NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY WARANGAL MID SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS, FEBRUARY/MARCH – 2024 B.Tech/Integrated MSc I - Year II-Semester TIME: 3.00 PM TO 5.00 PM DATE 26.02.2024 27.02.2024 28.02.2024 29.02.2024 CIVIL MA181 Differential Equations and Transforms CY183 Chemistry for Civil Engineers ME181 Basic Mechanical Engineering for Civil Engineers CE151 Strength of Materials EEE MECH ECE MME CHEM EE 151 Electrical Network Analysis MA183 MA184 MA184 MA184 Integral Integral Calculus Integral Calculus Integral Calculus and and Laplace and Laplace Calculus and Numerical Transforms Transforms Laplace Methods Transforms EE 152 PH181 CS182 PH183 PH185 Electric and Physics for Data Structures Physics for Physics for Magnetic Mechanical Metallurgists Chemical Fields Engineering Engineering MA 182 HS181 EE181 MM151 Fourier Communicati Electrical Mineral CY181 Series, on Skills and circuits and Processing Industrial Matrices and Report Machines Organic Differential Writing Chemistry Equations CE 181 CE101 HS132 English HS132 English MM186 Basic Engineering for Technical for Technical Material Engineering Mechanics Communication Communication Science & Mechanics Engineering CE152 CY 185 EC151 Fluid Engineering ME152 Electronic 01.03.2024 Mechanics-I Chemistry Kinematics of Circuits Machinery Analysis and DesignCE153 ME 182 Civil Thermodyna --02.03.2024 Engineering mics Materials for Electrical Engineering CS181 CS181 Problem Solving Problem and Computer Solving and Programming Computer Programming CSE BIO-TECH Integrated MSc MA187 MA184 Integral Integral Calculus Calculus and and Laplace Transforms Transforms CS152 PH186 Data Engineering Structures Physics MAI151 Ordinary Differential Equations CS151 EE131 Basic Discrete Electrical Mathematic Engineering s PHI151 Heat and Thermodynamics CYI151 General Chemistry-II EC181 BT151 HSI181 Analog and Bioprocess Communicative Digital Calculations English-II Electronics -- CS181 SMI181 Problem Organizational Solving and Structures & Computer Human Resource Programming Management VLSI Mathematics and Computing MA184 MA161 Integral Ordinary Calculus and Differential Laplace Equations Transforms CS182 MA162 Data Computational Structures Linear Algebra CY186 MA163 Engineering Data Structures Chemistry EV151 Analog Circuit Design -- --- -- -- -- -- HS132 English for Technical Communicati on EC131 Basic Electronic Engineering -- NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY WARANGAL MID SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS, FEBRUARY/MARCH – 2024 B.Tech/Integrated MSc II - Year II - Semester TIME: 10.00 AM TO 12.00 NOON DATE CIVIL EEE CE251 Theory of 26.02.2024 Structures-1 MA 282 Numerical Methods and Statistic CE252 Engineering 27.02.2024 Hydrology EE 251 Electrical Machines-II CE253 Design of 28.02.2024 Concrete Structures CE254 Geotechnical 29.02.2024 Engineering – 1 CE255 Environmenta 01.03.2024 l Engineering-1 MECH ECE SM283 Engineering Economics and Costing EC251 Linear IC Applications EE281 Electrical EC252 Machines and FPGA based Controls System Design EE 252 ME251 Power Systems-II Manufacturing Science EE 253 Control Systems EE 254 Electrical Measurements & Instrumentation ME252 Design of Machine Elements ME253 Heat Transfer CE256 EC 281 ME254 Prime Transportatio Digital Electronics Movers for 02.03.2024 n Automobiles Engineering-1 Minor Course 02.03.2024 Minor Course Minor Course (AN) CE257 SM 282 Building Power Economics 01.03.2024 Planning, & Accountancy (AN) Drawing and Course Construction EC253 Electromagnetic Fields and Waves EC254 CMOS VLSI Design MME CHEM CSE BIO-TECH CH251 Chemical CS251 Statistical MA288 Numerical MAI251 MA285 Statistics Engineering Foundations of Methods and Linear Algebra and Numerical ThermodynamicsComputer Series Methods II Science (R Solutions MM251 Phase Transformations and Heat Treatment MM252 Solidification Processing MM253 Iron Making Technology CH252 Heat Transfer CH253 Mass Transfer-I PHI251 BT251 Transport Electricity and Phenomena in Magnetism Bioprocess Systems CYI251 CS253 Computer BT252 Enzyme Inorganic Architecture Technology Chemistry CS252 Modelling and Optimization Techniques CH254 Chemical CS254 Database Reaction Management Engineering – II Systems MAI 261 BT253 Cell Vector Calculus Biology EC255 MM254 CS255 Language Probability Electronic and Processors CH255 Process BT254 Molecular Theory and Magnetic Instrumentation Biology Stochastic Materials Processes BT281 Design CH281 Polymer CH256 Chemical BT255 Principles Living Technology Technology Bioinformatics Systems Minor Course Integrated MSc Minor Course Minor Course CH257 Industrial Safety and Hazard Mitigation Minor Course Minor Course BT261 Unit Operations / BT262 Genetics PHI252 Artificial Intelligence NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY WARANGAL MID SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS, FEBRUARY/MARCH – 2024 B.Tech III - Year II - Semester TIME: 3.00 PM TO 5.00 PM DATE 26.02.2024 27.02.2024 28.02.2024 29.02.2024 01.03.2024 02.03.2024 02.03.2024 (FN) 01.03.2024 (FN) CIVIL CE351 Construction Technology and Project Management CE352 Hydraulic Structures EE381 Electrical and Electronics for Civil Engineers EC381 Civionics CE 315 Foundation Analysis and Design Open Elective-I Minor Course CE 314 Pavement Management System/Prestres sed Concrete EEE MECH ECE MME CHEM CSE BIO-TECH ME351 Refrigeration and AirConditioning EC351 Antennas and Propagation MM351 Corrosion Engineering CH351 Process Dynamics and Control CS351 Mobile Computing BT351 Bioseparations Technology ME352 Machining Science EC352 Digital Communication s MM352 Computational Materials Engineering CH352 Chemical Process Optimization CS352 Cryptography BT352 Animal and Plant Biotechnology MAI 361 Analytical Solid Geometry ME353 Mechatronics EC353 Data Networks MM353 Materials Characterization CH353 Petroleum Refining Processes CS353 Machine Learning BT353 Biostatistics EE 354 Power system protection ME354 Operations Planning and Control EC354 Embedded and Real Time Operating Systems MM354 Ceramics and Composites Technology Elective (NPTEL, No Exam) CS354 Advanced Algorithms BT354 Analytical Biotechnology PHI363:Basic Photovoltaic Devices and Applications/ PHI364:Fundamentals of Nanomaterials and Applications CYI361: Basic Organometallic Chemistry/ CYI364:Instrumental Analysis for Industrial Applications EC 382 Analog & Digital Communi cation systems Open Elective-I Minor Course ME361 Finite Element Methods / ME364 Automobile Engineering Open Elective-I EC365 RFIC Design Dept. /EC367 Advanced Digital Signal Processing Open Elective-I MM366 Machine Learning for Materials Engineering CH367 Analytical Techniques for Chemical Engineers BT355 Systems Biology Open Elective-I Open Elective-I Minor Course Minor Course Minor Course CS362 Distributed Computing/CS 378-HighPerformance Computing Open Elective-I Minor Course EE 351 Smart Grid Technolog ies EE 352 Power System Operation & Control EE 353 Electric Drives Minor Course CS365Software Testing/ CS374-Cloud Computing Open Elective-I Minor Course BT363 Advanced Bioinformatics Integrated MSc MAI351 Real Analysis NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY WARANGAL MID SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS, FEBRUARY/MARCH – 2024 B.Tech IV-Year II-Semester TIME: 10.00 AM to 12.00 NOON DATE 26.02.2024 CIVIL SM421: Engineering Economics & Project Appraisal 27.02.2024 CE474: NonMotorized Transport EEE EE 462 High Voltage Engineering EE 463 Advanced Electrical Drive Systems 28.02.2024 CE473-Highway Construction and Maintenance 29.02.2024 01.03.2024 02.03.2024 CE469-Applications of Geosynthetics/ CE463--Solid Waste Management EE 465 Real Time Control of Power Systems EE 466 Advanced Power Conversion Systems MECH ME 467 Alternate Fuels (AF) ME472 Power Plant Engineering (PPE) ME 483 Project Management (PM) ECE MME CHEM CSE BIO-TECH SM453 Industrial and Systems Management SM452 Industrial Methods and Management SM402 Industrial Engineering& management CS451 Mobile Computing BT451 Biosafety Bioethics & IPR EC 451 Microwave & Light wave Technologies MM451 Ceramics and Composites Technology CH 5151 Advanced Mass Transfer CS452 Design of Secure Protocols BT471 Food Biotechnology / BT473 Enzyme Technology EC4521 Computer Vision/ EC4523: Wireless Networks MM461 Surface Engineering CH5153 Computational Fluid Dynamics/ CH5153:Computational Fluid Dynamics/ CH5169:Energy Audit and Conservation ME486 Advanced Material Processing (AMP) EC4542:Cloud Computing CH 5352 Battery Technologies CS461 Computational Neuroscience/CS462 Natural Language Processing/ CS465 Social Media Analytics BT491 Entrepreneurship in Biotechnology / BT493 Biophysics NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY WARANGAL MID SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS, FEBRUARY/MARCH – 2024 M.TECH I YEAR II-SEMESTER TIME: 10.00 AM to 12.00 NOON Department : CIVIL ENGINEERING GEOTECHNICA L ENGINEERI NG CE5451 Rock Mechanics. REMOTE SENSING & GIS ENGINEERING STRUCTURES CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING ENVIRONMENTA L ENGINEERING WASTE MANAGEMENT 26.02.20 24 CE 5251 Structural Stability CE5151 Contract Management & Arbitration CE5351 Air Pollution and Control CE5851 Waste Processing Technology CE5651 Land Use and Transport Planning 27.02.20 24 CE 5252 Finite Element Analysis of Structures CE5152 Quantitative Methods in Construction Management CE5751 Water Resources Systems Planning and Management CE5752 Groundwater Modelling CE5352 Wastewater Treatment Systems CE5652 Geometric Design of Transportation facilities CE5452 Advanced Foundation Engineering CE 5253 Seismic Analysis and Design of Structures CE5153 Construction Methods & Equipment CE5761 Free Surface Flow CE5363 Environmental Systems Engineering CE5853 Regulatory and Legal Framework for Waste Management CE5852 Hazards Waste Management CE5653 Pavement Analysis and Design CE5453 Soil Dynamics & Machine Foundations CE5553 Global Navigation Satellite Systems CE5270 Analysis & Design of Bridges SM5061 Strategic Management in Construction CE5763 Climate and Climate Change Modelling CE5898 Marketing Management for Waste CE5654 Road Safety Engineering CE 5263 Repair & Rehabilitation of Structures CE5263 Repair & Rehabilitation of Structures CE5764 Advanced Hydrologic Modelling CE5353 Environmental Impact Assessment and Management BT5152 Advanced Modelling, Simulation and optimization of Bioprocesses CE 5466 Tunnelling Technology CE5768 Applications of Remote Sensing GIS in Water Resources Environmental Engineering CE5664 Intelligent Transportation Systems/ CE5668 Railway Infrastructure Planning and Design CE5666 Pavement Evaluation and Rehabilitation/ CE5671 Transport Economics and Project Appraisal CE5562 Thermal, Microwave and Hyperspectral Remote Sensing CE5563 Web and Mobile GIS CE 5262 Vulnerability and Risk Analysis BT5152 Advanced Modelling, Simulation and optimization of Bioprocesses BT5174 Applied Environmental Microbiology CE5461 Earth Retaining Structures CE5467 Earthquake Geotechnics CE5466 Tunnelling Technology CE5564 Atmospheric Remote Sensing DATE 28.02.20 24 29.02.20 24 01.03.20 24 02.03.20 24 BT5174 Applied Environmental Microbiology TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING CE5551 Geospatial data Processing and Modelling CE5552 Satellite Image Processing NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY WARANGAL MID SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS, FEBRUARY/MARCH – 2024 M.TECH I YEAR II-SEMESTER TIME: 10.00 AM to 12.00 NOON Department : ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING DATE POWER ELECTRONICS & DRIVES POWER SYSTEMS ENGINEERING EE5151 Advanced Power Electronics EE5251 Digital Protection of Power Systems EE5351 Smart Grid Protection 26.02.2024 27.02.2024 EE5153 Digital Control System EE5252 Real-Time Control of Power Systems EE5352 Wide Area Monitoring and Control 28.02.2024 EE5152 Advanced Electric Drives EE5253 Power System Stability and Control EE5166 Power Converters and Control Techniques for Microgrids EE5264 Evolutionary Algorithms Applications in Power Engineering/ EE5166 Power Converters and Control Techniques for Micro-grids EE5264 Evolutionary Algorithms Application in Power Engineering EE5161 Applications of Power Converters/ EE5265 Flexible AC Transmission Systems EE5265 Flexible AC Transmission Systems EE5366 Transactive Energy Markets EE5163 High Power Inverters EE5163 High Power Inverters EE5353 Smart Grid Communications and Protocols 29.02.2024 SMART ELECTRIC GRID EE5153 Digital Control Systems 01.03.2024 02.03.2024 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY WARANGAL MID SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS, FEBRUARY/MARCH – 2024 M.TECH I YEAR II-SEMESTER TIME: 10.00 AM to 12.00 NOON Department : MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DATE 26.02. 2024 27.02. 2024 28.02. 2024 29.02. 2024 AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING THERMAL ENGINEERING ME5551 Automotive Electronics ME5151 Gas Turbines and Jet Propulsion ME5552 Vehicle Dynamics ME5152 Design and Optimization of Thermal Systems ME5664 Automotive Safety and Maintenance (ASM) ME5167 Turbulent Flows (TF) ME5562 Vehicle Testing and Instrumentation (VTI) ME5161 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) MACHINE DESIGN MATERIALS & SYSTEM ENGG DESIGN COMPUTER INTEGRATED MANUFACTURING MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING ME 5451 Product Design & Development ME5651 Materials & Process Selection for Design ME5351 System Approach to CIM ME5251 Advanced Manufacturing Technology ME5652 System Engineering Design ME5352 Factory Automation ME5252 Precision Engineering ME 5452 Finite Element Analysis for Design ME5371 AI and ML for Mechanical Systems (AI&ML) ME5468 Robotics (ROB) ME5371 AI and ML for Mechanical Systems (AI&ML) ME5368: Industry 4.0 and IIOT (I4IIOT) ME5371: AI and ML for Mechanical Systems (AI&ML)/ ME5362 Modelling and Simulation of Manufacturing Systems (MSMS) ME5368 Industry 4.0 and IIOT (I4IIOT) 01.03. 2024 ME5166 Design of Heat Transfer Equipment (DHTE) / ME5564 Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV) ME5166 Design of Heat Transfer Equipment (DHTE) ME 5463: Rotor Dynamics (RD) / Advanced Composite Technologies (ACT) ME 5262: Product Design for Manufacturing Assembly (PDMA) ME 5262 Product Design for Manufacturing Assembly (PDMA) 02.03. 2024 ME5561 Fuel Cell Technology (FCT)ME5466 Tribology in Design (TID) ME 5162 Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics (ACFD) ME5469 Optimization Methods for Engineering Design (OMED) / Tribology in Design (TD) ME 5361 Supply Chain Management (SCM) ME 5361 Supply Chain Management (SCM) ME5368: Industry 4.0 and IIOT (I4IIOT)/ ME5468 Robotics (ROB) ME5262 Product Design for Manufacturing Assembly (PDMA) ME5361 Supply Chain Management (SCM)/ ME5466 Tribology in Design (TID)/ ME5162 Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics (ACFD) ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING ME5752 Rapid Tooling & Industrial Applications ME5751 Materials, Energy Sources & Bonding Mechanisms ME5371 AI and ML for Mechanical Systems (AI&ML) ME5762 Powders for Additive Manufacturing (PAM) ME 5262 Product Design for Manufacturing Assembly (PDMA) ME 5761 Additive Manufacturing in Medical Applications (AMMA) NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY WARANGAL MID SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS, FEBRUARY/MARCH – 2024 M.TECH I YEAR II-SEMESTER TIME: 10.00 AM to 12.00 NOON Department : ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING DATE 26.02.2024 27.02.2024 28.02.2024 ELECTRONICS INSTRUMENTATION & EMBEDDED SYSTEMS EC5151 Intelligent Instrumentation EC5153 Hardware/Software Co-Design EC5152 Industrial Automation & Control 29.02.2024 EC 5163 Embedded Real Time Operating System VLSI SYSTEM DESIGN ADVANCED COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS EC5251 Physical Design & Automation EC5351 Advanced Wireless Communication EC5252 Mixed Signal Design EC5352 Mobile Networks EC5253 Low Power VLSI Design EC5353: Advanced Communication Networks EC5263: ASIC System Design EC 5163 Embedded Real Time Operating System 01.03.2024 EC5168: VLSI DSP Architectures EC5268: Advanced VLSI Interconnects 02.03.2024 EC5171: Advanced Computer architecture EC5271:Modern Computer Architecture EC5364:5G communications/ EC5166: Machine Learning for Speech and Image Processing EC5367:Advanced DSP/ EC5369:Machine learning for Next Generation Communication Networks NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY WARANGAL MID SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS, FEBRUARY/MARCH – 2024 M.TECH I YEAR II-SEMESTER TIME: 10.00 AM to 12.00 NOON Department : METALLURGY & MATERIALS ENGINEERING DATE MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY 26.02.2024 MM5251: Materials Characterization Techniques 27.02.2024 MM5252 Mechanical Behaviour of Materials 28.02.2024 MM5153 Additive Manufacturing 29.02.2024 MM5263 Electronic and Magnetic Materials 01.03.2024 MM5261 Biomaterials 02.03.2024 MM5266 High Temperature Materials NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY WARANGAL MID SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS, FEBRUARY/MARCH – 2024 M.TECH I YEAR II-SEMESTER TIME: 10.00 AM to 12.00 NOON Department :CHEMICAL ENGINEERING DATE CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SYSTEMS AND CONTROL ENGINEERING SUSTAINABLE ENERGY GENERATION AND STORAGE TECHNOLOGIES CH5251: Intelligent Control CH 5152: Steady State Process Simulation CH 5151: Advanced Mass Transfer EE5153: Digital Control Systems ME 5176: Thermal Energy Storage CH 5153:Computational Fluid Dynamics EC5152:Industrial Automation & Control CH 5153:Computational Fluid Dynamics & CH5169: Energy Audit and Conservation 26.02.2024 CH 5152: Steady State Process Simulation 27.02.2024 28.02.2024 29.02.2024 CH5252: Data Analytics CH 5351: Energy Management and Life Cycle Assessment CH5267: Data-driven control CH 5352: Battery Technologies Elective (NPTEL, No Exam) CH5362: Energy, Water, and Food Nexus CH5252: Data Analytics 01.03.2024 CH 5352: Battery Technologies 02.03.2024 CH5362: Energy, Water, and Food Nexus NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY WARANGAL MID SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS, FEBRUARY/MARCH – 2024 M.TECH I YEAR II-SEMESTER TIME: 10.00 AM to 12.00 NOON Department : METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING Department : BIOTECHNOLOGY DATE BIOTECHNOLOGY 26.02.2024 BT5151 Advanced Bioseparation Technology 27.02.2024 BT5152 Advanced Modelling, Simulation and optimization of Bioprocesses 28.02.2024 BT5153 Advanced Recombinant DNA Technology 29.02.2024 BT5154 Biocomputing and Computational Biology 01.03.2024 BT5166 Drug and Vaccine Informatics 02.03.2024 BT5170 Medical Biotechnology / BT5174 Applied Environmental Microbiology NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY WARANGAL MID SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS, FEBRUARY/MARCH – 2024 M.TECH I YEAR II-SEMESTER TIME: 10.00 AM to 12.00 NOON Department : COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING DATE 26.02.2024 COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING CS5151 Advanced Computer Networks 27.02.2024 28.02.2024 COMPUTER SCIENCE & INFORMATION SECURITY CS5251 Network Security CS5152 Deep Learning CS5152 Deep Learning CS5170 CS5252 Data Privacy Internet of Things 29.02.2024 01.03.2024 02.03.2024 CS5173 High Performance Computing CS180 Natural Language Processing CS5183 Advanced Data Mining CS5261 Foundations of BlockChain Technology CS5270 Algorithm Coding Theory CS5283 Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY WARANGAL MID SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS, FEBRUARY/MARCH – 2024 M.Sc. / M.Sc. (Tech) / M.C.A. I YEAR II-Semester TIME: 10.00 AM to 12.00 NOON DATE 26.02.2024 MATHEMATICS MATHEMATICS & APPLIED SCIENTIFIC MATHEMATICS COMPUTING MA4151 Probability and Statistics MA4151 Probability and Statistics 27.02.2024 MA4153 Complex Analysis MA4153 Complex Analysis PHYSICS ENGINEERING PHYSICS CHEMISTRY ORGANIC CHEMISTRY ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY C. S. E. M.C.A. CS4352 Data Structures PH4151:Electromagnetic Theory CY4151 Applications of Organic Spectroscopy PH4152 Atomic And Molecular Physics CY4152 Symmetry, Group Theory and Solid State Chemistry PH4153 Solid State Physics CY4153:Photochemistry and Pericyclic Reactions CS4353 Web Technology PH4154 Electronic Devices and Circuits CY4154 Chemical Kinetics and Quantum Chemistry CS4354 Object Oriented Programming SM4381 Management Theory & Practice 28.02.2024 MA4152:Partial Differential Equations MA4152: Partial Differential Equations 29.02.2024 MA4154 Topology MA4252 Objective Oriented Programming with C++ 01.03.2024 MA4251 Optimization Techniques 02.03.2024 CY4161 Organic Reagents and Name Reactions CY4162 Organometallic Chemistry SM4351 Database Systems NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY WARANGAL MID SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS, FEBRUARY/MARCH – 2024 M.Sc. / M.Sc.(Tech) / M.C.A. II YEAR II-Semester TIME: 10.00 AM to 12.30 NOON DATE MATHEMATICS APPLIED MATHEMATICS MATHEMATICS & SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING PHYSICS CHEMISTRY ENGINEERING PHYSICS ORGANIC CHEMISTRY ELECTRONICS PHOTONICS PH5251: Structured Digital System Design PH5351: Optical System Design PH5252: Microprocessors and Interfacing PH5352:Optical Instruments 28.02.2024 PH5253:Communication Systems PH5353:Fourier Optics and Holography 29.02.2024 PH5261:High speed data converters 26.02.2024 ELECTIVE – IV (NPTEL, No Exam) ELECTIVE – IV (NPTEL, No Exam) 27.02.2024 ELECTIVE – V (NPTEL, No Exam) 01.03.2024 02.03.2024 02.03.2024 (AN) ELECTIVE – V (NPTEL, No Exam) C. S. E. PH5267:Operating Systems and Computer Organization PH5263:Lasers and applications PH5363:Matlab for Photonics/ PH5268: Non-Linear Optics & Devices CY 5163 Carbohydrate Chemistry / CY 5161Drug Development and Delivery Systems CY 5171Advanced Topics in Optical and Resonance Techniques / CY 5174 Emerging topics in Organic Synthesis ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY M.C.A. CY 5262 Surface analytical techniques / CY 5263 Advanced Electroanalytical methods CS 5351 Mobile Applications Development CY 5171Advanced Topics in Optical and Resonance Techniques / CY 5174 Emerging topics in Organic Synthesis CS 5352 Software Testing CS 5353 Algorithm Analysis and Design CS 5354 Principles of Data Warehousing and Data Mining CS 5355 Python Programming CS 5361 Cloud Computing CS 5369 Software Architecture NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY WARANGAL End SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS, FEBRUARY/MARCH – 2024 MBA I Year Quarter III TIME: 10.00 AM to 12.30 PM Date Subject 26.02.2024 SM5151 Business Research Methodology 27.02.2024 28.02.2024 29.02.2024 01.03.2024 02.03.2024 SM5152 Financial Management –I SM5153 Strategic Design of Operations SM5154 Marketing Management – II SM5155 Human Resource Management SM5156 Corporate Governance & Society NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY WARANGAL End SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS, FEBRUARY/MARCH – 2024 MBA II Year Quarter VII: 10.00 AM to 12.30 PM Subject Date 10.00 AM to 12.30 PM 3.00 -5.30 PM SM6151 Technology Management 26.02.2024 27.02.2024 SM6152 Total Quality Management 28.02.2024 SM6061 Conflict Management 29.02.2024 SM6161 Risk Management 01.03.2024 SM6263 Global HRM& Cross-Cultural Management 02.03.2024 SM6461 Marketing Metrics and Analytics SM6264: Digital HRM 04.03.2024 SM6464 Product Management SM6162 Modern Banking Management SM6562 Business Process Re-Engineering NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY WARANGAL MID SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS, MARCH – 2024 BSc.BEd: 10.00 AM to 12.00 PM Date 18.03.2024 19.03.2024 20.03.2024 Subject HSB181: Communicative English BED151: Understanding India (Indian Ethos and Knowledge Systems) BED152: Teacher and Society 21.03.2024 MAB151: Ordinary Differential Equations (Math Major and minor) PHB151: Heat and Thermodynamics (Phy Sci Major) 22.03.2024 MAB152: Analytic Solid Geometry (Math Major)/ CYB151:General Chemistry – I (Phy Sci Major) 24.03.2024 MAB153: Computer Programming with C (Minor)