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Electronic Document Management System for LAN Organizations

Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Vol. 31, No. 2, August 2023, pp. 1154~1163
ISSN: 2502-4752, DOI: 10.11591/ijeecs.v31.i2.pp1154-1163
Electronic document management system for local area
network-based organizations
Marlon V. Gamido, Heidilyn V. Gamido, Daryl James P. Macaspac
College of Computer Studies, Tarlac State University, Tarlac, Philippines
Article Info
Article history:
The paper discusses the design and development of an electronic document
management system (EDMS) that prepares documents for sharing and
information dissemination. EDMS has to do with capturing, storing, indexing,
retrieval, and disposal of documents. The electronic document management
system process starts by converting paper document into digital record to
efficiently store and organize document in standardized file structure and
format, promoting a paper waste reduction in reproducing the document. The
EDMS provided an easier way of sharing information with different
stakeholders and securing documents according to standardized compliance
rules. The developed system has also improved the accessing of vital
documents by users since there is real-time information distribution of
information and easy searching and retrieving of needed documents.
Received Aug 31, 2022
Revised Mar 28, 2023
Accepted Apr 2, 2023
Document management
Document retrieval
This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.
Corresponding Author:
Marlon V. Gamido
College of Computer Studies, Tarlac State University
Tarlac, Philippines
Email: mvgamido@tsu.edu.ph
An organization needs rapid and accurate dissemination of information to its stakeholders. In this era
of digital society, files are usually generated using computers, and copies are reproduced for information
sharing. The reproduction of bulk documents may add up to the operational cost of an organization [1].
An electronic document management system (EDMS) offers a solution to this challenge by enabling the
preparation, upload, and sharing of documents with different users [2], [3]. The use of EDMS in various sectors,
including universities [4], government [5], municipal units [6], and organizations, has been shown to reduce
operational costs, increase work efficiency, and promote collaboration among stakeholders. With the use of
EDMS, documents can be easily accessed, searched, and retrieved in real-time, and multiple users can work
on the same document simultaneously, facilitating communication and connections between different
documents [7], [8]. The implementation of EDMS in an organization has the potential to revolutionize the way
information is managed and shared [9].
The implementation of electronic document management system in government has brought
operational efficiencies in administration. EDMS provides access to real-time information through its
document storage, retrieval, workflow facilities, auditing, searching and publishing features [10]. Additionally,
the use of EDMS has resulted in cost savings for organizations as it reduces the spending on paper documents
and overhead staff time for producing and distributing information. This shift towards digital document
management has brought a change in the corporate culture and resulted in increased income for organizations
[11], [12].
The effective management of documents is essential in any organization, as they are crucial for various
purposes such as record-keeping, communication, and decision-making [13], [14]. Despite the availability of
Journal homepage: http://ijeecs.iaescore.com
Indonesian J Elec Eng & Comp Sci
ISSN: 2502-4752
electronic document management systems, they often lack integration and fail to meet the demands of
organizations. In response, a new office system has been designed and developed to provide practical and
efficient man-machine interfaces, integrated facilities, effective database management techniques, and support
for various types of data [15]. The system offers robust and reliable services for document creation, editing,
deletion, and searching, enabling users to access and manage their documents with ease [16].
Moreover, the implementation of electronic document management systems in educational
institutions has proved to be beneficial, especially for students and faculty members. This system facilitates
communication between students and the school regarding their theses, leading to more efficient and effective
use of time. By saving time and streamlining processes, students and faculty members can focus on other
productive tasks, resulting in an overall increase in productivity [17].
An efficient document management system is crucial for the smooth functioning of an organization.
The research focuses on the design and development of an electronic document management system that
streamlines the process of document preparation, sharing, dissemination and archiving. EDMS involves
capturing, storing, indexing, and retrieval of documents, resulting in improved access and retrieval of
information by the users. The EDMS converts paper documents into digital records and stores them in a
standardized file structure and format, promoting paper waste reduction and efficient document organization.
The system also facilitates the secure sharing of information with stakeholders, ensuring compliance with
established rules and regulations. By providing real-time access to information, the EDMS saves time and
increases the efficiency of the users, contributing to the overall productivity of the organization.
The design and development of an electronic document management system was carried out using the
rapid application development (RAD) methodology, as depicted in Figure 1. The RAD methodology consists
of four phases, including requirements planning, system design, construction, and cutover, which were all
executed in an agile and iterative manner [18], [19]. By involving the end-users in the development process
from the planning stage, their requirements and feedback could be effectively integrated into the system. This
helped in creating a system that met their needs and increased the speed of development [20], [21]. The RAD
methodology allowed for a more user-centered approach and ensured that the system was developed efficiently
and effectively.
Figure 1. Rapid application development model
2.1. Analysis and quick design
The process of the electronic document management system is shown in Figure 2. It starts with the
receipt of an internal document that requires distribution to all employees or offices. The document is stamped
and recorded by the records office and then scanned to create a digital file. The EDMS records important details
such as the date, reference number, file number, confidentiality level, author, and disposal date. This
information is then saved, and the digital file is uploaded to the system for distribution to authorized users. By
using the EDMS, the document can be easily viewed and downloaded by the relevant users, streamlining the
process of information dissemination.
2.2. Testing and implementation
The electronic document management system was thoroughly tested for its functionality, user
interface, and performance. The tests were conducted in a simulated environment and provided valuable
insights into the strengths and weaknesses of the system. The results of the tests showed that the system met
the requirements and expectations of the stakeholders, providing a fast, efficient, and secure way to manage
Electronic document management system for local area network-based organizations (Marlon V. Gamido)
ISSN: 2502-4752
and disseminate documents within the organization. After the successful testing phase, the EDMS was
implemented in a university and has been used as the standard tool for managing documents in the institution.
The system has been well received by the employees and has resulted in improved work efficiency and reduced
operating costs for document management and dissemination.
Figure 2. Process of the electronic document management system
The system was developed using visual studio 2015 and the ASP.Net C# programming language,
along with SQL server 2016 as the database. Figure 3 illustrates that the system operates in a local area network
(LAN) environment, with the EDMS application installed on employees' workstations to receive and view
distributed documents, while the application software is stored on a central file server for easy updates. The
database server functions as the central repository for all digitally converted documents, securely storing
important records, and making them easily accessible for authorized users. The implementation of the EDMS
significantly improves the efficiency of document management and dissemination processes, leading to
increased productivity and reduced operating costs.
2.3. Evaluation
The effectiveness of the developed EDMS was evaluated through a user acceptance testing (UAT).
The evaluation was performed to ensure that the system met the requirements and expectations of the endusers. The assessment was carried out using the International Standard Organization 9,126 software evaluation
questionnaire, which is a widely recognized standard for measuring software quality in terms of functionality,
efficiency, reliability, and usability [22], [23]. The end-users were asked to rate the system using a likert scale,
as shown in Table 1. Pilot testing and trial runs were also conducted to provide hands-on experience for the
respondents and further assess the system's performance.
Indonesian J Elec Eng & Comp Sci, Vol. 31, No. 2, August 2023: 1154-1163
Indonesian J Elec Eng & Comp Sci
ISSN: 2502-4752
Figure 3. Network set-up for EDMS
Table 1. Likert scale
Mean Value
Verbal interpretation
Very satisfactory
3.1. Use-case diagram of the electronic document management system
The use-case diagram of the electronic document management system is shown in Figure 4.
It illustrates the main functionalities and actors in the system, including the document viewer, document
distribution, and document storage. The document viewer allows users to view, bookmark, search, and filter
documents, providing quick access to the information they need. The document distribution module allows the
system administrator to manage the distribution of documents to employees and offices, including creating,
updating, deleting, and disposing of document records. The document storage module provides a secure
location to store and save the scanned files received from the records office, serving as the central repository
of documents in the system. This use-case diagram provides a comprehensive overview of the EDMS, making
it easier for users to understand the system's functionality and how it can benefit them.
3.2. Document distribution
The document distribution module in the electronic document management system is used by the
administrator to prepare documents for distribution to recipients. Figure 5 illustrates the process: when a new
document is received, the administrator creates a record with information such as the date of release, reference
and file numbers, confidentiality level, author, and subject. The record is tagged with an identifier to allow
easy identification of the document. The document is also assigned a disposal time based on records
management policies. Only the users within the specific office tagged in the document during distribution can
view the document in the document list.
Electronic document management system for local area network-based organizations (Marlon V. Gamido)
ISSN: 2502-4752
Figure 4. Use-case diagram of the EDMS
Figure 5. Document distribution
Indonesian J Elec Eng & Comp Sci, Vol. 31, No. 2, August 2023: 1154-1163
Indonesian J Elec Eng & Comp Sci
ISSN: 2502-4752
Figure 6 displays the list of employees who have accessed the document. In a local area network
(LAN)-based organization with a well-established domain, the viewer information includes crucial details such
as the employee ID, employee name, date and time of last view, workstation name, MAC address, and IP
address. This feature is critical in ensuring the proper dissemination and receipt of the document, as it provides
proof of who has accessed the document and when.
The information captured in the viewer list provides a clear and comprehensive track of who has
accessed the document and when. This ensures the security and confidentiality of the document as it is only
available to authorized personnel. Additionally, the information about the workstation and network details,
such as the MAC address and IP address, further validates the authenticity of the document's distribution and
access. By having this feature, the system helps in maintaining the integrity of the document and its distribution
process within the organization.
Figure 6. Viewers of documents
3.3. Documents for disposal
The EDMS is designed to efficiently identify and filter documents that have reached their designated
disposal date. The retention period, which is determined by established policies and regulations, is recorded
when the document is stored in the EDMS. Algorithm 1, as shown is used to filter the database for documents
that are ready for disposal. The database query is used to filter documents for disposal. The query retrieves the
document ID, date, active until date, reference, and subject of the documents. The filter criteria is that the active
until date must not be null, must be less than the current date, and the is rau for storage only and is deleted
fields must be set to 0.
Algorithm 1. Database query for filter documents for disposal
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetDocumentsForDisposal_Distributed_RPT]
SELECT [DocumentID]
,CAST(isNull(null,0) as bit)[✓
,CONVERT(VARCHAR(12),ActiveUntil,101)[Active Until]
--,dbo.fn_dms_Department(NameOfOfficeID)[Name of Office]
--,dbo.fn_dms_Department(DocPhysicalLocationID)[Doc's Physical Location]
FROM [Documents]
ActiveUntil < GETDATE()
AND isRauForStorageOnly = 0
AND isDeleted = 0
The EDMS can filter stored documents that are due for disposal based on their lapsed retention period
as per existing policies and laws. This retention period is identified and recorded during the storage of the
electronic document. The disposal process is initiated by executing a filter query which generates a list of
documents due for disposal, displayed in Figure 7. The system administrator can then select the desired
documents or select all to be permanently deleted from the database. There is also an option to print a list of
the selected documents for recording purposes.
Electronic document management system for local area network-based organizations (Marlon V. Gamido)
ISSN: 2502-4752
Figure 7. Documents for disposal
3.4. Distributed document viewer
The distributed document viewer module in the EDMS, as shown in Figure 8, provides a list of all
uploaded documents for viewing by recipients. Access to the documents depends on both the user's
confidentiality clearance and the distribution of the records office. Only users with a higher confidentiality
clearance can view documents marked with high confidentiality levels. Only users assigned to the specific
office that was tagged in the distribution of the records office can view the document in the list. To view a
document, the user can double-click or right-click the selected document. The distributed document viewer
also offers features such as bookmarking favorite documents, sorting documents in ascending or descending
order, searching, and filtering documents.
Figure 8. Distributed document viewer
3.5. Indexing, searching and filtering
The indexing of reference, author, and subject fields enables more efficient searching and retrieval of
documents within the electronic document management system. By using these fields as parameters, the system
can provide improved smart search functionality and keyword extraction capabilities [24]-[26]. The Algorithm 2
shows how the EDMS performs document retrieval based on the reference, author, and subject fields. The
SELECT statement retrieves the desired columns, including DocumentID, access status, reference, viewing
status, date, bookmark status, sender, recipient, subject, and viewing status in Boolean form. The DocumentID
column is filtered based on the user's department and employee ID, as well as the specified search parameters
for reference, author, and subject. Confidentiality level is also considered, with only documents accessible to
the user based on their clearance level being retrieved. Finally, the results are ordered by date and DocumentID,
with the most recent appearing first.
Indonesian J Elec Eng & Comp Sci, Vol. 31, No. 2, August 2023: 1154-1163
Indonesian J Elec Eng & Comp Sci
ISSN: 2502-4752
Algorithm 2. Database query to search and filter document
SELECT TOP (@TopColumnCount)
From [Documents] Where DocumentID in
(Select DocumentID FROM DocumentDistribution Where DepartmentID IN
(SELECT DepartmentID FROM hr_solutions.dbo.Pay_Employees WHERE EmployeeID =
SELECT DepartmentID FROM tsu_dms_dar.dbo.UserAdditionalDepartmentAccess WHERE
UserID = @empID))
[Subject] LIKE '%'+@SearchSubject+'%'
Reference LIKE '%'+@SearchReference+'%'
dbo.fn_SenderReciever2(AuthorID) LIKE '%'+@SearchAuthor+'%'
AND ConfidentialityLevelID < = dbo.fn_ConfidentialityLevel(@empID)
AND isDeleted = 0
AND isRauForStorageOnly = 0
The capability to search and filter documents is a crucial aspect of an EDMS as it speeds up document
retrieval. Figure 9 shows the searching and filtering feature of the EDMS. To search for a specific document,
users can select the search option and input any relevant keyword from the database. Figure 9(a) demonstrates
that documents can be filtered based on fields such as subject, reference, author, and date range. These fields
have been designated as indices, which allows the EDMS to efficiently search for documents. When the
filtering and search query is run, the system produces a list of relevant documents based on the parameters
entered. The output of this query is shown in Figure 9(b) as an example.
Figure 9. Search and filter feature of the system (a) fields for filtering and (b) result of the search query
3.6. Users evaluation
The developed electronic document management system was thoroughly evaluated by 20 users to
assess its ability to meet their requirements in terms of functionality, performance efficiency, usability, and
reliability. The results of the user evaluation are displayed in Table 2. The users rated the system as outstanding
across all four criteria and found it to be an efficient and effective tool for managing and distributing critical
organization-wide documents. By using the system, the users reported saving time, effort, and resources in
retrieving, searching for, and filtering records. The evaluation results indicate that the system effectively meets
the needs and expectations of its users.
Electronic document management system for local area network-based organizations (Marlon V. Gamido)
ISSN: 2502-4752
Table 2. Evaluation of users
Functional suitability
Performance efficiency
Total mean
Verbal interpretation
This study presented the design, development, and implementation of an electronic document
management system for a LAN-based organization. The system aimed to enhance office workflow by
capturing, indexing, storing, and retrieving documents electronically, ultimately reducing paper waste. The
EDMS also provided an efficient and secure way of sharing information with different stakeholders while
adhering to standardized compliance rules. Based on the successful implementation and positive evaluation
results, the EDMS can serve as a model for organizations with established local area networks looking to
implement their own document management system.
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Marlon V. Gamido
has more than 25 years of academic experience and is currently
an associate professor at Tarlac State University. He has served as vice president for
Administration and Finance (2020–2022), dean of College of Computer Studies (2014–2020),
and director of Management Information Systems (2005–2014; 2016–2019). He represented the
Philippines in the United Nations Asian and Pacific Training Center for ICT for Development
(UN APCICT/ESCAP). He is also a licensed electrical engineer and an active member of the
Tarlac ICT Council. His research interests include ICT for development, educational
technologies, IT audit, enterprise architecture, and project management. He can be contacted at
email: mvgamido@tsu.edu.ph.
Heidilyn V. Gamido
is a graduate of doctor in Information Technology at
Technological Institute of the Philippines, Quezon City under the CHED K-12 transition
program scholarship. She is an associate professor at Tarlac State University in the College of
Computer Studies and is currently the director of the Management Information Systems Office
(2014–present). She earned skills certifications such as MOS, ICDL, and Network Security
Associate. Her research interests include data security, image processing, and information
systems. She can be contacted at email: htvgamido@tsu.edu.ph.
Daryl James P. Macaspac
is a computer programmer at Tarlac State University
and currently pursuing master of Information Technology. Some of his projects include
developing an automated faculty evaluation system and dashboard for the University. He
developed the project monitoring, evaluation, and reporting system (PMERS) for extension
project information and documentation which emerged as one of the five winners in the
Government Best Practice Recognition 2021 of the Development Academy of the Philippines.
Data analytics, software development, and project management are his research interests. He can
be contacted at email: dj.macaspac0547@student.tsu.edu.ph.
Electronic document management system for local area network-based organizations (Marlon V. Gamido)