Uploaded by Emilio Dario

BMI Activity Essay: Personal Health & Nutrition

Crisologo Emilio L. Dario
January 26, 2024
BMI Activity
As I computed for my BMI, I was pleased to find out that I reside in the normal weight
category, having achieved a BMI score of 23.4. This is actually an ideal BMI for me or if
I were to gain weight because of my weight lifting habits, I would desire to stay within
the 18.5 to 24.9 BMI score range as these still count as “normal weight”
Now when I computed for my desired body weight or ideal body weight, I found out that
I am about 2kg over for my height, I don’t mind though. I am actually at my happiest
right now in terms of my physical strength and appearance so this doesn’t affect me that
I have tried dieting before, however, I could face it with a more intentional and strict
approach to really help achieve my goals. Being a culinary student and having access
to delicious and healthy food, you can imagine how hard this would be but I believe it
would just take discipline. In fact, I could probably use my culinary knowledge to help
my diet because it means I can create delicious food all
while being mindful of the
things that go into it.
Being mindful of my weight has been something i’ve been doing my entire life, i’ve
always tried to keep things healthy. I grew up as an athlete so taking care of my body
was not a new concept but admittedly there were times where I let myself slip, that’s
why I appreciate this course as well because it has taught me a lot especially when it
comes to making smarter food choices.