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20 Important Soft Skills for Freshers
20 Important Soft Skills for Freshers
Published On - February 12, 2024
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Skills are of two types: Hard Skills and the other is Soft Skills. Today, if we want to advance in any field,
whether it is a Job or Business, it is essential to have these two types of skills in our body.
When giving a job, any company looks at the education certificate along with the 20 Important Soft Skills
for Freshers – Unique system Skills of the employee. And to run your own business, it is very important to
have various soft skills like communication, and leadership. Only then we can achieve success in business.
hence, it is very important to have soft skills.
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the workplace. They help you build relationships, solve problems, and work as a team. Whether you’re just
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starting your career or looking to move up the ladder, honing your soft skills is an excellent way to set
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While hard skills are important for performing the tasks of a job, soft skills are essential for succeeding in
yourself apart from other candidates. After all, employers are not just looking for someone who can do the
job; they’re also looking for someone who will be a positive addition to their workplace. So if you want to
make a good impression and boost your chances of getting hired or promoted, focus on developing your
soft skills.
List of some 20 Important Soft Skills for Freshers - Unique system Skills
Communication Skill: Communication skills are an art and skill of communication which is useful to you in
your daily life and also in job business.
Leadership Skills: Leadership is the skill of leading a group or a subject. Which is useful when working as a
leader in a company or an organization.
Negotiation Skill: This is an art and skill of negotiation, bargaining, and attitude, which is useful to you
while dealing with customers in business and daily life while buying and selling.
Teamwork: It is an art and skill of working together with everyone in a team spirit.
Problem-Solving Skill: This is the art and skill of finding a solution to solve a problem. It is useful for you in
every industry and business, to solve the problems you face in your daily life.
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Interpersonal Skill: Interpersonal skill is a broad category of people skills. In which to maintain a
relationship, develop in relationship, to use diplomacy i.e. diplomacy.
Flexibility/Adaptability: Flexibility means the ability to bend without breaking while Adaptability means
the ability to change according to changing conditions.
Emotional Intelligence: Emotional Intelligence means emotional intelligence. It is the art and skill of
understanding, managing, and handling any emotion.
Self Awareness: Self Awareness is the art and skill of being aware of various aspects of oneself. which
includes characteristics, behavior, and emotions.
Management Skill: Management is the art and skill of controlling and managing any situation, people,
industry business.
Critical Thinking: Critical Thinking is a skill in which we think critically about a subject and situation and
then arrive at the final result based on the available facts, evidence, and observations.
Work Ethic: Work ethic is a value based on diligence.
Positive Attitude: Positive Attitude is the art and skill of staying positive even in the face of any financial
Creative Thinking: Creative Thinking is the art and skill of thinking to do something and any work in a new
Decision Making: Decision Making is the art and skill of making the right decision even in difficult
Learning Attitude: Learning Attitude is the art and skill of always learning to learn something new.
Collaboration Skill: Collaboration is a process by which two or more persons work together for a
common purpose to achieve business benefit.
Social Skill: Social Skill is an art and skill to interact and communicate socially with others.
Active Listening: Active Listening is the art and skill of actively listening to another person and
responding. Due to this, mutual understanding is also improved.
Public Speaking: Public Speaking is the art and skill of communicating with multiple audiences.
Soft skills fill in the gaps between the jobs you have held and the courses you have passed to present the
whole of you. It is this complete picture that more readily demonstrates your suitability for the job and
potential as an employee. Unique System Skills India Pvt Ltd – Best IT Training Institute in Pune offers
different soft skills programs for freshers. If you are interested in improving your soft skills then contact us
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Unique System Skills India
Unique System Skills (India) Pvt. Ltd is the best software training institute in Pune offering
job-oriented training programs in DevOps, Amazon Web Service (AWS), PHP, tableau,
Python,Angular, Salesforce, Advanced java, software testing, & Google Cloud Platform.
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