. The catering costs would then vary less with the number of guests because only £4,000 of fixed costs would be spread over the number of guests. For 100 guests, the fixed catering cost per guest would be £40 (£4,000 ÷ 100 guests); for 200 guests, it would be £20 (£4,000 ÷ 200 guests). TBE’s total cost would be £115 (variable cost per guest of £75 + fixed catering cost per guest of £40) for 100 guests and £95 (variable cost per guest of £75 + fixed catering cost per guest of £20) for 200 guests. 2-15 2-33 (15 – 20 mins.) Inventoriable versus period costs. 1. Identify the following as either an inventoriable product cost or a period cost: Inventoriable costs Depreciation on plant and equipment Insurance on plant and building Raw materials Manufacturing overheads Production staff wages Period costs Depreciation on delivery vans Marketing manager’s salary Electricity bill for the residential quarters 2. Compute the cost of goods manufactured: £ Beginning work in process inventory Add: Direct materials used Direct labor Manufacturing overhead Total manufacturing costs incurred during the period Total manufacturing costs Less: Ending work in process Cost of goods manufactured 2-34 £ 12,000 24,000 9,000 17,000 50,000 62,000 (5,000) 57,000 (20-30 min) Inventoriable costs versus period costs. 1. Manufacturing-sector companies purchase materials and components and convert them into different finished goods. Merchandising-sector companies purchase and then sell tangible products without changing their basic form. Service-sector companies provide services or intangible products to their customers—for example, legal advice or audits. Only manufacturing and merchandising companies have inventories of goods for sale. 2. Inventoriable costs are all costs of a product that are regarded as an asset when they are incurred and then become cost of goods sold when the product is sold. These costs for a manufacturing company are included in work-in-process and finished goods inventory (they are “inventoried”) to build up the costs of creating these assets. Period costs are all costs in the income statement other than cost of goods sold. These costs are treated as expenses of the period in which they are incurred because they are presumed not to benefit future periods (or because there is not sufficient evidence to conclude that such benefit exists). Expensing these costs immediately best matches expenses to revenues. 2-16 3. A. Cost of lumber and plumbing supplies available at Home Depot - is an inventoriable cost of a merchandising company. The cost becomes part of cost of goods sold when the lumber and plumbing supplies are sold to customers. B. Electricity used to provide lighting for assembly-line workers at an Apple manufacturing plant – inventoriable cost of a manufacturing company. It is part of the manufacturing overhead that is included in the manufacturing cost of a finished good. C. Depreciation on store shelving in Home Depot – period cost of a merchandising company. It is a cost that benefits the current period, and it is not traceable to goods purchased for resale. D. Mileage paid to nannies traveling to clients for Rent a Nanny - period cost of a service company. Rent a Nanny has no inventory of goods for sale and, hence, no inventoriable cost. E. Wages for personnel responsible for quality testing of the Apple products during the assembly process – inventoriable cost of a manufacturing company. It is usually part of the manufacturing overhead that is included in the manufacturing cost of a finished good (if quality testing is done for several products), but may be a direct cost, if quality testing is done by personnel who work on a specific Apple product line such as the iPhone. F. Salaries of Rent a Nanny marketing personnel planning local-newspaper advertising campaigns – period cost of a service company. Rent a Nanny has no inventory of goods for sale and, hence, no inventoriable cost. G. Lunches provided to the nannies for Rent a Nanny - period cost of a service company. Rent a Nanny has no inventory of goods for sale and, hence, no inventoriable cost. H. Salaries of employees at Apple retail stores - period cost of a manufacturing company. This is a distribution cost, not an inventoriable cost. I. Shipping costs for Apple to transport products to retail stores - period cost of a manufacturing company. This is a distribution cost, not an inventoriable cost. 2-17 2-35 (20 min.) Cost of goods purchased, cost of goods sold, and income statement. 1a. Purchases Add freight-in Huang Wong Ping Retail Outlet Stores Schedule of Cost of Goods Purchased For the Year Ended December 31, 2021 (in thousands) $654,000 25,000 679,000 Deduct: Purchase returns and allowances Purchase discounts $ 32,400 22,600 Cost of goods purchased 1b. 55,000 $624,000 Huang Wong Ping Retail Outlet Stores Schedule of Cost of Goods Sold For the Year Ended December 31, 2021 (in thousands) Beginning merchandise inventory January 1, 2021 Cost of goods purchased (see above) Cost of goods available for sale Ending merchandise inventory December 31, 2021 Cost of goods sold $ 115,800 624,000 739,800 124,200 $ 615,600 Huang Wong Ping Retail Outlet Stores Income Statement For the Year Ended December 31, 2021 (in thousands) Revenues $798,000 Cost of goods sold (see above) 615,600 Gross margin 182,400 Operating costs Marketing and advertising costs $54,300 Depreciation on Store Fixtures 10,420 Shipping of merchandise to customers 5,700 General and administrative costs 74,800 Total operating costs 145,220 Operating income $ 37,180 2. 2-18 2-36 (20 min) Cost of goods purchased, cost of goods sold, and income statement. 1a. Mama Retail Outlet Stores Schedule of Cost of Goods Purchased For the Year Ended December 31, 2020 (in thousands) Purchases Add Freight—in $521,000 21,000 542,000 Deduct: Purchase returns and allowances Purchase discounts $25,000 22,000 Cost of goods purchased 1b. $495,000 Mama Retail Outlet Stores Schedule of Cost of Goods Sold For the Year Ended December 31, 2020 (in thousands) Beginning merchandise inventory 1/1/2020 Cost of goods purchased (see above) Cost of goods available for sale Ending merchandise inventory 12/31/2020 Cost of goods sold 2. 47,000 $94,000 495,000 589,000 101,000 $488,000 Mama Retail Outlet Stores Income Statement Year Ended December 31, 2020 (in thousands) Revenues Cost of goods sold (see above) Gross margin Operating costs Marketing and advertising costs Depreciation on store fixtures Shipping of merchandise to customers General and administrative costs Total operating costs Operating income $690,000 488,000 202,000 $54,000 8,800 10,000 63,000 135,800 $ 66,200 2-19 2-37 (20 min) Flow of inventoriable costs. (All numbers below are in millions). 1. Direct materials inventory 3/1/2020 Direct materials purchased Direct materials available for production Direct materials used Direct materials inventory 3/31/2020 $ $ 2. Total manufacturing overhead costs Subtract: Variable manufacturing overhead costs Fixed manufacturing overhead costs for March 2020 3. Total manufacturing costs incurred during March 2020 Subtract: Direct materials used (from requirement 1) Total manufacturing overhead costs Direct manufacturing labor costs for March 2020 4. Work-in-process inventory 3/1/2020 Total manufacturing costs incurred during March 2020 Work-in-process available for production Subtract: Cost of goods manufactured (moved into finished goods) Work-in-process inventory 3/31/2020 5. Finished goods inventory 3/1/2020 Cost of goods manufactured (moved from work in process) Cost of finished goods available for sale in March 2020 6. Cost of finished goods available for sale in March 2020 (from requirement 5) Subtract: Cost of goods sold Finished goods inventory 3/31/2020 2-20 $ $ 90 345 435 (365) 70 485 (270) 215 $ 1,570 (365) (485) $ 720 $ 215 1,570 1,785 (1,640) $ 145 $ 160 1,640 $ 1,800 $ 1,800 (1,740) $ 60 2-38 (30-40 min) Cost of goods manufactured, income statement, manufacturing company. 1. Peterson Company Schedule of Cost of Goods Manufactured Year Ended December 31, 2020 (in thousands) Direct materials cost Beginning inventory, January 1, 2020 $ 21,000 Purchases of direct materials 74,000 Cost of direct materials available for use 95,000 Ending inventory, December 31, 2020 23,000 Direct materials used Direct manufacturing labor costs Indirect manufacturing costs Indirect manufacturing labor 17,000 Plant insurance 7,000 Depreciation—plant building & equipment 11,000 Repairs and maintenance—plant 3,000 Total indirect manufacturing costs Manufacturing costs incurred during 2020 Add beginning work-in-process inventory, January 1, 2020 Total manufacturing costs to account for Deduct ending work-in-process inventory, December 31, 2020 Cost of goods manufactured (to Income Statement) 2. $ 72,000 22,000 38,000 132,000 26,000 158,000 25,000 $133,000 Peterson Company Income Statement Year Ended December 31, 2020 (in thousands) Revenues Cost of goods sold: Beginning finished goods, January 1, 2020 Cost of goods manufactured Cost of goods available for sale Ending finished goods, December 31, 2020 Cost of goods sold Gross margin Operating costs: Marketing, distribution, and customer-service costs General and administrative costs Total operating costs Operating income 2-21 $310,000 $ 13,000 133,000 146,000 20,000 126,000 184,000 91,000 24,000 115,000 $ 69,000 2-39 (30-40 min) Cost of goods manufactured, income statement, manufacturing company. (30–40 min.) Sales - Cost of Goods Sold (60% of Sales) = Gross Margin If Cost of Goods Sold = 60% Sales, then Gross Margin = 40% of Sales Gross Margin = $400,000 40% Sales = $400,000; Sales = $1,000,000 (= $400,000 / 40%) Cost of Goods Sold = 60% Sales ($1,000,000) = $600,000 Cost of Goods Sold: Finished Goods, 1/1 + Cost of Goods Mfg - Finished Goods, 12/31 = Cost of Goods Sold $ 75,000 **** ($ 50,000) $600,000 (from above) ****Cost of Goods Mfg = $575,000 (Cost of Goods Sold $600,000 + Finished Goods, 12/31 $50,000 – Finished Goods $75,000) Cost of Goods Mfg: Raw Materials used Direct Labor Mfg Overhead Total Mfg Costs + Work in Process, 1/1 - Work in Process, 12/31 Cost of Goods Mfg $100,000 $ 25,000 ( 60,000) $575,000 (from COGS computation above) Total Mfg Costs = $610,000 (Cost of Goods Mfg $575,000 + Work in Process, 12/31 $60,000 – Work in Process, 1/1 $25,000) Acct Rec 1/1 Acct Pay 120,000 credit 1,000,000 purchased sales 1/1 collections pymts 12/31 80,000 80,000 130,000 200,000 2-22 12/31 Raw Matl Acct Rec Collections = $1,040,000 (Acct Rec, 1/1 $120,000 + Collections $1,000,000 – Acct Rec, 12/31 $80,000) Acct Pay, 1/1 = $150,000 (Acct Pay, 12/31 $200,000 – Raw Matl purchase $130,000 + Acct Pay pymts $80,000) Raw Matls 1/1 purchases 10,000 130,000 100,000 used 12/31 Raw Materials, 12/31 = $40,000 (Raw Matls, 1/1 $10,000 + Raw Matl purchased $130,000 – Raw Matl used$100,000) 2-40 (25-30 min) Income statement and schedule of cost of goods manufactured. Howell Corporation Income Statement for the Year Ended December 31, 2020 (in millions) Revenues Cost of goods sold Beginning finished goods, Jan. 1, 2020 Cost of goods manufactured (below) Cost of goods available for sale Ending finished goods, Dec. 31, 2020 Gross margin Marketing, distribution, and customer-service costs Operating income 2-23 $950 $ 70 645 715 55 660 290 240 $ 50 Howell Corporation Schedule of Cost of Goods Manufactured for the Year Ended December 31, 2020 (in millions) Direct materials costs Beginning inventory, Jan. 1, 2020 Purchases of direct materials Cost of direct materials available for use Ending inventory, Dec. 31, 2020 Direct materials used Direct manufacturing labor costs Indirect manufacturing costs Indirect manufacturing labor Plant supplies used Plant utilities Depreciation––plant and equipment Plant supervisory salaries Miscellaneous plant overhead Manufacturing costs incurred during 2020 Add beginning work-in-process inventory, Jan. 1, 2020 Total manufacturing costs to account for Deduct ending work-in-process, Dec. 31, 2020 Cost of goods manufactured 2-24 $ 15 325 340 20 $320 100 60 10 30 80 5 35 220 640 10 650 5 $645 2-41 (15-20 min) Interpretation of statements (continuation of 2-40). 1. The schedule in 2-40 can become a Schedule of Cost of Goods Manufactured and Sold simply by including the beginning and ending finished goods inventory figures in the supporting schedule, rather than directly in the body of the income statement. Note that the term cost of goods manufactured refers to the cost of goods brought to completion (finished) during the accounting period, whether they were started before or during the current accounting period. Some of the manufacturing costs incurred are held back as costs of the ending work in process; similarly, the costs of the beginning work in process inventory become a part of the cost of goods manufactured for 2020. 2. The sales manager’s salary would be charged as a marketing cost as incurred by both manufacturing and merchandising companies. It is basically a period (operating) cost that appears below the gross margin line on an income statement. 3. An assembler’s wages would be assigned to the products worked on. Thus, the wages cost would be charged to Work-in-Process and would not be expensed until the product is transferred through Finished Goods Inventory to Cost of Goods Sold as the product is sold. 4. The direct-indirect distinction can be resolved only with respect to a particular cost object. For example, in defense contracting, the cost object may be defined as a contract. Then, a plant supervisor working only on that contract will have his or her salary charged directly and wholly to that single contract. 5. Direct materials used = $320,000,000 ÷ 1,000,000 units = $320 per unit Depreciation on plant equipment = $80,000,000 ÷ 1,000,000 units = $80 per unit 6. Direct materials unit cost would be unchanged at $320 per unit. Depreciation cost per unit would be $80,000,000 ÷ 1,200,000 = $66.67 per unit. Total direct materials costs would rise by 20% to $384,000,000 ($320 per unit × 1,200,000 units), whereas total depreciation would be unaffected at $80,000,000. 7. Unit costs are averages, and they must be interpreted with caution. The $320 direct materials unit cost is valid for predicting total costs because direct materials is a variable cost; total direct materials costs indeed change as output levels change. However, fixed costs like depreciation must be interpreted quite differently from variable costs. A common error in cost analysis is to regard all unit costs as one—as if all the total costs to which they are related are variable costs. Changes in output levels (the denominator) will affect total variable costs, but not total fixed costs. Graphs of the two costs may clarify this point; it is safer to think in terms of total costs rather than in terms of unit costs. 2-25 2-42 (25-30 min) Income statement and schedule of cost of good manufactured. Chan Corporation Income Statement for the Year Ended December 31, 2020 (in millions) Revenues Cost of goods sold Beginning finished goods, Jan. 1, 2020 Cost of goods manufactured (below) Cost of goods available for sale Ending finished goods, Dec. 31, 2020 Gross margin Marketing, distribution, and customer-service costs Operating income (loss) $352 $ 40 219 259 20 239 113 92 $ 21 Chan Corporation Schedule of Cost of Goods Manufactured for the Year Ended December 31, 2020 (in millions) Direct material costs Beginning inventory, Jan. 1, 2020 Direct materials purchased Cost of direct materials available for use Ending inventory, Dec. 31, 2020 Direct materials used Direct manufacturing labor costs Indirect manufacturing costs Plant supplies used Property taxes on plant Plant utilities Indirect manufacturing labor costs Depreciation––plant and equipment Miscellaneous manufacturing overhead costs Manufacturing costs incurred during 2020 Add beginning work-in-process inventory, Jan. 1, 2020 Total manufacturing costs to account for Deduct ending work-in-process inventory, Dec. 31, 2020 Cost of goods manufactured (to income statement) 2-26 $ 31 83 114 10 $104 48 3 7 9 24 5 12 60 212 15 227 8 $219 2-43 (15 -20 mins.) 1. Calculate Granolla’s overtime premium pay and total compensation for December 2019 Direct labor cost: 120 hours X £60 per hour = £7,200 Overtime premium: 60 X £30 per hour = Total compensation £1,800 £9,000 2. What is Granola’s idle time cost for December 2019? Direct labor cost: 114 hours X £60 per hour = Idle time (overhead): 6 hours X £60 per hour = Overtime premium (overhead): 60 hours X £30 = Total earnings for 120 hours £6,840 £ 360 £1,800 £9,000 3. Discuss the treatment of overtime premium and idle time on the product costs. Though overtime premium and idle time are labor costs, but they are treated as overhead costs here. However, where these costs are related to a single product, they may be classified as direct costs. 2-44 (15 min) Different meanings of product costs. Purpose: Purpose: Product Mix Purpose: Government Contract Financial Statement (using GAAP) Direct material Include Include Include Direct manufacturing labor Include Include Include Manufacturing overhead Include Include Include Distribution costs Include Exclude* Exclude Include** Exclude* Exclude R&D costs Include Exclude* Exclude Customer service Include Exclude* Exclude Type of Cost Product design costs * May change depending on the specifics of the contract. ** Assuming the product design costs have not already been incurred. 2-27 2-45 1. 2. 3. (30-40 min) Missing records, computing inventory costs. Finished goods inventory, 3/31/2020 = $190,000 Work-in-process inventory, 3/31/2020 = $30,000 Direct materials inventory, 3/31/2020 = $43,500 This problem is not as easy as it first appears. These answers are obtained by working from the known figures to the unknowns in the schedule below. The basic relationships between categories of costs are: Manufacturing costs added during the period (given) $400,000 Conversion costs (given) $340,000 Direct materials used = Manufacturing costs added – Conversion costs = $400,000 – $340,000 = $60,000 Cost of goods manufactured = Direct Materials Used × 5 = $60,000 × 5 = $300,000 Schedule of Computations Direct materials inventory, 3/1/2020 (given) Direct materials purchased (given) Direct materials available for use Direct materials inventory, 3/31/2020 Direct materials used Conversion costs (given) Manufacturing costs added during the period (given) Add work in process inventory, 3/1/2020 (given) Manufacturing costs to account for Deduct work in process inventory, 3/31/2020 Cost of goods manufactured (5 × $60,000) Add finished goods inventory, 3/1/2020 Cost of goods available for sale Deduct finished goods inventory, 3/31/2020 Cost of goods sold (70% × $640,000) 2-28 3= 2= 1= $ 13,500 90,000 103,500 43,500 60,000 340,000 400,000 30,000 430,000 130,000 300,000 190,000 490,000 42,000 $448,000 Some instructors may wish to place the key amounts in a Work in Process T-account. This problem can be used to introduce students to the flow of costs through the general ledger (amounts in thousands): Direct Materials Beg Inv 13.5 Purch. 90.0 DM used 60 End Inv 2-46 43.5 (30 min.) Work in Process Beg Inv 30 DM used COGM (400– 60 300 300) Conversio 340 n To account 430 for Finished Goods Beg Inv 190 300 COGS 415 Availabl e for sale 490 End Inv End Inv 42 130 Cost of Goods Sold 448 Comprehensive problem on unit costs, product costs. 1. If 2 pounds of direct materials are used to make each unit of finished product, 115,000 units × 2 lbs., or 230,000 lbs. were used at £0.65 per pound of direct materials (£149,500 ÷ 230,000 lbs.). (The direct material costs of £149,500 are direct materials used, not purchased.) Therefore, the ending inventory of direct materials is 2,300 lbs. £0.65 = £1,495. 2. Direct materials costs Direct manufacturing labor costs Plant energy costs Indirect manufacturing labor costs Other indirect manufacturing costs Cost of goods manufactured Manufacturing Costs for 115,000 units Variable Fixed Total £149,500 £ – £149,500 34,500 – 34,500 6,000 – 6,000 12,000 17,000 29,000 7,000 27,000 34,000 £209,000 £44,000 £253,000 Average unit manufacturing cost: £253,000 ÷ 115,000 units = £2.20 per unit Finished goods inventory in units: = £15,400 (given) £2.20 per unit = 7,000 units 3. Units sold in 2020 = = Selling price in 2020 = = Beginning inventory + Production – Ending inventory 0 + 115,000 –7,000 = 108,000 units £540,000 ÷ 108,000 £5.00 per unit 2-29 4. Office Essentials Income Statement Year Ended December 31, 2020 (in thousands) Revenues (108,000 units sold × £5.00) Cost of units sold: Beginning finished goods, Jan. 1, 2020 Cost of goods manufactured Cost of goods available for sale Ending finished goods, Dec. 31, 2020 Gross margin Operating costs: Marketing, distribution, and customer-service costs (£126,000 + £47,000) Administrative costs Operating income £540,000 £ 0 253,000 253,000 15,400 173,000 58,000 Note: Although not required, the full set of unit variable costs is: Direct materials cost (£0.65 × 2 lbs.) £1.300 Direct manufacturing labor cost (£34,500 ÷ 115,000) 0.300 Plant energy cost (£6,000 ÷ 115,000) 0.052 Indirect manufacturing labor cost (£12,000 ÷ 115,000) 0.104 Other indirect manufacturing cost (£7,000 ÷ 115,000) 0.061 Marketing, distribution, and customer-service costs 2-47 1. £1.096 237,600 302,400 231,000 £ 71,400 = £1.817 per unit manufactured per unit sold (20-25 min.) Classification of costs; ethics. Warehousing costs per unit = per unit If the $3,570,000 is treated as period costs, the entire amount would be expensed during the year as incurred. If it is treated as a product cost, it would be “unitized” at $17 per unit and expensed as each unit of the product is sold. Therefore, if only 190,000 of the 210,000 units are sold, only $3,230,000 ($17 per unit × 190,000 units) of the $3,570,000 would be expensed in the current period. The remaining $3,570,000 – $3,230,000 = $340,000 would be inventoried on the balance sheet until a later period when the units are sold. The value of finished goods inventory can also be calculated directly to be $340,000 ($17 per unit × 20,000 units). 2-30 2. No. With respect to classifying costs as product or period costs, this determination is made by GAAP. It is not something that can be justified by the plant manager or plant controller. Even though these costs are in fact related to the product, they are not direct costs of manufacturing the product. GAAP requires that research and development, as well as all costs related to warehousing and distribution of goods, be classified as period costs and expensed in the period they are incurred. 3. Adalard Müller would improve his personal bonus and take-home pay by 8% × $340,000 = $27,200. 4. The controller should not reclassify costs as product costs just so the plant can reap shortterm benefits, including the increase in Müller’s personal year-end bonus. Research and development costs, costs related to the shipping of finished goods, and costs related to warehousing finished goods are all period costs under GAAP and must be treated as such. Changing this classification on New Time’s financial statements would violate GAAP and would likely be considered fraudulent. The idea of costs being classified as product costs versus period costs is to properly reflect on the income statement those costs that are directly related to manufacturing (costs incurred to transform one asset, direct materials into another asset, finished goods) and to properly reflect on the balance sheet those costs that will provide a future benefit (inventory). The controller should not be intimidated by Müller. Müller stands to personally benefit from the reclassification of costs. The controller should insist that he must adhere to GAAP so as not to submit fraudulent financial statements to corporate headquarters. If Müller insists on the reclassification, the controller should raise the issue with the chief financial officer after informing Müller that he is doing so. If, after taking all these steps, there is continued pressure to modify the numbers, the controller should consider resigning from the company rather than engage in unethical behavior. 2-31 2-48 (20–25 min.) Finding unknown amounts. Let G = given, I = inferred Step 1: Step 2: Use gross margin formula Revenues Cost of goods sold Gross margin A Case 1 $64,500 38,500 $26,000 Case 2 G $57,600 G I 33,400 G G C $24,200 I $14,500 5,200 10,400 30,100 4,600 34,700 2,300 32,400 G $20,200 G 7,300 G D 9,800 I 37,300 G 2,800 I 40,100 G 5,500 I 34,600 G G I I G I G I 6,600 32,400 39,000 500 38,500 G I I I I G I I G G Use schedule of cost of goods manufactured formula Direct materials used Direct manufacturing labor costs Indirect manufacturing costs Manufacturing costs incurred Add beginning work in process, 1/1 Total manufacturing costs to account for Deduct ending work in process, 12/31 Cost of goods manufactured Step 3: Use cost of goods sold formula Beginning finished goods inventory, 1/1 Cost of goods manufactured Cost of goods available for sale Ending finished goods inventory, 12/31 Cost of goods sold B 5,100 34,600 39,700 6,300 33,400 For case 1, do steps 1, 2, and 3 in order. For case 2, do steps 1, 3, and then 2. Try It! 2-1 The following table shows the total costs of gasoline and insurance and the cost per mile if the truck is driven (a) 25,000 miles and (b) 50,000 miles. Number of Miles Driven (1) 25,000 50,000 Variable Gasoline Costs (2) = $0.25 × (1) $6,250 12,500 Fixed Insurance Costs (3) $5,500 5,500 2-32 Total Costs (4) = (2) + (3) $ 11,750 18,000 Cost per Mile (5) = (4) ÷ (1) $0.47 0.36 Try It! 2-2 We first calculate the cost of direct materials used and then total manufacturing costs incurred in 2020. The cost of direct materials used is: Beginning inventory of direct materials, January 1, 2020 + Purchases of direct materials in 2020 − Ending inventory of direct materials, December 31, 2020 = Direct materials used in 2020 $10,000 90,000 2,000 $98,000 Total manufacturing costs incurred refers to all direct manufacturing costs and manufacturing overhead costs incurred during 2020 for all goods worked on during the year. Carolyn Corporation classifies its manufacturing costs into the three categories described earlier: (i) Direct materials used in 2020 (ii) Direct manufacturing labor costs in 2020 (iii) Manufacturing overhead costs in 2020 Total manufacturing costs incurred in 2020 $ 98,000 32,000 39,000 $169,000 Try It! 2-3 (a) Cost of goods manufactured refers to the cost of goods brought to completion, whether they were started before or during the current accounting period. Some of the manufacturing costs incurred during 2020 are held back as the cost of the ending work-in-process inventory. The cost of goods manufactured in 2020 for Carolyn Corporation is calculated as follows: Beginning work-in-process inventory, January 1, 2020 $ 13,000 169,000 Total manufacturing costs incurred in 2020 182,000 Total manufacturing costs to account for 6,000 Ending work-in-process inventory, December 31, 2020 $176,000 Cost of goods manufactured in 2020 (b) The cost of goods sold is the cost of finished goods inventory sold to customers during the current accounting period. Cost of goods sold is an expense that is matched against revenues. The cost of goods sold in 2020 for Carolyn Corporation is calculated as follows: Beginning inventory of finished goods, January 1, 2020 $ 13,000 176,000 Cost of goods manufactured in 2020 16,000 Ending inventory of finished goods, December 31, 2020 $173,000 Cost of goods sold in 2020 2-33 CHAPTER 3 COST–VOLUME–PROFIT ANALYSIS NOTATION USED IN CHAPTER 3 SOLUTIONS SP: VCU: CMU: FC: TOI: Selling price Variable cost per unit Contribution margin per unit Fixed costs Target operating income 3-1 Cost–volume–profit (CVP) analysis studies the impact on future profit of changes in fixed costs, variable costs, volume, sales mix, and selling price. It explores the relationship that exists between costs, revenue, output levels and resulting profit, and is more relevant where the proposed changes in the levels of activity are relatively small. 3-2 1. 2. 3. 4. The assumptions underlying the CVP analysis outlined in Chapter 3 are Changes in the level of revenues and costs arise only because of changes in the number of product (or service) units sold. Total costs can be separated into a fixed component that does not vary with the units sold and a variable component that changes with the number of units sold. When represented graphically, the behaviors of total revenues and total costs are linear (represented as a straight line) in relation to number of units sold within a relevant range and time period. The selling price, variable cost per unit, and total fixed costs are known and constant. 3-3 Operating income is total revenues from operations for the accounting period minus cost of goods sold and operating costs (excluding income taxes): Costs of goods sold and operating Operating income = Total revenues from operations – costs (excluding income taxes) Net income is operating income plus nonoperating revenues (such as interest revenue) minus nonoperating costs (such as interest cost) minus income taxes. Chapter 3 assumes nonoperating revenues and nonoperating costs are zero. Thus, Chapter 3 computes net income as: Net income = Operating income – Income taxes 3-4 Contribution margin represents the difference between the total revenues and total variable costs. It indicates why the operating income changes as the number of units sold changes. It can be expressed per unit (contribution margin per unit) or as a total (contribution margin). The ratio of contribution margin to revenue is called contribution margin ratio (also called contribution margin percentage). It is designed to measure the level of contribution derivable from a specified amount of sales. 3-5 Three methods to express CVP relationships are the equation method, the contribution margin method, and the graph method. The first two methods are most useful for analyzing 3-1 operating income at a few specific levels of sales. The graph method is useful for visualizing the effect of sales on operating income over a wide range of quantities sold. 3-6 Breakeven point refers to the quantity of output sold at which total revenues equal total costs. This is illustrated in the graph below. It is the level of activity at which there is neither profit nor loss. It can be estimated by using a breakeven chart or by calculation. The breakeven chart indicates approximate profit or loss at different levels of sales volume within a limited range. The BEP tells managers how much they must to sell to avoid a loss. TOTAL REVENUE BEP $ TOTAL COSTS Q BEP graph showing the point where the total revenue is equals the total cost. 3-7 CVP analysis is based on a simple assumption that focuses only on two factors: revenue and cost. It assumes that the relationship between revenue and cost is linear. CVP analysis is applicable within a relevant range of activity and it is assumed that productivity and efficiency of operations will remain constant. CVP analysis also assumes that costs can be accurately divided into fixed and variable categories and selling price and variable cost per unit remain constant while these assumptions may not be true. CVP is limited in terms of the details and the amount of information that it can provide, especially in a multi-product operation. 3-8 An increase in the income tax rate does not affect the breakeven point. Operating income at the breakeven point is zero, and no income taxes are paid at this point. 3-9 Sensitivity analysis is a “what-if” technique that managers use to examine how an outcome will change if the original predicted data are not achieved or if an underlying assumption changes. The advent of the electronic spreadsheet has greatly increased the ability to explore the effect of alternative assumptions at minimal cost. CVP is one of the most widely used software applications in the management accounting area. 3-10 CVP analysis is more focused on the short run because the variables cannot be influenced (fixed costs, selling price, and variable costs per unit). So, the only variable that can be altered is the production and sales volume. 3-11 Yes. You can use the assumption of a constant sales mix of the products. You cannot calculate the BEP in products, but you can calculate the BEP in dollars revenue. 3-2 3-12 Operating leverage describes the effects that fixed costs have on changes in operating income as changes occur in units sold, and hence, in contribution margin. Knowing the degree of operating leverage at a given level of sales helps managers calculate the effect of fluctuations in sales on operating incomes. 3-13 CVP analysis is always performed within a relevant range of activity and for a specified time horizon. What we consider to be a fixed cost in CVP analysis can be true when we are focusing on a specific short horizon, but it may not be true when sufficient time is provided. In other words, a fixed cost in a short horizon can be considered as unfixed in a long-term horizon. Furthermore, there are some costs that are semi-fixed and some that are semi-variable, depending on the relevant range of activities. So, the time periods and the relevant range of activities are two main bases for sort costs into the fixed and variable categories. 3-14 Breakeven analysis assumes the following: • Selling price, variable cost per unit and fixed costs are all known and constant • Profits are calculated on a variable costing only • Cost and revenue behave in a linear fashion 3-15 The gross margin focuses on full cost, but the contribution margin focuses only on variable cost to measures how much a company is making for its products above the costs of acquiring or producing them. The contribution margin is the main focus of CVP analysis. 3-16 Choice "c" is correct. The number of boxes needed to be sold is calculated as follows: Selling Price per box: $20 per box Contribution % = 60% Contribution margin per box: 60% × $20 = $12 per box Fixed costs: $25,000 Income after tax: $15,000 Tax rate: 25% Operating income before tax: $15,000 ÷ (1 – 0.25) = $15,000 ÷ 0.75 = $20,000 Total fixed costs $25,000 + target operating income, $20,000 = $45,000 Boxes necessary to produce target operating income: $45,000 / $12 per box = 3,750 boxes Choice "a" is incorrect. The contribution margin of 60% means that variable costs are 40% of the sale price, not 60% of the sales price. Choice "b" is incorrect. The contribution margin needs to cover the fixed costs of $25,000 and the operating income before tax of $20,000. Fixed costs are not subject to the income tax rate in the calculation. Choice "d" is incorrect. Net income of $15,000 is after deducting the income tax expense. Operating income before tax of $20,000 must be generated in order to produce net income of $15,000. 3-17 Choice “d” is correct. All the statements are correct. Choice “a” is correct as contribution margin measures the difference in the operating profit compared with the units sold. 3-3 Choice “b” is also correct as the contribution margin explains the revenue available from sales from which the profit is derived after deducting the fixed costs. Choice “c” is thus correct. The gross margin indicates the cost of sales compared to the actual sales. 3-18 Choice “c” is correct. The contribution margin percentage per plate of fried rice is calculated as [contribution margin per unit ÷ selling price x 100 = £2 ÷ £6 = 33.33%]. This means that Cheng Hi Fried Rice Restaurant earns 33.33% for each plate of fried rice sold which contributes towards the recovery of the fixed cost. Choice “a” is incorrect. The contribution margin per unit has been calculated instead of the ratio. Students should pay attention to what exactly is required in the question. Choice “b” is incorrect. The ratio has been obtained by dividing the contribution margin per unit by the variable cost per unit. Choice “d” is incorrect as the variable costs to selling price ratio has been computed. 3-19 Choice “a” is correct. Step 1: First convert the net income to operating income = net income = [1-tax rate] £75,000 = £100,000 [1 – 0.25] Step 2: Derive the new selling price. Sales volume (selling price – variable cost per unit) – fixed costs = operating income. [50,000 (Selling price - £4) - £60,000 = £100,000]. Therefore, the new selling price =£4 + £360,000 = £7.20 which is a percentage increase of 20%. 50,000 Choice “b” is incorrect. The operating income has been derived without considering the variable costs of £200,000. This means that the new selling price becomes £3.2 which is a percentage reduction of 46.67%. Choice “c” is incorrect. The operating income has been derived without considering the fixed costs of £60,000. This means that the new selling price remains at £6.00 which is a percentage change of 0%. Choice “d” is incorrect. The operating income has been equated to £75,000 instead of £100,000. This means that the new selling price becomes £6.7 which is a percentage increase of 12%. 3-20 The correct Choice is “d”. [BEP in units = Fixed Costs ÷ contribution margin per unit = £60,000 £2 = 30,000 plates of fried rice. This means that Cheng Hi Fried Rice Restaurant will break even if it sells 30,000 plates of fried rice. The equivalent BEP in value can be calculated by multiplying the 30,000 plates by selling price of £6, which is £180,000. Another approach of deriving the BEP in value is by dividing the fixed cost of £60,000 by the contribution sales ratio. Choice “a” is incorrect, though the BEP in units is correctly calculated but the value equivalent is wrong. The BEP in value should be the BEP (units) multiplied by the selling price per unit. Choice “b” is wrong because the BEP in value has been used instead of the units and the BEP in value has been wrongly computed. Choice “c” is also wrong as the BEP in units has been calculated as fixed cost divided by selling price. 3-4 3-21 (10 min.) CVP computations. Revenue s Variable Costs a. $4,250 $1,700 b. 8,000 c. d. 3-22 Fixed Costs Total Costs Operating Income Contribution Margin Operating Income % Contribution Margin % 5,000 $1,27 5 1,000 $2,97 5 6,000 $1,275 $2,550 30.00% 60.00% 2,000 3,000 25.00% 37.50% 6600 3500 900 4400 2200 3,100 33.33% 46.97% 7,400 2,400 1800 4,200 3,200 5,000 43.24% 67.57% (10–15 min.) CVP computations. 1a. Contribution margin ($80 per unit × 40% × 540,000 units) $ 17,280,000 1b. Sales ($80 per unit × 540,000 units) Contribution margin (from above) Variable costs $43,200,000 17,280,000 $25,920,000 1c. Contribution margin (from above) Fixed costs Operating income $17,280,000 2,100,000 $15,180,000 2a. Sales (from above) Variable costs ($25,920,000 × 80%) Contribution margin $43,200,000 20,736,000 $22,464,000 2b. Contribution margin (from above) Fixed costs ($2,100,000 + 3,800,000) Operating income $22,464,000 5,900,000 $16,564,000 3. If the production manager’s proposal is accepted, the operating income is expected to increase by $1,384,000 ($16,564,000 − $15,180,000). The management would consider other factors before making the final decision. It is likely that product quality will improve as a result of the modernized production process. However, due to increased automation, many workers will probably have to be laid off. Simplex’s management will have to consider the impact of such an action on employee morale. In addition, the proposal increases the company’s fixed costs dramatically. This will increase the company’s operating leverage and risk. 3-5 3-23 (35–40 min.) CVP analysis, changing revenues and costs. 1a. SP VCU CMU FC = 10% × $1,300 = $130 per ticket = $34 per ticket = $130 – $34 = $96 per ticket = $36,000 a month Q 1b. Q 2a. SP VCU CMU FC tickets tickets = $130 per ticket = $30 per ticket = $130 – $30 = $100 per ticket = $36,000 a month Q 2b. Q 3a. SP VCU CMU FC tickets tickets = $46 per ticket = $30 per ticket = $46 – $30 = $16 per ticket = $36,000 a month Q 3b. tickets Q tickets The reduced commission sizably increases the breakeven point and the number of tickets required to yield a target operating income of $12,000: Breakeven point Attain OI of $12,000 4a. 10% Commission (Requirement 2) 360 480 Fixed Commission of $46 2,250 3,000 The $8 delivery fee can be treated as either an extra source of revenue (as done below) or as a cost offset. Either approach increases CMU $8: SP = $54 ($46 + $8) per ticket VCU = $30 per ticket 3-6 CMU = $54 – $30 = $24 per ticket FC = $36,000 a month Q 4b. Q tickets tickets (refer to Equation 4) The $8 delivery fee results in a higher contribution margin, which reduces both the breakeven point and the tickets sold to attain operating income of $12,000. 3-7 3-24 Orig . 1. 2. (20 min.) CVP exercises. Revenues Variable Costs $12,500,000 G $9,750,000 Contribution Margin Fixed Costs G $2,750,000 $2,240,000 G 2,240,000 2,240,000 $ 510,000 12,500,000 12,500,000 9,337,500 10,162,500 3,162,500 2,337,500 3. 12,500,000 9,750,000 2,750,000 2,464,000 c 286,000 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 12,500,000 14,000,000 e 11,000,000 g 13,500,000 i 12,500,000 9,750,000 10,920,000 8,580,000 10,530,000 9,165,000 2,750,000 3,080,000 2,420,000 2,970,000 3,335,000 2,016,000 2,240,000 2,240,000 2,419,200 2,374,400 d 734,000 840,000 180,000 550,800 960,600 f h j l a b Budgeted Operating Income 922,500 97,500 k m Gstands for given. a$2,750,000 × 1.15; b$2,750,000 × 0.85; c$2,240,000 × 1.10; d$2,240,000 × 0.90; e$12,500,000 × 1.12; f$9,750,000 × 1.12; g$12,500,000 × 0.88; h$9,750,000 × 0.88; i$12,500,000 × 1.08; j$9,750,000 × 1.08; k$2,240,000 × 1.08; l$9,750,000 × 0.94; m$2,240,000 × 1.06 9. Alternative 8, an 6% decrease in variable costs holding revenues constant with a 6% increase in fixed costs, yields the highest budgeted operating income because it has decreased variables costs and consequently made a highest increase in the contribution margin which has contributed in the highest increase in operating income after nullifying the effect of increase in fixed costs.without increasing fixed costs. 3-25 (20 min.) CVP exercises. 1a. [Units sold (Selling price – Variable costs)] – Fixed costs [300,000 ($12.50 – $7.00)] – $880,000 1b. Fixed costs ÷ Contribution margin per unit = Breakeven units $880,000 ÷ [($12.50 – $7.00)] = 160,000 units Breakeven units × Selling price = Breakeven revenues 160,000 units × $12.50 per unit = $2,000,000 or, Contribution margin ratio = Operating income = $770,000 Fixed costs ÷ Contribution margin ratio = Breakeven revenues $880,000 ÷ 0.44 = $2,000,000 3-8 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 300,000 ($12.50 – $7.00 × 110%)) – $880,000 [300,000 (1.02) ($12.50 – $7.00)] – ($880,000 + 250,000)] [300,000 (1.25) ($11.25 – $7. 70)] – [$880,000 (0.9)] $880,000 (1.2) ÷ ($12.50 – $7.00) ($880,000 + $30,000) ÷ ($14.00 – $7.00) 3-26 = = = = = $560,000 $2,813,000 $539,250 192,000 units 130,000 units (10 min.) CVP analysis, income taxes. 1. Monthly fixed costs = $52,800 + $75,200 + $18,400 = Contribution margin per unit = $5,000 – $4,200 – $5,000 × .04 = Breakeven units per month refrigerators 2. Tax rate Target net income Target operating income 30% $63,000 Quantity required to be sold 3-27 1. units (20–25 min.) CVP analysis, income taxes. Variable cost percentage is $3.80 $9.50 = 40% Let R = Revenues needed to obtain target net income R – 0.40R – $456,000 = 0.60R = $456,000 + $228,000 R = $684,000 0.60 R = $1,140,000 or, Proof: $146,400 $600 Revenues Variable costs (at 40%) Contribution margin Fixed costs Operating income Income taxes (at 30%) Net income $1,140,000 456,000 684,000 456,000 228,000 68,400 $ 159,600 3-9 2.a. Customers needed to break even: Contribution margin per customer = $9.50 – $3.80 = $5.70 Breakeven number of customers = Fixed costs Contribution margin per customer = $456,000 $5.70 per customer = 80,000 customers 2.b. Customers needed to earn net income of $159,600: Total revenues Sales check per customer $1,140,000 $9.50 = 120,000 customers 3. Using the shortcut approach: Change in net income New net income Unit Change in = number of contribution 1 Tax rate customers margin = (145,000 – 120,000) $5.70 (1 – 0.30) = $142,500 0.7 = $99,750 = $99,750 + $159,600 = $259,350 Alternatively, with 145,000 customers, Operating income = Number of customers Selling price per customer – Number of customers Variable cost per customer – Fixed costs = 145,000 $9.50 – 145,000 $3.80 – $456,000 = $370,500 Net income = Operating income × (1 – Tax rate) = $370,500 × 0.70 = $259,350 The alternative approach is: Revenues, 145,000 $9.50 Variable costs at 40% Contribution margin Fixed costs Operating income Income tax at 30% Net income $1,377,500 551,000 826,500 456,000 370,500 111,150 $ 259,350 3-10 3-28 (10-15 mins.) CVP analysis, sensitivity analysis. 1) SP = £3,500; or $6,300 @ 1.80 = £3,500. VCU = £3,000 CMU = £500 per unit. FC = £10 million Breakeven units units Operating income = (CMU × Q) − FC (refer to Equation 2 of Contribution margin method) CMU = £500 Q = 25,000 Operating income = (£500 × 25,000 units) − £10million = £2.5million 2) 3) Lets assume that the selling price per unit is ‘£z’ CMU = £z − £3,000 Using the Contribution margin method (Equation 2), Operating income = (CMU × Q) − FC We can derive the selling price as: £2.5million = (£z − £3,000) × 25,000 − £7million £2.5million = 25,000z − £75million − £7million £84.5million = 25,000z Therefore: z = £3,380 This represents a 3.4% price reduction. 4) Quantity of superbikes required to be sold units To earn the target operating income of £5million, the company needs to sell 30,000 superbikes. Proof: Revenue, £3,500 per unit x 30,000 units Variable costs, £3,000 per unit x 30,000 units Contribution margin Fixed costs Operating income Income taxes, £5,000,000 x 0.25 Net income 3-11 £105,000,000 90,000,000 15,000,000 10,000,000 5,000,000 1,250,000 £3,750,000 3-29 1. (10 min.) CVP analysis, margin of safety. Breakeven point revenues Contribution margin percentage 2. Contribution margin percentage = Selling price Variable cost per unit Selling price SP $30 0.25 = SP 0.25 SP = SP – $30 0.75 SP = $30 SP = $40 3. Breakeven sales in units = Breakeven revenues ÷ Selling price = $3,200,000 ÷ $40 = 80,000 units Margin of safety in units = Sales in units – Breakeven sales in units = 105,000 – 80,000 = 25,000 units Revenue (105,000 units $40) $4,200,000 Breakeven revenues 3,200,000 Margin of safety $1,000,000 4. The risk of making a loss is high. If due to adverse situations, sales decrease by 25,000 units ÷ 105,000 units i.e. by 23.81% or more, Ariba will make a loss. The most likely reasons for this risk are increased competition, entry of substitute products, sudden drop in demand due to economic condition, or bad management. 3-12 3-30 (25 min.) Choosing most profitable production volume. 1. Denote fixed costs by F. Selling price × Units sold – Variable cost per unit × Units sold – Fixed costs = Operating income $50 × 6,000 – $30 × 6,000 – F = $ 20,000 $300,000 − $180,000 – F = $ 20,000 $120,000 – F = $ 20,000 F = $100,000 Under the alternative choice, Blanchard’s operating income is: $60 ×3,500 + $40×2,000 − $30×5,500 − $100,000 = $210,000 + $80,000 − $165,000 − $100,000 = $ 25,000 Blanchard should choose the second alternative because the operating income of $25,000 is greater than the operating income of $20,000 under first alternative. 2. Selling price × Units sold – Variable cost per unit × Units sold – Fixed costs = Operating income (a) If Centa sells 2,500 units, its operating income will be $300 × 2,500 – $75 × 2,500 – $250,000 = $ 750,000 – $187,500 – $250,000 = $312,500 (b) If Centa sells 5,000 units, its operating income will be $200 × 5,000 – $50 × 5,000 – $350,000 = $1,000,000 – $250,000 – $350,000 = $400,000 (c) If Centa sells 8,000 units, its operating income will be $175 × 8,000 – $30 × 8,000 – $800,000 = $1,400,000 – $240,000 – $800,000 = $360,000 Centa Corporation should plan to produce and sell 5,000 units because this level of production and sales maximizes operating income. 3-31 (25 min.) Operating leverage. 1a. Let Q denote the quantity of carpets sold Breakeven point under Option 1 $1,500Q $900Q (0.25 $1,500Q) = 0 225Q = 0 Q = 0 Breakeven point under Option 2 $1,500Q $900Q = $30,000 $600Q = $30,000 Q = $30,000 $600 = 50 carpets 1b. 3-13 2. Operating income under Option 1 = $225Q Operating income under Option 2 = $600Q $30,000 Find Q such that $225Q = $600Q $30,000 $375Q = $30,000 Q = $30,000 $375 = 80 carpets Revenue = $1,500 × 80 carpets = $120,000 For Q = 80 carpets, operating income under both Option 1 ($225 × 80) and Option 2 ($600 × 80 $30,000) = $18,000 For Q > 80, say, 81 carpets, Option 1 gives operating income = $225 81 = $18,225 Option 2 gives operating income = ($600 81) $30,000 = $18,600 Broadpull Rugs will prefer Option 2. For Q < 80, say, 79 carpets, Option 1 gives operating income = $225 79 = $17,775 Option 2 gives operating income = ($600 79) $30,000 = $17,400 Broadpull Rugs will prefer Option 1. 3. Degree of operating leverage Option 1 Contribution margin per unit = $1,500 – $900 – 0.25 $1,500 = $225 Degree of operating leverage Option 2 Contribution margin per unit = $1,500 – $900 = $600 Degree of operating leverage (rounded) 4. The calculations in requirement 3 indicate that when sales are 80 units, a percentage change in sales and contribution margin will result in 2.67 times that percentage change in operating income for Option 2, but the same percentage change in operating income for Option 1 (because there are no fixed costs in Option 1). The degree of operating leverage at a given level of sales helps managers calculate the effect of fluctuations in sales on operating incomes. 3-14 3-32 (15 min.) Country CVP analysis, international cost structure differences. (1) (2) (3) Italy $200 $ 6,386,000 $70 Spain 200 5,043,000 61 Singapore 200 12,240,000 84 (4) (5) = (1) – (3) – (4) $27 $103.00 16 123.00 14 102.00 (6) = (2) (5) 62,000 41,000 120,000 (7) = [80,000 (5)]– (6) (1) (2) $12,400,000 $1,854,000 8,200,000 4,797,000 24,000,000 (4,080,000) Requirement 1 Requirement 1 Requirement 2 Spain has the lowest breakeven point because it has both the lowest fixed costs ($5,043,000) and the lowest variable cost per unit ($77.00). Hence, for a given selling price, Spain will always have a higher operating income (or a lower operating loss) than Italy or Singapore. The Singapore breakeven point is 120,000 units. Hence, with sales of only 80,000 units, it has an operating loss of $4,080,000. 3-15 3-33 (30 min.) Sales mix, new and upgrade customers. 1. SP VCU CMU New Customers $195 65 $130 Upgrade Customers $115 35 $ 80 The 60%/40% sales mix implies that, in each bundle, 3 units are sold to new customers and 2 units are sold to upgrade customers. Contribution margin of the bundle = 3 $130 + 2 $80 = $390 + $160 = $550 $16,500,000 Breakeven point in bundles = = 30,000 bundles $550 Breakeven point in units is: Sales to new customers: 30,000 bundles 3 units per bundle 90,000 units Sales to upgrade customers: 30,000 bundles 2 units per bundle 60,000 units Total number of units to breakeven (rounded) 150,000 units Alternatively, Let S = Number of units sold to upgrade customers 1.5S = Number of units sold to new customers Revenues – Variable costs – Fixed costs = Operating income [$195 (1.5S) + $115S] – [$65 (1.5S) + $35S] – $16,500,000 = OI $407.5S – $132.5S – $16,500,000 = OI Breakeven point is 150,000 units when OI = $0 because $275S S 1.5S BEP = $16,500,000 = 60,000 units sold to upgrade customers = 90,000 units sold to new customers = 150,000 units Check Revenues ($195 90,000) + ($115 60,000) Variable costs ($65 90,000) + ($35 60,000) Contribution margin Fixed costs Operating income 3-16 $24,450,000 7,950,000 16,500,000 16,500,000 $ 0 2. When 170,000 units are sold, mix is: Units sold to new customers (60% 170,000) Units sold to upgrade customers (40% 170,000) Revenues ($195 102,000) + ($115 68,000) Variable costs ($65 102,000) + ($35 68,000) Contribution margin Fixed costs Operating income 3a. 102,000 68,000 $27,710,000 9,010,000 18,700,000 16,500,000 $ 2,200,000 At New 40%/Upgrade 60% mix, each bundle contains 2 units sold to new customers and 3 units sold to upgrade customers. Contribution margin of the bundle = 2 $130 + 3 $80 = $260 + $240 = $500 $16,500,000 Breakeven point in bundles = = 33,000 bundles $500 Breakeven point in units is: Sales to new customers: 33,000 bundles × 2 unit per bundle 66,000 units Sales to upgrade customers: 33,000 bundles × 3 unit per bundle 99,000 units Total number of units to breakeven 165,000 units Alternatively, Let S = Number of units sold to new customers then 1.5S = Number of units sold to upgrade customers [$195S + $115 (1.5S)] – [$65S + $35 (1.5S)] – $16,500,000 = OI 367.5S – 117.5S = $16,500,000 250S = $16,500,000 S = 66,000 units sold to new customers 1.5S = 99,000 units sold to upgrade customers BEP = 165,000 units Check Revenues ($195 66,000) + ($115 99,000) $24,255,000 Variable costs ($65 66,000) + ($35 99,000) 7,755,000 Contribution margin 16,500,000 Fixed costs 16,500,000 Operating income $ 0 3b. At New 80%/ Upgrade 20% mix, each bundle contains 4 units sold to new customers and 1 unit sold to upgrade customers. Contribution margin of the bundle = 4 $130 + 1 $80 = $520 + $80 = $600 $16,500,000 Breakeven point in bundles = = 27,500 bundles $600 Breakeven point in units is: Sales to new customers: 27,500 bundles 4 units per bundle 110,000 units Sales to upgrade customers: 27,500 bundles 1 unit per bundle 27,500 units Total number of units to breakeven 137,500 units 3-17 Alternatively, Let S = Number of units sold to upgrade customers then 4S = Number of units sold to new customers [$195 (4S) + $115S] – [$65 (4S) + $35S] – $16,500,000 = OI 895S – 295S = $16,500,000 600S = $16,500,000 S = 27,500 units sold to upgrade customers 4S = 110,000 units sold to new customers 137,500 units Check Revenues ($195 110,000) + ($115 27,500) Variable costs ($65 110,000) + ($35 27,500) Contribution margin Fixed costs Operating income $24,612,500 8,112,500 16,500,000 16,500,000 $ 0 3c. As Chartz increases its percentage of new customers, which have a higher contribution margin per unit than upgrade customers, the number of units required to break even decreases: Requirement 3(a) Requirement 1 Requirement 3(b) New Customers 40% 60 80 3-18 Upgrade Customers 60% 40 20 Breakeven Point 165,000 150,000 137,500 3-34 (15–25 min.) Sales mix, three products. 1. Sales of A, B, and C are in ratio 40,000:120,000:80,000 For every 1 unit of A, 3 (120,000 ÷ 40,000) units of B are sold, and 2 (80,000 ÷ 40,000) units of C are sold. Contribution margin of the bundle = (1 $7) + (3 $5) + (2 $4) = $7 + $15 + $8 = $30 Breakeven point (in bundles) bundles Breakeven point in units is: Product A: 18,400 bundles × 1 unit per bundle 18,400 units Product B: 18,400 bundles × 3 units per bundle 55,200 units Product C: 18,400 bundles × 2 units per bundle 36,800 units Total number of units to breakeven 110,400 units Alternatively, Let Q = Number of units of A to break even 3Q = Number of units of B to break even 2Q = Number of units of C to break even Contribution margin – Fixed costs = Zero operating income $7Q + $5(3Q) + $4(2Q) – $552,000 $30Q Q 3Q 2Q Total 2. = = = = = = 0 $552,000 18,400 ($552,000 ÷ $30) units of A 55,200 units of B 36,800 units of C 110,400 units Calculate sales mix at 220,000 total units: A: 1/6 (or 40,000/240,000) 220,000 = 0.167; 0.167 220,000 = 36,740 units B: 3/6 (or 120,000/240,000) 220,000 = 0.5; 0.5 220,000 = 110,000 units C: 2/6 (or 80,000/240,000) 220,000 = 0.333; 0.333 220,000 = 73,260 units Contribution margin: A: 36,740 $7 $257,180 B: 110,000 $5 550,000 C: 73,260 $4 293,040 Contribution margin $1,100,220 Fixed costs 552,000 Operating income $548,220 3. Contribution margin A: 40,000 $7 B: 100,000 $5 C: 100,000 $4 Contribution margin Fixed costs Operating income $628,000 $280,000 500,000 400,000 $1,180,000 552,000 3-19 Sales of A, B, and C are in ratio 40,000 : 100,000 : 100,000. So for every 1 unit of A, 2.5 (1,000,000 ÷ 40,000) units of B and 2.5 (100,000 ÷ 40,000) units of C are sold, that is, for every 2 units of A, 5 units of B and 5 units Contribution margin of the bundle = (2 $7) + (5 $5) + (5 $4) = $14 + $25 + $20 = $59 Breakeven point in bundles = 552,000 / $59 = 9,356 bundles (rounded) Breakeven point in units is: Product A: 9,356 bundles 2 units per bundle Product B: 9,356 bundles 5 units per bundle Product C: 9,356 bundles 5 units per bundle Total number of units to breakeven Alternatively, Let 2Q = 5Q = 5Q = 18,712 units 46,780 units 46,780 units 112,272 units Number of units of A to break even Number of units of B to break even Number of units of C to break even Contribution margin – Fixed costs = Breakeven point $7(2Q) + $5(5Q) + $4(5Q) – $552,000 $59Q 2Q 5Q 5Q Total = = = = = = 0 $552,000 18,712 [($552,000 ÷ $59) 2] units of A 46,780 units of B 46,780 units of C 112,272 units Breakeven point increases because the new mix contains less of the higher contribution margin per unit, product B, and more of the lower contribution margin per unit, product C. 4. No, it is not always better to choose the sales mix with the lowest breakeven point because this calculation ignores the demand for the various products. The company should look to and sell as much of each of the three products as it can to maximize operating income even if this means that this sales mix results in a higher breakeven point. 3-20 3-35 i. (15-20 mins.) CVP analysis, decision making Sales Manufacturing costs Total Fixed costs Variable costs Variable cost per unit Selling and Administration Total Fixed costs Commission (3%) Variable costs ii. Variable cost per unit 2,000,000 6,000,000kr 2,400,000kr 3,600,000kr 1.8kr (3,600,000kr/2,000,000) 3,100,000kr 2,300,000kr 300,000kr 500,000kr 25p (500,000kr/2,000,000) Evaluation of order Incremental costs Manufacturing 150,000 x 1.8kr = 270,000kr Sales 150,000 x 0.25kr = 37,500kr Clips 150,000 x 0 .2kr = 30,000kr Incremental costs = 337,500kr Incremental revenue 660,000kr 2). Incremental contribution 322,500kr 3). Acceptance of the order will increase the contribution by 322,500kr, so the operating income (profits) will rise from 900,000kr to 1,222,500kr (an increase of 35.8%). 4) Although the president is correct that the acceptance of the order may trigger a chain reaction from competitors and may also encourage other customers to request special discounts. However, the order has a positive contribution and hence adds to the operating income of the business. Therefore, the rejection of the order will be a bad decision as contribution of 322,500kr will be lost. Orders with positive contributions should be considered. 3-21 3-36 (20 min.) Contribution margin, gross margin and margin of safety. 1. Roma Skincare Operating Income Statement, June 2020 Units sold Revenues Variable costs Variable manufacturing costs Variable marketing costs Total variable costs Contribution margin Fixed costs Fixed manufacturing costs Fixed marketing & administration costs Total fixed costs Operating income 2. 15,000 $120,000 $60,000 6,000 66,000 54,000 $22,000 14,000 36,000 $18,000 Contribution Margin per Unit per unit Breakeven Quantity units Selling Price per unit Breakeven revenues = 10,000 units × $8 per unit = $80,000 Alternatively, Contribution Margin Percentage Breakeven Revenue 3. 4. Margin of safety (in units) = Units sold – Breakeven quantity = 15,000 units – 10,000 units = 5,000 units Units Sold Revenue (units sold × selling price = 12,000 × $8) Contribution Margin (revenue × CM percentage = $96,000 × 45%) 12,000 $96,000 $43,200 Fixed Costs Operating Income Taxes (30% × $7,200) Net Income 36,000 7,200 2,160 $5,040 3-22 3-37 (30 min.) Uncertainty and expected costs. 1. Monthly Number of Orders 400,000 600,000 800,000 Monthly Number of Orders 400,000 600,000 800,000 Cost of Current System $2,500,000 + $62(400,000) = $2,500,000 + $62(600,000) = $2,500,000 + $62(800,000) = $27,300,000 $39,700,000 $52,100,000 Cost of Partially Automated System $7,200,000 + $50(400,000) = $7,200,000 + $50(600,000) = $7,200,000 + $50(800,000) = Monthly Number of Cost of Partially Automated System Orders 400,000 $11,400,000 + $30(400,000) = 600,000 $11,400,000 + $30(600,000) = 800,000 $11,400,000 + $30(800,000) = 2. Current System Expected Cost: $27,300,000 × 0.35 = $9,555,000 39,700,000 × 0.40 = 15,880,000 52,100,000 × 0.25 = 13,025,000 $38,460,000 Partially Automated System Expected Cost: $27,200,000 × 0.35 = 37,200,000 × 0.40 = 47,200,000 × 0.25 = Fully Automated System Expected Cost: $23,400,000 × 0.35 = 29,400,000 × 0.40 = 35,400,000 × 0.25 = $27,200,000 $37,200,000 $47,200,000 $23,400,000 $29,400,000 $35,400,000 $9,520,000 14,880,000 11,800,000 $36,200,000 $8,190,000 11,760,000 8,850,000 $28,800,000 3. Futuremart should consider the impact of the different systems on its relationship with suppliers. The interface with Futuremart’s system may require that suppliers also update their systems. This could cause some suppliers to raise the cost of their merchandise. It could force other suppliers to drop out of Futuremart’s supply chain because the cost of the system change would be prohibitive. Futuremart may also want to consider other factors such as the reliability of different systems and the effect on employee morale if employees have to be laid off as it automates its systems. 3-23 3-38 (15-20 mins) CVP analysis, Service firms 1. FC = £1,590 CMU = SP – VC = £2.00 Contribution margin percentage 2. We can rearrange Equation 3 to derive the BEP. Breakeven output level units Breakeven revenue Alternative: Breakeven revenues = Breakeven number of units x Selling price = 795 units × £2.50 = £1,987.50 Operating income = (Contribution margin per unit x Quantity of unit sold) – Fixed costs The contribution margin per unit = £2.00, quantity = 20,000 units and fixed costs = £1,590 Therefore, operating income = (£2.00 × 20,000) − £1,590 = £40,000 − £1,590 = £38,410 3. 4. If the rental cost increases by £288, the fixed costs = £1,590 + £288 = £1,878 Breakeven output level units Breakeven revenue Alternative: Breakeven revenues 5. = Breakeven number of units × Selling price = 939 units × £2.50 = £2,347.50 Fixed costs = £1,590 Variable cost per unit = £0.50 + £0.10 = £0.60 Contribution margin per unit = SP – VC = £2.50 - £0.60 = £1.90 Contribution margin % = £1.90 ÷ £2.50 = 0.76 = 76% i. New breakeven units units New breakeven revenue The additional £0.10 paid to the manufacturer for each unit sold is a variable cost and therefore increases the variable costs to £0.60. ii. 3-39 Operating income = (Contribution margin per unit × Quantity of unit sold) – Fixed costs = (£1.90 × 20,000) − £1,590 = £36,410. (15-20 mins.) CVP analysis, medical sector. 1. Contribution margin ratio = Total fees – Total variable cost Total fees Contribution margin per unit 3-24 2. BEP in in-patient days = Total Fixed Costs = Contribution margin per unit BEP in in-patient fees = Total Fixed Costs Contribution margin ratio = ¥252,000 ¥9 = 28,000 days ¥252,000 0.18 = ¥1,400,000 3. Margin of safety at full capacity Full capacity in-Patient days – BEP in-patient days × 100 Full capacity in-Patient days Note: Full capacity = 80 beds × 365 days = 29,200 in-patient days 29,200 – 28,000 × 100 = 1200 ×100 = 4.11% 29,200 29,200 4. Contribution margin per unit BEP in in-patient days if direct salaries were increased: 5. BEP in in-patient days if fixed patient service overheads were increased: 3-25 3-40 (30 mins.) CVP analysis, sensitivity analysis, and margin of safety 1) Variable cost of a chair (VCU) = €15 + €8 + €7 = €30 2) Breakeven output 3) Operating income = = Contribution margin – Fixed costs (refer to Equation 2) (€20 × 200) − €3,000 = €4,000 − €3,000 = €1,000 4) Quantity of chairs required to be sold = Fixed Costs + Target operating income Contribution margin per unit Refer to Equation 4. The company will have to produce and sell 350 chairs to achieve the TOI of €4,000. New information: SP = €48, VCU = (€15 × 1.2) + €8 + €7 = €18 + €8 + €7 = €33 FC = €4,000 5) Breakeven output = Fixed Costs = €4,000 = 267 chairs Contribution margin per unit €15 6) Operating income = Contribution margin – Fixed costs = [(€48 - €33) x 350 chairs] − €4,000 = €1,250 7) Margin of safety in units = Sales in units – Breakeven sales in units = 350 – 267 = 83 units Margin of safety percentage = (Sales in units – Breakeven sales in units) × 100 Sales in units = (350 – 267) × 100 = 83 × 100 267 267 8) Desired output = 31.1% = Fixed Cost + Target operating income Contribution margin per unit = €4,000 + €4,000 €15 = 533 chairs 3-26 3-41 (30–40 min.) CVP analysis, income taxes. 1. Revenues – Variable costs – Fixed costs = Target net income 1 Tax rate Let X = Net income for 2020 22,000($35.00) – 22,000($18.50) – $214,500 = $770,000 – $407,000 – $214,500 = X 1 0.40 X 0.60 $462,000 – $244,200 – $128,700 = X X = $89,100 Alternatively, Operating income = Revenues – Variable costs – Fixed costs = $770,000 – $407,000 – $214,500 = $148,500 Income taxes = 0.40 × $148,500 = $59,400 Net income = Operating income – Income taxes = $148,500 – $59,400 = $89,100 2. Let Q = Number of units to break even $35.00Q – $18.50Q – $214,500 = 0 Q = $214,500 $16.50 = 13,000 units 3. Let X = Net income for 2021 25,000($35.00) – 25,000($18.50) – ($214,500 + $16,500) = $875,000 – $462,500 – $231,000 = $181,500 = X 1 0.40 X 0.60 X 0.60 X = $108,900 4. Let Q = Number of units to break even with new fixed costs of $146,250 $35.00Q – $18.50Q – $231,000 Q = $231,000 $16.50 Breakeven revenues = 14,000 $35.00 5. = 0 = 14,000 units = $490,000 Let S = Required sales units to equal 2020 net income $35.00S – $18.50S – $231,000 = $89,100 0.60 $16.50S = $379,500 S = 23,000 units Revenues = 23,000 units $35 = $805,000 6. Let A = Amount spent for advertising in 2021 $875,000 – $462,500 – ($214,500 + A) = $108,450 0.60 $875,000 – $462,500 – $214,500 – A = $180,750 $875,000 – $857,750 = A A = $17,250 3-27 3-42 (25 min.) CVP, sensitivity analysis. [NOTE: In some versions of the print book, the question contains a mix of currency symbols ($ and €). This is incorrect and the correct currency symbol for the question is €.] Contribution margin per unit = €25 – €15 = €10 Fixed costs = €174,000 Units sold = Total sales ÷ Selling price = €750,000 ÷ €25 per pair = 30,000 units Variable costs per unit = €5 +€4 + €6 = €15 1. variable manufacturing costs per unit decrease by 25%; Fixed costs increase by 20% Sales revenues: 30,000 × €25 €750,000 Variable costs: 30,000 × (€15 – €4 × 0.25) 420,000 Contribution margin: 30,000 × €11 330,000 Fixed costs €174,000 ×1.20 208,800 Operating income €121,200 2. Increase advertising (fixed costs) by €30,000; Increase sales 20% Sales revenues: 30,000 × 1.20 × €25.00 €900,000 Variable costs: 30,000 × 1.20 × €15.00 540,000 Contribution margin 360,000 Fixed costs: (€174,000 + €30,000) 204,000 Operating income € 156,000 3. Increase selling price by €5; Sales decrease 20%; Increase Raw-material costs by €3 Sales revenues: 30,000 × (1 –0.2) × (€25 + €5) €720,000 Variable costs: 30,000 × (1 –0.2) × (€15 + €3) 432,000 Contribution margin: 30,000 × (1 –0.2) × €12 288,000 Fixed costs 174,000 Operating income € 114,000 4. Double fixed costs; Increase sales by 60% Sales revenues: 30,000 × 1.60 × €25 Variable costs: 30,000 × 1.60 × €15 Contribution margin: 30,000 × 1.60 × €10 Fixed costs €174,000 × 2 Operating income €1,200,000 720,000 480,000 348,000 €132,000 Alternative 2 yields the highest operating income. Choosing alternative 2 will give Mundial Nails a 23.81% [(€156,000 – €126,000)/€126,000 = 23.81%] increase in operating income, which is less than the company’s 25% targeted increase. Alternative 4 also generates more operating income for Mundial Nails, but it too does not meet Mundial Nails’ target of 25% increase in operating income. Alternatives 1 and 3 result in lower operating income than under Mundial Nails’ current cost structure. There is no reason, however, for Mundial Nails to think of these alternatives as being mutually exclusive. For example, Mundial Nails can combine actions 1 and 2, automate the machining process and spend for a new advertising campaign and by this process increase sales by 20% and decrease variable manufacturing costs per unit by 25% while increasing fixed costs by 20% and spending €30,000 for the new advertisement 3-28 campaign. This will result in a 24.76% [(€157,200 – €126,000)/€126,000 = 24.76%] increase in operating income as follows: Sales revenue: 30,000 × 1.20 × €25 Variable costs: 30,000 × 1.20 × (€15 – €4 × 0.25) Contribution margin: 30,000 × 1.20 × €11 Fixed costs: €174,000 × 1.20 + €30,000 Operating income €900,000 504,000 396,000 238,800 €157,200 The point of this problem is that managers always need to consider broader rather than narrower alternatives to meet ambitious future or stretch goals. 3-43 (20–30 min.) CVP analysis, shoe stores. 1. CMU (SP – VCU = $40 – $31) a. Breakeven units (FC÷CMU = $171,000÷$9 per unit) b. Breakeven revenues (Breakeven units × SP = 19,000 units×$40 per unit) $ 2. Pairs sold Revenues, 15,000 × $40 Total cost of shoes, 15,000 × $29 Total sales commissions, 15,000 × $2 Total variable costs Contribution margin Fixed costs Operating income (loss) 15,000 $600,000 435,000 30,000 465,000 135,000 171,000 $ (36,000) 3. Unit variable data (per pair of shoes) Selling price Cost of shoes Sales commissions Variable cost per unit Annual fixed costs Rent Salaries, $96,000 + $19,190 Advertising Depreciation Other fixed costs Total fixed costs 9.00 19,000 $760,000 $ 40.00 29.00 0 29.00 $ $ 25,000 115,190 35,000 6,000 9,000 $ 190,190 CMU, $40 – $29 a. Breakeven units, $190,190 ÷ $11 per unit b. Breakeven revenues, 17,290 units × $40 per unit 3-29 $ 11 17,290 $691,600 4. Unit variable data (per pair of shoes) Selling price Cost of shoes Sales commissions Variable cost per unit Total fixed costs $ 40.00 29.00 3.50 $ 32.50 $171,000 CMU, $40 – $32.5 a. Break even units = $171,000 ÷ $7.50 per unit b. Break even revenues = 22,800 units × $40 per unit 5. Pairs sold Revenues (25,000 pairs × $40 per pair) Total cost of shoes (25,000 pairs × $29 per pair) Sales commissions on first 19,000 pairs (19,000 pairs × $2 per pair) Sales commissions on additional 6,000 pairs [6,000 pairs × ($2 + $1.50 per pair)] Total variable costs Contribution margin Fixed costs Operating income $ 7.50 22,800 $912,000 25,000 $1,000,000 725,000 38,000 21,000 784,000 216,000 171,000 $ 45,000 Alternative approach: Breakeven point in units = 19,000 pairs Store manager and store supervisor receive commission of $1.50 ($1+$0.50) on 6,000 (25,000 – 19,000) pairs. Contribution margin per pair beyond breakeven point of 19,000 pairs = $7.50 ($40 – $31 – $1.50) per pair. Operating income = 6,000 pairs × $7.50 contribution margin per pair = $45,000. 3-30 3-44 (30 min.) CVP analysis, shoe stores (continuation of 3-43). 1. For an expected volume of 25,000 pairs, the owner would be inclined to choose the higherfixed-salaries-only plan because income would be much higher by $30,810 compared to the salary-plus-commission plan. Operating income for salary plan = $11 × 25,000 – $190,190 = $84,810 Operating income under commission pan = $9 × 25,000 – $171,000 = $54,000 However, it is likely that sales volume itself is determined by the nature of the compensation plan. The salary-plus-commission plan provides a greater motivation to the salespeople, and it may well be that for the same amount of money paid to salespeople, the salary-plus-commission plan generates a higher volume of sales than the fixed-salary plan. 2. Let TQ = Target number of units For the salary-only plan, $40TQ – $29TQ – $190,190 $11TQ TQ TQ For the salary-plus-commission plan, $40TQ – $31TQ – $171,000 $9TQ TQ TQ = $99,000 = $289,190 = $289,190 ÷ $11 = 26,290 units = $99,000 = $270,000 = $270,000 ÷ $9 = 30,000 units The decision regarding the salary-plus-commission plan depends heavily on predictions of demand. For instance, the salary-only plan offers the same operating income at 26,290 units as the commission plan offers at 30,000 units. 3. LadyStyle Operating Income Statement, 2020 Revenues (20,000 pairs × $40) + (5,000 pairs × $35) Cost of shoes, 25,000 pairs × $29 Commissions = Revenues × 5% = $975,000 × 0.05 Contribution margin Fixed costs Operating income 3-31 $975,000 725,000 48,750 201,250 171,000 $ 30,250 3-45 (40 min.) Alternative cost structures, uncertainty, and sensitivity analysis. 1. Contribution margin per page assuming current fixed leasing agreement Fixed costs = $1,500 Breakeven point = $0.20 – $0.08 – $0.07 = $0.05 per page pages New commission-based agreement Contribution margin per page assuming $10 per 500 page commission agreement = $0.20 – $0.02a – $0.08 – $0.07 = $0.03 per page Fixed costs = $0 Breakeven point pages (i.e., Sunshine makes a profit no matter how few pages it sells) a $10 ÷ 500 pages = $0.02 per page 2. Let x denote the number of pages Sunshine must sell for it to be indifferent between the fixed leasing agreement and commission-based agreement. To calculate x we solve the following equation. $0.20x – $0.08x – $0.07x – $1,500 = $0.20x – $0.02x – $0.08x – $.07x $0.05x – $1,500 = $0.03x $0.02x = $1,500 x = $1,500 ÷ $0.02 = 75,000 pages For sales between 0 to 75,000 pages, Sunshine prefers the commission-based agreement because in this range, $0.03x > $0.05x – $1,500. For sales greater than 75,000 pages, Sunshine prefers the fixed leasing agreement because in this range, $0.05x – $1,500 > $0.03x. 3-32 3. Fixed leasing agreement Pages Sold (1) Revenue (2) 30,000 30,000 × $0.20 = $6,000 45,000 45,000 × $0.20 = $9,000 60,000 60,000 × $0.20 = $12,000 75,000 75,000 × $0.20 = $15,000 90,000 90,000 × $0.20 = $18,000 Expected value of fixed leasing agreement Variable Costs (3) Fixed Costs (4) 30,000 × $0.15 = $4,500 45,000 × $0.15 = $6,750 60,000 × $0.15 = $9,000 75,000 × $0.15 = $11,250 90,000 × $0.15 = $13,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 Operating Income (Loss) (5) = (2) – (3) – (4) Probability (6) $ 0 $ 750 $1,500 $2,250 $3,000 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 Expected Operating Income (7) = (5)×(6) $ 0 150 300 450 600 $1,500 Commission-based leasing agreement: Pages Sold Revenue Variable Costs (1) (2) (3) 30,000 30,000 × $0.20 = $6,000 30,000×$0.17 = $5100 45,000 45,000 × $0.20 = $9,000 45,000×$0.17=$,7,650 60,000 60,000 × $0.20 = $12,000 60,000×$0.17 = $10,200 75,000 75,000 × $0.20 = $15,000 75,000×$0.17=$12,750 90,000 90,000 × $0.20 = $18,000 90,000×$0.17=$15,300 Expected value of commission-based agreement Operating Income (4) = (2) – (3) $900 $1,350 $1,800 $2,250 $2,700 Probability (5) 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 Expected Operating Income (6)=(4) × (5) $ 180 270 360 450 540 $1,800 Sunshine should choose the commission-based agreement because the expected value is higher than under the fixed cost leasing agreement. The range of sales is not high enough (i.e. >75,000) to make the fixed leasing agreement more attractive. 3-33 3-46 (20-30 min.) CVP, alternative cost structures. 1. Variable cost per unit = $10 Contribution margin per unit = Selling price –Variable cost per unit = $30 – $10 = $20 Fixed Costs: Manager’s salary ($60,000 × 1.18 × 0.4) ÷12 $2,360 per month Rent 900 per month Hourly employee wages (3 × 160 hours × $12) 5,760 per month Total fixed costs $9,020 per month Breakeven point = Fixed costs ÷ Contribution margin per unit = $9,020 ÷ $20 = 451 hats (per month) 2. Target number of hats 3. Contribution margin per unit Fixed costs hats = Selling price – Variable cost per computer = $30 – (0.20 × $30) – $10 = $14 = Manager’s salary + Rent = $2,360 + $900 = $3,260 Target number of hats hats 4. Let x be the number of hats for which TopHats is indifferent between paying a monthly rental fee for the retail space and paying a 5% commission on sales. TopHats will be indifferent when the operating incomes under the two alternatives are equal. $30x − $10x – $9,020 = $30x – $10x − $30 (0.05)x − $8,120 $20x – $9,020 = $18.50x − $8,120 $1.50 x = $900 x = 600 hats For sales between 0 and 600 hats, TopHats prefers to pay the 5% commission because in this range, $18.50x − $8,120 > $20x – $9,020. For sales greater than 600 hats, the company prefers to pay the monthly fixed rent of $900 because $20x – $9,020> $18.50x − $8,120. 3-34 3-47 (30 min.) CVP analysis, income taxes, sensitivity. 1a. To breakeven, Carlisle Engine Company must sell 1,600 units. This amount represents the point where revenues equal total costs. Let Q denote the quantity of engines sold. Revenue = Variable costs + Fixed costs $4,000Q = $1000Q + $4,800,000 $3,000Q = $4,800,000 Q = 1,600 units Breakeven can also be calculated using contribution margin per unit. Contribution margin per unit = Selling price – Variable cost per unit = $4,000 – $1,000 = $3,000 Breakeven = Fixed Costs Contribution margin per unit = $4,800,000 $3,000 = 1,600 units 1b. To achieve its net income objective, Carlisle Engine Company must sell 2,100 units. This amount represents the point where revenues equal total costs plus the corresponding operating income objective to achieve net income of $1,200,000. Revenue = Variable costs + Fixed costs + [Net income ÷ (1 – Tax rate)] $4,000Q = $1,000Q + $4,800,000 + [$1,200,000 (1 0.20)] $4,000Q = $1,000Q + $4,800,000 + $1,500,000 Q = 2,100 units 2. None of the alternatives will help Carlisle Engineering achieve its net income objective of $1,200,000. Alternative b, where variable costs are reduced by $300 and selling price is reduced by $400 resulting in 1,750 additional units being sold through the end of the year, yields the highest net income of $1,180,000. Carlisle’s managers should examine how to modify Alternative b to further increase net income. For example, could variable costs be decreased by more than $300 per unit or selling prices decreased by less than $400? Calculations for the three alternatives are shown below. Alternative a Revenues = ($4,000 400) + ($3,400a 2,100) = $8,740,000 Variable costs = $1,000 2,500b = $2,500,000 Operating income = $8,740,000 $2,500,000 $4,800,000 = $1,440,000 Net income = $1,440,000 (1 0.20) = $1,152,000 a $4,000 – ($4,000 × 0.15) ; b400 units + 2,100 units. 3-35 Alternative b Revenues = ($4,000 400) + ($3,600a 1,750) = $7,900,000 Variable costs = ($1,000 400) + (700b 1,750) = $1,625,000 Operating income = $7,900,000 $1,625,000 $4,800,000 = $1,475,000 Net income = $1,475,000 (1 0.20) = $1,180,000 a $4,000 – 400 ; b$1,000 – $300. Alternative c Revenues = ($4,000 400) + ($2,800a 2,200) = $7,760,000 Variable costs = $1,000 2,600b = $2,600,000 Operating income = $7,760,000 $2,600,000 $4,320,000c = 840,000 Net income = $840,000 (1 0.20) = $672,000 a $4,000 – ($4,000 0.30); b400 units + 2,200nits; c$4,800,000 – ($4,800,000 0.10) 3-48 (30 min.) Choosing between compensation plans, operating leverage. 1. We can recast AgroPharm’s income statement to emphasize contribution margin, and then use it to compute the required CVP parameters. AgroPharm Corporation Income Statement for the Year Ended December 31, 2020 Revenues Variable Costs Cost of goods sold − variable Marketing commissions Contribution margin Fixed costs Cost of goods sold − fixed Marketing fixed Operating income Using Sales Agents Using Own Sales Force $45,000,000 $45,000,000 $15,750,000 8,100,000 $15,750,000 23,850,000 $21,150,000 $5,425,000 5,250,000 5,400,000 21,150,000 $23,850,000 $5,425,000 10,675,000 $10,475,000 Contribution margin percentage ($21,150,000-:-$45,000,000; $23,850,000÷$45,000,000) 47.00% Breakeven revenues ($10,675,000 ÷ 0.47; 3-36 7,950,000 13,375,000 $10,475,000 53.00% $13,375,000 ÷ 0.53) $22,712,766 Degree of operating leverage ($21,150,000 ÷ $10,475,000; $23,850,000 ÷ $10,475,000) $25,235,849 2.02 2.28 2. The calculations indicate that at sales of $45,000,000, a percentage change in sales and contribution margin will result in 2.02 times that percentage change in operating income if AgroPharm continues to use sales agents and 2.28 times that percentage change in operating income if AgroPharm employs its own sales staff. The higher contribution margin per dollar of sales and higher fixed costs gives AgroPharm more operating leverage, that is, greater benefits (increases in operating income) if revenues increase but greater risks (decreases in operating income) if revenues decrease. AgroPharm also needs to consider the skill levels and incentives under the two alternatives. Sales agents have more incentive compensation and, hence, may be more motivated to increase sales. On the other hand, AgroPharm’s own sales force may be more knowledgeable and skilled in selling the company’s products. That is, the sales volume itself will be affected by who sells and by the nature of the compensation plan. 3. Variable costs of marketing = 14% of Revenues Fixed marketing cost = $7,950,000 Variable Fixed Variable Fixed Operating income = Revenues marketing marketing manuf. costs manuf. costs costs costs Denote the revenues required to earn $10,475,000 of operating income by R, then R 0.35R $5,425,000 0.14R $7,950,000 = $10,475,000 R 0.35R 0.14R = $5,425,000 + $7,950,000 + $10,475,000 0.51R = $23,850,000 R = $$23,850,000 0.51 = $46,764,706 3-37 3-49 (15–25 min.) Sales mix, three products. 1. Sales of A, B, and C are in ratio 40,000 : 200,000 : 160,000. So for every 1 unit of A, 5 (200,000 ÷ 40,000) units of B are sold, and 4 (160,000 ÷ 40,000) units of C are sold. Contribution margin of the bundle = 1 $7 + 5 $5 + 4 $4 = $7 + $25 + $16 = $48 Breakeven point in bundles = $1,020,000 = 21,250 bundles $48 Breakeven point in units is: Product A: 21,250 bundles × 1 unit per bundle Product B: 21,250 bundles × 5 units per bundle Product C: 21,250 bundles × 4 units per bundle Total number of units to breakeven 21,250 units 106,250 units 85,000 units 212,500 units Alternatively, Let Q = Number of units of A to break even 5Q = Number of units of B to break even 4Q = Number of units of C to break even Contribution margin – Fixed costs = Zero operating income $7Q + $5(5Q) + $4(4Q) – $1,020,000 = $48Q = Q = 5Q = 4Q = Total = 2. Contribution margin: A: 40,000 $7 B: 200,000 $5 C: 160,000 $4 Contribution margin Fixed costs Operating income 3. Contribution margin A: 40,000 $7 B: 160,000 $5 C: 200,000 $4 Contribution margin Fixed costs Operating income 0 $1,020,000 21,250 ($1,020,000 ÷ $48) units of A 106,250 units of B 85,000 units of C 212,500 units $ 280,000 1,000,000 640,000 $1,920,000 1,020,000 $ 900,000 $ 280,000 800,000 800,000 $1,880,000 1,020,000 $ 860,000 Sales of A, B, and C are in ratio 40,000 : 160,000 : 200,000. So for every 1 unit of A, 4 (160,000 ÷ 40,000) units of B and 5 (200,000 ÷ 40,000) units of C are sold. 3-38 Contribution margin of the bundle = 1 $7 + 4 $5 + 5 $4 = $7 + $20 + $20 = $47 Breakeven point in bundles = $1,020,000 = 21,703 bundles (rounded up) $47 Breakeven point in units is: Product A: 21,703 bundles × 1 unit per bundle Product B: 21,703 bundles × 4 units per bundle Product C: 21,703 bundles × 5 units per bundle Total number of units to breakeven Alternatively, Let Q 4Q 5Q = = = 21,703 units 86,812 units 108,515 units 217,030 units Number of units of A to break even Number of units of B to break even Number of units of C to break even Contribution margin – Fixed costs = Breakeven point $7Q + $5(4Q) + $4(5Q) – $1,020,000 = 0 $47Q = $1,020,000 Q = 21,703 ($1,020,000 ÷ $47) units of A (rounded up) 4Q = 86,812 units of B 5Q = 108,515 units of C Total = 217,030 units Breakeven point increases because the new mix contains less of the higher contribution margin per unit, product B, and more of the lower contribution margin per unit, product C. 3-39 3-50 ( 40 min.) Multi-product CVP and decision making. 1. Faucet filter: Selling price Variable cost per unit Contribution margin per unit $150 90 $60 Pitcher-cum-filter: Selling price Variable cost per unit Contribution margin per unit $160 80 $ 80 Each bundle contains two faucet models and three pitcher models. So contribution margin of a bundle = 2 × $60 + 3 × $80 = $360 Breakeven point bundles Breakeven point in units of faucet models and pitcher models is: Faucet models: 3,500 bundles × 2 units per bundle = 7,000 units Pitcher models: 3,500 bundles × 3 units per bundle = 10,500 units Total number of units to breakeven = 17,500 units Breakeven point in dollars for faucet models and pitcher models is: Faucet models: 7,000 units × $150 per unit = $1,050,000 Pitcher models: 10,500 units × $160 per unit = 1,680,000 Breakeven revenue = $2,730,000 Alternative Weighted CMU Breakeven point Faucet filter units units Pitcher-cum-filter units Breakeven point Faucet filter: 7,000 units × $150 per unit = $1,050,000 Pitcher-cum-filter: 10,500 units × $160 per unit = $1,680,000 2. Faucet filter: Selling price Variable cost per unit Contribution margin per unit Pitcher-cum-filter: Selling price Variable cost per unit Contribution margin per unit $150 85 $ 65 $160 70 $ 90 3-40 Each bundle contains two faucet models and three pitcher models. So contribution margin of a bundle = 2 × $65 + 3 × $90 = $400 Breakeven point bundles Breakeven point in units of faucet models and pitcher models is: Faucet models: 3,750 bundles × 2 units per bundle = 7,500 units Pitcher models: 3,750 bundles × 3 units per bundle = 11,250 units Total number of units to breakeven = 18,750 units Breakeven point in dollars for faucet models and pitcher models is: Faucet models: 7,500 bundles × $150 per unit = $ 1,125,000 Pitcher models: 11,250 bundles × $160 per unit = $ 1,800,000 Breakeven revenues = $ 2,925,000 Alternative Weighted CMU Breakeven point Faucet filter units units Pitcher-cum-filter units Breakeven point in dollars: Faucet filter: 7,500 units × $150 per unit = $1,125,000 Pitcher-cum-filter: 11,250 units × $160 per unit = $1,800,000 3. Let x be the number of bundles for Romi Filters to be indifferent between the old and new production equipment. Operating income using old equipment = $360x – $1,260,000 Operating income using new equipment = $400x – $1,260,000 – $240,000 At point of indifference: $360x – $1,260,000= $400x – $1,500,000 $400x – $360x = $1,500,000 – $1,260,000 $40x = $240,000 x = $240,000 ÷ $40 = 6,000 bundles Faucet models: 6,000 bundles × 2 units per bundle = 12,000 units Pitcher models: 6,000 bundles × 3 units per bundle = 18,000 units Total number of units is = 30,000 units Let x be the number of bundles; 3-41 When total sales are less than 30,000 units (6,000 bundles) $360x - $1,260,000 > $400x - $1,500,000 Romi Filters is better off with the old equipment. When total sales are greater than 30,000 units (6,000 bundles) $400x - $1,500,000 >$360x - $1,260,000 Romi Filters is better off buying the new equipment. At total sales of 28,000 units (5,600 bundles), Romi Filters should keep the old production equipment. Proof $360 × 5,600 – $1,260,000 = $756,000 > $400 × 5,600 – $1,500,000 = $740,000. 3-51 (30 mins.) Sales mix, two products and sensitivity analysis 1) CPU = £10 - £4 - £1.9 Contribution margin percentage 2) We can rearrange Equation 3 to derive the BEP as: Breakeven output = £4.1 = 41% units Breakeven revenue Note: 15,000 units sold at £10 per unit = £150,000 3) Contribution margin ratio = 41% Total fixed costs = £55,000 + £6,500 = £61,500 With revenues of £200,000 the contribution margin = 41% of £200,000 = £82,000 Operating income = CMU – FC (refer to Equation 2) = £82,000 − £61,500 = £20,500 4) Predicted change in unit sales from a price change (15% of 20,000) = 3,000 Predicted change in sales from the increase in advertising (5% of 20,000) = 1,000 Total change in sales 4,000 New sales total 24,000 Increase in Fixed costs £10,000 New price £9.5 (£10 − 5% of £10) CMU = £9.5 - £4 - £1.9 = £3.6 Contribution margin on 24,000 sales = £3.6 x 24,000 = £86,400 Operating income = Contribution margin - Fixed costs = £86,400 - £71,500 (£55,000 + £6,500 + £10,000) = £14,900. (Rearranging Equation 2) Clearly operating income has fallen from £20,500 when sales was 20,000 units at £10 per unit, to £14,900 when sales is 24,000 units at £9.50 per unit. 3-42 5) Deluxe Deluxe price Variable costs Contribution = = = Standard Standard price VC of standard Contribution £15 £8 £7 Contribution margin = Breakeven Revenue = = £10 = £5.9 = £4.1 (3 x £4.1) + (1 x £7) = £4.825 4 4 £61,500 = £12,746.11 £ 4.825 75% (3/4) are for the standard model = 0.75 x 12,747 = 9,560 units 25% (1/4) are for the deluxe model = 0.25 x 12,747 = 3,187 units 3-52 (20 min.) Gross margin and contribution margin. 1. Ticket sales ($30 attendees) Variable cost of magic show ($20a 600 attendees) $12,000 b Variable printing, invitations and paperwork ($1.5 600) 900 Contribution margin 5,100 Fixed cost of magic show 8,000 Fixed cost of printing, invitations and paperwork 900 Operating profit (loss) a $18,000 8,900 $ (3,800) ($20,000 60%)/600 attendees = $20/attendee ($1,800 50%)/600 attendees = $1.50/attendee b 2. Ticket sales ($30 600 attendees 180%) $32,400 Variable cost of magic show ($20 1,080 attendees) $21,600 Variable printing, invitations and paperwork ($1.50 1,080) 1,620 Contribution margin 9,180 Fixed cost of magic show 8,000 Fixed cost of printing, invitations and paperwork 900 Operating profit (loss) 3-43 23,220 8,900 $ 280 3-53 (30 min.) Ethics, CVP analysis. 1. Contribution margin percentage = = = Breakeven revenues = = 2. If variable costs are 55% of revenues, contribution margin percentage equals 45% (100% 55%) Breakeven revenues = = 3. Revenues Variable costs Revenues $5, 000, 000 $3, 250, 000 $5,000,000 $1,750,000 = 35% $5,000,000 Fixed costs Contributi on margin percentage $1,890,000 = $5,400,000 0.35 Fixed costs Contributi on margin percentage $1,890,000 = $4,200,000 0.45 Revenues Variable costs (0.55 $5,000,000) Fixed costs Operating income $5,000,000 2,750,000 1,890,000 $ 360,000 4. Incorrect reporting of environmental costs with the goal of continuing operations is unethical. In assessing the situation, the specific “Standards of Ethical Conduct for Management Accountants” (described in Exhibit 1-7) that the management accountant should consider are listed below. Competence Clear reports using relevant and reliable information should be prepared. Preparing reports on the basis of incorrect environmental costs to make the company’s performance look better than it is violates competence standards. It is unethical for DiNunzo not to report environmental costs to make the plant’s performance look good. Integrity The management accountant has a responsibility to avoid actual or apparent conflicts of interest and advise all appropriate parties of any potential conflict. DiNunzo may be tempted to report lower environmental costs to please Kirby and Gibbs and save the jobs of his colleagues. This action, however, violates the responsibility for integrity. The Standards of Ethical Conduct require the management accountant to communicate favorable as well as unfavorable information. 3-44 Credibility The management accountant’s Standards of Ethical Conduct require that information should be fairly and objectively communicated and that all relevant information should be disclosed. From a management accountant’s standpoint, underreporting environmental costs to make performance look good would violate the standard of objectivity. DiNunzo should indicate to Gibbs that estimates of environmental costs and liabilities should be included in the analysis. If Gibbs still insists on modifying the numbers and reporting lower environmental costs, DiNunzo should raise the matter with Kirby or one of Gibbs’s superiors. If after taking all these steps, there is continued pressure to understate environmental costs, DiNunzo should consider resigning from the company and not engage in unethical behavior. 3-54 (35 min.) Deciding where to produce. Los Barrios $200.00 Selling price Variable cost per unit Manufacturing $80.00 Marketing and distribution 20.00 Contribution margin per unit (CMU) Fixed costs per unit Manufacturing 35.00 Marketing and distribution 30.00 Operating income per unit CMU of normal production (as shown above) CMU of overtime production ($100 - $5; $90 - $10) 3-45 Ascó $200.00 $85.00 100.00 25.00 $100.00 65.00 $35.00 $100.00 95.00 27.00 24.00 110.00 $90.00 51.00 $39.00 $90.00 80.00 1. Annual fixed costs = Fixed cost per unit × Daily production rate × Normal annual capacity ($65 500 units 240 days; $51 400 units 240 days) Breakeven volume = FC CMU of normal production ($7,800,000 $100; $4,896,000 90) Los Barrios $7,800,000 Ascó $4,896,000 78,000 units 2. Units produced and sold 120,000 Normal annual volume (units) (500 × 240; 400 × 240) 120,000 Units over normal volume (needing overtime) 0 CM from normal production units (normal annual volume CMU normal production) (120,000 × $100; 96,000 × $90) $12,000,000 CM from overtime production units (0; 24,000 $80) 0 Total contribution margin $12,000,000 Total fixed costs 7,800,000 Operating income $4,200,000 Total operating income $9,864,000 54,400 units 120,000 96,000 24,000 $8,640,000 1,920,000 10,560,000 4,896,000 $5,664,000 3. The optimal production plan is to produce 150,000 units at the Los Barrios plant and 90,000 units at the Ascó plant. The full capacity of the Los Barrios plant, 150,000 units (500 units × 300 days), should be used because the contribution from these units is higher at all levels of production than is the contribution from units produced at the Ascó plant. Operating income at optimum production level: Los Barrios: 120,000 × $100 Los Barrios: 30,000 × ($100 – $5) Ascó: 90,000 × $90 Total contribution margin Deduct total fixed costs Operating income $ 12,000,000 2,850,000 8,100,000 22,950,000 12,696,000 $ 10,254,000 The contribution margin is higher when 150,000 units are produced at the Los Barrios plant and 90,000 units at the Ascó plant. As a result, operating income will also be higher in this case because total fixed costs for the division remain unchanged regardless of the quantity produced at each plant. 3-46 Try It 3-1 Solution Equation Method: Selling Quantity of Variable cost Quantity of Fixed Operating price units sold per unit units sold costs income Operating income = ($700 × 4,000) – ($600 × 4,000) – $160,000 = $2,800,000 − $2,400,000 − $160,000 = $240,000 Contribution Method: Rearranging the equation above, Selling Variable cost Quantity of Fixed Operating per unit units sold costs income price Contribution margin Quantity of Fixed Operating per unit units sold costs income Contribution margin per unit = Selling price – Variable cost per unit = $700 – $600 = $100 Operating income = $100 × 4,000 – $160,000 = $240,000 3-47 Try It 3-2 Solution (a) Recall the equation method (equation 1): Selling Quantity of Variable cost Quantity of Fixed Operating price units sold per unit units sold costs income Setting operating income equal to $0 and denoting quantity of output units that must be sold by Q, the breakeven number of units is $700 Q $600 Q $160, 000 $0 $100 Q $160, 000 Q $160, 000 $100 per unit 1, 600 units Recall the contribution margin method (equation 2): Contribution Quantity of Fixed costs Operating income margin per unit units sold At the breakeven point, operating income is by definition $0, and so, Contribution margin per unit Breakeven quantity of units Fixed costs (Equation 3) Rearranging equation 3 and entering the data, Breakeven Fixed costs $160, 000 1, 600 units number of units Contribution margin per unit $100 per unit Breakeven revenues Breakeven number of units Selling price 1, 600 units $700 per unit $1,120, 000 (b) Selling Quantity of Variable cost Quantity of Fixed Operating income price units sold per unit units sold costs (Equation 1) We denote by Q the unknown quantity of units Best Windows must sell to earn an operating income of $180,000. Selling price is $700, variable cost per package is $600, fixed costs are $160,000, and target operating income is $180,000. Substituting these values into equation 1, we have $700 Q $600 Q $160, 000 $180, 000 $100 Q $160, 000 $180, 000 $340, 000 Q $340, 000 $100 per unit 3, 400 units Alternatively, we could use equation 2, 3-48 Contribution margin Quantity of Fixed Operating per unit units sold costs income (Equation 2) Given a target operating income ($180,000 in this case), we can rearrange terms to get equation 4. Quantity of units Fixed costs Target operating income required to be sold Contribution margin per unit Quantity of units $160, 000 $180, 000 3, 400 units required to be sold $100 per unit Revenues to earn an operating income of $180,000 is Revenues = Number of units required to be sold × Selling price 3,400 units × $700 = $2,380,000 3-49 (Equation 4) Try It 3-3 Solution Target Target Target net income Tax rate operating income operating income Target net income (Target operating income) (1 Tax rate) Target net income $63, 000 Target operating income $90, 000 1 Tax rate 1 0.30 In other words, to earn a target net income of $63,000, Best Windows’s target operating income is $90,000. Proof: Target operating income $90,000 Tax at 30% (0.30 $90,000) 27,000 Target net income $63,000 The key step is to take the target net income number and convert it into the corresponding target operating income number. We can then use equation 1 to determine the target operating income and substitute numbers from our Best Windows example. Selling Quantity of Variable cost Quantity of Fixed Operating (Equation 1) units sold per unit units sold costs income price $700 Q $600 Q $160, 000 $90, 000 $100 Q $250, 000 Q $250, 000 $100 per unit 2,500 units Alternatively, we can calculate the number of units Best Windows must sell by using the contribution margin method and equation 4: Quantity of units Fixed costs Target operating income required to be sold Contribution margin per unit $160, 000 $90, 000 2,500 units $100 per unit (Equation 4) Revenues to earn net income of $63,000 or equivalently operating income of $90,000 is Revenues = Number of units required to be sold × Selling price 2,500 units × $700 = $1,750,000 3-50 Try It 3-4 Solution Budgeted Breakeven $2,800, 000 $1,120, 000 $1, 680, 000 revenues revenues Margin of Budgeted Breakeven 4, 000 1, 600 2, 400 units safety (in units) sales (units) sales (units) Margin of safety The margin of safety indicates that sales would have to decrease by 2,400 units and revenues by $1,680,000 before the breakeven point is reached. Sometimes margin of safety is expressed as a percentage: Margin of safety percentage In our example, margin of safety percentage Margin of safety in dollars Budgeted or actual revenues $1, 680, 000 60% $2,800, 000 This result means that revenues would have to decrease substantially, by 60%, to reach the breakeven revenues. The high margin of safety gives management of Best Windows confidence that the company is unlikely to suffer a loss. 3-51 Try It 3-5 Solution At any given level of sales, Degree of Contribution margin operating leverage Operating income The following table shows the degree of operating leverage at sales of 3,400 units for the two options. Option 1 Option 2 No Commission 5% Commission 1. Selling price $ 700 $ 700 2. Variable cost ($600; $600 + 0.03 × $700) $ 600 $ 621 3. Contribution margin per unit $ 100 $ 79 4. Contribution margin (row 3 3,400 units) $340,000 $268,600 5. Fixed costs $160,000 $ 93,000 6. Operating income (from Exhibit 3-5) $180,000 $175,600 7. Degree of operating leverage (row 4 row 6) $340, 000 1.89 $180, 000 $268, 600 1.53 $175, 600 These results indicate that, when sales are 3,400 units, a 1% change in sales and contribution margin will result in 1.89% change in operating income for Option 1. For Option 2, a 1% change in sales and contribution margin will result in only a 1.53% change in operating income. The degree of operating leverage at a given level of sales helps managers calculate the effect of sales fluctuations on operating income. Option 1 with no commission has higher fixed costs and a higher breakeven point ($160,000 ÷ $100 = 1,600 units) compared to option 2 ($93,000 ÷ $79 = 1,178 units). However, the higher operating leverage of Option 1 means that it generates higher operating income per dollar of sales revenue compared to Option 2. Of course, the sales revenue generated is not independent of sales compensation. Many managers believe that paying sales people a commission would provide stronger incentives to sell and so achieve higher sales. 3-52 Try It 3-6 Solution We assume that the budgeted sales mix (3,000 units of Chad Windows sold for every 1,500 units of Musk Windows sold, that is, a ratio of 2:1) will not change at different levels of total unit sales. That is, we think of Best Windows selling a bundle of 2 units of Chad Windows and 1 unit of Musk Windows. (Note that this does not mean that Best Windows physically bundles the two products together into one big package.) Each bundle yields a contribution margin of $650, calculated as follows: Number of Units of Chad Windows and Musk Windows in Each Bundle Contribution Margin per Unit for Chad Windows and Musk Windows Contribution Margin of the Bundle Chad Windows 2 $100 $200 Musk Windows 1 50 50 Total $250 To compute the breakeven point, we calculate the number of bundles Best needs to sell. Breakeven Fixed costs $160, 000 point in 640 bundles Contribution margin per bundle $250 per bundle bundles The breakeven point in units of Chad Windows and Musk Windows is as follows: Chad Windows: 640 bundles 2 units per bundle 1,280 units Musk Windows: 640 bundles 1 units per bundle 640 units Total number of windows to break even 1,920 units The breakeven point in dollars for Chad Windows and Musk Windows is as follows: Chad Windows: 1,280 units $700 per unit $ 896,000 Musk Windows: 640 units $300 per unit 192,000 Breakeven revenues $1,088,000 3-53 When there are multiple products, it is often convenient to use the contribution margin percentage. Under this approach, Best also calculates the revenues from selling a bundle of 2 units of Chad Windows and 1 unit of Musk Windows: Number of Units of Chad Windows and Musk Windows in Each Bundle Selling Price for Chad Windows and Musk Windows Chad Windows 2 $700 $1,400 Musk Windows 1 300 300 Revenue of the Bundle Total $1,700 Contribution margin Contribution margin of the bundle $250 0.1470588, or 14.70588% percentage for Revenue of the bundle $1, 700 the bundle Breakeven Fixed costs $160,000 $1,088,000 revenues Contribution margin % for the bundle 0.1470588 Number of bundles Breakeven revenues $1, 088, 000 required to be sold 640 bundles Revenue per bundle $1, 700 per bundle to break even The breakeven point in units and dollars for Chad Windows and Musk Windows are as follows: Chad Windows: 640 bundles × 2 units per bundle = 1,280 units × $700 = $ 896,000 Musk Windows: 640 bundles × 1 unit per bundle = Total breakeven revenues 640 units × $300 = 192,000 $1,088,000 3-54 CHAPTER 4 JOB COSTING 4-1 Cost pool––a grouping of individual indirect cost items. Cost tracing––the assigning of direct costs to the chosen cost object. Cost allocation––the assigning of indirect costs to the chosen cost object. Cost-allocation base––a factor that links in a systematic way an indirect cost or group of indirect costs to cost objects. 4-2 In a job-costing system, costs are assigned to a distinct unit, batch, or lot of a product or service. In a process-costing system, the cost of a product or service is obtained by using broad averages to assign costs to masses of identical or similar units. 4-3 An advertising campaign for Pepsi is likely to be very specific to that individual client. Job costing enables all the specific aspects of each job to be identified. In contrast, the processing of checking account deposits is similar for many customers. Here, process costing can be used to compute the cost of each checking account deposit. 4-4 By tracing the cost of direct cost and allocating the cost of indirect cost to a cost object as follows: After identifying the cost object, you can trace the cost of direct cost to it. Then you can select necessary cost-allocation base(s) for all relevant indirect costs, calculate the overhead rate(s) for each cost-allocation base(s), and allocate indirect costs associated with each costallocation base(s) to the chosen cost object/job. And finally calculate the total cost of the job by adding all direct traced and all indirect costs allocated to the cost object/job. 4-5 Job costing allocates costs to products and services that are readily identified by individual units or batches (e.g. aircraft, pieces of furniture, special-purpose machinery, construction, printing, and manufacturing tailor-made or unique goods). Each unit or batch receives varying degrees of attention and skill. In a job costing environment, each job uses different amounts of resources. Each product or service is unique and therefore job costing is used to estimate the cost for the product or service. Process costing is used when the products or services are similar and identical. For example, the service of postal service for all mails posted in the district is the same and therefore follows a similar process. Process costing deals with great masses of like units and broad averages of unit costs. 4-6 Three major source documents used in job-costing systems are (1) job cost record or job cost sheet, a document that records and accumulates all costs assigned to a specific job, starting when work begins; (2) materials requisition record, a document that contains information about the cost of direct materials used on a specific job and in a specific department; and (3) labor-time sheet, a document that contains information about the amount of labor time used for a specific job in a specific department. 4-7 Information technology provides managers with up-to-date, quick and accurate job costing information, and making it quicker and easier for them to manage and control the costs and to make necessary decision(s) if needed. 4-1 4-8 An annual period eliminates the influence of seasonal patterns in calculating overhead cost rates and reduces the effect of variations in output levels as one single average overhead rate is calculated for the whole period. 4-9 Normal costing is a costing system that traces direct costs to a cost object by using the actual direct-cost rates by the actual quantities of the direct-cost inputs. The normal costing system allocates indirect costs based on the budgeted indirect-cost rates by the actual quantities of the cost-allocation bases. On the other hand, actual costing system uses the actual indirect-cost rates calculated annually at the end of the year. 4-10 Job-costing information can be used to determine the profitability of individual jobs, to assist with determining the minimum price for a job in bidding situation, and to help in prioritizing jobs based on the costs and profits when there are limited resources. 4-11 The statement is false. Both “actual costing” and “normal costing” systems are similar only in determining the direct costs of jobs/cost objects, but they are different in terms of determining overhead or indirect cost of jobs. In other words, they both use actual direct-cost rates x actual quantities of direct-cost inputs only for determining the direct cost of a job but normal costing uses “budgeted indirect-cost rates” × actual quantities of cost-allocation bases for calculating the indirect cost of a job while actual costing uses ‘actual indirect-cost rates’ x actual quantities of cost-allocation bases for calculating the indirect cost of a job. 4-12 Direct material’s costs and direct labor’s costs are traced, and indirect costs are allocated to ‘work-in-process’ account. After completing the job, the total cost of the job is transferred from the ‘work-in-process’ account to the ‘finished goods’ account. And finally, when the sales occur, the total costs of the job are transferred from the ‘finished goods’ account to the ‘goods sold’ account. 4-13 A company’s indirect costs are hardly the exact amount incurred. This is because indirect costs are based on estimates made up to 12 months before actual costs are incurred. Therefore, when the amounts are reconciled, an adjustment will need to be carried out and can actually reveal that the costs have been under- or over-allocated. 4-14 A company might use budgeted costs rather than actual costs to compute direct labor rates because it may be difficult to trace direct labor costs to jobs as they are completed (for example, because bonuses are only known at the end of the year). 4-15 Modern technology of electronic data interchange (EDI) is helpful to managers because it ensures that a purchase order is transmitted quickly and accurately to suppliers with minimum paperwork and costs. 4-2 4-16 Choice ‘a’ is a correct statement. Both direct materials and direct manufacturing labor are traceable to the job in flow of costs in job costing system. Choice ‘b’ is a correct statement. The direct materials and direct manufacturing labor become part of work-in-process inventory on the balance sheet which is an asset. Choice ‘c’ is a correct statement. Direct manufacturing labors transforms direct materials into work-in-process inventory and are considered inventoriable costs. Inventoriable costs are all manufacturing costs that are transformed to assets in the balance sheet. Choice ‘d’ is incorrect. Marketing and customer service costs are period costs and are therefore not transformed to create assets in the balance sheet. Therefore, the correct answer is ‘d’. 4-17 Choice ‘d’ is correct. Manufacturing costs includes are the costs incurred both direct [direct material $80,000 + direct manufacturing labor $40,000] and indirect costs [indirect materials $120,000 + indirect manufacturing labor $50,000] and manufacturing overhead including depreciation [ $100,000 +$10,000]. Choice ‘a’ is incorrect. Only the indirect materials of $120,000 + indirect manufacturing labor of $50,000 have been included. These are only part of the manufacturing costs. Choice ‘b’ is incorrect. Only the direct materials of $80,000+ direct labor $40,000 have been included. Both are part of the manufacturing costs. Choice ‘c’ is incorrect. Only the direct materials of $80,000 + direct manufacturing labor of $40,000 + manufacturing overhead $100,000 have been included. These are only part of the manufacturing costs. 4-18 Choice ‘d’ is correct. Job costing is used in: Audit service, Advertising service, Consulting service, Legal services, and Movie production services. Process costing is used in: Oil refining services, Beverage production, Mail and postal delivery service, and Check clearing service at a bank counter. Choice ‘a’ is incorrect. Job costing does not include mail and postal delivery service and beverage production. Process costing does not also include consulting service and legal services. Choice ‘b’ is incorrect. Process costing does not include consulting service and advertising service. Choice ‘c’ is incorrect. Job costing does not include mail and postal delivery service. Process costing does not include consulting service, advertising service, and legal services. 4-3 4-19 Choice ‘a’ is correct. £1,350 is under-allocated overhead. £20,000 This is computed as £18,850 − ( 800 ) × 700 actual direct labor hours £18,850 − £17,500 = £ 1,350 underallocated overhead. Choice ‘b’ is incorrect. The underallocation of overhead has been computed by subtracting the actual from the budgeted overheads £20,000 - £18,850 = £1,150 Choice ‘c’ is incorrect. The overallocation has been computed as £18,850 − ( 800 actual direct labor hours = £21,543 £18,850 700 Choice ‘d’ is incorrect. The overallocation has been computed as £18,850 − ( actual direct labor hours = £4,007 )× £20,000 700 ) × 800 4-20 Choice ‘a’ is correct. The manufacturing costs of Job #506 has been calculated by adding up the direct manufacturing labor (£60,000) + manufacturing overheads (£22,733) + direct materials costs (£6,000). The manufacturing overhead is calculated as: [£22,000 x 6,200 actual direct labor hours / 6,000 budgeted direct labor hours] = £22,733 Choice ‘b’ is incorrect. The manufacturing costs of Job #506 has been calculated by adding up the direct manufacturing labor (£60,000) + manufacturing overheads (£22,000) + direct materials costs (£6,000). Choice ‘c’ is incorrect. The manufacturing costs of Job #506 has been calculated by adding up the direct manufacturing labor (£60,000) + manufacturing overheads (£22,000). Choice ‘d’ is incorrect. The manufacturing costs of Job #506 has been calculated by adding up the direct manufacturing labor (£60,000) + manufacturing overheads (£22,000) - direct materials costs (£6,000). 4-4 4-21 (10 minutes) Job costing, process costing. Job costing Building a space satellite A play in a theatre Making a film A film in a cinema School meals for kids Newspaper printing Textile production A picture framer A private hospital Process costing Manufacturing computer memory chips Egg production A sugar refiner Coal mining business Cement manufacturer 4-5 4-22 (20 min) Actual costing, normal costing, accounting for manufacturing overhead. Budgeted Manufacturing Overhead Costs 1. Budgeted Manufacturing Overhead Rate = Budgeted Direct Manufacturing Labor Costs $3,294,000 = $1,830,000 = 1.80 𝑜𝑟 180% Actual Manufacturing Overhead Costs Actual Manufacturing Overhead Rate = Actual Direct Manufacturing Labor Costs $3,780,000 = $2,250,000 = 1.68 𝑜𝑟 168% 2. Costs of Job 635 under actual and normal costing follow: Actual Costing $ 73,500 51,000 Direct materials Direct manufacturing labor costs Manufacturing overhead costs $51,000 1.68; $51,000 1.80 85,680 Total manufacturing costs of Job 635 $210,180 3. Normal Costing $ 73,500 51,000 91,800 $216,300 Total manufacturing overhead allocated under normal costing = Actual manufacturing labor costs × Budgeted overhead rate = $2,250,000 × 1.80 = $4,050,000 Overallocated manufacturing overhead = Manufacturing overhead allocated – Actual manufacturing overhead costs = $4,050,000 $3,780,000 = $270,000 There is no under- or over-allocated overhead under actual costing because overhead is allocated under actual costing by multiplying actual manufacturing labor costs and the actual manufacturing overhead rate. This, of course, equals the actual manufacturing overhead costs. All actual overhead costs are allocated to products. Hence, there is no under- or over-allocated overhead. 4. Managers at Carolin Chemicals might prefer to use normal costing because it enables them to use the budgeted manufacturing overhead rate determined at the beginning of the year to estimate the cost of a job as soon as the job is completed. Managers may want to know job costs for ongoing uses, including pricing jobs, monitoring and managing costs, evaluating the success of the job, learning about what did and did not work, bidding on new jobs, and preparing interim financial statements. Under actual costing, managers would only determine the cost of a job at the end of the year when they know actual manufacturing overhead costs. 4-6 4-23 (20-30 min) Job costing, normal and actual costing. 1. Budgeted Indirect Cost Rate = Budgeted Direct Labor Hours Budgeted Indirect Costs = Actual Indirect Cost Rate = $5,100,000 150,000 = $34 per direct labor hour Actual Indirect Costs (Assembly Support) Actual Direct Labor Hours $5,355,000 = 153,000 hours = $35 per direct labor hour These rates differ because both the numerator and the denominator in the two calculations are different—one based on budgeted numbers and the other based on actual numbers. 2a. Steel Wheels Magic Wheels Normal costing Direct costs Direct materials Direct labor $78,290 $25,445 103,735 Indirect costs Manufacturing support ($34 × 840; $34 × 960) 28,560 Total costs $132,295 2b. Actual costing Direct costs Direct materials Direct labor Indirect costs Manufacturing support ($35 × 840; $35 × 960) Total costs 4-7 $94,650 $32,752 127,402 32,640 $160,042 $78,290 25,445 103,735 $94,650 32,752 127,402 29,400 $133,135 33,600 $161,002 3. Normal costing enables Caldwell to report a job cost as soon as the job is completed, assuming that both the direct materials and direct labor costs are known at the time of use. Once the 840 direct labor-hours are known for the Steel Wheels (Jan–May 2020), Caldwell can compute the $132,295 cost figure using normal costing. Caldwell can use this information to manage the costs of the Steel Wheels job as well as to bid on similar jobs later in the year. In contrast, Caldwell has to wait until the December 2020 year-end to compute the $133,135 cost of the Steel Wheels using actual costing. The following overview diagram summarizes Caldwell Toy’s job-costing system: INDIRECT COST POOL Manufacturing Assembly support Support COST ALLOCATION BASE Direct Labor-Hours COST OBJECT: RESIDENTIAL HOME DIRECT COSTS Indirect Costs Direct Costs Direct Manufacturing Labor Direct Materials 4-8 4-24 (10 min) Budgeted manufacturing overhead rate, allocated manufacturing overhead. 1. Budgeted manufacturing overhead rate = Budgeted Manufacturing Overhead Budgeted Machine Hours = $4,600,000 184,000 = $25 per machine-hour 2. Manufacturing overhead allocated = Actual Machine Hours × Budgeted Manufacturing Overhead Rate = 180,000 × $25 = $4,500,000 3. Because manufacturing overhead allocated is less than the actual manufacturing overhead costs, Gammaro calculates under-allocated manufacturing overhead as follows: Manufacturing overhead allocated Actual manufacturing overhead costs Under-allocated manufacturing overhead 4-9 $4,500,000 4,830,000 $ 330,000 4-25 (20-30 min) Job costing, accounting for manufacturing overhead, budgeted rates. 1. An overview of the product costing system is INDIRECT COST POOL COST ALLOCATION BASE Machining Department Manufacturing Overhead Finishing Department Manufacturing Overhead Machine-Hours in Machining Dept. Direct Manufacturing Labor Costs in Finishing Dept. Indirect Costs COST OBJECT: PRODUCT Direct Costs DIRECT COST Direct Manufacturing Labor Direct Materials Budgeted manufacturing overhead divided by allocation base: Machining Department overhead = $1,800,000 50,000 $3,600,000 = $36 per machine-hour Assembly Department overhead= $2,000,000 = 180% of direct manuf. labor costs 2. Machining department overhead allocated, 2,000 hours $36 Assembly department overhead allocated, 180% $15,000 Total manufacturing overhead allocated to Job 494 3. Actual manufacturing overhead Manufacturing overhead allocated, $36 55,000 machine-hours 180% $2,200,000 Underallocated (Overallocated) Machining Dept. $2,100,000 1,980,000 — $ 120,000 4-10 $72,000 27,000 $99,000 Assembly Dept. $ 3,700,000 — 3,960,000 $ (260,000) 4-26 (20-25 min) Job costing, consulting firm. 1. Budgeted indirect-cost rate for client support can be calculated as follows: Budgeted indirect-cost rate = $22,170,000 ÷ $15,000,000 = 147.80% of professional labor costs INDIRECT COST POOL Consulting Consulting Support Support Client Support COST ALLOCATION BASE COST OBJECT: JOB FOR CONSULTING CLIENT DIRECT COSTS 2. Professional Professional Labor LaborCosts Costs Indirect Costs Direct Costs Professional Labor At the budgeted revenues of $42,000,000, Global Enterprize’s operating income of $4,830,000 equals 11.50% of revenues. Markup rate = $42,000,000 ÷ $15,000,000 = 280% of direct professional labor costs 3. Budgeted costs Direct costs: Director, $175 8 $ 1,400 Partner, $80 20 1,600 Associate, $40 75 3,000 Assistant, $25 180 4,500 Indirect costs: Consulting support, 147.80% $10,500 Total costs 4-11 $10,500 15,519 $26,019 As calculated in requirement 2, the bid price to earn an 11.50% income-to-revenue margin is 280% of direct professional costs. Therefore, Global Enterprize should bid 2.8 $10,500 = $29,400 for the Horizon Telecommunications job. Bid price to earn target operating income-to-revenue margin of 11.50% can also be calculated as follows: Let R = revenue to earn target income R – 0.115R = $26,019 0.885R = $26,019 R = $29,019 ÷ 0.885 = $29,400 Or Direct costs $10,500 Indirect costs 15,519 Operating income (0.115 $29,400) 3,381 Bid price $29,400 4-12 4-27 (15-20 min) Time period used to compute indirect cost rates. 1. (1) Pools sold (2) Direct manufacturing labor hours (1 Row 1) (3) Fixed manufacturing overhead costs (4) Budgeted fixed manufacturing overhead rate per direct manufacturing labor hour ($12,250 Row 2) Quarter 1 565 2 490 3 245 4 100 Annual 1,400 565 490 245 100 1,400 $12,250 $12,250 $12,250 $12,250 $49,000 $21.68 $25 $50 $122.50 $35 Direct material costs ($14 490 pools; 245 pools) Direct manufacturing labor costs ($20 490 hours; 245 hours) Variable manufacturing overhead costs ($15 490 hours; 245 hours) Fixed manufacturing overhead costs ($25 490 hours; $50 × 245 hours) Total manufacturing costs Divided by pools manufactured each quarter Manufacturing cost per pool 4-13 Budgeted Costs Based on Quarterly Manufacturing Overhead Rate 2nd 3rd Quarter Quarter $ 6,860 $ 3,430 9,800 4,900 7,350 3,675 12,250 $36,260 ÷ 490 $ 74.00 12,250 $24,255 ÷ 245 $ 99.00 2. Direct material costs ($14 490 pools; 245 pools) Direct manufacturing labor costs ($20 490 hours; 245 hours) Variable manufacturing overhead costs ($15 490 hours; 245 hours) Fixed manufacturing overhead costs ($35 490 hours; 245 hours) Total manufacturing costs Divided by pools manufactured each quarter Manufacturing cost per pool Budgeted Costs Based on Annual Manufacturing Overhead Rate 2nd 3rd Quarter Quarter $ 6,860 $ 3,430 9,800 4,900 7,350 3,675 17,150 $41,160 490 $ 84.00 8,575 $20,580 245 $84.00 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter $96.20 $128.70 $109.20 $109.20 3. Prices based on quarterly budgeted manufacturing overhead rates calculated in requirement 1 ($74.00 130%; $99.00 130%) Price based on annual budgeted manufacturing overhead rates calculated in requirement 2 ($84.00 130%; $84.00 130%) Socha might be seeing large fluctuations in the prices of its pools because Plunge is determining budgeted manufacturing overhead rates on a quarterly rather than an annual basis. Plunge should use the budgeted annual manufacturing overhead rate because capacity decisions are based on longer annual periods rather than quarterly periods. Prices should not vary based on quarterly fluctuations in production. Plunge could vary prices based on market conditions and demand for its pools. In this case, Plunge would charge higher prices in quarter 2 when demand for its pools is high. Pricing based on quarterly budgets would cause Plunge to do the opposite—to decrease rather than increase prices! 4-14 4-28 (10-15 min) Accounting for manufacturing overhead. 1. Budgeted manufacturing overhead rate= 200,000 labor hours = $22 per direct labor-hour 2. Work-in-Process Control 4,664,000 Manufacturing Overhead Allocated 4,664,000 (212,000 direct labor-hours $22 per direct labor-hour = $4,664,000) $4,400,000 3. $4,650,000– $4,664,000 = $14,000 overallocated, an insignificant amount of difference compared to manufacturing overhead costs allocated $14,000 ÷ $4,664,000 = 0.3%. If the quantities of work-in-process and finished goods inventories are small, the difference between proration and write off to Cost of Goods Sold account would be very small compared to net income. Manufacturing Overhead Allocated 4,664,000 Manufacturing Department Overhead Control 4,650,000 Cost of Goods Sold 14,000 4-15 4-29 (20 minutes) Track the flow of costs in a job costing system. Cutting department: estimated overhead absorption = $56,000 = $3.50 per machine hour 16,000 Assembly department: estimated overhead absorption = $48,000 = $3.00 per labor hour 16,000 Painting and finishing department: estimated overhead absorption = $32,000 16,000 = $2.00 per unit Manufacturing cost of stapling machine: Direct materials Labor: Cutting: 10 minutes @ $6 per hour $1.00 Assembly: 1 hour 30 minutes @$6 per hour $9.00 Painting and finishing: 20 minutes @ $4.50 per hour $1.50 Production overhead: Cutting Assembly Painting and finishing $3.50 $3.00 $2.00 Total manufacturing costs per unit Total manufacturing cost of 16,000 units @ $35.50 = $568,000 4-16 $15.50 $11.50 $8.50 $35.50 4-30 (35 min) Journal entries, T-accounts, and source documents. 1. (1) Direct Materials Control 125,000 Accounts Payable Control Source Document: Purchase Invoice, Receiving Report Subsidiary Ledger: Direct Materials Record, Accounts Payable 125,000 (2) Work in Process Controla 121,700 Direct Materials Control 121,700 Source Document: Material Requisition Records, Job Cost Record Subsidiary Ledger: Direct Materials Record, Work-in-Process Inventory Records by Jobs (3) Work in Process Control 88,000 Manufacturing Overhead Control 54,700 Wages Payable Control 142,700 Source Document: Labor Time Sheets, Job Cost Records Subsidiary Ledger: Manufacturing Overhead Records, Employee Labor Records, Work-inProcess Inventory Records by Jobs (4) Manufacturing Overhead Control 141,600 Salaries Payable Control (Maintenance) 26,000 Accounts Payable Control (Miscellaneous) 9,600 Accumulated Depreciation Control (Depreciation) 36,000 Rent Payable Control (Rent) 70,000 Source Document: Depreciation Schedule, Rent Schedule, Maintenance wages due, Invoices for miscellaneous factory overhead items Subsidiary Ledger: Manufacturing Overhead Records (5) Work in Process Control 220,000 Manufacturing Overhead Allocated ($88,000 × $2.50) Source Document: Labor Time Sheets, Job Cost Record Subsidiary Ledger: Work-in-Process Inventory Records by Jobs 220,000 (6) Finished Goods Controlb 411,900 Work in Process Control 411,900 Source Document: Job Cost Record, Completed Job Cost Record Subsidiary Ledger: Work-in-Process Inventory Records by Jobs, Finished Goods Inventory Records by Jobs (7) Cost of Goods Soldc 445,900 Finished Goods Control Source Document: Sales Invoice, Completed Job Cost Records Subsidiary Ledger: Finished Goods Inventory Records by Jobs 4-17 445,900 (8) Administrative Expenses 7,300 Advertising Expenses 92,000 Salary Expenses (Sales Commissions) 36,000 Salaries Payable Control 36,000 Accounts Payable Control 92,000 Accumulated Depreciation, Office Equipment 7,300 Source Document: Depreciation Schedule, Marketing Payroll Request, Invoice for Advertising, Sales Commission Schedule. Subsidiary Ledger: Employee Salary Records, Administration Cost Records, Marketing Cost Records, Commissions Cost Records. (9) Manufacturing Overhead Allocated Manufacturing Overhead Control ($54,700 + $141,600) Cost of Goods Sold Source Document: Prior Journal Entries a 220,000 196,300 23,700 Materials used = Beginning direct materials inventory + Purchases – Ending direct materials inventory = $9,700 + $125,000 - $13,000 = $121,700 b Cost of goods manufactured = Beginning WIP inventory + Manufacturing cost – Ending WIP inventory = $6,200 + ($121,700 + $88,000 + $220,000) - $24,000 = $411,900 c Cost of goods sold = Beginning finished goods inventory + Cost of goods manufactured – Ending finished goods inventory = $66,000 + $411,900 -$32,000 = $445,900 4-18 1. T-accounts Bal. 1/1/2020 (1) Accounts Payable Control (Purchases) Bal. 12/31/2020 Bal. 1/1/2020 (2) Materials Control (Direct materials used) (3) Wages Payable Control (Direct manuf. labor) (5) Manuf. Overhead Allocated Bal. 12/31/2020 Bal. 1/1/2020 (6) WIP Control (Cost of goods manuf.) Bal. 12/31/2020 (7) Finished Goods Control (Goods sold) Bal. Direct Materials Control 9,700 (2) Work-in-Process Control (Materials used) 125,000 13,000 Work-in-Process Control 6,200 (6) Finished Goods Control (Cost of goods 121,700 manufactured) 411,900 88,000 220,000 24,000 Finished Goods Control 66,000 (7) Cost of Goods Sold 445,900 411,900 32,000 Cost of Goods Sold (9) Manufacturing Overhead 445,900 Allocated (Adjust for overallocation) 422,200 Manufacturing Overhead Control (3) Wages Payable Control (9) To close (Indirect manuf. labor) 54,700 (4) Salaries Payable Control (Maintenance) 26,000 (4) Accounts Payable Control (Miscellaneous) 9,600 (4) Accum. Deprn. Control (Depreciation) 36,000 (4) Rent Payable Control (Rent) 70,000 Bal. 0 (9) To close 121,700 Manufacturing Overhead Allocated 196,300 (5) Work-in-Process Control (Manuf. overhead allocated) Bal. 4-19 23,700 196,300 196,300 0 4-31 (45 min) Job costing, journal entries. Some instructors may wish to assign Problem 4-30. It demonstrates the relationships of journal entries, general ledger, subsidiary ledgers, and source documents. 1. 2. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10a) (10b) An overview of the product-costing system is INDIRECT COST POOL Manufacturing Overhead COST ALLOCATION BASE Machine-Hours COST OBJECT PRODUCT DIRECT COSTS Indirect Costs Direct Costs Direct Materials Direct Manuf. Labor Amounts in millions. Materials Control Accounts Payable Control Work-in-Process Control Materials Control Manufacturing Overhead Control Materials Control Work-in-Process Control Wages Payable Control Manufacturing Overhead Control Wages Payable Control Manufacturing Overhead Control Accumulated Depreciation Manufacturing Overhead Control Various liabilities Work-in-Process Control Manufacturing Overhead Allocated Finished Goods Control Work-in-Process Control Cost of Goods Sold Finished Goods Control Accounts Receivable Control (or Cash ) Revenues 4-20 154 154 147 147 19 19 90 90 32 32 26 26 14 14 84 84 295 295 293 293 400 400 The posting of entries to T-accounts is as follows: Bal (1) Bal. Materials Control 13 (2) 154 (3) 1 Bal. (9) Bal. Finished Goods Control 7 (10a) 295 9 (3) (5) (6) (7) 147 19 Bal. (2) (4) (8) Bal. Work-in-Process Control 4 (9) 147 90 84 30 293 (10a) (11) Bal. Cost of Goods Sold 293 7 300 Manufacturing Overhead Control 19 (11) 91 32 26 14 (10b) Accounts Payable Control (1) 154 Accumulated Depreciation (6) 28 295 Manufacturing Overhead Allocated (11) 84 (8) 84 Accounts Receivable Control 410 Wages Payable Control (4) (5) 96 34 Various Liabilities (7) 13 Revenues (10b) 410 The ending balance of Work-in-Process Control is $30 million. 3. (11) Manufacturing Overhead Allocated 84 Cost of Goods Sold 7 Manufacturing Department Overhead Control 91 Entry posted to T-accounts in Requirement 2. 4. Gross margin = Revenues Cost of goods sold = $400 $300 = $100. Docks Transport’s gross margin of 25% ($100 ÷ $400) is relatively small, indicating Docks Transport did fine but not particularly well in 2020. (Gross margins below 30% are generally considered small.) A company manufacturing prestige manufactured homes should have higher gross margins. 4-21 4-32 (15 min) Job costing, unit cost, ending work in progress. 1. Direct manufacturing labor rate per hour Manufacturing overhead cost allocated per manufacturing labor-hour Direct manufacturing labor costs Direct manufacturing labor-hours ($273,000 ÷ $26; $208,000 ÷ $26) Manufacturing overhead cost allocated (10,500 × $20; 8,000 × $20) Job Costs May 2020 Direct materials Direct manufacturing labor Manufacturing overhead allocated Total costs $26 $20 Job M1 $273,000 Job M2 $208,000 10,500 8,000 $210,000 $160,000 Job M1 $ 78,000 273,000 210,000 $561,000 Job M2 $ 51,000 208,000 160,000 $419,000 2. Number of pipes produced for Job M1 Cost per pipe ($561,000 ÷ 1,100) 1,100 $510 3. Finished Goods Control Work-in-Process Control 561,000 561,000 4. Global Pipes began May 2020 with no work-in-process inventory. During May, it started and finished M1. It also started M2, which is still in work-in-process inventory at the end of May. M2’s manufacturing costs up to this point, $419,000, remains a debit balance in the work-in-process inventory account at the end of May 2020. 4-22 4-33 1. (20-30 min) Job costing; actual, normal, and variation from normal costing. Actual direct cost rate for professional labor $735,000 Actual indirect cost rate = 17,500 hours Budgeted direct cost rate $990,000 for professional labor = 18,000 hours $774,000 Budgeted indirect cost rate = 18,000 hours Direct-Cost Rate Indirect-Cost Rate = $58 per professional labor-hour = $42 per professional labor-hour = $55 per professional labor-hour = $43 per professional labor-hour (a) (b) Actual Normal Costing Costing $58 $58 (Actual rate) (Actual rate) $42 $43 (Actual rate) (Budgeted rate) (c) Variation of Normal Costing $55 (Budgeted rate) $43 (Budgeted rate) 2. Chico & Partners should choose a job-costing system based on the direct cost information available to them. If Chico knows direct costs as the jobs are being done, I would recommend Chico use normal costing over actual costing by calculating a budgeted indirect cost rate to cost jobs. Normal costing enables Chico to use the budgeted indirect cost rate calculated at the beginning of the year to estimate the cost of a job as soon as the job is completed. Chico can use knowledge of job costs for ongoing uses, including pricing jobs, monitoring and managing costs, evaluating the success of the job, learning about what did and did not work, bidding on new jobs, and preparing interim financial statements. Under actual costing, Chico would only determine the cost of a job at the end of the year when actual indirect costs are known. To be useful, of course, the budgeted indirect cost rate and the allocated costs need to reasonably approximate the actual indirect cost rate and the actual costs. If Chico does not know direct costs as the jobs are being completed, I would recommend that Chico use the variation of normal costing that calculates a budgeted direct cost rate. This would allow Chico to estimate costs on a more-timely basis and gain all the benefits discussed earlier in the context of indirect costs. To be useful, of course, the budgeted direct cost rate needs to reasonably approximate the actual direct cost rate. This is the case here since the budgeted rate of $55 per professional labor-hour is a reasonable approximation of the actual rate of $58 per professional labor-hour. 4-23 3. Direct Costs Indirect Costs Total Job Costs (a) (b) (c) Actual Normal Variation of Costing Costing Normal Costing $58 180 = $10,440 $58 180 = $10,440 $55 180 = $9,900 $42 180 = 7,560 $43 180 = 7,740 $43 180 = 7,740 $18,000 $18,180 $17,640 All three costing systems use the actual professional labor time of 180 hours. The budgeted 160 hours for the Pierre Enterprises audit job is not used in job costing. However, Chico may have used the 160 hour number in bidding for the audit. The actual costing figure of $18,000 is less than the normal costing figure of $18,180 because the actual indirect-cost rate ($42) is less than the budgeted indirect-cost rate ($43). The normal costing figure of $18,180 exceeds the variation of normal costing (based on budgeted rates for direct costs) figure of $17,640 because the actual direct-cost rate ($58) exceeds the budgeted direct-cost rate ($55). Although not required, the following overview diagram summarizes Chico’s job-costing system: INDIRECT COST POOL COST ALLOCATION BASE COST OBJECT: JOB FOR AUDITING PIERRE & CO. Audit Support Professional Labor-Hours Indirect Costs Direct Costs DIRECT COST Professional Labor 4-24 4-34 1. (20-30 min) Job costing; actual, normal, and variation from normal costing. $260,000 = $26 per direct labor-hour 10,000 $200,000 Actual indirect cost rate = = $20 per direct labor-hour 10,000 $280,000 Budgeted direct labor-hour rate = = $28 per direct labor-hour 10,000 $180,000 Budgeted indirect cost rate = = $18 per direct labor-hour 10,000 Actual direct-labor hour rate Direct-Cost Rate Indirect-Cost Rate = (a) (b) Actual Normal Costing Costing $26 $26 (Actual rate) (Actual rate) $20 $18 (Actual rate) (Budgeted rate) (c) Variation of Normal Costing $28 (Budgeted rate) $18 (Budgeted rate) 2. Clayton Solutions should choose a job-costing system based on the direct cost information available to them. If Clayton Solutions knows direct costs as the jobs are being done, I would recommend Clayton Solutions use normal costing over actual costing by calculating a budgeted indirect cost rate to cost jobs. Normal costing enables Clayton Solutions to use the budgeted indirect cost rate calculated at the beginning of the year to estimate the cost of a job as soon as the job is completed. Clayton Solutions can use knowledge of job costs for ongoing uses, including pricing jobs, monitoring and managing costs, evaluating the success of the job, learning about what did and did not work, bidding on new jobs, and preparing interim financial statements. Under actual costing, Clayton Solutions would only determine the cost of a job at the end of the year when actual indirect costs are known. To be useful, of course, the budgeted indirect cost rate and the allocated costs need to reasonably approximate the actual indirect cost rate and the actual costs, which is the case here. If Clayton Solutions does not know direct costs as the jobs are being completed, I would recommend that Clayton Solutions use the variation of normal costing that calculates a budgeted direct cost rate. This would allow Clayton Solutions to estimate costs on a more-timely basis and gain all the benefits discussed earlier in the context of indirect costs. However, if Clayton Solutions does use the variation of normal costing, it needs to continue to do a good job of estimating the budgeted direct cost rate. Currently, the budgeted direct cost rate ($28) is close to the actual rate of $26 per direct labor-hour. 4-25 3. Direct Costs Indirect Costs Total Job Costs (a) Actual Costing $26 80 = $2,080 $20 80 = 1,600 $3,680 (b) Normal Costing $26 80 = $2,080 $18 80 = 1,440 $3,520 (c) Variation of Normal Costing $28 80 = $2,240 $18 80 = 1,440 $3,680 All three costing systems use the actual direct labor-hours of 80 hours. The budgeted 95 hours for the Greenville Day School job is not used in job costing. However, Clayton Solutions may have used the budgeted number of hours in bidding for the job. 4-26 4-35 (30 min) Proration of overhead. 1. Budgeted manufacturing overhead rate Budgeted manufacturing overhead cost = Budgeted direct manufacturing labor cost = $110,000 = 50% of direct manufacturing labor cost $220,000 2. Overhead allocated = 50% × Actual direct manufacturing labor cost = 50% × $230,000 = $115,000 Underallocated manufacturing overhead Actual Allocated plant = manufacturing – overhead costs overhead costs = $117,000 – $115,000 = $2,000 Underallocated manufacturing overhead = $2,000 3a. All underallocated manufacturing overhead is written off to cost of goods sold. Both work-in-process (WIP) and finished goods inventory remain unchanged. Account WIP Finished Goods Cost of Goods Sold Total Dec. 31, 2020 Balance (Before Proration) (1) $ 41,500 232,400 556,100 $830,000 Proration of $2,000 Underallocated Manuf. Overhead (2) $ 0 0 2,000 $2,000 Dec. 31, 2020 Balance (After Proration) (3) = (1) + (2) $ 41,500 232,400 558,100 $832,000 3b. Underallocated manufacturing overhead prorated based on ending balances: Account WIP Finished Goods Cost of Goods Sold Total Dec. 31, 2020 Account Balance (Before Proration) (1) $ 41,500 232,400 556,100 $830,000 Account Balance as a Percent of Total (2) = (1) ÷ $830,000 0.05 0.28 0.67 1.00 4-27 Proration of $2,000 Underallocated Manuf. Overhead (3) = (2)× $2,000 0.05 × $2,000 = $ 100 0.28 × $2,000 = 560 0.67 × $2,000 = 1,340 $2,000 Dec. 31, 2020 Account Balance (After Proration) (4) = (1) + (3) $ 41,600 232,960 557,440 $832,000 3c. Underallocated manufacturing overhead prorated based on 2020 overhead in ending balances: Account WIP Finished Goods Cost of Goods Sold Total a,b,c Dec. 31, 2020 Account Balance (Before Proration) (1) $ 41,500 Allocated Manuf. Overhead in Dec. 31, 2020 Balance (Before Proration) (2) $ 11,500a Allocated Manuf. Overhead in Dec. 31, 2020 Balance as a Percent of Total (3) = (2) ÷ $115,000 0.10 Dec. 31, 2020 Account Proration of $3,000 Balance Underallocated (After Manuf. Overhead Proration) (5) = (1) + (4) (4) = (3)× $3,000 0.10 × $2,000 = $ 200 $ 41,700 232,400 33,350b 0.29 0.29 × $2,000 = 556,100 $830,000 70,150c $115,000 0.61 1.00 0.61 × $2,000 = 580 232,980 1,220 557,320 $832,000 $2,000 Overhead allocated = Direct manuf. labor cost×50% = $23,000; $66,700; $140,300×50% 4. Writing off all of the underallocated manufacturing overhead to Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) is usually warranted when COGS is large relative to Work-in-Process and Finished Goods Inventory and the underallocated manufacturing overhead is immaterial. Both these conditions apply in this case. ROW should write off the $2,000 underallocated manufacturing overhead to Cost of Goods Sold Account. 4-28 4-36 (20-30 min) Job costing, accounting for manufacturing overhead, budgeted rates. 1. An overview of the job-costing system is: INDIRECT COST POOL COST ALLOCATION BASE Machining Department Manufacturing Overhead Machine-Hours in Machining Dept. 2. Direct Manufacturing Labor Costs in Finishing Dept. Indirect Costs COST COSTOBJECT: OBJECT: PRODUCT JOB DIRECT COST Finishing Department Manufacturing Overhead Direct Costs Direct Materials Direct Manufacturing Labor Budgeted manufacturing overhead divided by allocation base: $9,065,000 a. Technology Department = 185,000 machine−hours = $49 per machine-hour b. Finishing Department = $8,181,000 4,050,000 = 202% of direct manufacturing labor costs 3. Technology Department overhead, $49 140 machine-hours$6,860 Finishing Department overhead, 202% of $1,250 2,525 Total manufacturing overhead allocated $9,385 4. Total costs of Job 431: Direct costs: Direct materials––Technology Department ––Finishing Department Direct manufacturing labor —Technology Department —Finishing Department Indirect costs: Technology Department overhead, $49 140 Finishing Department overhead, 202% of $1,250 Total costs $13,000 5,000 900 1,250 $ 6,860 2,525 $20,150 9,385 $29,535 The per-unit product cost of Job 431 is $29,535 ÷ 300 units = $98.45 per unit The point of this part is (a) to get the definitions straight and (b) to underscore that overhead is allocated by multiplying the actual amount of the allocation base by the budgeted rate. 4-29 5. Technology $10,000,000 Manufacturing overhead incurred (actual) Manufacturing overhead allocated 200,000 hours $49 9,800,000 202% of $4,100,000 Underallocated manufacturing overhead $ 200,000 Overallocated manufacturing overhead Total overallocated overhead = $300,000 – $200,000 = $100,000 Finishing $7,982,000 8,282,000 $ 300,000 6. A homogeneous cost pool is one where all costs have the same or a similar cause-andeffect or benefits-received relationship with the cost-allocation base. Daewoong likely assumes that all its manufacturing overhead cost items are not homogeneous. Specifically, those in the Technology Department have a cause-and-effect relationship with machine-hours, while those in the Finishing Department have a cause-and-effect relationship with direct manufacturing labor costs. Daewoong believes that the benefits of using two cost pools (more accurate product costs and better ability to manage costs) exceed the costs of implementing a more complex system. 4-30 4-37 (15-20 min) Service industry, job costing, law firm. 1. INDIRECT COST POOL COST ALLOCATION BASE COST OBJECT: JOB FOR CLIENT DIRECT COST Legal Support Professional Labor-Hours Indirect Costs Direct Costs } Professional Labor 2. Budgeted professional Budgeted direct labor compensation per professional labor-hour direct cost rate = Budgeted direct labor-hours per professional = $97,500 1,500 hours = $65 per professional labor-hour Note that the budgeted professional labor-hour direct-cost rate can also be calculated by dividing total budgeted professional labor costs of $2,925,000 ($97,500 per professional 30 professionals) by total budgeted professional labor-hours of 45,000 (1,500 hours per professional 30 professionals), $2,925,000 45,000 = $65 per professional labor-hour. 3. Budgeted indirect cost rate = = Budgeted total costs in indirect cost pool Budgeted total professional labor-hours $2,475,000 1,500 hours per professional × 30 professionals $2,475,000 = 45,000 hours = $55 per professional labor-hour 4. 4. Richardson Direct costs: Professional labor, $65 120; $65 160 Indirect costs: Legal support, $55 120; $55 160 4-31 Punch $ 7,800 $10,400 6,600 $14,400 8,800 $19,200 4-38 (25-30 min) Service industry, job costing, two direct- and indirect-cost categories, law firm (continuation of 4-37). Although not required, the following overview diagram is helpful to understand Kidman’s jobcosting system. INDIRECT COST POOL COST ALLOCATION BASE General Support Secretarial Support Professional Labor-Hours Partner Labor-Hours COST OBJECT: JOB FOR CLIENT DIRECT COST } Indirect Costs Direct Costs Professional Partner Labor 1. Budgeted compensation per professional Divided by budgeted hours of billable time per professional Budgeted direct-cost rate Professional Associate Labor Professional Partner Labor $ 210,000 Professional Associate Labor $75,000 ÷1,500 $140 per hour* ÷1,500 $50 per hour† Total budgeted partner labor costs $210,000 × 5 $1,050,000 = 1,500 × 5 = 𝟕,𝟓𝟎𝟎 Total budgeted partner labor - hours Total budgeted associate labor costs $75,000 × 25 $1,875,000 † Can also be calculated as = 1,500 × 25 = 𝟑𝟕,𝟓𝟎𝟎 Total budgeted associate labor - hours *Can also be calculated as 2. Budgeted total costs Divided by budgeted quantity of allocation base Budgeted indirect cost rate 4-32 General Secretarial Support Support $2,025,000 $450,000 ÷ 45,000 hours ÷ 7,500 hours $45 per hour $60 per hour = $140 = $50 3. Richardson Direct costs: Professional partners, $140 48 hr.; $140 32 hr. Professional associates, $50 72 hr.; $50 128 hr. Direct costs Indirect costs: General support, $45 120 hr.; $45 160 hr. Secretarial support, $60 48 hr.; $60 32 hr. Indirect costs Total costs Punch $6,720 $4,480 3,600 6,400 $10,320 5,400 7,200 2,880 1,920 8,280 $18,600 4. Single direct – Single indirect (from Problem 4-37) Multiple direct – Multiple indirect (from requirement 3 of Problem 4-38) Difference $10,880 9,120 $20,000 Richardson Punch $14,400 $19,200 18,600 $ 4,200 undercosted 20,000 $ 800 undercosted The Richardson and Punch jobs differ in their use of resources. The Richardson job has a mix of 40% partners and 60% associates, while Punch has a mix of 20% partners and 80% associates. Thus, the Richardson job is a relatively high user of the more costly partner-related resources (both direct partner costs and indirect partner secretarial support). The Punch job, on the other hand, has a mix of partner and associate-related hours (1:4) that is only slightly higher than the mix of partner and associate hours for the firm as a whole (1:5). The refined-costing system in Problem 4-38 increases the reported cost in Problem 4-37 for the Richardson job by 29.17% (from $14,400 to $18,600) and the Punch job by a much smaller 4.17% (from $19,200 to $20,000). 5. I would recommend that Kidman & Associates use the job costing system in this problem with two direct- and two indirect- cost categories. Kidman & Associates should use multiple categories of direct costs (partner labor and professional labor) because the costs of the different categories of labor are very different and different jobs use these direct labor resources in different proportions. The system with only one direct cost would be accurate only if all jobs used partner-labor and professional-labor in the same proportion, which is clearly not the case. Using a single direct-cost category would undercost (overcost) jobs that have a high (low) proportion of partner-labor. Kidman should use multiple indirect cost pools because partners use additional secretarial support resources that professionals do not use. With a single indirect cost pool as in problem 437, jobs that use proportionately greater (fewer) partner labor-hours are not assigned the extra (lower) costs of supporting these partners and are undercosted (overcosted). The job costing system in this problem more accurately represents the costs incurred on different jobs and therefore helps managers make better decisions. 4-33 4-39 (20-25 min) Proration of overhead. 1. Budgeted manufacturing overhead rate is $4,800,000 ÷ 80,000 hours = $60 per machine-hour. 2. Manufacturing overhead underallocated = Manufacturing overhead incurred – Manufacturing overhead allocated = $4,900,000 – $4,500,000* = $400,000 *$60 75,000 actual machine-hours = $4,500,000 a. Write-off to Cost of Goods Sold Account (1) Work in Process Finished Goods Cost of Goods Sold Total Write-off of $400,000 Underallocated Manufacturing Overhead (3) Dec. 31, 2020 Account Balance (Before Proration) (2) $ 750,000 1,250,000 8,000,000 $10,000,000 $ 0 0 400,000 $400,000 Dec. 31, 2020 Account Balance (After Proration) (4) = (2) + (3) $ 750,000 1,250,000 8,400,000 $10,400,000 b. Proration based on ending balances (before proration) in Work in Process, Finished Goods, and Cost of Goods Sold. Account (1) Work in Process Finished Goods Cost of Goods Sold Total Proration of $400,000 Dec. 31, 2020 Underallocated Account Balance Manufacturing (Before Proration) Overhead (2) (3) $ 750,000 ( 7.5%) 0.075 $400,000 = $ 30,000 1,250,000 (12.5%) 0.125 $400,000 = 50,000 8,000,000 (80.0%) 0.800 $400,000 = 320,000 $10,000,000 100.0% $400,000 Dec. 31, 2020 Account Balance (After Proration) (4) = (2) + (3) $ 780,000 1,300,000 8,320,000 $10,400,000 c. Proration based on the allocated overhead amount (before proration) in the ending balances of Work in Process, Finished Goods, and Cost of Goods Sold. Dec. 31, 2020 Allocated Overhead Dec. 31, 2020 Account Included in Account Balance Dec. 31, 2020 Proration of $400,000 Balance (Before Account Balance Underallocated (After Account Proration) (Before Proration) Manufacturing Overhead Proration) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) = (2) + (5) a Work in Process $ 750,000 $ 240,000 (5.33%) 0.0533$400,000 = $ 21,320 $ 771,320 Finished Goods 1,250,000 660,000 Cost of Goods Sold 8,000,000 3,600,000 $10,000,000 $4,500,000 Total a b c (14.67%) 0.1467$400,000 = 58,680 1,308,680 (80.00%) 0.8000$400,000 = 320,000 8,320,000 100.00% b c $60 4,000 machine-hours; $60 11,000 machine-hours; $60 60,000 machine-hours 4-34 $400,000 $10,400,000 3. Alternative (c) is theoretically preferred over (a) and (b) because the underallocated amount and the balances in work-in-process and finished goods inventories are material. Alternative (c) yields the same ending balances in work in process, finished goods, and cost of goods sold that would have been reported had actual indirect cost rates been used. Chapter 4 also discusses an adjusted allocation rate approach that results in the same ending balances as in alternative (c). This approach operates via a restatement of the indirect costs allocated to all the individual jobs worked on during the year using the actual indirect cost rate. 4-35 4-40 (20-25 min.) Track the flow of costs in a job costing system and ledger entries. a. Compute the total manufacturing overhead costs for Job #369 Job #369 $ Direct materials used 355,000 Direct labor costs 169,000 Overheads: Indirect materials 17,000 Indirect labor 28,000 Factory insurance 10,000 Factory maintenance 7,000 Factory cleaning 6,000 Depreciation of equipment 5,000 Under-allocated overheads 13,000 Total manufacturing overheads 604,000 b. Show the relevant ledger entries to allocate manufacturing overhead cost to work in process inventory. 1st April Purchases 1st April Balance Materials inventory 420,000 Direct material used 355,000 17,000 Indirect materials used 17,000 Manufacturing overhead 4 April Indirect materials 17,000 Manufacturing overhead allocated 60,000 Indirect labor 28,000 Factory insurance 10,000 Factory maintenance 7,000 Factory cleaning 6,000 Depreciation of equipment 5,000 Under-allocated overheads 13,000 Total 73,000 73,000 th Work in process inventory Direct materials 355,000 Direct labor 169,000 Manufacturing overhead allocated 60,000 Wages incurred Manufacturing wages 197,000 Direct labor 169,000 Indirect labor 28,000 197,000 Total 197,000 4-36 4-41 1. (15 min.) Proration of overhead with two indirect cost pools. Fabrication department: Overhead allocated = $20 per machine-hour × 2,000 machine-hours = $40,000 Finishing department: Overhead allocated = $16 per direct labor-hour × 1,200 direct labor-hours = $19,200 2. Under- or overallocated overhead in each department and in total follows: Fabrication department: $49,500 actual overhead – $40,000 allocated = $9,500 underallocated Finishing department: $22,200 actual overhead – $19,200 allocated = $3,000 underallocated Total underallocated overhead = $9,500 + $3,000 = $12,500 3. Underallocated overhead prorated based on ending balances Account Balance (Before Proration) Account (1) Work in Process $ 50,000 Finished Goods 150,000 Cost of Goods Sold 300,000 Total $500,000 Account Balance as a Percent of Total (2) = (1) ÷ $500,000 0.10 0.30 Proration of $12,500 Underallocated Overhead (3) = (2) × 12,500 0.10 × $12,500 = $ 1,250 0.30 × $12,500 = 3,750 0.60 × $12,500 = 0.60 1.00 Account Balance (After Proration) (4) = (1) + (3) $ 51,250 153,750 7,500 307,500 $12,500 $512,500 Because Premier Golf Carts is disposing of underallocated costs based on the ending balance in Work in Process, Finished Goods, and Cost of Goods Sold accounts, it does not have to allocate the underallocated overhead from each department separately. Had Premier Golf Carts disposed of the underallocated overhead based on the overhead allocated in the ending balances in each of the three accounts, it would have to dispose of the underallocated overhead in the Fabrication Department and the underallocated overhead in the Finishing Department separately. 4. The ending balance in Cost of Goods Sold would be $312,500 instead of $307,500 if the entire $12,500 amount of underallocated overhead was written off to Cost of Goods Sold account. Cost of Goods Sold would increase by 1.6% ($312,500 – $307,500) ÷ $307,500. Because this is an insignificant amount, it would be reasonable to use the simpler method of charging off to Cost of Goods Sold. 4-37 4-42 (30-35 min) 1. 2. a. Proration of overhead. Budgeted Manufacturing Overhead ÷ Budgeted Direct Labor Cost = Budgeted OH Rate $1,210,000 ÷ $550,000 = 220% of Direct Labor Cost $562,200 Direct Labor Cost × 220% = $1,236,840 Manufacturing OH Allocated $1,236,840 Manufacturing OH Allocated - $1,200,500 Actual = $36,340 Overallocated Write-off to Cost of Goods Sold: Account (1) Cost of Goods Sold Finished Goods Work-in-Process Total Write-off of $36,340 Overallocated Manufacturing Overhead (3) Dec. 31, 2020 Account Balance (Before Proration) (2) $2,100,000 600,000 300,000 $3,000,000 $36,340 0 0 $36,340 Dec. 31, 2020 Account Balance (After Proration) (4) = (2) - (3) $2,063,660 600,000 300,000 $2,963,660 b. Proration based on ending balances (before proration) in Work in Process, Finished Goods, and Cost of Goods Sold: Account (1) Cost of Goods Sold Finished Goods Work-in-Process Total Proration of $36,340 Dec. 31, 2020 Overallocated Account Balance Manufacturing (Before Proration) Overhead (2) (3) $2,100,000 (70.0%) 0.70 $36,340 = $ 25,438 600,000 (20.0%) 0.20 $36,340 = 7,268 300,000 (10.0%) 0.10 $36,340 = 3,634 $3,000,000 100.0% $ 36,340 4-38 Dec. 31, 2020 Account Balance (After Proration) (4) = (2) - (3) $ 2,074,562 592,732 296,366 $2,963,660 c. Proration based on the allocated overhead amount (before proration) in the ending balances of Work in Process, Finished Goods, and Cost of Goods Sold: Account (1) Cost of Goods Sold Dec.31,2020 Account Balance (Before Proration) (2) $2,100,000 Allocated Overhead Included in Dec. 31, 2020 Account Balance (Before Proration) (3) (4) $841,051 (68.0%) Proration of $36,340 Overallocated Manufacturing Overhead (5) 0.68 $36,340 =$24,711 Dec. 31, 2020 Account Balance (After Proration) (6) = (2) - (5) $ 2,075,289 Finished Goods 600,000 272,105 (22.0%) 0.22 $36,340 = 7,995 592,005 Work-inProcess 300,000 123,684 (10.00%) 0.10 $36,340 = 3,634 296,366 Total $3,000,000 $1,236,840 100.00% $36,340 $2,963,660 3. Alternative (c) is theoretically preferred over (a) and (b) because the overallocated amount and the balances in work-in-process and finished goods inventories are material. Alternative (c) yields the same ending balances in work in process, finished goods, and cost of goods sold that would have been reported had actual indirect cost rates been used. Chapter 4 also discusses an adjusted allocation rate approach that results in the same ending balances as in alternative (c). This approach operates via a restatement of the indirect costs allocated to all the individual jobs worked on during the year using the actual indirect cost rate. 4-39 4-43 (40-45 min) Overview of general ledger relationships. NOTE: In some print versions of the textbook, the second column heading appears as “Ending Balance 12/31.” The second column heading in the problem should be “Ending Balance 12/30” and not “Ending Balance 12/31.” 1. Adjusting entry for 12/31 payroll. (a) Work-in-Process Control Manufacturing Department Overhead Control Wages Payable Control To recognize payroll costs (b) Work-in-Process Control Manufacturing Overhead Allocated To allocate manufacturing overhead at 110% $4,300 = $4,730 on $4,300 of direct manufacturing labor incurred on 12/31 4,300 1,400 5,700 4,730 4,730 Note: Students tend to forget entry (b) entirely. Stress that a budgeted overhead allocation rate is used consistently throughout the year. This point is a major feature of this problem. 2. a-e An effective approach to this problem is to draw T-accounts and insert all the known figures. Then, working with T-account relationships, solve for the unknown figures. Entries (a) and (b) are posted into the T-accounts that follow. Materials Control Beginning balance 12/1 Purchases Balance 12/30 a $2,100 + $66,300 – $8,500 = $59,900 2,100 66,300 8,500 (a) 59,900a Materials requisitioned Direct materials requisitioned into work in process during December equals $59,900 because no materials are requisitioned on December 31. Work-in-Process Control Beginning balance 12/1 6,700 Direct materials $59,900 Direct manf. labor 84,000b Manf. overhead allocated 92,400b 236,300 234,000 Cost of goods manufactured Balance 12/30 9,000 (a) Direct manuf. labor 12/31 payroll 4,300 (b) Manuf. overhead allocated 12/31 4,730c Ending balance 12/31 18,030 b Direct manufacturing labor and manufacturing overhead allocated are unknown. Let x = Direct manufacturing labor up to 12/30 payroll Manufacturing overhead allocated up to 12/30 payroll = 1.10x 4-40 Use the T-account equation and solve for x: $6,700 + $59,900 + x + 1.10x – $234,000 = $9,000 2.10x = $9,000 – $6,700 – $59,900 + $234,000 2.10x = $176,400 x = $176,400 / 2.10 = $84,000 Direct manufacturing labor up to 12/30 payroll = $84,000 Manufacturing overhead allocated up to 12/30 = 1.10 × $84,000 = $92,400 Total direct manufacturing labor for December = $84,000 + $4,300 (direct manufacturing labor for 12/31 calculated in requirement 1) = $88,300 Total manufacturing overhead allocated for December = $92,400 + $4,730 c = $97,130 $4,300 110% = $4,730, manufacturing overhead allocated on $4,300 of direct manufacturing labor incurred on 12/31. c (b) (c) (d) Total direct manufacturing labor for December = $88,300. Total manufacturing overhead allocated (recorded) in work in process equals $97,130. Ending balance in work-in-process inventory on December 31 equals $9,000 + $4,300 (direct manufacturing labor added on 12/31, requirement 1) + $4,730 (manufacturing overhead allocated on 12/31, requirement 1) = $18,030. An alternative approach to solving requirements 2b, 2c, and 2d is to calculate the work-in-process inventory on December 31, recognizing that because no new units were started or completed, no direct materials were added and the direct manufacturing labor and manufacturing overhead allocated on December 31 were added to the work-in-process inventory balance of December 30. Work-in-process inventory on 12/31 = Work-in-process inventory on 12/30 + Direct manufacturing + labor incurred on 12/31 Manufacturing overhead allocated on 12/31 = $9,000 + $4,300 + $4,730 = $18,030 We can now use the T-account equation for work-in-process inventory account from 12/1 to 12/31, as follows. Let x = Direct manufacturing labor for December Then 1.10x = Manufacturing overhead allocated for December Work-inprocess + inventory on 12/1 Direct Direct Manufacturing Work-inCost of goods materials manufacturing overhead process + + – manufactured = added in labor added in allocated in inventory on in December December December December 12/31 $6,700 + $59,900 + x + 1.10x – $234,000 = $18,030 2.10x = $18,030 – $6,700 – $59,900 + $234,000 2.10x = $185,430 x = $185,430 / 2.10 = $88,300 Total direct manufacturing labor for December = $88,300 Total manufacturing overhead allocated in December = 1.10 $88,300 = $97,130 4-41 Finished Goods Control Beginning balance 12/1 4,400 Cost of goods manufactured 234,000 219,000c Cost of goods sold Balance 12/31 19,400 c $4,400 + $234,000 – $19,400 = $219,000 (e) Cost of goods sold for December before adjustments for under- or overallocated overhead equals $219,000: Cost of goods sold Cost of Goods Sold 219,000 1,730 (c) Closing entry Manufacturing Department Overhead Control Balance through 12/30 94,000 (a) Indirect manufacturing labor 12/31 1,400 95,400 (c) Closing entry (c) Closing entry Manufacturing Overhead Allocated 97,130 92,400 Balance through 12/30 4,730 (b) Manufacturing overhead allocated, 12/31 Wages Payable Control 1,400 (a) 12/31 payroll 3. Closing entries: (c) Manufacturing Overhead Allocated 97,130 Manufacturing Department Overhead Control 95,400 Cost of Goods Sold 1,730 To close manufacturing overhead accounts and overallocated overhead to cost of goods sold. 4-42 4-44 (25 min) Allocation and proration of overhead. 1. Compute the over or under allocation of manufacturing overheads Budgeted manufacturing overhead rate = Budgeted manufacturing overhead costs = £792, 000 = £18 per unit Budgeted units of production 44,000 Over-allocation of manufacturing overheads = (actual production – budgeted production) x manufacturing overhead rate per unit = (48, 800 – 44, 000) x £18 per unit = £ 86, 400 2. Compute the total manufacturing costs £ Direct material costs 36.00 Direct labor costs 8.00 Variable manufacturing overheads 6.00 Variable manufacturing costs 50.00 Fixed manufacturing overhead costs 18.00 Total manufacturing costs per unit 68.00 Total manufacturing costs = £68 x 48,800 = £3,318,400 3. Show how the over-or-under allocation of the manufacturing overheads affects the income of Kitchen Wood Ltd. £ Revenue (40,800 x £100) Total manufacturing costs (48,800 x £68) Closing inventory (8,000 x £68) Cost of sales Gross profit Sales commission (£4,080,000 x 10%) Administrative overheads Selling costs £ 4,080,000 3,318,400 544,000 2,774,400 1,305,600 408,000 208,000 112,000 Add: Over-allocated overheads Operating income 4-43 728,000 577,600 86,400 664,000 4-45 (25-30 min) Job costing, ethics. 1. Overhead overallocated = Manufacturing overhead allocated – Manufacturing overhead incurred = $1,424,000a − $1,250,000 = $174,000 overallocated a $890,000 x 1.6 = $1,424,000 2. a. If the overallocated overhead is closed out to cost of goods sold, COGS decreases by $174,000: $2,950,000 − $174,000 = $2,776,000 Revenue $5,580,000 COGS 2,776,000 Selling and admin. expenses 2,790,000 Net operating income $ 14,000 b. If the overallocated overhead is prorated to work in process control, finished goods control, and cost of goods sold based on ending balances before proration, cost of goods sold will be adjusted as follows: Account Ending Balance Balance Before Proration as a Percent 12/31/2020 of Total (1) (2)=(1)/3,494,000 WIP Control Fin. Goods Control Cost of Goods Sold $ 244,000 300,000 2,950,000 7.0% 8.6% 84.4% $3,494,000 100% × × × Proration of $174,000 of Overallocated Manufacturing Overhead (4) = (3)×$108,000 Overallocated Manufacturing Overhead (3) $174,000 174,000 174,000 = = = $ 12,180 14,964 146,856 $174,000 $174,000 overallocated overhead × 84.4% = $146,856 is subtracted from COGS $2,950,000 − $146,856 = $2,803,144 Revenue $5,580,000 COGS 2,803,144 Selling and admin. expenses 2,790,000 Net operating loss $ (13,144) 3. Manufacturing overhead costs were overallocated in this case. In 2a the overallocation is adjusted by subtracting the entire overallocated amount of $174,000 from COGS. The inventory in the work in process and finished goods accounts is still allocated too much overhead, which is not adjusted for. When this inventory is sold in the next periods COGS will be higher and net operating income lower, compared to the approach in 2b. 4-44 4. While technically the $27,144 difference in adjusted cost of goods sold may have been immaterial, the difference caused Baker Brothers to report a profit in the first instance, and a loss in the second. Recall that the company is under pressure to report a profit in 2020 because it is preparing for an acquisition by a private equity firm. The circumstances cause the amount to be material. Further, Bledsoe may have been planning for this all along, when she increased the overhead allocation rate for 2020. The ethical issue is that she may have planned for an overallocation of overhead so that she would have the option of reducing cost of goods sold at the end of the year in order to increase earnings. Such an intentional manipulation would be a violation of the credibility principle of the IMA Statement of Ethical Professional Practice: “Each practitioner has a responsibility to…communicate information fairly and objectively.” 4-45 4-46 (20-25 min.) Track the flow of costs in a job costing system and ledger entries. a. Show the journal entries for each transaction 1. 2. 3 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Dr Cr Dr Cr Dr Cr Dr Cr Cr Cr Dr Dr Dr Cr Dr Dr Cr Dr Cr Dr Cr Dr Cr Cr Dr Cr Dr Stores ledger control account Creditors control account Purchase of materials Work in process account Stores ledger control account Conversion of raw material to WIP inventory Factory overhead control account Stores ledger control account Issuing of indirect material Wages control account Tax payable Social insurance contribution Wages accrued Gross pay, tax deduction and other authorized deductions Tax payable Social insurance contribution Wages accrued Cash/ bank Payment of tax, wages and social insurance contribution Work in process control account Factory overhead control account Wages control account Wages control allocated to job and overhead Factory overhead control account Social insurance contribution account Social insurance contribution account charged to the factory overhead Social insurance contribution account Cash/ bank Payment of social insurance contribution Factory overhead control account Expense creditors control account Provision of depreciation account Creditors and depreciation charged to factory overheads Work in process control account Factory overhead control account Factory overhead charged to WIP account Non-manufacturing overheads account 4-46 $ 182,000 $ 182,000 165,000 165,000 10,000 10,000 185,000 60,000 20,000 105,000 60,000 20,000 105,000 185,000 145,000 40,000 185,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 71,000 41,000 30,000 140,000 140,000 40,000 Cr 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Dr Cr Dr Cr Dr Cr Dr Cr Dr Cr Expense creditors control account Creditors accounts charged to non-manufacturing overheads Expense creditors control account Cash/bank Payment towards expense creditors Profit and loss account Non-manufacturing overheads account Non-manufacturing overheads charged to profit and loss account Finished goods inventory account Work in process control account Transfer of WIP to finished inventory Debtors control account Revenues account Sales of goods to customers Costs of sales account Finished goods inventory Finished goods charged to the cost of sales account 40,000 81000 81000 40,000 40,000 300,000 300,000 400,000 400,000 240,000 b. Show the T-account (ledger) of the major transactions Stores ledger control account Creditor account 182,000 Work in process account Factory overhead account Balance c/d 182,000 Balance b/d 7,000 240,000 165,000 10,000 7,000 182,000 Wages control account Wages accrued account 105,000 Work in process account 145,000 Tax payable account 60,000 Factory overheads account 40,000 Social insurance contribution account 20,000 185,000 185,000 Factory overheads control account Stores ledger control account 10,000 Work in process control account 140,000 Wages control account 40,000 Balance – under-allocation of overhead transferred to profit and loss account 6,000 Social insurance contribution account 25,000 Expenses creditors account 4 1,000 Provision for depreciation account 30,000 146,000 146,000 4-47 Work in process control account Stores ledger control account 165000 Finished goods control account Wages control account 145000 Balance Factory overhead control account 140000 450000 Finished goods control account Work in process control account 300000 Cost of sales account Balance 300000 Profit and loss account Cost of sales account 240000 Revenue account Non-manufacturing overhead account 40000 Factory overhead control 6000 (under allocation of overhead) Profit 114000 400000 4-48 300000 150000 450000 240000 60000 300000 400000 400000 Try It! 4-1 The solution assumes that Huckvale Corporation allocates manufacturing overhead costs in its normal costing system based on direct manufacturing labor-hours. Budgeted indirect Budgeted annual manufacturing overhead costs cost rate Budgeted annual quantity of the cost-allocation base Budgeted indirect cost rate $1,160,000 = 29,000 hours = $40 per direct manufacturing labor hour Total manufacturing costs of the 32 Pioneer Drive job equals: Direct manufacturing costs Direct materials Direct manufacturing labor ($18 per direct manufacturing labor hour × 180 direct manufacturing labor-hours) Manufacturing overhead costs ($40 per direct manufacturing labor-hour × 180 hours) Total manufacturing costs of 32 Pioneer Drive job 4-49 $3,600 3,240 $ 6,840 7,200 $14,040 Try It! 4-2 The solution assumes that Huckvale Corporation allocates manufacturing overhead costs in its costing system based on direct manufacturing labor-hours. Although Huckvale uses a normalcosting system to manage costs throughout the year, the problem asks you to calculate actual costs using actual costing at the end of the year. The point of the problem is to illustrate that companies that use normal costing also use actual costing at the end of the year to evaluate how well their normal costing systems are working. As the chapter discussion indicates, companies rarely use actual costing as their main costing system. Actual manufacturing overhead rate = Actual annual manufacturing overhead costs Actual annual quantity of the cost-allocation base = $1,260,000 28,000 direct manufacturing labor-hours = $45 per direct manufacturing labor-hour Manufacturing overhead costs allocated to 32 Pioneer Drive job = = Actual manufacturing overhead rate $45 per direct manuf. labor-hour ´ ´ Actual quantity of direct manufacturing labor-hours 180 direct manufacturing labor-hours = $8,100 The cost of the job under actual costing is: Direct manufacturing costs Direct materials Direct manufacturing labor ($20 per direct manufacturing labor hour × 160 direct manufacturing labor-hours) Manufacturing overhead costs ($45 per direct manufacturing labor-hour × 180 hours) Total manufacturing costs of 32 Pioneer Drive job 4-50 $3,600 3,240 $ 6,840 8,100 $14,940 Try It! 4-3 The solution assumes that Huckvale Corporation allocates manufacturing overhead costs in its normal costing system based on direct manufacturing labor-hours. Budgeted indirect Budgeted manufacturing overhead costs cost rate Budgeted annual quantity of the cost-allocation base Budgeted indirect cost rate $1,160,000 = 29,000 hours = $40 per direct manufacturing labor hour (a) Usage of direct materials, $20,000, and indirect materials, $2,000 during April 2020 Work-in-Process Control 20,000 Manufacturing Overhead Control 2,000 Materials Control 22,000 (b) Manufacturing payroll for April 2020: direct labor, $50,000 paid in cash Work-in-Process Control 50,000 Cash Control 50,000 (c) Other manufacturing overhead costs incurred during April 2020, $76,000, consisting of ■ Supervision and engineering salaries, $49,000 (paid in cash); ■ Plant utilities and repairs $7,000 (paid in cash); and ■ Plant depreciation, $20,000 Manufacturing Overhead Control 76,000 Cash Control 56,000 Accumulated Depreciation Control 20,000 (d) Allocation of manufacturing overhead to jobs = Budgeted manufacturing overhead rate × Actual direct manufacturing labor-hours = $40 × 3,000 = $120,000 Work-in-Process Control 120,000 Manufacturing Overhead Allocated 120,000 (e) The sum of all individual jobs completed and transferred to finished goods in April 2020 is $230,000 Finished Goods Control 230,000 Work-in-Process Control 230,000 (f) Cost of goods sold in April 2020, $225,000 Cost of Goods Sold 225,000 Finished Goods Control 225,000 4-51 Try It! 4-4 Budgeted indirect Budgeted manufacturing overhead costs cost rate Budgeted annual quantity of the cost-allocation base Budgeted indirect cost rate $1,160,000 = 29,000 hours = $40 per direct manufacturing labor hour Manufacturing overhead allocated during the year = Budgeted indirect cost rate × Actual direct manufacturing labor-hours = $40 × 28,000 = $1,120,000 Underallocated manufacturing overhead = Actual manufacturing overhead costs – Allocated manufacturing overhead costs = $1,260,000 − $1,120,000 = $140,000. Account Work-inprocess control Finished goods control Cost of goods sold Total Account Balance (Before Proration) (1) $ Manufacturing Overhead in Each Account Balance Allocated in the Current Year (Before Proration) (2) Manufacturing Overhead in Each Account Balance Allocated in the Current Year as Percent of Total (3)=(2)÷$960,000 Proration of $62,000 of Underallocated Manufacturing Overhead (4)=(3)×$62,000 45,000 $ 29,000 2.5% 0.025 × $140,000 = $ 3,500 65,000 63,800 5.5% 0.055 × $140,000 = 1,067,200 1,600,000 $1,710,000 $1,160,000 4-52 Account Balance (After Proration) (5)=(1)+(4) $ 48,500 7,700 72,700 92.0% 0.92 × $140,000 = 128,800 1,728,800 100.0% $140,000 $1,850,000 CHAPTER 5 ACTIVITY-BASED COSTING AND ACTIVITY-BASED MANAGEMENT 5-1 Broad averaging (or “peanut-butter costing”) describes a costing approach that uses broad averages for assigning (or spreading, as in spreading peanut butter) the cost of resources uniformly to cost objects when the individual products or services, in fact, use those resources in non-uniform ways. Broad averaging, by ignoring the variation in the consumption of resources by different cost objects, can lead to inaccurate and misleading cost data, which in turn can negatively impact the marketing and operating decisions made based on that information. 5-2 Undercosting products will lead to underpricing and may even lead to sales that actually result in losses because the sales may bring in less revenue than the cost of resources they use. Overcosting products will lead to overpricing causing those products to lose market share to competitors producing similar products. 5-3 Costing system refinement means making changes to a simple costing system that reduces the use of broad averages for assigning the cost of resources to cost objects and provides better measurement of the costs of overhead resources used by different cost objects. Three guidelines for refinement are: 1. Classify as many of the total costs as direct costs as is economically feasible. 2. Expand the number of indirect cost pools until each of these pools is more homogenous. 3. Use the cause-and-effect criterion, when possible, to identify the cost-allocation base for each indirect-cost pool. 5-4 Individual activities are the fundamental cost objects in activity-based costing. Activitybased costing first uses resource drivers to assign the costs of resources to individual activities and then it uses activity drivers to assign the cost of these activities to products or services (as final cost objects). 5-5 A cost hierarchy can lead to a more accurate costing system by focusing on the levels of cause-and-effect relationships between various activity cost pools on the one hand and final cost objects on the other hand. It categorizes various activity cost pools into four individual levels on the basis of the different types of cost drivers, cost-allocation bases, or the different degrees of difficulty in determining cause-and-effect relationships. These four levels of a cost hierarchy (from the highest to the lowest cause-and-effect relationship to cost objects) are: output unit-level costs, batch-level costs, product-sustaining costs or service-sustaining costs, and facility-sustaining costs. 5-1 5-6 Out of four levels of hierarchy costs in activity-based costing, only ‘output unit-level costs’ is used in simple costing systems. In other words, there are three additional levels of hierarchy costs in activity-based-costing systems which are not used in simple costing systems as follows: batch-level costs, product-sustaining costs or service-sustaining costs, and facility-sustaining costs. These three additional levels of hierarchy costs are important because not all cost-allocation bases are unit level. Some are batch-level costs, some are product-sustaining costs and some are facility-sustaining costs which have no direct link with the cost objects. 5-7 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The steps involved are: Identifying the products that are the chosen cost objects. Identifying the direct costs of the products. Selecting the cost-allocation bases to use for allocating indirect or overhead costs to the products. Identifying the indirect costs associated with each cost-allocation base. Computing the rate per unit of each cost-allocation base. Computing the indirect costs allocated to the products. Computing the total cost of the products by adding all direct and indirect costs assigned to the products. 5-8 Managers must be sensitive to the following behavioral issues in implementing ABC system: 1. Gaining support of top management and creating a sense of urgency for the ABC effort. 2. Creating a guiding coalition of managers throughout the value chain for the ABC effort. 3. Educating and training employees in ABC as a basis for employee empowerment. 4. Seeking small short-run success as proof that the ABC implementation is yielding results. 5. Recognizing that ABC information is not perfect because it balances the need for better Information against the costs of creating a complex system that few managers and employees can understand. 5-9 No. It depends on several factors such as the variety and number of activities, cost allocation bases, and cost objects/products. For example: if a company produces one single product then the product cost under both simple costing systems and activity-based-costing can be the same. Or, when different products use resources from different activities in the same proportions as with simple costing systems. 5-10 “Tell-tale” signs that indicate when ABC systems are likely to provide the most benefits are as follows: 1. Significant amounts of indirect costs are allocated using only one or two cost pools. 2. All or most indirect costs are identified as output-unit-level costs (i.e., few indirect costs are described as batch-level, product-sustaining, or facility-sustaining costs). 3. Products make diverse demands on resources because of differences in volume, process steps, batch size, or complexity. 4. Products that a company is well suited to make and sell show small profits, whereas products that a company is less suited to produce and sell show large profits. 5. Operations staff has significant disagreements with the accounting staff about the costs of manufacturing and marketing products and services. 5-2 5-11 The main limitations of ABC systems are the difficulties of the measurement to implement it. The ABC systems require managers to estimate costs of activity pools and to identify and measure cost drivers for these pools to serve as cost-allocation bases. Even basic ABC systems require several calculations to determine costs of product or services. Such measurements are costly, and the activity-based rate also need to be updated regularly. Occasionally, managers are also forced to use allocation bases for which data are readily available rather than allocation bases they would have liked to use. 5-12 ABC systems can be used equally for product costing and service costing as well as for strategic decisions in manufacturing and service companies. ABC systems are more suited to service companies because a vast majority of their cost structure is composed of indirect costs. 5-13 No. The additional costs and resources needed may not exceed the benefits gained by having more accurate and detailed information provided by the ABC system. Thus, cost benefit analysis is always needed to make sure that expected benefits exceed expected costs to replace simple costing. 5-14 The main factors for determining the number of indirect-cost pools are the homogeneity of cost pools as well as the similarity in proportions at which different products/services use cost pools. The higher the homogeneity of cost pools, and the similarity of proportions of using different activities by products/services, the lower the number of required indirect-cost pools. 5-15 It can be argued that the adoption of ABC may result in reduction of the total manufacturing costs of the company. ABC can help with cost reduction and process improvement decisions by identifying individual activities and their relevant costs. This can help managers to eliminate non-added value activities, reduce costs and improve the overall process. So, it is not always true that total manufacturing cost remains the same if a company decides to adopt ABC as eliminating non-added value activities can reduce the production costs. It can also be argued that by adopting the ABC system, the manager will be in a better position to make improved decisions in terms of pricing and product-mixed decisions. ABC could help to identify products that may be currently under-costed, and are being actually sold for losses, where the losses are masked by sales of very profitable product lines. 5-3 5-16 Choice ‘3’ is correct. It is wrong to assume that department costing systems always properly recognize the drivers of costs within departments. The other options are correct: emphasizing activities leads to more-focused and homogenous costs pools, and activities that aid in identifying cost-allocation bases for activities that have a better cause-and-effect relationship with the costs in activity-cost pools. It is also true that some companies have evolved their costing systems from using a single indirect cost rate system to using separate indirect cost rates for each department. It is correct that ABC systems, with their focus on specific activities, are a further refinement of department costing systems. Choices ‘1’, ‘2’, and ‘4’ are incorrect. It is wrong to assume that department costing systems always properly recognize the drivers of costs within departments. The other options are however correct: emphasizing activities leads to more-focused and homogenous costs pools, and activities that aid in identifying cost-allocation bases for activities that have a better cause-and-effect relationship with the costs in activity-cost pools. 5-17 Choice ‘4’ is correct. All the options are true and likely to yield positive results in ABC systems. Choice ‘1’ is correct. If there is only one product or if all products consume resources similarly, then broad-based averages from traditional systems are sufficient. Choice ‘2’ is correct. Operations that are varied and complex require ABC, otherwise, just a few indirect-cost pools would suffice. Choice ‘3’ is correct. ABC is increasing in popularity because changes in business are decreasing implementation costs while increasing the relative benefits. Managers may need to re-evaluate the cost system if costs/prices appear to be out of line with those of the competitors. 5-18 1. (20 min.) Cost hierarchy. a. Indirect manufacturing labor costs of $950,000 support direct manufacturing labor and are output unit-level costs. Direct manufacturing labor generally increases with output units and so will the indirect costs to support it. b. Batch-level costs are costs of activities that are related to a group of units of a product rather than each individual unit of a product. Purchase order-related costs (including costs of receiving materials and paying suppliers) of $675,000 relate to a group of units of product and are batch-level costs. c. Cost of indirect materials of $180,000 generally changes with labor hours or machine hours which are unit-level costs. Therefore, indirect material costs are output unit-level costs. d. Setup costs of $450,000 are batch-level costs because they relate to a group of units of product produced after the machines are set up. e. Costs of designing processes, drawing process charts, and making engineering changes for individual products, $315,000, are product sustaining because they relate to the costs of activities undertaken to support individual products regardless of the number of units or batches in which the product is produced. 5-4 f. Machine-related overhead costs (depreciation and maintenance) of $975,500 are output unit-level costs because they change with the number of units produced. g. Plant management, plant rent, and insurance costs of $578,000 are facility-sustaining costs because the costs of these activities cannot be traced to individual products or services but support the organization as a whole. 2. 3. 5-19 The complex karaoke machine made in many batches will use significantly more batchlevel overhead resources compared to the simple karaoke machine that is made in a few batches. In addition, the complex karaoke machine will use more product-sustaining overhead resources because it is complex. Since each karaoke machine requires the same number of machine-hours, both the simple and the complex karaoke machine will be allocated the same amount of overhead costs per karaoke machine if SharpPitch uses only machine-hours to allocate overhead costs to karaoke machines. As a result, the complex karaoke machine will be undercosted (it consumes a relatively high level of resources but is reported to have a relatively low cost) and the simple karaoke machine will be overcosted (it consumes a relatively low level of resources but is reported to have a relatively high cost). Using the cost hierarchy to calculate activity-based costs can help SharpPitch to identify both the costs of individual activities and the cost of activities demanded by individual products. SharpPitch can use this information to manage its business in several ways: a. Pricing and product mix decisions. Knowing the resources needed to manufacture and sell different types of karaoke machines can help SharpPitch to price the different karaoke machines and also identify which karaoke machines are more profitable. It can then emphasize its more profitable products. b. SharpPitch can use information about the costs of different activities to improve processes and reduce costs of the different activities. SharpPitch could have a target of reducing costs of activities (setups, order processing, etc.) by, say, 2% and constantly seek to eliminate activities and costs (such as engineering changes) that its customers perceive as not adding value. c. SharpPitch management can identify and evaluate new designs to improve performance by analyzing how product and process designs affect activities and costs. d. SharpPitch can use its ABC systems and cost hierarchy information to plan and manage activities. What activities should be performed in the period and at what cost? (25 min.) ABC, cost hierarchy, service. Output unit-level costs a. Direct-labor costs, $276,000 b. Equipment-related costs (rent, maintenance, energy, and so on), $495,000 These costs are output unit-level costs because they are incurred on each unit of materials tested, that is, for every hour of testing. Batch-level costs c. Setup costs, $630,000 These costs are batch-level costs because they are incurred each time a batch of materials 5-5 is set up for either HT or ST, regardless of the number of hours for which the tests are subsequently run. Service-sustaining costs d. Costs of designing tests, $399,000 These costs are service-sustaining costs because they are incurred to design the HT and ST tests, regardless of the number of batches tested or the number of hours of test time. 5-6 2. Direct labor costs (given) Heat Testing (HT) Total Per Hour (1) (2) = (1) ÷ 50,000 $204,000 $4.08 Stress Testing (ST) Total Per Hour (3) (4) = (3) ÷ 40,000 $72,000 $1.80 Equipment-related costs $5.50 per hour* × 275,000 50,000 hours $5.50 per hour* × 40,000 hours Setup costs $30 per setup-hour† × 450,000 15,000 setup-hours 5.50 220,000 5.50 180,000 4.50 9.00 $30 per setup-hour† × 6,000 setup-hours Costs of designing tests $66.50 per hour** × 266,000 4,000 hours $66.50 per hour** × 2,000 hours Total costs $1,195,000.00 5.32 3.33 133,000 $605,000.00 $15.13 $23.90 5-7 *$495,000 (50,000 + 40,000) hours = $5.50 per test-hour † $630,000 (15,000 + 6,000) setup hours = $30 per setup-hour **$399,000 (4,000 + 2,000) hours = $66.50 per hour At a cost per test-hour of $20, the simple costing system undercosts heat testing ($23.90) and overcosts stress testing ($15.13). The reason is that heat testing uses direct labor, setup, and design resources per hour more intensively than stress testing. Heat tests are more complex, take longer to set up, and are more difficult to design. The simple costing system assumes that testing costs per hour are the same for heat testing and stress testing. 3. The ABC system better captures the resources needed for heat testing and stress testing because it identifies all the various activities undertaken when performing the tests and recognizes the levels of the cost hierarchy at which costs vary. Hence, the ABC system generates more accurate product costs. CoreTech’s management can use the information from the ABC system to make better pricing and product mix decisions. For example, it might decide to increase the prices charged for the costlier heat testing and consider reducing prices on the less costly stress testing. CoreTech should watch if competitors are underbidding CoreTech in stress testing and causing it to lose business. CoreTech can also use ABC information to reduce costs by eliminating processes and activities that do not add value, identifying and evaluating new methods to do testing that reduce the activities needed to do the tests, reducing the costs of doing various activities, and planning and managing activities. 5-8 5-20 (15 min.) Alternative allocation bases for a professional services firm. 1. Client (1) SAN ANTONIO DOMINION Walliston Boutin Abbington AMSTERDAM ENTERPRISES Walliston Boutin Abbington Direct Professional Time Rate per Number Hour of Hours Total (2) (3) (4) = (2) (3) Support Services Rate (5) Amount Billed to Total Client (6) = (4) (5) (7) = (4) + (6) $640 220 100 26 5 39 $16,640 1,100 3,900 30% 30 30 $4,992 330 1,170 $21,632 1,430 5,070 $28,132 $640 220 100 4 14 52 $2,560 3,080 5,200 30% 30 30 $ 768 924 1,560 $ 3,328 4,004 6,760 $14,092 2. Client (1) SAN ANTONIO DOMINION Walliston Boutin Abbington AMSTERDAM ENTERPRISES Walliston Boutin Abbington Direct Professional Time Support Services Rate per Number Rate per Hour of Hours Total Hour Total (2) (3) (5) (4) = (2) (3) (6) = (3) (5) Amount Billed to Client (7) = (4) + (6) $640 220 100 26 5 39 $16,640 1,100 3,900 $75 75 75 $1,950 375 2,925 $18,590 1,475 6,825 $26,890 $640 220 100 4 14 52 $2,560 3,080 5,200 $75 75 75 $ 300 1,050 3,900 $ 2,860 4,130 9,100 $16,090 San Antonio Dominion Amsterdam Enterprises Requirement 1 $28,132 14,092 $42,224 5-9 Requirement 2 $26,890 16,090 $42,980 Both clients use 70 hours of professional labor time. However, San Antonio Dominion uses a higher proportion of Walliston’s time (26 hours), which is more costly. This attracts the highest support-services charge when allocated on the basis of direct professional labor costs. 3. Assume that the Walliston Group uses a cause-and-effect criterion when choosing the allocation base for support services. You could use several pieces of evidence to determine whether professional labor costs or hours is the driver of support-service costs: a. Interviews with personnel. For example, staff in the major cost categories in support services could be interviewed to determine whether Walliston requires more support per hour than, say, Abbington. The professional labor costs allocation base implies that an hour of Walliston’s time requires 6.40 ($640 ÷ $100) times more support-service dollars than does an hour of Abbington’s time. b. Analysis of tasks undertaken for selected clients. For example, if computer-related costs are a sizable part of support costs, you could determine if there was a systematic relationship between the percentage involvement of professionals with high billing rates on cases and the computer resources consumed for those cases. 5-10 5-21 (20 min.) Plantwide, department, and ABC indirect cost rates. 1. Actual plantwide variable MOH rate based on machine hours, $308,600 ÷ 4,000 $77.15 per machine hour United Motors Variable manufacturing overhead, allocated based on machine hours ($77.15 × 120; $77.15 × 2,800; $77.15 × 1,080) $9,258 Holden Motors Leland Auto Total $216,020 $83,322 $308,600 2. Department Design Production Engineering MOH in Total 2020 Driver Units $39,000 390 29,600 370 240,000 4,000 Rate $100 $ 80 $ 60 per CAD-design hour per engineering hour per machine hour United Motors Holden Motors Design-related overhead, allocated on CADdesign hours (110 × $100; 200 × $100; 80 × $100) $11,000 Production-related overhead, allocated on engineering hours (70 × $80; 60 × $80; 240 × $80) 5,600 Engineering-related overhead, allocated on machine hours (120 × $60; 2,800 × $60; 1,080 × $60) 7,200 Total $23,800 Leland Auto Total $ 20,000 $ 8,000 $ 39,000 4,800 19,200 29,600 168,000 64,800 $92,00 $192,800 0 240,000 $308,60 0 3. United Motors a. Department rates (Requirement 2) $23,800 b. Plantwide rate (Requirement 1) $ 9,258 Ratio of (a) ÷ (b) 2.57 Holden Motors Leland Auto $192,800 $92,000 $216,020 0.89 $83,322 1.10 The manufacturing overhead allocated to United Motors increases by 157% under the department rates, the overhead allocated to Holden decreases by about 11%, and the overhead allocated to Leland increases by about 10%. The three contracts differ sizably in the way they use the resources of the three departments. 5-11 The percentage of total driver units in each department used by the companies is: Department Design Engineering Production Cost Driver CAD-design hours Engineering hours Machine hours United Motors 28% 19 3 Holden Motors 51% 16 70 Leland Auto 21% 65 27 The United Motors contract uses only 3% of total machines hours in 2020 yet uses 28% of CAD design-hours and 19% of engineering hours. The result is that the plantwide rate, based on machine hours, will greatly underestimate the cost of resources used on the United Motors contract. This explains the 157% increase in indirect costs assigned to the United Motors contract when department rates are used. The Leland Auto contract also uses far fewer machine-hours than engineering-hours and is also undercosted. In contrast, the Holden Motors contract uses less of design (51%) and engineering (16%) than of machine-hours (70%). Hence, the use of department rates will report lower indirect costs for Holden Motors than does a plantwide rate. Holden Motors was probably complaining under the use of the simple system because its contract was being overcosted relative to its consumption of MOH resources. United and Leland, on the other hand, were having their contracts undercosted and underpriced by the simple system. Assuming that AP is an efficient and competitive supplier, if the new department-based rates are used to price contracts, United and Leland will be unhappy. AP should explain to United and Leland how the calculation was done, and point out United’s high use of design and engineering resources and Leland’s high use of engineering resources relative to production machine hours. Discuss ways of reducing the consumption of those resources, if possible, and show willingness to partner with them to do so. If the price rise is going to be steep, perhaps offer to phase in the new prices. 4. Other than for pricing, AP can also use the information from the department-based system to examine and streamline its own operations so that there is maximum value-added from all indirect resources. It might set targets over time to reduce both the consumption of each indirect resource and the unit costs of the resources. The department-based system gives AP more opportunities for targeted cost management. 5. It would not be worthwhile to further refine the cost system into an ABC system if (1) a single activity accounts for a sizable proportion of the department’s costs or (2) significant costs are incurred on different activities within a department, but each activity has the same cost driver or (3) there wasn’t much variation among contracts in the consumption of activities within a department. If, for example, most activities within the design department were, in fact, driven by CAD-design hours, then the more refined system would be costlier and no more accurate than the department-based cost system. Even if there was sufficient variation, considering the relative sizes of the three department cost pools, it may only be cost-effective to further analyze the engineering cost pool, which consumes 78% ($240,000 ÷ $308,600) of the manufacturing overhead. 5-12 5-22 (50 min.) Plantwide, department, and activity-cost rates. 1. Trophies Direct materials Forming $26,000 Assembly 5,200 Total 31,200 Direct manufacturing labor Forming 31,200 Assembly 15,600 Total Total direct costs Budgeted Overhead Rate = cost Direct materials Direct labor Total direct cost Allocated overhead* Total costs Plaques Total $22,500 18,750 41,250 18,000 21,000 46,800 39,000 $78,000 $80,250 $158,250 $24,000+$20,772+$46,000+$21,920 $158,250 Trophies $ 31,200 46,800 78,000 55,544 $133,544 Plaques $ 41,250 39,000 80,250 57,148 $137,398 $112,692 = $158,250 = $0.712 per dollar of direct Total $ 72,450 85,800 158,250 112,692 $270,942 *Allocated overhead = Total direct cost Budgeted overhead rate (0.712114). 2. Forming Department Budgeted Forming Dept. Overhead Costs Budgeted Overhead Rate= Budgeted Forming Dept. DirectManufacturing Labor Costs $24,000 + $20,772 $31,200 + $18,000 $44,772 = $49,200 = $0.91 per Forming Dept direct manufacturing labor dollar = Assembly Department Budgeted Assembly Dept. Overhead Costs $46,000+$21,920 Budgeted Overhead Rate= Budgeted Assembly Dept. Direct Costs = $5,200+$18,750+$15,600+$21,000 = Direct materials Direct labor Total direct cost Allocated overhead Forming Dept.a $67,920 $60,550 = $1.122 per Assembly Department direct cost dollar Trophies $ 31,200 46,800 78,000 Plaques $ 41,250 39,000 80,250 Total $ 72,450 85,800 158,250 28,392 16,380 44,772 5-13 Assembly Dept.b Total costs 23,332 $129,724 44,588 $141,218 67,920 $270,942 Trophies Plaques Total $31,200 $18,000 $49,200 $28,392 $16,380 $44,772 Total direct costs ($5,200 + $15,600; $18,750 + $21,000) $20,800 $39,750 $60,550 Allocated overhead (1.121718 $20,800; $39,750) $23,332 $44,588 $67,920 a Forming Dept. Direct manufacturing labor costs Allocated overhead (0.91 × $31,200; $18,000) b Assembly Dept. 3. Forming Department $24,000 Budgeted Set-up Rate = 156 batches = $153.846 per batch $20,772 Budgeted Supervision Rate = $49,200 = $0.422195 per direct manufacturing-labor dollar Assembly Department $46,000 Budgeted Set-up Rate= 146 batches = $315.069 per batch $21,920 Budgeted Supervision Rate= $36,600 = $0.598907 per direct manufacturing labor dollar Assembly Department Budgeted general overhead rate = $42,000 = $1.20 per direct manuf.-labor dollar $35,000 Trophies Plaques Total Direct material costs Direct labor costs Total direct costs $ 31,200 46,800 78,000 $ 41,250 39,000 80,250 $ 72,450 85,800 158,250 Forming Dept. overhead Set up $153.84615 40; 116 Supervision 0.422195 × $31,200; $18,000 6,154 17,846 24,000 13,172 7,600 20,772 Assembly Department overhead 5-14 Set up $315.06849 × 43; 103 Supervision 0.598907 × $15,600; $21,000 Total costs 13,548 32,452 46,000 9,343 12,577 21,920 $120,217 $150,725 $270,942 4. As Triumph uses more refined cost pools, the costs of trophies decrease, and costs of plaques increases. This is because plaques use a higher proportion of cost drivers (batches of set ups and direct manufacturing labor costs) than trophies, whereas the direct costs (the allocation base used in the simple costing system) are slightly smaller for plaques compared to trophies. This results in plaques being undercosted and trophies overcosted in the simple costing system. Department costing systems increase the costs of plaques relative to trophies because the forming department costs are allocated based on direct manufacturing labor costs in the forming department and plaques use more direct manufacturing labor in this department compared to trophies. Disaggregated information can improve decisions by allowing managers to see the details that help them understand how different aspects of cost influence total cost per unit. Managers can also understand the drivers of different cost categories and use this information for pricing and product-mix decisions, cost reduction and process-improvement decisions, design decisions, and to plan and manage activities. However, too much detail can overload managers who don’t understand the data or what it means. Also, managers looking at per-unit data may be misled when considering costs that aren’t unit-level costs. 5-15 5-23 (20 min.) ABC, single production process costing, benefits and costs of ABC. All costs are in ₦. 1. Compute the budgeted cost of the Transformer toys using ABC. The first step is to calculate the cost driver rates for the cost activity pools. Activity pools Material orders Packaging and handling Budgeted overheads (₦) 12,500 25,500 Machine set-ups 10,100 Service costs 25,400 Quality control checks Machine costs 14,800 40,200 Cost drivers Number of orders Number of packaging and handling Number of setups Service hours Number of checks Number of machine hours Budgeted volume 6,200 3,750 800 6,500 3,600 4,000 Cost driver rate* 12,500 = 2.02 6,200 25,500 = 6.80 3,750 10,100 = 12.63 800 25,400 = 3.91 6,500 14,800 = 4.11 3,600 40,200 = 10.05 4,000 *Cost driver rates are rounded to 2 decimal places. The next step will be to compute the manufacturing costs: Transformer Toys Direct costs: Direct materials costs Direct labor costs Variable overheads Manufacturing overheads Material orders 90 x ₦2.02 = Toy handling 62 x ₦6.80 = Machine set-ups 34 x ₦12.63 = Service time (hours) 500 x ₦3.91 = Quality control checks 100 x ₦4.11 = Machine hours 2000 x ₦10.05 = Total Manufacturing Costs ₦ 100,000.00 50,000.00 125,000.00 181.80 421.60 429.42 1,955.00 411.00 20,100.00 ₦298,498.82 2. What are the main reasons why managers at John Bradshaw & Bros Ltd. would consider implementing ABC system? Managers use ABC system for the following reasons: 1. The system provides useful financial measures such as cost driver rates and non-financial measures such as service time, quality control check etc. 5-16 2. It provides a more realistic product costs especially where overheads form significant portion of the manufacturing costs. 3. The system recognizes the complexity of modern production system by the use of multiple cost drivers. 4. The system is flexible and can trace costs of processes, customers, responsibilities as well as the cost of manufacturing the product. 3. What are the problems that John Bradshaw & Bros Ltd. may face from an activitybased costing system? The followings are some of the problems that the company may face with ABC system. 1. ABC is complex particularly where there are numerous cost pools and cost drivers. 2. It can be expensive to run. The cost of setting up the system can also be time consuming. 3. The choice of cost drivers can be a very arbitrary decision. Thus managers can easily select what cost drivers to use. 4. It is often difficult to attribute costs to a single activity as some costs may support several activities in the production process. 5-17 5-24 (20 mins.) Department costing, service company Note: The cost driver for engineering is number of engineering-hours, not number of engineers. This change does not, however, affect the solution itself. 1. Using the simple costing system, total overhead costs are equally allocated to projects. There were 3 projects in 2020, so the overhead cost per project is Overhead cost per project in 2020 = $4,011,780 ÷ 3 = $1,337,260 per project 2 Rates per unit cost driver: Activity Design Engineering Construction Cost Driver Design department hours Rate $1,500,000 ÷ (1,000 + 5,000 + 4,000) = $150 per design-hour Engineering department hours $500,030 ÷ (2,000 + 2,000 + 2,200) = $80.65 per engineering-hour Labor-hours $2,011,750 ÷ (20,800 + 21,500 + 19,600) = $32.50 per labor-hour Overhead cost allocated to each project using department overhead cost rates: Design: $150 × 1,000; 5,000; 4,000 Engineering: $80.65 × 2,000; 2,000; 2,200 Construction: $32.50 × 20,800; 21,500; 19,600 Total overhead costs Sanders $150,000 161,300 Hanley $ 750,000 161,300 Stanley $ 600,000 177,430 676,000 698,750 637,000 $987,300 $1,610,050 $1,414,430 3. a. Department rates (Requirement 2) b. Plantwide rate (Requirement 1) Ratio of (a) ÷ (b) Sanders Hanley Stanley $ 987,300 $1,610,050 $1,414,430 $1,337,260 0.74 $1,337,260 1.20 $1,337,260 1.06 The overhead allocated to Sanders decreases by 26% under the department rates, the overhead allocated to Hanley increases by about 20%, and the overhead allocated to Stanley increases by about 6%. The three projects differ sizably in the way they use the resources of the three departments. The percentage of total driver units in each department used by the companies is: The percentage of total driver units in each department used by the companies is: 5-18 Department Design Engineering Construction Cost Driver Design-hours Engineering-hours Labor-hours Sanders 10% 32 33 Hanley 50% 32 35 Stanley 40% 36 32 The Sanders project uses only 10% of design-hours in 2020 and uses 32% of engineeringhours and 33% of construction hours. The result is that the overhead rate, based on allocating costs equally to all projects (33%), will greatly overestimate the cost of resources used on the Sanders project, which uses very few design-hours. This explains the 26% decrease in indirect costs assigned to the Sanders project when department rates are used. In contrast, the Hanley and Stanley projects use more of design (50% and 40%, respectively). Hence, the use of department rates will report higher indirect costs for Hanley and Stanley than does a single overhead rate. Sanders was probably complaining about the costs resulting from using the simple system because its project was being overcosted relative to its consumption of overhead resources. Hanley and Stanley, on the other hand, were having their projects undercosted and underpriced by the simple system. If the new department-based rates are used to price projects, Hanley and Stanley will be unhappy. CKM should explain to Hanley and Stanley how the calculations were done and point out their high use of design resources. CKM should discuss ways of reducing the consumption of design resources, if possible, and show willingness to partner with them to do so. CKM could even offer to phase in the new prices. 4. It would not be worthwhile to further refine the cost system into an ABC system if (1) a single activity accounts for a sizable proportion of the department’s costs or (2) significant costs are incurred on different activities within a department, but each activity has the same cost driver or (3) there wasn’t much variation among contracts in the consumption of activities within a department. If, for example, most activities within the design department were, in fact, driven by design-hours, then the more refined system would be more costly and no more accurate than the department-based cost system. 5-19 5-25 (30 min.) Activity-based costing, service company. 1. Total indirect costs = $1,008,000 + $781,200 + $27,360 + $42,000 + $259,200 + $309,120 = $2,426,880 Total machine-hours = (2,400 10) + (1,200 10) = 36,000 Indirect cost rate per machine-hour = $2,426,880 36,000 = $67.413 per machine-hour Simple Costing System Cost of supplies per job Direct labor cost per job Indirect cost allocated to each job (10 machine hours $67.413 per machine hour) Total costs 5-20 Standard Job $210.00 170.00 674.13 $1,054.13 Special Job $310.00 220.00 674.13 $1,204.13 2. Activity-based costing system Quantity of Cost Driver Consumed during 2020 (see column (1)) Activity (1) Machine operations (2,400 jobs 10 mach. hrs. per job; 1,200 jobs 10 mach. hrs. per job) Setups (6 2,400; 9 1,200) Purchase orders (given) Design Marketing Cost Driver Standard Job Total Cost of Activity (given) Special Job Allocation Rate (6) = (5) ((3) + (4)), or given $ 28.00 per machine hour (2) Machine hours (3) 24,000 (4) 12,000 (5) $1,008,000 Setup hours 14,400 10,800 $781,200 $ 31.00 per setup hour 330 430 $27,360 $ 36.00 per purchase order $42,000 $259,200 $ No. of purchase orders $4,080,000 $2,400,000 1 0.04 per dollar of sales 2 2 Administration $408,000 $264,000 $309,120 $0.46 per dollar of direct manuf. labor cost 1 Revenue from standard jobs, $1,700 × 2,400 = $4,080,000; Revenue from special jobs, $2,000 × 1,200 = $2,400,000 2 Percentage of revenue Dir. labor costs 1 Direct labor costs of standard jobs, $170 × 2,400 jobs = $408,000; Direct labor costs of special jobs, $220 × 1,200 jobs = $264,000 5-21 Total Costs Standard Special Job Job $ 504,000 $ 372,000 408,000 264,000 Cost of supplies ($210 2,400; $310 1,200) Direct labor costs ($170 2,400; $220 1,200) Indirect costs allocated: Machine operations ($28 per mach. hr. 24,000; 12,000) 672,000 336,000 Setups ($31 per setup hr. 14,400; 10,800) 446,400 334,800 Purchase orders ($36 per order 330; 430) 11,880 15,480 Design 7,000 35,000 Marketing (0.04 $4,080,000; 0.04 $2,400,000) 163,200 96,000 Administration (0.46 $408,000; $264,000) 187,680 121,440 Total costs $2,400,160 $1,574,720 Cost of each job ($2,400,160 2,400; $133,071 200) $1,000.07 $1,312.27 3. Cost per job Simple Costing System Activity-based Costing System Difference (Simple – ABC) Standard Job $1,054.13 $1,000.07 $ 54.06 Special Job $1,204.13 $1,312.27 $(108.14) Relative to the ABC system, the simple costing system overcosts standard jobs and undercosts special jobs. Both types of jobs need 10 machine hours per job, so in the simple system, they are each allocated $674.13 in indirect costs. But, the ABC study reveals that each standard job consumes less of the indirect resources such as setups, purchase orders, and design costs than a special job, and this is reflected in the lower indirect costs allocated to the standard jobs and higher indirect costs allocated to special jobs in the ABC system. 4. Aniline can use the information revealed by the ABC system to change its pricing based on the ABC costs. Under the simple system, Aniline was making a gross margin of 38% on each standard job ([$1,700 – $1,054.13] $1,700) and 40% on each special job ([$2,000 – $1,204.13] $2,000). But, the ABC system reveals that it is actually making a gross margin of about 41% ([$1,700 – $1,000.07] $1,700) on each standard job and about 34% ([$2,000 – $1,312.27] $2,000) on each special job. Depending on the market competitiveness, Aniline may either want to reprice the different types of jobs, or it may choose to market standard jobs more aggressively than before. Aniline can also use the ABC information to improve its own operations. It could examine each of the indirect cost categories and analyze whether it would be possible to deliver the same level of service, but consume fewer indirect resources, or find a way to reduce the per-unit-costdriver cost of some of those indirect resources. 5-22 5-26 (30 min.) Activity-based costing, manufacturing. 1. Simple costing system: Total indirect costs = $95,000 + $45,000 + $25,000 + $60,000 + $8,000 + 3% x [($125 3,200) + ($200 1,800)] = $255,800 Total machine-hours = 5,500 + 4,500 = 10,000 Indirect cost rate per machine-hour = $255,800 10,000 = $25.58 per machine-hour Simple Costing System Direct materialsa Direct manufacturing laborb Indirect cost allocated to each job ($25.58 × 5,500; 4,500 machine hours) Interior $ 96,000 76,800 Exterior $ 81,000 64,800 140,690 115,110 Total costs $313,490 $260,910 $ $ 144.95 Total cost per unit ($313,490 3,200; $260,910 1,800) a b 2. 97.97 $30 × 3,200 units; $45 1,800 units $16 × 1.5 × 3,200 units; $16 2.25 1,800 units Activity-based costing system Total Cost of Activity (2) Cost Driver Quantity (4) Allocation Rate (5) = (2) (4) per production c $95,000 Production runs 125 $760.00 run $45,000 Material moves per material 240d $187.50 move $25,000 Machine setups 200e $125.00 per setup $60,000 Machine hours per machine 10,000 $ 6.00 hour Inspection $ 8,000 Inspections 400f $ 20.00 per inspection Marketing Percentage of $ 0.03 per dollar of revenues sales c d e f 40 + 85 = 125; 72 + 168 = 240; 45 + 155 = 200; 250 + 150 = 400 Activity (1) Product scheduling Material handling Machine setup Assembly Cost Driver (3) 5-23 ABC System Direct materials Direct manufacturing labor Indirect costs allocated: Production scheduling ($760 per run 40; 85) Material handling ($187.50 per move 72; 168) Machine setup ($125 per setup 45; 155) Assembly ($6 per MH × 5,500; 4,500) Inspection ($20 per inspection × 250; 150) Marketing (0.03 $125 3,200; 0.03 $200 1,800) Total costs Interior $ 96,000 76,800 Exterior $ 81,000 64,800 30,400 13,500 5,625 33,000 5,000 12,000 $272,325 64,600 31,500 19,375 27,000 3,000 10,800 $302,075 $ 85.10 $ 167.82 Total cost per unit ($272,325 ÷ 3,200 units; $302,075 ÷ 1,800 units) 3. Cost per unit Simple Costing System Activity-based Costing System Difference (Simple – ABC) Interior $97.97 $85.10 $12.87 Exterior $144.95 $167.82 $ (22.87) Relative to the ABC system, the simple costing system overcosts interior doors and undercosts exterior doors. Interior doors require 1.72 machine-hours per unit (5,500 hours ÷ 3,200 units) while exterior doors require 2.5 machine-hours per unit (4,500 hours ÷ 1,800 units). In the simple-costing system, overhead costs are allocated to the interior and exterior doors on the basis of the machinehours used by each type of door. The ABC study reveals that the ratio of the cost of production runs, material moves, and setups for each exterior door versus each interior door is even higher than the ratio of 2.5 to 1.72 machine-hours for each exterior relative to each interior door. This higher ratio results in higher indirect costs allocated to exterior doors relative to interior doors in the ABC system. 4. Decorative Doors, Inc. can use the information revealed by the ABC system to change its pricing based on the ABC costs. Under the simple system, Decorative Doors was making an operating margin of 21.6% on each interior door ([$125 – $97.97] $125) and 27.5% on each exterior door ([$200 – $144.95] $200). But, the ABC system reveals that it is actually making an operating margin of about 32% ([$125 – $85.10] $125) on each interior door and about 16% ([$200 – $167.82] $200) on each exterior door. Decorative Doors, Inc., should consider decreasing the price of its interior doors to be more competitive. Decorative Doors should also consider increasing the price of its exterior doors, depending on the competition it faces in this market. Decorative Doors can also use the ABC information to improve its own operations. It could examine each of the indirect cost categories and analyze whether it would be possible to deliver the same level of service, but consume fewer indirect resources, or find a way to reduce the perunit-cost-driver cost of some of those indirect resources. Making these operational improvements can help Decorative Doors to reduce costs, become more competitive, and reduce prices to gain further market share while increasing its profits. 5-24 5-27 (20-25 min.) ABC, simple costing systems. 1. Compute the unit cost for each cable using direct labor hours to apply the manufacturing overheads. €233,000 Overhead rate = 8,500 = €27.41 Direct material Direct labor (70 hours per cable) Variable overhead cost Manufacturing overheads (assigned based on 70 DLH per cable x €27.41) Total costs Number of units Cost per unit Industrial cable €950 €820 €500 Household cable €1,200 €700 €250 €1,918.70 €1,918.70 4,188.70 200 4,188.70 = €20.94 200 4,068.70 120 4,068.70 = €33.91 120 2. Compute the unit cost for each job using the ABC system. Activity pool rates i. Set-ups ii. Placement costs iii. Machine costs iv. Customer service €50,000 = €125 400 €50,000 = €9.43 5,300 €100,000 = €5 20,000 €33,000 = €1.32 25,000 The next step is to use the activity pool rates to compute the overheads and total manufacturing costs. Industrial cable (€) Household cable (€) Direct material 950.00 1,200.00 Direct labor (70 hours per cable) 820.00 700.00 Variable overhead cost 500.00 250.00 Manufacturing overheads: Set-up costs 1 x €125 = 125.00 2 x €125 = 250.00 Placement costs 8 x €9.43 = 75.44 12 x 9.43 = 113.16 Machine costs 25 x €5 = 125.00 45 x €5 = 225.00 Customer service costs 33 x €1.32 = 43.56 56 x €1.32 = 73.92 Total manufacturing costs €2,639.00 €2,812.08 Number of units produced 200 120 Cost per unit €13.20 €23.43 5-25 3. What is the advantage of using a simple and ABC systems by Caleb Enterprises Ltd’s management? The ABC system ensures that costs are assigned in proportion to the activities utilizing the service. In a production setting with multiple and varied overhead amounts, ABC allows for equitable apportionment of overheads to ensure that the cost of product reflects all utilized costs. The simple cost approach is most useful in a production environment where the overhead is identifiable to a particular source. Thus, in the case of Caleb Enterprises Ltd, the use of ABC appears more efficient in the product costing. 5-26 5-28 (15–20 min.) ABC, wholesale, customer profitability. 1. Gross sales Sales returns Net sales Cost of goods sold (80%) Gross margin Customer-related costs: Regular orders $20 × 40; 150; 50; 70 Rush orders $100 × 10; 50; 10; 30 Returned items $10 × 100; 26; 60; 40 Catalogs and customer support Customer related costs Contribution (loss) margin Contribution (loss) margin as percentage of gross sales Chain 2 $30,000 5,000 25,000 20,000 5,000 1 $50,000 10,000 40,000 32,000 8,000 3 $100,000 7,000 93,000 74,400 18,600 4 $70,000 6,000 64,000 51,200 12,800 800 3,000 1,000 1,400 1,000 5,000 1,000 3,000 1,000 1,000 260 1,000 600 1,000 400 1,000 3,800 $4,200 8.4% 9,260 $(4,260) (14.2%) 3,600 $15,000 15.0% 5,800 $7,000 10.0% 2. The analysis indicates that customers’ profitability (loss) contribution varies widely from (14.2%) to 15.0%. Immediate attention to Chain 2 is required which is currently showing a loss contribution. The chain has a disproportionate number of both regular orders and rush orders. Ramirez should work with the management of Chain 2 to find ways to reduce the number of orders while maintaining or increasing the sales volume. If this is not possible, Ramirez should consider dropping Chain 2 if it can save the customer-related costs. Chain 1 has a disproportionate number of the items returned as well as sale returns. The causes of these should be investigated so that the profitability contribution of Chain 1 could be improved. 5-27 5-29 (50 min.) Activity-based costing. 1. Overhead allocation using a simple job-costing system, where overhead is allocated based on machine hours. Overhead allocation rate = $226,800 10,500 machine-hours = $21.60 per machine-hour Overhead allocateda a 2. Job 215 Job 325 $ 864 $1,296 $21.60 per machine-hour × 40 hours; 60 hours Overhead allocation using an activity-based job-costing system: Purchasing Material handling Machine maintenance Product inspection Packaging Budgeted Overhea d (1) $ 35,000 $ 43,750 $ 118,650 $ 9,450 $ 19,950 $ 226,800 Budgeted Activity Activity Driver Driver (2) (3) Purchase orders 2,000 processed Material moves 5,000 Machine hours 10,500 Inspections 1,200 Units produced 3,800 Overhead allocated Purchasing ($17.50 25; 8 orders) Material handling ($8.75 10; 4 moves) Machine maintenance ($11.30 40; 60 hours) Product inspection ($7.875 9; 3 inspections) Packaging ($5.25 15; 6 units) Total Activity Rate (4) = (1) (3) $17.50 $ 8.75 $11.30 $ 7.875 $ 5.25 Job 215 Job 325 $ 437.50 87.50 452.00 70.88 78.75 $1,126.63 $140.00 35.00 678.00 23.63 31.50 $908.13 3. The manufacturing manager likely would find the ABC job-costing system more useful in cost management. Unlike direct manufacturing labor costs, the five indirect cost pools are systematically linked to the activity areas at the plant. The result is more accurate product costing. The manufacturing manager can seek to reduce both the level of activity (fewer purchase orders, less material handling) and the cost of each activity (such as the cost per inspection). Marketing managers can use ABC information to bid for jobs more competitively because ABC provides managers with a more accurate reflection of the resources used for and the costs of each job. 5-28 5-30 (30 min.) ABC, product-costing at banks, cross-subsidization. 1. Lindell Revenues Spread revenue on annual basis (3% ; $1,500, $800, $26,600) Monthly fee charges ($25 ; 0, 12, 0) Total revenues Costs Deposit/withdrawal with teller $2.75 ; 46; 53; 5 Deposit/withdrawal with ATM $0.75 14; 25; 12 Deposit/withdrawal on prearranged basis $0.60 0; 16; 55 Bank checks written $8.50 10; 3; 4 Foreign currency drafts $12.25 7; 2; 7 Inquiries $1.80 8; 14; 5 Total costs Operating income (loss) Welker Colston Total $45.00 $24.00 0 45.00 300 324.00 0 798.00 300 1,167 126.50 145.75 13.75 286.00 10.50 18.75 9.00 38.25 0 9.60 33.00 42.60 85.00 25.50 34.00 144.50 85.75 24.50 85.75 196.00 14.40 25.20 $322.15 $249.30 ($277.15) $74.70 $798.00 $867.00 9.00 48.60 $184.50 $755.95 $613.50 $411.05 The assumption that the Lindell and Colston accounts exceed $1,000 every month and the Welker account is less than $1,000 each month means the monthly charges apply only to Welker. One student with a banking background noted that in this solution 100% of the spread is attributed to the “depositor side of the bank.” He noted that often the spread is divided between the “depositor side” and the “lending side” of the bank. 2. Cross-subsidization across individual Star Accounts occurs when profits made on some accounts are offset by losses on other accounts. The aggregate profitability on the three customers is $411.05. The Colston account is highly profitable, $613.50, while the Lindell account is sizably unprofitable. The Welker account shows a small profit but only because of the $300 monthly fees. It is unlikely that Welker will keep paying these high fees and that LB would want Welker to pay such high fees from a customer relationship standpoint. The The facts also suggest that the customers do not use the bank services uniformly. For example, Lindell and Welker have a lot of transactions with the teller and also inquire about their account balances more often than Colston. This suggests cross-subsidization. LB should be very 5-29 concerned about the cross-subsidization. Competition likely would “understand” that high-balance low-activity type accounts (such as Colston) are highly profitable. Offering free services to these customers is not likely to retain these accounts if other banks offer higher interest rates. Competition likely will reduce the interest rate spread LB can earn on the high-balance low-activity accounts they are able to retain. 3. Possible changes LB could make are: a. Offer higher interest rates on high-balance accounts to increase LB’s competitiveness in attracting and retaining these accounts. b. Introduce charges for individual services. The ABC study reports the cost of each service. LB has to decide if it wants to price each service at cost, below cost, or above cost. If it prices above cost, it may use advertising and other means to encourage additional use of those services by customers. Of course, in determining its pricing strategy, LB would need to consider how other competing banks are pricing their products and services. 5-30 5-31 (15 min.) Job costing with single direct-cost category, single indirect-cost pool, law firm. 1. Pricing decisions at Bradley Associates are heavily influenced by reported cost numbers. Suppose Bradley is bidding against another firm for a client with a job similar to that of Campa Coal. If the costing system overstates the costs of these jobs, Bradley may bid too high and fail to land the client. If the costing system understates the costs of these jobs, Bradley may bid low, land the client, and then lose money in handling the case. 2. Campa Coal Direct professional labor $80 150; $80 100 Indirect costs allocated $100 150; $100 100 Total costs St. Edith’s Glass Total $12,000 $ 8,000 $20,000 15,000 $27,000 10,000 $18,000 25,000 $45,000 5-31 5-32 20–25 min.) Job costing with multiple direct-cost categories, single indirect-cost pool, law firm (continuation of 5-31). 1. Indirect costs = $10,000 Total professional labor-hours = 250 hours (150 hours on Campa Coal + 100 hours on St. Edith’s Glass) Indirect cost allocated per professional labor-hour (revised) = $10,000 ÷ 250 = $40 per hour 2. Campa Coal Direct costs: Direct professional labor $80150; $80100 Research support labor Computer time Travel and allowances Telephones/faxes Photocopying Total direct costs Indirect costs allocated $40150; $40100 Total costs to be billed St. Edith’s Glass Total $12,000 1,800 400 700 250 300 15,450 $8,000 3,850 1,600 4,200 1,200 700 19,550 $20,000 5,650 2,000 4,900 1,450 1,000 35,000 6,000 $21,450 4,000 $23,550 10,000 $45,000 3. Problem 5-31 Problem 5-32 Campa Coal $27,000 21,450 St. Edith’s Glass $18,000 23,550 Total $45,000 45,000 The Problem 5-32 approach directly traces $15,000 of general support costs to the individual jobs. In Problem 5-31, these costs are allocated on the basis of direct professional labor-hours. The averaging assumption implicit in the Problem 5-31 approach appears incorrect—for example, the St. Edith’s Glass job has travel costs six times higher than the Campa Coal case despite having lower direct professional labor-hours. 5-32 5-33 (30 min.) Job costing with multiple direct-cost categories, multiple indirect-cost pools, law firm (continuation of 5-31 and 5-32). 1. Campa Coal Direct costs: Partner professional labor $100 × 50; $100 × 75 Associate professional labor $60 × 100; $60 × 25 Research support labor Computer time Travel and allowances Telephones/faxes Photocopying Total direct costs Indirect costs allocated: Indirect costs for partners $48 × 50; $48 × 75 Indirect costs for associates $32 × 100; $32 × 25 Total indirect costs Total costs to be billed Comparison Single direct cost/ Single indirect cost pool Multiple direct costs/ Single indirect cost pool Multiple direct costs/ Multiple indirect cost pools St. Edith’s Glass Total $5,000 $7,500 $12,500 6,000 1,800 400 700 250 300 14,450 1,500 3,850 1,600 4,200 1,200 700 20,550 7,500 5,650 2,000 4,900 1,450 1,000 35,000 2,400 3,600 6,000 3,200 5,600 $20,050 800 4,400 $24,950 4,000 10,000 $45,000 Campa Coal St. Edith’s Glass Total $27,000 $18,000 $45,000 $21,450 $23,550 $45,000 $20,050 $24,950 $45,000 The higher the percentage of costs directly traced to each case, and the greater the number of homogeneous indirect cost pools linked to the cost drivers of indirect costs, the more accurate the product cost of each individual case. The Campa and St. Edith’s cases differ in how they use “resource areas” of Bradley Associates: Campa St. Edith’s Coal Glass Partner professional labor 40.0% 60.0% Associate professional labor 80.0 20.0 Research support labor 31.9 68.1 Computer time 20.0 80.0 Travel and allowances 14.3 85.7 Telephones/faxes 17.2 82.8 Photocopying 30.0 70.0 5-33 The Campa Coal case makes relatively low use of the higher-cost partners but relatively higher use of the lower-cost associates than does St. Edith’s Glass. As a result, it also uses less of the higher indirect costs required to support partners compared to associates. The Campa Coal case also makes relatively lower use of the support labor, computer time, travel, phones/faxes, and photocopying resource areas than does the St. Edith’s Glass case. 2 The specific areas where the multiple direct/multiple indirect (MD/MI) approach can provide better information for decisions at Bradley Associates include the following: Pricing and product (case) emphasis decisions. In a bidding situation using single direct/single indirect (SD/SI) or multiple direct/single indirect (MD/SI) data, Bradley may win bids for legal cases on which it will subsequently lose money. It may also not win bids on which it would make money with a lower-priced bid. From a strategic viewpoint, SD/SI or MD/SI exposes Bradley Associates to cherry-picking by competitors. Other law firms may focus exclusively on Campa Coal-type cases and take sizable amounts of “profitable” business from Bradley Associates. MD/MI reduces the likelihood of Bradley Associates losing cases on which it would have made money. Client relationships. MD/MI provides a better “road map” for clients to understand how costs are accumulated at Bradley Associates. Bradley can use this road map when meeting with clients to plan the work to be done on a case before it commences. Clients can negotiate ways to get a lower-cost case from Bradley, given the information in MD/MI—for example, (a) use a higher proportion of associate labor time and a lower proportion of a partner time, and (b) use fax machines more and air travel less. If clients are informed in advance how costs will be accumulated, there is less likelihood of disputes about bills submitted to them after the work is done. Cost control. The MD/MI approach better highlights the individual cost areas at Bradley Associates than does the SD/SI or MD/SI approaches: MD/MI SD/SI MD/SI Number of direct cost categories 7 1 7 Number of indirect cost categories 2 1 1 Total 9 2 8 MD/MI is likely to promote better cost-control practices than SD/SI or MD/SI, as the nine cost categories in MD/MI give Bradley a better handle on how to effectively manage different categories of both direct and indirect costs.. 5-34 5-34 (30 min.) First stage allocation, time-driven activity-based costing, manufacturing sector. 1. Wages and salaries Depreciation Rent Other overhead Total Direct Manuf. Labor Support $210,000 $14,400 $32,000 $70,000 $326,400 Order Processing $180,000 $10,800 $38,400 $70,000 $299,200 Design Support $150,000 $10,800 $19,200 $112,000 $292,000 Other Total $60,000 $600,000 $36,000 $72,000 $38,400 $128,000 $28,000 $280,000 $162,400 $1,080,000 Cost Allocation Base Allocation Rate $326,400 32,000 DMLHs $10.20/DMLH Order Processing Design Support $299,200 Other $162,400 440 orders 2,500 custom designs hours 32,000 DMLHs $680/order $116.80/custom design hour $5.075/DMLH Direct Manuf. Labor Support $292,000 2. Direct materials Direct manuf. labor (100 hrs. × $25/hr.) $5,500.00 2,500.00 Direct manuf. labor support (100 dir. manuf. lbr-hrs. × $10.20/hr.) Order processing (1 order × $680/order) 1,020.00 680.00 Design support Complex design (4 parts × 13 hours × $116.80/custom design-hour) Simple design (2 parts × 8 hours × $116.80/custom design-hour) Other overhead (100 dir. manuf. lbr-hrs. × $5.075/hr.) 6,073.60 1,868.80 507.50 Total overhead costs $18,149.90 3. Because only some of the orders that Marshall’s Devices receives require custom designs (complex design and simple design), it is important that the costs generated by custom designs are not allocated to non-custom orders. Activity-based costing allows Marshall’s Devices to only assign resources used by orders to the orders. Similarly, order processing costs of $680/order are assigned to each order, regardless of the size of the order. Activity-based costing leads to more accurate costing of orders. This, in turn, leads to more competitive pricing. If Marshall’s Devices allocated all overhead costs to orders on the basis of direct manufacturing labor hours, they would tend to overprice larger, non-custom orders and underprice smaller, custom orders. They would 5-35 likely lose bids on the overpriced orders and win the underpriced orders, but then lose money on the bids they won because the actual costs would be much greater than the estimated costs. The underpriced bids have small direct manufacturing labor hours relative to the resources needed to support custom designs and order processing costs for small orders. 4. When designing its activity-based costing system, Marshall uses time-driven activity-based costing (TDABC) system for its design department which carry out complex designs and simple designs. Complex designs require more design hours than simple designs. Complex designs require 13 design hours in comparison to 8 design hours required for simple designs. TDABC systems allow Marshall to charge its customers based on the accurate number of custom design hours required depending upon the complexity of a particular order. Hence, the orders which are more complex in nature requiring more design hours are charged more whereas the orders which are not complex in nature requiring less design hours are not charged excessively. If Marshall would have used the number of customer designs rather than the number of custom design-hours to allocate costs to different customer orders (complex and simple), the cost of Order 277100 would have been different. If the costs of design support department are allocated based on number of custom designs (ignoring complexity of a particular order), allocation rate per custom design will be $1,168 ($292,000 ÷ 250 custom designs). The cost of Order 277100 shall be determined as below: Direct materials $5,500.00 Direct manuf. labor (100 hrs. × $25/hr.) 2,500.00 Direct manuf. labor support (100 dir. manuf. lbr-hrs. × $10.20/hr.) 1,020.00 Order processing (1 order × $680/order) 680.00 Design support (6 custom designs × $1,168/custom design) 7,008.00 Other overhead (100 dir. manuf. lbr-hrs. × $5.075/hr.) 507.50 Total overhead costs $17,215.50 If the cost of Order 277100 is determined taking number of designs as a cost driver, the cost of this order is $17,125.50. Whereas the cost of Order 277100 becomes $18,149.90 if the number of designs hours are taken as a cost driver. Under this circumstance, number of custom design hours as a cost driver is better than number of designs as a cost driver. Because the later cost driver ignores the complexity of a particular order and allows all the orders whether requiring more or less design hours to be charged as same. If Mashall uses number of designs as cost driver, it will overprice the orders requiring simple design and underprice the orders requiring complex designs. 5-36 5-35 (30 min.) First stage allocation, time-driven activity-based costing, service sector. 1. Wages and salaries Depreciation Supplies Other overhead Total Estimating Jobs Lawn Care Landscape Design Estimating Jobs $18,000 7,200 0 43,200 $68,400 Cost $ 68,400 $562,800 $118,800 Lawn Care $252,000 46,800 120,000 144,000 $562,800 Landscape Design $ 54,000 7,200 0 57,600 $118,800 Allocation Base 250 estimates 10,000 DLHs 500 design hours Other $36,000 10,800 0 43,200 $90,000 Total $360,000 72,000 120,000 288,000 $840,000 Allocation Rate $273.60/estimate $ 56.28/DLH $237.60/design hour Other costs are facility-sustaining costs and not allocated to jobs when estimating total costs of a job. The mark up is set sufficiently high so that the price and revenue earned can cover these costs. 2. Estimating jobs (1 estimate $273.60/estimate.) Lawn care (250 DLHs $56.28/DLH) Landscape design (40 design hours $237.60/design hour) Total costs Markup Bid price $ 273.60 14,070.00 9,504.00 $23,847.60 150% $35,771.40 1. If LawnCare USA had used the number of landscape designs rather than the number of landscape design-hours to allocate costs to different jobs, it would have calculated the landscape design allocation rate as follows: Total number of landscape designs = 30 Landscape-design allocation rate = $118,800 ÷ 30 landscape designs = $3,960 per landscape design Sunset Office Park required a single landscape design so it would be allocated $3,960 of landscape design costs. Allocating costs on the basis of the number of landscape designs ignores the fact that some complex designs take much longer than simple designs and so will place greater demands on design support resources. The Sunset Office Park design is one of 30 designs budgeted to be done by LawnCare USA (which accounts for 3.33% (1÷30) of landscape design costs). However, based on landscape design-hours, the Sunset Office Park job is much more complex than the average design and accounts for 8% (40 ÷ 500 budgeted design hours). As a result design support costs allocated to the Sunset Office park job ($3,960) is lower if LawnCare USA uses the number of 5-37 landscape designs as the allocation base compared to the $9,504 allocated when LawnCare USA uses time-driven activity-based costing (TDABC) that uses landscape-design hours and takes into account that complex landscape designs require more hours and hence more landscape design resources. I would recommend that LawnCare USA uses TDABC and landscape-design hours to allocate design support resources to jobs. The main advantage of this approach is that it helps distinguish the costs and demands placed on resources by complex landscape designs relative to simple landscape designs. 2. Because the landscape design and estimating costs are only incurred once for the entire job, bidding on 2 years of service may allow LawnCare USA to be more competitive on a yearly basis. However, submitting an estimate for 2 years would lock LawnCare USA into the same price for both years, regardless of possible increases in their costs. 5-38 5-36 (25 min.) ABC, overhead allocation in production 1. Calculate the overhead rates using activity-based costing for purchases, storage, set-ups, and machine runs. Activity level Cost driver rate (¥) Cost Pool (¥) Purchases Purchase orders 2,000 ¥100,000 = ¥ 50 per order 100,000 2,000 Storage Store issue notes 1,000 ¥90,000 = ¥90 per issue 90,000 1,000 Setups Set-ups 800 ¥80,000 = ¥100 per set-up 80,000 800 Machine runs Machine hours 30,000 ¥150,000 150,000 30,000 = ¥5 per machine hour 2. Calculate the unit costs for Suzuka and Yahama spare parts including the direct costs and allocated overheads. Suzuka Yahama Unit rate Amount ¥ Unit rate Amount (¥) 4,000 2,000 Units Direct materials 10,000 8,000 Direct labor 30,000 40,000 Variable overhead 5,000 2,000 Overheads: ¥50 x 400 Purchases 20,000 ¥50 x 500 25,000 ¥90 x 200 ¥90 x 250 Storage 18,000 22,500 ¥100 x 50 Set-sups 5,000 ¥100 x 20 2,000 ¥5 x 10,000 Machine runs 50,000 ¥5 x 4,000 20,000 Total manufacturing costs 138,000 119,500 ¥138,000 = ¥34.50 ¥119,500 = ¥59.75 Cost per unit 4,000 2,000 3. Comment on the activities that have the highest cost drivers and any alternatives for reducing such costs. The activities that have the highest cost driver rates are set-ups (¥100) and storage (¥90). These two activities though have the highest unit costs, but their total costs are less than the other overheads costs. Managers will consider whether cost driver rates are better outsourced to vendors to reduce the cost of production. Of course, such decisions can also be made when the comparative cost is cheaper to do so. 5-39 5-37 (30-40 min.) Activity-based costing, merchandising. 1. Revenues Cost of goods sold Gross margin Other operating costs Operating income Gross margin % 2. General Supermarket Drugstore Chains Chains $3,704,000 $3,145,000 3,612,000 2,990,000 $ 92,000 $ 155,000 2.48% 4.93% Mom-and-Pop Single Stores Total $1,988,000 $8,837,000 1,804,000 8,406,000 $ 184,000 $ 431,000 313,075 $ 117,925 9.26% The per-unit cost driver rates are: 1. Customer purchase order processing, $87,500 ÷ 2,500 (200 + 500 + 1,800) orders 2. Line item ordering, $67,500 ÷ 22,500 (2,100 + 4,800 + 15,600) line items 3. Store delivery, $67,620 ÷ 1,380 (110 + 280 + 990) deliveries 4. Cartons shipped, $80,000 ÷ 80,000 (34,000 + 23,000 + 23,000) cartons 5. Shelf-stocking, $10,455 ÷ 615 (310 + 210 + 95) hours = $35 per order = $ 3 per line item = $49 per delivery = $ 1 per carton = $17 per hour 3. The activity-based costing of each distribution market for 2020 is: 1. Customer purchase order processing ($35 200; 500; 1,800) 2. Line item ordering ($3 2,100; 4,800; 15,600) 3. Store delivery ($49 110; 280; 990) 4. Cartons shipped ($1 34,000; 23,000; 23,000) 5. Shelf-stocking ($17 310; 210; 95) General Supermarket Chains Drugstore Chains Mom-andPop Single Stores $ 7,000 $17,500 $ 63,000 $ 87,500 6,300 14,400 46,800 67,500 5,390 13,720 48,510 67,620 34,000 23,000 23,000 80,000 5,270 $57,960 3,570 $72,190 1,615 $182,925 10,455 $313,075 5-40 Total The revised operating income statement is: General Supermarket Chains Revenues $3,704,000 Cost of goods sold 3,612,000 Gross margin 92,000 Other operating costs 57,960 Operating income $ 34,040 4. Drugstore Chains $3,145,000 2,990,000 155,000 72,190 $ 82,810 Mom-and-Pop Single Stores $1,988,000 1,804,000 184,000 182,925 $ 1,075 Total $8,837,000 8,406,000 431,000 313,075 $ 117,925 The ranking of the three markets are: Using Gross Margin 1. Mom-and-Pop Single Stores 2. Drugstore Chains 3. General Supermarket Chains Using Operating Income 9.26% 4.93% 2.48% 1. Drugstore Chains 2. General Supermarket Chains 3. Mom-and-Pop Single Stores 2.63% 0.92% 0.05% The activity-based analysis of costs highlights how the Mom-and-Pop Single Stores use a larger amount of Pharmassist’s resources per revenue dollar than do the other two markets. The ratio of the other operating costs to revenues across the three markets is: General Supermarket Chains Drugstore Chains Mom-and-Pop Single Stores 1.56% 2.30% 9.20% ($57,960 ÷ $3,704,000) ($72,190 ÷ $3,145,000) ($182,925 ÷ $1,988,000) This is a classic illustration of the maxim that “all revenue dollars are not created equal.” The analysis indicates that the Mom-and-Pop Single Stores are the least profitable market. Pharmassist should work to increase profits in this market through (1) a possible surcharge, (2) decreasing the number of orders, (3) offering discounts for quantity purchases, etc. Other issues for Pharmassist to consider include: a. Choosing the appropriate cost drivers for each area. The problem gives a cost driver for each chosen activity area. However, it is likely that over time further refinements in cost drivers would be necessary. For example, not all store deliveries are equally easy to make, depending on parking availability, accessibility of the storage/ shelf space to the delivery point, etc. Similarly, not all cartons are equally easy to deliver–– their weight, size, or likely breakage component are factors that can vary across carton types. b. Deciding how to handle costs that may be common across several activities. For example, (3) store delivery and (4) cartons shipped to stores have the common cost of the same trip. Some organizations may treat (3) as the primary activity and attribute 5-41 only incremental costs to (4). Similarly, (1) order processing and (2) line item ordering may have common costs. c. Behavioral factors are likely to be a challenge for Flair. He must now tell those salespeople who specialize in Mom-and-Pop accounts that they have been less profitable than previously thought. 5-42 5-38 (30-40 min.) management. Choosing cost drivers, activity-based costing, activity-based 1. Direct materials—bedsheets Direct materials—curtains Direct manufacturing labor—bedsheets Direct manufacturing labor—curtains Setup Shipping Design Plant utilities and administration Output unit-level costs Output unit-level costs Output unit-level costs Output unit-level costs Batch-level costs Batch-level costs Product-sustaining costs Facility-sustaining costs 2. Direct materials—bedsheets Direct materials—curtains Direct manufacturing labor—bedsheets Direct manufacturing labor—curtains Setup Shipping Design Plant utilities and administration Number of bedsheets Number of curtains Number of bedsheets Number of curtains Number of batches Number of batches Number of designs Hours of production Direct material and direct manufacturing labor are costs that can be easily traced to output, which in this case is the number of bedsheets or curtains produced. Setup and shipping are both a function of the number of batches produced. Design is related to the number of designs created for each product. Plant utilities and administration result from general activity level in the plant. Thus, hours of production seems to be an appropriate cost driver. 3. Direct materials—bedsheets Direct materials—curtains Direct manufacturing labor— bedsheets Direct manufacturing labor— curtains Setup Shipping Design Plant utilities and administration $382,260 ÷ 3,075 bedsheets $510,425 ÷ 6,240 curtains $124.31 per bedhseet $81.80 per curtain $112,500 ÷ 3,075 bedsheets $36.59 per bedhseet $126,000 $78,250 $84,500 $193,200 $255,775 ÷ 6,240 curtains ÷ 250 batches ÷ 250 batches ÷ 10 designs ÷ 4,410 hours 5-43 $20.19 $313.00 $338.00 $19,320.00 $58.00 per curtain per batch per batch per design per hour 4. Curtains Bedsheets Total Direct materials Direct manufacturing labor $510,425 126,000 $382,260 112,500 $892,685 238,500 Setup ($313 × 150; 100 batches) 46,950 31,300 78,250 Shipping ($338 × 150; 100 batches) 50,700 33,800 84,500 Design ($19,320 × 4; 6 designs) 77,280 Plant utilities and administration 101,790 ($58 × 1,755; 2,655 hours) $913,145 Budgeted total costs Divided by number of curtains/bedsheets ÷ 6240 Budgeted cost per curtain/bedsheet $146.34 115,920 153,990 193,200 255,780 $829,770 $1,742,915 ÷ 3075 $269.84 5. Based on this analysis, more than 50% of product cost relates to direct material. Managers should determine whether the material costs can be reduced. Producing in small lots increases the setup and shipping costs. While both are relatively small components of product cost, management may want to evaluate ways to reduce the number of setups and the cost per setup. Of the indirect costs, the product- and facility-sustaining costs are the highest. Management should review the design process for cost savings and examine why it takes so long to produce bedsheets relative to curtains. 5-44 5-39 1a. (40 min.) ABC, health care. Medical supplies costs Medical supplies rate $600,000 =Number of patient visits = 40,000 patient visits = $15 per patient visit Rent and clinic maintenance rate = Rent and maintenance costs Square feet of space $180,000 = 16,000 sq.feet = $11.25 per square foot Laboratory services costs Laboratory services rate $216,000 = Number of laboratory tests = 18,000 laboratory tests = $12 per laboratory test General overhead costs General overhead rate $540,000 = Number of patient visits = 40,000 patient visits = $13.50 per patient visit These cost drivers are chosen as the ones that best match the descriptions of why the costs arise. Other answers are acceptable (especially for General overhead, including administrative staff), provided that clear explanations are given. 1b. Activity-based costs for each department and cost per patient visit in each of the departments follow: Urgent Care Direct labor Physicians at $200,000 × 3; 1 X-ray technicians at $50,000 × 2; 0 Nurses at $60,000 × 7; 5 Nutritionist at $50,000 × 0; 1 Direct labor costs Medical supplies1 $15 × 17,500; 22,500 Rent and clinic maintenance2 $11.25 × 6,000; 10,000 Laboratory services3 $12 × 15,000; 3,000 General overhead4 $13.50 × 17,500; 22,500 Total costs Cost per patient visit in Urgent Care Cost per patient visit in Living Well 1 2 $1,866,250 17,500 $1,339,750 22,500 Living Well Total $ 600,000 100,000 420,000 0 1,120,000 262,500 $ 200,000 0 300,000 50,000 550,000 337,500 $ 800,000 100,000 720,000 50,000 1,670,000 600,000 67,500 180,000 236,250 $1,866,250 112,500 36,000 303,750 $1,339,750 180,000 216,000 540,000 $3,206,000 = $106.64 per patient visit = $59.54 per patient visit Allocated using patient visits Allocated using square feet of clinic space 5-45 3 4 Allocated using number of laboratory tests Allocated using number of patient visits 1c. The ABC system more accurately allocates costs because it identifies better cost drivers. The ABC system chooses cost drivers for overhead costs that have a cause-and-effect relationship between the cost drivers and the costs. Of course, Alvarez should continue to evaluate if better cost drivers can be found than the ones they have identified so far. By implementing the ABC system, Alvarez can gain a more detailed understanding of costs and cost drivers. This is valuable information from a cost management perspective. The system can yield insight into the efficiencies with which various activities are performed. Alvarez can then examine if redundant activities can be eliminated. Alvarez can study trends and work toward improving the efficiency of the activities. In addition, the ABC system will help Alvarez determine which department is the most costly to operate. This will be useful in making long-run decisions as to which services to offer or emphasize. The ABC system will also assist Alvarez in setting rates for the services in each of the departments that more accurately reflect their costs. 2. The concern with using costs (per patient visit) as the rule to allocate resources to its departments is that it emphasizes “input” to the exclusion of “outputs” or effectiveness of the departments. After all, Alvarez’s goal is to effectively treat patients while controlling costs, not minimize costs per patient visit. The problem, of course, is measuring outputs. Unlike many manufacturing companies, where the outputs are obvious because they are tangible and measurable, the outputs of service organizations are more difficult to measure. In addition, allocating additional resources to the Living Well department may result in a reduced need for Urgent Care services. While this may seem like a poor business decision, as medical providers, the staff at Phoenix Medical Associates must keep the wellbeing of their patients as a priority. 5-46 5-40 (30 min). ABC system in the medical industry. 1. Compute the rate for each activity pool of the clinic. Activity Annual Cost Cost Driver Number of Days/Hours Daily care ₦2,100,000 Nursing days 10,000 Accommodation and feeding ₦4,500,000 After medical care ₦1,500,000 Patient days Number of consultation hours 45,000 82,000 Activity Rate ₦2,100,000 = ₦210 10,000 ₦4,500,000 = ₦100 45,000 ₦1,500,000 = ₦18.29 82,000 2. Compute the daily rate for each of the medical problems. (5,000 × ₦ 210) + (30,000 × ₦ 100) + (20,000 × ₦ 18.29) Malaria = ₦ 147.19 Typhoid fever Tuberculosis Diarrhea 30,000 (3,000 × ₦ 210) + (12,000 × ₦ 100) + (15,000 × ₦ 18.29) = ₦ 175.36 12,000 (1,500 × ₦ 210) + (1,800 × ₦ 100) + (20,000 × ₦ 18.29) = ₦ 478.22 1,800 (500 × ₦ 210) + (1,200 × ₦ 100) + (27,000 × ₦ 18.29) = ₦ 599.03 1,200 3. Compute the cost of providing medical care for the first quarter to patients using ABC method. Medical problem Number of Patients Rate Amount Days Malaria 1,000 ₦ 147.19 ₦ 147,190 Typhoid fever 300 ₦ 175.36 ₦ 52,608 Tuberculosis 700 ₦ 478.22 ₦ 334,754 Diarrhea 500 ₦ 599.03 ₦ 299,515 TOTAL 2,500 ₦ 834,067 4. Comment in the application of ABC in the medical industry. ABC is useful in allocating costs in the medical industry. As medical treatments vary on the nature of medical problem, the cost drivers are different. For example, cost of medical laboratory test, treatment, consultation, drugs, accommodation will all constitute the cost drivers which can be charged to the various activities (treatment of the medical problems). In the case of Adamac Clinic, the activities include three major areas of daily care, accommodation and feeding and after care consultations. The cost drivers derived by the clinic is used to charge the various activities to the cost of treatment. 5-47 5-41 (30 min.) Unused capacity, activity-based costing, activity-based management. 1. Indirect manufacturing labor costs Machine setup costs Equipment and maintenance costs Facility rent costs Cost $ 72,000 $ 40,500 $235,000 Allocation Base $240,000 direct labor cost 500 batches 23,500 MH $200,000 6,250 sq. ft. Allocation Rate 30% of direct labor cost $81/batch $10/MH $32/sq. ft. 2. Budgeted cost of unused capacity = $32 per sq. ft. (6,250 – 2,860 −2,140) sq. ft. = $32 1,250 sq. ft. = $40,000 3. Basic Deluxe Direct materials $325,000 $240,000 Direct manufacturing labor 110,000 130,000 33,000 39,000 Indirect manuf. labor ($110,000 and $130,000 30%) 24,300 16,200 Machine setup (300 and 200 batches $81/batch) Equipment and maintenance costs (11,000 and 110,000 125,000 12,500 MH $10/MH) 91,520 68,480 Facility rent (2,860 and 2,140 sq. ft. $32/sq. ft.) Total cost $693,820 $618,680 Divided by number of units 5,000 3,000 Cost per unit $ 138.76 $ 206.23 4. Although the excess capacity is currently costing Whitewater $40,000 annually, having excess capacity allows for the company to accept special orders if they are received, expand production of either of the existing models, or add a new product line in the future. Whitewater should consider if there is available labor and machine hours before increasing production to use the space, as well as demand for the product. Whitewater may also consider renting out the available space to a compatible outside user, with the option to take the space back if needed. . 5-48 5-42 (50 min.) ABC, implementation, ethics. 1. Plum Electronics should not emphasize the Maximum model and should not phase out the Mammoth model. Under activity-based costing, the Maximum model has an operating income percentage of less than 3%, while the Mammoth model has an operating income percentage of nearly 43%. Cost driver rates for the various activities identified in the activity-based costing (ABC) system are as follows: Soldering $ 1,036,200 1,570,000 = $ 0.66 per solder point Shipments 946,000 20,000 = 47.30 per shipment Quality control 1,364,000 77,500 = 17.60 per inspection Purchase orders 1,045,440 190,080 = 5.50 per order Machine power 63,360 192,000 = 0.33 per machine-hour Machine setups 825,000 30,000 = 27.50 per setup Plum Electronics Calculation of Costs of Each Model under Activity-Based Costing Direct materials ($228.80 22,000; $642.40 4,000) Direct manuf. labor ($13.20 1.5 hrs. 22,000; $13.20 3.5hrs. 4,000) Machine costs ($19.80 8 hrs. 22,000; $19.80 4 hrs. 4,000) Total direct costs Indirect costs Soldering ($0.66 1,185,000; $0.66 385,000) Shipments ($47.30 16,200; $47.30 3,800) Quality control ($17.60 56,200; $17.60 21,300) Purchase orders ($5.50 80,100; $5.50 109,980) Machine power ($0.33 176,000; $0.33 16,000) Machine setups ($27.50 16,000; $27.50 14,000) Total indirect costs Total costs Mammoth $ 5,033,600 435,600 184,800 3,484,800 8,954,000 316,800 3,071,200 782,100 766,260 989,120 440,550 58,080 440,000 3,476,110 $12,430,110 254,100 179,740 374,880 604,890 5,280 385,000 1,803,890 $4,875,090 Profitability analysis Revenues Cost of goods sold Gross margin Mammoth $21,780,000 12,430,110 $ 9,349,890 Maximum $5,016,000 4,875,090 $ 140,910 5-49 Maximum $2,569,600 Total $26,796,000 17,305,200 $ 9,490,800 Per-unit calculations: Units sold Gross margin per unit ($9,349,890 22,000; $140,910 4,000) 22,000 4,000 $425.00 $ 35.23 2. Plum’s simple costing system allocates all manufacturing overhead other than machine costs on the basis of machine-hours, an output unit-level cost driver. Consequently, the more machine-hours per unit that a product needs, the greater the manufacturing overhead allocated to it. Because Mammoth uses twice the number of machine-hours per unit compared to Maximum, a large amount of manufacturing overhead is allocated to Mammoth. The ABC analysis recognizes several batch-level cost drivers such as purchase orders, shipments, and setups. Maximum uses these resources much more intensively than Mammoth. The ABC system recognizes Maximum’s use of these overhead resources. Consider, for example, purchase order costs. The simple system allocates these costs on the basis of machine-hours. As a result, each unit of Mammoth is allocated twice the purchase order costs of each unit of Maximum. The ABC system allocates $440,550 of purchase order costs to Mammoth (equal to $20.02 [$440,550 22,000] per unit) and $604,890 of purchase order costs to Maximum (equal to $151.23 [$604,890 4,000] per unit). Each unit of Maximum uses 8.31 ($151.23 $20.02) times the purchases order costs of each unit of Mammoth. Recognizing Maximum’s more intensive use of manufacturing overhead results in Maximum showing a much lower profitability under the ABC system. By the same token, the ABC analysis shows that Mammoth is quite profitable. The simple costing system overcosted Mammoth and so made it appear less profitable. 3. Clark’s comments about ABC implementation are valid. When designing and implementing ABC systems, managers and management accountants need to trade off the costs of the system against its benefits. Adding more activities would make the system harder to understand and more costly to implement, but it would probably improve the accuracy of cost information, which, in turn, would help Plum make better decisions. Similarly, using inspection-hours and setup-hours as allocation bases would also probably lead to more accurate cost information, but it would increase measurement costs. 4. Activity-based management (ABM) is the use of information from activity-based costing to make improvements in a firm. For example, a firm could revise product prices on the basis of revised cost information. For the long term, activity-based costing can assist management in making decisions regarding the viability of product lines, distribution channels, marketing strategies, etc. ABM highlights possible improvements, including reduction or elimination of nonvalue-added activities, selecting lower cost activities, sharing activities with other products, and eliminating waste. ABM is an integrated approach that focuses management’s attention on activities with the ultimate aim of continuous improvement. As a whole-company philosophy, ABM focuses on strategic, as well as tactical and operational activities of the company. 5-50 5. Incorrect reporting of ABC costs with the goal of retaining both the Mammoth and Maximum product lines is unethical. In assessing the situation, the specific “Standards of Ethical Conduct for Management Accountants” that the management accountant should consider are listed below. Competence Clear reports using relevant and reliable information should be prepared. Preparing reports on the basis of incorrect costs in order to retain product lines violates competence standards. It is unethical for Jacobs to change the ABC system with the specific goal of reporting different product cost numbers that Clark favors. Integrity The management accountant has a responsibility to avoid actual or apparent conflicts of interest and advise all appropriate parties of any potential conflict. Jacobs may be tempted to change the product cost numbers to please Clark, the division president. This action, however, would violate the responsibility for integrity. The Standards of Ethical Conduct require the management accountant to communicate favorable as well as unfavorable information. Credibility The management accountant’s standards of ethical conduct require that information should be fairly and objectively communicated and that all relevant information should be disclosed. From a management accountant’s standpoint, adjusting the product cost numbers to make both the Mammoth and Maximum lines look profitable would violate the standard of objectivity. Jacobs should indicate to Clark that the product cost calculations are, indeed, appropriate. If Clark still insists on modifying the product cost numbers, Jacobs should raise the matter with one of Clark’s superiors. If, after taking all these steps, there is continued pressure to modify product cost numbers, Jacobs should consider resigning from the company rather than engage in unethical behavior. 5-51 5-43 (30-40 mins.) Activity-based costing, activity-based management, merchandising. 1. Main Street Books and Café Income Statement For the Year Ended 31 December, 2020 Books CDs Café Total $3,720,480 $2,315,360 $736,216 $6,772,056 2,656,727 1,722,311 556,685 4,935,723 18,250 18,250 Revenues Cost of Merchandise Cost of Café Cleaning Allocated Selling, General and Administration Costsa (0.300986 × $2,656,727; $1,722,311; $556,685) 799,638 Operating income $ 264,115 a 518,392 167,554 1,485,584 $ 74,657 $ (6,273) $ 332,499 Overhead rate = $1,485,584 ÷ $4,935,723 = 0.300986 per cost of merchandise dollar 2. Selling, general, and administration (S, G, & A) is comprised of a variety of costs that are unlikely to be consumed uniformly across product lines based on the cost of merchandise. Main Street Books and Café should consider an activity-based costing system to clarify how each product line uses these S, G, & A resources. Number of purchase orders Number of deliveries received Hours of shelf-stocking time Items sold Purchasing Receiving Stocking Customer support Books 2,800 1,400 15,000 124,016 CDs 2,500 1,700 14,000 115,768 Café 2,000 1,600 10,000 368,108 Total 7,300 4,700 39,000 607,892 $474,500 ÷ 7,300 orders placed = $65 per purchase order $432,400 ÷ 4,700 deliveries = $92 per delivery $487,500 ÷ 39,000 hours = $12.50 per stocking hour $91,184 ÷ 607,892 items sold = $0.15 per item sold 5-52 Books $3,720,480 2,656,727 1,063,753 CDs $2,315,360 1,722,311 593,049 Café $ 736,216 556,685 179,531 18,250 Total $6,772,056 4,935,723 1,836,333 18,250 182,000 162,500 130,000 474,500 128,800 156,400 147,200 432,400 187,500 175,000 125,000 487,500 18,603 516,903 546,850 17,365 511,265 $ 81,784 Revenues Cost of Merchandise Gross margin Cost of Café Cleaning Purchasing ($65 × 2,800; 2,500; 2,000) Receiving ($92 × 1,400; 1,700; 1,600) Shelf-stocking ($12.50 × 15,000; 14,000; 10,000) Customer support ($0.15 × 124,016; 115,768; 368,108 Total S, G, & A costs Operating income $ 55,216 475,666 $(296,135) 91,184 1,503,834 $ 332,499 Comparing product line income statements in requirements 1 and 2, it appears that books are much more profitable, and café loses a lot more money under the ABC system compared to the simple system. The reason is that books use far fewer S, G, & A resources relative to its merchandise costs, and café uses far greater S, G, & A resources relative to its merchandise costs. 3. To: Main Street Books and Café Management Team From: Cost Analyst Re: Costing System The current accounting system allocates indirect costs (S, G, & A) to product lines based on the Cost of Merchandise sold. Using this method, the S, G, & A costs are assigned 54%, 35%, and 11%, to the Books, CDs, and Café product lines, respectively. I recommend that the organization switch to an activity-based costing (ABC) method. With ABC, the product lines are assigned indirect costs based on their consumption of the activities that give rise to the costs. An ABC analysis reveals that the Café consumes considerably more than 11% of indirect costs. Instead, the café generally requires 25–35% of the purchasing, receiving, and stocking activity and 60% of the customer support. `The current accounting technique masks the losses being produced by the café because it assumes all indirect costs are driven by the dollar amount of merchandise sold. By adopting ABC, management can evaluate the costs of operating the three product lines and make more informed pricing and product mix decisions. For example, management may want to consider increasing prices of the food and drinks served in the café. Before deciding whether to increase prices or to close the café, management must consider the beneficial effect that having a cafe has on the other product lines. An ABC analysis can also help Main Street Books and Café manage its costs by reducing the number of activities that each product line demands and by reducing the cost of each activity. These actions will improve the profitability of each product line. ABC analysis can also be used to plan and manage the various activities. 5-53 Try It! 5-1 We first calculate the budgeted indirect cost rate for the overhead cost pool: Total budgeted direct manufacturing labor-hours = (0.4hrs. × 24,640) + (0.5 hrs. × 6,250) = 12,981 hours Budgeted indirect-cost rate = = Budgeted total costs in indirect-cost pool Budgeted total quantity of cost-allocation base $220,677 12,981 direct manufacturing labor-hours = $17 per direct manufacturing labor-hour 5-54 Direct materials 24,640 6,250 Basic Lamps Designer Lamps Total per Unit Total (1) (2)=(1)÷24,640 (3) per Unit (4)=(3)÷6,250 Total (5)=(1)+(3) $123,200 $ 5.00 $118,750 $19.00 $241,950 295,680 12.00 93,750 15.00 389,430 418,880 17.00 212,500 34.00 631,380 167,552 6.80 53,125 8.50 220,677 $586,432 $23.80 $265,625 $42.50 $852,057 (Basic: $5 x 24,640; Designer: $19 x 6,250) Direct manufacturing labor (Basic: $30 × 0.4hrs. × 24,640; Designer: $30 × 0.5hrs. × 6,250) Total direct costs (Step 2) Indirect costs allocated (Step 6) $17 × 9,856 hours; $17 ×3,125 hours Total costs 5-55 Try It! 5-2 We first calculate the overhead rates for each indirect cost pool: 1 Quantity of lamps produced 2 Number of lamps produced per batch 3 = (1)÷(2) Number of batches 4 Setup time per batch 5 = (3)×(4) Total setup-hours 6 Direct manufacturing laborhours per lamp 7 = (1)×(6) Total direct manufacturing labor-hours Budgeted indirect-cost rate = = Basic Lamps 24,640 lamps 320 lamps per batch Designer Lamps 6,250 lamps 50 lamps per batch 77 batches 1 hour per batch 77 setup-hours 0.4 hours 125 batches 2 hours per batch 250 setup-hours 0.5 hours 9,856 hours 3,125 hours Budgeted total costs in indirect-cost pool Budgeted total quantity of cost-allocation base $130,800 327 setup labor-hours = $400 per setup labor-hour Budgeted indirect-cost rate = = Budgeted total costs in indirect-cost pool Budgeted total quantity of cost-allocation base $89,877 12,981 direct manufacturing labor-hours = $6.9237 per direct manufacturing labor-hour 5-56 Total 327 setup-hours 12,981 hours Direct materials (Basic: $5 x 24,640; Designer: $19 x 6,250) Direct manufacturing labor (Basic: $30 × 0.4hrs. × 24,640; Designer: $30 × 0.5hrs. × 6,250) Total direct costs Indirect costs of activities Setup of lamps ($400 x 1 hr. x 77 batches; $400 x 2 hrs. x 125 batches) General manufacturing Overhead ($6.9237 x 9,856 hrs.; $6.9237 x 3,125 hrs.) Total indirect costs Total costs 24,640 Basic Lamps Total per Unit (1) (2)=(1)÷24,640 $123,200 $5.00 6,250 Designer Lamps Total per Unit (3) (4)=(3)÷6,250 $118,750 $19.00 Total (5)=(1)+(3) $241,950 295,680 12.00 93,750 15.00 389,430 418,880 17.00 212,500 34.00 631,380 30,800 1.25 100,000 16.00 130,800 68,240 2.77 21,637 3.46 89,877 99,040 4.02 121,637 19.46 220,677 $517,920 $21.02 $334,137 $53.46 $852,057 5-57 CHAPTER 6 MASTER BUDGET AND RESPONSIBILITY ACCOUNTING 6-1 The budgeting cycle includes the following elements: a. Planning the performance of the company as a whole as well as planning the performance of its subunits. Management agrees on what is expected. b. Providing a frame of reference, a set of specific expectations against which actual results can be compared. c. Investigating variations from plans. If necessary, corrective action follows investigation. d. Planning again, in light of feedback and changed conditions. 6-2 A master budget a detailed financial plan which sets out, in money terms, the estimates for income and expenditure in respect of a future period. It is prepared based on the organizational objectives for that period, together with the strategy planned to achieve the objectives. The purpose of a master budget is to serve the needs of management in respect of financial planning and judgements. It provides the basis for the management functions of planning and control. It also provides the clear guidelines for managers and supervisors and is the major way in which organizational objectives are translated into specific tasks. A master budget is composed of various budgets of the organization, and comprises of cash budget, manufacturing budget, and the operating budgets. The master profit and loss budget is prepared from each of the elements of operating budget: sales, production; distribution and administrative; and the financial budget. The master budget is a useful tool that contains the summaries of all organizational budgets for the period. It provides the budgeted income statement and the budgeted balance sheet or statement of financial position (as used by most IFRS compliant organizations). 6-3 1. It provides an opportunity for managers to re-evaluate existing activities and evaluate possible new activities. 2. It compels managers to think ahead by formalizing their responsibilities for planning. 3. It aids managers in communicating objectives to units and coordinating actions across the organization. 4. It provides benchmarks to evaluate subsequent performance. 6-4 1. What are our objectives? 2. What set of integrated choices can we make along the value chain to create value for our customers while distinguishing ourselves from our competitors? 3. What organizational and financial structures serve us best? 4. What are the risks and opportunities of alternative strategies, and what are our contingency plans if our preferred plan fails? 6-5 Yes, budgets can promote coordination and communication among all aspects of production or service and all departments in a company. Budgets can provide a communication 6-1 mechanism that seamlessly links all subunits and their employees, helping them understand their individual goals or objectives of the company. This understanding can facilitate coordination among individual departments within the company. In turn, the coordination forces executives to take into account the relationships among the individual departments. 6-6 In many organizations, budgets impel managers to plan. Without budgets, managers drift from crisis to crisis. Research also shows that budgets can motivate managers to meet targets and improve their performance. Thus, many top managers believe that budgets meet the cost-benefit test. 6-7 A rolling budget, also called a continuous budget, is a budget or plan that is always available for a specified future period, by continually adding a period (month, quarter, or year) to the period that just ended. A four-quarter rolling budget for 2020 is superseded by a four-quarter rolling budget for April 2020 to March 2021, and so on. 6-8 The steps in preparing an operating budget are as follows: 1. Prepare the revenues budget. 2. Prepare the production budget (in units). 3. Prepare the direct material usage budget and direct material purchases budget. 4. Prepare the direct manufacturing labor budget. 5. Prepare the manufacturing overhead budget. 6. Prepare the ending inventories budget. 7. Prepare the cost of goods sold budget. 8. Prepare the operating (nonmanufacturing) costs budget. 9. Prepare the budgeted income statement. 6-9 Usually, a revenues budget is the starting point for the operating budget because the forecasted level of unit sales or revenues has a major impact on the production capacity, the inventory levels planned, and determines all of the costs required to support the budgeted revenues. 6-10 Sensitivity analysis adds an extra dimension to budgeting. It enables managers to examine how budgeted amounts change with changes in the underlying assumptions. This assists managers in monitoring those assumptions that are most critical to a company in attaining its budget and allows them to make timely adjustments to plans when appropriate. 6-11 The key emphasis in Kaizen budgeting is continuous improvement, resulting in cost reductions, during the budget period. 6-12 Nonoutput-based cost drivers can be incorporated into budgeting by the use of activitybased budgeting (ABB). ABB focuses on the budgeted cost of activities necessary to produce and sell products and services. Nonoutput-based cost drivers, such as the number of parts, number of batches, and number of new products can be used with ABB. 6-2 6-13 The choice of the type of responsibility center determines what the manager is accountable for and thereby affects the manager’s behavior. For example, if a revenue center is chosen, the manager will focus on revenues, not on costs or investments. The choice of a responsibility center type guides the variables to be included in the budgeting exercise. 6-14 Budgeting in multinational companies may involve budgeting in several different foreign currencies. Further, management accountants must translate operating performance into a single currency for reporting to shareholders by budgeting for exchange rates. Managers and accountants must understand the factors that impact exchange rates and, where possible, plan financial strategies to limit the downside of unexpected unfavorable moves in currency valuations. In developing budgets for operations in different countries, they must also have good understanding of political, legal, and economic issues in those countries. 6-15 Cash budgets are significantly important for cash planning and control, especially to avoid having idle cash and unexpected cash deficiencies. The cash budget can help managers to not only identify the periods of idle cash and periods of cash shortage but also to determine necessary cash balances in line with their needs in any given period during the budget year. It allows managers to make appropriate decisions in terms of either using excess cash or financing from outside to achieve the company’s goals. 6-16 Master budget. Choice ‘d’ is the correct option. Master budget involves all the above; it’s a summary of all other budgets and is expressed as a budgeted income and as well as in the balance sheet. It comprises of the operating budget and the financial budget. Operating budget - focuses on the income statement and its supporting schedules. It is sometimes called a profit plan, although it may show a budgeted loss or may be used to simply budget expenses in an agency with no revenues. Financial budget - focuses on the effects that the operating budget and other plans (e.g. capital budgets and repayments of debt) will have on cash. It is used for both planning and control of organizational activities within the budget period. It contains a quantitative expression of the organization’s plan and the full budgetary process includes planning and control. The preparation of a master budget involves full and genuine participation, clear goal definition and good communications of all involved in the organization. Choice ‘a’ is incorrect as master budget contains quantitative expression of the organization’s plan and the full budgetary process includes planning and control. The preparation of a master budget also involves full and genuine participation, clear goal definition and good communications of all involved in the organization. Choice ‘b’ is incorrect. The preparation of a master budget involves full and genuine participation, clear goal definition and good communications of all involved in the organization. Choice ‘c’ is incorrect. A master budget is serves as a summary of all other budgets and is expressed as a budgeted income and as well as in the balance sheet. It is used for both planning and control of organizational activities within the budget period. 6-3 6-17 Operating and financial budgets. Choice ‘a’ is correct. The number of grams of material to be purchased is based on the production needs, target ending inventory and the inventory of material already on hand. The computation is shown below. Materials needed for production 80,000 units × 4 kgs/unit 320,000 kgs Add desired ending inventory 40,000 kgs Total material needs 360,000 kgs Deduct beginning inventory of material on hand 30,000 kgs Grams of material to be purchased 330,000 kgs Choice ‘b’ is incorrect. The desired ending inventory was subtracted instead addition and the opening raw material inventory was added in the computation. Choice ‘c’ is incorrect as the opening raw material inventory is not subtracted from the total material required. Choice ‘d’ is incorrect as the opening inventory is added and ending inventory is deducted. 6-18 Production budget. Choice ‘d’ is the correct option. The units to be produced are found by adding the units expected to be sold to the targeted ending inventory and then deducting the beginning inventory as shown below: Sales Add targeted ending inventory Total needed Deduct beginning inventory Units to be produced 80,000 units 14,000 units 94,000 units 6000 units 88,000 units Choice ‘a’ is incorrect. The production unit has been based on the total needs only without subtracting the beginning inventory units. Choice ‘b’ is incorrect. The production budget added the beginning inventory units to the total units needed. The beginning inventory should be subtracted instead. Choice ‘c’ is incorrect. The production unit has been based on the total needs plus the opening inventory units. The beginning inventory units ought to be subtracted instead. 6-19 Responsibility centers. Choice "3" is correct. The question asks which of a series of statements is/are correct for a responsibility accounting system. "None of the above" is not an available option, and neither is "All of the above." Statement I says that, in a cost center, managers are responsible for controlling costs but not revenue. Statement I is correct. Statement II says that the idea behind responsibility accounting is that a manager should be held responsible for those items that the manager can control to a significant extent. Statement II is correct. 6-4 Statement III says that, to be effective, a good responsibility accounting system must help managers to plan and to control. Planning without control and control without planning is not effective. Statement III is correct. Statement IV says that costs that are allocated to a responsibility center are normally controllable by the responsibility center manager. Costs that are allocated are normally not controllable by the responsibility center manager. Statement IV is incorrect. 6-20 Cash budget Choice "d" is correct. All of the elements listed should be considered when building the cash budget. Accrued wages will be factored into the determination of cash disbursements in year 2, which is part of the cash budget. Financing budgets, a component of the cash budget, cover how a company will fund its current operations. One of the methods the company may use is a line of credit, which will have limits as to how much cash a company can access at a given time. The accounts payable balance is important as well, as eventually vendors must be paid in cash in year 2 for credit purchases made by the company in year 1. Choice "a" is incorrect. This choice leaves out accounts payable, which eventually must be paid with cash in year 2. Choice "b" is incorrect. This choice leaves out the analysis of limits on a line of credit that the company may need to fund its operations in year 2. Choice "c" is incorrect. This choice leaves out accrued wages, which will ultimately have to be paid by the company in year 2. 6-5 6-21 (15 min.) Sales budget, healthcare. 1. 2020 Synergy A tests B tests Units 12,200 16,400 2021 Selling Prices £290 £240 % Change in Units + 6% –10% Expected Units 12,932 14,760 Synergy Sales Budget For the Year Ended December 31, 2021 A Tests B Tests 2. Synergy A Tests B Tests 2020 Units 12,200 16,400 Selling Price £290 £240 2021 Selling Prices £290 £230 Units Sold 12,932 14,760 Total Revenues £3,750,280 £3,542,400 £7,292,680 2021 % Change in Units +6% –7% Expected 2021 Units 12,932 15,252 Synergy Sales Budget For the Year Ended December 31, 2021 A Tests B Tests Selling Price £290 £230 Units Sold 12,932 15,252 Total Revenues £3,750,280 £3,507,960 £7,258,240 Expected revenues at the new 2021 prices are £7,258,240, which is lower than the expected 2021 revenues of £7,292,680 at the 2020 prices. If Synergy’s goal is to maximize sales revenue and if its forecasts are reliable, the company should not lower its price for a B tests in 2021. While this is an example for understanding the accounting aspect for a company’s profit and loss, given the nature of the global pandemic, management of healthcare firms should consider the overall ethics involved in pricing such tests with regard to helping all individuals get access to such tests. 6-6 6-22 Sales budget. Peanuts Projected sales Groundnut Cashew nut Fruits nut Total sales budget (€’000) 100,000 packs 120,000 packs 300,000 packs 6-23 Selling price per pack €10 €12 €15 Total sales (€’000) 1,000 1,440 4,500 6,940 (5 min.) Direct materials purchases budget. Direct materials to be used in production (pounds) (825,000÷2) Add target ending direct materials inventory (pounds) Total requirements (pounds) Deduct beginning direct materials inventory (pounds) Direct materials to be purchased (pounds) 6-24 (10 min.) Preparing cash budget. Month January February March Total Augustine Company Budgeted cash receipt Budgeted Sales Cash receipts £10,000,000 × 10% = £ 1,000,000 £12,000,000 × 20% = £ 2,400,000 £13,000,000 × 60% = £ 7,800,000 £11,200,000 6-7 412,500 43,500 456,000 35,200 420,800 6-25 (15–20 min.) Revenues, production, and purchases budget. 1. 2. 4,000 cars $35,200 = $140,800,000 Budgeted sales (Model XE8 cars) Add target ending finished goods inventory Total requirements (units) Deduct beginning finished goods inventory Units to be produced 3. Direct materials (tires) to be used in production, 3,850 × 5 (tires) Add target ending direct materials inventory Total requirements Deduct beginning direct materials inventory Direct materials to be purchased (tires) Cost per tire Direct materials purchase cost 4,000 450 4,450 600 3,850 19,250 400 19,650 350 19,300 × $45 $ 868,500 4. Deluxe Motorcar does not maintain a high inventory of tires. Note the relatively small inventory of wheels. The company appears to be using something close to a just-in-time inventory system, which is already saving the company the cost of holding materials inventory. Nevertheless, Deluxe Motorcar’s managers would want to check why the target ending inventory of tires (400) is greater than the beginning inventory of 350. Could the production time lag between the order of tires placed and the ordered tires received to reduce the need to hold more inventories? Furthermore, Deluxe Motorcar could help and advice its tire supplier to improve the quality of its tires by taking more quality control measures and to improve efficiency and productivity of the employees by conducting effective training programs which may result in reduction of the cost of manufacturing tires with a less number of defective tires. It would certainly reduce the price the supplier charges Deluxe Motorcar. Toyota routinely aids its suppliers in this way and reduces costs through better coordination between suppliers and the company. 6-8 6-26 (30 min.) Revenues and production budget. 1. 12-ounce bottles 1-gallon units a b Selling Price $0.20 1.50 Units Sold 5,040,000a 2,040,000b Total Revenues $1,008,000 3,060,000 $4,068,000 420,000 × 12 months = 5,040,000 170,000 × 12 months = 2,040,000 2. Budgeted unit sales (12-ounce bottles) Add target ending finished goods inventory Total requirements Deduct beginning finished goods inventory Units to be produced 5,040,000 680,000 5,720,000 890,000 4,830,000 3. Beginning inventory = budgeted sales + target ending inventory – budgeted production = 2,040,000 + 240,000 – 1,900,000 = 380,000 1-gallon units 6-27 (30 min.) Budgeting: direct material usage, manufacturing cost, and gross margin. 1. Direct Material Usage Budget in Quantity and Dollars Material Wool Physical Units Budget Direct materials required for Blue Rugs (200,000 rugs × 36 skeins and 0.8 gal.) 7,200,000 skeins Cost Budget Available from beginning direct materials inventory: (a) Wool: 458,000 skeins Dye: 4,000 gallons To be purchased this period: (b) Wool: (7,200,000 – 458,000) skeins × $2 per skein Dye: (160,000 – 4,000) gal. × $6 per gal. Direct materials to be used this period: (a) + (b) 2. 6-9 $ Dye Total 160,000 gal. 961,800 $ 23,680 13,484,000 $14,445,800 936,000 $ 959,680 $15,405,480 $31, 620, 000 Weaving budgeted = = $2.55 per DMLH overhead rate 12, 400, 000 DMLH Dyeing budgeted = $17, 280, 000 = $12 per MH overhead rate 1, 440, 000 MH 3. Budgeted Unit Cost of Blue Rug Wool Dye Direct manufacturing labor Dyeing overhead Weaving overhead Total 1 Input per Unit of Output 36 skeins 0.8 gal. 62 hrs. 1 7.2 mach-hrs. 62 DMLH Cost per Unit of Input $ 2 6 13 12 2.55 Total 72.00 4.80 806.00 86.40 158.10 $1,127.30 $ 0.2 machine hour per skein 36 skeins per rug = 7.2 machine-hrs. per rug. 4. Revenue Budget Blue Rugs Blue Rugs Selling Units Price Total Revenues 200,000 $2,000 $400,000,000 185,000 $2,000 $370,000,000 5a. Sales = 200,000 rugs Cost of Goods Sold Budget From Schedule Beginning finished goods inventory Direct materials used Direct manufacturing labor ($806 × 200,000) Dyeing overhead ($86.40 × 200,000) Weaving overhead ($158.10 × 200,000) Cost of goods available for sale Deduct ending finished goods inventory Cost of goods sold $ 15,405,480 161,200,000 17,280,000 31,620,000 5b. Sales = 185,000 rugs 6-10 Total $ 0 225,505,480 225,505,480 0 $225,505,480 Production = 200,000 rugs Cost of Goods Sold Budget From Schedule Beginning finished goods inventory Direct materials used Direct manufacturing labor ($806 × 200,000) Dyeing overhead ($86.40 × 200,000) Weaving overhead ($158.10 × 200,000) Cost of goods available for sale Deduct ending finished goods inventory ($1,127.30 × 15,000) Cost of goods sold Total $ $ 15,405,480 161,200,000 17,280,000 31,620,000 0 225,505,480 225,505,480 16,909,500 $208,595,980 Some students assume that Xander will produce only 185,000 rugs to match 185,000 rugs that are expected to be sold and carry no finished good inventory of the rugs. In this case the Cost of goods sold budget will be as follows. The Cost of Goods Sold budget is higher because the fixed overhead costs in the dyeing and weaving cost pools do not get “inventoried” in the closing inventory of rugs but are instead expensed in the current period. Sales = 185,000 rugs Cost of Goods Sold Budget for Producing 185,000 rugs From Schedule Beginning finished goods inventory Direct materials useda Direct manufacturing labor ($806 × 185,000) Variable dyeing overhead ($70.55b × 185,000) Fixed dyeing overheadc Variable weaving overhead ($119.15d × 185,000) Fixed weaving overheade Cost of goods available for sale Deduct ending finished goods inventory Cost of goods sold a Total $ $ 14,253,480 149,110,000 13,051,750 3,170,000 22,042750 7,790,000 0 209,417,980 209,417,980 0 $209,417,980 [$961,800 + (185,000 rugs×36 skeins−458,000)×$2] + [$23,680 + (185,000 rugs×0.8 gallons−4,000)×$6] Variable dyeing overhead cost per rug = ($6,560,000 + $7,550,000) ÷ 200,000 rugs = $70.55 per rug c Fixed dyeing overhead costs = $347,000 + $2,100,000 + $723,000 = $3,170,000 d Variable weaving overhead cost per rug = ($15,400,000 + $5,540,000 + $2,890,000) ÷ 200,000 rugs = $119.15 per rug e Fixed weaving overhead costs = $1,700,000 + $274,000 + $5,816,000 = $7,790,000 b 6-11 6. Revenue Less: Cost of goods sold Gross margin 200,000 rugs sold $400,000,000 225,505,480 $174,494,520 185,000 rugs sold 200,000 rugs produced $370,000,000 208,595,980 $161,404,020 185,000 rugs sold 185,000 rugs produced $370,000,000 209,417,980 $160,582,020 7. If sales drop to 185,000 blue rugs, Xander should look to reduce fixed costs and produce less to reduce variable costs and inventory costs. 8. Top management can look for ways to increase (stretch) sales and improve quality, efficiency, and input prices to reduce costs in each cost category such as direct materials, direct manufacturing labor, and overhead costs. Top management can also use the budget to coordinate and communicate across different parts of the organization, create a framework for judging performance and facilitating learning, and motivate managers and employees to achieve “stretch” targets of higher revenues and lower costs. 6-28 (20 min.) Budgeting, service company. 1. Direct Labor Budget in Hours and Dollars Total Hours Budget Direct labor hours required (1,000 jobs × 12 hours per job) 12,000 hours Cost Budget Wages (12,000 hours × $15 per hour) Cost per direct-labor hour ($180,000 ÷ 12,000 DLH) $180,000 $15.00/DLH 2. Budgeted overhead rate per DLH 3. Budgeted Total Cost and Average Cost of 600-Foot Gutter-Cleaning Job Direct labor costs $180,000 Overhead costs $144,000 Total costs of 1,000 jobs $324,000 Budgeted cost of = $324,000 ÷ 1,000 = $324 per job. 6-12 4. Revenues Budget Feet of Gutter Surface 600,000 ft. (1,000 jobs × 600 ft./job) Price per Foot $0.60 Total Revenue $360,000 5. Operating Income Budget (1,000 jobs) = Revenue − Expenses = $360,000 − $324,000 = $36,000 Operating Income Budget 6. The following table shows Ever Clean’s profitability if sales decline to 900 jobs. $324,000 Revenue (900 jobs 600 sq. ft. 0.60/sq. ft. $162,000 Wages (900 jobs 12 hours per job × $15 per hour) 70,200 Supplies (900 jobs 12 hours per job × $6.50 per hour) Fixed indirect labor costs 25,000 Fixed depreciation costs 17,000 Other fixed costs 24,000 298,200 $ 25,800 If revenue should fall to 900 jobs, Clark should examine the company’s fixed overhead costs to determine if any cuts are possible. Variable product costs will naturally decline with a decline in jobs, but Clark should evaluate if variable supplies cost of $6.50 per direct labor hour could be reduced. Fixed costs will not decline without management acting. While depreciation cost is not likely something that management can reduce, the fixed indirect costs and “other” fixed overhead costs are significant and should be examined. 6-13 6-29 (15-25 min.) Budgets for production and direct manufacturing labor. Roletter Company Budget for Production and Direct Manufacturing Labor for the Quarter Ended March 31, 2020 Budgeted sales (units) Add target ending finished goods inventorya (units) Total requirements (units) Deduct beginning finished goods inventory (units) Units to be produced Direct manufacturing labor-hours (DMLH) per unit Total hours of direct manufacturing labor time needed Direct manufacturing labor costs: Wages ($12.00 per DMLH) Pension contributions ($0.50 per DMLH) Workers’ compensation insurance ($0.20 per DMLH) Employee medical insurance ($0.30 per DMLH) Social Security tax (employer’s share) ($12.00 0.075 = $0.90 per DMLH) Total direct manufacturing labor costs January 10,000 February 14,000 March Quarter 7,000 31,000 17,500 27,500 11,000 25,000 12,000 19,000 12,000 43,000 17,500 10,000 17,500 7,500 11,000 8,000 17,500 25,500 × 2.0 × 2.0 1.5 20,000 15,000 12,000 47,000 $240,000 $180,000 $144,000 $564,000 10,000 7,500 6,000 23,500 4,000 3,000 2,400 9,400 6,000 4,500 3,600 14,100 18,000 13,500 10,800 42,300 $278,000 $208,500 $166,800 $653,300 a100% of the first following month’s sales plus 50% of the second following month’s sales. Note that the employee Social Security tax of 7.5% is irrelevant. Such taxes are withheld from employees’ wages and paid to the government by the employer on behalf of the employees; therefore, the 7.5% amounts are not additional costs to the employer. 2. The budget process would prompt Roletter’s management to look for ways to reduce finished goods inventories, the manufacturing labor hours needed to produce each unit both before and after installing new labor-saving machinery; some of the other costs such as Social Security tax and workers’ compensation insurance may be fixed by law, while pension contributions and medical insurance might be features that make Roletter an attractive employer. 3. We already see one example of a decision that Roletter’s management took based on the budgeted expenses—installing labor-saving machines ahead of wage increases. Roletter’s management should also continue to work with employees to increase labor productivity. 6-14 6-30 (20–30 min.) Activity-based budgeting. 1. Activity Ordering $45 14; 24; 14 Delivery $41 12; 62; 19 Shelf-stocking $10.50 16; 172; 94 Customer support $0.09 4,600; 34,200; 10,750 Total budgeted indirect costs Percentage of total indirect costs Total indirect costs allocated according to COGS (35%; 25%; 40% 13,574) Cost Hierarchy Batch-level Batch-level Output-unitlevel Output-unitlevel Soft Drinks Fresh Snacks Packaged Food $ 630 $1,080 $ 630 $ 2,340 492 2,542 779 3,813 168 1,806 987 2,961 414 $1,704 3,078 $8,506 968 $3,364 4,460 $13,574 12.5% 62.7% 24.8% $4,751 $3,393 $5,430 Total 2. Refer to the last row of the table in requirement 1. Fresh snacks, which represents the smallest portion of COGS (25%), is the product category that consumes the largest share (62.7%) of the indirect resources. Fresh snacks demand the highest level of ordering, delivery, shelfstocking, and customer support resources of all three product categories—it has to be ordered, delivered, and stocked in small, perishable batches, and convenience store customers often require more assistance when purchasing. 3. An ABB approach recognizes how different products require different mixes of support activities. The relative percentage of how each product area uses the cost driver at each activity area is: Cost Soft Fresh Packaged Activity Hierarchy Drinks Snacks Food Total Ordering Batch-level 27% 46% 27% 100% Delivery Batch-level 13 67 20 100 Shelf-stocking Output-unit-level 6 61 33 100 Customer support Output-unit-level 9 69 22 100 By recognizing these differences, Jiffy Mart’s managers are better able to budget for different unit sales levels and different mixes of individual product-line items sold. Using a single cost driver (such as COGS) assumes homogeneity in the use of indirect costs (support activities) across product lines which does not occur at Jiffy Mart. If Jiffy Mart had used COGS to allocate costs, Fresh Snacks would have been allocated 25% of the indirect costs, much lower than the 62.7% of the indirect costs based on an analysis of the activities it actually uses. Soft Drinks would have been allocated 35% and Packaged Food 40% of the indirect costs, much higher than the 12.5% and 24.8% respectively based on the cost of activities they actually use. Other benefits cited by managers include: (1) better identification of resource needs, (2) clearer linking of costs with staff responsibilities, (3) better ability to manage costs by focusing on products that demand the most resources and (4) identification of budgetary slack. 6-15 6-31 (20–30 min.) Kaizen approach to activity-based budgeting (continuation of 6-30). 1. Activity Ordering Delivery Shelf-stocking Customer support a Cost Hierarchy Batch-level Batch-level Output-unit-level Output-unit-level Budgeted Cost-Driver Rates January February March a $45.00 $44.82000 $44.64072b 41.00 40.83600 40.67266 10.50 10.45800 10.41617 0.09 0.08964 0.08928 $45 × 0.996 = $44.82000; b$44.82000 × 0.996 = $44.64072 The March 2021 rates can be used to compute the total budgeted cost for each activity area in March 2021: Activity Ordering $44.64072 14; 24; 14 Delivery $40.67266 12; 62; 19 Shelf-stocking $10.41617 16; 172; 94 Customer support $0.08928 4,600; 34,200; 10,750 Total Cost Hierarchy Soft Drinks Fresh Produce Packaged Food Batch-level $ 625 $1,071 $ 625 $ 2,321 Batch-level 488 2,522 773 3,783 Output-unit-level 167 1,792 979 2,938 Output-unit-level 411 $1,691 3,053 $8,438 960 $3,337 4,424 $13,466 Total 2. A Kaizen budgeting approach signals management’s commitment to systematic cost reduction. Compare the budgeted costs from Question 6-30 and 6-31. ShelfCustomer Ordering Delivery Stocking Support Exercise 6-30 $2,340 $3,813 $2,961 $4,460 Exercise 6-31 (Kaizen) 2,321 3,783 2,938 4,424 The Kaizen budget number will show unfavorable variances for managers whose activities do not meet the required monthly cost reductions. This likely will put more pressure on managers to seek out cost reductions creatively by working “smarter” within Jiffy Mart or by having “better” interactions with suppliers or customers. One limitation of Kaizen budgeting, as illustrated in this question, is that it assumes small incremental improvements each month. It is possible that some cost improvements arise from large discontinuous changes in operating processes, supplier networks, or customer interactions. Companies need to highlight the importance of seeking these large discontinuous improvements as well as the small incremental improvements. A second limitation is the difficulty and challenge of determining the rate of improvement (0.4% in this example) and whether a constant percentage improvement can be sustained over a period of time. Jiffy’s managers might determine this rate of improvement by benchmarking against other companies or evaluating Jiffy’s performance over time. It might decrease the rate of improvement if it concludes that the rate of improvement is difficult to sustain and needs to be lowered. 6-16 6-32 (15 min.) Responsibility and controllability. 1. (a) Production manager (b) Purchasing Manager The purchasing manager has control of the cost to the extent that he/she is doing the purchasing and can seek or contract for the best price. The production manager is responsible for the cost because he or she is responsible for the output, quality, and cost of the product. He or she should work with the purchasing manager. Together, they can find a combination of better motor and better price for the motor than the production manager has found. 2. (a) Warehouse Manager (b) Warehouse Manager In the case of the increased utility costs, the warehouse manager would be responsible for the costs and also the ability to control costs. The company should look into installing thermostats in the warehouse with timers so that the air conditioning can start up before the workers arrive in the morning, but do not remain on all night and on weekends. 3. (a) Van 3 driver (b) Service manager and Van 3 driver The driver of each van has the responsibility to stay within budget for the costs of the service vehicle. The service manager can control costs by setting policies to which the drivers must adhere, including not using the van for personal use. The service manager could also install GPS in the vans to make sure drivers are where they are supposed to be, and can fire the driver of Van 3 for misusing company property. (Using the van for personal driving affects the tax deductibility of the van for the firm as well). 4. (a) Prestige’s service manager (b) Regency manager Because Regency has a maintenance contract with Prestige, both the mall manager (who can control costs) and Prestige’s service manager (who is responsible for the costs) should work together to make sure Regency schedules routine maintenance for the mall’s fountains. This will decrease the number and cost of repair emergencies. The manager should also consider the average cost of service calls over the months where there were no calls. 5. (a) Service manager (b) Sales manager and Service manager The service manager, who is responsible for service costs, should attempt to schedule service calls to the five clients at the same time to control transportation costs. The sales manager should have anticipated the additional cost of service calls before writing contracts with these five new clients. While it may not be possible to begin charging for travel time immediately due to service contracts, Prestige should consider adding a surcharge for traveling longer distances if it intends to expand the geographic scope of its business. 6-17 6. (a) Service manager (b) External forces and service manager Like the cost of utilities, external forces determine the cost of employee health insurance. However, unlike utilities, it is possible that the service manager can seek out bids from other providers or negotiate a better rate with the existing health insurance provider. The service manager may also choose to require employees to pay a greater share of the cost of the health insurance premium to offset, at least partially, the increase. 6-33 (15 min.) Responsibility, controllability, and stretch targets. 1. Each driver is responsible for controlling and keeping an accurate accounting of his or her time. Because the drivers are paid for mileage while driving and an hourly rate while in idle, there is an incentive to report less travel time and more idle time. The cost could be controlled by using global positioning systems (GPS) to track the movement and location of the motor coaches. 2. Each driver is responsible for adhering to company policy regarding meal stops. Because decreased customer satisfaction can be costly to the company in terms of lost repeat business, it is important that Bartlett review the policy with this driver. While it is not uncommon for motor coach drivers to receive free meals at restaurants in exchange for bringing customers, a sizeable kickback may be in direct conflict with the driver’s responsibility to Sunshine Tours to provide good customer service. Bartlett can control costs by making clear to that driver’s customers the policy that they may choose meal stops and follow up with him if that is not happening. 3. The maintenance technician is clearly responsible for completing all of the preventative maintenance and controlling costs. Requiring the technician to work significant overtime will likely decrease his efficiency. Ignoring routine maintenance will end up costing the company more money in fuel and repair costs. If the technician cannot complete the tasks during busy months, the company should consider outsourcing some of the more routine maintenance jobs or hiring additional help during those months. 4. Bartlett has designed the stretch target system correctly. Taking advantage of loss aversion, Bartlett has set a stretch target of 50 contracts rewarding the representative with a 12 percent commission (assuming paying this amount of commission is profitable). If the sales representative does not meet the target, the commission decreases to 8 percent. This will motivate the representatives to achieve 50 contracts. In establishing “stretch targets,” Bartlett should be sure that there are sufficient potential contracts to allow all three sales representatives to achieve the higher target. Otherwise, the stretch target may cause friction among the sales representatives. One or more of the sales representatives may decide that the 8 percent commission is not sufficient incentive to stay with the company, and may leave to work for a competitor, resulting in overall reduced sales. 6-18 5. The drivers are responsible for driving the motor coaches at fuel-efficient speeds on the highway. The maintenance technician is responsible for maintaining the vehicles to improve efficiency. An increase in fuel consumption would be difficult to pin on either employee because either could be responsible. However, the bonus offered to drivers would have to exceed the loss of pay due to driving slower, because Bartlett pays drivers by the mile, and the loss in personal comfort from sitting in a hot or cold bus may outweigh the bonus from fuel savings while the bus is idle. “Stretch targets” such as these are more challenging when employees from different departments must both work in order to achieve them but this may be necessary to get better fuel efficiency. For the reduced emissions target, Bartlett could consider rewarding just the technicians, as the maintenance they perform has a direct impact on emissions. 6-34 (15-20 min.) Cash budget in a trading firm 1. Prepare a cash budget for January, February, and March. Receipts Opening balance Cash sales (see Note 1) Insurance claim Total cash available Payments Cash purchases (see Note 2) Wages Overheads (less depreciation) Taxation Total payments Cash balance Cumulative cash balance January (£) 30,000 79,500 109,500 February (£) 24,000 77,250 101,250 March (£) 17,250 78,000 25,000 120,250 55,500 15,000 15,000 85,500 24,000 24,000 46,000 15,000 15,000 8,000 84,000 17,250 41,250 54,000 15,000 15,000 84,000 36,250 77,500 6-19 Note 1: Cash sales computation: November (15% x 80,000) December (25% x 90,000) January (60% x 75,000) December (15% x 90,000) January (25% x 75,000) February (60% x 75,000) January (15% x 75,000) February (25% x 75,000) March (60% x 80,000) Cash sales for January £ 12,000 22,500 45,000 79,500 Cash sales for February £ 13,000 18,750 45,000 77,250 Cash sales for March £ 11,250 18,750 48,000 78,000 Note 2: Computation of cash purchases: December (10% x 60,000) January (90% x 55,000) January (10% x 55,000) February (90% x 45,000) February (10% x 45,000) March (90% x 55,000) Cash payment for January £ 6,000 49,500 55,500 Cash payment for February £ 5,500 40,500 46,000 Cash payment for March £ 4,500 49,500 54,000 6-20 2. Comment on how management that ensure that the appropriate cash level is sustained. The management should review the credit policy of the business. For example, they could allow trade debtors to settle their account within two months of purchase by instalments of pay 70% in the month of purchase and 30% the following month. They could also negotiate to settle their credit purchases within three months perhaps in three instalments. This allows more cash to be available for the business. 3. Discuss the importance of cash budget to a business organization. Cash budget is one of the most important budgets prepared in an organization. It shows the effect of budgeted activities including capital investments on the cash flow of the organization. Cash budget is a continuous activity with budgets being rolled forward as time progresses. Cash budgets are prepared in order to ensure that there is sufficient cash in hand to cope adequately with budgeted activities. The cash budget may show that there is likely to be a deficiency of cash in some future period; in which case, overdrafts or loans will have to be arranged or activities reduced. The cash budget can also show that there is likely to be a cash surplus, in which case, appropriate investment for the surplus can be planned rather than merely leaving the cash idle in a current account. 6-35 (40 min.) Budget schedules for a manufacturer. 1a. Revenues Budget Units sold Selling price Budgeted revenues b. Olympique 130 A$229 A$29,770 Victoria Aces 190 A$296 A$56,240 Total A$86,010 Production Budget in Units Olympique Victoria Aces 130 190 22 27 Budgeted unit sales Add budgeted ending fin. goods (fg) inventory Total requirements Deduct beginning fin. goods inventory Budgeted production 152 12 140 6-21 217 17 200 c. Direct Materials Usage Budget (units) Olympique jerseys: 1. Budgeted input per fg. unit 2. Budgeted production 3. Budgeted usage (1 × 2) Victoria Aces jerseys: 4. Budgeted input per fg. unit 5. Budgeted production 6. Budgeted usage (4 × 5) 7. Total direct materials usage (3 + 6) Direct Materials (DM) Budget 8. Beginning inventory Red Blue Olympique logo patches Victoria Aces logo patches 4 140 560 – – – 1 140 140 – – – – – – 5 200 1,000 – – – 1 200 200 560 1,000 140 200 35 15 45 60 A$9 A$12 A$7 A$6 A$315 A$180 A$315 A$360 525 A$10 985 A$11 95 A$7 140 A$8 A$5,250 A$10,835 A$665 A$1,120 A$17,870 A$5,565 A$11,015 A$980 A$1,480 A$19,040 Total Cost 9. Unit price (FIFO) 10. Cost of DM used from beginning inventory (8 × 9) 11. Materials to be used from purchases (7 – 8) 12. Cost of DM in March 13. Cost of DM purchased and used in March (11 × 12) 14. Direct materials to be used (10 + 13) 6-22 A$1,170 Direct Materials Purchases Budget Red Budgeted usage (from line 7) Add target ending inventory Total requirements Deduct beginning inventory Total DM purchases Purchase price (March) Total purchases 560 25 585 35 550 A$ 10 A$5,500 Blue 1,000 25 1,025 15 1,010 A$ 11 A$11,110 Olympique logos 140 25 165 45 120 A$ 7 A$840 Direct Manufacturing Labor Budget Direct Budgeted Manuf. LaborUnits Hours per Total Produced Output Unit Hours Olympique jerseys 140 3 420 Victoria Aces jerseys 200 4 800 1,220 Victoria Aces logos 200 25 225 60 165 A$ 8 A$1,320 Total A$18,770 d. e. Hourly Rate A$27 A$27 Manufacturing Overhead Budget Variable manufacturing overhead costs (1,220 × $16) Fixed manufacturing overhead costs Total manufacturing overhead costs A$19,520 14,640 A$34,160 Total manuf. overhead cost per hour = A$34,160 ÷ 1,220 = A$28 per direct manufacturing labor-hour Fixed manuf. overhead cost per hour = A$ 14,640 ÷ 1,220 = A$12 per direct manufacturing labor-hour f. Total A$11,340 A$21,600 A$32,940 Computation of unit costs of ending inventory of finished goods Olympique Victoria Aces Jerseys Jerseys Direct materials Red fabric (A$10 × 4, 0) A$40 A$0 Blue fabric (A$11 × 0, 5) 0 55 Olympique logos (A$7 × 1, 0) 7 0 Victoria Aces logos (A$8 × 0, 1) 0 8 Direct manufacturing labor (A$27 × 3, 81 108 4) Manufacturing overhead Variable (A$16 × 3, 4) 48 64 6-23 Fixed (A$12 × 3, 4) Total manufacturing cost 36 A$212 48 A$283 Ending Inventories Budget Cost per Unit Direct Materials Red fabric Blue fabric Olympique logo patches Victoria Aces logo patches 25 25 25 25 A$ 250 275 175 200 900 212 283 22 27 4,664 7,641 12,305 A$13,205 Total 2. Total A$ 10 11 7 8 Finished Goods Olympique jerseys Victoria Aces jerseys g. Units Cost of goods sold budget Beginning fin. goods inventory, March 1, 2020 (A$1,440 + A$2,550) A$3,990 Direct materials used (from DM cost budget) A$19,040 Direct manufacturing labor (Dir. manuf. labor budget) 32,940 Manufacturing overhead (Manuf. overhead budget) 34,160 Cost of goods manufactured Cost of goods available for sale Deduct ending fin. goods inventory, March 31, 2020 (Inventories budget) 12,305 Cost of goods sold 86,140 90,130 A$77,825 Areas where continuous improvement might be incorporated into the budgeting process: (a) Direct materials. Either an improvement in usage or price could be budgeted. For example, the budgeted usage amounts for the fabric could be related to the maximum improvement (current usage – minimum possible usage) of yards of fabric for either blanket. It may also be feasible to decrease the price paid, particularly with quantity discounts on things like the logo patches. (b) Direct manufacturing labor. The budgeted usage of 3 hours/4 hours could be continuously revised on a monthly basis. Similarly, the manufacturing labor cost per hour of $27 could be continuously revised down. The former appears more feasible than the latter. (c) Variable manufacturing overhead. By budgeting more efficient use of the allocation base, a signal is given for continuous improvement. A second approach is to budget continuous improvement in the budgeted variable overhead cost per unit of the allocation base. 6-24 (d) Fixed manufacturing overhead. The approach here is to budget for reductions in the year-to-year amounts of fixed overhead. If these costs are appropriately classified as fixed, then they are more difficult to adjust down on a monthly basis. 6-36 1. (45 min.) Budgeted costs, Kaizen improvements. Increase in Costs for the Year Assume EverGreen uses New Dye Units to dye Cost differential ($1.50 – $0.75) per ounce × 4 ounces Increase in costs 60,000 × $3.00 $180,000 Because the fine is only $140,000, EverGreen would be financially better off by not switching. 2. If EverGreen switches to the new dye, costs will increase by $180,000. If EverGreen implements Kaizen budgeting, costs will be reduced as follows: Original monthly costs Input Fabric Labor Unit cost $9.00 $5.00 Number of units 6,250* 6,250* Total * (15,000 + 60,000)/12 months = 6,250 units Monthly decrease in costs Fabric Labor cost $56,250 Month 1 Month 1 55,688 Month 2 Month 2 55,131 Month 3 Month 3 54,580 Month 4 Month 4 54,034 Month 5 Month 5 53,494 Month 6 Month 6 52,959 Month 7 Month 7 52,429 Month 8 Month 8 51,905 Month 9 Month 9 51,386 Month 10 Month 10 50,872 Month 11 Month 11 50,363 Month 12 Month 12 $639,091 TOTAL Total cost $56,250 31,250 Annual cost $675,000 375,000 $87,500 $1,050,000 $31,250 30,938 30,629 30,323 30,020 29,720 29,423 29,129 28,838 28,550 28,265 27,982 $355,067 6-25 $994,158 Difference between costs with and without Kaizen improvements ($1,050,000 – $994,158) $ 55,842 This means costs increase a net amount of $180,000 – 55,842 = $124,158. 3. Reduction in materials can be accomplished by reducing waste and scrap. Reduction in direct labor can be accomplished by improving the efficiency of operations and decreasing down time. Employees who make and dye the T-shirts may have suggestions for ways to do their jobs more efficiently. For instance, employees may recommend process changes that reduce idle time, setup time, and scrap. To motivate workers to improve efficiency, many companies have set up programs that share productivity gains with the workers. EverGreen must be careful that productivity improvements and cost reductions do not in any way compromise product quality. 6-37 (10-15 min). Budgeted operating in a multiple product environment. 1. John Dawling Brothers Revenues Budget for 2021 Tablefrig Tablefrez Budgeted revenues Units 40,000 80,000 Price $75 90 Total $3,000,000 7,200,000 $10,200,000 John Dawling Brothers Budgeted Operating Income for 2021 Sales revenue Deduct variable costs: Direct materials Direct labor Variable overheads Contribution Deduct fixed costs Operating income Tablefrig 3,000,000 816,000 840,000 420,000 2,076,000 924,000 Tablefrez 7,200,000 1,584,000 3,360,000 1,680,000 John Dawling Brothers 6-26 6,624,000 576,000 Total 10,200,000 8,700,000 1,500,000 800,000 $ 700,000 2. Revenues Budget for 2022 Units 32,000 80,000 15,000 Tablefrig Tablefrez Tablefrig II Budgeted revenues Price $75 90 115 Total $2,400,000 7,200,000 1,725,000 $11,325,000 John Dawling Brothers Budgeted Operating Income for 2022 Tablefrig Sales revenue Deduct variable costs Direct materials Direct labor Variable overheads Contribution Deduct fixed costs Operating income Tablefrig II 2,400,000 816,000 840,000 420,000 Tablefrez 1,725,000 375,000 690,000 345,000 2,076,000 324,000 1,410,000 315,000 1,584,000 3,360,000 1,680,000 Total 7,200,000 11,325,000 6,624,000 576,000 10,110,000 1,215,000 1,000,000 $ 215,000 3. Operating income budget is used to estimate the operating income achievable from a project or the whole of the organization. In the case of the John Dawling Brothers Ltd, the introduction of new product lines- Tablefrig II, requires that the operating income is achieved in order to sustain the production of the product. Operating income budget therefore helps organizations to focus on their high-income generating products and to review the production of products with low profit margins. 6-38 (30 min.) Budgeted income statement. 1. Spin Cycle Company Budgeted Income Statement for 2021 (in thousands) Revenues Equipment ($12,000 × 1.10 × 1.15) Maintenance contracts ($4,000 × 1.10) Total revenues Cost of goods sold ($10,000 × 1.10 × 1.08) Gross margin Operating costs: Marketing costs ($800 + $200) Distribution costs ($200 × 1.10) Customer maintenance costs ($300 + $60) Administration costs Total operating costs Operating income 6-27 $15,180 4,400 $19,580 11,880 7,700 1,000 220 360 900 2,480 $ 5,220 2. The budget aligns with Spin Cycle’s key strategy of customer satisfaction through maintaining exercise cycles by hiring maintenance technicians and increasing costs of customer maintenance by 20% ($60,000 ÷ $300,000) more than the 10% forecasted increase in sales. 3. Preparing a budget helps Spin Cycle manage costs based on revenues and production needs, look for opportunities to increase efficiencies, reduce costs, particularly in areas where costs are high, coordinate and communicate across different parts of the organization, create a framework for judging performance and facilitating learning, and motivate managers and employees to achieve “stretch” targets of higher revenues and lower costs. 6-39 (15 min.) Responsibility of purchasing agent. The procurement of meat patties and cheese slices is usually the responsibility of the purchasing agent, though the costs of these items are not under his control. It is usually controllable by the Central Warehouse. However, in this scenario, Kelly, the cook, has taken the responsibility for the cost of the meat to be used in meat patties and cheese slices from the local market by making a purchasing decision. As Christa holds the purchasing agent responsible for the costs of meat and cheese, and presuming that Kelly knew this, Kelly should have discussed her decision with the purchasing agent before sending the kitchen helper to the local market. In any case, Christa should not be angry because her employees acted to satisfy the customers on a short-term emergency basis. Assuming that the Central Warehouse does not consistently have problems with their freezer, there is no way the purchasing agent could foresee the incident beforehand and plan accordingly. The problem only lasted four days, which, in the course of the year (or even the month) will not seriously harm the profits of a restaurant that sells a variety of foods along with the cheeseburger. However, if they had not cooked the cheeseburger with local ingredients when they went out of meat patties and cheese slices for four days, there could have been a long-term implications on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, and in the long run this could harm profits as customers could have found other restaurants to frequent for lunch. 6-28 6-40 *Correction to the question* Product Akra Omra Okore Quantity 4,000 8,000 6,000 Price (€) 60 70 80 (30-35 mins.) Operating budget and absorption of overhead. 1. a. Sales budget: Product Quantity Selling price $ Akra 4000 60 Omra 8000 70 Okore 6000 80 TOTAL Sales amount $ 240,000 560,000 480,000 1,280,000 b. Production budget: Product Akra Omra Okore TOTAL Production (units) 4,100 8,300 6,200 18,600 Sales budget 4000 8000 6000 c. Material usage budget: Product Red Akra 20,500 Omra 33,200 Okore 18,600 TOTAL 72,300 d. Material purchase budget: Product Red Purchases (Qty) 64,300 Cost price per unit ($) 2 Purchase ($) 128,600 TOTAL Inventory increase 100 300 200 Blue 12,300 33,200 12,400 57,900 Black 4,100 16,600 6,200 26,900 Ox Blood 8,200 24,900 31,000 64,100 Blue 53,900 3 161,700 Black 24,900 4 99,600 Ox Blood 58,100 5 290,500 $680,400 6-29 e. Direct labor usage budget: Product Production budget Akra 4,100 Omra 8,300 Okore 6,200 TOTAL Budgeted labor: Rate per hour Total direct labor costs TOTAL a = 4,100 x 3 hrs, b = 8,300 x 4 hrs, c = 6,200 x 5 hrs d = 4,100 x 1.5 hrs, e = 8,300 x 2 hrs, f = 6,200 x 2.5 hrs. Assemblers 12,300a 33,200b 31,000c 76,500 Crafters 6,150d 16,600e 15,500f 38,250 $0.50 38,250 $0.60 22,950 $61,200 2. Prepare the statement showing the valuation of finished inventory at the end of the period. Product Quantity Unit Cost Inventory Value ($) (Unit) ($) Akra 1,100 39 42,900 Omra 3,300 51 168,300 Okore 2,200 51 112,200 TOTAL 323,400 3. Prepare a budget for the operating income for the period showing the amount of profit contributed by each product. Sales units Selling price per unit ($) Revenue Product costs: Materials Labor Production Overhead Selling & Distribution Operating income ($) Products a = Akra b = Omra c = Okore TOTAL Akra 4,000 60 Omra 8,000 70 Okore 6,000 80 Total 240,000 560,000 480,000 1,280,000 132,000 9,600 12,445a 30,090 55,865 344,000 25,600 33,590b 70,220 86,590 246,000 24,000 31,365c 60,190 118,445 722,000 59,200 77,400 160,500 260,900 Hours 18,450 49,800 46,500 114,750 Costs ($) 12,445 33,590 31,365 77,400 6-30 Material Cost per unit: Akra = 5 x $2 + 3 x $3 + 1 x $4 +2 x $5 = $33 Omra = 4 x $2 + 4 x $3 + 2 x $4 + 3 x $5 = $43 Okore = 3 x $2 + 2 x $3 + 1 x $4 + 5 x $5 = $41 Labor Cost per unit: Akra = 3 x $0.50 + 1.5 x $0.60 = $2.40 Omra = 4 x +$0.50 + 2 x $0.60 = $3.20 Okore = 5 x $0.50 +2.5 x $0.60 = $4.00 4. Comment on the usefulness of the above operating budgets to management. Operating budgets such as production budget, material usage budget, material purchase budget, and direct labor usage budget are used by management to coordinate the operations of the organization. Each budget is prepared to shadow the operations of the other. For example, the production budget is prepared based on the sales unit requirement of the business, and the purchases budget is based on the requirement of the raw materials required by the production. Properly planned and administered budgeting process ensure smooth control of the current operations of the business. 6-31 6-41 (25 min.) Cash budget (Continuation of 6-40) (Appendix) Cash Budget April 30 Cash balance, April 1 Add receipts Cash sales ($178,400 × 10%) Credit card sales ($178,400 × 90% × 98%) Total cash available for needs (x) Deduct cash disbursements Direct materials ($8,000 + $20,024 × 50%) Direct manufacturing labor Manufacturing overhead ($109,832 ─ $25,000 depreciation) Nonmanufacturing salaries Sales commissions Other operating fixed costs ($16,000 ─ $10,000 depreciation) Machinery purchase Income taxes Total disbursements (y) Financing Repayment of loan 1 Interest at 12% ($2,000 12% ) 12 Total effects of financing (z) Ending cash balance, April 30 (x) ─ (y) ─ (z) $ 5,900 17,840 157,349 $181,089 $ 18,012 27,300 84,832 16,800 1,784 6,000 13,000 5,000 $172,728 $ 2,000 20 $ $ 2,020 6,341 Note: The solution assumes that the loan is repaid. Some students may point out that the cash balance at the end of April after the loan is paid is anticipated to be $6,341, which is less than $7,000 and so Animal Gear would not repay the loan. Under this assumption, the $2,000 repayment would not be shown. Our assumption is that Animal Gear has $8,361 ($181,089 −$172,728) at the end of April before the loan is paid which is more than $7,000 and so the loan will be repaid. 2. Animal Gear’s managers prepare a cash budget in addition to the operating income budget to plan cash flows to ensure that the company has adequate cash to pay vendors, meet payroll, and pay operating expenses as these payments come due. Animal Gear could be very profitable on an accrual accounting basis, but the pattern of cash receipts from revenues might be delayed and result in insufficient cash being available to make scheduled payments for its expenses. Animal Gear’s managers may then need to initiate a plan to borrow money to finance any shortfall. Building a profitable operating plan does not guarantee that adequate cash will be available, so Animal Gear’s managers need to prepare a cash budget in addition to an operating income budget. 6-32 6-42 1. (60 min.) Comprehensive operating budget, budgeted balance sheet. Schedule 1: Revenues Budget for January 2021 Snowboards 2. Units Selling Price 2,900 $650 Total Revenues $1,885,000 Schedule 2: Production Budget (in Units) for January 2021 Snowboards 2,900 200 3,100 500 2,600 Budgeted unit sales (Schedule 1) Add target ending finished goods inventory Total requirements Deduct beginning finished goods inventory Units to be produced 3. Schedule 3A: Direct Materials Usage Budget for January 2021 Wood Fiberglass Total Physical Units Budget Wood: 2,600 × 9 b.f. Fiberglass: 2,600 × 10 yards To be used in production Cost Budget Available from beginning inventory Wood: 2,040 b.f. × $32.00 Fiberglass: 1,040 b.f. × $8.00 To be used from purchases this period Wood: (23,400 – 2,040) × $34.00 Fiberglass: (26,000 – 1,040) × $9.00 Total cost of direct materials to be used 23,400 _______ 23,400 26,000 26,000 $ 65,280 $ 726,240 _______ $791,520 8,320 224,640 $232,960 $1,024,480 Schedule 3B: Direct Materials Purchases Budget for January 2021 Wood Physical Units Budget Production usage (from Schedule 3A) Add target ending inventory Total requirements Deduct beginning inventory Purchases Cost Budget Wood: 22,900 × $34.00 Fiberglass: 27,000 × $9.00 Purchases Fiberglass 23,400 1,540 24,940 2,040 22,900 26,000 2,040 28,040 1,040 27,000 $778,600 ________ $778,600 $243,000 $243,000 6-33 Total $1,021,600 4. Schedule 4: Direct Manufacturing Labor Budget for January 2021 Labor Category Manufacturing labor 5. Cost Driver Units 2,600 DML Hours per Driver Unit 5.00 Total Hours 13,000 Wage Rate $29.00 Total $377,000 Schedule 5: Manufacturing Overhead Budget for January 2021 At Budgeted Level of 13,000 Direct Manufacturing Labor-Hours Variable manufacturing overhead costs ($7.00 × 13,000) Fixed manufacturing overhead costs Total manufacturing overhead costs 6. 7. 8. $172,000 = $13.23 per hour 13,000 $172,000 Budgeted manufacturing overhead cost per output unit: = $66.15 per output unit 2,600 Schedule 6A: Computation of Unit Costs of Manufacturing Finished Goods in January 2021 Budgeted manufacturing overhead rate: Direct materials Wood Fiberglass Direct manufacturing labor Total manufacturing overhead a $ 91,000 81,000 $172,000 Cost per Unit of Inputa Inputsb $34.00 9.00 29.00 9.00 10.00 5.00 Total $306.00 90.00 145.00 66.15 $607.15 Cost is per board foot, yard, or per hour Inputs is the amount of each input per board b 9. Schedule 6B: Ending Inventories Budget, January 31, 2021 Direct materials Wood Fiberglass Finished goods Snowboards Total Ending Inventory Units Cost per Unit Total 1,540 2,040 $ 34.00 9.00 $ 52,360 18,360 200 607.15 121,430 $192,150 6-34 10. Schedule 7: Cost of Goods Sold Budget for January 2021 From Schedule Beginning finished goods inventory January 1, 2021, $374.80 × 500 Given Direct materials used 3A $1,024,480 Direct manufacturing labor 4 377,000 Manufacturing overhead 5 172,000 Cost of goods manufactured Cost of goods available for sale Deduct ending finished goods inventory, January 31, 2021 6B Cost of goods sold 11. Budgeted Income Statement for Skulas for January 2021 Revenues Schedule 1 Cost of goods sold Schedule 7 Gross margin Operating costs Variable marketing costs ($250 × 38) $ 9,500 Fixed nonmanufacturing costs 35,000 Operating income Total $ 187,400 1,573,480 1,760,880 121,430 $1,639,450 $1,885,000 1,639,450 245,550 44,500 $ 201,050 12. The CEO would want to probe if the revenue budget is sufficiently stretched. Is the revenue growing faster than the market? Should the company increase marketing and advertising spending to grow sales? Would increasing the sales force or giving salespersons stronger incentives result in higher sales? The CEO would want to ask the production manager if production could be more closely tailored to demand? Could the efficiency and productivity of direct materials and direct manufacturing labor be increased? Could direct materials inventory be reduced? The CEO should set stretch targets that are challenging but achievable because creating some performance anxiety motivates employees to exert extra effort and attain better performance. A major rationale for stretch targets is the psychological motivation that comes from loss aversion—people feel the pain of loss more than the joy of success. Setting challenging targets motivates employees to reach these targets because failing to achieve a target is seen as failing. At no point should the pressure for performance push employees to engage in illegal or unethical practices. So, while setting stretch targets, the CEO must place great emphasis on adhering to codes of conduct and following appropriate norms and values. The CEO should also not set targets that are very difficult or impossible to achieve. Such targets demotivate employees because they give up on trying to achieve them. 13. Preparing a budget helps Skulas manage costs based on revenues and production needs, look for opportunities to increase efficiencies, reduce costs, particularly in areas where costs are high, coordinate and communicate across different parts of the organization, create a framework for judging performance and facilitating learning, and motivate management and employees to achieve “stretch” targets of higher revenues and lower costs. 6-35 6-43 (30 min.) Cash budgeting, chapter appendix. 1. Cash Collections from Receivables From sales in: December (60% $1,650,000) January (40% $1,885,000) Total $ 990,000 754,000 $1,744,000 Cash Disbursements for Material Purchases For purchases in: December (50% × $820,000) January (50% × $1,021,600a) Total a6-42, $410,000 510,800 $920,800 Schedule 3B Cash Disbursements for Fixed Overhead Costs Fixed manufacturing overhead ($81,000b – $64,000) Fixed nonmanufacturing overhead ($35,000c – $10,000) Total b6-42, c6-42, $17,000 25,000 $42,000 Schedule 5 Budgeted Income Statement Cash Budget for January 2021 Beginning cash balance $ 124,000 Add receipts: Collection of receivables Total cash available 1,744,000 $1,868,000 Deduct disbursements: Material purchases Direct manufacturing labor Variable manufacturing overhead Fixed manufacturing overhead Variable marketing costs Fixed operating (nonmanufacturing) costs Cash dividends Total disbursements Ending cash balance $ 920,800 377,000 91,000 17,000 9,500 25,000 160,000 1,600,300 $ 267,700 6-36 2. Yes. Skulas has a budgeted cash balance of $267,700 on January 31, 2021, after paying the dividend of $160,000 at the end of January. 3. Skulas’ managers prepare a cash budget in addition to the operating income budget to plan cash flows to ensure that the company has adequate cash to pay vendors, meet payroll, and pay operating expenses as these payments come due. Skulas could be very profitable on an accrual accounting basis, but the pattern of cash receipts from revenues might be delayed and result in insufficient cash being available to make scheduled payments for its expenses. Skulas’ managers may then need to initiate a plan to borrow money to finance any shortfall. Building a profitable operating plan does not guarantee that adequate cash will be available, so Skulas’ managers need to prepare a cash budget in addition to an operating income budget. 4. Budgeted Balance Sheet for Skulas as of January 31, 2021 Cash $ 267,700 Accounts receivable (60% × $1,885,000) 1,131,000 Inventory Schedule 6B 192,150 Property, plant, and equipment (net) 1,175,600 Total assets $2,766,450 Accounts Payable (50% × $1,021,600a) Long-term liabilities Stockholders’ equity Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity a6-42, Schedule 3B 6-37 $ 510,800 182,000 2,073,650 $2,766,450 6-44 (60 min.) Comprehensive problem; ABC manufacturing, two products. 1. Revenues Budget For the Year Ending December 31, 2021 Swing Sets Play Forts Total Units 980 1480 Selling Price Total Revenues $1,000 $ 980,000 $1,200 1,776,000 $2,756,000 2a. Total budgeted marketing costs = Budgeted variable marketing costs + Budgeted fixed marketing costs = $82,680 + $192,920 = $275,600 Marketing allocation rate = $275,600 ÷ $2,756,000 = $0.10 per sales dollar 2b. Total budgeted distribution costs = Budgeted variable distribn. costs + Budgeted fixed distribn. costs = $0 + $295,500 = $295,500 Swing Sets: Play Forts: Total 980 units ÷ 10 units per delivery 1,480 units ÷ 5 units per delivery 98 deliveries 296 deliveries 394deliveries Delivery allocation rate = $295,500 ÷ 394 deliveries = $750 per delivery 3. Production Budget (in Units) For the Year Ending December 31, 2021 Product Swing Sets Play Forts Budgeted unit sales 980 1,480 Add target ending finished goods inventory 100 120 Total required units 1,080 1,600 Deduct beginning finished goods inventory 80 100 Units of finished goods to be produced 1,000 1,500 6-38 4a. Machine setup overhead Units to be produced Units per batch Number of setups Hours to setup per batch Total setup hours Swing Sets Play Forts Total 1,000 ÷20 50 ×2 100 1,500 ÷10 150 ×1 150 250 Total budgeted setup costs = Budgeted variable setup costs + Budgeted fixed setup costs = $2,600 + $4,900 = $7,500 Machine setup = $7,500 ÷ 250 setup hours = $30 per setup hour allocation rate b. Swing Sets: Play Forts: Total 1,000 units × 2 MH per unit 1,500 units × 5 MH per unit 2,000 MH 7,500 MH 9,500 MH Total budgeted processing costs = Budgeted variable processing costs + Budgeted fixed processing costs = $180,000 + $200,000 = $380,000 Processing allocation rate = $380,000 ÷ 9,500 MH = $40 per MH c. Total budgeted inspection costs = Budgeted variable inspection costs + Budgeted fixed inspection costs = $10,000 + $5,000 = $15,000 Inspection allocation rate = $15,000 ÷ 2,500 units = $6 per unit 6-39 5. Direct Material Usage Budget in Quantity and Dollars For the Year Ending December 31, 2021 Material Wood Physical Units Budget Direct materials required for Swing Sets (1,000 units × 120 b.f. and 40 ft.) Play Forts (1,500 units × 200 b.f. and 0 ft.) Total quantity of direct materials to be used Chain 120,000 b.f. 300,000 b.f. 420,000 b.f. Cost Budget Available from beginning direct materials inventory (under a FIFO cost-flow assumption) To be purchased this period Wood: (420,000 b.f. – 20,000 b.f.) × $2 per b.f. Chain: (40,000 ft. – 2,000) × $5 per ft. Direct materials to be used this period Total 40,000 ft. 0 ft. 40,000 ft. $ 38,500 $ 9,000 800,000 _ ______ $838,500 190,000 $199,000 $1,037,500 Direct Materials Purchases Budget For the Year Ending December 31, 2021 Wood Physical Units Budget To be used in production (requirement 5) Add: Target ending direct material inventory Total requirements Deduct: Beginning direct material inventory Purchases to be made Material Chain 420,000 b.f. 18,000 b.f. 438,000 b.f. 20,000 b.f. 418,000 b.f. Cost Budget Wood: 418,000 b.f. $2 per b.f. Chain : 39,800 ft. $5 per ft. Purchases $836,000 __ _____ $836,000 Total 40,000 ft. 1,800 ft. 41,800 ft. 2,000 ft. 39,800 ft. $199,000 $199,000 $1,035,000 6. Total budgeted matls. handlg. cost = Budgeted variable matls. handlg. cost + Budgeted fixed matls. handlg. cost = $13,600 + $20,000 = $33,600 Materials handling = $33,600 ÷ 420,000 b.f. = $0.08 per b.f. of Wood allocation rate 6-40 7. Direct Manufacturing Labor Costs Budget For the Year Ending December 31, 2021 Output Units Produced 1,000 1,500 Swing Sets Play Forts Total Direct Manufacturing Labor-Hours per Unit 12 15 Total Hourly Wage Total Hours Rate 12,000 $20 $240,000 22,500 20 450,000 $690,000 8. Manufacturing Overhead Cost Budget For the Year Ending December 31, 2021 Materials handling Machine setup Processing Inspection Total Variable $ 13,600 2,600 180,000 10,000 $206,200 Fixed $ 20,000 4,900 200,000 5,000 $229,900 Total $ 33,600 7,500 380,000 15,000 $436,100 9. Unit Costs of Ending Finished Goods Inventory For the Year Ending December 31, 2021 Wood Chain Direct manufacturing labor Materials handling Machine setup Processing Inspection Totals Cost per Unit of Input $2.00 5.00 20.00 0.08 30.00 40.00 6.00 Swing Sets Input per Unit of Output Total 120 b.f. $240.00 40 ft. 200.00 12 hrs. 240.00 120 b.f. 9.60 0.10 hrs.a 3.00 2 MH 80.00 1 unit 6.00 $778.60 a Play Forts Input per Unit of Output Total 200 b.f. $400.00 ─ ─ 15 hrs. 300.00 200 b.f. 16.00 0.10 hrsa 3.00 5 MH 200.00 1 unit 6.00 $925.00 100 setup-hours ÷ 1,000 units = 0.10 hours per unit; 150 setup hours ÷ 1,500 units = 0.10 hours per unit 6-41 Ending Inventories Budget December 31, 2021 Direct Materials Wood Chain Finished goods Swing Sets Play Forts Total ending inventory Quantity Cost per unit 18,000 b.f. 1,800 ft. $2.00 5.00 $ 36,000 9,000 $778.60 925.00 $ 77,860 111,000 100 120 Total $ 45,000 188,860 $233,860 10. Cost of Goods Sold Budget For the Year Ending December 31, 2021 Beginning finished goods inventory, Jan. 1 ($61,000 + $90,000) Direct materials used (requirement 5) $1,037,500 Direct manufacturing labor (requirement 7) 690,000 Manufacturing overhead (requirement 8) 436,100 Cost of goods manufactured Cost of goods available for sale Deduct: Ending finished goods inventory, December 31 (requirement 9) Cost of goods sold 11. Nonmanufacturing Costs Budget For the Year Ending December 31, 2021 Marketing Distribution Total Variable $82,680 0 $82,680 Fixed $192,920 295,500 $488,420 12. Budgeted Income Statement For the Year Ending December 31, 2021 Revenue $2,756,000 Cost of goods sold 2,125,740 Gross margin 630,260 Operating (nonmanufacturing) costs 571,100 Operating income $ 59,160 6-42 Total $275,600 295,500 $571,100 $ 151,000 2,163,600 2,314,600 188,860 $2,125,740 13. Preparing a budget helps Butler manage costs based on revenues and production needs, look for opportunities to increase efficiencies, reduce costs, particularly in areas where costs are high, coordinate and communicate across different parts of the organization, create a framework for judging performance and facilitating learning, and motivate management and employees to achieve “stretch” targets of higher revenues and lower costs. 6-45 Cash budget (Continuation of 6-44) Cash Budget for 2021 Beginning cash balance Add receipts: Collections from customersa Total cash available Deduct disbursements: Material purchasesb Direct manufacturing labor Variable manufacturing overhead Fixed manufacturing overheadc Variable marketing costs Fixed marketing costsd Equipment purchase Total disbursements Excess or (deficiency) of cash Need to borrow Ending cash balance $ 40,000 2,758,000 $2,798,000 $1,030,000 690,000 206,200 114,950 82,860 77,168 610,000 2,811,178 (13,178) 39,000 $ 25,822 a$170,000 beg. accounts receivable + $2,756,000 sales in 2021 - $168,000 ending accounts receivable = $2,758,000 disbursed b$85,000 beg. accounts payable + $1,035,000 direct material purchases - $90,000 ending accounts payable = $1,030,000 disbursed c$229,900 fixed manufacturing overhead – (50% × $229,900) depreciation = $114,950 disbursed d$192,920 fixed marketing overhead – (60% × $192,620) depreciation = $77,168 disbursed 2. The cash budget for 2021 does not show when during the year the equipment will be purchased. As a result, Butler’s managers do not know when to plan to borrow the $39,000 to achieve the minimum ending cash balance at the end of the year. It could be improved by preparing a cash budget for each month of the year. The problem did not present the data in such a way to make that possible here, but an actual company would have sufficient information. 3. Butler’s managers prepare a cash budget in addition to the operating income budget to plan cash flows to ensure that the company has adequate cash to pay vendors, meet payroll, and pay operating expenses as these payments come due. Butler could be very profitable on an accrual accounting basis, but the pattern of cash receipts from revenues might be delayed and result in insufficient cash being available to make scheduled payments for its expenses. Butler’s managers may then need to initiate a plan to borrow money to finance any shortfall. Building a profitable operating plan does not guarantee that adequate cash will be available, so Butler’s managers need to prepare a cash budget in addition to an operating income budget. 6-43 6-46 (15 min.) Budgeting and ethics. 1. The standards proposed by Kurt are not challenging. In fact, he set the target at the level his department currently achieves. Direct materials: 7.9 lbs. × 100 units = 790 lbs. Direct manufacturing labor: 29 min. × 100 units = 2,900 min ÷ 60 = 48.33 hrs. Machine time: 23.6 min. × 100 units = 2,360 min. ÷ 60 = 39.33 hrs. approx 2. Kurt probably chose these standards so that his department would be able to make the goal and receive any resulting reward. With a little effort, his department can likely beat these goals. 3. Top management should point out that the targets set by Kurt are targets that the department already achieves. Top management is seeking targets that are slightly difficult to achieve, a stretch target that would challenge workers. As discussed in the chapter, benchmarking might also be used to highlight the easy targets set by Kurt and to determine more challenging targets. Perhaps the organization has multiple plant locations that could be used as comparisons. Alternatively, management could use industry averages. Also, management should work with Kurt to better understand his department and encourage him to set more realistic targets. Finally, the reward structure should be designed to encourage increasing productivity, not beating the budget. Management could also set continuous improvement standards. 6-47 (30 min.) Kaizen budgeting for carbon emissions. 1. Yes, the company would achieve its goal. Total carbon emissions for 2022 are calculated in the following table. Each quarter’s emissions are 98% of the previous quarter’s emissions since Angler reduces emissions by 2% each quarter. Total emissions in 2022 would be 129,132 + 126,549 + 124,018 + 121,538 = 501,237 metric tons, which is below the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) guideline of 505,000 metric tons for 2022. Quarter 2021 Q1 2021 Q2 2021 Q3 2022 Q4 2022 Q1 2022 Q2 2022 Q3 2022 Q4 a Quarterly Emissions 140,000 metric tons 137,200a metric tons 134,456b metric tons 131,767 metric tons 129,132 metric tons 126,549 metric tons 124,018 metric tons 121,538 metric tons 137,200 = 140,000 × 0.98; b134,456 = 137,200 × 0.98 6-44 2. Angler’s emissions are below the EPA guideline of 505,000 metric tons. Consequently the EPA will not assess Angler a fine of $800,000. Current annual emissions Emissions in 2022 Reduction in emissions 560,000 metric tons 501,237 metric tons 58,763 metric tons Fine avoided Cost at $14 per metric ton reduction, 58,763 × $14 Net benefit (cost) of plan $800,000 822,682 $ (22,682) 3. While this plan would cost Angler marginally by $22,682, avoidance of the EPA fine should not be the company’s sole motivation in carrying out this plan. Reducing carbon emissions is good for the environment, and will contribute to a smaller impact on climate change. Research has shown that good environmental and sustainability practices has positive effects on investors, consumers, and employees. Angler may also be able to share this plan with the general population and gain favorable publicity. Environmentally responsible companies also build the capacity to be more innovative across other areas of their business, improve efficiency and reduce costs. Angler may want to continue to reduce carbon emissions if they have the technology to do so. 6-48 (60 min.) Comprehensive budgeting problem; activity-based costing, operating and financial budgets. 1a. Revenues Budget For the Month of June, 2021 Regular Deluxe Total Units Selling Price Total Revenues 2,000 $120 $240,000 3,000 195 585,000 $825,000 6-45 b. Production Budget For the Month of June, 2021 Budgeted unit sales Add: target ending finished goods inventory Total required units Deduct: beginning finished goods inventory Units of finished goods to be produced Product Regular Deluxe 2,000 3,000 400 600 2,400 3,600 250 650 2,150 2,950 c. Direct Material Usage Budget in Quantity and Dollars For the Month of June, 2021 Material Cloth Wood Physical Units Budget Direct materials required for Regular (2,150 units × 1.3 yd.; 0 b.f.) Deluxe (2,950 units × 1.5 yds.; 2 b.f.) Total quantity of direct materials to be used Total 2,795 yds. 0 b.f. 4,425 yds. 5,900 b.f. 7,220 yds. 5,900 b.f. Cost Budget Available from beginning direct materials inventory (under a FIFO cost-flow assumption) To be purchased this period Cloth: (7,220 yd. – 610 yd.) × $5.25 per yd. Wood: (5,900 – 800) × $7.50 per b. f. Direct materials to be used this period 6-46 $ 3,219 $ 6,060 34,703 $37,922 38,250 $44,310 $82,232 Direct Materials Purchases Budget For the Month of June, 2021 Material Cloth Wood Physical Units Budget To be used in production Add: Target ending direct material inventory Total requirements Deduct: beginning direct material inventory Purchases to be made Cost Budget Cloth: (6,996 yds. × $5.25 per yd.) Wood: (5,395 ft × $7.50 per b.f.) Total 7,220 yds. 386 yds. 7,606 yds. 610 yds. 6,996 yds. $36,729 ______ $36,729 Total 5,900 ft 295 ft 6,195 ft 800 ft 5,395 ft $40,463 $40,463 $77,192 d. Direct Manufacturing Labor Costs Budget For the Month of June, 2021 Regular Deluxe Total Output Units Produced 2,150 2,950 Direct Manufacturing Labor-Hours per Unit 5 7 Total Hourly Wage Hours Rate 10,750 $15 20,650 15 31,400 Total $161,250 309,750 $471,000 e. Manufacturing Overhead Costs Budget For the Month of June 2021 Total Machine setup (Regular, 43 batchesa × 2 hrs./batch + Deluxe, 59 batchesb × 3 hrs./batch) $18/hour Processing (31,400 DMLH $1.80) Inspection [(2,150 + 2,950) pairs $1.35 per pair] Total aRegular: 2,150 pairs ÷ 50 pairs per batch = 43; bDeluxe: 2,950 pairs ÷ 50 pairs per batch = 59 6-47 $ 4,734 56,520 6,885 $68,139 f. Cloth Wood Direct manufacturing labor Machine setup Processing Inspection Total a b Unit Costs of Ending Finished Goods Inventory For the Month of June, 2021 Regular Deluxe Cost per Input per Input per Unit of Input Unit of Output Total Unit of Output Total $ 5.25 1.3 yd $ 6.83 1.5 yd $ 7.88 7.50 0 b.f. 0.00 2 b.f. 15.00 15.00 5 hr. 75.00 7 hrs. 105.00 18.00 0.04 hra 0.72 0.06 hrb 1.08 1.80 5 hrs 9.00 7 hrs 12.60 1.35 1 pair 1.35 1 pair 1.35 $92.90 $142.91 2 hours per setup ÷ 50 pairs per batch = 0.04 hr. per unit 3 hours per setup ÷ 50 pairs per batch = 0.06 hr. per unit Ending Inventories Budget June, 2021 Direct Materials Cloth Wood Finished goods Regular Deluxe Total ending inventory Quantity Cost per unit 386 yards 295 b.f. $5.25 7.50 $2,026.50 2,212.50 $ 92.90 142.91 $37,160 85,746 400 600 Total $ 4,239 122,906 $127,145 g. Cost of Goods Sold Budget For the Month of June, 2021 Beginning finished goods inventory, June 1 ($23,250 + $92,625) Direct materials used (requirement c) Direct manufacturing labor (requirement d) Manufacturing overhead (requirement e) Cost of goods manufactured Cost of goods available for sale Deduct ending finished goods inventory, June 30 (requirement f) Cost of goods sold 6-48 $115,875 $ 82,232 471,000 68,139 621,371 737,246 122,906 $614,340 h. Nonmanufacturing Costs Budget For the Month of June, 2021 Total Marketing and general administration 8% × $825,000 Shipping (5,000 pairs ÷ 40 pairs per shipment) × $15 Total $66,000 1,875 $67,875 2. Cash Budget June 30, 2021 Cash balance, June 1 (from Balance Sheet) Add receipts Collections from May accounts receivable Collections from June accounts receivable ($825,000 60%) Total collection from customers Total cash available for needs (x) Deduct cash disbursements Direct material purchases in May Direct material purchases in June ($77,192 80%) Direct manufacturing labor Manufacturing overhead ($68,139 70% because 30% is depreciation) Nonmanufacturing costs ($67,875 90% because 10% is depreciation) Taxes Dividends Total disbursements (y) Financing Interest at 6% ($150,000 6% 1 ÷ 12) (z) Ending cash balance, June 30 (x) – (y) – (z) 6-49 $ 9,435 307,800 495,000 802,800 $812,235 $ 15,600 61,754 471,000 47,697 61,088 10,800 15,000 $682,939 $ 750 $128,546 3. Budgeted Income Statement For the Month of June, 2021 Revenues Cost of goods sold Gross margin Operating (nonmanufacturing) costs Bad debt expense (2% × $825,000) Interest expense (for June) Operating income Income tax expense Net income $825,000 614,340 210,660 $67,875 16,500 750 85,125 $125,535 25,107 $100,428 Budgeted Balance Sheet June 30, 2021 Assets Cash Accounts receivable ($825,000 × 40%) Less: allowance for doubtful accounts Inventories Direct materials Finished goods Fixed assets Less: accumulated depreciation ($136,335 + $68,139 30% + $67,875 × 10%)) Total assets Liabilities and Equity Accounts payable ($77,192 × 20%) Interest payable Income taxes payable Long-term debt Common stock Retained earnings ($698,904 + $100,428 – $15,000)) Total liabilities and equity 6-50 $ 128,546 $330,000 16,500 313,500 $ 4,239 122,906 127,145 $870,000 163,564 706,436 $1,275,627 $ 15,438 750 25,107 150,000 300,000 784,332 $1,275,627 Try It 6-1 Solution Knox Ayer Total Schedule 1: Revenues Budget for the Year Ending December 31, 2020 Units Selling Price Total Revenues 22,100 $29 $ 640,900 15,000 39 585,000 $1,225,900 Schedule 2: Production Budget (in Units) for the Year Ending December 31, 2020 Product Knox Ayer Budgeted sales in units (Schedule 1) 22,100 15,000 Add target ending finished goods inventory 2,200 1,200 Total required units 24,300 16,200 Deduct beginning finished goods inventory 3,300 1,200 Units of finished goods to be produced 21,000 15,000 6-51 Try It 6-2 Solution Schedule 3A: Direct Material Usage Budget in Quantity and Dollars for the Year Ending December 31, 2020 Material Metal Fabric Total Physical Units Budget Direct materials required for Knox lamps 126,000 pounds 21,000 yards (21,000 units × 6 pounds and 1 yard) Direct materials required for Ayer lamps 105,000 pounds 45,000 yards (15,000 units × 7 pounds and 3 yards) Total quantity of direct materials to be used 231,000 pounds 66,000 yards Cost Budget Available from beginning direct materials inventory (under a FIFO cost-flow assumption) (Given) Metal: 10,000 pounds × $2 per pound $ 20,000 Fabric: 3,000 yards × $3 per yard $ 9,000 To be purchased and used this period Metal: (231,000 – 10,000) pounds × $2 per pound 442,000 Fabric:(66,000 – 3,000) yards × $3 per yard 189,000 Direct materials to be used this period $462,000 $198,000 $660,000 Schedule 3B: Direct Material Purchases Budget for the Year Ending December 31, 2020 Metal Physical Units Budget To be used in production (from Schedule 3A) Add target ending inventory Total requirements Deduct beginning inventory Purchases to be made Cost Budget Metal: 229,000 pounds × $2 per pound Fabric: 64,000 yards × $3 per yard Direct materials to be purchased this period 231,000 pounds 8,000 pounds 239,000 pounds 10,000 pounds 229,000 pounds Material Fabric Total 66,000 yards 1,000 yards 67,000 yards 3,000 yards 64,000 yards $458,000 $458,000 6-52 $192,000 $192,000 $650,000 Knox Ayer Total Schedule 4: Direct Manufacturing Labor Costs Budget for the Year Ending December 31, 2020 Direct Output Units Manufacturing Produced Labor-Hours Total Hourly (Schedule 2) per Unit Hours Wage Rate 21,000 0.1 2,100 $18 15,000 0.2 3,000 18 5,100 6-53 Total $37,800 54,000 $91,800 Try It 6-3 Solution Knox 21,000 lamps 200 lamps/batch 105 batches 2 hours/batch 210 hours 1. Quantity of lamps to be produced 2. Number of lamps to be produced per batch 3. Number of batches (1) ÷ (2) 4. Setup time per batch 5. Total setup-hours (3) × (4) Ayer 15,000 lamps 100 lamps/batch 150 batches 3 hours/batch 450 hours Schedule 5: Manufacturing Overhead Costs Budget for the Year Ending December 31, 2020 Machine Setup Overhead Costs Variable costs ($80 per setup-hour × 660 setup-hours) Fixed costs (to support capacity of 660 setup-hours) Total machine setup overhead costs 6-54 $ 52,800 71,000 $123,800 Try It 6-4 Solution (Please note the Machine setup overhead input per unit of output for Ayer should be 0.03 hrs and not 0.015 hrs as given in the problem.) If 0.015 hours is used, Machine set up costs for Ayer will be $2.10 ($140 × 0.015) instead of $4.20 and the total cost will be $28.70 instead of $30.80. The ending inventories for Ayer will be $34,440 (1,200 × 28.70) and total finished goods inventory will be $74,480 ($40,040 + $34,440). The total ending inventory will be $93,480 ($19,000 + $74,480). Schedule 6A: Budgeted Unit Costs of Ending Finished Goods Inventory December 31, 2020 Product Knox Ayer Input per Input per Cost per Unit Unit of Unit of of Input Output Total Output Metal $ 2 6 pounds $12.00 7 pounds Fabric 3 1 yard 3.00 3 yards Direct manufacturing labor 18 0.1 hrs. 1.80 0.2 hrs. Machine setup overhead 140 0.01 hrs. 1.40 0.03 hrs. Total $18.20 Total $14.00 9.00 3.60 4.20 $30.80 Under the FIFO method, managers use this unit cost to calculate the cost of target ending inventories of finished goods in Schedule 6B. Schedule 6B: Ending Inventories Budget December 31, 2020 Quantity Cost per Unit Direct materials Metal 8,000 $ 2.00 $16,000 Fabric 1,000 3.00 3,000 Finished goods Knox 2,200 $18.20 $40,040 Ayer 1,200 30.80 36,960 Total ending inventory 6-55 Total $19,000 77,000 $96,000 Try It 6-5 Solution Schedule 7: Cost of Goods Sold Budget for the Year Ending December 31, 2020 From Schedule Beginning finished goods inventory, January 1, 2020 Given Direct materials used 3A Direct manufacturing labor 4 Manufacturing overhead 5 Cost of goods manufactured Cost of goods available for sale Deduct ending finished goods inventory, December 6B 31, 2020 Cost of goods sold Total $ 94,500 $660,000 91,800 123,800 875,600 970,100 77,000 $893,100 Schedule 8: Nonmanufacturing Costs Budget for the Year Ending December 31, 2020 Business Function Variable Costs Fixed Costs Total Costs $ 24,518 $ 42,000 $ 66,518 Marketing (Variable cost: $1,225,900 0.02) 105,000 47,000 152,000 Distribution (Variable cost: $3.0035,000 cu. ft.) Administration costs 0 79,000 79,000 $129,518 $168,000 $297,518 Budgeted Income Statement for Firelight Corporation for the Year Ending December 31, 2020 From Schedule Revenues Given* Cost of goods sold 7 Gross margin Operating costs Marketing costs 8 $ 66,518 Distribution costs 8 152,000 Administration costs 8 79,000 Operating income 6-56 Total $1,225,900 893,100 332,800 $ 297,518 35,282 Try It 6-6 Solution Schedule of Cash Collections Quarters 1 Accounts receivable balance on 1-12020 (Fourth-quarter sales from 2019 collected in first quarter of 2020) From first-quarter 2020 sales ($315,900 0.65; $315,900 0.35) From second-quarter 2020 sales ($340,000 0.65; $340,000 0.35) From third-quarter 2020 sales ($280,000 0.65; $280,000 0.35) From fourth-quarter 2020 sales ($290,000 0..65) Total collections 2 3 4 $105,000 205,335 $110,565 221,000 $310,335 6-57 $331,565 $119,000 182,000 $ 98,000 $301,000 188,500 $286,500 CHAPTER 7 FLEXIBLE BUDGETS, DIRECT-COST VARIANCES, AND MANAGEMENT CONTROL 7-1 Variances combine planning and control functions (and strategy setting) of management and facilitate management by exception, whereby managers focus more on areas that are not operating as expected than on areas that are. For example, large variances can sometimes indicate that a company should consider a change in strategy or a change in standard setting and control. Variances help identify deviations from planned performance and be used for evaluating performance and to motivate managers. 7-2 Standard costs are carefully determined prices, costs, or quantities that are used as benchmarks for judging performance. Standards are usually expressed on a per-unit basis. Managers use standard costs to set performance; they are periodically compared with actual costs incurred and income generated in order to establish any variances. 7-3 All variances can have either a favorable or an unfavorable impact on operating incomes. Favorable variances have a positive impact on operating income and increase it (relative to the budgeted amount), while unfavorable variances have a negative impact on the operating income and decrease it. 7-4 A flexible budget is developed using budgeted revenues or cost amounts based on the actual output level in the budget period. The actual level of output is unknown until the end of the budget period. A budget that has been adjusted in this way is known as flexed budget. 7-5 A flexible-budget analysis enables a manager to distinguish how much of the difference between an actual result and a budgeted amount is due to (a) the difference between actual and budgeted output levels, and (b) the difference between actual and budgeted selling prices, variable costs, and fixed costs. 7-6 A flexible budget can be similar to a static budget if the actual outputs are equal to the planned outputs. This is because the only difference between a static budget and a flexible budget is that the static budget is prepared for the planned output, whereas the flexible budget is based on the actual output. 7-7 Most organizations use standard costs to analyze the difference between what was budgeted and the actual performance of the organization. It is useful to make comparisons in terms of cost per unit rather than total cost of an item in the budget. Such costs per unit may be estimated in advance and used as a standard for comparison with the actual costs incurred. 7-8 There could be a link between all the components of variances (including materials) and therefore, the manager should not investigate the variances in isolation. For example, buying low quality materials at a lower price can lead to a favorable price variance for materials. However, at the same time it may lead to the use of more materials for the same outputs and this, in turn, could lead to unfavorable quantity variances, or vice versa. 7-1 7-9 Possible causes of a favorable direct materials price variance are: purchasing officer negotiated more skillfully than was planned in the budget, purchasing manager bought in larger lot sizes than budgeted, thus obtaining quantity discounts, materials prices decreased unexpectedly due to, say, industry oversupply, budgeted purchase prices were set without careful analysis of the market, and purchasing manager received unfavorable terms on nonpurchase price factors (such as lower quality materials). 7-10 Some possible reasons for an unfavorable direct manufacturing labor efficiency variance are the hiring and use of underskilled workers; inefficient scheduling of work so that the workforce was not optimally occupied; poor maintenance of machines resulting in a high proportion of non-value-added labor; unrealistic time standards. Each of these factors would result in actual direct manufacturing labor-hours being higher than indicated by the standard work rate. 7-11 Variance analysis, by providing information about actual performance relative to standards, can form the basis of continuous operational improvement. The underlying causes of unfavorable variances are identified and corrective action taken where possible. Favorable variances can also provide information if the organization can identify why a favorable variance occurred. Steps can often be taken to replicate those conditions more often. As the easier changes are made, and perhaps some standards tightened, the harder issues will be revealed for the organization to act on—this is continuous improvement. 7-12 An individual business function, such as production, is interdependent with other business functions. Factors outside of production can explain why variances arise in the production area. For example: poor design of products or processes can lead to a sizable number of defects, marketing personnel making promises for delivery times that require a large number of rush orders can create production-scheduling difficulties, and purchase of poor-quality materials by the purchasing manager can result in defects and waste. 7-13 The management accountant might be correct in stating the above if the plant manager is unaware of the cause and effect relationships which exist among most components of variances. For example, a low-quality product made by the production department or a low-quality material provided by purchase department could lead to lower sales and result in unfavorable operating income variance. 7-14 The direct materials efficiency variance can be decomposed into two parts: a direct materials mix variance that reflects the impact of using a cheaper mix of inputs to produce a given quantity of output, and the direct materials yield variance, which captures the impact of using less input to achieve a given quantity of output. 7-15 It is true that benchmarking is the continuous process of comparing your firm’s performance against the best levels of performance in competing companies or companies with similar processes. However, variance analysis is part of the process and can be considered as a 7-2 tool for assessing the firm’s performance especially in terms of production costs. 7-16 Choice ‘a’ is incorrect because the computation includes only the Actual input quantity × budgeted price. Choice ‘b’ is correct. Material efficiency variance is the difference between the [Actual input quantity × budgeted price] – [Budgeted input quantity × budgeted price]. This can be represented in the chart as: Actual input quantity × budgeted price 55,000kg × €0.20 = €11,000 Budgeted input quantity × budgeted price (flexible budget) 53,000kg × €0.20 = €10,600 €400 Unfavorable Choice ‘c’ is incorrect because the computation includes only the Budgeted input quantity (flexible budget) × budgeted price. Choice ‘d’ is incorrect because the computation adds the Actual input quantity × budgeted price to the Budgeted input quantity (flexible budget) × budgeted price. 7-17 Choice ‘a’ is incorrect because the computation includes only the Actual input quantity × budgeted price. Choice ‘b’ is incorrect because the computation includes only the Actual input quantity × Actual price Choice ‘c’ is correct. Material price variance is the difference between the [Actual input quantity × actual price] – [Actual input quantity × budgeted price]. This can be represented in the chart as: Actual input quantity × actual price Actual input quantity × budgeted price 55,000kg x €0.23 = €12,650 55,000kg x €0.20 = €11,000 Choice ‘d’ is incorrect because the computation adds the Actual input quantity × actual price to the Actual input quantity × budgeted price 7-18 Choice ‘a’ is incorrect because the computation includes only the Actual input hours × budgeted price. Choice ‘b’ is incorrect because the computation includes only the Actual input hours × Actual price Choice ‘c’ is incorrect because the computation adds the Actual input hours × actual price to the Actual input hours × budgeted price Choice ‘d’ is correct. Labor price variance is the difference between the [Actual input hours × actual price] – [Actual input hours × budgeted price]. This can be represented in the chart as: 7-3 Actual input hours × actual price 41,500 hours × €1.75 = €72,625 Actual input hours × budgeted price 41,500 hours x €1.50 = €62,250 €10,375 Unfavorable 7-19 Choice ‘a’ is incorrect because the computation includes only the Actual input hours × budgeted price. Choice ‘b’ is correct. Labor efficiency variance is the difference between the [Actual input hours x budgeted price] – [Budgeted input hours x budgeted price]. This can be represented in the chart as: Actual input hours × budgeted price Budgeted input hours × budgeted price (flexible budget) 41,500 hrs × €1.50 = €62,250 42,400 hrs × €1.50 = €63,600 €1,350 Favorable Choice ‘c’ is incorrect because the computation includes only the Budgeted input hours (flexible budget) × budgeted price. Choice ‘d’ is incorrect because the computation adds the Actual input quantity × actual price to the Budgeted input hours (flexible budget) × budgeted price. 7-20 Choice ‘a’ is correct. Fixed overhead variance is the difference between the Budgeted fixed costs – Actual fixed costs. This can be represented in the chart as: Budgeted fixed costs €13,000 Actual fixed costs €11,600 €1,400 Favorable Choice ‘b’ is incorrect because the computation includes only the Actual fixed cost incurred. Choice ‘c’ is incorrect because the computation includes only the Budgeted fixed costs. Choice ‘d’ is incorrect because the computation adds the Actual costs to the Budgeted costs. 7-4 7-21 (20–30 min.) Flexible budget. Units (tires) sold Revenues Variable costs Contribution margin Fixed costs Actual Results (1) 2,800g $313,600a 229,600d 84,000 50,000g FlexibleBudget Variances (2) = (1) – (3) 0 $ 5,600 F 22,400 U 16,800 U 4,000 F Flexible Budget (3) 2,800 $308,000b 207,200e 100,800 54,000g Sales-Volume Variances (4) = (3) – (5) 200 U $22,000 U 14,800 F 7,200 U 0 Static Budget (5) 3,000g $330,000c 222,000f 108,000 54,000g Operating income $ 34,000 $12,800 U $ 46,800 $ 7,200 U $ 54,000 $12,800 U $ 7,200 U Total flexible-budget variance Total sales-volume variance $20,000 U Total static-budget variance a 112 × 2,800 = $313,600 $110 × 2,800 = $308,000 c $110 × 3,000 = $330,000 d Given. Unit variable cost = $229,600 ÷ 2,800 = $82 per tire e $74 × 2,800 = $207,200 f $74 × 3,000 = $222,000 g Given b 2. The key information items are: Units Unit selling price Unit variable cost Fixed costs Actual 2,800 $ 112 $ 82 $50,000 Budgeted 3,000 $ 110 $ 74 $54,000 The total static-budget variance in operating income is $20,000 U. There is both an unfavorable total flexible-budget variance ($12,800) and an unfavorable sales-volume variance ($7,200). The unfavorable sales-volume variance arises solely because actual units manufactured and sold were 200 less than the budgeted 3,000 units. The unfavorable flexible-budget variance of $12,800 in operating income is due primarily to the $8 increase in unit variable costs. This increase in unit variable costs is only partially offset by the $2 increase in unit selling price and the $4,000 decrease in fixed costs. 7-5 7-22 (15 min.) Flexible budget. The existing performance report is a Level 1 analysis, based on a static budget. It makes no adjustment for changes in output levels. The budgeted output level is 10,000 units––direct materials of €410,000 in the static budget ÷ budgeted direct materials cost per luxury wallet of €41. The following is a Level 2 analysis that presents a flexible-budget variance and a salesvolume variance of each direct cost category. Variance Analysis for L’Accessorio Output units Direct materials Direct manufacturing labor Direct marketing labor Total direct costs Actual Results (1) 9,000 €373,500 48,600 103,500 €525,600 FlexibleBudget Variances (2) = (1) – (3) 0 €4,500 U 3,600 U 4,500 U €12,600 U Flexible Budget (3) 9,000 €369000 45000 99000 €513000 SalesVolume Variances (4) = (3) – (5) 1,000 U €41,000 F 5,000 F 11,000 F €57,000 F Static Budget (5) 10,000 €410,000 50,000 110,000 €570,000 €12,600 U €57,000 F Flexible-budget variance Sales-volume variance €44,400 F The Level 1 analysis shows total direct costs have a €44,400 favorable variance. However, the Level 2 analysis reveals that this favorable variance is due to the reduction in output of 1,000 units from the budgeted 10,000 units. Once this reduction in output is taken into account (via a flexible budget), the flexible-budget variance shows each direct cost category to have an unfavorable variance indicating less efficient use of each direct cost item than was budgeted, or the use of more costly direct cost items than was budgeted, or both. Each direct cost category has an actual unit variable cost that exceeds its budgeted unit cost: Units Direct materials Direct manufacturing labor Direct marketing labor Actual 9,000 € 41.50 € 5.40 € 11.50 Budgeted 10,000 € 41.00 € 5.00 € 11.00 Analysis of price and efficiency variances for each cost category could assist in further identifying causes of these more aggregated (Level 2) variances. 7-6 7-23 (25-30 min.) Flexible-budget preparation and analysis. a. Prepare a static-budget-based variance analysis of last month’s performance. Actual Budget (£) Static-Budget Static Budget (£) (1) Variances (£) (3) (2) = (1) – (3) Output (units) 15,000 5,000 U 20,000 £ £ Revenue 153,900a 56,100 U 210,000c Direct labor Direct materials Contribution margin Fixed costs Operating income (4,000 hrs) 35,040d (32,000 meters) 23,360g 95,500 67,350 28,150 46,000f 30,000h 134,000 66,000 68,000 10,960 F 6,640 F 38,500 U 1,350 U 39,850 U £39,850 U Total static-budget variance b. Prepare a flexible-budget-based variance analysis of last month’s performance. Actual budget £) (1) Output (units) Revenue Direct labor Direct materials Contribution margin Fixed costs Operating income 15,000 £ 153,900a 35,040d 23,360g FlexibleBudget Variances (£) (2) = (1) – (3) 0 Flexible Sales budget Volume (£) Variances (£) (3) (4) = (3) – (5) 15,000 5,000 U £ 3,600 U 157,500b 540 U 860 U e 34,500 95,500 5,000 U 22,500i 100,500 67,350 28,150 1,350 F 6,350 U 66,000 34,500 Total flexible-budget variance 7-7 52,500 U £ 210,000c 11,500 F 46,000f 7,500 F 30,000h 33,500 U 134,000 0 33,500 U 66,000 68,000 Total sales-volume variance £39,850 U Total statics-budget variance a. £10.26 × 15,000 = £153,900 b. £10.50 × 15,000 = £157,500 Static budget (£) (5) 20,000 c. £10.50 × 20,000 = £210,000 d. £8.75 × 4000 = £35,040 e. £2.30 × 15,000 = £34,500 f. £2.30 × 20,000 = £46,000 g. £0.73 × 32,000 = £23,360 h. £1.50 × 20,000 = £30,000 i. £1.50 × 15,000 = £22,500 c. Which departmental manager(s) contributed the most for the success or failure of the budget during the month? Explain your answer. The flexible budget figures indicate that the sales department, which is responsible for the revenue of the business, was largely responsible for the poor performance of the business. There was a shortfall of £52,500 in sales revenue and £1,350 in fixed costs budgets leading to a fall of £6,350 in the operating income. The company recorded favorable performance in the variable costs. 7-24 (30 min.) Flexible budget, working backward. 1. Variance Analysis for The Alpha Company for the year ended December 31, 2020 Units sold Revenues (sales) Variable costs Contribution margin Fixed cost Operating income Actual Flexible-Budget Flexible Sales-Volume Results Variances Budget Variances (1) (2) = (1) - (3) (3) (4) = (3) – (5) 150,000 0 150,000 10,000 F a $975,000 300,000 F $675,000 45,000 F b 675,000 300,000 U 375,000 25,000 U 300,000 0 300,000 20,000 F 150,000 20,000 U 130,000 0 $150,000 20,000 U $170,000 20,000 F $20,000 U Static Budget (5) 140,000 $630,000 350,000 280,000 130,000 $150,000 $20,000 F Total flexible-budget variance Total sales volume variance $0 Total static-budget variance a b 150,000 × $4.50 = $675,000; $630,000 140,000 = $4.50 150,000 × $2.50 = $375,000; $350,000 140,000 = $2.50 2. Actual selling price: Budgeted selling price: Actual variable cost per unit: Budgeted variable cost per unit: $975,000 630,000 675,000 350,000 3. A zero total static-budget variance may be due to offsetting total flexible-budget and total 7-8 ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ 150,000 140,000 150,000 140,000 = = = = $6.50 $4.50 $4.50 $2.50 sales-volume variances. In this case, these two variances exactly offset each other: Total flexible-budget variance Total sales-volume variance $20,000 Unfavorable $20,000 Favorable A closer look at the variance components reveals some major deviations from plan. Actual variable costs increased from $2.50 to $4.50, causing an unfavorable flexible-budget variable cost variance of $300,000. Such an increase could be a result of, for example, a jump in direct material prices. Alpha was able to pass most of the increase in costs onto their customers—actual selling price increased by 44.44% [($6.50 – $4.50) $4.50], bringing about an offsetting favorable flexible-budget revenue variance in the amount of $300,000. An increase in the actual number of units sold also contributed to more favorable results. The company should examine why the units sold increased despite an increase in direct material prices. For example, Alpha’s customers may have stocked up, anticipating future increases in direct material prices. Alternatively, Alpha’s selling price increases may have been lower than competitors’ price increases. Understanding the reasons why actual results differ from budgeted amounts can help Alpha better manage its costs and pricing decisions in the future. The important lesson learned here is that a superficial examination of summary level data (Levels 0 and 1) may be insufficient. It is imperative to scrutinize data at a more detailed level (Level 2). Had Alpha not been able to pass costs on to customers, losses would have been considerable. 7-9 7-25 Budgeted and actual performance for the week: Unit sold Revenues Direct material Direct manufacturing labor Contribution margin Fixed manufacturing costs Operating income Actual results (€) (1) 25 2,100 385 1,176b Flexible – Budget Variances (€) (2) = (1) – (3) 0 100 F 85 U 24 F Flexible Budget (€) (3) 25 2,000 300 1,200c Sales – Volume Variances (€) (4) = (3) – (5) 5U 400 F 60 U 240 U Static Budget (€) (5) a 30 2,400 360 1,440d 539 39 U 500 100 F 600 280 20 U 240 0 240 259 1U 260 100 F 360 a 3 workers x 40 hrs per week / 4 hrs per cabinet = 30 cabinets (40 hrs per week *2 workers * €12 ) + (2 workers * 6 overtime hours each* €18) = €1,176 Note: actual number of hrs = (40 hrs per week *2 workers) + (2 workers * 6 overtime hours each) = 92 hrs c €1,440 / 30 (Budgeted DL cost per unit) x 25 units (actual units produced) d 3 workers x 40 hrs per week x €12 b Working(s): Sales Static budget Units Price € 30 80 Flexed Amount Units Price € € 2,400 25 80 Actual Amount Units Price € € 2,000 25 84 Labor 120 1,440 1,200 12 100 12 7-10 80 12 92 12 18 12.78 Amount € 2,100 1,176 60 Materials Contribution Fixed costs Profit i. ii. iii. 6 360 600 240 360 50 6 300 500 240 260 55 7 385 539 280 259 Direct material price variance (Actual price of input – Budgeted price of input) x Actual quantity of input = Price variance (€6 - €7) x 55sq m = €55 U Material efficiency variance (Actual quantity of input – Budgeted quantity of input allowed for actual output) x Budgeted price of input = efficiency variance (50sq m – 55 sq m) x €6 = €30 U Note: 2 sq meters of timber required to make a unit. Therefore 25 units x 2 sq meters = 50 sq meters. Direct labor price variance (Actual price of input – Budgeted price of input) x Actual quantity of input = Price variance (€12 - €12.78) x 92 hrs = €72 U Note: €12.78 = Actual costs of labor = €1,176 (see also Working table above) Total actual hrs 92 iv. Manufacturing labor efficiency variance (Actual quantity of input – Budgeted quantity of input allowed for actual output) x Budgeted price of input = efficiency variance (100hrs – 92hrs) x €12 = €96 F 7-11 7-26 (20–30 min.) Price and efficiency variances. 1. The key information items are: Actual 43,000 11,000 $ 0.65 Output units (Tiles) Input units (pounds of clay) Cost per input unit Budgeted 40,000 10,000 $ 0.70 Modern tiles budgets to obtain four tiles from each pound of clay. The flexible-budget variance is $ 375 F.. Clay costs Actual Results (1) $7,150a FlexibleBudget Variance (2) = (1) – (3) $375 F Flexible Budget (3) $7,525b Sales-Volume Variance (4) = (3) – (5) $525 U Static Budget (5) $7,000c a 11,000 × $0.65 = $7,150 43,000 × 0.25 × $0.70 = $7,525 c 40,000 × 0.25 × $0.70 = $7,000 b 2. Actual Costs Incurred (Actual Input Qty. × Actual Price) $13,600a Actual Input Qty. × Budgeted Price $14,720b Flexible Budget (Budgeted Input Qty. Allowed for Actual Output × Budgeted Price) $13,616c $550 F $175 U Price variance Efficiency variance $375 F Flexible-budget variance a 11,000 × $0.65 = $7,150 b 11,000 × $0.70 = $7,700 c 43,000 × 0.25 × $0.70 = $7,525 3. The favorable flexible-budget variance of $375 has two offsetting components: (a) favorable price variance of $550––reflects the $0.65 actual purchase cost being lower than the $0.70 budgeted purchase cost per pound. (b) unfavorable efficiency variance of $175––reflects the actual materials yield of 3.90 tiles per pound of clay (43,000 ÷ 11,000 = 3.90) being less than the budgeted yield of 4.00 (40,000 ÷ 10,000 = 4.00). The company used more clay (materials) to make the tiles than was budgeted. A possible explanation may be that Modern tiles purchased lower quality clay at a lower cost per pound. 7-12 7-27 (15 min.) Materials and manufacturing labor variances. Direct Materials Actual Costs Incurred (Actual Input Qty. × Actual Price) $150,000 Actual Input Qty. × Budgeted Price $162,000 $12,000 F Price variance Flexible Budget (Budgeted Input Qty. Allowed for Actual Output × Budgeted Price) $168,000 $6,000 F Efficiency variance $18,000 F Flexible-budget variance Direct Mfg. Labor $100,000 $95,000 $5,000 U Price variance $90,000 $5,000 U Efficiency variance $10,000 U Flexible-budget variance 7-13 7-28 (20 min.) Direct materials and direct manufacturing labor variances. 1. May 2020 Units Direct materials Direct labor Total price variance Total efficiency variance Actual Results (1) 450 Price Variance (2) = (1)–(3) $1,710.0 $13,338.00 0 $ 5,535.00 $ 67.50 $1,777.5 0 U U Actual Quantity Budgeted Price (3) Efficiency Variance (4) = (3) – (5) Flexible Budget (5) 450 $11,628.00a $ 5,467.50c $918.00 $364.50 U F $10,710.00b $ 5,832.00d $553.50 U U a 6,840 meters × $1.70 per meter = $11,628 450 lots × 14 meters per lot × $1.70 per meter = $10,710 c 675 hours × $8.10 per hour = $5,467.50 d 450 lots × 1.6 hours per lot × $8.10 per hour = $5,832 b Total flexible-budget variance for both inputs = $1,777.50U + $553.50U = $2,331.00U Total flexible-budget cost of direct materials and direct labor = $10,710 + $5,832 = $16,542 Total flexible-budget variance as % of total flexible-budget costs = $2,331.00 ÷ $16,542 = 14.09% 2. Efficiencies have improved in the direction indicated by the production manager—but, it is unclear whether they are a trend or a one-time occurrence. Also, overall, variances are still 7.8 percent of flexible input budget. SallyMay should continue to use the new material, especially considering its superior quality and feel, but it may want to keep the following points in mind: The new material costs substantially more than the old ($1.95 in 2019 and $1.852 in 2020 versus $1.70 per meter). Its price is unlikely to come down even more within the coming year. Standard material price should be re-examined and possibly changed. SallyMay should continue to work to reduce direct materials and direct manufacturing labor content. The reductions from May 2019 to May 2020 are a good development and should be encouraged. 7-14 7-29 (30 min.) Price and efficiency variances, journal entries. 1. Direct materials and direct manufacturing labor are analyzed in turn: Actual Costs Incurred (Actual Input Qty. × Actual Price) Direct Materials (100,000 × $4.65a) $465,000 Actual Input Qty. × Budgeted Price Purchases Usage (100,000 × $4.50) $450,000 (98,055 × $4.50) $441,248 $15,000 U Price variance Direct Manufacturing Labor a b Flexible Budget (Budgeted Input Qty. Allowed for Actual Output × Budgeted Price) b (4,900 × $31.5 ) $154,350 (9,850 × 10 × $4.50) $443,250 $2,002 F Efficiency variance (4,900 × $30) $147,000 $7,350 U Price variance (9,850 × 0.5 × $30) or (4,925 × $30) $147,750 $750 F Efficiency variance $465,000 ÷ 100,000 = $4.65 $154,350 ÷ 4,900 = $31.5 2. Direct Materials Control Direct Materials Price Variance Accounts Payable or Cash Control 450,000 15,000 Work-in-Process Control Direct Materials Control Direct Materials Efficiency Variance 443,250 Work-in-Process Control Direct Manuf. Labor Price Variance Wages Payable Control Direct Manuf. Labor Efficiency Variance 147,750 7,350 465,000 441,248 2,002 154,350 750 3. Some students’ comments will be immersed in conjecture about higher prices for materials, better quality materials, higher grade labor, better efficiency in use of materials, and so forth. A possibility is that approximately the same labor force, paid somewhat more, is taking slightly less time with better materials and causing less waste and spoilage. A key point in this problem is that all of these efficiency variances are likely to be insignificant. They are so small as to be nearly meaningless. Fluctuations about standards are bound to occur in a random fashion. Practically, from a control viewpoint, a standard is a band or range of acceptable performance rather than a single-figure measure. 4. The purchasing point is where responsibility for price variances is found most often because it is the earliest point at which Schuyler has information about prices. The production point is where Schuyler identifies responsibility for efficiency variances. Schuyler calculates variances at different points in time to match different responsibility areas. 7-30 (20-30 min.) Materials and manufacturing labor variances, standard costs. 1. Direct Materials Actual Costs Incurred (Actual Input Qty. × Actual Price) Actual Input Qty. × Budgeted Price (3,700 sq. mt. × €5.10) €18,870 (3,700 sq. mt. × €5.00) €18,500 Flexible Budget (Budgeted Input Qty. Allowed for Actual Output × Budgeted Price) (2,000 × 2 × €5.00) (4,000 sq. mt. × €5.00) €20,000 $370 U Price variance $1,500 F Efficiency variance €1,130 F Flexible-budget variance The unfavorable materials price variance may be unrelated to the favorable materials efficiency variance. For example, (a) the purchasing officer may be less skillful than assumed in the budget, or (b) there was an unexpected increase in materials price per square meter due to reduced competition. Similarly, the favorable materials efficiency variance may be unrelated to the unfavorable materials price variance. For example, (a) the production manager may have been able to employ higher-skilled workers, or (b) the budgeted materials standards were set too loosely. It is also possible that the two variances are interrelated. The higher materials input price may be due to higher-quality materials being purchased. Less material was used than budgeted due to the high quality of the materials. Direct Manufacturing Labor Actual Costs Actual Input Qty. × Budgeted Price Incurred (Actual Input Qty. × Actual Price) (900 hrs. × €9.80) €8,820 (900 hrs. × €10.00) €9,000 Flexible Budget (Budgeted Input Qty. Allowed for Actual Output × Budgeted Price) (2,000 × 0.5 × €10.00) (1,000 hrs. × €10.00) €10,000 €180 F €1,000 F Price variance Efficiency variance €1,180 F Flexible-budget variance The favorable labor price variance may be due to, say, (a) a reduction in labor rates due to a recession, or (b) the standard being set without detailed analysis of labor compensation. The favorable labor efficiency variance may be due to, say, (a) more efficient workers being employed, (b) a redesign in the plant enabling labor to be more productive, or (c) the use of higher quality materials. 2. Control Point Purchasing Actual Costs Incurred (Actual Input Qty. × Actual Price) (6,000 sq. mt.× €5.10) €30,600 Actual Input Qty. × Budgeted Price (6,000 sq. mt. × €5.00) €30,000 Flexible Budget (Budgeted Input Qty. Allowed for Actual Output × Budgeted Price) €600 U Price variance Production (3,700 sq. mt.× €5.00) €18,500 (2,000 × 2 × €5.00) €20,000 €1,500 F Efficiency variance Direct manufacturing labor variances are the same as in requirement 1. 7-31 a. (20-25 min.) Journal entries and T-accounts (continuation of 7-30). For requirement 1 from Exercise 7-30: Direct Materials Control Direct Materials Price Variance Accounts Payable Control To record purchase of direct materials. 18,500 370 18,870 b. Work-in-Process Control Direct Materials Efficiency Variance Direct Materials Control To record direct materials used. 20,000 1,500 18,500 c. Work-in-Process Control Direct Manufacturing Labor Price Variance Direct Manufacturing Labor Efficiency Variance Wages Payable Control To record liability for and allocation of direct labor costs.. 10,000 180 1,000 8,820 b. Direct Materials Control (a) 18,500 (b) 18,500 Work-in-Process Control (b) 20,000 (c) 10,000 Wages Payable Control (c) 8,820 Direct Materials Price Variance (a) 370 Direct Manufacturing Labor Price Variance (c) 180 Accounts Payable Control (a) 18,870 For requirement 2 from Exercise 7-30: Direct Materials Efficiency Variance (b) 1,500 Direct Manuf. Labor Efficiency Variance (c) 1,000 The following journal entries pertain to the measurement of price and efficiency variances when 6,000 sq. meters of direct materials are purchased: a. Direct Materials Control Direct Materials Price Variance Accounts Payable Control To record direct materials purchased. 30,000 600 30,600 b. Work-in-Process Control Direct Materials Control Direct Materials Efficiency Variance To record direct materials used. 20,000 18,500 1,500 Direct Materials Control (a) 30,000 (b) 18,500 Accounts Payable Control (a) 30,600 Direct Materials Price Variance (a) 600 Work-in-Process Control (b) 20,000 Direct Materials Efficiency Variance (b) 1,500 The T-account entries related to direct manufacturing labor are the same as in requirement 1. The difference between standard costing and normal costing for direct cost items is: Direct Costs Standard Costs Standard price(s) × Standard input allowed for actual outputs achieved Normal Costs Actual price(s) × Actual input These journal entries differ from the normal costing entries because work-in-process control is no longer carried at “actual” costs. Furthermore, direct materials control is carried at standard unit prices rather than actual unit prices. Finally, variances appear for direct materials and direct manufacturing labor under standard costing but not under normal costing. 7-32 25 min.) Price and efficiency variances, benchmarking. 1. Direct materials Direct labor Variable overhead Budgeted variable cost Direct materials Direct labor Variable overhead Budgeted variable cost Direct materials Direct labor Variable overhead Budgeted variable cost Mineola Plant Prices and quantities 13.50 lbs @ $ 9.20 per lb 3 hrs @ $10.15 per hr Bayside Plant Prices and quantities 14.00 lbs @ $ 9.00 per lb 2.7 hrs @ $10.20 per hr Land Art Prices and quantities 13.00 lbs @ $ 8.80 per lb 2.5 hrs @ $10.00 per hr Cost per lot $124.20 30.45 12.00 $166.65 Cost per lot $126.00 27.54 11.00 $164.54 Cost per lot $114.40 25.00 11.00 $150.40 2. Mineola Plant Lots Direct Materials Direct Labor Actual Results (1) 1,000 $124,200 $ 30,450 Price Variance (2) = (1) – (3) Actual Quantity Budgeted Price (3) Efficiency Variance (4) = (3) – (5) $5,400 U $450 U $118,800b $ 30,000c $4,400 U $5,000 U Flexible Budgeta (5) 1,000 $114,400 $ 25,000 a Using Land Art’s prices and quantities as the standard: Direct materials: (13 lbs./lot × 1,000 lots) × $8.80/lb. = $114,400 Direct labor: (2.5 hrs./lot × 1,000 lots) × $10.00/hr. = $25,000 b (13.50 lbs./lot × 1,000 lots) × $8.80 per lb. = $118,800 c (3 hours/lot × 1,000 lots) × $10/hr. = $30,000 Bayside Plant Lots Direct Materials Direct Labor Actual Results (1) 1,000 $126,000 $ 27,540 Price Variance (2) = (1) – (3) Actual Quantity Budgeted Price (3) Efficiency Variance (4) = (3) – (5) $2,800 U $540 U $123,200b $ 27,000c $8,800 U $2,000 U Flexible Budgeta (5) 1,000 $114,400 $ 25,000 a Using Land Art’s prices and quantities as the standard: Direct materials: (13 lb./lot × 1,000 lots) × $8.80/lb. = $114,400 Direct labor: (2.5 hrs./lot × 1,000 lots) × $10.00/lb. = $25,000 b (14 lbs./lot × 1,000 lots) × $8.80 per lb. = $123,200 c(2.7 hours/lot × 1,000 lots) × $10/hr. = $27,000 3. Using an objective, external benchmark, like that of a competitor, will preempt the possibility of any one plant feeling that the other is being favored. That this competitor, Land Art, is successful will also put positive pressure on the two plants to improve (note that all variances are unfavorable). Issues that Topiary should keep in mind include the following: Ensure that Land Art is indeed the best and most relevant standard (for example, is there another competitor in the marketplace which should be considered?). Ensure that the data is reliable. Ensure that Land Art is similar enough to use as a standard (if Land Art has a different business model, for example, it may be following a strategy of lowering costs that Topiary may not want to emulate because Topiary is trying to differentiate its products). 7-33 (45 min.) Static and flexible budgets, service sector. 1. Revenue (8,200 × 0.8% × $145,000) Variable costs: Professional labor (8 × $45 × 8,200) Credit verification ($100 × 8,200) Federal documentation fees ($120 × 8,200) Courier services ($50 × 8,200) Total variable costs Contribution margin Fixed administrative costs Fixed technology costs Operating income Static Budget $9,512,000 2,952,000 820,000 984,000 410,000 5,166,000 4,346,000 800,000 1,300,000 $2,246,000 2. Actual results for third quarter 2020: Revenue (10,250 × 0.8% × $162,000) Variable costs: Professional labor (9.5 × $50 × 10,250) Credit verification ($100 × 10,250) Federal documentation fees ($125 × 10,250) Courier services ($54 × 10,250) Total variable costs Contribution margin Fixed administrative costs Fixed technology costs Operating income $13,284,000 4,868,750 1,025,000 1,281,250 553,500 7,728,500 5,555,500 945,000 _ 1,415,000 $ 3,195,500 Level 2 Analysis Loans Actual Results (1) FlexibleBudget Variances (1) – (3) 10,250 0 Flexible Budget (3) 10,250 SalesVolume Variances (3) – (5) 2,050 F Static Budget (5) 8,200 Revenue $13,284,000 $1,394,000 F $11,890,000 $2,378,000 $9,512,000 Variable costs: Professional labor 4,868,750 1,178,750 U 3,690,000 738,000 U 2,952,000 Credit verification 1,025,000 0 1,025,000 205,000 U 820,000 Federal doc. Fees 1,281,250 51,250 U 1,230,000 246,000 U 984,000 Courier services 553,500 41,000 512,500 102,500 U 410,000 Total variable costs 7,728,500 1,271,000 U 6,457,500 1,291,500 U 5,166,000 Contribution margin 5,555,500 123,000 F 5,432,500 1,086,500 F 4,346,000 Fixed administrative costs 945,000 145,000 U 800,000 0 800,000 Fixed technology costs 1,415,000 115,000 U 1,300,000 0 1,300,000 Operating income $ 3,195,500 $ 137,000 U $ 3,332,500 $1,086,500 F $2,246,000 $137,000 U Total flexiblebudget variance $1,086,500 F Total salesvolume variance $949,500 F Total static-budget variance 3. Actual Costs Incurred (Actual Input Qty. × Actual Price) (1) (10,250 × 9.5 × $50) 97,375 hrs. × $50/hr. $4,868,750 Actual Input Qty. × Budgeted Price (2) (10,250 × 9.5 × $45) 97,375 hrs. × $45/hr. $4,381,875 $486,875 U Price variance Flexible Budget (Budgeted Input Qty. Allowed for Actual Output × Budgeted Price) (3) (10,250 × 8.0 × $45) 82,000 hrs. ×$45/hr. $3,690,000 $691,875 U Efficiency variance $1,178,750 U Flexible-budget variance 4. Effectiveness refers to the degree to which a predetermined objective is accomplished. One objective of StuFi professional labor is to maximize loan-based revenue (0.8% of loan amount × number of loans). The professional staff has increased the number of loans from a budgeted 8,200 to 10,250, a significant increase. Additionally, the average loan amount increased from a budgeted $145,000 to $162,000. The result is an increase in revenue from the budgeted $9,512,000 to actual $13,284,000. With both a higher number of loans and a higher average amount per loan, there was an increase in the effectiveness of professional labor in the third quarter of 2020. 7-34 (30 min.) Flexible budget, direct materials and direct manufacturing labor variances. 1. Units sold Revenues Variance Analysis for Milan Statuary for 2020 FlexibleSalesActual Budget Flexible Volume Static Results Variances Budget Variances Budget (1) (2) = (1) – (3) (3) (4) = (3) – (5) (5) a 5,100 0 5,100 1,000 U 6,100a $3,723,000b $153,000 F $3,570,000c $700,000 U $4,270,000d $ 7,000 U $1,142,400e $224,000 F $1,366,400f 8,500 F 581,400g 114,000 F 695,400h 150,000 F 1,350,000a 0 1,350,000a $151,500 F $3,073,800 $338,000 F $3,411,800 $304,500 F $ 496,200 $362,000 U $ 858,200 Direct materials $1,149,400 Direct manufacturing labor 572,900a Fixed costs 1,200,000a Total costs $2,922,300 Operating income $ 800,700 a $304,500 F $362,000 U Flexible-budget variance Sales-volume variance $57,500 U Static-budget variance Given $730/unit × 5,100 units = $3,723,000 c $700/unit × 5,100 units = $3,570,000 d $700/unit × 6,100 units = $4,270,000 e $224/unit × 5,100 units = $1,142,400 f $224/unit × 6,100 units = $1,366,400 g $114/unit × 5,100 units = $581,400 h $114/unit × 6,100 units = $695,400 2. b Actual Incurred (Actual Input Qty. × Actual Price) Direct materials Actual Input Qty. × Budgeted Price $1,149,400a $980,000b Flexible Budget (Budgeted Input Qty. Allowed for Actual Output × Budgeted Price) $1,142,400c $169,400 U Price variance $144,000 U Efficiency variance $7,000 U Flexible-budget variance Direct manufacturing labor $572,900d $510,000e $581,400f $62,900 U $71,400 F Price variance Efficiency variance $8,500 F Flexible-budget variance a 70,000 pounds × $16.42/pound = $1,149,400 70,000 pounds × $14/pound = $980,000 c 5,100 statues × 16 pounds/statue × $14/pound = 81,600 pounds × $14/pound = $1,142,400 d 17,000 hours × $33.70/hour = $572,900 e 17,000 hours × $30/hour = $510,000 f 5,100 statues × 3.8 hours/statue × $30/hour = 19,380 hours × $30/hour = $581,400 b 7-35 (30 min.) Variance analysis, nonmanufacturing setting 1. This is a problem of two equations and two unknowns. The two equations relate to the number of cars detailed and the labor costs (the wages paid to the employees). X = number of cars detailed by the experienced employee Y = number of cars detailed by the less experienced employees (combined) Budget: X + Y = 280 $30X + $15Y = $6,720 Actual: X + Y = 320 $30X + $15Y = $8,400 Substitution: 30X + 15(280 – X) = 6,720 15X = 2,520 X= 168 cars Y=112 cars Substitution: 30X + 15(320 – X) = 8,400 15X = 3,600 X = 240 cars Y=80 cars Budget: The experienced employee is budgeted to detail 168 cars (and earn $5,040), and the less experienced employees are budgeted to detail 56 cars each and earn $840 apiece. Actual: The experienced employee details 240 cars (and grosses $7,200 for the month), and the other two wash 40 each and gross $600 apiece. 2. Cars detailed Revenues Variable costs Supplies Labor – Experienced Labor – Less experienced Total variable costs Contribution Margin Fixed costs Operating income a 320 × ($53,200/280) 320 × ($1,260/280) c 320 × ($5,040/280) d 320 × ($1,680/280) b Actual Results (1) 320 FlexibleBudget Variances (2)=(1) – (3) Flexible Budget (3) 320 Sales Volume Variance (4)=(3) – (5) Static Budget (5) 280 $72,000 $ 11,200 F $60,800a $ 7,600 F $ 53,200 1,360 7,200 1,200 9,760 62,240 9,800 $52,440 80F 1,440U 720F 640 U 10,560 F 0 $ 10,560 F 1,440b 5,760c 1,920d 9,120 51,680 9,800 $41,880 180 U 720 U 240 U 1,140 U 6,460 F 0 $ 6,460 F 1,260 5,040 1,680 7,980 45,220 9,800 $35,420 3. Actual sales price = $72,000 ÷ 320 = $225 Sales Price Variance = (Actual sales price – Budgeted sales price) × Actual number of offices cleaned: = ($225 – $190) × 320 = $11,200 Favorable Labor efficiency for experienced worker: Standard cars expected to be completed by experienced worker based on actual number of cars detailed = (168 ÷ 280) × 320 = 192 cars Labor efficiency variance = Budgeted wage rate per car × (Actual cars detailed – budgeted cars detailed) = $30 × (240 – 192) = $1,440 Unfavorable Labor efficiency for less-experienced workers: Standard cars expected to be completed by less-experienced workers based on actual number of cars detailed = (112 ÷ 280) × 320 = 128 cars Labor efficiency variance = Budgeted wage rate per car × (Actual cars detailed – budgeted cars detailed) = $15 × (80 – 128) = $720Favorable 4. In addition to understanding the variances computed above, Marcus should attempt to keep track of the number of cars worked on by each employee, as well as the number of hours spent on each car. In addition, Marcus should look at the prices charged for detailing, in relation to the hours spent on each job. It should also be considered whether the experienced worker should be asked to take less time per car, given his prior years at work and the fact that he is paid twice the wage rate of the less-experienced employees. 7-36 (30 mins.) Comprehensive variance analysis review. Actual results Units sold Selling price per unit Revenues (1,400 × $152) 1,400 units $152 $212,800 Direct materials purchased and used: Direct materials per unit Total direct materials cost (22,000 sq. meters × $5.50) Direct labor: Actual direct labor rate per hour Total direct labor costs (6,800 hours × $5.00) Variable costs: Variable cost per unit Total variable costs (6,800 hours × $2.21) Fixed overheads Static Budgeted Amounts Units sold Selling price per unit Revenues (1,000 hours × $150) Direct materials purchased: Direct materials per unit Total direct materials costs (1,000 units × $67.50) Direct labor: Direct labor rate per hour Total direct labor cost (1,000 units × $30.00) Variable costs: Variable costs per unit Total variable costs (1,000 units × $15.00) Fixed costs 1. Revenues Variable costs Direct materials Direct labor Variable costs Total variable costs Contribution margin Fixed costs Operating income 2. Actual operating income Static-budget operating income Actual Results $212,800 121,000 34,000 15,000 170,000 42,800 6,000 $36,800 $36,800 30,000 $5.50 $121,000 $5.00 $34,000 $2.21 $15,000 $6,000 1,000 $150 $150,000 $67.50 $67,500 $30.00 $30,000 $15.00 $15, 000 $7,500 Static-Budget Amounts $150,000 67,500 30,000 15,000 112,500 37,500 7,500 $30,000 Total static-budget variance $ 6,800 F Flexible-budget-based variance analysis for June: Actual Results (1) Units sold 1,400 Flexible-Budget Variances (2) = (1) – (3) Flexible Budget (3) 0 SalesVolume Variances (4) = (3) – (5) 1,400 400 $ Static Budget (5) 1,000 60,000 Revenues Variable costs Direct materials Direct labor Variable costs Total variable costs Contribution margin Fixed costs $212,800 $ 2,800 F $210,000 F $150,000 121,000 34,000 15,000 170,000 42,800 6,000 26,500 U 8,000 F 6,000 F 12,500 U 9,700 U 1,500 F 94,500 42,000 21,000 157,500 52,500 7,500 27,000 U 12,000 U 6,000 U 45,000 U 15,000 F 0 67,500 30,000 15,000 112,500 37,500 7,500 Operating income $36,800 $8,200 U $45,000 $15,000 F $30,000 $6,800 F Total static-budget variance $8,200 U Total flexible-budget variance 3. 4. 5. Flexible-budget operating income = $45,000. Flexible-budget variance for operating income = $8,200 U. Sales-volume variance for operating income = $15,000 U. $15,000 F Total sales-volume variance 7-37 (20 min.) Possible causes for price and efficiency variances 1. Actual Costs Incurred (Actual Input Qty. × Actual Price) (1) Direct Materials € 72,500 Actual Input Qty. × Budgeted Price (2) (2,640,000 × € 0.029) € 76,560 € 4,060 F € 6,960 U Price variance Direct Manufacturing Labor € 1540 F Price variance 2. Efficiency variance (1,300 × € 13) € 16,900 € 15,360 Flexible Budget (Budgeted Input Qty. Allowed for Actual Output × Budgeted Price) (3) (12,000 × 200 × € .029) € 69,600 (12,000 × (1/10) × € 13) € 15,600 € 1,300 U Efficiency variance The favorable materials price variance, paired with the unfavorable materials efficiency variance could be an indication that the company purchased less expensive ingredients, but at the cost of lower quality. Lower quality ingredients may have resulted in a higher than standard number of rejected units. That theory is supported by the unfavorable labor efficiency variance, as rejects cause both an unfavorable materials efficiency and unfavorable labor efficiency variance. The favorable labor price variance suggests that less experienced workers may have worked more hours than more experienced workers. Those workers would have probably worked slower, and their lack of experience may have caused higher than normal rejects or waste. The company should look at the number of rejected units, and if they are indeed abnormal, determine the cause of the rejects. Is it because of faulty materials, underskilled workers, or a combination of both? Perhaps additional training will help. If rejects are not the problem, employees may be wasting both time and materials. 7-38 (35 min.) Material cost variances, use of variances for performance evaluation 1. Materials Variances Actual Costs Incurred (Actual Input Qty. × Actual Price) Direct Materials (5,200 × $17a) $88,400 Actual Input Qty. × Budgeted Price Purchases Usage (5,200 × $18) (4,700 × $18) $93,600 $84,600 $5,200 F Price variance a Flexible Budget (Budgeted Input Qty. Allowed for Actual Output × Budgeted Price) (400 × 8 × $18) (3,200 × $18) $57,600 $27,000 U Efficiency variance $88,400 ÷5,200 = $17 2. The favorable price variance is due to the $1 difference ($18 - $17) between the standard price based on the previous suppliers and the actual price paid through the on-line marketplace. The unfavorable efficiency variance could be due to several factors including inexperienced workers and machine malfunctions. But the likely cause here is that the lower-priced titanium was lower quality or less refined, which led to more waste. The labor efficiency variance could be affected if the lower quality titanium caused the workers to use more time. 3. Switching suppliers was not a good idea. The $5,200 savings in the cost of titanium was outweighed by the $27,000 extra material usage. In addition, the $27,000 U efficiency variance does not recognize the total impact of the lower quality titanium because, of the 5,200 pounds purchased, only 4,700 pounds were used. If the quantity of materials used in production is relatively the same, Best Bikes could expect the remaining 500 lbs to produce approximately 40 more units. At standard, 40 more units should take 40 × 8 = 320 lbs. There could be an additional unfavorable efficiency variance of (500 $18) $9,000 (40 × 8 × $18) $5,760 $3,240U 4. The purchasing manager’s performance evaluation should not be based solely on the price variance. The short-run reduction in purchase costs was more than offset by higher usage rates. His evaluation should be based on the total costs of the company as a whole. In addition, the production manager’s performance evaluation should not be based solely on the efficiency variances. In this case, the production manager was not responsible for the purchase of the lower-quality titanium, which led to the unfavorable efficiency scores. In general, it is important for Johnson to understand that not all favorable material price variances are “good news,” because of the negative effects that can arise in the production process from the purchase of inferior inputs. They can lead to unfavorable efficiency variances for both materials and labor. Johnson should also that understand efficiency variances may arise for many different reasons and she needs to know these reasons before evaluating performance. 5. Variances should be used to help Best Bikes understand what led to the current set of financial results, as well as how to perform better in the future. They are a way to facilitate the continuous improvement efforts of the company. Rather than focusing solely on the price of titanium, Bentfield can balance price and quality in future purchase decisions. 6. Future problems can arise in the supply chain. Bentfield may need to go back to the previous suppliers. But Best Bikes’ relationship with them may have been damaged and they may now be selling all their available titanium to other manufacturers. Lower quality bicycles could also affect Best Bikes’ reputation with the distributors, the bike shops and customers, leading to higher warranty claims and customer dissatisfaction, and decreased sales in the future. 7-39 (30 min.) Direct manufacturing labor and direct materials variances, missing data. 1. Direct mfg. labor Flexible Budget (Budgeted Input Qty. Allowed for Actual Input Qty. Actual Output × Budgeted Price × Budgeted Price) $586,300b $786,500c Actual Costs Incurred (Actual Input Qty.× Actual Price) $594,500a $8200 U Price variance $200,200 F Efficiency variance $192,000 F Flexible-budget variance a Given (or 41,000 hours × $14.50/hour) 41,000 hours × $14.30/hour = $586,300 c 5,500 units × 10 hours/unit × $14.30/hour = $786,500 b 2. The favorable direct materials efficiency variance of $1,700 indicates that fewer pounds of direct materials were used than the budgeted quantity allowed for actual output. $1,700 efficiency variance = = $2 per pound budgeted price = 850 pounds Budgeted pounds allowed for the output achieved = 5,500 × 40 = 220,000 pounds Actual pounds of direct materials used = 220,000 – 850 = 219,150 pounds 3. Actual price paid per pound = 432,000/160,000 = $2.70 per pound 4. Actual Costs Incurred (Actual Input × Actual Price) $432,000a Actual Input × Budgeted Price $320,000b $112,000 U Price variance a b Given 160,000 pounds × $2/pound = $320,000 7-40 1. (35 min.) Direct materials efficiency, mix, and yield variances Peanuts ($1 × 50 cups) Dried cranberries ($2 × 30 cups) Chocolate pieces ($3 × 20 cups) Budgeted cost per batch $ $ 50 60 60 170 Number of batches Budgeted Cost × 100 $17,000 2. Solution Exhibit 7-40A presents the total price variance ($22 F), the total efficiency variance ($820 U), and the total flexible-budget variance ($798 U). SOLUTION EXHIBIT 7-40A Columnar presentation of direct materials price and efficiency variances for GoodFoods 3. Solution Exhibit 7-40B presents the total direct materials yield ($1700 U) and mix variances ($880 F). SOLUTION EXHIBIT 7-40A Columnar presentation of direct materials yield and mix variances for GoodFoods 4. The total mix variance combines with the total yield variance to equal the total efficiency variance calculated in part 2. The direct materials mix variance of $880 F indicates that the actual product mix uses relatively more of less-expensive ingredients than planned. In this case, the actual mix contains more peanuts while using fewer dried cranberries, and only slightly more chocolate pieces. The direct materials yield variance of $1700 U occurs because the amount of total inputs needed (11,000 cups) exceeded the budgeted amount (10,000 cups) expected to produce 100 batches. The direct materials yield variance is significant enough to be investigated. The mix variance may be within expectations but should be monitored since it is favorable largely due to the use of fewer dried cranberries, which is considered an important element of the product’s appeal to customers. 7-41 (20–30 min.) Direct materials and manufacturing labor variances, solving nknowns. All given items are designated by an asterisk. Direct Manufacturing Labor Actual Costs Incurred (Actual Input Qty. × Actual Price) Actual Input Qty. × Budgeted Price Flexible Budget (Budgeted Input Qty. Allowed for Actual Output × Budgeted Price) (2,225 × $16.76) $37,300 (2,225 × $16*) $35,600 (4,700* × 0.5* × $16*) $37,600 $1,700 U* Price variance Direct Materials (10,600 × $3.42) $36,300* Purchases (10,600 × $3*) $31,800 $4,500 U* Price variance 1. 4,700 units × 0.5 hours/unit = 2,350 hours $2,000 F* Efficiency variance Usage (10,367 × $3*) $31,100 (4,700* × 2* × $3*) $28,200 $2,900 U* Efficiency variance 2. Flexible budget – Efficiency variance = $37,600 – $2,000 = $35,600 Actual dir. manuf. labor hours = $35,600 ÷ Budgeted price of $16/hour = 2,225 hours 3. $35,600 + Price variance, $1,700 = $37,300, the actual direct manuf. labor cost Actual rate = Actual cost ÷ Actual hours = $37,300 ÷ 2,225 hours = $17/hour (rounded) 4. Standard qty. of direct materials = 4,700 units × 2 pounds/unit = 9,400 pounds 5. Flexible budget + Dir. matls. effcy. var. = $28,200 + $2,900 = $31,100 Actual quantity of dir. matls. used = $31,100 ÷ Budgeted price per lb = $31,100 ÷ $3/lb = 10,367 lbs 6. Actual cost of direct materials, $36,300 – Price variance, $4,500 = $31,800 Actual qty. of direct materials purchased = $31,800 ÷ Budgeted price, $3/lb = 10,600 lbs. 7. Actual direct materials price = $36,300 ÷ 10,600 lbs = $3.42 per lb 7-42 (20 min.) Direct materials and manufacturing labor variances, journal entries 1. Direct Materials: Actual Costs Incurred (Actual Input Qty. × Actual Price) Wool (given) $9,000 Actual Input Qty. × Budgeted Price 3,500 $3.40 $11,900 Flexible Budget (Budgeted Input Qty. Allowed for Actual Output × Budgeted Price) 20013 $3.40 $8,840 $2,900 F $3,060 U Price variance Efficiency variance $160 U Flexible-budget variance Direct Manufacturing Labor: Actual Costs Incurred (Actual Input Qty. × Actual Price) (given) $5,520 Actual Input Qty. × Budgeted Price 580 $9 $5,220 Flexible Budget (Budgeted Input Qty. Allowed for Actual Output × Budgeted Price) 200 3 $9 $5,400 $300 U Price variance $180 F Efficiency variance $120 F Flexible-budget variance 2. Direct Materials Price Variance (time of purchase = time of use) Direct Materials Control 11,900 Direct Materials Price Variance 2,900 Accounts Payable Control or Cash 9,000 Direct Materials Efficiency Variance Work in Process Control Direct Materials Efficiency Variance Direct Materials Control Direct Manufacturing Labor Variances 8,840 3,060 11,900 Work in Process Control Direct Mfg. Labor Price Variance Direct Mfg. Labor Efficiency Variance Wages Payable or Cash 5,400 300 180 5,520 3. Plausible explanations for the above variances include that Zanella paid a little less for the wool, but the wool was lower quality (more knots in the yarn that had to be cut out), and workers had to use more of it. Zanella used more experienced workers in April than she usually does. This resulted in payment of higher wages per hour, but the new workers were more efficient and took fewer hours than normal. However, overall, the higher wage rates resulted in Zanella’s total wage bill being higher than expected. 7-43 (30 min.) Use of materials and manufacturing labor variances for benchmarking 1. Unit variable cost (dollars) and component percentages for each firm: Firm A DM DL VOH Total 2. $10.80 11.20 12.80 $34.80 31.0% 32.2% 36.8% 100.0% Firm B $ 9.45 13.20 14.40 $37.05 25.5% 35.6% 38.9% 100.0% Variance analysis for Firm A using Firm B as the standard. The Direct Materials Price Variance is computed as: = = (Firm A Price – Firm B Price) × Firm A Usage ($4.80 - $5.25) × 2.25 oz. $1.0125 F The Direct Materials Efficiency Variance is computed as follows: = = (Firm A Usage – Firm B Usage) x Firm B Price (2.25 oz. – 1.80 oz.) × $5.25 $2.3625 U The Direct Labor Price Variance is computed as: = = (Firm A Rate – Firm B Rate) × Firm A Hours ($14.00 – $11.00) × 0.80 $2.40 U The Direct Labor Efficiency Variance is computed as follows: = = (Firm A Usage – Firm B Usage) × Firm B Rate (0.80 hrs. – 1.20 hrs.) × $11.00 $4.40 F 3. To: Controller From: Junior Accountant Re: Benchmarking & productivity improvements Date: September 15, 2020 Benchmarking advantages - We can see how productive we are relative to our closest competitor and the industry benchmark - We can see the specific areas in which there may be opportunities for us to reduce costs Benchmarking disadvantages - Our closest competitor is targeting the market for high-end and custom-made lenses. I'm not sure that looking at their costs helps with understanding ours better - We may focus too much on cost differentials and not enough on differentiating ourselves, maintaining our competitive advantages, and growing our margins Areas to discuss - We may want to find out whether the glass used by Firm B is of better quality since Firm B uses less glass per lens. It pays more per oz. of glass than we do. - We may want to analyze the wage rate we are paying our employees. We may be hiring higher skilled labor because the labor efficiency variance is favorable compared to Firm B resulting in lower labor cost per lens. - It is interesting that the trade association benchmarks fall in between the various quantities and prices for materials, labor and overhead. 7-44 (35 min.) Direct manufacturing labor variances: price, efficiency, mix and yield. 1. George ($30 × 6 hrs.) Earl ($20 × 4 hrs.) Cost per guitar Number of guitars Total budgeted cost $ $ $ 180 80 260 × 25 units 6,500 2. Solution Exhibit 7-44A presents the total price variance ($0), the total efficiency variance ($10 U), and the total flexible-budget variance ($10U). Total direct labor price variance can also be computed as: Total direct labor price variance can also be computed as: Direct labor price variance for each input = (Actual price − Budgeted price) × Actual quantity George = ($30 – $30) × 145 = $0 Earl = ($20 – $20) × 108 = 0 Total direct labor price variance $0 3. 4. Solution Exhibit 7-44B presents the total direct labor yield and mix variances for Trevor Joseph Guitars. The total direct labor yield variance can also be computed as the sum of the direct labor yield variances for each input: George = (253 – 250) × 0.60 × $30 = 3 × 0.60 × $30 = $54 U Earl = (253 – 250) × 0.40× $20 = 3 × 0.40 × $20 = 24 U Total direct labor yield variance = $78 U The total direct labor mix variance can also be computed as the sum of the direct labor mix variances for each input: George = (0.573 – 0.60) × 253 × $30 = 0.027 × 253 × $30 = $205 F Earl = (0.427 – 0.40) × 253 × $20 = –0.027 × 253 × $20 = 137 U Total direct labor mix variance = $68 F The sum of the direct labor mix variance and the direct labor yield variance equals the direct labor efficiency variance. The favorable mix variance arises from using more of the cheaper labor (and less of the costlier labor) than the budgeted mix. The yield variance indicates that the guitars required more total inputs (253 hours) than expected (250 hours) for the production of 25 guitars. Both variances are relatively small and probably within tolerable limits. It is likely that Earl, who is less experienced, worked more slowly than George, which caused the unfavorable yield variance. Trevor Joseph should be careful that using more of the cheaper labor does not reduce the quality of the guitar or how customers perceive it. 1. 7-45 (30 min.) Actual Costs Incurred (Actual Input Qty. × Actual Price) Direct Materials (820,000* × $1.97a) $1,615,400 Direct-cost and selling price variances. Materials Variances Actual Input Qty. × Budgeted Price Purchases Usage (820,000* × $2*) (800,000* × $2*) $1,640,000 $1,600,000 $24,600 F* Price variance a Flexible Budget (Budgeted Input Qty. Allowed for Actual Output × Budgeted Price) (1.2 yds* × 660,000 × $2*) (792,000 × $2) $1,584,000 $16,000 U* Efficiency variance $1,615,400 ÷820,000 = $1.97 Actual Costs Incurred (Actual Input Qty. × Actual Price) Direct Manufacturing Labor Flexible Budget (Budgeted Input Qty. Allowed for Actual Output × Budgeted Price) Actual Input Qty. × Budgeted Price (530,000 × $15.05) $7,976,500* $26,500 U* Price variance (530,000 × $15*) $7,950,000 (660,000* × 0.8 × $15*) $7,920,000 $30,000 U* Efficiency variance 1. 800,000 yds. DM used × $2/yd. = $1,600,000 − $16,000 U DM Eff Var. = $1,584,000 Flex Budget Flexible budget $1,584,000 ÷ Budgeted price of $2 per yd. = Budgeted input allowed 792,000 yds. Budgeted input allowed 792,000 yds. ÷ 1.2 yds. per shirts = 660,000 shirts produced 2. $1,640,000 (820,000 × $2) − $26,400 F DM Price Variance = $1,615,400 Actual Cost DM purchased Actual Cost DM purchased, $1,615,400 ÷ 820,000 yds. = $1.97 per yd. 3. $7,976,500 Actual DL cost ÷ $15.05 DL cost per hour = 530,000 DL hours worked 4. Actual DL Cost $7,976,500 – DL Price Variance $26,500 U = Actual DL × Budg. price $7,950,000 Actual DL × Budgeted price, $7,950,000 ÷ 530,000 DL hrs. = $15/ DL per hr. 5. $7,950,000 – DL Efficiency Var. $30,000 U = $7,920,000 $7,920,000 ÷ $15 DL std. rate = 528,000 std. DL hrs. 528,000 std. DL hrs. ÷ 660,000 shirts produced = 0.8 DL hrs. per shirt 7-46 (35 min.) Variances in the service sector 1. Skilled ($30 × 4 hrs.) Unskilled ($12 × 1 hrs.) Cost per job Number of jobs Total budgeted cost $ 120 12 $ 132 × 800 units $105,600 2. Solution Exhibit 7-46A presents the total price variance ($632 F), the total efficiency variance ($1,524 U), and the total flexible-budget variance ($ 892U). SOLUTION EXHIBIT 7-46A Columnar Presentation of Direct Labor Price and Efficiency Variances for Clean Ride Enterprises Skilled Unskilled Actual Costs Incurred (Actual Input Quantity × Actual Price) (1) $ 99,540 6,952 $106,492 Flexible Budget (Budgeted Input Quantity Allowed for Actual Output × Budgeted Price) (3) 3,200 × $30 = $ 96,000 800 × $12 = 9,600 $105,600 Actual Input Quantity × Budgeted Price (2) 3,318 × $30 = $99,540 632 × $12 = 7,584 $107,124 $632 F Total price variance $1,524 U Total efficiency variance $892 U Total flexible-budget variance F = favorable effect on operating income; U = unfavorable effect on operating income 3. In a company where there is a mixture of workers, some at higher wages and others at lower, all working on the same projects, an unfavorable efficiency variance can be the result of which employees worked on the project, not just how many hours were spent. If higher paid workers worked more than their standard percentage of the time, an unfavorable efficiency variance will result. 4. Skilled: Unskilled: Total Actual Quantity of Input 3,318 hours 632 hours 3,950 hours Actual Mix 84.0% 16.0% 100.0% Budgeted Quantity of Input for Actual Output 4 hours × 800 units = 3,200 hours 1 hours × 800 units = 800 hours 4,000 hours Budgeted Mix 80% 20% 100% 5. Solution Exhibit 7-46B presents the total direct labor yield and mix variances for Relaxing Day spa. SOLUTION EXHIBIT 7-46B Columnar Presentation of Direct Labor Yield and Mix Variances for Relaxing Day spa Actual Total Quantity of All Inputs Used × Actual Input Mix × Budgeted Price (1) Skilled: 3,950 × 0.84 × $30 = $ 99,540 Unskilled: 3,950 × 0.16 × $12 = 7,584 $107,124 Actual Total Quantity of All Inputs Used × Budgeted Input Mix × Budgeted Price (2) 3,950 × 0.80 × $30 = $ 94,800 3,950 × 0.20 × $12 = 9,480 $104,280 Flexible Budget: Budgeted Total Quantity of All Inputs Allowed for Actual Output × Budgeted Input Mix × Budgeted Price (3) 3,000 × 0.60 × $20 = $ 96,000 3,000 × 0.40 × $10 = 9,600 $105,600 $2,844 U $1,320 F Total mix variance Total yield variance $1,524 U Total efficiency variance F = favorable effect on operating income; U = unfavorable effect on operating income. 6. While the efficiency variance was unfavorable, it was due to the mix of labor, not the total hours used. The unfavorable mix variance is the result of a higher than standard percentage of skilled labor (84% vs. 80%) used. The yield variance, which is a more accurate measure of hours used, is favorable because total hours (3,950) were actually lower than the standard for 800 detail jobs (3,000). The skilled labor workers were probably able to work more quickly than the unskilled. In light of the information regarding the vacancies in the unskilled positions, last month could be treated as an outlier (especially in terms of the mix of labor employed), and more normal variances will likely follow in future months. While it is recommended that variances be calculated monthly, no corrective action with the employees appears necessary but hiring in the proper mix could reduce these variances. 7-47 (30 min.) Price and efficiency variances, benchmarking and ethics. 1. Budgeted navigation systems per unit = 4,080 systems ÷ 4,000 units = 1.02 systems Budgeted cost of navigation system = $81,600 ÷ 4,080 units = $20 per system Budgeted sheets of polarized glass per unit = 800 sheets ÷ 4,000 units = 0.20 sheets Budgeted cost of sheet of polarized glass = $40,000 ÷ 800 sheets = $50 per sheet Budgeted ounces of specialty plastic per unit = 4,000 ounces ÷ 4,000 units = 1 ounce per unit Budgeted cost of specialty plastic = $12,000 ÷ 4,000 ounces = $3 per ounce Budgeted direct manufacturing labor cost per hour ($36,000 ÷ 2,000) = $18 per hour Budgeted direct manufacturing labor hours per unit = 2,000 hours ÷ 4,000 units = 0.50 hours per unit Actual output achieved = 4,400 XS units Actual Costs Incurred (Actual Input Qty. × Actual Price) Navigation Systems $89,000 Actual Input Qty. × Budgeted Price (4,450 × $20) $89,000 $0 Price variance Polarized Glass (816 × $50) $40,800 $40,300 $500 F Price variance Plastic Casing (4,250 × $3) $12,750 $12,500 $250 F Price variance Direct Manufacturing Labor (2,040 × $18) $36,720 $37,200 $480 U Price variance Flexible Budget (Budgeted Input Qty. Allowed for Actual Output × Budgeted Price) (4,400 × 1.02 × $20) $89,760 $760 F Efficiency variance (4,400 × 0.20 × $50) $44,000 $3,200 F Efficiency variance (4,400 × 1 × $3) $13,200 $450 F Efficiency variance (4,400 × 0.50 × $18) $39,600 $2,880 F Efficiency variance 2. Actions employees may have taken include: (a) Adding steps that are not necessary in working on a GPS unit. (b) Taking more time on each step than is necessary. (c) Creating problem situations so that the budgeted amount of average downtime and rates of spoilage of materials will be overstated. (d) Creating defects in units so that the budgeted amount of average rework will be overstated. Employees may take these actions for several possible reasons. (a) They may be paid on a piece-rate basis with incentives for above-budgeted production. (b) They may want to create a relaxed work atmosphere, and a less demanding standard can reduce stress. (c) They have a “them vs. us” mentality rather than a partnership perspective. (d) They may want to gain all the benefits that ensue from superior performance (job security, wage rate increases) without putting in the extra effort required. This behavior is unethical if it is deliberately designed to undermine the credibility of the standards used at Sunto Scientific. 3. If Williams does nothing about standard costs, his behavior will violate the “Standards of Ethical Conduct for Management Accountants.” In particular, he would be violating the (a) standards of competence, by not performing technical duties in accordance with relevant standards; (b) standards of integrity, by passively subverting the attainment of the organization’s objective to control costs; and (c) standards of credibility, by not communicating information fairly and not disclosing all relevant cost information. 4. Williams should discuss the situation with Kelso and point out that the standards are lax and that this practice is unethical. If Kelso does not agree to change, Williams should escalate the issue up the hierarchy in order to effect change. If organizational change is not forthcoming, Williams should be prepared to resign rather than compromise his professional ethics. 5. are Main pros of using Competitive Intelligence Institute information to compute variances (a) Highlights to Sunto in a direct way how it may or may not be cost-competitive. (b) Provides a “reality check” to many internal positions about efficiency or effectiveness. Main cons are (a) Sunto (and the Savannah plant in particular) may not be comparable to companies in the database. (b) Cost data about other companies may not be reliable. (c) Cost of Competitive Intelligence Institute reports. Try It! 7-1 (a) Static-budget variance for revenues = (1,500 units × $190) − (1,400 units × $200) = $285,000 − $280,000 = $5,000 F (b) Static-budget variance for variable costs = $162,750 − (1,400 units × $110) = $8,750 U (c) Static-budget variance for fixed costs = $75,000 − $77,000 = $2,000 F (d) Static-budget variance for operating income = $1,750 U Units sold Revenues Variable costs Contribution margin Fixed costs Operating income Actual Results 1,500 Static Budget 1,400 Static-Budget Variance 100 F $285,000 162,750 $122,250 75,000 $ 47,250 $280,000 154,000 $126,000 77,000 $ 49,000 $5,000 8,750 3,750 2,000 $1,750 F U U F U Try It! 7-2 (a) Flexible budget for revenues = Actual units × Budgeted selling price per unit = 1,500 units × $200 = $300,000 (b) Flexible budget for variable costs = Actual units × Budgeted variable cost per unit = 1,500 units × $110 = $165,000 (c) Flexible budget for fixed costs = Static budget = $77,000 (d) Flexible budget for operating income = $300,000 − $165,000 − $77,000 = $58,000 Try It! 7-3 Variance Analysis for Jay Draperies Units sold Revenues (a) Variable costs (b) Contribution margin Fixed costs (c) Operating income (d) Actual Results (1) 1,500 $285,000 162,750 122,250 75,000 $ 47,250 Level 2 FlexibleBudget Variances (2) = (1)-(3) $ 15,000 U 2,250 F 12,750 U 2,000 F $10,750 U Flexible Budget (3) 1,500 $300,000 165,000 135,000 77,000 $ 58,000 $10,750 U Flexible-budget variance Level 1 Sales Volume Variance (4) = (3)-(5) $20,000 F 11,000 U 9,000 F 0 $ 9,000 F a. Direct materials variances: Actual unit cost = $67,200 ÷ 14,000 square yards = $4.80 per square yard Price variance = 14,000 × ($4.80 − $5.00) = $2,800 F Efficiency variance = $5.00 × [14,000 − (1,500 × 10)] = $5,000 F b. Direct manufacturing labor variances: Actual labor rate = $95,550 ÷ 7,800 hours = $12.25 per hour Price variance = 7,800 × ($12.25 − $12.00) = $1,950 U Efficiency variance = $12.00 × (7,800 − 1,500 × 5) = $3,600 U $280,000 154,000 126,000 77,000 $ 49,000 $ 9,000 F Sales-volume variance $1,750 U Static-budget variance Try It! 7-4 Static Budget (5) 1,400 CHAPTER 8 FLEXIBLE BUDGETS, OVERHEAD COST VARIANCES, AND MANAGEMENT CONTROL 8-1 Effective planning of variable overhead costs involves: 1. Planning to undertake only those variable overhead activities that add value for customers using the product or service, and 2. Planning to use the drivers of costs in those activities in the most efficient way. 8-2 Features to be considered in planning variable overhead costs – the focus of management is on the activities that create a superior product or service for their customers and eliminate activities that do not add value. Planning fixed overhead costs – managers undertake essential activities and plan to be efficient in such undertakings by choosing the appropriate level of capacity that will be of benefit to the organization. 8-3 Since both IFRS and U.S. GAAP require organizations to report actual incomes and expenses in financial statements, standard costing cannot be used in year -end financial statements. It represents predetermined costs assigned for units of material, labor and other costs of production for a specific period and the actual costs incurred may be different, thus creating a ‘variance.’ Standard costing is used for internal management decision making, especially in those organizations with repetitive business processes. It helps managers make informed decisions for effective cost allocation and evaluation of production performance. 8-4 Steps in developing a budgeted variable-overhead cost rate are: 1. Choose the period to be used for the budget, 2. Select the cost-allocation bases to use in allocating variable overhead costs to the output produced, 3. Identify the variable overhead costs associated with each cost-allocation base, and 4. Compute the rate per unit of each cost-allocation base used to allocate variable overhead costs to output produced. 8-5 A flexible budget is designed to adjust the permitted cost levels to suit the level of activity attained. This is usually achieved by analyzing costs into their variable and fixed elements so that the budget may be adjusted according to the actual level of activity. 8-6 Possible reasons for a favorable variable-overhead efficiency variance are: Workers more skillful in using machines than budgeted, Production scheduler was able to schedule jobs better than budgeted, resulting in lower-than-budgeted machine-hours, Machines operated with fewer slowdowns than budgeted, and Machine time standards were overly lenient. 8-1 8-7 A direct materials efficiency variance indicates whether more or less direct materials were used than was budgeted for the actual output achieved. A variable manufacturing overhead efficiency variance indicates whether more or less of the chosen allocation base was used than was budgeted for the actual output achieved. 8-8 Steps in developing a budgeted fixed-overhead rate are 1. Choose the period to use for the budget, 2. Select the cost-allocation base to use in allocating fixed overhead costs to output produced, 3. Identify the fixed-overhead costs associated with each cost-allocation base, and 4. Compute the rate per unit of each cost-allocation base used to allocate fixed overhead costs to output produced. 8-9 The variable overhead flexible-budget variance can be explained by calculating the spending variance and the efficiency variance. It indicates that the actual variable manufacturing overhead exceeded the flexible -budget amount by €8,000. 8-10 For planning and control purposes, fixed overhead costs are a lump sum amount that is not controlled on a per-unit basis. In contrast, for inventory costing purposes, fixed overhead costs are allocated to products on a per-unit basis. 8-11 An important caveat is what change in selling price might have been necessary to attain the level of sales assumed in the denominator of the fixed manufacturing overhead rate. For example, the entry of a new low-price competitor may have reduced demand below the denominator level if the budgeted selling price was maintained. An unfavorable productionvolume variance may be small relative to the selling-price variance had prices been dropped to attain the denominator level of unit sales. 8-2 8-12 A strong case can be made for writing off an unfavorable production-volume variance to cost of goods sold. The alternative is prorating it among inventories and cost of goods sold, but this would “penalize” the units produced (and in inventory) for the cost of unused capacity, i.e., for the units not produced. But, if we take the view that the denominator level is a “soft” number—i.e., it is only an estimate, and it is never expected to be reached exactly, then it makes more sense to prorate the production volume variance—whether favorable or not—among the inventory stock and cost of goods sold. Prorating a favorable variance is also more conservative: it results in a lower operating income than if the favorable variance had all been written off to cost of goods sold. Finally, prorating also dampens the efficacy of any steps taken by company management to manage operating income through manipulation of the production volume variance. In sum, a production-volume variance need not always be written off to cost of goods sold. 8-13 The four variances are: Variable manufacturing overhead costs spending variance efficiency variance Fixed manufacturing overhead costs spending variance production-volume variance 8-14 Interdependencies among the variances could arise for the spending and efficiency variances. For example, if the chosen allocation base for the variable overhead efficiency variance is only one of several cost drivers, the variable overhead spending variance will include the effect of the other cost drivers. As a second example, interdependencies can be induced when there are misclassifications of costs as fixed when they are variable, and vice versa. 8-15 Flexible-budget variance analysis can be used in the control of costs in an activity area by isolating spending and efficiency variances at different levels in the cost hierarchy. For example, an analysis of batch costs can show the price and efficiency variances from being able to use longer production runs in each batch relative to the batch size assumed in the flexible budget. 8-3 8-16 Choice ‘a’ is not correct. Choice ‘b’ is correct. Choice ‘c’ is incorrect. Choice ‘d’ is incorrect. 8-17 Choice ‘a’ is correct. $346,400, the same lump sum as the static budget Choice ‘b’ is incorrect. Choice ‘c’ is incorrect. Choice ‘d’ is incorrect. 8-18 Choice "c" is correct. The variable overhead efficiency variance is calculated as the difference between actual direct labor hours used versus standard (budgeted) direct labor hours allowed, multiplied by the standard variable overhead rate. If standard hours are below actual hours, this would mean more hours were used than expected and would therefore cause an unfavorable variance. Choice "a" is incorrect. Overall overhead variance is calculated as actual costs versus allocated costs, and this situation would be favorable because allocated is above actual. Choice "b" is incorrect. The volume variance focuses on actual versus budgeted units of production. Choice "d" is incorrect. The actual variable overhead rate does not factor into the variable overhead efficiency variance calculation. 8-19 Choice "2" is correct. The question asks for the amount of overallocated or underallocated overhead at the end of a month. For Culpepper, factory (manufacturing) overhead is allocated based on 40 percent of direct manufacturing labor cost. Direct manufacturing labor cost is $400,000, and factory (manufacturing) overhead allocated would be $160,000. Actual overhead is $175,000. Factory (manufacturing) overhead is therefore underallocated by $15,000. 8-20 Choice "4" is correct. Choice ‘d’ is correct. All the options are correct. Choice ‘a’ is a correct statement. The flexible budget amount for fixed overhead does not change with changes in production. The amount is not variable but fixed cost. Choice ‘b’ is a correct statement. Fixed cost flexible budget variance is the difference between actual and budgeted fixed costs in a flexible budget. Choice ‘c’ is a correct statement. Fixed overhead volume variance and fixed overhead budget variance are the two main components of total fixed overhead variance. 8-4 8-21 (10-15 min.) Variable overhead variance analysis Budegeted Overhead 40,000 Standard Variable Overhead rate per unit = Budgeted Production = 80,000 = 0.50 krona per unit Variable Overhead Recovered (i.e. charged to production) = Actual Production × Standard rate per unit = 96,000 × 0.50 krona = 48,000 krona Actual Variable Overhead = 56,000 krona Variable Overhead Variance = 𝐴𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝑂𝑣𝑒𝑟ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑑 − 𝑂𝑣𝑒𝑟ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑑 𝑅𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑑 = 56,000 krona − 48,000 krona − = 8,000 krona Favorable 8-5 8-22 (20-25 min.) Fixed Overheads Analysis in the Service Sector. Calculation on the basis of Standard hours: Budgeted Hours = 𝐵𝑢𝑑𝑔𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑝𝑢𝑡 × 𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑢𝑛𝑖𝑡 = 1,000 × 4 hours = 4,000 hours Standard Variable Overhead Rate per Hour= Budgeted overhead Budegeted hours = A$3,000 4,000 = A$0.75 Standard hours of Actual Production = 900 units × 4 hours = 3,600 hours Variable overhead recovered by Actual production: = Standard rate per hour × Standard hours of actual production = A$0.75 × 3,600 = A$2,700 Variable Overhead Expenditure Variance = Actual overhead – (Actual hours × Budgeted rate per hour) = A$2,680 − (1,700 × 0.75) = A$2,680 – A$1,275 = A$1,405 unfavorable Variable Overhead Efficiency Variance = (Actual hours – Budgeted hours of actual production) x Budgeted rate per hour = (1,700 − 3,600) x 0.75 = A$1,425 favorable NOTE: Variable Overhead Cost Variance = Expenditure + Efficiency A$20 Favorable Alternatively, this can also be calculated based on units of output, as below. Calculation on the basis of Units of Output: Standard Variable Overhead Rate per unit = Budgeted Overhead = $ 3,000 = $ 3 per unit Budgeted output 1,000 Variable Overhead recovered by Actual output = Actual Output x Standard rate per unit = 900 units x 3 = A$2,700 Standard Output in Actual hours = Actual hours__ = 1,700 = 425 units Standard time per unit 4 Variable Overhead Cost Variance = Overhead recovered – Actual overhead = A$2,700 – A$2,680 = A$20 Favorable Variable Overhead Expenditure Variance = Actual Overhead – (Standard output x Standard Rate per unit) = A$2,680 – (425 units x A$3) = A$1,405 Unfavorable Variable Overhead Efficiency Variance = Standard rate per unit x (Standard Output – Actual Output) = A$3 x (425 – 900) units = A$1,425 Favorable 8-6 8-23 (30 min.) Variable manufacturing overhead, variance analysis. 1. Denominator level = (3,200,000 × 0.02 hours) = 64,000 hours Actual Results 2,800,000 50,400 0.018 £680,400 £13.50 £0.243 1. Output units (baguettes) 2. Direct manufacturing labor-hours 3. Labor-hours per output unit (2 1) 4. Variable manuf. overhead (MOH) costs 5. Variable MOH per labor-hour (4 2) 6. Variable MOH per output unit (4 1) a Flexible Budget Amounts 2,800,000 56,000a 0.020 £560,000 £10 £0.200 2,800,000 ´ 0.020 = 56,000 hours Variable Manufacturing Overhead Variance Analysis for Baking Bad for 2020: Actual Costs Incurred Actual Input Qty. × Actual Rate (1) (50,400 × £13.50) £680,400 Actual Input Qty. × Budgeted Rate (2) (50,400 × £10) £504,000 £176,400 U Spending Variance Flexible Budget: Budgeted Input Qty. Allowed for Actual Output × Budgeted Rate (3) (56,000 × £10) £560,000 £56,000 F Efficiency Variance Allocated: Budgeted Input Qty. Allowed for Actual Output × Budgeted Rate (4) (56,000 × £10) £560,000 Never a Variance £120,400 U Flexible Budget Variance Never a Variance 3. Spending variance of £176,400 U. It is unfavorable because variable manufacturing overhead was 35 percent higher than planned. A possible explanation could be an increase in energy rates relative to the rate per standard labor-hour assumed in the flexible budget. Efficiency variance of £56,000 F. It is favorable because the actual number of direct manufacturing labor-hours required was lower than the number of hours in the flexible budget. Labor was more efficient in producing the tarts than management had anticipated in the budget. This could occur because of improved morale in the company, which could result from an increase in wages or an improvement in the compensation scheme. Flexible-budget variance of £120,400 U. It is unfavorable because the favorable efficiency variance was not large enough to compensate for the large unfavorable spending variance. 8-7 8-24 (30 min.) Fixed manufacturing overhead, variance analysis (continuation of 8-23). 1. Budgeted standard direct manufacturing labor used = 0.02 per tart Budgeted output = 3,200,000 baguettes Budgeted standard direct manufacturing labor-hours = 3,200,000 × 0.02 = 64,000 hours Budgeted fixed manufacturing overhead costs = 64,000 × £4.00 per hour = £256,000 Actual output = 2,800,000 tarts Allocated fixed manufacturing overhead = 2,800,000 × 0.02 × £4 = £224,000 Fixed Manufacturing Overhead Variance Analysis for Baking Bad for 2020: Same Budgeted Lump Sum (as in Static Budget) Actual Costs Regardless of Incurred Output Level (1) (2) £272,000 £256,000 Flexible Budget: Same Budgeted Lump Sum (as in Static Budget) Regardless of Output Level (3) £256,000 £16,000 U Spending variance Never a variance £16,000 U Flexible-budget variance Allocated: Budgeted Input Qty. Allowed for Actual Output × Budgeted Rate (4) (2,800,000 × 0.02 × £4) £224,000 £32,000 U Production-volume variance £32,000 U Production-volume variance £48,000 U Underallocated fixed overhead (Total fixed overhead variance) 2. The fixed manufacturing overhead is underallocated by $48,000. 3. The production-volume variance of $32,000 U captures the difference between the budgeted 3,200,0000 baguettes and the lower actual 2,800,000 baguettes produced—the fixed cost capacity not used. The spending variance of $16,000 U means that the actual aggregate of fixed costs ($272,000) exceeds the budget amount ($256,000). For example, monthly leasing rates for baguette-making machines may have increased above those in the budget for 2020. 8-8 8-25 (30–40 min.) Manufacturing overhead, variance analysis. 1. The summary information is: The Principles Corporation (June 2020) Outputs units (number of assembled units) Hours of assembly time Assembly hours per unit Variable mfg. overhead cost per hour of assembly time Variable mfg. overhead costs Fixed mfg. overhead costs Fixed mfg. overhead costs per hour of assembly time Actual 225 360 1.60b Flexible Budget 225 450c 2.00 Static Budget 110 220a 2.00 €32.00 €14,400e €10,780 €32.00 €7,040f €10,780 €49.00h €33.15d €11,933 €12,180 €33.83g a 110 units × 2 assembly hours per unit = 220 hours 360 hours ÷ 225 units = 1.60 assembly hours per unit c 225 units × 2 assembly hours per unit = 450 hours d €11,933 ÷ 360 assembly hours = €33.15 per assembly hour e 450 assembly hours × €32 per assembly hour = €14,400 f 220 assembly hours × €32 per assembly hour = €7,040 g €12,180 ÷ 360 assembly hours = €33.83 per assembly hour h €10,780 ÷ 220 assembly hours = €49 per assembly hour b Variable Manufacturing Overhead Actual Costs Incurred $11,933 Actual input quantity × Budgeted rate = 360 per assembly hour × €32 per assembly hour = €11,520 Flexible Budget Allocated Budget Spending variance Efficiency variance = Budgeted input quantity allowed for actual output × Budgeted rate = 450 per assembly hour × €32 per assembly hour = €14,400 = Budgeted input quantity allowed for actual output × Budgeted rate = 450 per assembly hour × €32 per assembly hour = €14,400 = €11,933 − €11,520 = €413 U = €11,520 − €14,400 = €2,880 F Flexible budget variance = Efficiency variance - Spending variance = €2,467 F Overallocated variable overhead = $2,467 F Fixed Manufacturing Overhead Actual Costs Incurred $12,180 Static budget lump sum (regardless of output level) = Flexible Budget = €10,780 8-9 Allocated Budget = Budgeted input quantity allowed for actual output × Budgeted rate = 450 per assembly hour × €49 per assembly hour = €22,050 Spending variance = €12,180 − €10,780 = €1,400 U Production volume variance = €22,050 − €10,780 = €11,270 F Flexible budget variance = €1,400 U Overallocated fixed overhead = Production volume variance − Flexible budget variance = €11,270 − €1,400 = €9,870 F The summary analysis is: Manufacturing Overhead Variable Fixed Spending €413 U €1,400 U Variance Efficiency Production Volume €2,880 F Never a variance Never a variance €11,270 F 2. Variable Manufacturing Costs and Variances a. Variable Manufacturing Overhead Control Accounts Payable Control and various other accounts To record actual variable manufacturing overhead costs incurred. 11,933 b. Work-in-Process Control Variable Manufacturing Overhead Allocated To record variable manufacturing overhead allocated. 14,400 c. Variable Manufacturing Overhead Allocated Variable Manufacturing Overhead Spending Variance Variable Manufacturing Overhead Control Variable Manufacturing Overhead Efficiency Variance To isolate variances for the accounting period. 14,400 413 11,933 14,400 11,933 2,880 d. Variable Manufacturing Overhead Efficiency Variance 2,880 Variable Manufacturing Overhead Spending Variance 413 Cost of Goods Sold 2,467 To write off variable manufacturing overhead variances to cost of goods sold. Fixed Manufacturing Costs and Variances a. Fixed Manufacturing Overhead Control Salaries Payable, Acc. Depreciation, various other accounts To record actual fixed manufacturing overhead costs incurred. 12,180 b. Work-in-Process Control Fixed Manufacturing Overhead Allocated 22,050 8-10 12,180 22,050 To record fixed manufacturing overhead allocated. c. Fixed Manufacturing Overhead Allocated Fixed Manufacturing Overhead Spending Variance Fixed Manufacturing Overhead Production-Volume Variance Fixed Manufacturing Overhead Control To isolate variances for the accounting period. 22,050 1,400 11,270 12,180 d. Fixed Manufacturing Overhead Production-Volume Variance 11,270 Fixed Manufacturing Overhead Spending Variance 1,400 Cost of Goods Sold 9,870 To write off fixed manufacturing overhead variances to cost of goods sold. 3. Planning and control of variable manufacturing overhead costs have both a long-run and a short-run focus. It involves Principles planning to undertake only value-added overhead activities (a long-run view) and then managing the cost drivers of those activities in the most efficient way (a short-run view). Planning and control of fixed manufacturing overhead costs at Principles have primarily a long-run focus. It involves undertaking only value-added fixedoverhead activities for a budgeted level of output. Principles make most of the key decisions that determine the level of fixed-overhead costs at the start of the accounting period. 8-11 8-26 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (1015 min.) 4-variance analysis, fill in the blanks. Variable Spending variance $400 U Efficiency variance 2,400 F Production-volume variance NEVER Flexible-budget variance 2,000 F Underallocated (overallocated) MOH 2,000 F Fixed $5,000 U NEVER 1,500 F 5,000 U 3,500 U These relationships could be presented in the same way as in Exhibit 8-4. Flexible Budget: Budgeted Input Qty. Allowed for Actual Costs Actual Input Qty. Actual Output Incurred × Budgeted Rate × Budgeted Rate (1) (2) (3) Variable MOH $36,000 $35,600 $38,000 $400 U $2,400 F Spending variance Efficiency variance Allocated: Budgeted Input Qty. Allowed for Actual Output × Budgeted Rate (4) $38,000 Never a variance $2,000 F Flexible-budget variance Never a variance $2,000 F Overallocated variable overhead (Total variable overhead variance) Fixed MOH Actual Costs Incurred (1) Same Budgeted Lump Sum (as in Static Budget) Regardless of Output Level (2) Flexible Budget: Same Budgeted Lump Sum (as in Static Budget) Regardless of Output Level (3) $20,000 $15,000 $15,000 $5,000 U Spending variance Never a variance $1,500 F Production-volume variance $5,000 U Flexible-budget variance $1,500 F Production-volume variance $3,500 U Underallocated fixed overhead (Total fixed overhead variance) 8-12 Allocated: Budgeted Input Qty. Allowed for Actual Output × Budgeted Rate (4) $16,500 An overview of the four overhead variances is: 4-Variance Analysis Variable Overhead Fixed Overhead 8-27 Spending Variance $400 U $5,000 U Efficiency Variance ProductionVolume Variance $2,400 F Never a variance Never a variance $1,500 F (20–30 min.) Straightforward 4-variance overhead analysis. 1. The budget for fixed manufacturing overhead is 4,000 units × 5 machine-hours × $14 machine-hours/unit = $280,000. An overview of the 4-variance analysis is: 4-Variance Analysis Variable Manufacturing Overhead Fixed Manufacturing Overhead Spending Variance Efficiency Variance ProductionVolume Variance $16,000 U $7,000 U Never a Variance $23,000 U Never a Variance $14,000 F Solution Exhibit 8-27 has details of these variances. A detailed comparison of actual and flexible budgeted amounts is: Actual 4,200 22,000 b 5.24 $170,000 d $7.73 $303,000 f $13.77 Output units (auto parts) Allocation base (machine-hours) Allocation base per output unit Variable MOH Variable MOH per hour Fixed MOH Fixed MOH per hour a 4,200 units × 5 machine-hours/unit = 21,000 machine-hours 22,000 ÷ 4,200 = 5.24 machine-hours per unit c 4,200 units × 5 machine-hours per unit × $7.00 per machine-hour = $147,000 d $170,000 ÷ 22,000 = $7.73 b 8-13 Flexible Budget 4,200 a 21,000 5.00 c $147,000 $7.00 e $280,000 $14.00 e f 4,000 units × 5 machine-hours per unit × $14 per machine-hour = $280,000 $303,000 ÷ 22,000 machine-hours = $13.77 per machine-hour 2. Variable Manufacturing Overhead Control Accounts Payable Control and other accounts 170,000 Work-in-Process Control Variable Manufacturing Overhead Allocated 147,000 Variable Manufacturing Overhead Allocated Variable Manufacturing Overhead Spending Variance Variable Manufacturing Overhead Efficiency Variance Variable Manufacturing Overhead Control 147,000 16,000 7,000 Fixed Manufacturing Overhead Control Wages Payable Control, Accumulated Depreciation Control, etc. 303,000 Work-in-Process Control Fixed Manufacturing Overhead Allocated 294,000 170,000 147,000 170,000 303,000 Fixed Manufacturing Overhead Allocated 294,000 Fixed Manufacturing Overhead Spending Variance 23,000 Fixed Manufacturing Overhead Production-Volume Variance Fixed Manufacturing Overhead Control 294,000 14,000 303,000 3. Individual fixed manufacturing overhead items are not usually affected very much by day-to-day control. Instead, they are controlled periodically through planning decisions and budgeting procedures that may sometimes have horizons covering six months or a year (for example, management salaries) and sometimes covering many years (for example, long-term leases and depreciation on plant and equipment). 4. The fixed overhead spending variance is caused by the actual realization of fixed costs differing from the budgeted amounts. Some fixed costs are known because they are contractually specified, such as rent or insurance, although if the rental or insurance contract expires during the year, the fixed amount can change. Other fixed costs are estimated, such as the cost of managerial salaries which may depend on bonuses and other payments not known at the beginning of the period. In this example, the spending variance is unfavorable, so actual FOH is greater than the budgeted amount of FOH. The fixed overhead production volume variance is caused by production being over or under expected capacity. You may be under capacity when demand drops from expected levels, or if there are problems with production. Over capacity is usually driven by favorable demand shocks or a desire to increase inventories. The fact that there is a favorable volume variance indicates that production exceeded the expected level of output (4,200 units actual relative to a denominator level of 4,000 output units). 8-14 SOLUTION EXHIBIT 8-27 Actual Costs Incurred (1) Variable MOH $170,000 Actual Input × Budgeted Rate (2) (22,000 × $7) $154,000 $16,000 U Spending variance Flexible Budget: Budgeted Input Allowed for Actual Output × Budgeted Rate (3) (4,200 × 5 × $7) $147,000 $7,000 U Efficiency variance $23,000 U Flexible-budget variance Allocated: Budgeted Input Allowed for Actual Output × Budgeted Rate (4) (4,200 × 5 × $7) $147,000 Never a variance Never a variance $23,000 U Underallocated variable overhead (Total variable overhead variance) Actual Costs Incurred (1) Fixed MOH $303,000 Same Budgeted Lump Sum (as in Static Budget) Regardless of Output Level (2) (4,000 × 5 × $14) $280,000 $23,000 U Spending variance Flexible Budget: Same Budgeted Lump Sum (as in Static Budget) Regardless of Output Level (3) (4,000 × 5 × $14) $280,000 Never a variance Allocated: Budgeted Input Allowed for Actual Output × Budgeted Rate (4) (4,200 × 5 × $14) $294,000 $14,000 F Production-volume variance $23,000 U $14,000 F Production-volume Flexible-budget variance variance $9,000 U Overallocated fixed overhead (Total fixed overhead variance) 8-15 8-28 3040 min.) Straightforward coverage of manufacturing overhead, standard-costing system. 1. Solution Exhibit 8-28 shows the computations. Summary details are: Actual 65,500 76,400 1.17b $618,840 Output units Allocation base (machine-hours) Allocation base per output unit Variable MOH Variable MOH per hour Fixed MOH Fixed MOH per hour a b c d $8.10 $145,790 e $1.91 Flexible Budget 65,500 a 78,600 1.2 c $628,800 $8.00 $144,000 – 65,500 × 1.2 = 78,600 d $618,840 ÷ 76,400 = $8.10 76,400 ÷ 65,500 = 1.17 e $145,790 ÷ 76,400 = $1.91 65,500 × 1.2 × $8 = $628,800 An overview of the 4-variance analysis is: 4-Variance Analysis Variable Manufacturing Overhead Fixed Manufacturing Overhead 2. Spending Variance Efficiency Variance $7,640 U $1,790 U $17,600 F Never a variance Production Volume Variance Never a variance $13,200 F Variable Manufacturing Overhead Control Accounts Payable Control and other accounts 618,840 Work-in-Process Control Variable Manufacturing Overhead Allocated 628,800 618,840 628,800 Variable Manufacturing Overhead Allocated 628,800 Variable Manufacturing Overhead Spending Variance 7,640 Variable Manufacturing Overhead Efficiency Variance Variable Manufacturing Overhead Control 17,600 618,840 Fixed Manufacturing Overhead Control Wages Payable Control, Accumulated Depreciation Control, etc. 145,790 145,790 Work-in-Process Control 157,200 8-16 Fixed Manufacturing Overhead Allocated Fixed Manufacturing Overhead Allocated 157,200 Fixed Manufacturing Overhead Spending Variance 1,790 Fixed Manufacturing Overhead Production-Volume Variance Fixed Manufacturing Overhead Control 157,200 13,200 145,790 3. The control of variable manufacturing overhead requires the identification of the cost drivers for such items as energy, supplies, and repairs. Control often entails monitoring nonfinancial measures that affect each cost item, one by one. Examples are kilowatt-hours used, quantities of lubricants used, and repair parts and hours used. The most convincing way to discover why overhead performance did not agree with a budget is to investigate possible causes, line item by line item. 4. The variable overhead spending variance is unfavorable. This means the actual rate applied to the manufacturing costs is higher than the budgeted rate. Because variable overhead consists of several different costs, this could be for a variety of reasons, such as the utility rates being higher than estimated or the indirect materials costs per unit of denominator activity being more than estimated. The variable overhead efficiency variance is favorable, which implies that the estimated denominator activity was too high. Because the denominator activity is machine hours, this could be the result of efficient use of machines, better scheduling of production runs, or machines that are well maintained and thus are working at more than the expected level of efficiency. 8-17 SOLUTION EXHIBIT 8-28 Actual Costs Incurred (1) Variable Manufacturing Overhead $537,470 Flexible Budget: Budgeted Input Allowed for Actual Output × Budgeted Rate (3) (79,800 × $7) $558,600 Actual Input × Budgeted Rate (2) (75,700 × $7) $529,900 $7,570 U $28,700 F Spending variance Efficiency variance Allocated: Budgeted Input Allowed for Actual Output × Budgeted Rate (4) (79,800 × $7) $558,600 Never a variance $21,130 F Flexible-budget variance Never a variance $21,130 F Overallocated variable overhead (Total variable overhead variance) Fixed Manufacturing Overhead Actual Costs Incurred (1) Same Budgeted Lump Sum (as in Static Budget) Regardless of Output Level (2) Flexible Budget: Same Budgeted Lump Sum (as in Static Budget) Regardless of Output Level (3) $146,101 $136,000 $136,000 $10,101 U Spending variance Never a variance $10,101 U Flexible-budget variance Allocated: Budgeted Input Allowed for Actual Output × Budgeted Rate (4) (79,800 × $2*) $159,600 $23,600 F Production-volume variance $23,600 F Production-volume variance $13,499 F Overallocated fixed overhead (Total fixed overhead variance) Fixed manufacturing overhead budgeted rate = $144,000 / 72,000 machine hours = $2 per machine hour 8-18 8-29 (20–25 min.) Overhead variances, service sector. 1. Hot Meals Now (May 2020) Output units (number of deliveries) Hours per delivery Hours of delivery time Variable overhead costs per delivery hour Variable overhead (VOH) costs Fixed overhead costs Fixed overhead cost per hour Actual Results 8,600 0.66a 5,660 $2.00d Flexible Budget 8,600 0.70 6,020b $1.75 Static Budget 12,000 0.70 8,400c $1.75 $11,320 $39,600 $10,535e $33,600 $14,700f $33,600 $4.67g a 5,660 hours ÷ 8,600 deliveries = 0.66 hours per delivery hrs. per delivery × actual number of deliveries = 0.70 × 8,600 = 6,020 hours c hrs. per delivery × expected number of deliveries = 0.70 × 12,000 = 8,400 hours d $11,320 VOH costs ÷ 5,660 delivery hours = $2.00 per delivery hour e 8,600 deliveries × 0.70 hours per delivery × $1.75 VOH cost per delivery hour = $14,700 f 12,000 deliveries × 0.70 hours per delivery × $1.75 VOH cost per delivery hour = $14,700 f Static budget delivery hours = 12,000 units × 0.70 hours/unit = 8,400 hours; g Fixed overhead rate = Fixed overhead costs ÷ static budget delivery hours = $33,600 ÷ 8,400 hours = $4 per hour b VARIABLE OVERHEAD Actual Costs Incurred $11,320 Actual Input Qty. × Budgeted Rate 5,660 hrs × $1.75 per hr. $9,905 $1,415 U Spending variance Flexible Budget: Budgeted Input Qty. Allowed for Actual Output × Budgeted Rate 6,020 hrs × $1.75 per hr. $10,535 $630 F Efficiency variance 8-19 2. FIXED OVERHEAD Actual Costs Incurred $39,600 Flexible Budget: Same Budgeted Lump Sum (as in Static Budget) Regardless of Output Level $33,600 $6,000 U Spending variance Allocated: Budgeted Input Qty. Allowed for Actual Output × Budgeted Rate 6,020 hrs. × $4/hr. $24,080 $9,520 U Production-volume variance 3. The spending variances for variable and fixed overhead are both unfavorable. This means that HMN had increases over budget in either or both the cost of individual items (such as telephone calls and gasoline) in the overhead cost pools, or the usage of these individual items per unit of the allocation base (delivery time). The favorable efficiency variance for variable overhead costs results from more efficient use of the cost allocation base––each delivery takes 0.66 hours versus a budgeted 0.70 hours. HMN can best manage its fixed overhead costs by long-term planning of capacity rather than day-to-day decisions. This involves planning to undertake only value-added fixed-overhead activities and then determining the appropriate level for those activities. Most fixed overhead costs are committed well before they are incurred. In contrast, for variable overhead, a mix of long-run planning and daily monitoring of the use of individual items is required to manage costs efficiently. HMN should plan to undertake only value-added variable-overhead activities (a longrun focus) and then manage the cost drivers of those activities in the most efficient way (a shortrun focus). There is no production-volume variance for variable overhead costs. The unfavorable production-volume variance for fixed overhead costs arises because HMN has unused fixed overhead resources that it may seek to reduce in the long run. 8-20 8-30 (4550 min.) Total overhead, 3-variance analysis. 1. This problem has two major purposes: (a) to give experience with data allocated on a total overhead basis instead of on separate variable and fixed bases and (b) to reinforce distinctions between actual hours of input, budgeted (standard) hours allowed for actual output, and denominator level. An analysis of direct manufacturing labor will provide the data for actual hours of input and standard hours allowed. One approach is to plug the known figures (designated by asterisks) into the analytical framework and solve for the unknowns. The direct manufacturing labor price variance can be computed by adding $7,500U to $1,875F. The complete picture is as follows: Actual Costs Incurred (15,000 hrs. × $17.00) $255,000* Actual Input × Budgeted Rate (15,000 hrs. × $18.00*) $270,000 Flexible Budget: Budgeted Input Allowed for Actual Output × Budgeted Rate (14,500 hrs. × $18.00*) $261,000 $15,000 F $9,000 U* Price variance Efficiency variance $6,000 F* Flexible-budget variance * Given Direct Labor calculations Actual input × Budgeted rate = Actual costs + Price variance = $255,000 + $15,000 = $270,000 Actual input = $270,000 ÷ Budgeted rate = $270,000 ÷ $18 = 15,000 hours Budgeted input × Budgeted rate = $270,000 – Efficiency variance = $270,000 – $9,000 = $261,000 Budgeted input = $261,000 ÷ Budgeted rate = $261,000 ÷ 18 = 14,500 hours 2. The calculations for total overhead are given below. Variable overhead rate = $90,000* ÷ 12,000* hrs. = $7.50 per standard labor-hour Budgeted fixed overhead costs = $110,000* – (8,000* × $7.50) = $50,000 If total overhead is allocated at 80% of direct labor-cost, the single overhead rate must be 80% of $18.00, or $14.4 per hour. Therefore, the fixed overhead component of the rate must be $14.40 – $7.50, or $6.90 per direct labor-hour. 8-21 Let D = denominator level in input units Budgeted fixed overhead costs Budgeted fixed overhead rate per input unit = Denominator level input units $50,000 $6.90 = D D = 7246 direct labor-hours (approximately) A summary 3-variance analysis for May follows: Actual Costs Incurred $160,000* Actual Inputs × Budgeted Rate $50,000 + (15,000 × $7.50) $162,500 $2,500 F Spending variance Flexible Budget: Budgeted Input Allowed for Actual Output × Budgeted Rate $50,000 + ($7.50 × 14,500) $158,750 $3,750 U Efficiency variance $1,250 U Flexible-budget variance Allocated: Budgeted Input Allowed for Actual Output × Budgeted Rate (14,500 hrs. × $14.40) $208,800 $50,050 F* Production-volume variance $50,050 F* Production-volume variance * Known figure An overview of the 3-variance analysis using the block format in the text is: 3-Variance Analysis Total Overhead Spending Variance Efficiency Variance Production Volume Variance $2,500 F $3,750 U $50,050 F 3. The control of variable manufacturing overhead requires the identification of the cost drivers for such items as energy, supplies, equipment, and maintenance. Control often entails monitoring nonfinancial measures that affect each cost item, one by one. Examples are kilowatts used, quantities of lubricants used, and equipment parts and hours used. The most convincing way to discover why overhead performance did not agree with a budget is to investigate possible causes, line item by line item. Individual fixed manufacturing overhead items are not usually affected very much by dayto-day control. Instead, they are controlled periodically through planning decisions and budgeting that may sometimes have horizons covering six months or a year (for example, management salaries) and sometimes covering many years (for example, long-term leases and depreciation on plant and equipment). 8-22 8-31 (35 min.) Production-volume variance analysis and sales volume variance. 1. and 2. Fixed Overhead Variance Analysis for Marissa Designs, Inc. for February Actual Fixed Overhead $11,400 Static Budget Fixed Overhead $10,800 Standard Hours × Budgeted Rate (720 × 1.5 × $6*) $6,480 $600 U $4,320 U Spending variance variance Production-volume * fixed overhead rate = (budgeted fixed overhead)/(budgeted DL hours at capacity) = $10,800/(1,200 × 1.5 hours) = $10,800/1,800 hours = $6/hour 3. An unfavorable production-volume variance measures the cost of unused capacity. Production at capacity would result in a production-volume variance of zero because the fixed overhead rate is based on expected hours at capacity production. However, the existence of an unfavorable volume variance does not necessarily imply that management is doing a poor job or incurring unnecessary costs. Two reasons can be identified: a. For most products, demand varies from month to month while commitment to the factors that determine capacity, e.g., size of the workshop or supervisory staff, tends to remain relatively constant. If Marissa wants to meet demand in high demand months, it will have excess capacity in low demand months. In addition, forecasts of future demand contain uncertainty due to unknown future factors. Having some excess capacity would allow Marissa to produce enough to cover peak demand as well as slack to deal with unexpected demand surges in non-peak months. b. Basic economics provides a demand curve that shows a tradeoff between price charged and quantity demanded. Potentially, Marissa could have a lower net revenue if they produce at capacity and sell at a lower price than if they sell at a higher price at some level below capacity. In addition, the unfavorable production-volume variance may not represent a feasible cost savings associated with lower capacity. Even if Marissa could shift to lower fixed costs by lowering capacity, the fixed cost may behave as a step function. If so, fixed costs would decrease in fixed amounts associated with a range of production capacity, not a specific production volume. The production-volume variance would only accurately identify potential cost savings if the fixed cost function is continuous, not discrete. 8-23 4. The static-budget operating income for February is: Revenues $55 × 1,200 Variable costs $25 × 1,200 Fixed overhead costs Static-budget operating income $66,000 30,000 10,800 $25,200 The flexible-budget operating income for February is: Revenues $55 × 720 Variable costs $25 × 720 Fixed overhead costs Flexible-budget operating income $39,600 18,000 10,800 $10,800 The sales-volume variance represents the difference between the static-budget operating income and the flexible-budget operating income: Static-budget operating income Flexible-budget operating income Sales-volume variance $25,200 10,800 $14,400 U Equivalently, the sales-volume variance captures the fact that when Marissa sells 720 units instead of the budgeted 1,200, only the revenue and the variable costs are affected. Fixed costs remain unchanged. Therefore, the shortfall in profit is equal to the budgeted contribution margin per unit times the shortfall in output relative to budget. Sales volume variance = (Budgeted selling price – Budgeted variable cost per unit) × Difference in qty of units sold relative to the static budget = ($55 – $25) × 480 = $30 × 480 = $14,400 U In contrast, we computed in requirement 2 that the production-volume variance was $4,320 U. This captures only the portion of the budgeted fixed overhead expected to be unabsorbed because of the 480-unit shortfall. To compare it to the sales-volume variance, consider the following: Budgeted selling price Budgeted variable cost per unit Budgeted fixed cost per unit ($10,800 ÷ 1,200) Budgeted cost per unit Budgeted profit per unit Operating income based on budgeted profit per unit $21 per unit × 720 units 8-24 $55 $25 9_ 34 $ 21 $15,120 The $4,320 U production-volume variance explains the difference between operating income based on the budgeted profit per unit and the flexible-budget operating income: Operating income based on budgeted profit per unit Production-volume variance Flexible-budget operating income $15,120 4,320 U $10,800 Because the sales-volume variance represents the difference between the static- and flexible-budget operating incomes, the difference between the sales-volume and production-volume variances, which is referred to as the operating-income volume variance, is: Operating-income volume variance = Sales-volume variance – Production-volume variance = Static-budget operating income – Operating income based on budgeted profit per unit = $25,200 U – $15,120 U = $10,080 U. The operating-income volume variance explains the difference between the staticbudget operating income and the budgeted operating income for the units actually sold. The static-budget operating income is $25,200 and the budgeted operating income for 720 units would have been $15,120 ($21 operating income per unit × 720 units). The difference, $10,080 U, is the operating-income volume variance, i.e., the 480 unit drop in actual volume relative to budgeted volume would have caused an expected drop of $10,080 in operating income, at the budgeted operating income of $21 per unit. The operating-income volume variance assumes that $4,320 in fixed cost ($9 per unit × 480 units) would be saved if production and sales volumes decreased by 480 units. 8-25 8-32 (20 min.) Overhead variances, service setting. 1. and 2. Variable and Fixed Technology Overhead Variance Analysis for Alpha Capital Company for the first quarter of 2020: Actual Costs Incurred Variable Technology Overhead Actual Input Qty. Budgeted Rate $22,000 $100 U (7,300 $3) $21,900 e. Spending variance Fixed Technology Overhead $19,200 Flexible Budget: Budgeted Input Qty. Allowed for Actual Output Budgeted Rate (14,500 0.5 $3) $21,750 $150 U f. Efficiency variance $19,500 $19,500 $300 F h. Spending variance 3. Allocated: (Budgeted Input Qty. Allowed for Actual Output Budgeted Rate) (14,500 0.5 $3) $21,750 Never a variance (14,500 0.5 $3.00) $21,750 $2,250 F Never a variance g. Production volume variance Alpha has done a reasonable job overall of managing its technology overhead costs. It has both an unfavorable variable overhead spending and efficiency variance. Alpha had an unfavorable efficiency variance because it used too many CPU units of processing time relative to the number of client interactions it had. This is not an issue if the goal was to meet the high-performance computing needs of clients and resulted in higher levels of client satisfaction or revenues. For the 7,300 CPU units used, Alpha spent $3.0136 per unit relative to the budgeted $3.00, so the price/spending variance on variable technology overhead was also unfavorable but, again, if the goal is to meet high performance computing needs of clients and it resulted in higher levels of client satisfaction or revenues, the cost trade may have been a good decision. The two unfavorable variances were relatively small so it may not have impacted the profits significantly. From the standpoint of capacity utilization, Alpha Capital was successful at managing their fixed technology overhead resources. They handled 14,500 client interactions, compared to an expected output of 13,000. It would be useful to know what the firm views as the maximum attainable level of capacity given its current spending on technology. The firm should attempt to identify if their current technology resources will be sufficient to sustain their added customer processing in the future and if a higher spending level is likely in future years. 8-26 8-33 (20-30 min.) Flexible Budget Variances. a. Flexible budget Units Revenue Variable Costs: Material Labor Factory Overhead Contribution Margin Fixed Costs: Factory Overhead Office Expenses Operating Income Actual 40,000 236,000 Flexed 40,000 240,000 Variance -4,000 Unfavorable 76,000 63,200 34,000 62,800 80,000 60,000 32,000 68,000 -4,000 3,200 2,000 -5,200 Favorable Unfavorable Unfavorable Unfavorable 12,880 22,000 27,920 12,000 20,000 36,000 880 2,000 -8,080 Unfavorable Unfavorable Unfavorable b. Since revenues and variable costs vary directly with number of units, we need to calculate budgeted price and variable costs per unit by dividing static budget amounts by 30,000 budgeted units. This yields price per unit of €6.00, material cost per unit of €2.00, labor cost per unit of €1.50 per unit and variable factory overhead of €0.80 per unit. These figures are then multiplied by actual units sold i.e. 40,000 units to obtain flexible budget revenue and variable costs. For income items (revenue, contribution margin and operating income in this example), the flexible budget variance is favorable when actual numbers exceed flexible budget numbers and vice versa. For cost items, excess of flexible budget numbers over actual number means favorable variance and vice versa. The fixed costs are constant and remain same in both static and flexed budgets. 8-27 8-34 (35 min.) Flexible-budget variances, review of Chapters 7 and 8. 1. Solution Exhibit 8-34 contains a columnar presentation of the variances for Darby Design Company (DDC) for April 2020. SOLUTION EXHIBIT 8-34 Direct Materials Actual Costs Incurred: Actual Input Qty. × Actual Rate (12,900 $10) $129,000 Actual Input Qty. × Budgeted Price Purchases Usage (12,900 $9) (9,000 $9) $116,100 $81,000 $12,900 U a. Price variance Direct Manufacturing Labor $5,400 F b. Efficiency variance (29,600 $16) $473,600 $621,600 $148,000 U Variable Manufacturing Overhead d. Efficiency variance Actual Input Qty. Budgeted Rate $64,900 (32,000 1.2 $16) $614,400 $140,800 F c. Price variance Actual Costs Incurred Flexible Budget: Budgeted Input Qty. Allowed for Actual Output × Budgeted Price (32,000 0.3 $9) $86,400 Flexible Budget: Budgeted Input Qty. Allowed for Actual Output Budgeted Rate (9,000 $4) $36,000 Allocated: (Budgeted Input Qty. Allowed for Actual Output Budgeted Rate) (9,600 $4) $38,400 $28,900 U (9,600 $4) $38,400 $2,400 F e. Spending variance f. Efficiency variance Never a variance Fixed Manufacturing $160,000 $143,500* Overhead $16,500 U h. Spending variance variance 8-28 (32,000 0.3 $14) $134,400 $143,500 $9,100 U Never a variance g. Production volume * Denominator level (Annual) in pounds of material: 410,000 × 0.3 = 123,000 pounds Annual Budgeted Fixed Overhead: 123,000 × $14/lb = $1,722,000 Monthly budgeted FOH: $1,722,000 / 12 = $143,500 2. The direct materials price variance indicates that DDC paid more for brass than they had planned. If this is because they purchased a higher quality of brass, it may explain why they used less brass than expected (leading to a favorable material efficiency variance). In turn, because variable manufacturing overhead is assigned based on pounds of materials used, this directly led to the favorable variable overhead efficiency variance. The purchase of a better quality of brass may also explain why it took less labor time to produce the doorknobs than expected (the favorable direct labor efficiency variance). Finally, the unfavorable direct labor price variance could imply that the workers who were hired were more experienced than expected, which could also be related to the positive direct material and direct labor efficiency variances. 8-35 (30 min.) Comprehensive variance analysis. Budgeted number of machine-hours planned can be calculated by multiplying the number of units planned (budgeted) by the number of machine-hours allocated per unit: 588 units 3 machine-hours per unit = 1,764 machine-hours. 2. Budgeted fixed MOH costs per machine-hour can be computed by dividing the flexible budget amount for fixed MOH (which is the same as the static budget) by the number of machine-hours planned (calculated in 1.): $343,980 ÷ 1,764 machine-hours = $195.00 per machine-hour. 3. Budgeted variable MOH costs per machine-hour are calculated as budgeted variable MOH costs divided by the budgeted number of machine-hours planned: $72,324 ÷ 1,764 machine-hours = $41.00 per machine-hour. 4. Budgeted number of machine-hours allowed for actual output achieved can be calculated by dividing the flexible-budget amount for variable MOH by budgeted variable MOH costs per machine-hour: $79,950 ÷ $41.00 per machine-hour= 1,950 machinehours allowed. 5. The actual number of output units is the budgeted number of machine-hours allowed for actual output achieved divided by the planned allocation rate of machine hours per unit: 1,950 machine-hours ÷ 3 machine-hours per unit = 650 units. 6. The actual number of machine-hours used per output unit is the actual number of machine hours used (given) divided by the actual number of units manufactured: 1,170 machine-hours ÷ 650 units = 1.8 machine-hours used per output unit. 8-29 8-36 (25-30 min.) Variable Overheads Flexible Budget in Manufacturing Sector 1. Calculate the following variances, indicating whether each is favorable or unfavorable Bruno Ltd a. Direct Material Cost: (a) Price Variance: = 12,500kg x £(0.88 – 0.80) = $1,000 (Unfavorable) (b) Usage Variance: = (9,500kg – 10,000kga) x £0.80 = £400 (Favorable) a 400 padlocks x 25 kg per unit standard raw material. b. Direct Labor Cost: (a) Rate Variance: = 1,100 hours x (£12 - £11.80) = 220 (Favorable) (b) Efficiency Variance: = (1,100 – 1,200) hours x £12 = £1,200 (Favorable) c. Variable Overhead: (a) Expenditure variance: = £2,600 – (1,100 hours x £2) = £400 (Unfavorable) (b) Efficiency variance: = (1,100 – 1,200) hours x £2 = £200 (Favorable) d. Fixed Overhead: (a) Expenditure variance: = (1,400 hours x £1) – 1,420 = £20 (Unfavorable) (b) Volume variance: = 1,400 hours – (1,200 hours x £1) = £200 (Unfavorable) (c) Capacity Variance: = (1,400 hours – 1,100 hours) x £1 = £300 (Unfavorable) (d) Efficiency variance: = (1,200 hours – 1,100 hours) x £1 8-30 = £100 (Favorable) e. Reconciliation of Standard and Actual Cost of Production £ Standard Cost: 400 units at £65 each Actual Cost Less: Raw materials stock at standard cost: (12,500 – 9,500) = 3,000kg @ £0.80 £ 26,000 28,000 2,400 -------- (25,600) -------------------400 (Favorable) ============ £ £ (Unfavorable) (Favorable) 1,000 400 220 1,200 400 200 20 200 ---------------£1,620 £2,020 ===== ===== Material Price Material Usage Labor Rate Labor Efficiency Variable Overhead Expenditure Variable Overhead Efficiency Fixed Overhead Expenditure Fixed Overhead Volume Difference = Total Variance of £400 (Favorable) 2. What are the possible causes of overhead variances? Overhead variances are more complex than basic labor and material variances, mainly because of the conventions of the overhead absorption process. Overhead absorption rates are calculated from estimates of expenditure and activity overheads are frequently absorbed into production by means of labor hours, overhead variances can also arise when labor efficiency is greater or less than planned. 8-31 8-37 30 –35 min.) Overhead Budget Analysis Delta Rubber Plastic Company Ltd. Overhead Budget Report for the year ended 31st December 2020 Budget Actual Variance Favorable/Unfavorable Production 100,000 125,000 Indirect materials 50,000 60,000 (10,000) Unfavorable Indirect labor 40,000 45,000 (5,000) Unfavorable Supervisory salaries 100,000 105,000 (5,000) Unfavorable Rent 80,000 80,000 0 Utilities 40,000 45,000 (5,000) Unfavorable Depreciation 20,000 20,000 0 Unfavorable Total overhead $330,000 $355,000 ($25,000) b). It appears that company’s accountant made an error by treating variable costs as fixed. If Niger Delta Ltd has increased production from 100,000 units to 125,000 units, the variable costs should also increase. The accountant should flex the budget to determine how much overhead he should have incurred at the current activity level. Some costs are variable, they change in response to activity levels while other costs are fixed and remain the same. For example, direct materials are variable costs because the more units produced, the more materials are required. On the other hand, some overhead costs, such as rent, are fixed, and will stay the same. An analysis of the costs will indicate that indirect materials, indirect labor, and utilities are variable costs. On the other hand, supervisory salaries, rent, and depreciation are fixed. c). Flexible budget Original Budget Production Indirect materials Indirect labor Utilities Total Variable Cost per Unit 100,000 units ----------------$50,000 $40,000 $40,000 ------------$130,000 ======== Flexible Budget 125,000 units --------------------- 0.50 0.40 0.40 -----------$1.30 ======= 8-32 62,500 50,000 50,000 -----------------$162,500 ========== In the original budget, making 100,000 units resulted in total variable costs of $130,000. Dividing total cost of each category by the budgeted production level results in variable cost per unit of $0.50 for indirect materials, $0.40 for indirect labor, and $0.40 for utilities. To compute the value of the flexible budget, multiply the variable cost per unit by the actual production volume. Here, the figure indicates that the variable costs of producing 125,000 should total $162,500 (125,000 units x $1.30). d). Compare the actual performance with the flexed budget. Delta Rubber Plastic Company Ltd. Overhead Budget Report (Flexible) For the year ended December 31, 2020 Flexible Budget Production (units) 125,000 ----------- Actual Variance Favorable/ Unfavorable 125,000 ----------- Variable Costs: Indirect Costs Indirect labor Utilities $62,500 $50,000 $50,000 ----------Total Variable Costs $162,500 ----------- 60,000 45,000 45,000 ----------#150,000 ------------ 2,500 5,000 5,000 ---------- Favorable Favorable Favorable 105,000 80,000 20,000 ----------205,000 ----------$355,000 ======= (5,000) 0 0 ---------- Unfavorable $7,500 ====== Favorable Fixed Costs: Supervisory salaries Rent Depreciation Total Fixed Costs Total Overhead $100,000 $80,000 $20,000 ----------$200,000 ----------$362,500 ====== By adjusting for the change in production level, Delta Rubber Plastic Company Ltd.’s variance is suddenly favorable. Actual overhead of $355,000 was $7,500 less than the $362,500 flexible budget. 8-33 2. (a) Variable Manufacturing Overhead Variance Analysis for Best Around, Inc. for 2020 Actual Costs Incurred (1) $12,075,000 Flexible Budget: Budgeted Input Qty. Allowed for Actual Output × Budgeted Rate (3) (1,125,000 $10) $11,250,000 Actual Input Qty. × Budgeted Rate (2) (1,200,000 $10) $12,000,000 $75,000 U Spending variance $750,000 U Efficiency variance Allocated: Budgeted Input Qty. Allowed for Actual Output × Budgeted Rate (4) (1,125,000 $10) $11,250,000 Never a variance $825,000 U Flexible-budget variance $825000 U Underallocated variable overhead (Total variable overhead variance) Never a variance (b) Fixed Manufacturing Overhead Variance Analysis for Best Around, Inc. for 2020 Actual Costs Incurred (1) Same Budgeted Lump Sum (as in Static Budget) Regardless of Output Level (2) Flexible Budget: Same Budgeted Lump Sum (as in Static Budget) Regardless of Output Level (3) $17,100,000 $17,000,000 $17,000,000 $100,000 U Spending variance Never a variance $100,000 U Flexible-budget variance Allocated: Budgeted Input Qty. Allowed for Actual Output × Budgeted Rate (4) (1,125,000 × $17) $19,125,000 $2,125,000 F* Production-volume variance $2,125,000 F* Production-volume variance $2,025,000 F Overallocated fixed overhead (Total fixed overhead variance) * Alternative computation: 1,125,000 budgeted hrs. allowed – 1,000,000 denominator hrs. = 125,000 hrs. 125,000 $17 = $2,125,000 F 8-34 3. The underallocated variable manufacturing overhead was $825,000 and overallocated fixed overhead was $2,025,000. The flexible-budget variance and underallocated overhead are always the same amount for variable manufacturing overhead, because the flexible-budget amount of variable manufacturing overhead and the allocated amount of variable manufacturing overhead coincide. In contrast, the budgeted and allocated amounts for fixed manufacturing overhead only coincide when the budgeted input of the allocation base for the actual output level achieved exactly equals the denominator level. 4. The choice of the denominator level will affect inventory costs. The new fixed manufacturing overhead rate would be $17,000,000 ÷ 1,700,000 = $10.00 per machine-hour. In turn, the allocated amount of fixed manufacturing overhead and the production-volume variance would change as seen below: Actual Budget $17,100,000 $17,000,000 Allocated 1,125,000 × $10.00 = $11,250,000 $100,000 U $5,750,000 U* Flexible-budget variance Prodn. volume variance $5,850,000 U Total fixed overhead variance * Alternate computation: (1,700,000 – 1,125,000) × $10.00 = $5,750,000 U The major point of this requirement is that inventory costs (and, hence, income determination) can be heavily affected by the choice of the denominator level used for setting the fixed manufacturing overhead rate. 8-35 8-38 (30 min.) Overhead variance, missing information. Known figures denoted by an * Case A: Variable Manufacturing Overhead Fixed Manufacturing Overhead Actual Costs Incurred Actual Input Qty. × Budgeted Rate Flexible Budget: Budgeted Input Qty. Allowed for Actual Output × Budgeted Rate Allocated: Budgeted Input Qty. Allowed for Actual Output × Budgeted Rate $120,400* (6,270 × $20) $125,400 (6,200* × $20) $124,000* (6,200* × $20) $124,000* $84,920* $5,000* F $1,400 U Spending variance Efficiency variance (Lump sum) $88,200* $3,280 F Spending variance Never a variance (Lump sum) $88,200* Never a variance $1,400 U Production-volume variance Total budgeted manufacturing overhead = $124,000 + $88,200 = $212,200 8-36 (6,200* × $14a) $86,800* Case B: Actual Costs Incurred Variable Manufacturing Overhead $45,640 Actual Input Qty. × Budgeted Rate Flexible Budget: Budgeted Input Qty. Allowed for Actual Output × Budgeted Rate Allocated: Budgeted Input Qty. Allowed for Actual Output × Budgeted Rate (1,141 $42.00*) $47,922 (1,200b $42.00*) $50,400b (1,200 $42.00*) $50,400 $2,282 F* Spending variance Fixed Manufacturing Overhead $23,180* $2,478 F* Efficiency variance (Lump sum) $20,000* $3,180 U Spending variance Never a variance (Lump sum) $20,000* Never a variance $24,000c $4,000 F* Production-volume variance Total budgeted manufacturing overhead = $50,400 + $20,000 = $70,400 a Budgeted FMOH rate = Standard fixed manufacturing overhead allocated ÷ Standard machinehours allowed for actual output achieved = $86,800 ÷ 6,200 = $14. b Budgeted hours allowed for actual output achieved must be derived from the output level variance before this figure can be derived, or because the fixed manufacturing overhead rate is $20,000 ÷ 1,000 = $20 and the allocated amount is $24,000, the budgeted hours allowed for the actual output achieved must be 1,200 ($24,000 ÷ $20). c 1,200 ($20,000* ÷ 1,000*) = $24,000. 8-37 8-39 1. (1525 min.) Flexible budgets, 4-variance analysis. Budgeted hours allowed per unit of output Budgeted DLH = Budgeted actual output = 2,304,000 ÷ 576,000 = 4 hours per unit Budgeted DMLH allowed for August output = 46,000 units 4 hrs./unit = 184,000 DMLH Allocated total MOH = 184,000 DMLHBudgeted total MOH rate per hour = 184,000 $1.45* = $266,800 *Budgeted total MOH rate per hour = Annual budgeted fixed costs ÷ Annual budgeted DMLH = $3,340,800 ÷ 2,304,000 = $1.45 per DMLH 2, 3, 4, 5. See Solution Exhibit 8-39 Variable manuf. overhead rate per DMLH = $0.40 + $0.25 = $0.65 Fixed manuf. overhead rate per DMLH = $0.30 + $0.15 + $0.35 = $0.80 Fixed manuf. overhead budget for August = ($691,200 + $345,600 + $806,400) ÷ 12 = $1,843,200 ÷ 12 = $153,600 or, Fixed manuf. overhead budget for August = $57,600 + $28,800 + $67,200 = $153,600 Using the format of Exhibit 8-5 for variable manufacturing overhead and then fixed manufacturing overhead: Actual variable manuf. overhead: $76,800 + $89,400 = $166,200 Actual fixed manuf. overhead: $47,100 + $39,900 + $75,900 = $162,900 An overview of the 4-variance analysis using the block format of the text is: Spending Variance Efficiency Variance ProductionVolume Variance Variable Manufacturing Overhead $40,620 U $5,980 U Never a variance Fixed Manufacturing Overhead $9,300 U Never a variance $6,400 U 4-Variance Analysis 8-38 SOLUTION EXHIBIT 8-39 Variable Manufacturing Overhead Actual Costs Incurred (1) $166,200 Actual Input Qty. × Budgeted Rate (2) (193,200 $0.65) $125,580 $40,620 U Spending variance Flexible Budget: Budgeted Input Qty. Allowed for Actual Output × Budgeted Rate (3) (184,000 $0.65) $119,600 $5,980 U Efficiency variance Allocated: Budgeted Input Qty. Allowed for Actual Output × Budgeted Rate (4) (184,000 $0.65) $119,600 Never a variance Fixed Manufacturing Overhead Actual Costs Incurred (1) Same Budgeted Lump Sum (as in Static Budget) Regardless of Output Level (2) Flexible Budget: Same Budgeted Lump Sum (as in Static Budget) Regardless of Output Level (3) $162,900 $153,600 $153,600 $9,300 U Spending variance Never a variance 8-39 Allocated: Budgeted Input Allowed for Actual Output × Budgeted Rate (4) (184,000 $0.80) $147,200 $6,400 U Production-volume variance 8-40 (20 min.) Activity-based costing, batch-level variance analysis 1. Static budget number of crates = Budgeted pairs shipped / Budgeted pairs per crate = 300,000/15 = 20,000 crates 2. Flexible budget number of crates = Actual pairs shipped / Budgeted pairs per crate = 270,000/15 = 18,000 crates 3. Actual number of crates shipped = Actual pairs shipped / Actual pairs per box = 270,000/10 = 27,000 crates 4. Static budget number of hours = Static budget number of crates × budgeted hours per box = 20,000 × 1.0 = 20,000 hours Fixed overhead rate = Static budget fixed overhead / static budget number of hours = $60,000/20,000 = $3.00 per hour 5. Variable Direct Variance Analysis for Omega’s Fleet Feet, Inc. for 2020 Actual Variable Cost (27,000 × 1.2 × $18) $583,200 Actual Hours × Budgeted Rate (27,000 × 1.2 × $20) $648,000 $64,800 F Price variance 6. Budgeted Hours Allowed for Actual Output × Budgeted Rate (18,000 × 1.0 × $20) $360,000 $288,000 U Efficiency variance Fixed Overhead Variance Analysis for Omega’s Fleet Feet, Inc. for 2020 Actual Fixed Overhead Static Budget Fixed Overhead $62,000 $60,000 $2,000 U Spending variance 8-40 Budgeted Hours Allowed for Actual Output × Budgeted Rate (18,000 × 1.0 × $3.0) $54,000 $6,000 U Production volume variance 8-41 (30 – 40 minutes) Overhead variances and sales volume variance 1. Variable overhead variances: Actual Variable Overhead $527,000 Actual Hours × Budgeted Rate (310,000 × $1.80) $558,000 $31,000 F Spending variance Budgeted Hours × Budgeted Rate (120,000 × 2.5* × $1.80) $540,000 $18,000 U Efficiency variance *Standard machine hours per suitcase = Budgeted machine-hours ÷ Budgeted suitcases = 375,000÷150,000 = 2.5 hours per suitcase Fixed overhead variances: Actual Fixed Overhead Static Budget Fixed Overhead $532,400 $525,000 7,400 U Spending variance Standard Hours × Budgeted Rate (120,000 × 2.5 × $1.40*) $420,000 $105,000 U Production-volume variance *FOH rate is $525,000 / 375,000 std. machine-hours = $1.40 per machine-hour 2. Units sold Unit price Revenues Variable costs Direct materials Direct labor Variable overhead Total variable costs Contribution margin Fixed manufacturing costs Operating income Actual Results (1) 120,000 $72 $8,640,000 FlexibleBudget Variances (2) = (1) – (3) Sales-Volume Variances (4) = (3) – (5) $960,000 U Flexible Budget (3) 120,000 $80 $9,600,000 $2,400,000 U Static Budget (5) 150,000 $80 $12,000,000 2,400,000 2,160,000 527,000 5,087,000 3,553,000 0 0 13,000 F 13,000 F 947,000 U 2,400,000 2,160,000 540,000 5,100,000 4,500,000 600,000 F 540,000 F 135,000 F 1,275,000 F 1,125,000 U 3,000,000 2,700,000 675,000 6,375,000 5,625,000 532,400 $3,020,600 7,400 U $954,400 U 525,000 $3,975,000 0 $1,125,000 U 525,000 $5,100,000 8-41 3. Budgeted cost per rolling suitcase: Direct materials per bag (given) Direct labor per bag (given) Variable overhead ($1.80 per hour × 2.5 MH) Fixed overhead ($1.40 per hour × 2.5 MH) Total Budgeted sales revenue, 120,000 actual units sold 120,000 × $80 Budgeted Cost of Goods sold 120,000 × $46 Budgeted operating income 4. Budgeted operating income (from #3) Less: Unfavorable volume variance (from #1) Flexible budget operating income Less: Unfavorable flexible budget variance (#2) Actual operating income $20.00 18.00 4.50 3.50 $46.00 $9,600,000 5,520,000 $4,080,000 $4,080,000 105,000 $ 3,975,000 954,400 $3,020,600 5. Operating income volume variance: Budgeted operating income for actual output – static budget operating income = $4,080,000 – $5,100,000 = $1,020,000 U Sales volume variance = production volume variance + operating income volume variance = $105,000 U + $1,020,000 U = $1,125,000 U 8-42 8-42 (30–40 min.) Variances in activity-based costing The variance calculations are also the same except variances are calculated for three activities rather than one. Note that total actual variable overhead costs remain at $100,000, but they are simply broken out into 3 activities ($100,000 = $42,000 for purchase orders + $31,000 for product testing + $27,000 for energy costs). Also, the flexible budget totaling $115,500 is broken down into ($52,500 purchase orders) + ($42,000 product testing) + ($21,000 energy). i. Ronaldo’s Ice Cream Computation of Variable Overhead Variance Analysis using Activity-Based Costing For Purchase Orders: Spending Variance: = Actual Cost = $42,000 = $42,000 = $2,000 (Unfavorable) Efficiency Variance: = (AQ × SR) = (1,600 x $25) = $40,000 = $(12,500) (Favorable) For Product Testing: Spending Variance: = Actual Cost = $31,000 = $31,000 = $(5,000) (Favorable) Efficiency Variance: = (AQ × SR) = (180,000 x $0.20) = $36,000 = $(6,000) (Favorable) For Energy: Spending Variance: = Actual Cost = $27,000 = $27,000 = $(1,750) (Favorable) - (AQ × SR) (1,600 x $25) $40,000 − - (SQ × SR) (2,100 orders x $25 per order) $52,500 - (AQ × SR) (180,000 test minutes x $0.20 per minute) $36,000 − - (SQ × SR) (210,000 orders x $0.20) $42,000 - (AQ × SR) (575,000 test minutes x $0.05 per minute) $28,750 8-43 Efficiency Variance: = (AQ × SR) = (575,000 x $0.05) = $28,750 = $7,750 (Unfavorable) − - (SQ × SR) (420,000 x $0.05) $21,000 ii. Spending Variance: $2,000 unfavorable variable overhead spending variance = $42,000 −$40,000. Variance is unfavorable because the actual variable overhead cost is higher than the expected cost given actual quantity of 1,600 purchase orders. Efficiency Variance: $(12,500) favorable variable overhead efficiency variance = $40,000 – $52,500. Variance is favorable because the 1,600 actual purchase orders are lower than the 2,100 expected (budgeted) purchase orders. Note: AQ = Actual quantity of activity. SR = Standard variable manufacturing overhead rate per unit of activity. SQ = Standard quantity of activity given actual production of 210,000 units. Standard quantity of 2,100 purchase orders = Standard of 0.01 purchase orders per unit × 210,000 actual units produced. This type of costing system and resulting variance analysis provides management with further information regarding variable overhead costs and variances. Management often establishes criteria to decide which variances to investigate. Assume that management of Ronaldo’s Ice Cream chooses to investigate the $7,750 unfavorable efficiency variance associated with energy. The management would like to know why 575,000 minutes of actual machine time were used instead of the expected 420,000 minutes. Perhaps the machines were operating poorly due to cutbacks in maintenance, or maybe new employees were not as efficient using the machines. Whatever the cause, Ronaldo’s has identified the issue by integrating its activity-based costing system with the cost variance analysis concepts. 8-44 8-43 (3040 min.) Comprehensive review of Chapters 7 and 8, working backward from given variances. 1. Solution Exhibit 8-43 outlines the Chapter 7 and 8 framework underlying this solution. a. Pounds of direct materials purchased = $179,300 ÷ $1.10 = 163,000 pounds b. Pounds of excess direct materials used = $75,900 ÷ $11.50 = 6,600 pounds c. Variable manufacturing overhead spending variance = $10,400 – $18,100 = $7,700 F d. Standard direct manufacturing labor rate = $1,250,000 ÷ 50,000 hours = $25 per hour Actual direct manufacturing labor rate = $25 + $0.50 = $25.50 Actual direct manufacturing labor-hours = $535,500 ÷ $25.50 = 21,000 hours e. Standard variable manufacturing overhead rate = $500,000 ÷ 50,000 = $10 per direct manuf. labor-hour Variable manuf. overhead efficiency variance of $18,100 ÷ $10 = 1,810 excess hours Actual hours – Excess hours = Standard hours allowed for units produced 21,000 – 1,810 = 19,190 hours f. Budgeted fixed manufacturing overhead rate = $1,000,000 ÷ 50,000 hours = $20 per direct manuf. labor-hour Fixed manufacturing overhead allocated = $20 19,190 hours = $383,800 Production-volume variance = $1,000,000 – $383,800 = $616,200 U 5. The control of variable manufacturing overhead requires the identification of the cost drivers for such items as energy, supplies, and repairs. Control often entails monitoring nonfinancial measures that affect each cost item, one by one. Examples are kilowatts used, quantities of lubricants used, and repair parts and hours used. The most convincing way to discover why overhead performance did not agree with a budget is to investigate possible causes, line item by line item. Individual fixed overhead items are not usually affected very much by day-to-day control. Instead, they are controlled periodically through planning decisions and budgeting procedures that may sometimes have planning horizons covering six months or a year (for example, management salaries) and sometimes covering many years (for example, long-term leases and depreciation on plant and equipment). 8-45 SOLUTION EXHIBIT 8-43 Direct Materials Direct Manuf. Labor Flexible Budget: Budgeted Input Qty. Actual Input Qty. Allowed for Actual Output Budgeted Rate Purchases Usage Budgeted Rate 163,000 $11.50 126,600 $11.50 6 20,000 $11.50 $1,874,500 $1,455,900 $1,380,000 $75,900 U $179,300 F Efficiency variance Price variance Actual Costs Incurred (Actual Input Qty. Actual Rate) 163,000 $10.40 $1,695,200 21,000 $25.50 $535,500 21,000 $25 $525,000 $10,500 U Price variance 19,190 $25 $479,750 $45,250 U Efficiency variance $55,750 U Flexible-budget variance Variable MOH Actual Costs Incurred Actual Input Qty. Actual Rate 21,000 $9.63333 $202,300 Actual Input Qty. Budgeted Rate 21,000 $10 $210,000 Flexible Budget: Budgeted Input Qty. Allowed for Actual Output Budgeted Rate 19,190 $10 $191,900 $7,700 F Spending variance $18,100 U Efficiency $10,400 U variance Flexible-budget variance Actual Costs Incurred (1) Fixed MOH $957,550 Never a variance Never a variance Flexible Budget: Same Budgeted Same Budgeted Lump Sum Lump Sum (as in Static Budget) (as in Static Budget) Regardless of Regardless of Output Level Output Level (2) (3) 50,000 × $20 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $42,450 F Never a variance Spending variance volume variance $42,450 F Flexible-budget variance 8-46 Allocated: Budgeted Input Qty. Allowed for Actual Output Budgeted Rate 19,190 $10 $191,900 Allocated: Budgeted Input Qty. Allowed for Actual Output × Budgeted Rate (4) 19,190× $20 $383,800 $616,200 U $616,200 U Production volume variance 8-44 1. (3050 min.) Review of Chapters 7 and 8, 3-variance analysis. Total standard production costs are based on 7,600 units of output. Direct materials, 7,600 $20.00 7,600 5 lbs. $4.00 (or 38,000 lbs. $4.00) Direct manufacturing labor, 7,600 $64.00 7,600 4 hrs. $16.00 (or 30,400 hrs. $16.00) Manufacturing overhead: Variable, 7,600 $32.00 (or 30,400 hrs. $8.00) Fixed, 7,600 $36.00 (or 30,400 hrs. $9.00) Total The following is for later use: Fixed manufacturing overhead, a lump-sum budget * Fixed manufacturing overhead rate = $ 152,000 486,400 243,200 273,600 $1,155,200 $333,000* Budgeted fixed manufacturing overhead Denominator level $9.00 = Budget/37,000 hours Budget = 37,000 hours $9.00 = $333000 2. Solution Exhibit 8-44 presents a columnar presentation of the variances for Beal. An overview of the 3-variance analysis using the block format of the text is: 3-Variance Analysis Total Manufacturing Overhead Spending Variance Efficiency Variance Production Volume Variance $65,800 U $8,000 U $59,400 U 8-47 SOLUTION EXHIBIT 8-44 Flexible Budget: Actual Costs Budgeted Input Qty. Incurred: Actual Input Qty. Allowed for Actual Input Qty. Actual Output Budgeted Price × Actual Rate Purchases Usage × Budgeted Price Direct (40,300 $3.80) (40,300 $4.00) (37,300 $4.00) (38,000 $4.00) Materials $153,140 $161,200 $149,200 $152,000 $8,060 F a. Price variance Direct Manuf. Labor (31,400 $16.25) $510,250 $2,800 F b. Efficiency variance (31,400 $16.00) $502,400 $7,850 U c. Price variance Variable Manuf. Overhead (30,400 $16.00) $486,400 $16,000 U d. Efficiency variance Actual Costs Incurred Actual Input Qty. Budgeted Rate Flexible Budget: Budgeted Input Qty. Allowed for Actual Output Budgeted Rate (not given) (31,400 $8.00) $251,200 (30,400 $8.00) $243,200 $8,000 U Efficiency variance Fixed Manuf. Overhead (not given) $333,000 Total Manuf. Overhead (given) $650,000 ($333,000 + $251,200) $584,200 $65,800 U e. Spending variance * Denominator level in hours Production volume in standard hours allowed Production-volume variance ($243,200 + $273,600) $516,800 $59,400 U g. Prodn. volume variance 37,000 30,400 6,600 hours × $9.00 = $59,400 U 8-48 (30,400 $9.00) $273,600 $59,400 U* Prodn. volume variance ($243,200 + $333,000) $576,200 $8,000 U f. Efficiency variance (30,400 $8.00) $243,200 Never a variance $333,000 Never a variance Allocated: (Budgeted Input Qty. Allowed for Actual Output Budgeted Rate) 8-45 (20 minutes) Non-financial variances 1. Variance Analysis of Inspection Hours for Kathy’s Kettle Potato Chips for May Actual Hours For Inspections 120 hours Actual Pounds Inspected/Budgeted Pounds per hour 22,300 lbs÷200 lbs./hr. 111.5 hours 8.5 hours U Efficiency Variance 2. Standard Pounds Inspected for Actual Output /Budgeted Pounds per hour (113,000 × 0.2) lbs.÷(200 lbs./hr.) 113 hours 1.5 hours F Quantity Variance Variance Analysis of Pounds Failing Inspection for Kathy’s Kettle Potato Chips for May Actual Pounds Failing Inspections 215 lbs Actual pounds Standard Pounds Inspected Inspected × Budgeted for Actual Output × Budgeted Inspection Failure Rate Inspection Failure Rate (22,300 lbs × 0.01) (113,000 × 0.2 × 0.01) 223 lbs 226 lbs 8 lbs F Quality Variance 3 lbs F Quantity Variance 8-49 8-46 (30 minutes) Overhead variances, service sector 1. In the columnar presentation of variable overhead variance analysis, all numbers shown in bold are calculated from the given information, in the order (a) - (e). VARIABLE MANUFACTURING OVERHEAD Actual Costs Incurred (c) $89,500 Actual Input Qty. Budgeted Rate (b) 15,000 $6.00 RAM hrs. per RAM hr. $90,000 $500 F Spending variance Flexible Budget: Budgeted Input Qty. Allowed for Budgeted Actual Output Rate (a) 14,850 $6.00 RAM hrs. per RAM hr. $89,100 $900 U (d) Efficiency variance $400 U (e) Flexible-budget variance a. 14,850 RAM hours $6 per RAM hour = $89,100 b. 15,000 RAM hours $6 per RAM hour = $90,000 c. Actual VMOH = $90,000 – $500F (VOH spending variance) = $89,500 d. VOH efficiency variance = $90,000 – $89,100 = $900 U e. VOH flexible budget variance = $900U – $500F = $400 U f. Allocated variable overhead will be the same as the flexible budget variable overhead of $89,100. The actual variable overhead cost is $89,500. Therefore, variable overhead is underallocated by $400. 8-50 2. In the columnar presentation of fixed overhead variance analysis, all numbers shown in bold are calculated from the given information, in the order (a) – (e). Actual Costs Incurred $30,375 FIXED MANUFACTURING OVERHEAD Flexible Budget: Allocated: Static Budget Lump Sum Budgeted Input Qty. Regardless of Output Allowed for Budgeted Level Actual Output Rate (a) (c) 14,850 $1.60* (b) RAM hrs. per RAM hr. $28,800 $23,760 $1,575 U Spending variance $5,040 U (d) Production-volume variance $1,575 U (e) Flexible-budget variance a. Actual FOH costs = $30,375 Static budget FOH lump sum = $30,375 – $1,575 spending variance = $28,800 b. *FOH allocation rate = $28,800 FOH static-budget lump sum 18,000 static-budget RAM-hours = $1.60 per RAM hour c. Allocated FOH = 14,850 RAM hours d. Production Volume Varaince = $28,800 – $23,760 = $5,040 U e. FOH flexible budget variance = FOH spending variance = $1,575 U f. Allocated fixed overhead is $23,760. The actual fixed overhead cost is $30,375. Therefore, fixed overhead is underallocated by $6,615. This is the sum of the fixed overhead spending variance of $1,575 and the production-volume variance of $5,040. $1.60 per RAM hour = $23,760 8-51 8-47 (30 min.) Direct-cost and overhead variances, income statement. Direct materials, 200,000 2 yds. $3.00 Direct manufacturing labor 200,000 0.5 hrs. $18.00 Fixed manufacturing overhead Lump-sum Total $1,200,000 1,800,000 _ 400,000 $3,400,000 Standard cost per unit = $3,400,000/200,000 = $17.00 per unit Fixed manufacturing overhead rate = Budgeted fixed manufacturing overhead / Denominator level = $400,000/(180,000 × 0.5 hrs.) = $400,000/ 90,000 hours = $4.444 per labor hour 1. Solution Exhibit 8-47 presents a columnar presentation of the variances. Based on the exhibit, the variances are as follows: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Direct materials efficiency variance = $30,000 U Direct materials price variance = $20,500 U Direct labor efficiency variance = Never a variance Direct labor price variance = $5,000 F Total manufacturing overhead spending variance = $50,000 U Fixed overhead flexible budget variance = Spending variance = $50,000 U Fixed overhead production-volume variance = $44,400 F Note that the total variances for the period equal: $30,000 U + $20,500 U + Never + $5,000 F + $50,000 U + $44,400 F = $51,100 U. This represents the cumulative amount by which costs were under-applied during the year. 8-52 SOLUTION EXHIBIT 8-47 Actual Costs Incurred: Actual Input Qty. × Actual Rate Direct Materials Actual Input Qty. Budgeted Price Purchases Usage (410,000 $3.05) $1,250,500 (410,000 $3) $1,230,000 (410,000 $3) $1,230,000 $20,500 U Price variance Direct Manuf. Labor (100,000 $18.00) $1,800,000 $5,000 F Price variance Actual Costs Incurred Actual Input Qty. Budgeted Rate $450,000 $400,000 $50,000 U Spending variance 2. (200,000 2 $3) $1,200,000 $30,000 U Efficiency variance (100,000 $17.95) $1,795,000 Fixed Manuf. Overhead Flexible Budget: Budgeted Input Qty. Allowed for Actual Output × Budgeted Price 200,000 0.5 hrs $18.00) $1,800,000 Never Efficiency variance Flexible Budget: Allocated: Budgeted Input Qty. (Budgeted Input Qty. Allowed for Allowed for Actual Output Actual Output Budgeted Rate Budgeted Rate) $400,000 Never a variance (200,000 0.5 hrs $4.444) $444,400 $44,400 F Prodn. volume variance Sales Revenue = 160,000 units sold × $25.00 Cost of Goods sold: At standard: 160,000 × $17.00 (+) Prorated share of underapplied cost: $51,100 × (160,000/200,000) Total Gross Margin = $4,000,000 (–) $2,760,880 = $1,239,120 8-53 = $4,000,000 = $2,720,000 = $40,880 $2,760,880 8-48 (40 minutes) Overhead variances, ethics 1. a. Shanghai plant: Expected output in units Direct labor hours per unit Total budgeted labor hours 2,000,000 0.50 1,000,000 Budgeted fixed OH rate = $2,400,000 / 1,000,000 DLH = $2.40 per DLH Shenzhen plant: Expected output in units 2,100,000 Direct labor hours per unit 0.50 Total budgeted labor hours 1,050,000 Budgeted fixed OH rate = $2,205,000 / 1,050,000 DLH = $2.10 per DLH b. Allocation of common fixed costs: To Shanghai: $3,150,000 × 2/3 = $2,100,000 To Shenzhen: $3,150,000 × 1/3 = $1,050,000 Shanghai plant: Budgeted fixed OH rate = ($2,400,000 + $2,100,000) / 1,000,000 DLH = $4.50 per DLH Shenzhen plant: Budgeted fixed OH rate = ($2,205,000 + $1,050,000)/ 1,050,000 DLH = $3.10 per DLH 2. Variable overhead variances: Shanghai plant: Actual Variable Overhead (1,020,000 × $3.20) $3,264,000 Actual hours × Budgeted rate (1,020,000 × $3.30) $3,366,000 Budgeted input allowed for Actual output × Budgeted rate (1,950,000 × 0.50 × $3.30) $3,217,500 $102,000 F $148,500 U Spending variance Efficiency variance Shenzhen plant: Actual Actual hours Budgeted input allowed for Variable Overhead × Budgeted rate Actual output × Budgeted rate (1,225,000 × $3.20) (1,225,000 × $3.10) (2,175,000 × 0.50 × $3.10) $3,920,000 $3,797,500 $3,371,250 $122,500 U Spending variance 8-54 $426,250 U Efficiency variance 3. Fixed overhead variances a. Excluding the allocated common costs Shanghai plant: Actual Fixed Overhead $2,440,000 $2,400,000 Static Budget Budgeted input allowed for Fixed Overhead Actual output × Budgeted Rate (1,950,000 × 0.50 × $2.40) $2,340,000 $40,000 U Spending variance Shenzhen plant: Actual Fixed Overhead $2,300,000 $60,000 U Production-volume variance Static Budge Budgeted input allowed for Fixed Overhead Actual output × Budgeted Rate (2,175,000 × 0.50 × $2.10) $2,205,000 $2,283,750 $95,000 U Spending variance $78,750 F Production-volume variance b. Including allocated common costs Shanghai plant: Actual Static Budget Budgeted input allowed for Fixed Overhead Fixed Overhead Actual output ×Budgeted Rate $2,440,000 + (2/3 ×$3,075,000) ($2,400,000 + $2,100,000) (1,950,000 × 0.50 × $4.50) $4,500,000 $4,387,500 $4,490,000 $10,000 F Spending variance $112,500 U Production-volume variance Shenzhen plant: Actual Static Budget Budgeted input allowed for Fixed Overhead Fixed Overhead Actual output × Budgeted Rate $2,300,000 + (1/3 × $3,075,000) ($2,205,000 + $1,050,000) (2,175,000 × 0.50 × $3.10) $3,255,000 $3,371,250 $3,325,000 $70,000 U Spending variance $116,250 F Production-volume variance 8-55 4. 5. Ken Wooi Keong’s attempt did not fully work. Even though he tried to allocate a significantly larger amount of common cost to the Shanghai plant than to the Shenzhen plant, the cost becomes part of the fixed overhead rate and thus will only cause a large unfavorable spending variance for the Shanghai plant if the cost itself is much larger than expected. Because the actual common costs were lower, the result was actually to shift Shanghai’s spending variance from unfavorable to favorable! Also, the spending variance for the Shenzhen plant is already larger than that of the Shanghai plant, and the gap between them only increases when the common fixed costs are added to both plants. That said, the inclusion of the common fixed cost does exacerbate the impact of the underproduction by Shanghai relative to budget (via the higher unfavorable production volume variance) while increasing the favorable volume variance for Shenzhen. Common fixed costs should not be allocated to units that are being evaluated for performance because common fixed costs are not controllable by those units. Thus, the units should not be responsible for such costs. Ken Wooi Keong’s behavior is not ethical. He attempted to make his friend better off by manipulating costs and overhead rates, rather than focusing on which cost system would provide the best measure of relative performance among the divisions. 8-56 Try It! 8-1 a. Budgeted variable overhead = $25 per hour × (20,000 × 0.75) machine-hours = $375,000 b. Variable overhead spending variance = ($26 − $25) × 13,000 = $13,000 U c. Variable overhead efficiency variance = [13,000 − (18,000 × 0.75)] × $25 = $12,500 F Try It! 8-2 a. Fixed overhead rate = (Expected overhead ÷ Expected machine-hours) = ($300,000 ÷ 15,000) = $20 per hour b. Fixed overhead spending variance = $290,000 − $300,000 = $10,000 F c. Budgeted machine-hours per unit = 15,000 hours ÷ 20,000 unit = 0.75 hours per unit Allocated fixed overhead = 18,000 units × 0.75 hours × $20 per hour = $270,000 Production-volume variance = $300,000 − $270,000 = $30,000 U Try It! 8-3 3-Variance Analysis Spending Variance Efficiency Variance Production Volume Variance Variable Manufacturing Overhead $13,000 U $12,500 F Never a variance Fixed Manufacturing Overhead $10,000 F Never a variance $30,000 U a. Total spending variance = $13,000 U + $10,000 F = $3,000 U b. Total overhead variance = $13,000 U + $12,500 F + $10,000 F + $30,000 U = $20,500 U 8-57 Try It! 8-4 a. Spending variance = $12,150 − $12,000 = $150 U b. Budgeted setup hours = (15,000 ÷ 250 units per batch) × 5 hours per batch = 300 hours Fixed setup overhead rate = $12,000 ÷ 300 = $40 per setup hour c. Fixed setup overhead allocation = [(13,000 ÷ 250) × 5 × $40] = $10,400 Production-volume variance = Budgeted costs ($12,000) – Overhead allocation ($10,400) = $1,600 U 8-58 CHAPTER 9 INVENTORY COSTING AND CAPACITY ANALYSIS 9-1 No. Differences in operating income between variable costing and absorption costing are due to accounting for fixed manufacturing costs. Under variable costing only variable manufacturing costs are included as inventoriable costs. Under absorption costing both variable and fixed manufacturing costs are included as inventoriable costs. Fixed marketing and distribution costs are not accounted for differently under variable costing and absorption costing. 9-2 Variable costing treats fixed production overhead as a period cost while absorption costing treats fixed production overhead as a product cost. A period cost is a cost charged against profit or loss in full in the period it is incurred. Variable costing charges only variable production cost to product and treats fixed production cost as a period cost. This is because fixed cost does not vary with activity level. A product cost is a cost that can be traced and identified with the cost of production as both variable and fixed cost of production. Absorption costing believes that fixed production overhead should not be charged against profit or loss rather, it should be spread across the units of production. 9-3 No. The difference between absorption costing and variable costs is due to accounting for fixed manufacturing costs. As service or merchandising companies have no fixed manufacturing costs, these companies do not make choices between absorption costing and variable costing. 9-4 The main issue between variable costing and absorption costing is the proper timing of the release of fixed manufacturing costs as costs of the period: a. at the time of incurrence, or b. at the time the finished units to which the fixed overhead relates are sold. Variable costing uses (a) and absorption costing uses (b). 9-5 No. A company that makes a variable-cost/fixed-cost distinction is not forced to use any specific costing method. The Stassen Company example in the text of Chapter 9 makes a variable-cost/fixed-cost distinction. As illustrated, it can use variable costing, absorption costing, or throughput costing. A company that does not make a variable-cost/fixed-cost distinction cannot use variable costing or throughput costing. However, it is not forced to adopt absorption costing. For internal reporting, it could, for example, classify all costs as costs of the period in which they are incurred. 9-6 Variable costing does not view fixed costs as unimportant or irrelevant, but it maintains that the distinction between behaviors of different costs is crucial for certain decisions. The planning and management of fixed costs is critical, irrespective of what inventory costing method is used. 9-7 Under absorption costing, heavy reductions of inventory during the accounting period might combine with low production and a large production volume variance. This combination could result in lower operating income even if the unit sales level rises. 9-1 9-8 (a) The factors that affect the breakeven point under variable costing are: 1. Fixed (manufacturing and operating) costs. 2. Contribution margin per unit. (b) The factors that affect the breakeven point under absorption costing are: 1. Fixed (manufacturing and operating) costs. 2. Contribution margin per unit. 3. Production level in units in excess of breakeven sales in units. 4. Denominator level chosen to set the fixed manufacturing cost rate. 9-9 Examples of dysfunctional decisions managers may make to increase reported operating income are: a. Plant managers may switch production to those orders that absorb the highest amount of fixed manufacturing overhead, irrespective of the demand by customers. b. Plant managers may accept a particular order to increase production even though another plant in the same company is better suited to handle that order. c. Plant managers may defer maintenance beyond the current period to free up more time for production. 9-10 Approaches used to reduce the negative aspects associated with using absorption costing include: a. Change the accounting system: Adopt either variable or throughput costing, both of which reduce the incentives of managers to produce for inventory. Adopt an inventory holding charge for managers who tie up funds in inventory. b. Extend the time period used to evaluate performance. By evaluating performance over a longer time period (e.g., 3 to 5 years), the incentive to take short-run actions that reduce longterm income is lessened. c. Include nonfinancial as well as financial variables in the measures used to evaluate performance. 9-11 The theoretical capacity and practical capacity denominator-level concepts emphasize what a plant can supply. The normal capacity utilization and master-budget capacity utilization concepts emphasize what customers demand for products produced by a plant. 9-12 The downward demand spiral is the continuing reduction in demand for a company’s product that occurs when the prices of competitors’ products are not met and (as demand drops further), higher and higher unit costs result in more and more reluctance to meet competitors’ prices. Pricing decisions need to consider competitors and customers as well as costs. 9-13 No. It depends on how a company handles the production-volume variance in the end-ofperiod financial statements. For example, if the adjusted allocation-rate approach is used, each denominator-level capacity concept will give the same financial statement numbers at year-end. 9-14 For tax reporting in the U.S., the IRS requires only that indirect production costs are “fairly” apportioned among all items produced. Overhead rates based on normal or master- 9-2 budget capacity utilization, as well as the practical capacity concept are permitted. At year-end, proration of any variances between inventories and cost of goods sold is required (unless the variance is immaterial in amount). 9-15 No. The costs of having too much capacity/too little capacity involve revenue opportunities potentially forgone as well as costs of money tied up in plant assets. 9-3 9-16 Choice "d" is correct. Inventory under the absorption method includes fixed overhead costs, while the variable cost method includes fixed overhead costs as period costs. Fixed overhead costs will hit the income statement under variable costing in the period they are incurred, while under the absorption method, an increase in inventory results in more costs (fixed overhead) remaining on the balance sheet. These costs will not hit the income statement (and therefore net income) until the inventory is sold, which implies the absorption method will produce a higher net income in this situation. The other choices are incorrect as the statements contained in them are accurate. The statement in "a" is accurate, as all SG&A expenses, fixed and variable, will be period costs (not included in inventory) under either method. The statement in "b" is accurate, as the absorption method should be used for financial reporting. The variable cost method is used internally but does not fit under GAAP and is therefore not reported externally. The statement in "c" is accurate, as fixed overhead costs under variable costing will hit the income statement as an expense in the period they are incurred. 9-17 Choice ‘c’ is correct. Profit under variable costing Adjustment for fixed overhead absorbed (17,500 – 14,800) units × £5.20 Profit under absorption costing £315,250 £14,040 £329,290 Note that when there is increase in inventory, absorption costing reports higher profit. Difference in profit is accounted for by the different valuation methods used. This difference is in the fixed overhead absorption rate. Choice ‘a’ is incorrect. The profit figure has been computed as £315,250 – (£5.20 × 17,500) = £224,250. Choice ‘b’ is incorrect. The profit figure has been computed as £315,250 – (£5.20 × 14,800) = £238,290. Choice ‘d’ is incorrect. The adjustment for fixed overhead absorption has been deducted from the profit figure instead of adding. 9-18 Choice ‘c’ is correct. Selling price unit Total variable costs per unit (£4.50 + £2.50) Contribution per unit Total contribution (£11 × 33,780 units) Total fixed cost Operating income 9-4 £18 £7 £11 £371,580 £249,000 £122,580 Note: All variable costs are deducted from revenues to derive contribution. Choice ‘a’ is incorrect. Only the variable manufacturing cost of £4.50 has been included, causing a profit of £207,030. Choice ‘b’ is incorrect. Only the variable manufacturing cost of £2.50 has been included causing a profit of £274,590. Choice ‘d’ is incorrect. Option ‘c’ is correct. 9-19 Choice ‘a’ is correct. If C/S is 40%, Contribution per unit = 40% × £75 = £30 Contribution margin = Contribution per unit × quantity sold = £30 × 5,200 units = £156,000 Operating income = Total contribution less Total fixed cost = £156,000 – £27,400 = £128,600 Choice ‘b’ is incorrect. Fixed cost has been added to the total contribution (£156,000 + £ 27,400). Choice ‘c’ is incorrect. The total contribution has been computed using the production units of 5,800 rather than the sold units of 5,200. Choice ‘d’ is incorrect. Option ‘a’ is the correct answer. 9-20 The answer is choice "d". This is not a true statement. The I.R.S. only allows absorption costing for financial statements, which is the same method required for U.S. GAAP. Choices “b” and “c” are factually accurate. Variable costing is useful for decision making because it segregates costs based on behavior, identifies the contribution margin, and expenses fixed costs rather than unitizing them into the cost of products. Choice “a” is again a true statement. Under absorption costing, the choice of output and inventory affects the realized level of net income, making it more susceptible to manipulation and a less reliable measure of managerial performance. 9-5 9-21 i. (10 min.) Computation of overhead absorption rate, and over/under absorption Calculation of overhead absorption rate Budgeted Overhead Cost ¥598,500 Overhead Absorption Rate (OAR)= Budgeted Activity Level = 28,500 hours = ¥21/hour ii. Calculation of Over/Under absorption of overhead January February ¥ ¥ Actual overhead cost incurred 600,000 650,000 Absorbed overhead cost 607,950 617,400 Under / (Over) absorbed overhead (7,950) 32,600 iii. The major cause of under or over absorption of overhead costs is based on the changes in the production capacity. Where the actual production capacity exceeds the budgeted, this can cause increase in the manufacturing overheads. In addition, a decrease in the units of production can lead to reduction in the manufacturing overheads causing under or over absorption. 9-6 9-22 (30 min.) Variable and absorption costing techniques i. Income statement Using Variable Costing Technique £ Revenues Variable Cost of Sales: Direct material Direct labour Variable manufacturing overhead Cost of goods available for sales Ending inventory Variable manufacturing costs Variable selling and distribution expenses Variable Cost of Sales Contribution margin Fixed Cost Fixed manufacturing overhead Operating income £ 1,260,000 (2,800 x £450) (3,000 x £120) (3,000 x £80) (3,000 x £65) (200 x £265) (2,800 x £15) 360,000 240,000 195,000 795,000 53,000 742,000 42,000 784,000 476,000 (3,000 x £70) 210,000 266,000 ii. Income statement Using Absorption Costing Technique £ Revenues Cost of goods sold Direct material Direct labour Variable production overhead Fixed manufacturing overhead Cost of goods available for sales Deduct ending inventory Cost of goods sold Gross Margin Operating costs: Variable selling and distribution expenses Operating income (2,800 x £450) (3,000 x £120) (3,000 x £80) (3,000 x £65) (3,000 x £70) (200 x £335) see working £ 1,260,000 360,000 240,000 195,000 210,000 1,005,000 67,000 938,000 322,000 (2,800 x £15) Working: deriving manufacturing cost of the ending inventory: Total manufacturing cost is calculated as follows: £ 9-7 42,000 280,000 Direct material Direct labour Variable manufacturing overhead Variable Manufacturing Cost Fixed Manufacturing Overhead Total manufacturing Cost 120 80 65 265 70 335 iii. The operating income produced by the absorption costing technique (£280,000), is higher profit than that of the marginal costing method (£266,000). The main reason is that the absorption technique charges production overheads to the cost of goods produced while the marginal costing technique considers only the variable costs in the production cost. 9-8 9-23 (40 min.) differences. 1. Variable and absorption costing, explaining operating-income Key inputs for income statement computations are: Beginning inventory Production Goods available for sale Units sold Ending inventory January 0 1,500 1,500 1,350 150 February 150 1,400 1,550 1,400 150 March 150 1,520 1,670 1,530 140 The budgeted fixed manufacturing cost per unit and budgeted total manufacturing cost per unit under absorption costing are: (a) (b) (c)=(a)÷(b) (d) (e)=(c)+(d) Budgeted fixed manufacturing costs Budgeted production Budgeted fixed manufacturing cost per unit Budgeted variable manufacturing cost per unit Budgeted total manufacturing cost per unit 9-9 January $525,000 1,500 $350 $1,000 $1,350 February $525,000 1,500 $350 $1,000 $1,350 March $525,000 1,500 $350 $1,000 $1,350 (a) Variable Costing Revenues Variable costs Beginning inventoryb Variable manufacturing costsc Cost of goods available for sale Deduct ending inventoryd Variable cost of goods sold Variable operating costse Total variable costs Contribution margin Fixed costs Fixed manufacturing costs Fixed operating costs Total fixed costs Operating income January 2020 $4,455,000 a $ 0 1,500,000 1,500,000 (150,000) 1,350,000 1,080,000 February 2020 $4,620,000 $ 150,000 1,400,000 1,550,000 (150,000) 1,400,000 1,120,000 2,430,000 2,025,000 525,000 130,000 March 2020 $5,049,000 $ 150,000 1,520,000 1,670,000 (140,000) 1,530,000 1,224,000 2,520,000 2,100,000 525,000 130,000 655,000 $1,370,000 525,000 130,000 655,000 $1,445,000 a $3,300 × 1,350; $3,300 × 1,400; $3,300 × 1,530 b $? × 0; $1,000 × 150; $1,000 × 150 c $1,000 × 1,500; $1,000 × 1,400; $1,000 × 1,520 d $1,000 × 150; $1,000 × 150; $1,000 × 140 e $800 × 1,350; $800 × 1,400; $800 × 1,530 9-10 2,754,000 2,295,000 655,000 $1,640,000 (b) Absorption Costing Revenuesa Cost of goods sold Beginning inventoryb Variable manufacturing costsc Allocated fixed manufacturing costsd Cost of goods available for sale Deduct ending inventorye Adjustment for prod. vol. var.f January 2020 $4,455,000 $ 0 1,500,000 $ 202,500 1,400,000 525,000 2,025,000 (202,500) 0 490,000 2,092,500 (202,500) 35,000 U Cost of goods sold Gross margin Operating costs Variable operating costsg Fixed operating costs Total operating costs Operating income February 2020 $4,620,000 1,822,500 2,632,500 1,080,000 130,000 March 2020 $5,049,000 $ 202,500 1,520,000 532,000 2,254,500 (189,000) (7,000) F 1,925,000 2,695,000 1,120,000 130,000 1,210,000 $1,422,500 1,224,000 130,000 1,250,000 $1,445,000 a $3,300 × 1,350; $3,300 × 1,400; $3,300 × 1,530 $? × 0; $1,350 × 150; $1,350 × 150 c $1,000 × 1,500; $1,000 × 1,400; $1,000 × 1,520 d $350 × 1,500; $350 × 1,400; $350 × 1,520 e $1,350 × 150; $1,350 × 150; $1,350 × 140 f $525,000 – $525,000; $525,000 – $490,000; $525,000 – $532,000 g $800 × 1,350; $800 × 1,400; $800 × 1,530 b 9-11 2,058,500 2,990,500 1,354,000 $1,636,500 Fixed manufacturing Fixed manufacturing Absorption-costing Variable costing costs in costs in 2. operating income – operating income = – ending inventory beginning inventory January: $1,422,500 – $1,370,000 = ($350 × 150) – $0 $52,500 = $52,500 February: $1,445,000 – $1,445,000 = ($350 × 150) – ($350 × 150) $0 = $0 March: $1,636,500 – $1,640,000 = ($350 × 140) – ($350 × 150) – $3,500 = – $3,500 The difference between absorption and variable costing is due solely to moving fixed manufacturing costs into inventories as inventories increase (as in January) and out of inventories as they decrease (as in March). 9-12 9-24 (20-30 min.) Throughput costing (continuation of Exercise 9-23). 1. January Revenuesa Direct material cost of goods sold: Beginning inventoryb Direct materials in goods manufacturedc Cost of goods available for sale Deduct ending inventoryd Total direct material cost of goods sold Throughput margin Other costs Manufacturinge Operatingf Total other costs Operating income February $4,455,000 $ March $4,620,000 $5,049,000 0 $78,750 $ 78,750 787,500 735,000 798,000 787,500 (78,750) 813,750 (78,750) 876,750 (73,500) 708,750 3,746,250 1,237,500 1,210,000 735,000 3,885,000 1,190,000 1,250,000 2,447,500 $1,298,750 803,250 4,245,750 1,247,000 1,354,000 2,440,000 $1,445,000 2,601,000 $1,644,750 a $3,300 × 1,350; $3,300 × 1,400; $3,300 × 1,530 $? × 0; $525 × 150; $525 × 150 c $525 × 1,500; $525 × 1,400; $525 × 1,520 d $525 × 150; $525 × 150; $525 × 140 e ($475 × 1,500) + $525,000; ($475 × 1,400) + $525,000; ($475 × 1,520) + $525,000 f ($800 × 1,350) + $130,000; ($800 × 1,400) + $130,000; ($800 × 1,530) + $130,000 b 2. Operating income under: Variable costing Absorption costing Throughput costing January $1,370,000 1,422,500 1,298,750 February $1,445,000 1,445,000 1,445,000 March $1,640,000 1,636,500 1,644,750 Throughput costing puts greater emphasis on sales as the source of operating income than does absorption or variable costing. Accordingly, income under throughput costing is highest in periods where the number of units sold is relatively large (as in March) and lower in periods of weaker sales (as in January). With production and sales the same in February, of course all three methods produce the same operating income result. 3. Throughput costing puts a penalty on producing without a corresponding sale in the same period. Costs other than direct materials that are variable with respect to production are expensed when incurred, whereas under variable costing they would be capitalized as an inventoriable cost. As a result, throughput costing provides less incentive to produce for inventory than either absorption or variable costing. 9-13 9-25 (40 min) Variable versus absorption costing. 1. Beginning Inventory + 2020 Production = 2020 Sales + Ending Inventory 100,000 units + 2020 Production = 400,000 units + 50,000 units 2020 Production = 350,000 units Zeta Company Income Statement for the, Variable Costing for the Year Ended December 31, 2020 Revenues: $25 × 400,000 Variable costs Beginning inventory: $6 × 100,000 Variable manufacturing costs: $6 × 350,000 Cost of goods available for sale Deduct ending inventory: $6 × 50,000 Variable cost of goods sold Variable operating costs: $2 × 400,000 Adjustment for variances Total variable costs Contribution margin Fixed costs Fixed manufacturing overhead costs Fixed operating costs Total fixed costs Operating income $10,000,000 $ 600,000 2,100,000 2,700,000 (300,000) 2,400,000 800,000 0 3,200,000 6,800,000 1,625,000 1,100,000 Absorption Costing Data Fixed manufacturing overhead allocation rate = Fixed manufacturing overhead/Denominator level machine-hours = $1,625,000 ÷ 6,500 = $250 per machine-hour Fixed manufacturing overhead allocation rate per unit = Fixed manufacturing overhead allocation rate/standard production rate = $250 ÷ 50 = $5 per unit 9-14 2,725,000 $4,075,000 Zeta Company Income Statement, Absorption Costing For the Year Ended December 31, 2020 Revenues: $25 × 400,000 Cost of goods sold Beginning inventory ($6 + $5) × 100,000 Variable manuf. costs: $6 × 350,000 Allocated fixed manuf. costs: $5 × 350,000 Cost of goods available for sale Deduct ending inventory: ($6+ $5) × 50,000 Adjust for manuf. variances ($5 × 25,000)a Cost of goods sold Gross margin Operating costs Variable operating costs: $2 × 400,000 Fixed operating costs Total operating costs Operating income a $10,000,000 $ 1,100,000 2,100,000 1,750,000 $4,950,000 (550,000) (125,000)F 4,275,000 5,725,000 $ 800,000 1,100,000 1,900,000 $3,825,000 Production volume variance = [(6,500 hours × 50) – 350,000] × $5 = (325,000 – 350,000) × $5 = $125,000 2. Zeta’s operating margins as a percentage of revenues are Under variable costing: Revenues Operating income Operating income as percentage of revenues $10,000,000 4,075,000 40.75% Under absorption costing: Revenues Operating income Operating income as percentage of revenues $10,000,000 3,825,000 38.25% 3. Operating income using variable costing is about 9.15 percent higher than operating income calculated using absorption costing. Variable costing operating income – Absorption costing operating income = $4,075,000– $3,825,000= $250,000 Fixed manufacturing costs in beginning inventory under absorption costing – Fixed manufacturing costs in ending inventory under absorption costing = ($5 × 100,000) – ($5 × 50,000) = $250,000 9-15 4. The factors the CFO should consider include (a) Effect on managerial behavior. (b) Effect on external users of financial statements. I would recommend absorption costing because it considers all the manufacturing resources (whether variable or fixed) used to produce units of output. Absorption costing has many critics. However, the dysfunctional aspects associated with absorption costing can be reduced by Careful budgeting and inventory planning. Adding a capital charge to reduce the incentives to build up inventory. Monitoring nonfinancial performance measures. 9-16 9-26 (15 min.) Absorption costing in medical industry a. Calculation of Profit using Absorption Costing Technique £ Revenues (10,500 × £40) Cost of Sales: Direct material (12,500 × £15) 187,500 Direct labour (12,500 × £9) 112,500 Variable manufacturing overhead (12,500 × £5) 62,500 Fixed manufacturing overhead (12,500 × £4.05) 50,625 Cost of goods available for sales 413,125 Closing inventory (2,000 × £33.05) 66,100 347,025 Total Cost of Sales Add under absorbed overhead 6,075 £ 420,000 353,100 66,900 Gross margin b. Calculation of Overhead Absorption Rate (OAR) Budgeted overhead cost Overhead Absorption Rate (OAR) = Budgeted activity level = Calculation of Over/Under absorption of overhead Actual overhead cost incurred Absorbed overhead cost (10,500 x 4.05) Under absorbed overhead £48,600 12,000 units = £4.05/unit £48,600 £42,525 £6,075 Overhead is under absorbed because the absorbed overhead is less than the actual overhead incurred. Absorbed overhead is calculated as actual activity level x OAR. 9-17 9-27 (40 min) Absorption versus variable costing. 1. The variable manufacturing cost per unit is $30 + $25 + $60 = $115. 2020 Variable-Costing Based Income Statement Revenues (17,500 × $450 per unit) Variable costs Beginning inventory Variable manufacturing costs (18,000 units × $115 per unit) Cost of goods available for sale Deduct: Ending inventory (500 units × $115 per unit) Variable cost of goods sold Variable marketing costs (17,500 units × $45 per unit) Total variable costs Contribution margin Fixed costs Fixed manufacturing costs Fixed administrative costs Fixed marketing Total fixed costs Operating income $7,875,000 $ 0 2,070,000 2,070,000 (57,500) 2,012,500 787,500 2,800,000 5,075,000 1,200,000 965,450 1,366,400 3,531,850 $1,543,150 2. Fixed manufacturing overhead rate = $1,200,000 / 20,000 units = $60 per unit. 2020 Absorption-Costing Based Income Statement Revenues (17,500 units × $450 per unit) Cost of goods sold $7,875,000 $ Beginning inventory Variable manufacturing costs (18,000 units × $115 per unit) Allocated fixed manufacturing costs (18,000 units × $60 per unit) Cost of goods available for sale Deduct ending inventory [500 units × ($115 + $60) per unit] Add unfavorable production volume variance Cost of goods sold Gross margin Operating costs Variable marketing costs (17,500 units × $45 per unit) Fixed administrative costs Fixed marketing Total operating costs Operating income 0 2,070,000 1,080,000 3,150,000 (87,500) 120,000a U 3,182,500 4,692,500 787,500 965,450 1,366,400 3,119,350 $1,573,150 a PVV = $1,200,000 budgeted fixed mfg. costs – $1,080,000 allocated fixed mfg. costs = $120,000 U 3. 2020 operating income under absorption costing is greater than the operating income under variable costing because in 2020 inventory increased by 500 units. As a result, under absorption costing, a portion of the fixed overhead remained in the ending inventory and led to a lower cost 9-18 of goods sold (relative to variable costing). As shown below, the difference in the two operating incomes is the same as the difference in the fixed manufacturing costs included in ending versus beginning inventory (under absorption costing). Operating income under absorption costing $1,573,150 Operating income under variable costing 1,543,150 Difference in operating income under absorption versus variable costing $ 30,000 Under absorption costing: Fixed mfg. costs in ending inventory (500 units × $60 per unit) Fixed mfg. costs in beginning inventory (0 units × $60 per unit) Change in fixed mfg. costs between ending and beginning inventory $ $ 30,000 0 30,000 4. Relative to the alternative of using contribution margin (from variable costing), the absorption-costing based gross margin has some pros and cons as a performance measure for Regina’s supervisors. It takes into account both variable costs and fixed costs—costs that the supervisors should be able to control in the long run—and therefore is a more complete measure than contribution margin, which ignores fixed costs (and may cause the supervisors to pay less attention to fixed costs). The downside of using absorption-costing-based gross margin is the supervisor’s temptation to use inventory levels to control the gross margin—in particular, to shore up a sagging gross margin by building up inventories. This can be offset by specifying, or limiting, the inventory build-up that can occur, charging the supervisor a carrying cost for holding inventory, and using nonfinancial performance measures such as the ratio of ending to beginning inventory. 9-19 9-28 (40 min.) Variable and absorption costing, sales, and operating-income changes. 1. Smart Safety’s annual fixed manufacturing costs are $1,300,000. It allocates $25 of fixed manufacturing costs to each unit produced. Therefore, it must be using $1,300,000 ÷ $25 = 52,000 units (annually) as the denominator level to allocate fixed manufacturing costs to the units produced. We can see from Smart Safety’s income statements that it disposes of any production volume variance against cost of goods sold. In 2020, 62,400 units were produced instead of the budgeted 52,000 units. This resulted in a favorable production volume variance of $260,000 F [(62,400 – 52,000) units × $25 per unit], which, when written off against cost of goods sold, increased gross margin by that amount. 2. The breakeven calculation, same for each year, is shown below: Calculation of breakeven volume 2019 2020 2021 Selling price ($2,236,000 ÷ 52,000; $2,236,000 ÷ 52,000; $2,683,000 ÷ 62,400) $43 $43 $43 Variable cost per unit (all manufacturing) 14 14 14 Contribution margin per unit $29 $29 $29 Total fixed costs (fixed mfg. costs + fixed selling & admin. costs) $1,508,000 $1,508,000 $1,508,000 Breakeven quantity = Total fixed costs ÷ contribution margin per unit 52,000 52,000 52,000 3. Variable Costing Sales (units) Revenues Variable cost of goods sold Beginning inventory $14 × 0; 0; 10,400 Variable manuf. costs $14 × 52,000; 62,400; 52,000 Deduct ending inventory $14 × 0; 10,400; 0 Variable cost of goods sold Contribution margin Fixed manufacturing costs Fixed selling and administrative expenses Operating income Explaining variable costing operating income Contribution margin ($26 contribution margin per unit × sales units) Total fixed costs Operating income 9-20 2019 2020 2021 52,000 52,000 62,400 $2,236,000 $2,236,000 $2,683,000 0 0 145,600 728,000 873,600 728,000 0 (145,600) 0 728,000 728,000 873,600 $1,508,000 $1,508,000 $1,809,600 $1,300,000 $1,300,000 $1,300,000 208,000 208,000 208,000 $ 0 $ 0 $ 301,600 $1,508,000 $1,508,000 $1,809,600 1,508,000 1,508,000 1,508,000 $ 0 $ 0 $ 301,600 4. Reconciliation of absorption/variable costing operating incomes (1) Absorption costing operating income (2) Variable costing operating income (3) Difference in operating incomes = (1) – (2) 2019 $0 0 $0 2020 2021 $260,000 $ 41,600 0 301,600 $260,000 $(260,000) (4) Fixed mfg. costs in ending inventory under absorption costing (ending inventory in units × $25 per unit) $0 $260,000 (5) Fixed mfg. costs in beginning inventory under absorption costing (beginning inventory in units × $25 per unit) (6) Difference = (4) – (5) 0 $0 0 $260,000 $ 0 260,000 $(260,000) In the table above, row (3) shows the difference between the operating income under absorption costing and the operating income under variable costing, for each of the three years. In 2019, the difference is $0; in 2020, absorption costing income is greater by $260,000; and in 2021, it is less by $260,000. Row (6) above shows the difference between the fixed costs in ending inventory and the fixed costs in beginning inventory under absorption costing; this figure is $0 in 2019, $260,000 in 2020, and –$260,000 in 2021. Row (3) and row (6) explain and reconcile the operating income differences between absorption costing and variable costing. Stuart Weil is surprised at the non-zero, positive net income (reported under absorption costing) in 2020, when sales were at the ‘breakeven volume’ of 52,000; further, he is concerned about the drop in operating income in 2021, when, in fact, sales increased to 62,400 units. In 2020, starting with zero inventories, 62,400 units were produced and 52,000 were sold, i.e., at the end of the year, 10,400 units remained in inventory. These 10,400 units had each absorbed $25 of fixed costs (total of $260,000), which would remain as assets on Smart Safety’s balance sheet until they were sold. Cost of goods sold, representing only the costs of the 52,000 units sold in 2020, was accordingly reduced by $260,000, the production volume variance, resulting in a positive operating income even though sales were at breakeven levels. The following year, in 2021, production was 52,000 units, sales were 62,400 units, i.e., all of the fixed costs that were included in 2020 ending inventory flowed through COGS in 2021. Contribution margin in 2021 was $1,809,600 (62,400 units × $29), but in absorption costing, COGS also contains the allocated fixed manufacturing costs of the units sold, which were $1,560,000 (62,400 units × $25), resulting in an operating income of $41,600 = 1,809,600 – $1,560,000 – $208,000 (fixed sales and admin.) Hence the drop in operating income under absorption costing, even though sales were greater than the computed breakeven volume: inventory levels decreased sufficiently in 2021 to cause 2021’s operating income to be lower than 2020 operating income. Note that beginning and ending with zero inventories during the 2019-2021 period, under both costing methods, Smart Safety’s total operating income was $301,600. 9-21 9-29 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. (10 min.) Capacity management, denominator-level capacity concepts. a a, b c, d d d c b (or a) a c, d a, b b 9-22 9-30 (20 min.) Denominator-level problem. 1. Budgeted fixed manufacturing overhead costs rates: Denominator Level Capacity Concept Theoretical Practical Normal Master-budget Budgeted Fixed Manufacturing Overhead per Period $ 6,480,000 6,480,000 6,480,000 6,480,000 Budgeted Capacity Level 5,400 3,840 3,240 3,600 Budgeted Fixed Manufacturing Overhead Cost Rate $ 1,200.00 1,687.50 2,000.00 1,800.00 The rates are different because of varying denominator-level concepts. Theoretical and practical capacity levels are driven by supply-side concepts, i.e., “how much can I produce?” Normal and master-budget capacity levels are driven by demand-side concepts, i.e., “how much can I sell?” (or “how much should I produce?”) 2. The variances that arise from use of the theoretical or practical level concepts will signal that there is a divergence between the supply of capacity and the demand for capacity. This is useful input to managers. As a general rule, however, it is important not to place undue reliance on the production volume variance as a measure of the economic costs of unused capacity. 3. Under a cost-based pricing system, the choice of a master-budget level denominator will lead to high prices when demand is low (more fixed costs allocated to the individual product level), further eroding demand; conversely, it will lead to low prices when demand is high, forgoing profits. This has been referred to as the downward demand spiral—the continuing reduction in demand that occurs when the prices of competitors are not met and demand drops, resulting in even higher unit costs and even more reluctance to meet the prices of competitors. The positive aspects of the masterbudget denominator level are that it is based on demand for the product and indicates the price at which all costs per unit would be recovered to enable the company to make a profit. Master-budget denominator level is also a good benchmark against which to evaluate performance. 9-23 9-31 (30 min.) Variable and absorption costing and breakeven points. 1. Production = Sales + Ending Inventory – Beginning Inventory = 242,400 + 24,800 32,600 = 234,600 ICs. 2. Breakeven point in ICs: a. Variable Costing Total fixed costs + Target operating income Q= Contribution margin per unit ($1,876,800+$3,284,400)+$0 $5,161,200 Q= = = 224,400 ICs $47−$13−$11 $23 b. Absorption costing Fixed manufacturing cost rate = $1,876,800 ÷ 234,600 = $8 per IC Q= TFC + TOI + [Fixed Manuf. cost rate × (Breakeven sales in units − Units produced) Contribution margin per unit $5,161,200 + $0 +[$8 (Q−234,600)] $5,161,200+8Q−$1,876,800 $3,284,400 + 8Q Q= = = $23 $23 $23 23Q 8Q = $3,284,400 15Q = $3,284,400 Q = 218,960 ICs. 3. If direct materials costs increase from $13 to $15 per IC, this will lower the unit contribution margin from $23 in 2020 to $21 in 2021. a. Variable Costing (Q) = $5,161,200 b. Absorption Costing (Q) = = 245,772 ICs (rounded up) $21 $3,284,400+$8 Q $21 $21Q = $3,284,400 + $8 Q $13 Q = $3,284,400 Q = 252,646 ICs (rounded up) 9-24 9-32 (40 min.) Variable costing versus absorption costing. 2020 Production = Sales + Ending Inventory – Beginning Inventory = 575,000 + 45,000 – 35,000 = 585,000 1. Absorption Costing: Stenback Company Income Statement For the Year Ended December 31, 2020 Revenues (575,000 × $13.00) Cost of goods sold: Beginning inventory (35,000 × $6.00a) Variable manufacturing costs (585,000 × $5.20) Allocated fixed manufacturing costs (585,000 × $0.80) Cost of goods available for sale Deduct ending inventory (45,000 × $6.00) Add adjustment for prod.-vol. variance (65,000b × $0.80) Cost of goods sold Gross margin Operating costs: Variable operating costs (575,000 × $2) Fixed operating costs Total operating costs Operating income a b $7,475,000 $ 210,000 3,042,000 468,000 3,720,000 (270,000) 52,000 U 3,502,000 3,973,000 1,150,000 55,000 1,205,000 $ 2,768,000 $4.00 + $1.20 + ($16.00 ÷ 20) = $5.20 + $0.80 = $6.00 [(20 units per mach. hr. × 32,500 mach. hrs.) – 585,000 units)] = 65,000 units unfavorable 2. Variable Costing: Stenback Company Income Statement For the Year Ended December 31, 2020 Revenues (575,000 × $13.00) Variable cost of goods sold: Beginning inventory (35,000 × $5.20) Variable manufacturing costs (585,000 × $5.20) Cost of goods available for sale Deduct ending inventory (45,000 × $5.20) Variable cost of goods sold Variable operating costs (575,000 × $2) Contribution margin Fixed costs: Fixed manufacturing overhead costs Fixed operating costs Total fixed costs Operating income $7,475,000 $ 182,000 3,042,000 3,224,000 (234,000) 2,990,000 1,150,000 3,335,000 520,000 55,000 575,000 $ 2,760,000 9-25 3. The difference in operating income between the two costing methods is: VariableAbsorptioncosting costing – operating operating income income = Fixed manuf. costs in ending inventory $2,768,000 – $2,760,000 $8,000 $8,000 Fixed manuf. costs – in beginning inventory = [(45,000 × $0.80) – (35,000 × $0.80)] = $36,000 – $28,000 = $8,000 The absorption-costing operating income exceeds the variable costing figure by $8,000 because of the increase of $8,000 during 2020 of the amount of fixed manufacturing costs in ending inventory vis-a-vis beginning inventory. 4. Total fixed manufacturing costs Actual and budget line $520,000 $468,000 Unfavorable production-volume variance production} Favorable volume variance { Allocated line @ $16.00 29,250 32,500 Machine-hours 5. Absorption costing is more likely to lead to buildups of inventory than does variable costing. Absorption costing enables managers to increase reported operating income by building up inventory which reduces the amount of fixed manufacturing overhead included in the current period’s cost of goods sold. Ways to reduce this incentive include: (a) Careful budgeting and inventory planning. (b) Change the accounting system to variable costing or throughput costing. (c) Incorporate a carrying charge for carrying inventory. (d) Use a longer time period to evaluate performance than a quarter or a year. (e) Include nonfinancial as well as financial measures when evaluating management performance. 9-26 9-33 (20 min.) Throughput costing. 1. Throughput Costing: Stenback Company Income Statement For the Year Ended December 31, 2020 Revenues (575,000 × $13.00) Direct material cost of goods sold: Beginning inventory (35,000 × $4.00) Direct materials in goods manufactureda Cost of goods available for sale Deduct ending inventoryb Total direct material cost of goods sold Throughput margin Other costs Manufacturing costs Other operating costs Total other costs Operating income a $7,475,000 $ 140,000 2,340,000 2,480,000 (180,000) 2,300,000 5,175,000 1,222,000c 1,205,000d 2,427,000 $ 2,748,000 585,000 × $4.00 b 45,000 × $4.00 (585,000 × $1.20) + $520,000 d (575,000 × $2) + $55,000 c 2. Stenback Company - Reconciliation Variable Costing Throughput Costing Difference Reasons for differences: Variable Manufacturing Cost (other than materials) (575,000 × $1.20) Variable Operating Cost (575,000 × $2.00) Lower expensing of Variable Manufacturing Cost (other than materials) under Variable costing: 10,000 units increase in inventory during the year × $1.20 per unit Contribution/ Throughput Margin $3,335,000 $5,175,000 $1,840,000 Operating Income $2,760,000 $2,748,000 $(12,000) $690,000 $1,150,000 $ (12,000) 3. Yes, I do agree. Because fixed manufacturing costs are expensed in the period incurred under throughput costing, there is no opportunity for managers to affect operating income by manipulating production levels. When a significant majority of an item’s cost is direct materials, when direct labor is really more fixed than variable (you have staff for direct labor and you don’t stop paying them for varying levels of production) and when production levels vary significantly creating large variances for fixed costs, using throughput costing can provide a more stable per unit cost for a company’s product. It is important for managers of Stenback, and other companies, to have as stable a unit cost as possible for decision-making. 9-27 9-34 (30–40 min.) Reconciliation of operating income under absorption and variable techniques i. Income statement Using Variable Costing Technique Autumn £ £ Total Sales @ £80 (23,400 x £80) 1,872,000 Variable Cost of Sales: Beginning inventory @ £12 Direct material 136,800 Direct labour 133,950 Variable manufacturing overhead 71,250 342,000 Cost of goods available for sales @ £12 Ending inventory @ £12 (see Working 1) 61,200 280,800 Variable cost of Production Variable selling expenses @ £1.5 (see Working 3) 35,100 Variable admin expenses (10% of sales value) 187,200 503,100 Variable Cost of Sales Total contribution 1,368,900 Fixed Costs: Fixed manufacturing overhead 120,000 Fixed selling expenses 25,500 Fixed admin expenses (25% of sales value) 468,000 Total fixed cost 613,500 755,400 Operating income Income statement Using Absorption Costing Technique Autumn £ £ Total Sales @ £80 Total Cost of Sales: Beginning inventory @ £16 Direct material Direct labour Variable manufacturing overhead Fixed manufacturing overhead @ £4 (23,400 x £80) 136,800 133,950 71,250 114,000 9-28 Summer £ £ (35,700 x £80) 2,856,000 61,200 146,880 143,820 76,500 428,400 428,400 53,550 285,600 767,550 2,088,450 122,000 25,500 714,000 861,500 1,226,950 Summer £ £ 1,872,000 (35,700 x £80) 2,856,000 81,600 146,880 143,820 76,500 122,400 (see Working 4) Cost of goods available for sales @ £16 (£456,000/28,500) Ending inventory @ £16 (see Working 2) Total cost of Production Add or deduct over/(under) absorbed overhead (see Working 5) Gross margin Other expenses: Variable selling expenses @ £1.5 (see Working 3) Variable admin expenses (10% of sales value) Fixed selling expenses Fixed admin expenses (25% of sales value) Total fixed cost Operating income (£16 x 30,600) 456,000 + £81,600 571,200 81,600 374,400 571,200 (£16 x 28,500) (£16 x 5,100) 6,000 380,400 1,491,600 (400) 570,800 2,285,200 35,100 53,550 187,200 25,500 285,600 25,500 468,000 714,000 715,800 775,800 Working 1. Computation of Variable cost per unit Autumn Total variable production cost (£) 342,000 Total quantity produced (unit) 28,500 342,000 ÷ 28,500 = Variable production cost per unit £12 Summer 367,200 30,600 367,200 ÷ 30,600 = £12 2. Computation of Opening inventory Opening Add production 28,500 Goods available for sales 28,500 Sales 23,400 5,100 Closing inventory 5,100 30,600 35,700 35,700 - 3. Variable cost per unit £42,750 Autumn = 28,500 𝑢𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑠 = £1.5 £45,900 Summer = 30,600 𝑢𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑠 = £1.5 4. Calculation of OAR £470,400 Budgeted monthly overhead cost = 12 months = £39,200 Budgeted monthly production = 117,600 units 12 months 9-29 = 9,800 units 1,078,650 1,206,550 Overhead Absorption Rate (OAR) = Budgeted monthly overhead Cost Budgeted monthly Activity Level 5. i. Calculation of Over/Under absorption of overhead Autumn (£) Actual overhead cost incurred 120,000 Absorbed overhead cost 114,000 under / (Over) absorbed overhead 6,000 = £39,200 9,800 units = £4 Summer (£) 122,000 122,400 (400) ii. Calculation of differences in operating income Beginning inventory Ending inventory Upward/Downward movement of inventory Fixed overhead absorption rate Difference in Profits (5,100 x £4) Autumn 5,100 5,100 £4 £20,400 Summer 5,100 5,100 £4 £20,400 Reconciliation of operating income Profit under variable costing Add / less adjustment for fixed overhead Profit under absorption costing £ 755,400 20,400 775,800 £ 1,226,950 20,400 1,206,550 Alternatively Profit under absorption costing Less / Add adjustment for fixed overhead Profit under variable costing £ 775,800 20,400 755,400 £ 1,206,550 20,400 1,226,950 iii. The differences in operating income between variable costing and absorption costing are due to accounting for fixed manufacturing costs. Under variable costing only variable manufacturing costs are included as inventoriable costs. In the absorption costing approach, both variable and fixed manufacturing costs are included as inventoriable costs. Fixed marketing and distribution costs are not accounted for differently under variable costing and absorption costing. 9-30 9-35 (30-35 min.) Comparison of variable costing and absorption costing. 1. Since production volume variance is unfavorable, the budgeted fixed manufacturing overhead must be larger than the fixed manufacturing overhead allocated. Production - volume variance Budgeted fixed Fixed manufacturing = manufacturing overhead – overhead allocated $350,000 = $1,400,000 – Allocated Allocated = $1,050,000, which is 75% of $1,400,000 If 75% of the budgeted fixed costs were allocated, the plant must have been operating at 75% of denominator level in 2020. 2. The problem provides the ending inventory balances for 2019 and 2020 under both, variable and absorption costing. Under variable costing, all fixed costs are written off as period costs, i.e., they are not inventoried. Under absorption costing, inventories include variable and fixed costs. Therefore, the difference between inventory under absorption costing and inventory under variable costing is the amount of fixed costs included in the inventory. Inventories: December 31, 2019 December 31, 2020 Absorption Costing Variable Costing Fixed Manuf. Overhead in Inventory $1,745,000 195,000 $1,465,000 75,000 $280,000 120,000 3. Note that the answer to (3) is independent of (1). The difference in operating income of $160,000 ($1,345,000 – $1,185,000) is explained by the release of $160,000 of fixed manufacturing costs when the inventories were decreased during 2020: Inventories: December 31, 2019 December 31, 2020 Release of fixed manuf. costs Absorption Costing Variable Costing $1,745,000 195,000 $1,465,000 75,000 Fixed Manuf. Overhead in Inventory $280,000 120,000 $160,000 The above schedule in this requirement is a formal presentation of the equation: Variable Absorpting costing costing – operating operating income income ($1,185,000 – $1,345,000) = Fixed Fixed manuf. costs in manuf. costs in ending – beginning inventory inventory = ($120,000 – $280,000) 9-31 – $160,000 = – $160,000 4. Under absorption costing, operating income is a function of both sales and production (i.e., change in inventory levels). During 2020, Gammaro experienced a severe decline in inventory levels: sales were probably higher than anticipated, production was probably lower than planned (at 75% of denominator level), resulting in much of the 2020 beginning inventory passing through cost of goods sold in 2020. This means that under absorption costing, large amounts of inventoried fixed costs have flown through 2020 cost of goods sold, resulting in a smaller operating income than in 2019, despite an increase in sales volume. 9-32 9-36 (30 min.) Effects of differing production levels on absorption costing income: Metrics to minimize inventory buildups. 26,000 32,500 33,800 Books Books Books Revenues $2,106,000 $2,106,000 $2,106,000 a Cost of goods sold 1,586,000 1,586,000 1,586,000 Production-volume variance 0b (104,000)c (124,800)d Net cost of goods sold 1,586,000 1,482,000 Gross Margin $ 520,000 $ 624,000 $ 644,800 1,461,200 a Cost per unit = ($45 + $416,000/26,000 books sold) = $61 per book CGS = $61 26,000 = $1,586,000 b volume variance = Budgeted fixed cost – fixed overhead rate production $416,000 – ($16 26,000 books) = $0 c volume variance = Budgeted fixed cost – fixed overhead rate production $416,000 – ($16 32,500 books) = – $104,000 d volume variance = Budgeted fixed cost – fixed overhead rate production $416,000 – ($16 33,800 books) = – $124,800 2. 26,000 Books Beginning inventory + Production 32,500 Books 0 26,000 books 26,000 26,000 0 books × $61 $0 – Books sold Ending inventory Cost per book Cost of Ending Inventory 0 32,500 books 32,500 26,000 6,500 books × $61 $396,500 33,800 Books 0 33,800 books 33,800 26,000 7,800 books × $61 $475,800 3a. 26,000 Books Gross margin Less 5% Ending inventory Adjusted gross margin 32,500 33,800 Books Books $520,000 $624,000 0 (19,825) $520,000 $604,175 $644,800 (23,790) $621,010 While adjusting for ending inventory does to some degree mitigate the increase in inventory associated with excess production, it may be difficult to mechanically compensate for all of the increased income. In addition, it does nothing to hold the manager responsible for the poor decisions from the organization’s standpoint. 3b. 9-33 26,000 Books 1) Inventory change: End inventory ─ begin inventory books 2) Excess production (%) Production ÷ sales 32,500 Books 0 33,800 Books 6,500 books 26,000 ÷ 26,000 1.0 32,500 ÷ 26,000 1.25 7,800 33,800 ÷26,000 1.3 A ratio of ending inventory to beginning inventory, as suggested in the book, is not possible because beginning inventory was zero, so we substituted change in inventory level. For these nonfinancial measures to be useful they must be incorporated into the reward function of the manager. 9-34 9-37 (25-30 min.) Alternative denominator-level capacity concepts, effect on operating income. 1. Denominator-Level Capacity Concept Theoretical capacity Practical capacity Normal capacity utilization Master-budget utilization (a) January-June 2020 (b) July-December 2020 Budgeted Fixed Manuf. Overhead per Period (1) $28,300,000 28,300,000 28,300,000 Days of Hours of Production Production per Period per Day (2) (3) 360 24 352 20 352 20 14,150,000 14,150,000 176 176 Barrels per Hour (4) 530 500 395 Budgeted Denominator Level (Barrels) (5) = (2) (3) (4) 4,579,200 3,520,000 2,780,800 Budgeted Fixed Manufacturing Overhead Rate per Barrel (6) = (1) (5) $ 6.18 8.04 10.18 310 480 1,091,200 1,689,600 12.97 8.37 20 20 The differences arise for several reasons: a. The theoretical and practical capacity concepts emphasize supply factors and are consequently higher, while normal capacity utilization and master-budget utilization emphasize demand factors. b. The two separate six-month rates for the master-budget utilization concept differ because of seasonal differences in budgeted production. 2. Using column (6) from above, Denominator-Level Capacity Concept Theoretical capacity Practical capacity Normal capacity utilization a $79,464,000 2,640,000 barrels Budgeted Fixed Mfg. Overhead Rate per Barrel (6) $6.18 8.04 10.18 Per Barrel Budgeted Variable Mfg. Cost Rate (7) $30.10a 30.10 30.10 Budgeted Total Mfg Cost Rate (8) = (6) + (7) $36.28 38.14 40.28 9-35 Fixed Mfg. Overhead Costs Allocated (9) = 2,640,000 (6) $16,315,200 21,225,600 26,875,200 Fixed Mfg. Overhead Variance (10) = $26,900,000 – (9) $10,584,800 U 5,674,400 U 24,800 U Absorption-Costing Income Statement Revenues (2,460,000 bbls. $44 per bbl.) Cost of goods sold Beginning inventory Variable mfg. costs Fixed mfg. overhead costs allocated (2,640,000 units $6.18; $8.04; $10.18 per unit) Cost of goods available for sale Deduct ending inventory (180,000 units $36.28; $38.14; $40.28 per unit) Adjustment for variances (add: all unfavorable) Cost of goods sold Gross margin Other costs Operating income Theoretical Capacity $108,240,000 Practical Capacity $108,240,000 Normal Capacity Utilization $108,240,000 0 79,464,000 0 79,464,000 0 79,464,000 16,315,200 95,779,200 21,225,600 100,689,600 26,875,200 106,339,200 (6,865,200) 5,674,400 U 99,498,800 8,741,200 0 $ 8,741,200 (7,250,400) 24,800U 99,113,600 9,126,400 0 $ 9,126,400 (6,530,400) 10,584,800 U 99,833,600 8,406,400 0 $ 8,406,400 9-36 9-38 (20 min.) Motivational considerations in denominator-level capacity selection (continuation of 9-37). 1. If the plant manager gets a bonus based on operating income, he/she will prefer the denominatorlevel capacity to be based on normal capacity utilization (or master-budget utilization). In times of rising inventories, as in 2020, this denominator level will maximize the fixed overhead trapped in ending inventories and will minimize COGS and maximize operating income. Of course, the plant manager cannot always hope to increase inventories every period, but on the whole, he/she would still prefer to use normal capacity utilization because the smaller the denominator, the higher the amount of overhead costs capitalized for inventory units. Thus, if the plant manager wishes to be able to “adjust” plant operating income by building inventory, normal capacity utilization (or masterbudget capacity utilization) would be preferred. 2. Given the data in this question, the theoretical capacity concept reports the lowest operating income and thus (other things being equal) the lowest tax bill for 2020. Zing Lager benefits by having deductions as early as possible. The theoretical capacity denominator-level concept maximizes the deductions for manufacturing costs. 3. The IRS may restrict the flexibility of a company in several ways: a. Restrict the denominator-level concept choice (to say, practical capacity). b. Restrict the cost line items that can be expensed rather than inventoried. c. Restrict the ability of a company to use shorter write-off periods or more accelerated writeoff periods for inventoriable costs. d. Require proration or allocation of variances to represent actual costs and actual capacity used. 9-37 9-39 (25 min.) income. Denominator-level choices, changes in inventory levels, effect on operating 1. Denominator level in units Budgeted fixed manuf. costs Budgeted fixed manuf. cost allocated per unit Production in units Allocated fixed manuf. costs (production in units Theoretical Capacity 275,000 $2,915,000 $ 10.60 235,000 budgeted fixed manuf. cost allocated per unit) $2,491,000 Production volume variance (budgeted fixed manuf. costs – allocated fixed manuf. costs)a $ 424,000 a Practical Capacity 265,000 $2,915,000 $ 11.00 235,000 Normal Capacity Utilization 233,200 $2,915,000 $ 12.50 235,000 $2,585,000 $2,937,500 U$ 330,000 U $ 22,500 F PVV is unfavorable if budgeted fixed manuf. costs are greater than allocated fixed costs 2. Units produced Budgeted fixed mfg. cost allocated per unit Budgeted var. mfg. cost per unit Budgeted cost per unit of inventory or production Theoretical Practical Capacity Capacity 235,000 235,000 $10.60 $11.00 $8.00 $8.00 $15.60 ABSORPTION-COSTING BASED INCOME STATEMENTS Revenues ($39 selling price per unit units sold) Cost of goods sold Beginning inventory (35,000 units budgeted cost per unit of inventory) Variable manufacturing costs (235,000 units $8 per unit) Allocated fixed manufacturing overhead (235,000 units budgeted fixed mfg. cost allocated per unit) Cost of goods available for sale Deduct ending inventory (20,000b units budgeted cost per unit of inventory) Adjustment for production-volume variance Normal Capacity Utilization 235,000 $12.50 $8.00 $16.50 $17.50 $9,750,000 $9,750,000 $9,750,000 651,000 665,000 717,500 1,880,000 1,880,000 1,880,000 2,491,000 5,022,000 2,585,000 5,130,000 2,937,000 5,534,500 9-38 (372,000) 424,000 U (380,000) 330,000 U (410,000) (22,500) F Total cost of goods sold Gross margin Operating costs Operating income 5,074,000 4,676,000 200,000 $4,476,000 5,080,000 4,670,000 200,000 $4,470,000 5,102,000 4,648,000 200,000 $4,448,000 b Ending inventory = Beginning inventory + production – sales = 35,000 + 235,000 – 250,000 = 20,000 units 20,000 × $18.60; 20,000 × $19.00; 20,000 ×$20.50 3. Donaldson’s 2020 beginning inventory was 35,000 units; its ending inventory was 20,000 units. So, during 2020, there was a drop of 15,000 units in inventory levels (matching the 15,000 more units sold than produced). The smaller the denominator level, the larger is the budgeted fixed cost allocated to each unit of production, and when those units are sold (all the current production is sold, and then some), the larger is the cost of each unit sold, and the smaller is the operating income. Normal capacity utilization is the smallest capacity of the three; hence, in this year, when production was less than sales, the absorption-costing based operating income is the smallest when normal capacity utilization is used as the denominator level. 4. Reconciliation Theoretical Capacity Operating Income— Practical Capacity Operating Income Decrease in inventory level during 2020 $6,000 15,000 Fixed mfg cost allocated per unit under practical capacity—fixed mfg. cost allocated per unit under theoretical capacity ($11 – $10.60) $0.40 Additional allocated fixed cost included in COGS under practical capacity = 15,000 units $0.40 per unit = $6,000 More fixed manufacturing costs are included in inventory under practical capacity, so when inventory level decreases (as it did in 2020), more fixed manufacturing costs are included in COGS under practical capacity than under theoretical capacity, resulting in a lower operating income. 9-39 9-40 (60 min.) Variable and absorption costing and breakeven points 2020 Variable-Costing Based Operating Income Statement Revenues (995 boards × $750 per board) Variable costs Beginning inventory (240 boards × $325 per board) Variable manufacturing costs (900 boards × $325 per board) Cost of goods available for sale Deduct: Ending inventory (145 boards × $325 per board) Variable cost of goods sold Variable shipping costs (995 boards × $15 per board) $746,250 $ 78,000 292,500 370,500 (47,125) 323,375 14,925 Total variable costs 338,300 Contribution margin Fixed costs Fixed manufacturing costs Fixed selling and administrative 407,950 280,000 112,000 Total fixed costs 392,000 $ 15,950 Operating income 2. 2020 Absorption-Costing Based Operating Income Statement Revenues (995 boards × $750 per board) Cost of goods sold Beginning inventory (240 boards × $605a per board) $145,200 Variable manufacturing costs (900 boards × $325 per board) 292,500 Allocated fixed manufacturing costs (900 boards × $280 per board) 252,000 Cost of goods available for sale 689,700 Deduct ending inventory (145 boards × $605 per board) (87,725) Cost of goods sold at standard cost $746,250 601,975 Production-volume variance [$280 × (1,000 – 900)] Gross margin Operating costs Variable shipping costs (995 boards × $15 per board) Fixed selling and administrative Total operating costs Operating income 28,000 U 629,975 116,275 14,925 112,000 126,925 $(10,650) 9-40 a Fixed manufacturing cost per unit = Fixed manufacturing cost/denominator level of production = $280,000/1,000 snowboards = $280 per snowboard $280 fixed manufacturing cost + $325 variable manufacturing cost = $605 per board 3. Breakeven point in units: a. Variable Costing (Q) = b. Total fixed costs+Target operating income Contribution margin per unit = ($280,000+$112,000)+$0 $750−($325+$15) = $392,000 $410 = 956 units Absorption costing: Fixed manufacturing cost rate = $280,000 ÷ 1,000 = $280 per snowboard Fixed Breakeven Units fixed + operating + manufacturing× sales in units produced costs income cost rate Q= Contribution margin per unit Total Q= Target ($280,000 + $112,000) + $0 + $280 (Q - 900) $410 $410Q = $392,000 + $280Q – $252,000 $410Q $280Q = $392,000 – $252,000 $130Q = $140,000 Q = 1,077 snowboards 4. Proof of breakeven point: a. Variable Costing: Revenues, $750 × 956 units Variable costs, $340 × 956 Contribution margin, $410 × 956 Fixed costs Operating income $717,000 325,040 392,000 391,960 $ 40* b. Absorption costing: Revenues, $750 × 1,077 units Cost of goods sold: Cost of goods @ standard cost, $605 × 1,077 units Production-volume variance, $280 × (1,000 – 900) Gross margin 679,585 Variable shipping costs, $15 × 1,077 units Fixed selling and administrative costs 112,000 Operating income 9-41 $807,750 651,585 28,000 U 128,165 16,155 128,155 $ 10* *This is not zero due to rounding to 956 and 1,077 whole units sold. 5. If $20,000 of fixed administrative costs were reclassified as production costs, there would be no change in breakeven sales using variable costing. This is because all fixed costs, regardless of whether they are for production or administrative activities, are treated the same way in a variable costing system. However, this is not true for absorption costing. The change in classification would impact the fixed manufacturing overhead rate that is applied to units of production. If sales and production are unequal, the additional fixed overhead would either increase or decrease breakeven sales. 6. The additional $30 per unit variable production cost will cause unit contribution margin to decrease from $410 to $380. This decrease will cause the breakeven point to increase. In the case of variable costing: Q = $392,000 ÷ $380 Q = 1,032 units (rounded) In the case of absorption costing: $380Q = $392,000 + $280Q – $252,000 $380Q – $280Q = $392,000 – $252,000 $100Q = $140,000 Q = 1,400 units 9-42 9-41 (20 min.) Downward demand spiral. 1. Fixed manufacturing overhead rate = $576,000/24,000 units = $24 per unit Manufacturing cost per unit: $20 direct materials + $35 direct mfg. labor + $9 var. mfg. OH + $24 fixed mfg. OH = $88 Selling price: $88 × 130% = $114.40 2. Fixed manufacturing overhead rate = $576,000/18,000 units = $32 per unit Manufacturing cost per unit: $20 direct materials + $35 direct mfg. labor + $9 var. mfg. OH + $32 fixed mfg. OH = $96 Selling price: $96 × 130% = $124.80 By using budgeted units produced, and not practical capacity, as the denominator level, Gostkowski is burdening its products with the cost of unused capacity. Apparently, the competitor has not done this, and because of its higher selling price, Gostkowski’s sales decline. Consequently, 2021 budgeted quantities are even lower, which increases the unit cost and selling price. This phenomenon is known as the downward demand spiral, and it causes Gostkowski to continually inflate its selling price, which in turn leads to progressively lower sales. 3. Fixed manufacturing overhead rate = $576,000/48,000 units = $12 per unit Manufacturing cost per unit: $20 direct materials + $35 direct mfg. labor + $9 var. mfg. OH + $12 fixed mfg. OH = $76 Selling price: $76 × 130% = $98.80 If Gostkowski had used practical capacity as its denominator level of activity, its initial selling price of $98.60 would have been virtually in line with the $98.40 selling price of Gostkowski’s competitor, and it would likely have resulted in higher sales. Using practical capacity will result in a higher unfavorable production-volume variance, which will most likely be written off to cost of goods sold and reduce operating income. However, as sales and production increase in future years and the company “grows into” its capacity, the amount of unused capacity will be lower, resulting in future cost savings. 9-43 9-42 (35 min.) Absorption costing and production volume variance -- alternative capacity bases 1. Inventoriable cost per unit = Variable production cost + Fixed manufacturing overhead/Capacity Capacity Type Theoretical Practical Normal Master Budget Capacity Level 1,000,000 600,000 300,000 250,000 Fixed Mfg. Overhead $1,200,000 $1,200,000 $1,200,000 $1,200,000 Fixed Mfg. Overhead Rate $1.20 $2.00 $4.00 $4.80 Variable Production Cost $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 $3.00 Inventoriable Cost Per Unit $4.20 $5.00 $7.00 $7.80 2. Kappa’s actual production level is 350,000 CFLs. We can compute the production-volume variance as: Production-volume Variance = Budgeted Fixed Mfg. Overhead – (Fixed Mfg. Overhead Rate × Actual Production Level) Capacity Type Theoretical Practical Normal Master Budget Capacity Level 1,000,000 600,000 300,000 250,000 Fixed Mfg. Overhead Fixed Mfg. Rate × Fixed Mfg. Overhead Actual Overhead Rate Production $1,200,000 $1.20 $ 420,000 $1,200,000 $2.00 $ 700,000 $1,200,000 $4.00 $1,400,000 $1,200,000 $4.80 $1,680,000 Productionvolume Variance $780,000 U $500,000 U $200,000 F $480,000 F 3. Operating Income for Kappa given production of 350,000 CFLs and sales of 275,000 CFLs @ $10 apiece: Theoretical Practical Revenue a $2,750,000 $2,750,000 Less: Cost of goods sold b 1,155,000 1,375,000 Productionvolume variance 780,000 U 500,000U Gross margin 815,000 875,000 Variable selling c 68,750 68,750 Fixed selling 250,000 250,000 Operating income $ 496,250 $ 556,250 a Normal $2,750,000 Master Budget $2,750,000 1,925,000 2,145,000 (200,000) F 1,025,000 (480,000) F 1,085,000 68,750 250,000 68,750 250,000 $ 706,250 $ 766,250 275,000 × 10 275,000 ×4.20, ×5.00, ×7.00, ×7.80 b 9-44 c 275,000 × 0.25 9-45 9-43 (35 min.) Operating income effects of denominator-level choice and disposal of production-volume variance (continuation of 9-42). 1. Because no beginning inventories exist, if Kappa sells all 350,000 CFLs manufactured, its operating income will be the same under all four capacity options. Calculations are provided below: a Theoretical $3,500,000 Revenue Less: Cost of goods sold b 1,470,000 Less: Production volume variance 780,000 U Gross margin 1,250,000 Variable selling c 87,500 Fixed selling 250,000 Operating income $ 912,500 Practical $3,500,000 Normal $3,500,000 1,750,000 2,450,000 2,730,000 500,000 U 1,250,000 87,500 250,000 (200,000) F 1,250,000 87,500 250,000 (480,000) F 1,250,000 87,500 250,000 $ 912,500 $ 912,500 Master Budget $3,500,000 $ 912,500 a 350,000 × 10 350,000 × 4.20, ×5.00, ×7.00, ×7.80 c 350,000 × 0.25 b 2. If the manager of Kappa produces and sells 350,000 CFLs, then all capacity levels will result in the same operating income of $912,500 (see requirement 1 above). If the manager of Kappa is able to sell only 275,000 of the CFLs produced and if the production-volume variance is closed to cost of goods sold, then the operating income is given as in requirement 3 of 9-42. Both sets of numbers are reproduced below. Theoretical Income with sales of 350,000 CFLs $ 912,500 Income with sales of 275,000 CFLs $ 496,250 Decrease in income when there is over-production $ 416,250 Master Budget Practical Normal $ 912,500 $ 912,500 $ 912,500 $ 556,250 $ 706,250 $ 766,250 $ 356,250 $ 206,250 $ 146,250 Comparing these results, it is clear that for a given level of overproduction relative to sales, the manager’s performance will appear better if he/she uses as the denominator a level that is lower. In this example, setting the denominator to equal the master budget (the lowest of the four capacity levels here), minimizes the loss to the manager from being unable to sell the entire production quantity of 350,000 CFLs. 9-46 3. In this scenario, the manager of Kappa produces 350,000 CFLs and sells 275,000 of them, and the production volume variance is prorated. Given the absence of ending work in process inventory or beginning inventory of any kind, the fraction of the production volume variance that is absorbed into the cost of goods sold is given by 275,000/350,000 or 78.57%. The operating income under various denominator levels is then given by the following modification of the solution to requirement 3 of 9-42: Theoretical Revenue $2,750,000 Less: Cost of goods sold 1,155,000 Less: Prorated productionvolume variance a 612,846 U Gross margin 982,154 b Variable selling 68,750 Fixed selling 250,000 Operating income $ 663,404 a Practical $2,750,000 Normal $2,750,000 Master Budget $2,750,000 1,375,000 1,925,000 2,145,000 392,850 U 982,150 68,750 250,000 $ 663,400 (157,140) F 982,140 68,750 250,000 $ 663,390 (377,136) F 982,136 68,750 250,000 $ 663,386 (78.57/100)×780,000, ×500,000, × (200,000), × (480,000) 275,000 × 0.25 b Under the proration approach, operating income is $663,400 (rounded off of nearest hundred) regardless of the denominator initially used. Thus, in contrast to the case where the production volume variance is written off to cost of goods sold, there is no temptation under the proration approach for the manager to play games with the choice of denominator level. 9-47 9-44 (30 min.) Variable and absorption costing, actual costing. 1. Because no beginning inventories exist, the cost of the ending inventory must be the same as the cost of goods sold for the period. So, the unit cost of goods sold under variable costing is $8.20. Variable cost of goods sold = Units sold × Unit variable cost of goods sold = 200,000 × $8.20 = $1,640,000 Variable nonmanufacturing expenses = $0 Sales Revenue = $2,700,000 Contribution Margin = $2,700,000 – $1,640,000 – $0 = $1,060,000 2. The profit under variable costing is given as $460,000. We just calculated the contribution margin of Beta as $1,060,000. The difference, $600,000 ($1,060,000– $460,000) must represent the total fixed costs incurred by Beta in 2020. Fixed marketing and administrative costs are given as $341,250. The remainder, $258,750($600,000 – $341,250) is therefore the fixed manufacturing costs for 2020. 3. The unit cost of ending inventory, as well as the unit cost of goods produced and sold, is $8.20under variable costing and $9.35 under absorption costing. The difference, $1.15 ($9.35– $8.20) is the unit fixed manufacturing cost of goods produced during the period. In requirement 2, we calculated that the total fixed manufacturing costs are $258,750. So, Units produced = Total manufacturing costs/Unit fixed manufacturing cost of production = $258,750/$1.15 = 225,000 six-packs. 4. In 2020, Beta incurred a total of 225,000 × $8.20 = $1,845,000 in variable manufacturing costs. This includes $1,012,500 in direct materials costs (given), $450,000 in direct manufacturing labor costs (given), and the rest in variable manufacturing overhead. So, variable manufacturing overhead = $1,845,000 – $1,012,500 – $450,000 = $382,500. 5. Under variable costing, the proportion of variable manufacturing overhead corresponding to the units sold, relative to units produced, is expensed as variable cost of goods sold. This equals: $382,500 × (200,000 units produced)/(225,000 units sold) = $340,000. Moreover, the entire amount of fixed manufacturing overhead, totaling $258,750, is expensed. So, total manufacturing overhead expensed = $340,000 + $258,750= $598,750. 9-48 9-45 (25 min.) Cost allocation, downward demand spiral. Solution Exhibit 9-45 Budgeted fixed costs Denominator level Budgeted fixed cost per meal Budgeted fixed costs Denominator level ($1,517,000 925,000; $1,517,000 1,025,000; $1,517,000 820,000) Budgeted variable cost per meal Total budgeted cost per meal 2020 Master Budget (1) $1,517,000 925,000 $ $ 2021 Practical Master Capacity Budget (2) (3) $1,517,000 $1,517,000 1,025,000 820,000 1.64 $ 4.60 6.24 $ 1.48 $ 4.60 6.08 $ 1.85 4.60 6.45 1. The 2020 budgeted fixed costs are $1,517,000. Topman budgets for 925,000 meals in 2020, and this is used as the denominator level to calculate the fixed cost per meal. $1,517,000 925,000 = $1.64 fixed cost per meal. (see column (1) in Solution Exhibit 9-45). 2. In 2021, three hospitals have dropped out of the purchasing group, and the master budget is 820,000 meals. If this is used as the denominator level, fixed cost per meal = $1,517,000 820,000 = $1.85 per meal, and the total budgeted cost per meal would be $6.45 (see column (3) in Solution Exhibit 9-45). If the hospitals have already been complaining about quality and cost and are allowed to purchase from outside, they will not accept this higher price. More hospitals may begin to purchase meals from outside the system, leading to a downward demand spiral, possibly putting Topman out of business. 3. The basic problem is that Topman has excess capacity and the associated excess fixed costs. If Smith uses the practical capacity of 1,025,000 meals as the denominator level, the fixed cost per meal will be $1.48 (see column (2) in Solution Exhibit 9-45), and the total budgeted cost per meal would be $6.08, probably a more acceptable price to the customers (it may even draw back the three hospitals that have chosen to buy outside). This denominator level will also isolate the cost of unused capacity and not allocate it to the meals produced. To make the $6.08 price per meal profitable in the long run, Smith will have to find ways to either use the extra capacity or reduce Topman’s practical capacity and the related fixed costs. 9-49 9-46 (20 min.) Cost allocation, responsibility accounting, ethics (continuation of 9-45). 1. (See Solution Exhibit 9-45). If Topman uses the rate based on its master budget capacity utilization to allocate fixed costs in 2020, it would allocate 740,000 × $1.85 = $1,369,000. Budgeted fixed costs are $1,517,000. Therefore, the production volume variance = $1,517,000 – $1,369,000 = $148,000 U. An unfavorable production volume variance will reduce operating income by this amount. (Note: in this business, there are no inventories. All variances are written off to cost of goods sold). 2. Hospitals are charged a budgeted variable cost rate and allocated budgeted fixed costs. By overestimating budgeted meal counts, the denominator-level is larger; hence, the amount charged to individual hospitals is lower. Consider 2021 where the budgeted fixed cost rate is computed as $1,517,000/820,000 meals = $1.85 per meal. If in fact, the hospital administrators had better estimated and revealed their true demand (say, 740,000 meals), the allocated fixed cost per meal would have been $1,517,000/740,000 meals = $2.05 per meal, 10.8% higher than the $1.85 per meal. Hence, by deliberately overstating budgeted meal count, hospitals are able to reduce the price charged by Topman for each meal. In this scheme, Topman bears the downside risk of demand overestimates. 3. Evidence that could be collected include: a. Budgeted meal-count estimates and actual meal-count figures each year for each hospital controller. Over an extended time period, there should be a sizable number of both underestimates and overestimates. Controllers could be ranked on both their percentage of overestimation and the frequency of their overestimation. b. Look at the underlying demand estimates by patients at individual hospitals. Each hospital controller has other factors (such as hiring of nurses) that give insight into their expectations of future meal-count demands. If these factors are inconsistent with the meal-count demand figures provided to the central food-catering facility, explanations should be sought. 4. Two specific steps that Smith might take to reduce hospital controllers’ incentives to inflate their estimated meal counts a. Highlight the importance of a corporate culture of honesty and openness. Cayzer could institute a Code of Ethics that highlights the upside of individual hospitals providing honest estimates of demand (and the penalties for those who do not). b. Have individual hospitals contract in advance for their budgeted meal count. Unused amounts would be charged to each hospital at the end of the accounting period. This approach puts a penalty on hospital administrators who overestimate demand. c. Use an incentive scheme that has an explicit component for meal-count forecasting accuracy. Each meal-count “forecasting error” would reduce the bonus by some amount, say $0.05. Thus, if a hospital bids for 292,000 meals and uses 200,000 meals, its bonus would be reduced by $0.05 × (292,000 – 200,000) = $4,600. 9-50 9-47 (40-50 min.) Absorption, variable, and throughput costing. 1. Absorption Costing Income Statement Sales ($33,000 * 55; 58; 54) COGS Beginning Inv Production Costs ($19,545 * 60; 65; 62)a Cost of Goods Available for Sale Deduct Ending Inventory ($19,545 * 5; 12; 20) COGS Gross Margin Selling Costs Variable ($1,400 * 55; 58; 54) Fixed G&A Costs Variable ($1,005 * 55; 58; 54) Fixed Net Income a Quarter 1 $1,815,000 Quarter 2 $1,914,000 0 1,172,700 1,172,700 (97,725) 1,074,975 740,025 97,725 1,270,425 1,368,150 (234,540) 1,133,610 780,390 Quarter 3 $1,782,000 234,540 1,211,790 1,446,330 (390,900) 1,055,430 726,570 77,000 200,000 81,200 200,000 75,600 190,000 55,275 395,000 12,750 58,290 250,000 190,900 54,270 250,000 156,700 $5,400 + $3,200 + $6,400 + ($849,915 / 187) = $19,545 2. Variable Costing Income Statement Sales ($33,000 * 55; 58; 54) COGS Beg Inventory Production Costs ($15,000 * 60; 65; 62) Cost of Goods Available for Sale Deduct Ending Inv ($15,000 * 5; 12; 20) COGS Contribution Margin Fixed Production Costsa Selling Costs Variable ($1,400 * 55; 58; 54) Fixed G&A Costs Variable ($1,005*55;58;54) Fixed Net Income a ($849,915 / 187) * 60; 65; 62 9-51 Quarter 1 $1,815,000 Quarter 2 $1,914,000 Quarter 3 $1,782,000 0 900,000 900,000 75,000 825,000 990,000 272,700 75,000 975,000 1,050,000 180,000 870,000 1,044,000 295,425 180,000 930,000 1,110,000 300,000 810,000 972,000 281,790 77,000 200,000 81,200 200,000 75,600 190,000 55,275 395,000 (9,975) 58,290 250,000 159,085 54,270 250,000 120,340 3. Throughput Costing Income Statement Sales ($33,000 * 55; 58; 54) COGS Beg Inventory Production Costs ($5,400 * 60; 65; 62) Cost of Goods Available for Sale Deduct Ending Inv ($5,400 * 5; 12; 20) COGS Throughput Margin Other Production Costsa Selling Costs Variable ($1,400 * 55; 58; 54) Fixed G & A Costs Variable ($1,005 * 55; 58; 54) Fixed Net Income a Quarter 1 $1,815,000 Quarter 2 $1,914,000 Quarter 3 $1,782,000 0 324,000 324,000 27,000 297,000 1,518,000 848,700 27,000 351,000 378,000 64,800 313,200 1,600,800 919,425 64,800 334,800 399,600 108,000 291,600 1,490,400 876,990 77,000 200,000 81,200 200,000 75,600 190,000 55,275 395,000 (57,975) 58,290 250,000 91,885 54,270 250,000 43,540 ($3,200 + $6,400 + [$849,915 / 187]) * 60; 65; 62 4. Quarter 1 Absorption Costing Net Income 12,750 Costs absorbed in inventory each period: 97,725 (84,975) Quarter 2 190,900 Quarter 3 156,700 Total $360,350 136,815 54,085 156,360 340 $390,900 ($30,550) Variable Costing Net Income (9,975) Costs absorbed in inventory each period: 75,000 (84,975) 159,085 120,340 $269,450 105,000 54,085 120,000 340 $300,000 ($30,550) Throughput Costing Net Income (57,975) Costs absorbed in inventory each period: 27,000 (84,975) 91,885 43,540 $77,450 37,800 54,085 43,200 340 $108,000 ($30,550) 5.Based on the information provided, I suspect that JetStar is currently using the absorption costing method to calculate the bonus for the production manager. I reach this conclusion because inventory is increased each quarter with no credible reason. Using absorption costing will increase net income by the amount of fixed costs that are absorbed into inventory, thus providing the managers with a higher bonus. 6.If Q4 sales are 65 and Q4 production is 50, inventory would decrease by 15 units. At a fixed cost per unit of $4,545, we would expect net income calculated with absorption costing to be $68,175 LESS than variable costing. This is expected because, since inventory is DECREASING, the fixed costs that had been absorbed will now be expensed. 9-52 9-48 (15-20 min.) Absorption costing, undesirable incentives for managers to build up inventory. 1. Production cost: Variable Cost: $5,500 Fixed cost = $11,019,840 / budgeted production 12,480 = $883 Total Production costs = $5,500 + $883 = $6,383 Beginning Inventory Production Sales Ending Inventory 3,000 13,320 12,000 4,320 $19,149,000 $85,021,560 $76,596,000 $27,574,560 Inventory increased by 1,320 units or $8,425,560 (1,320 * $6,383) 2. Fixed costs absorbed into inventory in 2020 = increase in inventory x fixed production costs 1,320 x $883 = $1,165,560 3. If demand for Rollalong Inc.’s wheelchairs is variable the company may want to have a certain amount of inventory on hand in order to meet the potentially high demand in the future. Specifically, if Rollalong Inc. is expecting the demand to increase in the near future the company would want to use its production capacity to build up inventory. 4. Aside from instituting an inventory limit, some of the steps management can take to control the incentive of the plant managers to build up inventory include: (a) Careful budgeting and inventory planning, (b) Using an alternative income computation approach to absorption costing (such as variable costing or throughput costing), (c) Using a financial charge to reduce the incentives for inventory buildup, (d) Changing the compensation package to have a longer-term focus using either an external variable (e.g., stock options) or an internal variable (e.g., five-year average income), and (e) Adopting non-financial performance targets, e.g., attaining but not exceeding present inventory levels. 9-53 Try It! 9-1 (a) Under variable costing, all variable manufacturing costs are inventoriable costs. This includes direct materials, direct manufacturing labor, and variable overhead. Therefore, the inventoriable cost per unit under variable costing is $24 + $8 + $0.50 = $32.50. (b) Absorption costing considers all variable manufacturing costs and all fixed manufacturing costs as inventoriable costs. Therefore, the inventoriable cost per unit under absorption costing is $24 + $8 + $0.50 + ($325,000 ÷ 50,000 units) = $39. Try It! 9-2 (a) Variable costing Revenues: 23,800 × $80 Variable cost of goods sold: $520,000 × (23,800/34,000) Variable marketing costs Contribution margin Fixed manufacturing costs Fixed marketing costs Operating income $1,904,000 364,000 162,100 1,377,900 425,000 81,600 $ 871,300 (b) Absorption costing Revenues: 23,800 × $80 Cost of goods sold: ($520,000 + $425,000) × (23,800/34,000) Gross margin Variable marketing costs Fixed marketing costs Operating income $1,904,000 661,500 1,242,500 162,100 81,600 $ 998,800 Absorption costing treats fixed manufacturing cost as a product cost, while variable costing treats it as a period cost. SW Toys has 10,200 units in ending inventory. Under absorption costing, these units have a fixed manufacturing cost of $12.50 per unit ($425,000/34,000). So, the total fixed manufacturing cost in ending inventory under absorption costing is $127,500 (10,200 units × $12.50). Since these costs are inventoried under absorption costing, and not expensed as they would be under variable costing, operating income is higher under absorption costing by $127,500 ($998,800 - $871,300). Try It! 9-3 (a) Absorption costing: $83 + $60 + $64 = $207 (b) Variable costing: $83 + $60 = $143 (c) Throughput costing: $83 (d) Throughput margin = 13,600 × ($330 - $83) = $3,359,200 9-54 Try It! 9-4 (a) Theoretical capacity: 900 × 2 × 12 × 30 = 648,000 units (b) Practical capacity: 500 × 2 × 12 × 26 = 312,000 units (c) Normal capacity utilization: 311,000 units (d) Master-budget capacity utilization: 306,000 units 9-55 CHAPTER 10 DETERMINING HOW COSTS BEHAVE 10-1 A linear cost function expresses cost as a linear function of the number of items. It is a mathematical expression of how a cost changes with changes in the level of activity relating to that cost. It can be expressed as: C = aX + b. Where: C = Total cost; X = number of items; a = variable cost; and b = fixed cost. 10-2 Linear cost function of a specific product will be a straight line. Mostly this function is used to find the total cost of "n" units of the products produced. Understanding the linear cost function is necessary for management in the areas of cost control, planning and decision making. 10-3 i. ii. iii. Costs are generally classified into their variable and fixed components based on: Choice of cost object – some cost items could be variable for one cost object and fixed for another cost object. Time horizon – a cost could be variable or fixed for a particular activity depending on the time horizon. Relevant range – variable and fixed cost-behavior patterns are valid for linear cost functions only within a given relevant range. 10-4 No. High correlation merely indicates that the two variables move together in the data examined. It is essential also to consider economic plausibility before making inferences about cause and effect. Without any economic plausibility for a relationship, it is less likely that a high level of correlation observed in one set of data will be similarly found in other sets of data. 10-5 Four approaches to estimating a cost function are: 1. Industrial engineering method. 2. Conference method. 3. Account analysis method. 4. Quantitative analysis of current or past cost relationships. 10-6 The industrial engineering approach estimates the cost function by analyzing the relationship between inputs and outputs in physical terms. It is the best approach when there is a physical relationship between input and output. The quantitative method applies mathematical methods to fit cost functions to observed data. This can be achieved by using spreadsheet or regression models. 10-7 The account analysis method estimates cost functions by classifying cost accounts in the subsidiary ledger as variable, fixed, or mixed with respect to the identified level of activity. Typically, managers use qualitative, rather than quantitative, analysis when making these costclassification decisions. 10-8 The six steps are: 1. Choose the dependent variable (the variable to be predicted, which is some type of cost). 2. Identify the independent variable or cost driver. 10-1 3. Collect data on the dependent variable and the cost driver. 4. Plot the data. 5. Estimate the cost function. 6. Evaluate the cost driver of the estimated cost function. Step 3 typically is the most difficult for a cost analyst. 10-9 Causality in a cost function runs from the cost driver to the dependent variable. Thus, choosing the highest observation and the lowest observation of the cost driver is appropriate in the high-low method. 10-10 Three criteria important when choosing among alternative cost functions are: 1. Economic plausibility. 2. Goodness of fit. 3. Slope of the regression line. 10-11 A learning curve is a function that measures how labor-hours per unit decline as units of production increase because workers are learning and becoming better at their jobs. Two models used to capture different forms of learning are: 1. Cumulative average-time learning model. The cumulative average time per unit declines by a constant percentage each time the cumulative quantity of units produced doubles. 2. Incremental unit-time learning model. The incremental time needed to produce the last unit declines by a constant percentage each time the cumulative quantity of units produced doubles. 10-12 Frequently encountered problems when collecting cost data on variables included in a cost function are: 1. The time period used to measure the dependent variable is not properly matched with the time period used to measure the cost driver(s). 2. Fixed costs are allocated as if they are variable. 3. Data are either not available for all observations or are not uniformly reliable. 4. Extreme values of observations occur. 5. A homogeneous relationship between the individual cost items in the dependent variable cost pool and the cost driver(s) does not exist. 6. The relationship between the cost and the cost driver is not stationary. 7. Inflation has occurred in a dependent variable, a cost driver, or both. 10-2 10-13 Four key assumptions examined in specification analysis are 1. Linearity of relationship between the dependent variable and the independent variable within the relevant range. 2. Constant variance of residuals for all values of the independent variable. 3. Independence of residuals. 4. Normal distribution of residuals. 10-14 No. A cost driver is any factor whose change causes a change in the total cost of a related cost object. A cause-and-effect relationship underlies selection of a cost driver. Some users of regression analysis include numerous independent variables in a regression model in an attempt to maximize goodness of fit, irrespective of the economic plausibility of the independent variables included. Some of the independent variables included may not be cost drivers. 10-15 No. Multicollinearity exists when two or more independent variables are highly correlated with each other. 10-16 Choice "c" is correct. The high-low method is used to estimate both fixed and variable costs, and can then be applied to determine a total cost formula that is used to estimate total costs for any level of production. The difference between the total costs ($45,000 − $21,000) is divided by the difference in units (7,500 – 1,500) to derive a variable cost per unit of $4 ($24,000 / 6,000). Using either end of the range, fixed costs can then be estimated. Using total costs of $45,000 for 7,500 units, with variable costs at $4 per unit, $45,000 − 7,500($4) = $15,000 of fixed costs. The total cost formula for HL will be equal to: $15,000 + [$4.00 × # units]. 2,000 units will produce a total cost of: $15,000 + [$4.00 × 2,000] = $23,000. Choice "a" is incorrect. This calculation fails to account for the fixed costs of $15,000. Choice "b" is incorrect. This calculation incorrectly assumes that because 7,500 units cost $45,000 (or $6 overall per unit), that 2,000 units would cost $12,000 ($6 per unit). Choice "d" is incorrect. This calculation incorrectly applies a variable cost of $7 per unit rather than $4. 10-17 Choice "d" is correct. The regression equation set up will be: y (total costs) = $235,000 + $10x, with x representing volume. In order to make a $300,000 profit, sales ($15x) − costs must equal $300,000. So the full set up will be: $15x − ($235,000 + $10x) = $300,000. Solving for x, $5x = $535,000, or 107,000 units. At 107,000 units, sales will total $1,605,000 and costs will total $1,305,000 for a profit of $300,000. Choice "a" is incorrect. This choice represents a calculation error where the $15 sale price and the $10 variable cost are added together and divided into $535,000. Choice "b" is incorrect. 47,000 is the number of units that is required in order to breakeven. Choice "c" is incorrect. These are the number of units above breakeven that the company must 10-3 sell in order to make a $300,000 profit. 10-18 Choice ‘a’ is correct. Using the cost function: C = aX + b. where: X = number of items produced C = total cost (in $) b = fixed cost a = variable cost Total Cost = Variable Cost (VC) + Fixed Cost (FC) C = aX + b 1,000 = a (100) + 200 800 a= =8 100 Choice ‘b’ is incorrect. The cost function has been wrongly estimated by misplacing the fixed cost as: C = aX + b 1,000 = a (200) + 100 Choice ‘c’ is incorrect. The cost function has been correctly used but the $200 fixed cost has been added to the total costs of $1,000 instead of subtracting. Choice ‘d’ is incorrect. See option ‘a’ above. 10-19 Choice "b" is correct. A correlation coefficient (used to measure the strength in the linear relationship between independent and dependent variables) of 0.70 implies that the coefficient of determination is 0.49. A coefficient of determination of 0.49 equates to the independent variable (level of production) explaining 49 percent of the variation in the dependent variable (total costs). Choice "a" is incorrect. The coefficient of determination will always be a number between 0 and 1. Choice "c" is incorrect. A positive correlation coefficient implies a direct relationship between the two variables. Choice "d" is incorrect. The correlation coefficient can only be between -1 and 1. 10-20 Choice "c" is correct. The coefficient of correlation measures the strength and direction of the relationship between two variables. Since the company increases advertising when sales are low and decreases advertising when sales are high, the movement is in directly opposite directions and the coefficient would be close to - 1.0. Choice "a" is incorrect. A coefficient of correlation of 1.0 would imply that both variables move in the same direction at approximately the same rate. An increase in advertising when sales are increasing would be characteristic of a correlation of coefficient of 1.0. Choice "b" is incorrect. A coefficient of correlation of 0 would imply that there is no relationship 10-4 between advertising and sales. There is an inverse relationship between advertising and sales. Choice "d" is incorrect. A relationship exists between advertising and sales. According to the facts of the question, the relationship is an inverse relationship. The coefficient of correlation is expressed as a range between −1.0 and +1.0. 10-21 (10 min.) Estimating a cost function using the Account Analysis Approach. 1. Finding b in the production cost equation, bX = 500,000 b x 350 units = 500,000 b = 500,000/350 units = 1,428.57 The cost equation is then, y = 17,000 + 1,428.57X 2. Using the equation above, simply substitute 400 units for X as follows: Total production cost for next month will be: y = ₹ 17,000 + (₹1,428.57 × 400 units) = ₹ 17,000 + ₹ 571,428 = ₹ 588,428 3. The account analysis method is easy to use and provides a reasonably accurate estimate of variable and fixed costs to management. However, the accuracy of this approach depends largely on the judgement of management in the variable and fixed costs classification. 10-22 (15 min.) Identifying variable-, fixed-, and mixed-cost functions. 1. 2. 3. See Solution Exhibit 10-22. Contract 1: y = £50 Contract 2: y = £30 + £0.20X Contract 3: y = £1.00X where X is the number of miles traveled in the day. Contract Cost Function 1 Fixed 2 Mixed 3 Variable 10-5 SOLUTION EXHIBIT 10-22 Plots of Car Rental Contracts Offered by the Rolling Boulders Corp. Contract 1: Fixed Costs £100 Car Rental Costs £80 £60 £40 £20 £0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 Miles Traveled Per Day Contract 2: Mixed Costs £100 Car Rental Costs £80 £60 £40 £20 £0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Miles Traveled Per Day 10-6 100 110 120 130 140 150 Contract 3: Variable Costs £160 £140 Car Rental Costs £120 £100 £80 £60 £40 £20 £0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 Miles Traveled Per Day 10-23 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. (20 min.) Various cost-behavior patterns. K B G J Note that A is incorrect because, although the cost per pound eventually equals a constant at $9.20, the total dollars of cost increases linearly from that point onward. I The total costs will be the same regardless of the volume level. L F This is a classic step-cost function. K C 10-7 10-24 (30 min.) Matching graphs with descriptions of cost and revenue behavior. a. b. c. d. e. f. (1) (6) (9) (2) (8) (10) g. h. (3) (8) A step-cost function. It is data plotted on a scatter diagram, showing a linear variable cost function with constant variance of residuals. The constant variance of residuals implies that there is a uniform dispersion of the data points about the regression line. 10-25 (15-20 min.) High-low cost approach of cost function 1. Karil Teeze Building Ltd. ₭’000 282 (100) 182 120a 62 Total overhead costs Rent Indirect material cost Electrical installation costs a. Indirect material cost (cost per unit remains constant)= ₭90,000×80,000 hours 60,000 hours = ₭120,000 2. Activity Electrical installation costs High 80,000 62,000 Low 60,000 54,000 = = = Difference 20,000 8,000 Variable M. cost/hour = ₭8,000/20,000 hours = ₭0.40/hour Electrical installation costs (using high level) = ₭62,000 – (80,000 × 0.40) = ₭30,000 3. The required equation is y = 30,000 + 0.40X Where x = 70,000 y = 30,000 + 0.40(60,000) = ₭54,000 4. The major criticism of high-low method is that it considers only the two extreme values which may not necessarily be representative of the data. The approach is simple to compute and easy to understand. It also provides a quick insight into how the cost driver affects the overhead costs. 10-8 10-26 (30 min.) Account analysis method. 1. Manufacturing cost classification for 2020: Account Direct materials Direct manufacturing labor Power Supervision labor Materials-handling labor Maintenance labor Depreciation Rent, property taxes, admin Total Total Costs (1) $ 337,500 262,500 75,000 60,000 105,000 45,000 88,000 110,000 $1,083,000 % of Total Costs That is Variable Fixed Variable Variable Costs Costs Cost per Unit (2) (3) = (1) (2) (4) = (1) – (3) (5) = (3) ÷ 75,000 100% 100 100 25 50 50 0 0 $337,500 262,500 75,000 15,000 52,500 22,500 0 0 $765,000 $ 0 0 0 45,000 52,500 22,500 88,000 110,000 $318,000 $ 4.50 3.50 1.00 0.20 0.70 0.30 0.00 0.00 $10.20 Total manufacturing cost for 2020 = $1,083,000 Variable costs in 2021: Account Direct materials Direct manufacturing labor Power Supervision labor Materials-handling labor Maintenance labor Depreciation Rent, property taxes, admin. Total Unit Variable Increase in Cost per Variable Variable Cost Unit for Percentage Cost per Unit 2020 Increase per Unit for 2021 (6) (7) (8) = (6) (7) (9) = (6) + (8) $ 4.50 3.50 1.00 0.20 0.70 0.30 0.00 0.00 $10.20 8% 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 10-9 $0.36 0.28 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0.64 $ 4.86 3.78 1.00 0.20 0.70 0.30 0 0 $10.84 Total Variable Costs for 2021 (10) = (9) 82,500 $400,950 311,850 82,500 16,500 57,750 24,750 0 0 $894,300 Fixed and total costs in 2021: Account Fixed Costs for 2020 (11) Direct materials $ 0 Direct manufacturing labor 0 Power 0 Supervision labor 45,000 Materials-handling labor 52,500 Maintenance labor 22,500 Depreciation 88,000 Rent, property taxes, admin. 110,000 Total $318,000 Percentage Increase (12) 0% 0 0 0 0 0 10 9 Dollar Increase in Fixed Costs (13) = (11) (12) $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,800 9,900 $18,700 Fixed Costs for 2021 (14) = (11) + (13) $ 0 0 0 45,000 52,500 22,500 96,800 119,900 $336,700 Variable Costs for 2021 (15) Total Costs (16) = (14) + (15) $400,950 $ 400,950 311,850 311,850 82,500 82,500 16,500 61,500 57,750 110,250 24,750 47,250 0 96,800 0 119,900 $894,300 $1,231,000 Total manufacturing costs for 2021 = $1,231,000 2. Total cost per unit, 2020 Total cost per unit, 2021 $1,083,000 = $14.44 75,000 $1,231,000 = = $14.92 82,500 = 3. Cost classification into variable and fixed costs is based on qualitative, rather than quantitative, analysis. How good the classifications are depends on the knowledge of individual managers who classify the costs. Hamwey may want to undertake quantitative analysis of costs, using regression analysis on time-series or cross-sectional data to better estimate the fixed and variable components of costs. Better knowledge of fixed and variable costs will help Hamwey to price products better, to know when the products are earning a positive contribution margin, and to better manage costs. 10-10 10-27 (15–20 min.) Estimating a cost function, high-low method. 1. The key point to note is that the problem provides high-low values of X (annual round trips made by a helicopter) and Y ÷ X (the operating cost per round trip). We first need to calculate the annual operating cost Y (as in column (3) below), and then use those values to estimate the function using the high-low method. Highest observation of cost driver Lowest observation of cost driver Difference Cost Driver: Annual RoundTrips (X) (1) 2,000 1,000 1,000 Operating Cost per Round-Trip (2) $300 $350 Annual Operating Cost (Y) (3) = (1) (2) $600,000 $350,000 $250,000 Slope coefficient = $250,000 ÷ 1,000 = $250per round-trip Constant = $600,000 – ($250 × 2,000) = $100,000 The estimated relationship is Y = $100,000 + $250 X; where Y is the annual operating cost of a helicopter and X represents the number of round trips it makes annually. 2. The constant a (estimated as $100,000) represents the fixed costs of operating a helicopter, irrespective of the number of round trips it makes. This would include items such as insurance, registration, depreciation on the aircraft, and any fixed component of pilot and crew salaries. The coefficient b (estimated as $250 per round-trip) represents the variable cost of each round trip— costs that are incurred only when a helicopter actually flies a round trip. The coefficient b may include costs such as landing fees, fuel, refreshments, baggage handling, and any regulatory fees paid on a per-flight basis. 3. If each helicopter is, on average, expected to make 1,200 round trips a year, we can use the estimated relationship to calculate the expected annual operating cost per helicopter: Y = $100,000 + $250 X X = 1,200 Y = $100,000 + $250 × 1,200 = $100,000 + $300,000 = $400,000 With 10 helicopters in its fleet, FlyHigh Vacations’ estimated operating budget is 10 × $400,000 = $4,000,000. 10-11 10-28 (20 min.) Estimating a cost function, high-low method. 1. See Solution Exhibit 10-28. There is a positive relationship between the number of service reports (a cost driver) and the customer-service department costs. This relationship is economically plausible. 2. Number of Customer-Service Service Reports Department Costs Highest observation of cost driver 450 £22,500 Lowest observation of cost driver 130 11,300 Difference 320 £11,200 Customer-service department costs = a + b (number of service reports) Slope coefficient (b) Constant (a) £11,200 = £35 per service report 320 = £22,500 – (£35 450) = £6,750 = £11,300 – (£35 130) = £6,750 = Customer-service = £6,750 + £35 (number of service reports) department costs 3. Other possible cost drivers of customer-service department costs are: a. Number of products replaced with a new product (and the dollar value of the new products charged to the customer-service department). b. Number of products repaired and the time and cost of repairs. SOLUTION EXHIBIT 10-28 Plot of Number of Service Reports versus Customer-Service Dept. Costs for Clement Products Customer-Service Department Costs £24,000 £22,000 £20,000 £18,000 £16,000 £14,000 £12,000 £10,000 100 150 200 250 300 350 Number of Service Reports 10-12 400 450 500 10-29 (30–40 min.) Linear cost approximation. 1. Slope coefficient (b) = Difference in cost Difference in labor - hours = ($521,000– $395,000)/(7,500 – 4,000) = $36.00 Constant (a) = $521,000 – ($36.00 × 7,500) = $251,000 Cost function = $251,000 + ($36.00 × professional labor-hours) The linear cost function is plotted in Solution Exhibit 10-29. No, the constant component of the cost function does not represent the fixed overhead cost of the Little Rock Reviewers Company. The relevant range of professional labor-hours is from 3,000 to 8,500. The constant component provides the best available starting point for a straight line that approximates how a cost behaves within the 3,000 to 8,500 relevant range. 2. A comparison at various levels of professional labor-hours follows. The linear cost function is based on the formula of $251,000 per month plus $36.00 per professional labor-hour. Total overhead cost behavior: Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Professional labor-hours 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,500 8,500 Actual total overhead costs $330,000 $395,000 $425,000 $467,000 $521,000 $577,000 Linear approximation 359,000 395,000 431,000 467,000 521,000 557,000 Actual minus linear Approximation $(29,000) $ 0 $ (6,000) $ 0 $ 0 $ 20,000 The data are shown in Solution Exhibit 10-29. The linear cost function overstates costs by $6,000 at the 5,000-hour level and understates costs by $20,000 at the 8,500-hour level. 3. Contribution before deducting incremental overhead Incremental overhead Contribution after incremental overhead The total contribution margin actually forgone is $1,000. 10-13 Based on Actual $31,000 30,000 $ 1,000 Based on Linear Cost Function $31,000 36,000 $ (5,000) SOLUTION EXHIBIT 10-29 Linear Cost Function Plot of Professional Labor-Hours on Total Overhead Costs for Little Rock Reviewers Company $600,000 Total Overhead Costs $550,000 $500,000 $450,000 $400,000 $350,000 $300,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 Professional Labor-Hours Billed 8,000 9,000 10-30 (20 min.) Using the high-low approach to estimate cost drivers a. Labor hours: Slope coefficient = (£139,200 - £120,000) (3,900 - 3,100) = £24.00 per labor-hour Constant = £139,200 - (£24 × 3,900) = £45,600 Labor-hour estimating equation = £45,600 + (£24 × labor hours) b. Machine hours: Slope coefficient = (£138,000 - £120,000) (4,520,000 - 4,120,000) = £0.045 per machine-hour Constant = £138,000 - (£0.045 × 4,520,000) = -£65,400 Machine-hour estimating equation = -£65,400 + (£0.045 × machine hours) c. Coventry factory estimated costs: Based on labor hours = £45,600 + (£24 × 3,000) = £117,600 Based on machine hours = -£65,400 + (£0.045 × 4,000,000) = £114,600 The best estimator for the Coventry factory is the machine-hours cost driver. This is the cheapest and therefore the best estimator. 10-14 10-31 (25 min.) Regression analysis, service company. 1. Solution Exhibit 10-31 plots the relationship between labor-hours and overhead costs and shows the regression line. y = £43,563 + £14.66 X Economic plausibility. Labor-hours appears to be an economically plausible driver of overhead costs for the character company. Overhead costs such as scheduling, hiring and training of workers, and managing the workforce are largely incurred to support labor. Goodness of fit. The vertical differences between actual and predicted costs are extremely small, indicating a very good fit. The good fit indicates a strong relationship between the laborhour cost driver and overhead costs. Slope of regression line. The regression line has a reasonably steep slope from left to right. Given the small scatter of the observations around the line, the positive slope indicates that, on average, overhead costs increase as labor-hours increase. 2. The regression analysis indicates that, within the relevant range of 1,200 to 2,200 laborhours, the variable cost per person for a birthday party equals: Balloons, cupcakes and punch Labor (0.25 hrs. £20 per hour) Variable overhead (0.25 hrs. £14.66 per labor-hour) Total variable cost per person £ 7.00 5.00 3.67 £15.67 3. To earn a positive contribution margin, the minimum bid for a 20-child birthday party would be any amount greater than £313.40. This amount is calculated by multiplying the variable cost per child of £15.67 by the 20 children. At a price above the variable cost of £313.40, Lucy Hall will be earning a contribution margin toward coverage of her fixed costs. Of course, Lucy Hall will consider other factors in developing her bid including (a) an analysis of the competition––vigorous competition will limit Lucy’s ability to obtain a higher price (b) a determination of whether or not her bid will set a precedent for lower prices––overall, the prices Lucy Hall charges should generate enough contribution to cover fixed costs and earn a reasonable profit, and (c) a judgment of how representative past historical data (used in the regression analysis) is about future costs. 10-15 SOLUTION EXHIBIT 10-31 Regression Line of Overhead Costs on Labor-Hours for Lucy Hall’s Character Business 80,000 Overhead Costs 75,000 y = 14.664x + 43563 R² = 0.9551 70,000 65,000 60,000 55,000 50,000 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 Labor-Hours 2,000 2,200 2,400 10-32 (25 min.) High-low, regression 1. Mandy will pick the highest point of activity, 4,068 parts (March) at $17,280 of cost, and the lowest point of activity, 2,316 parts (August) at $10,272. Highest observation of cost driver Lowest observation of cost driver Difference Cost driver: Quantity Purchased 4,068 2,316 1,752 Purchase costs = a + b × Quantity purchased Slope Coefficient = $7,008/1,752 = $4 per part Constant (a) = $17,280 ─ ($4 × 4,068) = $1,008 The equation Mandy gets is: Purchase costs = $1,008 + ($4 × Quantity purchased) 10-16 Cost $17,280 10,272 $ 7,008 2. Using the equation above, the expected purchase costs for each month will be: Month October November December Purchase Quantity Expected 3,360 parts 3,720 3,000 Formula y = $1,008 + ($4 × 3,360) y = $1,008 + ($4 × 3,720) y = $1,008 + ($4 × 3,000) Expected cost $14,448 15,888 13,008 3. Economic Plausibility: Clearly, the cost of purchasing a part is associated with the quantity purchased. Goodness of Fit: As seen in Solution Exhibit 10-32, the regression line fits the data well. The vertical distance between the regression line and observations is small. An r-squared value of greater than 0.98 indicates that more than 98 percent of the change in cost can be explained by the change in quantity. Significance of the Independent Variable: The relatively steep slope of the regression line suggests that the quantity purchased is correlated with purchasing cost for part #696. SOLUTION EXHIBIT 10-32 Timken Manufacturing Purchase Costs for Part #696 Cost of Purchase $18,000 y = 3.6675x + 2135.5 R² = 0.9854 $16,000 $14,000 $12,000 $10,000 $8,000 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 Quantity Purchased 4,000 4,500 According to the regression, Mandy’s original estimate of fixed cost is too low given all the data points. The original slope is too steep but only by 33 cents. So, the variable rate is lower, but the fixed cost is higher for the regression line than for the high-low cost equation. 10-17 The regression is the more accurate estimate because it uses all available data (all nine data points), while the high-low method only relies on two data points and may therefore miss some important information contained in the other data. 4. Using the regression equation, the purchase costs for each month will be: Purchase Quantity Month Expected Formula Expected cost October 3,360 parts y = $2,135.50 + ($3.67 3,360) $14,466.70 November 3,720 y = $2,135.50 + ($3.67 3,720) 15,787.90 December 3,000 y = $2,135.50 + ($3.67 3,000) 13,145.50 Although the two equations are different in both fixed element and variable rate, within the relevant range they give similar expected costs. This implies that the high and low points of the data are a reasonable representation of the total set of points within the relevant range. 10-33 (20 min.) Learning curve, cumulative average-time learning model. The direct manufacturing labor-hours (DMLH) required to produce the first 2, 4, and 8 units given the assumption of a cumulative average-time learning curve of 85%, is as follows: 85% Learning Curve Cumulative Number of Units (X) (1) 1 2 4 8 Cumulative Average Time per Unit (y): Labor Hours (2) 3,600 3,060 = (3,600 0.85) 2,601 = (3,060 0.85) 2,211 = (2,601 0.85) Cumulative Total Time: Labor-Hours (3) = (1) (2) 3,600 6,120 10,404 17,688 Alternatively, to compute the values in column (2) we could use the formula y = aXb 10-18 where a = 3,600, X = 2, 4, or 8, and b = – 0.234465, which gives when X = 2, y = 3,600 2– 0.234465 = 6,120 when X = 4, y = 3,600 4– 0.234465 = 10,404 when X = 8, y = 3,600 8– 0.234465 = 17,688 Direct materials $82,000 2; 4; 8 Direct manufacturing labor $20 6,120; 10,404; 17,688 Variable manufacturing overhead $17 6,120; 10,404; 17,688 Total variable costs 10-34 Variable Costs of Producing 2 Units 4 Units 8 Units $164,000 $328,000 $ 656,000 122,400 208,080 353,760 104,040 $390,440 176,868 $712,948 300,696 $1,310,456 (20-30 min.) Cost estimation in inflationary period a. Calculate the fixed and variable costs. First step is to eliminate the inflation effect from the data. Current costs (February) = Total costs for February Inflation rate + 1 = $2,000,000 = $1,886,792 1.06 Second step is to find the fixed and variable costs from the costs and production differences Period February January Difference Production (units) 60,000 48,000 12,000 Total Costs ($) 1,886,792 1,800,000 86,792 The ‘real’ variable cost per unit = $86,792 = $7.23 12,000 The ‘real’ fixed costs = $1,886,792 – (60,000 x $7.23) = $1,452,992 Note: The actual costs of $2,000,000 comprises of: ($1,452,992 x 1.06) + (60,000 x $7.23 x 1.06) = $2,000,000 10-19 b. Estimate the total costs for March if the ONS expects the inflation rate to fall to 5% and the production output is estimated to increase to 62,000 test kits. = ($1,452,992 x 1.06 x 1.05) + (62,000 x $7.23 x 1.06 x 1.05) = $2,116,093 c. Predictions about cost levels and cost behavior in the future are likely to be based on records of past costs and their associated levels of activity. As a result, care must be taken when using any form of forecasting technique as past conditions are indeed a guide to the future. Caution must be applied when cost predictions are based on the facts of particular situations and not on arbitrary circumstances. 10-35 (25 min.) High-low method. 1. Machine-Hours Highest observation of cost driver Lowest observation of cost driver Difference Maintenance costs = a + b × Machine-hours Slope coefficient (b) = or 140,000 95,000 45,000 $90,000 = $2 per machine-hour 45,000 Constant (a) = $280,000 – ($2 × 140,000) = $280,000 – $280,000 = $0 Constant (a) = $190,000 – ($2 × 95,000) = $190,000 – $190,000 = $0 = $2 × Machine-hours Maintenance costs 10-20 Maintenance Costs $280,000 $190,000 $ 90,000 2. SOLUTION EXHIBIT 10-35 Plot and High-Low Line of Maintenance Costs as a Function of Machine-Hours $300,000 $280,000 Maintenance Costs $260,000 $240,000 $220,000 $200,000 $180,000 $160,000 $140,000 $120,000 $100,000 90,000 100,000 110,000 120,000 130,000 140,000 150,000 Machine-Hours Solution Exhibit 10-35 presents the high-low line. Economic plausibility. The cost function shows a positive economically plausible relationship between machine-hours and maintenance costs. There is a clear-cut engineering relationship of higher machine-hours and maintenance costs. Goodness of fit. The high-low line appears to “fit” the data well. The vertical differences between the actual and predicted costs appear to be quite small. Slope of high-low line. The slope of the line appears to be reasonably steep indicating that, on average, maintenance costs in a quarter vary with machine-hours used. 3. Using the cost function estimated in 1, predicted maintenance costs would be $2 × 100,000 = $200,000. Howard should budget $200,000 in quarter 13 because the relationship between machinehours and maintenance costs in Solution Exhibit 10-35 is economically plausible, has an excellent goodness of fit, and indicates that an increase in machine-hours in a quarter causes maintenance costs to increase in the quarter. 10-21 10-36 (30min.) High-low method and regression analysis. 1. See Solution Exhibit 10-36. SOLUTION EXHIBIT 10-36 Total Costs Weekly Total Costs $26,000 $25,000 $24,000 $23,000 $22,000 $21,000 $20,000 $19,000 $18,000 $17,000 Regression Line High-Low Line 350 400 450 500 550 Number of Orders (Regression line solid, high low-line is dotted) 2. Number of Orders per week Highest observation of cost driver (Week 9) Lowest observation of cost driver (Week 1) Difference 529 353 176 Weekly Total Costs $25,275 19,005 $ 6,270 Weekly total costs = a + b (number of orders per week) Slope coefficient (b) = $6,270/176=$35.625 per order Constant (a) = $25,275 – ($35.625 × 529) = $6,429.38 = $19,005 – ($35.625 × 353) = $6,429.38 Weekly total costs = $6,429.38 + $35.625X (Number of Orders per week) See high-low line in Solution Exhibit 10-36. 10-22 3. Solution Exhibit 10-36 presents the regression line: Weekly total costs = $10,048 + $28.91 × (Number of Orders per week) Economic Plausibility. The cost function shows a positive economically plausible relationship between number of orders per week and weekly total costs. Number of orders is a plausible cost driver of total weekly costs. Goodness of fit. The regression line appears to fit the data well. The vertical differences between the actual costs and the regression line appear to be quite small. Significance of independent variable. The regression line has a steep positive slope and increases by $28.91 for each additional order. Because the slope is not flat, there is a strong relationship between number of orders and total weekly costs. The regression line is the more accurate estimate of the relationship between number of orders and total weekly costs because it uses all available data points while the high-low method relies only on two data points and may therefore miss some information contained in the other data points. In addition, because the low data point falls below the regression line, the high-low method predicts a lower amount of fixed cost and a steeper slope (higher amount of variable cost per order). 4. Profit = Total weekly revenues + Total seasonal membership fees – Total weekly costs = (Total number of orders× $35) + (700 × $75) – $229,940 = (4,478 × $35) + (700 × $75) – $229,940 = $156,730 + $52,500 – $229,940 = ($20,710). No, the club did not make a profit. 5. Let the average number of weekly orders be denoted by AWO. We want to find the value of AWO for which Farm Fresh will achieve zero profit. Using the format in requirement 4, we want: Profit = [AWO × 10 weeks × $35] + (850 × $75) – [$10,048 + ($28.91 × AWO)] × 10 weeks = $0 $350 × AWO + $63,750 – $100,480 – $289.1 × AWO = $0 $60.9 × AWO = $36,730 AWO = $36,730 ÷ $60.9 = 603.12 So, Farm Fresh will have to get at least 604 weekly orders in order to break even next year. 10-23 10-37 (3040 min.) High-low method, regression analysis. 1. Solution Exhibit 10-37 presents the plots of promotional costs on revenues. SOLUTION EXHIBIT 10-37 Plot and Regression Line of Advertising Costs and Revenues 90,000 85,000 80,000 y = 6.5844x + 46443 R² = 0.6588 Revenues 75,000 70,000 65,000 60,000 55,000 50,000 45,000 40,000 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 Advertising Costs 4,000 5,000 Solution Exhibit 10-37 also shows the regression line of advertising costs on revenues. We evaluate the estimated regression equation using the criteria of economic plausibility, goodness of fit, and slope of the regression line. Economic plausibility. Advertising costs appears to be a plausible cost driver of revenues. Restaurants frequently use newspaper advertising to promote their restaurants and increase their patronage. Goodness of fit. The vertical differences between actual and predicted revenues appears to be reasonably small. This indicates that advertising costs are related to restaurant revenues. Slope of regression line. The slope of the regression line appears to be relatively steep. Given the small scatter of the observations around the line, the steep slope indicates that, on average, restaurant revenues increase with newspaper advertising. 10-24 2. The high-low method would estimate the cost function as follows: Advertising Costs Highest observation of cost driver $4,500 Lowest observation of cost driver 500 Difference $4,000 Revenues = a + (b advertising costs) Slope coefficient (b) = $27,000 = 6.75 $4,000 Constant (a) = = = = = $83,000 ($4,500 6.75) $83,000 $30,375 = $52,625 $56,000 ($500 6.75) $56,000 $3,375 = $52,625 $52,625+ (6.75 Advertising costs) or Constant (a) Revenues 3. Revenues $83,000 56,000 $27,000 The increase in revenues for each $1,000 spent on advertising within the relevant range is a. Using the regression equation, 6.584 $1,000 = $6,584 b. Using the high-low equation, 6.75 $1,000 = $6,750 The high-low equation does fairly well in estimating the relationship between advertising costs and revenues. However, Schaub should use the regression equation because it uses information from all observations. The high-low method, on the other hand, relies only on the observations that have the highest and lowest values of the cost driver and these observations are generally not representative of all the data. 10-38 (30 min.) Regression, activity-based costing, choosing cost drivers. 1. Both number of units inspected and inspection labor-hours are plausible cost drivers for inspection costs. The number of units inspected is likely related to test-kit usage, which is a significant component of inspection costs. Inspection labor-hours are a plausible cost driver if labor hours vary per unit inspected because costs would be a function of how much time the inspectors spend on each unit. This is particularly true if the inspectors are paid a wage, and if they use electric or electronic machinery to test the units of product (cost of operating equipment increases with time spent). 2. Solution Exhibit 10-38 presents (a) the plots and regression line for number of units inspected versus inspection costs and (b) the plots and regression line for inspection labor-hours and inspection costs. 10-25 SOLUTION EXHIBIT 10-38A Plot and Regression Line for Units Inspected versus Inspection Costs for Parker Manufacturing Parker Manufacturing $7,000 y = 2.0168x + 98.793 R² = 0.9975 Inspection costs $6,000 $5,000 $4,000 $3,000 $2,000 $1,000 $0 600 1,100 1,600 2,100 Number of units inspected 2,600 3,100 SOLUTION EXHIBIT 10-38B Plot and Regression Line for Inspection Labor-Hours and Inspection Costs for Parker Manufacturing Parker Manufacturing $6,000 y = 20.057x + 3.8863 R² = 0.8973 Inspection costs $5,000 $4,000 $3,000 $2,000 $1,000 $0 60 110 160 210 Inspection labor-hours 260 310 Goodness of fit. As you can see from the two graphs, the regression line based on number of units inspected better fits the data (has smaller vertical distances from the points to the line) than the regression line based on inspection labor-hours. The activity of inspection appears to be more closely linearly related to the number of units inspected than inspection labor-hours. Hence 10-26 number of units inspected is a better cost driver. This is probably because the number of units inspected is closely related to test-kit usage, which is a significant component of inspection costs. Significance of independent variable. It is hard to visually compare the slopes because the graphs are not the same size, but both graphs have steep positive slopes indicating a strong relationship between number of units inspected and inspection costs, and inspection labor-hours and inspection costs. Indeed, if labor-hours per inspection do not vary much, number of units inspected and inspection labor-hours will be closely related. Overall, it is the significant cost of test-kits that is driven by the number of units inspected (not the inspection labor-hours spent on inspection) that makes units inspected the preferred cost driver. 3. At 160 inspection labor hours and 1,500 units inspected: Inspection costs using units inspected = $98.79 + ($2.02× 1,500) = $3,128.79 Inspection costs using inspection labor-hours = $3.89 + ($20.06× 160) = $3,213.49 If Sharon uses inspection-labor-hours she will estimate inspection costs to be $3,213.49, $84.70 ($3,213.49 ─$3,128.79) higher than if she had used number of units inspected. If actual costs equaled, say, $3,160, Sharon would conclude that Parker has performed efficiently in its inspection activity because actual inspection costs would be lower than budgeted amounts. In fact, based on the more accurate cost function, actual costs of $3,160 exceeded the budgeted amount of $3,128.79. Sharon should find ways to improve inspection efficiency rather than mistakenly conclude that the inspection activity has been performing well. 10-39 (15–20min.) Interpreting regression results, matching time periods. 1. Here is the regression output for monthly operating costs as a function of the total freight miles travelled by Unicorn vehicles: SUMMARY OUTPUT Regression Statistics Multiple R 0.927299101 R Square 0.859883623 Adjusted R Square 0.845871986 Standard Error 132.0816002 Observations 12 ANOVA df Regression Residual Total 1 10 11 Coefficients SS MS 1070620.18 1070620.18 174455.49 17445.55 1245075.67 Standard t Stat 10-27 Significance F F 61.37 0.00 P-value Lower 95% Upper Intercept X Variable 1 445.76 0.26 Error 112.97 0.03 3.95 7.83 0.00 0.00 194.04 0.18 95% 697.48 0.33 2. The chart below presents the data and the estimated regression line for the relationship between monthly operating costs and freight miles traveled by Unicorn Freightways. Economic plausibility A positive relationship between freight miles traveled and monthly operating costs is economically plausible since increased levels of economic activity should lead to the consumption of greater amounts of labor, fuel and other operating expenses. Goodness of fit r2 = 86%, Adjusted r2 = 85% Standard error of regression = 132.08 Excellent fit; there is indisputable evidence of a linear relationship between the dependent and independent variables. The distances between the estimated line and the actual data points are small, other than at the highest level of activity recorded during the year. Significance of Independent Variables The t-value of 7.83 for freight miles traveled output units is significant at the 0.05 and 0.01 levels. 3. If Bonnie expects Unicorn to generate an average of 3,600 miles each month next year, the best estimate of operating costs is given by: Monthly operating costs = £445.76 + (£0.26 × 3,600 miles) = £1,381.76. Annual operating costs = £1,381.76 × 12 = £16,581.12. 10-28 4. Three variables, other than freight miles, that Bonnie might expect to be important cost drivers for Unicorn’s operating costs are: input prices (fuel prices and wage rates), mix of agricultural output carried (weight, volume, value), and route mix and conditions (weather, flat versus mountainous terrain, short-haul versus long-haul carriage). 5. Here is the regression data for monthly maintenance costs as a function of the total freight miles travelled by Sprit vehicles: SUMMARY OUTPUT Regression Statistics Multiple R 0.87887319 R Square 0.77241808 Adjusted R Square 0.74965989 Standard Error 106.470794 Observations 12 ANOVA df Regression Residual Total Intercept X Variable 1 1 10 11 Coefficients 1170.57 -0.15 SS MS 384747.37 384747.37 113360.30 11336.03 498107.67 Standard Error 91.07 0.03 F 33.94 t Stat P-value 12.85 0.00 -5.83 0.00 The data and regression estimate are provided in the chart below: 10-29 Significance F 0.00 Lower 95% 967.66 -0.21 Upper 95% 1373.48 -0.09 6. At first glance, the regression result in requirement 5 is surprising and economically implausible. In the regression, the coefficient on freight miles traveled has a negative sign. This implies that the greater the number of freight miles (i.e., the more activity Unicorn carries out), the smaller are the maintenance costs; specifically, it suggests that each extra freight mile reduces maintenance costs by £0.15 (recall that all data are in thousands). Clearly, this estimated relationship is not economically credible. However, one would think that freight miles should have some positive impact on fleet maintenance costs. The logic behind the estimated regression becomes clearer once one realizes that maintenance costs have a discretionary component to them, especially in terms of timing. Unicorn’s peak months of work transporting agricultural products in western Canada occur in late spring and summer (the period from April through August). It is likely that Unicorn is simply choosing to defer maintenance to the months when its vehicles are not in use, thereby creating a negative relationship between monthly activity and maintenance costs. The causality also goes the other way – if vehicles are in the shop for maintenance, they are clearly not on the road generating freight miles. A third reason is that vehicles might need to be serviced at greater frequency during the winter months because of the wear and tear that comes from driving on icy terrain and in poor weather conditions. Possible alternative specifications that would better capture the link between Unicorn’s activity levels and the spending on maintenance are to estimate the relationship using annual data over a period of several years, to look at spending on corrective rather than preventive maintenance, or to look at the relation using lags (i.e., freight miles traveled in a period against the spending on maintenance done in a subsequent period in order to service the vehicles). 10-40 (30–40 min.) Cost estimation, cumulative average-time learning curve. 1. Cost to produce the second through the seventh troop deployment boats: Direct materials, 6 × $201,000 Direct manufacturing labor (DML), 66,0601 × $43 Variable manufacturing overhead, 66,060 × $24 Other manufacturing overhead, 15% of DML costs Total costs 1 $1,206,000 2,840,580 1,585,440 426,087 $6,058,107 The direct manufacturing labor-hours to produce the second to seventh boats can be calculated in several ways, given the assumption of a cumulative average-time learning curve of 90%: 10-30 Use of table format: Cumulative Number of Units (X) (1) 1 2 90% Learning Curve Cumulative Average Time per Unit (y): Labor Hours (2) 15,700 14,130 Cumulative Total Time: Labor-Hours (3) = (1) × (2) 15,700 = (15,700 × 0.90) 28,260 3 13,285 39,855 4 12,717 = (14,130 × 0.90) 50,868 5 12,293 61,465 6 11,957 71,742 7 11,680 81,760 The direct labor-hours required to produce the second through the seventh boats is 81,760 – 15,700 = 66,060 hours. Use of formula: y = aXb where a = 15,700, X = 7, and b = – 0.152004 – 0.152004 y= 15,700 7 = 11,680 hours The total direct labor-hours for 7 units is 11,680 7 = 81,760 hours Note: Some students will debate the exclusion of the $281,000 tooling cost. The question specifies that the tooling “cost was assigned to the first boat.” Although Blue Seas may well seek to ensure its total revenue covers the $1,533,900 cost of the first boat, the concern in this question is only with the cost of producing six more PT109s. 10-31 2. Cost to produce the second through the seventh boats assuming linear function for direct labor-hours and units produced: Direct materials, 6 × $201,000 $1,206,000 Direct manufacturing labor (DML), 6 × 15,700 hrs. × $43 4,050,600 Variable manufacturing overhead, 6 × 15,700hrs. × $24 2,260,800 Other manufacturing overhead, 15% of DML costs 607,950 Total costs $8,124,990 The difference in predicted costs is: Predicted cost in requirement 2 (based on linear cost function) Predicted cost in requirement 1 (based on 90% learning curve) Difference in favor of learning curve cost function $8,124,990 6,058,107 $2,066,883 Note that the linear cost function assumption leads to a total cost that is almost 34 percent higher than the cost predicted by the learning curve model. Learning curve effects are most prevalent in large manufacturing industries such as airplanes and boats where costs can run into the millions or hundreds of millions of dollars, resulting in very large and monetarily significant differences between the two models. In the case of Blue Seas, if it is in fact easier to produce additional boats as the firm gains experience, the learning curve model is the right one to use. The firm can better forecast its future costs and use that information to submit an appropriate cost bid to the Navy, as well as refine its pricing plans for other potential customers. 10-41 (20–30 min.) Cost estimation, incremental unit-time learning model. 1. Cost to produce the 2nd through the 7th boats: Direct materials, 6 $205,000 Direct manufacturing labor (DML), 73,6391 $45 Variable manufacturing overhead, 73,639 $21 Other manufacturing overhead, 25% of DML costs Total costs 1The $1,230,000 3,313,755 1,546,419 828,439 $6,918,613 direct labor hours to produce the second through the seventh boats can be calculated via a table format, given the assumption of an incremental unit-time learning curve of 90%: 10-32 90% Learning Curve Cumulative Number of Cumulative Individual Unit Time for Xth * Total Time: Units (X) Unit (y) : Labor Hours Labor-Hours (1) (2) (3) 1 15,200 2 3 4 5 6 7 13,680 12,862 12,312 11,901 11,576 11,308 = (15,200 0.90) = (13,680 0.90) 15,200 28,880 41,742 54,054 65,955 77,531 88,839 *Calculated as y = aXb where a = 15,200, b = – 0.152004, and X = 1, 2, 3,. . .7. The direct manufacturing labor-hours to produce the second through the seventh boat is 88,839 – 15,200 = 73,639 hours. 2. Difference in total costs to manufacture the second through the seventh boat under the incremental unit-time learning model and the cumulative average-time learning model is $6,918,613 (calculated in requirement 1 of this problem) – $6,170,601 (from requirement 1 of Problem 10-41) = $748,012, i.e., the total costs are higher for the incremental unit-time model. The incremental unit-time learning curve has a slower rate of decline in the time required to produce successive units than does the cumulative average-time learning curve (see Problem 10-41, requirement 1). Assuming the same 90% factor is used for both curves: Estimated Cumulative Direct Manufacturing Labor-Hours Cumulative Cumulative AverageIncremental Unit-Time Number of Units Time Learning Model Learning Model 1 15,200 15,200 2 27,360 28,880 4 49,248 54,054 7 79,156 88,839 The reason is that, in the incremental unit-time learning model, as the number of units double, only the last unit produced has a cost of 90% of the initial cost. In the cumulative averagetime learning model, doubling the number of units causes the average cost of all the units produced (not just the last unit) to be 90% of the initial cost. WLJ Boat should examine its own internal records on past jobs and seek information from engineers, plant managers, and workers when deciding which learning curve better describes the behavior of direct manufacturing labor-hours on the production of the PT109 boats. 10-33 10-42 (30 min.) Regression; choosing among models. 1. See Solution Exhibit 10-42A below. SOLUTION EXHIBIT 10-42A (a) Regression Output for Medical Supplies Costs and Number of Procedures SUMMARY OUTPUT Regression Statistics Multiple R 0.599152481 R Square 0.358983696 Adjusted R Square 0.294882065 Standard Error 52998.71699 Observations 12 ANOVA df Regression Residual Total Intercept X Variable 1 1 10 11 SS 15730276644 28088640022 43818916667 Coefficients 36939.77 361.91 Standard Error 56404.86 152.93 MS 1.57E+10 2.81E+09 t Stat 0.65 2.37 Durbin-Watson = 2.48 10-34 5.60 Significance F 0.04 P-value 0.53 0.04 Lower 95% -88738.09 21.16 F Upper 95% 162617.63 702.66 (b) Regression Output for Medical Supplies Costs and Number of Patient-Hours SUMMARY OUTPUT Regression Statistics Multiple R 0.91669199 R Square 0.84032421 Adjusted R Square 0.82435663 Standard Error 26451.5032 Observations 12 Durbin-Watson = 1.91 ANOVA df Regression Residual Total 1 10 11 SS 36822096457 6996820210 43818916667 Coefficients 3654.86 56.76 Standard Error 23569.51 7.82 MS 3.68E+10 7E+08 F 52.63 Significance F 0.00 t Stat 0.16 7.25 P-value 0.88 0.00 Lower 95% -48861.29 39.33 Durbin-Watson = 2.48 Intercept X Variable 1 10-35 Upper 95% 56171.00 74.19 2. See Solution Exhibit 10-42B below. SOLUTION EXHIBIT 10-42B Plots and Regression Lines for (a) Medical Supplies Costs and Number of Procedures and (b) Medical Supplies Costs and Number of Patient-Hours (a) Apollo Hospitals Medical supplies costs 250,000 200,000 y = 361.91x + 36940 R² = 0.359 150,000 100,000 50,000 100 200 300 400 Number of procedures 500 (b) Apollo Hospitals Medical supplies costs 250,000 200,000 y = 56.759x + 3654.9 R² = 0.8403 150,000 100,000 50,000 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 Number of patient-hours 10-36 4,000 4,500 600 3. Economic plausibility Number of Procedures A positive relationship between medical supplies costs and the number of procedures is economically plausible. Number of Patient-Hours A positive relationship between medical supplies costs and the number of patient-hours is also economically plausible, especially since the time taken to serve patients is not uniform. Patient-hours is more likely to capture the true level of activity in the hospital since it accounts for the mix of procedures performed. Goodness of fit r2 = 36% r2 = 84% Standard error of regression = $52,999 Standard error of regression = $26,452 Reasonable goodness of fit. Excellent goodness of fit. Significance of Independent Variables The t-value of 2.37 is significant at the The t-value of 7.25 is highly 0.05 level. It is not significant at the significant at the 0.05 and 0.01 levels. 0.01 level. Specification analysis of estimation assumptions Based on a plot of the data, the linearity assumption holds, but there is some possibility that the constant variance assumption does not hold. The Durbin-Watson statistic of 2.48 suggests the residuals are independent. The normality of residuals assumption appears to hold. However, inferences drawn from only 12 observations are not reliable. Based on a plot of the data, the assumptions of linearity, constant variance, independence of residuals (Durbin-Watson = 1.91), and normality of residuals hold. However, inferences drawn from only 12 observations are not reliable. 4. The regression model using number of patient-hours should be used to estimate medical supplies costs because the number of patient-hours is a more economically plausible cost driver of medical supplies costs (compared to the number of procedures performed). The time taken to prepare medical facilities and to actually deal with patient issues (surgery, post-procedure care, etc.) is different for different procedures. The more complex the procedure, the more time is taken with the patient to analyze and manage the problem, and the greater the supplies costs incurred. As such, patient-hours might serve as a better driver of medical supplies costs. The regression of number of patient-hours and medical supplies costs also has a better fit, a substantially significant independent variable, and better satisfies the assumptions of the estimation technique used. 10-37 10-43 (30 min.) Multiple regression (continuation of 10-42). 1. Solution Exhibit 10-43 presents the regression output for medical supplies costs using both number of procedures and number of patient-hours as independent variables (cost drivers). SOLUTION EXHIBIT 10-43 Regression Output for Multiple Regression for Medical Supplies Costs Using Both Number of Procedures and Number of Patient-Hours as Independent Variables (Cost Drivers) SUMMARY OUTPUT Regression Statistics Multiple R 0.91806327 R Square 0.84284017 Adjusted R Square 0.80791577 Standard Error 27661.7936 Observations 12 ANOVA df Regression Residual Total Intercept X Variable 1 X Variable 2 Durbin-Watson = 1.96 2. Economic plausibility 2 9 11 SS 36932343254 6886573413 43818916667 Coefficients -3103.76 38.24 54.37 Standard Error 30406.54 100.76 10.33 MS 1.85E+10 7.65E+08 F 24.13 Significance F 0.00 t Stat -0.10 0.38 5.26 P-value 0.92 0.71 0.00 Lower 95% -71888.13 -189.68 31.00 Upper 95% 65680.61 266.17 77.73 A positive relationship between medical supplies costs and each of the independent variables (number of procedures and number of patient-hours) is economically plausible. Goodness of fit r2 = 84%, Adjusted r2 = 81% Standard error of regression =$27,662 Excellent goodness of fit. Significance of Independent Variables The t-value of 0.38 for number of procedures is not significant at the 0.05 level. The t-value of 5.26 for number of patient-hours is significant at the 0.05 and 0.01 levels. Specification analysis of estimation assumptions Assuming linearity, constant variance, and normality of residuals, the Durbin-Watson statistic of 1.96 suggests the residuals are independent. However, we must be cautious when drawing inferences from only 12 observations. 10-38 3. Multicollinearity is an issue that can arise with multiple regression but not simple regression analysis. Multicollinearity means that the independent variables are highly correlated. The correlation feature in Excel’s Data Analysis reveals a coefficient of correlation of 0.61 between number of procedures and number of patient-hours. This is close to the threshold of 0.70 that is usually taken as a sign of multicollinearity problems. As evidence, note the substantial drop in the t-value for patient-hours from 7.25 to 5.26, despite a fairly small change in the estimated coefficient (from $56.76 to $54.37). 4. The simple regression model using the number of patient-hours as the independent variable achieves a comparable r2 to the multiple regression model. However, the multiple regression model includes an insignificant independent variable, number of procedures. Adding this variable does not improve Apollo Hospital’s ability to better estimate medical supplies costs and it also introduces multicollinearity issues. Julie should use the simple regression model with number of patient-hours as the independent variable to estimate medical supplies costs. 10-39 10-44 (30 min.) Cost estimation. 1. Here is the summary output for the monthly regression of Direct Labor Hours on Output Units for Hankuk Electronics: SUMMARY OUTPUT Regression Statistics Multiple R 0.2333602 R Square 0.054457 Adjusted R Square -0.0400973 Standard Error 206.18345 Observations 12 ANOVA df Regression Residual Total 1 10 11 Coefficients Intercept 345.24 X Variable 1 0.71 Durbin-Watson = 0.50 SS 24483.86 425116.1 449600 Standard Error 589.07 0.93 MS 24483.86 42511.61 F 0.575933 Significance F 0.465422344 t Stat 0.59 0.76 P-value 0.57 0.47 Lower 95% -967.29 -1.37 Upper 95% 1657.77 2.79 2. The plot and regression line for monthly direct labor hours on monthly output for Hankuk Electronics are given below: Hankuk Electronics Direct Labor Hours 1,600 1,400 y = 0.7091x + 345.24 R² = 0.0545 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 450 500 550 600 650 Output (Units) 10-40 700 750 Economic plausibility A positive relationship between direct labor hours and monthly output is economically plausible since increased levels of production should lead to the consumption of greater amounts of direct labor. Goodness of fit r2 = 0.054, Adjusted r2 = - 0.04 Standard error of regression = 206.18 Terrible fit; in fact, there is no evidence of a linear relationship between the dependent and independent variables. At least one data point represents a significant outlier. Significance of Independent Variables The t-value of 0.71 for output units is not significant at the 0.05 level. 3. Given Inbee’s expectation that Hankuk will produce 650 units in January 2021, her best estimate given the linear regression above is that Hankuk will use: 345.24 + (0.71 × 650 units) = 806.74 direct labor hours. At an estimated variable cost of $17.50 per direct labor-hour, this implies that Inbee should budget 806.74 × $17.50 = $14,118 for direct labor costs for January 2021. Note that 650 units is in the range of output values that were used to find the regression equation, and therefore falls in the range of predictability for this model. However, there is substantial uncertainty around the cost estimate of $14,118. In particular, this predicted value relies on the regression point estimate of 0.71 for the marginal impact of output on labor hours. But, the 95% confidence interval for the slope of the regression ranges all the way from -1.37 to 2.79, and the predicted cost would vary accordingly. One cannot reject the null hypothesis that output levels have no impact on labor consumption, leaving the budgeted cost estimate a highly speculative one! 10-41 10-45 (30 min.) Cost estimation, learning curves (continuation of 10-44). 1. Here is the summary output for the monthly regression of the natural log of Cumulative Average Direct Labor-Hours per Unit on the natural logarithm of Cumulative Output: SUMMARY OUTPUT Regression Statistics Multiple R 0.9989528 R Square 0.9979068 Adjusted R Square 0.9976975 Standard Error 0.0074326 Observations 12 ANOVA df Regression Residual Total 1 10 11 Coefficients Intercept 2.09 X Variable 1 -0.21 Durbin-Watson = 2.66 SS MS F 0.263368 0.000552 0.26392 0.263368 5.52E-05 4767.34 Significance F 9.89803E15 t Stat 85.44 -69.05 P-value 0.00 0.00 Lower 95% 2.03 -0.21 Standard Error 0.02 0.00 Upper 95% 2.14 -0.20 2. The plot of the data and the regression line estimated above are provided next. Log of Cumulative Average DLH per unit Hankuk Electronics 0.800 y = -0.2079x + 2.0876 R² = 0.9979 0.700 0.600 0.500 0.400 0.300 0.200 6.000 6.500 7.000 7.500 8.000 Log of Cumulative Output 10-42 8.500 9.000 Economic plausibility A negative relationship between cumulative average direct-labor hours per unit and cumulative output (in natural logarithms) is economically plausible and reflects the presence of learning effects. Specifically, as the firm gains experience via production, it becomes more efficient and is able to use fewer direct labor hours to make each unit of product. Goodness of fit r2 = 0.998, Adjusted r2 = 0.998 Standard error of regression = 0.007 Unparalleled goodness of fit. Virtually perfect linear fit in logarithms. Significance of Independent Variables The t-value of -69.05 for the logarithm of cumulative output is significant at all conventional levels. The t-value for the intercept (85.44) is highly significant as well. 3. The original learning curve specification, y = axb is mathematically identical to the following loglinear specification: Ln y = Ln a + b × Ln x The regression equation we have estimated, Ln (Cumulative avg DLH per unit) = a + (b × Ln (Cumulative Output)) is precisely the above specification, and in particular the slope coefficient directly yields the “b” from the learning curve equation. We know therefore that for Hankuk electronics, b = -0.208. As explained in Exhibit 10-10, this value is related to the learning curve percentage as follows: b = Ln (learning-curve % in decimal form) ÷ Ln 2, or -0.208 = Ln (learning-curve % in decimal form) ÷ 0.693, or Ln (learning-curve % in decimal form) = -0.208 × 0.693 = -0.144. As the exponent of -0.144 is 0.8659, this implies that Hankuk is experiencing an 86.6% cumulative average-time learning curve. 10-43 4. With an additional 650 units in January 2021, Hankuk’s cumulative output will go from 7,527 at the end of December 2016 to 8,177 (7,527 + 650). As Ln (8,177) = 9.0091, the cumulative average direct-labor hours in logarithmic terms are given by: 2.0876 – (0.2079 × 9.0091) = 0.2146. The cumulative direct-labor hours per unit therefore equals Exp (0.2146) = 1.2394. This implies a total direct labor hours of 1.2394 × 8,177 = 10,134 by the end of January. As Hankuk has used a total of 9,480 direct labor hours at the end of December 2020, the incremental hours needed in January therefore are 654 (10,134 – 9,480). At $17.50 per labor hour, this suggest that Inbee should budget 654 × $17.50 = $11,445 for direct labor costs for January 2021. While 9.0091 is outside the range of cumulative output values (measured in logarithms) used to find the regression equation, unless there has been a structural break in the experience curve Hankuk is facing, it is highly likely that its January costs will be in the neighborhood of $11,445. The reason is that the estimated regression line is close to perfect and has a standard error close to zero. There is virtually no uncertainty around the coefficient estimates. The slope coefficient, for example, has a point estimate of -0.2079, and a narrow 95% confidence interval between -0.2146 and -0.2012. Using either of those estimates would make barely any difference to the predicted cost for the month of January 2021. 10-44 10-46 (25 min.) Interpreting regression results, matching time periods 1. Here is the summary output for the monthly regression of Sales Revenue on Online Advertising Expense: SUMMARY OUTPUT Regression Statistics Multiple R 0.15 R Square 0.02 Adjusted R Square -0.07 Standard Error 11837.30 Observations 12.00 ANOVA df Regression Residual Total 1 10 11 Coefficients Intercept 51999.64 X Variable 1 -0.98 Durbin-Watson = 2.14 SS 33972689.79 1401216525 1435189215 Standard Error 7988.68 1.99 MS 33972690 1.4E+08 F 0.242451 Significance F 0.633072 t Stat 6.51 -0.49 P-value 0.00 0.63 Lower 95% 34199.74 -5.41 Upper 95% 69799.54 3.45 2. Solution Exhibit 10-46A presents the data plot for the initial analysis. The formula of Sales Revenue = $52,000 – (0.98 × Online advertising expense) indicates that there is a fixed amount of revenue each month of $52,000, which is reduced by 0.98 times that month’s online advertising expense. This relationship is not economically plausible, as advertising would not reduce revenue. The data points do not appear linear, and the r-square of 0.02 indicates a very weak goodness of fit (in fact, almost no fit at all). 10-45 SOLUTION EXHIBIT 10-46 A Plot and Regression Line for Sales Revenue and Online Advertising Expense $70,000 $65,000 Sales Revenue $60,000 $55,000 $50,000 $45,000 y = -0.9789x + 52000 R² = 0.0237 $40,000 $35,000 $30,000 $25,000 $20,000 $0 $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 $7,000 Online Advertising Expense 3. Here is the summary output for the regression of monthly Sales Revenue on the prior month’s Online Advertising Expense: SUMMARY OUTPUT Regression Statistics Multiple R 0.808588 R Square 0.653815 Adjusted R Square 0.61535 Standard Error 7393.922 Observations 11 ANOVA df Regression Residual Total 1 9 10 Coefficients Intercept 28361.37 X Variable 1 5.381665 Durbin-Watson = 1.71 SS 9.29E+08 4.92E+08 1.42E+09 Standard Error 5428.687 1.305336 MS 929262059 54670085 F 16.99763 Significance F 0.002587 t Stat 5.2243522 4.1228186 P-value 0.000546 0.002587 Lower 95% 16080.83 2.428789 10-46 Upper 95% 40641.91 8.33454 4. Solution Exhibit 10-46 B presents the data plot for the revised analysis. The formula of Sales Revenue = $28,361 + (5.38 × Online Advertising Expense) indicates that there is a fixed amount of revenue each month of $28,361, which increases by 5.38 times the prior month’s advertising expense in the online channel. This relationship is economically plausible. One would expect a positive correlation between advertising expense and (future) sales revenue. The slope coefficient of 5.38 has a t stat of 4.12 indicating that it is statistically significant at the 5% level. In the revised analysis, there is improved linearity in the data points, and the r-square of 0.65 indicates a much stronger goodness of fit. SOLUTION EXHIBIT 10-46B Plot and Regression Line for Sales Revenue and Previous Month Online Advertising 70,000 65,000 Sales Revenue 60,000 55,000 y = 5.3817x + 28361 R² = 0.6538 50,000 45,000 40,000 35,000 30,000 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 Online Advertising Expense (Prior Month) 7,000 5. Nandita must be very careful about making conclusions regarding cause and effect. Even a strong goodness of fit does not prove a cause and effect relationship. The independent and dependent variables could both be caused by a third factor, or the correlation could be simply coincidental. However, there is enough of a correlation in the revised analysis for Nandita to make a meaningful presentation to the store’s owner. 10-47 10-47 (40–50 min.) Purchasing Department cost drivers, activity-based costing, simple regression analysis. The problem reports the exact t-values from the computer runs of the data. Because the coefficients and standard errors given in the problem are rounded to three decimal places, dividing the coefficient by the standard error may yield slightly different t-values. 1. Plots of the data used in Regressions 1 to 3 are in Solution Exhibit 10-47A.See Solution Exhibit 10-47B for a comparison of the three regression models. 2. Both Regressions 2 and 3 are well-specified regression models. The slope coefficients on their respective independent variables are significantly different from zero. These results support the Couture Fabrics’ presentation in which the number of purchase orders and the number of suppliers were reported to be drivers of purchasing department costs. In designing an activity-based cost system, Designer Wear should use number of purchase orders and number of suppliers as cost drivers of purchasing department costs. As the chapter appendix describes, Designer Wear can either (a) estimate a multiple regression equation for purchasing department costs with number of purchase orders and number of suppliers as cost drivers, or (b) divide purchasing department costs into two separate cost pools, one for costs related to purchase orders and another for costs related to suppliers, and estimate a separate relationship for each cost pool. 3. Guidelines presented in the chapter could be used to gain additional evidence on cost drivers of purchasing department costs. 1. Use physical relationships or engineering relationships to establish cause-and-effect links. Lee could observe the purchasing department operations to gain insight into how costs are driven. 2. Use knowledge of operations. Lee could interview operating personnel in the purchasing department to obtain their insight on cost drivers. 10-48 SOLUTION EXHIBIT 10-47A Regression Lines of Various Cost Drivers for Purchasing Dept. Costs for Designer Wear Purchasing Department Costs $2,500,000 y = 0.0031x + 1E+06 R² = 0.0796 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 $0 0 50,000,000 100,000,000 150,000,000 Dollar Value of Merchandise Purchased Purchasing Department Costs $2,500,000 y = 156.18x + 731687 R² = 0.4178 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 $0 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 Number of Purchase Orders 10-49 Purchasing Department Costs $2,500,000 $2,000,000 y = 3848x + 802629 R² = 0.4018 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 $0 0 50 100 150 Number of Suppliers 200 250 SOLUTION EXHIBIT 10-47B Comparison of Alternative Cost Functions for Purchasing Department Costs Estimated with Simple Regression for Designer Wear Regression 1 PDC = a + (b MP$) Result presented at seminar by Couture Fabrics found little support for MP$ as a driver. Purchasing personnel at the Miami store believe MP$ is not a significant cost driver. Regression 2 PDC = a + (b # of POs) Economically plausible. The higher the number of purchase orders, the more tasks undertaken. Regression 3 PDC = a + (b # of Ss) Economically plausible. Increasing the number of suppliers increases the costs of certifying vendors and managing the Designer Wearsupplier relationship. 2. Goodness of fit r2= 0.08. Poor goodness of fit. r2 = 0.42. Reasonable goodness of fit. r2 = 0.40. Reasonable goodness of fit. 3. Significance of independent variables t-value on MP$ of 0.83 is insignificant. t-value on # of POs of 2.40 t-value on # of Ss of 2.32 is significant. is significant. Criterion 1. Economic plausibility 10-50 Regression 1 Regression 2 PDC = a + (b MP$) PDC = a + (b # of POs) Regression 3 PDC = a + (b # of Ss) Appears questionable Appears reasonable. but no strong evidence against linearity. Appears reasonable. B. Constant variance of residuals Appears questionable, Appears reasonable. but no strong evidence against constant variance. Appears reasonable. C. Independence of residuals Durbin-Watson Statistic = 2.42. Assumption of independence is not rejected. Durbin-Watson Statistic = 1.99. Assumption of independence is not rejected. Durbin-Watson Statistic = 2.00. Assumption of independence is not rejected. D. Normality of residuals Database too small to make reliable inferences. Database too small to make reliable inferences. Database too small to make reliable inferences. Criterion 4. Specification analysis A. Linearity within the relevant range 10-51 10-48 (30–40 min.) Purchasing Department cost drivers, multiple regression analysis (continuation of 10-47). The problem reports the exact t-values from the computer runs of the data. Because the coefficients and standard errors given in the problem are rounded to three decimal places, dividing the coefficient by the standard error may yield slightly different t-values. 1. Regression 4 is a well-specified regression model: Economic plausibility: Both independent variables are plausible and are supported by the findings of the Couture Fabrics study. Goodness of fit: The r2 of 0.63 indicates an excellent goodness of fit. Significance of independent variables: The t-value on # of POs is 2.09 while the t-value on # of Ss is 2.02. These t-values are either significant or border on significance. Specification analysis: Results are available to examine the independence of residuals assumption. The Durbin-Watson statistic of 1.91 indicates that the assumption of independence is not rejected. Regression 4 is consistent with the findings in Problem 10-47 that both the number of purchase orders and the number of suppliers are drivers of purchasing department costs. Regressions 2, 3, and 4 all satisfy the four criteria outlined in the text. Regression 4 has the best goodness of fit (0.63 for Regression 4 compared to 0.42 and 0.40 for Regressions 2 and 3, respectively). Most importantly, it is economically plausible that both the number of purchase orders and the number of suppliers drive purchasing department costs. We would recommend that Lee use Regression 4 over Regressions 2 and 3. 2. Regression 5 adds an additional independent variable (MP$) to the two independent variables in Regression 4. This additional variable (MP$) has a t-value of –0.11, implying its slope coefficient is insignificantly different from zero. The r 2 in Regression 5 (0.63) is the same as that in Regression 4 (0.63), implying the addition of this third independent variable adds close to zero explanatory power. In summary, Regression 5 adds very little to Regression 4. We would recommend that Lee use Regression 4 over Regression 5. 3. Budgeted purchasing department costs for the Baltimore store next year are: $481,186 + ($121.374,200) + ($2,941120) = $1,343,860 4.Multicollinearity is a frequently encountered problem in cost accounting; it does not arise in simple regression because there is only one independent variable in a simple regression. One consequence of multicollinearity is an increase in the standard errors of the coefficients of the individual variables. This frequently shows up in reduced t-values for the independent variables in the multiple regression relative to their t-values in the simple regression: 10-52 Variables Regression 4: # of POs # of Ss Regression 5: # of POs # of Ss MP$ t-value in Multiple Regression t-value from Simple Regressions in Problem 10-47 2.09 2.02 2.40 2.32 1.92 1.82 -0.11 2.40 2.32 0.83 The decline in the t-values in the multiple regressions is consistent with some (but not very high) collinearity among the independent variables. Pairwise correlations between the independent variables are: Correlation # of POs and # of Ss 0.30 # of POs and MP$ 0.27 # of Ss and MP$ 0.35 There is no evidence of difficulties due to multicollinearity in Regressions 4 and 5. 5. Decisions in which the regression results in Problems 10-47 and 10-48 could be useful are as follows: Cost management decisions: Designer Wear could restructure relationships with the suppliers so that fewer separate purchase orders are made. Alternatively, it may aggressively reduce the number of existing suppliers. Purchasing policy decisions: Designer Wear could set up an internal charge system for individual retail departments within each store. Separate charges to each department could be made for each purchase order and each new supplier added to the existing ones. These internal charges would signal to each department ways in which their own decisions affect the total costs of Designer Wear. Accounting system design decisions: Designer Wear may want to discontinue allocating purchasing department costs on the basis of the dollar value of merchandise purchased. Allocation bases better capturing cause-and-effect relations at Designer Wear are the number of purchase orders and the number of suppliers. 10-53 Try It! 10-1 a. y = $1.40X b. y = $7,000 c. y = $70 + $0.50X d. y = $1,600 + $17X Try It! 10-2 The highest and lowest observations of the cost driver correspond to 5,850 hours and 3,000 hours, respectively. Using those data points: a. Slope = ($67,100 − $35,600) ÷ (6,050 – 2,900) = $31,500 ÷ 3,150 = $10 per hour b. $67,100 = Constant + ($10 × 6,050) Constant = $67,100 − ($10 × 6,050) = 6,600 c. y = $6,600 + ($10 × Hours) d. y = $6,600 + ($10 × 3,200) = $38,600 10-54 Try It! 10-3 a. Unit 1 2 Hours Cumulative Cumulative Average 6.0 6.0 6.0 4.8 10.8 5.4 Learning percentage = 5.4 ÷ 6.0 = 0.90 b. b y =a×X − 0.1520 =6×8 = 4.37 hours (or) Cumulative average time for: 1 unit = 6 hours 2 units = 6 × 0.9 = 5.4 hours 4 units = 5.4 × 0.9 = 4.86 hours 8 units = 4.86 × 0.9 = 4.37 hours Therefore, total time to build 8 units = 8 × 4.37 = 34.96 hours. c. Total time = 34.96 hours Manufacturing overhead charge = 34.96 × $25 = $874 d. As production doubles from 1 to 2 units, the incremental time of the second unit relative to the first is 4.8 hours ÷ 6 hours = 0.8. Therefore, this represents an 80% learning curve under the incremental unit-time learning model. b e. y = a × X − 0.3219 = 6 × 16 = 2.458 hours (or) Time for: 1st unit = 6 hours 2nd unit = 6 × 0.8 = 4.8 hours 4th unit = 4.8 × 0.8 = 3.84 hours 8th unit = 3.84 × 0.8 = 3.072 hours 16th unit = 3.072 × .8 = 2.458 hours 10-55 Try It! 10-4 a, b and c. Plot and Regression Line of Sales Revenues on Promotional Costs 850,000 800,000 y = 14.184x + 397163 R² = 0.6271 Sales Revenues 750,000 700,000 650,000 600,000 550,000 500,000 450,000 400,000 5,000 10,000 15,000 Promotional Costs 20,000 25,000 The above plot includes the regression line of sales revenues on promotional costs. Here are the details, from carrying out a regression analysis in Excel: Sales Revenues $397,163 (14.18 Promotional Costs) Variable Coefficient Constant $397,163.12 59,169.06 6.71 14.184 3.87 3.67 Independent variable: Promotional costs Standard Error t-Value r2 0.63; Durbin-Watson statistic 2.55 We evaluate the estimated regression equation using the criteria of economic plausibility, goodness of fit, and slope of the regression line. Economic plausibility. Promotional costs would appear to be a plausible cost driver of sales revenues. Restaurants frequently use promotional activities such as advertising, sponsoring of local events, etc. to engender interest among potential clients and increase their patronage. Goodness of fit. As seen in the plot, the regression line fits the data well. The vertical differences between actual and predicted revenues are reasonably small. This indicates that promotional costs are related to restaurant revenues. An r-squared value of 0.627 indicates that almost 63% of the change in revenues can be explained by the change in promotional costs. 10-56 Slope of regression line. The slope of the regression line is relatively steep. Given the small scatter of the observations around the line, this indicates that, on average, restaurant revenues increase with advertising promotion at a slope of 14.18. The t-value of 3.67 is statistically significant at the 0.05 and 0.01 levels. d. The increase in sales revenues for each $1,000 spent on promotion, within the relevant range, is: $14.184 $1,000 = $14,184. 10-57 CHAPTER 11 DATA ANALYTIC THINKING AND PREDICTION 11-1 Management accountants can contribute in each step of the seven-step decision-making process for applying machine learning techniques in business situations: (1) Gain a business understanding of the problem (2) Obtain and explore relevant data (3) Prepare the data (4) Build a model (5) Evaluate the model (6) Visualize and communicate insights and (7) Deploy the model. They use their substantive expertise to evaluate the costs and benefits of different datascience based decisions, for example, to allocate marketing and sales resources. 11-2 The seven-step decision-making process for applying machine learning techniques in business situations are (1) Gain a business understanding of the problem (2) Obtain and explore relevant data (3) Prepare the data (4) Build a model (5) Evaluate the model (6) Visualize and communicate insights and (7) Deploy the model. 11-3 Target leakage refers to data that are not available at the time of the analysis and should be excluded. 11-4 The decision tree is a technique for segmenting the target variable into different regions based on a set of rules. Decisions, for example whether to grant a customer a loan or not, are made depending on whether the loan characteristics fall into the make loan or reject loan region. These rules make the model easier to interpret than some other models. 11-5 Gini impurity is a way to measure the purity of a collection of observations in a set (or rectangle). If a set of observations is very mixed it is “impure” and the Gini impurity is high. As a set becomes more pure, that is, it contains more members of one class than another, the Gini impurity decreases. 11-6 Overfitting is a direct outcome of the flexibility and power of data science models. Overfitting occurs when a model adheres too closely to the specific details of a dataset such that, in addition to signal, it captures noise from random chance, making it less effective at accurately classifying observations from a new dataset. Overfitting limits a model’s ability to predict future outcomes. 11-7 Pruning is a technique in which the tree is not grown to its full size, but instead is only allowed to grow to a certain depth. It is helpful as a solution to the problem of overfitting. 11-8 Data scientists use cross-validation to compare predictions of different models on a new set of data for which actual outcomes are already known. Managers choose the model that predicts most accurately. A holdout set is data the model has not seen. Data scientists would be more confident of a model’s ability to predict, for example defaults, if the overall likelihood value in the holdout sample is similar to the overall likelihood value in the cross-validation set. 11-9 The likelihood value ranges between 0 and 1 with a value near 0 when the predicted probability is very far from the actual value and a value close to 1 when the predicted probability is close to the actual value. Data scientists use this approach to compare the performance of the models. Maximizing the likelihood value means that the across the entire sample, the chosen model gives predictions that are closest to the actual values. 11-10 Data scientists try to balance the bias-variance tradeoff. Building complex models reduces bias but also risks overfitting the model to noise or peculiarities in the training data. The predictions these models make on real data have high variance, that is, the predictions on different real-world data yield some good predictions and some bad ones. Decision scientists build less-complex models with some bias in them (they do not fit the training data very well) because these models make predictions with less variance (the model does reasonably well across different data sets). Pruning trees to various depths is one technique to balance the biasvariance tradeoff. The greater the depth of a tree, the lower the bias but the higher the variance of the model. Pruning introduces bias but it also reduces variance. At what point is the tradeoff optimal? It is difficult to determine this a priori. Data scientists and management accountants train different models and determine which model has a higher overall likelihood value and makes good business sense. 11-11 The Receiver-Operating-Characteristic (ROC) Curve is a useful and commonly used tool to evaluate a model. It plots the false positive rate (FP) on the x-axis and the true positive rate (TP) on the y-axis. Comparing these two rates provides insight into the tradeoffs associated with correctly identifying true positives (default loans for example) without capturing false positives (loans that repay but predicted as defaults). Generally, increasing the true positive rate also increases the false positive rate. Management accountants play a crucial role in determining the costs and benefits of identifying true positives in the presence of false positives. 11-12 A confusion matrix is a matrix that shows the predicted and actual classifications at a given threshold value. It identifies the true positives, false positives, true negatives and false negatives at a threshold value. 11-13 False positives (FP) are negatives incorrectly predicted as positives. For example, actual repay loans (negatives) incorrectly classified as default loans (positives). False negatives (FN) are positives incorrectly predicted as negatives. For example, actual default loans (positives) incorrectly classified as repay loans (negatives). 11-14 Management accountants use their insights and knowledge of the business to estimate the payoffs. Based on the payoff matrix results, management accountants identify the costs of true positives and false positives and true negatives and false negatives. This is crucial information in making decisions, such as, which loans to accept and which to reject. 11-15 Management accountants work with managers to operationalize the data science model to make decisions. In doing so, they evaluate what elements need to be modified in light of the model inputs and how best to balance quantitative and qualitative assessments of the business situation. 11-16 Choice “b” is correct. Data Science sits at the intersection of computer science and data skills (to bring together and manipulate the data), math and statistics (to provide the validity framework for analysis), and substantive expertise in the industry around which the data was gathered. Each member of the team does not need to have exhaustive knowledge and skill in all three areas, but each member should know enough about the specialties of the rest of the team that they can communicate successfully. Applied sciences include chemistry, physics, biology and astronomy. These are not a necessary component of data science unless they are specifically applicable to the business. Choice “a” is incorrect. Computer science and data skills are a requirement for data science. Large quantities of data need to be collected, transmitted from place to place, compiled, stored and organized for later reference and manipulation. This requires an array of computer hardware and software products and skills to perform. Choice “c” is incorrect. Math and statistics proficiency is needed to build reliable methods of analyzing data to produce valid interpretations. Choice “d” is incorrect. A data science team needs members with substantive expertise in the business where the data analysis is to be applied. This expertise is the framework within which the analysis is interpreted to form conclusions, make decisions and inform recommended choices. 11-17 Choice “d” is correct. Data scientists produce and refine data analytics models against data. The analyst seeks to explain what is happening in the data and to produces a model that does so. This has the inherent risk of producing a model that explains this particular data very well, at the expense of being able to explain general data about a specific topic, which is the goal. After developing several candidate models, the data scientist tests the model against a different set of data about the same topic, where the actual outcomes are already known. In this way, the general appropriateness of the models can be judged by the correctness of their predictions. Choice “a” is incorrect. This is concurrent validation, a concept that is part of process validation. It is used during the execution of the process to monitor the states of all relevant variables and make sure the process is executing as designed. Choice “b” is incorrect. This is data validation, a concept from computer science. When input data is gathered, the analyst checks the data to make sure that the storage prepared for it is able to accept it, and that it is likely the data is intended to be input. Choice “c” is incorrect. This is retrospective validation, another concept which is part of process validation. It is used after the process is complete to make sure the process resulted in an output which is what the process was designed to create (and what the customer requested). 11-18 Choice “c” is correct. The steps in the data science framework detailed in the text are to first gain a business understanding of the problem. The context is to define the problem (usually a situation in which a decision must be made), including what data will be necessary to solve the problem (and make the most advantageous decision). For example, we know that some transactions are fraudulent, and our problem is to identify those as quickly and accurately as possible. The next steps are to obtain and explore the relevant data, and to prepare the data for analysis. The fourth step is to build a model. This is a likely point of confusion because other analytic techniques call for a model to be built before data is gathered, meaning that the analyst should describe the theory behind the concept being studied. Here, building a model means that the analyst should describe the data-driven technique for making the decision in the situation defined by our problem (fraud or not fraud). Evaluating the model therefore means using it on a set of test data and checking the accuracy of its predictions (did it correctly recommend flagging the transactions known to be fraudulent). After doing this the analyst visualize and communicate insights about the quality of the model. If the quality is appropriate to the situation, then the business deploys the model as part of its business processes- detecting fraud in this case. Choice “a” is incorrect. One cannot visualize and communicate insights about a model one has neither built nor tested. Neither is it convenient to define the problem as the last step in the process. Choice “b” Is incorrect. It is impossible to build a model to solve a problem before defining the problem. Deploying the model before testing is risky. Choice “d” is incorrect. Building, deploying and evaluating a model are impossible to do without data. 11-19 Choice “a” is correct. Decision trees are one of the simplest data analytics model types, but they can be quite powerful when they are constructed using proper methods. Only information that is available at the time of making a decision can be considered by the model, so that the model can function where it is deployed. Nodes can have two or more branches, although this is uncommon. A tree with more nodes is not necessarily better than one with fewer, often because larger trees often overfit the test data. The way to know which candidate decision tree is the best is not to check the statistical measurements of the model (like f-scores or t-values or p-values), but to run cross validation tests for all the candidates against a different set of data from the one used to construct the tree for which the actual results are known. The decision scientist and management accountant choose the model that makes the best predictions. Choice “b” is incorrect. Decision trees with many branches run the risk of very precisely subdividing the test data and making excellent predictions about the test data. These trees often perform less well than pruned trees on the cross-validation data. Choice “c” Is incorrect. If a decision tree uses information not available at the time of the decision in order to predict the outcome of that decision, then it is not modelling the situation in which it will be deployed and the model is not helpful to the decision maker. Choice “d” is incorrect. Fully built decision trees with pure nodes overfit the training data and do not perform well on the cross-validation and holdout data. They reduce bias but increase variance. 11-20 Choice “a” is correct. The process for building a decision tree has specific rules. The first branch is created by dividing the data set such that the two resulting rectangles have the greatest purity (a high ratio of one outcome such as fraud on one side and a high ratio of the opposite outcome on the other) possible. This is repeated to create additional branches until each resulting rectangle is pure and has only one outcome within it. This tree has low bias but high variance, that is, the predictions on different real-world data yield some good predictions and some bad ones. Pruning trees to various depths is one technique to balance the bias-variance tradeoff. Pruning introduces bias but it also reduces variance. At what point is the tradeoff optimal? It is difficult to determine this a priori. Data scientists and management accountants train different models pruned to different depths and choose the model with the highest predictive accuracy. Choice “b” is incorrect. Data scientists never use training data to choose a model. They only use training data to build different models. Choice “c” Is incorrect. Decision trees with pure bottom branches often overfit the test data and do not perform well on general data. Cross validation is necessary. Choice “d” is incorrect. A Gini impurity threshold set ahead of the analysis is not the method to produce the best decision trees. Going back to the data and cross validating is most effective. 11-21 (15 min.) Gini impurity. 1. There are 8 data points in this sample: 3 default loans and 5 repay loans. The diagram on the left identifies the optimal cut. The diagram on the right shows two alternatives that do not reduce Gini Impurity as much as the optimal cut. 2. Optimal Cut: At credit score = 650, the Gini impurity calculations for R1 and R2 are: 2 0 0 2 𝑅1: × + × = 0.0 2 2 2 2 1 5 5 1 10 𝑅2: × + × = = 0.278 6 6 6 6 36 Gini impurity for R1/R2 = 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑓 𝑜𝑏𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑅1 × 𝐺𝑖𝑛𝑖 𝑖𝑚𝑝𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑅1 + 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑓 𝑜𝑏𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑅2 × 𝐺𝑖𝑛𝑖 𝑖𝑚𝑝𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑅2 2 6 10 15 ×0+ × = = 0.208 8 8 36 72 Suboptimal Cuts: At credit score = 715 or income = $50,000 the resulting R1/R2 distributions were (R1) 2 repayers and (R2) 3 defaulters and 3 repayers. The Gini impurity calculations for R1 and R2 are: 2 0 0 2 𝑅1: × + × = 0.0 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 18 𝑅2: × + × = = 0.5 6 6 6 6 36 Gini impurity for R1/R2 = 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑓 𝑜𝑏𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑅1 × 𝐺𝑖𝑛𝑖 𝑖𝑚𝑝𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑅1 + 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑓 𝑜𝑏𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑅2 × 𝐺𝑖𝑛𝑖 𝑖𝑚𝑝𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑅2 2 6 1 6 ×0+ × = = 0.375 8 8 2 16 3. Default loans significantly hurt profitability because Boehm and Sons lose interest income and also the money they have loaned. Traditionally, bank officers have evaluated lenders based on their characteristics, purpose of the loan and experience and made judgments about loan repayment. Their goal---to avoid making loans to borrowers who they believe will have trouble repaying. Machine learning has automated this process. Using decision trees, senior managers predict default loans, allowing Boehm and Sons to focus their investments on repay loans and thereby increase profitability. 11-22 (15 min.) Gini impurity. 1. At credit score equals 650, the Gini impurity calculations for R1 and R2 are: 3 0 0 3 𝑅1: × + × = 0.0 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 1 6 𝑅2: × + × = = 0.375 4 4 4 4 16 Gini impurity for R1/R2 = 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑓 𝑜𝑏𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑅1 × 𝐺𝑖𝑛𝑖 𝑖𝑚𝑝𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑅1 + 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑓 𝑜𝑏𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑅2 × 𝐺𝑖𝑛𝑖 𝑖𝑚𝑝𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑅2 3 4 × 0.0 + × 0.375 = 0.2143 7 7 At income equals $70,000, the Gini impurity calculations for R1 and R2 are: 4 1 1 4 𝑅1: × + × = 0.32 5 5 5 5 0 2 2 0 6 𝑅2: × + × = = 0.0 2 2 2 2 16 Gini impurity for R1/R2 = 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑓 𝑜𝑏𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑅1 × 𝐺𝑖𝑛𝑖 𝑖𝑚𝑝𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑅1 + 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑓 𝑜𝑏𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑅2 × 𝐺𝑖𝑛𝑖 𝑖𝑚𝑝𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑅2 5 2 × 0.32 + × 0.0 = 0.2286 7 7 The two cuts have different Gini impurities, so Rech and her team are not correct that they are equivalent; the cut at credit score = 650 should be used as the first node of the decision tree. The intuition is that the credit score = 650 cut has more observations in the pure rectangle 3 (versus 2 observations in the pure rectangle when income = $70,000 is used to make the cut). 2. Gini impurity computations give Rech and her team insights about the value of the decision tree approach. Insignificant reductions in Gini impurity in the first few cuts, signal that decision trees will not be helpful in improving Donnelly Bank’s decision-making. Why? Because small reductions in Gini impurity mean that the algorithm is not able to separate default loans from repay loans---the decision tree model is not able to purify the sets (or rectangles) that determine default loans and repay loans. Significant reductions in Gini impurity mean that the cuts can help discriminate default loans from repay loans. 11-23 (15 min.) Decision trees. 1. If Credit Score <= 680 & Income <= $68,500 DEFAULT If 715 < Credit Score <= 743 DEFAULT If Credit Score <= 680 & Income > $68,500 REPAY If 680 < Credit Score <= 715 REPAY If Credit Score > 743 REPAY 2. i. DEFAULT ii. REPAY iii. REPAY iv. DEFAULT 3. Brown is correct that something appears to be wrong with the model; in cut 4, loans with a higher credit score (greater than 715) are classified as default, and loans with a lower credit score (less than 715) are classified as repay. This may indicate that the model is overfitting the training data. In this example, Brown’s business understanding helps him appreciate the limits of the model. Although cut 4 may reduce the Gini impurity, it contradicts Brown’s business experience and his knowledge of the economics of the company. Brown would alert the data science team to these anomalies and suggest that they consider other more important variables such as debt-toincome ratio. The data science team might also propose that they prune the decision tree to avoid overfitting. The predictions this model will make on real data have high variance, that is, the predictions on different real-world data will yield some good predictions and some bad ones. Consequently, the model will perform poorly when applied to new data, even though it seems to fit the training data more closely. Decision scientists build less-complex models with some bias in them (they do not fit the training data very well) because these models make predictions with less variance (the model does reasonably well across different data sets). Pruning trees to various depths is a technique to balance the bias-variance tradeoff. The greater the depth of a tree, the lower the bias but the higher the variance of the model because of overfitting. Pruning introduces bias but it also reduces variance. The data scientists and management accountants train different models and determine the model that captures most of the signal without overfitting to the noise. The goal is to choose a model that will work very well in predicting loans that default without incorrectly classifying many loans that repay as defaulting loans. 11-24 (15 min.) Decision trees. 1. If Number of Lines <= 1.5 LEAVE If 1.5 < Number of Lines <= 3.5 & Months <= 21.5 LEAVE If 1.5 < Number of Lines <= 3.5 & Months > 21.5 STAY If Number of Lines > 3.5 STAY 2. Actual Outcome Model Prediction (Full Tree) Observation Number of Lines Number of Months (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 2 1 4 3 3 5 1 3 13 23 20 21 27 19 25 21 23 Leave Stay Stay Stay Stay Leave Stay Stay Stay Leave Stay Leave Stay Stay Leave Stay Leave Stay 7/9 customers were correctly classified by the full tree. The model does reasonably well in predicting which customers will stay with TelMark and which customers will leave. 11-25 (15 min.) Decision trees and pruning. 1. Observation Number of Lines Number of Months Actual Outcome Model Prediction (Pruned Tree) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 2 1 4 3 3 5 1 3 13 23 20 21 27 19 25 21 23 Leave Stay Stay Stay Stay Leave Stay Stay Stay Stay Stay Leave Stay Stay Stay Stay Leave Stay 5/9 customers were correctly classified by the pruned tree. The model does a poor job of identifying which customers will leave and which customers will stay. 2. Sylvia should use the full tree, as this model had a higher accuracy on the validation set. A careful student will note that the pruned tree does not use income at all when predicting churn. If the number of lines is 2 or more, the pruned tree model predicts the customer will stay. If a customer has only 1 line, the pruned tree model predicts the customer will leave. As a result, of pruning, this model has a high bias because it is omitting an important signal---customer income. 3. Sylvia can use the model to advise management how to manage customer relationships to reduce churn. For example, Sylvia could recommend that TelMark offer deals to customers with only one phone line to get them to purchase additional lines, which the decision tree suggests would make them less likely to leave. She could also recommend offering discounts on the first 2 years of customers’ plans so that they are more likely to stay beyond the 21.5 month threshold. 11-26 (20 min.) 1. Maximum likelihood. Likelihood Value py × (1-p)1-y Observation Actual Outcome (y) Probability of Fraud (p) (1) (2) (3) (4) 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 (fraud) 0 (clean) 0 (clean) 0 (clean) 0 (clean) 0 (clean) 0.45 0.30 0.01 0.99 0.70 0.01 0.45 0.70 0.99 0.01 0.30 0.99 2. Overall likelihood value = 0.45 * 0.70 * 0.99 * 0.01 * 0.30 * 0.99 = 0.0009 3. The overall likelihood value is very low. A low likelihood value indicates that the model’s prediction probabilities across all observations are not close to the actual prediction probabilities of fraudulent activities within customers’ accounts. Consequently, it would probably not be useful for decision-making. Consider, for example, customers 4 and 5. There is no fraudulent activity within these customers’ accounts. However, the model predicts high probabilities 0.99 and 0.70 that there is fraudulent activity in these customers’ accounts. Norse Credit will likely often intervene in preventing these customers from doing transactions because the company is suspicious that there is fraudulent activity in these accounts when in fact there is not. Equally problematically, in one account with fraudulent activity (customer 1), the model assesses a low probability (0.45) that there is fraudulent activity resulting in poor monitoring of this customer’s account and fraud-related losses. Both types of problems will likely result in customers leaving Norse Credit. 4. Observation Actual Outcome (y) Probability of Fraud (p) (1) (2) (3) 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 (fraud) 0 (clean) 0 (clean) 0 (clean) 0 (clean) 0 (clean) 0.99 0.20 0.33 0.01 0.01 0.01 Likelihood Value py × (1-p)1-y Overall likelihood = 0.99 * 0.80 * 0.67 * 0.99 * 0.99 * 0.99 = 0.5149 0.99 0.80 0.67 0.99 0.99 0.99 The overall likelihood of the new model is significantly higher than the original model, so the new model has more prediction power. For all five customers where there is no fraudulent activity, the model predicts a probability of fraud less than or equal to 0.33. For customer 1 where there is fraud activity, the model predicts a probability of fraud of 0.99. Customers will be far more satisfied and feel more secure if Norse Credit protects fraudulent activity in their accounts and does not incorrectly stop non-fraudulent customer transactions. 11-27 (15 min.) Receiver-Operating-Characteristic (ROC) curve. 1. Because Curve 3 represents a model that allows for an increase in the true positive rate without a significant increase in the false positive rate, it is the curve (and model) that would be most useful for a management accountant. The management accountant can choose a cutoff value that yields a high true positive rate (greater than 0.80) while keeping the false positive rate small (below 0.10). In the example of identifying default loans, this cutoff would correctly identify over 80% of default loans while only incorrectly identifying a very small number of repay loans as default loans. The exact cutoff would depend on the payoff matrix but the ROC curve 3 suggests that the model is very useful for making business decisions. Model 2 and 3 would be less useful for business decisions because in identifying true positives, the decision maker must accept a large number of false positives. 2. The straight-line ROC curve 1 indicates that as the percentage of true positives identified by the model (default loans, for example) increases, the percentage of false positives increases at the same rate. The model is not discriminating enough in identifying true positives. In other words, it is equally likely that the model will classify an observation as a true positive as it will classify the observation as a false positive. This means that the straight-line ROC curve represents a model that performs as well as random guessing. 11-28 (20 – 25 min.) Confusion matrices, payoff matrix, and choosing cut off values. 1. Confusion Matrix (0.70) Predicted NonBuyers Buyers Actual Buyers Actual NonBuyers Confusion Matrix (0.30) Predicted Total Buyers Non-Buyers Total 20 80 100 90 10 100 100 800 900 660 240 900 120 880 1,000 750 250 1,000 2. Payoff Matrix Actual Buyers NonBuyers Predicted NonBuyers Buyers $200 $0 −$20 $0 Total payoff at cutoff = 0.70: $200(20) - $20(100) + $0(80) + $0(800) = $2,000 Total payoff at cutoff = 0.30: $200(90) - $20(660) + $0(10) + $0(240) = $4,800 SunTV should use a cutoff of 0.30 because the total payoff is higher based on the validation set. Sun TV gains $14,000 ($200 × 70) from the 70 (90 − 20) additional customers by marketing aggressively. The more aggressive marketing campaign costs it $11,200 ($20 × 560) from marketing to 560 (660 – 100) additional customers. This results in an increase in profit of $2,800 ($14,000 − $11,200). 3. Before building such a model, SunTV should consider the potential side effects of marketing too aggressively. If the company’s marketing efforts irritate or offend interested customers, they may turn those customers away leading to lost sales. SunTV could use pilot studies to evaluate the side effects of different marketing strategies. If Sun could target customers more accurately, it may be able to offer better promotions to attract the smart TV customers. They could then spend their marketing dollars on the smart TV customer segment they want to attract rather than wasting marketing dollars on customers who are not interested in buying smart TVs. 11-29 (20 min.) 1. Model thresholds and payoff matrices. Payoff Matrix Actual 2. Low Quality Acceptable Quality Predicted Low Acceptable Quality Quality $0.04 −$1.05 $0.04 $0.30 Total payoff at cutoff = 0.30: $0.04(130) - $1.05(20) + $0.04(230) + $0.30(620) = $179.40 Total payoff at cutoff = 0.50: $0.04(100) - $1.05(50) + $0.04(120) + $0.30(730) = $175.30 The data science team should use a cutoff of 0.30 because the total payoff is higher than when using a cutoff of 0.50. At this cutoff, however, Blanda Brothers is being very conservative. It is only supplying apples when the predicted probability of it being a low-quality apple is below 0.30. As a result, it is classifying 230 acceptable quality apples as being of low quality and selling them at a profit of $0.04 rather than at a profit of $0.30. Cindy Hansen should carefully evaluate the payoff matrix since small changes in these payoffs could change the cutoff. More importantly, Cindy should evaluate whether Blanda Brothers can improve the algorithm it is using to reduce the number of false positives and false negatives. She would then be able to better separate the low-quality apples from the acceptable quality apples and not sell so many acceptable quality apples as low quality apples to apple processors. 11-30 (20 min.) 1. Model thresholds and payoff matrices (continuation of 11-24). Payoff Matrix Actual Low Quality Acceptable Quality Predicted Low Acceptable Quality Quality $0.04 −$0.75 $0.04 $0.30 Total payoff at cutoff = 0.30: $0.04(130) - $0.75(20) + $0.04(230) + $0.30(620) = $185.40 Total payoff at cutoff = 0.50: $0.04(100) - $0.75(50) + $0.04(120) + $0.30(730) = $190.30 Under the lower cost of $0.75 for supplying low quality apples as good quality apples to stores, the optimal model cutoff changes from 0.30 in the previous problem to 0.50. Blanda Brothers is willing to supply more apples and take more risk. It is now willing to supply apples when the predicted probability of it being a low-quality apple is below 0.50 rather than below 0.30 in Exercise 11-29. It now supplies 780 apples to stores rather than the 640 apples in Exercise 11-29. Of these 780 apples, 50 (as compared to 20 in Exercise 11-29) are poor quality apples and has a cost of $0.75 per apple. But it also supplies 730 (as compared to 620 goodquality apples in Exercise 11-29) with each apple netting a $0.30 profit. The lower cost (penalty) of supplying a low-quality apple to stores allows Blanda to be more aggressive. 2. As this problem illustrates, an understanding of the costs and benefits of each outcome is critical to determine which model cut off is optimal. It is vital for the management accountant to carefully understand the economics of the business and share this information with the data science team. Without this perspective, the data science team will likely choose a model cut off that does not correctly balance the payoffs for each outcome. At the same time, the management accountant needs to have a good understanding of the data science model to judge the level of false positives and false negatives at each cutoff value. This allows the management accountant to gauge the power of the model in making decisions. If the model is not very good, the management accountant needs to assess the risks of using it. For example, if Cindy has concerns that supplying poor-quality apples to stores risks negative long-run consequences, she may not want to be aggressive in marketing more apples to the stores if the model’s predictive power is not very good. However, if the risks of using the model are not very great, Cindy may be more comfortable being aggressive in her marketing even if the model has weak predictive power. Problems 11-31 (15 min.) Thinking through the data. 1. In machine learning models, it is often better to obtain data that are more recent because conditions may have changed. Machine learning relies on the past being a good predictor of the future and more recent data often leads to better predictions. Collecting more data is, however, costly. James must exercise judgement in evaluating the costs and benefits of updating a data set. What should Keebler-Olson do with the older data? More data is always better provided it is still useful for making future predictions. James must evaluate whether the economic conditions in 2015 are similar to those in 2019. In this case, James believes they are so he suggests using the data from before 2015 through 2019 to build and validate the model. He cautions against using any data that may be available from before the global financial crisis that affected the economy from 2008 through 2010 because these conditions are not representative of what Keebler-Olson anticipates it will face in 2020. James might also propose that the data scientists run tests to check if the post-2015 data have similar characteristics to the pre-2015 data. 2. Information about the actual performance of a loan after making the loan will not be available to James when he is predicting whether a loan will default or repay in the future. James should only use information available at the time of making the loan such as credit score, income, debt-to-income ratio, size of loan, purpose of loan etc.. He should not include any information about repayments, loan restructuring, delayed repayments, hardship plans etc. in the model that occurs after the loan is made. This is an example of target leakage. It will make the model appear to explain the data very well when in fact, this is occurring because the model is using information about the actual performance of the loan over time. 11-32 (20-25 min.) Decision trees. 1. If Credit Score <= 675 and Income <= $70,000 DEFAULT If Credit Score > 675 and $55,000 < Income <= $60,000 DEFAULT If Credit Score <= 675 and Income > $70,000 REPAY If Credit Score > 675 and Income > $60,000 REPAY If Credit Score > 675 and Income <= $55,000 REPAY 2. Observation Income Credit Score Actual Outcome Model Prediction (Full Tree) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 $85,000 $62,000 $72,000 $75,000 $71,000 $59,000 $48,000 $57,000 710 650 660 640 680 705 690 685 (0) Repay (1) Default (0) Repay (0) Repay (0) Repay (0) Repay (1) Default (0) Repay (0) Repay (1) Default (0) Repay (0) Repay (0) Repay (1) Default (0) Repay (1) Default 5/8 loans were correctly classified by the full tree. Predicting only 62.5% (5/8) correctly indicates that the model is not performing well. 3. James notices that at a depth of 3, loans with a higher income (greater than $55,000) are predicted to default and loans with a lower income (less than $55,000) are predicted to repay. James believes that this may be the result of the model overfitting to some peculiarities (errors or random occurrences) in the training sample. To address the issue of overfitting, James should propose pruning the tree at a depth of 3. Why? Because the predictions this model will make on real data will have high variance, that is, the predictions on different real-world data will yield some good predictions and some bad ones. Consequently, the model will perform poorly when applied to new data, even though it seems to fit the training data well. Less-complex models with some bias in them (they do not fit the training data very well) have lower variance in their predictions (the model does reasonably well across different data sets). Pruning trees is a technique to balance the bias-variance tradeoff. The greater the depth of a tree, the lower the bias but the higher the variance of the model because of overfitting. Pruning introduces bias but it also reduces variance. The goal is to identify a model that captures most of the signal without overfitting to the noise. Such a model will do a good job of predicting loans that default without incorrectly classifying too many loans that repay as defaulting loans. 11-33 (20-25 min.) 1. Decision trees and pruning (continuation of 11-32). Observation Income Credit Score Actual Outcome Model Prediction (Pruned Tree) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 $85,000 $62,000 $72,000 $75,000 $71,000 $59,000 $48,000 $57,000 710 650 660 640 680 705 690 685 (0) Repay (1) Default (0) Repay (0) Repay (0) Repay (0) Repay (1) Default (0) Repay (0) Repay (1) Default (0) Repay (0) Repay (0) Repay (0) Repay (0) Repay (0) Repay 7/8 loans were correctly classified by the pruned tree. 2. James should use the pruned tree because this model has a higher accuracy on the validation set. The pruned tree does much better than the full tree in predicting default and repay loans. Although pruning introduces bias compared to the full tree, there is less overfitting and consequently lower variance. 3. James would need to explain the bias-variance tradeoff to the preident. Building complex models reduces bias but also risks overfitting the model to noise or peculiarities in the training data. The predictions these models make on real data have high variance, that is, the predictions on different real-world data yield some good predictions and some bad ones. Consequently, the model would perform poorly when applied to new data, even though it seems to fit the training data more closely. Decision scientists build less-complex models with some bias in them (they do not fit the training data very well) because these models make predictions with less variance (the model does reasonably well across different data sets). Pruning trees to various depths is one technique to balance the bias-variance tradeoff. The greater the depth of a tree, the lower the bias but the higher the variance of the model because of overfitting. Pruning introduces bias but it also reduces variance. At what point is the tradeoff optimal? It is difficult to determine this a priori. The data scientists and management accountants train different models and determine the model that captures most of the signal without overfitting to the noise. This model will work very well in predicting loans that will default without incorrectly classifying too many repay loans as default loans. 11-34 (35-40 min.) Calculate likelihood values (continuation of 11-32 and 11-33). 1. For Full Tree Likelihood Value py × (1-p)1-y For Pruned Tree Probability of Default (p) Likelihood Value py × (1-p)1-y Observation Income Credit Score Actual Outcome (y) Probability of Default (p) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 $85,000 $62,000 $72,000 $75,000 $71,000 $59,000 $48,000 $57,000 710 650 660 640 680 705 690 685 (0) Repay (1) Default (0) Repay (0) Repay (0) Repay (0) Repay (1) Default (0) Repay 0.01 0.99 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.99 0.01 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.99 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.67 0.33 0.67 2. Overall likelihood value of full tree = 0.99 * 0.99 * 0.99 * 0.99 * 0.99 * 0.01 * 0.01 * 0.01 = 9.5099E-7 Overall likelihood value of pruned tree = 0.99 * 0.99 * 0.01 * 0.99 * 0.67 * 0.99 * 0.33 * 0.67 = 0.1409 The overall likelihood value for the pruned tree is good but the overall likelihood value for the full tree is very small. 3. James would be comfortable using the pruned tree model to make predictions but would not want to use the full tree model. This is consistent with the conclusion in Problem 11-33, requirement 2 when evaluating the tree based only on the proportion of correctly classified observations. The likelihood value of the pruned tree is larger because it makes better predictions for the last three observations (6, 7, 8) in the validation sample. The better predictions are because pruning reduces overfitting the model to special features of the training data that adds noise to the predictions. 11-35 (25min.) Payoff matrix and choosing cut off values (continuation of 11-32, 11-33, and 11-34). 1. Payoff Matrix Predicted Default Repay Actual Default Actual Repay $14 -$60 $14 $48 2. Confusion Matrix (0.5) Predicted Default Repay Actual Default Actual Repay 3. Confusion Matrix (0.25) Predicted Default Repay 1 1 2 0 0 6 2 4 Total payoff at cutoff = 0.5: $14(1) - $60(1) + $14(0) + $48(6) = $242 Total payoff at cutoff = 0.25: $14(2) - $60(0) + $14(2) + $48(4) = $248 James should use a cutoff of 0.25 because it results in a higher total payoff on the validation set. This means that James classifies any loan with a probability of default greater than 0.25 as a default loan. Keebler-Olson only makes loans when the probability of default is less than 0.25. At this cutoff, however, Keebler-Olson is being very conservative. It classifies 2 repay loans as being default loans and invests in the alternative investment yielding $14 instead of earning $48 if it had made the loan. It does so because choosing this lower cutoff avoids the false negative of lending to loan 7, which defaults and costs Keebler-Olson $60. James should carefully evaluate the payoff matrix since small changes in these payoffs could change the cutoff. More importantly, James should evaluate whether Keebler-Olson can improve the algorithm it is using to reduce the number of false positives and false negatives. He would then be able to better separate the default loans from the repay loans and not forgo investing in repay loans that yield a high payoff. 11-36 (30-35 min.) Maximum likelihood. 1. Observation # Model Probability (p) Actual Outcome (y) Likelihood 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0.99 0.01 0.33 0.20 0.01 0.33 0.33 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0.99 0.99 0.33 0.80 0.99 0.67 0.67 2. Overall likelihood = 0.99 * 0.99 * 0.33 * 0.80 * 0.99 * 0.67 * 0.67 = 0.1150 3. Turcotte’s prediction model takes into account various operating parameters of the machines used to make brake pads and details from inspecting the product to predict whether there are latent defects in the brake pads. The re-inspection machines then do more rigorous lighting and abrasion tests to check if the brake pads are defective. The overall likelihood value for this model is reasonably high. This indicates that the model does well in predicting those brake pads that are defective from those brake pads that are working. Consequently, it has the potential to improve decision-making at Turcotte. It will help Turcotte to not ship defective brake pads to customers and thereby improve customer satisfaction with the potential to gain future customer business. Sarah might also want to explore if reducing defective brake pads to the customer reduces customers’ costs as well, creating a win-win situation. Turcotte would also benefit from reducing re-inspection costs. Seeing the value of this prediction model, Sarah may want to encourage the data science team to improve the model itself, while also working to reduce the cost of re-inspection. The next task would be develop a payoff matrix and choose a cutoff value for deciding whether to release a brake pad to Turcotte’s customers. 11-37 (30-35 min.) Payoff matrix and choosing cut off values (continuation of 11-36). 1. Payoff Matrix Predicted Defective Working Actual Defective Actual Working $5 -$50 $17 $25 2. Confusion Matrix (0.50) Predicted Actual Defective Actual Working 3. Confusion Matrix (0.30) Predicted Defective Working Defective Working 1 1 2 0 0 5 2 3 Total payoff at cutoff = 0.50: $5(1) - $50(1) + $17(0) + $25(5) = $80 Total payoff at cutoff = 0.30: $5(2) - $50(0) + $17(2) + $25(3) = $119 Sarah should use a cutoff of 0.30 because it results in a higher total payoff on the validation set. This means that Turcotte classifies any brake pads with a probability of being defective greater than 0.30 as a defective brake pad and re-inspects it. Turcotte is being very conservative. It only ships brake pads when the probability of being defective is less than 0.30. The benefit of the lower cutoff is that it avoids the false negative of shipping brake pad 3 as a working brake pad when it is defective, costing Turcotte $50. The cost of this conservatism is that 2 brake pads that are actually working well (brake pads 6 and 7) have to incur the cost of reinspection. This is still worthwhile doing because the re-inspection costs of $8 are small relative to the loss from shipping a defective brake pad. Sarah should evaluate whether Turcotte Manufacturing can improve the algorithm it is using to reduce the number of false positives and false negatives. She would then be able to better separate the defective brake pads from the working brake pads and not incur unnecessary additional advanced re-inspection costs. 4. Let the net loss from shipping a defective brake pad to a customer be $X. The payoff at cutoff = 0.50: $5(1) - $X(1) + $17(0) + $25(5) The payoff at cutoff = 0.30 = $5(2) - $X(0) + $17(2) + $25(3) = $119 To find the point of indifference between these cutoff values we set these payoff to be the same. So $5(1) - $X(1) + $17(0) + $25(5) = $5(2) - $X(0) + $17(2) + $25(3) = $119 $130 – X = $119 X = $11 If the net loss from supplying a defective brake pad to a customer is less than $11, Turcotte Manufacturing would choose a cutoff of 0.50. For this to occur the cost of supplying a defective brake pad would need to decrease by nearly $40, an unlikely outcome. The sensitivity analysis indicates to Sarah that under the current manufacturing process, being more conservative is the correct strategy. The key insight is the ratio of re-inspection costs versus shipping a defective product. When re-inspection costs ($8) is low relative to the loss from shipping products ($50), Turcotte is better off being conservative. 11-38 (45 min.) Receiver-Operating-Characteristic (ROC) curve. 1. Predicted Probability of Household Having Kids Ranked from Highest to Lowest 0.95 0.55 0.33 0.01 Cumulative Number of Households With No Kids Cumulative Number of Households With Kids False Positive Rate (x-axis) True Positive Rate (y-axis) 0 30 0 0.30 135 585 900 50 90 100 0.15 0.65 1.00 0.50 0.90 1.00 2. This ROC curve reflects a significant improvement over the baseline 45-degree line. Ideally, ROC curves would move up along the y-axis indicating an increase in the true positive rate without a significant increase in the false positive rate. These ROC curves are most useful to the management accountant. The ROC curve here is not that good but it appears to be good enough for decision-making. The management accountant can choose a cutoff value that yields a high true positive rate (0.50, say) while keeping the false positive rate small (0.15). In this example, this cutoff would correctly identify over 50% of households with kids entering school for the first time while only incorrectly identifying a very small number of households with no such kids as households who have kids entering school for the first time. The exact cutoff would depend on the payoff matrix 3. Confusion Matrix (0.50) Predicted Kids No Kids Actual Kids Actual No Kids Confusion Matrix (0.25) Predicted Kids No Kids 50 50 90 10 135 765 585 315 4. Payoff Matrix Predicted Kids No Kids Actual Kids Actual No Kids $25 $10 −$2 $0 Total payoff at cutoff = 0.50: $25(50) + $10(50) - $2(135) + $0(765) = $1,480 Total payoff at cutoff = 0.25: $25(90) + $10(10) - $2(585) + $0(315) = $1,180 Caitlin should use a cutoff of 0.50 because it results in a higher total payoff on the validation set. She only markets to those households that the model assesses a probability of having kids going to school for the first time of greater than 0.50. The benefit of the higher cutoff is that it avoids the false positive of sending marketing materials to too many households that do not have kids going to school for the first time. At this cutoff, Stapleton is being conservative and only seeking to attract 50 of the 100 households that have kids going to school for the first time. The cost of this conservatism is that she does not identify more households with kids going to school for the first time. This is still worthwhile doing because if she tries to attract more households with kids going to school for the first time, Stapleton will spend a lot more money marketing to several households that do not have kids going to school for the first time. Sarah should evaluate whether Stapleton can improve the algorithm it is using to reduce the number of false positives and false negatives. She would then be able to better separate households with kids going to school for the first time from households that do not have kids going to school for the first time and not incur unnecessary additional marketing costs. 5. Stapleton might be willing to lower the cutoff and market to more households if the cost of a false positive (-$2) is small relative to the benefit of identifying a true positive which in this example is $15 ($25 − $10). For example, if the gain from identifying a true positive were $25, Stapleton would be willing to accept a relatively high rate of false positives because the costs will be outweighed by the benefits of more true positives. 11-39 (25 min.) Model thresholds and payoff matrices. 1. Confusion Matrix Confusion Matrix (0.40) (0.55) Predicted Predicted Default Repay Total Default Repay Actual 50 10 60 40 20 Default Actual 200 140 340 120 220 Repay 250 150 400 160 240 Total 60 340 400 2. Payoff Matrix Predicted Default Repay Actual Default Actual Repay $90 -$650 $90 $300 Total payoff at cutoff = 0.40: $90(50) - $650(10) + $90(200) + $300(140) = $58,000 Total payoff at cutoff = 0.55: $90(40) - $650(20) + $90(120) + $300(220) = $67,400 David should use a cutoff of 0.55 because it results in a higher total payoff on the validation set. At this cutoff, Spruce Bank is being aggressive and making loans whenever the cutoff probability of default is below 0.55 rather than making loans when the cutoff probability of default is below 0.40. It is willing to take this greater risk because it can make 80 (220 – 140) more loans that will repay even though it will make 10 (20 – 10) more loans that will default. David should evaluate whether Spruce Bank can improve the algorithm it is using to reduce the number of false positives and false negatives. He would then be able to better separate repay loans from default loans and not incur losses from loans that are predicted to repay but that actually default. 11-40 (15 min.) Model thresholds and payoff matrices, sensitivity analysis (continuation of 11-39). 1. Worst case payoff at cutoff = 0.40: $90(50) - $750(10) + $90(200) + $300(140) = $57,000 Worst case payoff at cutoff = 0.55: $90(40) - $750(20) + $90(120) + $300(220) = $65,400 Best case payoff at cutoff = 0.40: $90(50) - $550(10) + $90(200) + $300(140) = $59,000 Best case payoff at cutoff = 0.55: $90(40) - $550(20) + $90(120) + $300(220) = $69,400 2. The analysis shows that under both the worst and best-case payoff scenarios, David should use a cutoff of 0.55 because it results in a higher total payoff on the validation set. These sensitivity analyses give David confidence that errors in estimating the loss on default loans does not affect his decision to be aggressive in lending decisions. TRY IT ANSWERS ANSWER: Try It 11-1 a. Gini Impurity at Cut 1 At level of machine automation equals 1.95, the Gini impurity calculations for R1 and R2 are: 𝑅1: 𝑅2: 2 2 7 7 2 7 7 2 28 × (1 − ) + × (1 − ) = × + × = 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 81 6 6 1 1 6 1 1 6 12 × (1 − ) + × (1 − ) = × + × = 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 49 Weighted average Gini impurity for R1 and R2 = 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑓 𝑜𝑏𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑅1 × 𝐺𝑖𝑛𝑖 𝑖𝑚𝑝𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑅1 + 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑓 𝑜𝑏𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑅2 × 𝐺𝑖𝑛𝑖 𝑖𝑚𝑝𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑅2 9 28 7 12 7 3 × + × = + = 0.302 16 81 16 49 36 28 b. No other first cut on the experience or automation dimension has fewer than three misclassifications. No cut creates a greater reduction in Gini impurity. c. Although not required by the Try It problem, we present a diagram showing all the cuts to build out a full decision tree. ANSWER: Try It 11-2 The rules for classifying a product as a defect for the decision tree pruned to depth 4 are: If automation < 1.95 and experience < 18, then classify the product as defective with probability 1. If 1.95 < automation < 2.5 and experience > 6.25, then classify the product as defective with probability 1/3. If automation > 1.95 and experience < 6.25, then classify the product as defective with probability 1. In all other cases, classify the product as a good (non-defective) product. ANSWER: Try It 11-3 1. and 2. In the table below see columns 5 and 6. 3. Overall likelihood value = 0.09344 Table Likelihood Value of Predictions for Pruned Decision Tree in Validation Sample Actual Likelihood Years of Level of Experience Automation (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 1 9 3.5 0 (Good) 0.01 0.99 2 15 1.5 1 (Defect) 0.99 0.99 3 10 2.25 0 (Good) 0.33 0.67 4 11 2.1 1 (Defect) 0.33 0.33 5 12 2.6 0 (Good) 0.01 0.99 6 19 1.7 0 (Good) 0.01 0.99 7 8.5 2.3 0 (Good) 0.33 0.67 8 11 3.4 0 (Good) 0.01 0.99 9 10 3.2 0 (Good) 0.01 0.99 10 11.5 2.3 0 (Good) 0.33 0.67 Observation Probability of Outcome Defect (p) Value py × (1-p)1-y (y) Overall likelihood value Lp = 0.09344 Lp = 0.996 × 0.673 × 0.33 = 0.09344 Observation # 1 Automation Level 3.5 9 Years’ Experience 0 Actual Outcome 0.01 Prob. of Defect Likelihood Value 0.99 2 1.5 15 3 2.25 10 4 2.1 11 5 2.6 12 6 1.7 19 7 2.3 8.5 8 3.4 11 9 3.2 10 10 2.3 11.5 1 0.99 0.99 0 0.33 0.67 1 0.33 0.33 0 0.01 0.99 0 0.01 0.99 0 0.33 0.67 0 0 0.01 0.01 0.99 0.99 0 0.33 0.67 ANSWER: Try It 11-4 a. and b. The following tables show the confusion matrix at the defective probability cut-off of 0.30 and 0.50 and the payoff matrix are shown in the following tables: Defect Actual Good Confusion Matrix (0.30) Predicted Confusion Matrix (0.50) Predicted Defect Good Defect Good Defect Good (A) 2 (Y) 3 (Z) 0 (B) 5 (A) 1 (Y) 0 (Z) 1 (B) 8 (A) $40 (Y) $40 (Z) $(300) (B) $200 Payoff Matrix Predicted c. As the following tables and calculations show, Wyatt should set the defective probability cutoff at 0.50 to maximize profitability. Wyatt gets a return of $1,340 when the defective probability cut-off is set at 0.50 versus a return of $1,200 when the defective probability cutoff is set at 0.30. What is the insight underlying this result? Lowering the defective probability cutoff to 0.30 means that Wyatt will only make SB171 when the probability of a defective product is lower than 0.30. Setting the cutoff so low means it will not produce a defective SB171 but it also means that it will not produce three good SB171s (false positives). The money lost from not producing SB171s when they should have been produced is much more than the cost of producing one more defective SB171. The tables below show the payoffs in each of the quadrants obtained by multiplying the observations in the confusion matrix with the corresponding values in the payoff matrix. The total payoff is the sum of the values in all four quadrants. Defect Actual Good Payoff Values (0.30) Payoff Values (0.50) Predicted Predicted Defect Good Defect Good (A) $80 (Y) $120 (Z) $0 (B) $1,000 (A) $40 (Y) $0 (Z) $(300) (B) $1,600 $1,200 Total $1,340 Total The calculations are the same as those in the preceding table, just presented differently. Each number in parentheses is the product of the numbers in the confusion matrix and the corresponding values in the payoff matrix. If the defective probability cutoff is set at 0.30, the payoff is = (2 × $40) + (0 × -$300) + (3 × $40) + (5 × $200) = $80 + $0 + $120 + $1,000 = $1,200 If the defective probability cutoff is set at 0.50, the payoff is = (1 × $40) + (1 × -$300) + (0 × $40) + (8 × $200) = $40 - $300 + $0 + $1,600 = $1,340 CHAPTER 12 DECISION MAKING AND RELEVANT INFORMATION 12-1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The five steps in the decision process outlined in Exhibit 12-1 of the text are Identify the problem and uncertainties. Obtain information. Make predictions about the future. Make decisions by choosing among alternatives. Implement the decision, evaluate performance, and learn. 12-2 Relevant costs are expected future costs that differ among the alternative courses of action being considered. Historical costs are irrelevant because they are past costs and, therefore, cannot differ among alternative future courses of action. 12-3 This is a type of decision that involves accepting or rejecting special orders when there is idle production capacity and the special orders have no long-run implications. 12-4 Quantitative factors are outcomes that are measured in numerical terms. Some quantitative factors are financial––that is, they can be easily expressed in monetary terms. Direct materials are an example of a quantitative financial factor. Other quantitative nonfinancial factors, such as on-time flight arrivals, cannot be easily expressed in monetary terms. Qualitative factors are outcomes that are difficult to measure accurately in numerical terms. An example is employee morale. 12-5 Decision making is concerned with the future and with the choice between alternatives. Relevant information for decision making is concerned with future costs and revenues that will alter as a result of a decision. Managers use their deep understanding of costs to make decisions. They gather information about financial markets, consumer preferences, and economic trends before determining whether to offer new services to customers. 12-6 No. Some variable costs may not differ among the alternatives under consideration and, hence, will be irrelevant. Some fixed costs may differ among the alternatives and, hence, will be relevant. 12-7 No. Some of the total manufacturing cost per unit of a product may be fixed and, hence, will not differ between the make and buy alternatives. These fixed costs are irrelevant to the make-or-buy decision. The key comparison is between purchase costs and the costs that will be saved if the company purchases the component parts from outside plus the additional benefits of using the resources freed up in the next best alternative use (opportunity cost). Furthermore, managers should consider nonfinancial factors such as quality and timely delivery when making outsourcing decisions. 12-8 Opportunity cost is the contribution to income that is forgone (rejected) by not using a limited resource in its next-best alternative use. 12-1 12-9 No. When deciding on the quantity of inventory to buy, managers must consider both the purchase cost per unit and the opportunity cost of funds invested in the inventory. For example, the purchase cost per unit may be low when the quantity of inventory purchased is large, but the benefit of the lower cost may be more than offset by the high opportunity cost of the funds invested in acquiring and holding inventory. 12-10 No. Managers should aim to get the highest contribution margin per unit of the constraining (that is, scarce, limiting, or critical) factor. The constraining factor is what restricts or limits the production or sale of a given product (for example, availability of machine-hours). 12-11 No. For example, if the revenues that will be lost exceed the costs that will be saved, the branch or business segment should not be shut down. Shutting down will only increase the loss. Allocated costs and fixed costs that will not be saved are irrelevant to the shut-down decision. 12-12 Cost written off as depreciation is irrelevant when it pertains to a past cost such as equipment already purchased. But the purchase cost of new equipment to be acquired in the future that will then be written off as depreciation is often relevant. 12-13 No. Managers often favor the alternative that makes their performance look best, so they focus on the measures used in the performance-evaluation model. If the performance-evaluation model does not emphasize maximizing operating income or minimizing costs, managers will most likely not choose the alternative that maximizes operating income or minimizes costs. 12-14 The three steps in solving a linear programming problem are: (i) Determine the objective function. (ii) Specify the constraints. (iii) Compute the optimal solution. 12-15 The text outlines two methods of determining the optimal solution to an LP problem: (i) Trial-and-error approach (ii) Graphic approach Most LP applications in practice use standard software packages that rely on the simplex method to compute the optimal solution. 12-2 12-16 Choice ‘c’ is the correct option. If the project is initiated, the firm will forego the £80 rent that they could obtain. This is the opportunity cost of the workshop and is the value to be included in the project appraisal. Choice ‘a’ is incorrect. The recorded historical cost of £50 is inappropriate for the purpose. The opportunity cost has to be used in the assessment. Choice ‘b’ is incorrect. This has been obtained by deducting the £50 historical cost from the opportunity cost of £80. Choice‘d’ is incorrect. This has been obtained by adding the £80 opportunity cost to the historical cost of £50. 12-17 Choice‘d’ is correct. Qualitative factors such as quality, dependability, sensitivity of confidential of information held by the firm, and the availability of the technical know-how of the organization are all important considerations. All the options ‘a’- ‘c’ are relevant factors in ‘make-or-buy’ decisions. 12-18 Choice "d" is correct. If the selling price is greater than the variable cost per unit of the special order (at full capacity) plus the contribution margin per unit of the next best alternative (the opportunity cost), then the company will accept the special order. Choice "a" is incorrect. Variable costs have to be taken into account, in addition to the contribution margin of the next best alternative. Choice "b" is incorrect. The contribution margin of the next best alternative (rather than the special order) must be taken into account in order to determine whether to accept the special order. Choice "c" is incorrect. The variable costs of the special order (not the next best alternative) must be accounted for in this determination. 12-19 Choice "c" is correct. Whether to keep or drop a segment will depend on whether the contribution margin of the segment in question exceeds avoidable fixed costs (relevant costs that wouldn’t exist if the segment did not exist). Unavoidable fixed costs will be incurred regardless of whether or not the segment is kept, so they are not factored into the decision. Choice "a" is incorrect. Fixed costs need to be broken out between avoidable and unavoidable in order to make the determination as to whether to keep or drop a segment. Lees Corp. would only drop the segment if the contribution margin of the segment is less than the avoidable fixed (relevant) cost. Choice "b" is incorrect. The contribution margin needs to be compared to avoidable fixed costs in order to determine whether to keep or drop a segment. Choice "d" is incorrect. Unavoidable fixed costs will be incurred regardless, so contribution margin of the segment needs to be compared to the avoidable fixed costs as the key elements to determine whether to keep or drop a segment. 12-20 Choice "a" is correct. Sunk costs are not relevant since they were incurred in the past and cannot be recovered as a result of the company’s current decision. Variable costs are relevant as also any avoidable fixed costs associated with the decision. Opportunity cost is the cost of foregoing the next best alternative when making a decision. These costs are relevant since the company has alternative courses of action. Choice "b" is incorrect. Sunk costs are not relevant since they were incurred in the past and cannot be recovered as a result of the company’s current decision. 12-3 Choice "c" is incorrect. Opportunity cost is the cost of foregoing the next best alternative when making a decision. These costs are relevant since the company has alternative courses of action. Choice "d" is incorrect. Sunk costs are not relevant since they were incurred in the past and cannot be recovered as a result of the company’s current decision. Variable costs are relevant as also any avoidable fixed costs associated with the decision. 12-21 (15 min.) Relevant costing in a make-or-buy decision. 1. The decision should not be based by comparing the costs of training each guard dog at £20,820 with the price of £5,000 per guard dog offered by Billy Jack. The decision should be made by comparing the variable costs and the price from Billy Jack. The costs of the 60 trained guard dogs can be computed as: Total relevant costs (£) Make Buy Relevant items Purchase from Billy Jack (60 x £5,000) Relevant cost per dog (£) Make 300,000 Purchase of dogs (60 x £250) Wages (60 x £1850) Variable overhead costs (60 x £1,000) Buy 5,000 15,000 250 111,000 1,850 60,000 1,000 Total relevant costs 186,000 3,100 Difference in favour of training the guard dogs 114,000 1,900 Graham Douglas will save £1,900 per dog and a total of £114,000 if the business trains its own dogs rather than buying from Billy Jack. Managers have to consider quantitative, qualitative, and strategic consideration in makeor-buy decisions. They have to consider factors such as supplier’s reputation for quality and timely supply. They also have to consider the strategic effects of decision on other product lines of the company. 2. 12-4 12-22 (20 min.) Relevant and irrelevant costs. 1. Relevant costs Variable costs Avoidable fixed costs Purchase price Unit relevant cost Make Buy $190 10 ____ $200 $260 $260 DeCesare Computers should reject Peach’s offer. The $80 of fixed costs is irrelevant because it will be incurred regardless of this decision. When comparing relevant costs between the choices, Peach’s offer price is higher than the cost to continue to produce. 2. Cash operating costs (3 years) Current disposal value of old machine Cost of new machine Total relevant costs Keep $52,500 _ _____ $52,500 Replace $46,500 (2,200) 9,000 $53,300 Difference $6,000 2,200 (9,000) $ (800) LN Manufacturing should keep the old machine. The cost savings are less than the cost to purchase the new machine. 12-5 12-23 (15-20 min.) Relevant costing in an agricultural business. 1. Mahogany wood. Relevant cost:£2.70 per centimeter. The original purchase price is irrelevant and, as it is not intended to be purchased immediately, so is the current replenishment price. The relevant cost is the replenishment cost at the expected purchase time. Iroko wood. Relevant cost: £0.55 per centimeter. Once again, the historical purchase price is not relevant and as there is adequate stock for current needs, there is no question of replenishment. The only alternative use for the material is to sell at £0.55 per centimeter. Cedar wood. Relevant cost: £0.21 per centimeter. As the material will be replenished within a week, the current replenishment price is relevant. 2. It will be noted that the recorded historical cost, which is the cost for normal cost ascertainment purposes, is not the relevant figure in any of the above examples. This is typical in decision making and it means that care must be taken to ascertain the intended purpose for any cost which is supplied so that relevant information can be provided at all times. 12-6 12-24 1. (30 min.) Special order, activity-based costing. Direct materials cost per unit ($350,000 10,000 units) = $35 per unit Direct manufacturing labor cost per unit ($375,000 10,000 units) = $37.50 per unit Variable cost per batch = $500 per batch Gold Plus’s operating income under the alternatives of accepting/rejecting the special order are: Revenues Variable costs: Direct materials Direct manufacturing labor Batch manufacturing costs Fixed costs: Fixed manufacturing costs Fixed marketing costs Total costs Operating income Without OneWith OneTime Only Time Only Special Order Special Order 10,000 Units 11,000 Units $1,500,000 $1,600,000 Difference 1,000 Units $100,000 350,000 375,000 100,000 385,000 2 412,500 3 112,500 1 35,000 37,500 12,500 300,000 275,000 1,400,000 $ 100,000 300,000 275,000 1,485,000 $ 115,000 –– –– 85,000 $ 15,000 $350,000 + ($35 1,000 units) $375,000 + ($37.50 1,000 units) 3 $100,000 + ($500 25 batches) 1 2 Alternatively, we could calculate the incremental revenue and the incremental costs of the additional 1,000 units as follows: Incremental revenue $100 1,000 Incremental direct manufacturing costs Incremental direct manufacturing costs Incremental batch manufacturing costs Total incremental costs Total incremental operating income from accepting the special order $35 1,000 units $37.50 1,000 units $500 25 batches $100,000 35,000 37,500 12,500 85,000 $ 15,000 Gold Plus should accept the one-time-only special order if it has no long-term implications because accepting the order increases Gold Plus’s operating income by $15,000. If, however, accepting the special order would cause the regular customers to be dissatisfied or to demand lower prices, then Gold Plus will have to trade off the $15,000 gain from accepting the special order against the operating income it might lose from regular customers. 12-7 2. Gold Plus has a capacity of 10,500 medals. Therefore, if it accepts the special one-time order of 1,000 medals, it can sell only 9,500 medals instead of the 10,000 medals that it currently sells to existing customers. That is, by accepting the special order, Gold Plus must forgo sales of 500 medals to its regular customers. Alternatively, Gold Plus can reject the special order and continue to sell 9,500 medals to its regular customers. Gold Plus’ operating income from selling 9,500 medals to regular customers and 1,000 medals under one-time special order follow: 1 Revenues (9,500 $150) + (1,000 $100) Direct materials (9,500 $35) + (1,000 $35) Direct manufacturing labor (9,500 $37.50) + (1,000 $37.50) 1 Batch manufacturing costs (190 $500) + (25 $500) Fixed manufacturing costs Fixed marketing costs Total costs $1,525,000 367,500 393,750 107,500 300,000 275,000 1,443,750 Operating income $ 81,250 Gold Plus makes regular medals in batch sizes of 50. To produce 9,500 medals requires 190 (9,500 ÷ 50) batches. Accepting the special order will result in a decrease in operating income of $18,750 ($100,000 – $81,250). The special order should, therefore, be rejected. A more direct approach would be to focus on the incremental effects––the benefits of accepting the special order of 1,000 units versus the costs of selling 500 fewer units to regular customers. Increase in operating income from the 1,000-unit special order equals $15,000 (requirement 1). The loss in operating income from selling 500 fewer units to regular customers equals: Lost revenue, $150 500 Savings in direct materials costs, $35 500 Savings in direct manufacturing labor costs, $37.50 500 Savings in batch manufacturing costs, $500 10 Operating income lost $(75,000) 17,500 18,750 5,000 $(33,750) Accepting the special order will result in a decrease in operating income of $18,750 ($15,000 – $33,750). The special order should, therefore, be rejected. Note: Even if operating income had increased by accepting the special order, Gold Plus should consider the effect on its regular customers of accepting the special order. For example, would selling 1,000 fewer medals to its regular customers cause these customers to find new suppliers that might adversely impact Gold Plus’s business in the long run. 12-8 3. Gold Plus should not accept the special order. Increase in operating income by selling 1,000 units under the special order (requirement 1) Operating income lost from existing customers ($10 10,000) Net effect on operating income of accepting special order The special order should, therefore, be rejected. 12-9 $ 15,000 (100,000) $ (85,000) 12-25 (30 min.) Make versus buy, activity-based costing. 1. The expected manufacturing cost per unit of CMCBs in 2021 is as follows: Direct materials, $170 10,000 Direct manufacturing labor, $45 10,000 Variable batch manufacturing costs, $1,500 80 Fixed manufacturing costs Avoidable fixed manufacturing costs Unavoidable fixed manufacturing costs Total manufacturing costs Total Manufacturing Costs of CMCB (1) $1,700,000 450,000 120,000 Manufacturing Cost per Unit (2) = (1) ÷ 10,000 $170 45 12 320,000 800,000 $3,390,000 32 80 $339 2. The following table identifies the incremental costs in 2021 if Svenson (a) made CMCBs and (b) purchased CMCBs from Minton. Incremental Items Cost of purchasing CMCBs from Minton Direct materials Direct manufacturing labor Variable batch manufacturing costs Avoidable fixed manufacturing costs Total incremental costs Difference in favor of making Total Incremental Costs Make Buy $3,000,000 $1,700,000 450,000 120,000 320,000 $2,590,000 $3,000,000 $410,000 Per-Unit Incremental Costs Make Buy $300 $170 45 12 32 $259 $300 $41 Note that the opportunity cost of using capacity to make CMCBs is zero because Svenson would keep this capacity idle if it purchases CMCBs from Minton. Svenson should continue to manufacture the CMCBs internally because the incremental costs to manufacture are $259 per unit compared to the $300 per unit that Minton has quoted. Note that the unavoidable fixed manufacturing costs of $800,000 ($80 per unit) will continue to be incurred whether Svenson makes or buys CMCBs. These are not incremental costs under either the make or the buy alternative and,hence, are irrelevant. 12-10 3. Svenson should continue to make CMCBs. The simplest way to analyze this problem is to recognize that Svenson would prefer to keep any excess capacity idle rather than use it to make CB3s. Why? Because expected incremental future revenues from CB3s, $2,000,000, are less than expected incremental future costs, $2,150,000. If Svenson keeps its capacity idle, we know from requirement 2 that it should make CMCBs rather than buy them. An important point to note is that, because Svenson forgoes no contribution by not being able to make and sell CB3s, the opportunity cost of using its facilities to make CMCBs is zero. It is, therefore, not forgoing any profits by using the capacity to manufacture CMCBs. If it does not manufacture CMCBs, rather than lose money on CB3s, Svenson will keep capacity idle. A longer and more detailed approach is to use the total alternatives or opportunity cost analyses shown in Exhibit 12-7 of the chapter. Choices for Svenson Make CMCBs Buy CMCBs and Do Not and Make Relevant Items Make CB3s CB3s, if Profitable TOTAL-ALTERNATIVES APPROACH TO MAKE-OR-BUY DECISIONS Total incremental costs of making/buying CMCBs (from requirement 2) $2,590,000 $3,000,000 0 0 $2,590,000 $3,000,000 Because incremental future costs exceed incremental future revenues from CB3s, Svenson will make zero CB3s even if it buys CMCBs from Minton Total relevant costs Svenson will minimize manufacturing costs and maximize operating income by making CMCBs. OPPORTUNITY-COST APPROACH TO MAKE-OR-BUY DECISIONS Total incremental costs of making/buying CMCBs (from requirement 2) Opportunity cost: profit contribution forgone because capacity will not be used to make CB3s Total relevant costs $2,590,000 $3,000,000 0* $2,590,000 0 $3,000,000 *Opportunity cost is zerobecause Svenson does not give up anything by not making CB3s. Svenson is best off leaving the capacity idle (rather than manufacturing and selling CB3s). 12-11 12-26 (15 min.) Opportunity cost, make-or-buy decisions . Relevant items Outside purchase from Calwson (€50 x 18,000) Direct materials (€10 x 18,000) Direct labor (€12 x 18,000) Variable overhead(60% x €25 x 18,000) Opportunity cost Fixed manufacturing overhead reduction(€5 x 18,000) Total relevant cost Difference in favor of producing the electrical units Total relevant costs Make Buy €’000 €’000 900 180 216 270 50 90 806 94 Relevant cost per unit Make Buy € € 50 10 12 15 2.78 5 44.78 5.22 1. Oscar Ltd will save a total of €94,000 if the electrical units are manufactured by the company. Make decision is the best outcome. 2. The maximum acceptable purchase price to the management of Oscar Ltd will be the relevant cost of producing the electrical units internally which is €44.78. In a make-orbuy decision, managers have to consider the difference between the relevant manufacturing cost and the buying in price. 3. Oscar Ltd may consider the effect on their customers of buying the electrical units from their competitors. Knowing that the product was bought from a known competitor may undermine customers’ confidence. There is also the concern of quality of the product and whether the electrical units are of same standard as those produced by Oscar Ltd. They will also have to consider other factors such as: would it be a one-off purchase? Could the item or brand will not be regular should customers decide to buy more? 12-12 12-27 (20-25 min.) Short-run decision making, accept or reject decisions. . Alpha Cables Ltd Incremental analysis on Accept or Reject Special Order Decision € € Increase in Sales Revenue (€10.50 x 6,000) 63,000 Less: Incremental costs: Direct Materials (€6.25 x 6,000) 37,500 Direct Labor (€3.75 x 6,000) 22,500 60,000 Incremental Profit 3,000 1. Decision: As a result of the fact that the order will increase the total contribution of the organization by €3,000, then it should be accepted. It is however assumed that the special order will not involve any selling expenses. 2. Relevant Cost of Production per Unit: € 6.25 3.75 10.00 ==== Direct Materials Direct Labor TOTAL Decision: The management of Alpha Cables Ltdwill be willing to pay to an outside supplier the maximum price of €10.00 per unit representing the relevant cost of production to the organization. (iii) Short run pricing include pricing for a one-time-only special offer. This can be an opportunity where a manager will have to bid against its competitors. In such a situation incremental costs of undertaking the order should be taken into account. This is a short-run pricing decision which involves a time horizon of only few months. The short-run cost includes both the fixed and variable costs. Some factors remain fixed due to the time constraints imposed on a company. 12-13 12-28 (10 min.) Selection of most profitable product. Product Material Labor Costs Selling price Sales provision Net selling price CMPP CM per kg. Material Priority Sales CM Total CM Used material Ending material CM Max Sales (restricted) CM restricted A 5 30 35 70 B 3 36 39 60 C 6 60 66 100 D 8 30 38 80 7 6 10 8 63 54 90 72 28 56 15 50 24 40 34 42.5 1 2 4 3 Product A 3000 28 84000 1500 500 84000 3000 84000 Product B 8000 15 120000 2400 –1900 120000 1666 24,990 12-14 Product A +B 204000 108,990 12-29 (25 min.) Theory of constraints, throughput contribution, relevant costs. 1. Finishing is a bottleneck operation. Therefore, producing 1,150 more units will generate additional contribution (throughput) margin and operating income. Increase in contribution (throughput) margin ($70 – $30) 1,150 $46,000 Incremental costs of the jigs and tools 35,000 Increase in operating income investing in jigs and tools $11,000 Pierce should invest in the modern jigs and tools because the benefit of higher contribution (throughput) margin of $46,000 exceeds the cost of $35,000 2. The Machining Department has excess capacity and is not a bottleneck operation. Increasing its capacity further will not increase contribution (throughput) margin. There is, therefore, no benefit from spending $4,000 to increase the Machining Department's capacity by 9,000 units. Pierce should not implement the change to do setups faster. 3. Finishing is a bottleneck operation. Therefore, getting an outside contractor to produce 9,500 units will increase contribution (throughput) margin. Increase in contribution (throughput) margin ($70 – $30) 9,500 Incremental contracting costs $9 9,500 Increase in operating income by contracting 9,500 units of finishing $380,000 85,500 $294,500 Pierce should contract with an outside contractor to do 9,500 units of finishing at $9 per unit because the benefit of higher throughput margin of $380,000 exceeds the cost of $85,500. The fact that the cost of $9 per unit is three times Pierce's finishing cost of $3 per unit is irrelevant. 4. Operating costs in the Machining Department of $540,000, or $6 per unit, are fixed costs. Pierce will not save any of these costs by subcontracting machining of 5,000 units to Hammond Corporation. Total costs will be greater by $15,000 ($3 per unit 5,000 units) under the subcontracting alternative. Machining more filing cabinets will not increase contribution (throughput) margin, which is constrained by the finishing capacity. Pierce should not accept Hammond’s offer. The fact that Hammond’s costs of machining per unit are half of what it costs Pierce in-house is irrelevant. 5. The cost of 1,700 defective units in the Machining Operation is $30 per unit 1,700 units = $51,000. Because the Machining Operation has a capacity of 110,000 units, it can still produce and transfer 90,000 good units to the Finishing Operation. There is, therefore, no opportunity cost of producing defective units in the Machining Operation. 6. The cost of 1,700 defective units in the Finishing Operation is: Cost of direct materials used in the defective units $30 per unit 1,700 units Opportunity cost, lost contribution (throughput) margin $40 per unit 1,700 units Total cost of defective unit in the Finishing Operation $ 51,000 68,000 $119,000 Alternatively, the cost of 1,700 defective units in the Finishing Operation equals the revenues lost by selling 1,700 fewer units = $70 per unit 1,700 units = $119,000. The cost of the 12-15 defective unit at a bottleneck operation is much higher than at a non-bottleneck operation because of the opportunity cost of lost contribution margin at the bottleneck operation. 12-16 12-30 (25 min.) Factors affecting investment decisions by managers and accept or reject decisions LMTC Ltd a.Saving or Deficit from making 30,000 units. £’000 £’000 Supplier’s quotation (£46 x 30,000 units) 1,380 Less: Relevant cost of making: Material (£6 x 30,000 units) 180 Labor (£8 x 30,000 units) 240 Variable Overhead (£12 + (1/3 x £24) x 30,000 units) 600 Opportunity cost 65 Cost savings on fixed overhead [(1/4 x £16) x 30,000 units] 120 1,205 Savings 175 Based on the computation above, LMTC Ltd should opt to make the product. This is because the company will save £175,000 if it produces the PE clothes rather than outsource the production. b. The following factors are also considered by managers in make-or-buy decisions: i. Managers usually seek to understand the opportunity cost of any investment decision. A relevant factor in choosing any alternative is the benefit sacrificed by not choosing some other alternatives. ii. Past costs are not of themselves relevant for decision making but may be of value in predicting future cost levels. iii. Managers focus on only those costs that will change and opportunity costs. Allocated overhead costs are ignored. 12-31 (20 min.) Choosing customers. If Rodeo accepts the additional business from Julie, it would take an additional 1,000 machinehours. If Rodeo accepts all of Julie’s and Trent’s business for February, it would require 5,000 machine-hours (3,000 hours for Trent and 2,000 hours for Julie). Rodeo has only 4,000 hours of machine capacity. It must, therefore, choose how much of the Trent or Julie business to accept. To maximize operating income, Rodeo should maximize contribution margin per unit of the constrained resource. (Fixed costs will remain unchanged at $170,000 regardless of the business Rodeo chooses to accept in February and are, therefore, irrelevant.) The contribution margin per unit of the constrained resource for each customer in January is: 12-17 Contribution margin per machine-hour Trent Corporation Julie Corporation $126,000 = $42 3,000 $55,000 = $55 1,000 Because the $140,000 of additional Julie business in February is identical to jobs done in January, it will also have a contribution margin of $55 per machine-hour, which is greater than the contribution margin of $42 per machine-hour from Trent. To maximize operating income, Rodeo should first allocate all the capacity needed to take the Julie Corporation business (2,000 machine-hours) and then allocate the remaining 2,000 (4,000 – 2,000) machine-hours to Trent. Contribution margin per machine-hour Machine-hours to be worked Contribution margin Fixed costs Operating income Trent Corporation $42 2,000 $84,000 Julie Corporation $55 2,000 $110,000 Total $194,000 170,000 $ 24,000 An alternative approach is to use the opportunity cost approach. The opportunity cost of giving up 1,000 machine-hours for the Trent Corporation jobs is the contribution margin forgone of $42 per machine-hour 1,000 machine-hours equal to $42,000. The contribution margin gained from using the 1,000 machine-hours for the Julie Corporation business is the contribution margin per machine-hour of $55 1,000 machine-hours equal to $55,000. The net benefit is: Contribution margin from Julie Corporation business Less: Opportunity cost (of giving up Trent Corporation business) Net benefit $55,000 (42,000) $13,000 Although taking the Julie Corporation business over the Trent Corporation business will maximize Rodeo’s profits in the short run, Rodeo’s managers must also consider the long-run effects of this decision. Will Julie Corporation continue to demand the same level of business going forward? Will turning down the Trent business affect customer satisfaction? If Rodeo turns down the Trent business, will Trent continue to place orders with Rodeo or seek alternative suppliers? Rodeo’s managers need to consider these long-run effects and then decide whether it should accept Julie’s business at the cost of Trent’s. In other words, choosing customers is a strategic decision. If it sees long-run benefit in working with Trent, Rodeo’s managers must also look for ways to increase the profitability of the business it does with Trent by increasing prices or reducing costs. 12-18 12-32 (20 min.) Relevance of equipment costs. 1. The current market value and annual operating costs of the old oven, and the purchase price, installation cost, and annual operating costs of the new oven are relevant when deciding whether to replace the oven because these are future costs that would differ between the alternatives of keeping or replacing the old oven. 2. The original cost and book value of the old oven are irrelevant because they are variations of the same past (sunk) cost. All past costs are irrelevant because past costs will be the same whether Papa’s Pizza keeps or replaces the oven. No decision can change what has already been incurred in the past. 3. Papa’s Pizza should purchase the new oven, based on the following calculations: Keep the old oven Operating costs for 5 years ($14,000 × 5) Cost of keeping the old oven $(70,000) $(70,000) Replace the old oven Current market value of old oven Purchase price of the new oven Installation cost of the new oven Operating costs for 5 years ($6,000 × 5) Net cost of the new oven $ 42,000 (75,000) (2,000) (30,000) $(65,000) The cost of replacing the old oven is $65,000, while the cost of continuing to operate the old oven is $70,000. 4. The manager may be reluctant to replace because it might reflect badly on him for having purchased the old oven in the first place if the new oven was available a year later. 5. At a purchase price of $80,000, Papa’s Pizza would be indifferent between purchasing the new oven and continuing to use the old oven ($75,000 current purchase price + $5,000 savings above). Note that a cost of $80,000, the cost of replacing the old oven would be $70,000, equal to the cost of keeping the old oven. 12-19 12-33 (30 min.) Equipment upgrade versus replacement. 1. Based on the analysis in the table below, TechGuide will be better off by $337,500 over three years if it replaces the current equipment. Comparing Relevant Costs of Upgrade and Replace Alternatives Cash operating costs $150; $75 per desk 7,500 desks per yr. 3 yrs. Current disposal price One time capital costs, written off periodically as depreciation Total relevant costs Over 3 years Upgrade Replace (1) (2) Difference in favor of Replace (3) = (1) – (2) $3,375,000 $1,687,500 (450,000) $1,687,500 450,000 3,000,000 $6,375,000 4,800,000 $6,037,500 (1,800,000) $337,500 3 = $1,080,000 would either be 5 written off as depreciation over three years under the upgrade option or all at once in the current year under the replace option. Its net effect would be the same in both alternatives: to increase costs by $1,080,000 over three years; hence,it is irrelevant in this analysis. Note that the book value of the current machine, $1,800,000 2. Suppose the capital expenditure to replace the equipment is $X. From requirement 1, column (2), substituting for the one-time capital cost of replacement, the relevant cost of replacing is $1,687,500 – $450,000 + $X. From column (1), the relevant cost of upgrading is $6,375,000. We want to find X such that $1,687,500 – $450,000 + $X< $6,375,000 (i.e., TechGuide will favor replacing) Solving the above inequality gives us X< $6,375,000 – $1,237,500 = $5,137,500. TechGuide would prefer to replace, rather than upgrade, if the replacement cost of the new equipment does not exceed $5,137,500. Note that this result can also be obtained by taking the original replacement cost of $4,800,000 and adding to it the $337,500 difference in favor of replacement calculated in requirement 1. 12-20 3. Suppose the units produced and sold over 3 years equal y. Using data from requirement 1, column (1), the relevant cost of upgrade would be $150y + $3,000,000, and from column(2), the relevant cost of replacing the equipment would be $75y– $450,000 + $4,800,000. TechGuide would want to upgrade when $150y + $3,000,000 < $75y – $450,000 + $4,800,000 $75y < $1,350,000 y < $1,350,000 $75 = 18,000 units That is,upgrade when y< 18,000 units (or 6,000 per year for 3 years) andreplace when y> 18,000 units over 3 years. When production and sales volume is low (less than 6,000 per year), the higher operating costs under the upgrade option are more than offset by the savings in capital costs from upgrading. When production and sales volume is high, the higher capital costs of replacement are more than offset by the savings in operating costs in the replace option. 4. Operating income for the first year under the upgrade and replace alternatives are shown below: Year 1 Upgrade Replace (1) (2) Revenues (7,500 $750) $5,625,000 $5,625,000 Cash operating costs $150; $75 per desk 7,500 desks per year 1,125,000 562,500 a Depreciation ($1,080,000 + $3,000,000) 3; $4,800,000 3 1,360,000 1,600,000 Loss on disposal of old equipment (0; $1,080,000 – $450,000) 0 630,000 Total costs 2,485,000 2,792,500 Operating Income $3,140,000 $2,832,500 a The book value of the current production equipment is $1,800,000 useful life of 3 years. 5 3 = $1,080,000; it has a remaining First-year operating income is higher by $307,500 ($3,140,000 – $2,832,500) under the upgrade alternative, and Dan Doria, with his one-year horizon and operating income-based bonus, will choose the upgrade alternative, even though, as seen in requirement 1, the replace alternative is better in the long run for TechGuide. This exercise illustrates the possible conflict between the decision model and the performance evaluation model. 12-21 12-34 (20 min.) Relevantcosts in investment decision making Julie Bolts Ltd 1. (i) Materials Since Iron-cast rods material is regularly used, using the existing stock of the materials means that more of the materials will be purchased. The relevant cost is therefore the replacement cost. The replacement cost per kg is (£20,500/2000) plus 10% = £10.25 x 1.10 = £11.28 per kg. Copper-cast material has no other use, and if the existing stock are used for the contract, the opportunity cost is the cost of not being able to sell them at £20 per kg. £ Iron-cast rods material 3,500 kg at £11.28 per kg 39,480 Copper-cast material 500kg at £20 per kg 10,000 49,480 (ii) Factory Labor The contribution earned by the factory labor in making 3-D Bolts is £38 = £9.50 per skilled labor hour. 4 hours per unit £ Labor cost 800 hours at £10.00 8,000 Opportunity cost of labor 800 hours at £9.50 7,600 Total relevant cost 15,600 2. The variable overhead costs associated with the contract would be relevant because they would represent additional or incremental costs caused directly by the contract. However, it is important to avoid making the general assumption that all variable costs are relevant, and all fixed costs are not. Fixed manufacturing costs are relevant where additional production units cause an increase in the fixed costs. 12-22 12-35 (15-20 min.) Short-run pricing, capacity constraints. 1. Cost of making one kilogram of hard cheese: Milk (10 liters $1.50 per liter) Variable direct manufacturing labor Variable manufacturing overhead Fixed manufacturing cost allocated Total manufacturing cost $15 4 2 5 $26 If Jersey Acres Dairy can get all the Holstein milk it needs and has sufficient production capacity, then the minimum price per kilo it should charge for the hard cheese is the variable cost per kilo = $15 + $4 + $2 = $21 per kilo. The fixed manufacturing costs are unaffected by the decision and are therefore irrelevant. Of course, Jersey Acres should try to get as high a price above $21 that the gourmet restaurant is willing to pay. 2. If milk is in short supply, then each kilo of hard cheese displaces 2.5 kilos of soft cheese (10 liters of milk per kilo of hard cheese versus 4 liters of milk per kilo of soft cheese). Then, for the hard cheese, the minimum price Jersey Acres should charge is the variable cost per kilo of hard cheese plus the contribution margin from 2.5 kilos of soft cheese, or, $21 + (2.5 $8 per kilo) = $41 per kilo That is, if milk is in short supply, Jersey Acres should not agree to produce any hard cheese unless the buyer is willing to pay at least $41 per kilo. 12-23 12-36 (20 min.) International outsourcing. 1. Cost to purchase each figurine from Indonesian supplier = 27,300 IDR $3. 9,100 IDR/$ Cost of purchasing 400,000 figurines from Indonesian supplier = $3 400,000 figurines = $1,200,000. Costs of manufacturing figurines in Cleveland facility = Variable manufacturing cost per unit Quantity of figurines produced + Incremental fixed manufacturing costs = ($2.85 400,000 units) + $200,000 = $1,340,000 Variable and fixed selling and distribution costs are irrelevant because they do not differ between the two alternatives of purchasing the figurines from the Indonesian supplier or manufacturing the figurines in Queensland. Cuddly Critters should purchase the figurines from the Indonesian supplier because the cost of $1,200,000 is less than the relevant cost of $1,340,000 to manufacture the figurines in Cleveland. 2. If Cuddly Critters enters into a forward contract to purchase 27,300 IDRs for $3.40, each figurine acquired from the Indonesian supplier will cost $3.40. Total cost of purchasing 400,000 figurines from Indonesian supplier = $3.40 400,000 figurines = $1,360,000. Cost of manufacturing 400,000 figurines in Queensland (see requirement 1) = $1,340,000. As in requirement 1, selling and distribution costs are irrelevant. Cuddly Critters should manufacture the figurines in Queensland because the relevant cost of $1,340,000 to manufacture the figurines in Queensland is less than the cost of $1,360,000 to enter into the forward contract and purchase the figurines from the Indonesian supplier. 3. In deciding whether to purchase figurines from the Indonesian supplier, Cuddly Critters should consider factors such as (a) quality, (b) delivery lead times, (c) fluctuations in the value of the Indonesian Rupiah relative to the dollar, and (d) the negative public and media reaction to not providing jobs in Queensland and instead supporting job creation in Indonesia. 12-24 12-37 (30 min.) Relevant costs, opportunity costs. 1. TS-12 has a higher relevant operating income than TS-11. Based on this analysis, TS-12 should be introduced immediately: TS-11 $170 Relevant revenue per unit Relevant cost per unit: Variable cost per unit Total relevant costs Relevant operating income $ 0 TS-12 $220 $43 0 $170 43 $177 Reasons for other cost items being irrelevant are TS-11 Cost of TS 11 watches—already incurred Development costs—already incurred Marketing and administrative—fixed costs of period TS-12 Development costs—already incurred Marketing and administration—fixed costs of period Note that total marketing and administration costs will not change whether TS-12 is introduced on July 1, 2020, or on October 1, 2020. 2. Other factors to be considered: a. Customer satisfaction. If TS-12 is significantly better than TS-11 for its customers, a customer-driven organization would immediately introduce it unless other factors offset this bias toward “do what is best for the customer.” b. Quality level of TS-12. It is critical for new products to function well. Consider an immediate release only if TS-12 passes all quality tests and can be supportedfully by the salesforce. c. Importance of being perceived to be a market leader. Being first in the market with a new product can give Time Sprint a “first-mover advantage,” e.g., capturing an initial large share of the market that, in itself, causes future potential customers to lean toward purchasing TS-12. Moreover, by introducing TS-12 earlier, Time Sprint can get quick feedback from users about ways to further refine the product while its competitors are still working on their own first versions. Moreover, by locking in early customers, Time Sprint may increase the likelihood of these customers also buying future upgrades of TS-12. d. Morale of developers. These are key people at Time Sprint. Delaying introduction of a new product can hurt their morale, especially if a competitor then preempts Time Sprint from being viewed as a market leader. 12-25 12-38 (25 min.) Opportunity costs and relevant costs 1. Yes, Sandy should accept the job per the following calculations. Sandy has 40 hours of available capacity but needs 60 hours for the Jenny’s Pizza job. If Sandy accepts the Jenny’s Pizza’s job, Sandy would have to give up 20 (60 – 40) hours of its current business. The opportunity cost of each hour of current business that it gives up can be calculated as follows: Revenues ($175 × 160 hours) $28,000 Variable costs ($100 × 160 hours) 16,000 Contribution margin $12,000 Contribution margin per hour = $12,000 ÷ 160 hours = $75 per hour The opportunity cost of giving up 20 hours of its current business is; Contribution margin from 20 hours = $75 per hour × 20 hours = $1,500 The relevant revenues and relevant costs of accepting the Jenny’s Pizza business is as follows: Increase in revenues ($150 × 60 hours) $9,000 Increase in variable costs ($100 × 60 hours) (6,000) Opportunity cost (lost contribution margin) (1,500) Increase in operating income $1,500 Accepting the Jenny’s Pizza offer will increase Sandy’s Paint Shop’s operating income so Sandy should accept the Jenny’s Pizza offer. 2. The fixed costs of painting, marketing and administration do not differ among the three alternatives and are therefore irrelevant. The easiest approach is to simply compare the contribution margin (revenues minus variable costs) under each alternative. Accept special order Reject Perry’s offer $33,500a 20,000d $13,500 Revenues Variable costs Contribution margin a b d e ($175×140) + ($150 × 60); ($100×140) + ($100 × 60); Accept special order Accept Perry’s offer $37,000b 22,500e $14,500 Reject special offer $28,000c 16,000f $12,000 ($175×160) + ($150 × 60); c$175×160 ($100×160) + ($100 ×40) + ($125×20); f$100×160 Sandy should accept the special order and accept Perry’s offer since it generates the highest contribution margin. 3. Sandy should consider the negative long-term effect on customer relationships of accepting the Jenny’s Pizza job for $150 per hour below what it charges its current customers. If the current customers find out, Sandy may face pressure to reduce prices to all customers from $175 per hour to $150 per hour. If this were the case, the contribution margin in column 2 from accepting the special order and accepting Perry’s offer would decrease to $10,500 (because revenue would decrease by $4,000 from $37,000 to $33,000 ($150 × 220 hours) and the contribution margin in column 1 from accepting the special order and rejecting Perry’s offer 12-26 would decrease to $10,000 (because revenue would decrease by $3,500 from $33,500 to $30,000 ($150 × 200 hours). In this case, Sandy would be better off rejecting the special order and continuing to charge $175 per hour for paint jobs even if it cannot operate at full capacity of 200 hours. In deciding whether to use the paint crew from Perry, Sandy should consider factors such as (a) the quality of the work done by Perry’s crewand (b) the timeliness with which they do the work because the work done by Perry’s crew would affect Sandy’s reputation in the market. Sandy should also consider how well Perry’s crew and Sandy’s crew will work together and also the consequences of having the two crews work together. For example, if Perry’s Paint Shop pays its crew better than Sandy’s Paint Shop, Sandy’s crew may ask for a raise. If this were to happen, Sandy’s higher labor costs would be a relevant cost of accepting the special order. 12-27 12-39 (20 min.)Opportunity costs. 1. The opportunity cost to Wild Orchid of producing the 3,500 units of Stronglast is the contribution margin lost on the 3,500 units of Everlast that would have to be forgone, as computed below: Selling price $ 52 Variable costs per unit: Direct materials $10 Direct manufacturing labor 2 Variable manufacturing overhead 8 Variable marketing costs 4 24 Contribution margin per unit $ 28 Contribution margin for 3,500 units ($28 3,500 units) $98,000 The opportunity cost is $98,000. Opportunity cost is the maximum contribution to operating income that is forgone (rejected) by not using a limited resource in its next-best alternative use. 2. Contribution margin from manufacturing 3,500 units of Stronglast and purchasing 3,500 units of Everlast from Chesapeake is $105,000, as follows: Manufacture Stronglast Selling price Variable costs per unit: Purchase costs Direct materials Direct manufacturing labor Variable manufacturing costs Variable marketing overhead Variable costs per unit Contribution margin per unit Contribution margin from selling 3,500 units of Stronglast and 3,500 units of Everlast ($18 3,500 units; $12 3,500 units) $ 40 $ – 10 2 8 2 22 18 $63,000 Purchase Everlast $ Total 52 36 $ 4 40 12 $42,000 $105,000 As calculated in requirement 1, Wild Orchid’s contribution margin from continuing to manufacture 3,500 units of Everlast is $98,000. Accepting the Apex Company and Chesapeake offer will benefit Wild Orchid by $7,000 ($105,000 – $98,000). Hence, Wild Orchid should accept the Apex Company and Chesapeake Corporation’s offers. 3. The minimum price would be any price greater than $22, the sum of the incremental costs of manufacturing and marketing Stronglast as computed in requirement 2. This follows because, if Wild Orchid has surplus capacity, the opportunity cost = $0. For the short-run decision of whether to accept Apex’s offer, fixed costs of Wild Orchid are irrelevant. Only the incremental costs need to be covered for it to be worthwhile for Wild Orchid to accept the Apex offer. 12-28 12-40 (30–40 min.) Make or buy, unknown level of volume. 1. The variable costs required to manufacture 150,000 starter assemblies are Direct materials Direct manufacturing labor Variable manufacturing overhead Total variable costs $400,000 300,000 200,000 $900,000 The variable costs per unit are $900,000 ÷ 150,000 = $6.00 per unit. Let X = number of starter assemblies required in the next 12 months. The data can be presented in both “all data” and “relevant data” formats: Variable manufacturing costs Fixed general manufacturing overhead Fixed overhead, avoidable Division 2 manager’s salary Division 3 manager’s salary Purchase cost, if bought from Tutwiler Electronics Total costs All Data Relevant Data Alternative Alternative Alternative Alternative 1: 2: 1: 2: Buy Make Buy Make $ 6X – $ 6X – 300,000 $300,000 – – 200,000 – 200,000 – 80,000 100,000 80,000 $100,000 100,000 – 100,000 – – $680,000 + $ 6X 8X $400,000 + $ 8X – $380,000 + $ 6X 8X $100,000 + $ 8X The number of units at which the costs of make and buy are equivalent is All data analysis: or Relevant data analysis: $680,000 + $6X = $400,000 + $8X 2X = 280,000 X = 140,000 $380,000 + $6X = $100,000 + $8X 2X = 280,000 X= 140,000 Assuming cost minimization is the objective, then • If production is expected to be less than 140,000 units, it is preferable to buy units from Tutwiler. • If production is expected to exceed 140,000 units, it is preferable to manufacture internally (make) the units. • If production is expected to be 140,000 units, Denver will be indifferent between buying units from Tutwiler and manufacturing (making) the unitsinternally. 12-29 2. The information on the storage cost, which is avoidable if self-manufacture is discontinued, is relevant; these storage charges represent current outlays that are avoidable if self-manufacture is discontinued. Assume these $100,000 charges are represented as an opportunity cost of the make alternative. The costs of internal manufacture that incorporate this $100,000 opportunity cost are All data analysis: Relevant data analysis: $780,000 + $6X $480,000 + $6X Alternatively stated, we would add the following line to the table shown in requirement 1 causing the total costs line to change as follows: Outside storage charges Total costs 1 All Data Alternative 1: Alternative 2: Make Buy Relevant Data Alternative 1: Alternative 2: Make Buy $100,000 $780,0001 + 6X $100,000 $480,0002 + 6X $0 $400,000 + 8X $0 $100,000 + 8X $780,000 = $680,000 + $100,000 2$480,000 = $380,000 + $100,000 The number of units at which the costs of make and buy are equivalent is All data analysis: Relevant data analysis: $780,000 + $6X = $400,000 + $8X 2X = 380,000 X = 190,000 $480,000 + $6X = $100,000 + $8X 2X = 380,000 X = 190,000 If production is expected to be less than 190,000, it is preferable to buy units from Tutwiler. If production is expected to exceed 190,000, it is preferable to manufacture the units internally. 12-30 12-41 (30 min.) Make versus buy, activity-based costing, opportunity costs. 1. Relevant costs under buy alternative: Purchases, 30,000 $23.00 $690,000 Relevant costs under make alternative: Direct materials Direct manufacturing labor Variable manufacturing overhead Inspection, setup, materials handling Total relevant costs under make alternative $300,000 150,000 90,000 120,000 $660,000 The allocated fixed plant administration, taxes, and insurance will not change if Allen makes or buys the upholstery for the chairs. Hence, these costs are irrelevant to the make-or-buy decision. The analysis indicates that it is less costly for Allen to make rather than buy the upholstery for the chairs from the outside supplier. 2. Relevant costs under the make alternative: Relevant costs (as computed in requirement 1) Relevant costs under the buy alternative: Costs of purchases (30,000 $23.00) Additional contribution margin from using the space where the upholstery for the chairsto make pillows to match the chairs, 10,000 ($25 – $15) Total relevant costs under the buy alternative $660,000 $690,000 (100,000) $590,000 Allen should buy the upholstery for the chairs from an outside vendor and use its own capacity to make pillows. 3. In this requirement, the decision on making the pillows is irrelevant to the analysis because the pillows increase operating income and they will be made whether the upholstery for the chairs are purchased or made. Relevant cost of manufacturing upholstery for the chairs: Variable costs, ($10 + $5 + $3 + $4* = $22) 24,000 Relevant cost of buying upholstery for the chairs, $23 24,000 $528,000 552,000 *$120,000 30,000 units = $4 per unit In this case, it is cheaper for Allen to manufacture rather than buy the upholstery for the chairs. Lexington should make the upholstery for the chairs. 12-31 12-42 (25 min.) Product mix, constrained resource. 1. Selling price Variable costs: Direct materials (DM) Labor and other costs Total variable costs Contribution margin Pounds of DM per unit Contribution margin per lb. A130 $252 B324 $ 168 72 45 84 81 156 126 $ 96 $ 42 ÷8 lbs. ÷5 lbs. $ 12 per lb. $8.40 per lb. C587 $210 27 120 147 $ 63 ÷ 3 lbs. $ 21 per lb. First, satisfy minimum requirements. Minimum units Times pounds per unit Pounds needed to produce minimum units A130 200 ×8 lb. per unit 1,600 lb. B324 200 ×5 lb. per unit 1,000 lb. C587 200 ×3 lb. per unit 600 lb. Total 3,200 lb. The remaining 1,800 pounds (5,000 – 3,200) should be devoted to C587 because it has the highest contribution margin per pound of direct material. Because each unit of C587 requires 3 pounds of Brac, the remaining 1,800 pounds can be used to produce another 600 units of C587. The following combination yields the highest contribution margin given the 5,000 pounds constraint on availability of Brac. A130: 200 units B324:200 units C587: 800 units (200 minimum + 600 extra) 2. The demand for Wechsler’s products exceeds the materials available. Assuming that fixed costs are covered by the original product mix, Wechsler would be willing to pay up to an additional $21 per pound (the contribution margin per pound of C587) for another 1,200 pounds of Brac. That is, Wechsler would be willing to pay $9 + $21 = $30 per pound of Brac for the pounds of Bracthat will be used to produce C587.1 If sufficient demand does not exist for 400 additional units (1,200 pounds ÷ 3 pounds per unit) of C587, then the maximum price Wechsler would be willing to pay is an additional $12 per pound (the contribution margin per pound of A130) for the pounds of Wechsler that will be used to produce A130. In this case Wechsler would be willing to pay $9 + $12 = $21 pound. If all the 1,200 pounds of Brac are not used to satisfy the demand for C587 and A130, then the maximum price Wechsler would be willing to pay is an additional $8.40 per pound (the contribution margin per pound of B324) for the pounds of Brac that will be used to produce B324. Wechsler would be willing to pay $8.40 + $9 = $17.40 per pound of Brac. 1An alternative calculation focuses on column 3 for C587 of the table in requirement 1. Selling price $210 Variable labor and other costs (excluding direct materials) 120 Contribution margin $ 90 Divided by pounds of direct material per unit ÷3 lbs. Direct material cost per pound that Wechsler can pay without contribution margin becoming negative $ 30 12-32 12-43 (30–40 min.) Product mix, relevant costs. 1. Selling price Variable manufacturing cost per unit Variable marketing cost per unit Total variable costs per unit Contribution margin per unit Contribution margin per hour of the constrained resource Total contribution margin from selling only A6 or only EX4 A6: $50 50,000; EX4: $60 50,000 Less Lease costs of high-precision machine to produce and sell EX4 Net relevant benefit $ $ A6 200 120 30 150 50 $ $ EX4 300 200 70 270 30 $50 = $50 1 $30 = $60 0.5 $2,500,000 $3,000,000 0 $2,500,000 600,000 $2,400,000 Even though EX4 has the higher contribution margin per unit of the constrained resource, the fact that Gormley must incur additional costs of $600,000 to achieve this higher contribution margin means that Gormley is better off using its entire 50,000-hour capacity on the regular machine to produce and sell 50,000 units (50,000 hours 1 hour per unit) of A6. The additional contribution from selling EX4 rather than A6 is $500,000 ($3,000,000 $2,500,000), which is not enough to cover the additional costs of leasing the high-precision machine. Note that, because all other overhead costs are fixed and cannot be changed, they are irrelevant for the decision. Gormley produces 50,000 units of A6, which increases operating income by $2,500,000. 2. If capacity of the regular machines is increased by 15,000 machine-hours to 65,000 machine-hours (50,000 originally + 15,000 new), the net relevant benefit from producing A6 and EX4 is as follows: A6 EX4 Total contribution margin from selling only A6 or only EX4 A6: $50 65,000; EX4: $60 65,000 $3,250,000 $3,900,000 Less Lease costs of high-precision machine that would be incurred if EX4 is produced and sold 600,000 Less Cost of increasing capacity by 15,000 hours on regular machine 300,000 300,000 Net relevant benefit $2,950,000 $3,000,000 Adding 15,000 machine-hours of capacity for regular machines and using all the capacity to produce EX4 increases operating income by $3,000,000. Investing in the additional capacity increases Gormley’s operating income by $500,000 ($3,000,000 calculated in requirement 2 minus $2,500,000 calculated in requirement 1), so 12-33 Gormley should add 15,000 hours to the regular machine. With the extra capacity available to it, Gormley should use its entire capacity to produce EX4. Using all 65,000 hours of capacity to produce EX4 rather than to produce A6 generates additional contribution margin of $650,000 ($3,900,000 $3,250,000), which is more than the additional cost of $600,000 to lease the highprecision machine. Gormley should therefore produce and sell 130,000 units of EX4 (65,000 hours 0.5 hours per unit of EX4) and zero units of A6. 3. A6 $200 120 30 150 $ 50 Selling price Variable manufacturing costs per unit Variable marketing costs per unit Total variable costs per unit Contribution margin per unit Contribution margin per unit of the constrained resource EX4 $300 200 70 270 $ 30 V2 $240 140 30 170 $ 70 $30 $50 = $50; = $60; .= $70 1 0.5 The first step is to compare the operating profits that Gormley could earn if it accepted the Clark Corporation offer for 20,000 units with the operating profits Gormley is currently earning. V2 has the highest contribution margin per hour on the regular machine and requires no additional investment such as leasing a high-precision machine. To produce the 20,000 units of V2 requested by Clark Corporation, Gormley would require 20,000 hours on the regular machine resulting in contribution margin of $70 20,000 = $1,400,000. Gormley now has 45,000 hours available on the regular machine to produce A6 or EX4. Total contribution margin from selling only A6 or only EX4 A6: $50 45,000; EX4: $60 45,000 Less Lease costs of high-precision machine to produce and sell EX4 Net relevant benefit A6 EX4 $2,250,000 $2,700,000 $2,250,000 600,000 $2,100,000 Gormley should use all the 45,000 hours of available capacity to produce 45,000 units of A6. Thus, the product mix that maximizes operating income is 20,000 units of V2, 45,000 units of A6, and zero units of EX4. This optimal mix results in a contribution margin of $3,650,000 ($1,400,000 from V2 and $2,250,000 from A6). Relative to requirement 2, operating income increases by $650,000 ($3,650,000 minus $3,000,000 calculated in requirement 2). Hence, Gormley should accept the Clark Corporation business and supply 20,000 units of V2. 12-34 12-44 (20 min.) Theory of constraints, throughput contribution, relevant costs. 1. It will cost Rush $50 per unit to reduce manufacturing time. But manufacturing is not a bottleneck operation; installation is. Therefore, manufacturing more equipment will not increase sales and throughput margin. Rush Industries should not implement the new manufacturing method. 2. Increase in throughput margin, $25,000 35 units, Additional relevant costs of new direct materials, $2,000 310 units, Increase/(Decrease) in operating income $ 875,000 620,000 $ 255,000 The benefits from higher margin exceeds the additional incremental costs by $225,000 and, therefore, Rush Industries should implement the new design Alternatively, compare throughput margin under each alternative. With the modification, throughput margin is $23,000 310 Current throughput margin is $25,000 275 Increase/(Decrease) in operating income $7,130,000 6,875,000 $ 255,000 The throughput margin resulting from the proposed change in direct materials is greater than the current throughput margin. Therefore, Nebraska Industries should implement the new design. 3. Increase in throughput margin, $25,000 7 units Increase in relevant costs Increase in operating income $ 175,000 55,000 $ 120,000 The additional throughput margin exceeds incremental costs by $120,000, so Rush Industries should implement the new installation technique. 4. Motivating installation workers to increase productivity is worthwhile because installation is a bottleneck operation, and any increase in productivity at the bottleneck will increase throughput margin. On the other hand, motivating workers in the manufacturing department to increase productivity is not worthwhile. Manufacturing is not a bottleneck operation, so any increase in output will result only in extra inventory of equipment. Rush Industries should encourage manufacturing to produce only as much equipment as the installation department needs, not to produce as much as it can. Under these circumstances, it would not be a good idea to evaluate and compensate manufacturing workers on the basis of their productivity. 12-35 12-45 (30-35 min.) Theory of constraints, contribution margin, sensitivity analysis. 1. Assuming only one type of doll is produced, the maximum production in each department given their resource constraints is: Chatty Chelsey Talking Tanya Molding Department Assembly Department Contribution Margin 36,000 lbs 18,000 2 lbs 36,000 lbs 12,000 3 lbs 8,500 hours 34,000 1/4 hours 8,500 hours 25,500 1/3 hours $39 − 2 × $8 – 1/4 × $12 = $20 $50 − 3 × $8–1/3 × $12 = $22 For both types of dolls, the constraining resource is the availability of material because this constraint causes the lowest maximum production. If only Chatty Chelsey is produced, TT can produce 18,000 dolls with a contribution margin of 18,000 ×$20 = $360,000 If only Talking Tanya is produced, TT can produce 12,000 dolls with a contribution margin of 12,000 ×$22 = $264,000. TT should produce Chatty Chelseys. 2. As shown in Requirement 1, available material in the Molding department is the limiting constraint. If TT sells three Chatty Chelseys for each Talking Tanya, then the maximum number of Talking Tanya dolls the Molding Department can produce (where the number of Talking Tanya dolls is denoted as T) is: (T ×3 lbs.) + ([3 × T] × 2 lbs.) = 36,000lbs. 3T + 6T = 36,000 9T = 36,000 T = 4,000 The Molding Department can produce 4,000 Talking Tanya dolls, and 3 ×4,000 (or 12,000) Chatty Chelsey dolls. Because TT can only produce 4,000 Talking Tanyas and 12,000 Chatty Chelseys before it runs out of ingredients, the maximum contribution margin (CM) is: Contribution margin from Chatty Chelsey + Contribution margin from Talking Tanya = 12,000 × $20 + 4,000 × $22 = $240,000 + 88,000 = $328,000 3. With 900 more pounds of materials, TT would produce more dolls. Using the same technique as in Requirement 2, the increase in production is: (T×3 lbs.) + ([3×T] ×2 lbs.) = 900 lbs. 12-36 3T + 6T = 900 T = 100 TT would produce 100 extra Talking Tanya dolls and 300 extra Chatty Chelsey dolls. Contribution margin would increase by Contribution margin + Contribution margin = 300 $20 + 100 $22 from Chatty Chelsey from Talking Tanya = $6,000 + $2,200 = $8,200 4. With 65 more labor hours, production would not change. The limiting constraint is pounds of material, not labor hours. TT already has more labor hours available than it needs. 12-37 12-46 (25 min.) Closing down divisions. 1. and 2. Sales Variable costs of goods sold ($440,000 0.90; $930,000 0.80) Variable S,G& A ($96,000 0.50; $202,500 0.50) Total variable costs Contribution margin Fixed costs of goods sold ($440,000 0.10; $930,000 0.20) Fixed S,G& A ($96,000 0.50; $202,500 0.50) Total fixed costs Fixed costs savings if shutdown ($92,000 0.40; $287,250 0.40) Division A Division B $504,000 $948,000 396,000 744,000 48,000 444,000 $ 60,000 101,250 845,250 $102,750 Division A Division B $ 44,000 $186,000 48,000 $ 92,000 101,250 $287,250 $ 36,800 $114,900 Division A’s contribution margin of $60,000 more than covers its avoidable fixed costs of $36,800. The difference of $23,200 helps cover the company’s unavoidable fixed costs. Because $36,800 of Division A’s fixed costs are avoidable, the remaining $55,200 is unavoidable and will be incurred regardless of whether Division A continues to operate. Division A’s $32,000 loss is the rest of the unavoidable fixed costs ($55,200 – $23,200). If Division A is closed, the remaining divisions will need to generate sufficient profits to cover the entire $55,200 unavoidable fixed cost. Consequently, Division A should not be closed because it helps defray $23,200 of this cost. Division B earns a positive contribution margin of $102,750. Division B also generates $114,900 of avoidable fixed costs. Based strictly on financial considerations, Division B should be closed because the company will save $12,150 ($114,900 –$102,750). Division B is currently incurring $114,900 in fixed costs that it could have avoided while earning only $102,750 in contribution margin. An alternative set of calculations is as follows: Total variable costs Avoidable fixed costs if shutdown Total cost savings if shutdown Loss of revenues if shutdown Cost savings minus loss of revenues 12-38 Division A Division B $444,000 36,800 480,800 (504,000) $ (23,200) $845,250 114,900 960,150 (948,000) $ 12,150 Division A should not be shut down because loss of revenues if Division A is shut down exceeds cost savings by $23,200. Division B should be shut down because cost savings from shutting down Division B exceeds loss of revenues by $12,150. 3. Before deciding to close Division B, management should consider the role that the Division’s product line plays relative to other product lines. For instance, if the product manufactured by Division B attracts customers to the company, then dropping Division B may have a detrimental effect on the revenues of the remaining divisions. Management may also want to consider the impact on the morale of the remaining employees if Division B is closed. Talented employees may become fearful of losing their jobs and seek employment elsewhere. 12-39 12-47 (30 min.) Dropping a product line, selling more tours 1. Barrett should not drop the deluxe tours, as follows: Lost revenues from deluxe tours Avoidable operating costs from dropping deluxe tours: Administrative salaries Guide wages Supplies Vehicle fuel Total avoidable costs Lost operating income from dropping deluxe tours $(660,000) 50,000 380,000 100,000 24,000 554,000 $(106,000) Note: Equipment depreciation, allocated corporate costs, and unavoidable administrative salaries are irrelevant to the decision. 2. Barrett should drop the deluxe tours, as follows: Change in revenues Change in operating costs: Administrative salaries Guide wages Supplies Vehicle fuel Total change in operating costs Change in operating income Basic $225,000 Deluxe $(660,000) Total $(435,000) 0 65,000 25,000 15,000 105,000 $120,000 (50,000) (380,000) (100,000) (24,000) (554,000) $(106,000) (50,000) (315,000) (75,000) (9,000) (449,000) $ 14,000 3. Barrett should consider if it is possible to increase the number of deluxe tours sold, or if it is possible to reduce the costs of those tours before dropping them. He could also investigate the possibility of increasing the price of the deluxe tours if customers would tolerate it 12-40 12-48 (30–40 min.) Optimal product mix. 1. Let D represent the batches of Della’s Delight made and sold. Let B represent the batches of Bonny’s Bourbon made and sold. The contribution margin per batch of Della’s Delight is $300. The contribution margin per batch of Bonny’s Bourbon is $250. The LP formulation for the decision is: Maximize Subject to $300D + $250 B 30D + 15B 660 (Mixing Department constraint) 15B 270 (Filling Department constraint) 10D + 15B 300 (Baking Department constraint) 2. Solution Exhibit 12-48 presents a graphical summary of the relationships. The optimal corner is the point (18, 8) i.e., 18 batches of Della’s Delights and 8 batches of Bonny’s Bourbons. SOLUTION EXHIBIT 12-48 Graphic Solution to Find Optimal Mix, Della Simpson, Inc. Della Simpson Production Model 50 45 0, 44 Mixing Dept. Constraint B (batches of Bonny's Bourbons) 40 35 Equal Contribution Margin Lines 30 Optimal Corner (18,8) 25 20 Filling Dept. Constraint 3, 18 0, 18 15 10 Feasible Region 5 Baking Dept. Constraint 0 0 5 10 15 20 22, 0 25 D (batches of Della's Delight) 12-41 30 35 40 We next calculate the optimal production mix using the trial-and-error method. The corner point where the Mixing Dept. and Baking Dept. constraints intersect can be calculated as (18, 8)by solving: 30D + 15B = 660 (1) Mixing Dept. constraint 10D + 15B = 300 (2) Baking Dept. constraint Subtracting (2) from (1), we have 20D = 360 or D = 18 Substituting in (2) (10 18) + 15B = 300 that is, 15B = 300 180 = 120 or B = 8 The corner point where the Filling and Baking Department constraints intersect can be calculated as (3,18) by substituting B = 18 (Filling Department constraint) into the Baking Department constraint: 10 D + (15 18) = 300 10 D = 300 270 = 30 D= 3 The feasible region, defined by five corner points, is shaded in Solution Exhibit 12-48. We next use the trial-and-error method to check the contribution margins at each of the five corner points of the area of feasible solutions. Trial 1 2 3 4 5 Corner (D,B) (0,0) (22,0) (18,8) (3,18) (0,18) Total Contribution Margin ($300 0) + ($250 0) = $0 ($300 22) + ($250 0) = $6,600 ($300 18) + ($250 8) = $7,400 ($300 3) + ($250 18) = $5,400 ($300 0) + ($250 18) = $4,500 The optimal solution that maximizes contribution margin and operating income is 18 batches of Della’s Delights and 8batches of Bonny’s Bourbons. 12-42 12-49 (25 min.) Dropping a customer, activity-based costing, ethics. 1. CRS would not benefit from dropping Donnelly’s Pizza because it would lose $43,680 in revenues and save $43,344 in costs resulting in a $336 decrease in operating income. Difference: Incremental (Loss in Revenues) and Savings in Costs from Dropping Donnelly’s Pizza Revenues Cost of goods sold Order processing [$14,000 – (10% × $14,000)] Delivery [($3,500 – (20% × $3,500)] Rush orders Sales calls Total costs Effect on operating income (loss) $(43,680) 26,180 12,600 2,800 924 840 43,344 $ (336) 2. The drop in gross margin percentage indicates that Sara may be giving Donnelly’s Pizza excessive discounts, perhaps in excess of company guidelines. If CRS awards bonuses based on sales rather than some measure of operating income, it may encourage sales representatives to lower margins in order to increase sales. CRS may want to consider basing bonuses on customer margin. The company may also want to enforce more stringent discounting guidelines. 3. Justin could suggest that Sara approach Donnelly’s Pizza about reducing the number of different orders that they place. If the orders could be placed less frequently, the company could reduce both order processing and delivery costs. Sara could also investigate the causes of the rush orders to see if they could be avoided. Justin should not rework the numbers. Referring to “Standards of Ethical Conduct for Management Accountants,” in Exhibit 1-7,JustinAnders should consider the request of SaraBrinkleyto be unethical for the following reasons. Competence Prepare complete and clear reports and recommendations after appropriate analysis of relevant and reliable information. Adjusting cost numbers violates the competence standard. Integrity Refrain from either actively or passively subverting the attainment of the organization’s legitimate and ethical objectives. Justin has the responsibility to act in the best interests of CRS. Communicate unfavorable as well as favorable information and professional judgments or opinions. Justin needs to communicate the proper and accurate results of the analysis, regardless of whether or not it pleases SaraBrinkley. 12-43 Refrain from engaging in or supporting any activity that would discredit the profession. Falsifying the analysis would discredit Justin and the profession. Credibility Communicate information fairly and objectively. Justin needs to perform an objective analysis of Donnelly’s Pizza profitability and communicate the results fairly. Disclose fully all relevant information that could reasonably be expected to influence an intended user’s understanding of the reports, comments, and recommendations presented. Justin needs to fully present an accurate analysis. Confidentiality Not affected by this decision. Justin should indicate to Sarathat the costs he has derived are correct. If Sara still insists on making the changes to lower the costs to serve Donnelly’s Pizza, Justin should raise the matter with Sara’s superior, after informing Sara of his plans. If, after taking all these steps, there is a continued pressure to understate costs, Justinshould consider resigning from the company rather than engage in unethical conduct. 12-44 12-50 (30 min.) Equipment replacement decisions and performance evaluation. 1. Operating income for the first year under the keep and replace alternatives are shown below. Year 1 Cash operating costs Depreciation ($540,000 2; $900,000÷ 5) Loss on disposal of old machine ($360,000 – $216,000; $0) Total costs Replace With New Machine (1) $ 800,000 270,000 144,000 $1,214,000 Keep Old Machine (2) $ 995,000 Cost Difference by Replacing (3) = (1) – (2) $(195,000) 180,000 90,000 0 $1,175,000 144,000 $ 39,000 First-year costs are lower by $39,000 under the keep machine alternative, and Susan Smith, with her one-year horizon and operating income-based bonus, will choose to keep the machine. 2. Based on the analysis in the table below, Sanchez Manufacturing will be better off by $66,000 over two years if it replaces the current equipment. Comparing Relevant Costs of Replace and Keep Alternatives Cash operating costs Current disposal price One time capital costs, written off periodically asdepreciation Total relevant cashflow Over 2 Years Replace Keep (1) (2) $1,600,000 $1,990,000 (216,000) 0 540,000 $1,924,000 0 $1,990,000 Cash Outflow By Replacing (3) = (1) – (2) $(390,000) (216,000) 540,000 $ (66,000) Note that the book value of the current machine ($360,000) would either be written off as depreciation over two years under the keep option, or, all at once in the current year under the replace option. Its net effect would be the same in both alternatives: to increase costs by $360,000 over two years; hence, it is irrelevant in this analysis. This problem illustrates the conflict between the decision model and the performance evaluation model. From the perspective of Sanchez Manufacturing, the old machine should be replaced. Over the longer two-year horizon, replacing the old machine with the new equipment saves Sanchez Manufacturing $66,000. From a performance evaluation perspective, SusanSmith prefers to keep the old machine because operating income in the first year will be $39,000 higher if she keeps rather than replaces the old machine. Chapter 24 describes methods that companies use to reduce the conflict between the decision model and the performance evaluation model. 12-45 3. Smith would be willing to purchase the new equipment if the effect on operating income in the first year would be zero or positive, that is, if the cost of operating the new equipment in the first year were equal to or lower than the cost of operating the old machine. From requirement 1, the cost difference in the first year from replacing the old machine needs to be reduced by $39,000. This means that depreciation on the new equipment must be $39,000 less than it is, so $270,000 – $39,000 = $231,000. The new equipment is being depreciated over a two-year period with zero residual value so the cost of the equipment equals $231,000 2 = $462,000. If the new equipment can be purchased for $462,000 or less, SusanSmith will be willing to purchase it because the performance evaluation model would be consistent with the decision model. Note that over the two-year period, Sanchez Manufacturing will be better off purchasing the new equipment for $462,000 by $144,000, as the following presentation of the analysis done in requirement 2 shows: Cash Outflow by Replacing Cash operating costs Current disposal price One-time capital costs, written off periodically as depreciation Total relevant cash flow 12-46 –$390,000 –$216,000 +$462,000 –$144,000 Try It 12-1Solution The relevant revenues and costs are the expected future revenues and costs that differ as a result of Gannett accepting the special offer: Revenues ($65 per hour × 800 hours) $52,000 Variable landscaping costs ($60 per hour 800 hours) Increase in operating income by accepting the one-time special order 48,000 $ 4,000 The fixed landscapingcosts and all marketing costs (including variable marketing costs) are irrelevant in this case because these costs will not change in total whether the special order is accepted or rejected. In this example, by focusing only on the relevant amounts, the manager avoids a misleading implication: to reject the special order because the $65-per-hour selling price is lower than the landscaping cost per hour of $68.33, which includes both relevant variable landscaping costs and irrelevant fixed landscaping costs. 12-47 Try It 12-2 Solution Gannett could use either the Total Alternatives Approach or the Opportunity-Cost Approach to make a decision. Total Alternatives Approach The two options available to Gannett are 1. Do 9,400 hours of landscaping work for its current customers and 4,600 hours of work for Gerald Corporation 2. Do 13,200 hours of landscaping work for its current customers The table below presents the relevant revenues and relevant costs, those future revenues and costs that differ between the alternatives. It shows that Gannett is better off rejecting Gerald’s offer because it reduces operating income by $113,550 ($650,100 − $536,550). Current customers: 9,400 hours Gerald: 4,600 hours Current customers: 13,200 hours Relevant revenues ($115×9,400+$80×4,600) $1,449,000 $1,518,000 ($115×13,200) Relevant costs Variable landscaping costs 840,000 ($60× 14,000) 792,000 ($60×13,200) Variable marketing costs 72,450 (5%×$1,449,000) 75,900 (5%×$1,518,000) Total relevant costs Relevant operating income 912,450 867,900 $ 536,550 $ 650,100 The Opportunity Cost Approach In the opportunity-cost approach, the options are defined as follows 1. Accept Gerald’s offer for 4,600 hours of landscaping work 2. Reject Gerald’s offer The analysis focuses only on Gerald’s offer. We first calculate the opportunity cost of accepting Gerald’s offer. There is no opportunity cost for the first 800 hours of equipment time since Gannett has 14,000 12-48 hours of equipment time and its current customers require only 13,200 hours. For using the next 3,800 hours of equipment time on the Gerald offer, Gannett will have to forgo contribution margin on the 3,800 hours of services it would have sold to its existing customers. Revenue from 3,800 hours of landscaping for existing customers ($115×3,800 hours) $437,000 Variable costs of landscaping ($60 × 3,800 hours) 228,000 Variable marketing costs (5% × $437,000) 21,850 Contribution margin from 3,800 hours of landscaping from serving existing customers $187,150 The opportunity cost of accepting Gerald’s offer is $187,150. We next focus only on Gerald’s offer and the effect on operating income from accepting it. Accept Gerald’s offer Incremental future revenues Reject Gerald’s offer $0 $368,000 ($80 × 4,600 hours) Incremental future costs Variable landscaping costs Variable marketing costs 0 18,400 (5%×$368,000) Opportunity cost of using 3,800 hours of equipment for the Gerald offer and forgoing the profit contribution on existing customers 187,150 Total relevant costs 481,550 Effect on operating income of accepting Gerald’s offer 0 276,000 ($60 × 4,600 hours) $ (113,550) 0 0 $0 The opportunity cost approach yields the same conclusions as the total alternatives approach. Gannett’s operating income decreases by $113,550 if it accepts Gerald’s offer. Note that by considering only the incremental revenues and incremental costs, it would appear that Gannett should accept Gerald’s offer because incremental revenues exceeds incremental costs of the Gerald offer by $73,600 ($368,000 − $276,000– $18,400). But there is an opportunity cost of $187,150 by using the equipment for Gerald’s business because the next-best use of this equipment by Gannett would result in using 3,800 hours to service existing customers that would increase operating income by $187,150. Unless the contract with Gerald results in more than $187,150 in operating income, Gannett should reject the offer. 12-49 Try It 12-3Solution This problem is one of making product (or customer)-mix decisions with capacity constraints. Gannett’s managers should choose the product with the highest contribution margin per unit of the constraining resource (equipment hours). That’s the resource that restricts or limits the sale of Gannett’s services. Contribution margin from regular customers: Revenues ($115× 13,200 hours) $1,518,000 Variable landscaping costs (largely labor), which vary with the number of hours worked ($60 per hour × 13,200 hours) 792,000 Variable marketing costs (5% of revenue) 75,900 Total variable costs 867,900 Contribution margin $ 650,100 Contribution margin per hour of equipment time from regular customers ($650,100÷13,200 hours) $49.25 per hour Contribution margin from Russell Corporation: Revenues ($100 × 4,600 hours) $460,000 Variable landscaping costs (largely labor), which vary with the number of hours worked ($50 per hour × 4,600 hours) 230,000 Variable marketing costs (5% of revenue) 23,000 Total variable costs 253,000 Contribution margin $207,000 Contribution margin per hour of equipment time from Hudson Corporation ($207,000÷4,600 hours) $45.00 per hour To maximize operating income, Gannett should allocate as much of its capacity to customers who generate the most contribution margin per unit of the constraining resource (equipment). That is, Gannett should first allocate equipment capacity to existing customers ($49.25 per hour) and only the balance to Russell Corporation ($45.00 per hour). Gannett maximizes total contribution margin by allocating 13,200 hours of equipment capacity to existing customers yielding contribution margin of $650,100 ($49.25 per hour × 13,200hours) and only the balance 800 hours to Russell Corporation yielding contribution margin of $36,000 ($45.00 per hour × 800hours) for a total contribution margin of $686,100 ($650,100 + $36,000). 12-50 Try It 12-4Solution 1. Sloan should close down the Oakland store (see Exhibit Try It 12-4, Column 1). Closing down the store results in a loss of revenues of $1,600,000 but cost savings of $1,605,000 (from cost of goods sold, rent, labor, utilities, and corporate costs). Note that by closing down the Oakland store, Sloan Corporation will save none of the equipment-related costs because this is a past cost. Also note that the relevant corporate overhead costs are the actual corporate overhead costs $90,000 that Sloan expects to save by closing the Oakland store. The corporate overhead of $80,000 allocated to the Oakland store is irrelevant to the analysis. 2. Exhibit Try It 12-4, Column 2, presents the relevant revenues and relevant costs of opening another store like the Oakland store and shows that it increases Sloan’s operating income by $34,000. Incremental revenues of $1,600,000 exceed the incremental costs of $1,566,000 (from higher cost of goods sold, rent, labor, utilities, and some additional corporate costs). Note that the cost of equipment written off as depreciation is relevant because it is an expected future cost that Sloan will incur only if it opens the new store. Also note that the relevant corporate overhead costs are the $9,000 of actual corporate overhead costs that Sloan expects to incur as a result of opening the new store. Sloan may, in fact, allocate more than $9,000 of corporate overhead to the new store, but this allocation is irrelevant to the analysis. The key reason that Sloan’s operating income increases either if it closes down the Oakland store or if it opens another store like it is the behavior of corporate overhead costs. By closing down the Oakland store, Sloan can significantly reduce corporate overhead costs presumably by reducing the corporate staff that oversees the Oakland operation. On the other hand, adding another store like Oakland does not increase actual corporate costs by much, presumably because the existing corporatestaff will be able to oversee the new store as well. EXHIBIT TRY-IT 12-4 Relevant-Revenue and Relevant-Cost Analysis of Closing Oakland Store and Opening Another Store Like It. (Loss in Revenues) and Savings in Costs from Closing Oakland Store (1) Revenues Cost of goods sold Variable operating costs (labor, utilities) Lease rent Depreciation of equipment Corporate overhead costs Total costs Effect on operating income (loss) $(1,600,000) 1,230,000 120,000 165,000 0 90,000 1,605,000 $ 5,000 12-51 Incremental Revenues and (Incremental Costs) of Opening New Store Like Oakland Store (2) $1,600,000 (1,230,000) (120,000) (165,000) (42,000) (9,000) (1,566,000) $ 34,000 CHAPTER 13 STRATEGY, BALANCED SCORECARD, AND STRATEGIC PROFITABILITY ANALYSIS 13-1 Strategy specifies how an organization matches its own capabilities with the opportunities in the marketplace to accomplish its objectives. 13-2 Competitors – companies in the industry have high fixed costs and persistent pressures to reduce selling prices and utilize capacity fully. Bargaining power of customers – customers negotiate aggressively to reduce prices because of large quantity purchases. 13-3 Two generic strategies are (1) product differentiation, an organization’s ability to offer products or services perceived by its customers to be superior and unique relative to the products or services of its competitors, and (2) cost leadership, an organization’s ability to achieve lower costs relative to competitors through productivity and efficiency improvements, elimination of waste, and tight cost control. 13-4 A customer preference map describes how different competitors perform across various product attributes desired by customers, such as price, quality, customer service, and product features. 13-5 Reengineering is the fundamental rethinking and redesign of business processes to achieve improvements in critical measures of performance such as cost, quality, service, speed, and customer satisfaction. 13-6 The four key perspectives in the balanced scorecard are (1) Financial perspective—this perspective evaluates the profitability of the strategy and the creation of shareholder value; (2) Customer perspective—this perspective identifies the targeted customer and market segments and measures the company’s success in these segments; (3) Internal business process perspective—this perspective focuses on internal operations that further both the customer perspective by creating value for customers and the financial perspective by increasing shareholder value; and (4) Learning and growth perspective—this perspective identifies the capabilities at which the organization must excel to achieve superior internal processes that create value for customers and shareholders. 13-7 A strategy map is a diagram that describes how an organization creates value by connecting strategic objectives in explicit cause-and-effect relationships with each other in the financial, customer, internal-business-process, and learning-and-growth perspectives. A balanced scorecard translates an organization’s mission and strategy into a set of performance measures that provides the framework for implementing its strategy. 13-1 13-8 The financial perspective evaluates the profitability of the strategy and the creation of shareholder value. The customer perspective identifies targeted customer and market segments and measures a company’s success in these areas. 13-9 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Pitfalls to avoid when implementing a balanced scorecard are the following: Don’t assume the cause-and-effect linkages are precise; they are merely hypotheses. An organization must gather evidence of these linkages over time. Don’t seek improvements across all of the measures all of the time. Don’t use only objective measures in the balanced scorecard. Don’t fail to consider both costs and benefits of different initiatives before including these initiatives in the balanced scorecard. Don’t ignore nonfinancial measures when evaluating managers and employees. 13-10 Three key components in doing a strategic analysis of operating income are: 1. The growth component, which measures the change in operating income attributable solely to the change in quantity of output sold from one year to the next. 2. The price-recovery component, which measures the change in operating income attributable solely to changes in the prices of inputs and outputs from one year to the next. 3. The productivity component, which measures the change in costs attributable to a change in the quantity and mix of inputs used in the current year relative to the quantity and mix of inputs that would have been used in the previous year to produce current year output. 13-11 An analyst can incorporate other factors such as the growth in the overall market and reductions in selling prices resulting from productivity gains into a strategic analysis of operating income. By doing so, the analyst can attribute the sources of operating income changes to particular factors of interests. For example, the analyst will combine the operating income effects of strategic price reductions and any resulting growth with the productivity component to evaluate a company’s cost leadership strategy. 13-12 Engineered costs result from a cause-and-effect relationship between the cost driver, output, and the (direct or indirect) resources used to produce that output. Discretionary costs arise from periodic (usually annual) decisions regarding the maximum amount to be incurred. They have no measurable cause-and-effect relationship between output and resources used. 13-13 Downsizing (also called rightsizing) is an integrated approach configuring processes, products, and people to match costs to the activities that need to be performed to operate effectively and efficiently in the present and future. Downsizing is an attempt to eliminate unused capacity. 13-14 A partial productivity measure is the quantity of output produced divided by the quantity of an individual input used (e.g., direct materials or direct manufacturing labor). 13-15 No. Total factor productivity (TFP) and partial productivity measures work best together because the strengths of one offset weaknesses in the other. TFP measures are comprehensive, 13-2 consider all inputs together, and explicitly consider economic substitution among inputs. Physical partial productivity measures are easier to calculate and understand and, as in the case of labor productivity, relate directly to employees’ tasks. Partial productivity measures are also easier to compare across different plants and different time periods. 13-3 13-16 Choice “b” is correct. Since Jacobs is already established in its industry, profits will increase when barriers to entry are higher because it helps to prevent new firms from entering the industry. Significant up‐front capital requirements are high barriers to entry which make it more difficult for new firms trying to enter into the industry and help keep profits higher for those firms already in the industry. Choice “a” is incorrect. Profits will increase when buyers have higher switching costs because they are less likely to search for other firms to meet their needs. Choice “c” is incorrect. Profitability increases when there are many suppliers. Choice “d” is incorrect. If rival firms are willing to spend a lot on advertising, Jacobs’ profits will likely suffer as it tries to keep up with its competitors. 13-17 Choice ‘d’ is correct. All the options are correct. In order to sustain its long-run financial performance, an organization must strengthen all links across its different balanced scorecard perspectives, (choice ‘a’) which includes financial perspective; customer perspective, internal business process perspective and learning and growth perspective. A major benefit of balances scorecard is that it promotes causal thinking (choice ‘b’) where improvement in one activity causes an improvement in another. To successfully implement a balanced scorecard, subordinate managers and executives require commitment and leadership from top management (choice ‘c’). 13-18 Choice 2 is correct. The balanced scorecard divides performance measures into financial, customer, internal business process, and learning and growth (item II) and internal business processes are what the company does in its attempt to satisfy customers (item III). It is not a comprehensive management information system as described in item I. Some students may interpret item I as only describing multiple measures of performance to evaluate success. If interpreted this way, item I would be a correct statement about the balanced scorecard. In this case, Choice 4 would be correct since all three statements (I, II, and III) would be correct statements with respect to the balanced scorecard. 13-4 13-19 (15 min.) Balanced scorecard. 1. Pineway Electric’s 2020 strategy is a cost leadership strategy. Pineway plans to grow by producing high-quality motors at a low cost delivered to customers at a low price and in a timely manner. Pineway’s motors are not differentiated, and there are many other manufacturers who produce similar motors. To succeed, Pineway must produce high-quality motors at lower costs relative to competitors through productivity and efficiency improvements. 2. Solution Exhibit 13-19A shows the customer preference map for electric motors for Pineway and Ramsey on price, timeliness, quality, and design. SOLUTION EXHIBIT 13-19A Customer Preference Map for Electric Motors Product Attributes Price Kearney Ramsey Pineway Ridgecrest Delivery Time Quality Design 1 2 3 4 Poor 5 Very good Attribute Rating 13-5 3. Solution Exhibit 13-19B presents the strategy map for Pineway for 2020. SOLUTION EXHIBIT 13-19B Strategy Map for Pineway for 2020 The strategy map indicates that developing process skill is an important objective because it has a strong tie to improving manufacturing processes that is a trigger point that has strong ties to improving productivity to reduce costs, improving quality, and delivering on-time, all of which are necessary to increase customer satisfaction (a focal point). Improving productivity and quality are distinctive objectives that give Pineway competitive advantage. The overlap between strong ties and distinctive objectives means that Pineway has a very good ability to successfully implement its strategy. 13-6 4. Measures that we would expect to see on a Pineway’s balanced scorecard for 2020 are Financial Perspective (1) Operating income from productivity gain, (2) operating income from growth, (3) cost reductions in key areas. These measures evaluate whether Pineway has successfully reduced costs and generated growth through cost leadership. Customer Perspective (1) Market share in electric motors market, (2) number of new customers, (3) customer satisfaction index. The logic is that improvements in these customer measures are leading indicators of whether Pineway’s cost leadership strategy is succeeding with its customers and helping it to achieve superior financial performance. Internal Business Process Perspective (1) Productivity, (2) defect rates (2) order delivery time, (3) on-time delivery, (4) number of major process improvements. Improvements in these measures are key drivers of achieving cost leadership, quality, and on-time delivery and are expected to lead to more satisfied customers and in turn to superior financial performance Learning and Growth Perspective (1) Percentage of employees trained in process and quality management, (2) employee satisfaction ratings. Improvements in these measures aim to improve Pineway’s ability to achieve cost leadership and have a cause-and-effect relationship with improvements in internal business processes, which in turn lead to customer satisfaction and financial performance. 13-7 13-20 (20 min.) Analysis of growth, price-recovery, and productivity components (continuation of 13-19). 1. Pineway’s operating income gain is consistent with the cost leadership strategy identified in requirement 1 of Exercise 13-19. The increase in operating income in 2020 was driven by the $145,000 gain in productivity in 2020. Pineway took advantage of its productivity gain to reduce the prices of its motors and to fuel growth. It increased market share by growing even though the total market size was unchanged. 2. The productivity component measures the change in costs attributable to a change in the quantity and mix of inputs used in a year relative to the quantity and mix of inputs that would have been used in a previous year to produce the current year output. It measures the amount by which operating income increases and costs decrease through the productive use of input quantities. When comparing productivities across years, the productivity calculations use current year input prices in all calculations. Hence, the productivity component is unaffected by input price changes. The productivity component represents savings in both variable costs and fixed costs. With respect to variable costs, such as direct materials, productivity improvements immediately translate into cost savings. In the case of fixed costs, such as fixed manufacturing conversion costs, productivity gains result only if management takes actions to reduce unused capacity. For example, reengineering manufacturing processes will decrease the capacity needed to produce a given level of output, but it will lead to a productivity gain only if management reduces the unused capacity by, say, selling off the excess capacity. 13-8 13-21 (20 min.) Strategy, balanced scorecard, merchandising operation. 1. Dhyanchand & Sons follows a product differentiation strategy. Dhyanchand’s designs are “trendsetting,” its T-shirts are distinctive, and it aims to make its T-shirts a “must have” for each and every teenager. These are all clear signs of a product differentiation strategy, and to succeed, Dhyanchand must continue to innovate and be able to charge a premium price for its product. 2. Possible key elements of Dhyanchand’s balance scorecard, given its product differentiation strategy: Financial Perspective (1) Increase in operating income from charging higher margins, (2) Price premium earned on products. These measures will indicate whether Dhyanchand has been able to charge premium prices and achieve operating income increases through product differentiation. Customer Perspective (1) Market share in distinctive, name-brand T-shirts, (2) Customer satisfaction, (3) New customers, (4) Number of mentions of Dhyanchand’s T-shirts in the leading fashion magazines Dhyanchand’s strategy should result in improvements in these customer measures that help evaluate whether Dhyanchand’s product differentiation strategy is succeeding with its customers. These measures are, in turn, leading indicators of superior financial performance. Internal Business Process Perspective (1) Quality of silk-screening (number of colors, use of glitter, durability of the design), (2) Frequency of new designs, (3) Time between concept and delivery of design Improvements in these measures are expected to result in more distinctive and trendsetting designs delivered to its customers and in turn, superior financial performance. Learning and Growth Perspective (1) Ability to attract and retain talented designers (2) Improvements in silk-screening processes, (3) Continuous education and skill levels of marketing and sales staff, (4) employee satisfaction Improvements in these measures are expected to improve Dhyanchand’s capabilities to produce distinctive designs that have a cause-and-effect relationship with improvements in internal business processes, which in turn lead to customer satisfaction and financial performance. 13-9 13-22 (25–30 min.) Strategic analysis of operating income (continuation of 13-21). 1. Operating Income Statement 2019 2020 $6,560,000 $7,689,000 Revenues ($32 × 205,000; $33 × 233,000) Costs T-shirts purchased ($17 × 225,500; $15 × 257,000) Administrative costs Total costs Operating income 3,833,500 3,855,000 1,739,000 1,691,000 5,572,500 5,546,000 $ 987,500 $2,143,000 Change in operating income 2. $1,155,500 F The Growth Component Revenue effect of growth = Actual units of Actual units of output sold output sold in 2017 in 2016 Selling × price in 2016 = (233,000 205,000) $32 = $896,000 F Cost effect of = growth for variable costs Actual units of Units of input required to input used produce 2017 to produce 2016 ouput output in 2016 Cost effect of growth for fixed costs = Input × price in 2016 Actual Actual units of capacity in 2016 because adequate units of capacity exists to produce capacity in 2016 2017 output in 2016 Price per unit × of capacity in 2016 Direct materials (purchased T-shirts) that would be required in 2020 to sell 233,000 T-shirts instead of the 205,000 sold in 2019, assuming the 2019 input-output relationship continued into 233,000 225,500 . Administrative capacity will not 2020, equal 256,300 purchased T-shirts 205,000 change because adequate capacity exists in 2019 to support year 2020 output and customers. The cost effects of growth component are Direct materials costs (256,300 225,500) Administrative costs (4,700 – 4,700) Cost effect of growth 13-10 $17 $370 = = $523,600 U 0 $523,600 U In summary, the net increase in operating income as a result of the growth component equals: Revenue effect of growth $896,000 F Cost effect of growth 523,600 U Change in operating income due to growth $372,400 F The Price-Recovery Component Revenue effect of price-recovery Actual units Selling price Selling price = of output in 2016 in 2017 sold in 2017 = ($33 $32) 233,000 = $233,000 F Input Units of input required Input to produce 2017 price-recovery for = price in price in × output in 2016 variable costs 2016 2017 Cost effect of Actual units of capacity in Price per Price per unit of 2016 because adequate unit of × price-recovery for = capacity capacity exists to produce capacity fixed costs 2017 output in 2016 in 2016 in 2017 Cost effect of Direct materials costs ($15 $17) 256,300 = $512,600 F Administrative costs ($380 $370) 4,700 = 47,000 U Total cost effect of price-recovery component $465,600 F In summary, the net increase in operating income as a result of the price-recovery component equals: Revenue effect of price-recovery Cost effect of price-recovery Change in operating income due to price-recovery The Productivity Component Units of input Actual units of Input input used required to price productivity for = to produce produce 2017 in 2017 variable costs ouput in 2016 2017 output Cost effect of Actual units of capacity in Price per Actual units of 2016 because adequate unit of productivity for = capacity capacity exists to produce capacity fixed costs in 2017 2017 output in 2016 in 2017 Cost effect of 13-11 $233,000 F 465,600 F $698,600 F The productivity component of cost changes: Direct materials costs (257,000 256,300) Administrative costs (4,450 4,700) Change in operating income due to productivity $15 = $380 = $10,500U 95,000 F $84,500 F The change in operating income between 2019 and 2020 can be analyzed as follows: Revenues Costs Operating income Income Statement Amounts in 2019 (1) $6,560,000 Income Revenue and Cost Effect Statement Revenue and Cost Effects of of Amounts Cost Effects PriceProductivit in 2020 of Growth Recovery y (5) = in 2020 in 2020 in 2020 (1) + (2) + (3) + (2) (3) (4) (4) $896,000 F $233,000 F $7,689,000 5,572,500 523,600 U 465,600 F $84,500 F 5,546,000 $ 987,500 $372,400 F $698,600 F $84,500 F $2,143,000 $1,155,500 F Change in operating income 3. The analysis of operating income indicates that growth, price-recovery, and productivity all resulted in favorable changes in operating income in 2020. Further, a significant amount of the increase in operating income resulted from Dhyanchand’s product differentiation strategy. The company was able to continue to charge a premium price while growing sales even as the cost of shirts decreased. It was also able to earn additional operating income by improving its productivity. 13-12 13-23 (20 min.) Analysis of growth, price-recovery, and productivity components (continuation of 13-22). Effect of the industry-market-size factor on operating income Of the 28,000-unit (233,000 – 205,000) increase in sales between 2019 and 2020, 20,500 (10% 205,000) units are due to growth in market size, and 7,500 (28,000 – 20,500) units are due to an increase in market share. The change in Dhyanchand’s operating income from the industry-market size factor rather than from specific strategic actions is: $372,400 (the growth component in Exercise 13-22) 20,500 28,000 Effect of product differentiation on operating income The change in operating income due to: Increase in the selling price (revenue effect of price recovery) Decrease in price of inputs (cost effect of price recovery) $272,650 F $233,000 F 465,600 F Growth in market share due to product differentiation $372,400 (the growth component in Exercise 13-22) 7,500 28,000 99,750 F Change in operating income due to product differentiation $798,350 F Effect of cost leadership on operating income The change in operating income from cost leadership is: Productivity component $ 84,500 F The change in operating income between 2019 and 2020 can be summarized as follows: Change due to industry-market-size Change due to product differentiation Change due to cost leadership Change in operating income $ 272,650 F 798,350 F 84,500 F $1,155,500 F Dhyanchand has been very successful in implementing its product differentiation strategy. Nearly 69% ($798,350 $1,155,500) of the increase in operating income during 2020 was due to product differentiation, i.e., the distinctiveness of its T-shirts. It was able to raise prices of its products despite a decline in the cost of the T-shirts purchased. Dhyanchand’s operating income increase in 2020 was also helped by a growth in the overall market and a small productivity improvement, which it did not pass on to its customers in the form of lower prices. 13-13 13-24 (15 min.) Identifying and managing unused capacity (continuation of 13-21). 1. The amount and cost of unused capacity at the beginning of year 2020 based on year 2020 production follows: Administrative, 4,700 4,200; (4,700 – 4,200) $380 Amount of Cost of Unused Unused Capacity Capacity 500 $190,000 2. Dhyanchand can reduce administrative capacity by another 250 customers (4,450 – 250 = 4,200 actual customers). Dhyanchand will save another 250 $380 = $95,000. This is the maximum amount of costs Dhyanchand can save in 2020, in addition to the $95,000 ($380 × 250 customers) that Dhyanchand already saved when downsizing from 4,700 customers to 4,450 customers. 3. Before Dhyanchand downsizes administrative capacity, it should consider whether sales increases in the future would lead to a greater demand for and utilization of capacity as new customers are drawn to Dhyanchand’s distinctive products—at that point, customer service may be the key to new customer retention and further growth. Also, the market feedback often provided by customer service staff is probably key to Dhyanchand’s cutting-edge fashion strategy; some of this may be lost if administrative capacity is cut back. In addition, significant reductions in capacity usually mean laying off people, which can hurt employee morale. 13-14 13-25 (15 min.) Strategy, balanced scorecard. 1. Methuen Corporation follows a product differentiation strategy in 2020. Methuen’s D4H machine is distinct from its competitors and generally regarded as superior to competitors’ products. To succeed, Methuen must continue to differentiate its product and charge a premium price. 2. Balanced Scorecard measures for 2020 follow: Financial Perspective (1) Increase in operating income from charging higher margins, (2) price premium earned on products These measures indicate whether Methuen has been able to charge premium prices and achieve operating income increases through product differentiation. Customer Perspective (1) Market share in industry, (2) customer satisfaction ratings, (3) number of new customers Methuen’s strategy should result in improvements in these customer measures that help evaluate whether Methuen’s product differentiation strategy is succeeding with its customers. These measures are leading indicators of superior financial performance. Internal Business Process Perspective (1) Manufacturing quality and reduced wastage of direct materials, (2) new product features added, (3) order delivery time Improvements in these measures are expected to result in more distinctive products delivered to its customers and in turn superior financial performance. Learning and Growth Perspective (1) Development time for designing new machines, (2) improvements in manufacturing processes, (3) employee education and skill levels, (4) employee satisfaction Improvements in these measures are likely to improve Methuen’s capabilities to produce distinctive products that have a cause-and-effect relationship with improvements in internal business processes, which in turn lead to customer satisfaction and financial performance. 13-15 13-26 (30 min.) 1. Strategic analysis of operating income (continuation of 13-25). Operating income for each year is as follows: Revenue ($43,000 200; $45,000 210) Costs Direct materials costs ($7.25 310,000; $8 317,500) Manufacturing conversion costs Selling & customer service costs Total costs Operating income Change in operating income 2. 2019 $8,600,000 2020 $9,450,000 2,247,500 2,540,000 2,145,000 2,172,500 1,045,000 900,000 5,437,500 5,612,500 $3,162,500 $3,837,500 $675,000 F The Growth Component = (210 200) $43,000 = $430,000 F Kilograms of direct materials that would be required in 2020 to produce 210 units instead of the 200 units produced in 2019, assuming the 2019 input-output relationship continued into 2020, equal 325,500 kilograms (310,000/ 200) 210. Manufacturing conversion costs and selling and customer-service capacity will not change because adequate capacity exists in 2019 to support year 2020 output and customers. The cost effects of growth component are: Direct materials costs (325,500 310,000) $7.25 = Manufacturing conversion costs (275 275) $7,800 = Selling & customer-service costs (95 95) $11,000 = Cost effect of growth $112,375 U 0 0 $112,375 U In summary, the net increase in operating income as a result of the growth component equals: Revenue effect of growth $430,000 F Cost effect of growth 112,375 U Change in operating income due to growth $317,625 F The Price-Recovery Component = ($45,000 $43,000) 210 = $420,000 F 13-16 Direct materials costs Manufacturing conversion costs Selling & customer-service costs Cost effect of price-recovery ($8 $7.25) 325,500 = $244,125 U ($7,900 $7,800) 275 = 27,500 U ($10,000 $11,000) 95 = 95,000 F $176,625 U In summary, the net increase in operating income as a result of the price-recovery component equals: Revenue effect of price-recovery Cost effect of price-recovery Change in operating income due to price-recovery $420,000 F 176,625 U $243,375 F The Productivity Component The productivity components of cost changes are: Direct materials costs (317,500 325,500) Manufacturing conversion costs (275 275) Selling & customer-service costs (90 95) Change in operating income due to productivity $8 = $7,900 = $10,000 = $64,000 F 0 50,000 F $114,000 F The change in operating income between 2019 and 2020 can be analyzed as follows: Revenues Costs Operating income Income Statement Amounts in 2019 (1) $8,600,000 5,437,500 $3,162,500 Revenue and Cost Effects of Growth Component in 2020 (2) $430,000 F 112,375 U $317,625 F Revenue and Cost Effect Cost Effects of of Price-Recovery Productivity Component Component in 2020 in 2020 (3) (4) $420,000 F 176,625 U $114,000 F $243,375 F $114,000 F $675,000 F Income Statement Amounts in 2020 (5) = (1) + (2) + (3) + (4) $9,450,000 5,612,500 $3,837,500 Change in operating income 3. The analysis of operating income indicates that a significant amount of the increase in operating income resulted from Methuen’s product differentiation strategy. The company was able to continue to charge a premium price while growing sales. Methuen was also able to earn additional operating income by improving its productivity. 13-17 13-27 (20 min.) Analysis of growth, price-recovery, and productivity components (continuation of 13-25 and 13-26). Effect of the industry-market-size factor on operating income Of the 10-unit increase in sales from 200 to 210 units, 3% or 6 (3% 200) units is due to growth in market size, and 4 (10 6) units is due to an increase in market share. The change in Methuen’s operating income from the industry-market size factor rather than from specific strategic actions is: 6 $317,625 (the growth component in Exercise 13-26) $190,575 F 10 Effect of product differentiation on operating income The change in operating income due to: Increase in the selling price of D4H (revenue effect of price recovery) $420,000 F Increase in price of inputs (cost effect of price recovery) 176,625 U Growth in market share due to product differentiation $317,625 (the growth component in Exercise 13-26) Change in operating income due to product differentiation Effect of cost leadership on operating income The change in operating income from cost leadership is: Productivity component 4 10 127,050 F $370,425 F $ 114,000 F The change in operating income between 2019 and 2020 can be summarized as follows: Change due to industry-market-size Change due to product differentiation Change due to cost leadership Change in operating income $190,575 F 370,425 F 114,000 F $675,000 F Methuen has been successful in implementing its product differentiation strategy. 55% ($370,425 $675,000) of the increase in operating income during 2020 was due to product differentiation, i.e., the distinctiveness of its machines. The company was able to raise the prices of its machines faster than the costs of its inputs and still grow market share. Methuen’s operating income increase in 2020 was also helped by a growth in the overall market and some productivity improvements. 13-18 13-28 (15 min.) Identifying and managing unused capacity (continuation of 13-25). 1. The amount and cost of unused capacity at the beginning of year 2020 based on year 2020 production follows: Manufacturing, 275 210; (275 – 210) $7,900 Selling and customer service, 90 – 79; (90 – 79) $10,000 2. Amount of Unused Capacity 65 11 Cost of Unused Capacity $513,500 110,000 40 $7,900 = $316,000. 3. Methuen may choose not to downsize because it projects sales increases that would lead to a greater demand for and utilization of capacity. Methuen may have also decided not to downsize because downsizing requires a significant reduction in capacity. For example, Methuen may have chosen to downsize some manufacturing capacity if it could do so in increments of say, 10, rather than 40 units. Also, Methuen may be focused on product differentiation, which is key to its strategy, rather than on cost reduction. Not reducing significant capacity also helps to boost and maintain employee morale. 13-19 13-29 (15 min.) Strategy, balanced scorecard, service company. 1. Krater Associates’ strategy in 2020 is cost leadership. Krater’s architectural services are not distinct from its competitors. The market for these services is very competitive. Krater plans to grow by producing high-quality service at a low cost delivered to customers in a timely manner. 2. Balanced Scorecard measures for 2020 follow: Financial Perspective (1) Increase operating income from productivity gains and growth, (2) revenues per employee, (3) cost reductions in key areas, for example, architect support These measures indicate whether Krater has been able to lower costs and achieve operating income increases through cost leadership. Customer Perspective (1) Market share, (2) number of new customers, (3) customer responsiveness index, (4) customer satisfaction index Krater’s strategy should result in improvements in these customer measures that help evaluate whether Krater’s cost leadership strategy is succeeding with its customers. These measures are leading indicators of superior financial performance. Internal Business Process Perspective (1) Time to complete customer jobs, (2) time lost due to errors, (3) quality of job (are the architectural designs what the customer wanted?) Improvements in these measures are key drivers of achieving cost leadership and are expected to lead to more satisfied customers, lower costs, and superior financial performance. Learning and Growth Perspective (1) Time required to analyze and design steps, (2) time taken to perform key steps in the design process, (3) skill levels of employees, (4) hours of employee training, (5) employee satisfaction and motivation Improvements in these measures are likely to improve Krater’s ability to achieve cost leadership and have a cause-and-effect relationship with improvements in internal business processes, customer satisfaction, and financial performance. 13-20 13-30 (30 min.) 1. Strategic analysis of operating income (continuation of 13-29). Operating income for each year is as follows: Revenues ($36,000 44; $35,000 46) Costs Architect labor costs ($38 19,000; $39 30,000) Software implementation support costs ($2,700 61; $2,900 61) Total costs Operating income Change in operating income 2. 2019 $1,584,000 2020 $1,610,000 722,000 1,170,000 164,700 176,900 886,700 1,346,900 $ 697,300 $ 263,100 $434,200 U The Growth Component = (46 – 44) $36,000 = $72,000 F Architect labor-hours that would be required in 2020 to complete 46 jobs instead of the 44 jobs completed in 2019, assuming the 2019 input-output relationship continued into 2020, equal (19,000/ 44) 46 = 19,864 labor-hours. Architect (software implementation) support capacity would not change since adequate capacity exists in 2019 to support year 2020 output and customers. The cost effects of growth component are Architect labor costs (19,863.64 – 19,000) Architect (Software implementation) support cost (61 – 61) Cost effect of growth $38 = $2,700 = $32,832 U 0 $32,832 U In summary, the net increase in operating income as a result of the growth component equals: Revenue effect of growth $72,000 F Cost effect of growth 32,832 U Change in operating income due to growth $39,168 F The Price-Recovery Component = ($35,000 – $36,000) 46 = $46,000 U 13-21 Architect labor costs ($39 – $38) 19,864 = Architect (Software implementation) support costs ($2,900 – $2,700) 61 = Cost effect of price recovery $19,864 U 12,200 U $32,064 U In summary, the net decrease in operating income as a result of the price-recovery component equals: Revenue effect of price-recovery $46,000 U Cost effect of price-recovery 32,064 U Change in operating income due to price recovery $78,064 U The Productivity Component The productivity component of cost changes are: Architect labor costs (30,000 – 19,864) Architect (Software implementation) support costs (61 – 61) Change in operating income due to productivity $39 $2,900 = $395,304 F = 0 $395,304 F The change in operating income between 2019 and 2020 can be analyzed as follows: Revenues Costs Operating income Income Statement Amounts in 2019 (1) Revenue and Cost Effects of Growth Component in 2020 (2) $1,584,000 886,700 $ 697,300 $72,000 F 32,832 U $39,168 F Revenue and Income Cost Effects of Cost Effect of Statement Price-Recovery Productivity Amounts Component Component in 2020 in 2020 in 2020 (5) = (3) (4) (1) + (2) + (3) + (4) $46,000 U 32,064 U $395,304 U $78,064 U $395,304 U $434,200 F Change in operating income $1,610,000 1,346,900 $ 263,100 3. The analysis of operating income indicates that a significant amount of the decrease in operating income resulted from Krater’s productivity loss in 2020. The company had to reduce selling prices while architect labor costs were increasing but, most importantly, it experienced a significant decline in its productivity. The unfavorable price recovery component indicates that Krater could not pass on increases in labor-related wages via price increases to its customers, 13-22 very likely because the market was very competitive and its product was not differentiated from competitors’ offerings. 13-23 13-31 (25 min.) Analysis of growth, price-recovery, and productivity components (continuation of 13-29 and 13-30). Effect of industry-market-size factor on operating income Of the 2-unit increase in sales from 44 to 46 jobs, 10% or 4.4 jobs (10% 44) are due to growth in market size, and -2.4 (2 4.4) jobs are due to an decrease in market share. The change in Krater’s operating income from the industry market-size factor rather than from specific strategic actions is: $39,168 (the growth component in Exercise 13-30) (4.4/ 2) $ 86,170 F Effect of product differentiation on operating income Increase in prices of inputs (cost effect of price recovery) Effect of cost leadership on operating income Productivity component Effect of strategic decision to reduce selling price, $1,000 46 Growth in market share due to productivity improvement and strategic decision to reduce selling price $39,168 (the growth component in Exercise 13-30) (-2.4/ 2) Change in operating income due to cost leadership $ 32,064 U $395,304 U 46,000 U 47,002 U $ 488,306 U The change in operating income between 2019 and 2020 can then be summarized as Change due to industry-market-size Change due to product differentiation Change due to cost leadership Change in operating income $ 86,170 F 32,064 U 488,306 U $ 434,200 U Krater has been very unsuccessful in implementing its cost leadership strategy. Despite the strategic decrease in the selling price of a job by $1,000, the company was unable to grow its market share. Most importantly, Krater suffered tremendous losses in productivity in 2020: It look 30,000 architect labor-hours in 2020 to complete 46 jobs whereas it took 19,000 architect labor-hours to complete 44 jobs in 2019. 13-24 13-32 (20 min.) Identifying and managing unused capacity (continuation of 13-29). 1. The amount and cost of unused capacity at the beginning of year 2020 when Krater makes its capacity decisions for the year based on work done in year 2020 follows: Amount of Cost of Unused Unused Capacity Capacity Architect (software implementation) support, (61 46); (61 46) $2,900 15 $43,500 2. Krater can reduce architect (software implementation) support capacity from 61 jobs to 49 (61 15) jobs. Krater will save 15 $2,900 = $43,500. This is the maximum amount of costs Krater can save by downsizing in 2020. It cannot reduce capacity further because it would then not have enough capacity to do 46 jobs in 2020 (jobs that contribute significantly to operating income). 3. Krater may have chosen not to downsize because it projects sales increases in the near term that would lead to greater demand for and utilization of capacity. Krater may have also decided not to downsize because downsizing requires a significant reduction in capacity. For example, Krater may have chosen to downsize some architect (software implementation) support capacity if it could do so in, say, increments of 10, rather than 15 units. Not reducing significant capacity by laying off employees boosts employee morale and keeps employees more motivated and productive. 13-25 13-33 (15-20 min.) Balanced scorecard and strategy. 1. R and J currently follows a cost leadership strategy, which is reflected in its lower price compared to Stone Manufacturing. The Baxter vacuum is similar to products offered by competitors just a simpler version. Stone Manufacturing is following a product differentiation strategy by offering a product with more complex features at a higher price. 2. & 3. To achieve its goals, R and J could include the following measures under each perspective of the balanced scorecard: Financial Perspective Operating income from productivity and quality improvement Operating income from growth Revenue growth Customer Perspective Market share Number of additional customers Customer-satisfaction ratings Internal-BusinessProcess Perspective Percentage of defective products sold Percentage of products that need to be reworked Number of major improvements in manufacturing processes Learning-and-Growth Perspective Employee-satisfaction ratings Percentage of employees trained in quality management Percentage of line workers empowered to manage processes Percentage of manufacturing processes with real-time feedback 13-26 13-34 (30 min.) Strategic analysis of operating income. 1. Operating income for each year is as follows: Revenue ($125 15,000; $100 25,000) Costs Direct materials costs ($30 18,000; $30 27,000) Conversion costs Selling & customer service costs Total costs Operating income Change in operating income 2. 2019 $1,875,000 2020 $2,500,000 540,000 810,000 660,000 616,000 35,000 38,000 1,235,000 1,464,000 $640,000 $1,036,000 $396,000 F The Growth Component = (25,000 15,000) $125 = $1,250,000 F Direct materials that would be required in 2020 to produce 25,000 units instead of the 15,000 units produced in 2019, assuming the 2019 input-output relationship continued into 2020, equal (18,000/ 15,000) 25,000 = 30,000 kits. Conversion costs and selling and customer-service costs will not change because adequate capacity exists in 2019 to support year 2020 output and customers. The cost effects of growth component are: Direct materials costs (30,000 18,000) Conversion costs (30,000 30,000) Selling & customer-service costs (200 200) Cost effect of growth 13-27 $ 30 $ 22 $ 175 = $360,000 U = 0 = 0 $360,000 U In summary, the net increase in operating income as a result of the growth component equals: Revenue effect of growth $1,250,000 F Cost effect of growth $360,000 U Change in operating income due to growth $890,000 F The Price-Recovery Component = ($100 $125) 25,000 = $625,000 U ($30 - $30) 30,000 = $0 ($22 - $22) 30,000 = $0 ($190 - $175) 200 = $3,000 U $3,000 U Direct materials costs Conversion costs Selling & customer-services costs Cost effect of price-recovery In summary, the net increase in operating income as a result of the price-recovery component equals: Revenue effect of price-recovery $625,000 U Cost effect of price-recovery 3,000 U Change in operating income due to price-recovery $628,000 U The Productivity Component The productivity componenst of cost changes are: Direct materials costs (27,000 30,000) Conversion costs (28,000 – 30,000) Selling & customer-service costs (200 200) Change in operating income due to productivity $30 = $22 = $190 = $90,000 F 44,000 F 0 $134,000 F The change in operating income between 2019 and 2020 can be analyzed as follows: Revenues Income Statement Amounts in 2019 (1) $1,875,000 Revenue and Cost Effects of Growth Component in 2020 (2) $1,250,000 F Revenue and Cost Effects of Price-Recovery Component in 2020 (3) $625,000 U 13-28 Cost Effect of Productivity Component in 2020 (4) Income Statement Amounts in 2020 (5) = (1) + (2) + (3) + (4) $2,500,000 Costs Operating income 1,235,000 $640,000 360,000 U $890,000 F 3,000 U $628,000 U $396,000 F $134,000 F $134,000 F 1,464,000 $1,036,000 Change in operating income 3. XBlast successfully increased its operating income from 2019 to 2020. Input prices remained largely stable from 2019 to 2020. By lowering the selling price, XBlast was able to sell 67% more HOV-Xs. In addition, XBlast was able to increase productivity of direct materials costs and conversion costs. 13-29 13-35 (15-20 min.) Analysis of growth, price-recovery, and productivity components (continuation of 13-34). Effect of the industry-market-size factor on operating income Of the 10,000-unit increase in sales from 15,000 to 25,000 units, 25% or 3,750 (25% 15,000) units are due to growth in market size, and 6,250 (10,000 3,750) units are due to an increase in market share. The change in XBlast’s operating income from the industry-market size factor rather than from specific strategic actions is: $890,000 (the growth component in Exercise 13-34) 3,750/10,000 $333,750 F Effect of product differentiation on operating income The change in operating income due to: Increase in price of inputs (cost effect of price recovery) $ 3,000 U Effect of cost leadership on operating income The change in operating income from cost leadership is: Productivity component $134,000 F Decrease in selling price (revenue effect of price recovery) 625,000 U Growth in market share due to cost leadership 890,000 (the growth component in Exercise 13-34) 6,250/ 10,000 556,250 F Change in operating income due to cost leadership $ 65,250 F The change in operating income between 2019 and 2020 can be summarized as follows: Change due to industry market-size Change due to product differentiation Change due to cost leadership Change in operating income $333,750 F 3,000 U 65,250 F $396,000 F While the XBlast’s operating income increase in 2020 was largely helped by a growth in the overall market size, XBlast has been successful in implementing its cost leadership strategy. XBlast was able to increase its productivity and, by cutting its selling price, was able to gain market share that might also benefit it in future periods. 13-30 13-36 (15-20 min.) Identifying and managing unused capacity (continuation of 13-34). 1. The amount and cost of unused capacity at the beginning of year 2020 when XBlast makes its capacity decisions for the year based on year 2020 production follows: Manufacturing, 28,000 27,000; (28,000 – 27,000) $22 Selling and customer service, 200 – 150; (200– 150) $190 Amount of Unused Capacity 1,000 50 Cost of Unused Capacity $22,000 $ 9,500 2. XBlast can reduce selling and customer-service capacity 50 customers (200 – 150 = 50 customers). XBlast will save 50 $190 = $9,500. This is the maximum amount of costs XBlast can save in 2020. 3. XBlast may have chosen not to downsize because it projects sales increases in the near term that would lead to greater demand for and utilization of selling and customer-service capacity. It is difficult to reduce and then immediately increase capacity. Not reducing significant capacity by laying off employees boosts employee morale and keeps employees more motivated and productive. 13-31 13-37 (20-30 min.) Balanced scorecard. Perspectives ▪ Financial Strategic Objectives Performance Measures ▪ Increase shareholder value ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Increase profit generated by each salesperson ▪ Profit per salesperson ▪ Customer ▪ Acquire new customers ▪ Retain customers ▪ Develop profitable customers ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Internal Business Process ▪ Improve manufacturing quality ▪ Introduction of new products ▪ Percentage of defective product units ▪ Number of new products ▪ Minimize invoice error rate ▪ On-time delivery by suppliers ▪ Percentage of error-free invoices ▪ Percentage of on-time deliveries by suppliers ▪ Number of patents ▪ Increase proprietary products ▪ Learning and Growth ▪ Increase information system capabilities ▪ Enhance employee skills 13-32 Earnings per share Net income Return on assets Return on sales Return on equity Product cost per unit Number of new customers Percentage of customers retained Customer profitability Customer cost per unit ▪ Percentage of processes with real-time feedback ▪ Employee turnover rate ▪ Average job-related training hours per employee 13-38 (20 min.) Balanced scorecard. 1. Unearth’s strategy is to focus on “service-oriented customers” who are willing to pay a higher price for services. Even though Petrol is largely a commodity product, Unearth wants to differentiate itself through the service it provides at its retailing stations. Does the scorecard represent Unearth’s strategy? By and large it does. The focus of the scorecard is on measures of process improvement, quality, market share, and financial success from product differentiation and charging higher prices for customer service. There are some deficiencies that the subsequent assignment questions raise but, abstracting from these concerns for the moment, the scorecard does focus on implementing a product differentiation strategy. Having concluded that the scorecard has been reasonably well designed, how has Unearth performed relative to its strategy in 2020? It appears from the scorecard that Unearth was successful in implementing its strategy in 2020. It achieved all targets in the financial, internal business, and learning and growth perspectives. The only target it missed was the market share target in the customer perspective. At this stage, students may raise some questions about whether this is a good scorecard measure. Requirement 3 gets at this issue in more detail. The bottom line is that measuring “market share in the overall Petrol market” rather than in the “service-oriented customer” market segment is not a good scorecard measure, so not achieving this target may not be as big an issue as it may seem at first. 2. Yes, Unearth should include some measure of employee satisfaction and employee training in the learning and growth perspective. Unearth’s differentiation strategy and ability to charge a premium price is based on customer service. The key to good, fast, and friendly customer service is well-trained and satisfied employees. Untrained and dissatisfied employees will have poor interactions with customers and cause the strategy to fail. Hence, training and employee satisfaction are very important to Unearth for implementing its strategy. These measures are leading indicators of whether Unearth will be able to successfully implement its strategy and should be measured on the balanced scorecard. 3. Unearth’s strategy is to focus on the 60% of Petrol consumers who are service-oriented, not on the 40% price-shopper segment. To evaluate if it has been successful in implementing its strategy, Unearth needs to measure its market share in its targeted market segment, “serviceoriented customer,” not its market share in the overall market. Given Unearth’s strategy, it should not be concerned if its market share in the price-shopper segment declines. In fact, charging premium prices will probably cause its market share in this segment to decline. Unearth should replace “market share in overall Petrol market” with “market share in the service-oriented customer segment” in its balanced scorecard customer measure. Unearth may also want to consider putting a customer satisfaction measure on the scorecard. This measure should capture an overall evaluation of customer reactions to the facility, the convenience store, employee interactions, and quick turnaround. The customer satisfaction measure would serve as a leading indicator of market share in the service-oriented customer segment. 4. Although there is a cause-and-effect link between internal business process measures and customer measures on the current scorecard, Unearth should add more measures to tighten this linkage. In particular, the current scorecard measures focus exclusively on refinery operations and not on gas station operations. Unearth should add measures of gas station performance such as cleanliness of the facility, turnaround time at the gas pumps, the shopping experience at the 13-33 convenience store, and the service provided by employees. Many companies do random audits of their facilities to evaluate how well their branches and retail outlets are performing. These measures would serve as leading indicators of customer satisfaction and market share in Unearth’s targeted segments. 5. Unearth is correct in not measuring changes in operating income from productivity improvements on its scorecard under the financial perspective. Unearth’s strategy is to grow by charging premium prices for customer service. The scorecard measures focus on Unearth’s success in implementing this strategy. Productivity gains per se are not critical to Unearth’s strategy and, therefore, should not be measured on the scorecard. 13-34 13-39 (30 min.) Balanced scorecard. 1. The market for color laser printers is competitive. Vic’s strategy is to produce and sell high-quality laser printers at a low cost. The key to achieving higher quality is reducing defects in its manufacturing operations. The key to managing costs is dealing with the high fixed costs of Vic’s automated manufacturing facility. To reduce costs per unit, Vic would have to either produce more units or eliminate excess capacity. The scorecard correctly measures and evaluates Vic’s broad strategy of growth through productivity gains and cost leadership. There are some deficiencies, of course, that subsequent assignment questions will consider. It appears from the scorecard that Vic was not successful in implementing its strategy in 2020. Although it achieved targeted performance in the learning and growth and internal business process perspectives, it significantly missed its targets in the customer and financial perspectives. Vic has not had the success it targeted in the market and has not been able to reduce fixed costs. 2. Vic’s scorecard does not provide any explanation of why the target market share was not met in 2020. Was it due to poor quality? Higher prices? Poor post-sales service? Inadequate supply of products? Poor distribution? Aggressive competitors? The scorecard is not helpful for understanding the reasons underlying the poor market share. Vic may want to include some measures in the customer perspective (and internal business process perspective) that get at these issues. These measures would then serve as leading indicators (based on cause-and-effect relationships) for lower market share. For example, Vic should measure customer satisfaction with its printers on various dimensions of product features, quality, price, service, and availability. It should measure how well its printers match up against other color laser printers on the market. This is critical information for Vic to successfully implement its strategy. 3. Vic should include a measure of employee satisfaction to the learning and growth perspective and a measure of new product development to the internal business process perspective. The focus of its current scorecard measures is on processes and not on people and products. Vic considers training and empowering workers as important for implementing its highquality, low-cost strategy. Therefore, employee training and employee satisfaction should appear in the learning and growth perspective of the scorecard. Vic can then evaluate if improving employee-related measures results in improved internal-business process measures, market share and financial performance. Adding new product development measures to internal business processes is also important. As Vic reduces defects, Vic’s costs will not automatically decrease because many of Vic’s costs are fixed. Instead, Vic will have more capacity available to it. The key question is how Vic will obtain value from this capacity. One important way is to use the capacity to produce and sell new models of its products. Of course, if this strategy is to work, Vic must develop new products at the same time that it is improving quality. Hence, the scorecard should contain some measure to monitor progress in new product development. Improving quality without developing and selling new products (or downsizing) will result in weak financial performance. The new product development need not focus on designing innovative products 13-35 that can command a price premium because Vic’s strategy is one of cost leadership and not product differentiation but rather on product extensions that could help it grow sales. 4. Improving quality and significantly downsizing to eliminate unused capacity is difficult. Recall that the key to improving quality at Vic Corporation is training and empowering workers. As quality improvements occur, capacity will be freed up, but because costs are fixed, quality improvements will not automatically lead to lower costs. To reduce costs, Vic’s management must take actions such as selling equipment and laying off employees. But how can management lay off the very employees whose hard work and skills led to improved quality? If it did lay off employees now, will the remaining employees ever work hard to improve quality in the future? For these reasons, Vic’s management should first focus on using the newly available capacity to sell more products. If it cannot do so and must downsize, management should try to downsize in a way that would not hurt employee morale, such as through retirements and voluntary severance. If it had to downsize, the preferred approach for Vic to follow is to first downsize by laying off employees, assure the remaining employees that there will be no more layoffs, and then seek to improve quality. 13-36 13-40 (20-25 min.) Balanced Scorecard and performance measurement in the manufacturing industry. Report To: The board of Monza From: A. Accountant Date: September 2016 Subject: Performance measurement and management issues at Monza This report addresses the problems of using the balanced scorecard within Monza. The current and proposed performance measures are evaluated, and the main current measure is discussed in detail. Quality costs and the new quality program at the manufacturing division are analyzed. Finally, the lean philosophy is applied to the new information system for the drug development division. (i) Problems with using the balanced scorecard The balanced scorecard (BSC) provides no aggregate or single summary measure of performance unlike the value-based approach. Also, there is no simple, direct link between shareholder value, the main objective of Monza, and the balanced scorecard measures. The measures in the scorecard can conflict, for example, cost controls (financial perspective) can obstruct the investment needed in order to speed up manufacturing processes (internal business perspective). Overall, the measures should seek to align with the fundamental need to create shareholder value. It can be difficult to select measures. In particular, there is the danger of losing sight of key information in a plethora of indicators. This may be an issue for Monza as it has only had three indicators in the past and this will now increase significantly (a potential of 12, if there is one for each level of management in the four perspectives). T here must be management commitment to the change inthe scorecard. In particular, there must not be a return to focus on the financial measures which have been used in the past at Monza. Management should acquire the expertise for understanding non-financial measures through training. There are potentially significant costs in collecting the additional information which will be needed for the new performance measures. Many of the measures will be non-financial and so new information systems will be required to collect and record the data. (ii) Choice of current and proposed performance measures Current measures The current measures are all historic, financial ones and so the BSC approach will bring a longer-term view by using non-financial measures which consider those factors which might drive future growth, for example, those in the learning and growth perspective. The current measures do not directly link to shareholder value which appears to be the overall aim of the company. A measure such as economic value added would do this more effectively. The three measures do give a broad view of financial performance. ROCE is a widelyused measure through which it should be possible to benchmark against competitors. As far as the divisions are concerned, there is a measure of success in selling through revenue growth, though this may not be due to only the sales division but also the drugs brought to 13-37 market by the development division. Average cost to develop a new drug is a financial measure of the development division’s performance but this does not measure its aim of innovation in development. Indeed, this measure may conflict with that aim as cost control of development may hinder innovative thinking. It would appear more appropriate to have a cost control measure associated with manufacturing as its goal is to be more efficient. The performance of the manufacturing division is only measured indirectly through its effect on the financial performance of the company as a whole. Consultants’ proposed measures The suggested measures do not seem to deviate much from the existing measures, though there may be an advantage in this as the new system would be using existing information systems and known measures in that case. However, this advantage is secondary to the need to find measures which will drive useful performance in the four perspectives. The proposed measures from the consultants’ interim report mostly fit within the standard four perspectives of the BSC, although revenue growth is more appropriate as a measure from the financial perspective. Customer perspective measures should focus on the strategies which will achieve success in the eyes of the customers rather than just measuring the results of those strategies. Examples of this would be measuring the efficacy of the drugs which are developed by Monza or the reputation of Monza’s medicines among the medical community. Taking the others in turn, ROCE does not seem to be directly linked to shareholder value as, for example, economic value added or net present value would be. ROCE considers the performance over the whole capital base while the shareholders will be more directly concerned with returns on their equity investment. As a profit-based measure, ROCE may also be failing to target cash-generation which is ultimately driving dividend payments and value creation for shareholders. As already indicated, cost control in business processes is important but other measures of success such as time to market for the development of new products and quality initiatives should also be considered. The fourth perspective is particularly relevant to a high-technology firm such as Monza. There will be considerable competitive advantage in having a highly skilled workforce, however, the measure proposed is imprecise as it values all training days, whether for knowledge workers or unskilled laborers, as equally valuable. Measures of the number of innovations within each division may be appropriate as these will be qualitatively different (new compounds developed, manufacturing quality improvements and sales techniques/initiatives developed). Overall, the initial proposed set of measures does appear limited and does not address the overall aim of Monza or the problem of the narrowness of the existing set of measures. 13-38 13-41 (25 min.) Balanced Scorecard, social performance. 1. The market for cable and Internet providers is competitive. Highland State’s strategy follows a cost-leadership strategy—providing quality service at low cost by being efficient, and effective. The scorecard correctly measures and evaluates Highland State’s strategy of growth through productivity gains and cost leadership. There are, however, some deficiencies that subsequent assignment questions will consider. It appears from the scorecard that Highland State was not successful in implementing its strategy in 2020. Although it achieved targeted performance in most of the learning and growth and internal business process perspectives, it significantly missed its targets in the customer and financial perspectives. Highland State has not had the success it targeted in the market and has not been able to improve efficiency in order to reduce costs. Highland State’s scorecard does not provide an explanation of why the target customer satisfaction measure was not met in 2020. Was it due to poor quality? Higher prices? Poor postsales service? Aggressive competitors? The scorecard is not helpful for understanding the reasons underlying the poor customer satisfaction. 2. Highland State should not include R&D costs in its internal business process perspective. It should not focus on developing innovative services because it is not following a product differentiation strategy. It needs to cut these costs and focus instead on providing customers a quality service at the lowest costs, and faster and more efficient installation, consistent with its low-cost strategy. 3. There is a cause-and-effect relationship between the installation time per customer and customer satisfaction but not between money spent in R&D and customer satisfaction. As discussed in requirement 2 above, I would drop the R&D measure. I would then add measures for the quality of the installation service to the internal business process perspective. How much time does it take to schedule an appointment after the customer calls? Does the service work flawlessly after it has been installed? Do customers call Highland State to fix problems? How much time is spent on post-installation support? The point is to add more measures to the internal business process perspective so that Highland State can get a better understanding of the reasons underlying increases and decreases in customer satisfaction. In the customer perspective, I would add measures to track Highland State’s market share in Barcelona. Do increases in customer satisfaction translate into higher market shares? Is Highland State correctly identifying the factors that customers care deeply about and making improvements in those areas faster than its competitors? Although not required by the question, the instructor could ask the class what else Highland State might want to include in the learning and growth perspective to support the customer and internal business process perspectives. The learning and growth measures would then serve as leading indicators (based on cause-and-effect relationships) for the internalbusiness processes and customer satisfaction. For example, Highland State could include a measure related to employee satisfaction or retention. For example, higher employee satisfaction would lead to greater ownership of employees in providing a quality service. This is critical for Highland State to successfully implement its strategy. 13-39 4. Highland State included social and environmental performance measures in its balanced scorecard because it believes strong environmental and social performance gives it a competitive advantage by (1) attracting and inspiring outstanding employees, (2) enhancing its reputation with socially conscious customers, investors and analysts, and (3) boosting its image with governments and citizens, all of which contribute to long-run financial performance. Highland State also believes that focusing on environmental and social performance in addition to financial performance helps it to innovate in technologies, processes, products, and business models to reduce the trade-offs between financial and sustainability goals and build transformational leadership and change capabilities to implement these “triple bottom line” strategies. Following the concept of shared value, Highland State includes social and environmental measures (together with business goals and measures) in its balanced scorecard to evaluate how well it is doing toward achieving its social and environmental goals. The balanced scorecard indicates that Highland State’s social and environmental initiatives are having mixed results. Highland State’s focus on safety certification training aims to decrease workplace injuries and to reduce overall costs. So far, the safety certification goals have not been met and workplace injuries have not been reduced to their target levels. Highland State would need to consider if the safety certification training has been as effective as it was intended. Similarly increasing the number of new programs with community organizations aims to increase the number of new customers acquired as a result of these initiatives and in turn to increase revenue from new customers. Even though the number of new programs started exceeded the target, it did not result in the targeted number of new customers nor the target revenues from new customers. Highland State would need to re-evaluate the kinds of new programs it is implementing. Not all companies believe in implementing sustainability goals, but those that do find the balanced scorecard to be a useful tool to simultaneously implement both financial and sustainability goals. 13-40 13-42 (30 min.) Balanced scorecard, public sector. (a) As relatively simple measures of what an organization has achieved, it is unsurprising that outputs can be attractive indicators of success. For example, the outputs from the body that looks after roadworks might include the number of repairs completed, miles of roadway refurbished or newly built, and at what cost. Outcomes can be more com-plex. They require an organization to consider whether what it is doing is making a difference and to what. From our previous example, this could include looking to see whether traffic flow is better, journey times shorter, if there are fewer accidents, or if the works contributed to wider economic development. Another example, improving the wellbeing of children in a certain area might require an improvement across a range of areas – from housing standards to access to preschool care and education. Thus, collaboration might be required to achieve the best outcomes. Benefits (rather than requirements) may arise across multiple organizations in the long term. For example, links between outcomes across education, social care and health. Also, conflicts can arise across public bodies due to conflicting objectives – social care and long-term benefits of recipients staying in their community compared to the Police’s need to re-duce crime which could lead to arrest and subsequent imprisonment through the criminal justice system. (b) The key motivation for a move to a Balanced Scorecard approach in the private sector is to go beyond a focus solely on financial measures. In the public sector, however, much more non-financial performance is measured as a matter of routine. Standard methods of performance management, with suites of key performance indicators and reporting of progress against actions, do tend to look at areas such as stakeholder satisfaction, staff satisfaction, training and achievement of outcomes, but they are reported and presented in a less coherent way than that with a Balanced Scorecard. Linkages, dependencies and relationships between performance measures are often overlooked or not considered when the information is displayed in the standard manner. Balanced scorecards can be more effective, as they are a way of translating an organization’s strategy and mission into measures that can be monitored to illustrate progress and success. They originated in the United States in the 1990s and were used as a way of linking non-financial measures of success with the more commonlyused financial measures (sales, profits, shareholder dividends, etc.) There are four key areas in the traditional scorecard: a. Financial Measures b. Customer (External) Perspective c. Internal Perspective d. Learning & Growth Perspective These have been adapted for the public sector, and some organizations have added further areas to reflect better the different priorities for the public sector. Whilst developed initially for businesses, the balanced scorecard approach has been adapted for public service organizations. Clearly, the objectives and strategy of such an organization can still be translated into a scorecard of performance measures: Financial Measures: budgets and other financial aspects (unit costs, for example). Customer Perspective: covers a range of stakeholders, including citizens, service users, non- executive roles, regulators and Government. 13-41 Internal Perspective (Processes): the key processes for improving effective service delivery, as well as some inward-looking strategic objectives which the organization has set itself. Learning & Growth Perspective (People): the development of the organization’s workforce and how the organization itself learns as it delivers services. One example is for a local council in the United Kingdom – London Borough of Barking & Dagenham: As part of their 2020 vision document, London Borough of Barking & Dagenham have developed a balanced scorecard, with five elements, rather than the traditional four. In addition to categories for ‘Customer First’, ‘Funding for the Future’, ‘People Matter’ and ‘Performance Counts’, there is an overarching category – ‘Community First’. This is to recognize the Council’s role in community leadership, promoting the social, economic and environmental well-being of the area. There is a strategic scorecard for the whole Council, with performance indicators for each area, supplemented by a framework of service and scorecards, bringing together a total of 200 performance indicators. Furthermore, the scorecard approach has been adapted to produce a strategic approach for the Council, with 17 strategic objectives (covering the basic four categories) which support 7 community objectives. Although in its early stages, the Council say that this approach has already brought them a number of benefits ‘Because the scorecards link our externally focused community priorities to strategic objectives, service priorities and individual performance measures they have helped to clarify the picture and have direct relevance at many levels of the organization. Services are measurably improving as performance management becomes valued.’ The advantages include: 1. A clear and easy to understand reporting tool and format for senior managers and other stakeholders 2. It covers multiple aspects of an organization's performance and operation - e.g. not just financial performance - so the impact of decisions can be monitored over these aspects 3. Grouping performance measures into areas can draw out links within such areas and across different areas, given the sometimes complex and/or conflicting nature of public sector objectives Balanced Scorecards allow users to look at short-, medium- and longer-term issues through a single "dashboard" To implement such an approach will need knowledge and experience of successful change management, as there will often be a significant shift in mindsets and how the organization looks at its own performance. As stated above, consensus on developing the objectives, measures, targets and actions will be crucial and time should be devoted to achieving this, utilizing proportional avenues of communication and engagement, as appropriate. The benefits of a Balanced Scorecard approach will need to be sold to those involved, to win 'hearts and minds' and ensure ownership and full engagement. The disadvantages include: 1. Having four categories can present difficulties with determining which categories a measure should go in 2. Can require a lot of resources in terms of time and cost 3. Information may be incomplete, therefore not giving an accurate overall picture 4. There may be a resistance within the organization, as the approach requires a different mindset and processes from more conventional performance management 13-42 5. Difficult to use scientifically, as the link between financial investment, savings, and other elements is not always known and may not be ‘proved’ 6. While balanced, finance traditionally remains the overriding concern, i.e. other dimensions are used to create better financial performance (profit). In public sectors, the decision is more about the prioritization of scarce financial resources, which requires some adaption and lateral thinking to the original model (c) A BSC approach may not be suitable for every organization for some or all of these reasons, but where resources and an open attitude to change are available, then pursuing such a change in performance management and reporting can lead to a better understanding of what an organization wants to achieve, and how it can go about achieving it. 13-43 13-43 (20 min.) 1. Partial productivity measurement. Goldstein Company’s partial productivity ratios in 2020 are as follows: Direct materials partial productivity = (Quantity of output produced in 2020/ Yards of direct materials used in 2020) = (3,348,000/ 2,160,000) = 1.55 wallets per yard Conversion costs partial productivity = (Quantity of output produced in 2020/ Units of manuf. capacity in 2020) = (3,348,000/ 3,100,000) = 1.08 wallets per unit of capacity To compare partial productivities in 2020 with partial productivities in 2019, we first calculate the inputs that would have been used in 2019 to produce year 2020’s 3,348,000 units of output assuming the year 2019 relationship between inputs and outputs. Direct materials = 1,875,000 yards (2019) (3,348,000 output units in 2020/ 2,700,000 out put units in 2019) = 1,875,000 yards 1.24 = 2,325,000 yards Alternatively, we can calculate direct materials that would have been used in year 2019 to produce year 2020’s 3,348,000 output as 1,875,000 yards 2,700,000 units = 0.6944 yards per unit 3,348,000 units = 2,325,000 yards. Manufacturing capacity = 3,600,000 units of capacity, because manufacturing capacity is fixed, and adequate capacity existed in 2019 to produce year 2020 output. Partial productivity calculations for 2019 based on year 2020 output (to make the partial productivities comparable across the two years): Direct materials partial productivity = (Quantity of output produced in 2020/ Yard of direct materials that would have been used in 2019 to produce year 2020 output) = (3,348,000/ 2,325,000) = 1.44 wallets per yard Conversion costs partial productivity = (Quantity of output produced in 2020/ Units of manufacturing capacity that would have been used in 2019 to produce year 2020 output) = (3,348,000/ 3,600,000) = 0.93 wallets per unit of capacity 13-44 The calculations indicate that Goldstein improved the partial productivity of direct materials and conversion costs between 2019 and 2020 via efficiency improvements and by reducing unused manufacturing capacity. 2. Goldstein Company management can use the partial productivity measures to set targets for the next year. Partial productivity measures can easily be compared over multiple periods. For example, they may specify bonus payments if partial productivity of direct materials increases to 1.95 units of output per yard and if partial productivity of conversion costs improves to 1.25 units of output per unit of capacity. A major advantage of partial productivity measures is that they focus on a single input; hence, they are simple to calculate and easy to understand at the operations level. Managers and operators can also examine these numbers to understand the reasons underlying productivity changes from one period to the next—better training of workers, lower labor turnover, better incentives, or improved methods. Management can then implement and sustain these factors in the future. 13-45 13-44 (25 min.) Total factor productivity (continuation of 13-43). 1. Total factor productivity for 2020 using 2020 prices = (Quantity of output produced in 2020/ Costs of inputs used in 2020 based on 2020 prices) = (3,348,000/ [(2,160,000 $4.40) + ($10,540,000)]) = (3,348,000/ [$9,504,00 + $10,540,000]) = (3,348,000/ $20,044,000) = 0.167 units of output per dollar of input 2. By itself, the 2020 TFP of 0.167 units per dollar of input is not particularly helpful. We need something to compare the 2020 TFP against. We use, as a benchmark, TFP calculated using the inputs that Goldstein would have used in 2019 to produce 3,348,200 units of output at 2020 prices. Using the current year’s (2020) prices in both calculations control for input price differences and focus the analysis on the adjustments the manager made in the quantities of inputs in response to changes in prices. 2020 price of capacity = = = Benchmark TFP (Cost of capacity in 2020/ Capacity in 2020) ($10,540,000/ 3,100,000 units) $3.40 per unit of capacity = (Quantity of output produced in 2020/ Costs of inputs that would have been used in 2019 to produce 2020 output at year 2020 input prices) = (3,348,000/ [(2,325,000 $4.40) + (3,600,000 $3.40)]) = (3,348,000/ [$10,230,000 + $12,240,000]) = (3,348,000/ $22,470,000) = 0.149 units of output per dollar of input Using 2020 prices, total factor productivity increased 12.1% [(0.167 0.149) 0.149] from 2019 to 2020. 3. Total factor productivity increased because Goldstein produced more output per dollar of input in 2020 relative to 2019, measured in both years using 2020 prices. The change in partial productivity of direct materials and conversion costs tells us that Goldstein used less materials and capacity in 2020 relative to output, than in 2019. A major advantage of TFP over partial productivity measures is that TFP combines the productivity of all inputs and so measures gains from using fewer physical inputs and substitution among inputs. Partial productivities cannot be combined to indicate the overall effect on cost as a result of these individual improvements. The TFP measure allows managers to evaluate the change in 13-46 overall productivity by simultaneously combining all inputs to measure gains from using fewer physical inputs as well as substitution among inputs. 13-47 Try It! 13-1 1. The following is Nile's strategy map. The strong ties are indicated by bolder arrows, for example, attracting and retaining quality employees and employee training, improving delivery time, product offerings and customer service. Attracting and retaining quality employees and employee training are also trigger points for improving delivery time, product offerings and customer service. Achieving these internal business process objectives leads to higher customer satisfaction which in turn increases market share, operating income growth and shareholder value. The three internal business process perspectives are what make Nile distinctive. If Nile can be better than its competitors in these perspectives, it has an excellent chance of achieving consistent superior performance. SOLUTION EXHIBIT TRY IT 13-1 Strategy Map for Nile Company 13-48 2. To achieve its goals, Nile includes the following measures under each perspective of the balanced scorecard related to its strategy map: Financial Perspective Customer Perspective Internal-BusinessProcess Perspective Learning-and-Growth Perspective Strategic Objective Increase operating income: Increase shareholder value: Balanced Scorecard Measure Operating income from product differentiation Operating income from growth Revenue growth Increase market share: Market share Increase customer satisfaction: Number of additional customers Customer-satisfaction ratings Reduce delivery time: Average number of days to deliver product Increase product offerings: Number of new products available Improve customer service: Number of customer complaints Improve quality of employee training: Percentage of employees trained Attract and retain quality employees: Employee turnover of high-rated employees Employee satisfaction Enhance information system capabilities: Average system customer response time 13-49 Try It! 13-2 1. Operating income for each year is as follows: Revenues ($3,500 450; $3,300 650) Costs Engineering labor costs ($39 27,000; $40 32,000) Engineering support costs ($310 850; $360 850) Total costs Operating income Change in operating income 2019 $1,575,000 2020 $2,145,000 1,053,000 1,280,000 263,500 306,000 1,316,500 1,586,000 $ 258,500 $ 559,000 $300,500 F 2. The Growth Component = (650 – 450) $3,500 = $700,000 Engineering labor-hours that would be required in 2020 to complete 650 jobs instead of the 450 jobs done in 2019, assuming the 2019 input-output relationship continued into 2020, equal (27,000/ 450) 650 = 39,000 labor-hours. Engineering support capacity would not change since adequate capacity exists in 2019 to support year 2020 jobs. The cost effects of growth component are Engineering labor costs Engineering support costs Cost effect of growth (39,000 – 27,000) (850 – 850) 13-50 $39 = $468,000 U $310 = 0 $468,000 U In summary, the net increase in operating income as a result of the growth component equals: Revenue effect of growth $700,000 F Cost effect of growth 468,000 U Change in operating income due to growth $232,000 F The Price-Recovery Component = ($3,300 – $3,500) 650 = $130,000 U ($40 – $39) 39,000 ($360 – $310) 850 Engineering labor costs Engineering support costs Cost effect of price recovery = = $39,000 U 42,500 U $81,500 U In summary, the net decrease in operating income as a result of the price-recovery component equals: Revenue effect of price-recovery $130,000 U Cost effect of price-recovery 81,500 U Change in operating income due to price recovery $211,500 U The Productivity Component The productivity component of cost changes are: Engineering labor costs (32,000 – 39,000) Engineering support costs (850 – 850) Change in operating income due to productivity $40 $360 = $280,000 F = 0 $280,000 F The change in operating income between 2019 and 2020 can be analyzed as follows: Income Statement Amounts in 2019 (1) Revenues Costs $1,575,000 1,316,500 Revenue and Cost Effects of Growth Component in 2020 (2) Revenue and Cost Effects of Price-Recovery Component in 2020 (3) Cost Effect of Productivity Component in 2020 (4) $130,000 U 81,500 U $280,000 F $700,000 F 468,000 U 13-51 Income Statement Amounts in 2020 (5) = (1) + (2) + (3) + (4) $2,145,000 1,586,000 Operating income $ 258,500 $232,000 F $211,500 U $280,000 F $300,500 F Change in operating income $ 559,000 3. The analysis of operating income indicates that a significant amount of the increase in operating income resulted from Costa’s productivity improvements in 2020. The company had to reduce selling prices while labor costs were increasing but it was able to increase operating income by improving its productivity. The productivity gains also allowed Costa to be competitive and grow the business. The unfavorable price recovery component indicates that Costa could not pass on increases in labor-related wages via price increases to its customers (it, in fact, had to decrease prices), very likely because its product was not differentiated from competitors’ offerings. 13-52 Try It! 13-3 Effect of industry-market-size factor on operating income Of the 200 jobs increase in sales from 450 to 650 jobs, 14% or 63 jobs (14% 450) are due to growth in market size, and 137 (200 63) jobs are due to an increase in market share. The change in Costa’s operating income from the industry market-size factor rather than from specific strategic actions is: $232,000 (the growth component in Try It 13-2) (63/ 200) $ 73,080 F Effect of product differentiation on operating income Increase in prices of inputs (cost effect of price recovery) Effect of cost leadership on operating income Productivity component Effect of strategic decision to reduce selling price, $200 650 Growth in market share due to productivity improvement and strategic decision to reduce selling price $232,000 (the growth component in Try It 13-2) (137/ 200) Change in operating income due to cost leadership $ 81,500 U $280,000 F 130,000 U 158,920 F $308,920 F The change in operating income between 2019 and 2020 can then be summarized as Change due to industry-market-size Change due to product differentiation Change due to cost leadership Change in operating income $ 73,080 F 81,500 U 308,920 F $300,500 F Costa has been very successful in implementing its cost leadership strategy. Despite the increase in the cost of engineering labor and engineering support, Costa strategically decreased the selling price of a job by $200. That is, Costa took advantage of its productivity gains to reduce price, gain market share, and increase operating income. 13-53 Try It! 13-4 1. The amount and cost of unused capacity at the beginning of year 2020 when Costa makes its capacity decisions for the year based on jobs done in year 2020 follows: Amount of Unused Capacity Engineering support 850 650; (850 650) $360 200 Cost of Unused Capacity $72,000 2. Costa can reduce engineering support capacity by 200 jobs from 850 jobs to 650 jobs. Costa will save 200 $360 = $72,000. This is the maximum amount of costs Costa can save by downsizing in 2020. It cannot reduce capacity further (by another 50 jobs to 600 jobs) because it would then not have enough capacity to do 650 jobs in 2020 (jobs that contribute significantly to operating income). 3. Costa may have chosen not to downsize because it projects sales increases in the near term that would lead to greater demand for and utilization of capacity. Costa may have also decided not to downsize because downsizing requires a significant reduction in capacity and capability of the organization. Not reducing significant capacity by laying off employees boosts employee morale and keeps employees more motivated and productive. 13-54 CHAPTER 14 PRICING DECISIONS AND COST MANAGEMENT 14-1 The three major influences on pricing decisions are 1. Customers 2. Competitors 3. Costs 14-2 Not necessarily. For a one-time-only special order, the relevant costs are only those costs that will change as a result of accepting the order. In this case, full product costs will rarely be relevant. It is more likely that full product costs will be relevant costs for long-run pricing decisions. 14-3 Four purposes of cost allocation are as follows: 1. To provide information for economic decisions 2. To motivate managers and other employees 3. To justify costs or compute reimbursement amounts 4. To measure income and assets 14-4 Activity-based costing helps managers in pricing decisions in two ways. 1. It gives managers more accurate product-cost information for making pricing decisions. 2. It helps managers to manage costs during value engineering by identifying the cost impact of eliminating, reducing, or changing various activities. 14-5 Two alternative approaches to long-run pricing decisions are the following: 1. Market-based pricing, an important form of which is target pricing. The market-based approach asks, “Given what our customers want and how our competitors will react to what we do, what price should we charge?” 2. Cost-based pricing which asks, “What does it cost us to make this product and, hence, what price should we charge that will recoup our costs and achieve a target return on investment?” 14-6 A target cost per unit is the estimated long-run cost per unit of a product (or service) that, when sold at the target price, enables the company to achieve the targeted operating income per unit. 14-7 Value engineering is a systematic evaluation of all aspects of the value-chain business functions, with the objective of reducing costs while satisfying customer needs. Value engineering via improvement in product and process designs is a principal technique that companies use to achieve target cost per unit. 14-8 A value-added cost is a cost that customers perceive as adding value, or utility, to a product or service. Examples are costs of materials, direct labor, tools, and machinery. A nonvalue-added cost is a cost that customers do not perceive as adding value, or utility, to a product or service. Examples of nonvalue-added costs are costs of rework, scrap, expediting, and breakdown maintenance. 14-1 14-9 No. It is important to distinguish between when costs are locked in and when costs are incurred because it is difficult to alter or reduce costs that have already been locked in. 14-10 Cost-plus pricing is a pricing approach in which managers add a markup to cost in order to determine price. 14-11 Cost-plus pricing methods vary with the bases used to calculate prices. Examples are (a) variable manufacturing costs; (b) manufacturing function costs; (c) variable product costs; and (d) full product costs. 14-12 Life-cycle budgeting is an estimate of the revenues and costs attributable to each product from its initial R&D to its final customer servicing and support. 14-13 Three benefits of using a product life-cycle reporting format are the following: 1. The full set of revenues and costs associated with each product becomes more visible. 2. Differences among products in the percentage of total costs committed at early stages in the life cycle are highlighted. 3. Interrelationships among business function cost categories are highlighted. 14-14 Price discrimination is the practice of charging different customers different prices for the same product or service. An example is an airlines aiming to charge business travelers higher prices by charging a higher price for tickets that do not include a Saturday night. 14-15 Peak-load pricing is the practice of charging a higher price for the same product or service when demand approaches the physical limit of the capacity to produce that product or service. An example is Uber Technologies Inc. using surge pricing during high-demand times such as on Saturday nights. 14-2 14-16 Choice "b" is the correct answer. The statement is incorrect because a product with a perfectly inelastic demand would not see demand change as prices change. Choice "a" is incorrect. This statement is true. Perfectly inelastic demand indicates that the demand will stay nearly the same as prices change. Choice "c" is incorrect. This statement is true. When demand is price elastic, lower prices stimulate demand (and profit). Choice "d" is incorrect. This statement is true. When demand is price elastic, higher prices reduce demand. 14-3 14-17 (25-30 min.) Value-added, nonvalue-added costs. 1. Category Value-added costs Examples a. Materials and labor for regular repairs Nonvalue-added costs b. Rework costs c. Expediting costs caused by work delays g. Breakdown maintenance of equipment Total $ Gray area d. Materials handling costs e. Materials procurement and inspection costs f. Preventive maintenance of equipment Total $ $1,100,000 90,000 65,000 75,000 $ 230,000 80,000 45,000 55,000 $ 180,000 Classifications of value-added, nonvalue-added, and gray area costs are often not clear-cut. Other classifications of some of the cost categories are also plausible. For example, some students may include materials handling, materials procurement, and inspection costs and preventive maintenance as value-added costs (costs that customers perceive as adding value and as being necessary for good repair service) rather than as in the gray area. Preventive maintenance, for instance, might be regarded as value-added because it helps prevent nonvalueadding breakdown maintenance. 2. Total costs in the gray area are $180,000. Of this, we assume 60%, or $108,000, are value-added and 40%, or $72,000, are nonvalue-added. Total value-added costs: $1,100,000 + $108,000 $1,208,000 Total nonvalue-added costs: $230,000 + $72,000 302,000 Total costs $1,510,000 Nonvalue-added costs are $302,000 ÷ $1,510,000 = 20% of total costs. Value-added costs are $1,208,000 ÷ $1,510,000 = 80% of total costs. 14-4 3. Program (a) Quality improvement programs to • reduce rework costs by 40% (0.40 $90,000) • reduce expediting costs by 40% (0.40 $65,000) • reduce materials and labor costs by 5% (0.05 $1,100,000) Total effect (b) Working with suppliers to • reduce materials procurement and inspection costs by 20% (0.20 $45,000) • reduce materials handling costs by 30% (0.30 $80,000) Total effect Transferring 60% of gray area costs (0.60 $33,000 = $19,800) as value-added and 40% (0.40 $33,000 = $13,200) as nonvalue-added Effect on value-added and nonvalue-added costs (c) Maintenance programs to • increase preventive maintenance costs by 70% (0.70 $55,000) • decrease breakdown maintenance costs by 50% (0.50 $75,000) Total effect Transferring 60% of gray area costs (0.60 $38,500 = $23,100) as value-added and 40% (0.40 $38,500 = $15,400) as nonvalue-added Effect on value-added and nonvalue-added costs Total effect of all programs Value-added and nonvalue-added costs calculated in requirement 2 Expected value-added and nonvalue-added costs after implementing these programs Effect on Costs Classified as ValueNonvalueGray Added Added Area –$36,000 – 26,000 –$ 55,000 –$ 55,000 –$ 62,000 –$9,000 –24,000 – 33,000 –$ 19,800 –$ 19,800 –$13,200 –$13,200 +33,000 $ 0 +$38,500 –$37,500 37,500 – +$23,100 +$ 23,100 –$ 51,700 +15,400 –$ 22,100 –$ 97,300 1,208,000 302,000 $1,156,300 $204,700 + 38,500 –38,500 $ 0 If these programs had been implemented, total costs would have decreased from $1,510,000 (requirement 2) to $1,156,300 + $204,700 = $1,361,000, and the percentage of nonvalue-added costs would decrease from 20% (requirement 2) to $204,700 ÷ $1,316,000 = 15%. These are significant improvements in Magill’s performance. Some students might question whether Magill should implement program (c) because the costs of preventive maintenance of $38,500 exceeds the cost of breakdown maintenance of $37,500. The instructor may want to point out that if all costs of breakdown maintenance (loss of reputation, disruption of schedules etc.) are fully accounted for (which they are probably not), Magill may wish to not do preventive maintenance reducing costs by another $1,000. This may also cause students to debate why preventive maintenance is in the gray area of costs. It is value added only when the preventive maintenance activity reduces breakdown maintenance costs. 14-5 14-18 (25–30 min.) Target operating income, value-added costs, service company. 1. The classification of total costs in 2020 into value-added, nonvalue-added, or in the gray area in between follows: Value Gray NonvalueTotal Added Area added (4) = (1) (2) (3) (1)+(2)+(3) Doing calculations and preparing drawings 77% × €390,000 €300,300 €300,300 Checking calculations and drawings 3% × €390,000 €11,700 11,700 Correcting errors found in drawings 8% × €390,000 31,200 31,200 Making changes in response to client requests 5% × €390,000 19,500 19,500 Correcting errors to meet government building code, 7% × €390,000 27,300 27,300 Total professional labor costs 319,800 11,700 58,500 390,000 Administrative and support costs at 44% (€171,600 ÷ €390,000) of professional labor costs 140,712 5,148 25,740 171,600 Travel 15,000 — 15,000 Total €475,512 €16,848 €84,240 €576,600 Doing calculations and responding to client requests for changes are value-added costs because customers perceive these costs as necessary for the service of preparing architectural drawings. Costs incurred on correcting errors in drawings and making changes because they were inconsistent with building codes are nonvalue-added costs. Customers do not perceive these costs as necessary and would be unwilling to pay for them. Europa should seek to eliminate these costs by making sure that all associates are well-informed regarding building code requirements and by training associates to improve the quality of their drawings. Checking calculations and drawings is in the gray area (some, but not all, checking may be needed). There is room for disagreement on these classifications. For example, checking calculations may be regarded as value added. 2. The consequences of classifying a non-value-added cost as a value-added cost is that managers may hesitate to reduce these costs thinking that if they eliminate these costs it would reduce the value or utility (usefulness) customers experience from using the product or service. But if these costs are really non-value-added costs, mangers should try to reduce these costs because these costs support activities that customers do not value. For these reasons, managers who are unsure if a cost is value-added or nonvalue-added, often classify costs as nonvalue-added. The nonvalue-added classification focuses organization attention on reducing these costs. The risk with this approach is that an organization may cut some costs that are value-adding, leading to poor customer experiences. Distinguishing valueadded from nonvalue-added costs is valuable but also requires the exercise of careful judgment. 14-6 3. Reduction in professional labor-hours by a. Correcting errors in drawings (8% × 7,500) b. Correcting errors to conform to building code (7% × 7,500) Total Cost savings in professional labor costs (1,125 hours × €52) Cost savings in variable administrative and support costs (44% × €58,500) Total cost savings Current operating income in 2020 Add cost savings from eliminating errors Operating income in 2020 if errors eliminated 600 hours 525 hours 1,125 hours € 58,500 25,740 € 84,240 €124,650 84,240 €208,890 4. Currently 85% × 7,500 hours = 6,375 hours are billed to clients generating revenues of €701,250. The remaining 15% of professional labor-hours (15% × 7,500 = 1,125 hours) is lost in making corrections. Europa bills clients at the rate of €701,250 ÷ 6,375 = €110 per professional labor-hour. If the 1,125 professional labor-hours currently not being billed to clients were billed to clients, Europa’s revenues would increase by 1,125 hours × €110 = €123,750 from €701,250 to €825,000 (€701,250 + €123,750). Costs remain unchanged Professional labor costs Administrative and support (44% × €390,000) Travel Total costs Europa’s operating income would be Revenues Total costs Operating income €390,000 171,600 15,000 €576,600 €825,000 576,600 €248,400 Operating income would increase by €123,750 (€248,400 – €124,650) or 99.3% (€123,750 ÷ €124,650). Eliminating 15% of nonvalue-added costs results in a doubling of operating income if the resources saved could be used to generate revenues. For this reason, organizations place great emphasis on reducing and eliminating nonvalue-added costs. 14-7 14-19 (25-30 min.) Target prices, target costs, activity-based costing. 1. Snappy’s operating income in 2019 is as follows: Total for 250,000 Tiles (1) $1,000,000 750,000 25,000 120,000 60,000 955,000 $ 45,000 Revenues ($4 250,000) Purchase cost of tiles ($3 250,000) Ordering costs ($50 500) Receiving and storage ($30 4,000) Shipping ($40 1,500) Total costs Operating income Per Unit (2) = (1) ÷ 250,000 $4.00 3.00 0.10 0.48 0.24 3.82 $0.18 2. Price to retailers in 2020 is 95% of 2019 price = 0.95 $4 = $3.80; cost per tile in 2020 is 96% of 2019 cost = 0.96 $3 = $2.88. Snappy’s operating income in 2020 is as follows: Revenues ($3.80 250,000) Purchase cost of tiles ($2.88 250,000) Ordering costs ($50 500) Receiving and storage ($30 4,000) Shipping ($40 1,500) Total costs Operating income Total for 250,000 Tiles (1) $950,000 720,000 25,000 120,000 60,000 925,000 $ 25,000 Per Unit (2) = (1) ÷ 250,000 $3.80 2.88 0.10 0.48 0.24 3.70 $0.10 3. Snappy’s operating income in 2020, if it makes changes in ordering and material handling, will be as follows: Total for 250,000 Tiles Per Unit (1) (2) = (1) ÷ 250,000 $950,000 $3.80 Revenues ($3.80 250,000) 720,000 2.88 Purchase cost of tiles ($2.88 250,000) 5,000 0.02 Ordering costs ($25 200) 87,500 0.35 Receiving and storage ($28 3,125) 60,000 0.24 Shipping ($40 1,500) 872,500 3.49 Total costs $ 77,500 $0.31 Operating income Through better cost management, Snappy will be able to achieve its target operating income of $0.30 per tile despite the fact that its revenue per tile has decreased by $0.20 ($4.00 – $3.80), while its purchase cost per tile has decreased by only $0.12 ($3.00 – $2.88). 14-8 14-20 (20 min.) Target costs, effect of product-design changes on product costs. 1. and 2.Manufacturing costs of HJ6 in 2019 and 2020 are as follows: 2019 Total (1) $3,780,000 Direct materials, $1,400 × 2,700; $1,300 × 4,600 Batch-level costs (setup, prodn.-order, matl. handlg.) $8,900 × 60; $8,000 × 70 534,000 Manuf. operations costs, $64 × 20,000; $48 × 30,000 1,280,000 Engineering change costs, $16,000 × 24; $8,000 × 7 384,000 Total $5,978,000 3. Per Unit (2) = (1) ÷ 2,700 $1,400 2020 Per Unit Total (4) = (3) (3) ÷ 4,600 $5,980,000 $1,300 198 560,000 122 474 1,440,000 313 142 $2,214 56,000 $8,036,000 12 $1,747 Target manufacturing cost Manufacturing cost per unit of HJ6 in 2017 = per unit in 2016 × 95% = $2,214 × 0.95 = $2,103 Actual manufacturing cost per unit of HJ6 in 2020 was $1,747. Hence, Neuro did achieve its target manufacturing cost per unit. 4. To reduce the manufacturing cost per unit in 2020, Neuro reduced the cost per unit in each of the four cost categories—direct materials costs, batch-level costs, manufacturing operations costs, and engineering change costs. It also reduced machine-hours, reduced the number of batches by increasing the size of each batch and decreased the number of engineering changes made—the quantities of the cost drivers. In 2019, Neuro used 7.407 machine-hours per unit of HJ6 (20,000 machine-hours 2,700 units). In 2020, Neuro used 6.522 machine-hours per unit of HJ6 (30,000 machine-hours 4,600 units). In 2019 Neuro needed 60 batches to produce 2,700 units or 45 (2,700 ÷ 60) units per batch. In 2020, Neuro produced 4,600 unit in 70 batches or 66 (4,600 ÷ 70) units per batch. Neuro reduced engineering changes from 24 in 2019 to 7 in 2020. Neuro achieved these gains through value engineering activities that retained only those product features that customers wanted while eliminating nonvalue-added activities and costs. 5. Neuro’s managers might encounter the following challenges in achieving the target costs: • Employees may feel they are being pushed too hard to attain target costs. The actual costs in 2020 are well below the target costs. • Employees may feel that the severe cost cutting may result in quality problems that they will then be blamed for, such as not making the necessary engineering changes Organizational conflicts may develop as the burden of cost cutting falls unequally on different business functions in the company’s value chain • To overcome these challenges, managers should: (1) encourage employee participation and engagement; (2) focus on the customer; (3) clearly communicate goals and the strategy behind them; and (4) set cost-cutting targets for all value-chain functions to encourage a culture of teamwork and cooperation. 14-9 14-21 (25 min.) Target costs, effect of process-design changes on service costs. 1. and 2.Audit costs in 2019 and 2020 are as follows: 2019 Total Per unit (2)= (1) ÷ 150 Consultation labor $35 × 2.2 hrs. × 150; $35 × 2 hrs. × 178 $11,550.00 $ 77.00 Cost of new contacts, $9 × 215; $7 × 275 1,935.00 12.90 Travel costs, $0.55 × 1,756; $0.65 × 1,327 965.80 6.44 Preparing and filing costs $9.10 × 1,218; $9.50 × 1,367 11,083.80 73.89 Total $25,534.60 $170.23 3. 2020 Total Per unit (4)= (3) ÷ 178 $12,460.00 1,925.00 862.55 $ 70.00 10.81 4.85 12,986.50 $28,234.05 72.96 $158.62 Target cost per audit in 2020 = Cost per audit in 2019 × 95% = $170.23 × 0.95 = $161.72 Actual cost per audit in 2020 was $158.62. Hence, Sun Systems did achieve its target cost per audit of $161.72. In spite of rising transportation costs and clerical wages, the company was able to reduce the cost per audit in 2020. This was possible by reducing the number of miles driven per appointment from 11.7 miles (1,756 ÷ 150) in 2019 to 7.5 miles (1,327 ÷ 178)in 2020. This could be due to a implementing a better scheduling system to maximize the number of appointments in a given area. Also, the number of clerical hours per audit decreased from 8.12 hours (1,218 ÷ 150) in 2019 to 7.68 hours (1,367 ÷ 178) in 2020. This could be due to process improvements in preparing the required forms. There is also a reduction in consultant labor hours and consultation labor cost per audit. Presumably, there is no reduction in customer satisfaction. 4. The challenges Sun Systems may face in achieving their target cost include employee resistance to changes in processes, unexpected increases in the cost of supplies, fuel, etc., and new compliance requirements imposed from the federal and/or state governments that increase clerical time on each audit. To overcome these challenges, Sun Systems managers should encourage employee participation and celebrate small improvements toward achieving the target cost and set cost-cutting targets after taking into account the external environment such as cost of supplies and new compliance requirements. Managers should create a culture where employees are encouraged to continuously improve the energy audit process. 14-10 14-22 (20 min.) Cost-plus target return on investment pricing. 1. Target operating income = target return on investment invested capital Target operating income (20% of $1,000,000) $200,000 Total fixed costs 340,000 Target contribution margin $540,000 Target contribution per room-night, ($540,000 ÷ 16,000) Add variable costs per room-night Price to be charged per room-night Proof Total room revenues ($37.75 16,000 room-nights) Total costs: Variable costs ($4 16,000) Fixed costs Total costs Operating income $33.75 4.00 $37.75 $604,000 $ 64,000 340,000 404,000 $200,000 The full cost of a room = variable cost per room + fixed cost per room The full cost of a room = $4 + ($340,000 ÷ 16,000) = $4 + $21.25 = $25.25 Markup per room = Rental price per room – Full cost of a room = $37.75 – $25.25 = $12.50 Markup percentage as a fraction of full cost = $12.50 ÷ $25.25 = 49.5% 2. If price is reduced by 10%, the number of rooms Branch could rent would increase by 10%. The new price per room would be 90% of $37.75 $ 33.975 The number of rooms Branch expects to rent is 110% of 16,000 17,600 The contribution margin per room would be $33.975 – $4 $ 29.975 Contribution margin ($29.975 17,600) $527,560 Because the contribution margin of $527,560 at the reduced price of $33.975 is less than the contribution margin of $540,000 at a price of $37.75, Branch should not reduce the price of the rooms. Note that the fixed costs of $340,000 will be the same under the $37.75 and the $33.975 price alternatives and hence, are irrelevant to the analysis. 14-11 14-23 (25 min.) Cost-plus, target pricing, working backwards. 1. Investment Return on investment Operating income (12% $2,400,000) Operating income per unit ($288,000 3,200) Full cost per unit (90 ÷ 0.08) Selling price ($1,125 + $90) Markup percentage on variable cost ($90 $500) $2,400,000 12% $288,000 $90 $1,125 $1,215 18% Total fixed costs = (Full cost per unit – Variable cost per unit) Units sold = ($1,125 – $500) 3,200 units = $2,000,000 2. Contribution margin per unit = $1,215 – $500 = $715 Increase in sales = 10% 3,200 units = 320 units Increase in contribution margin = $715 320 units = Less: Advertising costs Increase in operating income $228,800 175,000 $ 53,800 Tin Roof should spend $175,000 in advertising because it increases operating income by $53,800. 3. Revenues ($1,215 × 2,900 units) Target full cost at 8% markup ($3,523,500 ÷ 1.08) Less: Target total fixed costs ($2,000,000 – $125,000) Target total variable costs Divided by number of units Target variable cost per unit 14-12 $3,523,500 $3,262,500 1,875,000 $1,387,500 ÷ 2,900 units $ 478.45 14-24 Life-cycle budgeting and costing. 1. Projected Life Cycle Income Statement Revenues [$375 × (10,000 + 40,000 + 5,000)] Variable costs: Months 7–12 ($100 × 10,000 ) $20,625,000 1,000,000 Months 13–36 ($78 × 40,000 ) 3,120,000 Months 37–42 ($67 × 5,000 ) 335,000 Total variable costs Fixed costs: Design costs Production ($1,300,000 + $4,900,000 + $800,000) Marketing ($1,000,000 + $2,325,000 + $475,000) Distribution ($200,000 + $700,000 + $100,000) Total fixed costs Life cycle operating income 4,455,000 500,000 7,000,000 3,800,000 1,000,000 12,300,000 $ 3,870,000 Average profit per sweeper = $3,870,000/(10,000 + 40,000 + 5,000) = $70.36 2. Projected Life Cycle Income Statement (in 000s) Months 7–12 Revenues ($375 × 10,000) Variable costs: Months 7–12 ($100 × 10,000 ) $3,750,000 1,000,000 Fixed costs: Production Marketing Distribution Total fixed costs Operating income 1,300,000 1,000,000 200,000 2,500,000 $ 250,000 Average profit per sweeper = $250,000/10,000 = $25 Projected Life Cycle Income Statement (in 000s) Months 13–36 Revenues ($375 × 40,000) Variable costs: $15,000,000 14-13 Months 13-36 ($78 × 40,000 ) 3,120,000 Fixed costs: Production Marketing Distribution Total fixed costs Operating income 4,900,000 2,325,000 700,000 7,925,000 $ 3,955.000 Average profit per sweeper = $3,955,000/40,000 = $98.88 Projected Life Cycle Income Statement (in 000s) Months 37–42 Revenues ($375 × 5,000) Variable costs: Months 37–42 ($67 × 500 ) $ 1,875,000 335,000 Fixed costs: Production Marketing Distribution Total fixed costs Operating income 800,000 475,000 100,000 1,375,000 $ 165.000 Average profit per sweeper = $165,000/5,000 = $33.00 3. In analyzing the relative profitability of the product during the three sales phases of its life cycle, the results are as expected. During the initial growth phase, all fixed costs, including marketing, are higher in order to successfully launch the new product. In addition, variable costs are higher per unit because the company has not yet capitalized on economies of scale. As the product moves into its maturity phase, the company begins to see the benefits of economies of scale and leaner production practices. The results are lower variable and fixed costs. Also, the company will likely not need to spend as much on marketing because the product in now well established. This phase results in the highest profit per unit. Lastly, in the decline phase, variable costs per unit are the lowest because the company is maximizing its efficiencies. Marketing is at its lowest because the company is expecting to phase out the product. However, during this final phase of the product’s life cycle, fixed costs per unit are higher than in the maturity phase because the company is not maximizing its production volume. The company is producing fewer units, which leads to higher fixed cost per unit. The product is still more profitable than in the growth phase, but not as profitable as in maturity. The company may need to analyze the probability that the price will be able to remain constant through the product’s entire life cycle. Because technology is rapidly changing, this product may become obsolete sooner than expected. The company also has not accounted for the time value of money, which may make a big difference in the desired outcome, depending on the 14-14 company’s required rate of return. In addition, the company has not budgeted for all possible expenses such as warranty claims and returns. These should be considered as well in the overall plan. Lastly, the company may want to investigate possible methods of value engineering to gain even more efficiencies and profitability over the life of the product. 4. Projected Life Cycle Income Statement Revenues [$425 × 9,500 + $375 × (38,000 + 5,000)] Variable costs: Months 7–12 ($100 × 9,500 ) Months 13–36 ($78 × 38,000 ) $20,162,500 950,000 2,964,000 Months 37–42 ($67 × 5,000 ) 335,000 Total variable costs Fixed costs: Design costs Production ($1,300,000 + $4,900,000 + $800,000) Marketing ($1,000,000 + $2,325,000 + $475,000) Distribution ($200,000 + $700,000 + $100,000) Total fixed costs Life cycle operating income 4,249,000 500,000 7,000,000 3,800,000 1,000,000 12,300,000 $ 3,613,500 Average profit per sweeper = $3,613,500/(9,500 + 38,000 + 5,000) = $68.83 Jurgensen earns more profit under its original plan ($3,870,000) than it does if it increases the price to $425 for the first six months ($3,613,500). The decline in sales as a result of increasing the price reduces operating income. Therefore, Jurgensen should price the sweepers at $375 for the first six months rather than increase the price to $425. 14-15 14-25 (25 min.) Considerations other than cost in pricing decisions. 1. Guest nights on weeknights: 18 weeknights × 100 rooms × 65% = 1,170 Guest nights on weekend nights: 12 weekend nights × 100 rooms × 90% = 1,080 Total guest nights in June = 1,170 + 1,080 = 2,250 Breakfasts served: 1,170 weeknight guest nights × 2 = 2,340 1,080 weekend guest nights × 4 = 4,320 Total breakfasts served in June = 2,340 + 4,320 = 6,660 Total costs for June: Depreciation Administrative costs Fixed housekeeping and supplies Variable housekeeping and supplies (2,250 × $30) Fixed breakfast costs Variable breakfast costs (6,660 × $6) Total costs for June Cost per guest night ($198,460 ÷ 2,250) Revenue for June ($85 × 2,250) Total costs for June Operating income/(loss) $ 25,000 38,000 16,000 67,500 12,000 39,960 $198,460 $88.20 $191,250 198,460 $ (7,210) New weeknight guest nights 18 weeknights × 100 rooms × 75% = 1,350 New weekend guest nights 12 weeknights × 100 rooms × 90% = 1,080 Total guest nights in June l = 1,350 + 1,080 = 2,430 Breakfasts served: 1,350 weeknight guest nights × 2 = 2,700 1,080 weekend guest nights × 4 = 4,320 Total breakfasts served in June = 2,700 + 4,320 = 7,020 Total costs for June: Depreciation Administrative costs Fixed housekeeping and supplies Variable housekeeping and supplies (2,430 × $30) Fixed breakfast costs Variable breakfast costs (7,020 × $6) Total costs Revenue [(1,350 × $75) + (1,080 × $105)] Total costs for June Operating income $ 25,000 38,000 16,000 72,900 12,000 42,120 $206,020 $214,650 206,020 $ 8,630 2. 14-16 Yes, this pricing arrangement would increase operating income by $15,840 from an operating loss of $7,210 to an operating income of $8,630 ($8,630 + $7,210 = $15,840). 3. Guests typically do not come to the amusement park on weekdays because adults are busy at work and children have to attend school. The weeknight guests are families who stay at the hotel for convenience. They are willing to consider other hotel options or even not travel at all if the price is high and unaffordable. Reducing the weeknight price is important to entice families to try to come to the amusement park on weekdays. The demand of weeknight guests is elastic. In contrast, weekends are really the only time when families can conveniently come to the amusement park given their busy weekday schedules. The demand of pleasure travelers on weekends is inelastic. Because of the differences in preferences of the weeknight and weekend guests, Fun Stay Express can price discriminate between these guests by charging $30 more on weekends than on weeknights and still have weekend travelers stay at the hotel. 4. Fun Stay Express would need to charge a minimum of $48 per night for the last-minute rooms, an amount equal to the variable cost per room. Variable cost per room night = $30 per room night + $6 × 3 breakfasts = $48. Any price above $48 would increase Executive Suites operating income 14-17 14-26 (25 min.) Cost-plus, target pricing, working backward. 1. In the following table, work backward from operating income to calculate the selling price. Selling price $ 9.17 (plug) Less: Variable cost per unit 2.25 Unit contribution margin $ 6.92 Number of units produced and sold × 500,000 units Contribution margin $3,460,000 Less: Fixed costs 3,250,000 Operating income $ 210,000 a) Total sales revenue = $9.17 500,000 units = $4,585,000 b) Selling price = $9.17 (from above) Alternatively, Operating income $ 210,000 Add fixed costs 3,250,000 Contribution margin 3,460,000 Add variable costs ($2.25 × 500,000 units) 1,125,000 Sales revenue $4,585,000 Selling price = (Sales revenue/ Units sold) = ($4, 585,000/ 500,000) = $9.17 c) Rate of return on investment = (Operating income/ Total investment in assets) = ($210,000/ $2,500,000) = 8.4% d) 2. Markup % on full cost Total cost = ($2.25 500,000 units) + $3,250,000 = $4,375,000 Unit cost = ($4,375,000/ 500,000) = $8.75 Markup % = ($9.17 - $8.75)/ $8.75 = 4.8% Or ($4,585,000 - $4,375,000)/ $4,375,000 = 4.8% New fixed costs New variable costs New total costs New total sales (4.8% markup) New selling price Alternatively, New unit cost New selling price =$3,250,000 – $250,000 = $3,000,000 = $2.25 – $0.75 = $1.50 = ($1.50 × 500,000 units) + $3,000,000 = $3,750,000 = $3,750,000 1.048 = $3,930,000 = $3,930,000 ÷ 500,000 units = $7.86 = $3,750,000 ÷ 500,000 units = $7.50 = $7.50 1.048 = $7.86 14-18 3. New units sold = 500,000 units × 85% = $425,000 units Budgeted Operating Income for the Year Ending December 31, 20xx Revenues ($7.86 425,000 units) Variable costs ($1.50 425,000 units) Contribution margin Fixed costs Operating income $3,340,500 637,500 2,703,000 3,000,000 $ (297,000) 4. The CEO has not considered customers in these pricing decisions. Will customers continue to want the product at these prices? What are competitors doing? The CEO should take a more market-based approach to pricing. The CEO should also think about the effect of cost cutting on employee participation and morale and whether the cuts are falling disproportionately on any specific value-chain function. 14-19 14-27 (30 min.)Value engineering, target pricing, and target costs. 1. Product design and licensing $1,000,000 Direct materials 1,800,000 Direct manufacturing labor 1,200,000 Variable manufacturing overhead 600,000 Fixed manufacturing overhead 2,000,000 Fixed marketing 3,000,000 Total cost $9,600,000 Cost per unit ($9,600,000 ÷ 400,000) $24.00 Target cost per unit ($38 × 0.60) $22.80 The original cost estimate of $9,600,000 does not meet the company’s requirements. Value engineering will be needed to reduce the cost per unit to the target cost. Tiffany’s operating income will be $5,600,000 ($38 × 400,000 – $9,600,000) 2. Total cost Less: Reduction in material costs ($1,800,000 × 45%) Add: Increase in design costs Total costs of redesigned table Revised cost per unit ($9,090,000 ÷ 400,000 units) Target cost per unit ($38 × 0.60) $9,600,000 (810,000) 300,000 $9,090,000 $22.73 $22.80 The design change allows the table to meet its goal of target costs less than 60% of revenue and target operating income greater than 40% of revenue. The cost of materials is a locked-in cost because they are designed into the product formula. 3. Total cost Add: Increase in marketing costs Total costs of redesigned table Revised cost per unit ($10,000,000 ÷ 400,000 units) Target cost per unit ($42 × 0.60) $ 9,600,000 400,000 $10,000,000 $25 $25.20 Yes, this proposal does allow the company to meet its goal of target costs less than 60% of revenue and target operating income greater than 40% of revenue. 4. The company has many considerations, both quantitative and qualitative, when deciding between the preceding requirements 2 and 3. Although both options meet the target costing objectives, they will provide different amounts of income in both the short and potentially long term. In the short term, the alternative in requirement 2 will result in income of ($38 × 400,000) – $9,090,000 = $6,110,000. The alternative in requirement 3 will provide a higher income of ($42 × 400,000) – $10,000,000 = $6,800,000 and will be preferred. In the long run, however, there are other considerations that might favor the alternative in requirement 2 and using the chemical equivalent of the nectar obtained from the plant in South 14-20 America. For example, will the nectar become more expensive in future periods? If so, could the product be reengineered at a later time or are the materials locked-in with the design for the full product life cycle. If the company chemically engineers the material, will this tarnish the quality of the product or more importantly, the company’s brand image? How might this affect the price in future periods and/or the sales of other products within the company? 14-21 14-28 (30 min.) Target service costs, value engineering, activity-based costing. 1. Weekly Revenue: 55,000 patrons $35 Desired profit margin: $1,925,000 35% Targeted weekly cost Targeted cost per patron; $1,251,250 ÷ 55,000 Weekly costs: Ticket sales Online ticket sales: 55,000 15% $1 On-site sales: 55,000 85% $2 Ticket verification: 55,000 $1.50 Operating attractions: 11,340a runs $90.00 Litter patrol: 1,750b 20 Total weekly costs Cost per patron: $1,239,850 ÷ 55,000 Operating profit: ($1,925,000 – $1,239,850) a $1,925,000 673,750 $1,251,250 $22.75 $8,250 93,500 82,500 1,020,600 35,000 $1,239,850 $22.54 $ 685,150 6 runs per hour 10 hours per day 7 days per week 27 attractions = 11,340 runs per week (25 acres ÷ 1 acre per hour) 10 hours per day 7 days per week = 1,750 litter patrol hours Lagoon does achieve its target profit of 35% of revenues. b 2. Weekly Revenue: 55,000 patrons $33 Weekly costs Ticket sales: Online ticket sales: 55,000 40% $0.75 + $1,000 On-site sales: 55,000 60% $2 Ticket verification: 55,000 1.50 Operating attractions: 10,332a runs $90 Litter patrol: 1,400b $20 + $250 Total weekly costs Operating profit $1,815,000 17,500 66,000 82,500 929,880 28,250 1,124,130 $ 690,870 6 runs per hour 10 hours per day 7 days per week 19 attractions + 6 runs per hour 7 hours per day 7 days per week 8 attractions = 10,332 runs per week b (25 acres ÷ 1.25 acres per hour) 10 hours per day 7 days per week = 1,400 litter patrol hours a This profit is slightly greater than Lagoon’s current profitability. Yes, the changes and improvements will allow Lagoon to maintain its desired profit margin of 35% ($690,870 ÷ $1,815,000 = 38%). 14-22 3. The challenges that Lagoon might encounter in achieving the target cost are mostly employee related. If the employees resist the changes, or struggle with the implementation of the improvements, the target cost will be in danger of not being met. Lagoon might counter these struggles by training employees to implement these changes successfully and by adapting its incentive program to reward the desired improvements. 14-23 14-29 (25 min.) Cost-plus, target return on investment pricing. 1. Target operating income = Return on capital in dollars = $15,000,000 × 10% = $1,500,000 2. Revenues* Variable costs [($4.00 + $1.00) 300,000 cases Contribution margin Fixed costs ($300,000 + $400,000 + $200,000) Operating income (from requirement 1) $3,900,000 1,500,000 2,400,000 900,000 $1,500,000 * solve backwards for revenues Selling price = $3,900,000 = $13 per case. 300,000 cases Markup % on full cost Full cost = $1,500,000 + $900,000 = $2,400,000 Unit cost = $2,400,000 ÷ 300,000 cases = $8.00 per case Markup % on full cost = $13 - $8 = 62.50% $13 3. Budgeted Operating Income For the year ending December 31, 2020 Revenues ($15 288,000 cases*) $4,320,000 Variable costs ($5 288,000 cases) 1,440,000 Contribution margin 2,880,000 Fixed costs 900,000 Operating income $1,980,000 *New units = 300,000 cases 96% = 288,000 cases Return on investment = $1,980,000 = 13.2% $15,000,000 Yes, increasing the selling price is a good idea because operating income increases without increasing invested capital, which results in a higher return on investment. The new return on investment exceeds the 10% target return on investment. 14-24 14-30 (20 min.) Cost-plus, time and materials, ethics. 1. As shown in the table below, Dickenson will tell Lowry that she will have to pay $759 to get the air conditioning system repaired and $692 to get it replaced. COST Labor Materials Repair option (7 hrs. $45 per hr.; $120) $315 $120 Replace option (4 hrs. $45 per hr.; $230) 180 230 PRICE (80% markup on labor cost; 60% markup on materials) Labor Materials Repair option ($315 1.8; $120 1.6) $567 $192 Replace option ($180 1.8; $230 1.6) 324 368 Total Cost $435 410 Total Price $759 692 2. If the repair and replace options are equally effective, Lowry will choose to get the air conditioning system replaced for $692 (rather than spend $759 on repairing it). 3. A&L Mechanical will earn a greater contribution toward overhead in the repair option ($324 = $759 – $435) than in the replace option ($282 = $692 – $410). Therefore, Dickenson will recommend the repair option to Lowry, which is not the one she would prefer. Recognizing this conflict, Dickenson may even present only the repair option to Michelle Lowry. Of course, he runs the risk of Lowry walking away and thinking of other options (at which point, he could present the replace option as a compromise). The problem is that Dickenson has superior information about the repairs needed but his incentives may cause him to not reveal his information and instead use it to his advantage. It is only the seller’s desire to build a reputation, to have a long-term relationship with the customer, and to have the customer recommend the seller to other potential buyers of the service, that encourages an honest discussion of the options. The ethical course of action would be to honestly present both options to Lowry and have her choose. To have their employees act ethically, organizations do not reward employees on the basis of the profits earned on various jobs. They also develop codes of conduct and core values and beliefs that specify appropriate and inappropriate behaviors 14-25 14-31 (25 min.) 1. Cost-plus and market-based pricing. Florida Temps’ full cost per hour of supplying contract labor is Variable costs Fixed costs ($328,000 ÷ 82,000 hours) Full cost per hour $11 4 $15 Price per hour at full cost plus 15% = $15 1.15 = $17.25 per hour. 2. Contribution margins for different prices and demand realizations are as follows: Price per Hour (1) $16 18 19 20 22 Variable Cost per Hour (2) $11 11 11 11 11 Contribution Margin per Hour (3)=(1)–(2) $5 7 8 9 11 Demand in Hours (4) 123,000 101,000 82,000 71,000 66,000 Total Contribution (5)=(3)×(4) $615,000 707,000 656,000 639,000 726,000 Fixed costs will remain the same regardless of the demand realizations. Fixed costs are, therefore, irrelevant because they do not differ among the alternatives. The table above indicates that Florida Temps can maximize contribution margin ($726,000) and operating income by charging a price of $1 per hour. 3. The cost-plus approach to pricing in requirement 1 does not explicitly consider the effect of prices on demand. The approach in requirement 2 models the interaction between price and demand and determines the optimal level of profitability using concepts of relevant costs. The two different approaches lead to two different prices in requirements 1 and 2. As the chapter describes, pricing decisions should consider both demand or market considerations and supply or cost factors. The approach in requirement 2 is the more balanced approach. In most cases, of course, managers use the cost-plus method of requirement 1 as only a starting point. They then modify the cost-plus price on the basis of market considerations—anticipated customer reaction to alternative price levels and the prices charged by competitors for similar products. 14-26 14-32 Cost-plus and market-based pricing. 1. Single rate = $1, 224, 220 112, 000 test - hours = $10.93 per test-hour (TH) Hourly billing rate for HTT and ACT = $10.93 × 1.30 = $14.21 2. Labor and supervision = $436,800 112, 000 test - hours Setup and facility costs = Utilities = $351,820 700 setup hours $435, 600 12, 000 machine - hours = $3.90 per test-hour = $502.60 per setup-hour = $36.30 per machine-hour (MH) 3. HTT Labor and supervision ($3.90 × 78,400; 33,600 test-hours)1 Setup and facility cost ($502.60 × 140; 560 setup-hours)2 Utilities ($36.30×6,000; 6,000 machinehours)3 Total cost Number of testing hours (TH) Cost per testing hour Mark-up Billing rate per testing hour ACT Total $305,760 $131,040 $ 436,800 70,364 281,456 351,820 217,800 $593,924 ÷ 78,400 TH $7.58 per TH × 1.30 $ 9.85 per TH 217,800 $630,296 ÷ 33,600 TH $ 18.76 per TH × 1.30 $ 24.39 per TH 435,600 $1,224,220 1 112,000 test-hours × 70% = 78,400 test-hours; 112,000 test-hours × 30% = 33,600 test-hours 700 setup-hours × 20% = 140 setup-hours; 700 setup-hours × 80% = 560 setup-hours 3 12,000 machine-hours × 50% = 6,000 machine-hours; 12,000 machine-hours × 50% = 6,000 machine-hours 2 The billing rates based on the activity-based cost structure make more sense. These billing rates reflect the ways the testing procedures consume the firm’s resources. 4. To stay competitive, Quick Test needs to be more efficient in arctic testing. Roughly 45% of 281, 456 arctic testing’s total cost = 45% occurs in setups and facility costs. Perhaps the setup 630, 296 activity can be redesigned to achieve cost savings. Quick Test should also look for savings in the labor and supervision cost per test-hour and the total number of test-hours used in arctic testing, as well as the utility cost per machine-hour and the total number of machine hours used in arctic testing. This may require redesigning the test, redesigning processes, and achieving efficiency and productivity improvements. 14-27 14-33 (25-30 min.) Cost-plus and market-based pricing. 1. Total Project Life-Cycle Costs Variable costs: Metal extraction and processing ($50 per ton × 30,000 tons) Fixed costs: Metal extraction and processing ($5,500 × 24 months) Rent on temporary buildings ($4,500 × 27 months) Administration ($2,000 × 27 months) Clean-up ($33,000 × 3 months) Land restoration Costs of selling land Total life-cycle cost $1,500,000 132,000 121,500 54,000 99,000 223,500 120,000 $2,250,000 2. Projected Life Cycle Income Statement Revenue ($80 per ton 30,000 tons) Sale of land (plug after inputting other numbers) Total life-cycle cost Life-cycle operating income ($30 per ton × 30,000 tons) Mark-up percentage on project life-cycle cost = $2,400,000 750,000 (2,250,000) $900,000 Life cycle operating income Total life-cycle cost ($900,000/ $2,250,000) = 40% The company would have to sell the land for $750,000. 3. Revenue ($70 per ton 30,000 tons) Sale of land Total revenue Total life-cycle cost at mark-up of 35% ($2,709,000 ÷ 1.4) The company would need to reduce total life-cycle costs by ($2,250,000 – $1,935,000) Check Revenue Sale of land Total life-cycle cost Life-cycle operating income Mark-up percentage = ($774,000/ $1,935,000) = 40% 14-28 $2,100,000 609,000 $2,709,000 $1,935,000 $ 315,000 $2,100,000 609,000 (1,935,000) $774,000 14-34 (30 min.)Airline pricing, considerations other than cost in pricing. 1. a. b. c. If the fare is $800, Europa Airways would expect to have 300 business and 150 pleasure travelers. Variable costs per passenger would be $85. Contribution margin per passenger = $800 – $85 = $715. If the fare is $1,800, a. Europa Airways would expect to have 285 business and 30 pleasure travelers. b. Variable costs per passenger would be $195. c. Contribution margin per passenger = $1,800 – $195 = $1,605. Contribution margin from business travelers at prices of $800 and $1,800, respectively, follow: At a price of $800: $715 × 300 passengers = $214,500 At a price of $1,800: $1,605 × 285 passengers = $457,425 Europa Airways would maximize contribution margin and operating income by charging business travelers a fare of $1,800. Contribution margin from pleasure travelers at prices of $800 and $1,800, respectively, follow: At a price of $800: $715 × 150 passengers = $107,250 At a price of $1,800: $1,605 × 30 passengers = $ 48,150 Europa Airways would maximize contribution margin and operating income by charging pleasure travelers a fare of $800. Europa Airways would maximize contribution margin and operating income by a price differentiation strategy, where business travelers are charged $1,800 and pleasure travelers $800. In deciding between the alternative prices, all other costs such as fuel costs, allocated annual lease costs, allocated ground services costs, and allocated flight crew salaries are irrelevant. Why? Because these costs will not change whatever price Europa Airways chooses to charge. 2. The elasticity of demand of the two classes of passengers drives the different demands of the travelers. Business travelers are relatively price insensitive because they must get to their destination during the week (exclusive of weekends) and their fares are paid by their companies. A 225% increase in fares from $800 to $1,800 will deter only 5% of the business passengers from flying with Europa Airways. In contrast, a similar fare increase will lead to an 80% drop in pleasure travelers who are paying for their own travels, unlike business travelers, and who may have alternative vacation plans they could pursue instead. 3. Because business travelers often want to return within the same week, while pleasure travelers often stay over weekends, a requirement that a Saturday night stay is needed to qualify for the $800 discount fare would discriminate between the passenger categories. This price discrimination is legal because airlines are service companies rather than manufacturing companies and because these practices do not, nor are they intended to, destroy competition. 14-29 14-35 (15-20 min.) Pricing products using the target-costing approach. 1. Estimated cost per unit: ($50 + $30 + $30 + [$206,250/ 3,750]) = $165 2. ProDry could charge between $166 and $310 and make a profit. 3. Target cost for the hair dryer is selling price – Total target operating income per unit $310 - $165 = $145 (target cost per unit). 4. To achieve its target operating income, the company must increase the selling price or decrease costs. Since the customers appear willing to pay no more than $310 per dryer, the company should concentrate on decreasing costs. All direct materials should be reviewed and perhaps alternatives can be found at lower prices. Or, the company can purchase higher quantities at lower prices.Reverse engineering should be employed with the objective of reducing costs. Also, the company should review the allocation bases for both variable and fixed overhead costs to ensure accuracy. 5. Yes, target costs should include all costs, variable costs as well as costs that are fixed in the short run, because in the long run a company’s prices and revenues must exceed its total costs if it is to remain in business. In contrast, for short-run pricing or one-time-only special-order decisions, managers should only consider costs that vary in the short run. 14-30 14-36 (15 min.) Pricing products using the cost-plus approach (continued from 14-35). 1. If ProDry used a cost-plus approach, it would cost the hair dryer at $330 ($165 estimated costs + $165 target operating income). Using this method, ProDry would price the hair dryer above the price that customers are willing to pay. 2. The company could focus on reducing costs. In addition, the company could revisit the target operating income of $165. 14-31 14-37 (25–30 min.) Value engineering, target pricing, and locked-in costs. 1. Design cost Direct materials Direct manufacturing labor Variable manufacturing overhead Fixed manufacturing overhead Marketing Total cost Cost per unit ($150,000 ÷ 75) Target cost per unit ($2,500 × 0.75) Profit per unit ($2,500 – $2,000) $ 8,000 32,000 38,000 32,000 26,000 14,000 $150,000 $2,000 $1,875 $ 500 The cost estimate developed by Nampa does not meet Wood Creations’ requirements. Value engineering will be needed to reduce the cost per unit to the target cost. 2. Total costs (requirement 1) Less: Reduction in material costs ($32,000 × 60%) Add: Increase in design costs Total costs of redesigned table Revised cost per unit ($131,900 ÷ 75) Revised target cost per unit ($2,400 × 0.75) Profit per unit ($2,400 – $1,758.67) $ 150,000 (19,200) 1,100 $ 131,900 $1,758.67 $1,800.00 $ 641.33 The design change allows the sculpture to meet Wood Creations’ requirements for target costing. The cost of materials is a locked-in cost once the design is finalized. 3. Revised total cost ($150,000 + $3,000) Revised cost per unit ($153,000 ÷ 75) Revised target cost per unit ($2,700 × 0.75) Profit per unit ($2,700 – $2,040) $ 153,000 $ 2,040 $ 2,025 $ 660 No, this proposal does not allow the sculpture to meet Wood Creations’ requirements for target costing. Value engineering will be needed to reduce the cost per unit to the target cost. 4. Requirement 2 $180,000 131,900 $ 48,100 Revenue ($2,400 × 75; $2,700 × 75) Total costs Operating income Requirement 3 $202,500 153,000 $ 49,500 Even without value engineering, Wood Creations should implement the actions in requirement 3. It should spend $3,000 on marketing if it can achieve a price higher than $2,700 even though it 14-32 does not achieve the target cost because it earns a higher overall operating income. Doing value engineering will help it increase operating income even more relative to requirement 2. 5. The challenges that Wood Creations might encounter in achieving the target cost are mostly employee related. If the employees resist the changes, or struggle with the implementation of the improvements, the target cost will be in danger of not being met. Wood Creations might counter these struggles by adapting its incentive program to reward the desired effects of the changes and improvements. Wood Creations would also need to think about the customer and whether reducing material costs would reduce demand. For example, the customer may prefer the highest grade of wood that Jensen has used rather than the standard grade of wood that Wood Creations might use to achieve the target cost. 14-33 Try It! 14-1 Guppy Inc.’s operating income in 2019 is as follows: Revenues ($7 250,000) Purchase cost of Packs ($3 250,000) Ordering costs ($100 800) Receiving and storage ($60 4,500) Shipping ($70 1,500) Total costs Operating income Total for 250,000 Packs (1) $1,750,000 750,000 80,000 270,000 105,000 1,205,000 $ 545,000 Per Unit (2) = (1) ÷ 250,000 $7.00 3.00 0.32 1.08 0.42 4.82 $2.18 Try It! 14-2 Price to retailers in 2020 is 94% of 2019 price = 0.94 $7 = $6.58 Cost per pack in 2020 is 95% of 2019 cost = 0.95 $3 = $2.85. Guppy Inc.’s operating income in 2020 is as follows: Total for 250,000 Packs (1) $1,645,000 Revenues ($6.58 250,000) 712,500 Purchase cost of packs ($2.85 250,000) 80,000 Ordering costs ($100 800) 270,000 Receiving and storage ($60 4,500) 105,000 Shipping ($70 1,500) 1,167,500 Total costs $ 477,500 Operating income Per Unit (2) = (1) ÷ 250,000 $6.58 2.85 0.32 1.08 0.42 4.67 $1.91 Recall from Try It 14-1 that Guppy Inc.’s operating income in 2019 is $545,000 and target operating income per unit is $2.18 ($545,000 ÷ 250,000 units). Guppy will need to reduce its total costs by $67,500 ($545,000 − $477,500) or $0.27 ($67,500 ÷ 250,000) per unit if it is to achieve its target operating income in 2020. The total target cost is $1,100,000 ($1,167,500 − $67,500) and the target cost per unit is $4.40 ($4.67 − $0.27). 14-34 Try It! 14-3 Guppy Inc.’s operating income in 2020, if it makes changes in ordering and receiving and storage, will be as follows: Total for 250,000 Packs Per Unit (1) (2) = (1) ÷ 250,000 $1,645,000 $6.58 Revenues ($6.58 250,000) 712,500 2.85 Purchase cost of packs ($2.85 250,000) 52,500 0.21 Ordering costs ($75 700) 200,000 0.80 Receiving and storage ($50 4,000) 105,000 0.42 Shipping ($70 1,500) 1,070,000 4.28 Total costs $ 575,000 $2.30 Operating income Through value engineering that reduces the quantity of the activity and the cost-driver rate, Guppy Inc. exceeds its target operating income of $545,000 and $2.18 per pencil pack despite the fact that its revenue per pencil pack has decreased by $0.42 ($7.00 – $6.58), while its purchase cost per pencil pack has decreased by only $0.15 ($3.00 – $2.85). Try It! 14-4 The following table shows the total costs for 250,000 packs and the cost per pack in 2020 using Dory Inc.’s activity-based costing system. Total for 250,000 Packs (1) $1,187,500 22,500 180,000 135,000 $1,525,000 Purchase cost of packs ($4.75 250,000) Ordering costs ($75 300) Receiving and storage ($50 3,600) Shipping ($90 1,500) Total costs Cost Base Estimated Cost per Unit (1) Markup Percentage (2) Per Unit (2) = (1) ÷ 250,000 $4.75 0.09 0.72 0.54 $6.10 Markup Component (3) (1) (2) Prospective Selling Price (4) (1) (3) Purchase cost $4.75 20% $0.95 $5.70 Full cost of the product 6.10 6% 0.37 6.47 The different cost bases and markup percentages give two prospective selling prices that are close to each other. The final selling price will be adjusted after taking into account customer and competitor reactions. 14-35 CHAPTER 15 COST ALLOCATION, CUSTOMER-PROFITABILITY ANALYSIS, AND SALES-VARIANCE ANALYSIS 15-1 Disagree. Cost accounting data plays a key role in many management planning and control decisions. The division president will be able to make better operating and strategy decisions by being involved in key decisions about cost pools and cost allocation bases. Such an understanding, for example, can help the division president evaluate the profitability of different customers. 15-2 Managers should consider the following factors in the allocation of resources: 1. Likelihood of customer retention 2. Potential for sales growth 3. Long-run customer profitability 4. Increases in overall demand from having reference customers 5. Ability to learn from customers. 15-3 Companies that separately record (a) the list price and (b) the discount have sufficient information to subsequently examine the level of discounting for each individual customer and by each individual salesperson. 15-4 No. A customer-profitability profile highlights differences in the current period’s profitability across customers. Dropping customers should be the last resort. An unprofitable customer in one period may be highly profitable in subsequent future periods. Moreover, costs assigned to individual customers need not be purely variable with respect to short-run elimination of sales to those customers. Thus, when customers are dropped, costs assigned to those customers may not disappear in the short run. 15-5 Five categories in a customer cost hierarchy are identified in the chapter. The examples given relate to the Provalue Division of Astel Computers used in the chapter: Customer output-unit-level costs—costs of activities to sell each unit (computer) to a customer. An example is product-handling costs of each computer sold. Customer batch-level costs—costs of activities that are related to a group of units (computers) sold to a customer. Examples are costs incurred to process orders or to make deliveries. Customer-sustaining costs—costs of activities to support individual customers, regardless of the number of units or batches of product delivered to the customer. Examples are costs of visits to customers or costs of displays at customer sites. Distribution-channel costs—costs of activities related to a particular distribution channel rather than to each unit of product, each batch of product, or specific customers. An example is the salary of the manager of Provalue Division’s wholesale distribution channel. Division-sustaining costs—costs of division activities that cannot be traced to individual customers or distribution channels. An example is the salary of the Provalue Division manager. 15-1 15-6 Charting cumulative profits by customer or product type generates a whale curve. This provides information on the profitability of customers and clearly differentiates the most profitable from the least profitable. 15-7 Disagree. In general, companies have three choices regarding the allocation of corporate costs to divisions: allocate all corporate costs, allocate some corporate costs (those “controllable” by the divisions), and allocate none of the corporate costs. Which one of these is appropriate depends on several factors: the composition of corporate costs, the purpose of the costing exercise, and the time horizon, to name a few. For example, one can easily justify allocating all corporate costs when they are closely related to the running of the divisions and when the purpose of costing is, say, pricing products or motivating managers to consume corporate resources judiciously. 15-8 The ‘fairness or equity’ criterion is often applied in the government sector. This is because cost allocations are very critical in government contracts where the parties to the contract find it fair or equitable if there is an established criterion for a contract price. However, what is fair or equitable can sometimes be a matter of judgement. 15-9 Disagree. If corporate costs allocated to a division can be reallocated to the indirect cost pools of the division on the basis of a logical cause-and-effect relationship, then it is in fact preferable to do so—this will result in fewer division-indirect-cost pools and a more costeffective cost allocation system. This reallocation of allocated corporate costs should only be done if the allocation base used for the division indirect cost pool has the same cause-and-effect relationship with every cost in that indirect cost pool, including the reallocated corporate cost. 15-10 Disagree. A company will frequently allocate costs that are fixed in the short run to customers to determine long-run profitability of customers. In the long run, a company must ensure that the revenues received from a customer exceed the total resources consumed to support the customer, regardless of whether these costs are variable or fixed in the short run. For short-run decisions, however, costs that are fixed in the short run may often be irrelevant. 15-11 When allocating costs to divisions, channels, and customers, companies must construct cost pools that are, to the extent possible, homogeneous, so that all costs in the cost pool have the same or a similar cause-and-effect or benefits-received relationship with the cost-allocation base. If each cost category has a cause-and-effect or benefits-received relationship with a different cost-allocation base, the company should maintain separate cost pools for each of these costs. Determining homogeneous cost pools requires judgment and should be revisited on a regular basis. 15-12 Using the levels approach introduced in Chapter 7, the sales-volume variance is a Level 2 variance. By sequencing through Level 3 (sales-mix and sales-quantity variances) and then Level 4 (market-size and market-share variances), managers can gain insight into the causes of a specific sales-volume variance caused by changes in the mix and quantity of the products sold as well as changes in market size and market share. 15-13 The total sales-mix variance arises from differences in the budgeted contribution margin of the actual and budgeted sales mix. The composite unit concept enables the effect of individual 15-2 product changes to be summarized in a single intuitive number by using weights based on the mix of individual units in the actual and budgeted mix of products sold. 15-14 A favorable sales-quantity variance arises because the actual units of all products sold exceed the budgeted units of all products sold. 15-15 The sales-quantity variance can be decomposed into (a) a market-size variance (which arises when the actual total market size in units is different from the budgeted market size in units) and (b) a market share variance (which arises when the actual market share of a company is different from its budgeted market share). Both variances use the budgeted average contribution margin per unit. 15-16 Choice ‘b’ is correct. The sales price variance is computed as: (actual sales price – budgeted sales price) x actual sales volume. (£30 -£35) 5,500 units = £27,500 unfavorable. Choice ‘a’ is incorrect. The £27,500 is not favorable. The actual sales price has been subtracted from the budgeted sales price. Note: this is a common error in sales price variance computation. Choice ‘c’ is incorrect. The computation has been wrongly done as:(£30 – £35) 8,000 units = £40,000 unfavorable. Choice ‘d’ is incorrect. The computation has been wrongly done as: (£35 – £30) 8,000 units = £40,000 favorable. 15-17 Choice ‘a’ is correct. The sales volume variance is computed as contribution margin × (budgeted quantity – actual quantity). Thus, £25 2,500 units = £62,500 unfavorable. It is unfavorable as the actual quantity is less than the budgeted units. Thus, subsequently Choice ‘b’ is incorrect. Choice ‘c’ is incorrect. The sales volume variance has been wrongly computed as: £35 2,500 units = £87,500. The difference in the units sold has been wrongly multiplied by the budgeted sales price. Choice ‘d’ is incorrect. The sales vo