International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Engineering (ECCE), February 16-18, 2017, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh A Compact Low-profile Ultra Wideband Antenna for Biomedical Applications Foez Ahmed,1,∗ Nisab Hasan,2 and Md. Halim Miah Chowdhury3 1,2,3 Department of Information and Communication Engineering Faculty of Engineering, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi-6205, Bangladesh Email: ∗ Abstract—This paper presents a compact planar ultrawideband (UWB) microstrip antenna for microwave medical applications. The proposed antenna has a low profile structure, consisting of a modified radiating patch with stair steps and open slots, microstrip feed line, and T-like shape slots at the ground plane. The optimized antenna is capable of being operated in frequency range of 3.06–11.4 GHz band having good omnidirectional radiation pattern and high gain, which satisfies the requirements of UWB (3.1–10.6 GHz) applications. The antenna system has a compact size of 18×30×0.8mm3 . These features make the proposed UWB antenna a good candidate for microwave medical imaging applications. Index Terms—UWB Antenna, Microwave medical imaging, Monopole, Planar, Miniaturization. I. I NTRODUCTION Fig. 1. Optimized geometry of the proposed UWB Antenna (Left Side: Complete Antenna Structure, Right Side: Details of Patch and Ground Plane). Since 2002, after the declaration of unlicensed spectrum from 3.1 GHz to 10.6 GHz [1] for ultrawideband (UWB) applications, the microstrip UWB antennas have much attention due to its various attracted applications. Among the UWB applications, UWB antennas for microwave medical applications (e.g. breast tumor detection, brain tumor detection, health monitoring, cancer detection and so on) have considerable interest in recent years owing to their numerous advantages such as low cost, non-ionizing, low health risk, sensitive to tumors and specific to malignancies, easy integration with monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMIC) and ease of fabrication. However, one of the major challenges in antenna technology is to design of ultra wideband compact omnidirectional antenna with constant gain [2]. Over the decade, various antennas have been studied to achieve UWB applications – particularly for medical imaging applications. A circular disc shaped metal antenna was developed in [3]. The dimension of the proposed antenna system is 40×40×0.5mm3 and it covers the frequency range of 3.5–8 GHz only. In [4] the designed antenna, comprised of rectangular patch with semicircular ground plane, has the system size of 25×30×0.794mm3 and the frequency range of 3.55–11.17 GHz. However, it fails to cover the whole operating band of UWB operations. A rectangular patch antenna with partial ground plane presented in [5] has large system size of 34×36×1.58mm3 but showing the good coverage bandwidth of 2.68 GHz to 12.06 GHz. A Bowtie patch antenna system (36.5×40.5×0.8mm3 ) proposed in [6] covers the frequency range of 4 GHz to 8 GHz. Besides these, there are few other compact UWB antennas have been proposed recently. Such as, in [7] a compact conventional patch antenna with inverted L-strip (total system size of 25×25×1.6mm3 ) was developed for ultra-wide band applications. In [8], the Ultrawideband antenna is designed for near-field imaging and the total system size is 30×26×1.6mm3 . Another compact and planar antenna with arch-shape strip developed in [9] has the system size of 16×20×1.6mm3 . However, most of the reported antenna systems have either higher substrate height or longer dimensions. Even few of them are not able to cover the entire bandwidth of UWB (3.1–10.6 GHz) operations. Therefore, the goal of this paper is to design an antenna with the UWB features that could be a good candidate for microwave imaging system for medical applications. The interest is to achieve increased bandwidth. The reduction in size is also a consideration to be taken into account in the design of this antenna. II. A NTENNA C ONFIGURATION The proposed optimized antenna geometry is shown in Fig. 1 with dimensional details. The monopole antenna is fed by a 50Ω microstrip line, which is printed on the FR4 Epoxy substrate with a total system size of SubW×SubL = 18×30mm2 , thickness of 0.8mm and relative dielectric constant of 4.4. The patch is connected to a microstrip feedline with the width of FW and length of FL. This design is introduced to obtain ultra-wide band accompanied with good impedance matching over the entire operating band. The rectangular patch is the basis of the monopole radiator, which has the dimensions of Lp×Wp=17×16mm2 and printed on the top surface of the substrate. A partial modified ground plane is used, which is printed on the bottom surface of the substrate. Its length is GL and width is the same as substrate’s width. c 978-1-5090-5627-9/17/$31.00 2017 IEEE 87 A T like shape slot is introduced in the middle of the ground plane to excite higher order resonance as well as to improve the impedance matching that results in bandwidth enhancement. Multiple stair step slots are placed into two lower sides of the patch. These stair step slots may further enhance the impedance bandwidth of the proposed antenna system. Finally, additional three slots into the patch may have a significant effect on the performance of our antenna to cover the entire UWB band (3.1–10.6 GHz) shown in Fig. 2 and in Fig. 3 respectively. However, the proposed antenna system is optimized and analyzed using commercial software Ansoft HFSS [11]. All the Optimized Parameters and corresponding values for the proposed Antenna are listed in Table I. TABLE I O PTIMIZED PARAMETERS & VALUES FOR THE PROPOSED A NTENNA (U NIT:M ILLIMETERS ) Parameter SubW FL Wp GL2 GW1 GW4 PL PL1 PW5 Value 18 12 16 0.5 0.5 1.4 1 11 11.5 Parameter SubL FW GL GL3 GW2 GW5 PW1 PW3 PL2 Value 30 2 11 3 1.75 5.5 1 0.5 0.5 Parameter SubH Lp GL1 GL4 GW3 GW6 PW2 PW4 Value 0.8 17 1 1.5 3.25 7 1.5 13 Fig. 3. VSWR of the proposed UWB Antenna. Fig. 4. Different antenna geometry (a) Ordinary square monopole antenna, (b) Antenna with the ground slot, (c) Antenna with ground slots and stair step slots at patch, (d) The proposed antenna structure. a multiple of quarter-wavelength [10]. Hence, here added ground slots can create an additional higher order resonant path at the frequency of 11.3 GHz (slot length is around λ/4) but the level of S11 is above the –10dB due to impedance mismatch. Moreover, the antenna with modified ground plane and optimum stair steps (optimized by Ansoft HFSS) patch have the significant effects over the entire band except at the beginning of the UWB band. Further by adding additional three slots into the patch, the proposed antenna can cover the wide frequency range of 3.06–11.4 GHz shown in Fig. 5. Fig. 2. Reflection coefficient (S11) of the proposed UWB Antenna. III. R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSION In this section, the effects of diffracted patch and modified ground plane have been studied. The different geometrical arrangements of UWB antennas used for simulation studies by Ansoft HFSS are shown in Fig. 4. The reflection coefficient (S11 in dB) for Fig. 4(a) ordinary square monopole antenna, Fig. 4(b) antenna with the ground slot, Fig. 4(c) Antenna with ground slots and stair step slots at patch and Fig. 4(d) the proposed antenna are plotted in Fig. 5. It is clearly observed in Fig. 5 that the ordinary square monopole patch can excite the fundamental resonant modes at lower band which can cover the frequency range from 3.42– 6.2 GHz only. In fact, each slot acts as like as a resonator at its resonance frequency and resonant slot length will be Fig. 5. Reflection coefficient (S11) of various structures mentioned in Fig. 4 88 Fig. 8. 3D Radiation pattern of the proposed UWB Antenna at 5 GHz. Fig. 6. VSWR for different values of PL1 (PL1=11mm is the nominal value); other values are fixed as listed in table I. Fig. 9. 2D radiation pattern of proposed UWB antenna at 5 GHz over the three cutting plane. Fig. 7. VSWR for different values of PW5 (PW5=11.5mm is the nominal value); other values are fixed as listed in table I. Fig. 10. To illustrate the significant effects of additional slots at patch, various lengths and widths of the slots have been studied and results are plotted in Fig. 6 and Fig. 7 respectively. In Fig. 6, it is observed that the bandwidth of the antenna increases as PL1 increases from 9mm to 11mm and apparently at PL1 = 11mm, the bandwidth at VSWR<2 is matched perfectly to cover the entire band of UWB applications. In Fig. 7, it is noticed that at PW5 = 11.5mm the bandwidth at VSWR<2 is matched perfectly to cover the entire band of UWB applications. Realized Gain (in dBi) of the proposed UWB Antenna. IV. C ONCLUSIONS In this paper, a miniature microstrip antenna for microwave medical applications is presented. The antenna satisfactorily meets the requirements and has an UWB attitude. The simulation in HFSS software led to a reflection coefficient of – 10dB from 3.06 GHz to 11.4 GHz and showing sufficiently high gain over the required ultra-wide band which provides a good performance for the spectrum allocated to the UWB microwave medical applications by the FCC commission. The 3D and 2D radiation patterns at 5 GHz of the proposed antenna are plotted in Fig. 8 and Fig. 9 respectively. It is observed that the radiation pattern is almost as like as a dipole antenna. It shows an omnidirectional radiation pattern which is desirable in ultra-wide band applications. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank the Key Laboratory of Antenna for Wireless Communications, Department of Information and Communication Engineering, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi-6205, for supporting all types of technical as well as simulation facilities. The simulated realized gain of the proposed antenna system is plotted in Fig. 10. The graph indicates enough high gain with moderate fluctuations over the entire operating band (3.1–10.6 GHz) of UWB applications. 89 R EFERENCES [1] Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Revision of Part 15 of the Commissions Rules Regarding Ultra-Wideband Transmission Systems, First Report and Order, FCC 02-48, 2002. [2] V. A. Shameena, S. Mridula, S. Jacob, C. K. Ananandan, K. Vasudevan and P. Mohanan, “A Compact Modified Ground CPW Fed Antenna for UWB Applications,” Microwave Review, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 13-19, 2011. [3] S. Adnan, R. A. Abd-Alhameed, C. H. See, H. I. Hraga, I.T.E. Elfergani, and D. Zhou “A Compact UWB Antenna Design for breast Cancer Detection,” PIERS Online, Vol.6, No.2, 2010. [4] S. M. Chouiti, L. Merad and S. M. 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