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Sari-Sari Store Strategies: Success & Failures in Sampaloc

Unveiling the Success and Failures: Understanding the Strategies of Selected
Sari-Sari Store Around Sampaloc, Manila
Analyzing the strategy of Sari-Sari stores that impacts their financial stability and
sustainability, leading to success or failures.
Independent Variable
• Strategies to sell out -
Luamba, D. (2019). Strategies Small Business Owners Use
to Remain Sustainable.
Huneycutt, S. (2022). Customer focus defined: why your
business needs customer focus.
Nesmelova, A. K., & Pleshkova, N. A. (2020). Options of
Improving Customer Focus of Small Businesses.
Dependent Variable
• Customer engagement - Luamba, D. (2019). Strategies Small Business Owners Use
to Remain Sustainable.
Moderating Variable
Consumer’s preferences, affects the strategy to make Sari-Sari store adaptive on the
community to focus on their profitability.