Client’s name: Samuel Jessica Ugochi Peace Product Type: Canada EEP/PNP Age: 36 Created: 30th October,2023 Projected CRS score: 297 (PA’s Two or more degrees, Spouse BSC, Family member point and their actual IELTS) Projected CRS score: 304 (PA’s MSC, Spouse BSC, Family member point and their actual IELTS) Projected CRS score: 455 (PA’s Two or more degrees, Spouse BSC, Family member point and their Projected IELTS) Projected CRS score: 462 (PA’s MSC, Spouse BSC, Family member point and their Projected IELTS) Recommended Pathways: Option A: EEP: Option B: PNP (OINP) Option C: PNP (AINP) Recommended NOC: Option A: NOC 70020 - Manager in Transportation Option B: NOC 20012 – Computer and information systems managers Option C: NOC 20012 – Computer and information systems managers Required minimum IELTS Scores Listening Speaking Reading Writing PA’s Projected IELTS 8.5 7.5 8.0 7.5 Spouse’s Projected IELTS 8.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 PA’s Actual IELTS 7.0 7.5 4.5 6.5 Spouse Actual IELTS 6.0 7.5 5.0 7.0 Additional recommendations, please tick as appropriate: YES TEF Master Degree NO NO YES PGD N0 Other Certifications NO NOTES: The PA has Diploma,HND & BSC, Spouse has BSC which has not been evaluated and they have both written IELTS. To proceed with this application the PA & Spouse are required to evaluate their degrees and retake their IELTS and max out with the recommended score. The PA is required to present M.BA (Business Administration 2016), this is recommended in order to boost her point for the application. Client work experience falls under 63211 - Estheticians, electrologists and related occupations which is not in demand for Express Entry and that is why the recommendation below are given. For EEP: The NOC recommended for this is NOC 70020 which is a Transportation NOC, for this you are required to present a registered company such as (Transport company, Logistics company, Shipping company ) with active website and online presence that would stand in as your employer and also issue reference letter. Also, this NOC is a Managerial NOC and you are required to show progression from a Junior role to Senior role.The Junior role NOC is NOC 13201. The work experience can be arrange as ( Junior Role 2017 to 2018 and Senior role 2019 till date). Also, the MBA recommended for you will qualify you for this NOC. For OINP: The NOC recommended for this is NOC 20012 which is a Managerial NOC, you are required to show progression for this NOC, from a Junior role to Senior role, the recommended Junior role NOC is NOC 21221. You will need to present a company that is registered with active website and online presence to stand in as your employer and issue reference letter . The Junior role work experience should be 2017 to 2018 and the Senior role work experience should be 2019 till date. Samuel Jessica Ugochi Peace - Means Milestone PASSPORT REQUEST(PPR) End of September PRE_ITA ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS End of November • • • • IELTS done Credential evaluation done TEF, if needed, completed Agreed on NOC selection. December ITA AND DOCUMENTATION BIOMETRIC REQUEST End of March End of February • All documents and client information for POST-ITA reviewed. • POST-ITA profile completed and ready for submission • ITA profile submitted. • Profile created • Profile reviewed by Client and Team • Profile submitted in the pool. CONFIRMATION OF PERMANENT RESIDENCY (COPR) October 2024 • Passport document stamped and returned • Application closed. • Biometrics Request received • Biometrics Process Completed. • PPR Request received • Required documents filled and arranged by the clients • All documents packaged and sent through the VFS. NOTE: Kindly note that if you opt for any PNP option, there is an additional timeline of 3-6 months between pre-ITA and ITA depending on the province seletced The projection above is on the assumption that all things are equal. Birdview Travels maybe unable to control Third-party events (like Evaluation of education credentials, Language Test, processing time for provinces and embassy).