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Manufacturing Engineering Report: Combination Bevel Square

Pearson BTEC International Level 3 Diploma in Manufacturing Engineering
Vocational Diploma / Welding , year 1
Delivery of Engineering Processes Safely as a Team
Learning aim: A (A.P1, A.P2, A.M1, A.D1)
Using Engineering Processes To Manufacture A
Combination Bevel Square
Candidate name: Abdulaziz Saud al Kaabi
Hand in date: / / 2024
Issue date: / / 2024
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The report includes:
1- The processes used (at least three), including relevant health and safety
factors and legislation/regulations, as appropriate to your location of study;
2- How these engineering processes can be affected by (individual and team)
human factors.
3- Produce a report that evaluates the effectiveness of the engineering
processes (at least three) used to [manufacture the product/deliver the
service*] and how human factors affect the performance of the engineering
4- Information on the advantages and limitations of the engineering processes
used (at least three) compared with the advantages and limitations of using
other possible processes, which should include justifications as to which
processes are more effective, by referring to the specific requirements of the
[product/service*]. Details about how the engineering processes
work/operate, including health and safety and legislation and regulations that
apply, as appropriate to your location of study;
5- Evidence that you have a strong awareness of a range of human factors, and
can judge how they impact on the performance of the engineering processes
from both an individual and team prospective.
Criteria covered by this task:
To achieve the criteria you must show that you are able to:
Evaluate, using high quality written language, the effectiveness of using different
engineering processes to manufacture a product or to deliver a service and how
human factors, as an individual and a team, affect the performance of
engineering processes.
Analyse why three engineering processes are used to manufacture a product or
to deliver a service and how human factors, as an individual and a team, affect
the performance of engineering processes.
Explain how three engineering processes are used safely when
manufacturing a given product or when delivering a given service.
Explain how human factors, as an individual or a team, affect
the performance of engineering processes.
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 Introduction
In this essay I will be evaluating the effectiveness of engineering
processes of a combination bevel square and how human factors affect
them by considering what manufacturing methods are best suited to
produce a good quality combination bevel square. Along with showing
research of at least the processes which will include health and safety
factors and the relevant legislation and regulations. This combination bevel
angle is used for checking whether the angle between two surfaces is the
same everywhere marking out any angle other than an angle of 90°
checking all angles except an angle of 90° .I will then go on to demonstrate
how these engineering processes can be affected by human factors both
individual and teams. I will then create a report on how all these things can
impact the performance of a combination bevel square and the production
of it.
The engineering processes can we use is:
1- Waterjet cutting
2- Drilling ( manual or CNC)
3- Threading ( manual or CNC)
4- combination bevel angle is used for:
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Engineering Process 1:
Waterjet cutting
Water jet cutting is a manufacturing process that uses high pressure jets of
water provided by pressurizing pumps that deliver a supersonic stream of
water to cut and shape various types of materials.
The water in water jet cutting is pressurized to 392 MPa and projected
using a small precision nozzle. As the water leaves the nozzle, it reaches
speeds that are three times the speed of sound.
The advantages of Waterjet cutting is :
Use of “green technology” – The waterjet cutter does not create any
hazardous waste and, with a small kerf, it also facilitates the recyclability of
scrap metal. The cutter, thanks to a close-looped system, uses very little
Cuts almost any material – When compared to other cutters, the waterjet
cutter can handle just about any material or product that a traditional cutter
can. Traditional tough materials such as bullet-proof glass, stone, metals or
even materials with reflective or uneven
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The limitations of Waterjet cutting is:
Cutting Time – While the waterjet cutter can cut most of the same
materials, very often the cutting takes longer than a traditional cutter. More
time cutting means less output.
Orifice Failure – Low quality waterjet orifices have a tendency to break
down and disrupt cutting, resulting in lost time and productivity.
Greater Thickness, Less Accuracy – The thicker a material the further the
stream is away from the nozzle at its point of impact. A less consistent impact
from waterjet changes the cutting accuracy from top to bottom. Often, the jet
can spread and make more of a diagonal cut than a straight up and down cut.
Starting Costs – In the beginning, finding and implementing the additional
abrasive materials, like granite, to increase the efficacy of the cutter can by
very expensive compared to a simple plasma cutter.
Health and Safety:
Work safety with water-jet in various production technologies must make
provision for not only safety work with water-jet technology, but also safety
work with all devices, which are on that workplace situated and also material
manipulation. In case of other workplace devices, manipulation with material,
interoperable transport, storage, control and overall work environment, i.e.
production logistic, safety regulations valid for technology operation are
applied and followed, in accordance with law, in terms of Inspectorate of work
safety and State health authority.
A general rule for avoiding the jet hazard is "Never put your hands in the
machine tank while the machine is in operation." Plan your material and part
clamping so that you never need to put your hands in the tank while the jet is
in operation.
For more safety information visit this sit:
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Engineering Process 2:
Drilling is a cutting process where a drill bit is spun to cut a hole of circular
cross-section in solid materials.
The drill bit is usually a rotary cutting tool, often multi-point. The bit is
pressed against the work-piece and rotated at rates from hundreds to
thousands of revolutions per minute.
The advantages of Drilling is :
High speed: Its main advantage is the drill machine's capacity to quickly drill
holes into the work piece.
Great Output: The machine's speed increased throughout time.
Simple to use: The situation's simplicity consistently maintains a high level
of operator productivity.
Longer lifespan and lower maintenance costs: Machines have a very long
lifespan and require very little maintenance.
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The limitations of Drilling is:
Limited size of workpiece: A workpiece with a limited size can only be
Hole: During drilling, rough holes could be created.
lips with chips: Cutting lips with chips can form.
Health and Safety:
Drilling safety is a broad term that encompasses a variety of best
practices and procedures designed to keep workers safe while operating
drilling equipment. Among the many aspects of drilling safety, some of the
most important is maintaining adequate training in the use of drilling
equipment for all workers, following all safety protocols while operating the
Angle rotating parts — such as couplings or shafts — can pose snagging or
entanglement risks. Two or more parts turning together — like pulleys,
rollers, or gears — can cause point or pinch hazards. Other components like
robotic arms or sliding mills can cause dangers involving shearing or
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Engineering Process 3:
A thread is a surface formed by a helical movement of a flat contour
along a helical line. The basis of threading is the principle of obtaining a helix.
There are many different standards, types and ways of producing threads. In
many cases, the thread process occurs in the final stages of manufacturing
the part, thereby occupying a responsible role for obtaining quality parts.
The key to high quality and efficient thread processing is a correct and wellcomposed technological process
The advantages of Threading is :
The biggest advantage of tapping is speed. The high-speed tapping center
set with rigid taps can complete the drilling in a fraction of the time required
for thread milling the same hole. In addition, tapping can drill deeper holes in
harder materials (such as steel).
The limitations of Threading is:
Tapping produces threads in smaller holes, but it requires the use of
different taps for each hole size. This consumes a lot of valuable but limited
locations in the tool magazine. In addition, having to switch tapping tools for
all holes of different sizes increases cycle time. This complexity is
accompanied by higher setup time costs. In addition, if the tap breaks inside
the part during processing, its removal may damage the workpiece and add
more time and expense.
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Health and Safety:
Safety is of paramount importance when working with any machinery, and
CNC machines are no exception. When setting up work holding devices in a
CNC lathe, it’s important to consider tool safety precautions such as tool
selection, positioning, condition, and postcondition. These considerations are
essential to avoid an undersized or inaccurate workpiece. Additionally.
potential physical injuries caused by moving parts, workers could have
exposure to hazards through inhalation, ingestion, skin contact, or absorption
through the skin. The most common health hazards found in machine shops
are from toxic or corrosive chemicals. These chemicals can irritate, burn, or
pass through the skin.
Batch production:
In Traditional machining that the operator directly controls all movements
of the machine tool. The operator can choose when to move the equipment.
He also decided to stop the feed, when and where to stop. Operators use
special rulers and gauges embedded in the control rod to improve accuracy.
But The CNC system consists of software and hardware. The operator uses
the software to monitor the machine tool and create programs. The NC
program is a list of instructions that instructs the machine how to handle the
parts. The NC hardware reads the program and tells the machine how to
Advantages Of CNC Machining Over Conventional Machining
It is not surprising that many manufacturing companies have recently
shifted their traditional processing to CNC processing. So let’s take a look at
the advantages of CNC machining compared with traditional machining:
1. Worker safety: The CNC machine operator can protect any sharp parts
behind the protective structure.
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2. Reduce labor costs: In the case of conventional processing, each machine
requires specialized technical personnel, who should have experience, skills
and extensive knowledge of the opponent’s machine.
3. Large quantity and good quality: Due to the need for labor, traditional
machining is mainly used for small batch and small batch projects.
4. Higher cutting parameters: Now, high-speed cnc turning can be performed
through the enclosed cutting area.
5. High processing accuracy: CNC machining can provide top precision,
precision and speed for high and low volume products, which is a very
advantageous choice for manufacturers in various industries.
The manufacturing industry has always made progress, and at times
revolutionised itself, through the development and application of new
technologies. As production systems will involve increasing levels of the
production it’s important to remember that human skills will remain
essential for many tasks, making the marriage between humans and
machines critical to success.
Human factors will therefore play an essential role in the future of
manufacturing where people and technology are being integrated more
closely and more intensively than ever before; it’s essential that we fully
understand how to best design and operationalise both human and
technological functions.
The application of human factors in design activities is vital to ensure we
are creating robots that can effectively work and interact with people. For
example, humans come in all shapes and sizes and, unlike machines, bring
high levels of unpredictability in their responses and behaviour.
Human variability has been a traditional problem for manufacturing system
design and performance prediction, but the progressive trend for more
flexible and adaptable workforces means that differences between
operators and their capabilities is being seen as more valuable in systems
which require more frequent product and skills changes.
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 Website references:
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Drilling Machines (jusfitools.com)
For more information we canwatch the video:
2- Water jet: Waterjet Cutting of 25mm Mild Steel Plate - YouTube
3- Drilling: How to Drill a Hole in Metal (1/4" Steel) - YouTube
4- Threading: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DcXDc3cf7jc
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