eep Wool 6pp dl 2016_Red v4:Sheep Wool 6pp new 02/08/2016 Sheep Wool 6pp dl 2016_Red v4:Sheep Wool 6pp new 14:11 02/08/2016 Sheep wool: a natural insulator. Page 1 14:11 Page 1 WHY USE 100% PURE SHEEPWOOL INSULATION SheepWool Insulation Ltd. SHEEP WOOL IS AN OUTSTANDING INSULATOR ISOLENAWOLLE achieves top values by itsraw very Nature hasinsulation given us a unique, sustainable material whose use is nature and insulation material. Unit 1, Railway Business Park, Rathdrum, Co. Wicklow, A67 Y497, Ireland. the order of the day. T (IE): +353 404 46100 CREATES A HEALTHY CLIMATE IN THE ROOM Sheep wool is able to purify the air in a room with a top very shortvalues space of very time, ISOLENAWOLLE achieves insulation by its nature and removing many odours and harmful substances, insulation material. such as formaldehyde. F (IE): +353 404 46452 Sheep wool is an outstanding insulator Nature has REGULATES given us a unique, sustainable raw material whose use is HUMIDITY Sheep can Creates a healthy climate in thewool room up to 33% of its own weight in the orderNature ofabsorb the day. hasis given a unique, raw amaterial whose Sheep wool able without touspurify thecompromising airsustainable in a room with very spaceuse is moisture, its short insulating order of the day. of the time, removing many odours and harmful substances, such as effect. Sheep wool is an outstanding insulator formaldehyde. Sheep wool is an values outstanding insulator SOUND INSULATION & FIRE ISOLENAWOLLE achieves top insulation by itsPROTECTION very nature and Regulates humidity Sheep wool has very good sound absorption ISOLENAWOLLE achieves top insulation values by its very nature and Properties. Depending onown the product, Sheep wool can absorb up to 33% of its weight in moisture, insulation material. our sheep’s wool insulation achieves a fire insulation material. of C or D according to EN 13 501-1.’ classification Creates a healthy climate in the room Represents quality and safety healthy climate room ACreates SUSTAINABLE MATERIAL As a Sheep woolISis able to purifya the air in aRAW room with ain verythe short space ISOLENAWOLLE has been technically inspected many times, carries the natural product, sheep wool is shorn as twice a of time, removing many odours and harmful Sheep wool is able to purify the insubstances, aholds room withsuch a very short space international natureplus quality sealairand year and can be returned to the European Technical formaldehyde. ofthe time,(ETA). removing many odours and at harmful such as Approval environmental cycle any substances, time. formaldehyde. Regulates humidity raw Is a sustainable material IONIC PROTECT , THE NEW, INNOVATIVE PROTECTION is the most useful humidity Sheep As wool canRegulates absorb up tosheep 33% of itsisown weight in moisture, a WOOL natural product, wool shorn ® invention virgin sheep wool to be twice a year andcan cansince be returned to the Sheep wool absorb up toprotection. 33% of its ownBiocide-free, weight in moisture, used as insulation environmental cycle at any time. permanent and CUAP tested. Represents quality and safety Ionic Protect®, the new, quality andmany safety ISOLENAWOLLERepresents has been technically inspected times, carries the innovative woolsealprotection international natureplus has quality and holdsinspected the European ISOLENAWOLLE been technically manyTechnical times, carries the is the most useful invention since virgin Approval (ETA). international natureplus quality seal and holds the European Technical sheep wool to be used as insulation Approval (ETA). protection. Biocide-free, permanent Is a sustainable raw material and CUAP tested. Is a sustainable raw material As a natural product, sheep wool is shorn twice a year can be returned to the As aand natural product, sheep wool is shorn E: SheepWool Insulation Ltd. Unit 1, Railway Business Park, Rathdrum, Co. Wicklow, Ireland T (UK): +44 371 2185218 Phone (IE): +353 404 46100 E: Fax (IE): +353 404 46452 Email: SheepWool Insulation Ltd. YourUnit SheepWool Insulation Agent: 1, Railway Business Park, SheepWool Insulation Ltd. Phone (UK): +44 871 2185218 Rathdrum, UnitCo.1,Wicklow, Railway Ireland Business Park, Email: Rathdrum, Co. Wicklow, Ireland PhoneInsulation (IE): +353 Your SheepWool Agent: 404 46100 Fax (IE):Phone +353(IE): 404+353 46452404 46100 Email: Fax (IE): +353 404 46452 Email: Phone (UK): +44 871 2185218 Email: Phone (UK): +44 871 2185218 Email: Specify in confidence. ISOLENA has been awarded the CE certification by the European Organisation for Technical Approvals. Your SheepWool InsulationOrganisation Agent: for Technical Approvals. by the European Your SheepWool Insulation Agent: Healthy insulation can naturally do more. Sheep wool: a natural insulator. 100% PURE SHEEPWOOL WITH Sheep wool: a natural insulator. PROTECT HealthyIONIC insulation can Healthy insulation can naturally do more. naturally do more. ® 100% Pure Wool with the new, innovative wool protection HEALTHY INSULATION CAN NATURALLY DO MORE. 100% Pure Wool with 100% Pure Wool with the new, innovative wool protection the new, innovative wool protection The insulation THE INSULATION The insulation material that can MATERIAL THAT CAN DO MORE material that can do more The insulation do more material that can do HEAT more INSULATION Sheep Wool 6pp dl 2016_Red v4:Sheep Wool 6pp new Used in a variety of ways Used in a variety of ways USED IN A 02/08/2016 14:12 Page 2 VARIETY OF WAYS 2 Used in a variety of ways 1 New New Technology Technology 2 New Technology 2 1 New ISOLENA Premium ISOLENA Premium Technology New technology – – for New technology for fast installation in high fast installation in high insulation strengths. ISOLENA Premium insulation strengths. 1 7 Nature has given us a unique, sustainable raw material whose use is the order of the day. Heat insulation Sheep wool is an outstanding insulator AIR PURIFICATION Heat insulation ISOLENAWOLLE achieves top insulation values by its very nature and insulation material. Heat insulation Creates a healthy climate in the room Sheep wool is able toHUMIDITY purify the air in a room with a very short space of time, removing many odours and harmful substances, such as HumidityREGULATION formaldehyde. regulation Regulates Humidity humidity Sheep wool can absorb up to 33% of its own weight in moisture, regulation Humidity SOUND Sound insulation regulation INSULATION & Fire protection Represents quality and safety FIRE PROTECTION Soundhas insulation ISOLENAWOLLE been technically inspected many times, carries the Fire protection international natureplus quality seal and holds the European Technical Sound insulation Approval (ETA). SustainableFire protection Is a sustainable raw material As a natural product,SUSTAINABLE sheep wool is shorn Sustainable twice a year and can be returned to the environmental cycle atSustainable any time. Ionic Protect®, the new, innovative wool protection A Interior Air Sealing since virgin E Wind sealing is thecladding most usefulC invention sheep wool insulation B Installation level to beDused Mainas insulation level F Facade cladding protection. Biocide-free, permanent ISOLENAWOLLE ISOLENAWOLLE A Interior cladding C Air Sealing E Wind sealing and CUAP tested. Air Sealing E Wind sealing B Installation levelA Interior D cladding Main insulationC level F Facade cladding ISOLENAWOLLE ISOLENAWOLLE B Installation level D Main insulation level F Facade cladding 1 Gabled ceiling: Comfort 2 Roof: Premium / Optimal 3 4 5 3 4 5 4 3 3 SHEEPWOOL Sheep wool: a natural insulator. SheepWool INSULATION Insulation PRODUCT RANGE overview product SheepWool Insulationcan Healthy insulation product overview SheepWool naturally doInsulation more. product overview 4 SheepWool Insulation Ltd. Unit31, Railway Business Park, Rathdrum,5Co. Wicklow, Ireland 3 1 5 +353 404 46100 Phone (IE): 3 Gabled ceiling: Fax (IE): +353 404 46452 Ceiling: Comfort 1Premium / OptimalEmail: / 5 4 4 5 ISOLENA Optimal ISOLENA Optimal ISOLENA Optimal ISOLENA Comfort ISOLENA Comfort Standard product with with Light, Light, good value Standard product good value Standard product support feltfelt for forfelt sheep wool nonwoven. support easy sheep wool nonwoven. with support for 100% Pure Wool with easy fastening. ISOLENA Optimal ISOLENA Comfort fastening. easy fastening. 3 3 New technology – 20kg/m Standard product with18kg/m Light, good value 14kg/m3 Raw density: Raw density: Raw density: for fastdensity: installation20kg/m3 support felt for 18kg/m3 sheep nonwoven. Raw Raw density: Raw wool density: 14kg/m3 Thermal Thermal Thermal tr 0,0359 W/mK easy in high insulation strengths. 0,0385 W/mK conductivity: tr 0,042 W/mK conductivity: conductivity: ISOLENA Premium ISOLENA Optimal ISOLENA Comfort Thermal conductivity: the Thermal conductivity: Thermal conductivity: 3 3 Raw 3 new, innovative wool protection Raw density: 20kg/m density: 18kg/m density: NewW/mK technology – Standard product with Raw Light,W/mK good value14kg/m tr 0,0359 tr 0,0385 W/mK tr 0,042 Thermalfor fasttrinstallation Thermal Thermal support felt for sheep wooltrnonwoven. 0,0359 W/mK tr 0,0385 W/mK conductivity: conductivity: conductivity: 0,042 W/mK in high insulation strengths. easy fastening. Raw density: 20kg/m3 Raw density: 18kg/m3 Raw density: 14kg/m3 Thermal Thermal Thermal conductivity: tr 0,0359 W/mK conductivity: tr 0,0385 W/mK conductivity: tr 0,042 W/mK 6 4 6 ISOLENA Silentwool Floor ISOLENA Silentwool Joist Acoustic insulation strips paper). Multi-purpose under- for Joists. 6 Comfort Gabled ceiling: 2 4 Comfort Acoustic1ceiling: Roof: Wall: OptimalGabled ceiling: Phone (UK): +44 871 2185218 Premium / Optimal Email: Premium / Optimal 2 4 Comfort 4 6 Roof: Wall: 3 5 6 2 Wall: / Optimal Floor:/ 4 Premium Premium Optimal Ceiling: Timber: Floor: Premium / Optimal Premium / Optimal / Roof: Wall: Your SheepWool Insulation Agent: Premium / Optimal / Premium / Premium Optimal // OptimalPremium /Premium Optimal/ Optimal 3 5 Comfort 6 Comfort 5 Comfort SilentWool Floor: Wooden frame construction: Ceiling: Timber: Floor: SilentWool Floor: 3 Timber: SilentWool Floor (pre-fitted Premium6 / Optimal / Acoustic Premium /ceiling: Optimal / Premium / 5Optimal SilentWool Floor Premium / Optimal with Timber: a breathable paper) / Comfort Floor: Ceiling: Optimal Comfort Facade: Wooden frame construction: / Premium / Optimal / Premium PremiumJoist / Optimal SilentWool Floor: Wooden frame/ Optimal / SilentWool breathable paper) / Acoustic ceiling: Premium / Optimal SilentWool Carpet Comfort SilentWool Floor construction: Comfort SilentWool Joist / Wooden frame construction: Optimal SilentWool Premium / Optimal Facade: SilentWool Carpet Floor: Acoustic ceiling: Premium / Optimal SilentWool 7 / Optimal breathable paper) /Floor Premium Facade:Optimal Facade: SilentWool Joist / Window & Door Filler Premium / Optimal breathable Premium / Optimal SilentWool Carpet paper) / SilentWool Joist / by the European Organisation for Technical Approvals. SilentWool Carpet ISOLENA Silentwool Carpet Acoustic underlay rolls for the reduction of impact sound transfer carpeted areas. ISOLENA Silentwool Floor SOLENA ISOLENA Silentwool Joist ISOLENA ISOLENAunder Silentwool Carpet ISOLENA Silentwool Silentwool Silentwool made from pure new sheep’s Acoustic insulation strips Acoustic underlay rolls for the Floor (pre-fitted with Joist Acoustic Carpet paper). Multi-purpose under- insulation for Joists. strips for reduction ofunderlay impact sound a breathable Acoustic rolls breathable paper.paper). transfer under carpetedofareas. Multi-purpose under- Floor Joists.ISOLENA Silentwool Joist for the reduction ISOLENA Silentwool ISOLENA Silentwool Carpet 3 3 made from pure new sheep’s Raw density: Raw density: 100kg/m 100kg/m Thickness: 9mm floor acoustic insulation sound transfer Acoustic insulation strips impact Acoustic underlay rolls for the made from new under- for Joists. under carpeted areas. reduction of impact sound Multi-purpose Footfall paper). sound pure bis 21 DB breathable paper.and pretransfer under carpeted areas. sheep’s wool improvement: made afrom pure new sheep’s fitted with breathable 3 Raw density: 100kg/m Raw density: 100kg/m3 Thickness: 9mm paper. Footfall breathable sound paper. bis 21 DB improvement: Physical properties 3 3 3 3 Raw density: 20kg/m100kg/m Raw density: Raw density: 9mm Raw density: Raw density:100kg/m 100kg/m Thickness: 9mm Thermal conductivity: 0,035–0,042 Footfall sound bis 21 DB Footfall sound class: Combustibility E s1, D0 / Bs1, d0 improvement: Physical properties improvement: bis 21 DB BKZ in CH 5,3 0,035–0,042 B S1, d0 Combustibility class: E s1, D0 /C-600º Bs1, d0C Physical properties Flash Point: 570º BKZ in0,035–0,042 CH1–2 5,3 Thermal conductivity: *Wool Flammprotection: ability of an acoustclass: ic ceiling element B S 1 , d0 d0 Combustibility E s1, D0 / Bs1, IONIC PROTECT® Flash Point: 570º C-600º C 5,3 BKZ in CH 1–2 * F l a m m a b i l i t y o f a n a c o u s t i c c e i l i n g e l e m e n t B S Perforated plasterboard panel 12mm thick, perforation 18/18-5mm diametewr, ISOLENAWOLLE Optimal 1, d0 Flash 570º C-600º C Wool protection: (thickness 40mm),Point: 60mm rear ventilation compliant with European Norm EN 13501-1. IONIC PROTECT® 1–2 Isolena Window & Door Filler Isolena Loose Wool protection: IONIC PROTECT® PerforatedWool plasterboard panel thick, perforation 18/18-5mm diametewr, Optimal Carded wool band for12mm insulating Carded wool fleece ISOLENAWOLLE for filling joints *Thermal Flammabiconductivity: lity of an acoustic ceiling element (thickness 40mm), 60mmspaces rear ventilation with European EN 13501-1. and filling hollow in compliantand cracks Norm between beams, walls and Perforated plasterboard panel as 12mm thick, perforation 18/18-5mmon diametewr, ISOLENAWOLLE Optimal window and door frames, hollow spaces windows and doors. 40mm), 60mm rear ventilation compliant European Norm EN 13501-1. well as(thickness roof windows in the Loosewith wool is also suitable for roof roofing frame. windows in the roofing frame. Length 200m Bag size 5kg