Bureaucracy by Max Weber Perspectives on Public Administration ~~Rishit Chaudhary 1741 Max Weber M� Weber (1864-1920) wa� � Germa� sociologis�, phil�opher, an� politica� economis� wh� i� widel� regarde� a� on� of th� founder� of moder� sociolog�. H� i� bes� know� for hi� wor� o� bureaucrac�, socia� stratificatio�, an� t�� sociolog� of religio�. Bureaucracy (•) Bureaucrac� i� � for� of governanc� tha� ha� bee� use� i� variou� organ�ation�, includin� governmen� institution�, corporation�, an� no�-profi� organ�ation�. (•) �i� syste� of administratio� i� base� o� th� principle� of hierarchica� organ�atio�, standard�atio� of proce�ure�, an� forma� rule�. Max Weber's theory �� concep� of bureaucrac� wa� introduce� b� M� Weber, � Germa� sociologis�, i� hi� boo�, "Econom� an� Societ�" i� 1922. I� thi� presentatio�, w� wil� discus� th� ke� concept� of Weber'� bureaucrac� an� it� implication� for moder� organ�ation�. Key concepts of Weber's Bureaucracy (•)Rationa�-lega� Authorit� (•)Hierarch� (•)Special�atio� (•)Forma� Rule� an� Procedure� (•)Impersonalit� Rational-legal Authority (•) Weber believe� tha� bureaucrac� i� base� o� rationa�-lega� authorit�. (•) �i� mean� tha� authorit� i� base� o� � se� of rule� an� regulation� tha� ar� applie� uniforml� t� al� individual� withi� th� organ�atio�. (•) I� � bureaucrati� syste�, individual� wh� hol� p�ition� of authorit� d� s� becaus� the� hav� bee� appointe� base� o� their qualification� an� �pertis�, rather tha� their persona� conn�ction� or socia� statu�. Hierarchy (•) Another ke� concep� of Weber'� bureaucrac� i� th� concep� of hierarch�. (•) I� � bureaucrati� syste�, individual� ar� organ�e� i� � hierarchica� structur�, wit� eac� leve� of th� hierarch� havin� � specifi� se� of responsibilitie� an� dutie�. (•) �i� ensure� tha� ther� i� � clear chai� of comman�, an� individual� know wh� the� repor� t� an� wh� the� ar� responsibl� for. Specialization (•) Weber als� believe� tha� bureaucrac� i� character�e� b� special�atio�. (•) �i� mean� tha� individual� withi� th� organ�atio� ar� traine� an� skille� i� specifi� area� of �pertis�, an� their role� an� responsibilitie� ar� clearl� define�. (•) �i� ensure� tha� task� ar� performe� efficientl� an� effectivel�, an� ther� i� n� overlap or duplicatio� of effort�. Formal Rules and Procedures (•) A ke� featur� of Weber'� bureaucrac� i� th� us� of forma� rule� an� procedure�. (•) �i� mean� tha� ther� ar� clear guideline� for how task� shoul� b� performe�, an� individual� withi� th� organ�atio� ar� �pecte� t� follow thes� rule� an� procedure�. (•) �i� ensure� tha� task� ar� performe� i� � consisten� an� standard�e� manner, an� ther� i� littl� roo� for persona� preference� or biase�. Impersonality (•) �nall�, Weber believe� tha� bureaucrac� i� character�e� b� impersonalit�. (•) �i� mean� tha� individual� withi� th� organ�atio� ar� �pecte� t� behav� i� � professiona� an� objectiv� manner, an� persona� feeling� an� emotion� shoul� no� influenc� their decisio�-makin�. (•) �i� ensure� tha� decision� ar� mad� base� o� rationa� an� objectiv� criteri�, rather tha� persona� biase� or preference�. Implications of Weber's Bureaucracy for Modern Organizations (•) Efficienc� an� Effectivenes� (•) Standard�atio� (•) Resistanc� t� Chang� (•) Lac� of Fl�ibilit� Efficiency and Effectiveness (•) O�� �f ��� ���� ��v������� �f � b�r����r���� ������ i� tha� i� ca� b� highl� efficien� an� effectiv�. (•) B� ��v��� ����r r���� ��� pr�����r��, ����� ��� b� p�rf�r��� q������ ��� ����r�����, ��� ���r� �� ������ r��� for error or duplicatio� of effort�. (•) T��� �� p�r������r�� ��p�r���� f�r �r����z������ ���� ���� �� pr����� ����� �r ��rv���� q������ ��� �� � ���� leve� of qualit�. Standardization (•) A�����r ��v������ �f W�b�r'� b�r����r��� �� ���� �� promote� standard�atio�. (•) B� ��v��� � ����r ��� �f r���� ��� pr�����r��, ����� ��� b� p�rf�r��� ������������ ��r��� ��� �r����z�����, regardles� of wh� i� performin� the�. (•) T��� ����r�� ���� �������r� �r ������� r����v� � ���������� ��v�� �f ��rv��� �r pr�����, w���� ��� ���p �� buil� trus� an� loyalt�. Resistance to Change (•) H�w�v�r, ��� �f ��� ���� �r�������� �f W�b�r'� bureaucrac� i� tha� i� ca� b� resistan� t� chang�. (•) B������ ��� ������ �� b���� �� r���� r���� ��� pr�����r��, �� ��� b� ��ff����� �� ���r����� ��w ����� or innovation�. (•) T��� ��� ���� �� ��ff����� f�r �r����z������ �� ���p� �� �������� ��r��� ���������� �r �������r preference�. Lack of Flexibility (•) A�����r �����v������ �f W�b�r'� b�r����r��� �� tha� i� ca� lac� fl�ibilit�. (•) B������ ����� �r� p�rf�r��� ����r���� �� � ��r��� ��� �f r���� ��� pr�����r��, ���r� ��� b� ������ r��� f�r ����v������ �� ���� ��������� �r ���� initiativ�. (•) T��� ��� r����� �� � ���� �f �r����v��� �r ����v����� w����� ��� �r����z�����, w���� ��� ����� ��� �b����� �� respon� t� new challenge� or opportunitie�. Conclusion (•) I� ����������, M�� W�b�r'� ����r�b������ �� ��� f���� �f ��������� ��v� ��� � ������� ��p��� �� ��� w�� w� ����r����� ����r� �r����z������, ������ stratificatio�, an� th� rol� of religio� i� societ�. (•) H�� �����p� �f b�r����r���, �� p�r������r, ��� bee� widel� studie� an� applie� i� variou� field�. (•)W���� ��� ����� ��v� b��� ��b���� �� �r�������, W�b�r'� w�r� ��������� �� b� �� ��p�r���� f��������� f�r ������p�r�r� ������ r����r�� ��� theor�. Thank You ُ Rishit Chaudhary 1741