Uploaded by Alicja Rembisz

Earth Science Worksheet: Erosion, Weathering, Atmosphere

Refresh Worksheet: Earth Science
Science Wizards, please don't google these, this is a good way to see what information
needs to be brushed up on. You can work together.
1. Define erosion and provide one example of erosional features on Earth's surface.
2. Differentiate between mechanical weathering and chemical weathering. Give an example of
each type of weathering process.
3. What type of force (constructive or destructive) is a volcano? Give me an example of what is
made by a volcano's eruption.
4. How many layers are in the atmosphere and which in your opinion is the most important.
5. Identify and explain two constructive forces that shape the Earth's surface. Provide examples
of landforms created by each force.
6. Describe how water contributes to both erosional and depositional processes.
7. What are the four spheres of the Earth? (hint: vapor, water, rock, & life)
8. Differentiate (difference between them) between constructive forces and destructive forces. Give
an example of a landform created by a destructive force.
9. What does the ozone layer do? What layer of the atmosphere is it in?
10. What is one thing you are going to do during your Winter Break?