Sold to Django for APIs Build web APIs with Python and Django William S. Vincent © 2018 - 2022 William S. Vincent Also By William S. Vincent Django for Beginners Django for Professionals Contents Introduction 1 Why APIs 1 Django REST Framework 2 Prerequisites 3 Why this book 3 Conclusion 4 Chapter 1: Initial Set Up 5 The Command Line 5 Shell Commands 7 Install Python 3 on Windows 10 Install Python 3 on Mac 11 Python Interactive Mode 12 Virtual Environments 13 Install Django and Django REST Framework 15 Text Editors 17 Install Git 18 Conclusion 20 Chapter 2: Web APIs 21 World Wide Web 21 URLs 22 Internet Protocol Suite 23 HTTP Verbs 24 Endpoints 24 CONTENTS HTTP 25 Status Codes 27 Statelessness 28 REST 28 Conclusion 29 Chapter 3: Library Website 30 Traditional Django 30 First app 33 Models 35 Admin 36 Views 39 URLs 40 Templates 41 Tests 43 Git 45 Conclusion 46 Chapter 4: Library API 47 Django REST Framework 47 URLs 49 Views 50 Serializers 51 Browsable API 52 Tests 54 Deployment 56 Static Files 58 Deployment Checklist 60 GitHub 62 Heroku 62 Conclusion 64 Chapter 5: Todo API 66 CONTENTS Single Page Apps (SPAs) 66 Initial Set Up 67 .gitignore 68 Models 69 Tests 72 Django REST Framework 74 URLs 75 Serializers 76 Views 78 Browsable API 79 API Tests 80 CORS 82 CSRF 84 Back-End API Deployment 84 Conclusion 89 Chapter 6: Blog API 90 Initial Set Up 90 .gitignore 92 Custom User Model 92 Posts App 97 Post Model 98 Tests 102 Django REST Framework 103 URLs 104 Serializers 106 Views 107 Browsable API 108 CORS 112 Conclusion 114 Chapter 7: Permissions Project-Level Permissions 115 115 CONTENTS Create New Users 117 Add Log In and Log Out 121 View-Level Permissions 123 Custom Permissions 125 Conclusion 130 Chapter 8: User Authentication 131 Basic Authentication 131 Session Authentication 133 Token Authentication 134 Default Authentication 136 Implementing token authentication 137 Endpoints 140 dj-rest-auth 140 User Registration 146 Tokens 149 Conclusion 155 Chapter 9: Viewsets and Routers 156 User endpoints 156 Viewsets 161 Routers 162 Permissions 164 Conclusion 166 Chapter 10: Schemas and Documentation Schema 168 169 Dynamic Schema 171 Documentation 172 Conclusion 175 Chapter 11: Production Deployment Environment Variables 177 177 CONTENTS DEBUG & SECRET_KEY 179 ALLOWED HOSTS 181 DATABASES 182 Static Files 183 Pyscopg and Gunicorn 184 requirements.txt 185 Procfile and runtime.txt 186 Deployment Checklist 187 Heroku Deployment 187 Conclusion 191 Advanced Topics 191 Next Steps 192 Giving Thanks 192 Introduction In this book you will learn how to build multiple web APIs of increasing complexity using Django and Django REST Framework. Django is a very popular Python-based web framework that handles the challenging parts of building a website: authentication, connecting to a database, logic, security, and so on. There are also thousands of third-party packages that add functionality to Django itself, the most prominent of which is Django REST Framework, which allows developers to transform any existing Django project into a powerful web API. Django and Django REST Framework are used by the largest tech companies in the world, including Instagram, Mozilla, and Pinterest. But they are also well-suited to beginners or weekend side projects because Django’s “batteries-included” approach masks much of the underlying complexity, allowing for rapid and secure development. By the end of this book you will be able to create production-ready web APIs with a small amount of code in an even smaller amount of time. Why APIs An API (Application Programming Interface) is a shorthand way to describe how two computers communicate directly with one another. For web APIs, which exist on the world wide web, the dominant architectural pattern is know as REST (REpresentational State Transfer) and will be covered properly later on in this book. Back in 2005, when Django was first released, most websites consisted of one large monolithic codebase. The back-end of database models, views, and URLs were combined with front-end templates to control the presentational layer of each web page. But these days it is far more common for websites to adopt an API-first approach of formally separating the back-end from the front-end. This allows a website to use a dedicated JavaScript front-end framework, such as React or Vue, which were released in 2013 and 2014 respectively. Introduction 2 When the current front-end frameworks are eventually replaced by even newer ones in the years to come, the back-end API can remain the same. No major rewrite is required. Another major benefit is that one single API can support multiple front-ends written in different languages and frameworks. Consider that JavaScript is used for web front-ends, while Android apps require the Java programming language, and iOS apps need the Swift programming language. With a traditional monolithic approach, a Django website cannot support these various front-ends. But with an internal API, all three can communicate with the same underlying database back-end! Growing websites can also benefit from creating an external API that allows third-party developers to build their own iOS or Android apps. When I worked at Quizlet back in 2010 we did not have the resources to develop our own iOS or Android apps, but we did have an external API available that more than 30 developers used to create their own flashcard apps powered by the Quizlet database. Several of these apps were downloaded over a million times, enriching the developers and increasing the reach of Quizlet at the same time. The major downside to an API-first approach is that it requires more configuration than a traditional Django application. However as we will see in this book, the fantastic Django REST Framework library removes much of that complexity for us. Django REST Framework There are thousands of third-party apps available that add further functionality to Django. You can see a complete, searchable list over at Django Packages1 , as well as a curated list in the awesome-django repo2 . However, amongst all third-party applications, Django REST Framework is arguably the killer app for Django. It is mature, full of features, customizable, testable, and extremely well-documented. It also purposefully mimics many of Django’s traditional conventions, which makes learning it much faster. If you already know Django, then learning Django REST Framework is the logical next step. 1 2 Introduction 3 Prerequisites If you’re brand new to web development with Django, I recommend starting with my book Django for Beginners3 . The first several chapters are available for free online and cover proper set up, a Hello World app, a Pages app, and a Message Board app. The full-length version goes deeper and covers a Blog website with forms and user accounts as well as a production-ready Newspaper site that features a custom user model, complete user authentication flow, emails, permissions, deployment, environment variables, and more. This background in traditional Django is important since Django REST Framework deliberately mimics many Django conventions. It is also recommended that readers have a basic knowledge of Python itself. Truly mastering Python takes years, but with just a little bit of knowledge you can dive right in and start building things. Why this book I wrote this book because there is a distinct lack of good resources available for developers new to Django REST Framework. The assumption seems to be that everyone already knows all about APIs, HTTP, REST, and the like. My own journey in learning how to build web APIs was frustrating… and I already knew Django well enough to write a book on it! This book is the guide I wish existed when starting out with Django REST Framework. Chapter 1 covers the initial set up of installing Python, Django, Git, and working with the command line. Chapter 2 is an introduction to web APIs and the HTTP protocol that underpins it all. In Chapters 3-4 we review the differences between traditional Django and Django REST Framework by building out a Library book website, transforming it into an API, adding tests, and then deploying it live. In Chapter 5 we build, test, and deploy a Todo API with list and detail API endpoints. It also includes Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS). Chapter 6 is the start of a making a production-ready Blog API that uses a custom user model and full Create-Read-Update-Delete (CRUD) functionality. Chapters 7 focuses on permissions, how to limit access appropriately, and creating a custom permission class. In Chapter 8 the 3 Introduction 4 focus turns to user authentication and the four built-in authentication methods. Then we add endpoints for user registration, log out, password reset, and password reset confirmed. Chapter 9 turns to viewsets and routers, built-in components that can greatly reduce the amount of coding required for standard API endpoints. Chapter 10 covers schema and documentation and Chapter 11 goes step-by-step through a production deployment. Complete source code for all chapters can be found online on Github4 . Conclusion Django and Django REST Framework is a powerful and accessible way to build web APIs. By the end of this book you will be able to add APIs to any existing Django projects or build your own dedicated web API from scratch properly using modern best practices. Let’s begin! 4 Chapter 1: Initial Set Up If you have already read Django for Beginners5 much of this will be familiar but there are additional steps around installing Django REST Framework. This chapter covers how to properly configure your Windows or macOS computer to work on Django projects. We will start by reviewing the Command Line, a powerful text-only interface that developers use extensively to install and configure software projects. Then we install the latest version of Python, learn how to create dedicated virtual environments, and install Django. As a final step, we will explore using Git for version control and working with a text editor. By the end of this chapter you will have created your first Django and Django REST Framework project from scratch. In the future, you will be able to create or modify any Django project in just a few keystrokes. The Command Line The command line is a text-only interface that harkens back to the original days of computing. It is an alternative to the mouse or finger-based graphical user interface familiar to most computer users. An everyday computer user will never need to use the command line but software developers do because certain tasks can only be done with it. These include running programs, installing software, using Git for version control, or connecting to servers in the cloud. With a little practice, most developers find that the command line is actually a faster and more powerful way to navigate and control a computer. Given its minimal user interface–just a blank screen and a blinking cursor–the command line is intimidating to newcomers. There is often no feedback after a command has run and it is possible to wipe the contents of an entire computer with a single command if you’re not careful: no warning will pop up! As a result, the command line must be used with caution. Make sure 5 Chapter 1: Initial Set Up 6 not to blindly copy and paste commands you find online; only rely on trusted resources for any command you do not fully understand. In practice, multiple terms are used to refer to the command line: Command Line Interface (CLI), console, terminal, shell, or prompt. Technically speaking, the terminal is the program that opens up a new window to access the command line, a console is a text-based application, the shell is the program that runs commands on the underlying operating system, and the prompt is where commands are typed and run. It is easy to be confused by these terms initially but they all essentially mean the same thing: the command line is where we run and execute text-only commands on our computer. On Windows, the built-in terminal and shell are both called PowerShell. To access it, locate the taskbar on the bottom of the screen next to the Windows button and type in “powershell” to launch the app. It will open a new window with a dark blue background and a blinking cursor after the > prompt. Here is how it looks on my computer. Shell PS C:\Users\wsv> Before the prompt is PS which refers to PowerShell, the initial C directory of the Windows operating system, followed by the Users directory and the current user which, on my personal computers, is wsv. Your username will obviously be different. At this point, don’t worry about what comes to the left of the > prompt: it varies depending on each computer and can be customized at a later date. The shorter prompt of > will be used going forward for Windows. On macOS, the built-in terminal is called appropriately enough Terminal. It can be opened via Spotlight: press the Command and space bar keys at the same time and then type in “terminal.” Alternatively, open a new Finder window, navigate to the Applications directory, scroll down to open the Utilities directory, and double-click the application called Terminal. This opens a new screen with a white background by default and a blinking cursor after the % prompt. Don’t worry about what comes to the left of the % prompt. It varies by computer and can be customized later on. Chapter 1: Initial Set Up 7 Shell Wills-Macbook-Pro:~ wsv% If your macOS prompt is $ instead of % that means you are using Bash as the shell. Starting in 2019, macOS switched from Bash to zsh as the default shell. While most of the commands in this book will work interchangeably, it is recommended to look up online how to change to zsh via System Preferences if your computer still uses Bash. Shell Commands There are many available shell commands but most developers rely on the same handful over and over again and look up more complicated ones as needed. In many cases, the commands for Windows (PowerShell) and macOS are similar. For example, the command whoami returns the computer name/username on Windows and just the username on macOS. As with all shell commands, type the command itself followed by the return key. Note that the # symbol represents a comment and will not be executed on the command line. Shell # Windows > whoami wsv2021/wsv # macOS % whoami wsv Sometimes, however, the shell commands on Windows and macOS are completely different. A good example is the command for outputting a basic “Hello, World!” message to the console. On Windows the command is Write-Host while on macOS the command is echo. Chapter 1: Initial Set Up 8 Shell # Windows > Write-Host "Hello, World!" Hello, World! # macOS % echo "Hello, World!" Hello, World! A frequent task on the command line is navigating within the computer filesystem. On Windows and macOS the command pwd (print working directory) shows the current location. Shell # Windows > pwd Path ---C:\Users\wsv # macOS % pwd /Users/wsv You can save your Django code anywhere you like but for convenience we will place our code the desktop directory. The command cd (change directory) followed by the intended location works on both systems. Chapter 1: Initial Set Up 9 Shell # Windows > cd onedrive\desktop > pwd Path ---C:\Users\wsv\onedrive\desktop # macOS % cd desktop % pwd /Users/wsv/desktop Tip: The tab key will autocomplete a command so if you type cd d and then hit tab it will automatically fill in the rest of the name. If there are more than two directories that start with d, hit the tab key again to cycle through them. To make a new directory use the command mkdir followed by the name. We will create one called code on the Desktop and then within it a new directory called setup. Shell # > > > > Windows mkdir code cd code mkdir setup cd setup # % % % % macOS mkdir code cd code mkdir setup cd setup You can check that it has been created by looking on your Desktop or running the command ls. The full Windows output is slightly longer but is shortened here for conciseness. Chapter 1: Initial Set Up 10 Shell # Windows > ls setup # macOS % ls setup Tip: The clear command will clear the Terminal of past commands and outputs so you have a clean slate. The tab command autocompletes the line as we’ve discussed. And the ↑ and ↓ keys cycle through previous commands to save yourself from typing the same thing over and over again. To exit you could close the Terminal with your mouse but the hacker way is to use use the shell command exit instead. This works by default on Windows but on macOS the Terminal preferences need to be changed. At the top of the screen click on Terminal, then Preferences from the drop down menu. Click on Profiles in the top menu and then Shell from the list below. There is a radio button for “When the shell exits:”. Select “Close the window.” Shell # Windows > exit # macOS % exit Kinda cool, right? With practice, the command line is a far more efficient way to navigate and operate your computer than using a mouse. For this book you don’t need to be a command line expert: I will provide the exact instructions to run each time. But if you are curious, a complete list of shell commands for each operating system can be found over at Install Python 3 on Windows On Windows, Microsoft hosts a community release of Python 3 in the Microsoft Store. In the search bar on the bottom of your screen type in “python” and click on the best match result. Chapter 1: Initial Set Up 11 This will automatically launch Python 3.10 on the Microsoft Store. Click on the blue “Get” button to download it. To confirm Python was installed correctly, open a new Terminal window with PowerShell and then type python --version. Shell > python --version Python 3.10.2 The result should be at least Python 3.10. Then type python to open the Python interpreter from the command line shell. Shell > python Python 3.10.2 (tags/v3.10.2:a58ebcc, Jan 17 2022, 19:00:18) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32 Type "help", "copyright", "credits", or "license" for more information. >>> Install Python 3 on Mac On Mac, the official installer on the Python website is the best approach. In a new browser window go the Python downloads page6 and click on the button underneath the text “Download the latest version for Mac OS X.” As of this writing, that is Python 3.10. The package will be in your Downloads directory. Double click on it which launches the Python Installer and follow through the prompts. To confirm the download was successful, open up a new Terminal window and type python3 --version. 6 Chapter 1: Initial Set Up 12 Shell % python3 --version Python 3.10.2 The result should be at least 3.10. Then type python3 to open the Python interpreter. Shell % python3 Python 3.10.2 (v3.10.2:a58ebcc701, Jan 13 2022, 14:50:16) [Clang 13.0.0 (clang-1300.0.29.30)] on darwin Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> Python Interactive Mode From the command line typing either python on Windows or python3 on macOS will bring up the Python Interpreter, also known as Python Interactive mode. The new prompt of >>> indicates that you are now inside Python itself and not the command line. If you try any of the previous shell commands we ran–cd, ls, mkdir–they will each raise errors. What will work is actual Python code. For example, try out both 1 + 1 and print("Hello Python!") making sure to hit the Enter or Return key after each to run them. Shell >>> 1 + 1 2 >>> print("Hello Python!") Hello Python! Python’s interactive mode is a great way to save time if you want to try out a short bit of Python code. But it has a number of limitations: you can’t save your work in a file and writing longer code snippets is cumbersome. As a result, we will spend most of our time writing Python and Django in files using a text editor. To exit Python from the command line you can type either exit() and the Enter key or use Ctrl + z on Windows or Ctrl + d on macOS. Chapter 1: Initial Set Up 13 Virtual Environments Installing the latest version of Python and Django is the correct approach for any new project. But in the real world, it is common that existing projects rely on older versions of each. Consider the following situation: Project A uses Django 2.2 but Project B uses Django 4.0? By default, Python and Django are installed globally on a computer meaning it is quite a pain to install and reinstall different versions every time you want to switch between projects. Fortunately, there is a straightforward solution. Virtual environments allow you to create and manage separate environments for each Python project on the same computer. There are many areas of software development that are hotly debated, but using virtual environments for Python development is not one. You should use a dedicated virtual environment for each new Python project. There are several ways to implement virtual environments but the simplest is with the venv7 module already installed as part of the Python 3 standard library. To try it out, navigate to the existing setup directory on your Desktop. Shell # Windows > cd onedrive\desktop\code\setup # macOS % cd ~/desktop/code/setup To create a virtual environment within this new directory use the format python -m venv <name_of_env> on Windows or python3 -m venv <name_of_env> on macOS. It is up to the developer to choose a proper environment name but a common choice is to call it .venv. 7 14 Chapter 1: Initial Set Up Shell # Windows > python -m venv .venv > Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser > # macOS % python3 -m venv .venv (.venv) % If you use the command ls to look at our current directory it will appear empty. However the .venv directory is there, it’s just that it is “hidden” due to the period . that precedes the name. Hidden files and directories are a way for developers to indicate that the contents are important and should be treated differently than regular files. To view it, try ls -la which shows all directories and files, even hidden ones. Shell > ls -la total 0 drwxr-xr-x drwxr-xr-x drwxr-xr-x 3 wsv 3 wsv 6 wsv staff staff staff 96 Oct 96 Oct 192 Oct 7 11:10 . 7 11:10 .. 7 11:10 .venv You will see that .venv is there and can be accessed via cd if desired. In the directory itself is a copy of the Python interpreter and a few management scripts, but you will not need to use it directly in this book. Once created, a virtual environment must be activated. On Windows an Execution Policy must be set to enable running scripts. This is a safety precaution. The Python docs8 recommend allowing scripts for the CurrentUser only, which is what we will do. On macOS there are no similar restrictions on scripts so it is possible to directly run source .venv/bin/activate. Here is what the full commands look like to create and activate a new virtual environment called .venv: 8 Chapter 1: Initial Set Up 15 Shell # Windows > python -m venv .venv > Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser > .venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1 (.venv) > # macOS % python3 -m venv .venv % source .venv/bin/activate (.venv) % The shell prompt now has the environment name (.venv) prefixed which indicates that the virtual environment is active. Any Python packages installed or updated within this location will be confined to the active virtual environment. To deactivate and leave a virtual environment type deactivate. Shell # Windows (.venv) > deactivate > # macOS (.venv) % deactivate % The shell prompt no longer has the virtual environment name prefixed which means the session is now back to normal. Install Django and Django REST Framework Now that Python is installed and we know how to use virtual environments it is time to install Django and Django REST Framework. In the setup directory reactivate the existing virtual environment. Chapter 1: Initial Set Up 16 Shell # Windows > .venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1 (.venv) > # macOS % source .venv/bin/activate (.venv) % Django is hosted on the Python Package Index (PyPI)9 , a central repository for most Python packages. We will use pip, the most popular package installer, which comes included with Python 3. To install the latest version of Django use the command python -m pip install django∼=4.0.0. The comparison operator ∼= ensures that subsequent security updates for Django, such as 4.0.1, 4.0.2, and so on are automatically installed. Note that while it is possible to use the shorter version of pip install <package>, it is a best practice to use the longer but more explicit form of python -m pip install <package> to ensure that the correct version of Python is used. This can be an issue if you have multiple versions of Python installed on your computer. Shell (.venv) > python -m pip install django~=4.0.0 You might see a WARNING message about updating pip after running these commands. It’s always good to be on the latest version of software and to remove the annoying WARNING message each time you use pip. You can either copy and paste the recommended command or run python -m pip install --upgrade pip to be on the latest version. Shell (.venv) > python -m pip install --upgrade pip The latest version of Django REST Framework is 3.12.0. To install it and any future 3.12.x updates use the following command: 9 Chapter 1: Initial Set Up 17 Shell (.venv) > python -m pip install djangorestframework~=3.13.0 The command pip freeze outputs the contents of your current virtual environment. Shell (.venv) > pip freeze asgiref==3.4.1 Django==4.0.0 djangorestframework==3.12.4 pytz==2021.3 sqlparse==0.4.2 Ours contains five programs total that have been installed. Django relies on asgiref, pytz, and sqlparse which are automatically added when you install Django. It is a standard practice to output the contents of a virtual environment to a file called requirements.txt. This is a way to keep track of installed packaged and also lets other developers recreate the virtual environment on different computers. Let’s do that now by using the > operator. Shell (.venv) > pip freeze > requirements.txt If you look in the setup directory there is now an additional file called requirements.txt. If you open its contents with your text editor, you’ll see it matches the five programs previously outputted to the command line. Text Editors The command line is where we execute commands for our programs but a text editor is where actual code is written. The computer doesn’t care what text editor you use–the end result is just code–but a good text editor can provide helpful hints and catch typos for you. Chapter 1: Initial Set Up 18 There are many modern text editors available but a very popular one is Visual Studio Code10 , which is free, easy to install, and enjoys widespread popularity. If you’re not already using a text editor, download and install VSCode from the official website. An optional–but highly recommended–additional step is to take advance of the large ecosystem of extensions available on VSCode. On Windows, navigate to File -> Preferences -> Extensions or on macOS Code -> Preferences -> Extensions. This launches a search bar for the extensions marketplace. Enter “python” which will bring up the Microsoft extension as the first result. Install it. A second extension to add is Black11 , which is a Python code formatter that has quickly become the default within the Python community. To install Black, open a Terminal window within VSCode by going to Terminal -> New Terminal at the top of the page. In the new terminal window opened at the bottom of the page, type python -m pip install black. Next, open up the VSCode settings by navigating to File -> Preferences -> Settings on Windows or Code -> Preferences -> Settings on macOS. Search for “python formatting provider” and select black from the dropdown options. Then search for “format on save” and enable “Editor: Format on Save”. Black will now automatically format your code whenever a *.py file is saved. To confirm this is working, use your text editor to create a new file called within the setup directory located on your Desktop and type in the following using single quotes: print('Hello, World!') On save, it should be automatically updated to using double quotes which is Black’s default preference12 : print("Hello, World!"). That means everything is working properly. Install Git The final step is to install Git, a version control system that is indispensable to modern software development. With Git you can collaborate with other developers, track all your work via 10 12 11 Chapter 1: Initial Set Up 19 commits, and revert to any previous version of your code even if you accidentally delete something important! On Windows, navigate to the official website at and click on the “Download” link which should install the proper version for your computer. Save the file and then open your Downloads folder and double click on the file. This will launch the Git for Windows installer. Click the “Next” button through most of the early defaults as they are fine and can always be updated later as needed. There are two exceptions however: under “Choosing the default editor used by Git” select VS Code not Vim. And in the section on “Adjusting the name of the initial branch in new repositories” select the option to use “main” as opposed to “master” as the default branch name. Otherwise the recommended defaults are fine and can always be tweaked later if needed. To confirm Git is installed on Windows, close all current shell windows and then open a new one which will load the changes to our PATH variable. Type in git --version which should show it is installed. Shell # Windows > git --version git version On macOS, installing Git via Xcode is currently the easiest option. To check if Git is already installed on your computer, type git --version in a new terminal window. Shell # macOS % git --version If you do not have Git installed, a popup message will ask if you want to install it as part of “command line developer tools.” Select “Install” which will load Xcode and its command line tools package. Or if you do not see the message for some reason, type xcode-select --install instead to install Xcode directly. Be aware that Xcode is a very large package so the initial download may take some time. Xcode is primarily designed for building iOS apps but also includes many developer features need on Chapter 1: Initial Set Up 20 macOS. Once the download is complete close all existing terminal shells, open a new window, and type in git --version to confirm the install worked. Shell # macOS % git --version git version 2.30.1 (Apple Git-130) Once Git is installed on your machine we need to do a one-time system configuration by declaring the name and email address associated with all your Git commits. We will also set the default branch name to main. Within the command line shell type the following two lines. Make sure to update them your name and email address. Shell > git config --global "Your Name" > git config --global "" > git config --global init.defaultBranch main You can always change these configs later if you desire by retyping the same commands with a new name or email address. Conclusion Configuring a new software development environment is no fun at all, even for experienced programmers. But if you’ve gotten to this point the one-time pain will pay many dividends down the road. We have now learned about the command line, Python interactive mode, and installed the latest version of Python, Django, and Django REST Framework. We installed Git and configured our text editor. Next up we’ll learn about web APIs and then dive into creating our own with Django. Chapter 2: Web APIs Before we start building our own web APIs with Django it’s important to review how the web really works. After all, a “web API” literally sits on top of the existing architecture of the world wide web and relies on a host of technologies including HTTP, TCP/IP, and more. In this chapter we will review the basic terminology of web APIs: endpoints, resources, HTTP verbs, HTTP status codes, and REST. Even if you already feel comfortable with these terms, I encourage you to read the chapter in full. World Wide Web The Internet is a system of interconnected computer networks that has existed since at least the 1960s13 . However, the internet’s early usage was restricted to a small number of isolated networks, largely government, military, or scientific in nature, that exchanged information electronically. By the 1980s, many research institutes and universities were using the internet to share data. In Europe, the biggest internet node was located at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) in Geneva, Switzerland, which operates the largest particle physics laboratory in the world. These experiments generate enormous quantities of data that need to be shared remotely with scientists all around the world. Compared with today, though, overall internet usage in the 1980s was miniscule. Most people did not have access to it or even understood why it mattered. A small number of internet nodes powered all the traffic and the computers using it were primarily within the same, small networks. This all changed in 1989 when a research scientist at CERN, Tim Berners-Lee, invented HTTP and ushered in the modern World Wide Web. His great insight was that the existing hypertext14 13 14 Chapter 2: Web APIs 22 system, where text displayed on a computer screen contained links (hyperlinks) to other documents, could be moved onto the internet. His invention, Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)15 , was the first standard, universal way to share documents over the internet. It ushered in the concept of web pages: discrete documents with a URL, links, and resources such as images, audio, or video. Today, when most people think of “the internet,” they think of the World Wide Web, which is now the primary way that billions of people and computers communicate online. URLs A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is the address of a resource on the internet. For example, the Google homepage lives at When you want to go to the Google homepage, you type the full URL address into a web browser. Your browser then sends a request out over the internet and is magically connected (we’ll cover what actually happens shortly) to a server that responds with the data needed to render the Google homepage in your browser. This request and response pattern is the basis of all web communication. A client (typically a web browser but also a native app or really any internet-connected device) requests information and a server responds with a response. Since web communication occurs via HTTP these are known more formally as HTTP requests and HTTP responses. Within a given URL are also several discrete components. For example, consider the Google homepage located at The first part, https, refers to the scheme used. It tells the web browser how to access resources at the location. For a website this is typically http or https, but it could also be ftp for files, smtp for email, and so on. The next section,, is the hostname or the actual name of the site. Every URL contains a scheme and a host. Many webpages also contain an optional path, too. If you go to the homepage for Python 15 Chapter 2: Web APIs 23 at and click on the link for the “About” page you’ll be redirected to The /about/ piece is the path. In summary, every URL like has three potential parts: • a scheme - https • a hostname - • and an (optional) path - /about/ Internet Protocol Suite Once we know the actual URL of a resource, a whole collection of other technologies must work properly (together) to connect the client with the server and load an actual webpage. This is broadly referred to as the internet protocol suite16 and there are entire books written on just this topic. For our purposes, however, we can stick to the broad basics. Several things happen when a user types into their web browser and hits Enter. First the browser needs to find the desired server, somewhere, on the vast internet. It uses a domain name service (DNS) to translate the domain name “” into an IP address17 , which is a unique sequence of numbers representing every connected device on the internet. Domain names are used because it is easier for humans to remember a domain name like “” than an IP address like “”. After the browser has the IP address for a given domain, it needs a way to set up a consistent connection with the desired server. This happens via the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) which provides reliable, ordered, and error-checked delivery of bytes between two application. To establish a TCP connection between two computers, a three-way “handshake” occurs between the client and server: 1. The client sends a SYN asking to establish a connection 2. The server responds with a SYN-ACK acknowledging the request and passing a connection parameter 16 17 24 Chapter 2: Web APIs 3. The client sends an ACK back to the server confirming the connection Once the TCP connection is established, the two computers can start communicating via HTTP. HTTP Verbs Every webpage contains both an address (the URL) as well as a list of approved actions known as HTTP verbs. So far we’ve mainly talked about getting a web page, but it’s also possible to create, edit, and delete content. Consider the Facebook website. After logging in, you can read your timeline, create a new post, or edit/delete an existing one. These four actions Create-Read-Update-Delete are known colloquially as “CRUD” and represent the overwhelming majority of actions taken online. The HTTP protocol contains a number of request methods that can be used while requesting information from a server. The four most common map to CRUD functionality: POST, GET, PUT, and DELETE. Diagram CRUD ---Create Read Update Delete <--------------------> <--------------------> <--------------------> <--------------------> HTTP Verbs ---------POST GET PUT DELETE To create content you use POST, to read content GET, to update it PUT, and to delete it you use DELETE. Endpoints A traditional website consists of web pages with HTML, CSS, images, JavaScript, and more. There is a dedicated URL, such as, for each page. A web API also relies on URLs and a corresponding one might be, but instead of serving up web pages 25 Chapter 2: Web APIs consumable by humans it produces API endpoints. An endpoints contains data, typically in the JSON18 format, and also a list of available actions (HTTP verbs). For example, we could create the following API endpoints for a new website called mysite. Diagram<id> # GET returns all users # GET returns a single user In the first endpoint, /api/users, an available GET request returns a list of all available users. This type of endpoint which returns multiple data resources is known as a collection. The second endpoint, /api/users/<id>, represents a single user. A GET request returns information about just that one user. If we added a POST to the first endpoint we could create a new user, while adding DELETE to the second endpoint would allow us to delete a single user. We will become much more familiar with API endpoints over the course of this book but ultimately creating an API involves making a series of endpoints: URLs that expose JSON data and associated HTTP verbs. HTTP We’ve already talked a lot about HTTP in this chapter, but now we will describe what it actually is and how it works. HTTP is a request-response protocol between two computers that have an existing TCP connection. The computer making the requests is known as the client while the computer responding is known as the server. Typically a client is a web browser but it could also be an iOS app or really any internet-connected device. A server is a fancy name for any computer optimized to work over the internet. All we really need to transform a basic laptop into a server is some special software and a persistent internet connection. 18 Chapter 2: Web APIs 26 Every HTTP message consists of a status line, headers, and optional body data. For example, here is a sample HTTP message that a browser might send to request the Google homepage located at Diagram GET / HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept_Language: en-US The top line is known as the request line and it specifies the HTTP method to use (GET), the path (/), and the specific version of HTTP to use (HTTP/1.1). The two subsequent lines are HTTP headers: Host is the domain name and Accept_Language is the language to use, in this case American English. There are many HTTP headers19 available. HTTP messages also have an optional third section, known as the body, however we only see a body message with HTTP responses containing data. For simplicity, let’s assume that the Google homepage only contained the HTML “Hello, World!” This is what the HTTP response message from a Google server might look like. Diagram HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2022 23:26:07 GMT Server: gws Accept-Ranges: bytes Content-Length: 13 Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 Hello, world! The top line is the response line and it specifies that we are using HTTP/1.1. The status code 200 OK indicates the request by the client was successful (more on status codes shortly). The next five lines are HTTP headers. And finally, after a line break, there is our actual body content of “Hello, world!”. Every HTTP message, whether a request or response, therefore has the following format: 19 Chapter 2: Web APIs 27 Diagram Response/request line Headers... (optional) Body Most web pages contain multiple resources that require multiple HTTP request/response cycles. If a webpage had HTML, one CSS file, and an image, three separate trips back-and-forth between the client and server would be required before the complete web page could be rendered in the browser. Status Codes Once your web browser has executed an HTTP Request on a URL there is no guarantee things will actually work! Thus there is a quite lengthy list of HTTP Status Codes20 available to accompany each HTTP response. You can tell the general type of status code based on the following system: • 2xx Success - the action requested by the client was received, understood, and accepted • 3xx Redirection - the requested URL has moved • 4xx Client Error - there was an error, typically a bad URL request by the client • 5xx Server Error - the server failed to resolve a request There is no need to memorize all the available status codes. With practice you will become familiar with the most common ones such as 200 (OK), 201 (Created), 301 (Moved Permanently), 404 (Not Found), and 500 (Server Error). The important thing to remember is that, generally speaking, there are only four potential outcomes to any given HTTP request: it worked (2xx), it was redirected somehow (3xx), the client made an error (4xx), or the server made an error (5xx). These status codes are automatically placed in the request/response line at the top of every HTTP message. 20 Chapter 2: Web APIs 28 Statelessness A final important point to make about HTTP is that it is a stateless protocol. This means each request/response pair is completely independent of the previous one. There is no stored memory of past interactions, which is known as state21 in computer science. Statelessness brings a lot of benefits to HTTP. Since all electronic communication systems have signal loss over time, if we did not have a stateless protocol, things would constantly break if one request/response cycle didn’t go through. As a result, HTTP is known as a very resilient distributed protocol. The downside is that managing state is really, really important in web applications. State is how a website remembers that you’ve logged in and how an e-commerce site manages your shopping cart. It’s fundamental to how we use modern websites, yet it’s not supported on HTTP itself. Historically, state was maintained on the server but it has moved more and more to the client, the web browser, in modern front-end frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue. We’ll learn more about state when we cover user authentication but remember that HTTP is stateless. This makes it very good for reliably sending information between two computers, but bad at remembering anything outside of each individual request/response pair. REST REpresentational State Transfer (REST)22 is an architecture first proposed in 2000 by Roy Fielding in his dissertation thesis. It is an approach to building APIs on top of the web, which means on top of the HTTP protocol. Entire books have been written on what makes an API actually RESTful or not. But there are three main traits that we will focus on here for our purposes. Every RESTful API: • is stateless, like HTTP • supports common HTTP verbs (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.) 21 22 Chapter 2: Web APIs 29 • returns data in either the JSON or XML format Any RESTful API must, at a minimum, have these three principles. The standard is important because it provides a consistent way to both design and consume web APIs. Conclusion While there is a lot of technology underlying the modern world wide web, we as developers don’t have to implement it all from scratch. The beautiful combination of Django and Django REST Framework handles, properly, most of the complexity involved with web APIs. However, it is important to have at least a broad understanding of how all the pieces fit together. Ultimately, a web API is a collection of endpoints that expose certain parts of an underlying database. As developers we control the URLs for each endpoint, what underlying data is available, and what actions are possible via HTTP verbs. By using HTTP headers we can set various levels of authentication and permission too as we will see later in the book. Chapter 3: Library Website Django REST Framework works alongside the Django web framework to create web APIs. We cannot build a web API with only Django Rest Framework. It always must be added to a project after Django itself has been installed and configured. In this chapter, we will review the similarities and differences between traditional Django and Django REST Framework. The most important takeaway is that Django creates websites containing webpages, while Django REST Framework creates web APIs which are a collection of URL endpoints containing available HTTP verbs that return JSON. To illustrate these concepts, we will build out a basic Library website with traditional Django and then extend it into a web API with Django REST Framework. Traditional Django Navigate to the existing code directory on the Desktop and make sure you are not in a current virtual environment. You should not see (.venv) before the shell prompt. If you do, use the command deactivate to leave it. Make a new directory called library, create a new virtual environment, activate it, and install Django. Shell # Windows > cd onedrive\desktop\code > mkdir library > cd library > python -m venv .venv > .venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1 (.venv) > python -m pip install django~=4.0.0 # % % % macOS cd desktop/desktop/code mkdir library cd library Chapter 3: Library Website 31 % python3 -m venv .venv % source .venv/bin/activate (.venv) % python3 -m pip install django~=4.0.0 A traditional Django website consists of a single project with multiple apps representing discrete functionality. Let’s create a new project with the startproject command called django_project. Don’t forget to include the period . at the end which installs the code in our current directory. If you do not include the period, Django will create an additional directory by default. Shell (.venv) > django-admin startproject django_project . Pause for a moment to examine the default project structure Django has provided for us. You examine this visually if you like by opening the new directory with your mouse on the Desktop. The .venv directory may not be initially visible because it is “hidden” but nonetheless still there. Code ├── │ | │ │ │ ├── └── django_project ├── ├── ├── ├── └── .venv/ The .venv directory was created with our virtual environment but Django has added a django_project directory and a file. Within django_project are five new files: • indicates that the files in the folder are part of a Python package. Without this file, we cannot import files from another directory which we will be doing a lot of in Django! • allows for an optional Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface23 to be run • controls our Django project’s overall settings 23 Chapter 3: Library Website 32 • tells Django which pages to build in response to a browser or URL request • stands for Web Server Gateway Interface24 which helps Django serve our eventual web pages. The file is not part of django_project but is used to execute various Django commands such as running the local web server or creating a new app. Let’s use it now with migrate to sync the database with Django’s default settings and start up the local Django web server with runserver. Shell (.venv) > python migrate (.venv) > python runserver Open a web browser to to confirm our project is successfully installed and running. 24 25 33 Chapter 3: Library Website Django welcome page First app The next step is to add our first app which we’ll call books. Stop the local server by typing Control+c and then run the startapp command plus our app name to create it. Shell (.venv) > python startapp books Now let’s explore the app files Django has automatically created for us. Chapter 3: Library Website 34 Shell ├── │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ books ├── ├── ├── ├── migrations │ └── ├── ├── └── Each app has a file identifying it as a Python package and there are 6 new files created: • is a configuration file for the built-in Django Admin app • is a configuration file for the app itself • migrations/ is a directory that stores migrations files for database changes • is where we define our database models • is for our app-specific tests • is where we handle the request/response logic for our web app Typically, developers will also create an file within each app for routing. We’ll do that shortly. Before moving on we must add our new app to the INSTALLED_APPS configuration in the django_project/ Do so now with your text editor. Chapter 3: Library Website 35 Code # django_project/ INSTALLED_APPS = [ "django.contrib.admin", "django.contrib.auth", "django.contrib.contenttypes", "django.contrib.sessions", "django.contrib.messages", "django.contrib.staticfiles", # Local "books.apps.BooksConfig", # new ] Each web page in traditional Django requires several files:,, template, and Let’s start with the database model to structure our Library data. Models In your text editor, open up the file books/ and update it as follows: Code # books/ from django.db import models class Book(models.Model): title = models.CharField(max_length=250) subtitle = models.CharField(max_length=250) author = models.CharField(max_length=100) isbn = models.CharField(max_length=13) def __str__(self): return self.title This is a basic Django model where models is imported from Django on the top line and a new class, called Book, extends it. There are four fields: title, subtitle, author, and isbn. We also include a __str__ method so that the title of a book will display in readable format in the admin later on. Note that an ISBN is a unique, 13-character identifier assigned to every published book. Chapter 3: Library Website 36 Since we created a new database model we need to create a migration file to go along with it. Specifying the app name is optional but recommended. We could just type python makemigrations but if there were multiple apps with database changes, both would be added to the migrations file which makes debugging in the future more of a challenge. Keep your migrations files as specific as possible. Shell (.venv) > python makemigrations books Migrations for 'books': books/migrations/ - Create model Book Then second step after creating a migrations file is to migrate it so it is applied to the existing database. Shell (.venv) > python migrate Operations to perform: Apply all migrations: admin, auth, books, contenttypes, sessions Running migrations: Applying books.0001_initial... OK So far so good. If any of this feels brand new to you I suggest taking a pause to review Django for Beginners26 for a more-detailed explanation of traditional Django projects. Admin We can start entering data into our new model via the built-in Django app. To use it we need to create a superuser account and update the books/ file so the books app is displayed. Start with the superuser account. On the command line run the following command: 26 37 Chapter 3: Library Website Shell (.venv) > python createsuperuser Follow the prompts to enter a username, email, and password. Note that for security reasons, text will not appear on the screen while entering your password. Now update our books app’s file. Code # books/ from django.contrib import admin from .models import Book That’s all we need! Start up the local server again. Shell (.venv) > python runserver Navigate to and log in. This brings up the admin homepage. Admin homepage 38 Chapter 3: Library Website Click on the “+ Add” link next to Books. Admin add book I’ve entered in the details for my three books: Django for Beginners, Django for APIs, and Django for Professionals. After clicking the “Save” button we are redirected to the “Books” page that lists all current entries. 39 Chapter 3: Library Website Admin books list Our traditional Django project has data now but we need a way to expose it as a web page. That means creating views, URLs, and template files. Let’s do that now. Views The file controls how the database model content is displayed. Since we want to list all books we can use the built-in generic class ListView27 . Update the books/ file. 27 ListView 40 Chapter 3: Library Website Code # books/ from django.views.generic import ListView from .models import Book class BookListView(ListView): model = Book template_name = "book_list.html" On the top lines we import ListView and our Book model. Then we create a BookListView class that specifies the model to use and the not-yet-created template. Two more steps before we have a working web page: create our template and configure our URLs. Let’s start with the URLs. URLs We need to set up both the project-level file and then one within the books app. When a user visits our site they will initially interact with the django_project/ file so let’s configure that one first. Add the include import on the second line and then a new path for the books app. Code # django_project/ from django.contrib import admin from django.urls import path, include urlpatterns = [ path("admin/",, path("", include("books.urls")), ] # new # new The top two lines import the built-in admin app, path for our routes, and include which will be used with our books app. We use the empty string, "", for the books app route which means a user on the homepage will be redirected directly to the books app. Chapter 3: Library Website 41 Now we can configure our books/ file. But, oops! Django for some reason does not include a file by default in apps so we need to create it ourself. In your text editor create a new file called books/ and update it as follows: Code # books/ from django.urls import path from .views import BookListView urlpatterns = [ path("", BookListView.as_view(), name="home"), ] We import our views file, configure BookListView at the empty string, "", and add a named URL28 , home, as a best practice. Now when a user goes to the homepage of our website they will first hit the django_project/ file, then be redirected to books/ which specifies using the BookListView. In this view file, the Book model is used along with ListView to list out all books. Templates The final step is to create our template file that controls the layout on the actual web page. We have already specified its name as book_list.html in our view. There are two options for its location: by default the Django template loader will look for templates within our books app in the following location: books/templates/books/book_list.html. We could also create a separate, project-level templates directory instead and update our django_project/ file to point there. Which one you ultimately use in your own projects is a personal preference. We will use the default structure here. Start by making a new templates folder within the books app and within it a books folder. This can be done from the terminal shell. If it is still running the local server use the command Control+c to stop it. 28 Chapter 3: Library Website 42 Shell (.venv) > mkdir books/templates (.venv) > mkdir books/templates/books With your text editor create a new file called books/templates/books/book_list.html. It will contain the following code: HTML <!-- books/templates/books/book_list.html --> <h1>All books</h1> {% for book in book_list %} <ul> <li>Title: {{ book.title }}</li> <li>Subtitle: {{ book.subtitle }}</li> <li>Author: {{ }}</li> <li>ISBN: {{ book.isbn }}</li> </ul> {% endfor %} Django ships with a template language29 that allows for basic logic. Here we use the for30 tag to loop over all available books. Template tags must be included within opening/closing brackets and parentheses. So the format is always {% for ... %} and then we must close our loop later with {% endfor %}. What we are looping over is the object containing all available books in our model courtesy of ListView. The name of this object is <model>_list which, given our model is named book, means it is book_list. Therefore to loop over each book we write {% for book in book_list %}. And then display each field from our model. Now we can start up the local Django server again. 29 30 43 Chapter 3: Library Website Shell (.venv) > python runserver Navigate to the homepage at to see our work. Book web page If we add additional books in the admin, they will each appear here, too. Tests Tests are a vital part of writing software and we should add them now before moving on to the API portion of this project. We want to be sure that the Book model works as expected as well as our view, urls, and template. Our books app already has an empty books/ file that we can use for this. Chapter 3: Library Website 44 Code # books/ from django.test import TestCase from django.urls import reverse from .models import Book class BookTests(TestCase): @classmethod def setUpTestData(cls): = Book.objects.create( title="A good title", subtitle="An excellent subtitle", author="Tom Christie", isbn="1234567890123", ) def test_book_content(self): self.assertEqual(, "A good title") self.assertEqual(, "An excellent subtitle") self.assertEqual(, "Tom Christie") self.assertEqual(, "1234567890123") def test_book_listview(self): response = self.client.get(reverse("home")) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) self.assertContains(response, "excellent subtitle") self.assertTemplateUsed(response, "books/book_list.html") At the top of the file we import Django’s TestCase class, reverse so we can confirm the named URL used, and our single model Book. Then we create a class called BookTests and fill setUpTestData with dummy information for a book. All tests must start with the name test_ in order to be run by Django so we create one to test the book’s content, test_book_content, that performs an assertEqual on each field. Next we test our listview with test_book_listview that checks the response uses the named URL "home", it returns an HTTP Status Code of 200, contains the expected text, and uses our template at books/book_list.html. Make sure the local server is not running and then use the shell command python Chapter 3: Library Website 45 test to execute the tests. Shell (.venv) > python test Creating test database for alias 'default'... System check identified no issues (0 silenced). .. ---------------------------------------------------------------------Ran 2 tests in 0.007s OK Destroying test database for alias 'default'... They all pass! Great, we can move on with our project. Git Whenever we have added new code it is a good idea to track our progress using Git. Make sure you’ve stopped the local server with Control+c. Then run git init to initialize a new repo and git status to check its contents. Shell (.venv) > git init (.venv) > git status On branch main No commits yet Untracked files: (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed) .venv/ books/ db.sqlite3 django_project/ nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track) Chapter 3: Library Website 46 At the moment, the virtual environment .venv is included which is not a best practice because it can contain secret information such as API keys that we do not want to be tracked. To fix this create a new file with your text editor called .gitignore in the project-level directory next to A .gitignore file tells Git what to ignore. Add a single line for .venv. .gitignore .venv/ If you run git status again you will see that .venv is not longer there. It has been “ignored” by Git. We do, however, want a record of all packages installed in the virtual environment. The current best practice is to run the command pip freeze with the > operator to output the contents to a new file called requirements.txt. Shell (.venv) > pip freeze > requirements.txt Let’s add all our work by using the command add -A and then commit the changes along with a message (-m) describing what has changed. Shell (.venv) > git add -A (.venv) > git commit -m "initial commit" Conclusion This chapter has been all about setting up a traditional Django project. We went through the standard steps of creating a new project, adding a new app, and then updating models, views, urls, and templates. The file has to be updated so we can see our new content and we added tests to ensure our code works and we can add new functionality without worrying about a mistake. In the next chapter we’ll add Django REST Framework and see how quickly a traditional Django website can be transformed into a web API. Chapter 4: Library API Our Library website currently consists of a single page that displays all books in the database. To transform it into a web API we will install Django REST Framework and create a new URL that acts an API endpoint outputting all available books. If you recall from Chapter 2, a web API does not output a traditional webpage with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Instead, it is just pure data ( often in the JSON format) and accompanying HTTP verbs that specify what user actions are allowed. In this instance, an API user can only read the content, they are not able to update it in any way though we will learn how to do that in future chapters. Django REST Framework As we saw in Chapter 1, adding Django REST Framework is just like installing any other thirdparty app. Make sure to quit the local server with Control+c if it is still running. Then on the command line type the following. Shell (.venv) > python -m pip install djangorestframework~=3.13.0 We have to formally notify Django of the new installation in our django_project/ file. Scroll down to the INSTALLED_APPS section and add rest_framework. I like to make a distinction between third-party apps and local apps since the number of apps grows quickly in most projects. Chapter 4: Library API 48 Code # django_project/ INSTALLED_APPS = [ "django.contrib.admin", "django.contrib.auth", "django.contrib.contenttypes", "django.contrib.sessions", "django.contrib.messages", "django.contrib.staticfiles", # 3rd party "rest_framework", # new # Local "books.apps.BooksConfig", ] Ultimately, our web API will expose a single endpoint that lists out all books in JSON. To do this, we will need a new URL route, a new view, and a new serializer file (more on this shortly). There are multiple ways to organize these files. Many professional Django developers will just include API logic in the related app while putting URLs under an /api/ prefix. For now though, to keep the API logic clear from the traditional Django logic, we will create a dedicated apis app for our project. Let’s do that now by using the startapp command. Remember that apps should always have a plural name since Django will otherwise automatically add an s is the admin and other locations. Shell (.venv) > python startapp apis Then add it to INSTALLED_APPS in our “Local” section. Chapter 4: Library API 49 Code # django_project/ INSTALLED_APPS = [ "django.contrib.admin", "django.contrib.auth", "django.contrib.contenttypes", "django.contrib.sessions", "django.contrib.messages", "django.contrib.staticfiles", # 3rd party "rest_framework", # Local "books.apps.BooksConfig", "apis.apps.ApisConfig", # new ] The apis app will not have its own database models so there is no need to create a migration file and run migrate to update the database. In fact, the database models are the one area we don’t need to touch at all since this new web API is designed to expose existing data not create new data. URLs Let’s start with our URL configs. Adding an API endpoint is just like configuring a traditional Django URL route. In the project-level django_project/ file include the apis app and configure its URL route, which will be at api/. 50 Chapter 4: Library API Code # django_project/ from django.contrib import admin from django.urls import path, include urlpatterns = [ path("admin/",, path("api/", include("apis.urls")), path("", include("books.urls")), ] # new Then create a new file called apis/ with your text editor. This file will import a future view called BookAPIView and set it to the URL route of "" so it will appear at api/. As always, we’ll add a name to it as well, book_list, which helps in the future when we want to refer to this specific route. Code # apis/ from django.urls import path from .views import BookAPIView urlpatterns = [ path("", BookAPIView.as_view(), name="book_list"), ] All set. Views In traditional Django views are used to customize what data to send to the templates. Django REST Framework views are similar except the end result is serialized data in JSON format, not the content for a web page! Django REST Framework views rely on a model, a URL, and a new file called a serializer that we’ll see in the next section. There are generic Django REST Framework views for common use cases and we’ll use ListAPIView31 here to display all books. 31 Chapter 4: Library API 51 To avoid confusion, some developers will call an API views file or Personally, when working within a dedicated apis app I do not find it confusing to just call a Django REST Framework views file but opinion varies on this point. Update the apis/ file so it looks like the following: Code # apis/ from rest_framework import generics from books.models import Book from .serializers import BookSerializer class BookAPIView(generics.ListAPIView): queryset = Book.objects.all() serializer_class = BookSerializer On the top lines we have imported Django REST Framework’s generics32 class of views, the Book model from our books app, and serializers from our api app. We will create the serializer used here, BookSerializer, in the following section. Then we create a view class called BookAPIView that uses ListAPIView to create a read-only endpoint for all book instances. There are many generic views available and we will explore them further in later chapters. The only two steps required in our view are to specify the queryset, which is all available books, and then the serializer_class which will be BookSerializer. Serializers We’re on the final step now! So far we have created a file and a file for our API. The last–but most important–action is to create our serializer. A serializer33 translates complex data like querysets and model instances into a format that is easy to consume over the internet, typically JSON. It is also possible to “deserialize” data, literally 32 33 Chapter 4: Library API 52 the same process in reverse, whereby JSON data is first validated and then transformed into a dictionary. The real beauty of Django REST Framework lies in its serializers which abstracts away most of the complexity for us. We will cover serialization and JSON in more depth in future chapters but for now the goal is to demonstrate how easy it is to create a serializer with Django REST Framework. In your text editor, create a new file called apis/ and update it as follows: Code # apis/ from rest_framework import serializers from books.models import Book class BookSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): class Meta: model = Book fields = ("title", "subtitle", "author", "isbn") On the top lines we import Django REST Framework’s serializers class and the Book model from our books app. Next, we extend Django REST Framework’s ModelSerializer34 into a BookSerializer class that specifies our database model, Book, and the database fields we want to expose of title, subtitle, author, and isbn. And that’s it! We’re done. By creating a new URL route, a new view, and a serializer class we have created an API endpoint for our Library website that will display all existing books in list format. Browsable API Raw JSON data is not particularly friendly to consume with human eyes. Fortunately, Django REST Framework ships with a built-in browsable API that displays both the content and HTTP verbs associated with a given endpoint. To see it in action start up the local web server with the runserver command. 34 53 Chapter 4: Library API Shell (.venv) > python runserver We know the location of our API endpoint is at so navigate there in your web browser. Book API And look at that! Django REST Framework provides this visualization by default. It displays the HTTP status code for the page, which is 200 meaning OK. Specifies Content-Type is JSON. And displays the information for our single book entry in a formatted manner. If you click on the “Get” button in the upper right corner and select “json” at the top of the dropdown list you’ll see what the raw API endpoint looks like. 54 Chapter 4: Library API Book API JSON Not very appealing is it? The data is not formatted at all and we can’t see any additional information about HTTP status or allowable verbs either. I think we can agree the Django REST Framework version is more appealing. Professional developers typically use on a third-party tool such as Postman35 or, if on a Mac, Paw36 , to test and consume APIs. But for our purposes in this book the built-in browsable API is more than enough. Tests Testing in Django relies upon Python’s built-in unittest37 module and several helpful Djangospecific extensions. Most notably, Django comes with a test client38 that we can use to simulate GET or POST requests, check the chain of redirects in a web request, and check that a given Django template is being used and has the proper template context data. Django REST Framework provides several additional helper classes39 that extend Django’s existing test framework. One of these is APIClient, an extension of Django’s default Client, which we will use to test retrieving API data from our database. Since we already have tests in books/ for our Book model we can focus on testing the API endpoint, specifically that it uses the URL we expect, has the correct status code of 200, and contains the correct content. Open the apis/ file with your text editor and fill in the following code which we will review below. 35 37 38 39 36 Chapter 4: Library API 55 Code # apis/ from django.urls import reverse from rest_framework import status from rest_framework.test import APITestCase from books.models import Book class APITests(APITestCase): @classmethod def setUpTestData(cls): = Book.objects.create( title="Django for APIs", subtitle="Build web APIs with Python and Django", author="William S. Vincent", isbn="9781735467221", ) def test_api_listview(self): response = self.client.get(reverse("book_list")) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK) self.assertEqual(Book.objects.count(), 1) self.assertContains(response, At the top we import reverse from Django and from Django REST Framework both status and APITestCase. We also import our Book model though note that since we are in the api app we must specify the app name of book to import it. We extend APITestCase in a new class called APITests that starts by configuring set up data. Then we run four different checks. First we check that the named URL of “book_list” is being used. Second we confirm that HTTP status code matches 200. Third we check that there is a single entry in the database. And finally we confirm that the response contains all the data from our created book object. Make sure to stop the local server and run the test to confirm that it passes. Chapter 4: Library API 56 Shell (.venv) > python test Creating test database for alias 'default'... System check identified no issues (0 silenced). ... ---------------------------------------------------------------------Ran 3 tests in 0.009s OK Destroying test database for alias 'default'... Note that the output describes three tests passing because we had two in books/ and one here. In larger websites with hundreds or even thousands of tests, performance can become an issue and sometimes you want to check just test within a given app before running the full website test suite. To do that, simply add the name of the app you wish to check to the end of python test. Shell (.venv) > python test apis Creating test database for alias 'default'... System check identified no issues (0 silenced). . ---------------------------------------------------------------------Ran 1 test in 0.005s OK Destroying test database for alias 'default'... Deployment Deploying a web API is almost identical to deploying a traditional website. We will use Heroku in this book as it provides a free tier and is a widely used Platform-As-a-Service that removes much of the complexity inherent in deployment. If this is your first time using Heroku, you can sign up for a free account on their website40 . After completing the registration form wait for the verification email to confirm your account. It will 40 Chapter 4: Library API 57 take you to the password setup page and, once configured, you will be directed to the dashboard section of Heroku’s site. Heroku now also requires enrolling in multi-factor authentication (MFA), which can be done with SalesForce or a tool like Google Authenticator. We will be using Heroku’s Command Line Interface (CLI) so we can deploy from the command line. Currently, we are operating within a virtual environment for our Library project but we want Heroku available globally, that is everywhere on our machine. An easy way to do so is open up a new command line tab–Control+t on Windows, Command+t on a Mac–which is not operating in a virtual environment. Anything installed here will be global. On Windows, see the Heroku CLI page41 to correctly install either the 32-bit or 64-bit version. On a Mac, the package manager Homebrew42 is used for installation. If not already on your machine, install Homebrew by copy and pasting the long command on the Homebrew website into your command line and hitting Return. It will look something like this: Shell % /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL\ install/HEAD/" Next install the Heroku CLI by copy and pasting the following into your command line and hitting Return. Shell % brew tap heroku/brew && brew install heroku If you are on a new M1 chip Apple computer you might receive an error with something like Bad CPU type in executable. Installing Rosetta 243 will solve the issue. Once installation is complete you can close the new command line tab and return to the initial tab with the pages virtual environment active. To verify the installation worked properly run heroku --version. There should be output with the current version of the Heroku CLI installed. 41 43 42 Chapter 4: Library API 58 Shell (.venv) > heroku --version heroku/7.59.2 darwin-x64 node-v12.21.0 If you see an error message here on VSCode for Windows about “the term ‘heroku’ is not recognized…” it is likely a permissions issue. Try opening up the PowerShell app directly and executing heroku --version. It should work properly. The VSCode Terminal Shell has some subtle issues from time to time unfortunately. And if you receive a “Warning” that your Heroku version is out of date try running heroku update to install the latest version. Once you have seen the installed version of Heroku, type the command heroku login and use the email and password for Heroku you just set. Shell (.venv) > heroku login Enter your Heroku credentials: Email: Password: ********************************* Logged in as You might need to verify your credentials on the Heroku website but once the terminal shell confirms your log in you are ready to proceed. Static Files Static files44 are somewhat tricky to deploy properly on Django projects but the good news is that the process for Django APIs is essentially the same. Even though we do not have any of our own at this point, there are static files included in the Django admin and Django REST Framework browsable API so in order for those to deploy properly we must configure all static files. First we need to create a dedicated static directory. 44 59 Chapter 4: Library API Shell (.venv) > mkdir static Git will not track empty directories so it’s important to add a .keep file so the static directory is included in source control. Do so now with your text editor. Then we’ll install the WhiteNoise45 package since Django does not support serving static files in production itself. Shell (.venv) > python -m pip install whitenoise==6.0.0 WhiteNoise must be added to django_project/ in the following locations: • whitenoise above django.contrib.staticfiles in INSTALLED_APPS • WhiteNoiseMiddleware above CommonMiddleware • STATICFILES_STORAGE configuration pointing to WhiteNoise Code # django_project/ INSTALLED_APPS = [ ... "whitenoise.runserver_nostatic", "django.contrib.staticfiles", ] # new MIDDLEWARE = [ "", "django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware", "whitenoise.middleware.WhiteNoiseMiddleware", # new ... ] STATIC_URL = "/static/" STATICFILES_DIRS = [BASE_DIR / "static"] # new STATIC_ROOT = BASE_DIR / "staticfiles" # new STATICFILES_STORAGE = "" 45 # new Chapter 4: Library API 60 The last step is to run the collectstatic command for the first time to compile all the static file directories and files into one self-contained unit suitable for deployment. Shell (.venv) > python collectstatic All set. Now that our static files are properly configured we don’t have to think much about them going forward! Deployment Checklist For a basic deployment we have five items on our deployment checklist: • install Gunicorn46 as the production web server • create a requirements.txt file • create a runtime.txt file • update the ALLOWED_HOSTS configuration • create a Procfile for Heroku Django’s built-in web server is fine for local testing but either Gunicorn or uWSGI47 should be used in production. Since Gunicorn is the simpler of the two to use, it will be our choice. Install it via Pip. Shell (.venv) > python -m pip install gunicorn~=20.1.0 In the previous chapter we created a requirements.txt file but we have since installed Django REST Framework and Gunicorn in our virtual environment. Neither is reflected in the current file. It is simple enough though to simply run the command again with the > operator to update it. 46 47 Chapter 4: Library API 61 Shell (.venv) > python -m pip freeze > requirements.txt The third step is to create a runtime.txt file in the root directory, next to requirements.txt, that specifies what version of Python to run on Heroku. If not set explicitly this is currently set48 to the python-3.9.10 runtime but changes over time. Since we are using Python 3.10 we must create a dedicated runtime.txt49 file to use it. In your text editor, create this new runtime.txt file at the project-level meaning it is in the same directory as the file. As of this writing, the latest version is 3.10.2. Make sure everything is lowercased! runtime.txt python-3.10.2 The fourth step is to update ALLOWED_HOSTS. By default it is set to accept all hosts but we want to restrict access on a live website and API. We want to be able to use either localhost or locally and we also know that any Heroku site will end with Add all three hosts to our ALLOWED_HOSTS configuration. Code # django_project/ ALLOWED_HOSTS = ["", "localhost", ""] And the final step in your text editor is to create a new Procfile in the project root directory next to the file. This is a file specifically for Heroku that provides instructions for running our website. We’re telling it to use Gunicorn as the webserver, look for the WSGI configuration in django_project.wsgi, and also to output log files which is an optional but helpful additional config. 48 49 Chapter 4: Library API 62 Procfile web: gunicorn django_project.wsgi --log-file - We’re all set. Add and commit our new changes to Git. Shell (.venv) > git status (.venv) > git add -A (.venv) > git commit -m "New updates for Heroku deployment" GitHub It is recommended to also store your code on a hosting provider like GitHub, GitLab, or BitBucket. GitHub is very popular and provides a generous free tier so we will use it in this book. You can create a free account on the website. Once setup, create a new repo50 called library and make sure to select the “Private” radio button. Then click on the “Create repository” button. On the next page, scroll down to where it says “…or push an existing repository from the command line.” Copy and paste the two commands there into your terminal. It should look like the below albeit instead of wsvincent as the username it will be your GitHub username. Shell (.venv) > git remote add origin (.venv) > git push -u origin main Heroku The final step is to create a new project on Heroku and push our code into it. You should already be logged into Heroku via the command line from earlier in the chapter. 50 63 Chapter 4: Library API You can either run heroku create and Heroku will randomly assign a name for your project or you can specify a custom name but it must be unique across all of Heroku! So the longer the better. I’m calling mine wsvincent-library. Prefixing your GitHub username is a good way to ensure you can specify the name of your Heroku project though you can always change it later on, too. Shell (.venv) > heroku create wsvincent-library Creating � wsvincent-library... done | Then we’ll push the code up to Heroku itself and add a web process so the dyno is running. Shell (.venv) > git push heroku main (.venv) > heroku ps:scale web=1 The URL of your new app will be in the command line output or you can run heroku open to find it. Here is my Library homepage. Library Homepage And also the API endpoint at /api/. 64 Chapter 4: Library API Library API Deployment is a complicated topic and we’ve intentionally taken a number of shortcuts here. But the goal is to walkthrough a very basic Django website and API to show how it can be created from scratch. Conclusion We covered a lot of material in this chapter so don’t worry if things feel a little confusing right now. We added Django REST Framework to our existing Library website and created an API endpoint for our books. Then we added tests and deployed our project to Heroku. Web APIs can do a lot more than simply list information from your database though. In the next chapter we will build and deploy our own Todo API back-end that can be easily consumed by any Chapter 4: Library API front-end. 65 Chapter 5: Todo API In this chapter we will build and deploy Todo API back-end that contains both a list API endpoint for all todos and dedicated endpoints for each individual todo. We will also learn about CrossOrigin Resource Sharing (CORS) which is a necessary security feature when a deployed back-end needs to communicate with a front-end. We have already made our first API and reviewed how HTTP and REST work in the abstract but it’s still likely you don’t “quite” see how it all fits together yet. By the end of these two chapters you will. Single Page Apps (SPAs) SPAs are required for mobile apps that run on iOS or Android and is the dominant pattern for web apps that want to take advantage of JavaScript front-end frameworks like React, Vue, Angular, and others. There are multiple advantages to adopting a SPA approach. Developers can focus on their own area of expertise, typically either front-end or the back-end, but rarely both. It allows for using testing and build tools suitable to the task at hand since building, testing, and deploying a Django project is quite different than doing the same for a JavaScript one like React. And the forced separation removes the risk of coupling; it is not possible for front-end changes to break the back-end. For large teams, SPAs make a lot of sense since there is already a built-in separation of tasks. Even in smaller teams, the adoption cost of an SPA approach is relatively small. The main risk of separating the back-end and the front-end is that it requires domain knowledge in both areas. While Django is relatively mature at this point the front-end ecosystem is decidedly not. A solo developer should think carefully about whether the added complexity of a dedicated JavaScript front-end is worth it versus sprinkling JavaScript into existing Django templates with modern tools like htmx51 . 51 Chapter 5: Todo API 67 Initial Set Up The first step for any Django API is always to install Django and then later add Django REST Framework on top of it. From the command line, navigate to the code directory on the Desktop and create both a todo folder. Shell # Windows > cd onedrive\desktop\code > mkdir todo && cd todo # macOS % cd desktop/desktop/code % mkdir todo && cd todo Then run through the standard steps of creating a new virtual environment, activating it, and installing Django. Shell # Windows > python -m venv .venv > .venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1 (.venv) > python -m pip install django~=4.0.0 # macOS % python3 -m venv .venv % source .venv/bin/activate (.venv) % python3 -m pip install django~=4.0.0 Now that Django is installed we should start by creating a traditional Django project called django_project, adding an app called todos within it, and then migrating the initial database. Chapter 5: Todo API 68 Shell (.venv) > django-admin startproject django_project . (.venv) > python startapp todos (.venv) > python migrate In Django we always need to add new apps to our INSTALLED_APPS setting so do that now. Open up django_project/ in your text editor and add todos to the bottom of the installed apps. Code # django_project/ INSTALLED_APPS = [ "django.contrib.admin", "django.contrib.auth", "django.contrib.contenttypes", "django.contrib.sessions", "django.contrib.messages", "django.contrib.staticfiles", # Local "todos.apps.TodosConfig", # new ] If you run python runserver on the command line now and navigate in your web browser to you can see our project is successfully installed. We are ready to proceed. .gitignore Since we will be using Git for our source control it’s important to create a .gitignore file early to specify what should not be tracked. This includes our new virtual environment .venv. To fix the issue, create a new file with your text editor called .gitignore and add a single line for .venv. Chapter 5: Todo API 69 .gitignore .venv/ Then let’s initialize a new Git repository for our project and run git status to confirm the .venv file does not appear. We can also add all our setup work via git add -A and write our first commit message. Shell (.venv) > git status (.venv) > git add -A (.venv) > git commit -m "initial commit" Models Next up is defining the Todo database model within the todos app. We will keep things basic and have only two fields: title and body. Code # todos/ from django.db import models class Todo(models.Model): title = models.CharField(max_length=200) body = models.TextField() def __str__(self): return self.title We import models at the top and then subclass it to create our own Todo model. A __str__ method is also added to provide a human-readable name for each future model instance. Since we have updated our model it’s time for Django’s two-step dance of making a new migration file and then syncing the database with the changes each time. On the command line type Control+c to stop our local server. Then run the makemigrations command. Chapter 5: Todo API 70 Shell (.venv) > python makemigrations todos Migrations for 'todos': todos/migrations/ - Create model Todo And then the migrate command. Shell (.venv) > python migrate Operations to perform: Apply all migrations: admin, auth, contenttypes, sessions, todos Running migrations: Applying todos.0001_initial... OK It is optional to add the specific app we want to create a migration file for–we could instead type just python makemigrations–however it is a good best practice to adopt. Migration files are a fantastic way to debug applications and you should strive to create a migration file for each small change. If we had updated the models in two different apps and then run python makemigrations the resulting single migration file would contain data on both apps. That just makes debugging harder. Try to keep your migrations as small as possible. Now we can use the built-in Django admin app to interact with our database. If we went into the admin straight away our Todos app would not appear. We need to explicitly add it via the todos/ file. While we’re at it we can create a TodoAdmin class that uses list_display so that both of our model fields, title and body, will be visible. Chapter 5: Todo API 71 Code # todos/ from django.contrib import admin from .models import Todo class TodoAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): list_display = ( "title", "body", ), TodoAdmin) That’s it! Now we can create a superuser account to log in to the admin. Shell (.venv) > python createsuperuser Start up the local server again with python runserver and navigate to the admin section at Log in and click on “+ Add” next to Todos. Create 3 new todo items, making sure to add a title and body for both. Here’s what mine looks like: 72 Chapter 5: Todo API Admin todos Tests Code without tests is incomplete so we should add some now for our Todo model. We will use Django’s TestCase52 to create a test database and use setUpTestData to create test data for our TodoModelTest class. We want to confirm that the title and body appear as expected, as well as the __str__ method on the model. Open up the todos/ file and fill it with the following: 52 Chapter 5: Todo API 73 Code # todos/ from django.test import TestCase from .models import Todo class TodoModelTest(TestCase): @classmethod def setUpTestData(cls): cls.todo = Todo.objects.create( title="First Todo", body="A body of text here" ) def test_model_content(self): self.assertEqual(self.todo.title, "First Todo") self.assertEqual(self.todo.body, "A body of text here") self.assertEqual(str(self.todo), "First Todo") Make sure the local server is not running by typing Control+c from the command line and then run the test with the python test command. Shell (.venv) > python test Creating test database for alias 'default'... System check identified no issues (0 silenced). .. ---------------------------------------------------------------------Ran 1 tests in 0.002s OK Destroying test database for alias 'default'... We are actually done with the traditional Django part of our Todo API at this point! Since we are not bothering to build out webpages for this project all we need is a model and Django REST Framework will take care of the rest. Chapter 5: Todo API 74 Django REST Framework To add Django REST Framework stop the local server by typing Control+c and then install it with Pip. Shell (.venv) > python -m pip install djangorestframework~=3.13.0 Then add rest_framework to our INSTALLED_APPS setting just like any other third-party application. We also want to start configuring Django REST Framework specific settings which all exist under a configuration called REST_FRAMEWORK that can be added at the bottom of the file. For starters, let’s explicitly set permissions to AllowAny53 which allows unrestricted access regardless of whether a request was authenticated or not. In a production setting API permissions are strictly controlled but for learning purposes we will use AllowAny for now. Code # django_project/ INSTALLED_APPS = [ "django.contrib.admin", "django.contrib.auth", "django.contrib.contenttypes", "django.contrib.sessions", "django.contrib.messages", "django.contrib.staticfiles", # 3rd party "rest_framework", # new # Local "todos.apps.TodosConfig", ] REST_FRAMEWORK = { "DEFAULT_PERMISSION_CLASSES": [ "rest_framework.permissions.AllowAny", ], } 53 Chapter 5: Todo API 75 Django REST Framework has a lengthy list of implicitly set default settings. You can see the complete list here54 . AllowAny is one of them which means that when we set it explicitly, as we did above, the effect is exactly the same as if we had no DEFAULT_PERMISSION_CLASSES config set. Learning the default settings is something that takes time. We will become familiar with a number of them over the course of the book. The main takeaway to remember is that the implicit default settings are designed so that developers can jump in and start working quickly in a local development environment. Just as in traditional Django though, the default Django REST Framework settings are not appropriate for production. Before deployment we will typically make a number of changes to them over the course of a project. Ok, so Django REST Framework is installed. What next? Unlike the Library project in the previous chapters where we built both a webpage and an API, here we are just building an API. Therefore we do not need to create any template files or traditional Django views. It is also arguably unnecessary to create a separate apis app since this project is API-first by design. While Django comes with a lot of guardrails around project structure, it is up to the developer to decide how to organize their apps. This is a common point of confusion for newcomers but by building multiple projects with different app structures it becomes clearer that apps are just an organizational tool for the developer. As long as an app is added to INSTALLED_APPS and uses the correct import structure they can be used in almost any configuration. To transform our existing database model into a web API we will need to update the URLs, add Django Rest Framework views, and create a serializer. Let’s begin! URLs I like to start with the URLs first since they are the entry-point for our API endpoints. Start at the Django project-level file located at django_project/ We will import include on the second line and add a route for our todos app at the path of api/. It is a good idea to have all API endpoints at a consistent path such as api/ in case you decide to add traditional Django webpages at a later date. 54 76 Chapter 5: Todo API Code # django_project/ from django.contrib import admin from django.urls import path, include # new urlpatterns = [ path("admin/",, path("api/", include("todos.urls")), ] # new Next create an app-level todos/ file with your text editor and add the following code: Code # todos/ from django.urls import path from .views import ListTodo, DetailTodo urlpatterns = [ path("<int:pk>/", DetailTodo.as_view(), name="todo_detail"), path("", ListTodo.as_view(), name="todo_list"), ] Note that we are referencing two views here, ListTodo and DetailTodo, that we have yet to create. But the routing is now complete. There will be a list of all todos at the empty string "", in other words at api/, and each individual todo will be available at its primary key, pk, which is a value Django sets automatically in every database table. The first entry is 1, the second is 2, and so on. Therefore our first todo will eventually be located at the API endpoint api/1/, the second at api/2/, and so on. Serializers Let’s review where we are so far. We started with a traditional Django project, added a dedicated app, configured our database model, and added initial data. Then we installed Django REST Framework and created an api app for which we just configured our URLs. There are two Chapter 5: Todo API 77 steps remaining: serializer and views. Let’s begin with the serializer which transforms our model data into JSON that will be outputted at our desired URLs. Create a new file called todos/ file and update it with the following code. Code # todos/ from rest_framework import serializers from .models import Todo class TodoSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): class Meta: model = Todo fields = ( "id", "title", "body", ) At the top we have imported serializers from Django REST Framework along with our Todo database model. Then we extended ModelSerializer into a new class called TodoSerializer. The format here is very similar to how we create model classes or forms in Django itself. We’re specifying which model to use and the specific fields on it we want to expose. Remember that id (similar to a pk) is created automatically by Django so we didn’t have to define it in our Todo model but we will display in our individual detail view for each todo. And that’s it! Django REST Framework will magically transform our data into JSON exposing the fields for id, title, and body from our Todo model. What’s the difference between id and pk? They both refer to a field automatically added to Django models by the ORM. id55 is a built-in function from the Python standard library while pk56 comes from Django itself. Generic class-based views like DetailView in Django expect to be passed a parameter named pk while on model fields it is often common to simply refer to id. The last thing we need to do is configure a file to accompany our serializer and URLs. 55 56 Chapter 5: Todo API 78 Views We will use two DRF generic views here: ListAPIView57 to display all todos and RetrieveAPIView58 to display a single model instance. Update the todos/ file to look as follows: Code # todos/ from rest_framework import generics from .models import Todo from .serializers import TodoSerializer class ListTodo(generics.ListAPIView): queryset = Todo.objects.all() serializer_class = TodoSerializer class DetailTodo(generics.RetrieveAPIView): queryset = Todo.objects.all() serializer_class = TodoSerializer At the top we import Django REST Framework’s generics views, our Todo model and the TodoSerializer we just created. Recall from our todos/ file that we have two routes and therefore two distinct views. A new view called ListTodo subclasses ListAPIView while DetailTodo subclasses RetrieveAPIView. Astute readers will notice that there is a bit of redundancy in the code here. We essentially repeat the queryset and serializer_class for each view, even though the generic view extended is different. Later on in the book we will learn about viewsets and routers which address this issue and allow us to create the same API views and URLs with much less code. But for now we’re done! Our API is ready to consume. 57 58 79 Chapter 5: Todo API Browsable API Let’s use Django REST Framework’s browsable API now to interact with our data. Make sure the local server is running and navigate to to see our working API list views endpoint. API List This page shows the three todos we created earlier in the database model. An API endpoint refers to the URL used to make a request. If there are multiple items at an endpoint it is known as a collection while a single item is known as a resource. The terms endpoint and resource are often used interchangeably by developers but they mean different things. We also made a DetailTodo view for each individual model which should be visible at: 80 Chapter 5: Todo API API Detail You can also navigate to the endpoints for: • • API Tests As we saw in the last chapter, Django REST Framework contains several helper classes for testing our API endpoints. We want to check that the correct URLs are used, return a 200 status code, and contain the correct content. This time there are two pages to test: our listing page of all todos and individual todos on their own dedicated endpoint. Open the todos/ file with your text editor. To test the API we need to import three new items at the top: reverse from Django, status from Django REST Framework, and APITestCase from Django REST Framework. Then we add two tests–test_api_listview and test_api_detailview–to check both the list and detail pages use the correct named URL, return 200 status codes, contain only one object, and the response has all the data expected. The only tricky thing here is that for a detail view we must pass in the pk of the object. 81 Chapter 5: Todo API Code # todos/ from django.test import TestCase from django.urls import reverse # new from rest_framework import status # new from rest_framework.test import APITestCase # new from .models import Todo class TodoModelTest(TestCase): @classmethod def setUpTestData(cls): cls.todo = Todo.objects.create( title="First Todo", body="A body of text here" ) def test_model_content(self): self.assertEqual(self.todo.title, "First Todo") self.assertEqual(self.todo.body, "A body of text here") self.assertEqual(str(self.todo), "First Todo") def test_api_listview(self): # new response = self.client.get(reverse("todo_list")) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK) self.assertEqual(Todo.objects.count(), 1) self.assertContains(response, self.todo) def test_api_detailview(self): # new response = self.client.get( reverse("todo_detail", kwargs={"pk":}), format="json" ) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK) self.assertEqual(Todo.objects.count(), 1) self.assertContains(response, "First Todo") Run the tests with the python test command. Chapter 5: Todo API 82 Shell (.venv) > python test Creating test database for alias 'default'... System check identified no issues (0 silenced). .. ---------------------------------------------------------------------Ran 3 tests in 0.007s OK Destroying test database for alias 'default'... We’re almost done now but there are two additional considerations since our backend will be communicating with a frontend on a different port. This raises a host of security concerns that we will now tackle. CORS Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)59 refers to the fact that whenever a client interacts with an API hosted on a different domain ( vs or port (localhost:3000 vs localhost:8000) there are potential security issues. Specifically, CORS requires the web server to include specific HTTP headers that allow for the client to determine if and when cross-domain requests should be allowed. Because we are using a SPA architecture the front-end will be on a different local port during development and a completely different domain once deployed! The easiest way to handle this issue–-and the one recommended by Django REST Framework60 – -is to use middleware that will automatically include the appropriate HTTP headers based on our settings. The third-party package django-cors-headers61 is the default choice within the Django community and can easily added to our existing project. Make sure to stop the local server with Control+c and then install django-cors-headers with Pip. 59 61 60 Chapter 5: Todo API Shell (.venv) > python -m pip install django-cors-headers~=3.10.0 Next update our django_project/ file in three places: • add corsheaders to the INSTALLED_APPS • add CorsMiddleware above CommonMiddleWare in MIDDLEWARE • create a CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS config at the bottom of the file Code # django_project/ INSTALLED_APPS = [ "django.contrib.admin", "django.contrib.auth", "django.contrib.contenttypes", "django.contrib.sessions", "django.contrib.messages", "django.contrib.staticfiles", # 3rd party "rest_framework", "corsheaders", # new # Local "todos.apps.TodosConfig", ] MIDDLEWARE = [ "", "django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware", "corsheaders.middleware.CorsMiddleware", # new "django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware", "django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware", "django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware", "django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware", "django.middleware.clickjacking.XFrameOptionsMiddleware", ] CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS = ( "http://localhost:3000", "http://localhost:8000", ) 83 Chapter 5: Todo API 84 It’s very important that corsheaders.middleware.CorsMiddleware appears in the proper location since Django middlewares are loaded top-to-bottom. Also note that we’ve whitelisted two domains: localhost:3000 and localhost:8000. The former is the default port for React (if that is the front-end being used) and the latter is the default Django port. CSRF Just as CORS is an issue when dealing with a SPA architecture, so too are forms. Django comes with robust CSRF protection62 that should be added to forms in any Django template, but with a dedicated React front-end setup this protection isn’t inherently available. Fortunately, we can allow specific cross-domain requests from our frontend by setting CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS63 . At the bottom of the file, next to CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST, add this additional line for React’s default local port of 3000: Code # django_project/ CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS = ["localhost:3000"] And that’s it! Our back-end is now complete and capable of communicating with any front-end that uses port 3000. If our front-end of choice dictates a different port that can easily be updated in our code. Back-End API Deployment We will again deploy the Django API backend with Heroku. If you recall our deployment checklist from Chapter 4 for the Library API included the following: • configure static files and install WhiteNoise • install Gunicorn as the production web server • create requirements.txt, runtime.txt, and Procfile files 62 63 85 Chapter 5: Todo API • update the ALLOWED_HOSTS configuration We can run through each of these more quickly now. For static files create a new static directory from the terminal shell. Shell (.venv) > mkdir static With your text editor create a .keep file within the static directory so it is picked up by Git. Then install whitenoise to handle static files in production. Shell (.venv) > python -m pip install whitenoise==5.3.0 WhiteNoise must be added to django_project/ in the following locations: • whitenoise above django.contrib.staticfiles in INSTALLED_APPS • WhiteNoiseMiddleware above CommonMiddleware • STATICFILES_STORAGE configuration pointing to WhiteNoise Code # django_project/ INSTALLED_APPS = [ ... "whitenoise.runserver_nostatic", "django.contrib.staticfiles", ] # new MIDDLEWARE = [ "", "django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware", "whitenoise.middleware.WhiteNoiseMiddleware", # new "corsheaders.middleware.CorsMiddleware", ... ] STATIC_URL = "/static/" 86 Chapter 5: Todo API STATICFILES_DIRS = [BASE_DIR / "static"] # new STATIC_ROOT = BASE_DIR / "staticfiles" # new STATICFILES_STORAGE = "" # new Finally run the collectstatic command so that all static directories and files are compiled into one location for deployment purposes. Shell (.venv) > python collectstatic Gunicorn will be used as the production web server and can be installed directly. Shell (.venv) > python -m pip install gunicorn~=20.1.0 With your text editor create a runtime.txt file in the project root directory next to It will have one line specifying the version of Python to run on Heroku. runtime.txt python-3.10.2 Now create an empty Procfile file in the same project root directory location. It should contain the following single line command: Procfile web: gunicorn django_project.wsgi --log-file - We can automatically generate a requirements.txt file with the contents of our virtual environment in one command: Chapter 5: Todo API 87 Shell (.venv) > python -m pip freeze > requirements.txt The last step is to update the ALLOWED_HOSTS configuration in django_project/ Access should be restricted to localhost,, and Code # django_project/ ALLOWED_HOSTS = ["", "localhost", ""] Make sure to add and commit the new changes to Git. Shell (.venv) > git status (.venv) > git add -A (.venv) > git commit -m "New updates for Heroku deployment" Then log into Heroku’s CLI by typing the command heroku login which will require you to verify credentials on the Heroku website itself. Shell (.venv) > heroku login heroku: Press any key to open up the browser to login or q to exit: Opening browser to ... Logging in... done Logged in as Once logged in we need to create a new Heroku project. Since Heroku names are unique you will need to come up with your own variation. I’ve called mine wsvincent-todo. 88 Chapter 5: Todo API Shell (.venv) > heroku create wsvincent-todo Creating � wsvincent-todo... done | Push the code up to Heroku and add a web process so the dyno is running. Shell (.venv) > git push heroku main (.venv) > heroku ps:scale web=1 The URL of your new app will be in the command line output or you can run heroku open to find it. Make sure to navigate to the /api/ endpoint to see a list of all Todo items. Here is my Todo API endpoint listing all items: Todo API List Endpoint Chapter 5: Todo API 89 The individual API endpoints for each Todo item will also be available at /api/1/, /api/2/, and so on. The deployed Todo API is now consumable. Once the deployed URLs of the front-end code is known they can be added to the CORS and CSRF sections as appropriate. Conclusion With a minimal amount of code Django REST Framework has allowed us to create a Django API from scratch. Unlike our example in the previous chapter, we did not build out any web pages for this project since our goal was just to create an API. However at any point in the future, we easily could! It would just require adding a new view, URL, and a template to expose our existing database model. An important point in this example is that we added CORS headers and explicitly set only the domains localhost:3000 and localhost:8000 to have access to our API. Correctly setting CORS headers is an easy thing to be confused about when you first start building APIs. There’s much more configuration we can and will do later on but at the end of the day creating Django APIs is about making a model, writing some URL routes, and then adding a little bit of magic provided by Django REST Framework’s serializers and views. Chapter 6: Blog API The major project in this book is a Blog API using the full set of Django REST Framework features. It will have users, permissions, and allow for full CRUD (Create-Read-Update-Delete) functionality. We’ll also explore viewsets, routers, and documentation. In this chapter we will build the basic API section. Just as with our Library and Todo APIs, we start with traditional Django and then add in Django REST Framework. The main differences are we’ll be using a custom user model and supporting CRUD operations from the beginning which, as we will see, Django REST Framework makes quite seamless to do. Initial Set Up Our set up is the same as before. Navigate into the code directory and within it create one for this project called blogapi. Then install Django in a new virtual environment and create a new Django project called django_project. Shell # Windows > cd onedrive\desktop\code > mkdir blogapi > cd blogapi > python -m venv .venv > .venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1 (.venv) > python -m pip install django~=4.0.0 (.venv) > django-admin startproject django_project . # macOS % cd desktop/desktop/code % mkdir blogapi % cd blogapi % python3 -m venv .venv % source .venv/bin/activate (.venv) % python3 -m pip install django~=4.0.0 (.venv) % django-admin startproject django_project . 91 Chapter 6: Blog API Run the command python runserver and it should bring up the Django welcome page over at Django welcome page The terminal shell likely displays a message complaining You have 18 unapplied migration(s). We are deliberately not running migrate yet because we’ll be using a custom user model and want to wait until it is configured before running our first migrate command. Chapter 6: Blog API 92 .gitignore Using Git early and often is always a good idea on projects. It lets developers track the progress of the project over time and identify any errors that may arise. Let’s initialize a new Git repo and check its status. Shell (.venv) > git init (.venv) > git status The .venv file should appear which we do not want in source control therefore use your text editor to create a .gitignore file in the project directory next to the file. Add a single line for .venv so it will be ignored by Git. .gitignore .venv/ Then run git status again to confirm .venv no longer appears, add our current work, and create the first Git commit. Shell (.venv) > git status (.venv) > git add -A (.venv) > git commit -m "initial commit" Custom User Model Adding a custom user model is an optional but recommended next step. Even if you have no plans to use one, taking a few steps now leaves the door open to leveraging it in the future on your project. To do so first create a new app called accounts. 93 Chapter 6: Blog API Shell (.venv) > python startapp accounts Then add it to our INSTALLED_APPS configuration so Django knows it exists. Code # django_project/ INSTALLED_APPS = [ "django.contrib.admin", "django.contrib.auth", "django.contrib.contenttypes", "django.contrib.sessions", "django.contrib.messages", "django.contrib.staticfiles", # Local "accounts.apps.AccountsConfig", ] # new Within accounts/ define a custom user model called CustomUser by extending AbstractUser64 and adding a single field, name, for now. We’ll also add a __str__ method to return the user’s email address in the admin and elsewhere. Code # accounts/ from django.contrib.auth.models import AbstractUser from django.db import models class CustomUser(AbstractUser): name = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=100) The last step is to update the AUTH_USER_MODEL65 configuration in, which is implicitly set to auth.User, over to accounts.CustomUser. This can be added at the bottom of the file. 64 65 94 Chapter 6: Blog API Code # django_project/ AUTH_USER_MODEL = "accounts.CustomUser" # new Now we can run makemigrations for our model changes, migrate to initialize the database, and createsuperuser to create a superuser account so we can view the admin. Make sure to include an email for your custom user. Shell (.venv) > python makemigrations (.venv) > python migrate (.venv) > python createsuperuser Then launch Django’s internal web server with the runserver command: Shell (.venv) > python runserver If we head on over to the admin at and log in it looks like something is missing doesn’t it? Admin Empty Homepage Only the Groups section appears. We don’t have Users as we normally would with the default User model. What’s missing is two things: we have to customize accounts/ to display our new custom user model and create a new file called accounts/ that sets CustomUser to be used when creating or changing users. We’ll start with account/ Chapter 6: Blog API 95 Code # accounts/ from django.contrib.auth.forms import UserCreationForm, UserChangeForm from .models import CustomUser class CustomUserCreationForm(UserCreationForm): class Meta(UserCreationForm): model = CustomUser fields = UserCreationForm.Meta.fields + ("name",) class CustomUserChangeForm(UserChangeForm): class Meta: model = CustomUser fields = UserChangeForm.Meta.fields At the top we import UserCreationForm66 and UserChangeForm67 which are used for creating or updating a user. We’ll also import our CustomUser model so that it can be integrated into new CustomUserCreationForm and CustomUserChangeForm classes. With that out of the way, the last step in the custom user setup is to update accounts/ to properly display the new custom user. Code # accounts/ from django.contrib import admin from django.contrib.auth.admin import UserAdmin from .forms import CustomUserCreationForm, CustomUserChangeForm from .models import CustomUser class CustomUserAdmin(UserAdmin): add_form = CustomUserCreationForm form = CustomUserChangeForm model = CustomUser list_display = [ 66 67 96 Chapter 6: Blog API "email", "username", "name", "is_staff", ] fieldsets = UserAdmin.fieldsets + ((None, {"fields": ("name",)}),) add_fieldsets = UserAdmin.add_fieldsets + ((None, {"fields": ("name",)}),), CustomUserAdmin) And we’re done. If you reload the admin page it now displays Users. Admin Users If you click on Users you can see our superuser is in there, too. 97 Chapter 6: Blog API Admin Superuser Posts App It’s time to create a dedicated app for our Blog. Naming is always tricky and while it is tempting to add a new app called blog and a related model called Blog, this is rarely done since multiple areas within Django add an s on to app and model names and “blogs” just doesn’t look very good. For this reason, it is more common to called a Blog app something like posts and the related database model simply Post. That’s what we’ll do here. Type Control+c to stop the local server and then use the management command startapp to create the new posts app. Chapter 6: Blog API 98 Shell (.venv) > python startapp posts Then immediately update INSTALLED_APPS in the django_project/ file before we forget. Code # django_project/ INSTALLED_APPS = [ "django.contrib.admin", "django.contrib.auth", "django.contrib.contenttypes", "django.contrib.sessions", "django.contrib.messages", "django.contrib.staticfiles", # Local "accounts.apps.AccountsConfig", "posts.apps.PostsConfig", # new ] Post Model Our blog Post database model will have five fields: author, title, body, created_at, and updated_at. We will also import Django’s settings so we can refer to AUTH_USER_MODEL in our author field. And we’ll add a __str__ method as a general best practice. Chapter 6: Blog API 99 Code # posts/ from django.conf import settings from django.db import models class Post(models.Model): title = models.CharField(max_length=50) body = models.TextField() author = models.ForeignKey(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, on_delete=models.CASCADE) created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) updated_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True) def __str__(self): return self.title That looks straightforward enough. Now update our database by first creating a new migration file with the command makemigrations posts and then running migrate to sync the database with our model changes. Shell (.venv) > python makemigrations posts (.venv) > python migrate Good! We want to view our data in Django’s admin app so we’ll quickly update posts/ as follows. Code # posts/ from django.contrib import admin from .models import Post Start up the local web server again with python runserver and visit the admin to see our work in action. 100 Chapter 6: Blog API Admin Posts There’s our Posts app! Click on the “+ Add” button next to Posts and create a new blog post. Next to “Author” will be a dropdown menu that has your superuser account (mine is called wsv). Make sure an author is selected, add a title, add body content, and then click on the “Save” button. 101 Chapter 6: Blog API Admin add blog post You will be redirected to the Posts page which displays all existing blog posts. Admin blog posts Chapter 6: Blog API 102 Tests We’ve written new code so it is time for tests. These are added to the existing posts/ file created with the startapp command. At the top of the file import get_user_model()68 to refer to our User along with TestCase and the Post model. Then create a class BlogTests with set up data and a single test for now, test_post_model, that checks the fields on the Post model along with its __str__ method. Code # posts/ from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model from django.test import TestCase from .models import Post class BlogTests(TestCase): @classmethod def setUpTestData(cls): cls.user = get_user_model().objects.create_user( username="testuser", email="", password="secret", ) = Post.objects.create( author=cls.user, title="A good title", body="Nice body content", ) def test_post_model(self): self.assertEqual(, "testuser") self.assertEqual(, "A good title") self.assertEqual(, "Nice body content") self.assertEqual(str(, "A good title") To confirm that our tests are working quit the local server with Control+c and run our tests. 68 Chapter 6: Blog API 103 Shell (.venv) > python test Creating test database for alias 'default'... System check identified no issues (0 silenced). . ---------------------------------------------------------------------Ran 1 test in 0.105s OK Destroying test database for alias 'default'... We are done now with the regular Django part of our API. All we really need is a model and some data in our database. Now it’s time to add Django REST Framework to take care of transforming our model data into an API. Django REST Framework As we have seen before, Django REST Framework takes care of the heavy lifting of transforming our database models into a RESTful API. There are three main steps to this process: • file for the URL routes • file to transform the data into JSON • file to apply logic to each API endpoint On the command line use pip to install Django REST Framework. Shell (.venv) > python -m pip install djangorestframework~=3.13.0 Then add it to the INSTALLED_APPS section of our django_project/ file. It’s also a good idea to explicitly set our permissions. By default Django REST Framework is configured to AllowAny to enable ease of us in local development however this is far from secure. We will update this permission setting in the next chapter. Chapter 6: Blog API 104 Code # django_project/ INSTALLED_APPS = [ "django.contrib.admin", "django.contrib.auth", "django.contrib.contenttypes", "django.contrib.sessions", "django.contrib.messages", "django.contrib.staticfiles", # 3rd-party apps "rest_framework", # new # Local "accounts.apps.AccountsConfig", "posts.apps.PostsConfig", ] REST_FRAMEWORK = { # new "DEFAULT_PERMISSION_CLASSES": [ "rest_framework.permissions.AllowAny", ], } Now we need to create our URLs, views, and serializers. URLs Let’s start with the URL routes for the actual location of the endpoints. Update the project-level file with the include import on the second line and a new api/v1/ route for our posts app. 105 Chapter 6: Blog API Code # django_project/ from django.contrib import admin from django.urls import path, include # new urlpatterns = [ path("admin/",, path("api/v1/", include("posts.urls")), ] # new It is a good practice to always version your APIs since when you make a large change there may be some lag time before various consumers of the API can also update. That way you can support a v1 of an API for a period of time while also launching a new, updated v2 and avoid breaking other apps that rely on your API back-end. Note that since our only app at this point is posts we can include it directly here. If we had multiple apps in a project it might make more sense to create a dedicated api app and then include all the other API url routes into it. But for basic projects like this one, I prefer to avoid an api app that is just used for routing. We can always add one later, if needed. Next create a new posts/ file and add the following code: Code # posts/ from django.urls import path from .views import PostList, PostDetail urlpatterns = [ path("<int:pk>/", PostDetail.as_view(), name="post_detail"), path("", PostList.as_view(), name="post_list"), ] At the top of the file we imported two views–PostList and PostDetail–that we will write in the next section but they correspond to a list of all blog posts at the empty string, "", which means at api/v1/. The individual detail posts will be at their primary key, pk, so the first blog post will be at api/v1/1/, the second at api/v1/2/, and so on. So far this is all standard Django stuff. Chapter 6: Blog API 106 Serializers Now for our serializers. Create a new posts/ file with your text editor. The serializer not only transforms data into JSON, it can also specify which fields to include or exclude. In our case, we will include the id field Django automatically adds to database models but we will exclude the updated_at field by not including it in our fields. The ability to include/exclude fields in our API this easily is a remarkable feature. More often than not, an underlying database model will have far more fields than what needs to be exposed. Django REST Framework’s powerful serializer class makes it extremely straightforward to control this. Code # posts/ from rest_framework import serializers from .models import Post class PostSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): class Meta: fields = ( "id", "author", "title", "body", "created_at", ) model = Post At the top of the file we have imported Django REST Framework’s serializers class and our own models. Then we created a PostSerializer and added a Meta class where we specified which fields to include and explicitly set the model, Post, to use. There are many ways to customize a serializer but for common use cases, such as a basic blog, this is all we need. Chapter 6: Blog API 107 Views The final step is to create our views. Django REST Framework has several generic views that are helpful. We have already used ListAPIView69 in both the Library and Todos APIs to create a read-only endpoint collection, essentially a list of all model instances. In the Todos API we used RetrieveAPIView70 for a read-only single endpoint, which is analogous to a detail view in traditional Django. For our Blog API we want to list all available blog posts as a read-write endpoint which means using ListCreateAPIView71 , which is similar to the ListAPIView we’ve used previously but allows for writes and therefore POST requests. We also want to make the individual blog posts available to be read, updated, or deleted. And sure enough, there is a built-in generic Django REST Framework view just for this purpose: RetrieveUpdateDestroyAPIView72 . That’s what we’ll use here. Update the posts/ file as follows. Code # posts/ from rest_framework import generics from .models import Post from .serializers import PostSerializer class PostList(generics.ListCreateAPIView): queryset = Post.objects.all() serializer_class = PostSerializer class PostDetail(generics.RetrieveUpdateDestroyAPIView): queryset = Post.objects.all() serializer_class = PostSerializer 69 71 72 70 Chapter 6: Blog API 108 At the top of the file we import generics from Django REST Framework as well as our models and serializers files. Then we create two views: PostList uses the generic ListCreateAPIView while PostDetail uses the RetrieveUpdateDestroyAPIView. It’s pretty amazing that all we have to do is update our generic view to radically change the behavior of a given API endpoint. This is the advantage of using a full-featured framework like Django REST Framework: all of this functionality is available, tested, and just works. As developers we do not have to reinvent the wheel here. Phew. Our API is now complete and we really did not have to write much code on our own. We will make additional improvements to our API in the coming chapters but it is worth appreciating that it already performs the basic list and CRUD functionality we desire. Time to test things out with the Django Rest Framework’s browsable API. Browsable API Start up the local server to interact with our API. Shell (.venv) > python runserver Then go to to see the Post List endpoint. 109 Chapter 6: Blog API API Post List The page displays a list of our blog posts—just one at the moment—in JSON format. Note that both GET and POST methods are allowed. The id is 1 representing this is the 1st blog post and the author is also 1 since we used a superuser account which was the first created. It might be more ideal to display the username or perhaps require a full name to be displayed. Serializers are very powerful and can be customized to output almost whatever we want with whatever restrictions in place. There are many listed in the docs73 which also note that “REST Framework does not attempt to automatically optimize querysets passed to serializers in terms 73 110 Chapter 6: Blog API of select_related and prefetch_related since it would be too much magic.” On larger sites serializers usually need to be tweaked for performance reasons. Unlike our previous APIs for the blog we have a model instance endpoint displaying a single post. Let’s confirm that it also exists by navigating to in the web browser. API Post Detail You can see in the header that GET, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE are supported but not POST. And in fact you can use the HTML form below to make changes or even use the red “DELETE” button to delete the instance. Let’s try things out. Update our title with the additional text (edited) at the end. Then click 111 Chapter 6: Blog API on the “PUT” button. API Post Detail edited Go back to the Post List view by clicking on the link for it at the top of the page or navigating directly to and you can see the updated text there as well. 112 Chapter 6: Blog API API Post List edited CORS Since it is likely our API will be consumed on another domain we should configure CORS and set which domains will have access. As we saw in the earlier Todo API the process is straightforward. First, we’ll stop the local web server with Control+c and install the third-party package djangocors-headers74 . 74 Chapter 6: Blog API 113 Shell (.venv) > python -m pip install django-cors-headers~=3.10.0 Then we add corsheaders to INSTALLED_APPS, add CorsMiddleware to the MIDDLEWARE setting, and create a CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS list. Update the file as follows to do all three: Code # django_project/ INSTALLED_APPS = [ "django.contrib.admin", "django.contrib.auth", "django.contrib.contenttypes", "django.contrib.sessions", "django.contrib.messages", "django.contrib.staticfiles", # 3rd party "rest_framework", "corsheaders", # new # Local "accounts.apps.AccountsConfig", "posts.apps.PostsConfig", ] MIDDLEWARE = [ "", "django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware", "corsheaders.middleware.CorsMiddleware", # new "django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware", "django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware", "django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware", "django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware", "django.middleware.clickjacking.XFrameOptionsMiddleware", ] # new CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST = ( "http://localhost:3000", "http://localhost:8000", ) In the event our API is used with forms it is a good idea to allow specific cross-domain requests 114 Chapter 6: Blog API from our frontend by setting CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS75 as well. We can do this in right after the CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST section. For now we’ll set it to local port of 3000, which is what React uses, though we can easily change the port in the future depending on our front-end’s needs. Code # django_project/ CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS = ["http://localhost:3000"] # new As a final step commit our Blog work to Git. Shell (.venv) > git status (.venv) > git add -A (.venv) > git commit -m "Blog API setup" Conclusion And that’s it! We have deliberately repeated several steps from our earlier examples so the pattern of creating a new Django project and then its API should start to feel more familiar. The models are are pure traditional Django but otherwise the URLs, views, and serializers all come from DRF. We added a detail endpoint to our API and started to explore the power of serializers. The Blog API is completely functional for local use at this point however there is a big problem: anyone can update or delete an existing blog post! In other words, we do not have any permissions in place. In the next chapter we will learn how to apply permissions to protect our API. 75 Chapter 7: Permissions Security is an important part of any website but it is doubly important with web APIs. Currently our Blog API allows anyone full access. There are no restrictions; any user can do anything which is extremely dangerous. For example, an anonymous user can create, read, update, or delete any blog post. Even one they did not create! Clearly we do not want this. Django REST Framework ships with several out-of-the-box permissions settings that we can use to secure our API. These can be applied at a project-level, a view-level, or at any individual model level. In this chapter we will explore all three and end up with a custom permission so that only the author of a blog post has the ability to update or delete it. Project-Level Permissions Django REST Framework has a host of configurations76 that are namespaced inside a single Django setting called REST_FRAMEWORK. We already made one of those, AllowAny77 , explicit in the django_project/ file. 76 77 116 Chapter 7: Permissions Code # django_project/ REST_FRAMEWORK = { "DEFAULT_PERMISSION_CLASSES": [ "rest_framework.permissions.AllowAny", ], } # new There are actually four built-in project-level permissions settings we can use: • AllowAny78 - any user, authenticated or not, has full access • IsAuthenticated79 - only authenticated, registered users have access • IsAdminUser80 - only admins/superusers have access • IsAuthenticatedOrReadOnly81 - unauthorized users can view any page, but only authenticated users have write, edit, or delete privileges Implementing any of these four settings requires updating the DEFAULT_PERMISSION_CLASSES setting and refreshing our web browser. That’s it! Let’s switch to IsAuthenticated so only authenticated, or logged in, users can view the API. Update the django_project/ file as follows: 78 80 81 79 117 Chapter 7: Permissions Code # django_project/ REST_FRAMEWORK = { "DEFAULT_PERMISSION_CLASSES": [ "rest_framework.permissions.IsAuthenticated", ], } # new If you refresh your web browser nothing changes because we are already logged in with our superuser account. It should be present in the upper right corner of your browsable API. To log out enter the admin at and click the “Log Out” link in the upper right corner. If you go back to it displays an HTTP 403 Forbidden error since authentication credentials were not provided. That’s what we want. 403 Error Create New Users We need to create a new user to test that a regular user–not just an admin superuser–has access to the API. There are two ways to do that: create a user in the command shell with python 118 Chapter 7: Permissions createsuperuser or we can log into the admin and add a user that way. Let’s talk the admin route. Head back to the admin at and log in with your superuser credentials. Then click on “+ Add” next to Users. Enter a username and password for a new user and click on the “Save” button. I’ve chosen the username testuser here. Note the Name field is available but not required thanks to our custom user model. Admin Add User Page The next screen is the Admin User Change page. I’ve called my user testuser and here I could add additional information included on the default User model such as first name, last name, email address, etc. But none of that is necessary for our purposes: we just need a username and password for testing. 119 Chapter 7: Permissions Admin User Change Scroll down to the bottom of this page and click the “Save” button. It will redirect back to the main Users page at . 82 120 Chapter 7: Permissions Admin Two Users We can see our two users are listed. Note that “Staff Status” shows only one of the accounts is for a superuser. As a final step, click the “Log Out” link in the upper right corner of the webpage to leave the admin. Admin Logout 121 Chapter 7: Permissions Add Log In and Log Out With that setup out of the way, how can our new user log in to the browsable API? We can do it by updating our project-level URLconf it turns out. Update django_project/ as follows with the new path for log in. Code # django_project/ from django.contrib import admin from django.urls import path, include urlpatterns = [ path("admin/",, path("api/v1/", include("posts.urls")), path("api-auth/", include("rest_framework.urls")), ] # new Now navigate to our browsable API at There is a subtle change: a “Log in” link in the upper right corner. Click on it to log in API Log In Link Use the new testuser account to log in. 122 Chapter 7: Permissions API Log In Page This redirects back to the Post List page where testuser is present in the upper righthand corner along with an arrow that reveals a drop down “Log out” link. 123 Chapter 7: Permissions API Log In Testuser View-Level Permissions Permissions can be added at the view-level too for more granular control. Let’s update our PostDetail view so that only admin users can view it. If we do this correctly, a logged out user can’t view the API at all, a logged-in user can view the list page, but only an admin can see the detail page. In the posts/ file import permissions from Django REST Framework and then add a 124 Chapter 7: Permissions permission_classes field to PostDetail that sets it to IsAdminUser. Code # posts/ from rest_framework import generics, permissions # new from .models import Post from .serializers import PostSerializer class PostList(generics.ListCreateAPIView): queryset = Post.objects.all() serializer_class = PostSerializer class PostDetail(generics.RetrieveUpdateDestroyAPIView): permission_classes = (permissions.IsAdminUser,) # new queryset = Post.objects.all() serializer_class = PostSerializer That’s all we need. Refresh the browsable API at and the Post List page is still viewable. However if you navigate to to see the Post Detail page an HTTP 403 Forbidden status code is displayed. API Post Detail 403 Chapter 7: Permissions 125 If you log out of the browsable admin and then log in with your admin account the Post Detail page will still be visible. So we have effectively applied a view-level permission. As you can see the standard types of permissions to set are allow any for full access, restrict to authenticated users, restrict to admin users, or allow authenticated users to perform any request but read-only for other users. How you configure permissions is dependent upon your project needs. Before we proceed, remove the permission_classes field on PostDetail. For our purposes it is enough to restrict access to authenticated users which we’ve done in django_project/ with the DEFAULT_PERMISSION_CLASSES configuration. Custom Permissions For our first custom permission we want to restrict access so that only the author of a blog post can edit it or delete it. The admin superuser will have access to do everything but a regular user can only update/delete their own content. Internally, Django REST Framework relies on a BasePermission class from which all other permission classes inherit. All the built-in permissions settings like AllowAny or IsAuthenticated simple extend BasePermission. Here is the actual source code which is available on Github83 : Code class BasePermission(object): """ A base class from which all permission classes should inherit. """ def has_permission(self, request, view): """ Return `True` if permission is granted, `False` otherwise. """ return True def has_object_permission(self, request, view, obj): """ Return `True` if permission is granted, `False` otherwise. 83 Chapter 7: Permissions 126 """ return True For a custom permission class you can override one or both of these methods. has_permission works on list views while detail views execute both: first has_permission and then, if that passes, has_object_permission. It is strongly advised to always set both methods explicitly because each defaults to True, meaning they will allow access implicitly unless set explicitly. In our case, we want only the author of a blog post to have write permissions to edit or delete it. We also want to restrict read-only list view to authenticated users. To do this we’ll create a new file called posts/ and fill it with the following code: Code # posts/ from rest_framework import permissions class IsAuthorOrReadOnly(permissions.BasePermission): def has_permission(self, request, view): # Authenticated users only can see list view if request.user.is_authenticated: return True return False def has_object_permission(self, request, view, obj): # Read permissions are allowed to any request so we'll always # allow GET, HEAD, or OPTIONS requests if request.method in permissions.SAFE_METHODS: return True # Write permissions are only allowed to the author of a post return == request.user We import permissions at the top and then create a custom class IsAuthorOrReadOnly which extends BasePermission. The first method, has_permission, requires that a user be logged in, or authenticated, in order to have access. The second method, has_object_permission, allows read-only requests but limits write permissions to only the author of the blog post. We access the author field via and the current user with request.user. 127 Chapter 7: Permissions Back in the file we can remove the permissions import because we will swap out PostDetail’s permissions.IsAdminUser in favor of importing our custom IsAuthorOrReadOnly permission. Add the new permission to the permission_classes for both PostDetail and PostList. Code # posts/ from rest_framework import generics from .models import Post from .permissions import IsAuthorOrReadOnly from .serializers import PostSerializer # new class PostList(generics.ListCreateAPIView): permission_classes = (IsAuthorOrReadOnly,) queryset = Post.objects.all() serializer_class = PostSerializer # new class PostDetail(generics.RetrieveUpdateDestroyAPIView): permission_classes = (IsAuthorOrReadOnly,) # new queryset = Post.objects.all() serializer_class = PostSerializer And we’re done. To check this we need to create a blog post entry with testuser as the author and confirm testuser can access it. Our current superuser account can see and do everything by default. Navigate over to and log in as your superuser. Then create a new post with testuser as the author. 128 Chapter 7: Permissions TestUser Post After its creation head over to the Post Detail endpoint at Use the dropdown menu in the upper righthand corner to “Log out” of your superuser account and log back in as testuser. 129 Chapter 7: Permissions TestUser Post Detail Yes! There are options to edit or delete the entry since testuser is the author. However if you navigate to the detail page for the first blog post at it is readonly since testuser was not the author. 130 Chapter 7: Permissions TestUser Post Detail Not Author To make sure our authentication controls work correctly log out in the upper right hand corner. Then navigate to both the Post List endpoint and the two Post Detail endpoints to confirm a logged out user does not have access. To finish up we should commit our new work to Git. Shell (.venv) > git status (.venv) > git add -A (.venv) > git commit -m "add permissions" Conclusion Setting proper permissions is a very important part of any API. As a general strategy, it is a good idea to set a strict project-level permissions policy such that only authenticated users can view the API. Then make view-level or custom permissions more accessible as needed on specific API endpoints. Chapter 8: User Authentication In the previous chapter we updated our APIs permissions, which is also called authorization. In this chapter we will implement authentication which is the process by which a user can register for a new account, log in with it, and log out. Within a traditional, monolithic Django website authentication is simpler and involves a sessionbased cookie pattern which we will review below. But with an API things are a bit trickier. Remember that HTTP is a stateless protocol so there is no built-in way to remember if a user is authenticated from one request to the next. Each time a user requests a restricted resource it must verify itself. The solution is to pass along a unique identifier with each HTTP request. Confusingly, there is no universally agreed-upon approach for the form of this identifier and it can take multiple forms. Django REST Framework ships with four different built-in authentication options84 : basic, session, token, and default. And there are many more third-party packages that offer additional features like JSON Web Tokens (JWTs). In this chapter we will thoroughly explore how API authentication works, review the pros and cons of each approach, and then make an informed choice for our Blog API. By the end, we will have created API endpoints for sign up, log in, and log out. Basic Authentication The most common form of HTTP authentication is known as “Basic” Authentication85 . When a client makes an HTTP request, it is forced to send an approved authentication credential before access is granted. The complete request/response flow looks like this: 84 85 132 Chapter 8: User Authentication 1. Client makes an HTTP request 2. Server responds with an HTTP response containing a 401 (Unauthorized) status code and WWW-Authenticate HTTP header with details on how to authorize 3. Client sends credentials back via the Authorization86 HTTP header 4. Server checks credentials and responds with either 200 OK or 403 Forbidden status code Once approved, the client sends all future requests with the Authorization HTTP header credentials. We can also visualize this exchange as follows: Diagram Client ------ Server ------ ---------------------------------------> GET / HTTP/1.1 <------------------------------------HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized WWW-Authenticate: Basic ---------------------------------------> GET / HTTP/1.1 Authorization: Basic d3N2OnBhc3N3b3JkMTIz <------------------------------------HTTP/1.1 200 OK Note that the authorization credentials sent are the unencrypted base64 encoded87 version of <username>:<password>. So in my case, this is wsv:password123 which with base64 encoding is d3N2OnBhc3N3b3JkMTIz. The primary advantage of this approach is its simplicity. But there are several major downsides. First, on every single request the server must look up and verify the username and password, which is inefficient. It would be better to do the look up once and then pass a token of some kind that says, this user is approved. Second, user credentials are being passed in clear text—not encrypted at all—over the internet. This is incredibly insecure. Any internet traffic that is not 86 87 Chapter 8: User Authentication 133 encrypted can easily be captured and reused. Thus basic authentication should only be used via HTTPS88 , the secure version of HTTP. Session Authentication Monolithic websites, like traditional Django, have long used an alternative authentication scheme that is a combination of sessions and cookies. At a high level, the client authenticates with its credentials (username/password) and then receives a session ID from the server which is stored as a cookie. This session ID is then passed in the header of every future HTTP request. When the session ID is passed, the server uses it to look up a session object containing all available information for a given user, including credentials. This approach is stateful because a record must be kept and maintained on both the server (the session object) and the client (the session ID). Let’s review the basic flow: 1. A user enters their log in credentials (typically username/password) 2. The server verifies the credentials are correct and generates a session object that is then stored in the database 3. The server sends the client a session ID—not the session object itself—which is stored as a cookie on the browser 4. On all future requests the session ID is included as an HTTP header and, if verified by the database, the request proceeds 5. Once a user logs out of an application, the session ID is destroyed by both the client and server 6. If the user later logs in again, a new session ID is generated and stored as a cookie on the client The default setting in Django REST Framework is actually a combination of Basic Authentication and Session Authentication. Django’s traditional session-based authentication system is used and the session ID is passed in the HTTP header on each request via Basic Authentication. 88 Chapter 8: User Authentication 134 The advantage of this approach is that it is more secure since user credentials are only sent once, not on every request/response cycle as in Basic Authentication. It is also more efficient since the server does not have to verify the user’s credentials each time, it just matches the session ID to the session object which is a fast look up. There are several downsides however. First, a session ID is only valid within the browser where log in was performed; it will not work across multiple domains. This is an obvious problem when an API needs to support multiple front-ends such as a website and a mobile app. Second, the session object must be kept up-to-date which can be challenging in large sites with multiple servers. How do you maintain the accuracy of a session object across each server? And third, the cookie is sent out for every single request, even those that don’t require authentication, which is inefficient. As a result, it is generally not advised to use a session-based authentication scheme for any API that will have multiple front-ends. Token Authentication The third major approach–and the one we will implement in our Blog API–is to use token authentication. This is the most popular approach in recent years due to the rise of single page applications. Token-based authentication is stateless: once a client sends the initial user credentials to the server, a unique token is generated and then stored by the client as either a cookie or in local storage89 . This token is then passed in the header of each incoming HTTP request and the server uses it to verify that a user is authenticated. The server itself does not keep a record of the user, just whether a token is valid or not. Cookies vs localStorage Cookies are used for reading server-side information. They are smaller (4KB) in size and automatically sent with each HTTP request. LocalStorage is designed for client-side information. It is much larger (5120KB) and its contents are not sent by default with each HTTP request. 89 135 Chapter 8: User Authentication Tokens stored in both cookies and localStorage are vulnerable to XSS attacks. The current best practice is to store tokens in a cookie with the httpOnly and Secure cookie flags. Let’s look at a simple version of actual HTTP messages in this challenge/response flow. Note that the HTTP header WWW-Authenticate specifies the use of a Token which is used in the response Authorization header request. Diagram Client ------ Server ------ ---------------------------------------> GET / HTTP/1.1 <------------------------------------HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized WWW-Authenticate: Token ---------------------------------------> GET / HTTP/1.1 Authorization: Token 401f7ac837da42b97f613d789819ff93537bee6a <------------------------------------HTTP/1.1 200 OK There are multiple benefits to this approach. Since tokens are stored on the client, scaling the servers to maintain up-to-date session objects is no longer an issue. And tokens can be shared amongst multiple front-ends: the same token can represent a user on the website and the same user on a mobile app. The same session ID can not be shared amongst different front-ends, a major limitation. A potential downside is that tokens can grow quite large. A token contains all user information, not just an id as with a session id/session object set up. Since the token is sent on every request, managing its size can become a performance issue. Exactly how the token is implemented can also vary substantially. Django REST Frameworks’ Chapter 8: User Authentication 136 built-in TokenAuthentication90 is deliberately quite basic. As a result, it does not support setting tokens to expire, which is a security improvement that can be added. It also only generates one token per user, so a user on a website and then later a mobile app will use the same token. Since information about the user is stored locally, this can cause problems with maintaining and updating two sets of client information. JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) are a newer form of token containing cryptographically signed JSON data. JWTs were originally designed for use in OAuth91 , an open standard way for websites to share access to user information without actually sharing user passwords. JWTs can be generated on the server with a third-party package like djangorestframework-simplejwt92 or via a third-party service like Auth0. There is an ongoing debate, however, among developers on the pros and cons of using JWTs for user authentication and covering it properly is beyond the scope of this book. That is why we will stick to the built-in TokenAuthentication in this book. Default Authentication The first step is to configure our new authentication settings. Django REST Framework comes with a number of settings93 that are implicitly set. For example, DEFAULT_PERMISSION_CLASSES was set to AllowAny before we updated it to IsAuthenticated. The DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION_CLASSES are set by default so let’s explicitly add both SessionAuthentication and BasicAuthentication to our django_project/ file. 90 92 93 91 Chapter 8: User Authentication 137 Code # django_project/ REST_FRAMEWORK = { "DEFAULT_PERMISSION_CLASSES": [ "rest_framework.permissions.IsAuthenticated", ], "DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION_CLASSES": [ # new "rest_framework.authentication.SessionAuthentication", "rest_framework.authentication.BasicAuthentication", ], } Why use both methods? The answer is they serve different purposes. Sessions are used to power the Browsable API and the ability to log in and log out of it. BasicAuthentication is used to pass the session ID in the HTTP headers for the API itself. If you revisit the browsable API at it will work just as before. Technically, nothing has changed, we’ve just made the default settings explicit. Implementing token authentication Now we need to update our authentication system to use tokens. The first step is to update our DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION_CLASSES setting to use TokenAuthentication as follows: Code # django_project/ REST_FRAMEWORK = { "DEFAULT_PERMISSION_CLASSES": [ "rest_framework.permissions.IsAuthenticated", ], "DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION_CLASSES": [ "rest_framework.authentication.SessionAuthentication", "rest_framework.authentication.TokenAuthentication", # new ], } We keep SessionAuthentication since we still need it for our Browsable API, but now use tokens to pass authentication credentials back and forth in our HTTP headers. We also need to add the 138 Chapter 8: User Authentication authtoken app which generates the tokens on the server. It comes included with Django REST Framework but must be added to our INSTALLED_APPS setting: Code # django_project/ INSTALLED_APPS = [ "django.contrib.admin", "django.contrib.auth", "django.contrib.contenttypes", "django.contrib.sessions", "django.contrib.messages", "django.contrib.staticfiles", # 3rd-party apps "rest_framework", "corsheaders", "rest_framework.authtoken", # new # Local "accounts.apps.AccountsConfig", "posts.apps.PostsConfig", ] Since we have made changes to our INSTALLED_APPS we need to sync our database. Stop the server with Control+c. Then run the following command. Shell (.venv) > python migrate Operations to perform: Apply all migrations: accounts, admin, auth, authtoken, contenttypes, posts, sessions Running migrations: Applying authtoken.0001_initial... OK Applying authtoken.0002_auto_20160226_1747... OK Applying authtoken.0003_tokenproxy... OK Now start up the server again. 139 Chapter 8: User Authentication Shell (.venv) > python runserver If you navigate to the Django admin at you’ll see there is now a Tokens section at the top. Make sure you’re logged in with your superuser account to have access. Admin Homepage with Tokens Click on the link for Tokens. Currently there are no tokens which might be surprising. 140 Chapter 8: User Authentication Admin Tokens Page After all we have existing users. However, the tokens are only generated after there is an API call for a user to log in. We have not done that yet so there are no tokens. We will shortly! Endpoints We also need to create endpoints so users can log in and log out. We could create a dedicated users app for this purpose and then add our own urls, views, and serializers. However user authentication is an area where we really do not want to make a mistake. And since almost all APIs require this functionality, it makes sense that there are several excellent and tested third-party packages we can use instead. Notably we will use dj-rest-auth94 in combination with django-allauth95 to simplify things. Don’t feel bad about using third-party packages. They exist for a reason and even the best Django professionals rely on them all the time. There is no point in reinventing the wheel if you don’t have to! dj-rest-auth First we will add log in, log out, and password reset API endpoints. These come out-of-the-box with the popular dj-rest-auth package. Stop the server with Control+c and then install it. 94 95 Chapter 8: User Authentication 141 Shell (.venv) > python -m pip install dj-rest-auth==2.1.11 Add the new app to the INSTALLED_APPS config in our django_project/ file. Code # django_project/ INSTALLED_APPS = [ "django.contrib.admin", "django.contrib.auth", "django.contrib.contenttypes", "django.contrib.sessions", "django.contrib.messages", "django.contrib.staticfiles", # 3rd-party apps "rest_framework", "corsheaders", "rest_framework.authtoken", "dj_rest_auth", # new # Local "accounts.apps.AccountsConfig", "posts.apps.PostsConfig", ] Update our django_project/ file with the dj_rest_auth package. We’re setting the URL routes to api/v1/dj-rest-auth. Make sure to note that URLs should have a dash - not an underscore _, which is an easy mistake to make. 142 Chapter 8: User Authentication Code # django_project/ from django.contrib import admin from django.urls import path, include urlpatterns = [ path("admin/",, path("api/v1/", include("posts.urls")), path("api-auth/", include("rest_framework.urls")), path("api/v1/dj-rest-auth/", include("dj_rest_auth.urls")), ] # new And we’re done! If you have ever tried to implement your own user authentication endpoints, it is truly amazing how much time—and headache—dj-rest-auth saves for us. Now we can spin up the server to see what dj-rest-auth has provided. Shell (.venv) > python runserver We have a working log in endpoint at 143 Chapter 8: User Authentication API Log In Endpoint And a log out endpoint at 144 Chapter 8: User Authentication API Log Out Endpoint There are also endpoints for password reset, which is located at: 145 Chapter 8: User Authentication API Password Reset And for password reset confirmed: 146 Chapter 8: User Authentication API Password Reset Confirm User Registration Next up is our user registration, or sign up, endpoint. Traditional Django does not ship with builtin views or URLs for user registration and neither does Django REST Framework. Which means we need to write our own code from scratch; a somewhat risky approach given the seriousness– and security implications–of getting this wrong. Chapter 8: User Authentication 147 A popular approach is to use the third-party package django-allauth96 which comes with user registration as well as a number of additional features to the Django auth system such as social authentication via Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc. If we add dj_rest_auth.registration from the dj-rest-auth package then we have user registration endpoints too! Stop the local server with Control+c and install django-allauth. Shell (.venv) > python -m pip install django-allauth~=0.48.0 Then update our INSTALLED_APPS setting. We must add several new configs: • django.contrib.sites • allauth • allauth.account • allauth.socialaccount • dj_rest_auth.registration Code # django_project/ INSTALLED_APPS = [ "django.contrib.admin", "django.contrib.auth", "django.contrib.contenttypes", "django.contrib.sessions", "django.contrib.messages", "django.contrib.staticfiles", "django.contrib.sites", # new # 3rd-party apps "rest_framework", "corsheaders", "rest_framework.authtoken", "allauth", # new "allauth.account", # new "allauth.socialaccount", # new "dj_rest_auth", 96 148 Chapter 8: User Authentication "dj_rest_auth.registration", # new # Local "accounts.apps.AccountsConfig", "posts.apps.PostsConfig", ] django-allauth needs to be added to the TEMPLATES configuration after existing context processors as well as setting the EMAIL_BACKEND to console and adding a SITE_ID of 1. Code # django_project/ TEMPLATES = [ { "BACKEND": "django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates", "DIRS": [], "APP_DIRS": True, "OPTIONS": { "context_processors": [ "django.template.context_processors.debug", "django.template.context_processors.request", "django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth", "django.contrib.messages.context_processors.messages", "django.template.context_processors.request", # new ], }, }, ] EMAIL_BACKEND = "django.core.mail.backends.console.EmailBackend" SITE_ID = 1 # new # new The email back-end config is needed since by default an email will be sent when a new user is registered, asking them to confirm their account. Rather than also set up an email server, we will output the emails to the console with the console.EmailBackend setting. SITE_ID is part of the built-in Django “sites” framework97 , which is a way to host multiple websites from the same Django project. We only have one site we are working on here but django-allauth uses the sites framework, so we must specify a default setting. 97 Chapter 8: User Authentication 149 Ok. We’ve added new apps so it’s time to update the database. Shell (.venv) > python migrate Then add a new URL route for registration. Code # django_project/ from django.contrib import admin from django.urls import path, include urlpatterns = [ path("admin/",, path("api/v1/", include("posts.urls")), path("api-auth/", include("rest_framework.urls")), path("api/v1/dj-rest-auth/", include("dj_rest_auth.urls")), path("api/v1/dj-rest-auth/registration/", # new include("dj_rest_auth.registration.urls")), ] And we’re done. We can run the local server. Shell (.venv) > python runserver There is now a user registration endpoint at: Tokens To make sure everything works, create a third user account via the new user registration endpoint. I’ve called my user testuser1. 150 Chapter 8: User Authentication API Register New User After clicking on the “POST” button the next screen shows the HTTP response from the server. Our user registration POST was successful, hence the status code HTTP 201 Created at the top. The return value key is the auth token for this new user. 151 Chapter 8: User Authentication API Auth Key If you look at the command line console, an email has been automatically generated by django-allauth. This default text can be updated and an email SMTP server added with additional configuration that is covered in the book Django for Beginners. Shell Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Subject: [] Please Confirm Your E-mail Address From: webmaster@localhost To: Date: Wed, 09 Feb 2022 16:22:38 -0000 Message-ID: <164442375878.25521.7693193428490319037@\> Hello from! 152 Chapter 8: User Authentication You're receiving this e-mail because user testuser1 has given your e-mail address to regi\ ster an account on To confirm this is correct, go to\ account-confirm-email/MQ:1nHpjq:D1vZokltkCU2bqKO_g9cmA_hf2fThyl6vgtC7CpNdfI/ Thank you for using! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------[09/Feb/2022 16:22:38] "POST /api/v1/dj-rest-auth/registration/ HTTP/1.1" 201 7828 Switch over to the Django admin in your web browser at You will need to use your superuser account for this. There are a number of new fields here that django-allauth has added. Click on the link for Tokens and you will be redirected to the Tokens page. Admin Tokens A single token has been generated by Django REST Framework for the testuser1 user. As additional users are created via the API, their tokens will appear here, too. A logical question is, Why are there are no tokens for our superuser account or testuser? The answer is that we created those accounts before token authentication was added. But no worries, once we log in with either account via the API a token will automatically be added and available. Moving on, let’s log in with our new testuser1 account. Make sure to log out of the admin and then in your web browser navigate to Enter the information for our testuser1 account. Click on the “POST” button. 153 Chapter 8: User Authentication API Log In testuser1 Two things have happened. In the upper righthand corner, our user account testuser1 is visible, confirming that we are now logged in. Also the server has sent back an HTTP response with the token. 154 Chapter 8: User Authentication API Log In Token In our front-end framework, we would need to capture and store this token. Traditionally this happens on the client, either in localStorage98 or as a cookie, and then all future requests include the token in the header as a way to authenticate the user. Note that there are additional security concerns on this topic so you should take care to implement the best practices of your front-end framework of choice. To finish up we should commit our new work to Git. 98 Chapter 8: User Authentication 155 Shell (.venv) > git status (.venv) > git add -A (.venv) > git commit -m "add user authentication" Conclusion User authentication is one of the hardest areas to grasp when first working with web APIs. Without the benefit of a monolithic structure, we as developers have to deeply understand and configure our HTTP request/response cycles appropriately. Django REST Framework comes with a lot of built-in support for this process, including built-in TokenAuthentication. However developers must configure additional areas like user registration and dedicated urls/views themselves. As a result, a popular, powerful, and secure approach is to rely on the third-party packages dj-rest-auth and django-allauth to minimize the amount of code we have to write from scratch. Chapter 9: Viewsets and Routers Viewsets99 and routers100 are tools within Django REST Framework that can speed-up API development. They are an additional layer of abstraction on top of views and URLs. The primary benefit is that a single viewset can replace multiple related views. And a router can automatically generate URLs for the developer. In larger projects with many endpoints this means a developer has to write less code. It is also, arguably, easier for an experienced developer to understand and reason about a small number of viewset and router combinations than a long list of individual views and URLs. In this chapter we will add two new API endpoints to our existing project and see how switching from views and URLs to viewsets and routers can achieve the same functionality with far less code. User endpoints Currently we have the following API endpoints in our project. They are all prefixed with api/v1/ which is not shown for brevity: 99 100 157 Chapter 9: Viewsets and Routers Diagram |Endpoint |HTTP Verb| |--------------------------------------|---------| |/ | |GET |/:pk/ |GET | |/rest-auth/registration |POST | |/rest-auth/login |POST | |/rest-auth/logout |GET | |/rest-auth/password/reset |POST | |/rest-auth/password/reset/confirm |POST | The first two endpoints were created by us while dj-rest-auth provided the five others. Let’s now add two additional endpoints to list all users and individual users. This is a common feature in many APIs and it will make it clearer why refactoring our views and URLs to viewsets and routers can make sense. The process to wire up new endpoints always involves the following three steps: • new serializer class for the model • new views for each endpoint • new URL routes for each endpoint Start with our serializer. We need to import the CustomUser model and then create a UserSerializer class that uses it. Then add it to our existing posts/ file. Code # posts/ from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model from rest_framework import serializers # new from .models import Post class PostSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): class Meta: model = Post fields = ("id", "author", "title", "body", "created_at",) 158 Chapter 9: Viewsets and Routers class UserSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): # new class Meta: model = get_user_model() fields = ("id", "username",) It’s worth noting that while we have used get_user_model to reference the CustomUser model here, there are actually three different ways to reference101 the current User model in Django. By using get_user_model we ensure that we are referring to the correct user model, whether it is the default User or a custom user model102 like CustomUser in our case. Moving on we need to define views for each endpoint. First add UserSerializer to the list of imports. Then create both a UserList class that lists out all users and a UserDetail class that provides a detail view of an individual user. Just as with our post views we can use ListCreateAPIView and RetrieveUpdateDestroyAPIView here. We also need to reference the users model via get_user_model so it is imported on the top line. Code # posts/ from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model from rest_framework import generics # new from .models import Post from .permissions import IsAuthorOrReadOnly from .serializers import PostSerializer, UserSerializer # new class PostList(generics.ListCreateAPIView): permission_classes = (IsAuthorOrReadOnly,) queryset = Post.objects.all() serializer_class = PostSerializer class PostDetail(generics.RetrieveUpdateDestroyAPIView): permission_classes = (IsAuthorOrReadOnly,) queryset = Post.objects.all() serializer_class = PostSerializer 101 102 159 Chapter 9: Viewsets and Routers class UserList(generics.ListCreateAPIView): # new queryset = get_user_model().objects.all() serializer_class = UserSerializer class UserDetail(generics.RetrieveUpdateDestroyAPIView): queryset = get_user_model().objects.all() serializer_class = UserSerializer # new If you notice, there is quite a bit of repetition here. Both Post views and User views have the exact same queryset and serializer_class. Maybe those could be combined in some way to save code? Finally we have our URL routes. Make sure to import our new UserList, and UserDetail views. Then we can use the prefix users/ for each. Code # posts/ from django.urls import path from .views import PostList, PostDetail, UserList, UserDetail urlpatterns = [ path("users/", UserList.as_view()), # new path("users/<int:pk>/", UserDetail.as_view()), path("", PostList.as_view()), path("<int:pk>/", PostDetail.as_view()), ] # new # new And we’re done. Make sure the local server is running and jump over to the browsable API to confirm everything works as expected. Our user list endpoint is located at 160 Chapter 9: Viewsets and Routers API Users List The status code is 200 OK which means everything is working. We can see our three existing users. A user detail endpoint is available at the primary key for each user. So our superuser account is located at: 161 Chapter 9: Viewsets and Routers API User Instance Viewsets A viewset is a way to combine the logic for multiple related views into a single class. In other words, one viewset can replace multiple views. Currently we have four views: two for blog posts and two for users. We can instead mimic the same functionality with two viewsets: one for blog posts and one for users. The trade-off is that there is a loss in readability for fellow developers who are not intimately familiar with viewsets. Here is what the code looks like in our updated posts/ file when we swap in viewsets. Chapter 9: Viewsets and Routers 162 Code # posts/ from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model from rest_framework import viewsets # new from .models import Post from .permissions import IsAuthorOrReadOnly from .serializers import PostSerializer, UserSerializer class PostViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet): # new permission_classes = (IsAuthorOrReadOnly,) queryset = Post.objects.all() serializer_class = PostSerializer class UserViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet): # new queryset = get_user_model().objects.all() serializer_class = UserSerializer At the top instead of importing generics from rest_framework we are now importing viewsets on the second line. Then we are using ModelViewSet103 which provides both a list view and a detail view for us. And we no longer have to repeat the same queryset and serializer_class for each view as we did previously! At this point, the local web server will stop as Django complains about the lack of corresponding URL paths. Let’s set those next. Routers Routers104 work directly with viewsets to automatically generate URL patterns for us. Our current posts/ file has four URL patterns: two for blog posts and two for users. We can instead adopt a single route for each viewset. So two routes instead of four URL patterns. That sounds better, right? 103 104 Chapter 9: Viewsets and Routers 163 Django REST Framework has two default routers: SimpleRouter105 and DefaultRouter106 . We will use SimpleRouter but it’s also possible to create custom routers for more advanced functionality. Here is what the updated code looks like: Code # posts/ from django.urls import path from rest_framework.routers import SimpleRouter from .views import UserViewSet, PostViewSet router = SimpleRouter() router.register("users", UserViewSet, basename="users") router.register("", PostViewSet, basename="posts") urlpatterns = router.urls On the top line SimpleRouter is imported, along with our views. The router is set to SimpleRouter and we “register” each viewset for Users and Posts. Finally, we set our URLs to use the new router. Go ahead and check out our four endpoints now by starting the local server with python runserver. First up is User List at which is the same. The detail view at is a little different though. It is now called “User Instance” instead of “User Detail” and there is an additional “delete” option which is built-in to ModelViewSet107 . 105 107 106 164 Chapter 9: Viewsets and Routers API User Detail Permissions If we stop and consider our API at the moment there is actually a huge security issue. Any authenticated user can add a new user on the User List page or edit/delete/update an individual on the User Instance page because there are no explicit permissions for UserViewSet. This is a big problem! It is important to think of permissions for any API endpoint but especially when user information is involved. In this case, we want to restrict access to superusers only. If we look at the Permissions page in the official documentation there is an existing permissions setting called IsAdminUser108 which is what we want. Adding it to the UserViewSet is actually pretty 108 165 Chapter 9: Viewsets and Routers straightforward. In the posts/ file import IsAdminUser at the top and then, under the UserViewSet class, set permission_classes to [IsAdminUser]. Code # posts/ from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model from rest_framework import viewsets from rest_framework.permissions import IsAdminUser # new from .models import Post from .permissions import IsAuthorOrReadOnly from .serializers import PostSerializer, UserSerializer class PostViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet): permission_classes = (IsAuthorOrReadOnly,) queryset = Post.objects.all() serializer_class = PostSerializer class UserViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet): permission_classes = [IsAdminUser] # new queryset = get_user_model().objects.all() serializer_class = UserSerializer The local web server should automatically restart with the changed code so we can revist the User List endpoint at 166 Chapter 9: Viewsets and Routers User List Admin Only Even though we are still logged in as testuser this endpoint is unavailable and the same is true for each User Instance endpoint. When setting permissions it is always a good idea to have restrictive project-level settings and open up access per endpoint as needed. It is also important to check that existing endpoints are not left wide open, as our Users were earlier, which is quite easy to do! To finish up we should commit our new work to Git. Shell (.venv) > git status (.venv) > git add -A (.venv) > git commit -m "add schema and documentation" Conclusion Viewsets and routers are a powerful abstraction that reduce the amount of code we as developers must write. However this conciseness comes at the cost of an initial learning curve. It will feel strange the first few times you use viewsets and routers instead of views and URL patterns. Chapter 9: Viewsets and Routers 167 Ultimately the decision of when to add viewsets and routers to your project is subjective. A good rule of thumb is to start with views and URLs. As your API grows in complexity if you find yourself repeating the same endpoint patterns over and over again, then look to viewsets and routers. Until then, keep things simple. Chapter 10: Schemas and Documentation Now that we have our API complete we need a way to document its functionality quickly and accurately to others. After all, in most companies and teams, the developer who is using the API is not the same developer who initially built it. And if an API is available to the public it definitely needs a well-documented guide to be usable. A schema is a machine-readable document that outlines all available API endpoints, URLs, and the HTTP verbs (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.). This is great but not very readable for a human. Enter documentation which is something added to a schema that makes it easier for humans to read and consume. As a reminder, here is the complete list of our current API endpoints: Diagram |Endpoint |HTTP Verb| |--------------------------------------|---------| |/ |GET | |/:pk/ |GET | |users/ |GET | |users/:pk/ |GET | |/rest-auth/registration |POST | |/rest-auth/login |POST | |/rest-auth/logout |GET | |/rest-auth/password/reset |POST | |/rest-auth/password/reset/confirm |POST | In this chapter we will add both machine-readable schema and human-readable documentation to our Blog project. Even better, we will automate the generation of each so that they are always up-to-date with the latest version of our API. Chapter 10: Schemas and Documentation 169 Schema The OpenAPI109 specification is the current default way to document an API. It describes common rules around format for available endpoints, inputs, authentication methods, contact information, and more. As of this writing, drf-spectacular110 is the recommended third-party package for generating an OpenAPI 3 schema for Django REST Framework. To start, install drf-spectacular with Pip in the usual way. Shell (.venv) > python -m pip install drf-spectacular~=0.21.0 Add it to the INSTALLED_APPS configuration in the django_project/ file. Code # django_project/ INSTALLED_APPS = [ "django.contrib.admin", "django.contrib.auth", "django.contrib.contenttypes", "django.contrib.sessions", "django.contrib.messages", "django.contrib.staticfiles", "django.contrib.sites", # 3rd-party apps "rest_framework", "corsheaders", "rest_framework.authtoken", "allauth", "allauth.account", "allauth.socialaccount", "dj_rest_auth", "dj_rest_auth.registration", "drf_spectacular", # new # Local "accounts.apps.AccountsConfig", 109 110 170 Chapter 10: Schemas and Documentation "posts.apps.PostsConfig", ] Then register drf-spectacular within the REST_FRAMEWORK section of the django_project/ file. Code # django_project/ REST_FRAMEWORK = { "DEFAULT_PERMISSION_CLASSES": [ "rest_framework.permissions.IsAuthenticated", ], "DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION_CLASSES": [ "rest_framework.authentication.SessionAuthentication", "rest_framework.authentication.TokenAuthentication", ], "DEFAULT_SCHEMA_CLASS": "drf_spectacular.openapi.AutoSchema", } # new The last step is adding some metadata such as title, description, and version to the default settings111 . Create a new section in django_project/ and add the following: Code # django_project/ SPECTACULAR_SETTINGS = { "TITLE": "Blog API Project", "DESCRIPTION": "A sample blog to learn about DRF", "VERSION": "1.0.0", # OTHER SETTINGS } To generate the schema as a standalone file we can use a management command and specify the name of the file, which will be schema.yml. 111 171 Chapter 10: Schemas and Documentation Shell (.venv) > python spectacular --file schema.yml A new schema.yml file has been created in the project-root directory. If you open that file in your text editor it’s quite long and not very human-friendly. But to a computer it’s perfectly formatted. Dynamic Schema A more dynamic approach is to serve the schema directly from our API as a URL route. We’ll do this by importing SpectacularAPIView and then adding a new URL path at api/schema/ to display it. Code # django_project/ from django.contrib import admin from django.urls import path, include from drf_spectacular.views import SpectacularAPIView # new urlpatterns = [ path("admin/",, path("api/v1/", include("posts.urls")), path("api-auth/", include("rest_framework.urls")), path("api/v1/dj-rest-auth/", include("dj_rest_auth.urls")), path( "api/v1/dj-rest-auth/registration/", include("dj_rest_auth.registration.urls"), ), path("api/schema/", SpectacularAPIView.as_view(), name="schema"), ] # new Start up the local server again with python runserver and navigate to the new schema URL endpoint at The automatically generated schema file of our entire API is available and will be downloaded as a file. Personally, I prefer the dynamic approach in projects rather than having to regenerate a schema.yml file each time there is an API change. Chapter 10: Schemas and Documentation 172 Documentation A schema is well and good for consumption by a computer but humans generally prefer documentation for using an API. There are two API documentation tools supported by drf-spectacular: Redoc112 and SwaggerUI113 . Fortunately transforming our schema into either is a relatively painless process. Let’s begin with Redoc. To add it import SpectacularRedocView at the top of django_project/ and then add a URL path at api/schema/redoc/. Code # django_project/ from django.contrib import admin from django.urls import path, include from drf_spectacular.views import ( SpectacularAPIView, SpectacularRedocView, # new ) urlpatterns = [ path("admin/",, path("api/v1/", include("posts.urls")), path("api-auth/", include("rest_framework.urls")), path("api/v1/dj-rest-auth/", include("dj_rest_auth.urls")), path("api/v1/dj-rest-auth/registration/", include("dj_rest_auth.registration.urls") ), path("api/schema/", SpectacularAPIView.as_view(), name="schema"), path("api/schema/redoc/", SpectacularRedocView.as_view( url_name="schema"), name="redoc",), # new ] If the local server is still running you can head directly to to see our new documentation. 112 113 173 Chapter 10: Schemas and Documentation Redoc Schema The process for adding SwaggerUI is quite similar. Import SpectacularSwaggerView at the top of the file and then add a URL path for it at api/schema/swagger-ui/. Chapter 10: Schemas and Documentation Code # django_project/ from django.contrib import admin from django.urls import path, include from drf_spectacular.views import ( SpectacularAPIView, SpectacularRedocView, SpectacularSwaggerView, # new ) urlpatterns = [ path("admin/",, path("api/v1/", include("posts.urls")), path("api-auth/", include("rest_framework.urls")), path("api/v1/dj-rest-auth/", include("dj_rest_auth.urls")), path("api/v1/dj-rest-auth/registration/", include("dj_rest_auth.registration.urls") ), path("api/schema/", SpectacularAPIView.as_view(), name="schema"), path("api/schema/redoc/", SpectacularRedocView.as_view( url_name="schema"), name="redoc",), path("api/schema/swagger-ui/", SpectacularSwaggerView.as_view( url_name="schema"), name="swagger-ui"), # new ] Then head over to the web browser to see the output at: 174 175 Chapter 10: Schemas and Documentation SwaggerUI Schema Conclusion Adding a schema and documentation is a vital part of any API. It is typically the first thing a fellow developer looks at, either within a team or on an open-source projects. Thanks to the automated Chapter 10: Schemas and Documentation 176 tools covered in this chapter, ensuring your API has accurate, up-to-date documentation only requires a small amount of configuration. The last step is to deploy the Blog API properly which we’ll cover in the next chapter. Chapter 11: Production Deployment The final step for any web API project is deployment. Pushing it into production is very similar to a traditional Django deployment but with some added concerns. In this chapter, we will cover adding environment variables, configuring our settings to be more secure, switching to a PostgreSQL database in production, and running through Django’s own deployment checklist to make sure we are not missing anything. Environment Variables Environment variables can be loaded into a codebase at runtime yet not stored in the source code. This makes them an ideal way to toggle between local and production settings. They are also a good place to store sensitive information that should not be present in source control. When using Git, any changes are stored in the Git history, so even if something is later removed from the codebase, if it was checked into a commit at any time it is there forever if someone knows how to look. There are multiple packages that enable working with environment variables in Python but for this project we’ll use environs114 because it comes with an additional Django configuration that is very useful. Let’s begin by installing environs[django]. If you are using Zsh as your terminal shell it is necessary to add single quotes, '', around the package name, so run python -m pip install 'environs[django]==9.3.5'. 114 Chapter 11: Production Deployment 178 Shell (.venv) > python -m pip install 'environs[django]==9.5.0' There are three lines of imports to add near the top of the django_project/ file. Code # django_project/ from pathlib import Path from environs import Env # new env = Env() # new env.read_env() # new Then create a new hidden file called .env in the root project directory which will store our environment variables. It is empty for now but will be used in the next section. The last step is to add .env to our existing .gitignore file. There’s no sense using environment variables if they will still be stored in Git! .gitignore .venv/ .env And while we are updating the file we might as well as add all *.pyc files and the __pycache__directory. If you’re on a Mac, there’s no need to track .DS_Store which stores information about folder settings. Finally, it is not a good idea to commit the local db.sqlite3 to source control. It contains the entire database so anyone with access to all our data. We will continue to use it locally for convenience and see shortly how PostgreSQL can be used in production instead. Here is what the final .gitignore file should contain: Chapter 11: Production Deployment 179 .gitignore .venv/ .env __pycache__/ db.sqlite3 .DS_Store # Mac only Before committing run git status to confirm all these files are being ignored as intended. Then add our new work and create a commit. Shell (.venv) > git status (.venv) > git add -A (.venv) > git commit -m "add environment variables" DEBUG & SECRET_KEY Django’s default file automatically defaults to local production settings that make it easy to start with projects, but there are several configurations that need to be tweaked before deploying into production. If you look at the DEBUG configuration in django_project/ it is currently set to True. This generates a very detailed error page and stack trace. For example, start up the local webserver with python runserver and visit an API endpoint that doesn’t exist such as 180 Chapter 11: Production Deployment 404 Page We want DEBUG to be True for local development yet False for production. And if there is any difficulty loading the environment variables, we want DEBUG to default to False so we’re extra secure. To implement this, start by adding DEBUG=True to the .env file. .env DEBUG=True Then in django_project/, change the DEBUG setting to read the variable "DEBUG" from the .env file but with a default value of False. Code # django_project/ DEBUG = env.bool("DEBUG", default=False) If you refresh the webpage at, you’ll see the full local error page is still there. Everything is working properly. The next setting to change is SECRET_KEY which is a random 50 character string generated each time startproject is run. If you look at the current value in django_project/ it starts with django-insecure to indicate the current value is not secure. Why is it insecure? Because it is easy to commit the SECRET_KEY to source control as, in fact, we have already done. Even if we moved the current value into an environment variable now it will still remain visible in the project’s Git history. Chapter 11: Production Deployment 181 The solution is to generate a new secret key and to store that value in an environment variable so it never touches source control. One way to generate a new one is by invoking Python’s built-in secrets115 module by running python -c 'import secrets; print(secrets.token_urlsafe())' on the command line. Shell (.venv) > python -c "import secrets; print(secrets.token_urlsafe())" KBl3sX5kLrd2zxj-pAichjT0EZJKMS0cXzhWI7Cydqc Copy and paste this new value into the .env file under the variable SECRET_KEY. .env DEBUG=True SECRET_KEY=KBl3sX5kLrd2zxj-pAichjT0EZJKMS0cXzhWI7Cydqc Finally, switch over SECRET_KEY in the django_project/ file to read from the environment variable now. Code # django_project/ SECRET_KEY = env.str("SECRET_KEY") To confirm everything is working properly restart the local server with python runserver and refresh any API endpoint on our site. It should be working normally. ALLOWED HOSTS Next up is the ALLOWED_HOSTS configuration in our django_project/ file which represents the host/domain names our Django project can serve. We will add three hosts here: for the deployment on Heroku and both localhost and for local development. 115 182 Chapter 11: Production Deployment Code # django_project/ ALLOWED_HOSTS = ["", "localhost", ""] # new If you re-run the python runserver command and refresh it should display normally after the change. DATABASES Our current DATABASES configuration is for SQLite but we want to be able to switch to PostgreSQL for production on Heroku. When we installed environs[django] earlier, the Django “goodies” included the elegant dj-database-url116 package, which takes all the database configurations needed for our database, SQLite or PostgreSQL, and creates a DATABASE_URL environment variable. To implement this update the DATABASES configuration with dj_db_url from environs[django] to help parse DATABASE_URL. Code # django_project/ DATABASES = { "default": env.dj_db_url("DATABASE_URL") } # new That’s it! All we need to do now is specify SQL as the local DATABASE_URL value in the .env file. .env DEBUG=True SECRET_KEY=KBl3sX5kLrd2zxj-pAichjT0EZJKMS0cXzhWI7Cydqc DATABASE_URL=sqlite:///db.sqlite3 This seems quite magical, no? The reason it works is because whenever Heroku provisions a new PostgreSQL database it automatically creates a configuration variable for it named DATABASE_URL. Since the .env file is not committed to production, our Django project on Heroku will instead use this PostgreSQL configuration. Pretty elegant, no? 116 183 Chapter 11: Production Deployment Static Files As we saw in earlier deployments static files need to be configured for the browsable web API to work. First, create a new project-level directory called static. Shell (.venv) > mkdir static With your text editor create an empty .keep file within the static directory so it is picked up by Git. Then install whitenoise to handle static files in production. Shell (.venv) > python -m pip install whitenoise==5.3.0 WhiteNoise must be added to django_project/ in the following locations: • whitenoise above django.contrib.staticfiles in INSTALLED_APPS • WhiteNoiseMiddleware above CommonMiddleware • STATICFILES_STORAGE configuration pointing to WhiteNoise Code # django_project/ INSTALLED_APPS = [ ... "whitenoise.runserver_nostatic", "django.contrib.staticfiles", ] # new MIDDLEWARE = [ "", "django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware", "whitenoise.middleware.WhiteNoiseMiddleware", # new "corsheaders.middleware.CorsMiddleware", ... ] STATIC_URL = "/static/" 184 Chapter 11: Production Deployment STATICFILES_DIRS = [BASE_DIR / "static"] # new STATIC_ROOT = BASE_DIR / "staticfiles" # new STATICFILES_STORAGE = "" # new The final step is to run the collectstatic command so that all static directories and files are compiled into one location for deployment purposes. Shell (.venv) > python collectstatic Pyscopg and Gunicorn There are two final packages that must be installed for a proper production environment. Psycopg117 is a database adapter that lets Python apps talk to PostgreSQL databases. If you are on macOS it is necessary to install PostgreSQL first via Homebrew and then psycopg2. Shell # Windows (.venv) > python -m pip install psycopg2==2.9.3 # macOS (.venv) % brew install postgresql (.venv) % python -m pip install psycopg2==2.9.3 We can use this approach because Django’s ORM (Object Relational Mapper) translates our code from Python into the database backend of choice. This works almost all the time without error. It is possible for weird bugs to creep up and it is recommended on a professional project to install PostgreSQL locally, too, to avoid them. Gunicorn is a production web server and must be installed as well to replace the current Django web server which is only suitable for local development. 117 Chapter 11: Production Deployment 185 Shell (.venv) > python -m pip install gunicorn==20.1.0 requirements.txt As we have seen before in this book, a requirements.txt file is needed which lists all the packages installed in our local virtual environment. We can do that as well with the following command. Shell (.venv) > python -m pip freeze > requirements.txt Here is what the contents of my requirements.txt file look like. Yours might look slightly different: for example, Django will likely be on a 4.1.1 or later release because we installed it using ∼= which means the latest 4.0.x version is installed. requirements.txt asgiref==3.5.0 attrs==21.4.0 certifi==2021.10.8 cffi==1.15.0 charset-normalizer==2.0.11 cryptography==36.0.1 defusedxml==0.7.1 dj-database-url==0.5.0 dj-email-url==1.0.5 dj-rest-auth==2.1.11 Django==4.0.2 django-allauth==0.48.0 django-cache-url==3.2.3 django-cors-headers==3.10.1 djangorestframework==3.13.1 drf-spectacular==0.21.2 environs==9.5.0 gunicorn==20.1.0 idna==3.3 inflection==0.5.1 jsonschema==4.4.0 Chapter 11: Production Deployment 186 marshmallow==3.14.1 oauthlib==3.2.0 psycopg2==2.9.3 pycparser==2.21 PyJWT==2.3.0 pyrsistent==0.18.1 python-dotenv==0.19.2 python3-openid==3.2.0 pytz==2021.3 PyYAML==6.0 requests==2.27.1 requests-oauthlib==1.3.1 sqlparse==0.4.2 uritemplate==4.1.1 urllib3==1.26.8 whitenoise==5.3.0 Procfile and runtime.txt Heroku relies on a custom file called Procfile that describes how to run projects in production. This must be created in the project root directory next to the file. Do so now in your text editor and add the following line to use Gunicorn as the production web server. Procfile web: gunicorn django_project.wsgi --log-file - The final step is to specify which Python version should run on Heroku with a runtime.txt file. In your text editor, create this new runtime.txt file at the project-level meaning it is in the same directory as and the Procfile. The Python version we want is 3.10.2. runtime.txt python-3.10.2 Chapter 11: Production Deployment 187 Deployment Checklist We just went through a lot of steps. Too many to remember for most developers which is why deployment checklists exist. To recap, here is what we did: • add environment variables via environs[django] • set DEBUG to False • set ALLOWED_HOSTS • use environment variable for SECRET_KEY • update DATABASES to use SQLite locally and PostgreSQL in production • configure static files and install whitenoise • install gunicorn for a production web server • create a requirements.txt file • create a Procfile for Heroku • create a runtime.txt to set the Python version on Heroku Aside from the Procfile file created for Heroku these deployment steps are virtually the same for any hosting platform. Make sure to commit all these changes to Git before we actually deploy the project. Shell (.venv) > git status (.venv) > git add -A (.venv) > git commit -m "deployment checklist" Heroku Deployment To deploy on Heroku make sure you are logged in via the terminal shell. Chapter 11: Production Deployment 188 Shell (.venv) > heroku login The command heroku create makes a new container for our app to live in and by default, Heroku will assign a random name. You can specify a custom name, as we are doing here, but it must be unique on Heroku. Mine is called dfa-blog-api so that name is already taken; you need another combination of letters and numbers! Shell (.venv) > heroku create dfa-blog-api Creating � dfa-blog-api... done | So far so good. A new step at this point is creating a PostgreSQL database on Heroku itself, which we haven’t done before. Heroku has its own hosted PostgreSQL databases we can use which come in multiple tiers. For a learning project like this, the free hobby-dev tier is more than adequate. Run the following command to create this new database. Replace dfa-blog-api with your own custom name. Shell (.venv) > heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev -a dfa-blog-api Creating heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev on � dfa-blog-api... free Database has been created and is available ! This database is empty. If upgrading, you can transfer ! data from another database with pg:copy Created postgresql-angular-74744 as DATABASE_URL Use heroku addons:docs heroku-postgresql to view documentation Did you see that Heroku has created a custom DATABASE_URL to access the database? For mine here, it is postgresql-angular-74744. This is automatically available as a configuration variable within Heroku once we deploy. That’s why we don’t need to set an environment variable for DATABASE_URL in production. We also don’t need to set DEBUG to False because that is the default value in our django_project/ file. The only environment variable to manually add to Heroku is SECRET_KEY, so copy its value from your .env file and run the config:set command, placing the value of the SECRET_KEY itself within double quotes "". 189 Chapter 11: Production Deployment Shell (.venv) > heroku config:set SECRET_KEY="KBl3sX5kLrd2zxj-pAichjT0EZJKMS0cXzhWI7Cydqc" Setting SECRET_KEY and restarting � dfa-blog-api... done, v5 SECRET_KEY: KBl3sX5kLrd2zxj-pAichjT0EZJKMS0cXzhWI7Cydqc Now it’s time to push our code up to Heroku itself and start a web process so our Heroku dyno is running. Shell (.venv) > git push heroku main (.venv) > heroku ps:scale web=1 The URL of your new app will be in the command line output or you can run heroku open to find it. We don’t have a standard home page for this API so you need to travel to an endpoint like /api/v1/. Deployed Post List Endpoint If you click on the “Log in” link in the upper right corner it responds with a 500 Server Error message! That’s because the PostgreSQL database exists but has not been setup yet! 190 Chapter 11: Production Deployment 500 Server Error Previously we used SQLite in production, which is file-based, and was already configured locally and then pushed up to Heroku. But this PostgreSQL database of ours is brand new! Heroku has all our code but we haven’t configured this production database yet. The same process used locally of running migrate, creating a superuser account, and entering blog posts in the admin must be followed again. To run a command with Heroku, as opposed to locally, prefix it with heroku run. Shell (.venv) > heroku run python migrate (.venv) > heroku run python createsuperuser You will need to log into the live admin site to add blog entries and users since this is a brand-new database and not related to our local SQLite one. Refresh your live website and it should work correctly. Note that since the production server will run constantly in the background, you do not need to use the runserver command on Heroku. Conclusion We’re now at the end of the book but only the beginning of what can be accomplished with Django REST Framework. Over the course of three different projects—the Library API, Todo API, and Blog API—we have built, tested, and deployed progressively more complex web APIs from scratch. And it’s no accident that at every step along the way, Django REST Framework provides built-in features to make our life easier. If you’ve never built web APIs before with another framework be forewarned that you’ve been spoiled. And if you have, rest assured this book only scratches the surface of what Django REST Framework can do. The official documentation118 is an excellent resource for further exploration now that you have a handle on the basics. Advanced Topics As a web API grows there are several additional topics worth exploring that we did not cover in the book. Pagination119 is a helpful way to control how data is displayed on individual API endpoints. Filtering120 also becomes necessary in many projects especially in conjunction with the excellent django-filter121 library. Throttling122 is often necessary on APIs as a more advanced form of permissions. For example, the public-facing side of the API might have restrictive limits for unauthenticated requests while authenticated requests face much more lenient throttling. The final additional area to explore is caching123 of the API for performance reasons. This works in a very similar manner to how caching is handled on traditional Django projects. 118 120 121 122 123 119 Conclusion 192 Next Steps A good next step is to implement the pastebin API covered in the official DRF tutorial124 . It should not be that difficult after completing this book and showcases a few more sides of DRF. Third-party packages are as essential to Django REST Framework development as they are to Django itself. A complete listing can be found at Django Packages125 or a curated list on the awesome-django126 repo on Github. Ultimately, how you proceed in using Django and Django REST Framework depends on what you want to build. Is the goal to integrate with a mobile iOS or Android app? To work in coordination with a full-blown JavaScript front-end? For internal use or to display public-facing content? The best way to learn is to work backwards from a big project and figure out the pieces along the way. Giving Thanks While the Django community is quite large and relies on the hard work of many individuals, Django REST Framework is much smaller in comparison. It was initially created by Tom Christie127 , an English software engineer who now works on it full-time thanks to open-source funding. Thank you for reading along and supporting my work. If you purchased the book on Amazon, please consider leaving an honest review: they make an enormous impact on book sales and help me continue to produce both books and free Django content which I love doing. 124 125 127 126