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Global Warming Worksheet: UN Climate Change

UN - We can control Global Warming
A United Nations committee on climate change has said we can control
global warming. The panel, made up of representatives from over 120
countries, believes we can limit the harm greenhouse gases do to the
atmosphere. The panel said that we can keep our Earth safe by changing
the way we use energy around the world. Most important is to introduce
more fuel-efficient vehicles and household goods. For this to happen,
individuals need to change their lifestyles and spending patterns.
The committee calculated that it would cost less than three percent of
world economic output by 2030. The “big problem” is the damage rising
temperatures are doing to the Earth. Increased floods, droughts, rising
sea levels, more violent and destructive storms and extinctions of species
are just a few things threatening the life of our planet. The report stressed
the urgent need for introducing a wide variety of clean technologies.
Harlan Watson, head of the U.S. team, warned: “If we continue to do what
we are doing, then we are in deep trouble.”
1) Vocabulary
1. Committee
2. Panel
3. Representative
4. Greenhouse gas
5. Atmosphere
6. Efficient
7. Goods
8. Output
9. Drought
10. Extinction
11. Urgent
2) Questions
a. the mixture of gases that surrounds the Earth
b. someone who has been chosen to speak, vote, or make decisions
c. the money, goods or work made
d. a group of people chosen to do a job, make decisions etc
e. things that are made to be sold, products
f. very important and needing to be dealt with immediately
g. a gas, such as carbon dioxide, that traps heat above the Earth
h. a group of experts who answer questions about a topic
i. when a particular type of animal or plant stops existing
j. to work well without wasting time, money, or energy
k. dry weather, not enough water for plants and animals to live
UN - We can control Global Warming
A United Nations committee on climate change has said we can control global
warming. The panel, made up of representatives from over _____ countries,
believes we can ______ the harm greenhouse gases do to the atmosphere. The
panel said that we can keep our Earth safe by changing the way we use _______
around the world. Most important is to __________ more fuel-efficient vehicles
and household goods. For this to happen, individuals need to change their
_________ and spending patterns.
The committee ____________ that it would cost less than ___________ of world
economic output by 2030. The “big problem” is the damage rising temperatures
are doing to the Earth. Increased floods, droughts, rising sea levels, more
violent and destructive storms and extinctions of _________ are just a few
things threatening the life of our planet. The report _________ the urgent need
for introducing a wide variety of _________ technologies. Harlan Watson, head of
the U.S. team, warned: “If we continue to do what we are doing, then we are in
1) Vocabulary
1. Committee
2. Panel
3. Representative
4. Greenhouse gas
5. Atmosphere
6. Efficient
7. Goods
8. Output
9. Drought
10. Extinction
11. Urgent
a. the mixture of gases that surrounds the Earth
b. someone who has been chosen to speak, vote, or make decisions
c. the money, goods or work made
d. a group of people chosen to do a job, make decisions etc
e. things that are made to be sold, products
f. very important and needing to be dealt with immediately
g. a gas, such as carbon dioxide, that traps heat above the Earth
h. a group of experts who answer questions about a topic
i. when a particular type of animal or plant stops existing
j. to work well without wasting time, money, or energy
k. dry weather, not enough water for plants and animals to live
2) Questions
1. What is this article about?
2. What is global warming? What are some of the causes?
3. What did the UN committee decide? Why is their decision important?
4. What is the “big problem”?
5. What did Harlan Watson say about global warming?
6. What do you think about global warming?
UN - We can control Global Warming
A United Nations committee on climate change has said we can control global
warming. The panel, made up of representatives from over 120 countries,
believes we can limit the harm greenhouse gases do to the atmosphere. The
panel said that we can keep our Earth safe by changing the way we use energy
around the world. Most important is to introduce more fuel-efficient vehicles
and household goods. For this to happen, individuals need to change their
lifestyles and spending patterns.
The committee calculated that it would cost less than three percent of world
economic output by 2030. The “big problem” is the damage rising temperatures
are doing to the Earth. Increased floods, droughts, rising sea levels, more
violent and destructive storms and extinctions of species are just a few things
threatening the life of our planet. The report stressed the urgent need for
introducing a wide variety of clean technologies. Harlan Watson, head of the U.S.
team, warned: “If we continue to do what we are doing, then we are in deep
1) Vocabulary
1. Committee D
2. Panel
3. Representative B
4. Greenhouse gas
5. Atmosphere A
6. Efficient J
7. Goods
8. Output
9. Drought
10. Extinction I
11. Urgent
a. the mixture of gases that surrounds the Earth
b. someone who has been chosen to speak, vote, or make decisions
c. the money, goods or work made
d. a group of people chosen to do a job, make decisions etc
e. things that are made to be sold, products
f. very important and needing to be dealt with immediately
g. a gas, such as carbon dioxide, that traps heat above the Earth
h. a group of experts who answer questions about a topic
i. when a particular type of animal or plant stops existing
j. to work well without wasting time, money, or energy
k. dry weather, not enough water for plants and animals to live
2) Questions
1. What is this article about?
2. What is global warming? What are some of the causes?
3. What did the UN committee decide? Why is their decision important?
4. What is the “big problem”?
5. What did Harlan Watson say about global warming?
6. What do you think about global warming?
3) Write a Quiz
Write 2 challenging quiz questions and answers about the article with a partner
then test us!
| a) Monkeys
EX: Who was on the UN committee?
b) Presidents
c) Representatives
| a)
| a)
4) Rank – What do you think the most serious effect of global warming will be? Rank these effects
from 1 (most serious) to 8 (least serious). Use each number once.
_____ Water wars.
_____ More cockroaches and mosquitoes.
_____ Some animals will become extinct.
_____ More natural disasters will occur.
_____ Some fish will become extinct.
_____ Some countries/cities will sink.
_____ Less clean water for drinking.
_____ Colder winters and warmer summers.
Discuss with your partner.
Ask your partner:“What do you think the most/least serious effect of global warming will be?” “Why”
Answer: “I think______will be the most/least serious effect because_____.”
5) Brainstorming – Work with your partner to think of as many environmental
problems as you can. Share your ideas with the class.
-cutting down trees
6) Role-play - Choose one of the problems above and prepare a short role-play
with your partner about it. Explain what it is, why it is a problem, and what you
can do to help.
A: I think we should eat fish again tonight.
B: That's a bad idea, the world fish population is really decreasing because of
overfishing. We shouldn't eat so much fish until fish populations recover. If we
eat fish every day then soon there won't be any fish!
A: Yeah, you're right. We should eat something more renewable. Let's make a soup
from vegetables from my garden.
B: Great idea! I'll help!
Ask your partner these questions about how environmentally friendly he/she is. Circle
your partner's answers.
1. When you are brushing your teeth, do you...
a) leave the water on b) turn the water off and then turn it back on c) only use a glass of
2. When you leave your house, do you...
a) leave everything on b) leave a few things on but turn the lights off c) turn everything
3.What do you do with empty bottles?
a) I throw them on the street b) I put them into the trash c) I put them into recycling bins
4. When you go shopping, do you...
a) ask for a plastic bag b) ask for a paper bag c) use your own bag
5. Do you use...
a) throw away pens b) use refillable pens
c) use refillable pens and recycled pencils
6. If you were asked to give money to a 'Save the Environment' organization, would you...
a) refuse to give b) give a little c) give a lot
7. Forests should be...
a) cut down for profit b) protected because they are beautiful c) protected because they
make air cleaner
Now calculate your partner's score. 'a' answers are 0 points, 'b' answers are 1 point, 'c'
answers are 2 points.
My partner's score is _________
12-14 points You live very greenly and are doing your part to help the environment,
8-11 points You are already doing a lot to help the environment, but you could still do
4-7 points You are not doing enough to help the environment. Ask your partner for advice.
0-3 points You are part of the problem. You really need to change your lifestyle