Steel18.4 short T The Gaz zette – Quarter Q r2 Div versificatio on The ere is com mpetition evverywhere. The presssure to sh how positive e financial results is g growing. Growth throu ugh diversiffication is being b cons sidered, sin nce some of the exissting produ uct segmen nts appear to be satu urated or arre likely to be b soon. Th here is ade equate cap pacity and abundant labor. The e obvious re esponse is to attend to o more segments of th he market. This meanss fresh estments intto new prod duct develo opment inve and d its promotiion in the ne ew markets s. New marrkets offer a new lea ase of life to t any indu ustry, and keep k it going, till comp petition in th he form of a better pro oduct at a lesser pricce catches up u with it. Imp plications of New Prroduct Launch Expenditurre heads Launc ch of Fprod d Launch of Lprrod Labor Cost//Unit Base Rate x 2 Base Rate x 2 Over Head increase/Q Qtr Cu.50 00,000/- Cu.1 10,00,000/- Capex//Revenue Payme ent Terms Price Bands s Implementa ation time 100% % in the same Quarterr Cu. 55 50 to Cu.1100 Cu. 650 to Cu.1300 Immedia ately from th he Qtr of lau unch s can be launched in n the same e Quarter. If you are e launching g one Botth products product out of o the two in i this qua arter, you may m launch h the otherr product in n any of the subsequent Quartters. Bus siness Pro omotion u may invest money in the advertis sement of Tool T only and not in other Productss. You How wever to boost the dem mand, the Dealer Comm mission mayy be enhanced in all th he prod ducts over and a above the t fixed co ommission o of 3% (Refe er Decision Sheet). ustry Upda ate Indu 1. The ne ew EAF tecchnology on n offer hass shown Pla ant & Machine productivity improve ements of 10% higher than their ra ated capaciity. 2. The capital costs of plant and machinerry have inc creased by about 10% % from their levvels in Quarrter 0. 3. Trade Unions U have e started de emanding hike in the wages. w _______________________________________________________________________________ 5