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Backup Exec 20 Data Lifecycle Management Blueprint

Veritas Backup Exec Data Lifecycle
Management Blueprint
Backup and Recovery Technical Education Services
Important Notice
Diagrams containing objects representing 3rd-party platforms and applications
This Backup Exec Blueprint presentation includes example diagrams that contain objects that
represent applications and platforms from other companies such as Microsoft and VMware. These
diagrams may or may not match or resemble actual implementations found in end user
environments. Any likeness or similarity to actual end user environments is completely by
The goal of the diagrams included in this blueprint presentation is not to recommend specific ways
in which to implement applications and platforms from other companies such as Microsoft and
VMware; the purpose of these diagrams is to illustrate Backup Exec best practices only.
For guidelines and best practices on installing and configuring applications and platforms from
other companies, please refer to best practice documentation and other resources provided by
those companies.
Copyright © 2018 Veritas Technologies
Backup Exec Blueprints
How to use
Backup Exec Blueprints are designed to illustrate key customer data protection challenges and to
demonstrate how Backup Exec solves them.
• Each Blueprint consists of:
‒ Pain Points: what challenges customers face
‒ Whiteboard: Shows how Backup Exec solves the customer challenges
‒ Recommended Configuration: Shows recommended installation
‒ Do’s: Gives detailed configurations suggested by Veritas
‒ Don'ts: What configurations & pitfalls customers should avoid
‒ Advantages: Summarizes the Backup Exec advantages
• Use these Blueprints to:
‒ Understand the customer challenges and how Backup Exec solves them
‒ Present the Backup Exec best practice solution
Copyright © 2018 Veritas Technologies
About Data Lifecycle Management
DLM-Related Storage Settings
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About Data Lifecycle Management
Copyright © 2018 Veritas Technologies
Data Lifecycle Management (DLM)
• Manages data through its life cycle:
Creation > Initial Storage > Obsolescence > Deletion
• Enforces the retention period of the backup set as defined in the backup job
“keep for” setting
• Deletes backup sets that are past the time to keep defined in the backup job
– Considers dependencies, such as Incremental on Full, to maintain the entire chain for the time to
– Simplified Disaster Recovery (bare metal restore) enabled backups have additional dependencies
– By default, does not delete the last restore source (backup set chain) for a particular resource
• Can be managed in the console by
– Expiring - Overrides the “keep the last restore source” rule, allows DLM to delete the last backup set
chain for a resource
– Retaining - Allows DLM to keep a backup set longer than the time to keep defined in the backup job
– Releasing - Removes the “hold” so that a retained backup set can be managed and deleted by DLM
6 Copyright © 2018 Veritas Technologies
Backup Storage and DLM
DLM Managed
Fixed Disk
Removable Disk
Identified by the Operating System
as fixed disk, e.g. internal hard
drive, external USB hard drive
Identified by the Operating System
as removable disk, e.g. RDX device,
USB drive
Identified by the Operating
System as tape including Virtual
Tape Library media
DLM grooming every 1 hour or on a
low disk space event
DLM grooming when a new backup
or duplicate job writes to a particular
disk cartridge
Overwritten as a whole based on
Media Set properties
Retention based on “keep for” value specified in the backup/duplicate job
definition - “Keep for” specifies the minimum expiration time for backup
sets created by the job
7 Copyright © 2018 Veritas Technologies.
Retention based on Media Set
properties: Append Period and
Overwrite Protection Period
Disk-Based Media
B2D123456.BKF Disk based backup files in MTF (Microsoft Tape Format)
For GRT-enabled backups, media appear as IMG folders
Deduplication media
A single B2D*.BKF file does not contain more than one backup set,
however, a backup set can be spanned over more than one .BKF file
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DLM Rules To Delete Backup Sets
Backup sets cannot be deleted by DLM if any one of the following is true:
• Backup sets are not expired
• Backup sets are manually retained
• Backup set has another dependent backup set for restoring a resource (is part of a
backup set chain)
• A backup set is part of the last restore source (backup set chain) for a particular resource
• A backup set chain is a group of backup sets required for point-in-time recovery of a particular
resource, that is per resource per backup definition
• A restore source chain includes the backup sets only from the same selections and the same backup
job definition
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Additional Criteria for Specialty Backups
Simplified Disaster
Recovery (SDR)
backup sets
GRT enabled
backup sets
10 Copyright © 2018 Veritas Technologies.
• Backup sets of critical resources, created as part of a
single job, must be deleted together
• The unexpired duplicate set on a different type of
storage is not considered as a copy of the recovery
chain for the GRT enabled backup, as there is a
difference in recovery technology for different storage
DLM Grooming Process
Reclaim Disk Space
Start DLM
(every 1 hour or
low disk space)
Query Catalogs for expirable backup sets
Delete expired BKF/IMG/OST files from disk storage
Remove Catalogs
Remove BEDB records
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DLM-Related Storage Settings
Option settings that affect DLM and backup set deletion
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Manually Expiring or Retaining Backup Sets
• Manually expiring a backup
set overrides the “keep the
last restore source” rule
• Allows DLM to delete the
backup set even if it is the last
restore source
• Manually retaining a backup
set overrides the “keep for”
• Allows DLM to keep the
backup set even if it is past
the “keep for” date
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Global Settings
Disk-based storage devices
• Prevents DLM from deleting
expired backup sets on diskbased storage device as
soon as you reattach it
• Only read-only operations
can run on disk-based
storage devices that are
detached from the BE server
for the specified number of
• Provides time to review
expired backup sets
• To keep expired backup sets,
retain them
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Global Settings
Disk cartridge storage devices
• Prevents DLM from deleting
expired backup sets on a
disk cartridge storage device
as soon as you insert it
• Only read-only operations
can run on disk cartridge
storage devices that have
not been inserted for the
specified number of days
• Provides time to review
expired backup sets
• To keep expired backup sets,
retain them
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Global Settings
Data Management
• Allows DLM to delete
expired backup sets, even if
they are the last remaining
backup sets that needed to
restore a resource
• Use this option to
automatically delete all
backup data after the “keep
for” time even if it is the last
restore source
• Alternatively, you can
manually expire specific
backup sets to have DLM
delete backup sets that are
no longer needed
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Storage Device
Properties: Limit to
• Prevents DLM from
running on a specific
disk-based or disk
cartridge storage device
that you reattach or
• Applies when the
storage device has been
absent for the number
of days specified in
Global Settings
• After reviewing and
retaining backup sets,
change this setting to
read only: No
to re-enable DLM
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Copyright © 2018 Veritas Technologies
How to Avoid DLM Issues
– Catalogs are not deleted
– DLM attempts to delete backup set files that no longer exist
– BEDB records still reference the backup sets
• Follow recommended procedures to move catalogs
• Avoid renaming the Backup Exec server while running Backup Exec 2014 or older
– Upgrade to Backup Exec 15 prior to renaming the Backup Exec server
• Avoid removing a MBES from a CAS environment
– Separates media from the BEDB and catalogs and prevents DLM grooming
Copyright © 2018 Veritas Technologies.
Scenario 1: Expired Backup Sets Are Not Deleted
• Issue: Expired backup sets are not deleted by DLM
• Probable causes:
– The backup set is a tape backup set - DLM will not delete the tape backup set
– The backup set is retained manually
– Dependent backup sets are retained or unexpired
– The backup set is part of the last copy of the latest recovery chain for a protected resource, the
latest recovery chain is per backup definition
– The backup set is from a one time backup job
– The backup set is a set of a critical resources created by an SDR job. The system state backup set
could be expired, retained or could have a non-expired/retained dependent backup set created by
the SDR jobs
– The device is not accessible (only for Backup Exec 15)
• If none of the above causes apply, contact Veritas Technical Support
20 Copyright © 2018 Veritas Technologies
Scenario 2: Orphan or non-referred media exists on the disk storage
• Issue: Orphan or non-referred media exists on the disk storage, but does not have
corresponding backup sets in the GUI
• Symptom: Disk space is low
• Type 1 orphan media:
– The media exists on the disk, but there are no corresponding catalog records
– Cause: Unable to delete the media from the location, but catalog is informed that data has been
• Type 2 orphan media:
– The media exists on the disk, the catalog records for this particular media also exist, but there are no
backup set records
– Causes:
• Improper procedure of changing the catalog location, for instance directly moving the catalogs folder
• Media with creation date and time being “1753-01-01 00:00:00:000”: implies that it was only inventoried but
not cataloged, this is expected behavior; so, running the catalog job should resolve this issue
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Scenario 3:Orphan catalogs and metadata
• Issue: Media no longer exists on the storage but the corresponding catalogs and
metadata still exist
• Symptoms:
– Restore failure with error “media mount failed”
– DLM tries to delete the same expired media, but keeps failing, that is evident from the audit logs
• Causes
– Media files were manually deleted through the Windows Explorer and not through the BE Console
– Storage device was deleted but the user chose to keep the catalog files (applicable to BE 15)
– Scratch OST media was inventoried
22 Copyright © 2018 Veritas Technologies
Monitoring DLM Activities
DLM activities can be monitored via Audit logs
Audit logs provide detailed information about deleted
backup sets and failed processes
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Audit Logs and DLM Activities
Information available in the audit log
– Date and Time of the event
– Media label
– Media GUID
24 Copyright © 2018 Veritas Technologies
Monitoring DLM Activities
To analyze a DLM issue, look for in-depth debugging
information in the server service debug log using the Backup
Exec Debug Monitor (SGMon)
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U.S. and other countries. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
This document is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as advertising. All warranties relating to the information in this document, either express or
implied, are disclaimed to the maximum extent allowed by law. The information in this document is subject to change without notice.