Requirements for a teacher's speech The culture of human speech has always been given a lot of attention. This is not accidental. Since it indicates his erudition, intelligence, ethics, education. Mastery of speech culture is success in society, authority, perspective, promotion at work. And who but a teacher is obliged to master the culture of speech. The specificity of the teaching profession is in the constant active contact with other people. The work of the teacher is aimed at the formation of the personality of the student, the development of certain rules of behaviour, intellectual development. The teacher must have not only psychological, special knowledge, but also professional communication skills. Both the culture of communication and the culture of speech ensure the achievement of the goal of communication by the most effective means. For this purpose, not only a teacher, but also every civil servant, and in general a modern person, needs to master at least the most important rhetorical skills, on the one hand, and on the other hand, to avoid communicative failures associated with violations of etiquette, as well as with ignoring the differences between oral and written forms of speech, vagueness, carelessness of speech. Speech culture is a business card of a person, with all the subject erudition, the absence or lack of genuine speech culture can be not only the cause of important professional mistakes, but also a factor of stable personal rejection of a person. As a consequence, irritability and reactive thinking in general may increase, and the interlocutor "does not fit" into the dialogue scheme of the lesson and feels indifference to what is being presented or even intuitive rejection of it. A high level of speech culture is an indispensable feature of a cultured person. It is the task of each of us to improve our speech. To do this, you need to monitor your speech to avoid making mistakes in pronunciation, in the use of word forms, in the construction of sentences. We should constantly enrich our vocabulary, learn to feel our interlocutor, be able to choose the most appropriate words and constructions for each case. The topic "Speech culture of a teacher" is broad and multidimensional. First of all, speech is social in its essence. Its main function is to be a means, an instrument of human communication. On the basis of this function and in connection with it other functions are carried out by speech - impact, message, formation and expression of thought. These functions are also social. We can say that society has such speech as society has created, and uses speech as it can and can. The influence of speech on society increases with the development of society itself - this influence increases with the development of production, technology, science, culture and the state. Speech participates in the organisation of work, in the management of social production, the activities of the institution, in the implementation of the process of education and upbringing of the members of society, in the development of literature and science. Society affects speech, but speech, in turn, affects society, participating in various spheres of life and activities of people. Mastering the art of communication is necessary for every person regardless of what kind of activity he/she is or will be engaged in, as the level and quality of his/her communication determines success in personal, industrial and social spheres of life. In conclusion, it should be said that it is important to realise that with children of different ages it is necessary to have different tactics of conversation. We cannot afford to talk to a third and an eighth grade student in the same way. It is important to remember that it is the ability to get students interested in themselves and their subject that leads to a full dialogue. Children's psyche is the most precious thing that a teacher has, he must protect it, and accordingly, to watch what grain he sows in the unformed souls of students. This is the task of a real teacher.