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Evolution Test Review Sheet

Evolu on Test Review Sheet
Name ______________________________________
1. The slow, gradual change in a species is called:
2. Define adapta ons:
3. What are Homologous structures?
What evidence do these similar structures provide in support of evolu on?
4. What was Lamarck’s Theory and why was he incorrect?
5. What is natural selec on? Who proposed Evolu on through natural selec on?
6. Give an example of natural selec on in ac on.
7. Why might one varia on have a selec ve advantage over another varia on?
8. What is survival of the fi est?
9. What is stabilizing selec on? Draw a graph and give an example.
10. What is disrup ve selec on? Draw a graph and give an example.
11. What is direc onal selec on? Draw a graph and give an example.
12. What is convergent evolu on? Give an example
13. What is divergent evolu on? Give an example
14. What are ves gial organs? Give at least 3 examples in humans or other organisms.
15. What are the major driving forces behind evolu on? (Hint: more than one)
16. According to evolu onists, what factor from ques on 17 contributes to the most gene c varia on in an
17. What is specia on? Give an example.
18. What species of animal did Darwin focus a lot of his a en on on in the Galapagos?
19. Since they went through adap ve radia on, what type of evolu on was represented by these animals? How do
you know?
20. What is adap ve radia on? Explain how homologous structures support the idea of adap ve radia on.
21. What is a muta on? How does it contribute to adapta on or evolu on?
22. If you found two fossils in two different layers of sedimentary rock stacked on each other? How would you know
which one is older? How can you know for sure?
23. Natural selec on occurs at which level?
24. The following animals in the diagram below are similar; this would be an example of what type of evolu on.
25. Put the fossils in the diagram in order of youngest to oldest.
26. What key concept of evolu on is represented in the
diagram to the right?
27. What type of selec on is represented by the graphs below?
Graph A = __________________
Graph B = _________________
Graph C = ____________________
Using your knowledge of Evidence of Evolu on, answer the following ques ons using the choices provided.
May use some more than once.
A. Homologous Structure
B. Analogous Structure
C. Ves gial Structure
Molecular/Biochemical Evidence
Fossil Evidence
Embryological Evidence
Biogeographical Evidence
28. A modified structure seen among different groups of descendants. ___________
29. In the earliest stages of development, a tail and gill slits can be seen in rabbits, fish, birds and humans. _______
30. Exemplified by forelimbs of bats, penguins, lizards, and monkeys. _________
31. The forelimbs of flightless birds. ___________
32. DNA and RNA comparisons may lead to evolu onary trees or cladograms. __________
33. Bird and Bu erfly wings have the same func on but different structures. ___________
34. A body structure no longer used but may have had a func on in an early ancestor. ___________
35. Structure associated with divergent evolu on. ________________
36. Structure associated with convergent evolu on. _______________
37. Geographic Isola on would fit into this category. ___________
According to the cladogram, which animal is most primi ve?
Which animal evolved first, crocodiles or turtles?
Which animals would be more closely related? Birds and lizards/snakes OR birds and turtles.
What trait do the amphibians not share with any other animal on the cladogram?
Which trait evolved first: live birth or opening in the skull for muscles?
Knowing what you know about the different animals we talked about in class, where would you put the trait
“vertebrate” on the chart?