Bible Trivia Quiz Reviewer

St. Paul National Bible Quiz Reviewer
SPNBQ Editorial Team
St. Pauls National Bible Quiz Reviewer
SPNBQ Editorial Team
Published in 2012 by
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Copyright © 2012
ISBN 978-971-004-122-0
Biblical Initiatives
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Current Printing: first digit
Year of current printing: first year shown
ST PAULS is an apostolate of the priests and brothers of the SOCIETY OF ST. PAUL
who proclaim the Gospel through the media of social communication.
Part I: Elimination Round—SPNBQ 1 & 2.....................................
Part II. Semifinals and Finals—SPNBQ 1........................................
Part III. Semifinals—SPNBQ 2........................................................
Part IV. Finals—SPNBQ 2...............................................................
Part V. New Materials.......................................................................
Part VI. Answers...............................................................................
SPNBQ Mechanics..........................................................................
As part of the Diamond Jubilee celebration marking the 75th anniversary of
its presence in the Philippines, the Society of St. Paul organized a Bible quiz
which culminated in its Championship Round at the Manila International
Bookfair on September 17, 2010. The venture met with such unexpected
success that the organizers—ST PAULS Philippines and Prime Trade
Asia—decided to hold a second competition and even to make it a regular
feature of the International Bookfair. The Second St. Paul National Bible
Quiz (SPNBQ) which held its Finals on September 15, 2011 was even a
bigger event in terms of school and parish participation, semifinals held
in different regions in the country, production, and excitement it elicited
among the participants and audience.
To encourage more young people to study the Bible, the SPNBQ is now
coming out with a reviewer which contains questions in the elimination,
semifinal, and championship rounds of the first two Bible quizzes. This,
hopefully, will help the participating teams familiarize themselves with the
type of questions that were used. New questionnaires are added to help the
young broaden their knowledge of the Bible.
The questions that were asked in the elimination round were grouped in
three categories: Old Testament; the Gospels; Acts, Letters, and Revelation,
and each category was answered by one member of the team. In the semifinal
and championship rounds, these were divided into Easy, Average, and
Difficult categories and answered by all three team members together. No
particular order was followed; questions were asked as they were picked out
by the contest hosts.
For easy review and references:
In the booklet, the questions are arranged in “canonical order,”
following the order of books as they appear in the Catholic Bible.
Arrangement also follows the numerical order of chapters and verses
in each book of the Bible. But in the actual contest, this “order”
won’t be followed, as questions are asked in random order, as they
are picked out.
Some questions may appear in the booklet not just once; some
questions in the eliminations were used again in the semis or finals,
in the same formulation or in another form. This will enable the
participants to review their performance, what they answered
correctly or missed.
We hope that SPNBQ will not just be about “knowing” the Biblical
text but will inspire everyone to put the Word of God in practice in his or
her life. May the divine Word truly become “a lamp for our feet, a light for
our path” (cf. Ps 119:104).
The SPNBQ Editorial Team
• Fr. Gil Alinsangan
• Fr. Ruben Areño
• Fr. Jose Aripio
• Fr. Domie Guzman
• Bro. Hansel Mapayo PART I
Elimination Round
SPNBQ 1 & 2
1. Which angel/s did God station at the entrance of Eden to prevent Adam
and Eve from approaching the tree of life?
a. Cherubim
c. Guardian angels
b. Seraphim
d. Archangels
2. According to the Bible, who lived the longest on earth?
a. Adam
c. Enoch
b. Methuselah
d. Seth
3. When the great flood had subsided, on what mountain did the ark of
Noah come to rest?
a. Mount Sinai
c. Mount Hermon
b. Mount Nebo
d. None of the above
4. Who is the son of Noah who became the ancestor of the Hebrews?
a. Shem
c. Japheth
b. Ham
d. Javan
5. Which was true of all three: Sarah, Hannah, and Elizabeth?
a. barren
c. unloved
b. old
d. cheerful
6. What is the nationality of Hagar, the slave of Sarah?
a. Canaanite
c. Egyptian
b. Hebrew
d. Aramean
7. Ishmael is the son of Abraham and ______
a. Hagar
c. Keturah
b. Sarah
d. Bilhah
Part I: Elimination Round—SPNBQ 1 & 2 n 3
8. Who is the biblical figure whose name means “laughter”?
a. Ishmael
c. Jacob
b. Isaac
d. Joseph
9. Whom did Isaac marry?
a. Leah
b. Rachel
c. Rebekah
d. None of the above
10. Who is Jacob’s daughter who was raped by Shechem?
a. Dinah
c. Delomer-tamar
b. Delilah
d. Deborah
11. Who is Jacob’s eldest son who lost his birthright for sleeping with
Rachel’s maid, Bilhah?
a. Levi
c. Judah
b. Dan
d. Reuben
12. From which tribe of Israel was the Messiah expected to come?
a. Levi
c. Benjamin
b. Simeon
d. None of the above
13. Which of these is Moses’ son born in Midian?
a. Meron
c. Reuel
b. Amram
d. Gershom
14. What is the name of Moses’ wife?
a. Miriam
b. Jechobed
c. Zipporah
d. Addah
15. What is the tenth plague in Egypt that finally forced Pharaoh to let the
Israelites go?
a. Darkness
c. Water turned to blood
b. Death of the first-born
d. Locusts
16. What is the oasis in the desert the water of which the Israelites could
not drink because it was too bitter?
a. Meribah
c. Marah
b. Elim
d. Ein-Gedi
17. After the Exodus from Egypt, where did God meet the Israelites?
a. Mt. Carmel
c. Mt. Hermon
b. Mt. Zion
d. Mt. Horeb
18. On what holy day did the High Priest enter the “Holy of Holies” in the
temple of the Lord?
a. Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) c. Passover
b. Purim
d. Dedication
19. What tribe of Israel did priests who ministered to the Lord come from?
a. Judah
c. Benjamin
b. Joseph
d. Levi
20. Nadab and Abihu were consumed by fire because they offered
a. animal fat
c. fire
b. incense
d. prayer
21. Who became a leper for questioning the authority of Moses?
a. Aaron
c. Miriam
b. Korah
d. The Pharaoh
22. Which of these was not put inside the Ark of the Covenant?
a. Staff of Moses
c. Staff of Aaron
b. Jar containing the manna
d. Tablets of the covenant
23. Who of the scouts sent by Moses to reconnoiter the land of Canaan
advised to attack the land because the Israelites could conquer the
inhabitants with the help of the Lord?
a. Shaphat
c. Shammua
b. Caleb
d. Gaddiel
24. Who prophesied about a star advancing from Jacob and a staff arising
from Israel in the Book of Numbers?
a. Daniel
c. Balaam
b. Balak
d. Haggai
25. To whom did God say, “My servant Moses is dead. Now proceed to
cross the Jordan, you and all these people, into the land that I am giving
them, to the Israelites”?
a. Aaron
c. Caleb
b. Gideon
d. None of the above
26. Where did Joshua gather the Israelites to renew their covenant with
God just before Joshua’s death?
a. Shechem
c. Shiloh
b. Mount Tabor
d. Jericho
27. Who of the Judges of Israel vowed that upon his return in triumph
against the Ammonites, whoever came out of the doors of his house to
meet him would be sacrificed to the Lord?
a. Gideon
c. Jephthah
b. Othniel
d. Barak
28. Because the time of famine had passed, Ruth and Naomi left Moab to
return to __
a. Jezreel Valley
c. Bethlehem
b. Jerusalem
d. Bethel
29. Who was the god of the Philistines whose statute fell down before the
Ark of the Covenant?
a. Baal
c. Isis
b. Gaal
d. Dagon
30. Saul was punished for not killing the Amalekite king _____
a. Ahab
c. Anak
b. Agag
d. Ahaz
31. On what mountain did Saul, Jonathan, and other sons of Saul die in
the battle against the Philistines?
a. Mount Gilboa
c. Mount Moriah
b. Mount Tabor
d. Mount Gerizim
32. Who is the wife of Uriah who had an adulterous union with King David,
who also is the mother of King Solomon?
a. Bathsheba
c. Abigail
b. Ahinoam
d. Bethulah
33. At whose threshing floor did David build an altar to the Lord, as the
prophet Gad commanded?
a. Arphaxad the Philistine
c. Araunah the Jebusite
b. Aranhuez the Ephraimite
d. Arbite the Shunammite
34. Who is the priest who supported Adonijah when this declared he had
the right to succeed David?
a. Abiathar
c. Abner
b. Bildad
d. None of the above
35. Who led a revolt against King Rehoboam, the son of Solomon?
a. Absalom
c. Nathan
b. Jeroboam
d. Jehu
Part I: Elimination Round—SPNBQ 1 & 2 n 5
36. “If only my lord were with the prophet who is in Samaria! He would
cure him of his leprosy” is the word of Naaman’s ______
a. concubine
c. slave girl
b. wife
d. scribe
37. King Shalmaneser conquered the northern kingdom of Israel and
deported the people to ______
a. Persia
c. Macedonia
b. Assyria
d. Babylon
38. Who exiled the inhabitants of Judah to Babylon?
a. Evil-Merodach
c. Nebuchadnezzar
b. Sennacherib
d. Tiglath-pelizer
39. Who was the layman appointed by King Artaxerxes of Persia to be
governor and lead the Jewish exiles in Babylon to return to Jerusalem
to rebuild the city and the temple?
a. Nehemiah
c. Zedekiah
b. Ezra
d. Gedaliah
40. In the Book of Nehemiah (chapter 8), Ezra read the Law and instructed
them how to celebrate the feast of _______
a. Passover
c. Tabernacles
b. Atonement
d. Weeks
41. Who was the angel who accompanied Tobiah to Ecbatana and rescued
him from the demon Asmodeus?
a. Michael
c. Gabriel
b. Raphael
d. Tobiel
42. What psalm contains this famous phrase: “The Lord is my shepherd,
there is nothing I lack”?
a. Psalm 8
c. Psalm 51
b. Psalm 137
d. Psalm 23
43. Who composed the Miserere psalm (Psalm 51) which begins: “Have
mercy on me, God, in your goodness; in your abundant compassion
blot out my offense”?
a. Job
c. David
b. Solomon
d. None of the above
44. Which psalm sings of the Jews’ lament of their exile in Babylon? It
starts with this passage: “By the rivers of Babylon we sat mourning and
weeping when we remembered Zion”?
a. Psalm 23
c. Psalm 8
b. Psalm 22
d. Psalm 137
45. What Old Testament book does this famous passage come from: “There
is an appointed time for everything… A time to be born, and a time to
die; a time to plant, and a time to uproot the plant”?
a. Proverbs
c. Ecclesiastes
b. Song of Songs
d. Wisdom
46. Where do we find the oracles on the Ebed YHWH or the Servant of the
a. Isaiah 1-12
c. Isaiah 40-55
b. Isaiah 13-23
d. Isaiah 56-66
47. What prophetic book contains this famous passage: “Can a mother forget
her infant… Even should she forget, I will never forget you”? This has
been rendered into song entitled “Hindi Kita Malilimutan.”
a. Isaiah
c. Jeremiah
b. Hosea
d. Zechariah
48. Which prophet said that God’s law would be written upon the hearts
of God’s people, Israel?
a. Jeremiah
c. Hosea
b. Ezekiel
d. Micah
49. What did Jeremiah buy, and after which he gave to Baruch its sealed
deed of purchase?
a. a sword
c. a yoke
b. a piece of jewelry
d. a piece of land
50. Who was the prophet who saw the vision of creatures that had faces of
a human being, lion, ox, and eagle?
a. Jeremiah
c. Ezekiel
b. Joel
d. Daniel
51. In the Book of Daniel, the young Daniel separated the two elders from
each other in order to examine them, and in the process, he saved the
innocent _______
a. Hannah
c. Sarah
b. Susanna
d. Deborah
Part I: Elimination Round—SPNBQ 1 & 2 n 7
52. In the Hebrew canon which of the following is not considered a
prophetic book?
a. Ezekiel
c. Nahum
b. Daniel
d. Hosea
53. The animal that attacked and withered the bush under which Jonah
prayed was a _____
a. horse
c. giraffe
b. cow
d. worm
54. In what prophetic book do we find this Messianic prophecy: “But you,
Bethlehem-Ephrathah, too small to be among the clans of Judah, from
you shall come forth for me one who is to be ruler in Israel”?
a. Isaiah
c. Hosea
b. Jeremiah
d. Micah
55. Who prophesied that God would send back Elijah the Prophet before
the Day of the Lord comes, to turn the heart of fathers to their children?
a. Jeremiah
c. Micah
b. Elisha
d. Malachi
56. What is the last book of the Old Testament in the Catholic canon?
a. Daniel
c. Zechariah
b. Malachi
d. Haggai
1. Who is not an ancient ancestor of Jesus, the Messiah?
a. Joseph
c. Boaz
b. David
d. Isaac
2. Who is not listed by Matthew among the ancestresses of Jesus?
a. Tamar
c. Ruth
b. Rachel
d. Rahab
3. After the exile in Egypt, Joseph did not bring Mary and Jesus back to
Bethlehem because he was afraid of _______
a. Pontius Pilate
c. Herod the Great
b. Herod Archelaus
d. None of the above
4. How many Great Discourses of Jesus does the Gospel of Matthew
a. Five
c. Ten
b. Seven
d. Twelve
5. Where did the third/last temptation of Jesus happen in the Gospel of
a. Desert
c. On top of a high mountain
b. Pinnacle of the Temple
d. Gethsemane
6. In Matthew 10:16, Jesus commands: “See, I am sending you out like
sheep into the midst of wolves; so be wise as______
a. doves
c. owls
b. serpents
d. wolves
7. In what parable do we find this expression: “Whatever you did for one
of these least brothers of mine, you did for me”?
a. Parable of the Prodigal Son
b. Parable of the Good Samaritan
c. Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus
d. None of the above
8. What Gospel tells of Pilate washing his hands during the Passion?
a. Matthew
c. Luke
b. Mark
d. John
9. What Jewish group says that there is no resurrection, nor angels, nor spirits?
a. Pharisees
c. Zealots
b. Sadducees
d. Herodians
10. What is the town where Jesus was anointed in the house of Simon the
a. Bethany
c. Capernaum
b. Jericho
d. None of the above
11. Who fled naked when Jesus was arrested in Gethsemane?
a. One of the apostles
c. The beloved disciple
b. A young man
d. None of the above
12. What Gospel tells us that the one who helped Jesus carry his cross was
Simon of Cyrene, the father of Alexander and Rufus?
a. Matthew
c. Luke
b. Mark
d. John
Part I: Elimination Round—SPNBQ 1 & 2 n 9
13. Jesus was born during the time when the emperor of Rome was_______
a. Julius Caesar
c. Tiberius
b. Nero
d. Augustus Caesar
14. On what Jewish feast was Jesus lost and found in the Temple?
a. Tabernacle
c. Passover
b. Dedication
d. Atonement
15. Who was the ruler of Galilee during Jesus’ public ministry?
a. Herod the Great
c. Herod Antipas
b. Herod Archelaus
d. Herod Philip
16. In what Gospel is the genealogy of Jesus traced up to Adam?
a. Matthew
c. Luke
b. Mark
d. John
17. In what Gospel does Jesus declare, “Blessed are you who are poor”?
a. Matthew
c. Luke
b. Mark
d. John
18. Who mixed the Galileans’ blood with their sacrifice in Jerusalem?
a. Caiaphas
c. Pontius Pilate
b. Herod the Great
d. None of the above
19. What Gospel contains three parables of the Lost in the same chapter?
a. Matthew
c. Luke
b. Mark
d. John
20. Who made the following acclamation: “Peace in heaven and glory in
the highest”?
a. Jesus’ disciples
b. The choir of angels
c. The crowd in Jerusalem
d. The angel who announced to the shepherds
21. In the Gospel of John the first to follow Jesus was ______
a. Andrew
c. Peter
b. James
d. Nathanael
22. Under what tree did Jesus see Nathanael?
a. Fig
c. Cedar
b. Sycamore
d. Olive
23. Who said the following: “Do whatever he tells you”?
a. Jesus
c. Simon Peter
b. The mother of Jesus
d. The heavenly Father
24. Where did Jesus have a conversation with the Samaritan woman?
a. Capernaum
c. Bethsaida
b. Mount Gerizim
d. None of the above
25. Where did Jesus make his discourse on the Bread of Life?
a. Capernaum
c. Tiberias
b. Magdala
d. Bethsaida
26. To whom did Jesus say that their father is the devil?
a. Judas Iscariot
b. The Jews
c. The scribes and the Pharisees
d. Tax collectors
27. Who said this famous remark: “It is better for you that one man should
die instead of the people, so that the whole nation may not perish”?
a. High Priest Annas
c. Judas Iscariot
b. Pontius Pilate
d. None of the above
28. John 12:9-11 records that because many people were deserting them
and were believing in Jesus, the Jewish authorities also wanted to kill
a. Mary Magdalene
c. Lazarus
b. Martha
d. Stephen
Part I: Elimination Round—SPNBQ 1 & 2 n 11
31. In John’s Gospel, who interrogated Jesus, after his arrest, about his
disciples and his teachings?
a. Pontius Pilate
c. Caiaphas
b. Annas
d. Sanhedrin
32. What is the meaning of the Hebrew word Hosanna!
a. Praise the Lord!
c. Glory to God!
b. Save us!
d. Long live the King!
33. Mary of Magdala is not known in the Gospels as_____
a. Contributing to the financial support of Jesus and his disciples
b. A woman caught in the act of adultery, yet not condemned
by Jesus
c. Delivered by Jesus from the power of demons
d. Standing beneath the cross of Jesus
34. Which is not true of Simon Peter’s call in the Gospels?
a. Called by Jesus after the miraculous catch of fish
b. Called by his brother Andrew who brought him to Jesus
c. Called by Jesus as he cast nets into the sea
d. Called by Jesus when he confessed Jesus as the Messiah
35. Which is not said to Mary, the mother of Jesus?
a. Didn’t you know I must be about my Father’s business?
b. Behold… your son!
c. Blessed are you who believed!
d. Who is my mother?
29. What Gospel mentions the crowd welcoming Jesus in Jerusalem with
palm branches?
a. Matthew
c. Luke
b. Mark
d. John
36. What is not true of Satan or the devil, according to the Gospels?
a. The prince of this world
b. Liar and murderer from the beginning
c. The Stronger Man who overcomes the Strong Man
d. Quotes Scriptures
30. What Gospel does not have Jesus’ “agony in the garden”?
a. Matthew
c. Luke
b. Mark
d. John
37. The title “Christ” means ______
a. Son of Man
b. Savior
c. God-with-us
d. Anointed
1. How are Stephen and other deacons called in the Acts of the Apostles?
a. God-fearers
c. Hebrews
b. Hellenists
d. Diaspora Jews
2. How many times does the Acts of the Apostles describe the story of the
conversion of Paul?
a. One time
c. Three times
b. Two times
d. None of the above
3. What is not said about Paul’s conversion in the Acts of the Apostles?
a. Paul fell from his horse
b. Paul heard a voice saying, “I am Jesus whom you are persecuting.”
c. Paul became blind and was brought to Damascus
d. A light from the sky suddenly flashed around Paul
4. How did Paul escape those who wanted to kill him in Damascus
according to the Acts of the Apostles?
a. His friends opened the city gate for him
b. He was lowered in a basket through an opening in the wall
c. Paul befriended the agents of King Aretas
d. None of the above
Part I: Elimination Round—SPNBQ 1 & 2 n 13
9. The Greek city where Paul delivered a speech in front of the Areopagus
is ______
a. Corinth
c. Berea
b. Thessalonica
d. Athens
10. Who is the wife of a tentmaker who was expelled from Rome by
Emperor Claudius?
a. Chloe
c. Phoebe
b. Priscilla
d. None of the above
11. Where did Paul come into conflict with the worshipers of the goddess
a. Athens
c. Macedonia
b. Corinth
d. None of the above
12. The name of the young man who fell from a window, and was cured
by Paul is______
a. Andronychus
c. Theophilus
b. Malchus
d. Eutychus
13. Where did Paul make his farewell speech to the Christian leaders of
a. Miletus
c. Troas
b. Ephesus
d. None of the above
5. Who ordered the execution of the apostle James, the brother of John?
a. Herod the Great
c. The Sanhedrin
b. Herod Agrippa I
d. The High Priest Ananias
14. To what religious group did Paul belong before his conversion?
a. Sanhedrin
c. Zealots
b. Pharisees
d. Sadducees
6. Saul, who later became Paul, was a citizen of ______
a. Macedonia
c. Greece
b. Rome
d. Ephesus
15. The Letter to the Romans is for all God’s beloved in Rome who are
called to be_______
a. saints
c. apostles
b. martyrs
d. leaders
7. Which was evangelized first by Paul according to the Acts of the
a. Corinth
c. Thessalonica
b. Athens
d. Boroea
8. Who is the woman of Thyatira, a dealer of purple cloth, who became
Paul’s first convert in Europe?
a. Syntyche
c. Damaris
b. Apphia
d. None of the above
16. Who wrote the Letter to the Romans at Paul’s dictation?
a. Tertius
c. Luke
b. Rufus
d. Timothy
17. In what letter is the first narrative of the Last Supper in the New
Testament found?
a. Ephesians
c. 1 Corinthians
b. 2 Corinthians
d. Philippians
Part I: Elimination Round—SPNBQ 1 & 2 n 15
18. Who is not said to be one of the pillars of the Church in Jerusalem?
a. Peter
c. Paul
b. James
d. John
27. The Letter to the Hebrews is a long homily that stresses Jesus as:
a. the Messiah
c. the new Moses
b. our High Priest
d. the good Shepherd
19. In what Pauline letter do we find the famous hymn on kenosis or Christ’s
a. Colossians
c. Philippians
b. Ephesians
d. None of the above
28. Which book contains a prophecy about a “new covenant” which was
fulfilled by Jesus Christ, according to the Letter to the Hebrews?
a. Isaiah
c. Jeremiah
b. Hosea
d. Ezekiel
20. Who were the converts from whom Paul accepted financial gifts?
a. Romans
c. Corinthians
b. Philippians
d. Thessalonians
29. How does the author of the Letter of James describe himself?
a. A brother of Jesus Christ
b. The brother of Jude
c. A slave of God and of Jesus Christ
d. An apostle of Jesus Christ
21. Who among Paul’s collaborators evangelized the Colossians?
a. Timothy
c. Silas
b. Barnabas
d. Epaphras
22. Who is the mother of Timothy according to Paul?
a. Lois
c. Synthyche
b. Eunice
d. Thecla
23. Where did Paul leave Titus to be the bishop/overseer of the Christian
community there?
a. Troas
c. Cyprus
b. Ephesus
d. Crete
24. What is the shortest letter of Paul?
a. 1 Thessalonians
b. Titus
c. Ephesians
d. Philemon
25. Onesimus, whom Paul converted to the Way (Christian faith), is the
household slave of _______
a. Philip
c. Philo
b. Philemon
d. Ananias
26. Which is not true of Melchizedek, the type of Christ the High Priest,
according to the Letter to the Hebrews?
a. He belongs to the tribe of Levi
b. He is king of Salem, that is, king of peace
c. He is without father or mother, or ancestry
d. He receives tithes from Abraham
30. Which is the title of Jesus Christ in the First Letter of Peter?
a. Lamb of God
c. Righteous Judge
b. Chief Shepherd
d. Merciful High Priest
31. Which Catholic epistle mentions the Transfiguration of Jesus Christ
which was witnessed by the chosen apostles?
a. 2 Peter
c. James
b. 1 Peter
d. Jude
32. Who is the anti-Christ according to the First Letter of John?
a. The one who denies the Father and the Son
b. Nero, the Roman emperor
c. The beast which symbolizes the Devil
d. The one who denies the Spirit of truth
33. Who is the writer of the Second Letter of John?
a. The Beloved Disciple
c. Gaius
b. The Presbyter
d. Diotrephes
34. Who are not mentioned in the Letter of Jude as punished by the Lord
because of their sins?
a. Angels who had sexual relations with human beings
b. Sodom and Gomorrah who were guilty of sexual promiscuity
c. People who abandoned themselves to Balaam’s error
d. People who built the Tower of Babel to reach heaven
35. In the Book of Revelation, where was the seer John exiled because he
proclaimed God’s word and gave testimony to Jesus?
a. Crete
c. Cnidus
b. Patmos
d. Rhodes
Semifinal and Final Rounds
36. Which is not a title of Jesus in the Book of Revelation?
a. The Alpha and the Omega
c. The Son of God
b. The Good Shepherd
d. The Amen
37. Which church is not one of the seven churches of Asia addressed by
Christ in the Book of Revelation?
a. Ephesus
c. Lydia
b. Smyrna
d. Philadelphia
38. Who is the head of the angels who battled the Dragon, which is the
Devil, in the Book of Revelation?
a. Gabriel
c. Uriel
b. Raphael
d. None of the above
39. Which is the final battle in which the forces of evil will finally be routed,
according to the Book of Revelation?
a. Battle of Babylon
c. Battle of Gog and Magog
b. Battle of Armageddon
d. None of the above
40. Who is the Bride of the Lamb in the Book of Revelation?
a. The Woman clothed with the Sun
b. The New Jerusalem
c. The Virgin with Palm Branches
d. None of the above
1. What is the name which means “mother of all the living”?
2. Who said these famous words: “Am I my brother’s keeper?”?
3. What is the sign God gave to Noah in promising that he would no
longer send the Deluge to destroy mankind and the earth?
4. Who is the woman who looked back at the burning city of Sodom and
was turned into a pillar of salt?
5. Who is the woman who, in his love for her, Isaac found solace after the
death of his mother Sarah?
6. Who dreamt of a stairway resting on the ground, with its top reaching
to the heavens?
7. Who is the first wife of Jacob?
8. Who is the youngest and favorite son of Jacob?
9. Who is the sister of Moses?
10. What did Aaron fashion out of the gold earrings of the Israelites when
Moses was delayed in coming down from the mountain?
11. Who is the prostitute of Jericho who hid the spies sent by Joshua?
12. Having made the famous mistake, who would have said: “Next time, I
won’t go to sleep near any woman with scissors”?
13. Having made the famous mistake, who would have said, “Next time, I
won’t taunt a little boy with a sling shot”?
14. Who said this to David: “Thus says the Lord of hosts: I took you from
the pasture, from following the sheep to be prince over my people Israel;
and I have been with you wherever you went”?
15. Where were the people exiled when Samaria, the capital of the northern
kingdom of Israel, fell?
Part II: Semifinal and Final Rounds—SPNBQ 1 n 19
10. Who is the prophet asked by the King of Moab to curse the Israelites
who were passing the Moabite territory, but instead conferred a blessing
on the Israelites?
11. Which tribe of Israel did the priests in the Old Testament descend from?
12. In what mountain did Moses die, seeing the Promised Land only from
a distance?
16. What psalm did David write after his adultery with Bathsheba was
13. After the death of Joshua, and before the time of the kings, God
appointed military leaders who sustained Israel in battles against its
enemies. What were these military leaders called?
17. What place made the Jewish exiles in Babylon mourn and weep
whenever they remembered it, as we read in Psalm 137?
14. Who was the prophetess who helped Barak defeat the Canaanite general
18. What is the name of the prophet Hosea’s wife who was formerly a
15. In the Book of Ruth, what is the name by which Naomi wanted to be
called because of the bitterness she and her family experienced?
16. What is name of the former husband of Ruth who died?
1. When the great flood had subsided, on which mountain did the ark of
Noah come to rest?
2. Who is a man of the soil, the first to plant a vineyard, and got drunk
from the wine?
17. Who said the following to the boy Samuel: “Go, lie down; and if [God]
calls you, you shall say, ‘Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening’ ”?
18. Who made the famous mistake and would have said, “Next time, I
won’t take baths out in the open”?
19. Who was the prophet whom the small boys called “Baldy” for which
they were torn to pieces by the bears?
3. What is the nationality of Hagar, the slave of Sarah?
20. Who was the king of Persia who proclaimed that a house for God in
Jerusalem should be built?
4. What is the name of the land where Isaac was supposed to be offered
by his father Abraham?
21. What is the tree that grows mostly in Lebanon and is compared with
the righteous person in the Psalms?
5. Who is the only daughter of Jacob and Leah?
6. What is the other name of Mt. Sinai, the mountain of God?
22. Who was the governor who encouraged and initiated the rebuilding of
the wall of Jerusalem after the Babylonian Exile?
7. How does the Bible call the person whose head is not shaven or cut and
is separated for the Lord until the vow is completed?
23. Who was the prophet who prophesied the birth of the Immanuel to
reassure King Ahaz of Judah of God’s protection of his people?
8. Who shared in Moses’ burden in guiding and judging the people of
Israel on their way to the Promised Land?
24. Who was the prophet who was reluctant to carry his mission because
he did not know how to speak, being only a boy still?
9. Other than Joshua, who among those who escaped from Egypt was
allowed to enter the Promised Land?
25. What did the prophet Amos call the rich matrons of Samaria who were
unconcerned about the oppression of the poor and the suffering?
26. Who told the prophet Amos to return to Judah and never again prophesy
in Bethel, for it is the king’s sanctuary, and it is a temple of the kingdom?
27. Who wrote this prophetic oracle: “See, I am sending my messenger to
prepare the way before me, and the Lord whom you seek will suddenly
come to his temple”?
Part II: Semifinal and Final Rounds—SPNBQ 1 n 21
12. King Jeroboam of the northern kingdom of Israel decided to build two
places of worship in the north so that the Israelites would no longer go
to the Temple of Jerusalem for sacrifices and pilgrimages. Name one of
the two places of worship.
13. How many prophets of Baal did Elijah had to face at Mount Carmel
during the contest on who really is the true God?
14. What is the Hebrew name of Esther?
15. What Jewish feast celebrates Queen Esther’s deliverance of her people
from the evil designs of Haman?
1. Who are the offspring of the “sons of God” (angels) when they had
relations with the daughters of men?
16. In the Book of Proverbs, Wisdom is found crying out in ________.
a. the Temple
c. the city gates
b. the court of the king
d. the desert
2. Who is the son of Noah who became the father of the Canaanites?
3. Who is Judah’s daughter-in-law who became one of the ancestresses of
Jesus, the Messiah?
17. In the Book of Proverbs, Wisdom has built her house on how many
4. Who is the daughter of a priest given as wife to Joseph by Pharaoh?
18. What is the Hebrew equivalent of the book “Ecclesiastes,” the name
which means “one who convokes an assembly”?
5. What is the feast when the High Priest slaughters a goat as a sin offering
of the Israelites and another live goat upon which all the sins of Israel
are confessed?
6. Where did Joshua defeat the Amorites when the sun stood still at his
7. Called by God, Gideon courageously pulled down his father’s altar to
Baal. For this, the people began to refer to him with the name which
means: “Let Baal contend against him.” What is the other name given
to Gideon?
8. When the Philistines controlled the Israelites for 40 years, God raised
up Samson, a strong man, born to parents who were childless for a long
time. What tribe of Israel did Samson come from?
19. In what book of the Old Testament do we find the passage, “Dark—but
20. Who was the prophet who contradicted Jeremiah and gave false
confidence to the people of Judah by predicting the end of the
Babylonian rule in two years?
21. Who was the Judean governor appointed by Nebuchadnezzar to oversee
Judah after it fell to the Babylonians?
22. By what river in Babylon did Ezekiel have a vision of cherubim leaving
the east gate of the house of God, because the glory of the Lord left the
9. Who is the god of the Philistines whose statue fell and broke before the
Ark of the Covenant?
23. What is the book of the Old Testament that says that those who are
wise and those who lead others to righteousness, when they die, “shall
shine like the stars forever and ever”?
10. How many sons of Jesse were presented to Samuel before the prophet
chose David as the new king?
24. The book of this prophet is also known as the shortest book of the Old
Testament. Who is he?
11. Before he conquered Jerusalem and made it his city, where did David
rule as king of Judah?
25. Who is the prophet from Elkosh who foretold the fall of Nineveh, capital
of Assyria, because of Assyria’s cruelty to other nations?
1. Joseph married the Virgin Mary ____
a. To stop any unpleasant gossip
b. To avoid Roman taxation
c. To avoid conscription in the military
d. In obedience to an angel
2. Who made a famous mistake and would have said, “Next time, I won’t
start to doubt until I’m back in the boat”? 3. Who confessed the following to Jesus: “You are the Messiah, the Son
of the living God”?
4. Jesus paid his share of the temple tax ____
a. Through Matthew the tax collector
b. Through Peter who paid for it by his plentiful catch
c. Through a fish
d. Through the help of the women of Galilee
5. How many great discourses of Jesus does the Gospel of Matthew
a. Seven
c. Five
b. Three
d. Ten
6. Whom did Jesus cure of seven demons?
7. What Gospel contains the Parable of the Good Samaritan?
8. To what village were the two disheartened disciples of Jesus going after
they witnessed the death of Jesus in Jerusalem?
9. Who said on being told that Jesus of Nazareth is the Messiah: “Can
anything good come from Nazareth?”? 10. Where did Jesus make the first sign or miracle according to the Gospel
of John?
Part II: Semifinal and Final Rounds—SPNBQ 1 n 23
11. In John’s Gospel, Jesus wept ______
a. At Judas’ treachery
b. For the people of Jerusalem
c. At the death of Lazarus
d. At the death of John the Baptist
12. What do you call stories told by Jesus taken from everyday scenes which
mirror how the Kingdom of God works in the lives of people?
1. Who was the Moabite ancestress of the Messiah, mentioned in
Matthew’s genealogy of Jesus?
2. In what Gospel do we find this prayer from the Our Father: “Forgive
us our debts, as we forgive our debtors”?
3. Having made the famous mistake, who would have said: “Next time, I
won’t get carried away by my niece’s dancing”?
4. Jesus’ cry on the cross, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”
first appears in __________
a. Job
c. Isaiah
b. The Psalms
d. Wisdom
5. To whom does Luke dedicate his Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles?
6. Up to whom does Luke trace the lineage of Jesus?
7. About how old was Jesus when he started his public ministry?
8. Which Gospel has the story of the great catch of fish which inspired
Simon and companions to follow Jesus?
9. What chapter in the Gospel of Luke contains three parables of the lost:
lost sheep, lost coin, lost son?
10. Jesus met Zacchaeus in the town of ______
a. Jericho
c. Tiberias
b. Capernaum
d. Sychar
11. In what pool in Jerusalem did Jesus send the blind man to wash and be
able to see?
Part II: Semifinal and Final Rounds—SPNBQ 1 n 25
12. Who said this famous phrase: “It is better for you that one man should
die instead of the people, so that the whole nation may not perish”?
13. Who interrogated Jesus, after his arrest, about his disciples and teaching?
14. In what Gospel does Jesus cry out on the cross: “I thirst”?
15. Who was the partner of Joseph of Arimathea in preparing the body of
Jesus for burial?
1. What city did Paul escape from by being lowered down the city wall in
a basket?
2. Who explained the Book of Isaiah to an Ethiopian eunuch?
3. Who was the pagan centurion in Caesarea who was welcomed by Peter
in the faith after the latter had a vision of a tent full of unclean animals?
4. Who was the eloquent speaker from Alexandria whom the Corinthians
compared with Paul?
1. Whom will God send to gather human beings for judgment at the end
of the world?
5. Who was the prophet in Caesarea who foretold what would happen to
Paul in Jerusalem?
2. What is the Greek name for the conglomeration of ten cities in Israel
and beyond, established by the Roman general Pompey?
6. In Phil 3:5, Paul tells us that he was circumcised on the _____
a. Seventh day
c. First birthday
b. Eighth day
d. Thirteenth year
3. What is the mountain in Jerusalem where Gethsemane is located?
7. To whom did Paul send the slave Onesimus after converting him in
4. To whom did Jesus address these famous words: “No one can see the
kingdom of God without being born from above”?
5. In what town in Galilee did Jesus proclaim his discourse on the Bread
of Life?
6. What was the valley crossed by Jesus and his disciples in going to the
garden (of Gethsemane)?
7. From what Gospel did Jose Rizal get the famous passage for title of his
novel Noli Me Tangere, “Do not touch me”?
8. What is the only book that presents Jesus as our High Priest?
9. In the Book of Revelation, where was the seer John exiled because he
proclaimed God’s word and gave testimony to Jesus?
10. What number does the Book of Revelation associate with the Beast or
the Antichrist?
1. In what city were Paul and Barnabas hailed as gods when they made a
cripple walk?
2. Who was the disciple who substituted for Barnabas as Paul’s companion
in his second missionary journey?
3. Who are the husband and wife whom Paul mentioned as his co-workers
in Corinth?
4. Who is the Roman proconsul of Achaia before whom Paul was
denounced by the Jews in Acts 18:12-17?
5. In what city did Paul come into conflict with the worshippers of the
goddess Artemis?
6. Rom 16:22, Paul’s secretary, to whom he dictated his letter to the Roman
Christians, includes his personal greeting and reveals that his name is
a. Timothy
c. Tertius
b. Silvanus
d. Luke
7. In 2 Cor 11:25, Paul recounts that he was shipwrecked _______
a. Twice
c. Once
b. Three times
d. Five times
8. In 2 Cor 12:2, Paul talks about his experience of visions and revelations
saying that he [someone in Christ] was caught up to the _______
a. Seventh heaven
c. Tenth heaven
b. Third heaven
d. Heaven of heavens 9. In Gal 1:18, Paul recounts that he went up to Jerusalem to get to know
Cephas and stayed with him for_______
a. Ten days
c. One month
b. Fifteen days
d. None of the above
10. In Gal 2:11, Paul recounts that in this place he scolded Peter concerning
a. Jerusalem
c. Rome
b. Antioch
d. None of the above
11. In this letter, Paul speaks of the law as a disciplinarian whose role ends
with the coming of Christ:
a. Romans
c. Galatians
b. Philippians
d. Ephesians
12. In Gal 6:14, Paul expresses the wish that he may never boast of anything
except Christ’s ______
a. Resurrection
c. Death
b. Glory
d. Cross
Part II: Semifinal and Final Rounds—SPNBQ 1 n 27
13. In this letter, Paul promises a visit once released from prison, and asks
that a room be prepared for him.
a. 1 Corinthians
c. Colossians
b. Philemon
d. Philippians
14. According to the Letter to the Hebrews, according to whose order is
the priesthood of Jesus?
15. Complete the following verse from James 2:17: “Faith by itself, if it has
no __________, is dead.
16. To what animal does St. Peter liken the devil?
17. Peter mentions the traditional “code name” for the city of Rome in
Jewish and Christian apocalypses. What is the code name?
18. Where do we find this famous passage: “God is love, and whoever
remains in love remains in God and God in him”?
a. First Letter of John
c. Letter of James
b. Third Letter of John
d. First Letter of Peter
19. Who is the letter-writer who refers to himself as the brother of James?
20. What is the title of Jesus in Greek which stands for “beginning” and
21. According to the Book of Revelation, what is the lamp that enlightens
the heavenly city, the new Jerusalem?
1. Who is the Jewish magician who posed as a prophet in Paphos and
became blind when Paul denounced him?
2. Who is the young man who fell from the window when Paul was
preaching till late at night in Troas?
3. In Rom 16:1, Paul commends to the Christians in Rome a female
deacon by the name of _______
a. Prisca
c. Phoebe
b. Syntyche
d. Evodia
4. 1 Cor 14:1 Paul exhorts the members of the community to set their
hearts on spiritual gifts, but above all, the gift of _________
a. Tongues
c. Prophecy
b. Healing
d. Interpretation of Tongues
5. In 1 Cor 16:15, Paul says that the “firstfruits” of Achaia is the household
of ________
6. Who is the king of Arabia who was trying to catch Paul but whom Paul
evaded by being lowered in a basket from the wall?
7. In Gal 2:1, Paul says that after fourteen years, he again went up to
Jerusalem accompanied by_______
a. Timothy
c. Silas
b. Barnabas
d. Luke
8. Who is the messenger whom the Philippians sent to assist Paul in prison?
9. In this letter, Paul uses the image of a “race” and speaks of fixing his
attention on the finish line, which is life on high with Jesus Christ.
a. Philippians
c. 1 Thessalonians
b. 2 Corinthians
d. Romans
10. Who is the Christian whom Paul acknowledges as the first evangelizer
of Colossae?
11. According to the Letter to the Hebrews, what was contained in the Ark
of the Covenant aside from the tablets of the commandments? Give
one of two answers.
12. Who says the following: “Consider how small a fire can set a huge forest
ablaze. The tongue is also a fire”?
13. Aside from the Synoptic Gospels, where do we find an account of the
Transfiguration of Jesus?
a. 2 Peter
c. 1 John
b. Hebrews
d. Jude
14. In the Johannine letters, what did the Presbyter call the Christians who
separated from his group?
15. In 3 John, who was the local “bishop” who would not accept the
delegation of the Presbyter?
Part II: Semifinal and Final Rounds—SPNBQ 1 n 29
16. From what book in the Old Testament does the seer of the Book of
Revelation takes the image of “one like a son of man”?
17. Which church in the Book of Revelation is chided for following the
teachings of the Nicolaitans, a dissolute, immoral sect who might have
taught that Christians can engage in emperor worship?
18. In the Book of Revelation, creatures come out of the earth to torture
humanity at the sound of the fifth trumpet. Such event recalls one of
the plagues in Exodus (Ex 10:13-15). What are those creatures?
19. In Rv 9:11, Satan’s name is spelled out in Hebrew and Greek. What is
Satan’s name in Hebrew?
Semifinal Round
1. Who of this group of righteous men lived after the Great Flood?
a. Enoch
c. Seth
b. Shem
d. Abel
2. In what land did the Lord order Abraham to go to offer his son Isaac
as sacrifice to God?
3. God gave the Ten Commandments to Moses on Mount Sinai. What is
the other name for this mountain in another tradition?
4. What do we call the pact or agreement made between the Lord and the
people of Israel, with the Lord saying: “I shall be your God and you
shall be my people”?
5. Who died without leaving a son but with five daughters? They asked
Moses if they could inherit the property of their father. God allowed
it, provided the women married in their tribe.
6. Who was a wealthy Israelite who lived in Bethlehem, married Ruth the
Moabite, and became an ancestor of David?
7. Who is the father of the prophet Samuel?
8. Who is the priest of Modein and the father of the Maccabee brothers
who rebelled against King Antiochus who had prohibited the Jews from
practicing their religion?
9. Who is the biblical figure who said these famous words: “Naked I came
forth from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I go back again. The
Lord gave and the Lord has taken away”?
10. What psalm marvels at God’s work in the heavens: the moon and the
stars he has made? It also marvels at the dignity of the human being
made a little less than a god.
a. Psalm 8
c. Psalm 51
b. Psalm 23
d. None of the above
Part III: Semifinal Round—SPNBQ 2 n 33
8. What is the Hebrew name of the Book of Ecclesiastes? This name
substitutes for “Ecclesiastes” in many translations.
9. Who among the prophets mirrored God’s love for his people Israel
even if the people proved unfaithful to God’s covenant with them? He
showed this in his married life.
11. Who is the secretary of the prophet Jeremiah after whom a prophetic
book is named?
12. Who is the prophet who prophesied that God would send back Elijah
the Prophet before the Day of the Lord comes, to turn the heart of
fathers to their children?
1. What do you call the special inheritance rights of the firstborn son
giving him claim to the bulk of the ancestral property?
1. Aside from Shiphrah, who is the other Hebrew midwife who refused
the order of Pharaoh to kill the Hebrew child if it was a boy?
2. In the Book of Judges, who told this famous riddle: “Out of the eater
came forth food, and out of the strong came forth sweetness”? 3. Who were the inhabitants of Jerusalem, a Canaanite city conquered by
David and made his capital?
4. Aside from King Josiah, who is the other king of Judah who was
approved because of his faithfulness to the Law of Moses and for
removing the idols in his kingdom?
5. Who is the last Israelite king of Samaria whom Shalmaneser, king of
Assyria, exiled along with his people to Assyria?
6. Who is the wicked opponent of Mordecai and the Jews in the Book of
7. How many psalms are contained in the Book of Psalms?
2. Who were of the race of giants whom the scouts sent by Moses saw
in the land of Canaan? Because of fear of them, the Israelites refused
to attack the land. In punishment the Lord made them wander in the
desert for 40 years.
3. Where did Joshua and the Israelites fight and conquer the Amorites,
with the sun standing still at the prayer of Joshua?
4. In the Book of Judges, who is the judge of Israel noted for being lefthanded?
5. Who is the adviser of King David who betrayed him by going over to
Absalom and who later hanged himself?
6. Who is the scribe-priest appointed by King Artaxerxes of Persia to lead
the Jewish exiles in Babylon to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the city
and the temple?
7. Who is the woman praised in these words: “You are the glory of
Jerusalem, the surpassing joy of Israel; you are the splendid boast of
our people”? 8. What is the longest psalm in the whole psalter? The psalm is acrostic,
that is, the verses begin with the Hebrew letter arranged alphabetically.
9. What is the number of the psalm that sings of the Jews’ lament of their
exile in Babylon? It starts with this passage: “By the rivers of Babylon
we sat mourning and weeping when we remembered Zion”?
10. What prophetic book contains the following prophecy quoted by Saint
Matthew in the story of Jesus’ birth: “But you, Bethlehem-Ephrathah,
too small to be among the clans of Judah, from you shall come forth
for me one who is to be ruler in Israel”?
11. Who is the prophet who encouraged the governor Zerubbabel and the
high priest Joshua to persevere in rebuilding the Jerusalem temple after
the exile?
Part III: Semifinal Round—SPNBQ 2 n 35
10. In what Gospel does Jesus cry on the cross, “Father, into your hands I
commend my spirit”?
11. What is the word used by the Gospel of John for Jesus’ mighty deeds
or miracles?
12. What is the first miracle that Jesus performed in the Gospel of John?
13. Which of the following is the word of Jesus on the cross?
a. My hour has not yet come
c. It is finished
b. Not my will but yours be done
d. The hour has come
14. In the Gospel of John, to whom did the risen Jesus say, “Do not touch
me” or “Stop holding on to me”?
15. What is another name for the Sea of Galilee?
1. In the massacre of the infants, who cried for the children of Bethlehem,
for they are no more?
2. In what Gospel do we find Pontius Pilate washing his hands at the trial
of Jesus?
3. What is the name of the prince of demons with whom Jesus was in
league or who possessed Jesus, according to Jesus’ detractors?
4. What is the name of the demon whom Jesus exorcised in the territory
of the Gerasenes?
5. In the Gospel of Mark, what is the name of the blind man whom Jesus
healed as he was leaving Jericho?
6. Who is the father of Alexander and Rufus mentioned in the Gospel of
7. Who said the following words that became part of the prayer The Hail
Mary: “Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your
womb”? 8. Who is the figure in the Gospel who said, “Now, Master, you may let
your servant go in peace, according to your word, for my eyes have seen
your salvation”?
9. Who was the Roman emperor when John the Baptist and Jesus started
their public ministry?
1. Who is the Herod who ruled in Judea after Herod the Great died?
Because of him Joseph brought the Holy Family from Egypt to
2. In the Gospels of Mark and Luke, who was the tax collector called by
Jesus to follow him?
3. What Gospel mentions the incident of a young man who ran off naked
during Jesus’ arrest in Gethsemane?
4. In the Gospel of Mark, who confessed Jesus as the Son of God when
Jesus died on the cross?
5. In what Gospel do we read that when Jesus began his ministry, he was
about thirty years of age?
6. What tree did Zacchaeus climb in order to see Jesus who was passing
by Jericho?
7. In what Gospel do we find Jesus healing the severed ear of the servant
of the high priest?
8. Who was the Herod who ruled in Galilee during Jesus’ public ministry?
Be specific.
Part III: Semifinal Round—SPNBQ 2 n 37
9. What Gospel does not have the account of Jesus instituting the
sacrament of the Eucharist at the Last Supper?
1. To whom did Luke dedicate the Acts of the Apostles?
1. What is the collection of the discourses of Jesus in chapter 13 of
Matthew all about?
2. In the Acts of the Apostles, who was the deacon who converted the
2. Simon of Cyrene helped Jesus carry his cross. Where or what is Cyrene?
a. A city surrounded by farms in Judea
b. A Roman colony in North Africa
c. A Jewish diaspora or dispersion in Syria
d. None of the above
3. Who was the God-fearing Gentile from Caesarea Maritima who
was officially accepted by Peter to the Christian faith along with his
3. Who sang this hymn in the Gospel of Luke: “Peace in heaven and glory
in the highest”?
4. What chapter of the Gospel of John contains Jesus’ teaching on the
Bread of Life?
4. In the Acts of the Apostles, where did Paul summon and speak to the
Ephesian elders?
5. Where was St. Paul imprisoned while awaiting trial before he was sent
to the court of Caesar in Rome?
6. Whom did Paul call his “beloved physician”?
5. In what Gospel is it said that the high priest’s slave whose ear was cut
off when Jesus was being arrested is named Malchus?
7. What New Testament letter contains this famous phrase: “Faith of itself,
if it does not have works, is dead”?
6. Which is not a paroimia or “figure of speech” in the Gospel of John?
a. Jesus is the vine and the disciples are the branches
b. Jesus is the true bread from heaven
c. Jesus is the grain of wheat that falls to the ground and dies,
and then bears much fruit
d. Jesus is the shepherd who looks for the lost sheep
8. To how many churches in Asia did the author of the Book of Revelation
write and send letters?
7. Which town was not located close to the Sea of Galilee or Sea of Tiberias?
a. Cana
c. Chorazin
b. Magdala
d. Bethsaida
8. Which of the following towns was located in Samaria?
a. Emmaus
c. Sychar
b. Magdala
d. Jericho
9. What are the two Greek letters which in the Book of Revelation point
to the risen Christ as “the First and the Last”?
10. In the Book of Revelation, the new city of God has no need of sun or
moon to shine on it. Instead a lamp gives light to this city. What is this
lamp that gives light?
11. In the Book of Revelation, which city is being compared to the great
harlot or prostitute who is seated on a red beast?
a. Jerusalem
c. Rome
b. Babylon
d. Nineveh
Part III: Semifinal Round—SPNBQ 2 n 39
1. In the Acts of the Apostles, who were the husband and wife who sold
a piece of property but retained some of the purchase price? For lying
to the Holy Spirit they both died suddenly.
1. In the Acts of the Apostles, Luke distinguishes two groups of disciples.
One group he calls “Hebrews.” What does he call the other group? 2. To whom is the altar inscription which Paul found in Athens dedicated?
Paul referred to this inscription in his speech at the Areopagus.
3. Who recalls for the believers these words of Jesus: “It is more blessed
to give than to receive”?
4. Paul writes the Roman Christians that he is going to a certain place
after he visits Rome. Where was Paul going?
5. Who was the deaconess of Cenchreae whom Paul introduced to the
Romans, requesting them to help her in whatever she might need? She
herself was a benefactor of Paul and of many Christians.
6. Who was the Christian woman from whose people Paul heard about
the disorders in the Corinthian community?
7. Which is not mentioned by Paul as one of the rival parties of Christians
in Corinth?
a. Party of Christ
c. Party of James
b. Party of Kephas
d. Party of Paul
8. In the Second Letter to the Corinthians Paul mentions that he was given
something that he might not be elated about visions and revelations
given him. What was given to Paul?
a. Sickness of the eyes
c. Sexual temptation
b. Thorn in the flesh
d. Persecution by his enemies
9. Which New Testament document speaks lengthily of the New
Covenant, quoting from the Book of Jeremiah?
2. What is the title of the Nubian queen or the queen of the Ethiopians
whose eunuch was converted by the deacon Philip?
3. Where did Paul and the believers collect books on magic and burn them
in public?
4. What Christian community did not belong to the Roman province of
a. Ephesus
c. Thessalonica
b. Miletus
d. Thyatira
5. Which Christian community among the following was not founded by
a. Romans
c. Philippians
b. Thessalonians
d. Ephesians
6. What was given to Paul to keep him from being elated because of his
visions and revelations? Three times he begged the Lord to be delivered
of it, but it was refused.
7. What letter of St. Paul contains this statement: “I know him in whom
I have believed and am confident that he is able to guard what has been
entrusted to me until that day”?
8. In what letter does Paul say the following about the Word of God: “All
Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for refutation,
for correction, and for training in righteousness”?
9. The Letter to the Hebrews recalls that the high priest would go to the
inner part of the Temple once a year offering blood for himself and for
the sins of the people. What is this place the high priest entered?
10. Which New Testament writer gives the following realistic advice: “Come
now, you who say, ‘Today or tomorrow we shall go into such and such a
town, spend a year there doing business, and make a profit’—you have
no idea what your life will be like tomorrow. You are a puff of smoke
that appears briefly and then disappears. Instead you should say, ‘If the
Lord wills it, we shall live to do this or that’ ”?
Final Round
11. What is the title the author of the First Letter of Peter applies to Jesus
when he admonishes the Christian presbyters to tend the flock of God?
12. In the Third Letter of John, to whom did the author—the Presbyter—
write to thank him for receiving the missionaries he sent?
1. Of the three sons of Noah, he was chosen for special blessing. He was
the ancestor of Abraham and the Israelite people. Who was he?
2. What do you call the shadowy underworld to which the spirits of the
dead go, according to Israelite belief? Give the name in Hebrew.
3. What feast was the only time the high priest entered the Holy of Holies
in the Temple of Jerusalem? Give the name in English or Hebrew.
4. What is the Jewish feast that Jesus and his parents celebrated in Jerusalem
when he was 12 years old?
5. The temple of God in Jerusalem built by the returnees from exile was
more humble when compared to the temple built by Solomon which
was destroyed by the Babylonians. But at the time of Jesus, it had
become a magnificent temple. Who was responsible for the enlargement
and beautification of the temple?
6. Who initially did not believe Jesus as the Messiah and who said, “Can
anything good come from Nazareth?”?
7. What is the word that the Gospel of John uses to refer to Jesus’
impending passion, death, and glorification?
8. Who was the young man who sank into a deep sleep while Saint Paul
was speaking until midnight? He fell down from the third story, died,
but was revived by the apostle.
9. In what letter do we find Paul’s famous hymn to charity?
10. Who was a Jewish convert from Alexandria, an eloquent speaker, who
was taken by some Corinthians as a rival of Paul?
1. He was the grandson of Aaron who violently defended the covenant,
killing an Israelite who brought in a Midianite woman to his clansmen.
He was then granted the “covenant of priesthood.”
2. What was the mountain where Saul and his sons died while fighting
the Philistines?
3. What do you call the celebration of the fiftieth year in Israel, during
which special arrangements were designed to aid the poor and the
dispossessed? It was marked by the blowing of the ram’s horn.
4. Who was an administrator in Solomon’s court who rebelled and became
the first king of the northern kingdom of Israel?
5. In what Gospel do we find the Parable of the Ten Virgins?
6. Who anointed Jesus’ feet with oil and dried them with her hair in the
Gospel of John? Be specific.
7. In what Gospel is Jesus presented as crying on the cross with a loud
voice, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?”? or “My God, my God, why have
you forsaken me?”?
8. Who was the mother of Timothy, the faithful collaborator of Paul?
9. What is the title of the risen Jesus in the Book of Revelation which
means “the faithful and true witness,” someone we can depend upon?
10. What is the mythical site of the final battle between God and the forces
of evil in apocalyptic thought?
Part IV: Final Round—SPNBQ 2 n 43
1. Who was a member of the royal Davidic line who led a return from
Babylonian captivity and was appointed governor of Judea by Cyrus,
king of Persia?
2. The Book of Proverbs (30:25) points to the wisdom of this species
of animals—“a species not strong, yet they store up their food in the
summer?” What is this species?
3. What is the mythical sea monster of prophetic literature and the Book
of Job?
4. After the resurrection, the risen Jesus, unrecognized, walked with the
two disciples on the road to Emmaus. One of the disciples had a name.
What was the name of this disciple?
5. From where did Jesus ascend to heaven according to the Gospel of Luke?
6. Who was cured by Jesus and was thrown out of the synagogue for
insisting that Jesus was not a sinner even if he healed on a Sabbath?
Give a precise answer.
7. Who was the centurion who had charged of Paul when he was
transported by ship to Rome as a prisoner?
8. Who was sent by the Philippian Christians to Paul when he was in
prison, to bring him financial help and to attend to his needs?
9. The Letter to the Hebrews says that Christ’s priesthood is according to
the order of Melchizedek, king and priest of God Most High? What
place was Melchizedek king of?
10. In what letter do we find this famous passage, “God is love”? This is
also the title of Pope Benedict XVI’s first encyclical letter Deus Caritas
Part IV: Final Round—SPNBQ 2 n 45
(Gospels: Multiple Choice. Team members are joined by their mentors.
This had no bearing on the Finals)
1. The Infancy Narratives or Christmas stories are from the Gospels of
Matthew and Luke. What story is from the Gospel of Matthew?
a. The angel announces to the shepherds the birth of Jesus
b. The Angel Gabriel announces to Mary that she was chosen to
be the mother of the Son of God
c. The Magi from the east come to worship the newborn king
of the Jews
d. Mary and Joseph go to Bethlehem to register for the census
2. The Gospel of Matthew presents to us the Eight Beatitudes in the
Sermon on the Mount. What is not listed among the Matthean
a. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy
b. Blessed are those who fear the Lord, for they will be happy
and prosper
c. Blessed are the persecuted for the sake of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven
d. Blessed are the pure of heart, for they will see God
3. Which of the following revelations of Jesus is from the Gospel of John?
a. The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath
b. I must be about my Father’s business
c. Before Abraham came to be, I am
d. Today, you will be with me in Paradise
4. Mary of Magdala or Mary Magdalene is mistaken for other characters
in the Gospel. Which is the true Mary of the following?
a. One of the Galilean women who provided Jesus and his group
out of their means
b. The woman caught in the act of adultery but was not condemned
by Jesus
c. The sinful woman who bathed Jesus’ feet with her tears and dried
them with her hair
d. The sister of Martha who sat listening to Jesus while Martha was
busy with serving
5. Who among these women was listed by Matthew as an ancestress of
Jesus, the Messiah?
a. Sarah
c. Rachel
b. Rebekah
d. None of the above
6. Which of the following Herods had John the Baptist beheaded on
account of Herodias, the wife of his brother, whom he had married?
a. Herod Antipas
c. Herod Philip
b. Herod Archelaus
d. Herod Agrippa I
7. Of the disciples, Jesus most frequently addressed Simon Peter. Which
is not said by Jesus to Simon Peter?
a. “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven”
b. “Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch”
c. “Whoever sees me sees the Father also”
d. None of the above
8. Where did the Magi or Three Kings find the Child Jesus and his mother?
a. In the cave
c. In the house
b. In the inn
d. None of the above
9. Which Gospel tells the story of the “Good Thief ” who asked Jesus to
remember him when he entered into his kingdom?
a. Matthew
c. Luke
b. Mark
d. John
10. The angel tells Joseph in a dream that the child Mary was conceiving
will be called “Jesus” because:
a. He will be the Messiah, God’s anointed
b. He will put an end to the reign of the devil
c. He will fulfill the Law and the Prophets
d. None of the above
Part IV: Final Round—SPNBQ 2 n 47
Audience Participation
1. Where did Jesus grow up until he was thirty years old and began to
a. Bethlehem
c. Cana
b. Jerusalem
d. None of the above
2. Who of the disciples of Jesus was a former tax collector?
a. Simon the Zealot
c. Philip
b. Levi
d. None of the above
3. What was the most common way Jesus used to preach the Kingdom of
a. Riddles
c. Parables
b. Homilies
d. Debates
4. What was the occupation of Jesus before he preached the Gospel of
God’s Kingdom?
a. Teacher of the Law
c. Carpenter
b. Shepherd
d. Caretaker of the Synagogue
5. What mystery of Jesus Christ do we celebrate at Christmas time?
a. Paschal Mystery
c. Mystery of Light
b. Incarnation
d. None of the above
6. Who helped Jesus carry the cross up to Mount Calvary?
a. Nicodemus
c. The Good Thief
b. Joseph of Arimathea
d. None of the above
7. In the town or village, where did the Jews go to worship God and listen
to God’s word?
a. In their houses
c. In the synagogue
b. In God’s temple
d. None of the above
8. Who said the following: “Now, Master, you may let your servant go in
peace, according to your word, for my eyes have seen your salvation”?
a. Zechariah
c. Simeon
b. Anna
d. None of the above
9. Which incident in the traditional Way of the Cross is not narrated in
the Gospels?
a. The women of Jerusalem wept for Jesus
b. Simon of Cyrene helped Jesus carry his cross
c. Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus helped bury the body of Jesus
d. Veronica wiped the face of Jesus
10. From which tribe of Israel was the promised Messiah to come?
a. Levi
c. Reuben
b. Joseph
d. None of the above
11. In what body of water did Jesus rescue the disciples from the violent
a. Lake Gennesaret
c. Dead Sea
b. Jordan River
d. Mediterranean Sea
12. Which Gospel contains the well-known Parable of the Prodigal Son?
a. Matthew
c. Luke
b. Mark
d. John
13. Who said the following words to Jesus which we repeat during Mass:
“Lord, I am not worthy to have you enter under my roof; only say the
word and my servant will be healed”?
a. A pagan centurion
c. One of the disciples of Jesus
b. Jairus, a Jewish official
d. A Samaritan official
14. Which Gospel does not carry the story of the Transfiguration of Jesus?
a. Mathew
c. Luke
b. Mark
d. John
15. What is the prayer we say when we ask the Lord Jesus to come again in
a. Marana tha!
c. Hosanna!
b. Halleluia!
d. Ephphatha!
New Materials
Different persons said these words to Jesus. Point out who they are.
1. “I need to be baptized by you, and yet you are coming to me?”
2. “If you are the Son of God, command that these stones become loaves
of bread.”
3. “Lord, I am not worthy to have you enter under my roof; only say the
word and my servant will be healed.”
4. “Teacher, I will follow you wherever you go.”
5. “Why do we and the Pharisees fast, but your disciples do not fast?”
6. “Are you the one who is to come, or should we look for another?”
7. “See, your disciples are doing what is unlawful to do on the sabbath.”
8. “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.”
9. “Why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders? They do not
wash their hands when they eat a meal.”
10. “Please, Lord, for even the dogs eat the scraps that fall from the table
of their masters.”
11. “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”
12. “Lord, it is good that we are here. If you wish, I will make three tents
here, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.”
13. “Lord, if my brother sins against me, how often must I forgive him? As
many as seven times?”
14. “Teacher, what good must I do to gain eternal life?”
15. “Command that these two sons of mine sit, one at your right and the
other at your left, in your kingdom.”
16. “By what authority are you doing these things [cleansing the Temple
and teaching in it]?”
17. “What is your opinion: Is it lawful to pay the census tax to Caesar or
18. “There were seven brothers… all seven died. Finally the woman died.
At the resurrection, whose wife will she be?”
19. “Even though I should have to die with you, I will not deny you.”
20. “I order you to tell us under oath before the living God whether you
are the Messiah, the Son of God.”
21. “Hail, King of the Jews!”
22. “Legion is my name. There are many of us.”
23. “My daughter is at the point of death. Please, come lay your hands on
her that she may get well and live.”
24. “Teacher, we saw someone driving out demons in your name, and we
tried to prevent him because he does not follow us.”
25. “Is it lawful for a husband to divorce his wife?”
26. In Mark: “Jesus, son of David, have pity on me… Master, I want to
27. “Are you the king of the Jews?”
28. “Why have you done this to us? Your father and I have been looking
for you with great anxiety.”
29. “Master, we have worked hard all night and have caught nothing, but
at your command I will lower the nets.”
30. “Depart from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man.”
Part V: New Materials n 51
31. “Lord, even the demons are subject to us because of your name.”
32. “Who is my neighbor?”
33. “Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me by myself to do the
serving? Tell her to help me.”
34. “Blessed is the womb that carried you and the breasts at which you
35. “Go away, leave this area because Herod wants to kill you.”
36. “Behold, half of my possessions, Lord, I shall give to the poor, and if I
have extorted anything from anyone I shall repay it four times over.”
37. “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.”
38. “Are you the only visitor to Jerusalem who does not know of the things
that have taken place there in these days?”
39. “Stay with us, for it is nearly evening and the day is almost over.”
40. “Rabbi, where are you staying?”
41. “Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the King of Israel.”
42. “They have no wine.”
43. “This temple has been under construction for forty-six years, and you
will raise it up in three days?”
44. “How can a person once grown old be born again? Surely he cannot
reenter his mother’s womb and be born again, can he?”
45. “Sir, give me this water, so that I may not be thirsty or have to keep
coming here to draw water.”
46. “I know that the Messiah is coming, the one called the Anointed; when
he comes, he will tell us everything.”
47. “Sir, come down before my child dies.”
48. “Sir, I have no one to put me into the pool when the water is stirred
up; while I am on my way, someone else gets down there before me.”
49. “Two hundred days’ wages worth of food would not be enough for each
of them to have a little bit.”
50. “There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish; but what
good are these for so many?”
51. “Is this not Jesus, the son of Joseph… Then how can he say, ‘I have
come down from heaven’?”
52. “Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We
have come to believe and are convinced that you are the Holy One of
53. “Teacher, this woman was caught in the very act of committing adultery.
Now in the law, Moses commanded us to stone such women. So what
do you say?”
Part V: New Materials n 53
1. She ate of the forbidden fruit and gave it also to her husband.
2. He killed his brother and committed the first murder in human history.
3. He killed a man for wounding him and is avenged seventy-sevenfold.
54. “We are descendants of Abraham and have never been enslaved to
4. They saw how beautiful the daughters of man were, had intercourse
with them and begot the Nephilim.
55. “Who is he [the Son of Man], sir, that I may believe in him?”
5. He saw his father Noah’s nakedness and told his brothers about it.
56. “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died. But even
now I know that whatever you ask of God, God will give you.”
6. The outcry against these two cities was so great and their sin was so
grave that the Lord rained down sulphurous fire to destroy them.
57. “I have come to believe that you are the Messiah, the Son of God, the
one who is coming into the world.”
7. These two women plied their father with wine, lay with him, and had
offspring by him.
58. “Master, are you going to wash my feet?”
8. She demanded that Abraham send away Hagar and her son Ishmael,
so that her son would not have a share in the inheritance.
59. “What is truth?”
60. “Rabbouni!”
61. “My Lord and my God!”
62. “Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you.”
9. She helped her younger son get the blessing of the older son by deceiving
her husband.
10. He duped Jacob by giving his daughter Leah at the wedding night
instead of the younger Rachel.
11. He loved Dinah, the daughter of Jacob, but he seized her and lay with
her by force.
12. These two brothers killed Hamor and Shechem together with their
able-bodied men when these were still in pain of their circumcision.
This was to avenge the rape of their sister Dinah.
13. He climbed his father’s bed and lay with his father’s concubine, Bilhah,
and so lost his privilege as the firstborn.
14. She tried to tempt Joseph to lie with her, and when refused, accused
him of attempting to molest her.
15. He made a golden calf for the Israelites to worship when Moses was
delayed in coming down from Mount Sinai.
16. These two sons of Aaron offered before the Lord profane fire, such as
the Lord not authorized, and were consumed by fire.
17. She complained about the authority of Moses and was turned into a
18. They were sent by Moses, each one from every Israelite tribe, to
reconnoiter the land of Canaan. Ten of them reported the discouraging
report that the inhabitants and their cities were too strong for the
Israelites to conquer.
Part V: New Materials n 55
26. His parents told him to find a wife among his kinsfolk, but he preferred
to go and take a wife from the Philistines. He would reveal the secret of
his strength to a Philistine woman who in turn would tell her people
who would capture him.
27. These two sons of the priest Eli did not respect the Lord nor the priests’
duties toward the people; they died in battle against the Philistines who
captured the Ark of the Covenant.
28. The Philistines placed the captured Ark of the Covenant in the temple
of their god. The next morning they found the statue of this god lying
prone and broken before the Ark.
29. Because he offered the holocaust to the Lord reserved only to Samuel, the
Lord would appoint another in his place as commander of his people.
19. Because these two men joined Korah in his rebellion against Moses, the
earth opened and swallowed them and their families alive.
30. Because Saul spared this king of Amalek and did not put him to death,
thus violating the ban of destruction, he angered the Lord and Samuel
who rejected him.
20. Because they were not faithful to the Lord in showing his sanctity
before the Israelites (one of them struck the rock twice), they were not
permitted to lead the community into the Promised Land.
31. Because this Philistine champion insulted the armies of Israel, David
fell him with a sling and cut off his head with his own sword.
21. Because the Israelites continually complained against God and Moses,
these bit them so that many of the people died.
22. This king of Moab summoned Balaam, a seer from the east, to curse
the Israelites who were encamped on the plains of Moab.
23. This prince of the house of Simeon brought a Midianite woman named
Cozbi to his clansmen in view of the Israelite community and was slain
by Phinehas out of his zeal for God.
24. Because he violated the ban by taking some of the war spoils to be offered
to the Lord, he angered the Lord and so the Israelites were defeated at
Ai. In punishment the Israelites stoned him and his family to death.
25. He vowed to offer a human sacrifice to the Lord upon his return
victorious against the Ammonites. It turned out that his only child, his
daughter, would be the victim of that misplaced vow.
32. This Edomite officer of King Saul betrayed Ahimelech, the priest of
Nob, reporting to Saul that the priest gave holy bread to David and his
men, and gave to David the sword of Goliath. He also killed the priests
33. Afraid of the outcome of the battle against the Philistines, Saul ordered
this woman to conjure for him Samuel from the dead.
34. Because Abner killed his brother Asahel in battle at Gibeon, he
treacherously killed Abner, although King David sent Abner home in
35. After she got pregnant through adultery with David, the king saw
to it that her husband Uriah the Hittite perish in battle against the
36. He fell madly in love with his half-sister Tamar, but after he raped
her, he hated her and threw her outside his house. Tamar’s full brother
Absalom took his revenge on him and arranged for his murder.
Part V: New Materials n 57
37. David’s trusted counselor, he turned to Absalom against the king. When
Absalom did not follow his counsel, he returned home to his city and
hanged himself.
49. This wicked demon was in love with Sarah and killed all seven men
married to her on honeymoon night. Sarah would be saved by the angel
Raphael when she married Tobiah.
38. He killed Absalom who was hanging by his hair on a tree, although David
charged him and the other generals to protect Absalom for his sake.
50. This commander-in-chief of Nebuchadnezzar, king of the Assyrians, laid
siege to Bethulia where the Israelites defended themselves. He would
be seduced and killed by the beautiful widow Judith.
39. Famous for his wisdom and wealth, he angered the Lord by building
temples to the divinities of his many foreign wives, thus by this very
act followed strange gods.
40. In rebelling against Rehoboam, king of Judah, he made two calves of
gold, putting one in Bethel, the other in Dan, and telling the people
that this is their God who brought them from the land of Egypt.
41. When King Ahab married this Sidonian princess, she introduced the
worship of Baal in Israel and ordered the killing of the prophets of the
42. Ahab and Jezebel desired his vineyard, but when he refused to sell it to
them, Jezebel planned for his stoning to possess the vineyard.
43. This servant of the prophet Elisha took money from Naaman even while
the prophet refused to take payment for Naaman’s cure. As punishment,
the leprosy of Naaman clang to him instead.
44. When her son, the king died, she ordered the killing of the whole royal
family to become the regent of Judah. A young prince who was saved
by the priest became king after this queen was ordered killed.
45. This king of Assyria besieged Jerusalem under King Hezekiah, but the
angel of the Lord struck down his army. When he went back to Nineveh,
his sons slew him while he was worshiping in the temple of his god
46. This king of Judah did greater evil than other kings. He immolated his
son by fire, imitating the abominable practices of foreign kings.
47. He ordered the census of Israel which displeased the Lord. As punishment,
he was made to choose: three years of famine; or three months of fleeing
from his enemies; or three days of pestilence. He chose the last.
48. This king of Judah attempted to burn incense to the Lord even if he
was not a priest. As punishment, he became a leper and remained so
until his death.
51. A descendant of Agag, an enemy of the Israelites, he was a ranking
official of King Ahasuerus. He planned the extermination of the Jews but
Queen Esther was able to save her people. This deliverance is celebrated
as the feast of Purim.
52. This Seleucid king commanded the people of Judah to abandon
their religious customs. He prohibited the temple sacrifices and the
circumcision of children, and forced the people to eat pork. This forced
many people to join the Maccabean revolt.
53. This priest and chief officer of the Temple had the prophet Jeremiah
scourged and placed in prison for prophesying evil that would befall
Jerusalem from the hands of the Babylonians.
54. This king gave a great banquet and used the golden and silver vessels
taken from the temple in Jerusalem. Suddenly, the fingers of a human
hand appeared, writing on the plaster of the wall the words: Mene,
Tekel, and Peres.
55. When Susanna refused to give in to their wantonly desire, they accused
her of having sexual relations with a young man inside a garden. Daniel
saved her from execution and condemned these accusers of false witness.
56. This harlot wife of Hosea would return to her many lovers but the Lord
would command the prophet to buy her back. Just as Hosea could not
give up her wife, so Yahweh could not renounce unfaithful Israel.
57. This priest in the temple of Bethel told the prophet Amos to go to Judah
to earn his living by prophesying there, and never again prophesy in
the king’s sanctuary. In turn, Amos prophesied tragedy for him and for
the northern kingdom of Israel.
58. This prophet refused to preach against Nineveh and tried to escape from
the Lord. The Lord then sent a large fish that swallowed him.
Part V: New Materials n 59
14. They took Jesus inside the praetorium, crowned him with thorns,
striking him with the reed.
1. This king ordered the massacre of all the boys in Bethlehem and its
vicinity, two years old and under, hoping to kill also the newborn king
of the Jews.
15. This man was dwelling among the tombs, would break his chains, always
crying out, and bruising himself with stones.
2. These three towns were reproached by Jesus because even if most of his
mighty works had been done there, they had not repented.
3. This group accused Jesus of driving out demons only by the power of
Beelzebul, the prince of demons.
4. Because John the Baptist condemned her marriage to Herod, she asked
her daughter to ask for the head of John the Baptist from the king after
the girl had performed a dance.
5. Jesus called this disciple Satan because he rebuked Jesus for speaking
about his passion and death in Jerusalem.
6. Jesus told the Jews that it is for this reason that Moses allowed divorce,
commanding that the man give the woman a bill of divorce and dismiss
7. Jesus drove these two groups out of the temple for making it a den of
8. In Jesus’ parable, these men killed the vineyard owner’s son to acquire
his inheritance.
16. They asked Jesus to seat them, one at his right and the other at his left,
in his glory.
17. This man was imprisoned by the Romans for committing murder in a
rebellion. The Jews asked Pilate his release in exchange for Jesus.
18. Because he did not believe the words of the angel about he and his wife
having a child, he was rendered speechless for a time, until the day the
words of the angel take place.
19. They rose up and drove Jesus out of their town, intending to hurl him
down, because Jesus told them that God’s prophets helped the pagans
rather than the Israelites.
20. Astonished at the great catch of fish, he begged Jesus to depart from
him because he was a sinful man.
21. The Pharisees warned Jesus about this ruler, to leave Galilee because he
wanted to kill Jesus. Jesus would refer to him as “that fox.”
22. In the parable, this man did not attend to Lazarus lying at his door, and
when he died he found himself in torment in the netherworld.
9. These people plotted to entrap Jesus by asking him whether it is lawful
to pay the census tax to Caesar or not.
23. In the parable, this man would stand far from the sanctuary, would not
raise his eyes to heaven, but would beat his breast and pray: “O God,
be merciful to me a sinner.”
10. Jesus said that these people have taken their seat on the chair of Moses;
they preach but they do not practice.
24. When Jesus went to eat at the house of this chief tax collector in Jericho,
the people grumbled: “He has gone to stay at the house of a sinner.”
11. Jesus lamented over this city because its inhabitants kill the prophets
and stone those sent to them by God.
25. He acknowledged that he and his companion had been justly
condemned for their crimes, and asked Jesus to remember him when
he comes into his kingdom.
12. The chief priests paid Judas Iscariot this amount of money to hand Jesus
over to them.
13. The chief priests used the thirty pieces of silver Judas returned to them
to buy this piece of property as a burial place for foreigners.
26. This woman who asked Jesus for living water have had five husbands
and the one she was presently having was not her husband.
Part V: New Materials n 61
27. They murmured that Jesus’ discourse on the Bread of Life was hard
saying, asking who could accept it. Then they no longer accompanied
40. The Jews in this city accused Paul before the tribunal of proconsul Gallio
accusing him of inducing the people to worship God contrary to the
law. But Gallio drove them away from the tribunal.
28. They had agreed that if anyone acknowledged Jesus as the Messiah, he
would be expelled from the synagogue.
41. In Ephesus, he led the riot of the silversmiths against Paul, seeing in
him the danger to their business and to the cult of the goddess Artemis.
29. He said that it was better that one man should die instead of the people,
so that the whole nation might not perish.
42. In Jerusalem, these men stirred up the crowd against Paul, accusing him
of bringing Greeks into the temple and defying the sacred place.
30. He complained that the oil used to anoint the feet of Jesus had better
been sold and the money given to the poor. He said this not because
he cared about the poor but because he was a thief and held the money
bag and used to steal the contributions.
43. This Roman governor kept Paul in captivity in Caesarea and hoped that
Paul would offer him a bribe for his release. He left Paul in prison to
ingratiate himself with the Jews.
31. After Jesus’ arrest, this man questioned Jesus about his disciples and
about his doctrine.
32. Because the Jews said that if he released Jesus he was not a Friend of
Caesar, he handed Jesus to them to be crucified.
33. This disciple said that unless he saw the mark of the nails in Jesus’ hands
and put his finger into the nailmarks and put his hand into his side, he
would not believe.
34. They ordered the apostles not to speak or teach at all in the name of
Jesus, but Peter and John replied that they would rather obey God rather
than them.
35. This couple sold a piece of property but retained some of the purchase
price. Because they lied against the Holy Spirit, they fell down dead.
36. This young man consented to the execution of Stephen and dragged
out the believers in Christ for imprisonment.
37. This man offered the apostles money for the power of the Holy Spirit,
but Peter told him that he could not buy the gift of God with money.
38. This ruler had James, the brother of John, killed by the sword and
arrested Peter to bring him before the people after the Passover.
39. This Jewish false prophet opposed Paul and Barnabas in Cyprus, trying
to turn the proconsul away from the faith. He was rendered blind by
44. These people exchanged the glory of the immortal God for the likeness
of idols, for the image of mortal man or of birds or of four-legged
animals. Therefore God handed them over to impurity and the lusts of
their hearts.
45. Paul reproved this community for the divisions and rivalries among
them, with parties grouped in the name of Christian leaders like him
and Peter.
46. Members of this community brought lawsuits against each other to
the unbelievers for judgment instead of to the holy ones, that is, fellow
47. Because of the abuses in their celebration of the Lord’s Supper, Paul
wrote to this community the tradition of what Jesus did on the night
he was handed over, and told them to eat the bread and drink the cup
of the Lord worthily.
48. This Christian community was reprimanded by Paul, calling them
foolish for abandoning the gospel preached by Paul to them for a
different gospel.
49. Paul warns the Philippians against these people who would impose
imposition on the Gentile believers. Paul referred to them as dogs and
evil workers.
50. Paul sent this slave back to his Christian master after he converted him
to the faith; he asked the master to treat him as a brother.
51. James warns the believers against the power of this small member of
the human body, which can be full of deadly poison, and like fire can
set a huge forest ablaze.
52. Peter warns the Christian believers against this opponent of theirs who
prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.
Part V: New Materials n 63
Scripture is full of people, places, things, and ideas in threes. Fill in the
missing one of the famous trios.
53. The author John calls by this name those Christians who separated from
the community and those who deny that Jesus is the Messiah.
1. The sun, the moon, and the __________ are the great lights set in the
dome of the sky by God at creation.
54. The Presbyter, who wrote 3 John, condemns this man who loves to
dominate and does not recognize his authority.
2. The Man, Woman, and the __________ are involved in the temptation
and fall of the first human beings.
55. The author of Revelation condemns the church of this city living where
Satan’s throne is, and some members of which hold to the teaching of
3. Shem, ______, and Japheth are the sons of Noah.
56. The author of Revelation condemns the church in this city, which is
neither cold nor hot. Because she is lukewarm, the Lord will spit this
church out of his mouth.
57. In the battle in heaven, the Devil [Satan] is symbolized by this huge
beast that battled Michael and his angels.
58. In Revelation, this city is called the mother of harlots and of the
abominations of the earth, drunk on the blood of the holy ones and
witnesses of Jesus.
59. In Revelation, at the victory of the Lamb, these two enemies gave up
their dead and were thrown into the pool of fire.
4. The trans-Jordanian peoples, related to the Israelites by blood, but are
their sworn enemies, are: the Edomites, ________, and Ammonites.
5. Ephraim, __________, and Benjamin are the “Rachel tribes” among
the twelve tribes of Israel.
6. Moses, Aaron, and __________ are siblings who played influential
roles in the liberation of the Israelites from Egypt and on their way to
the Promised Land.
7. Passover, ___________, and Tabernacles are three “pilgrim feasts” to
be celebrated in Jerusalem and the Temple according to the Law.
8. The three men in Naomi’s life who all died in Moab are: Elimelech,
_________ and Chilion.
9. Powerful men who were instrumental in making Solomon king over
his rival Adonijah are: ________ the priest, Nathan the prophet, and
Benaiah the commander of the army.
10. Leaders in rebuilding the Temple of Jerusalem after the Babylonian
exile are Ezra the priest, Nehemiah the governor, and __________, a
descendant of King David.
11. The archangels mentioned in the Bible by name and are celebrated in
the Catholic liturgy are: Michael, Gabriel, and _______.
12. Job’s three friends who visited him in his misfortune and who debated
with him the nature of his suffering are: Eliphaz, Bildad, and ________.
Part V: New Materials n 65
13. __________, Meshach, and Abednego were saved by God from the
fiery furnace prepared by King Nebuchadnezzar in Babylon.
14. The Magi opened their treasures and offered the Child Jesus gifts of
gold, frankincense, and ___________.
Who are these people in the Bible who wept?
15. _________, Antipas, and Philip succeeded their father Herod the Great
as rulers of divided Israel.
1. She agreed to be offered in sacrifice in fulfilment of her father’s vow
but asked for two months to weep or mourn for her virginity on the
16. Peter, _______, and John witnessed the transfiguration of Jesus on a
high mountain.
2. Although her husband loved her, she would weep because her rival
would reproach her that the Lord had left her barren.
17. The priest, ________, and the Samaritan are the main characters in
Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan.
3. They were told by David to weep for the slain King Saul who clothed
them in scarlet and finery.
18. In chapter 15 of Luke, three parables of the Lost are told: the Lost Sheep,
the Lost ________, and the Lost Son/s.
4. She wept because she had already married seven times, but the demon
would kill each of her husbands on the wedding night.
19. Mary, Martha, and ____________ are friends of Jesus from the village
of Bethany in Judea.
5. This prophet wept over the slain among his people at the hands of the
20. The Sea of Galilee, ___________, and the Dead Sea are the most
important bodies of water in Israel.
6. This prophet was told by God not to mourn or weep, even at the death
of his wife—as a symbol of the destruction of the Temple.
21. Galilee, ________, and Judea are the three main divisions of the land
of Israel in Jesus’ time.
7. This prophet called for a fast in view of the Day of the Lord and asked
the priests to weep and to ask the Lord to spare his people.
22. Paul, Barnabas, and __________ are the first missionaries from Antioch
who evangelized the island of Cyprus.
8. At the massacre of the children of Bethlehem, Matthew sees her weeping
for her children since they were no more.
23. In the Council of Jerusalem, those whose stand counted most are: Paul,
Peter, and _______.
9. When the cock crowd he remembered Jesus telling him of his denial…
and he began to weep bitterly.
24. The leaders most followed by the Corinthians who formed parties are:
Paul, Apollos, and _________.
10. She went to Jesus at the house of Simon the Pharisee, weeping and
bathing Jesus’ feet with her tears, and wiping them with her hair.
25. In the end, of God’s gifts, only three will remain according to Paul:
________, hope, and love.
11. Jesus told her not to weep and raised her son back to life.
26. Three Christian communities in Greece (Macedonia and Achaia)
received letters from Paul, namely: ___________, Thessalonica, and
12. Jesus wept over this city, for it did not recognize the time of her
13. Jesus told them not to weep for him but rather for their children.
14. When Jesus saw her weeping at the death of her brother, and the Jews
with her, he also wept.
15. After the Sabbath, she went to the tomb of Jesus to weep there.
16. In the Book of Revelation, he shed many tears because no one was found
worthy to open the scroll and to examine it.
Part I. Elimination Round
SPNBQ 1 & 2
17. In the Book of Revelation, the merchants of the earth would weep and
mourn for her fall because there would be no more markets for their
a (Gn 3:24)
b (Gn 5:27)
d (Mt. Ararat, Gn 8:4)
a (Gn 11:10-26)
c (Gn 16:1)
a (Gn 16:15)
b (cf. Gn 18:12)
c (Gn 24:67)
a (Gn 34:2)
d (Gn 49:4)
d (Judah, cf. Gn 49:10)
d (Ex 2:22)
c (Ex 2:21)
b (Ex 11:5)
c (Ex 15:23)
d (another name for Mt.
Sinai, Ex 19:2)
a (Lv 23:27)
d (Nm 1:50)
c (Nm 3:4)
c (Nm 12:10)
a (cf. Heb 9:4)
b (Nm 13:30)
c (Nm 24:17)
d (Joshua, Jos 1:2)
a (Jos 24:1)
c (Jgs 11:31)
c (Ru 1:19)
29. d (1 Sm 5:2)
30. b (1 Sm 15:8-9)
31. a (1 Sm 31:1)
32. a (2 Sm 12:24)
33. c (2 Sm 24:18)
34. a (1 Kgs 1:7)
35. b (1 Kgs 11:26)
36. c (2 Kgs 5:2-3)
37. b (2 Kgs 17:23)
38. c (2 Kgs 24:11)
39. a (Neh 2:1)
40. c (Neh 8:14)
41. b (Tb 3:17)
42. d (Ps 23:1)
43. c (Ps 51:1)
44. d (Ps 137:1)
45. c (Eccl 3:1-2)
46. c
47. a (Is 49:15-16)
48. a (Jer 31:33)
49. d (Jer 32:9)
50. c (Ez 1:10)
51. b (Dn 13:1)
52. b
53. d (Jon 4:7)
54. d (Mi 5:1)
55. d (Mal 3:23-24)
56. b
Part VI: Answers n 69
1. a
2. b
3. b (Mt 2:22)
4. a
5. c (Mt 4:8)
6. b
7. d (Parable of the Last
Judgment, Mt 25:40)
8. a (Mt 27:24)
9. b (Mk 12:18; Acts 23:8)
10. a (Mk 14:3)
11. b (Mk 14:51)
12. b (Mk 15:21)
13. d (Lk 2:1)
14. c (Lk 2:41)
15. c (cf. Lk 3:1)
16. c (Lk 3:38)
17. c (Lk 6:20)
18. c (Lk 13:1)
19. c (Lk 15)
20. a (Lk 19:37-38)
21. a (Jn 1:40)
22. a (Jn 1:48)
23. b (Jn 2:5)
24. d (Sychar, Jn 4:5)
25. a (Jn 6:59)
26. b (Jn 8:44)
27. d (Caiaphas, Jn 11:50)
28. c
29. d (Jn 12:13)
30. d
31. b (Jn 18:19)
32. b
33. b
34. d
35. d
36. c (Jesus is the “stronger man”)
37. d
1. b (Acts 6:1)
2. c
3. a
4. b (Acts 9:25)
5. b (Acts 12:2)
6. b (Acts 16:37)
7. c
8. d (Lydia, Acts 16:14)
9. d (Acts 17:22)
10. b (Acts 18:2)
11. d (Ephesus, Acts19:23-28)
12. d (Acts 20:9)
13. a (Acts 20:17)
14. b (Acts 23:6)
15. a (Rom 1:7)
16. a (Rom 16:22)
17. c (1 Cor 11:23-25)
18. c (cf. Gal 2:9)
19. c (Phil 2:6-11)
20. b (Phil 4:16)
21. d (Col 1:7)
22. b (2 Tm 1:5)
23. d (Ti 1:5)
24. d
25. b (Phlm 16)
26. a
27. b (Heb 8:1)
28. c (Heb 8:8-12; Jer 31:31-34)
29. c (Jas 1:1)
30. b (1 Pt 5:4)
31. a (2 Pt 1:17-18)
32. a (1 Jn 2:22)
33. b (2 Jn 1:1)
34. d
35. b (Rv 1:9)
36. b
37. c
38. d (Michael, Rv 12:7)
39. b (Rv 16:16)
40. b (Rv 21:2)
Part II. Semifinal and Final Rounds
1. Eve (Gn 3:20)
2. Cain (Gn 4:9)
3. Rainbow or God’s bow
(Gn 9:13)
4. Lot’s wife (Gn 19:26)
5. Rebekah (Gn 24:67)
6. Jacob (Gn 28:12)
7. Leah (Gn 29:28)
8. Benjamin (Gn 35:18)
9. Miriam (Ex 6:20)
10. Golden Calf (Ex 32:4)
11. Rahab (Jos 2:1)
12. Samson (cf. Jgs 16:19)
13. Goliath (cf. 1 Sm 17:43)
14. Nathan (2 Sm 7:8-9)
15. Assyria (2 Kgs 17:23)
16. Psalm 51
17. Zion or Jerusalem
18. Gomer (Hos 1:3)
1. Ararat (Gn 8:4)
2. Noah (Gn 9:20-21)
3. Egyptian (Gn 16:1)
4. Moriah (Gn 22:2)
5. Dinah (Gn 34:1)
6. Horeb (Ex 3:1)
7. Nazirite (Nm 6:2)
8. Seventy elders (Nm 11:16)
9. Caleb (Nm 14:30)
10. Balaam (Nm 24:10)
11. Levi (cf. Dt 18:1)
12. Mount Nebo (Dt 32:49)
13. Judges (Jgs 2:16)
14. Deborah (Jgs 4:4)
15. Mara (Ru 1:20)
16. Mahlon (Ru 4:10)
17. Eli (1 Sm 3:9)
18. Bathsheba (cf. 2 Sm 11:2)
19. Elisha (2 Kgs 2:23-24)
20. Cyrus (2 Chr 36:23)
21. Cedar (Ps 92:12 [NRSV];
Ps 92:13 [NAB])
22. Nehemiah (Neh 2:17-20)
23. Isaiah (Is 7:14)
24. Jeremiah (Jer 1:6)
25. Cows of Bashan (Am 4:1)
26. Amaziah (Am 7:12-13)
27. Malachi (Mal 3:1)
1. Nephilim (Gn 6:4)
2. Ham (Gn 9:22)
3. Tamar (Gn 38:6; Mt 1:3)
4. Asenath (Gn 41:45)
5. Day of Atonement
or Yom Kippur
(Lv 23:27-28; Lv 16)
6. Gibeon (Jos 10:12)
7. Jerubbaal (Jgs 6:32; 7:1)
Part VI: Answers n 71
Dan (Jgs 13:2)
Dagon (1 Sm 5:2)
Seven (1 Sm 16:10)
Hebron (1 Kgs 2:10-12)
Bethel or Dan (1 Kgs 12:29)
450 (1 Kgs 18:22)
Hadassah (Est 2:7)
Purim (Est 9:32)
c (Prv 1:20-21)
Seven (Prv 9:1)
Qoheleth (Eccl 1:1)
Song of Songs (1:5)
Hananiah (Jer 28:15)
Gedaliah (Jer 40:1-6)
Chebar (Ez 10:20)
Daniel (Dn 12:3)
Nahum (Na 1:1; 3:18-19)
1. d (Mt 1:20, 24)
2. Simon Peter (Mt 14:30)
3. Simon Peter (Mt 16:16)
4. c (Mt 17:27)
5. c
6. Mary Magdalene (Lk 8:2)
7. Luke (10:29-37)
8. Emmaus (Lk 24:13)
9. Nathanael (Jn 1:46)
10. Cana (Jn 2:11)
11. c (Jn 11:35)
12. Parables
1. Ruth (Mt 1:5)
2. Matthew (6:12)
3. Herod [Antipas]
(Mk 6:17-29)
4. b (Ps 22:1)
5. Theophilus (Lk 1:3)
6. Adam (Lk 3:38)
7. Thirty (Lk 3:23)
8. Luke (5:6)
9. Chapter 15
10. a (Lk 19:1)
11. Siloam (Jn 9:7)
Caiaphas (Jn 11:50)
Annas (Jn 18:19)
John (19:28)
Nicodemus (Jn 19:39-40)
1. Angels (Mt 24:31)
2. Decapolis (Mk 5:20)
Mount of Olives (Lk 22:39)
Nicodemus (Jn 3:3)
Capernaum (Jn 6:59)
Kidron Valley (Jn 18:1)
John (20:17)
1. Damascus (Acts 9:19, 25)
2. Philip, the deacon (Acts 8:35)
3. Cornelius (Acts 10:1)
4. Apollos (Acts 18:24;
1 Cor 1:12)
5. Agabus (Acts 21:10-11)
6. b
7. Philemon (Phlm v. 10)
8. Hebrews (8:1)
9. Patmos (Rv 1:9)
10. 666 (Rv 13:17-18)
1. Lystra (Acts 14:8)
2. Silas (Acts 15:40)
3. Aquila and Priscilla
(Acts 18:2)
4. Gallio
5. Ephesus (Acts 19:26-27)
6. c
7. b
8. b
9. b
10. b
11. c (Gal 3:25)
b (Phlm v. 22)
Melchizedek (Heb 7:17)
[Roaring] Lion (1 Pt 5:8)
Babylon (1 Pt 5:13)
a (1 Jn 4:16)
Jude (1:1)
Alpha and Omega (Rv 1:8)
Lamb (Rv 21:23)
1. Elymas/Bar-Jesus (Acts 13:6-8)
2. Eutychus (Acts 20:9)
3. c
4. c
5. Stephanas
6. Aretas (2 Cor 11:32)
7. b
8. Epaphroditus (Phil 2:25)
9. a (Phil 3:13-14 )
10. Epaphras (Col 1:7)
11. Manna or Staff of Aaron
(Heb 9:4)
12. James (3:5-6)
13. a (2 Pt 1:17-18)
Part VI: Answers n 73
14. Antichrists (1 Jn 2:18)
15. Diotrephes (3 Jn v. 9)
16. Daniel (7:13)
17. Pergamum (Rv 2:12-17)
18. Locusts (Rv 9:3)
19. Abaddon
Part III. Semifinal Round
1. b (Gn 9:18)
2. Moriah (Gn 22:2)
3. Mount Horeb (Ex 3:1)
4. Covenant (Ex 19:5)
5. Zelophehad (Nm 27:1)
6. Boaz (Ru 2:1)
7. Elkanah (1 Sm 1:1)
8. Mattathias (1 Mc 2:1)
9. Job (1:21)
10. a
11. Baruch (Jer 36:32)
12. Malachi (3:23-24)
1. Puah (Ex 1:15)
2. Samson (Jgs 14:14)
3. Jebusites (2 Sm 5:6)
4. King Hezekiah (2 Kgs 18:1-4)
5. King Hoshea (2 Kgs 18:9-11)
Haman (Est 3:1)
Qoheleth (Eccl 1:1)
1. Birthright (Gn 25:34)
2. The Nephilim or the Anakim
(Nm 13:33)
3. Gibeon (Jos 10:12-13)
4. Ehud (Jgs 3:15)
5. Ahithophel (2 Sm15:12;
6. Ezra (Ezr 7:12)
7. Judith (Jdt 15:9)
8. Psalm 119
9. Psalm 137
10. Micah (5:1)
11. Haggai
1. Rachel (Mt 2:18)
2. Matthew (27:24)
3. Beelzebul (Mk 3:22)
or Beelzebub [Satan is not used]
4. Legion (Mk 5:9)
Bartimaeus (Mk 10:46)
Simon of Cyrene (Mk 15:21)
Elizabeth (Lk 1:42)
Simeon (Lk 2:29)
Tiberius Caesar (Lk 3:1)
Luke (23:46)
Sign (Jn 2:11)
Changing water into wine at
Cana (Jn 2:11)
13. c (Jn 19:30)
14. Mary of Magdala (Jn 20:17)
15. Lake Tiberias (Jn 21:1) or
Lake Gennesaret (Mt 14:34;
Mk 6:53; Lk 5:1)
1. [Herod] Archelaus (Mt 2:22)
2. Levi (Mk 2:14; Lk 5:27)
Mark (14:51)
Centurion (Mk 15:39)
Luke (3:23)
Sycamore (Lk 19:4)
Luke (22:51)
Herod Antipas
1. Parables
2. b
3. Disciples [of Jesus] (Lk 19:38)
4. Chapter 6
5. John (18:10)
6. d
7. a
8. c (Jn 4:5)
1. Theophilus (Acts 1:1)
2. Philip (Acts 8:5)
3. Cornelius (Acts 10:1-2)
4. Miletus (Acts 20:17)
5. Caesarea [Maritima]
(Acts 23:23)
6. Luke (Col 4:14)
7. James (2:17)
8. Seven (Rv 1:4)
9. Alpha and Omega
(Rv 1:8; 22:13)
10. The Lamb (Rv 21:23)
11. b (Rv 17:5)
1. Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5:1)
2. Unknown God (Acts 17:23)
3. Paul (Acts 20:35)
4. Spain (Rom 15:24)
5. Phoebe (Rom 16:1-2)
6. Chloe (1 Cor 1:11)
7. c (cf. 1 Cor 1:12)
8. b (2 Cor 12:7)
9. Hebrews (8:8-12)
1. Hellenists (Acts 6:1)
2. Candace (Acts 8:27)
Ephesus (Acts 19:17-19)
Thorn in the flesh (2 Cor 12:7)
2 Timothy (1:12)
Part VI: Answers n 75
2 Timothy (3:16)
Holy of Holies (Heb 9:3)
James (4:13-15)
Chief Shepherd (1 Pt 5:4)
Gaius (v. 1)
Part IV: Final Round
1. Shem (Gn 11:10-26)
2. Sheol (Ps 6:6; 30:4)
3. Day of Atonement or Yom
Kippur (Lv 23:27)
4. Passover (Lk 2:41)
5. Herod (the Great)
6. Nathanael (Jn 1:46)
7. Hour (Jn 17:1)
8. Eutychus (Acts 20:9)
9. 1 Corinthians (13:1-13)
10. Apollos (Acts 18:24)
1. Phinehas (Nm 25:7-8)
2. Mount Gilboa (1 Sm 31:1)
3. Jubilee (Lv 25:11)
4. Jeroboam (1 Kgs 11:28)
5. Matthew (25:1-13)
6. Mary of Bethany or Mary,
sister of Martha and Lazarus
(Jn 12:3)
Matthew (27:46)
Eunice (2 Tm 1:5)
The Amen (Rv 3:14)
Armageddon (Rv 16:16)
1. Zerubbabel (Ezr 2:2)
2. Ants
3. Leviathan (also Litan or
Lotan) or Rahab (Is 27:1)
4. Cleopas (Lk 24:18)
5. Bethany (Lk 24:50)
6. Man born blind (Jn 9:1)
7. Julius (Acts 27:1)
8. Epaphroditus (Phil 4:18)
9. Salem (Heb 7:1); also
Jerusalem (Ps 76:3)
10. 1 John (4:16)
(Gospels: Multiple Choice)
c (Jn 8:58)
a (Lk 8:2)
d (Tamar, Rahab, Ruth,
6. a
c (Mt 2:11)
c (Lk 23:42)
d (He will save his people
from their sins, Mt 1:21)
d (Nazareth, Lk 2:51)
b (Mk 2:14)
c (Mk 6:3)
d (Simon of Cyrene)
c (Lk 2:29)
d (Judah)
a (cf. Lk 5:1)
c (Lk 15:11-32)
a (Mt 8:8)
Part V. New Materials
1. John the Baptist (Mt 3:14)
2. Devil [Tempter, Satan]
(Mt 4:3)
3. Centurion [in Capernaum]
(Mt 8:8)
4. A scribe (Mt 8:19)
5. Disciples of John the Baptist
(Mt 9:14)
6. John the Baptist [his disciples]
(Mt 11:3)
7. The Pharisees (Mt 12:2)
8. Simon Peter (Mt 14:28)
9. Pharisees and scribes (Mt 15:1)
10. Canaanite woman
(Mt 15:27); Syrophoenician
woman (Mk 7:26)
Simon Peter (Mt 16:16)
Simon Peter (Mt 17:4)
Simon Peter (Mt 18:21)
Rich young man (Mt 19:16);
Rich official (Lk 18:18)
Mother of James and John
(Mt 20:20-21)
Chief priests and the elders
(Mt 21:23)
Pharisees (Mt 22:17);
Pharisees and Herodians
(Mk 12:13-14); agents of the
scribes and chief priests
(Lk 20:22)
Sadducees (Mt 22:25-28)
Simon Peter (Mt 26:35)
The high priest (Mt 26:63)
Roman soldiers (Mt 27:29)
Gerasene demoniac (Mk 5:9)
Jairus (Mk 5:22-23)
John (Mk 9:38)
The Pharisees (Mk 10:2)
Bartimaeus (Mk 10:46-51)
Pilate (Mk 15:2)
Mary, the mother of Jesus
(Lk 2:48)
Simon Peter (Lk 5:5)
Simon Peter (Lk 5:8)
The seventy[-two] disciples
(Lk 10:17)
Scholar of the law (Lk 10:29)
Martha (Lk 10:40)
A woman from the crowd
(Lk 11:27)
Part VI: Answers n 77
35. Pharisees (Lk 13:31)
36. Zacchaeus (Lk 19:8).
37. The other [“good”] criminal
[thief ] (Lk 23:42)
38. Cleopas (Lk 24:18)
39. Two disciples going to
Emmaus (Lk 24:29)
40. Andrew and the other disciple
(Jn 1:38)
41. Nathanael (Jn 1:49)
42. Mary, the mother of Jesus
(Jn 2:3)
43. The Jews (Jn 2:20)
44. Nicodemus (Jn 3:4)
45. Samaritan woman (Jn 4:15)
46. Samaritan woman (Jn 4:25)
47. Royal official (Jn 4:49)
48. Paralytic ill for 38 years (Jn 5:7)
49. Philip (Jn 6:7)
50. Andrew (Jn 6:9)
51. The Jews (Jn 6:42)
52. Simon Peter (Jn 6:68)
53. The scribes and the Pharisees
(Jn 8:4-5)
54. The Jews [who believed in
Jesus] (Jn 8:33)
55. The man born blind (Jn 9:36)
56. Martha (Jn 11:21-22)
57. Martha (Jn 11:27)
58. Simon Peter (Jn 13:6)
59. Pontius Pilate (Jn 18:38)
60. Mary Magdalene (Jn 20:16)
61. Thomas (Jn 20:28)
62. Simon Peter (Jn 21:17)
Old Testament
The Woman [Eve] (Gn 3:6)
Cain (Gn 4:8)
Lamech (Gn 4:23)
Sons of God [heaven] or angels
(Gn 6:2)
Ham (Gn 9:22)
Sodom and Gomorrah
(Gn 19:24)
Daughters of Lot (Gn 19:36)
Sarah (Gn 21:10)
Rebekah (Gn 27:13-15)
Laban (Gn 29:23-25)
Shechem (Gn 34:2)
Simeon and Levi
(Gn 34:25-26)
Reuben (Gn 35:22)
Wife of Potiphar
(Gn 39:7-14)
Aaron (Ex 32:1-4)
Nadab and Abihu (Lv 10:1-2)
Miriam (Nm 12:10)
The twelve scouts (Nm 13:2)
Dathan and Abiram
(Nm 16:27-32)
Moses and Aaron
(Nm 20:11-12)
Saraph serpents (Nm 21:6)
Balak (Nm 22:2)
Zimri (Nm 25:14)
Achan (Jos 7:1)
Jephthah (Jgs 11:30)
Samson (Jgs 14:3)
Hophni and Phinehas
(1 Sm 4:11)
Dagon (1 Sm 5:2-4)
Saul (1 Sm 13:12-14)
Agag (1 Sm 15:9)
Goliath (1 Sm 17:4)
Doeg (1 Sm 22:9)
Witch/medium of Endor
(1 Sm 28:7)
Joab (2 Sm 3:27)
Bathsheba (2 Sm 11:3)
Amnon (2 Sm 13:2)
Ahithophel (2 Sm 17:23)
Joab (2 Sm 18:14)
Solomon (1 Kgs 11:8-10)
Jeroboam (1 Kgs 12:26)
Jezebel (1 Kgs 16:31)
Naboth the Jezreelite
(1 Kgs 21:1)
Gehazi (2 Kgs 5:27)
Athaliah (2 Kgs 11:1)
Sennacherib (2 Kgs 19:35-37)
Manasseh (2 Kgs 21:1)
David (1 Chr 21:1-13)
Uzziah (2 Chr 26:16)
Asmodeus (Tb 3:8)
Holofernes (Jdt 2:4)
Haman (Est 3:1)
Antiochus [Epiphanes IV]
(1 Mc 1:10)
Pashhur (Jer 20:1-2)
Belshazzar (Dn 5:1)
Two elderly judges (Dn 13:5)
Gomer (Hos 1:3)
Amaziah (Am 7:12)
Jonah (2:1)
Part VI: Answers n 79
New Testament
1. Herod [the Great] (Mt 2:16)
2. Chorazin, Bethsaida, and
Capernaum (Mt 11:21-23)
3. The Pharisees (Mt 12:24)
4. Herodias (Mt 14:3)
5. Simon Peter (Mt 16:22-23)
6. Hardness of [their] hearts
(Mt 19:8)
7. Those engaged in selling
and buying and the money
changers (Mt 21:12)
8. Wicked tenants (Mt 21:38-39)
9. The Pharisees (Mt 22:15-17)
10. The scribes and the Pharisees
(Mt 23:1-3)
11. Jerusalem (Mt 23:37)
12. Thirty pieces of silver
(Mt 26:15-16)
13. Potter’s field (Mt 27:7)
14. Roman soldiers (Mt 27:27-30)
15. Gerasene demoniac or man
possessed by Legion
(Mk 5:1-10)
16. James and John (Mk 10:35-37)
17. Barabbas (Mk 15:7)
18. Zechariah (Lk 1:18-20)
19. People of Nazareth
(Lk 4:28-29)
20. Simon Peter (Lk 5:8)
21. Herod [Antipas] (Lk 13:31-32)
22. Rich man [Dives] (Lk 16:19)
23. The tax collector (Lk 18:13)
24. Zacchaeus (Lk 19:5-7)
25. The other [“good”] thief
(Lk 23:40-42)
26. Samaritan woman (Jn 4:18)
27. Jesus’ disciples (Jn 6:60)
The Jews (Jn 9:22)
Caiaphas (Jn 11:49-50)
Judas Iscariot (Jn 12:4-6)
Annas (Jn 18:19, 24)
Pontius Pilate (Jn 19:12)
Thomas, called Didymus
(Jn 20:24-25)
Sanhedrin (Acts 4:15, 18)
Ananias and Sapphira
(Acts 5:1-2)
Saul (Acts 8:1-3)
Simon the Magician (Acts 8:9)
King Herod [Agrippa I]
(Acts 12:1-2)
Elymas Bar-Jesus (Acts 13:6, 8)
Corinth (Acts 18:1, 12)
Demetrius (Acts 19:24)
Jews from the province of Asia
(Acts 21:27)
Felix (Acts 24:26-27)
Pagans (Rom 1:23-24)
Corinthians (1 Cor 1:11-12)
Corinthians (1 Cor 6:1)
Corinthians (1 Cor 11:23-27)
Galatians (1:6)
[Christian] Judaizers (Phil 3:2)
Onesimus (Phlm v. 10)
Tongue (Jas 3:5)
The devil (1 Pt 5:8)
Antichrists (1 Jn 2:19, 22)
Diotrephes (3 Jn v. 9)
Pergamum (Rv 2:13-14)
Laodicea (Rv 3:14-16)
Dragon (Rv 12:7)
Babylon (Rv 17:5-6)
Death and Hades
(Rv 20:13-14)
Stars (Gn 1:16)
Serpent or snake (Gn 3:1)
Ham (Gn 9:18)
Moabites (Gn 19:37)
Manasseh (Gn 41:51)
Miriam (Ex 6:20)
Pentecost or Weeks (Lv 23:16)
Mahlon (Ru 1:2)
Zadok (1 Kgs 1:38)
Zerubbabel (Ezr 3:2)
Raphael (Tb 12:15)
Zophar (Jb 2:11)
Shadrach (Dn 3:13)
Myrrh (Mt 2:11)
Archelaus (Mt 2:22)
James (Mk 9:2)
Levite (Lk 10:32)
Lazarus (Jn 11:1)
The Jordan River
John [Mark] (Acts 13:5)
James (Acts 15:13)
Kephas or Cephas (1 Cor 1:12)
Faith (1 Cor 13:13)
1. Daughter of Jephthah
(Jgs 11:37)
2. Hannah (1 Sm 1:7-8)
3. Women of Israel (2 Sm 1:24)
4. Sarah (Tb 3:8)
5. Jeremiah (Jer 8:23)
6. Ezekiel (Ez 24:17-18)
7. Joel (Jl 2:17)
8. Rachel (Mt 2:18)
9. Simon Peter (Mt 26:75)
A sinful woman (Lk 7:37-38)
Widow of Nain (Lk 7:13-14)
Jerusalem (Lk 19:41)
Women of Jerusalem
(Lk 23:28)
Mary [of Bethany]
(Jn 11:32-35)
Mary Magdalene (Jn 20:1, 11)
John (Rv 5:4)
Babylon (Rv 18:11)
1. The contest is open to all youngsters (high school and out-of-school
teens 18 years old and below) who form a team of three members
plus their adviser. They must be certified and endorsed as true
students or parishioners by their School Principal or Parish Priest.
2. A school or parish may send at most two teams with an adviser for
each team.
3. Application forms are available at all ST PAULS bookstores and SSP
Communities, and can be downloaded from stpauls.ph/biblequiz.
No registration fee is required.
1. The Bible Quiz is held in three phases: the Elimination Round, the
Regional/Division Championship (Semis), and the National Finals
in designated areas and dates.
2. The official Bible versions are the New American Bible and the New
Revised Standard Version (Catholic Edition). The contest covers
both the Old and New Testaments.
3. English is the official language of the contest.
4. The decision of the SPNBQ Committee, through its chosen
JUDGES, is final and irrevocable.
5. Schools and parishes that have an annual subscription of required
number of copies/issues of Sambuhay, The Youngster, Halo, and
Verbuhay (or the same combined sum of the four periodicals) are
automatically qualified for the Regional/Division Championship.
Subscribers are to show their receipts for validation to the Quiz
1. The Elimination Round is held in appointed areas and managed
by the SPNBQ Team.
2. Each member of the participating team will answer one of the
three contest categories: a) Old Testament, b) The Four Gospels,
and c) Acts of the Apostles, Letters, and Book of Revelation. Each
category contains questions in multiple-choice form. The scores
will be cumulative.
3. Three teams with highest scores in each area will go to the Regional/
Division Championship (Semis). The winners will be announced
soon after the contest.
4. In case two teams from one school or parish win, only one
team will represent the school/parish in the Regional/Division
Mechanics n 83
4. The team with the highest score after the third round is declared
the Regional/Division Champion and will vie for the National
Championship Round.
5. The participating team is responsible for its transport to the contest
1. Competing are the Regional/Division Champions from all over the
2. Venue is the Manila International Book Fair, SMX Convention
Center, Bay Area, Pasay City.
3. The competing teams are provided transport fares and
accommodations in Manila.
5. The participating team is responsible for its fare to and from the
contest area.
4. The Winning Team wins the Grand Prize in cash. The school/parish
will also receive a prize in kind.
6. Those outside the coverage areas may join the contest in the area
closest to them.
5. The contest is conducted orally. The Quiz Hosts read aloud the
questions, and the team members answer together and write their
answer on computers. Their answer is made visible to the audience.
7. The venue and the time of the Elimination Round will be
communicated to those who have registered.
1. Those who will join this round are the winners of the eliminations
and those qualified among the subscribers of ST PAULS periodicals.
2. The contest is conducted orally. The Quiz Hosts read aloud the
questions, and the team members answer together and write their
answer on white boards or computers provided them.
3. The questions, classified in three categories as in the eliminations,
are further classified according to degrees of difficulty with
corresponding points: Easy Round (questions with 1 point each),
Average Round (questions with 2 points each), and Difficult Round
(questions with 3 points each).
6. The questions, classified in three categories as in the eliminations,
are further classified according to degrees of difficulty with
corresponding points: Easy Round (questions with 1 point each),
Average Round (questions with 2 points each), and Difficult Round
(questions with 3 points each).
7. The team with the highest score after the third round is declared
8. The organizers may hold special category contests including one
for the audience. This will have no bearing on the contest proper.