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Teens & Social Media: Why They Prefer Online Interaction

Teenagers feel more comfortable taking on social media rather than face to face
Did it work? The revolution apprehended the world with the touch of technological advancement leading to
globalization bringing people closer, while internet making its way to the homes of people and then the hands,
did it really bring them closer? The question remains intact. Todays teenagers or better to put it the kids of
generation ‘Z’ have learnt their methods of interacting in the world where they are over-adequately surrounded
by techno-gadgets for them socializing being their forte is the existence on social media and making that
existence felt by others. And this genre of youth doesn’t feel free to talk people face to face, they prefer
interacting over social websites, and there could be certain reasons for that.
First the people today are too busy in their phones now a days on social medias that even when they meet each
other they kept using their phones that may cause a person to feel lee important with whom they are meeting.
It can be said that in the chase of getting and gripping all people at once they are losing the very much people
with them at that time. A study has shown that 44 % feel frustrated of their friends using their mobiles when
they hangout, and this number can not be neglected at any cost. Even a number of 54 % of teens admitted that
they get distracted by the notifications that get on their social media apps when they are with their friends
hanging out.
Second this behavior can be cause of these teens not finding people to talk at home as the industrialization has
caused people run more for their living their parents are so busy that they don’t have time bringing the family
together. Now a days the place where usually family get to know each other is the dinner table. As in another
study almost 25 % teens stated that they feel less lonely when they are using any social media to get connected
to people in their sphere.
Moreover, one more reason that teens find it more comfortable to communicate with their friends on social
media is that they feel confident their as their real identity with their obscurities and insecurity hide behind
the emojis they are using in their chats. As it is a trait of human personality that it wants to hide certain things
about it and not letting anybody in their inner circle, so this urge is fulfilled by the availability of mobile
phones becoming more common almost with 90 % of teens acquiring it till date. This fact it supported by the
study where they asked about how using social media makes them feel, around one-in-five teens said that it
had effects like making them feel more popular and more confident.
Furthermore, the cause for this increasing comfort to talk on social media is also because of the fast emerging
social media industries and rise in the number of social media platforms, as found by the study back in 2012
there was only Facebook and majority of kinds preferred it as their main social media existence where only
almost 35 % of teenager found comfort in interreacting over social media but just in next six years, they have
snapchat, Instagram and etc. so now they have more ways to connect which is far comfortable and instant.
They no have to wait long to get in touch and meet their friends to share things they can do it in swipes of
Whereas, Some people may say that still teens find it fascinating going for hanging out after school as this
provide a more kind of interpersonal experience of communication and its brings real joy when somebody can
really listen to you sitting in front of you with all the warmth and comfort. But they cannot argue with the
statistics of a new study by Common Sense Media, today’s teens overwhelmingly prefer texting and chatting
online to hanging out with their friends in real life (73%).
Meeting and having a chit chat in private may provide a comfort and pleasure to one but social media provides
this services at instant, with connection to many people at one time leaving all the insecurities behind without
any emotional fuss to be there, and studies have agreed with the viewpoint that the real comfort for this
generation of teens lies in communicating over social media.
(word count: 749)