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Group Prasantation

Internet and Its Technology
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Group Members (MIT-136 to MIT-151)
SEU/IS/20/MIT/136 – ARJ.Hassan
SEU/IS/20/MIT/137 – KM.Rilwan
SEU/IS/20/MIT/138 – SM.Christa
SEU/IS/20/MIT/139 – HF.Safna
SEU/IS/20/MIT/140 – DMD.Adithya
SEU/IS/20/MIT/141 – M.Miruna
SEU/IS/20/MIT/142 – MIF.Silma
SEU/IS/20/MIT/143 – VS.Chamindika
SEU/IS/20/MIT/144 – MSA.Banu
SEU/IS/20/MIT/146 – M.Kithurshan
SEU/IS/20/MIT/147 – KK.Lakshika
SEU/IS/20/MIT/148 – T.Nithusha
SEU/IS/20/MIT/149 - MHM.Hafeez
SEU/IS/20/MIT/150 – S.Sarmila
SEU/IS/20/MIT/151 – MM.Lakshi
Introduction to Internet
History of the Internet
What do we need to connect to the Internet?
Internet Terminology
Features of the Internet
• Email
• World Wide Web
• File Transfer Protocol
• Telnet
• Usenet News
 Uses of the Internet
 What is Extranet?
 Benefits of Extranet
Introduction to Internet
• The Internet is the global system of interconnected computer networks.
• The Internet carries an unlimited range of information resources and
services, such as the inter-linked hypertext documents and applications
of the Web, electronic mail, telephony and file sharing.
• The Internet becomes the main method in exchanging cultures and
transferring knowledge between people.
History of the Internet
• The internet started off with research into what was then known as packet
switching as early as the 1960s.
• Packet switching was thought of as a better and faster method to transfer
data than the hardware solution to the problem, the circuitry.
• The package switching technology was essential to the development of
ARPANET by the United States Military.
• ARPANET is considered the first known group of interconnected computers
the internet. This system used to transfer confidential data between the
What do we need to connect to the Internet?
• To connect to the Internet we need the following 04 thing:
 Computer
 Modem
 Telephone line
 ISP(Internet Service Provider)
• The computer is essential. The Modem is necessary if you are using a
Telephone line to access the Internet. The IPS is your gateway to the
Internet. You access the IPS over the phone line and the IPS will
connect you to the Internet.
Internet Terminology
• Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL)
Broadband Internet connection who’s download and upload speeds
The acronym stands for Advanced Research Projects Agency Network. It
became the world’s first packet switching network. Internet is the successor
• Browser
Special software designed to read web pages. Often referred to as a
Web Browser. Google Chrome, Safari, Mozilla and Opera are the most
popular browsers.
• Common Gateway Interface (CGI)
A facility on your host’s server for running server- side scripts etc.
• Domain Name
The unique name that identifies an internet based web site.
Ex: www.yourdomain. Com
• Intranet
A closed network of inter-linked computers. Often using the same
technologies as the internet. Used by organization for sharing internal
• Internet Service Provider (ISP)
Companies that provide a means for their users to access the internet.
• Local Area Network (LAN)
Usually a small group of inter connected computers.
• Search engine
It is an application, which helps users to locate web site containing useful
information and references.
• Ethernet
Common method of linking computers in a LAN.
• Java Sever Pages (JSP)
Server-side technology used for data bases and web applications.
• File transfer Protocol
Common method for transferring files between computers via the internet.
• Home page
The default entry page to a web site.
• Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML)
Standard markup coding language for creating web pages.
• Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
Standard protocol for addressing hyper text web pages on the web.
• Internet
A world wide grid of inter-linked (networked) computers.
• Electronic mail is a method of exchanging messages between people
using electronic devices.
• Today’s email systems are based on a store-and-forward model.
• Advantages of email:
Fast deliver.
Low cost.
World Wide Web (www)
• The World Wide Web (www) commonly known as the Web.
• It is an information system enabling documents and other web
resources to be accessed over the internet.
• The web was invented by English computer scientist Tim BernersLee.
• Features of www:
 Hyper text information system.
 Cross-platform.
 Distributed.
 Open standards and source.
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND
File transfer protocol
• It is a standard internet protocol for transmitting files between
computers on the internet. Like HTTP and SMTP.
• FTP is an application protocol that uses the internet’s TCP/IP protocol.
• FTP is commonly used to transfer web page files from their creator to
the computer that acts as their server for everyone on the internet.
• It’s also commonly used to download programs and other files to your
computer from other server.
• Telnet is a network protocol used to virtually access a computer
and to provide a two-way collaborative and text-based
communication channel between two machines.
• To start a Telnet session, you must log in to a server by entering
a valid username and password.
• Telnet is a common way to remotely control web pages.
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Usenet News
• The usenet is a huge world wide collection of discussion groups.
• Each discussion group has a name
Ex: Announced, Linux and a collection of messages
• These messages, usually called articles, are posted by readers like
you and me who have access to usenet servers, and are then stored
on the usenet servers.
• Usenet news works by the reader first firing up a usenet news
program, which in today’s GUI world will highly likely be something
like Netscape messenger or Microsoft’s outlook express.
Uses of the Internet
On-line communication.
Software sharing.
Exchange of views on topics of common interest.
Posting of information of general interest.
Product promotion.
Feed back about products.
Customer support service.
On-line journals and magazines.
On-line shopping.
World-wide video conferencing.
What is Extranet?
• Extranet is an internet for out side authorized users using same
internet technology.
• Types of Extranet
 Project extranet
 Integration extranets
 Employee information hub
 Financial data extranet
 Customer platform
 Maximize knowledge sharing
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Benefits of Extranet
Improve quality
Lower travel costs
Lower administrative and other overhead costs
Reducing in paper work
Delivery of accurate information on time
Improved customer service
Better communication
Overall improvement in business effectiveness