Let us start... 0 Welcome! 0 If you have questions, always feel free to interrupt. Koç University - UNIV199 - Introduction to Programming with Python What will we talk about today? 0 0 0 0 What is UNIV199? How does it compare to COMP125? What will students learn in this course? Building a simple algorithm Course structure and grading 0 Participation to lectures and labs 0 Homework 0 Midterm and final exam 0 How to get help Koç University - UNIV199 - Introduction to Programming with Python Decomposing the course name Introduction to Programming with Python 0 Why introduction? 0 What is programming? 0 What is Python and why do we use it to learn computer programming? Koç University - UNIV199 - Introduction to Programming with Python Course description A general introduction to programming using the Python programming language. Explore key components of problem solving using logically ordered steps and apply them to problems across disciplines. Gain a solid foundation in algorithmic design of programs and implementing them in Python. Koç University - UNIV199 - Introduction to Programming with Python Course comparison UNIV199 COMP125 Course name Introduction to Programming with Python Programming with Python Cumpolsory for Medicine, Economics & Business Administration students Science & engineering students Also intended for General audience (non-science, nonengineering) All those who want to do more with programming Aims to Build a basic understanding and ability to build algorithms and programs Familiarize students with more programming concepts and deeper properties of Python Difficulty Easier Harder Not suitable for Science & engineering students Koç University - UNIV199 - Introduction to Programming with Python What will you learn in UNIV199? 0 Programming concepts and basic commands (Flow control, looping, evaluations, saving data, etc.) 0 Algorithmic thinking (How to convert a given task into a sequence of commands) 0 Python programming basics and syntax Koç University - UNIV199 - Introduction to Programming with Python Why learn programming? 0 There is no question that computers and programming will have a big part in tomorrow's world. Businesspeople will need to know about programming to: 0 Write their own programs for their everyday data management 0 Manage teams of programmers 0 Learning programming gives us the skill and discipline of breaking down complex tasks into smaller subtasks and solving those in the correct order. Koç University - UNIV199 - Introduction to Programming with Python Why learn programming? 0 Literacy – middle ages 0 Computer literacy – 1990s 0 Computer programming literacy – now! 0 Watch this 10-minute 2012 TEDx talk by Christian Genco: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfBWk4nw440 Koç University - UNIV199 - Introduction to Programming with Python Why learn Python? 0 Python is "programmer friendly" 0 More readable than most programming languages 0 Popular in many different disciplines, especially for data processing Koç University - UNIV199 - Introduction to Programming with Python Python is the language, but what reads it? 0 IDE (Integrated Development 0 0 0 0 Environment—Text Editor) A set of tools used to help us develop code. For now we can think of it as the program that runs our python code for us. We will see what it is look like in the next slides. Do not forget every IDE needs a distributor (ANACONDA). Koç University - UNIV199 - Introduction to Programming with Python Algorithm: Prime factors of an integer 0 How do you find the prime factors of an integer? Stop when we reach 1 x 90 45 15 5 1 a 2 3 3 5 Koç University - UNIV199 - Introduction to Programming with Python Flowchart symbols Creately Koç University - UNIV199 - Introduction to Programming with Python Finding prime factors of a number Koç University - UNIV199 - Introduction to Programming with Python Koç University - UNIV199 - Introduction to Programming with Python UNIV199 course structure and grading Koç University - UNIV199 - Introduction to Programming with Python Learning vs. measurement Four phases of learning/measurement in UNIV199: 1. Lectures – Pure learning, no measurement 2. Labs – Mostly learning, little measurement 3. Homework – Some learning, mostly measurement 4. Exams – No learning, pure measurement Koç University - UNIV199 - Introduction to Programming with Python Course grading summary Component Lecture attendance Lab tasks Homework Midterm Final exam Total Weight 15% 20% 15% 20% 30% 100% Koç University - UNIV199 - Introduction to Programming with Python Lecture attendance 0 UNIV199 classes will be held online until announced otherwise. 0 15% of the course grade will come from class attendance. 0 Students who are present in 60 minutes of a lecture on Zoom will be marked «present». Please note that some classes may last less than 75 minutes. Always come to classes on time to avoid being marked absent. 0 Students who attend all lectures will get 2% bonus on top of the full 15%; students who miss one class will get 1% bonus. 0 For students who have a health report or are excused from classes by the Dean of Students, that class will not be included in the attendance average. 0 Audit students are required to attend at least half of the classes, not missing two lectures in succession. Koç University - UNIV199 - Introduction to Programming with Python Labs 0 UNIV199 labs will be performed over Zoom for now; when we change to hybrid 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 teaching, they will be administered in KU computer labs (not online). Labs are administered by the teaching assistants (TAs) and section leaders (SLs). Graded students are expected to attend all labs. In each lab, a lab task will be given. Students who finish early can only leave the lab after getting permission from a TA or SL (otherwise they cannot get a grade for that lab). Lowest grade lab will drop; the average of the rest will constitute each student's lab grade. 20% of the course grade will come from this lab grade average. Audit students are not required to attend the labs, but they are advised to. Koç University - UNIV199 - Introduction to Programming with Python Homework 0 A homework assignment will be given on the weeks we have labs (often on Friday evenings). 0 Homework will be due the following Wednesday 23:59. 0 (Probably) 7 homework will be given throughout the semester. 0 Homework instructions will be posted on Blackboard and sent through email; students need to upload their solutions to Blackboard. 0 Graded students are expected to solve and upload all homework. 15% of the course grade will come from homework. 0 Audit students are expected to solve at least half of the homework, not missing two in succession. Koç University - UNIV199 - Introduction to Programming with Python Homework – late submission 0 Late submission (up to 48 hours) will be allowed for all homework. 0 For the first 24 hours after the deadline (1 day late), students will receive 2 points (out of 10) penalty. 0 For 24-48 hours late (2 days late), students will receive 4 points (out of 10) penalty. 0 Homework more than 48 hours late will not be graded. 0 However, for the first two late day submissions there will be no penalty (therefore penalties start on the third late day). Koç University - UNIV199 - Introduction to Programming with Python First homework 0 You will receive your first homework this Friday. 0 It will constitiute of three tasks: 1. Installing Python (Conda) and IDE (Spyder) on your computer 2. Writing a simple program and uploading it to Blackboard 3. Signing and uploading your honor code 0 Please wait for the homework instructions by e-mail. Koç University - UNIV199 - Introduction to Programming with Python Exams 0 The exams are for graded students only. 0 20% of the course grade will come from the midterm, 30% will come from the final exam. In order to pass: 0 The weighted average of the midterm and the final must be 40% (20 out of 50); AND 0 Overall grade should be 50%. Koç University - UNIV199 - Introduction to Programming with Python Course grading summary Component Lecture attendance Lab tasks Homework Midterm Final exam Total Weight 15% 20% 15% 20% 30% 100% Koç University - UNIV199 - Introduction to Programming with Python Different pass/fail scenarios Scenario Lecture attendance Labs Homework Midterm Final Exams Overall Pass/Fail A 10/15 10/20 5/15 10/20 15/30 25/50 50/100 Pass B 15/15 20/20 15/15 10/20 9/30 19/50 74/100 Fail C 15/15 10/20 5/15 0/20 20/30 20/50 50/100 Pass D 15/15 20/20 15/15 10/20 10/30 20/50 70/100 Pass E 0/15 14/20 10/15 10/20 15/30 25/50 49/100 Fail Koç University - UNIV199 - Introduction to Programming with Python Student-friendly curve 0 Curve will be applied if the curve value for students doing the final exam is below 50. 0 Otherwise (if there is a high curve of passing grade ≥50) then 50 will be taken as the passing grade. Koç University - UNIV199 - Introduction to Programming with Python How to get help While learning, during lab sessions, while preparing the homework, during quizzes and final exam Koç University - UNIV199 - Introduction to Programming with Python Course textbook 0 Main Textbook: Starting Out with Python, 4th edition GE (Global Edition) Author: Tony Gaddis 0 Supplement: Introduction to Scientific Programming with Python, Joakim Sundnes (2020) – open access (available on the Internet) 0 Textbook is not compulsory, but recommended. 0 It is useful to have a textbook for reading the class material explained in a different way, seeing different examples of programming structures and solving exercise questions. Koç University - UNIV199 - Introduction to Programming with Python Reaching the instructor 0 Instructor office hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays between 10:00-11:00 0 Through email: ekutukoglu@ku.edu.tr 0 More help available from course assistants, section leaders and KOLT tutors (their office/tutoring hours will be announced later). Koç University - UNIV199 - Introduction to Programming with Python Where to get help – Summary Course material (book, lecture videos, notes) Instructors Teaching assistants (TAs), Section Leaders (SLs) KOLT tutors Other people The Internet While learning During lab sessions Preparing homework During exams For unclear wording only For unclear wording only Limited Verbal hints only Limited Koç University - UNIV199 - Introduction to Programming with Python Help while learning 0 Learning phase is during lectures and while the student is doing self-learning. 0 During learning, the student can get help from all possible sources: Course instructors, teaching assistants, section leaders, KOLT tutors, other people (course students or otherwise), text book, course videos and the Internet. Koç University - UNIV199 - Introduction to Programming with Python Help during lab sessions 0 UNIV199 labs are administered by teaching assistants (TAs) and section leaders (SLs). 0 This is still considered a part of the learning phase, where the students are also graded for the work that is submitted. 0 Students should mainly seek help from TAs and SLs. 0 Help from other students or the Internet may also be sought; however, complete solutions to lab tasks cannot be taken from these sources. Koç University - UNIV199 - Introduction to Programming with Python Help while preparing homework 0 Homework is where students take their programming skills to the next level and start showing what they have learnt. 0 Homework are often challenging. 0 It is quite common to get stuck at some tasks. 0 Students are welcome to seek help from instructors, TAs, SLs, and KOLT tutors. For homework, students have been observed to make use of KOLT tutors very extensively in previous semesters. 0 Help from friends or other people is restricted to "verbal hints" only. Solutions found from the Internet may easily fall into the category of "academic dishonesty." Koç University - UNIV199 - Introduction to Programming with Python Help during exams 0 The exams are where the level of learning is measured. 0 In case the student does not understand the wording of the question, s/he may ask for clarification from instructors/TAs. 0 Help from others or the Internet is strictly disallowed. Koç University - UNIV199 - Introduction to Programming with Python Where to get help – Summary Course material (book, lecture videos, notes) Instructors Teaching assistants (TAs), Section Leaders (SLs) KOLT tutors Other people The Internet While learning During lab sessions While preparing homework During midterm or final exam For unclear wording only For unclear wording only Limited Verbal hints only Limited Koç University - UNIV199 - Introduction to Programming with Python Academic honesty 0 Please read the last page of the syllabus (on academic honesty) very carefully. 0 Students will be asked to sign a "homework honor code" statement at the beginning of the term. 0 Grades of students who do not yet sign the honor code will not be announced. 0 All homework will be checked with an advanced plagiarism detection software against previous work and against other students' work. Koç University - UNIV199 - Introduction to Programming with Python Thank You! Koç University - UNIV199 - Introduction to Programming with Python