IMPACT OF TECHNOLOGY ON SERVICE DELIVERY IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR (A CASE STUDY OF KWARA STATE INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE) BY MAHMUD AISHA AMOPE 19/66RM049 SUPERVISOR DR. M. L. BELLO TABLE OF CONTENT/PLAN OF THE STUDY CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION • Background to the Study • Statement of Research Problem • Objectives of the Study • Research Questions • Research Hypothesis • Significance of the Study • Scope of the Study • Operational Definition of Terms • Organization of the Study CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Conceptual Review 2.2.1 Concept of Technology 2.2.2 Concept of Digitilization 2.2.3 Concept of Public Sector 2.2.4 Concept of Service Delivery 2.2.5 Overview of Use of Technology in Nigerian Public Sector 2.2.3 Effects of Technology in the Nigerian Public Sector 2.2.4 Challenges of Adopting Technology in the Nigerian Public Sector 2.2.5 Prospects of ICT as a means of Public Service Delivery in the Nigerian Public Service 2.3 Theoretical Review 2.3.1 Diffusion of Innovation Theory 2.3.2 Institutional Theory 2.4 Empirical Review 2.5 Gap in Literature CHAPTER THREE: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY CHAPTER FOUR: DATA PRESENTATION, INTERPRETAION AND ANALYSIS CHAPTER FIVE: SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS IMPACT OF TECHNOLOGY ON SERVICE DELIVERY IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR (A CASE STUDY OF KWARA STATE INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE) RESEARCH PROPOSAL BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY The public service of any country is a major pillar in determining the development and stability of such country. For most countries, particularly, developing countries where the private sector is very weak, the public service has been recognized as pivotal to the economic cum socio-political development of such countries (World Bank, 2017). The public service is an institution at the heart of the formulation and implementation of the policy of governments (Oyelaran-Oyeyinka, 2016). The public service is the engine for the processing of the vastly acquired and expanded responsibilities of a country’s governments (Olugbemi (2017). Thus, the public service is a reflection of the state of that nation. The public service is therefore, viewed as a transformational institution because of its responsibility of executing government policies and programmes, transforming them to concrete essential services and ensuring that they are delivered to the public (Kwaghga, 2010; Gundu, 2011). In this regards, the public service is a fundamental instrument to the survival of any government and as noted by Adegoroye (2005), no nation has been able to advance beyond its public service. In fact, the efficiency of the public service is a principal determinant of the effectiveness and productivity of any government. The efficiency and effectiveness of the public service in public service delivery is pivotal to the attainment of the Millennium Development goals by any country (Kemoni & Ngulube, 2008). The pivotal role of the public service to Nigeria’s development informs the various reforms aimed at reinvigorating it in order for it to be able to efficiently and effectively deliver its responsibility. Like most African governments, the country has attempted improving the performance of its public service through various reforms with the ultimate goal of boosting the capacity of the Nigeria Public Service for quality public service delivery and effective performance of core governmental functions regarded as pivotal to sustainable socioeconomic development of Nigeria (ECA, 2010). In spite of all these efforts aimed at repositioning it for effective and efficient service delivery, the Nigeria Public Service remains inefficient and incapable of delivering its responsibility. The development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the last twenty years, has transformed the system of administration and has been viewed in the global context, as a means for achieving good governance and for enhancing quality service delivery to the public (Zouridis & Thaens, 2023). It is in recognition of the importance of ICT in the modern administration nomenclature – e-administration, that the European Union advocates the elimination of constrains to e-administration at all levels of governance, including local level authorities, as well as between public administrations, businesses, and citizens, through which the principle of good governance and public service delivery should be achieved (Hodos, 2014). According to Aker (2017), when it comes to public service delivery, digital technology has the potential to enhance citizens’ access to public information, facilitate data collection to ensure proper allocation of public goods and increase access for financial services through mobile money While governments of the developed countries are already utilizing the growth in the ICT to enhance the delivery of public goods and services to their citizens, the spread of the benefits of ICT to resource poor and less developed countries like Nigeria is almost nonexistent (Sharma & Sturges, 2017). The critical questions of to what extent can ICT be adopted for enhanced public service delivery in Nigeria and what are challenges of the strategy for enhancing service delivery by the Nigeria Public Service constitute the concerns of this research. Hence this STATEMENT OF RESEARCH PROBLEM Service delivery is the main mandate of the public sector and efficiency is critical to service delivery. However, the public sector has experienced several challenges in service delivery provision that impact the quality, timeliness and costs of these services. While high productivity in the public service is the major aim and a determining factor for the success and existence of any nation, the bid to attain higher productivity in the Nigeria’s Public Service has remained a wishful thinking as bureaucratic inefficiency continues to constitute its serious concern. It distorts the smooth operations of the entire civil service and has unproductively and adversely affected the efficient delivery of public goods and services to the citizens (Darma & Ali, 2014). The question of what new strategy capable of enhancing efficiency, productivity and service delivery in the Nigerian Public Service should be adopted for the desired economic cum political development of the country therefore imperative. The combination of technical, financial and structural challenges of publicservice have led to poor service delivery among other negative outcomes (Panayotou citedin Egugbo, 2020). This therefore warranted the need for the use of digital technologies and tools in service delivery of Public sector in Nigeria. To this end, this research on the impact of technologies on service delivery in public sector is a neccessicity. This work therefore focuses on how technology has been useful in aiding service delivery in Kwara State Internal Revenue Service. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The aim of the research is to investigate the impacts of technology on service delivery in the public sector with special study on Kwara State Internal Revenue Service (KWIRS), specific objectives of the study are: i. to examine the influence of records management strategic technology on service delivery at the KWIRS ii. to investigate the effect of digitalization on service delivery at KWIRS iii. to determine the the influence of proficiency of strategic technology on service delivery at the KWIRS iv. to evluate the problems associated with the use technology in Kwara State Internal Revenue Service RESEARCH QUESTIONS Accordinglly, the following research questions are asked: i. does records management strategic technology influence service delivery at the KWIRS ii. is there any significant relationship between digitalization and service delivery at KWIRS iii. does proficiency of strategic technology influence service delivery at the KWIRS iv. what are the problems associated with the use technology in Kwara State Internal Revenue Service RESEARCH HYPOTHESES HO1: records management strategic technology does not influence service delivery at the KWIRS HO2: there is no significant relationship between digitalization and service delivery at KWIRS HO3: proficiency of strategic technology does not influence service delivery at the KWIRS SCOPE OF THE STUDY The work focuses on impact of the application of technology on service delivery in public sector. The public sector targetted is Kwara State Internal Revenue Service (KWIRS). The targeted population are the staff of the agency across the 16 local government area zonal offices in the state. The period of coverage will be between 2019 to 2023. This is to allow the researcher study the extent to which technology has improve service delivery of the agency during the first tenure of the Governor Abdulrahman Abdulrazak led administration in Kwara State. The areas of focus in term of the extent to whcih technology influence service delivery in the selected public sector are records management strategic technology; digitalization and proficiency of strategic technology. The study will further reveal the problems associated with the use of technology at KWIRS within the period of coverage. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY RESEARCH METHODS