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Chakra Healing: Awareness, Anatomy, and Energy Transformation

Notice the setting of the different coloured bulbs..each bulb colour corresponds with the colour of
the Chakra in that particular position.
Lecture 14
Analyzing what is happening with your chakras can be a powerful way of tuning into your mind, body
and spirit. To do this you should observe which chakras react noticeably when you are in stressful
situations. Perhaps you have recurring problems or illnesses, and should ask yourself if you are going
backward, instead of forward, in your life. For example:
If your Base Chakra is not strong, you may feel unhappy with your body size or shape, or may have a
feeling that you are not in control of your life. On the other hand, if your Base Chakra is overactive,
you may explode angrily at the slightest provocation.
• Low energy flow through the Sacral Chakra will cause you not to have any joyful moments in your
life. If it is hyperactive, you may experience tears of frustration.
• Inactivity of the Solar Plexus Chakra will cause you to feel powerless when you are under pressure
and to develop a queasy feeling, or "butterflies" in your stomach. Overactivity will make you
domineering and a "control freak."
If you feel that your "heart has missed a beat," it may indicate a weak Heart Chakra as well as a weak
physical heart. If you redden or your pulse races in stressful situations, your Heart Chakra may be
• A weak Throat Chakra will make you unable to speak your truth, or you may stutter or shake. An
overactive Throat Chakra will cause you to speak before you think-sometimes with hurtful words.
If you cannot visualize and organize your life very well, then your Brow Chakra is underactive. If you
experience nightmares, it may have become hyperactive.
• An inability to think clearly when under stress means that your Crown Chakra is weak. If you want
to eat all the fruits of spiritual attainment before you have learned how to plant, water and grow
them, then your Crown Chakra is unbalanced.
No one can think clearly when they are under severe stress.
Lecture 15
The word transformer can be understood in two
senses. Transformers are for stepping up or stepping down electrical voltages. Before electrical
power reaches your house, it has to go through a series of step down transformers. By the time it
reaches your house, the voltage has been stepped down to 220 volts or 110 volts.
The human whirling energy centers or chakras are energy transformers wherein a certain form of
energy is transformed into another form of energy. From the crown energy center to the basic
energy center; spiritual energy is stepped down, modified, transformed and physicalized.
From the basic energy center to the crown energy center; subtle energy is being stepped up,
modified, transformed and spiritualized.
Spiritual energy transformers are capable of stepping down or stepping up the energy. Spiritual
energy transformers also qualify, modify or transform the energy passing through them.
Principle of Energy Transformer:
The world consists of a series of spiritual energy transformers. The planet Earth is an energy
transformer, the sun is an energy transformer, the constellation and galaxy are energy transformers.
In general, the moons, the planets, the suns and stars, the galaxies, the universes and the
maxiuniverse are celestial whirling energy centers or celestial chakras. They are spiritual energy
Lecture 16
In the physical body there are many organs of which we only read about but have never seen
For example,we can only see others heart,but our own.
We know of the circulation of blood around the body but we are not aware of it.
We know that apart from blood, other fluids also circulate around the body..this is the lymphatic
system,yet we don't see them.
The Chakras are organs too, (though not visible) because they deal with non physical energy.
If the major chakras serve as our main step up/down transformers,then the minor chakras serve as
the junction boxes...
A junction box in a building is an electrical enclosure that houses one or more wiring connections.
The box protects the connections, which usually contain vulnerable points such as wire
terminals/splices, from environmental conditions and accidental contact.
The minor chakras not only augment the work of the major chakras,but also provide additional
charging points to all the organs of the body.
Let's consider the minor chakras and Acupoints on the palms and the feet..
Medical Science has proven that the major chakras are directly connected with some major internal
organs like the liver, kidneys, heart,and directly influence the glands in contact with those organs.
It has also been established that the major chakras are located quit close to some major ganglia (a
structure containing a number of nerve cell bodies, typically linked by synapses, and often forming a
swelling on a nerve fibre).
It is good to note that some of the major chakras like the solar plexus chakra are located on a point
where there are accumulation of many ganglia.
That is how the solar plexus chakra got its name.
Ganglia are primarily made up of nerve heads which are bundled or connected. Ganglia often
interconnect with other ganglia to form a complex system of ganglia known as a plexus. Medical
Science says that Ganglia provide relay points and intermediary connections between different
neurological structures in the body, such as the peripheral and central nervous systems,and the well
documented Ayurvedic Medicine of India says ganglia also includes non physical vessels for the
transmission of subtle energy.
The major and minor chakras are connected to each other through the nadis..
Nāḍī is a term for the channels through which, in traditional Indian medicine the subtle energies
flow. Within this philosophical framework, the nadis are said to connect at special points of
intensity, the chakras.
The minor chakras are also connected with the energy pathways,and nerves too.
It has been established that what acupuncture does with needles could also be achieved by applying
slight pressure (with the tip of the finger),on specific points (acupoints).
The major Acupoints falls on the important minor chakras.
Therefore applying slight pressure on the minor chakras stimulate the corresponding organs they are
connected with through the nadis, meridians, and nerves.
These minor chakras or (Acupoints) are already well mapped out on the palms and the soles of our
This is what forms the basis of Reflexology knowledge, which we shall still touch upon later.
Lecture 17
1. Petals:
The appearance of the chakra is dependent upon its speed of rotation. Under normal conditions, the
rapid clockwise and counterclockwise rotations produce an optical effect making the chakra look like
a lotus flower with many pointed petals. The pointed petals are "optically produced" by the
motions of pranic energy moving clockwise and counterclockwise.
This is why in ancient Tibetan, Chinese and Sanskrit books on yoga, the chakras are usually
presented as lotus flowers with many pointed petals. When a chakra is deliberately slowed down,
the actual shape and number of petals can be seen clearly. The shape of the petals of a chakra is
round. This is why the petals of the chakras described by Leadbeater are round, not pointed. When
the chakra is moving very rapidly, the chakra bulges out or becomes quite thick. When it is rotating
at an extremely rapid rate, the chakra appears as a dazzling point of light.
2. Protective Web: Located at the back of the chakra near the surface of the body is an "energy
web." It is slightly smaller than the chakra by about one inch in diameter. This energy web is called
etheric web or protective web because it acts as a filter to protect the person from negative external
When a person harbors negative thoughts or feelings or has negative habits, the protective webs
become cracked or punctured after a prolonged period of time. Since the person is filled with
negative thoughts and emotions, he also attracts negative entities which enter through the holes or
cracks in the protective webs.
This will make him do terrible things that he would not normally do.
If the psychological ailment is not very severe, then some of the protective webs are just cracked. In
more serious cases, some protective webs are punctured and have big holes. This makes the patient
susceptible to "psychic disturbances" or "intrusions" from negative energy entities or elementals. In
Christian terms, these are called "bad spirits." In the Holy Bible, there are many cases of patients
with severe psychological ailments which were healed by exorcism or removal of negative
When you are healing, the elementals cannot enter your body since you have protective webs.
Therefore, there is no danger of contamination from the elementals. Besides, the protective web is
made in such a way that, if there are any psychic intruders, it becomes automatically stronger and
The difference between a clairvoyant and a "crazy" person is that with a clairvoyant, the etheric web
or protective web is quite thin and can easily be opened when the clairvoyant faculty is being used,
and closed when it is not being used. It can be opened.
Lecture 17 cont'd
Twenty-one minor chakras are normally identified:
•One on the sole of each foot
•One behind each knee
• One for each gonad
•Two for the spleen
• One for the stomach
•One near the liver
• One for the palm of each hand
• One on each breast
• One on each side of the clavicle
•One for each eye
• One on each temple
• One for the thymus gland (center of the chest)
●Why do you prefer blue dresses?
According to psychology Blue colour indicate the followings
• It is emotionally soothing colour
• It promote vastness
• It encourages meditation, spirituality & independence
• It may also promote solitude, clarity, mental control
•Excessive usage cause boredom and depression.
On why most clubs have whirling coloured bulbs?
The different coloured bulbs they use in clubs and dancing halls are not arranged in any pattern.In
fact,the more haphazardly the lights flickers the better for their purpose, which is to make people
lose sense of space and time.
Those arrangements are actually confusing to the brain,but that is in a normal brain.
The brains of most people in the club are already grossly affected by the hard drugs, alcohol, smokes
and the excessively loud music.
It is a way to keep people more confused,so that they will spend more time and more money there
Lecture 18
What do you get when you mix glowing health, a zest for a career calling, material wealth, happy
housing, sexual zip, a super-sized sense of security, and all the energy you need to thrive physically?
You gain the benefits of a vigorous first chakra. I call the first chakra the “earth-star” chakra because
it grounds and empowers at the same time.
Called muladhara in Hindu tradition, the original source of most modern chakra knowledge, this is
the subtle energy center that lies in your hip area,
Your first chakra is literally the first step on a staircase that leads up from the base of your spine and
toward enlightenment. Like all chakras, it is considered a “spinning wheel of light,” as described in
ancient Hindu scripture’s beautiful Sanskrit language. However, the influence of chakra knowledge is
worldwide, stretching way beyond the India's Plain. That’s because nearly every culture has
interacted with an equivalent of the chakras.
It’s also because chakras are made of energy, which may be defined as “information that moves.”
There are two types of energy- the sun and the subtle. The energy associated with chakra’s power is
the subtle energy.
There are two types of subtle channels linked to the chakras: the meridians and the nadis. Meridians
flow through the connective tissue and distribute subtle energy through the body. They are best
known in Asian medical systems. The nadis also stream through the physical body but are mainly
equivalent to your nerves,and they connect the chakras together.
Your root chakra is the subtle energy center that regulates all levels of your physical and material
This simultaneously earth-rich and star-flame chakra is your key to leading a fulfilling and secure life.
It pulses with passion and purpose, and it can make sure your everyday life does too.
The Sanskrit name for the first chakra is muladhara. The word combines mul, or base, with adhara,
or support. This nomenclature wonderfully describes the first chakra’s main goal: to root and sustain
us in daily life.
Overarching Purpose Your first chakra rules your physical energy and drives self-preservation. When
it’s healthy, it assures safety, survival, and material thriving.
Red is the perfect depiction of the first chakra. It is a primal pigment, the hue of blood. As such, it is
energizing, passionate, and stimulating. It energizes—physically, emotionally, and spiritually—and
assures a healthy and hale lifestyle. It is the color of life.
Every in-body chakra is connected to an action organ. This is the part of the body that brings physical
energy to that chakra and that the chakra supplies with vitality in turn. The action organ of the first
chakra is your feet. You can be assured that your first chakra pumps lots of life energy upward into
your body and downward into your legs by making sure you walk often.
Lecture 19
The Root Chakra manages a full palette of bodily parts. In general, look to those located in the lower
hip area. The physical organs’ functions are also included in the first chakra’s purview.
The bodily areas under the first chakra’s umbrella include your muscles, hip joints, the coccygeal
vertebra, the general immune system, the bladder, the rectum, the lower extremities (hips and
related bones and muscles), the elimination system, the large intestine, the adrenals, and parts of
the genitals, such as the vagina. It also shares responsibility with other chakras for the prostate and
The root chakra is linked with the adrenal glands, two small organs that lie atop the kidneys.
Understanding the physiology and functioning of the adrenals is an invitation to glimpsing the vital
nature of your first chakra.
The adrenals are often called our “stress glands” because they secrete hormones that respond
instantaneously to stress. The adrenals are really two glands in one, with each section influential in
its own way..
#1. The adrenal cortex secretes steroidal hormones such as cortisol, hydrocortisone, aldosterone,as
well as small amounts of testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone, in both men and women. These
regulate our long-term response to stress through such activities as monitoring blood sugar levels
and balancing fluids.
#2. The adrenal medulla secretes adrenaline, the hormone that helps us respond to immediate
stress. A burst of adrenaline increases our heart rate, muscle tension, and bodily sweat. This
instantaneous response to stress isn’t harmful;
it helps us respond quickly to change or danger. In fact, having too few adrenal hormones isn’t
helpful; people with chronic fatigue syndrome appear to have under-active adrenal glands. Too
much stimulation over time, however, causes the adrenals to malfunction.
After going into hyperdrive following a kick-start from the adrenals, we often experience the
opposite: incredible fatigue during the day. Then, ironically, we shift back into high gear at night and
are unable to sleep.
Signs of adrenal dysfunction include:
•frequent illnesses, •low blood pressure (which eventually can turn into high blood pressure),
•mental chatter, •fluctuating blood sugar,
• exhaustion following exercise, •emotionalism leading to depression.
In our busy society, we are constantly exposed to adrenal stressors. These range from excessive
noise, challenges on the job or in finding suitable work, and an overburdened schedule of
experiencing chronic anger, powerlessness, worry, fear, and guilt. We can stress ourselves out by the
following ways: •skipping meals, •eating too much sugar or junk food,
•using addictive substances.
Other factors are:
•trauma, •unrelenting pain, •long-term illness (our own or someone else’s), •allergies, or toxic
Emotional, physical, mental, or spiritual threats to our basic security will also affect our adrenals—
and therefore our first chakra.
As an energy healer, I have found that almost every client needs to address first chakra or adrenalbased issues. This shows how important the Root,or Base or First Chakra is.
Lecture 20
The energy of Muladhara allows us to harness courage, resourcefulness and the will to live during
trying times. It connects us with the spiritual energies of our ancestors, their challenges and their
triumphs. It helps us connect to our physical world. It governs our physical energies, giving us a
sense of safety and security with other people and ourselves.
It is important to balance this chakra first before balancing the others, from an energetic standpoint, as it is widely believed that this is where we draw our life force energy from.It is the sit of the
GENERATIVE POWER. If you are not properly grounded (or rooted into the ground) you simply
cannot balance the other chakras properly.
The root chakra comprises of whatever grounds you in your life. This includes your basic needs such
as food, water, shelter, and safety, as well as your more emotional needs such as letting go of fear.
When these needs are met, you feel grounded and safe, and you tend to worry less on an everyday
Family wounds and tribal beliefs are stored in the body in this area. The health of this chakra is
associated with your upbringing and early life. The security you feel often has less to do with what
you have at your disposal now and more to do with how safe you felt growing up. As infants, if your
caregivers readily gave you what you needed to survive with consistency, you would have felt secure
in the world. You felt that the world was a place that could be trusted to provide your basic needs.
But, if your caregivers withheld or delayed in giving you what you needed, or if they were
inconsistent, you may find yourself with muladhara/root chakra blocks.
The Balanced Root Chakra
If your root chakra is in balance or open properly, you will feel secure in your world and daily tasks
will seem effortless. You will not have any doubts about your place in the world and things will work
for you, whether it be with relationships, money or with a career. You will work with the world and
not against it. A well-functioning first chakra opens us to our power and stability and allows us to
grow. We are grounded, and this grounding brings us rest and solidity and stillness.
Imbalances in the Root Chakra
All of the seven chakras are important and interconnected with each other. Usually, balancing one
chakra will create change in another chakra, but it is important to balance the root chakra first, or
we will lack the stability and rootedness necessary for true transformation and personal growth. We
cannot grow and change unless we feel safe and secure.
Lecture 20 (cont'd)
The Root Chakra begins its development during the ages 0-7 year,but doesn't get activated untill
onset of puberty.Any verbal, mental, physical abuse or lack of security during these years will leave a
negative imprint in this Root Chakra. A negative imprint is like a scratch in your energy field;
whereas, positive circumstances brighten your aura. Family wounds are also stored in this area of
the body. Perhaps your family always struggled financially or changed residences often. This energy
will then carry over to you. Any unfinished business with parents is a Root Chakra issue. In all of
these cases, imbalances to the energy of the Root Chakra can set the stage for illness.
Muladhara chakra carries our ancestral memories, hence most of us experience challenges or
blockages with it. War, famine, natural disasters and any events that threaten our basic survival are
all recorded within the energies of the first chakra. These memories are imprinted in the subtle body
and are passed down from generation to generation, creating unconscious generational patterns. It
is our work to take responsibility for our own lives and bring to light that which is unconscious by
working to open up our first chakra.
Autoimmune (emotional/mental) diseases (lupus, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, thyroid disorders,
AIDS, cancer, allergies) are when the body attacks itself. These are Root Chakra imbalances. The
body gets a destructive message from deep within itself. Mental depression has been associated not
only with self-destructive behaviors but with depression of the immune system functioning.
If you experience anxiety disorders, fears, or nightmares, your root chakra is most probably blocked.
Other physical manifestations would be in the colon, bladder, elimination, lower back, leg, or feet
issues. In men, prostate problems may occur. Eating disorders, poor immune system, anemia,
depression, and laziness, irritable bowel syndrome, being overweight or underweight is also an
indication of root chakra imbalance.
If you are struggling in your relationships especially with issues of trust then it’s a first chakra issue.
Some people never feel safe, this may be in their jobs, or they feel there is never enough money, or
no matter what they do they can never get ahead which are all first chakra issues.
Lecture 21
If the root chakra is over-active you may experience anger, annoyance and even aggression towards
people and events in your life. Greediness and controlling others and becoming belligerent to those
who challenge your authority may be a problem. You might become dependent on the security from
other people, your job, or specific habits and because of this you will have very rigid boundaries
making it very difficult for you to accept change. You may also become very materialistic or
impulsive and think that your value or self-worth exists in having such things. Problems with an overactive sex drive may arise due to the over-activeness of the root chakra.This may lead to excessive
transmutation of the Generative Power into sexual energy.
If your root chakra is under-active you may feel disconnected from the world around you, including
from your body. You may feel disorganized and consequently this will reflect in your world. You will
lack focus and discipline and you may even become afraid, anxious or restless in your daily
interactions. You will probably experience a lack of stamina, depression or desire to do or to want
anything out of life. You will have trouble obtaining financial security and will find yourself with no,
or very little boundaries.
When the first chakra is under- active, one of the manifestations of that malfunction is obesity.
Through the first chakra, we work to understand and heal our bodies. The challenge is to accept our
body, feel it, validate it, and love it. Eating is a first chakra activity. When we eat, we are nourished,
and our physical body is supported. Eating grounds us. Meats and proteins are first chakra foods.
Thought forms such as “I don’t deserve love,” “I’m ashamed of who I am,” and “I’m always
misunderstood,” are common. They try to compensate for these feelings by acquiring, keeping and
controlling material possessions, by becoming addicted to material things. The ultimate root chakra
failure is suicide.
Loss of libido is also a sign of under -active Root Chakra.
#1. Color
The root is associated with the color red. Red symbolizes life, vitality, strength and the physical
nature of man. In nature, red represents heat, fire and anger.The blood is red in colour for a purpose
. Rose-red is the color of universal harmony. Other colors associated with it are brown, black and
gray. It is the source of the etheric layer of the aura,which is associated with awareness of the
physical body, and physical survival. It is the layer closest to the body, and densest in texture. It can
sometimes be seen as a sort of grayish heat wave, 2-3 inches around the body. It anchors the aura to
the physical body. Picturing a red lotus flower at the base of your spine will begin to balance it.
Lighting red candles while focusing on your root chakra can also have this effect.
#2.Simple Root Chakra Exercise
Stomping your feel upon the ground, marching in place, and doing squats.
#3.Crystal Therapy
Azurite, Bloodstone, Chrysocolla, Obsidian, Golden Yellow Topaz, Black Tourmaline, Carnelian,
Citrine, Red Jasper, Smokey Quartz, Hematite, Labodorite, Garnet, Ruby, Onyx, Fire agate and Star
Root vegetables: carrots, potatoes, parsnips, ginger, beets, radishes, beets, onions, garlic, etc.
Protein-rich foods: eggs, meats, beans, tofu, soy products, peanut butter, nuts.
Spices: horseradish, hot paprika, chives, cayenne, pepper
Red Coloured Foods: red apples, strawberries, red cabbage.
Sandalwood, Cedar, Rosewood, Ginger, Cloves, Black pepper, Rosemary. Patchouli, Lavender, Musk,
Hyacinth, Cinnamon.
Healing the Root Chakra with Nature
The muladhara’s element is Earth. Simply getting out and experiencing the sounds and smells of
Mother Nature will have a positive effect on this chakra. Sitting on the grass, under a tree is an ideal
spot to sit and allow yourself to absorb these earthly energies. Dancing is very good for grounding.
Dandelion root tea are found to be highly effective in the treatment of depression, gallbladder or
high blood pressure.
Adding in foods like: carrots, potatoes, parsnips, radishes,beets, onions and garlic, and anything else
that is roots itself, can have a soothing effect for our root chakra.
One of the best ways to ensure a balanced Root Chakra is to practice Grounding.
You will remember that I mentioned a way to protect one's aura and energy, especially amongst
physicians that also have the trait of Empathy...
And I promised that we delve into it at the appropriate time when on Chakras.
Lecture 22
Prof. Kayode Oseni
Sand, especially beach sand have a similar vibration to those of crystals.
Each grain of sand,under a microscope, looks and behaves like a miniature crystal.
Being "grounded" means that you're present in your body and connected with the energy of
the earth. When you're grounded, you allow yourself to feel centered and balanced no matter
what's going on around you.
The principle of grounding is based on the fact that walking on sand or grass barefooted is a very
good way of draining negative energies off the body through the energy centresthe Root Chakra,and other minor chakras located on the soles;and at the same time sucking up
energy from the earth into the body
There are many types of grounding. All of them focus on reconnecting yourself to the earth. This can
be done through either direct or indirect contact with the earth.
#1. Walking barefoot:
Have you ever been outside on a warm summer day and felt the urge to run barefoot in the grass?
One of the easiest ways to ground yourself to the earth is to walk barefoot.
Whether this is on grass, sand, or even mud, allowing your skin to touch the natural ground can
provide you with grounding energy.
#2. Lying on the ground:
You can increase your skin-to-earth contact by lying on the ground. You can do it in the grass by the
park or on the sand at the beach.
If you’re going to ground yourself in this way, be sure to take the proper precautions and never lie
somewhere you could be injured.
#3. Submersing in water: According to advocates for grounding, water may be used to ground in the
same way the physical earth is used for grounding. They suggest simply wading in a clear lake or
swimming in the ocean as a way to ground yourself. As always, be sure to stay safe when swimming,
especially in murky or deep waters.
Lecture 22..
Reasons Why We Need More Grounding Than Our Forefathers:
•They walked about barefooted/We barely walk about barefooted
•They spent more time in Nature: farming, hunting, fishing,etc/ We spend most times sitting at a
desk in an office,with tiled floors.
•They were not exposed to dangerous electromagnetic radiations/We now spend hours with our
computers and phones, which emits dangerous electromagnetic radiations adversely affecting our
∆What We Can Start Doing Now To Change The Narrative:
✓Walk barefooted around more often
✓Visit natural parks
✓Go to beaches
✓Use crystals that protect against harmful radiations,eg,Black Tourmaline Obsidian, Shungite.
There is one last thing to touch on in our Root Chakra exploration..
It is also a means of grounding.
It is called SUN GAZING..
The Indians and the Native Americans have documented how early morning or late even sun gazing
further helps our Root Chakra...
Lecture 23
Sun-gazing as means of grounding:
The sun is a major source of energy for our universe,and especially for all life and energy on Earth.
They claim that sun gazing helps a person feel reenergized and reinvigorated..
Sunlight helps the body produce vitamin D. The ultraviolet B (UVB) rays interact with a protein in
the skin called 7-DHC. The interaction leads to the creation of vitamin D3.
UVB radiation is one the rays from the sun with fairly short wavelengths. UVB is short for "ultraviolet
This is especially needed for well functioning Root Chakra.
According to a 2015 study, the sun’s UVB rays also interact with the skin to produce beta-endorphin,
a neurotransmitter. This neurotransmitter can help with the following:
•promoting relaxation
•regulating the sleep and wake cycle
•reducing the effects of seasonal affective disorder
•improving feelings of well-being
•boosting the immune system
•alleviating pain
promoting wound healing
The same 2015 study noted that exposure to sunlight can also help protect against certain diseases,
such as type 1 diabetes and multiple sclerosis. And research from 2016 showed that sunlight
exposure can help reduce blood pressure and improve cardiovascular health.
Still on the Root Chakra,most Black Africans that relocated to
the UK, USA,or Canada often experience symptoms associated with under-active Root Chakra..
Such people will benefit from sun-gazing, whenever it is available,and using of the herbs associated
with the Root Chakra,and wearing red coloured red often.
Let me give an example:
When my daughter travelled to the UK to work there as a Nurse,she complained of depression by
her first winter over there,and the Hospital where she works recommended injections and pills for
Knowing her father with his deep knowledge about healing,she decided to contact me.
I told her NOT to use any of the antidepressants she was given.
(Ofcourse,she too is aware of side effects)
I advised her on sun-gazing,but as at then (winter) there wasn't much sun rays available,so advised
her to use the Infrared and UV lamps.
That she should simply expose herself to their lights for atleast an hour each,twice a day,for a week.
Within 5 days her mood lifted and she bounced back to her normal vibrant health.
She never needed to use any antidepressant medications.
The truth is that I knew she suffering from Root Chakra issues.
On Acupuncture and Chakras
A chakra is an energy centre,
located on a specific spot along the spine.It is a means of subtle energy flow around the physical and
non-physical bodies. This is established in Ayurvedic Medicine of India.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture is modality of stimulating and balancing subtle
energy or Qi energy that flows smoothly through the meridians that make up a conceptual network
of pathways throughout the entire body.
The Chakras are connected through the meridians.
The chakras regulate the meridians. If there is an imbalance in the chakra that regulates that
meridian, that can - in turn - cause the meridian to come out of balance and this has a knock-on
effect on our health.
Acupuncture takes care of the meridians,as they connect the major and minor chakras.
Traditional Chinese Medicine is majorly concerned (through Acupuncture) with the energy flow
through meridians;
While Ayurvedic Medicine is majorly concerned (through Chakra healing) with the energy flow into
and out of the bodies through the chakras,and between the chakras.
Our explorations of the Chakra System is starting to get even more interesting as we move from the
Chakra in charge of our being well grounded to the next Chakra- The Sacral or Sex Chakra, which
controls our sexual energy and everything that goes with sexuality.
With the understanding of how this chakra functions we will appreciate further why highly creative
people are also full of high sexual energy (libidinous).
We will also see how to transmute sexual energy into creative energy..
And how sexual intimacy could be a blessing or a curse.
Lecture 24
Through the second energy center, the seat-of-the-soul chakra, we experience freedom—the
freedom to become all that we are meant to be.
The ancients saw the seat of the soul as a real power point. In the martial arts, it is our point of
equilibrium and the central focus of ch’i, the inner energy essential to the maintenance of life.
This chakra is also the point where we make contact with our soul and receive her impressions and
guidance. Our soul is wise and can give us much inner direction. We all have soul powers. When you
have a gut feeling about someone, you are receiving an instantaneous soul impression.
Sometimes your soul will give you a warning, “It’s not safe to go here or to do this right now. . .” It’s
part of your internal guidance system.
The powers of procreation in man and woman are anchored through the soul chakra,thus the name
'sex chakra'.
The seed and the egg pass on physical and karmic patterns through the genes and chromosomes.
They also pass on the spiritual matrix of our identity—our spiritual inheritance.
A strong, healthy sex chakra is needed for spiritual development. Sex energy can be transmuted into
love and spiritual oneness.
The transmutation of sex energy is necessary for one's spiritual development. The sex energy, once
transmuted, provides energy to the upper chakras. Therefore, sex energy is like "food" for the upper
chakras. It is necessary for the proper functioning of the brain and nervous system. Whether one is
celibate or not, the transmutation of sex energy will be extremely useful.
Part of the sex energy is transmuted by the body to a higher form of pranic energy to be utilized for
creative, intelligent and spiritual functions.
The key is to "transmute sex energy," not to suppress it. When sex energy moves from the lower
chakras up to the heart, the throat and the crown chakras, sex energy is transmuted into love,
kindness. intelligence, illumination and divine oneness."
This simple process will bring the lower energies up to the upper energy centers. The lower energies
are transformed into energies with much higher frequency. These pranic energies of higher
frequencies are utilized for energizing the brain so it can function with greater efficiency and
Lecture 25
The sex chakra is the center of sexual instinct. Persons with strong sex chakras usually have strong
sexual drives.
The throat chakra is the center for higher creativity. It is the higher correspondence of the sex
chakra. The two are closely interconnected. This is why highly artistic or very intelligent people tend
to have very strong sexual drives and lots of sexual scandals. It is not possible for a person to be very
creative or intelligent and be sexually impotent or inhibited at the same time.
To have sexual urge or desire is very healthy. Sex is a joyful activity. One should not feel any guilt
about it. It should not be repressed, but rather should be regulated,or controlled.
Malfunctioning of the sex chakra may manifest as:
a) urinary problems
b) impotency
c) sterility
d) enlarged prostate gland
e) other sexual ailments
A strong, healthy sex chakra is necessary for a healthy throat chakra, which is also responsible for
the development of the mental faculty. Therefore, it is very important to treat the sex chakra of
mentally retarded people for a prolonged period of time.
The transmuted sex energy is required for the proper functioning of the throat chakra and the
chakras in the head area. Mentally retarded patients have depleted sex chakras. That is why their
throat, ajna, forehead and crown chakras are also depleted and do not function properly. In older
people, the sex chakra and the basic chakra are depleted. This is one of the factors why older people
tend to become senile.
Enlarged prostate could be caused by congestion or depletion of the sex chakra. Congestion of the
sex chakra occurs mostly among the celibate. Depletion of the sex chakra occurs mostly with older
Patients with myoma are usually sexually inhibited and have an improper attitude towards sex. The
sex chakra is very congested and filled with dirty red energy. The sex energy is not sufficiently
released even during sexual intercourse. The sexual desire is excessively suppressed; sex energy is
not able to flow freely to the other chakras as in normal healthy persons. This has an accumulating
effect manifesting as the development of myoma and its gradual growth. Women who have been
sexually violated may develop a negative attitude towards sex which in the long run may manifest as
sexual ailment(s). With nuns, this is a result of sexual abstinence without consciously or
subconsciously sublimating the sex energy.
Lecture 26
The Sacral (Svadisthana)Chakra is closely linked to the adrenal glands. The first chakra, Muladhara,
guards and protects the physical form and reacts to stress by preparing the body for "fight or flight"
when it is in danger or threatened.
This message is passed on to Sex Chakra triggering the release of adrenaline and then starting a
complex hormonal change in the body. This is a normal reaction, but when stress is constant or
unnaturally prolonged, it becomes our enemy. Then the body no longer knows how to switch off the
freely flowing excess of hormonal secretions, and chronic stress conditions may result. There are
many major illnesses that are now medically associated with chronic stress.
Any negative emotions held at the Sacral Chakra, such as anger and fear, can eventually cause
illness. Nowadays we are told to face our fears, but this is not always appropriate; instead, use those
fears as a warning and start to change your patterns of behavior so that you learn from what once
stressed you or caused you fear.
People in life-threatening situations have sometimes found that their fear is transformed by sending
their aggressors unconditional love.
associated body systems Sexually this is the pleasure chakra that "turns us on." It is deeply
concerned with our relationship to others, our motivations for our relationships and how much joy
we bring to them. It follows then that imbalanced sexual encounters-perhaps eventually leading to
disease of the sexual organs-are associated with this chakra.
Being part of the urinary system linked to the kidneys, Svadisthana is also closely connected to the
way we process water in our bodies. Other illnesses resulting from dysfunction of this chakra include
colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, bladder tumors, malabsorption diseases of the small intestine, and
unexplained lower back pain.
associated endocrine glands The Sacral Chakra is linked to the adrenal glands that lie above each
kidney. They are concerned with the production of adrenaline, cortisol and
aldosterone. Adrenaline activates the body when we are stressed or frightened by rapidly raising the
heart rate and blood pressure. Cortisol reacts against inflammation and affects the digestion of
carbohydrates and protein and aldosterone acts on the kidneys, retaining water and sodium.
The main essential oils that have a sympathetic resonance with Sex Chakra are:
• Sandalwood This oil has a vibrational correspondence with Svadisthana. It comes from an
evergreen tropical tree, and the essential oil is steam­ distilled from the heartwood and roots. It is
anti-depressant, anti­ septic, anti-spasmodic, aphrodisiac, astringent, bactericide, expectorant and
• Jasmine This is a beautiful flowering shrub, whose strong perfume is produced by solvent
extraction. It is analgesic, anti-depressant, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, aphrodisiac,and sedative
• Rose oil This is obtained by solvent extraction or steam distillation. It takes around 30 perfect and
specially cultivated rose blooms to make just one drop of essential oil. Its main use with the Sacral
Chakra is as an aphrodisiac, although it is also regarded as anti-depressant, antiseptic, sedative and
uterine relaxant
• Ylang-ylang: These flowers come from a tropical tree called the cananga. It is a voluptuous, exotic
perfume and is used as an aphrodisiac. It is also anti-depressant, antiseptic and sedative. Its use will
help dispel any negative emotion held at the Sacral Chakra area.
• Champaca: This is a lesser-known exotic oil from India, which is obtained by solvent extraction. It is
aphrodisiac, anti-depressant and stimulant.
Sex Chakra is closely linked with the Adrenal glands
Sex Chakra and Aura during sex..the flow is in both directions
I will now explain how indiscriminate sex affects the Sacral (and others) Chakra and Aura..
Lecture 28
# We have Energy Centres, known as Chakras distributed all over our body.
# There are 12 major Chakras.. but only 7 are well known.
# Energy pass in and out of our bodies through these Energy Centres(Chakras).
#Due to wrong living and negative emotions, some of the Chakras are either blocked or over open in
most people.
# Engaging in some joyful noble activities can open up the blocked Centres.
# Forgiving oneself and forgiving others,hearty joyful laughter,
wholesome and healthy diets, Classical music are also some of the ways through which blocked
Centres can be opened.
# There are ONLY 2 occasions in which all the Centres opens up and suck in Energy through the body
into the spirit..
During an intense spiritual experiencing,either during worship or prayer, or at a point of extreme
joy and deep sadness.
Most will feel some sensations on their body at such time,eg,goose flesh, head swelling, ringing
inside the ears, tears flowing, etc.At such time the topmost Centre (Crown Chakra) is activated and
fully opened under the pressure of a Higher Energy(Power).This allows the Crown Chakra to have a
suction effect on all other Centres, forcing them open and passing the stream of Energy through
each one of them.All these following the Natural Law of movement from a higher concentration to a
lower concentration.
During sexual intercourse, especially at the point of orgasmHere all the Centres open up under the influence of the Sex Chakra.Now, since there isn't any Power
flow from Above at such time,the Chakras become activated from below.When opened they suck in
energy and also release energy.The exchange takes place between the 2 in sexual intimacy.Thus a
mutual exchange of vibrations takes place. The experience of an orgasm is actually the activity of the
Sex Chakra exerting control over all the other Chakras, wherein it also sucks in energy,and release
energy to the partners.
# It is also worthy of note that whatever vibrations is acquired during sexual intercourse remains on
the aura, chakras,and other soul bodies for a long time, until cleansed off consciously.
#Imagine someone with multiple sex partners..imagine the myriads of accumulated
vibrations available on his/her chakras and aura, waiting to be easily shared with the next available
sexual partner.
#Condoms and other contraceptives cannot prevent exchange of energies,because the energies
aren't transmitted through sexual fluids.
Pay attention to whom you share your intimate energy with. Intimacy at this level intertwines your
aural energy with the aural energy of the other person. These powerful connections, regardless of
how insignificant you think they are, leave spiritual debris, particularly within people who do not
practice any type of cleansing, physical, emotional or otherwise. The more you interact intimately
with someone, the deeper the connection and the more of their aura is intertwined with yours.
Imagine the confused aura of someone who sleeps with multiple people and carries around these
multiple energies? What they may not realize is that others can feel that energy which can repel
positive energy and attract negative energy into your life.
“I always say, never sleep with someone you wouldn’t want to be” – Lisa Chase Patterson
I believe the original author of the above passage is Lisa Chase Patterson. How she described the
intimate nature of exchanging energy with another during sex is something that I’ve been lecturing
friends about for years. It was nice to see someone else discussing it as well.
We are all physical beings, but we are also so much more than that, including ‘energetic beings’.
When you get intimate with anyone you merge with their energy. It doesn’t matter if it is OBE
(astral) sex, physical sex, or oral sex — anytime you are intimate with another person (or people) you
absorb some of their energy and they absorb some of your energy.
Lecture 28 cont'd
If you have sex with positive, loving, uplifting people – that wonderful energy is absorbed and uplifts
you. If you have sex with negative, pessimistic, unstable, depressive people – that energy will have
you crashing down and uninterested in day-to-day life. (Among other ways. We are all unique after
all) Keep in mind that if this person sleeps with a variety of people, they absorb their energy. A
married man or woman has absorbed their spouses energy and will mix it with your energy if you are
the other man or woman. It’s vice versa.
So the next time you jump into bed with someone or want to hook up for sex – keep in mind that
unless they cleanse their energy on a regular basis, you will be getting intimate with whomever they
have been intimate with.
As we accumulate unwanted energies in daily life, regular aura cleansing supports health and wellbeing. Like psychic dust bunnies, we go around collecting debris on our aura, until we finally do
something to cleanse it…
It is the same with personal hygiene. If you do not bathe, your body will become dirtier and dirtier.
Gradually the smell becomes unbearable. Eventually, your body even becomes a breeding ground
for disease and bacteria. If you do not cleanse your aura, your spiritual energy system will also
become ‘dirtier and dirtier’. Eventually you become unpleasant for others to be around (though they
may not consciously understand why). Your energy system then begins to attract lower vibrations
which are also unhealthy for you and others.
In modern culture, we expect people to take care of their personal hygiene by bathing regularly, if
not daily. But we are not yet so spiritually evolved to understand the need for regular, if not daily
aura cleansing.
Please note that when considering different ways of tuning up/down of the chakras the best means
are the crystals.
I'm deliberately saving the effects of different crystals on each Chakra till we commence on the
Crystal Healing proper.
I'm sure you'd agree with me that we first need to build the necessary foundation in our knowledge
before attempting to start using the crystals on ourselves and on others.
We will conclude on the Sacral Chakra tomorrow,by 10am.
We will talk on those 2 special Therapies for healing the Sex Chakra and thereby, healing all the
ailments associated with:
📌Low libido
📌Too high libido
📌Ovarian cysts
📌Prostate enlargement
📌Erectile Dysfunction
As a general information,a research revealed that some particular sets of monks were having
symptoms of a blocked Sacral or Sex Chakra, which included symptoms of prostate enlargement.
It was found out that the particular Order that the monks belonged to not only don't engage in any
form of sexual intercourse,but also are expected to frown at the thought of it.
The older ones among them were all having chronic prostate problems too,and the younger ones
were becoming less creative.
The research submitted in its conclusions that if someone doesn't engage in sexual intercourse for
long period of time simply because there was no opportunity for it, that such one may not have any
blocked chakras,as long as he/she keeps an open mind towards sexuality.
But those who deliberately see sexuality as something dirty and in forced abstinence, often have
symptoms of blocked chakras