MULTI-LEVEL INVERTER CASCADE H-BRIDGE INVERTER INVERTER y y y The voltage source inverters produce a voltage or a current with levels either 0 or ±V dc they are known as two level inverters. To obtain a quality output voltage or a current waveform with a minimum amount of ripple content, they require high switching frequency. In high power and high voltage applications, these two level inverters, however, have some limitations in operating at high frequency. MULTI-LEVEL INVERTER y y y The multi-level inverter is to synthesize a near sinusoidal voltage from several levels of dc voltages. As number of levels increases, the synthesized output waveform has more steps, which provides a staircase wave that approaches a desired waveform . Also, as steps are added to waveform, the harmonic distortion of the output wave decreases, approaching zero as the number of voltage levels increases TYPES OF MULTI-LEVEL INVERTER The Multi-level inverters can be classified into three types. y 1. Diode – clamped Multi-level inverter y 2. Flying – capacitor Multi-level inverter y 3. Cascade Multi-level inverter y Diode- clamped Multi – level inverter ¾Extension of NPC ¾Based on concept of using diodes to limit power devices voltage stress ¾Structure and basic operating principle Consists of series connected capacitors that divide DC bus voltage into a set of capacitor voltages A DCMI with nl number of levels typically comprises (nl-1) capacitors on the DC bus Voltage across each capacitor is VDC/(nl-1) ( nl nodes on DC bus, nl levels of output phase voltage , (2nl1) levels of output line voltage) Flying capacitor multilevel inverter ¾ Capable of solving capacitor voltage unbalance problem and excessive diode count requirement in DCMI ¾ Also known as imbricated cell multilevel inverter (capacitors are arranged to float with respect to earth) ¾ Structure and basic operating principle Employs separate capacitors precharged to [(nl-1)/(nl-1)xVDC], [(nl-2)/(nl-1)xVDC] …{[nl-(nl-1)]/[nl-1]xVDC} Size of voltage increment between two capacitors defines size of voltage steps in ICMI output voltage waveform Cascade H-bridge ¾ Referred to as cascaded-inverters with Separate DC Sources (SDCs) or series connected H-bridge inverters ¾ Structure and basic operating principle Consists of (nl–1)/2 or h number of single-phase H-bridge inverters (MSMI modules) MSMI output phase voltage Vo = Vm1 + Vm2 + …….. Vmh Vm1 : output voltage of module 1 Vm2 : output voltage of module 2 Vmh : output voltage of module h x Structure of a single-phase nl-level MSMI Circuit diagram . 1. 2. 3. 4. The above circuit diagram can be explained broadly by classifing into four sub-circuits. Dc power supply circuit. Microcontroller circuit. Driver circuit. Mosfet circuit. Dc power supply circuit It consists of step down transformer, diode bridge rectifier, regulators, capacitor, resistance and led. Step down transformer:In the primary winding the supply is 230v ac supply and at the secondary winding the output is 15v ac supply. Diode bridge rectifier:The secondary winding output 15v ac supply is given and to diode full bridge rectifier.which rectifies the ac supply convert to dc supply rated 12-15v dc supply. y . Regulators:The output voltage 12-15v dc supply is regulated to 12v by regulator Im7812 and 5v by regulator Im7805. Capacitor:The capacitor filters the voltage. Resistance:The resistance is used to with stand high current from regulators and to give low voltage to LED. Led:To show that supply is there. Microcontroller circuit Microcontroller circuit is used to give to pulses to mosfet circuit. y It can give the pulses upto 5V. y Driver circuit It acts just like a pulse generator . y It consists of IR2110 . y IR2110 can with stand the voltage upto 500volts y The MOSFET requires 10-15v supply to operate. y Mosfet circuit y y y y y y The mosfet circuit is connected in MATLAB stimulation way. Here we are considering IRFZ44n MOSFET. There are eight mosfets. In which S1,S2S5,S6 are positively connected . In which S3,S4,S7,S8 are negatively connected. In which S1,S2,S6,S8 are switched on and other are switched off. APPLICATIONS Reactive power compensator 2. Back to Back intertie 3. Utility compatible adjustable speed drives 1. THANK YOU