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Django Movie Reservation System Project

Subject of Django Website
Vanessa Khourieh – 54687
Adam Barada – 54952
Our Django website consists of an online reservation system for a movie theatre.
Basically, the logged in user can choose a screening of a movie and then reserve some seats in
the corresponding room using a nice graphical interface for the seats. In addition, there will be
an admin part, where the user having the role ‘admin’ can add, edit, delete movies, screenings,
rooms, and view the users and their reservations. The ‘admin’ here is different than the admin
that Django creates.
We will be using Angular for implementing the front-end, not only the public and user
part, but also the admin part, and Django for creating the API, and we will see the difference
between Django forms and the API model. The main difference appears in the authentication
part where we will be using Token Authentication to identify the user entering our website.
Here is the ER diagram for our project. Note that it might change a little bit based on the
authentication that we will use in Django. So basically, all the schema will not be modified except
for the Users and Roles tables, and we might also add some other tables for the token