THE INFLUENCE OF FINANCIAL RATIOS AND MACROECONOMIC FACTORS TOWARD STOCK PRICES OF BANK CATEGORY KBMI 3 & 4 By Venantius Ivan Widijono 014202000028 A Thesis submitted to the School of Business, President University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree in Management Science September 2023 PANEL OF EXAMINERS APPROVAL SHEET The Panel of Examiners declare that the Thesis entitled THE INFLUENCE OF FINANCIAL RATIOS AND MACROECONOMIC FACTORS TOWARD STOCK PRICES OF BANK CATEGORY KBMI 3 & 4 that was submitted by Venantius Ivan Widijono majoring in Management from the School of Business was assessed and approved to have passed the Oral Examinations on ……. Panel of Examiners ………. Chair - Panel of Examiners ………. Examiner 2 ………. Examiner 3 ii STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY In my capacity as an active student of President University and as the author of the thesis/final project/business plan stated below: Name Student ID number Study Program Faculty : Venantius Ivan Widijono : 014202000028 : Management : Business I hereby declare that my thesis/final project/business plan (underline one of these) entitled THE INFLUENCE OF FINANCIAL RATIOS AND MACROECONOMIC FACTORS TOWARD STOCK PRICES OF BANK CATEGORY KBMI 3 & 4 is to the best of my knowledge and belief, an original piece of work based on sound academic principles. If there is any plagiarism detected in this thesis/final project/business plan, I am willing to be personally responsible for the consequences of these acts of plagiarism, and will accept the sanctions against these acts in accordance with the rules and policies of President University. I also declare that this work, either in whole or in part, has not been submitted to another university to obtain a degree. Cikarang, 13 September 2023 (Venantius Ivan Widijono) iii CONSENT FOR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT Title of Thesis THE INFLUENCE OF FINANCIAL RATIOS AND MACROECONOMIC FACTORS TOWARD STOCK PRICES OF BANK CATEGORY KBMI 3 & 4 1. The Author hereby assigns to President University the copyright to the contribution named above whereby the university shall have the exclusive right to publish the contribution and translations of it wholly or in part throughout the world during the full term of copyright including renewals and extensions and all subsidiary rights. 2. The Author retains the right to re-publish the preprint version of the contribution without charge and subject only to notifying the University of the intent to do so and to ensuring that the publication by the University is properly credited and that the relevant copyright notice is repeated verbatim. 3. The Author retains moral and all proprietary rights other than copyright, such as patent and trademark rights to any process or procedure described in the contribution. 4. The Author guarantees that the contribution is original, has not been published previously, is not under consideration of publication elsewhere and that any necessary permission to quote or reproduce illustrations from another source has been obtained (a copy of any such permission should be sent with this form). 5. The Author guarantees that the contribution contains no violation of any existing copyright or other third – party right or material of an obscene, indecent, libelous or otherwise unlawful nature and will indemnify the University against all claims arising from any breach of this warranty. iv 6. The Author declares that any named person as co – author of the contribution is aware of this agreement and has also agreed to the above warranties. Name: Venantius Ivan Widijono Date: 13 September 2023 Signature: v SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION APPROVAL FOR ACADEMIC INTEREST As an academic community member of the President's University, I, the undersigned: Name Student ID number Study program : Venantius Ivan Widijono : 014202000028 : Management for the purpose of development of science and technology, certify, and approve to give President University a non-exclusive royalty-free right upon my final report with the title: THE INFLUENCE OF FINANCIAL RATIOS AND MACROECONOMIC FACTORS TOWARD STOCK PRICES OF BANK CATEGORY KBMI 3 & 4 With this non-exclusive royalty-free right, President University is entitled to converse, to convert, to manage in a database, to maintain, and to publish my final report. There are to be done with the obligation from President University to mention my name as the copyright owner of my final report. This statement I made in truth. Cikarang, 13 September 2023 (Venantius Ivan Widijono) vi ADVISOR APPROVAL FOR JOURNAL OR INSTITUTION’S REPOSITORY As an academic community member of the President's University, I, the undersigned: Name NIDN Number Study program Faculty : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Drs. Chandra Setiawan, M.M., Ph.D : 201205336 : Management : Business declare that following thesis : Title of thesis : The Influence of Financial Ratio and Macroeconomic Factors Toward Stock Prices of Bank Category KBMI 3&4 Thesis author : Venantius Ivan Widijono Student ID number : 014202000028 will be published in journal or institution’s repository Cikarang, 13 September 2023 (Assoc. Prof. Dr. Drs. Chandra Setiawan, M.M., Ph.D) vii PLAGIARISM RESULT viii RESULT OF GPT ZERO ix ABSTRACT This study aims to investigate the influence of financial ratio and macroeconomics factors toward stock price of bank category KBMI 3 & 4. This research used quantitative approach. There are seven independent variables used within this study, which is BOPO, LDR, NPL, CAR, Inflation Rate, Exchange Rate USD/IDR and BI Rate. Through purposive sampling, this research got 312 observations from 13 companies using quarterly data from 2017 – 2022. All variables is examined by descriptive analysis, classical assumption test, multiple linear regression and hypotheses testing. The outcome of this study reveals that partially, BOPO, NPL, Inflation Rate and Exchange Rate have a negative significant influence toward stock price of bank category KBMI 3& 4, while CAR and BI rate have a positive significant influence toward the stock price. In addition, LDR partially have positive but not significant effect toward stock price of bank KBMI 3 & 4. Simultaneously, all independent variables exerts significant influence toward stock price of bank category KBMI 3 & 4 during 2017 – 2022 period, with the value of coefficient determination 27.69%. Keywords: Stock Prices, BOPO, LDR, NPL, CAR, Inflation Rate, Exchange Rate, BI Rate x ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First and foremost, the researcher would like to thank God because with His blessing and amazing grace, the researcher could finish this thesis. During the completion of this thesis, there are many struggles and limitations experienced by researcher, but gratefully all the difficulties experienced were always supported by several parties. Therefore, the researcher would express his gratitude for everyone who had helped him in completing this thesis: 1. Researcher family, father, mother and little brother who are always sending prayers, support, motivation, and cheers the researcher in every situation. 2. Mr. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Drs. Chandra Setiawan, M.M., Ph.D., as a thesis advisor who has given time, advice, guidance, and support during the creation of this thesis from the beginning until this thesis complete 3. All lectures and employees of President University for their guidance, knowledge, and support while the researcher studying in President University. 4. The researcher soul mate, close friends and seniors who always accompany, assist, support, cheers and motivate researcher all the time. 5. All friends from PUMA Management and PUCatSo for all support, beautiful memories and happiness while studying at the President University xi 6. Lastly, to those who indirectly contributed to this thesis, the researcher would like to thank you for every support in the completion of this study. Researcher hope this thesis can be useful for everyone in the future regarding the related topic who might need it Cikarang, 13 September 2023 (Venantius Ivan Widijono) xii TABLE OF CONTENTS PANEL OF EXAMINERS APPROVAL SHEET ......................................................... ii STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY ............................................................................... iii CONSENT FOR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT ......................................... iv SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION APPROVAL FOR ACADEMIC INTEREST.......... vi ADVISOR APPROVAL FOR JOURNAL OR INSTITUTION’S REPOSITORY . vii PLAGIARISM RESULT .............................................................................................. viii RESULT OF GPT ZERO ............................................................................................... ix ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................................... x ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................... xi TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................................. xiii LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................ xvii LIST OF FIGURES ..................................................................................................... xviii LIST OF ACROYNMS ................................................................................................. xix CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................... 1 1.1 Background ............................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Problem Statement .................................................................................................... 6 1.3 Research Questions ................................................................................................... 7 xiii 1.4 Research Outline ....................................................................................................... 7 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW ........................................................................ 9 2.1 Review of Literature ................................................................................................. 9 2.1.1 Bank ................................................................................................................... 9 2.1.2 KBMI ................................................................................................................. 9 2.1.3 Capital Market ................................................................................................. 10 2.1.4 Stock ................................................................................................................ 11 2.1.5 Financial Ratio Analysis .................................................................................. 14 2.1.6 Operational Efficiency Ratio (BOPO) ............................................................. 15 2.1.7 Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR) .......................................................................... 16 2.1.8 Non-Performing Loan (NPL) ........................................................................... 17 2.1.9 Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) ....................................................................... 17 2.1.10 Macroeconomic.............................................................................................. 18 2.1.11 Inflation Rate ................................................................................................. 19 2.1.12 Exchange rate ................................................................................................. 20 2.1.13 Bank Indonesia Rate (BI Rate) ...................................................................... 20 2.2 Previous Research ................................................................................................... 21 2.3 Research Gap .......................................................................................................... 29 2.4 Theoretical Framework ........................................................................................... 30 xiv 2.5 Hypothesis............................................................................................................... 31 CHAPTER III METHODS ............................................................................................ 32 3.1 Research Design...................................................................................................... 32 3.2 Research Framework .............................................................................................. 32 3.3 Sampling Design ..................................................................................................... 34 3.3.1 Size of Population ............................................................................................ 34 3.3.2 Size of Sample ................................................................................................. 34 3.4 Data Collection Design ........................................................................................... 37 3.5 Operational Definition ............................................................................................ 37 3.6 Data Analysis Design .............................................................................................. 39 3.6.1 Descriptive Analysis ........................................................................................ 39 3.6.2 Panel Data Analysis ......................................................................................... 41 3.6.3 Classical Assumption Test ............................................................................... 43 3.6.4 Multiple Regression Analysis .......................................................................... 45 3.7 Hypothesis Testing.................................................................................................. 46 3.7.1 Significant Level .............................................................................................. 47 3.7.2 T-test ................................................................................................................ 47 3.7.3 F-test ................................................................................................................ 49 3.7.4 Coefficient of Determination (R2) ................................................................... 50 xv CHAPTER IV RESULTS, ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION ..................................... 51 4.1 Descriptive Analysis ............................................................................................... 51 4.2 Data Analysis .......................................................................................................... 53 4.2.1 Panel Data Regression ..................................................................................... 53 4.2.2 Classical Assumption Test ............................................................................... 55 4.2.3 Multiple Linear Regression Analysis............................................................... 58 4.3 Hypothesis Testing.................................................................................................. 61 4.3.1 T-test ................................................................................................................ 61 4.3.2 F -test ............................................................................................................... 62 4.3.3 Coefficient of Determination (R2) ................................................................... 63 4.4 Interpretation of the Result ..................................................................................... 63 CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................... 68 5.1 Conclusions ............................................................................................................. 68 5.2 Recommendations ................................................................................................... 70 REFFERENCES ............................................................................................................. 71 APPENDICES ................................................................................................................. 81 xvi LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1 Previous Research .................................................................... 21 Table 3.1 Sample Proportion .................................................................... 35 Table 3.2 Operational Definition.............................................................. 37 Table 4.1 Descriptive Statistics Result ..................................................... 51 Table 4. 2 Chow Test ................................................................................ 53 Table 4.3 Hausman Test ........................................................................... 54 Table 4.4 Lagrange Multiplier Test .......................................................... 55 Table 4.5 Correlation Matrix .................................................................... 56 Table 4.6 Heteroscedasticity Test ............................................................ 57 Table 4.7 Autocorrelation Test ................................................................. 58 Table 4.8 Multiple Linear Regression Result ........................................... 59 Table 4. 9 F-Test ....................................................................................... 62 Table 4.10 Coefficient of Determination ................................................... 63 xvii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1 Growth of IDX Composite ....................................................... 1 Figure 1.2 Growth of Total Assets of Banks in Indonesia ........................ 2 Figure 2.1 Theoretical Framework ............................................................ 30 Figure 3.1 Research Framework ................................................................ 33 Figure 4.1 Normality Test.......................................................................... 56 xviii LIST OF ACROYNMS BOPO = Beban Operational Pendapatan Operasional (operational efficiency ratio) LDR = Loan to Deposit Ratio NPL = Non-Performing Loan CAR = Capital Adequacy Ratio IR = Inflation Rate EXR = Exchange Rate BIR = Bank Indonesia Rate OJK = Otoritas Jasa Keuangan KBMI = Kelompok Bank berdasarkan Modal Inti IDX = Indonesia Stock Exchange xix CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background In the present day, almost every societal group has a greater awareness of the capital market. The capital market provides finance for businesses and the government, as well as investment opportunities for fund owners. The capital market has evolved into an important component of the economy, serving as a conduit for funds to be transferred from investors wanting a return to capital users who require cash to finance various projects or business operations. Long-term investment products having maturities of more than one year are available in the capital market, such as equities, bonds, mutual funds, and different derivative instruments derived from securities (OJK, 2019). In Indonesia, the main exchange that provides a marketplace for trading various financial instruments such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds is called the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). Figure 1.1 Growth of IDX Composite Source: Google Finance, 2023 1 Based on figure 1.1, the stock market in Indonesia has experienced significant growth in the past few decades. The growth means that the overall stock market in Indonesia has experienced a positive trend and has gained value over time. This also can indicate that the economy is performing well and investors have confidence in the market. The positive trend shown by IDX Composite has made investors even more interested in investing in stocks in Indonesia. This is in line with data from KSEI in 2022 which states that the number of capital market investors in Indonesia has increased and by the end of 2022 there have been 10 million investors. The banking sector is one of those that has a lot of traction on the stock market. Banks play a vital role in any economy because they facilitate economic activity by providing financial services. Banks serve as financial intermediaries, mobilizing depositors' funds and transferring cash to borrowers in the form of loans and credit. The banking industry in Indonesia is no exception. The banking industry in Indonesia plays a significant role and contributes to the rise and expansion of the Indonesian economy, beginning with small, medium, and big commercial loans, and even as a location to guarantee public deposits (Simatupang, 2019). Figure 1.2 Growth of Total Assets of Banks in Indonesia Source: Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK), 2022, adjusted by Researcher 2 The banking industry in Indonesia has grown significantly over the years. According to data figure 1. 2 from the Financial Services Authority (OJK), the banking sector's total assets grew from IDR 6,729 trillion in 2016 to IDR 10,487 trillion in 2022, representing an average annual growth rate of 7.7 % in the past seven years. These banks include stateowned banks, regional banks, private banks, and international banks, and they all provide an extensive variety of financial services and products to consumers throughout the country. Rising deposits and loans from both the corporate and retail divisions, along with the development of digital banking products and services. In addition, referring to data from the Financial Services Authority (OJK), the banking industry throughout 2022 has also managed to record positive performance, in which the national banking net profit has reached IDR 200 trillion, reaching IDR 201.82 trillion to be precise. The acquisition of net profit increased by 43.94% compared to the 2021 period (Sahara, 2023). Because the development of banks in Indonesia continues to occur, in 2021, OJK redefined the classification of banks from grouped based on Commercial Banks based on Business Activities (BUKU), to Bank Groups based on Core Capital (KBMI). This is stated in OJK Regulation (POJK) Number 12/POJK.03/2021 concerning Commercial Banks which aims to make business activities at banks not limited to capital anymore. There are four categories of KBMI, namely the KBMI 1 group has a core capital of up to IDR 6 trillion, KBMI 2 has a core capital of over IDR 6 trillion to IDR 14 trillion, KBMI 3 core capital is from IDR 14 trillion to IDR 70 trillion, and KBMI 4 core capital is above IDR 70 trillion. Until 2022, there are only 4 banks classified as banks in the KBMI 4 category and 10 banks classified as banks in the KBMI 3 category. The net profit of the bank category based on the core capital of KBMI 4 and KBMI 3 is still the basis for national banking performance. Throughout 2022 the net profit of the KBMI 4 banks is IDR 143.34 trillion, growing high by 45.7% (yoy). In addition, banks in the KBMI 3 category also recorded net profit growth of IDR 34.42 trillion, growing 30.97% (yoy) (Sahara, 2023). Banks are able to enhance their lending operations when they are profitable, which can boost investment and generate employment. Profitable banks can also draw in additional deposits, increasing the amount of credit available to the economy. This may result in more spending and investment, which 3 would fuel economic expansion. Additionally, successful banks typically have higher capital buffers, which can increase their resistance to economic shocks and financial crises. In investing activities in the capital market, an important factor to be considered by investors is the company's stock price. Stock price is a fundamental indicator for investors to evaluate investments, manage portfolios, generate profits, and gauge market trends and sentiment. The price of a stock is formed from the sale and demand for stocks, the high demand and also the sale of stocks very quickly affect the price of a stock (Ginting & Erward, 2013). By analyzing stock prices, investors can make informed decisions and navigate the dynamic and ever-changing landscape of the stock market. As a result, before making an investment decision, investors must understand the elements that might impact stock values, including internal and external factors. Before making an investment selection, the investor should investigate and comprehend the firm's performance. (Purwanto & Agustin, 2017). Investors can acquire insights into a company's financial state by evaluating financial performance indicators, often known as financial ratios. These ratios may be used to evaluate a company's financial health, identify its strongest points and shortcomings, and even forecast stock market returns (Ayem & Wahyuni, 2017). Investors might have greater trust in a firm that is in solid financial shape. As a result, stock demand will grow, potentially benefiting the company's stock price (Dewi, 2022). The influence of these financial performance metrics on bank stock prices in Indonesia is critical for a number of reasons. First, investors and financial analysts may make wise investment judgments by comprehending the connection among financial performance and stock returns. Second, policymakers may utilize the study's results to make educated policy decisions that will help the banking industry and the economy as a whole develop. Finally, the research can give insights into the general health of the banking system, indicating areas that need to be improved as well as those that are operating well. As a consideration in making an investment decision, investors also must be mindful of the outside variables that could might influence stock prices. Stock prices, according to Sudirman (2015), are heavily impacted by macroeconomic factors. Macroeconomics aims to quantify the economy's performance and forecast how it may improve. It is also 4 concerned with how an economy functions as a whole, as well as how various sectors of the economy interact with each other in order to comprehend how aggregate functions (Utami, 2021). Waris (2014) asserts that a number of external variables, including inflation, interest rates, foreign exchange rates, transaction volume, and environmental circumstances, such as political and economic stability, have an impact on stock prices. As a result, prior to deciding stock investing selections, potential investors should consider these external aspects as relevant for study. Financial ratio and macroeconomic factors exert an impact on stock prices have been studied by several previous researchers. For instance, a study by Ilham (2022) found that BOPO and NPL ratio have significant positive influence toward stock price. Study by Kusuma (2017) found that CAR, LDR, NPL and BOPO have significant impact toward stock price. Similarly, a study by D. Putri (2017) found that CAR and LDR have significant impact toward stock price. Apart from financial performance, the influence of macroeconomics toward stock prices has also been studied before. According to Herdini et al. (2021), Inflation rates, BI rate and exchange rate have a significant effect toward stock price. As a result of the aforementioned explanation, investors should consider financial performance and macroeconomics before making an investment decision. Therefore, the goal of this research is to examine how financial performance and macroeconomics affect stock price in order to identify which indication investors may use to anticipate their investment decision. The financial performance ratios used in this study are BOPO, NPL, LDR, and CAR, while the macroeconomic parameters used include inflation, exchange rate and BI rate. Furthermore, this research will concentrate on examining the Bank category KBMI 3 and KBMI 4 listed in IDX, considering the importance of bank category KBMI 3 and KBMI 4 in economic growth. 5 1.2 Problem Statement Stock market are known with their market volatility and high fluctuations. Therefore, understanding the factors that affect stock prices empowers investors to make informed decisions, assess risk, identify value opportunities, adopt a long-term perspective, manage risk effectively, time their entry and exit, and monitor their investment portfolios. Before make investment decision, financial performance ratios and macroeconomic conditions are crucial indicators that can affect stock price, which can help investors to gain more information before decide their investment decision. Several previous studies have found a relationship between financial performance ratios and macroeconomic factors toward stock prices, with the financial performance ratios used in this study being BOPO, CAR, LDR, and NPL, and the macroeconomic factors used in this study being inflation, exchange rate, BI rate. However not all prior research found that independent variables exert significant impact on the dependent variable. As found by Nurhayati & Pertiwi (2021) NPL and LDR has no significant influence toward stock price. According to Fordian (2017), there is no impact by LDR and CAR toward stock price. Study by Vilia & Coline (2021) found that NPL and CAR have no significant effect toward stock price. Yudistira & Adiputra (2020) found that BOPO, inflation and BI rate have no impact on stock price. A. Saptiani (2018) found that Inflation rate and exchange rates does not exert significant impact toward stock price. Previous research has yielded inconsistent findings on the effect of financial performance and macroeconomic factors toward stock price. As a consequence, additional study is needed to obtain another empirical result and learn more about the factors that drive stock returns. According to the problem statement, the purpose of this study is to discover the impact of financial ratio and macroeconomics factors on stock price, particularly in the bank category KBMI 3 & 4 in Indonesia, in order to obtain more empirical results. 6 1.3 Research Questions In this study, researcher use Return on Asset ratio, Loan to Deposit ratio, Gross NonPerforming Loan Ratio, Capital Adequacy ratio, Inflation Rate and Exchange Rate as independent variable to analyze the impact of macroeconomics and financial performance toward stock return in Indonesia banking industry. The researcher has specified the problem to be examined in this study in order to attain the study's objectives. 1) Does BOPO significantly influence toward the stock price of bank category KBMI 3& KBMI 4? 2) Does LDR significantly influence toward the stock price of bank category KBMI 3& KBMI 4? 3) Does NPL significantly influence toward the stock price of bank category KBMI 3& KBMI 4? 4) Does CAR significantly influence toward the stock price of bank category KBMI 3& KBMI 4? 5) Does Inflation Rate significantly influence toward the stock price of bank category KBMI 3& KBMI 4? 6) Does Exchange Rate significantly influence toward the stock price of bank category KBMI 3& KBMI 4? 7) Does BI Rate significantly influence toward the stock price of bank category KBMI 3& KBMI 4? 8) Do BOPO, LDR, NPL, CAR, inflation rate, exchange rate, and BI rate simultaneously have significant influence toward the stock price of bank category KBMI 3 & 4? 1.4 Research Outline The substance of this proposal might be split into five chapters, whose will be explained in the order listed below: 7 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Chapter I will primarily focus on explaining why researcher chose the topic for this research, it will also cover problem statement regarding the influenced of macroeconomics and financial performance toward stock return in Indonesia banking industry, research question identification, and the organization that describes this research. CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW The second chapter of this thesis is critical to the research since it draws on relevant literature, theories, and earlier research to support the study. It serves to identify and comprehensively analyze the issues and objectives outlined in Chapter 1. This chapter also describes the process through which researchers come up with hypotheses. CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODS This chapter focuses on the research methodology, encompassing the methods, steps, and overall framework employed to gather quantitative data for the study. Chapter III will address the chosen research methodology, outlining the approach and techniques used to collect and analyze data for this study, such as research design, framework, sampling and data analysis design. CHAPTER IV RESULTS, ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION This chapter is the main and most important part of this entire study, where this chapter will discuss Data Analysis, explain the details of the data that has been proceeds, discuss known problems and answers to problems. CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS This is the final component of the study, and it contains findings and the summarized of the data proceeds in Chapter IV. This chapter will also give suggestions based on the outcomes from the research. 8 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Review of Literature 2.1.1 Bank Banks have an essential intermediate function as a financial institution that links money from parties with surplus funds to others that are underfunded. (Harahap & Hairunnisah, 2017). Banks' role as intermediary institutions places them in a very important position, as they promote the smooth operation of the financial system, implement monetary policy, gather and channel funds to the public, increasing the flow of funds for investment (Bilian & Purwanto, 2015). According to Law No. 10 of 1998, a bank is described as an institution that gathers cash for savings accounts and then generates them back into loans or other bank products to improve people's living circumstances. Banks are one of the instruments that have become engines of economic growth. This is in line with Article 4 of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 7 of 1992 on Banking, which states that Indonesian banking strives to promote the realization of national development by enhancing fairness, economic expansion, and national stability in order to improve people's well-being. 2.1.2 KBMI KBMI is a bank classification determined by OJK, where banks in Indonesia are classified based on their core capital. Capital adequacy is an important aspect to strengthen bank institutions and back up credit risk (Rustendi, 2019). Bank capital consists of core capital and supplementary capital. Core capital in banking can be understood as paid-up capital by bank owners and capital originating from reserves formed and added to retained earnings. So, the bank's core capital is an accumulation of paid-up capital, reserves formed, and retained earnings. Based on POJK Number 12 /POJK.03/2021 the grouping of Commercial Banks based on bank core capital (KBMI) can be grouped into 4, namely, 9 a) KBMI 1 with a core capital of up to 6 trillion Rupiah, b) KBMI 2 with a core capital of more than 6 trillion Rupiah to 14 trillion Rupiah, c) KBMI 3 with a core capital of more than 14 trillion Rupiah up to 70 trillion Rupiah, d) KBMI 4 with a core capital of more than 70 trillion Rupiah. KBMI is the result of an update of the previous type of bank classification. Previously, bank categories were classified as commercial bank groupings based on business activities known as Commercial Banks by Business Activities (BUKU). According to NOMOR 12/POJK.03/2021, grouping based on BUKU if related to KBMI, can be explain by: a) BUKU 1 can be equated with KBMI 1; b) BUKU 2 can be equated with KBMI 1; c) BUKU 3 can be equated with KBMI 2 or KBMI 3; d) BUKU 4 can be equated with KBMI 3 or KBMI 4. In the past, bank groups were formed on the basis of BUKU in order to encourage consolidation. However, the OJK's aims were not met throughout its creation. Instead, BUKU classification make many banks have good risk management but are unable to develop due to constraints on capital regulations. These small banks do not issue new products and are hampered from becoming big banks because of these capital regulations. As a result, OJK decided to make improvements with adjusted BUKU classification to KBMI with the goal of making the bank cluster more accurate and not limiting the development of banks in Indonesia. 2.1.3 Capital Market The capital market is a place where short-term and long-term financial instruments, such as debt and stock issued by the government, public entities, and private businesses, may be traded (Azis et al., 2015). The capital market's purpose is to offer finance resources for businesses and governmental organizations as well as for individuals to engage in investing activities (Bitar, 2019). It facilitates the flow of capital between investors seeking opportunities to grow their wealth and entities (such as corporations and governments) in 10 need of financing for various purposes, such as expansion, infrastructure development, or debt management. According to Stosic-Mihajlovic (2016) in Mujib & Candraningrat (2021), The capital market in an economy country serves two primary functions: the economic function and the financial function. With the goal to fulfill its economic purpose, the capital market offers tools or methods for bringing together two parties with an interest in one another. In carrying out its financial role, the capital market gives investors the opportunity or possibility to get a return on money that has been distributed in line with the characteristics of the chosen investment. The capital market provides finance for the operations of the issuer or other party in need of cash, whereas the investor seeks to make money by investing their assets in the capital market. According to OJK, the capital market comprises two distinct segments: the primary market and the secondary market. The primary market is where freshly issued securities are exchanged for the first time in public before they are listed on the stock exchange. It is also where newly issued securities are traded. The trading of securities that have been listed on the Stock Exchange takes place in the secondary market, which is a continuation of the primary market. To accommodate the wide range of demands of investors and issuers, many types of financial instruments are exchanged on the capital market. Stocks, bonds, derivatives, and commodities are examples of these instruments. The Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) is the primarily exchange in Indonesia that provides a platform for exchanging various financial products such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. 2.1.4 Stock Stock Definition According to Fahmi (2013) as cited by Nurutami (2019), Stock is a formal evidence of capital/funds ownership in a corporation that clearly shows the nominal value, firm name, and is accompanied by unambiguous rights and duties to each holder. Stock is a type of security that denotes ownership of a portion of the issuing business. "Shares" are units of stock that provide its owner access to a portion of the company's assets and income based on how many stocks they possess (Hayes, 2023). Stocks are units of ownership that grant 11 shareholders certain rights, such as voting rights and a share of the company's profits. They serve as a vehicle for investors to participate in the financial performance and growth prospects of publicly traded companies. Investing in stocks can provide investors with opportunities to get profit through capital appreciation from rising prices and income through dividends (Ery Yanto et al., 2021). But it also carries risks inherent in the volatility and uncertainty of the stock market. They are one of the primary financial instruments traded in the capital market. According to Hayes (2023), There are two form of stock, which is common stock and preferred stock: a) Common stocks are securities that provide as proof of a company's ownership (Amadeo, 2021). Shareholders are entitled to a part of the business's earnings (dividends), and they are willing to bear the risk of losses suffered by the business. Those who own shares in the company have the ability to vote on its management. b) Preferred stock is a type of investment that gives the shareholder priority over the company's assets and profits. Preferred stock has the following features: a focus over common stockholders for dividends; no or limited voting rights; an opportunity to influence company management, especially regarding the selection of the board of directors; and the right to get the greatest payment at par value of share first after creditors in the event of a company liquidation (N. Putri, 2019). Stock Price One of the factors, consideration of an investor before investing their funds in a stock market is the stock price. Stock price could be explained as the market value that is determined when a share of a company's stock is exchanged. Stock price can described as the price established as a result of the interaction between sellers and buyers of stock with the goal of collecting profits from the firm, which included both capital gains and dividends (Hidayat, 2018). The concept of a stock price, according to Jogiyanto (2014), The notion of stock price refers to the price of a share that occurs on the stock market at a specific point established by investors and determined by the supply and demand for shares in the capital market. 12 It is important to note that stock prices are subject to fluctuations and can experience volatility. Stock prices will always be fluctuating in response to the company's future prospects as well as the amount of demand and supply for those stocks (Ardiyanto et al., 2020). Stock price is influenced by several external and internal factors. Internal factors are those that occur within the organization. External factors are those that originate outside of the firm. According to Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (2022), there are several external and internal factors that can affect stock prices. Fundamental conditions of macroeconomics, Rupiah exchange rate fluctuations against foreign currencies, government policies, certain news that can trigger panic factors, and market manipulation factors are several external factors that could influence stock prices. While for the internal factors, company fundamental factors, corporate actions and projection of company performance in the future are several internal factors that could influence the stock prices of a company. Understanding factors that influenced stock price movements is crucial for investors and market participants, as it enables them to make informed decisions regarding buying, selling, or holding stocks in their investment portfolios Stock Analysis Investors must conduct extensive research before investing in stocks. Stock analysis is essential for making informed investing decisions, reducing risks, and reaching financial goals. It gives investors useful insights and data-driven analyses to help them manage the complexity of the stock market and maximize their investment returns. Therefore, understand the performance of the company by doing some analysis are really important for investors. Commonly, there are two kinds of analysis that can be used to analyze stock prices in the future, namely fundamental and technical analysis (Fathinah & Setiawan, 2021). a) Technical Analysis The objective of technical analysis is to predict future pricing and volume trends by analyzing patterns found in stock charts. Technical analysis makes the assumption that patterns and movements frequently repeat themselves in the future. (Frederick, 2019). This analysis projects stock values using resources such as charts 13 and historical data of stock price, with the goal of providing significant insights into the future direction of stock prices. Technical analysis is frequently used alongside with fundamental analysis to build a full picture of a stock's prospective market performance. b) Fundamental Analysis Fundamental analysis is a way of assessing a stock's intrinsic value using economic basic information and financial data from the firm. The fundamental analysis compares the intrinsic value to the market price to see if the stock price has represented the intrinsic value. (Zerodha, 2018). According to Husnan (2015) in (Hilmi et al., 2019), fundamental analysis is the process of estimating future stock prices by calculating the value of fundamental factors that influence future stock prices, such as sales, sales growth, costs, and dividend policies, and then applying the relationship between these variables to arrive at an estimated stock price. Financial ratio analysis will be utilized to study the firm together with trend or growth identification, operational effectiveness assessment, understanding of the company's features, and health assessment. In conclusion, both technical analysis and fundamental analysis play crucial roles in understanding and predicting stock prices. Technical analysis provides insights into shortterm price movements and market trends, while fundamental analysis focuses on assessing the long-term value and financial health of a company. By employing these analytical methods, investors can make informed decisions about buying, selling, or holding stocks, ultimately aiming to maximize their returns in the stock market. 2.1.5 Financial Ratio Analysis The financial ratio analysis describes as a tool in evaluating the financial performance and condition of companies. According to (Kasmir, 2017) The technique of dividing one number by another to compare statistics in financial records is known as a financial ratio. Comparisons can be conducted within one element and the elements in one financial report or among elements in the financial statements, and the similar numbers can be in the data from one or more periods. Financial ratio provides insights into a company's financial health, performance, and risk profile. It helps investors make informed decisions, manage 14 their portfolios effectively, and assess the value and potential of their investments. The greater a company's financial performance, the higher expectations investors have for it (Widayanti & Colline, 2017). According to Amalia (2020) in Amalia & Nugraha (2021), financial ratios play a crucial role in evaluating a company's financial performance and predicting its business continuity, whether it remains healthy or faces challenges. These ratios are essential in measuring the performance and soundness of banks as well. A trustworthy bank maintains its soundness through normal banking operations and fulfills its obligations in accordance with banking regulations (Medyawicesar et al., 2018). In this study, researcher will focus on key financial ratios that provide insights into the financial performance and soundness of a bank, including Operational Efficiency Ratio, Loan to Deposit Ratio, Non-Performing Loan Ratio, and Capital Adequacy Ratio. By analyzing these ratios, researcher aim to assess the relationship between the overall health and stability of the banks toward stock price under study. 2.1.6 Operational Efficiency Ratio (BOPO) A bank's capacity to manage operating expenditures in relation to operating revenue is evaluated using the operational efficiency ratio, often known as the BOPO ratio. This ratio shows how a company may make the operational expenditures it employs to fund all of its operational operations as efficient as possible (Rahmani, 2023). The BOPO ratio demonstrates the effectiveness and capability of a bank in managing its operations. When the costs of making a profit are lower than the income generated by using these assets, there is excellent operational efficiency. Banks that are unable to increase their level of business efficiency will lose their ability to compete when it comes to raising public money and using those funds to channel capital for businesses. (N. Nurhayati, 2020). When the expenses incurred to create profits are less than the profits gained from the use of these assets, this is referred to as good operational efficiency. The lower BOPO ratio indicates the more efficient the banks operate, which make the higher bank’s profit (Wismaryanto, 2013).This is due to the fact that a small BOPO ratio indicates that the 15 company uses a small operational cost to obtain its business profit. BOPO ratio is formulated as follow: 𝐵𝑂𝑃𝑂 = 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑂𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑂𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐼𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒 2.1.7 Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR) The Loan to Deposit Ratio measures the relationship among the quantity of credit granted by a bank and the money it receives (Fadila, 2015). According to Kasmir (2019) in Aryanti et al. (2022), LDR (Loan to Deposit Ratio) is the ratio used to assess the structure of the amount of credit issued in comparison to the total of public funds and own capital utilized. The Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR) reflects the bank's ability to return withdrawn funds that have been invested that have been made to rely on loans that have been given as a source of liquidity (Situmeang, 2021). In addition, LDR ratio also used to identify a bank's ability and capacity to meet its short-term obligations. The greater the LDR ratio, the less liquidity the bank has to address any unanticipated financial requirements. In contrast, if the LDR ratio was excessively poor, could not be making as much money as it might (Murphy, 2020). Banks must balance their ability to repay the money they borrow with the quantity of credit they give to the general people. As a result, bank liquidity must be kept under control to fulfill demands when clients withdraw money and distribute loans to debtors (borrowers). Understanding and managing the LDR effectively is crucial for banks in maintaining financial stability, managing risks, and optimizing profitability. Below is the formula to calculated LDR: 𝐿𝐷𝑅 = 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐿𝑜𝑎𝑛𝑠 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐷𝑒𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑠 16 2.1.8 Non-Performing Loan (NPL) NPL is a condition in which the debtor is unable to pay all of his obligations in the form of funds or interest to the creditor (Saladin et al., 2022). NPL is a payment error where the bank has not received debt payments from the borrower for more than 3 months or during the agreed maturity date as stated in the loan agreement (Aryanti et al., 2022). According to Kasmir (2013) as cited by Nugroho & Rachmaniyah (2020), NPLs can develop as a result of two factors: the first is a mistake on the part of the bank in assessing the credit provision, and the second is a fault on the part of the creditor who intentionally or unintentionally fails to fulfill his obligations. NPL ratio is one of the metrics used to examine the credit risk, asset quality and efficiency in the allocation of resources to productive sectors, which become critical indicators for analyzing a bank (Setiawan et al., 2017). An appropriate NPL value in a bank is 5% of its credit, according to Bank Indonesia Regulation No 6/10/PBI/2004 regarding the Soundness Rating System for Commercial Banks. The rise in NPLs will have a detrimental impact on the bank. A higher NPL ratio increases the chance of a bank experiencing financial difficulties since poor credit quality results in more non-performing loans. A greater NPL ratio also shows that a bank's loan portfolio has a higher level of credit risk. Therefore, in this instance, a bank's profitability is inversely correlated with its NPL ratio (KUSUMA, 2017). On the other hand, a low NonPerforming Loan ratio can reflect a better level of soundness of the bank, which can lead the increase in investor attractiveness to invest their money into the company (Hariyani et al., 2021). Below is the formula for Non-Performing Loan (NPL): 𝑁𝑃𝐿 = 𝑁𝑜𝑛 − 𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐿𝑜𝑎𝑛𝑠 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐿𝑜𝑎𝑛𝑠 2.1.9 Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) According to Irham (2013) in Aryanti et al. (2022), Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) is a critical indicator for assessing a bank's financial health and capacity to finance its operations with its capital ownership. It serves as a buffer to safeguard the bank's 17 operational activities and protect against potential losses. CAR reflects the adequacy of a bank's equity capital in managing unforeseen circumstances and financial risks. The CAR limit is set by the government of the respective state where the bank operates, signifying the importance of capital in evaluating the overall health of the banking system (Irawati et al., 2019). By adhering to the provisions set forth by regulatory authorities and maintaining a sufficient CAR, banks can demonstrate their capacity to manage risks and protect the interests of depositors and stakeholders alike. As a solvency ratio, CAR is instrumental in evaluating a bank's ability to absorb potential losses and withstand adverse economic conditions. It assesses a bank's financial health and compliance with regulatory standards by calculating the percentage of capital to riskweighted assets. Notably, higher CAR values generally indicate a bank's greater resilience in challenging economic environments. A high CAR reflects the company's ability to guarantee its capital based on its assets. Investors will have more confidence in investing their shares in healthy companies. The larger the number of investors that are interested in investing in their shares, the higher the stock price of the firm (Fahlevi et al., 2018). In accordance with Bank Indonesia's regulations, a healthy bank must maintain a CAR of at least 8%. The formula for calculating CAR is as follows: 𝐶𝐴𝑅 = (𝑇𝑖𝑒𝑟 1 𝐶𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑙 + 𝑇𝑖𝑒𝑟 2 𝐶𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑙) 𝑅𝑖𝑠𝑘 𝑊𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝐴𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑡𝑠 2.1.10 Macroeconomic Macroeconomic factors encompass a broad range of economic variables that reflect the overall health and stability of an economy. Macroeconomics is the science of the causes and patterns that impact the entire economy, such as inflation, unemployment, and economic growth (Mankiw, 2016). According to Putong (2013) in Pardede (2021), macroeconomic study purpose to gain insight into the economic system's complex dynamics and interrelationships. The goal of macroeconomics is to better understand economic events, enhance policymaking, and promote stability and long-term growth. 18 Macroeconomic conditions influence the performance of a business, which may affect the market price of the stock of the business. Investors use macroeconomics to foresee and plan their moves in a variety of asset markets, hoping to take advantage of opportunities and reduce risks (Rasure, 2023). Understand macroeconomic can make businesses and individual investors gain insights into the motivations of market participants, enabling them to make more informed decisions that optimize the utilization of scarce resources and enhance overall value creation (Cerdasco, 2023). 2.1.11 Inflation Rate The inflation rate is a crucial macroeconomic metric that measures the pace of increase in general prices for goods and services and, therefore, the decline in the buying power of currencies as time passes. It is a significant component that has an impact on many economic aspects, including financial markets and banking activities. According to Natsir (2014) in Herdini et al. (2021), Inflation is the widespread and continuing increase in the price of goods and services. Price increases in a few commodities are not termed inflation unless they expand to (or result in) price increases in a large number of other commodities. Several effects of inflation may be seen in society. High and unstable inflation can cause a decline in purchasing power, an unpredictability that makes it challenging for the people to decide how to allocate their cash, and a decline in the competitiveness of national products (Utari et al., 2015). Because excessive inflation places different costs on society, governments all over the world strive to manage inflation at a moderate level(Mankiw, 2016). Inflation that is low and stable will stimulate economic growth. A managed inflation rate will improve entrepreneur earnings, which will promote future investment and, eventually, will speed the formation of economic growth. A high inflation rate, on the other hand, will have a negative influence on the economy, which might destabilize social and political stability. In a perfect scenario, the stock market is keen to see annual price increases of 1% to 3%, which is known as low-to-moderate inflation. When annual inflation surpasses this degree, the stock market is dominated by ambiguity, fluctuation, and decreased consumer expenditure. As a result, economic growth slows down, which is undesirable for investors 19 and increases valuation concerns, perhaps leading to poor performance in the stock market (Duggan, 2023). 2.1.12 Exchange rate Due to its role as a means of exchange for the purchase and sale of goods and services, currency plays a significant role in a nation. When compared to another country's money, a country's currency has a distinct value. According to Sukirno (2015) in Clarensia (2021) The exchange rate or foreign exchange rate is the total amount of units of local currency necessary to get one unit of foreign currency. On the other hand, the exchange rate might refer to the cost of a foreign currency in terms of home currency. Various variables, including shifts in societal consumption patterns, changes in export and import prices, price increases brought on by inflation, and economic expansion, among others, can have an impact on currency fluctuations (Pardede, 2021). A country's currency can represent the state of its economy. When a country's economy develops, its currency tends to strengthen versus other nations' currencies (Dwijayanti, 2021). The fall in Rupiah exchange rate vs the USD reflects a drop in public appetite for the Rupiah as a result of the national economy's deterioration. On the other side, the rise of the Rupiah versus the US dollar suggests that economic circumstances are favorable. According to Ahadiyatun (2018) in Pardede (2021), the strengthening of the rupiah (IDR) is excellent news for investors since it indicates that Indonesia's economy is doing well, which will encourage investors to buy shares. On the other hand, if the USD value rises against the IDR, it indicates that Indonesia's economy is failing, and investors would keep their funds rather than investing in shares. 2.1.13 Bank Indonesia Rate (BI Rate) The BI Rate, released during each monthly meeting of the Bank Indonesia Board of Governors (RDG), serves as a key interest rate benchmark. It signifies the official monetary policy stance of Bank Indonesia (Bank Indonesia, 2016). Following ratification, the BI Rate value is distributed to people in general as an indicator for the reference lending rate. The BI Rate determines the interest rates charged by banks or leasing businesses in credit transactions (Aini, 2018). The BI Rate is an interest rate that expresses monetary policy in 20 response to future odds of attaining the inflation target through regulating liquidity in the money market. The BI rate influences deposit rates as well as bank lending rates. In general, if expected future inflation exceeds the established target, Bank Indonesia will raise the BI rate. Bank Indonesia, on the other hand, would drop the BI rate if future inflation expectations were lower than the objective (Sunardi & Ula, 2017). The Bank Indonesia Rate (BI Rate) exert significant impact on various aspects of the economy. Being the bank's reference interest rate, the BI Rate is an important instrument for influencing economic activity, inflation, and financial market dynamics. This does not rule out the possibility of stock prices. According to Dithania & Suci (2022),The BI Rate has a favorable impact on the profitability of banks, which implies that rising BI rates result in increased earnings for banks. Bank profitability increases when the BI Rate rises can be caused by increase of loan interest that will also cause banks to get greater loan repayments. For banks that already have solid fundamentals. The increase in interest rates is a momentum that can be used to increase income from interest rates (Haknuh, 2023). With the condition of rising bank profits, this can also attract investors. This is supported by research by Rachmawati (2019) and Herdini et al. (2021) who found that there is a significant relationship between the BI rate and stock prices. 2.2 Previous Research Table 2.1 Previous Research No. 1. Author/ Title/ Year Ilham, (2022) Title: Method Multiple Linear Regression Results This study found that simultaneously, NIM, Independent Variable: Analysis Of Influence Of Net Interest Margin NIM Ratio (NIM), Costs Operational To BOPO Operational Income (BOPO), Non Performing Loan (NPL) NPL And Loan To Deposit Ratio (LDR) To Stock BOPO, NPL and LDR exert significant impact toward stock prices. Partially, BOPO and NPL have negative significant impact, while LDR 21 2. Price In Registered Soe LDR Banks On The Indonesian Stock Dependent Variable: Exchange Year 20162020 Stock Price and NIM have no Yudistira & Adiputra Multiple Linear Regression (2020) This study found that Title: Independent Variable: The Influence of ROA Internal and External Factors on Stock Prices BOPO significant effect. simultaneously, the all independent variable exert significant influence toward stock price. When it comes to NIM ROE partial influence, ROA and ROE have significant Inflation Rate effect toward stock price, while BOPO, NIM, BI Rate Dependent Variable: Inflation rate and BI rate have significant 3. D. A. Putri (2017) Title: no effect Stock Price toward stock price. Multiple Linear Regression This research found that Partially Return Use 23 Banking Companies on “Effect Of ROA, CAR, the IDX in 2012 - 2015 NPM, And LDR On Stock Price Commercial Independent Variable: Banks. “ ROA On Assets, Capital Adequacy Ratio, Net Profit Margin, and Loan to Deposit Ratio give positive significant influence CAR to the share price 22 NPM LDR Dependent Variable: Stock Price 4. Aryanti et al. (2022) Title: Multiple Linear Regression This study found that Partially, ROA, LDR, Independent Variable: “The Influence of ROA, ROE, LDR, CAR, and ROA NPL on Banking Stock Price Registered on LDR IDX” and CAR have no significant effect to stock price. NPL and ROE have negative significant CAR NPL effect toward stock price. Simultaneously, ROA, ROE, LDR, ROE CAR NPL have effect to stock price Dependent Variable: Stock Price 5. E. Nurhayati & Pertiwi Multiple Linear Regression (2021) Title: Use 4 Banks listed on the IDX period 2009-2018 “Measurement Analysis of the Most Dominant Independent Variable: Factors Affecting Prices Indonesian BUMN Banking Shares Period CAR 2009 – 2018” NPL This study found that partially, CAR, NIM and ROA positive have significant effect toward stock price. NPL and LDR partially significant have no effect toward stock price. 23 LDR ROA NIM Dependent Variable: Stock Price 6. Wijono et al., (2023) Title: “Effect of ROA, NIM, and BOPO on Prices LQ20 Banking Shares on the Indonesia Stock Exchange Period 20162022 Using Panel Data Analysis” Multiple Linear Regression This study found that ROA, Independent Variable: ROA BOPO, and NIM simultaneously exert significant impact toward stock BOPO price. When it comes to NIM Dependent Variable: partial impact, ROA and NIM have significant effect toward stock price, Stock Price while BOPO have no significant effect toward stock price. 7. KUSUMA (2017) Title: Multiple Linear Regression This study found that simultaneously Use 31 Banks listed on the IDX “Effect Of Financial period 2010-2014 Performance And Company Values Independent Variable: Banking On The Price Of The Banking Share Listing On Indonesia CAR Stock Exchange (IDX) all independent variables have significant effect toward stock price. Partially, CAR and PER have positive significant effect 24 NPL toward stock price, while NPL, BOPO, LDR BOPO and LDR negative have significant effect toward stock PER price. Dependent Variable: Stock Price 8. Fordian (2017) Title: Multiple Linear Regression This study found that simultaneously, CAR, Use BUMN Banks listed on the “Effect Of CAR, LDR, IDX period 2012-2016 AND EPS On Share Price (Study on Soe Independent Variable: Banks Which Listings On The IDX Period 2012 – 2016) CAR LDR and EPS give significant impact toward stock price. Partially, EPS have significant effect toward stock price, LDR EPS while CAR and LDR have no significant effect. Dependent Variable: Stock Price 9. Vilia & Colline (2021) Title: Multiple Linear Regression This study found that simultaneously CAR, Use 4 Banks listed on the IDX “The Effect of Camel on period 2016-2019 Stock Price At Bank BUKU 4 Which Are Independent Variable: Listed On The Indonesia Stock Exchange For The 2016-2019 Period” CAR NPL, LDR, ROA and NPM exert significant influence toward stock price. Partially, ROA and LDR have 25 NPL negative significant effect, while NPM LDR ROA have positive significant NPL NPM effect. and partially CAR have significant Dependent Variable: no effect toward stock price. Stock Price 10. Hariyani et al. (2021) Title: Multiple Linear Regression Independent Variable: “Analysis of Financial Performance on Stock ROA Price (In Banking Companies Registered NPL on the Indonesia Stock Exchange Period 20152019) PER Dependent Variable: This study found that partially, NPL negative significant effect toward stock price, PER positive have significant effect toward stock price. Meanwhile, ROA has no significant 11. Nurliandini et al. (2021) Title: has effect Stock Price toward stock price Multiple Linear Regression This study found that partially, ROE have Independent Variable: “Analysis of the Influence of ROE Fundamental, Technical and Macroeconomic CR Factors on Share Prices in Chemical Subsector Companies Listed on the DER Sharia Stock Index” Trading Volume positive significant effect toward stock price, meanwhile, CR, DER, Trading volume, Inflation rate and exchange partially have rate no 26 Inflation Rate significant effect toward stock price. Exchange rate Dependent Variable: Stock Price 12. Herdini et al. (2021) Multiple Linear Regression This study found that BI rate, exchange rate, Title: Independent Variable: “Analysis Of Bank Indonesia Certificate (Sbi) Interest Rate, Inflation And US Dollar Exchange Rate On Stock Price (Case Study of Companies StateOwned Banks Listing on the Indonesia Stock Exchange Period 20142018)” BI Rate and inflation simultaneously have significant Exchange Rate (USD/IDR) rate effect toward stock price. Partially, BI rate and Inflation Rate Dependent Variable: Exchange rate have positive significant effect toward stock Stock Price price, while inflation rate partially negative have significant effect toward stock price. 13. Safuridar Asyuratama, (2018) Title: & Multiple Linear Regression This study found that Inflation Use 9 Banks listed on the IDX period 2012-2017 “Analysis of Macroeconomic Independent Variable: Indicators on Banking Sector Stock Prices “ Inflation Rate exchange rate, and interest rate simultaneously have significant effect toward stock price. Interest Exchange Rate rate, exchange rate and rate 27 Interest Rate partially have positive significant Dependent Variable: Stock price effect toward stock price, while inflation rate have negative significant effect 14. SAPTIANI (2018) Title: Multiple Linear Regression This study found that partially, GDP and Independent Variable: “Effect Of Changes In Economic Indicators On Inflation Rate Banking Share Price In Indonesia Through Exchange Rate Changes In Book Value Of Share” BI Rate GDP Currency in Circulation have significant effect toward stock price, while Inflation rate, exchange rate and BI rate have significant Currency in circulation no effect toward stock price. Dependent Variable: Stock Price 15. Rachmawati (2019) Title: Multiple Linear Regression This study found that partially, oil price and Independent Variable: “Influence Of World Oil Prices, Dollar Exchange Oil Price and BI Rate On Share Prices Of Transportation Exchange Rate Companies Which Are Listed On The IDX For The 2014 - 2018 Period” BI Rate Dependent Variable: exchange rate have significant negative effect toward stock price, while BI rate have significant positive effect toward stock price. 28 Stock Price 2.3 Research Gap There have been several studies examining the relationship between financial ratio or macroeconomics factors toward stock prices before this thesis. Yet, the researcher discovered some shortcomings in past studies, including scope, variable, sample period, and contradictory outcomes. Based on the gap that has been found, this research uses financial ratio and macroeconomic factor as independent variable toward stock price of Bank category KBMI 3 & KBMI 4, since there is a scarcity of studies that simultaneously consider financial ratios and macroeconomic factors and as independent variables. Financial ratios used in this research are BOPO, CAR, LDR and NPL while macroeconomics factor used in this research are inflation rate, exchange rate and BI rate. In addition, this research uses the updated data from 2017 – 2022 and use quarterly report, which is different from majority previous research that used annual report. The researcher also found there are inconsistent or even contradiction in the results of some previous studies. Therefore, this research purpose to fill the gap between previous research and give result that could be used by companies to assess their performance and by other interested parties, including investors, to assess and assist in making the optimal investment decision. Differences and gaps in previous studies can be seen from the results obtained from each study. Several studies were conducted to see how the influence of the company's financial performance and macroeconomics on banking stock prices in Indonesia. In research by Ilham, (2022) and KUSUMA (2017) found that BOPO have negative significant influence toward stock prices, while Yudistira & Adiputra (2020) and Wijono et al., (2023) found that BOPO have no significant effect toward stock price. Research by D. Putri (2017), KUSUMA (2017), Vilia & Coline (2021) has found that LDR have significant effect toward stock price. Meanwhile, Aryanti et al, (2022), Nurhayati & Pertiwi (2021), Fordian (2017) have found LDR have no significant effect. In research by Ilham, (2022), Aryanti et al, (2022), KUSUMA (2017) and C. Hariyani et. al (2021)found that NPL have significant effect toward stock price, while Nurhayati & Pertiwi (2021), Vilia & Coline 29 (2021) have found that NPL have no significant effect toward stock price. KUSUMA (2017), Nurhayati & Pertiwi (2021) have found that CAR have positive significant effect toward stock price, while Vilia & Coline (2021), Fordian (2017) have found that CAR have no significant influence. In research by Rachmawati (2019) have found that exchange rate have negative significant effect toward stock price. Meanwhile, N. Nurliandini et al. (2021), A. Saptiani (2018) have found there is no significant effect. Herdini et al. (2021), Safuridar & Asyuratama, (2018) have found that inflation rate have significant effect toward stock price, while N. Nurliandini et al. (2021), A. Saptiani (2018) have found there is no significant effect. In research by Rachmawati (2019) and Herdini et al. (2021), it is found that BI rate have significant effect toward stock prie, while Yudistira & Adiputra (2020) have found that BI rate have no significant effect. 2.4 Theoretical Framework BOPO (X1) H1 LDR (X2) H2 NPL (X3) H3 CAR (X4) H4 Banking Companies Stock Prices (Y) H5 Inflation Rate (X5) H6 Exchange Rate (X6) H7 BI Rate (X7) H8 Figure 2.1 Theoretical Framework Source: Adjusted by researcher, 2023 30 2.5 Hypothesis Following the theoretical framework, the research hypothesis may be phrased thereby: H1: There is significant influence of BOPO toward Bank category KBMI 3 & KBMI 4 stock prices H2: There is significant influence of LDR toward Bank category KBMI 3 & KBMI 4 stock prices H3: There is significant influence of NPL toward Bank category KBMI 3 & KBMI 4 stock prices H4: There is significant influence of CAR toward Bank category KBMI 3 & KBMI 4 stock prices H5: There is significant influence of Inflation Rate toward Bank category KBMI 3 & KBMI 4 stock prices H6: There is significant influence of Exchange Rate toward Bank category KBMI 3 & KBMI 4 stock prices H7: There is significant influence of BI Rate toward Bank category KBMI 3 & KBMI 4 stock prices H8: There are simultaneous significant influence of BOPO, LDR, NPL, CAR, inflation rate, exchange rate and BI rate toward Bank category KBMI 3 & KBMI 4 stock prices 31 CHAPTER III METHODS 3.1 Research Design A research design is a strategy or framework that directs the acquisition, measurement, and analysis of data in a study, allowing researchers to gather and evaluate data that is relevant to their research questions or hypotheses in an effective and efficient manner. There are three research approaches that commonly used: quantitative, qualitative, and hybrid or mixed methodologies. The qualitative research evaluated the social issue by analyzing the data's interpretations, descriptions, ideas, and characteristics. The outcome of qualitative research takes the shape of a story and employs data gathering approaches such as interviews, observations, documents, or audio and visual resources. Quantitative research uses statistics to examine data to study the relationship among variables in order to evaluate objective ideas. Quantitative research involves utilizing data that is quantifiable and can be subject to statistical analysis, including performance metrics, observations, attitudes, and demographic information. In the mixed-method research approach, both quantitative and qualitative data are combined, along with the incorporation of a theoretical framework and underlying philosophical perspectives (Creswell & Creswell, 2022). The researcher will be applied quantitative research methodologies in this study. This decision was based on the research questions and the need to examine relationships between variables using statistical analysis. It might be employed to explore averages and trends, to make forecasts, to establish causal linkages, and to extrapolate results to wider populations. 3.2 Research Framework Research framework explained researcher working framework and provides an overview of the conceptual structure and design of the study. It explained step by step from the 32 beginning until the conclusion of the study. Below is the research framework for this research: Figure 3.1 Research Framework Source: Adjusted by researcher, 2023 Figure 3.1 shows the whole process and steps of this research. Start from make the research background, the researcher has to collect the information and identify the problem related to the topic. Then, the researcher made the research question that would be study in this research. These steps allow the researcher to state what has become the objective and the curiosity of the researcher on conducting this study. After completed the research background, the researcher continues to find and collect the literature, publications and previous research to support the study. This helps the researcher to get deeper knowledge 33 about the theory, variables and all information needed for the study. After collecting and reviewing the literature, the researcher starts to make the theoretical framework and make the development of the hypothesis. As the research background and literature review already finish, the researcher begins to gather and organize data. The data obtain within this study obtained from quantitative method which in this research collected through reliable sources. After obtain all the data, the researcher starts to process the data and run the analysis using Microsoft Excel 2019 and EViews version 12. The researcher will use the analysis to interpret the results and answer the research questions posed in research background. The researcher will draw a conclusion and provide recommendations based on the interpretation of the results. 3.3 Sampling Design Sampling design refers to the plan or strategy for selecting a sample from a population for a research study. The sampling design is an important aspect of the research study because it determines the representativeness of the sample and the study's capacity to derive reliable findings regarding the population. The sampling design described the criteria and procedure used by researcher in order to select the samples 3.3.1 Size of Population As defined by Sugiyono (2020), the population is a generalization region composed of: items / individuals with specific attributes and characteristics that prompt researchers to learn and subsequently form conclusions. In this research, the population are all banking companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange. The selected population aims to support the analysis in research in order to get decent results. 3.3.2 Size of Sample A sample is a portion of the population chosen for study in research. There are two ways to determine the sample that researchers can use, which is probability sampling and nonprobability sampling (Sugiyono, 2020). The researcher will use non-probability sampling in this study, which includes selecting a sample in a method that does not provide each 34 member of the population an equivalent opportunity of getting involved in the sample; this strategy is solely based on particular evaluations or criteria. Non-probability sampling has several types, and the one will be used in this study is purposive technique. Purposive sampling provides quite strict requirements or criteria, with the aim that the selected sample will later be in accordance with the desired characteristics in the study. The purposive sampling criteria used in this study are as follows: 1. Bank Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2017 until 2022 2. Bank are categorized as KBMI 3 and KBMI 4 3. Banks have quarterly financial reports that can be accessed by public for the period 2017 – 2022 4. The bank has the data needed for research Based on the criteria given, below are the data samples for this research: Table 3.1 Sample Proportion No Code Name of Company Years 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 PT. Bank Rakyat 1. BBRI Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. PT. Bank Negara 2. BBNI Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. 3. BMRI 4. BBCA PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk. PT. Bank Central Asia Tbk. 35 5. BBTN 6. BNGA 7. NISP 8. BNLI 9. PNBN 10. BTPN 11. BDMN 12. BNII PT. Bank Tabungan Negara Tbk PT. Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk PT. Bank OCBC NISP Tbk PT. Bank Permata Tbk PT. Bank Pan Indonesia Tbk PT. Bank BTPN Tbk PT. Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk PT. Bank Maybank Indonesia Tbk 13. MEGA PT. Bank Mega Tbk Total 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 52 52 52 52 52 52 312 observation data 36 3.4 Data Collection Design In research, data collection design refers to the strategy for collecting data that will be utilized to answer a study question or purpose. There are two types of data that can be used in a study, namely primary data and secondary data. Primary data is information gained directly from first-hand sources or collected directly by researcher through surveys and interviews with sources. Secondary data refers to data gathered by an individual rather from the researcher who is performing the present study. It refers to data that has been previously collected and made available for use by others. The researcher used secondary data acquired from multiple official online sources in this study, such as Yahoo Finance website, company official website, OJK website, Bank Indonesia website, government website and several other related sources that relevant to this study. 3.5 Operational Definition Table 3.2 Operational Definition Variables Definition Formula Scale 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑂𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑂𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐼𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒 Ratio Independent Variables Operational efficiency (BOPO) is a ratio that Operational Efficiency Ratio (X1) demonstrates how a corporation may optimize the operational expenses it uses to finance all of its operational operations. (Rahmani, 2023). Loan to Deposit Ratio (X2) Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR) is a liquidity ratio that calculates the ratio 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐿𝑜𝑎𝑛𝑠 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐷𝑒𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑠 Ratio between the amount of 37 credit extended by a bank and the funds received by a bank (Fadila, 2015) Non-Performing Loan (NPL) is defined as a ratio that reflects a condition in Non- which the debtor is unable Performing to pay all of his Loans (X3) obligations in the form of 𝑁𝑜𝑛−𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐿𝑜𝑎𝑛𝑠 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐿𝑜𝑎𝑛𝑠 Ratio funds or interest to the creditor (Saladin et al., 2022). Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) is an important Capital measure for evaluating Adequacy bank's financial health Ratio (X4) and ability to finance its (𝑇𝑖𝑒𝑟 1 𝐶𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑙 + 𝑇𝑖𝑒𝑟 2 𝐶𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑙) 𝑅𝑖𝑠𝑘 𝑊𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝐴𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑡𝑠 Ratio 𝐶𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑃𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑒 𝐼𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑥 − 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑜𝑢𝑠 𝑃𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑒 𝐼𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑥 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑜𝑢𝑠 𝑃𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑒 𝐼𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑥 Ratio Closing Price Amount operations with its capital ownership (Irham, 2013). Inflation is a economy condition where there is a Inflation Rate (X5) tendency to increase prices for goods and services in general and continuously (Natsir, 2014). Exchange Rate USD – Rupiah (X6) Exchange Rate is the amount of domestic money that individual needed to obtain one unit 38 of foreign currency (Sukirno, 2015, as cited by Clarensia, 2021) The BI Rate is a policy interest rate that signifies BI Rate (X7) the official monetary policy stance of Bank The data Issued from Bank Indonesia Indonesia and used as Ratio benchmark of interest rate (Bank Indonesia, 2016) Dependent Variable Stock price can described as the price established as a result of the interaction between sellers and Stock Price buyers of stock with the (Y) goal of collecting profits Closing Price Amount from the firm, which included both capital gains and dividends (Hidayat, 2018) 3.6 Data Analysis Design 3.6.1 Descriptive Analysis Descriptive statistical analysis is a type of statistic that is used to analyze data by explaining or exhibiting the collected data without the goal of drawing broad conclusions (Sugiyono, 2020). It entails calculating metrics like maximum, minimum, median, mean, standard deviation, and number of observations. Maximum and Minimum describe the highest and the lowest value of all sample of data. 39 Mean is a measure of central tendency for one variable that represents the arithmetic average, or the sum of all values divided by the entire amount of observations (Neuman, 2014). The calculation of the mean can be described as stated below: 𝑋= ∑ 𝑋𝑖 𝑛 (E.q.3.1) Where: X : mean ∑ : sum of all the data (sigma) Xi : data i until n n : number of observations Median according to Neuman (2014) is an assessment of central tendency for a single variable that reflects a level or score at which half of the instances are higher and half of the cases are lower. Standard Deviations is a statistic used to calculate the dispersion of collected relative data toward average and calculated as square root of the variance (Neuman, 2014). The formula of standard deviation of sample is calculated as follows: 𝑆= √ ∑ 𝑓𝑖 (𝑥𝑖 − 𝑥̅ )2 𝑛−1 (E.q.3.2) Where: S : standard deviation 40 ∑ fi : total frequency data-I, i=1, 2, 3, … 𝑥𝑖 : data-i 𝑥̅𝑙 : mean n : amount of data 3.6.2 Panel Data Analysis Panel data is defined as data that have multiple observation objects in period of more than a year, which is a combination of time series data and cross-section data. Panel data is classified into two form which is balanced panel and unbalanced panel. According to Hidayat (2014), A balanced data panel has the same total observation time as the data or there are no missing observations, and data is available for every entity in every time period, whereas an unbalanced data panel has a different total observation time with the data or contains missing observations for some entities in certain time periods. This research thus will focus on balance panel since there are no missing observations, and data is available for every entity in every time period. There are three approaches to emphasize the estimation on panel data regression. The following three approaches or method to analyze the right model to use: 1. Common Effect Model Due to the fact that it just mixes time series and cross section data, this is the most straightforward panel data model technique. Since the common effect model does not account for either the historical or individual dimensions, it is believed that individual data behavior is constant throughout time. It is utilized with the OLS (Ordinary Least Squares) method (Basuki & Prawoto, 2016). 2. Fixed Effect Model In this approach, the regression model's intercept might vary between individuals in order to represent the distinctive characteristics of various units. The least squares dummy variable model (LSDV), commonly known as the dummy variable 41 approach, is used to estimate the Fixed Effects model in panel data by capturing intercept differences across individuals. When the individual-specific intercept may be linked with one or more regressors, FEM is applicable (Gujarati, 2015). 3. Random Effect Model This model will compute panel data with associated disturbance factors over time and across people. The error terms of every individual in the Random Effect model manage the variance in intercepts. The Random Effects model has the added benefit of removing heteroscedasticity. This paradigm is also known as the Error Component model (ECM) or the Generalized Least Squares (GLS) method (Basuki & Prawoto, 2016). REM is suitable when the starting points for each unit aren't connected to the factors we're studying. Another advantage of REM is that we can include factors that don't change over time (Gujarati, 2015) In choosing which model is better for research, it is necessary to do some testing to see which model is suitable for use. According to Basuki & Prawoto (2016) the following tests can be carried out: a. Chow Test This test decides if the common effect or fixed effect model will be employed with the research data. The sum of squares of the estimated errors is compared in this model. It is determined using the following criteria: • The common effect model will be chosen when probability value from the test results is > 0.05 • The fixed effect model will be chosen when probability value of the test results is < 0.05 b. Hausman Test In the Hausman test, it compares between two possible models for research, namely random effects or fixed effects. The Hausman test refers to the chi-square statistical distribution, there are two criteria for the test: 42 • The random effect model will be chosen when probability value from the test results is > 0.05 • The fixed effect model will be chosen when probability value of the test results is < 0.05 c. Lagrange Multiplier Test As an extra test to contrast Common effects and Random effects, the Lagrange multiplier test is utilized. The Lagrange Multiplier Test can aid in a more thorough study of the coefficients between Common Effects and Random Effects. It is determined using the following criteria: • The common effect model will be chosen when probability value from the test results is > 0.05 • The random effect model will be chosen when probability value of the test results is < 0.05 3.6.3 Classical Assumption Test It is critical in empirical study to guarantee that the statistical models' underlying assumptions are met. Violation of these assumptions can result in biased or inconsistent parameter estimates, reducing the results' reliability. As a result, performing classical assumption tests is critical for determining the validity of the statistical analysis. The classical assumption tests evaluate the main assumptions of linear regression models, such as normality, heteroscedasticity, the lack of multicollinearity, and the absence of autocorrelation. These assumptions lay the groundwork for accurate and valid inference. 1. Normality Test Normality test is employed to figure out if the residual data distribution falls into the category of a normal or abnormal distribution (Sugiyono, 2020). A decent regression model has residuals that are normally or nearly normally distributed. There are several strategies or methods that may be used to perform a normality test. In this study, researcher used the Jarque-Bera method. 43 Jarque-Bera test measure the normality distribution of a series or residual based on the skewness and kurtosis measures (Gujarati, 2015). It computes a test statistic based on the sample skewness and kurtosis and compares it to a chi-squared distribution critical value. If the test statistic reaches the critical value, the data deviates considerably from a normal distribution. Researcher determine the significance level of 5% or 0.05, then there are two conclusions: a) When the probability value of the Jarque-Bera test is greater than 0.05, it suggests that the data follows a normal distribution. b) When the probability value of the Jarque-Bera test is less than 0.05, it suggests that the data deviates from a normal distribution. 2. Multicollinearity Test The multicollinearity test is performed to see if the regression model revealed any correlation among independent variables. Multicollinearity happens when the correlation within independent variables is strong. There should be no correlation across independent variables in a decent regression model (Ghozali & Ratmono, 2017). To identify multicollinearity, there are several tests could apply, one of them are through review the correlation matrix for the predictor variables. The relationship between independent variables should have correlation coefficient with an absolute value less than 0.7, if the coefficient correlation value of a variable higher than 0.7, typically indicates a strong correlation between predictor variables, which indicates there are the multicollinearity issue (Moore and Flinger, 2013, as cited by Pardede, 2021). 3. Heteroscedasticity Test The heteroscedasticity test is used to determine if there is an inequality in variance from the residual in one observation to the residual in the other data in the regression model. If the residual difference in research is constant with regard to other observations, the condition is said to be homoscedastic, whereas it is said to be heteroscedastic if the variances are different. Ghozali & Ratmono (2017) stated a decent regression model is not heteroscedasticity or homoscedasticity. 44 There are several methods to find heteroscedasticity like scatter plot, Glejser test, White test and Park Test. This research will examine Park test with the hypotheses test are follows a) H0 : no heteroscedasticity b) H1 : there is heteroscedasticity Where: a) If probability value < 0,05, Ho is rejected, so there is heteroscedasticity b) If probability value > 0,05, H0 is accepted, so there is no heteroscedasticity 4. Autocorrelation Test Autocorrelation test is used to examine the correlation between the residuals (errors) of a linear regression model and the corresponding observations in a time series. It helps to determine if there is any systematic pattern or relationship between the errors and the order of the observations over time. In panel data analysis, the Durbin-Watson test serves as a tool to assess autocorrelation. As outlined by Santoso (2018), the Durbin-Watson value should fall within the range of -2 to 2. This range is interpreted as follows: a) When the Durbin-Watson statistic (DW) is less than -2, it indicates the presence of positive autocorrelation. b) When the Durbin-Watson statistic falls between -2 and 2, it suggests no autocorrelation c) When the Durbin-Watson statistic (DW) exceeds 2, it implies the existence of negative autocorrelation. 3.6.4 Multiple Regression Analysis Multiple regression analysis is a method of statistics for examining the link across a dependent variable and a multitude of independent variable (Sugiyono, 2020). Its objective is to discern the nature of the link among alterations in the independent variables and changes in the dependent variable. Since there are several independent variables in this study, the researchers decided to employ multiple regression analysis. The independent 45 variables in this study are BOPO, LDR, NPL, CAR, Inflation Rate, Exchange Rate and BI Rate, while the dependent variable is Stock Price. The formula for multiple regression analysis can be written as follows: 𝑌 = 𝛽0 + 𝛽1 𝑋1 + 𝛽2 𝑋2 + 𝛽3 𝑋3 + 𝛽4 𝑋4 + 𝛽5 𝑋5 + 𝛽6 𝑋6 + 𝛽7 𝑋7 +∈ (E.q.3.3) Where: Y : Stock Price 𝛽0 : Constant 𝛽1 − 𝛽6 : Regression coefficient 𝑋1 : BOPO 𝑋2 : LDR 𝑋3 : NPL 𝑋4 : CAR 𝑋5 : Inflation Rate 𝑋6 : Exchange Rate 𝑋7 : BI Rate ∈ : Random error E.q.3.3 equation reflects how all variables relate to each other, the results of the equation can determine whether the independent variable affects positively or negatively, both values affect how the stock price variable moves. 3.7 Hypothesis Testing Hypothesis testing is a fundamental statistical tool for drawing conclusions and making sound judgments based on sample data. In the context of this study, hypothesis testing will allow for the analysis of variable correlations and the assessment of statistical significance. 46 The validity of research questions may be examined through the design and testing of hypotheses, and meaningful conclusions can be drawn from the findings. To begin hypothesis testing, two opposing hypotheses are defined: the null hypothesis (H0) and the alternative hypothesis (Ha). The null hypothesis states that independent factors have no substantial impact on the dependent variable, whereas the alternative hypothesis states that independent variables have a significant influence on the dependent variable. 3.7.1 Significant Level The significance level is a statistical measure used by academics to make judgments about whether the researcher should accept or reject a null hypothesis. It allows researchers to identify statistical associations resulting from true links between variables. Significance levels are usually known as significant p-values and marginal levels. Significance level of 5% will be used in the test of this research. The null hypothesis with significance level below 5 % should be rejected, while if its value exceeds 0.05, null hypotheses should be accepted. 3.7.2 T-test According to Sarwono (2016), the T-test is critical in multiple linear regression for evaluating individual hypotheses and deciding their acceptance or rejection. To make this assessment, the T-statistics probability value is compared to the significance level and the T-table. The interpretation of t-statistics results in this study, which uses a 5% significant threshold, is as follows: a) When the probability value is < 0.05, it leads to the rejection of H0 and the acceptance of HA, signifying the presence of an independent variable's effect on the dependent variable. b) When the probability value is > 0.05, it results in the acceptance of H0 and the rejection of HA, suggesting the absence of an independent variable's impact on the dependent variable. The T-test equation in this study can be formulated as follows: 47 1) Null Hypothesis (H01): β1 = 0 or, when the probability of t-statistics > 0.05, it implies that BOPO does not exert a significant influence on the stock prices of banks categorized as KBMI 3 & 4 during the period from 2017 to 2022. Alternative Hypothesis (HA1): β1 ≠ 0 or, when the probability of t-statistics < 0.05, it implies that BOPO exert a significant influence on the stock prices of banks categorized as KBMI 3 & 4 during the period from 2017 to 2022. 2) Null Hypothesis (H02): β2 = 0 or, when the probability of t-statistics > 0.05, it implies that LDR does not exert a significant influence on the stock prices of banks categorized as KBMI 3 & 4 during the period from 2017 to 2022. Alternative Hypothesis (HA2): β2 ≠ 0 or, when the probability of t-statistics < 0.05, it implies that LDR exert a significant influence on the stock prices of banks categorized as KBMI 3 & 4 during the period from 2017 to 2022. 3) Null Hypothesis (H03): β3 = 0 or, when the probability of t-statistics > 0.05, it implies that NPL does not exert a significant influence on the stock prices of banks categorized as KBMI 3 & 4 during the period from 2017 to 2022. Alternative Hypothesis (HA3): β3 ≠ 0 or, when the probability of t-statistics < 0.05, it implies that NPL exert a significant influence on the stock prices of banks categorized as KBMI 3 & 4 during the period from 2017 to 2022. 4) Null Hypothesis (H04): β4 = 0 or, when the probability of t-statistics > 0.05, it implies that CAR does not exert a significant influence on the stock prices of banks categorized as KBMI 3 & 4 during the period from 2017 to 2022. Alternative Hypothesis (HA4): β4 ≠ 0 or, when the probability of t-statistics < 0.05, it implies that CAR exert a significant influence on the stock prices of banks categorized as KBMI 3 & 4 during the period from 2017 to 2022. 48 5) Null Hypothesis (H05): β5 = 0 or, when the probability of t-statistics > 0.05, it implies that Inflation Rate does not exert a significant influence on the stock prices of banks categorized as KBMI 3 & 4 during the period from 2017 to 2022. Alternative Hypothesis (HA5): β5 ≠ 0 or, when the probability of t-statistics < 0.05, it implies that Inflation Rate exert a significant influence on the stock prices of banks categorized as KBMI 3 & 4 during the period from 2017 to 2022. 6) Null Hypothesis (H06): β6 = 0 or, when the probability of t-statistics > 0.05, it implies that Exchange Rate does not exert a significant influence on the stock prices of banks categorized as KBMI 3 & 4 during the period from 2017 to 2022. Alternative Hypothesis (HA6): β6 ≠ 0 or, when the probability of t-statistics < 0.05, it implies that Exchange Rate exert a significant influence on the stock prices of banks categorized as KBMI 3 & 4 during the period from 2017 to 2022. 7) Null Hypothesis (H07): β7 = 0 or, when the probability of t-statistics > 0.05, it implies that BI Rate does not exert a significant influence on the stock prices of banks categorized as KBMI 3 & 4 during the period from 2017 to 2022. Alternative Hypothesis (HA7): β7 ≠ 0 or, when the probability of t-statistics < 0.05, it implies that BI Rate exert a significant influence on the stock prices of banks categorized as KBMI 3 & 4 during the period from 2017 to 2022. 3.7.3 F-test The F-test aims to determine the significance influence caused by the independent variable toward the dependent variable simultaneously or as a whole (Sarwono, 2016). There are two criteria for the test, as follows: a) When the probability value is less than 0.05, it leads to the rejection of H0 and the acceptance of HA, indicating the presence of an effect from all independent variables on the dependent variable. 49 b) When the probability value exceeds 0.05, it results in the acceptance of H0 and the rejection of HA, signifying the absence of an effect from all independent variables on the dependent variable. The F-test equation in this study can be formulated as follows: 1) Null Hypothesis (H08): β1 = β2 = β3 = β4 = β5 = β6 = β7= 0 or, when the probability of F-statistics > 0.05, it implies that BOPO, LDR, NPL, CAR, Inflation Rate, Exchange Rate and BI Rate does not exert simultaneous significant influence on the stock prices of banks categorized as KBMI 3 & 4 during the period from 2017 to 2022. 2) Alternative Hypothesis (HA8): at least there is one βi ≠ 0 or, when the probability of F-statistics < 0.05, it implies that BOPO, LDR, NPL, CAR, Inflation Rate, Exchange Rate and BI Rate exert simultaneous significant influence on the stock prices of banks categorized as KBMI 3 & 4 during the period from 2017 to 2022 3.7.4 Coefficient of Determination (R2) According to Sarwono (2016), R Square (R2), also known as the Determination Coefficient Test, effectively assesses how much an independent variable may impact a dependent variable. The potential range of the coefficient of determination falls between 1 and 0, denoted as 0 < R2 < 1. The explanation of the R2 value can be expressed as follows: a) When R2 is near to zero, the independent variables have little explanatory power over the variance of the dependent variable. b) When R2 is near to one, the independent variables have a high level of explanatory power over the variance of the dependent variable. 50 CHAPTER IV RESULTS, ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Descriptive Analysis Descriptive statistics are critical in providing a summary and broad information about all variables in this study. It helps to gain more understanding about the characteristics from all variables used by providing number of observations, minimum, maximum, median mean and standard deviation for each variable. In this study, there are total of eight variables, where there are 312 observation units for each variable. Table 4.1 Descriptive Statistics Result SP BOPO LDR NPL CAR IR EXR BIR Mean 3044.370 77.3011 90.0500 2.7551 21.8453 2.9729 14280.50 4.5104 Median 2562.578 77.6350 89.0850 2.9200 21.6100 3.1150 14301.33 4.4583 Maximum 9738.115 98.3100 171.3200 6.4100 35.4300 5.5467 15670.00 6.0000 Minimum 152.328 46.5400 56.0600 0.7300 15.8300 1.4267 13322.33 3.5000 Std. Dev. 2364.890 10.0848 17.7288 0.9972 3.5485 1.1067 552.53 0.8320 312 312 312 312 Source: Proceed Data by EViews 12 SV 312 312 312 Observations 312 According to table 4.1, below are the elaborations of the information of variable descriptive statistic result: 1. SP (Stock Price) is the dependent variable in this study. The mean value of this variable is 3044.370 with standard deviation of 2562.578. SP has the maximum value in 9738.115 that occurred on PT. Bank Mega Tbk in 2021Q1 and the minimum value is 152.328 occurred on PT. Bank Maybank Indonesia Tbk in 2020Q2 2. BOPO (Operational Efficiency Ratio) is the independent variable in this study. The mean value of this variable is 77.3011 with standard deviation of 10.0848. BOPO has the maximum value in 98.3100 that occurred on PT. Bank Permata Tbk in 51 2018Q2 and the minimum value is 46.5400 occurred on PT. Bank Central Asia 2022Q4 3. LDR (Loan to Deposit Ratio) is the independent variable in this study. The mean value of this variable is 90.0500 with standard deviation of 17.7288. LDR has the maximum value in 171.3200 that occurred on PT. Bank BTPN Tbk in 2021Q4 and the minimum value is 56.0600 occurred on PT. Bank Mega Tbk in 2017Q1 4. NPL (Non-Performing Loan) is the independent variable in this study. The mean value of this variable is 2.7551 with standard deviation of 0.9972. NPL has the maximum value in 6.4100 that occurred on PT. Bank Permata Tbk in 2017Q1 and the minimum value is 0.7300 occurred on PT. Bank BTPN Tbk in 2019Q1 5. CAR (Capital Adequacy Ratio) is the independent variable in this study. The mean value of this variable is 21.8453 with standard deviation of 3.5485. CAR has the maximum value in 35.4300 that occurred on PT. Bank Permata Tbk in 2021Q2 and the minimum value is 15.8300 occurred on PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk in 2017Q4 6. IR (Inflation Rate) is the independent variable in this study. The mean value of this variable is 2.9729 with standard deviation of 1.1067. IR has the maximum value of 5.5467 that occurred in 2022Q4 and the minimum value is 1.4267 that occurred in 2020Q3 7. EXR (Exchange Rate) is the independent variable in this study. The mean value of this variable is 14280.50 with standard deviation of 552.53. EXR has the maximum value of 15670.00 that occurred in 2022Q4 and the minimum value is 13322.33 that occurred in 2017Q2 8. BIR (BI Rate) is the independent variable in this study. The mean value of this variable is 4.5104 with standard deviation of 0.8320. BIR has the maximum value of 6.0000 that occurred in 2019Q1 and the minimum value is 3.5000 that occurred in 2021Q4 52 4.2 Data Analysis 4.2.1 Panel Data Regression When examined data panel regression, the first step that researcher do is determine the model of panel data regression. There are three prevalent models are employed in panel data regression, namely CEM (Common Effect Model), FEM (Fixed Effect Model) and REM (Random Effect Model). The selection of the best model for panel data analysis needs the execution of several tests. The Chow Test, the Hausman Test, and the Lagrange Multiplier Test are among the important examinations. These tests, taken together, aid in the cautious selection of the suitable model for properly analyzing panel data. 1. Chow Test To decide whether Common Effect Model or Fixed Effect Model is better for the research, Chow Test is examined. As a result of the Chow test results, there are two hypothesis provisions, which are as follows: • H0: Common effect model is more suitable to use than fixed-effect model • H1: Fixed effect model is more suitable to use than common effect model H0 is accepted and H1 is denied when the probability value exceeds the significant value (0.05), and vice versa. Table 4. 2 Chow Test Redundant Fixed Effects Tests Equation: Untitled Test cross-section fixed effects Effects Test Statistic Cross-section F Cross-section Chi-square 232.743213 735.548340 d.f. Prob. (12,292) 12 0.0000 0.0000 Source: Proceed data by EViews 12 SV Based on table 4.2, the probability value in chow test is less than significance value of 0.05, therefore Chow Test reveal that the fixed effect is the best model because H1 is accepted and H0 is rejected 2. Hausman Test 53 The Hausman Test is employed to determine the suitability of either the Fixed Effect Model or the Random Effect Model for the research. Based on the outcomes of the Hausman test, it yields two distinct hypotheses, outlined as follows: • H0: Random effect model is more suitable to use than fixed effect model • H1: Fixed effect model is more suitable to use than random effect model H0 is accepted and H1 is denied when the probability value exceeds the significant value (0.05), and vice versa. Table 4.3 Hausman Test Correlated Random Effects - Hausman Test Equation: Untitled Test cross-section random effects Test Summary Cross-section random Chi-Sq. Statistic Chi-Sq. d.f. Prob. 0.000000 7 1.0000 Source: Proceed data by EViews 12 SV Table 4.3 reveals that the probability value produced from the Hausman Test surpasses the significance criterion of 0.05. Consequently, the conclusion of the Hausman Test supports the selection of the random effects model, as it leads to the acceptance of H0 and the rejection of H1. Notably, the two tests undertaken thus far provide contradictory results: the Chow test shows that the fixed effects model is preferred, while the Hausman Test suggests that the random effects model is preferred. As a result, the Lagrange Multiplier Test, a third test, is deemed required. 3. Lagrange Multiplier Test Lagrange Multiplier Test is used to decide whether Common Effect Model or Random Effect Model is better for the research. As a result of the Lagrange Multiplier Test results, there are two hypothesis provisions, which are as follows: • H0: Common effect model is more suitable to use than random effect model • H1: Random effect model is more suitable to use than common effect model 54 H0 is accepted and H1 is denied when the probability value exceeds the significant value (0.05), and vice versa. Table 4.4 Lagrange Multiplier Test Lagrange Multiplier Tests for Random Effects Null hypotheses: No effects Alternative hypotheses: Two-sided (Breusch-Pagan) and one-sided (all others) alternatives Test Hypothesis Cross-section Time Both Breusch-Pagan 2579.708 (0.0000) 8.705339 (0.0032) 2588.413 (0.0000) Honda 50.79083 (0.0000) -2.950481 (0.9984) 33.82823 (0.0000) King-Wu 50.79083 (0.0000) -2.950481 (0.9984) 39.44563 (0.0000) Standardized Honda 61.55963 (0.0000) -2.576827 (0.9950) 34.97460 (0.0000) Standardized King-Wu 61.55963 (0.0000) -2.576827 (0.9950) 42.35362 (0.0000) -- -- 2579.708 (0.0000) Gourieroux, et al. Source: Proceed data by EViews 12 SV Per data presented in table 4.4, the probability value obtained from the Breusch-Pagan test falls below the significance level of 0.05. Consequently, test results favor the selection of the random effects model, as it leads to the acceptance of H1 and the rejection of H0. Based on the results of the three tests, it is concluded that the Random Effects Model is the best fit for this research since from the three tests being carried out, Hausman Test and Lagrange Multiplier Test show the preferred model to choose is Random Effect Model. 4.2.2 Classical Assumption Test 1. Normality Test The normality test purpose is to determine if the residual data distribution falls into the category of a normal or abnormal distribution. In this research, the researcher uses Jarque-Bera test. The criteria for Jarque-Bera test are if the prob. value is more than 0.05 then it is said to be normal. 55 Figure 4.1 Normality Test Source: Proceed data by EViews 12 SV Based on figure 4.1, the value of probability is 0.072647, which is more than significance level 0.05. Thus, it can be stated that the distribution of the independent and dependent variables in this study is normally distributed. 2. Multicollinearity Test The multicollinearity test is performed to find out if the regression model revealed any correlation across independent variables. In this research, researcher used the correlation matrix to identify multicollinearity. Table 4.5 Correlation Matrix Source: Proceed data by EViews 12 SV 56 The relationship between independent variables should have correlation coefficient with an absolute value less than 0.7, which indicates there is no multicollinearity issue. Based on table 4.5, the correlation matrix result the highest correlation value is found between LLDR and LBOPO with 0.466477. Due to each independent variables correlation value being no higher than 0.7 and the models indicate there is no multicollinearity, the entire matrix value result may still be viewed as a good regression model. 3. Heteroscedasticity Test The heteroscedasticity test serves the purpose of assessing whether there is variability inequality among the residuals in the regression model across different observations. In this research, the Park test will be employed to investigate this, with the following hypotheses: • H0: No heteroscedasticity. • H1: Heteroscedasticity exists. If the probability value exceeds the significance level (0.05), then H0 is embraced, and H1 is dismissed, and conversely. Table 4.6 Heteroscedasticity Test Dependent Variable: LOG(RESID*RESID) Method: Panel EGLS (Cross-section random effects) Date: 08/19/23 Time: 19:27 Sample: 2017Q1 2022Q4 Periods included: 24 Cross-sections included: 13 Total panel (balanced) observations: 312 Swamy and Arora estimator of component variances Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob. C LOGBOPO LOGLDR NPL CAR IR EXR BIR 1.296188 -0.661606 -0.871956 0.077932 0.039829 0.025969 8.12E-05 0.034955 9.092520 1.693295 1.186586 0.207571 0.049868 0.121774 0.000221 0.169415 0.142555 -0.390721 -0.734845 0.375449 0.798693 0.213259 0.367655 0.206328 0.8867 0.6963 0.4630 0.7076 0.4251 0.8313 0.7134 0.8367 Source: Proceed data by EViews 12 SV 57 According to table 4.6, the heteroscedasticity test result shows the probability significance value of LOGBOPO (0.6963), LOGLDR (0.4630), NPL (0.7076), CAR (0.4251), Inflation Rate (0.8313), Exchange Rate (0.7134), BI Rate (0.8367). All independent variables significance values are greater than significance value 0.05, which describe all of independent variables in this research avoids symptoms of heteroscedasticity. 4. Autocorrelation Test Autocorrelation test is used to examine the correlation between the residuals (errors) of a linear regression model and the corresponding observations in a time series. The value of Durbin Watson should be more than -2 and less than 2. Table 4.7 Autocorrelation Test Source: Proceed data by EViews 12 SV The result from Durbin-Watson stat in table 4.7 is 0.51409, which implies the value greater than -2 and less than +2. Therefore, no autocorrelation occurs in this test. 4.2.3 Multiple Linear Regression Analysis Multiple regression analysis represents a statistical methodology employed to explore the interplay across a dependent variable and an array of independent variables. In this particular study, multiple linear regression analysis is applied to find out the relationship between BOPO, LDR, NPL, CAR, Inflation Rate, Exchange Rate and BI Rate toward stock price of Bank Category KBMI 3 & 4. The outcomes of the multiple regression analysis are showcased using the random effect model within Table 4.8: 58 Table 4.8 Multiple Linear Regression Result Dependent Variable: LOGSP Method: Panel EGLS (Cross-section random effects) Date: 09/10/23 Time: 15:33 Sample: 2017Q1 2022Q4 Periods included: 24 Cross-sections included: 13 Total panel (balanced) observations: 312 Swamy and Arora estimator of component variances Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob. C LOGBOPO LOGLDR NPL CAR IR EXR BIR 15.73055 -1.900233 0.168395 -0.060209 0.016360 -0.049538 -0.000061 0.051596 1.321296 0.226635 0.159987 0.027215 0.006407 0.014913 2.67E-05 0.020832 11.90539 -8.384561 1.052554 -2.212376 2.553575 -3.321893 -2.296128 2.476836 0.0000 0.0000 0.2934 0.0277 0.0112 0.0010 0.0223 0.0138 Source: Proceed data by EViews 12 SV Based on table 4.8, the equation of multiple linear regression can be generated as follows: LOGSP = 15.73055 – 1.900233 LOGBOPO + 0.168395 LOGLDR – 0.060209 NPL + 0.016360 CAR – 0.049538 IR – 0.000061 EXR + 0.051596 BIR The explanation of the equation above can be described as follows: 1. The constanta value is 15.73055 This value means if the output of all the independent variables is zero, then the value of the log of stock price is 15.73055. 2. Regression coefficient of LOG BOPO is -1.900233 The regression coefficient signifies that the logarithm of operational efficiency ratio (BOPO) has a negative impact on the logarithm of stock price. This implies that a 1% increase in the logarithm of BOPO, while keeping other variables constant, leads to a 1.900233% decrease in the logarithm of stock price. 3. Regression coefficient of LOG LDR is 0.168395 The regression coefficient signifies that the logarithm of loan to deposit ratio (LDR) has a positive impact on the logarithm of stock price. This implies that a 1% 59 increase in the logarithm of LDR, while keeping other variables constant, leads to a 0.168395 % increase in the logarithm of stock price. 4. Regression coefficient of NPL is -0.060209 The regression coefficient signifies that the non-performing loan ratio (NPL) has a negative impact on the logarithm of stock price. This implies that a 1% increase in the logarithm of NPL, while keeping other variables constant, leads to a 0.060209 % decrease in the logarithm of stock price. 5. Regression coefficient of CAR is 0.016360 The regression coefficient signifies that the capital adequacy ratio (CAR) has a positive impact on the logarithm of stock price. This implies that a 1% increase in the logarithm of CAR, while keeping other variables constant, leads to a 0.168395% increase in the logarithm of stock price. 6. Regression coefficient of Inflation Rate (IR) is -0.049538 The regression coefficient signifies that the inflation rate has a negative impact on the logarithm of stock price. This implies that a 1% increase in the logarithm of NPL, while keeping other variables constant, leads to a 0.049538 % decrease in the logarithm of stock price. 7. Regression coefficient of Exchange Rate (EXR) is -0.000061 The regression coefficient signifies that the exchange rate has a negative impact on the logarithm of stock price. This implies that a 1% increase in the logarithm of NPL, while keeping other variables constant, leads to a -0.000061% decrease in the logarithm of stock price 8. Regression coefficient of BI Rate (BIR) is 0.051596 The regression coefficient signifies that the capital adequacy ratio (CAR) has a positive impact on the logarithm of stock price. This implies that a 1% increase in 60 the logarithm of CAR, while keeping other variables constant, leads to a 0.051596 % increase in the logarithm of stock price. 4.3 Hypothesis Testing Hypothesis testing purpose is to analyze variable correlations and the assessment of statistical significance. Below are three core tests in hypothesis testing: 4.3.1 T-test The purpose of this test is to find out if certain independent variables have a statistically significant influence on the dependent variable. This type of test compares the probability value associated with each variable to a level of significance. When the probability value for an independent variable is less than 0.05, it suggests acceptance of the alternative hypothesis, indicating that the independent variable has a significant influence on the dependent variable. Below is the detailed explanation of the T-test based on table 4. 8 which contain the multiple linear regression results: 1. LOGBOPO has probability value less than 0.05 (0.0000 < 0.05). As a result of this outcome, H01 is rejected and HA1 is accepted. This result implies that BOPO exert a significant influence toward stock prices of bank category KBMI 3 & 4 in 2017 – 2022 2. LOGLDR has probability value greater than 0.05 (0.2934 > 0.05). As a result of this outcome, H03 is rejected and HA3 is accepted. This result implies that LDR does not exert significant influence toward stock prices of bank category KBMI 3 & 4 in 2017 – 2022 3. NPL has probability value less than 0.05 (0.0277 < 0.05). As a result of this outcome, H03 is rejected and HA3 is accepted. This result implies that NPL exert a significant influence toward stock prices of bank category KBMI 3 & 4 in 2017 – 2022 4. CAR has probability value less than 0.05 (0. 0112 < 0.05). As a result of this outcome, H04 is rejected and HA4 is accepted. This result implies that CAR exert a 61 significant influence toward stock prices of bank category KBMI 3 & 4 in 2017 – 2022 5. IR has probability value less than 0.05 (0.0010 < 0.05). As a result of this outcome, H05 is rejected and HA5 is accepted. This result implies that Inflation Rate exert a significant influence toward stock prices of bank category KBMI 3 & 4 in 2017 – 2022 6. EXR has probability value less than 0.05 (0.0223 < 0.05). As a result of this outcome, H06 is rejected and HA6 is accepted. This result implies that Exchange Rate exert a significant influence toward stock prices of bank category KBMI 3 & 4 in 2017 – 2022 7. BIR has probability value less than 0.05 (0.0138 < 0.05). As a result of this outcome, H07 is rejected and HA7 is accepted. This result implies that BI Rate exert a significant influence toward stock prices of bank category KBMI 3 & 4 in 2017 – 2022 4.3.2 F -test Through examined the F-test, the researcher informed whether or not the independent variable simultaneously has significant effect to the dependent variable. The F-test compares the probability value associated with the F-statistic to a level of significance of 0.05. When the probability value of the F-statistic falls below 0.05, it signifies the acceptance of the alternative hypothesis, meaning that all independent factors simultaneously have a significant influence on the dependent variable. Table 4. 9 F-Test Weighted Statistics F-statistic 18.01583 Prob(F-statistic) 0.000000 Source: Proceed data by EViews 12 SV The result of F- test in table 4.9 revealed that the probability value of F-statistic is 0.000000, this describe the probability of F-statistic is lower than 0.05. This result exert that H08 is rejected and HA8 is accepted, means BOPO, LDR, NPL, CAR, Inflation Rate, Exchange 62 Rate and BI Rate exert simultaneous significant influence on stock price of banks category KBMI 3 & 4 in 2017 – 2022. 4.3.3 Coefficient of Determination (R2) Through the coefficient of determination, it is informed the researcher about how much the potential percentages of independent variables characterizing the dependent variable. The possible value of the coefficient of determination is between 1 and 0 (0 < R2 < 1). Below is the outcome of the coefficient of determination (R2). Table 4.10 Coefficient of Determination Weighted Statistics R-squared 0.293205 Adjusted R-squared 0.276930 Source: Proceed data by EViews 12 SV According to the data presented in table 4.10, the adjusted R-squared value is 0.276930, signifying that the independent variables, including BOPO, LDR, NPL, CAR, Inflation Rate, Exchange Rate, and BI Rate, collectively account for 27.69% of the variation in the dependent variable. The remaining 72.31% of the variation is influenced by unexamined factors in this research. 4.4 Interpretation of the Result 1. The Influence of BOPO Toward Stock Prices of Bank Category KBMI 3 & 4 From the T -test and coefficient regression result, it is showing the probability value is 0.0000 and the coefficient regression value is -1.900233. This result described that BOPO partially has a negative significant effect toward bank category KBMI 3 & 4 stock prices. BOPO (operational efficiency ratio) The ratio measures the efficiency and capacity of banks to effectively carry out their daily operations. The lower BOPO ratio indicates the more efficient the banks operate, which make the higher bank’s profit. On the other hand, the higher BOPO ratio indicates bank operational activities 63 are less efficient because the bank needs higher operational cost to obtain its business profit. Therefore, the lower BOPO ratio of the bank will increase investor interest in investing to the companies because it indicates the bank could maximize their operational efficiency which lead to the higher profit. This study's findings are backed by prior research by Ilham (2022) and Kusuma (2017), which found that BOPO has a negative significant impact on stock price. 2. The Influence of LDR Toward Stock Prices of Bank Category KBMI 3 & 4 From the T-test and coefficient regression result, it is showing the probability value is 0.2934 and the coefficient regression value is 0.168395. This result described that LDR partially has a positive, but not significant effect toward bank category KBMI 3 & 4 stock prices. In the theory, the higher the LDR ratio can cause a threat to liquidity risk in a bank. But a ratio that is too low can also indicate that banks have not used their loans properly, which can cause the bank to not be earning as much as it could be because they are still not as effective in utilizing their credit. From the results of this study, LDR has a positive effect because investors pay more attention to how the bank's performance is in terms of credit efficiency and also the profits it generates. Furthermore, the findings of this study reveal that investors don't give much consideration to the LDR ratio as a factor to consider when investing, implying that the LDR ratio has no major influence on banking stock prices. This is also supported by research from Aryanti et al, (2022), Nurhayati & Pertiwi (2021), Fordian (2017) which state that LDR have no significant effect toward stock price. 3. The Influence of NPL Toward Stock Prices of Bank Category KBMI 3 & 4 From the T-test and coefficient regression result, it is showing the probability value is 0.0277 and the coefficient regression value is -0.060209. This result described that NPL partially has a negative significant effect toward bank category KBMI 3 & 4 stock prices. NPL ratio shows how many bad loans a bank has. According to Bank Indonesia Regulation, a reasonable NPL value in a bank is 5% of its credit, higher NPL ratio indicates the bank has more bad loans or higher credit risk in a bank’s portfolio which can affect the profitability and the soundness of the bank. This can cause doubts and 64 even reduce investor interest in investing to the Company's stocks which can also cause a decrease in the stock price. The result of this research is supported by previous research by Ilham, (2022), Aryanti et al, (2022), and C. Hariyani et. al (2021) that also found NPL has a negative significant effect toward stock price. 4. The Influence of CAR Toward Stock Prices of Bank Category KBMI 3 & 4 From the T-test and coefficient regression result, it is showing the probability value is 0.0112 and the coefficient regression value is 0.016360. This result described that CAR partially has a positive significant effect toward bank category KBMI 3 & 4 stock prices. A high value of CAR ratio generally indicates a bank's greater resilience in challenging economic environments because it is showing company's ability to guarantee its capital based on its assets. Thus, it can also describe that the bank is healthy and will increase investor trust to invest their money to the stock, which can lead into the higher company price. The result of this research is in line with research by D. Putri (2017), Kusuma (2017) and Nurhayati & Pertiwi (2021) which state that CAR has a positive significant effect toward stock price. 5. The Influence of Inflation Rate Toward Stock Prices of Bank Category KBMI 3 &4 From the T -test and coefficient regression result, it is showing the probability value is 0.0010 and the coefficient regression value is -0.049538. This result described that inflation rate partially has a negative significant effect toward bank category KBMI 3 & 4 stock prices. The inflation rate is a crucial macroeconomic statistic that quantifies the rate at which the overall level of prices for goods and services rises continuously. Because the rises of the overall level prices for goods and services, it could make the operational expenses also rise and could affect the profitability of a company. A high inflation rate, on the other hand, will have a negative influence on the economy, which might destabilize social and political stability, which could lead to lowering investor excitement to invest their money in stock and choose the other type of investment that have lower risk since inflation rate could influences the volatility of the stock market. The result of this research in line with Herdini et al. (2021) and Safuridar & 65 Asyuratama, (2018) which state inflation rate has a negative significant effect toward stock price. 6. The Influence of Exchange Rate Toward Stock Prices of Bank Category KBMI 3 &4 From the t -test and coefficient regression result, it is showing the probability value is 0.0223 and the coefficient regression value is -0.000061. This result described that exchange rate partially has a negative significant effect toward bank category KBMI 3 & 4 stock prices. The rise in the dollar exchange rate versus the rupiah signifies a weakening of the rupiah. Weakening currency rates can indicate that a country's economic condition is not performing well, which can lead domestic investor interest to fall owing to concern about economic circumstances that could influence the condition of Indonesian banks, as well as fluctuations in the Indonesian stock market. This may induce investors to choose not to invest in stocks or to sell their shares, causing stock prices to decrease as investors seek a safer investment choice. The result is supported by previous research by Rachmawati (2019) which state that Exchange rate USD/IDR has a negative significant influence toward stock price. 7. The Influence of BI Rate Toward Stock Prices of Bank Category KBMI 3 & 4 From the t -test and coefficient regression result, it is showing the probability value is 0.0138 and the coefficient regression value is 0.051596. This result described that BI rate partially has a positive significant effect toward bank category KBMI 3 & 4 stock prices. BI Rate is an interest rate that represents monetary policy, changes in the BI rate affect deposit rates and bank lending rates. The increase in BI rate has possibility to increase the profitability of the bank. In addition, increase in BI Rate make the interest rate of bank also increase, which could make the inflation decrease. In this situation, it can increase the interest of investor to invest their money into bank stock. The result of this research in line with Rachmawati (2019) and Herdini et. al (2021) which state there is a positive significant influence of BI Rate toward stock price. 66 8. Simultaneous Influence of All Independent Variables toward Stock Prices of Bank Category KBMI 3 & 4 From the result of F-test, the probability value of f-statistic is 0.000000, which is smaller than the significance value 0.05. Therefore, this means HA8 is accepted that BOPO, LDR, NPL, CAR, Inflation Rate, Exchange Rate and BI Rate simultaneously have significant effect toward stock price of bank category KBMI 3 and KBMI 4 in the period 2017 – 2022. The value of the adjusted R square is 27.69%, this result means that the independent variables BOPO, LDR, NPL, CAR, Inflation Rate, Exchange Rate and BI Rate simultaneously have an effect of 27.69% toward stock price and the remaining 72.31% is explained by other factors which are not examined in this research. 67 CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 Conclusions This research has objective to identify the influence of financial ratio and macroeconomics factors toward bank category KBMI 3 and KBMI 4 stock price. There are seven independent variables use in this study, namely BOPO, LDR, NPL, CAR, Inflation Rate, Exchange Rate and BI Rate. The purposive sampling method applied to select the observation data and resulting 312 observation data from 13 banks within 2017 – 2022 using quarterly data. Below are the conclusions obtained from this study: 1. BOPO has a negative significant influence toward bank KBMI 3 & 4 stock price. This mean increase in BOPO can influence the decrease on stock price. The lower BOPO ratio indicates the more efficient the banks operate because the banks could maximize the utilization of their operational expenses. This result could lead into the higher profit that bank could obtained, which also resulted to the increase investor interest in investing to the companies. 2. LDR has a positive insignificant influence toward bank KBMI 3 & 4 stock price. Theoretically, the higher LDR ratio could bring negative impact since it also increases the liquidity risk. On the other hand, it also could increase the bank's profits from the loan's interest payments. Because of these two possibilities, it might cause the difference analysis by investors and contra in stock market, which make LDR does not have a significant effect. From that result, it makes investors do not consider this ratio in choosing stocks. 3. NPL has a negative significant influence toward bank KBMI 3 & 4 stock price. This mean increase in NPL can influence the decrease on stock price. The greater NPL ratio indicates the bank has more bad loans and higher level of credit risk in a bank's loan portfolio. The result of worse credit quality might increase possibilities of a bank experienced financial difficulties and led to decrease in bank stock price. 68 4. CAR has a positive significant influence toward bank KBMI 3 & 4 stock price. This mean increase in CAR can influence the increase in stock price. A high value of CAR ratio often implies a bank's stronger resilience in difficult economic circumstances. It is also described that the bank is healthy. The healthy bank could increase interest of investor and impact on the increase of stock price. 5. Inflation rate has a negative significant influence toward bank KBMI 3 & 4 stock price. This mean increase in inflation rate can influence the decrease in stock price. A high inflation rate will have a negative influence on the economy and make economic growth slows. This situation could lead to lowering investor excitement to invest their money in stock and make stock price decreasing. 6. Exchange rate has a negative significant influence toward bank KBMI 3 & 4 stock price. This mean increase in USD/IDR exchange rate can influence the decrease in stock price. The rise in the dollar exchange rate versus the rupiah signifies a weakening of the rupiah and indicate that a country's economic condition is not performing well. This situation could decrease investor interest in investing in stock market and make the stock price decreasing. 7. BI rate has a positive significant influence toward bank KBMI 3 & 4 stock price. This mean increase in BI rate can influence the increase in stock price. An increase in the BI rate implies an increase in the bank's interest rate, which might lead to an increase in the bank's profitability due to an increase in loan interest. This condition may pique investor interest in investing in bank stocks, causing the stock price to rise. 8. Simultaneously, BOPO, LDR, NPL, CAR, inflation rate, exchange rate, and BI rate exert a significant influence toward bank KBMI 3 & 4 stock price. All independent variables have an effect by 27.69% toward stock price and the remaining 72.31% is explained by other factors which are not examined in this research. 69 5.2 Recommendations 1. Investors Before do investment in a stock company, it is really important for investor to do the stock analysis. Investor can pay attention to financial ratio as internal factor to gain insight of the financial performance of the company and for external factors, investor can pay attention to macroeconomics factors. In accordance with the variables used in this study, investor can consider to analyze BOPO, NPL and CAR for financial ratio and inflation rate, exchange rate and BI rate for macroeconomics factor before invest their money into stock, especially in banking stocks. 2. Banking Company To attract investor to invest their money in the company, Bank should pay more attention and manage their financial ratio, especially BOPO, NPL and CAR ratio. A good financial ratio could achieve by keep maintaining a good financial performance in the company. With a good financial performance, it could make bank more profitable and could run their operational smoothly. In addition, bank company also must pay attention to the macroeconomics factor that could affect the performance and profitability of bank, such as inflation rate, exchange rate and BI rate. By keep attention to the several point above, it could result to increase of investor interest to invest their money into the stock of company. 3. 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C LOGBOPO LOGLDR NPL CAR IR EXR BIR 24.99164 -4.057571 0.527809 -0.165267 0.000662 -0.110657 -0.000108 0.044633 2.070804 0.431973 0.297211 0.051790 0.013558 0.044352 8.21E-05 0.060391 12.06857 -9.393105 1.775876 -3.191059 0.048792 -2.494984 -1.314680 0.739075 0.0000 0.0000 0.0768 0.0016 0.9611 0.0131 0.1896 0.4604 R-squared Adjusted R-squared S.E. of regression Sum squared resid Log likelihood F-statistic Prob(F-statistic) 0.371158 0.356678 0.772820 181.5643 -358.2515 25.63261 0.000000 Mean dependent var S.D. dependent var Akaike info criterion Schwarz criterion Hannan-Quinn criter. Durbin-Watson stat 7.643753 0.963528 2.347766 2.443740 2.386124 0.110252 81 Appendix 2 Fixed Effect Model Dependent Variable: LOGSP Method: Panel Least Squares Date: 09/10/23 Time: 12:53 Sample: 2017Q1 2022Q4 Periods included: 24 Cross-sections included: 13 Total panel (balanced) observations: 312 Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob. C LOGBOPO LOGLDR NPL CAR IR EXR BIR 15.57983 -1.875337 0.174018 -0.058834 0.016601 -0.048781 -6.07E-05 0.051301 1.307406 0.227604 0.160717 0.027298 0.006422 0.014927 2.67E-05 0.020854 11.91660 -8.239487 1.082760 -2.155226 2.584769 -3.268039 -2.275759 2.460021 0.0000 0.0000 0.2798 0.0320 0.0102 0.0012 0.0236 0.0145 Effects Specification Cross-section fixed (dummy variables) R-squared Adjusted R-squared S.E. of regression Sum squared resid Log likelihood F-statistic Prob(F-statistic) 0.940478 0.936605 0.242601 17.18580 9.522693 242.8270 0.000000 Mean dependent var S.D. dependent var Akaike info criterion Schwarz criterion Hannan-Quinn criter. Durbin-Watson stat 7.643753 0.963528 0.067162 0.307098 0.163057 0.528891 82 Appendix 3 Random Effect Model Dependent Variable: LOGSP Method: Panel EGLS (Cross-section random effects) Date: 09/10/23 Time: 15:33 Sample: 2017Q1 2022Q4 Periods included: 24 Cross-sections included: 13 Total panel (balanced) observations: 312 Swamy and Arora estimator of component variances Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob. C LOGBOPO LOGLDR NPL CAR IR EXR BIR 15.73055 -1.900233 0.168395 -0.060209 0.016360 -0.049538 -0.000061 0.051596 1.321296 0.226635 0.159987 0.027215 0.006407 0.014913 2.67E-05 0.020832 11.90539 -8.384561 1.052554 -2.212376 2.553575 -3.321893 -2.296128 2.476836 0.0000 0.0000 0.2934 0.0277 0.0112 0.0010 0.0223 0.0138 Effects Specification S.D. Cross-section random Idiosyncratic random 0.880805 0.242601 Rho 0.9295 0.0705 Weighted Statistics R-squared Adjusted R-squared S.E. of regression F-statistic Prob(F-statistic) 0.293205 0.276930 0.241987 18.01583 0.000000 Mean dependent var S.D. dependent var Sum squared resid Durbin-Watson stat 0.429071 0.284579 17.80157 0.514009 Unweighted Statistics R-squared Sum squared resid 0.265010 212.2123 Mean dependent var Durbin-Watson stat 7.643753 0.043118 83 Appendix 4 Raw Data No 1 2 Company BBCA BBNI Period (Quarterly) SP BOPO CAR LDR NPL IR EXR BIR 2017.1 3120.78 65.20 23.10 75.05 1.47 3.64 13337.00 4.75 2017.2 2017.3 2017.4 2018.1 2018.2 2018.3 3529.58 3772.31 4179.31 4622.23 4499.46 4717.38 61.83 59.86 58.65 63.29 62.12 60.17 22.10 23.62 23.06 23.65 22.81 23.19 74.49 74.74 78.22 77.85 77.02 80.88 1.47 1.53 1.49 1.54 1.43 1.44 4.29 3.81 3.50 3.28 3.25 3.09 13322.33 13388.67 13544.67 13625.33 14077.33 14684.33 4.75 4.50 4.25 4.25 4.75 5.50 2018.4 2019.1 2019.2 2019.3 2019.4 2020.1 4928.86 5446.17 5666.23 6051.14 6305.87 6309.76 58.24 65.20 62.59 59.84 59.09 77.09 23.39 24.49 23.58 23.79 23.80 22.50 81.58 81.03 78.97 80.58 80.47 77.64 1.41 1.47 1.41 1.62 1.34 1.60 3.17 2.62 3.14 3.40 2.95 2.87 14682.33 14126.00 14247.00 14145.67 14003.67 14754.33 5.92 6.00 6.00 5.50 5.00 4.75 2020.2 2020.3 2020.4 2021.1 2021.2 2021.3 5379.31 6082.42 6268.98 6823.69 6325.85 6342.62 66.59 65.57 63.45 63.27 60.28 54.29 22.93 24.72 25.83 24.53 25.33 26.15 73.28 69.55 65.77 65.24 62.35 61.97 2.08 1.93 1.79 1.83 2.39 2.36 2.27 1.43 1.57 1.43 1.48 1.57 14730.67 14708.33 14307.67 14295.00 14424.67 14390.67 4.42 4.00 3.83 3.58 3.50 3.50 2021.4 2022.1 2022.2 2022.3 2022.4 2017.1 7389.38 7824.59 7601.36 7859.23 8654.62 6072.66 54.15 56.73 52.38 48.55 46.54 70.49 25.66 23.86 24.72 25.36 25.77 19.00 61.96 60.54 63.47 63.34 65.23 89.33 2.16 2.30 2.21 2.16 1.71 3.04 1.76 2.29 3.79 5.19 5.55 3.64 14269.33 14367.00 14603.33 15026.67 15670.00 13337.00 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.83 5.17 4.75 2017.2 2017.3 2017.4 2018.1 2018.2 2018.3 6503.33 7208.46 8240.77 9435.77 8078.85 7426.54 71.02 70.30 70.99 70.54 71.19 70.30 18.99 19.01 15.83 17.92 17.46 17.80 88.93 87.86 85.58 90.13 87.28 89.04 2.83 2.75 2.26 2.26 2.10 2.01 4.29 3.81 3.50 3.28 3.25 3.09 13322.33 13388.67 13544.67 13625.33 14077.33 14684.33 4.75 4.50 4.25 4.25 4.75 5.50 2018.4 2019.1 2019.2 2019.3 2019.4 2020.1 7940.91 9001.95 8977.34 8149.62 7482.54 6655.48 70.15 70.54 72.60 71.76 73.16 73.15 18.51 19.18 18.68 19.33 19.73 16.07 88.76 91.26 92.30 96.57 91.54 92.26 1.90 1.88 1.75 1.80 2.27 2.38 3.17 2.62 3.14 3.40 2.95 2.87 14682.33 14126.00 14247.00 14145.67 14003.67 14754.33 5.92 6.00 6.00 5.50 5.00 4.75 2020.2 4074.66 82.81 16.71 87.79 3.03 2.27 14730.67 4.42 84 3 4 BBRI BBTN 2020.3 2020.4 2021.1 2021.2 4800.97 5574.83 6153.28 5500.08 88.99 93.31 81.57 81.21 16.75 16.78 18.07 18.18 83.11 87.28 87.24 87.83 3.56 4.25 4.12 3.94 1.43 1.57 1.43 1.48 14708.33 14307.67 14295.00 14424.67 4.00 3.83 3.58 3.50 2021.3 2021.4 2022.1 2022.2 2022.3 2022.4 5099.21 6800.00 7623.36 8612.73 8283.85 9237.31 80.47 81.18 70.20 68.59 68.05 68.63 19.90 19.74 19.29 18.42 18.90 19.27 85.14 79.71 85.24 90.06 91.18 84.25 3.81 3.70 3.46 3.16 3.04 2.81 1.57 1.76 2.29 3.79 5.19 5.55 14390.67 14269.33 14367.00 14603.33 15026.67 15670.00 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.83 5.17 2017.1 2017.2 2017.3 2017.4 2018.1 2018.2 2420.78 2808.17 3002.15 3259.85 3705.69 3216.62 71.73 72.55 72.32 69.14 70.43 70.50 20.86 21.67 22.17 22.96 20.74 20.12 93.15 89.76 90.39 88.13 92.26 95.27 2.16 2.23 2.23 2.10 2.39 2.33 3.64 4.29 3.81 3.50 3.28 3.25 13337.00 13322.33 13388.67 13544.67 13625.33 14077.33 4.75 4.75 4.50 4.25 4.25 4.75 2018.3 2018.4 2019.1 2019.2 2019.3 2019.4 3081.08 3360.76 3851.72 4185.94 4298.64 4144.76 69.12 68.40 70.21 71.12 70.50 70.10 21.02 21.21 21.68 20.77 21.62 22.55 93.15 88.96 91.43 93.90 93.84 88.64 2.46 2.16 2.31 2.33 2.94 2.62 3.09 3.17 2.62 3.14 3.40 2.95 14684.33 14682.33 14126.00 14247.00 14145.67 14003.67 5.50 5.92 6.00 6.00 5.50 5.00 2020.1 2020.2 2020.3 2020.4 2021.1 2021.2 4157.30 2820.86 3255.32 3811.02 4620.98 4130.00 72.97 77.49 80.64 81.22 76.83 78.30 18.23 19.83 20.38 20.61 19.40 19.63 90.39 85.78 82.58 83.66 86.77 84.52 2.81 2.98 3.02 2.94 3.12 3.27 2.87 2.27 1.43 1.57 1.43 1.48 14754.33 14730.67 14708.33 14307.67 14295.00 14424.67 4.75 4.42 4.00 3.83 3.58 3.50 2021.3 2021.4 2022.1 2022.2 2022.3 2022.4 3761.92 4187.19 4389.18 4504.55 4347.69 4677.54 76.37 74.30 64.26 63.98 62.59 64.20 24.37 25.28 22.39 22.97 24.00 23.30 83.05 83.67 87.14 88.95 88.92 79.17 3.29 3.08 3.15 3.32 3.14 2.82 1.57 1.76 2.29 3.79 5.19 5.55 14390.67 14269.33 14367.00 14603.33 15026.67 15670.00 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.83 5.17 2017.1 2017.2 2017.3 2017.4 2018.1 2018.2 2028.83 2444.17 2800.00 3133.69 3680.46 3134.77 84.13 83.82 83.46 82.06 85.58 90.27 18.90 18.38 16.97 18.87 17.92 17.42 107.79 111.49 109.79 103.13 104.12 111.46 3.34 3.23 3.07 2.66 2.78 2.78 3.64 4.29 3.81 3.50 3.28 3.25 13337.00 13322.33 13388.67 13544.67 13625.33 14077.33 4.75 4.75 4.50 4.25 4.25 4.75 2018.3 2018.4 2019.1 2528.62 2460.76 2562.34 90.27 85.58 98.12 17.96 18.21 17.62 112.83 103.49 112.19 3.17 2.81 2.92 3.09 3.17 2.62 14684.33 14682.33 14126.00 5.50 5.92 6.00 85 5 6 BDMN BMRI 2019.2 2019.3 2019.4 2020.1 2468.13 2276.82 2002.22 1714.44 95.08 95.08 98.12 91.61 16.99 16.88 17.32 18.73 114.24 111.54 113.50 114.22 3.32 3.54 4.78 4.91 3.14 3.40 2.95 2.87 14247.00 14145.67 14003.67 14754.33 6.00 5.50 5.00 4.75 2020.2 2020.3 2020.4 2021.1 2021.2 2021.3 951.98 1354.03 1567.63 1872.87 1582.97 1370.00 93.02 93.02 91.61 89.28 89.85 89.85 19.10 18.95 18.21 17.65 17.80 17.97 111.27 93.26 103.49 88.62 89.12 92.79 4.71 4.56 2.81 4.25 4.10 3.94 2.27 1.43 1.57 1.43 1.48 1.57 14730.67 14708.33 14307.67 14295.00 14424.67 14390.67 4.42 4.00 3.83 3.58 3.50 3.50 2021.4 2022.1 2022.2 2022.3 2022.4 2017.1 1733.52 1719.75 1633.09 1501.38 1456.74 4457.27 89.28 86.00 85.61 85.61 86.00 69.80 17.32 18.15 17.36 17.32 20.17 23.24 113.50 95.39 93.12 92.60 92.65 92.80 4.78 3.60 3.54 3.45 3.38 3.55 1.76 2.29 3.79 5.19 5.55 3.64 14269.33 14367.00 14603.33 15026.67 15670.00 13337.00 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.83 5.17 4.75 2017.2 2017.3 2017.4 2018.1 2018.2 2018.3 5001.58 5278.85 5501.38 6853.85 6250.38 6779.62 70.60 70.89 72.11 69.30 70.86 70.98 23.19 23.81 23.24 22.46 22.52 23.08 89.57 93.78 93.29 93.52 94.11 98.45 3.47 3.58 2.92 3.47 3.55 3.25 4.29 3.81 3.50 3.28 3.25 3.09 13322.33 13388.67 13544.67 13625.33 14077.33 14684.33 4.75 4.50 4.25 4.25 4.75 5.50 2018.4 2019.1 2019.2 2019.3 2019.4 2020.1 7298.86 8569.14 6422.11 4849.77 4192.54 3232.38 70.85 73.34 75.09 76.78 82.71 68.18 22.79 22.83 22.24 23.04 24.59 23.21 94.95 94.30 95.66 96.48 98.85 95.08 2.94 2.96 3.35 3.52 3.21 3.68 3.17 2.62 3.14 3.40 2.95 2.87 14682.33 14126.00 14247.00 14145.67 14003.67 14754.33 5.92 6.00 6.00 5.50 5.00 4.75 2020.2 2020.3 2020.4 2021.1 2021.2 2021.3 2486.03 2620.32 2800.17 3153.61 2462.03 2352.86 86.58 83.46 88.87 80.81 82.47 82.76 24.47 25.93 22.79 26.23 26.54 26.56 94.34 88.70 94.95 85.33 85.51 87.82 4.24 3.45 2.94 3.26 2.94 3.03 2.27 1.43 1.57 1.43 1.48 1.57 14730.67 14708.33 14307.67 14295.00 14424.67 14390.67 4.42 4.00 3.83 3.58 3.50 3.50 2021.4 2022.1 2022.2 2022.3 2022.4 2017.1 2562.81 2372.79 2405.27 2570.31 2994.15 2829.30 86.62 70.13 70.89 72.00 72.91 75.98 24.59 25.69 25.45 25.33 25.34 21.11 98.85 84.68 89.88 93.97 90.97 89.22 3.21 2.96 2.96 2.89 2.86 3.95 1.76 2.29 3.79 5.19 5.55 3.64 14269.33 14367.00 14603.33 15026.67 15670.00 13337.00 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.83 5.17 4.75 2017.2 2017.3 2017.4 3045.63 3312.31 3609.42 73.17 71.85 71.78 21.55 21.98 21.64 88.61 89.05 88.11 3.79 3.74 3.45 4.29 3.81 3.50 13322.33 13388.67 13544.67 4.75 4.50 4.25 86 7 BNGA 2018.1 2018.2 2018.3 2018.4 4072.88 3615.58 3339.81 3527.65 66.01 67.09 67.62 66.48 20.94 20.64 21.38 20.96 90.67 94.17 92.48 96.74 3.35 3.13 3.04 2.79 3.28 3.25 3.09 3.17 13625.33 14077.33 14684.33 14682.33 4.25 4.75 5.50 5.92 2019.1 2019.2 2019.3 2019.4 2020.1 2020.2 3666.41 3821.35 3720.64 3513.29 3542.06 2271.25 63.01 66.58 67.46 67.44 63.01 74.18 22.47 21.01 22.50 21.39 17.65 19.20 93.82 97.94 92.52 96.37 94.91 87.65 2.73 2.64 2.61 2.39 2.40 3.42 2.62 3.14 3.40 2.95 2.87 2.27 14126.00 14247.00 14145.67 14003.67 14754.33 14730.67 6.00 6.00 5.50 5.00 4.75 4.42 2020.3 2020.4 2021.1 2021.2 2021.3 2021.4 2802.22 3074.36 3310.66 3042.37 2974.80 3540.82 76.35 80.03 71.38 69.11 68.82 67.26 19.83 19.90 18.51 18.94 19.40 19.60 83.03 82.95 81.15 86.00 83.29 80.04 3.50 3.29 3.30 3.19 3.06 2.81 1.43 1.57 1.43 1.48 1.57 1.76 14708.33 14307.67 14295.00 14424.67 14390.67 14269.33 4.00 3.83 3.58 3.50 3.50 3.50 2022.1 2022.2 2022.3 2022.4 2017.1 2017.2 3780.12 4028.86 4216.35 5004.81 978.52 1222.00 56.37 55.30 55.59 57.35 85.42 84.29 18.20 18.41 19.32 19.46 18.21 18.14 83.66 84.79 83.18 77.61 95.65 99.14 2.74 2.47 2.26 1.88 3.95 3.92 2.29 3.79 5.19 5.55 3.64 4.29 14367.00 14603.33 15026.67 15670.00 13337.00 13322.33 3.50 3.50 3.83 5.17 4.75 4.75 2017.3 2017.4 2018.1 2018.2 2018.3 2018.4 1321.38 1251.92 1348.08 1075.08 946.31 886.06 83.89 83.27 82.22 82.00 81.64 81.49 18.60 18.22 18.66 18.13 19.00 17.63 91.99 94.67 90.66 94.82 91.00 93.51 3.98 3.78 3.54 3.40 3.00 1.73 3.81 3.50 3.28 3.25 3.09 3.17 13388.67 13544.67 13625.33 14077.33 14684.33 14682.33 4.50 4.25 4.25 4.75 5.50 5.92 2019.1 2019.2 2019.3 2019.4 2020.1 2020.2 1149.30 1048.44 1063.71 964.05 824.44 675.43 82.02 81.00 82.79 82.44 81.65 84.41 19.90 20.00 21.00 19.10 18.79 19.00 95.89 93.00 97.00 94.00 92.67 88.00 3.05 3.00 3.00 1.72 3.06 4.00 2.62 3.14 3.40 2.95 2.87 2.27 14126.00 14247.00 14145.67 14003.67 14754.33 14730.67 6.00 6.00 5.50 5.00 4.75 4.42 2020.3 2020.4 2021.1 2021.2 2021.3 2021.4 778.87 855.76 1019.26 983.73 964.52 1020.39 87.82 89.63 81.41 78.71 78.83 79.36 20.24 17.63 21.39 21.35 21.92 19.10 82.32 93.51 83.69 76.78 75.06 94.00 3.93 1.73 3.85 3.25 3.39 1.72 1.43 1.57 1.43 1.48 1.57 1.76 14708.33 14307.67 14295.00 14424.67 14390.67 14269.33 4.00 3.83 3.58 3.50 3.50 3.50 2022.1 2022.2 2022.3 1007.30 1051.27 1076.62 76.49 74.67 74.10 22.82 20.77 20.61 74.19 78.62 84.47 3.68 3.60 3.61 2.29 3.79 5.19 14367.00 14603.33 15026.67 3.50 3.50 3.83 87 8 9 BNII BNLI 2022.4 2017.1 2017.2 2017.3 1151.08 349.61 321.23 305.30 74.44 85.57 84.93 85.43 21.86 16.98 16.91 17.71 83.19 88.40 86.66 87.63 2.84 3.93 3.78 4.15 5.55 3.64 4.29 3.81 15670.00 13337.00 13322.33 13388.67 5.17 4.75 4.75 4.50 2017.4 2018.1 2018.2 2018.3 2018.4 2019.1 288.32 281.52 248.33 210.40 204.67 261.13 86.97 84.92 85.37 84.61 83.85 90.72 17.63 17.63 19.20 19.04 19.09 18.74 88.12 85.62 94.00 100.64 96.46 90.13 3.00 3.25 2.93 2.83 2.66 3.01 3.50 3.28 3.25 3.09 3.17 2.62 13544.67 13625.33 14077.33 14684.33 14682.33 14126.00 4.25 4.25 4.75 5.50 5.92 6.00 2019.2 2019.3 2019.4 2020.1 2020.2 2020.3 248.69 242.00 212.73 182.89 152.33 201.29 91.65 92.67 89.28 82.27 87.52 88.59 19.06 20.06 21.42 20.64 21.97 23.36 92.26 96.25 94.13 102.12 94.20 80.74 3.22 2.78 3.62 3.65 5.23 4.51 3.14 3.40 2.95 2.87 2.27 1.43 14247.00 14145.67 14003.67 14754.33 14730.67 14708.33 6.00 5.50 5.00 4.75 4.42 4.00 2020.4 2021.1 2021.2 2021.3 2021.4 2022.1 245.42 388.82 375.32 342.41 352.06 309.61 88.98 84.87 90.95 86.49 84.94 82.87 19.09 25.27 25.41 26.01 21.42 25.58 96.46 84.39 80.09 84.51 94.13 82.05 2.66 4.16 4.66 4.99 3.62 4.28 1.57 1.43 1.48 1.57 1.76 2.29 14307.67 14295.00 14424.67 14390.67 14269.33 14367.00 3.83 3.58 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 2022.2 2022.3 2022.4 2017.1 2017.2 2017.3 279.02 265.91 243.08 651.43 661.65 700.85 87.06 86.69 87.08 87.29 90.78 93.10 24.81 23.40 25.66 16.99 18.89 18.84 84.02 90.21 86.92 74.58 86.70 82.75 3.79 3.73 3.81 6.41 4.72 4.70 3.79 5.19 5.55 3.64 4.29 3.81 14603.33 15026.67 15670.00 13337.00 13322.33 13388.67 3.50 3.83 5.17 4.75 4.75 4.50 2017.4 2018.1 2018.2 2018.3 2018.4 2019.1 642.23 632.38 539.49 519.48 496.62 960.47 94.83 94.72 98.31 96.45 93.36 87.98 18.12 17.73 19.59 19.19 19.44 19.90 87.54 88.99 86.11 90.61 90.08 86.91 4.60 4.59 4.26 4.78 4.36 3.78 3.50 3.28 3.25 3.09 3.17 2.62 13544.67 13625.33 14077.33 14684.33 14682.33 14126.00 4.25 4.25 4.75 5.50 5.92 6.00 2019.2 2019.3 2019.4 2020.1 2020.2 2020.3 863.83 965.38 1199.13 1205.24 1233.28 1282.02 87.71 87.21 87.04 92.60 89.35 92.04 19.81 19.84 19.89 19.61 21.26 21.60 92.69 87.99 86.32 79.94 80.69 74.53 3.58 3.33 2.77 3.18 3.74 3.78 3.14 3.40 2.95 2.87 2.27 1.43 14247.00 14145.67 14003.67 14754.33 14730.67 14708.33 6.00 5.50 5.00 4.75 4.42 4.00 2020.4 2021.1 2021.2 2325.34 2451.48 2063.00 88.76 82.25 86.01 19.44 35.21 35.43 90.08 76.57 75.44 4.36 2.93 3.31 1.57 1.43 1.48 14307.67 14295.00 14424.67 3.83 3.58 3.50 88 10 11 BTPN MEGA 2021.3 2021.4 2022.1 2022.2 1964.85 1714.69 1403.11 1243.36 88.31 90.07 72.46 74.20 34.04 19.89 33.12 32.96 74.05 86.32 69.87 77.66 3.30 2.77 3.17 3.11 1.57 1.76 2.29 3.79 14390.67 14269.33 14367.00 14603.33 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 2022.3 2022.4 2017.1 2017.2 2017.3 2017.4 1194.38 1128.46 2650.94 2537.00 2532.00 2484.00 73.43 82.44 82.10 83.58 84.23 90.86 33.17 34.19 23.93 24.52 25.23 24.91 83.28 68.93 94.32 95.41 94.59 96.62 3.09 3.13 0.79 0.81 0.83 0.82 5.19 5.55 3.64 4.29 3.81 3.50 15026.67 15670.00 13337.00 13322.33 13388.67 13544.67 3.83 5.17 4.75 4.75 4.50 4.25 2018.1 2018.2 2018.3 2018.4 2019.1 2019.2 3128.77 3407.54 3866.15 3664.09 3682.66 3644.06 81.94 80.70 81.09 85.40 92.39 91.14 25.44 23.62 24.30 23.69 22.68 22.88 96.17 93.72 96.63 96.25 137.38 151.77 0.94 1.07 1.19 1.22 0.73 0.78 3.28 3.25 3.09 3.17 2.62 3.14 13625.33 14077.33 14684.33 14682.33 14126.00 14247.00 4.25 4.75 5.50 5.92 6.00 6.00 2019.3 2019.4 2020.1 2020.2 2020.3 2020.4 3345.45 3205.71 2737.14 1950.69 2233.87 2561.53 89.83 90.56 92.76 89.33 89.57 91.72 23.91 23.51 21.95 22.52 24.34 23.69 147.46 171.32 169.09 153.49 151.89 96.25 0.81 0.78 0.94 1.08 1.05 1.22 3.40 2.95 2.87 2.27 1.43 1.57 14145.67 14003.67 14754.33 14730.67 14708.33 14307.67 5.50 5.00 4.75 4.42 4.00 3.83 2021.1 2021.2 2021.3 2021.4 2022.1 2022.2 2925.57 2806.78 2799.52 2740.47 2625.25 2538.91 81.52 81.96 85.25 85.60 90.22 86.33 26.81 26.46 24.52 23.51 24.41 24.09 138.01 144.77 136.61 171.32 136.68 149.92 1.36 1.39 1.49 0.78 1.32 1.25 1.43 1.48 1.57 1.76 2.29 3.79 14295.00 14424.67 14390.67 14269.33 14367.00 14603.33 3.58 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 2022.3 2022.4 2017.1 2017.2 2017.3 2017.4 2477.23 2590.00 2483.13 2996.83 2984.92 2957.38 88.61 80.02 80.92 82.98 81.41 81.28 23.81 25.94 24.50 24.02 25.00 24.11 155.90 130.29 56.06 57.02 56.41 56.47 1.34 1.32 3.57 3.15 2.83 2.01 5.19 5.55 3.64 4.29 3.81 3.50 15026.67 15670.00 13337.00 13322.33 13388.67 13544.67 3.83 5.17 4.75 4.75 4.50 4.25 2018.1 2018.2 2018.3 2018.4 2019.1 2019.2 3132.15 3710.00 4358.31 4727.42 5191.09 5855.38 80.21 81.17 79.10 77.78 72.23 74.98 21.40 21.06 21.03 22.79 24.25 23.26 59.83 58.66 68.40 67.23 71.31 71.85 2.34 2.28 2.19 1.60 1.75 1.65 3.28 3.25 3.09 3.17 2.62 3.14 13625.33 14077.33 14684.33 14682.33 14126.00 14247.00 4.25 4.75 5.50 5.92 6.00 6.00 2019.3 2019.4 2020.1 5771.21 5912.30 5697.22 74.79 74.10 69.71 24.42 23.68 24.70 71.00 69.67 67.48 1.37 2.46 1.55 3.40 2.95 2.87 14145.67 14003.67 14754.33 5.50 5.00 4.75 89 12 13 NISP PNBN 2020.2 2020.3 2020.4 2021.1 6337.93 6882.26 7108.47 9738.11 70.18 70.98 65.94 62.17 25.34 26.01 22.79 26.60 67.67 64.03 67.23 61.71 1.56 1.40 1.60 1.30 2.27 1.43 1.57 1.43 14730.67 14708.33 14307.67 14295.00 4.42 4.00 3.83 3.58 2021.2 2021.3 2021.4 2022.1 2022.2 2022.3 8439.41 7862.70 8429.69 8430.05 5863.64 5248.92 62.05 60.09 56.06 63.18 62.73 58.78 27.31 28.20 23.68 22.93 22.51 22.59 61.46 62.20 69.67 69.82 70.52 78.44 1.26 1.25 2.46 1.14 1.16 1.27 1.48 1.57 1.76 2.29 3.79 5.19 14424.67 14390.67 14269.33 14367.00 14603.33 15026.67 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.83 2022.4 2017.1 2017.2 2017.3 2017.4 2018.1 5448.08 896.60 893.67 918.69 966.27 941.12 56.76 75.38 75.78 76.29 77.07 73.19 25.41 18.23 17.55 17.71 17.51 17.01 68.04 85.89 94.34 89.78 93.42 91.13 1.23 1.89 1.88 1.90 1.79 1.72 5.55 3.64 4.29 3.81 3.50 3.28 15670.00 13337.00 13322.33 13388.67 13544.67 13625.33 5.17 4.75 4.75 4.50 4.25 4.25 2018.2 2018.3 2018.4 2019.1 2019.2 2019.3 923.58 856.23 845.98 903.20 887.34 868.64 72.84 73.06 74.43 73.52 73.87 74.78 16.74 17.03 17.63 17.74 18.53 18.61 96.70 100.91 93.51 89.69 91.12 90.50 1.77 1.75 1.73 1.85 1.82 1.84 3.25 3.09 3.17 2.62 3.14 3.40 14077.33 14684.33 14682.33 14126.00 14247.00 14145.67 4.75 5.50 5.92 6.00 6.00 5.50 2019.4 2020.1 2020.2 2020.3 2020.4 2021.1 843.25 835.32 724.74 728.87 768.98 870.08 74.77 71.88 71.95 76.76 81.13 81.53 19.10 18.71 20.64 20.92 17.63 22.03 94.00 89.84 86.57 77.28 93.51 73.87 1.72 1.80 1.82 1.81 1.73 1.96 2.95 2.87 2.27 1.43 1.57 1.43 14003.67 14754.33 14730.67 14708.33 14307.67 14295.00 5.00 4.75 4.42 4.00 3.83 3.58 2021.2 2021.3 2021.4 2022.1 2022.2 2022.3 818.81 717.14 691.95 649.26 641.09 699.85 72.08 73.66 76.49 77.14 69.52 69.10 22.73 22.41 19.10 22.33 21.98 20.81 76.58 72.67 94.00 70.31 73.94 81.24 2.53 2.39 1.72 2.25 2.42 2.32 1.48 1.57 1.76 2.29 3.79 5.19 14424.67 14390.67 14269.33 14367.00 14603.33 15026.67 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.83 2022.4 2017.1 2017.2 2017.3 2017.4 2018.1 735.92 839.84 931.92 1080.85 1165.31 1230.69 71.08 79.41 80.03 79.25 85.04 80.24 21.39 21.03 22.43 23.57 21.99 22.35 77.20 86.58 93.30 91.20 96.39 90.25 2.42 2.94 2.88 2.94 2.84 2.65 5.55 3.64 4.29 3.81 3.50 3.28 15670.00 13337.00 13322.33 13388.67 13544.67 13625.33 5.17 4.75 4.75 4.50 4.25 4.25 2018.2 2018.3 2018.4 932.15 831.85 1131.97 80.46 78.48 75.54 21.70 23.04 23.49 100.01 102.60 104.15 2.78 3.08 2.97 3.25 3.09 3.17 14077.33 14684.33 14682.33 4.75 5.50 5.92 90 2019.1 2019.2 2019.3 1392.73 1256.25 1381.21 77.82 76.99 77.17 23.89 23.81 23.80 104.10 102.45 104.80 3.03 2.94 2.95 2.62 3.14 3.40 14126.00 14247.00 14145.67 6.00 6.00 5.50 2019.4 2020.1 2020.2 2020.3 2020.4 2021.1 1258.17 1100.48 756.21 793.87 915.59 1116.80 77.04 78.93 79.40 76.31 76.50 80.68 24.07 24.48 26.70 28.14 29.55 28.15 107.92 103.26 90.82 84.23 83.26 86.12 3.02 2.89 2.90 2.96 2.93 3.52 2.95 2.87 2.27 1.43 1.57 1.43 14003.67 14754.33 14730.67 14708.33 14307.67 14295.00 5.00 4.75 4.42 4.00 3.83 3.58 2021.2 2021.3 2021.4 2022.1 2022.2 2022.3 911.61 775.08 777.81 780.74 1201.36 1926.62 78.50 75.92 78.60 78.09 72.81 71.46 28.83 29.75 29.66 28.52 27.49 28.30 83.52 86.14 88.05 84.45 91.75 92.17 3.18 3.42 3.73 3.31 3.37 3.55 1.48 1.57 1.76 2.29 3.79 5.19 14424.67 14390.67 14269.33 14367.00 14603.33 15026.67 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.83 2022.4 2062.54 74.76 29.81 91.67 3.58 5.55 15670.00 5.17 91