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Physics 101 Lab Guidelines

1. Attending all 5 experiments is MANDATORY. You are only allowed a MAX of 2 make up
experiments should you miss any. There will be NO make up for the missed quizzes and lab final.
2. Weighting: Quiz – 25% (each quiz is 4%)
Lab final exam – 50%
Reports – 25% (each report is 10%)
3. You are given 1 week at most to complete your reports.
4. Follow the given syllabus to know which experiments are held on which specific date and when
make-up week is and when the lab final will be held.
5. Communicate with your assigned group mates in order to produce a good report. It is your
responsibility to check with your group mates that your report has been handed in.
6. A late report draws a penalty of 10% per day.
7. Check your lab progress with your lab instructor in the office ST243.
8. Report Format: 1. Aim of Experiment
6. Procedure
2. Theory
7. Table
3. Apparatus
8. Calculations
4. Diagram
9. Graph (where applicable)
5. Equations
10. Conclusion
9. PUNCTUALITY is key. If you are late, you will miss the quiz and no make-up is held for that.