DAILY LESSON LOG School Teacher Teaching Dates & Time Tondo High School M. A. PECAJAS August 29, 2019 (12:45PM-6:50PM) Grade Level Learning Area Quarter Grade 8 Science 2nd DAY: ________50________ I. OBJECTIVES A. Content Standards B. Performance Standards C. Learning Competencies/Objectives II. CONTENT III. LEARNING RESOURCES A. References 1. Teacher’s Guide pages 2. Learner’s Material pages 3. Textbook pages 4. Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR) portal A. Other Learning Resources IV. PROCEDURES A. ELICIT The learners demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between faults and earthquakes. The learners shall be able to participate in decision making on where to build structures based on knowledge of the location of active faults in the community and make an emergency plan and prepare an emergency kit for use at home and in school. Learners will be able to: 1. differentiate between focus and epicenter (S8ES-IIa15 .2.1); 2. demonstrate how movement along faults affects the surroundings. UNIT TOPIC: EARTHQUAKES AND FAULTS TOPIC: Focus and Epicenter pp. 77 – 80 pp. 125 – 127 • Alumaga, Marie Jessica B., et. al. Science and Technology 8. Vibal Publishing House, Inc. 2014 p. 95. • Madriaga, Estrellita A., et.al. Science Links 8. Rex Publishing House, Inc. 2015 p. 165-167. • Pavico, Josefina Ma. F., et.al. Exploring Life Through Science 8. Phoenix Publishing House, Inc. 2016 p. 127-128. http://www.kids-fun-science.com/earthquake-focus.html G8 Laboratory Manual and Exercises Materials Strategy: CRYPTOGRAM PowerPoint Presentation B. ENGAGE Strategy: VIDEO PRESENTATION The teacher shows a video presentation of a news about an earthquake happened in Luzon last April 22, 2019 (Batangas YouTube video 6.1 magnitude earthquake) C. EXPLORE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81dQRQQSUdY Strategy: ACTIVITY/EXPERIMENT The students are to accomplish Activity 4 (Where does an earthquake start?) on their Learner’s Module, page 125-127. D. EXPLAIN E. ELABORATE F. EVALUATE G. EXTEND V. Science 8 Learner’s Module Strategy: DISCUSSION The teacher facilitates the discussion of the answers of the students on the guide questions. Science 8 Learner’s Module Strategy: WHERE’S THE PAIN? The concept of focus and epicenter of an earthquake can be related to some types of pain that we feel. Example, heaviness in the chest area may be a sign of myocardial infarction or heart attack (referred pain). PowerPoint Presentation Strategy: FILL IN THE BLANKS TEST The students are to answer a 5-item fill in the blanks test. Strategy: ASSIGNMENT Research at least 10 historic (for its violence and destruction) earthquakes that occurred in the Philippines from 17th to 21st century. Notebook and pen Notebook and pen, internet REFLECTION The students enjoyed the activity since they already have a clearer understanding of where an earthquake originates through the fault model.