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Research Paper Outline: Chapter 1 Guide

1. Introduction
a. Macro to Micro
b. discuss the problem and justification for conducting the study
2. Review of related literature -(typeset.io)
a. at least 10 related research papers
b. relate the findings of the literature review to the researcher’s own study
c. critically examine the findings of the related research
d. discuss its connection to the study and discuss the results of the study
3. Significance of the study
a. To students, community, etc
4. Scope and delimitations of the study – should answer the following
a. WHAT – the topic of investigation and the variables included
b. WHERE – setting of the research
c. WHEN – time frame by which the study was conducted - from August 2023 to May 2024
d. WHY – the general objectives of the research
e. WHO – subject, population and sampling
f. HOW – research design, methodology, research instrument
5. Statement of the problem (should be in 1 page only)
a. Main objective/problem of the research
b. Specific research questions
6. Definition of terms
a. Atleast 10 important terminologies
b. Should be defined on how it was used in the research paper